「~してください shite-kudasai 」「おねがいします Onegai-shimasu Aプレゼント Purezento ni するので suru node 、つつんでください tsutsunde kudasai Can you gift-wrap this? B:かしこまりました Kashikomari-mashita Yes, ma’am/sir. Aおねがいします Onegai-shimasu Please. 「~してくれる shite kureru ?(~してくれない shite kurenai ?)」 Aにもつを Nimotsu wo はこぶのを hakobu no wo てつだってくれる tetsudatte kureru (てつだってくれない Tetsudatte kurenai ?) Can you help carry goods?(Could’nt you?) B:いいよ Ii-yo Okay. A:ありがとう Arigatou 。おねがい Onegai Thank you. Please. Expression to ask a favor of somebody In the title “Culture Pot MITO,” Mito city is likened to a pot stuffed with various cultures which resembles a multicultural city loved by every citizen. We are hoping that this newsletter will be useful in your daily life and that you will feel more attached to Mito City in the near future. ▼ Photo: 1-Day Ski Lesson for Foreigners, Mar.1 at Inawashiro Ski Resort Living Information for Foreign Residents in Mito online version http://www.mitoic.or.jp/jp/ass/shiryo/cpm.php Apr/May 2015 CASUAL With your friends FORMAL In a business situation or with someone you do not know well ちょっと Japanese

2015 online ver sion Apr/May

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Page 1: 2015 online ver sion Apr/May

「~してくださいs h i t e - k u d a s a i

」「おねがいしますO n e g a i - s h i m a s u

」 A:プレゼント

P u r e z e n t o にn i

するのでs u r u n o d e

、つつんでくださいt s u t s u n d e k u d a s a i

。 Can you gift-wrap this?

B:かしこまりましたK a s h i k o m a r i - m a s h i t a

。 Yes, ma’am/sir.

A:おねがいしますO n e g a i - s h i m a s u

。 Please.

「~してくれるs h i t e k u r e r u

?(~してくれないs h i t e k u r e n a i


A:にもつをNimotsu wo

はこぶのをh a k o b u n o w o

てつだってくれるt e t s u d a t t e k u r e r u

(てつだってくれないT e t s u d a t t e k u r e n a i

?) Can you help carry goods?(Could’nt you?)

B:いいよI i - y o


A:ありがとうA r i g a t o u

。おねがいO n e g a i

。 Thank you. Please.

Expression to ask a favor of somebody

In the title “Culture Pot MITO,” Mito city is likened to a pot stuffed with various cultures which resembles a multicultural city loved by every citizen. We are hoping that this newsletter will be useful in your daily life and that you will feel more attached to Mito City in the near future. ▼ Photo: 1-Day Ski Lesson for Foreigners, Mar.1 at Inawashiro Ski Resort

Living Information for Foreign Residents in Mito online version http://www.mitoic.or.jp/jp/ass/shiryo/cpm.php Apr/May


CASUAL With your friends

FORMAL In a business situation or with someone you do not know well

ちょっと Japanese

Page 2: 2015 online ver sion Apr/May

Events 水戸 Mito




Mito Azalea Festival

April 18(Sat) – May 10(Sun)

Red, pink, purple, yellow… beautiful azaleas will bloom during this period.

WHERE Kairakuen Park, Senba Lake area EVENTS ・OPEN AIR TEA CEREMONY at Kairakuen May3(Sun) 10am-3pm

・PHOTO SHOOT with Mito Komon Company at Kairakuen May3(Sun) 10am-noon

TRANSP. *Take a bus for 「偕

K a i楽園rakuen

」from 水戸M i t o

Sta. north exit, bus terminal #4, and get off at “偕楽園・常磐神社前

K a i r a k u e n T o k i w a - j i n j a - m a e”. (1 bus service / hour)

*Take a bus for 「偕K a i


」from 水戸M i t o

Sta. north exit, bus terminal #6, and get off at “偕楽園

Ka i rakuen”. (1~2 bus service / hour)

Pottery Festival: 「笠間の陶炎祭Kasama-no-himatsuri

April 29(Fri) – May 5(Tue), 9am-5pm

Kasama City is famous for pottery. The festival will accommodate more than 200 exhibitors and you will get to see and buy a variety of unique artworks.

WHERE Kasama Geijutsu-no-mori Park (「笠間芸術の森公園

Kasama Geijutsu-no-mori Koen」)




TRANSP. 水戸M i t o

Station ⇒ (常磐Joban

Line 15mins) ⇒ 友部Tomobe


Take a shuttle bus from 友部Tomobe

Station. *15mins ride *Fee-free *1~2 service/hour

笠間焼協同組合Kasama-yaki Kyodo-kumiai



さまs a m a

のn o

台 所daidokoro

Specialty Food Festival of Mito and surrounding cities May3(Sun)-May5(Tue)

10am-3pm WHERE near Kobun Café on the Senba Lakeside.

Page 3: 2015 online ver sion Apr/May

We cooked some traditional Japanese dishes this time. The teacher taught us

how to make it very kindly and patiently. All participants were very surprised

that such delicious “Dashi”(umami: fifth category of taste, corresponding to the

flavor of glutamates) is made from Kombu and dried bonito. The teacher

demonstrated how to cut vegetables and serve it on dishes. We really enjoyed

such beautiful plates and delicious Japanese food. Finally, we took many

pictures of these nice dishes and group photo with teacher. It was a

memorable day for us.

