Magazine of the Eastern Suburbs Photographic Society Inc No A19507Y Volume 48 Issue 1 January 2014 2014 Annual Awards edition 2014 Image of the Year Internal Balcony Rafael Sanchez

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Magazine of the

Eastern Suburbs


Society Inc

No A19507Y

Volume 48

Issue 1

January 2014


Annual Awards


2014 Image of the Year

Internal Balcony

Rafael Sanchez

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ESPS FORMAT - Volume 48 - Issue 1 - January 2015 Page 2

Annual Report 2014 Roger Vass


ESPS Calendar

January 2015

8pm Wednesday 28 January

Annual General Mee$ng,

Elec$ons and ”Show & Tell”

February 2015

8pm Tuesday 3 February

Commi-ee Mee$ng

8am Saturday 7 February

ESPS Breakfast in the Park (see

Page 8 for more informa$on)

8pm Wednesday 11 February

General Mee$ng

8pm Wednesday 25 February

Compe$$on Mee$ng: Open

Entries Close: March set subject

ESPS meets at the

Pines Senior Ci(zens Centre,

25 Central Road, Blackburn

(Melway Map 48 A10)

General Mee$ng

2nd Wednesday each month (not Jan)

Compe$$on Mee$ng

4th Wednesday each month (not Dec)

The 47th year of the Society was a

year of consolida$on a9er many

changes in the previous year. We are

now well-se-led into the new

clubrooms in Blackburn, the new

Associa$on Rules have been adopted

and the Compe$$on awards and

judging system generally operate

smoothly. Understanding of the new

approaches, by both members and

judges, s$ll required some bedding

down. As always the year was busy

and the highlights are outlined below.


Membership numbers were sustained

from the previous year and at year’s

end stood at 81 (compared with 83 in

2013). Eight people joined during the

year, four requested “leave of

absence” and six did not renew.


Ten monthly compe$$ons (5 Open

and 5 Set Topic) were held across



In accordance with the Society’s Associa$on Rules, the Annual Report on the ac$vi$es of the

Society is presented for the informa$on and acceptance by the membership.

eight compe$$on categories (one

more than last year). They were:

• Colour prints— A and B grade

• Colour digital images—A and B


• Small prints - B Grade

• Monochrome prints—ungraded

• Monochrome digital images—

A and B grade.

Set topics were:

• Crea$ve /Experimental

• A Bridge

• Night-$me City Landscape

• Interac$on

• Minimalist

A non-compe$$ve mee$ng was run in

January on the topic: ”A Reasonably

Level Playing Field”. Only tablets or

mobile phones could be used to

create an image.

A constant monitor was kept on the

number of entries each month with a

view to limi$ng entry numbers so as

to reduce the judges’ workload and to

provide sufficient $me for cri$cal

comment of each entry during

mee$ngs. A9er reaching a peak of over

140 early in the year, members voted

to reduce the number of allowable

entries to 3 per member with no more

than 2 in any one media (ie print or

digital image). This had the effect of

significantly reducing entries to 70-90

per month in the second half of the


For the first $me, the Berris Stokes

nature award was held on a separate

night to the normal compe$$on cycle.

Addi$onally the rules were modified to

allow for two categories: “Wild Nature”

and “General Nature”.

The compe$$on steward, Des Lowe,

con$nued in his role for another year

despite seeking to be relieved in 2013.

His efforts were much appreciated by


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Annual Report 2014 continued

A planned audio-visual (AV) compe$$on

was not conducted due to lack of

entries. This was disappoin$ng given

the success of the club’s 2013 entries in

the 2014 VAPS and APS AV


Inter-club Compe((ons

The Society con$nued to par$cipate in a

number of inter-club compe$$ons in

accord with the Inter-club Compe$$on

Policy. The Society had mixed results in

the two Four Club compe$$ons, hosted

this year by Waverley CC and by ESPS.

Entries were submi-ed to the VAPS

annual compe$$on. Ian Stuart, the

Inter-club Compe$$on Steward, ably

assisted by Richard Conn, managed the

Society’s par$cipa$on in these

compe$$ons with support from small

ad hoc commi-ees drawn from the

membership who assisted him in

selec$ng entries.

General Mee(ngs

General Mee$ngs con$nued as a vital

part of the Society’s program. Bruno

Zielke planned and co-ordinated the

program. Table 1 shows the General

Mee$ng programs. Invited speakers as

well as ESPS members contributed.

A highlight was a presenta$on by

Peter English, the club’s founder, on

his background and the origins of

ESPS. This was recorded.

Excursions and Social events

The social program was somewhat

reduced this year due to a vacant

social secretary posi$on. However,

Astrid Weise assisted on several

events, principally a weekend away at

Point Lonsdale which was organised

partly in conjunc$on with Geelong

Camera Club. A dozen members

enjoyed the event. An ou$ng to the

city to take night photography was in

support of one of the year's set

topics. A breakfast was held at

Doncaster Park.

Financial Health

It is intended that the members’ fees,

together with funds raised through

raffles, supper dona$ons and interest

earned on deposits, will be sufficient

to meet normal running costs.

