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Members and friends

OUR VACANCYThe search for a new minister continues. To date there has been very little in the way of response to the advertisement in Life and Work and various enquiries we have made. With over 200 vacancies in the Church of Scotland and a small number of ministers in training it is a difficult situation. We know that many congregations in Scotland will face long periods of time without a minister and in that situation will rely on locum help. Lanark Presbytery faces particular difficulties where 8 of the 16 charges will be vacant. You can be assured, however, that the Nominating Committee is continuing its work in faith and will be sending out postcards to over 100 ministers and placing a further advertisement in the January 2015 edition of Life and Work.

OUTSTANDING ELDERSWe are being incredibly well served by 2 outstanding elders, Richard Beattie and Alan Grant, in their leading of worship and pastoral care. Lanark Presbytery could not function if it was not for the work carried out by such elders where there is a critical shortage of ordained ministers. I know that both Richard and Alan enjoy working in Carnwath & Carstairs and I ask you to show your appreciation to them for all they are doing.

YOUR PRAYERSWe believe that God works through every situation in life for our good and that our prayers are important in opening hearts and minds to new possibilities and bringing about new futures. I encourage you to pray for ministry in Carnwath & Carstairs, for the Nominating Committee and the search for a minister and offer you this prayer which echoes the challenges in the Parish Profile.

God of our past, present and future. We give thanks for good ministry over the years and the love and support given to us by Alan and Richard at present. We pray for the ongoing work of the Nominating Committee and your leading us as we look for a minister to meet the challenges:

to nurture the spiritual growth of church members and develop effective leadership

to help Carnwath to continue to adapt to being a church without church buildings

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to work with Carstairs to carry forward it’s building development plans ensuring the church as a people remain its main focus

to build relationships and activities with the young and old of both parishes

to develop the potential of the new linkageHelp us each to play our part in the life of the church over this time with love, good grace and spirit. This prayer we offer in Jesus name for the ministry of which we are each a part.Amen

May God bless each and all in this Advent Season where we wait and hope for the future.

Russell McLarty – Interim Moderator

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAR ROTA

Copies of the Rota are available in the church vestibule. If you are able to help out please contact Elizabeth Brown (870787).

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONGREGATIONAL REGISTER

Please remember in your prayers the families and friends of:

Mary McKie Carstairs VillageBilly Wilson Carstairs JunctionNancy Cardno Carstairs VillageJames Duncan Carstairs JunctionJack Speedie Carstairs JunctionMargaret Shiels Lanark

Psalm 48:14For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even

to the end.

From 7th December 2014 the Morning Services will be held at 11.30am alternating to 10am on 5th April 2015.

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The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Warmly invites you to join our church family on

Sunday, 7 December 201411.30am Carstairs Village Church

When the Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be celebrated

We look forward to your company

If you are entertaining visitors that day we hope you might also ask them to share in this invitation.


The Guild is held the first Wednesday of the month in the afternoon. The meetings are held in Carstairs Community Centre at 2 p.m.

At our meeting in November, John Helliwell came along and told us about Mary’s Meals. Our project money will go to this great cause. Our next meeting will be Christmas orientated with Jessie Duff coming to entertain us. We also have a ‘bring and buy’ parcel (£3.00). On December 21st we are having a lunch after the Church service (approx. 12.30 p.m.) We will

also have a sales table. In January we have Kate Cowan from Rigside. Kate will be telling us about the Clyde Walkway which she walked along with a family member.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRAMA GROUP

The Drama Group meets in the Community Centre on a Sunday evening. With assistance from Sclub and the congregation it performed the aptly titled ‘Scarecrow’s Stormy Day’ at The Harvest Thanksgiving Service. The next ‘performance’ will be at Christmas - look out for

details in the weekly intimations. The Drama Group continues to look for new members either to act or help out behind the scenes. Come along, get involved and enjoy drama and seasonal sketches with fun loving people,

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Lessons & CarolsSunday 14th, December in Carstairs Village Church at 7pm

This is a joint service with CarnwathFamily Service

Sunday, 21st December in Carstairs Village Church at 11.30am

Watchnight ServiceWednesday, 24th December in Carstairs Jct Church at

11.15pmChristmas Day Service

Thursday, 25th December in Carstairs Jct Church at 11am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Another year is well underway in the Girls Brigade calendar which began 5th September. We were glad to see a lot of familiar faces

returning as well as some new recruits to both the Explorer and Junior sections.

This year the Explorers are learning about "Girls Brigade Around the World" and interesting facts, food and games associated with these countries. The Junior section have been learning "How To Be A Good Friend". During this session they also learned basic first aid and CPR; hopefully they will never need to use this!!!

As the term draws to a close for 2014, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the girls a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I am sure Santa will be good to them as they have all behaved excellently throughout the year (or at least on a Thursday night).

I would also like to say a huge thank you to Sharon, Gail, Katie, Barbara, Linda, Linzi and Pam for all their hard work and support without you 1st Carstairs Girls Brigade would not be the success it is.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and we look forward to seeing you in 2015.

Karen x

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By the time this edition of the magazine is being read, Christmas Day will be fast approaching; it is just round the corner. Depending on the stage of our Christmas preparations, this may be good news or something of which we do not want to be reminded.

Our mood may be one of happy anticipation content in the knowledge that we are well prepared. All the cards have been written and are just to be delivered. Presents have been chosen for everybody and wrapped and Christmas Dinner is organised. We can relax and calmly enjoy the run-up to the Big Day comforted that, this year, there will be no last minute rush to the shops.

Alternatively, our preparations may not be so well advanced. We may have a bundle of cards piled up still to be written; possibly they are not yet bought. We have still to go through the card list, some names will be scored out because we haven't received a card from them for years, others will be added because we forgot to send them one last year. While we may have bought a few presents, we have still to do the majority of our Christmas shopping. And all the time Christmas Day is getting closer. So much to do and so little time. The mood is not serene or calm, instead, it is more like panic.

Christmas; for some it is looked forward to with excitement while for others it is dreaded, and they associate it with only stress and expense. But perhaps the key is how we view Christmas. Recently, I read of the many attempts by the Wright brothers as they tried to achieve powered flight. Eventually, on 17th December 1903, the brothers were successful in getting their "flying machine" off the ground. Thrilled, they telegraphed a message to their sister Katherine, saying: “We have actually flown 120 feet. Will be home for Christmas”.

Excited at the news of their achievement, Katherine hurried to the editor of the local newspaper and showed him the message. He glanced at it and said, “How nice. The boys will be home for Christmas”. He completely missed the point; that for the first time ever in history, man had flown! This was ground breaking news, but clearly, the Editor didn't see it. He was oblivious to the real news.

When we read the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew's account of the Gospel we read that, “they will call him Immanuel, which means, God with us”. That is the real Christmas story, the real, ground

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breaking news. As Christmas approaches, let us try to focus on the 'real news' the Good News, that at Christmas, God came to the world and lived amongst us.

Christmas blessingsAlan


‘Do you want to build a snowman…..’ that was the words that rang out around the hall as the Explorers and Juniors at Girls Brigade enjoyed a movie and popcorn night. Frozen was this year’s box office hit for Disney and young and old alike have enjoyed the story of sisters Anna and Elsa. As a child Elsa was cursed and everything she touched froze over, a secret she kept from many until one day through anger and frustration she lashed out and froze the whole principality of which she was Queen. She fled but her sister followed wanting to bring her back. As a child her parents had been told ‘only an act of true love’ can save her. In true Disney fashion there was handsome Prince who happened to be only after the title whilst a true love stood in the sidelines. As the story unravels we discover Anna becoming very ill and almost dying because of her sister’s touch. Would a kiss from the Prince save the day or would she die before her sister could see her? Elsa did arrive just in time to see her so called handsome Prince raise his sword to put Anna out of her misery. Without hesitation Elsa put herself between the sword and her sister and yes she did come back to life and the ice melted and the sun shone again.

A fictional story yes, but at this time of year we are reminded that God sent his Son to live amongst us, to show us His way and to die for us that we might have eternal life. The greatest gift of all and one act of ‘unconditional love’.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE NEW YEAR

“We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be

patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws,

but for potential.” - Ellen Goodman

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We all love the Advent season and we all look forward immensely to Christmas day itself. There are different aspects of Christmas day that people look forward to. For the children it may be the excitement and surprise involved with opening their presents. For others it may be the sharing of time and fellowship with family and friends. For many it is the opportunity to go to Church on this special day and worship God and give thanks to God for the gift of the Christ child. And of course for those lovers of food there is the Christmas dinner. Whatever we look forward to at Christmas it is a special time for all of us and we love it but Christmas often fails to live up to our dreams or expectations because when it actually arrives we have been overtaken by events, relationships, pressures and time. We are grumpy and sick of the whole season. The down side of all this is that we become “past” Christmas before it has arrived. This year make it different and ensure that you really do get the most out of the festive season.

To this end I suggest the following tips:

Firstly keep the purpose and meaning of Christmas in mind by setting aside 10 minutes each day for a quiet moment of prayer, spiritual reading or silent meditation. Work out what time of day you have the best chance of not being disturbed.

Keep Advent at your own pace. Decide what you want to do, what services and festivities you want to take part in and programme them into your schedule so that your family know what you plan and also know when you are available and not available.

Make a shopping and spending plan before you go shopping for anything and stick to that plan. Set your own limits according to what you can afford both in terms of gifts, food, drink and charity giving. Share your plan with your family so that you are not pressurised by unrealistic expectations.

Also don’t allow yourself to feel compelled to fulfil other people’s ideas about traditions and what must be done at Christmas. Work out what suits you and your family’s lifestyle. Make a list of what traditions you would like to have in your family and set them in place. There are no rules carved out in stone about what makes a proper Christmas regardless of what other people may tell you.

Christmas is often a time of great fellowship but don’t feel that you

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have to entertain everybody and their granny over the festive period. Hospitality is one thing but spending the whole Christmas season slaving over a hot stove or washing up the dishes is another. No one is a better person because they have a continually open door. So banish guilty feelings and refuse to be press ganged into taking on more than you can cope with.

And finally decide how you are going to cope with your anger. There can sadly be anger around at Christmas usually because one person normally the woman seems to be burdened with the whole responsibility of the festive season. She buys and wraps all the presents, buys and cooks all the food, attends all the children’s carol concerts or nativity plays. In addition she has extra cleaning in order to have the house in shape for any guests that may drop in. As a result she gets fed up, tired and cross. Then she feels guilty and so struggles on usually on automatic pilot fuelled by suppressed anger. So if you are the one burdened with all the work of the Christmas season then work out in advance what you can do to change things for the better, remember you always have a choice even if it is choosing to change nothing and a word to husbands and children be willing always to help in whatever way you can so that everyone in the family can enjoy this wonderful time of year. So can I take this opportunity to wish you all lovely Advent and a very Merry Christmas when it comes.


Make me an Angel

God, please make me an angel.I don’t want one with wings and a halo

looking like a refugee from a fancy dress party; nor do I want one aged four

dressed in her mother’s nightie.I want one my size and with my accent,

one who doesn’t sprinkle stardustbut who whispers surprising news

into unexpected ears, and who tells people not to be afraid,

and who makes earth the placewhere heaven appears.

God please make me that angel.

From the Alternativity Website

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The Journey is a collection of short stories and poems which are all centred on the theme of journeys.  Some are literal travelling tales, of little day trips or big adventures.  Others are metaphorical, about the journeys we take through life. I started collating these stories as a fundraising project for Marie Curie.  I wanted to give something back after they did a great job of looking after my Dad when he died of cancer in 2008. I finally decided to take on a challenge and committed to do an overseas trek to Nepal in January 2015.  I knew I would need to undertake some serious

fundraising as part of the challenge and started to think about what I could do. There are so many charitable demands these days that I also liked the idea of giving people something back for any money they chose to give.  I had always loved books, and I used to write a bit before the children came along, so I decided to try collating an anthology of creative writing.  

The first people to agree to support this idea were others from Carstairs drama group - Bill Angus and Archie Finlayson.  When I chatted it through, they were both very supportive and Bill mentioned a friend in a local writers group.  I went to Biggar one evening to speak to them too. They were so helpful and welcoming I ended up joining them!  I firmed up a plan and before long I was advertising in the local newspaper for more people to submit to the anthology.  In the end 26 writers came forward!  I was delighted with this response! What's more, the quality of the material I was sent was really good! There are so many different ways to take the theme, it has made for a great collection.  Bill and Archie both wrote a piece, Archie about his soldiering days and Bill about his experience journeying through life as a twin.  Another Carstairs connection got involved too - Fraser Bruce. Although Fraser is living and working abroad just now, his mum - and editor of the church magazine - Lorna; got his agreement to send on a short story he had written about a man moving along from independent living to going into a home.  This story is very well written and had been published before, but the publishers kindly agreed to let us use it for the anthology with no copyright imposed.

As the entries came in, I set about creating the content for the book. I

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have published it via a self publishing site called Lulu.  In theory the way it works is very simple. They give you a template; you create your content on the template, save the file and upload it to the site. From there you can print and buy as many copies as you need.   In practise, of course, it was not quite so simple - it was quite fiddly and difficult to get the formatting right,  It took many, many versions before it was anywhere near ready - but ignorance was bliss as I set out to do it! 

I am glad to tell you that the books are now ready and are available for £6.50 each. For Archie, Bill and I it is the first time we have had our own work properly published.  It is a slightly strange feeling to see it there in black and white!  One of the writers supplied the artwork for the cover and it looks very professional.  On 8th November, I took the opportunity to get the writers together for a launch event.  About half of them could make it.  The Gazette photographer came and I roped in my husband to taking some pictures too.  

It is often said that "Life is a Journey", and there are times we are happy to take the advice "enjoy the ride", but the truth is, sometimes life can feel like a really rough road!  Sometimes we need encouragement to keep on the right path, and the right person to help us face what feels daunting - to hold our hand and guide us on difficult days.   I am very grateful for the encouragement I got to turn this idea into reality.  It wasn't always easy to believe we could pull it off but so far it has been a big success.  Meanwhile, according to research conducted by Marie Curie, 63% of those facing death say they definitely didn't want to die in a hospital ward as they'd prefer to be at home, surrounded by loved ones and a familiar environment for this final journey. The support Marie Curie provides can ensure this happens and the results speak for themselves: when Marie Curie is involved only 1 in 10 people die in hospital (due to admission for complex complications of their condition), whereas without the charity, the average is over 55%. 

If you would like to purchase a copy of The Journey to help make sure more people have a positive story at the end of their life, then please contact Maggie on 07977 134854 or email maggie.mcgeary@sky,com. Lorna. Bill or Archie who will be very glad of the sale for this great cause!  The price of each book is set at £6.50 so that over 60% of the cost is profit which goes straight to the charity.  


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Rough Crossings

It was a rough crossing,the kind spent cowering in the cabin,curled up against the squallor splayed out, martyr-like on a hard bed.

You’d listen to the creaking hull,glasses shattering in the bar,as rolling tides swashed over deck,and on-duty crew attended to their stations.

Sometimes, when seas were calmeryou’d appear above board walk along the long port side,and wrap your collar against the wind,hold firm to painted railings.

You’d move nine, or ten steps forward, attempt to find a fixed horizon,till lurching tides would come again,and send you diving, right back downto hide in horror below the deck

Seeking solace in the sickbaysenses dulled by swallowed pills you’d take a sip to quench the parch and ease the sting of bitter salt-sea’s spray.

Looking out on another sea, another morning; the wish I hold dear for you now is the stillness of this bayendless peace at your mooring.

Submitted by Maggie McGeary

When you have read your magazine, please feel free to pass it on to someone else who may be interested. Spare copies are

available on the leaflet stand in the Church vestibule.

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From Sunday, 30th November until 24th

December our nativity family will travel throughout our communities. Last year they were welcomed by many families, the young and old alike, schools, youth groups and nursing homes. This year we hope the same joy, hope, peace and love will be shared with one another as our

nativity family journey through advent. At the time of going to print there are some spaces left on the route. If you would like to be a ‘host’ to the nativity family for a night please speak to Ruth Campbell on 870441.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLOWER CALENDAR

07.12.14 Mrs W Spence & Mrs N Gordon14.12.14 Mr A Nelson21.12.14 Mrs M Cowan & Mrs H McDonald28.12.14 Mrs F Cheeseman

04.01.15 Mrs A Wilson11.01.15 Misses A & E McInnes 18.01.15 Mrs M Savage25.01.15 VACANT

01.02.15 VACANT08.02.15 VACANT15.02.15 Mrs G Stokes22.02.15 Mrs E Crawford &

Mrs J Brown

01.03.15 Mrs M Brown08.03.15 VACANT15.03.15 Mrs O Henderson22.03.15 VACANT29.03.15 VACANT

The 2015 Flower Calendar is now available and located in the church. Anyone who would like to donate flowers please put your name at the appropriate date or contact Mary Cowan (870580) or

Hazel MacDonald (870694).

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As we prepare for Christmas sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the busyness of card writing, gift buying and wrapping, food cooking etc and we often end up frazzled and exhausted. This year the youth leaders are asking you to sit down, relax and chill for a few moments each day. We have almost 80 children attending our groups not to mention the ones who come to Messy Church, holiday clubs etc.

They are very much part of our church family albeit they are very rarely in church on a Sunday and so can easily be forgotten. This advent we are asking you to give them one of the best gifts you can – your prayers. Each week as the advent candle is lit and our focus changes to another element of our advent journey, let us pray together for the young people within our church family.

