IGL 8 GREEN COMA PLANT by Dorian Bartecki Dorian Bartecki Address State and ZIP tf. Phone Number [email protected]

2015 Redone IGL 8 Green Coma Plant

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A re-written version of 2013 script, i got rid of a lot of unfunny jokes and replaced the with unfunny jokes. Comedy!Mysterious girl and tapes what else is needed to know?

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    Dorian Bartecki

    Dorian BarteckiAddressState and ZIPtf. Phone [email protected]


    Party from previous episode continues. Frank, Mario, Gary,Fatso, Gilly, Josie, Emily and Alicia are at the party andtwo random dudes who stand by the wall

    DUDE 1Dude this party is awesome!

    DUDE 2(crosses his arms)

    No its not, you know what? youalways embarrass me, Im leaving.

    DUDE 1Dont leave honey, I love you,Im sorry

    Dude 1 one goes after dude 2 and the camera follows thenand stop at frank starting a conversation with Alicia.

    FRANKWho are you?

    ALICIAIm Alicia, my husband is verysick for quite a while now, andeveryone has been telling me togo out and meet someone and justhave fun so Im here.

    FRANKSo who do you know from here?

    ALICIAno one why?

    FRANKso how did you know about theparty?

    ALICIA(flashback for a bit)

    ow I didnt, I was just walkinghome from shopping when I saw agroup of people coming so I justfollowed them. thats why I gotmy shopping bag with me.

    Alicia lifts up a brown paper bag with groceries, andfrank looks confused.

    FRANKI swear you didnt have that asecond ago. you know what, nevermind.

    Mario comes up to frank and Alicia



    MARIOFrank can we talk on the sideits very important.

    FRANKYeah sure men whats wrong.

    Frank and Mario go the side.

    MARIONot much, so who is that girl?

    FRANKHer names Alicia and shes herebecause her husband is sick orsomething

    MARIOHusband huh? well that sucks.

    FRANKWhy? You wouldnt do anythinganyway.

    MARIOSo? you wouldnt do anything withher either.

    FRANKThanks dude you just reminded methat I dont know how to talk togirls.

    Frank walks by Alicia, smiles waves and quickly runs awayleaving smoke, she is confused, she looks at Mario whoalso smiles and runs away leaving smoke.


    Frank and Mario are walking to a VHS store.


    Its Friday and you know whatthat means?

    FRANK AND MARIOTime to rent some VHS!

    MARIOSo what are we renting today?

    FRANKI dont know. maybe "Fling WithFishes"?



    MARIOwhat? Flying with fishes again?

    FRANKthat movie is timeless, so whatabout "Love with Percent".

    MARIOI think I havent seen that oneis it any good?

    FRANKIts so underrated, so itssettled were getting "Love withpercent"

    Frank and Mario reach the VHS store "reel me in" (titlework in progress) and they enter.


    Frank and Mario look for the "Love with percent" VHS butits nowhere to be seen

    FRANKM, did you find it?

    MARIOI dont even know what it lookslike, lets just at the counter

    FRANKOw I hate that guy hes sounhelpful and slow Id rather aska sloth he would give me aquicker response

    Frank and Mario walk up to the counter where ARNOLD works.

    FRANKHi Arnold do you have "Love withprecent" in stock?

    ARNOLD(Arnold talks veryslow/lazy)

    Let me check that for you.

    Arnold stands and does nothing, he just looks into thedistance. Frank looks at Mario and gives him the I toldyou so look.

    ARNOLDSorry what was the title of themovie



    FRANK(emphasis on each work)

    Love, with, precent.

    Arnold type something in.

    ARNOLDOw sorry I was looking for awrong movie, I though you meant"roller-coaster from hell".

    FRANKdoes a movie like that evenexist?

    ARNOLDWell its not in our system, letme have a look for you for themovie you said, what was it again"Gilly secret love for Frank"?


    What? wait is there a movie likethat?

    ARNOLDLet me check that for you.

