20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal

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  • 8/12/2019 20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal


    Dr M Sultana Alam

    Sem, 2 2013/ 2014

  • 8/12/2019 20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal


    Steps inPreparing




    Topic 2.Introduction














    7. DataCollection

    & Data


  • 8/12/2019 20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal


    Selection of Topic

    Before starting any academic research, first theresearcher is required to select a topic.

    Research ideas and research problems originate frommany sources such as everyday life, practical issues andpast research. Practical issues can be a source ofresearch ideas.

    For an example: What are some current problems facingeducation institution, community and society? How theproblem can be solved. Past research can be an excellentsource of research ideas. Past research is one of the

    most important sources of research ideas. The abovementioned ways, a researcher can select a topic. Thechosen topic should be fundamental issues and currentlyhappening in society. At the same time, the researchershould have personal interest on the selected

  • 8/12/2019 20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal


  • 8/12/2019 20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal


    Statement of ProblemsAfter selecting the topic and review of the literature, the

    next step of the researcher is find out research problem.Systemic research begins with a problem. Selecting andformulating a problem is one of the most importantaspects of doing research in any field. A research

    problem is exactly that-a problem that someone wouldlike to research.

    A problem can be anything that a person findsunsatisfactory or unsettling, a difficulty of some sort,anything this not working as well as it might. Research

    problem should be defined clearly. A researcher mustdecide the general problem area. The researcher alsoshould have knowledge or experience in the area in orderto ask questions that can be answered through question.

  • 8/12/2019 20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal


    Research Objectives

    In general, research objectives refer to the goal

    of study.

    Research objectives exactly what the researcherwants to do.

    In empirical research there is a relation between

    research question and research objectives.

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    Research Methodology

    Another important step is to research methodology. A

    research methodology is important to the actual plan

    for the data collection and analysis of data. Methodology refers to the broad perspective from

    which the researcher views the problem, makes the

    investigation, and draw conclusion. However,

    researchers have to select a proper research design. The Researcher needs to follow the some question

    in planning research design:

  • 8/12/2019 20140430160416Steps in Preparing a Research Proposal


    Research Methodology ( Cont..)

    What the study is about and the type of data is

    needed. It is qualitative or quantitative or mixed.

    Why the study is being made.

    Where the necessary data can be found. Where or in what areas, the study or research will be

    carried out.

    When or what periods of time, the study will include

    What basis of selection will be used?

    What techniques of gathering data will be adopted?

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    Data Collection The next step is data collection. Researchers may

    use any technique to choose the strategy in

    collecting in collecting information. But the strategy

    must be clearly mentioned in the methodology.

    The researcher must have to clearly mention howthe data will be collected. The researcher needs to

    clearly mention every step in designing data

    collection procedures.

    The researcher needs to mention who will collect thedata. Researcher himself /herself or research

    assistant can collect data. The whole process of data

    collection should be explained accurately

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    Data Analysis

    After explaining the data collection procedure, theresearcher should to clearly mention how the data

    will be analyzed.

    Different methods have different data procedures to

    analyze of data which the researcher should tomention clearly.

    The researcher begins to classy the facts, clarifying

    the trends and relationships and tabulating the

    information in such a way that it can be accuratelyanalyzed and interpreted.