30th November – the Candle of HopeLord, we pray that our church is a place of hope for all our young people, a place where they feel valued, trusted and loved. A place where they are accepted and respected.

7th December – the Candle of PeaceLord, we pray for those whose young lives are not easy perhaps because of situations at home and school or where they play and socialise. Be with them Lord, watch over them, strengthen and comfort them and help us be a channel of your peace for them.

14th December – the Candle of LoveLord, may all our young people come to know of ‘Your’ unconditional love for them through the love shown to them by others both in word and action.

21st December – the Candle of JoyLord, we give thanks for the joy that young people bring to our lives, to our groups and our church family through their enthusiasm, their sense of fun and their love of life.

Please pray for our young people throughout advent and into the New Year.

Merry Christmas from the leaders and young people within Sclub, The Net, Girls’ Brigade and Boys’


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Will be back on Friday, 23rd

January 20155pm – 7pm

Carstairs Junction Hall

Come along and join the fun. A warm welcome awaits everyone whether you are 9 yrs or 90 yrs come on your own or with your family and friends. Children must bring an adult with them.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POWERLESSNESS AT CHRISTMAS - that was the theme for the

Messy Church in November.

Jesus was the greatest gift of all but he was born in such humble circumstances, so quietly and so unnoticed by many. Is that the same today? So often we forget that Jesus is the reason for the season so at Messy Church we all took time to think about the Christmas Story and what it means to us.

What would your answers be to the questions we discussed whilst making all these different crafts?

Gift Wrapping – what message would you like to send with your gifts this Christmas?

Shoebox stables – Jesus was born in a stable because there was no room for him at the inn. Would you like to be born in a stable? How will you make room for Jesus in your home this Christmas?

Balloon Prayers – Its’ Jesus birthday how would you like to celebrate this special day?

Ping Pong Ball Angels – the angels told everyone the good news that Jesus was born. How would you feel if you saw an angel? How could you be an angel today?

Animal Masks – Jesus was born amongst all the animals – what do you think they thought about this baby in their stable lying in their food trough?

Star biscuits – a star shone in the sky over the place where Jesus was born, the Wise men followed it. What can we do to find Jesus?

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We are delighted to announce that Fischy Music is coming to Carstairs to share their music with us. Stephen Fischbacher is a renowned Christian singer songwriter for young people. The ever popular ‘Welcome Everybody’, ‘Creativity’ and ‘Wonderful World’ being amongst his most well known. His music became so popular and so meaningful to many young people that he now works not only in churches but in schools, youth groups etc helping children explore their emotions, their spirituality, caring for our planet and much much more. Due to a ‘grant’ from Lanark Presbytery, the Fischy Music team are coming to Carstairs. They will lead a workshop with leaders from BB, GB, Sclub, The Net and Messy Church teaching them how to use the material in their groups for the most effect. They will then hold a concert for all our young folk to share their music particularly their new album – ‘Bring it All To Me’ which looks at the Psalms and their meaning for us. The concert is currently scheduled to start at 4.30pm in Carstairs Community Centre and will be free to all children attending our youth groups. The final details have still to be worked through so watch out for church intimations, posters in the villages and the gazette for final details.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOYS BRIGADE

The new session resumed in September and since then the boys have been working towards their badges and achievements. The company attended the Service of Remembrance and Finlay Callan had the honour of laying the wreath on behalf of South Lanarkshire Council. On 2nd December, to celebrate Christmas, the boys will attend the Panto at

Motherwell to see Cinderella. The boys will start back on Tuesday, 6th

January after the Christmas break.

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‘Lite Bite’ mornings were held on Monday 27th October and Monday, 24th November. We will have a break during the busy month of December and will resume January 2015.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JIGSAW (BIBLE STUDY)

We meet fortnightly in Carstairs Community Centre at 7pm. It is an informal meeting open to anyone who would like to come along and learn more from their bible. This session we have been looking at the book of Revelation. For details please contact Alex Nelson (840459).

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“TO THE CHURCH”

I’m just a wee bit moosie, the Junction church is my abodeMy cousin lives in the Village church, just along the road,Now we have heard a rumour, we’re more than just disturbedCannot think you’ll ever agree to it, good Lord its quite absurd.

It’s said you’re going to join the kirks, close one down altogetherJoin Junction and the Village churches, man that’s a lot of blether,Now honestly it will not work, no matter what they sayThe breach that isn’t very wide will widen every day.