    Arnold clicks some buttons on the computer

    ARNOLDIm sorry we dont have the"Oranges and Dark"

    Frank notices a wall with VHS that have no labels.


    what? just forget about it.whats with that wall thesemovies dont have boxes or labels

    ARNOLDOw thats our new promotion"blind roulette" take 3 moviesfor the price of one new release,but bury in mind you mind get amovie you have already seen oryou might get 3 exactly the samemovies. I dont know.

    FRANKWhat do you think Mario? shouldwe take a risk?

    Frank takes two VHS and Mario takes one they go to thecounter and exit.



    A random lady comes up to the counter after frank andMario have left.

    LADYhello could I rent this?


    Lady walks off


    Old grumpy neighbour HARRY is trying to place a sign thatsays (...) in the front garden e, Frank notices himthrough the window and makes an evil face. The Neighbournotices and goes away.

    FRANKM its Harry, hes trying to putone his signs again in our frontgarden. Ive got to do something(pause) ow, I know what!

    Frank points into the air and goes to the phone, whileMario ignores the world by playing a portable game console(Portagear). Frank picks up phone and dials.

    FRANKHello I need one expressdelivery. uhuh so when will itarrive? tomorrow? thats greatthank you very much (hangs up)(evil) Well see how much youlike to poop in my gardentomorrow.


    Its the next day.

    The neighbour is trying place a sign again, Frank looksout the window, a delivery truck stops and drop a cutepanda in front off the house and drives off. The pandajust sits looking cute while the neighbour is hammeringdown the sign, panda doesnt like the noise so it getsangry and punches the neighbour harry miles away.

    FRANKThat outta teach him not to putridiculous signs in my garden.(laughs out loud)

    Panda notices frank laughing, and it doesnt like thatsound either, it comes running to Franks house. Frank



    closes the drapes. Frank stands back to the window. Wehear thud. Frank sighs in relief. Short moment later, thedoor to the house slowly open, the panda comes in throughtthe door, looks left and right notices Frank and smiles.Frank is terrified. Panda is slowly approaching Frank cuteand innocent like.

    FRANKGood panda, do you like energydrinks? Weve got a full fridgeof them, to be quite honestthats all we have in the fridge.

    Panda is getting closer. Frank is cornered, the pandalifts its paw to hit frank, it stops for a second, sniffsits armpit, shakes its head off from the smell, it takesout a deodorant and puts in on his armpit, the points tofrank with it, like he wants to share, Frank nods no.Panda throws away the deodorant, grabs Frank throws hisacross the room, he flies by Mario who is still playingthe Portagear. (camera stuck on Mario playing) Panda goesup to where Frank landed, goes by Mario, grabs Frank anddrags him across the floor by his legs.

    FRANKHelp! Mario help me.

    Mario is ignoring Frank. Frank is now dragged outside(camera still stuck on mario). A lot of painful sounds areheard outside.

    Few moments later Frank comes back all cut and drity. Hecomes up to Mario.

    FRANKGive me that!

    Frank rips out the Portagear out of Marios hands.

    MARIO(sad about to cry)

    But Frank?

    FRANKWhat? Ill give it back to you,but we bought this together andyou are the only one playing itlately, I wanna play to you know!

    MARIOI told you we should have boughttwo but no, Mr I havent got 149for another one, you cheapskate!

    Frank is now playing.



    MARIOSo hey what happened to you?

    FRANKJust another stupid phonepurchase.


    (title card) Next day?

    Frank and Mario are getting ready to watch the moviestheyve rented. Mario brings popcorn, Frank brings xdswith straws in them.

    FRANKOK I think were set, by the waydid you notices that days seem togo by so much quicker lately. Itfeels like the past 3 days onlylasted few minutes.

    MARIOYeah (akward pause) okay lets popthe first movie in.

    Mario gets ready to put the first movie into the vhsplayer.

    FRANKOr maybe not.


    FRANKEvery time we play movies someone comes in through the doorunannounced.

    MARIORelax, this time no one will getin I put a dirty sock in front ofthe door.

