Fairview Community Gardening Initiative meeting minutes  June 4th 2014, 7:04pm Fairview Arena Meeting Room 9 in attendance - Katie Morrison, Jodie Anderson, Lynda Howes, Adrian Buckley, Vanessa Hanel, Stacey MacDougall, Dave Eisenbart, Trudy, Janet Introductions around the table Finance/fundraising: TD grant - July 15th is deadline - needs a budget and a design for this (as well as AGLC) - Stacey to call TD to clarify some rules Around $700 have been raised to date Consider a fall plant sharing event with a nominal fee or donation for admission? Combine with Acadia Consider Vesey’s seed/bulbs fundraiser  Site location/design:  Survey - 14 or 16 respon ses so far, about 10 of them were supportive of the baseball diamond as  primary site. Some negative comments to be addressed as well Adrian to have a digital version of a concept design for next meeting Discussion about how many beds to start with - no less than 12 is recommended by CHS; consider different types of beds (individual, family, public school b ed, Horizon housing, accessible beds, etc.); will build in phases each year Rainwater harvesting concept - Adrian has been in contact with arena people - they are excited about the possibility, okay with an outside metered faucet; also okay with the harvesting from the roof as long as it doesn’t interfere with arena ops, entrances, etc. Would like to see an above ground collection system near the building if possible. Communication and Outreach  Vanessa and Dave met with Guy Beavers from Parks. Guy is looking into the water system for rainwater collection and approval from City. Guy wished to see some budgeting costs. We hav e  prelim approval for the baseball diamond site, need to notify houses with a sightline with information and ability to contact us. City will provide some funding ($5000) for in-kind work related to the site. Vanessa to check to see what official packaged documents the City needs for final approval. Lynda volunteered to put together an information sheet regarding the baseball diamond site for  people with sightline of diamond. Hopefully will have an open house in summer (August 21st?) so that people can see the design, ask questions, etc. Admin 

2014.06 FCG Minutes

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8/10/2019 2014.06 FCG Minutes

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Fairview Community Gardening Initiative meeting minutes June 4th 2014, 7:04pm Fairview Arena Meeting Room 

9 in attendance - Katie Morrison, Jodie Anderson, Lynda Howes, Adrian Buckley, Vanessa

Hanel, Stacey MacDougall, Dave Eisenbart, Trudy, Janet

Introductions around the table

Finance/fundraising:TD grant - July 15th is deadline - needs a budget and a design for this (as well as AGLC) -Stacey to call TD to clarify some rulesAround $700 have been raised to dateConsider a fall plant sharing event with a nominal fee or donation for admission? Combine withAcadiaConsider Vesey’s seed/bulbs fundraiser  

Site location/design: Survey - 14 or 16 responses so far, about 10 of them were supportive of the baseball diamond as primary site. Some negative comments to be addressed as wellAdrian to have a digital version of a concept design for next meetingDiscussion about how many beds to start with - no less than 12 is recommended by CHS;consider different types of beds (individual, family, public school bed, Horizon housing,accessible beds, etc.); will build in phases each yearRainwater harvesting concept - Adrian has been in contact with arena people - they are excitedabout the possibility, okay with an outside metered faucet; also okay with the harvesting from theroof as long as it doesn’t interfere with arena ops, entrances, etc. Would like to see an above

ground collection system near the building if possible.

Communication and Outreach 

Vanessa and Dave met with Guy Beavers from Parks. Guy is looking into the water system forrainwater collection and approval from City. Guy wished to see some budgeting costs. We have prelim approval for the baseball diamond site, need to notify houses with a sightline withinformation and ability to contact us. City will provide some funding ($5000) for in-kind workrelated to the site.

Vanessa to check to see what official packaged documents the City needs for final approval.Lynda volunteered to put together an information sheet regarding the baseball diamond site for people with sightline of diamond. Hopefully will have an open house in summer (August 21st?)so that people can see the design, ask questions, etc.


8/10/2019 2014.06 FCG Minutes

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Have possibility of the curb garden from IDA to work on and garden space by the arena door ifwe are interested. Consider filling bed with perennials from local Fairview gardens. Need to set atime for a team to get a plan for these beds - this Sunday, June 8th, 4pm.

Katie discussed all the individual items on the checklist of City of Calgary requirements and who

needs to complete each duty

Dave outlined upcoming Fairview Community Association events in June.

Next meeting - Wednesday, July 2nd 