Folk are queer the world over, those in power as wellCasting doubt all over the land, as if they cast a spell,Whatever church they choose to close, I can truly sayThe Junction will not climb the hill, nor Village go down the brae.

Just take heed leave things alone, for you’ll make an awful mistakeListen to the parishioners, listen for goodness sake,We get on just as we are, and that’s the way we want it

Joining ingrowthsharingandworship

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So powers that be cant you see, we will be contented.

Do not fret the tide will turn, the church will flourish moreFuture folk will praise the Lord, so do not slam the door.

Submitted by Archie Finlayson

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Offerings August - October 2014Aug 2014 F.W. £2134.00 Aug 2013 F.W. £2156.60

Ordinary £127.50 Ordinary £343.70Sept 2014 F.W. £2119.00 Sept 2013 F.W. £3146.50

Ordinary £122.80 Ordinary £304.60Oct 2014 F.W. £1873.00 Oct 2013 F.W. £1973.80

Ordinary £127.90 Ordinary £342.00Total £6504.20 Total £8267.20

The Offerings show a decrease of £1763 over the same period last year.

Retiring Offerings Fund RaisingYouth Organisations: £76 (September Communion)

Lodging House Mission: £94 (Harvest Thanksgiving)

Lite Bites (October) £118.50

Gift Week £2406

The Congregational Board would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who has helped in any way to achieve all the above totals.

We would like to encourage all members and friends to support the Church by regular giving and we offer various ways of doing this.

Standing Order - contact Lorna Bruce (870426) or email [email protected] to get a Standing Order Mandate.

Weekly Freewill Envelopes - anyone who would like to contribute in this way can obtain envelopes from Robert Cowan (01555 870580).

Open Plate - direct giving each Sunday. Please Note all cheques should be made payable to: The United Parish of Carstairs and Carstairs Junction.

If you are a UK tax-payer no matter which method you use we would ask you to complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form. Gift Aid is a government scheme which allows members of the congregation to reclaim the tax already paid on the money you give in your offering. Forms are available from the Gift Aid

Treasurers, or pick one up from the church vestibule.

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Interim Moderator Rev Russell McLartyof Linked Charge

Pastoral Emergencies Rev Helen Jamieson, Presbytery Clerk Tel. 771218

Session Clerk Keith Whitton, 69 Lanark Road, Carstairs, ML11 8QL, Tel. 870642

Congregational Board Mabel Morris, 72 Lanark Road, CarstairsClerk ML11 8QH, Tel. 870676

Treasurer Barbara Kay, 6 Howe's Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870043

Deputy Treasurer Robert Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580

F.W.O. Treasurer Robert Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580

Gift Aid Treasurers Anne Stewart, Braxfield Road, Lanark, Tel. 660678Lorna Bruce, 8 Railway View, Carstairs, ML11 8QA, Tel. 870426

Presbytery Elder Mabel Morris, 72 Lanark Road, CarstairsML11 8QH, Tel. 870676

Roll Keeper Barbara Kay, 6 Howe's Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870043

Property Convenor Vacant

Social Convenor Roberta Finlayson, 50 Carstairs Road, Carstairs ML11 8PS, Tel. 870817

Child Protection Trevor Mee & Kate Langton, 4 SilvermuirCo-ordinators Cottages, Cleghorn, ML11 Tel. 870558

Youth Co-ordinator Linda Brown, 87 Lanark Road, Carstairs, ML11 8QQ, Tel. 870028

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Christian Aid Christine Lothian, 1 Howe’s Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870031

Magazine Mary Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, Co-ordinators ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580

Lorna Bruce, 8 Railway View, Carstairs, ML11 8QA, Tel. 870426

Flower Convenors Mary Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, CarstairsML11 8PX, Tel. 870580Hazel McDonald, 72 Strawfrank Road,Carstairs Junction, ML11 8RE, Tel. 870694

CCL Licence Jennifer Whitton, 69 Lanark Road, Carstairs,Correspondent ML11 8QL, Tel. 870642

Organist Mrs Ann McMillan, 45 Belstane Road, CarlukeML8 4BG Tel. 771039

Web Site Liz Warnock, 12 Park Ave, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8PW, Tel. 870243carstairschurches.btck.co.uk

Published by The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Typeset & compiled by Lorna Bruce (Thank you to all our contributors for their articles and to Alex Nelson for


Printed by Riverside Printing

Carstairs & Carstairs Junction Church of Scotland Registered Charity No SCO 28124