    FRANKHow is that going to help I dontknow. alright lets do this.

    Mario puts a tape inside the VHS player and presses play.Credits start rolling.

    FRANKYou forgot to rewind didnt you?you, you, you know what Im notgoing to say anything, you aregoing to have to insult yourself.



    Mario goes to VHS and rewinds the tape. Frank and Mariosit and wait. Frank takes out piece of paper and writes "1MINUTE LATER" and shows it to the camera. Then puts itaway when the tape finishes rewinding.

    FRANKIts ready, press play.

    Mario presses play and Gilly storms in through the door.The door falls down the floor, Gilly silhouette standswith hands on her hips. Frank and Mario are shocked.

    FRANKI told you.

    GILLYHi guys.

    FRANKHi, where did you get the keys?


    GILLYSome guy outside gave them to me.


    FRANK(to him self)

    I knew I shouldnt have given ourneighbour the keys just in case,hes probably still mad I didntmake him coffee last week at thatdolphin diner party.



    Frank and Harry the neighbour are standing awkward, andtheres plenty of dolphins just sitting and eatingbananas.

    FRANKSo... You come here often?

    HARRY NEIGHBOURWhat kind of question is that? Iwould sure love a cup of coffee.


    Wow oh you know this is not myhouse I dont know if I can.



    Frank walks off.


    Youll pay for this you littlebrat.

    Shakes his fist in the air.


    End of cutaway.

    Gilly comes up and stands between frank and Mario behindthe couch.

    GILLYSo guys, what are we watching?

    MARIOWe dont know.

    GILLYHow can you not know?

    MARIOYou see there is this thing atRMI where you chose movieswithout labels and you have arandom movie.

    FRANKI does spice up the wholewatching ritual.

    GILLYSo can I join you?

    FRANKWell if you had a randelberry.

    GILLYWhat the hell is that?

    FRANKYoull find out soon. By the waywho is that Alicia girl?


    FRANKThat strange girl from the party,her husband is in coma orsomething.


  • CONTINUED: 10.

    GILLYOw that Alicia I thought youmeant Alicia keys.

    FRANKOn no Im not a fan.

    MARIOIve heard she ate her baby.

    FRANKWhat, really?

    MARIOYou cant tell me she neversucked some guys dick and didntswallow.

    FRANKDude thats disgusting.

    MARIOFacts are always bleh.

    FRANKSo coming back to Alicia, thatgirl from the party.

    GILLYOw yeah I was on the way to seeher, she invited me for a coffee.

    FRANKThats disgusting.

    GILLYWhats disgusting?

    FRANKCoffee, a warm, bitter andflavourless energy drink.

    MARIOHow can you drink that?

    FRANKI bet your favourite coffee isKopi Luwak.

    KOPI LUWAK is a coffee thats made from coffee beans thathave been eaten and pooped out by an Asian Palm Civet(fox?).


    Never heard of it.


  • CONTINUED: 11.

    FRANKReally? Well you should try it,its really good.

    Frank points into the air.

    FRANKAlright lets go meet Alicia. Butfirst lets see what movie it is.

    Frank puts his finger down on a remote a presses play.

    Movie starts and it starts as some action movie called,"Fire Pond".

    FRANKOw I love that movie. I rememberrenting it few months ago.

    few seconds in it changes to Frank dancing to some cheesysong (dont know if i can choose a real song due tocopyright laws).

    FRANKOw no, no, no!

    Frank jumps on the tv to hide whats happening then turnsit off.

    FRANKOkay, i just forgot that movie isso overrated. Shall we go seeAlicia?

    Frank turns off the TV, and goes through the hole wherethe doors were.

    GILLYWhy is he so obsessed with her?

    Mario just lifts his shoulders.MARIO

    Do you wanna see the rest of thevideo?


    Mario is about to turn the TV on with the remote. Frankpops his head throught the hole.

    FRANKYou guys coming?

  • 12.


    Establishing shot.