<Report> Japanese Cooking Class ~Feb.21(Sat.)~

Living Guide for Foreigners

New “Living Guide for Foreigners” will be released soon. You can access from MCIA Homepage. URL⇒ http://www.mitoic.or.jp/jp/ass/index.php


・Garnished Sushi

・Clear Soup with Hanpen

(boiled fish cake) and Trefoil

・Rape Blossoms with Mustard Sauce

・Rice Cake wrapped in Camellia Leaves

<Voice from participants.>

・Good teachers, great food!

・Interesting lesson.

Choose language Banner Living Guide

Top page MCIA

Page 4: 2015 online ver sion Apr/May

Mito City International Association Tuesday-Sunday, 9am-9pm (Closed : Mondays, April 29, May 3-7) Add 〒310-0024 水戸市

Mito-shi 備 前 町


Mito International Center Tel 029-221-1800 Fax 029-221-5793 Mail [email protected] HP http://www.mitoic.or.jp

Please forward us any opinions or suggestions you may have!

こどもの日K o d o m o n o h i


こどもの日K o d o m o n o h i

(Children’s Day) is a Japanese national holiday to celebrate

children’s happiness. Traditionally, it was a day called “端午の節句Tango no Sekku

”, which is an

event to wish boy’s growth and good health. Today, it’s a holiday for both boys

and girls. Around that day, families who have male children raise “鯉のぼりK o i - n o b o r i


carp-shaped flags. Some families also display Samurai helmet or “五月人形Gogatsu Ningyo


Sweets called “ 柏 餅Kashiwa-mochi

” are eaten on that day as well.

feel free to drop by! (MCIA)

Take a bus from Mito station North exit, bus terminal #4~7 ⇒ 5mins ⇒ “泉 町Izumicho

一丁目 Icchome

Japanese Customs

TRY ORIGAMI! Let’s fold Samurai Helmet !

五月人形Gogatsu Ningyo

…Doll of armed samurai, boy, or legendary figure.

Page 5: 2015 online ver sion Apr/May

Japanese Classes~first day of classes after spring break~

Day Name of Group Class Levels First Class

Tue Orbis Beginners, Intermediate Apr.7

Wed Friendly Neighborhood

Beginners, Upper Intermediate Apr.8

MESA Friendship Daily Conversation, Kanji Apr.8

Thu Sophia Beginners Apr.9

Fri MESA Friendship Beginners, Intermediate Apr.10

Sat L’avenir Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced


PLACE: Mito Int’l Center TIME: 10am – 12pm (2hrs) FEE per class:¥300-¥500 Vehicle Tax/Light Vehicle Tax Are you either the OWNER(所有者

shoyu-sha)or USER(使用者

shiyo-sha)of the vehicle that you

are using? You can check this by taking a look at Vehicle Inspection Certificate. In Japan, the person registered as owner/user as of April 1st will receive a tax note(納税


)urging the payment of vehicle tax or light vehicle tax. If you receive a tax note, please take it to a nearby financial institution or convenience store and pay the tax. It is usually due by the end of May.

owner / 所有者shoyu-sha

user / 使用者shiyo-sha

tax note receiver you unprinted you loan agency you you person A you person A person A unprinted person A

NOTE Missing the deadline will lead to paying overdue charges ! Vehicle tax(自動車税

j i d o s h a - z e i)

Applies to cars with white license plate, trucks. TEL 029-221-6768 / Prefectural Tax office 県税

ken-zei事務所-j imu-sho

Light vehicle tax(軽自動車税

ke i - j idosha-ze i)

Applies to cars with yellow license plate, bikes, motor scooters. TEL 029-232-9138 / City hall 市民税課


Page 6: 2015 online ver sion Apr/May

Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau Mito Branch Office

In such cases listed below, Mid- to long-term residents will need to go to Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau Mito Branch Office and follow necessary procedures. 1. There is a change in, or correction of: your name, date of birth, gender,

nationality/region. ※ ex.) when you change your name or your nationality/region as a result of

marriage 2. The expiration date of your resident card is approaching. ※ Applies to those who have a resident status of Permanent Resident,

or foreign resident in Japan younger than 16years old whose resident card’s validity expires on his/her 16th birthday.

→ Please be sure to go BEFORE your resident card expires. 3. The organization that you belong to have changed its name or location.

A contract with an organization came to an end / you have transferred to a different organization. You have renewed your contract with an organization.

※ Applies to those who have the employment status. ex.) Engineer, Specialist in Humanities/International Services, Skilled Labor,

Researcher, Instructor, etc. ※ Applies to those who have the learning status.

ex.) College student, Trainee 4. You have lost your spouse due to divorce or his/her death. ※ Applies to those who have a resident status of Dependent, Designated

Activities, Spouse or Child of Japanese National, Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident.

5. Your resident card is lost, stolen, severely damaged or defaced.

Take your resident card and passport when going to the office. (passport, in case of 5.) In case of 1. 3. 4. 5., you must go within 14 days.

Address 水戸市M i t o - s h i

城南J o n a n

2-9-12 TEL 029-300-3601

Monday to Friday (except holidays), 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm