We have had a great opening day! This year we have several staffing changes. Since the end of the last school year, veteran learning support teacher Mrs. Paula Thum has rered. Filling her shoes will be Mrs. Amy Laczkowski. Mrs. Marcy Dunn has joined our 1st grade team and Miss Kate Roderick has joined out 3rd grade team. Sadly, Miss Sarah McGa- hey has accepted an assignment with the North Penn School District, her equally talented replacement is Miss Karen Noble. Speech Therapist, Mrs. Sal- ly Lipkowitz was transferred to French Creek , and Miss Erin Taylor will be assuming her re- sponsibilies. Moving to fiſth grade to teach math this year will be Mrs. Lauren Pringle . The PTO is a vital part of our school communi- ty. This year’s PTO officers are President, Su- san Deegan-Watson, First Vice President: Pay McPhie, Second Vice President: Stacy Frick, Treasurer: Yvonne Brown, Recording Secretary: Kathy Snyder, and Corresponding Secretary: Deb Suess- muth. This year the school district has launched a new webpage, please be sure to visit our school webpage oſten for daily in school announce- ments and general informaon. Communica- on between home and school is essenal to student success. If you have a queson or concern, please don’t hesitate to contact me or my staff. I look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night! Dr. Susan T. Lloyd, Principal UPCOMING EVENTS 9/2 First Day of School 9/3 PTO Volun- teer Welcome Hour 6 PM 9/11 Back to School Night Grades 1-6 6:30-8:30 pm 9/17 Picture Day K-3 9/17 PTO Mtg. 7 PM 9/18 Picture Day 4-6 9/18 PTO Ice Cream Social 9/22 Market Day Pick-Up 10/3 NC Tailgate & Football @ Wildcat Stadium WELCOME BACK! The Wildcat SEPTEMBER1, 2014 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 1 Back to School Night Grade 1-6 Parents—September 11 from 6:30-8:30 pm (Grade 1-6 parents report directly to classrooms.) North Coventry Elementary School Meet our new teachers: Mrs. Laczkowski, Miss Roderick, Miss Noble, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Dunn

2014 September Wildcat

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Parent Newsletter for North Coventry Elementary School

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Page 1: 2014 September Wildcat

We have had a great opening day!

This year we have several staffing changes.

Since the end of the last school year, veteran

learning support teacher Mrs. Paula Thum has

retired. Filling her

shoes will be Mrs.

Amy Laczkowski.

Mrs. Marcy Dunn

has joined our 1st

grade team and

Miss Kate Roderick

has joined out 3rd

grade team. Sadly,

Miss Sarah McGa-

hey has accepted

an assignment with the North Penn School

District, her equally talented replacement is

Miss Karen Noble. Speech Therapist, Mrs. Sal-

ly Lipkowitz was transferred to French Creek ,

and Miss Erin Taylor will be assuming her re-

sponsibilities. Moving to fifth grade to teach

math this year will be Mrs. Lauren Pringle .

The PTO is a vital part of our school communi-

ty. This year’s PTO officers are President, Su-

san Deegan-Watson, First Vice President:

Patty McPhie, Second Vice President: Stacy

Frick, Treasurer: Yvonne Brown, Recording

Secretary: Kathy Snyder, and Corresponding

Secretary: Deb Suess-


This year the school

district has launched

a new webpage,

please be sure to visit

our school webpage

often for daily in

school announce-

ments and general information. Communica-

tion between home and school is essential to

student success. If you have a question or

concern, please don’t hesitate to contact me

or my staff. I look forward to seeing you at

Back to School Night!

Dr. Susan T. Lloyd, Principal



9/2 First Day of


9/3 PTO Volun-

teer Welcome

Hour 6 PM

9/11 Back to

School Night

Grades 1-6

6:30-8:30 pm

9/17 Picture Day


9/17 PTO Mtg. 7


9/18 Picture Day


9/18 PTO Ice

Cream Social

9/22 Market Day


10/3 NC Tailgate

& Football @

Wildcat Stadium


The Wildcat S E P T E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 4 V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 1

Back to School Night

Grade 1-6 Parents—September 11 from 6:30-8:30 pm

(Grade 1-6 parents report directly to classrooms.)

North Coventry

Elementary School

Meet our new teachers: Mrs. Laczkowski, Miss Roderick, Miss

Noble, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Dunn

Page 2: 2014 September Wildcat

P A G E 2

“Don’t let yourself

become so

concerned with

raising a good kid

that you forget

that you already

have one.”

- G. Melton

First Day Resources

Skyward Family Access

Bus Stop Change? The OJR Transporta-tion Department would like to remind parents that if your child needs to get on or off the bus at a stop other than their home address for the pur-pose of childcare, a Childcare Transporta-tion Request is re-

quired to be submitted at the start of each school year. This form can be found on the OJR webpage (www.ojrsd.com). Once on the webpage, follow these steps to locate the form: Click on Departments TransportationBus

Stop Change Request. Print and complete the forms. The formmay be submitted directly to the Transportation Department at the Warwick building or dropped off at the school office between 8 am and 4 pm.

your child’s attendance

information, grades, and

lunch account balance.

Recently, you were sent

information regarding your

child’s personal log-in and

password for Skyward. At

the beginning of each

school year, parents and

guardians will need to log-

in to the system to register

their contact information.

Skyward Family Access,

often referred to in the OJR

community as Skyward, is

the school district’s web-

based information and

communication system to

provide parents and guardi-

ans with pertinent infor-

mation specific to their

children. Using this system

at the elementary level,

you will be able to access

You will also need to print

the Parent Acknowledge-

ment form and send it to

the school with your child

the first week of school.

To register, go to the OJRSD

website and click the Par-

ent tab at the top right of

the page, click on the Sky-

ward button. Registration

needs to be completed by

September 30.

Parent Acknowledge-

ment Form. We re-

quest that you then

sign the form and re-

turn it to the school

office to acknowledge

that you have re-

viewed the infor-

mation posted. Long

gone are the days of that

HUGE mound of paper

that you used to receive

on the first day of

school. HURRAY! Fami-

lies without e-mail will

receive printed copes.

Going green means

going to our website

for information! Each

family is asked to click

on the Back to School

link to review the vari-

ous documents and to

then print the 2014



North Coventry bus


North Coventry proud!