    Frank Mario and gilly enter the coffee house from Friends(central perk). All the friends are sitting where theyusually would.

    FRANKWrong coffee shop.

    A real hand swipes the background leaving Frank, Mario andGilly in the same place.


    Its a common coffee house with round tables and one couchby the wall. Alicia is sitting on that couch.

    FRANKIm going to check what do theyhave to offer in this place.

    Frank comes up to the counter while Mario and Gilly go toAlicia.

    FRANKSo what do you serve here.

    MALE BARISTAWe have coffee (lazy), andmuffins (excited).

    FRANKWhat flavour?

    MALE BARISTACoffee. What? This is a coffeehouse everything here is coffeeflavour.

    Frank lifts a napkin.

    FRANKEven this, napkin?

    MALE BARISTANo thats just a napkin.


    Okay thank you, I guess.

    Frank goes to join the rest. Alicia is drinking coffee.


  • CONTINUED: 13.

    GILLYHi Alicia.

    Gilly looks at Frank and Mario.




    FRANKWhat coffee is that?

    ALICIAKopi Luwak.


    Ow thats a great choice.

    ALICIASo you like coffee to?

    FRANKNo i hate it!

    Frank sits down next to Alicia (left). She moves a bitaway from him.

    ALICASo guys. What are you doing here.

    Frank turns to Alicia and puts his left arm on the back ofthe couch.


    Enough about us, I want to knowmore about you.



    FRANKTell me about your husband andhow you met.


    I love telling that story, wellit all started in this plantshop.

    Fade to Flashback.

  • 14.


    The whole flash back is seen from the eyes of Aliciahusband.

    Alicia is looking at plants in pots.

    ALICIAI was just looking for somethingnew for my garden, and as itturned a stranger came up to meturns out it was him. He asked meif i need help. Cos you see healso loves plants, I think helikes the more than I do butanyway. We started talking thenhe told a joke.


    ALICIAWell I dont remember it but Iknow it was funny, and I fell inlove with him just like that. Wewent out the store to grab adrink, coffee to be more excactand we actually came here.


    Husband and Alicia are sitting by the table drinking andtalking.

    ALICIAI ordered a latte and he orderedjust water. We talked for hours.Then he walked me home.


    Alicia and her husbands are walking on a road that lookslike a typical new york residential are. They stop by herhouse no.9.

    ALICIAI wasnt sure if we should kisson the first date but everythingfelt so right so I kissed him.

    Alicia had to bend down to kiss him.

    ALICIAI told him Ill see him tomorrow.But I wasnt sure if I wouldactually ever see him again to be


  • CONTINUED: 15.

    ALICIA (contd)honest. But in the morning when Iwent out to get my newspaper, hewas outside my house with anewspaper.

    FRANK(cuts in)


    ALICIAOkay, From that moment i knewwould be together forever.


    ALICIAIt was all going great every daywas just magical we had the timeof our lives. We got married inthe plant shop where we meet itwas so beautiful.


    The whole plant store is prepared for a wedding.

    The priest who is marrying them looked confused whenlooking at the husband.


    Husband and Alicia are lying in beach chairs.

    ALICIAAnd everything was going great wewent on out honeymoon andsomething happened to my darling.


    Alicia is lying the bed with her husband.

    ALICIAI woke up, and he didnt move, hedidnt speak or anything. So Icalled in 911. They came and tookto him hospital.

    Paramedics come through the door.

    Husband lies on that hospital carrying bet thingy.

  • 16.


    John Dorian from scrubs is the doctor basically the wholehospital is a scrubs rip off. Alicia is waiting for someinformation. JD comes out with a chart and comes up toAlicia. Alicia gets up.

    JDI dont know how to tell this mrs(pause).

    JD checks the chart.

    JDMrs peppermint bliss, yourehusband is a plant.


    What do you mean?

    JDI mean hes not a human andunfortunatelly we dont know howto help you.

    Alicia grabs her head and sits down.

    ALICIAOh my god, so whats going tohappen next.

    JDWell theres not much we can dohe is literally a plant and I ama human doctor so Im sorrytheres nothing i can do.

    The screen pauses in a VHS fashion.

    Frank talks over the paused screen.

    FRANKWait what the hell your husbandis a plant?

    ALICIANo, hes turned into a plant,something happened to him, didntyou listen to the story?

    Frank rips the pause screen.


  • 17.


    Back to the coffee house.

    FRANKDo you have a picture of yourhusband?

    Alicia takes out a polaroid out of her wallet.

    ALICIAYes, here you go.

    Frank takes the picture and analyses it.

    FRANKOy Mario come here, take a lookat this.

    Mario comes up and looks at the photo and scratches hishead.

    FRANKGilly would you like to have alook.

    Gilly comes up and check out the photo.

    GILLYHes not my type?

    FRANKWell yes, its true your husbandis a plant, a very nice plant bythe way.

    Frank show the picture to Alicia, picture shows "Alicia,husband (phlox peppermint bliss) and the priest who showsa sign "they dont pay me enough to do this".

    ALICIANo hes not.

    FRANKYoure a crazy lady, and to thinkI thought you were xd.


    Hes not a plant! What does xdmean?

    FRANKXtremely Delicious, in otherwords very pretty.


  • CONTINUED: 18.


    You think Im very pretty, thankyou (angry) now die!

    Frank jumps.FRANK


    Alicia takes out a gas bomb that will make them fall asleep.

    ALICIA(laughs diabolicly)


    Frank, Gilly and Mario fall on the floor.


    Frank and Mario wake up in a basement. Theyre cuffed upto the pipe.


    What... where are we?


    I dont know. It looks like abasement.

    FRANKWait what time is it? Tonighttheyre playing new family guy onTV.

    MARIOWait didnt you set timedrecording on the VHS?

    FRANKOh yeah I did, ufff, thats arelief.

    MARIOHey isnt that tape from RMI isin there? Im not paying thefine.

    FRANKIts fine dont worry.

    Frank smiles.


  • CONTINUED: 19.

    FRANKHow are we going to get out ofhere?

    MARIOMaybe the pipe is loose, letstry moving.

    Frank and Mario try to get out. No success.

    MARIOHey I just remembered, wheresgilly?

    MARIOOw didnt you hear she got sick,so they sent in her stunt doubleas replacement.

    An guy with a beard WINSTON dressed in Gilly clother and awig, is cuffed up next to them.

    WINSTON(female voice)

    Hi guys.

    FRANKHi, Winston, hows life?

    WINSTONGood and bad, Wife just had akid.

    MARIOOw congratulations, boy or agirl?

    WINSTONThats the bad part, its both.

    FRANKAh, Twins.

    WINSTONSadly no.

    Frank and Mario look confused.

    Alicia silhouette shows up in the doors up the stairs fromthe basement.

    ALICIAIts no use guys, you wont getout of here and even if you doyou wont make it for Family Guy.


  • CONTINUED: 20.

    FRANK(sigh of relief)

    So we still have time.

    ALICIAMaybe you do maybe you dont.

    FRANKWhy are you holding us here?

    ALICIAI wont you to apologize to myhusband for calling him a plant.

    FRANKIs that all? And youll set usfree?


    FRANKBring him in.

    ALICIAHoney come down here.

    Frank and Mario are stumped.

    ALICIAThat lazy son of bittercress.just wait here Ill bring him.

    Alicia goes upstairs to get her husband.


    Come on honey, theres two guystied down in the basement, whocame here just to apologize toyou. Isnt that wonderfull?

    Alicia pushes a wheelchair with a hospital drip. And theplant in pot is sitting. The plant is looking very dry andalmost dead.

    ALICIANow apologize.

    FRANKThis is suped duper weird by theway, but here it goes. Im sorryMr. (pause) What is his name?



  • CONTINUED: 21.

    FRANKIm sorry Mr Johnny for (pause)wait what am i apologising foranyway?

