1 From the Interim's Desk 2 The Search Is On 3 Sr. Warden's Report 5 Treasurer's Report ECW News Stewardship 6 Celebrating an Anniversary 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries Lay Ministers 4 8 Choir Notes Calendar of Events March 2016 From the Interim's Desk The Rev. Edward L. Mullins, Interim Rector Dear friends in Christ, As we continue our spiritual journey into Lent, we are given the opportunity to examine our lives in light of Gospel Truth and human goodness. How do we measure up? What is there in our life that might become better and healthier if we changed or modified what we are currently doing? Let your Lenten Journey become a time in which all of us (myself included) discover God’s greater Will for our lives through worship and prayer and giving to Holy Trinity out of our abundance. As a church, you will be given the opportunity to share where you think the Holy Spirit may be guiding Holy Trinity as it seeks out a new Rector. You will be working on a vision for a renewed parish – the place we attend to learn the faith, live the faith and love the people in our midst and even those beyond. Be sure to attend the focus group of your choice so you can share your collective wisdom and spiritual hopes for the parish you love and the Lord you follow. On an international note, some of you have asked about the recent actions of the Anglican Communion in regard to its actions toward the Episcopal Church’s stand on same sex blessing of marriages. No doubt, all of us have differing views on this subject. This divergence of opinion makes for a healthy discussion tempered with an open disclosure of Scripture. So, what happened to send us into a period of “discipline” from the Anglican Communion? The Primates’ Meeting in Canterbury, essentially, has suspended the Episcopal Church from full participation in the Anglican Communion. For the next three years (as I understand it) we are prohibited from representing the Communion at interfaith and ecumenical bodies or commissions. We will be denied a place on the Communion’s Standing Committee and may not vote at the next meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council. Furthermore, we are suspended from Anglican decision-making on issues of doctrine or polity according to an article in The Living Church Magazine. So, what’s next? The Anglican Communion affirmed the traditional and biblical teaching of marriage which is between a man and a woman for life. It also reaffirmed its condemnation of prejudice and violence based on sexual orientation. When the Episcopal Church decided to move along in its understanding of marriage, then the Anglican Communion insisted on mutual accountability on matters of doctrine. When the Episcopal Church would not comply but felt the Holy Spirit guiding it elsewhere, then the Anglican Communion voted to ‘sanction’ or ‘limit’ (or whatever term suits your fancy) the Episcopal Church in the United States. My assessment. Those who hold to the traditional role of marriage are claiming centuries of tradition The Church of the Holy Trinity 207 South Church Street P.O. Box 125 Hertford, NC 27944 252-426-5542 www.holytrinityhertford.ecdio.org [email protected] IN THIS ISSUE TRINITY’S TRUMPET The Newsletter from the Church of the Holy Trinity Hertford, North Carolina

2016 03 March - Amazon S3 · 1 From the Interim's Desk 2 The Search Is On 3 Sr. Warden's Report 5 Treasurer's Report ECW News Stewardship 6 Celebrating an Anniversary 7 Birthdays

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Page 1: 2016 03 March - Amazon S3 · 1 From the Interim's Desk 2 The Search Is On 3 Sr. Warden's Report 5 Treasurer's Report ECW News Stewardship 6 Celebrating an Anniversary 7 Birthdays

1 From the Interim's Desk 2 The Search Is On 3 Sr. Warden's Report

5 Treasurer's Report ECW News Stewardship

6 Celebrating an Anniversary 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries Lay Ministers



Choir Notes

Calendar of Events

March 2016

From the Interim's Desk The Rev. Edward L. Mullins, Interim Rector

Dear friends in Christ,

As we continue our spiritual journey into Lent, we are given the opportunity to examine our lives in light of Gospel Truth and human goodness. How do we measure up? What is there in our life that might become better and healthier if we changed or modified what we are currently doing? Let your Lenten Journey become a time in which all of us (myself included) discover God’s greater Will for our lives through worship and prayer and giving to Holy Trinity out of our abundance.

