The time has come to change the healthcare conversation. Any individual facing a complex or life-limiting disease has the right to know their treatment options and to choose a plan of care that best fits their personal and life goals. Once that decision is made, it should be honored and supported by a team of healthcare experts. This is NarusHealth.

2015 0519 Narus Overview

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The time has come to change the healthcare conversation. Any individual facing a complex or life-limiting disease has the right to know their treatment options and to choose a plan of care that best fits their personal and life goals. Once that decision is made, it should be honored and supported by a team of healthcare experts. This is NarusHealth.

The healthcare system is challenged to meet the needs of patients with life-limiting conditions. Our current system tends to ignore or not understand preferences of patients. Patients lose connectivity to their primary care physician and care coordination is lost. Pain and symptoms related to treatment increase ER visits and hospitalizations. The costs are spiraling out of control.

Singer et al. JAMA 2009;281(2):163-168. 2

Problem | Existing Care Support Models are Failing the Sickest 1%

Pain & Symptom Management Ensuring that any discomfort, pain or other symptoms are carefully monitored and addressed immediately.

Family & Community Support Evaluating each individual’s social and family support. Intensive patient-family communications and support in decision making.

Treatment Plan Coordinating activities with the patient and their primary care physician in the overall treatment plan and specialist interactions.

Patient Knowledge & Choice | At Narus Health, we want patients to be informed of their disease progression and treatment choices and the likely result of each option. We support each patient through these six domains of care and engagement:

Provider Access Supporting the patient having access to expert providers, medical technology, experimental therapies, and support organizations.

Benefit Design & Coverage Sharing detailed insight to the levels of coverage available, options provided and alternative choices within the benefit plan.

Terminal Care Planning Empowering the patient with knowledge for advanced directives and the opportunity for making terminal care decisions.

We Identify Support Needs | Care & Engagement Domains

What Makes Narus Different?

At Narus Health, we are committed to providing patients and families who are facing life-limiting situations with access to knowledge, medical expertise, and compassionate care. We Do This by bringing together the core elements of the decision and care support processes for patients and their families.



Through a team of experienced and highly trained care managers, we engage patients & families in understanding their illness and decision making - ensuring that each individual has the

opportunity to make informed choices about their care.

What Makes Narus Different?

Patient Engagement Too often patients are pushed into treatments that run counter to their life goals. Aggressive, experimental treatments can trigger significant side effects that inhibit quality-of-life. We are there, 24|7 to ensue that symptoms are managed and that individuals have immediate access to the help and support they need.


What Makes Narus Different?

Care Support Our care support process respects and protects the unique values, character, and qualities of every individual we care for; while simultaneously delivering a consistent, science-based model of care management.


What Makes Narus Different?

Data Assimilation We consolidate key data sets from the health plan. This data is combined with other information from various physicians and hospital providers and patient reported information – delivering a more complete picture of the patient to each practitioner engaged in the treatment process.


What Makes Narus Different?

Population Health Over time, as circumstances change and evolve, so will an individual’s healthcare needs. New questions will arise as medications are adjusted and treatment plans are modified.   As these changes occur, Narus Health is there to offer insight and support, regardless of the day or time. We are committed to helping patients achieve their goals.