    ALICIAFor calling him a plant.

    FRANKAh, okay, im really sorry Johnnyif I hurt your feeling by callingyou a plant, even although youare a plant but never mind that,im sorry. I hope you can forgiveme.

    The plant rises.

    JOHNNY THE PLANTThank you, apologies accepted.

    FRANK(lost for words)

    What the...?

    MARIOWooow this is some strange stuff.

    ALICIAIts a miracle, honey how are youfeeling?

    Alicia kneels down and hugs the Johnny plant.

    JOHNNY THE PLANTIm feeling like new. Thanksguys.

    ALICIAI dont know how to thank youguys, youve given me backsomething I thought i could neverget back, (faces johnny) my oneand only true love JohnnyPeppermint Bliss.

    FRANKIm not sure what did i actuallydo?

    MARIOWill you let us go?

    ALICIAOw yeah sure.

    Alicia frees frank and Mario.


  • CONTINUED: 22.

    ALICIAHere you go, youre free to flymy little saplings.

    FRANKSeriously youre the first girlto get more and more ugly withevery word say. Alright Mariolets go watch some Family Guy.You guys. I wish happy marriage Iguess? By the way do we have timeto make it time?

    ALICIAYou have about 15 minutes till itstarts.

    FRANKBut hey where are we? will wemake it?

    WINSTONHey what about me?

    FRANKlets be honest what do youprefer being tied here or lookingat your mutation of a kid, huh?

    WINSTON(sit com reply)

    See you later guys.

    Canned laughter.

    FRANKIt though we agreed no more!

    Frank walks off screen and comes back.

    FRANKSorry about that. So do we livefar from here?

    ALICIAWere actually neighbours youlive just next us silly.


    Frank, Mario and Alicia get out the house.

  • 23.


    We see a new York city style building and next to it isthe Frank and Mario house.

    FRANKYou know I never noticed this.But to honest i dont really talkto our neighbours.

    ALICIAOkay see you guy.

    JOHNNY THE PLANTHey guys do you want to getsomething to drink sometime soon?My treat.

    FRANKNah im pretty sure were fine,Mario?

    MARIOTuesday if thats okay with you.

    JOHNNY THE PLANTYeah sure.

    Frank grabs mario by his arm.


    M, what are you doing?

    MARIOHes paying, maybe we can get himto buy us the limited editionxds.

    FRANKYoure right. (suck up) I meanwed love to. See you tuesday.

    Frank and Mario run to the house leaving smoke. Alicia andJohnny wave bye to them.


    Frank and Mario are sitting on a couch. Family Guy creditsroll on tv.

    FRANKThat was an amazing episode. Whata day huh.


  • CONTINUED: 24.

    MARIOPretty uneventful.

    FRANKIt sure was.

    MARIOWhat should we do now?

    FRANKWe still have 2 mysterious moviesleft to check.

    Mario puts in one tape. "Johnny Plant Walker". Frank andMario looks to see if anyone breaks in throguht the door.Its a movie with Johnny the Plant, an action movie maybea rip off texas walker?

    FRANKIs that?

    MARIOYeah im going to turn that off.

    Mario is about to put the tape in while Fatso breaks inthrough the door.

    FRANKHey we just got that fixed.

    FATSOAm i late?

    MARIOA bit.

    FATSOIts not easy to break the doordown whilst on a chair.

    Josie joins Frank and Mario next to the couch. Mario putsthe third tape in to the VCR. Gilly walkes throught thehole in the door.

    GILLYHey guys, you still havent fixedthe door?

    Frank lifts his left arm over his head and point to Fatso.

    GILLYOw hi fatso.

    Gilly stands behind the couch.


  • CONTINUED: 25.

    GILLYWhat are we watching? Are wegoing to finish that video withFrank dancing?


    That tape has vanished.

    GILLYShame, i thought it was prettyhot.

    FRANKBut it might be found latertonight.

    Mario, Gilly and Fatso look and frank.



    Frank shrugs shoulders. Frezee frame.