As a church, you will be given the opportunity to share where you think the Holy Spirit may be guiding Holy Trinity as it seeks out a new Rector. You will be working on a vision for a renewed parish – the place we attend to learn the faith, live the faith and love the people in our midst and even those beyond. Be sure to attend the focus group of your choice so you can share your collective wisdom and spiritual hopes for the parish you love and the Lord you follow.

On an international note, some of you have asked about the recent actions of the Anglican Communion in regard to its actions toward the Episcopal Church’s stand on same sex blessing of marriages. No doubt, all of us have differing views on this subject. This divergence of opinion makes for a healthy discussion tempered with an open disclosure of Scripture. So, what happened to send us into a period of “discipline” from the Anglican Communion?

The Primates’ Meeting in Canterbury, essentially, has suspended the Episcopal Church from full participation in the Anglican Communion. For the next three years (as I understand it) we are prohibited from representing the Communion at interfaith and ecumenical bodies or commissions. We will be denied a place on the Communion’s Standing Committee and may not vote at the next meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council. Furthermore, we are suspended from Anglican decision-making on issues of doctrine or polity according to an article in The Living Church Magazine.

So, what’s next? The Anglican Communion affirmed the traditional and biblical teaching of marriage which is between a man and a woman for life. It also reaffirmed its condemnation of prejudice and violence based on sexual orientation. When the Episcopal Church decided to move along in its understanding of marriage, then the Anglican Communion insisted on mutual accountability on matters of doctrine. When the Episcopal Church would not comply but felt the Holy Spirit guiding it elsewhere, then the Anglican Communion voted to ‘sanction’ or ‘limit’ (or whatever term suits your fancy) the Episcopal Church in the United States.

My assessment. Those who hold to the traditional role of marriage are claiming centuries of tradition

The Church of the Holy Trinity 207 South Church Street P.O. Box 125 Hertford, NC 27944 † 252-426-5542

www.holytrinityhertford.ecdio.org [email protected]


TRINITY’S TRUMPET The Newsletter from the Church of the Holy Trinity

Hertford, North Carolina

Page 2: 2016 03 March - Amazon S3 · 1 From the Interim's Desk 2 The Search Is On 3 Sr. Warden's Report 5 Treasurer's Report ECW News Stewardship 6 Celebrating an Anniversary 7 Birthdays

March 2016


that marriage is to be defined solely as a union between a man and a woman. Many Primates oversees live in lands where Christianity is not the norm and where these religions have consequences for anyone violating this marriage code of conduct (although reports seem to indicate their definition of marriage and relationships is quite different than Christianity). In a church that has one wing of it adopting a more open approach to inclusion, this “change in policy” can become a matter of life and death for those in hostile areas of Christian belief. It isn’t just their faith that is on the line; it may also be their life.

In nations where the gospel means inclusion for all and where loving relationships are not defined by gender, then the Gospel imperative is to embrace all expressions of marital love since all are in Christ where there is no Jew nor Greek and so forth. We are all one in Christ.

What the Anglican Communion has done, in response, is so Episcopal, so Anglican. We didn’t get kicked out of the house of God but we did get sent to our room for a time out, in we want to be straight forward about it. It’s a warning to think more deeply about this issue and “so shall they.” Probably not a bad solution. Keep in mind that sometimes, an unchristian culture tends to change a religious cultural understanding of mores until both religion and state appear one and the same. Usually, though, religion and state tend to have creative tensions between them.

So, what should our response be? Relax when it comes to any worry you have on this issue. Worship often, give as you can to the parish you love, and let these ecclesiastical Anglican divines struggle with this tough issue.

Thank God we are Anglicans bound together in love, ever walking in faith, usually fervent in acts of charity and hopefully ‘affectioned one to another’. If not, then God help us all.

The Rev. Edward L. Mullins Interim Rector of Holy Trinity

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The Search Is On! Vince Gullotta, Committee Chairman

On February 14th, our Search Committee sent out an e-mail announcing six Focus Groups that we

have set up for the second and third week in March. The purpose of these group sessions is to gather information for preparing our church profile. This profile will be used by the Diocese of East Carolina in searching for a new Rector for our church. We are asking for your help in gathering the information to tell our story. These four questions provided by the Diocese will be used in gathering the information.

1. Remember a moment that was a high point, when you felt our church (Holy Trinity) was doing God’s work and fulfilling its mission…What was happening?

2. Name the three things you value most about our congregation. 3. Look back over your entire life…recall a time when you most appreciated the ministry of a priest.

What was happening? What did you appreciate? 4. What will be our congregation’s three most exciting, energizing and important accomplishments to

you over the next three years? The dates and times of these meetings are as follows and are posted on the Parish Hall bulletin board

with the sign-up sheet: Monday, March 7 @ 3:00 pm to 5:00pm Tuesday, March 8 @ 7:00 pm to 9:00pm Thursday, March 10 @ 3:00 pm to 5:00pm Sunday, March 13 @ 3:00 pm to 5:00pm Monday, March 14 @ 10:00 am to noon Wednesday, March 16 @ 10:00 am to noon

Please sign up for one of these groups, as we do want to get your input for this very important profile. Please contact V. Gullotta if you have any questions at: [email protected] or 426-1687. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

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Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden

The theme of the Diocesan Convention early in

February was “Equipping the Saints”. Your lay delegates to the convention were Barbara Kehayes, Kent Saunders and Susan Powell, with Lorraine Saunders as alternate lay delegate. On Thursday, we registered and split up to attend various workshops on topics such as risk management insurance for our church and Christian education program suggestions. Overall, the convention itself was focused on education and how to serve the many small parishes in our Diocese. Bishop Skirving's address revealed his caring for all the diverse populations in Eastern North Carolina and the many small struggling parishes. In an effort to equip those saints, he revealed plans to strengthen the Deanery structure with both a clergy Dean and now a lay Dean. In our Albemarle Deanery, our own Beth Harrington was named lay dean – quite an honor. Mention was also made of the possibilities in empowering the laity to roles with more responsibility, supported by a Diocesan educational program for ministry. It was an uplifting and encouraging time.

<<< Bishop Skirving wanted to show his warm support for the people of East Carolina and for the Carolina Panthers during Super Bowl weekend by wearing Michael Oher's #73 at the end of his address.

Back home at Holy Trinity, we are pleased to hear the Search Committee is hard at work, meeting weekly to get things in order. In early March they will be forming focus groups to allow each of us to have our thoughts and input recorded to be the basis for a parish profile. Vince Gullotta, Search Committee Chair, has provided more detail in his column in this month's Trumpet. The Vestry was pleased and impressed to hear his report at our last meeting.

Every lay ministry participant is already busy planning Holy Week services and luncheons, Palm Sunday bell choir offerings, choir anthems, altar flowers… the list is endless. Father Ed is the leader in this concert of activity, in the midst of learning who we are as individuals and as a church. He is also making his way in the Hertford community and getting to know the people there. He reminds me of the Ever Ready Bunny, always on the go.

One last note is to let you know that we will have a special dedication of a new processional cross on Palm Sunday. This beautiful cross has been given to Holy Trinity by Cynthia and Joseph Mastro to honor Cynthia's mother, Catherine B. Nixon, on her 100th birthday and in memory of her father, William Nixon III, who passed away in 1992. William and Catherine, and other Nixon family members, have been active in Holy Trinity for many, many years. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

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March 2016


Choir Notes Joan Ernst, Director

It is March. We are ensconced in Lent, and Easter is on the horizon. Our tradition during this season is to

use Rite I settings for our service music and hymns from the Lent section of the hymnal. Our anthems also take a more pensive tone as we seek through words and music to be more introspective.

On Palm Sunday our bell choir, Trinity Bells, will again be playing in church, starting their prelude at 9:45. During Holy Week we will be hosting the community services at noon, and our choir will be participating in the service on Wednesday. Our Maundy Thursday service will begin at 5:30 and Good Friday service at noon. Easter Sunday will be celebrated with festive brass played by our own trumpeters, Rosanne Blankenship and Jeff Winter.

HOWEVER, on March 15th, at 5:00 we will break from our traditions for a unique treat! Mr. Patrick Zelezik, doctoral candidate in organ performance at University of Houston will be playing an organ recital in our church. This event is free, open to the public and will be followed by a wine-and-cheese reception given by the choir.


MARCH 15, 2016 - 5:00 P.M.

Patrick Zelezik, doctoral candidate at the University of Houston, will be performing an organ recital on the

historic 1852 Jardine Cabinet organ at Holy Trinity in Hertford on Tuesday, March 15th at 5PM. This performance is free and open to the public.

Mr. Zelezik states, “Playing a historic organ is the closest thing to a time

machine; when I play an old organ, I get in touch with the souls who lived in a different time and place, who maybe thought and lived in different ways, but had all the same feelings and experiences as we do in 21st Century America. My job is to take the dialect they spoke and translate it into a rhetoric any listener can understand, appreciate, and be moved by.”

In 2015, Mr. Zelezik, who holds degrees from Cleveland Institute of Music and University of North Carolina, Greensboro, lived for six months in Leipzig, Germany, where J.S. Bach served at St. Thomas Church for almost three decades. Mr. Zelezik performed on several organs Bach himself knew and

played. He also played historic organs in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland.

“Upon my return to the United States, I was curious to see if there might be any historic organs on this side of pond; ... My dad had heard about 'that old organ in Hertford' and told me about it.”

The organ, constructed by George Jardine of New York for Holy Trinity c. 1852, is a one manual tracker organ that has been in constant use since its

installation. Lighting for the organist’s music rack was originally provided by oil lamps mounted on the façade; the air source was originally supplied by hand pumps. Today both of these functions utilize electricity.

In 2008, the organ was taken to Winston-Salem where it was cleaned, refurbished and restored as closely as possible to its original specifications by J. Allen Farmer, Inc., Pipe Organ Builders. Mr. Farmer specializes in the restoration of historic organs and, with the help of Holy Trinity’s organist and historian Raymond A. Winslow, Jr., did extensive research to accomplish this.

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Treasurer's Report Wes Brown, Treasurer

The Year 2016 is starting out basically on target. Giving is

slightly ahead budget due to gifts from non-pledging families. Expenses are behind budget due to the fact that various committees are just getting organized.

If there are any questions or concerns please contact me by email at [email protected] or by phone at 426-1244.

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ECW Bobbi Stevenson, President

This year it is Holy Trinity's turn to host the Lenten Luncheons for the "Downtown Churches". We

will be serving lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only (March 21st, 22nd, & 23rd) after the service at noon. Maundy Thursday Services will be held separately at each respective church.

We will need many women to help with this event. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. The jobs include set-up, clean-up, serving, and making the food. You may sign-up to help for one day, two days or all three days.

This ECW Community Outreach Project occurs every three years. We hope you will join in the fun and gratification of doing something for others.

Our next ECW meeting will be on Monday, March 7th at 10:30am, Bible Study: Rachel and Leah, Genesis 29-31. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

Stewardship Dick Mohler, Chairman

During this year of transition, as we search for a new pastoral leader for our congregation, we are

being asked to look at and evaluate our congregation, understand our mission and what we are about; a profile of Holy Trinity. The more we understand ourselves the better we will able to present who we are to our prospective candidates.

Part of this self examination will include thinking about and evaluating how each of us gives to Holy Trinity and provides our talent and financial support.

Why do we give? Is it biblical, or an obligation we feel we have or what? How much should we give? Tithe? A fair share? What is left over? Why do make a pledge to give? How much time should we be spending to be a part of the 47 different activities that we have available

on which to serve? These are only a few of the questions that you will be asked to think about and talk about over these

coming months. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �



2016 Operating Budget Summary January YTD View

YTD Actual

YTD Budget

YTD Per Cent

Pledges/Regular Giving $ 15,799 $ 13,445 118%

Other Contributions 41 83 49%

Total Contributions $ 15,955 $ 13,695 116%

Total Expenses $ 8,664 $ 11,094 78%

Plate Offering 115 167 69%

Outreach 1,500 1,583 95%

Program 453 1,494 30%

Clergy $ 3,856 $ 4,063 95%

Property Expense 1,081 1,667 65%

Services & Office 1,774 2,287 78%

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Celebrating an Anniversary Raymond A. Winslow, Jr., Historian

In March 1916 the Woman’s Auxiliary to the Board of Missions of Holy Trinity Parish celebrated

the anniversary of its founding with a silver tea. The minutes for the occasion recorded: "Upon visitation of the wife & mother of the Rector of Holy Trinity Parish, Hertford, N. C., the Wo.

Aux. of that Parish held its thirtieth anniversary meeting at the Rectory Monday evening March 6th. There was a large attendance both of members of the Branch & others.

"A very beautiful & inspiring paper was read by Miss Penelope Norcom, who had served for thirty years consecutively as Sec. & Treas. of the organization, or from the date of its beginning in the Parish.

"The speaker of the evening was the Rev. Robert B. Drane D. D. now in his 43rd year as Rector of historic St. Paul’s Edenton N. C.—who referred to the coincidence of his having been present at the organization of the Society [in January 1886],—& drew a reverent & hopeful parallel between its thirty years of work now completed, & the 30 preparatory years of the Master’s earthly life. Upon request of the Rector—presiding by desire of the Pres. of the Aux.—the Reverends Messrs [W. H.] Carter & [Jesse Marvin] Ormond—pastors respectively of the Baptist & Methodist congregations of Hertford—spoke briefly & most attractively of the Mission work of their communions, & evinced their cordial sympathy.

"The meeting had been opened with Hymn—‘O Zion Haste’—Creed & prayers. "Just before the closing prayers were said, the Rev. C. P. Parker distributed three leaflets—published by

the Wo. Aux. 281—Fourth Ave., N. Y.—‘Why should I be a member of the Wo. Aux. to the Board of Missions![’] ‘The Mighty Cent’—‘Some Plain Facts.’ The first of these the Rector read aloud, while those present followed the reading in the leaflet. Notice was given in the course of the evening to the slight increase in members, & the very large increase in annual contributions during the life of Holy Trinity Branch of the Wo. Aux.

"The officers of the Branch believe in using the printed matter published by the Wo. Aux. in organized Mission Study, & in concerted prayer. They have recently adopted at the suggestion of the Rector for personal use, a prayer-card bearing a morning-noonday-& evening prayer for Missions. —

"After the evening program was completed an hour or two of delightful social interchange ensued, & toothsome refreshments were served by some of the younger members of the Aux.—the Juniors. A number of the men of the Parish were present, & apparently found the evening’s proceedings worthy of their closest attention."

There was one unusual thing about the minutes. They were written by the outgoing Rector, the Rev. Clarence Prentice Parker, as one of the last acts he performed in the parish. He left three days later for his new parish in Lincolnton, North Carolina. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

March 2016


Parish Search Collect O Heavenly Father, in whom we live, move, and have our being, we humbly pray thee so to guide our parish by thy holy spirit in our effort to find a rector for the Holy Trinity

Church of Hertford. Help us in our preparation and execution of activities leading toward our final

objective. We pray for your help and guidance - Amen.

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The deadline for the April 2016 newsletter is

March 20, 2016


Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays

Bob Bose ....................................... 3/1 Chris Umstead ...........................3/18

Dick Black..................................... 3/3 Nancy Young.............................3/22

Beth Harrington ............................ 3/9 Kathie Columbus.......................3/25

Pat Smith .....................................3/11 Dick Carlson..............................3/28

John Ernst....................................3/15 Bobbi Stevenson........................3/31

Carol Gullotta..............................3/12 Barry Marshall...........................3/29

Laura Rowell................................. 3/9 Courtney Young ........................3/27

Don Johnson.................................. 3/9 Leah Jonson ...............................3/25

Thank You I want to thank all who sent me prayers and good wishes during my recent heart surgery,

especially Father Mullins who visited me in the ICU at Sentara Heart Hospital.

Marc Rivard

Lay Ministers

March Acolyte Eucharistic Minister Lector

Prayer Leader Usher

Offering Counters





13 Robert Earl

Lane Wes Brown

Pat Black

Erie Haste

Erie Haste Russ Gregor

Bob Bose Martha Borders

Coffee Only

No Flowers

20 Ed

Mueller Vince Gullotta

Wes Brown

Bill Horton

John & Nancy Gruner

Carlton Davenport Carl Jonson

Coffee Only

No Flowers

24 Maundy Thursday

Ed Muzzulin

Susan Powell

Joan Ernst

Frank Jaklic

Frank & Connie Jaklic

Barry & Daphne Marshall

Coffee Only

No Flowers


Good Friday

John Ernst

Barry Marshall

Coffee Only

No Flowers


Easter Day

Billy Rowell

Laura Rowell

Carol Gullotta

John Skinner

Don Johnson Carlton Davenport

Sandra Sperry

Daphne Marshall

Catherine Nixon Cross Easter Lilies

Please check the bulletin board in the Parish House for Lay Minister changes

6 Billy Rowell

David Smith

Barbara Ward

Beth Harrington

Bob & Nancy Dougherty

Dick & Pat Black

Coffee Only

No Flowers

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Team 7

Mettha Davenport Cherry Powell

Sandra Sperry

Barbara Brown Susie Romney

Nancy Young

Deborah Manley Carole Medford

Peggy West

Mary Alice Brinn Nancy Dougherty

Anne Lankford

Nancy Gruner Trish Ludwig

Courtney Ritzmann

Jerre Horton Norma McMullan

Pat Smith

Nann Ambrose Pat Black

Kathie Columbus

2015 Altar Guild Teams (See Calendar on next page for assignment)


Kent & Lorraine Saunders ........3/12 Charlie & Rosanne Blankenship.3/31

5 7

Thank You "Thank you to all the men who helped with

the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We had approximately 30 persons who attended and enjoyed regular, pecan and blueberry pancakes (thanks to Cook Chef Frank Jaklic). The menu also included sausages from Layden's and mixed fruit. Everyone appeared to be full and satisfied. It was a fitting feast to help us begin the Lenten Season.

Dave Smith

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March 2016

March 2016 This Month’s Schedule of Events

CHT = Church of the Holy Trinity d PH = Parish House

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:00a—12:00n Mon–Thu.

Fr. Mullins

252 202-2044 Sr. Warden:

426-5542 Church


2 4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice


4 9:30a, PH Bell Choir Practice

5 10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 2

3:00p, PH Helping Hands


9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist

7 10:30a, PH




4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice


11 9:30a, PH Bell Choir Practice

12 10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 3

3:00p, PH Helping Hands


9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist


15 5:00p, CHT Organ Recital by Patrick Zelezik Reception to follow


4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice


2:00p, PH Vestry Meeting


9:30a, PH Bell Choir Practice


9:30a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 4

3:00p, PH Helping Hands

20 Palm Sunday

9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

9:45a, CHT Bell Choir Prelude

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist

21 12:00n, CHT Lenten Service The Rev. Jane Leechford Luncheon

22 12:00n, CHT Lenten Service The Rev. Greg Clark Luncheon

23 10:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

12:00n, CHT Lenten Service The Rev. Ed Mullins Luncheon

24Maundy Thursday

5:30p, CHT Maundy Thursday Liturgy

25 Good Friday

9:30a, PH Bell Choir Practice

12:00n, CHT Good Friday Liturgy


10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 5

3:00p, PH Helping Hands

27 Easter Day

9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist

28 29 30 4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice


Please check the Master Calendar on the Office wall in the Parish House for any changes.


Holy Week