Members’ fees were retained at 2013

levels. No major asset purchases were

made during the year. Equipment was

reinsured. Graeme Phillips donated

much of his equipment which is used

to shoot the Woodturners exhibi$on,

such as so9 boxes and screen gear. The

Commi-ee has con$nually monitored

costs and sought out areas for savings.

For more details, refer to the annual

accounts presented by the Treasurer.


The library, managed by Sandra

Ireland, con$nued this year with

several new books being added. The

opportunity exists for much greater use

of this resource by the membership.

Mee(ngs management

The system implemented in 2013 by

which members were rostered to assist

with room set up and supper generally

worked sa$sfactorily. The welcoming

table is an important part of the “face”

of the Society to new members and

visitors. This was largely manned by the

Secretary on the night. Astrid Weise

co-ordinated suppers.

Invited Speaker Member’s presenta(on

Moody Landscapes presenta$on Pixcra9 s/w package review

Composi$on in drawing and pain$ngs Underwater Photography

History of ESPS HDR

Trends in Photographic Technology and

Camera Maintenance

Member’s Cameo presenta$on –

‘Street Photography’

Reprocessing Old Images Member’s Cameo presenta$on –

‘South America and Antarc$ca’

‘History of Photography’

On Portraiture res and demo Members workshop with model —

‘Through my computer lens’ and

‘Travelling in the Red Centre’

Table 1. General Mee(ng programs

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Annual Report 2014 continued


The Society submi-ed images for show

at the VAPS annual Conference held in


Bob Thomas updated the website

during the year and con$nued to

manage this for the club.

He and Roger Vass once again

presented a public session at the Pines

(Doncaster) library.

Promo$onal leaflets were provided to

the library with the result that a couple

of new members were enrolled.

Format magazine

The magazine was published each

month under the editorship/publica$on

design of Bob Thomas and Kerri

Valkova respec$vely. Members

con$nue to appreciate the hard copy of

the magazine despite it being in full

colour on the website. Thanks go to

Bob and Kerri for their excellent work

as they re$re from this role in 2015.

Other ac(vi(es

The Society again provided

photographers for the Koonung

Woodturners exhibi$on. Des Lowe

provided the post processing of all

the images taken. No small task.

A new ini$a$ve was started to

upgrade our databases and systems

management. Bob Thomas undertook

to lead this and the services of

Swinburne IT post graduates were

arranged. This project is on-going at

$me of repor$ng.

The club decided not to par$cipate in

the 2014 Whitehorse Spring Fes$val

(as it did in 2013).

The local Federal MP, Michael Sukkar,

visited the club in October and

donated a hamper to the club to

assist with fund raising for

replacement of the sound system,

which will need upgrading to comply

with future radio frequency



Finally, I want to acknowledge the

commitment of the 2014 Commi-ee

and others (see Table 2) for their

willingness to assist in the running of

the Society and to work to further the

success of the Society.

Commi:ee Other Roles

President Roger Vass Interclub Assistant Richard Conn

Deputy President Wim van Eyk Format Bob Thomas

Kerri Valkova Secretary Joseph Maher

Treasurer Wim van Eyk Sound Manager Ros Osborne

Compe$$on Steward Des Lowe Music Alan Brown

General Mee$ngs Bruno Zielke Announcing Don Sto-

Wim van Eyk Interclub Steward Ian Stuart

Librarian Sandra Ireland Social Secretary vacant

(Astrid Weise for social events) Membership Officer Roger Vass

Joseph Maher

Newsle-er Roger Vass

Meet & Greet Joseph Maher

Table 2. Commi:ee and other roles in 2014

Let us know… about interes$ng websites about

photography and photographers that

you think might be of general interest

to club members. Send a link and some

info in an email to

[email protected].

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Editorial Peter Williams

Scien$sts recently described* markings

on a shell made by pre-humans about

500,00 years ago. In ancient Babylon

they baked small, clay tablets to keep

accounts on. Egypt used papyrus and

paper superseded them all. And now,

online viewing is replacing the printed

page in many places. My Bible is no

longer a big, heavy book but a phone


FORMAT magazine, too, is going online

in 2015. This will be the last monthly

copy of the magazine that’s printed.

Of course, you’ll be able to print your

own copy if you prefer to read it on

paper, and you’ll have the op$on of

doing so in colour if you wish.

The decision was made by our

commi-ee in December. The main

reason, I believe, was simply cost

reduc$on—prin$ng the magazine is

quite an expense for a club of our size.

As a background, though, most

members now have effec$ve Internet

access—so different to just a few years


Although I wasn’t part of the decision

to go online (but I did make

enthusias$c noises!), I fully support it.

Obviously, as the new editor,

removing the whole prin$ng side

makes producing FORMAT a whole lot

easier. But it also provides us with

much greater flexibility—and more

space. The printed FORMAT was

limited to 12, or some$mes 16, pages

because of the mechanics of how it

was printed. Online we can have

larger photos, longer ar$cles, more

informa$on—whatever we want.

We will print just a few copies of

FORMAT each month—just on a laser

or ink-jet printer—for guests or

visitors at our mee$ngs.

Also—we will print a special FORMAT

edi$on each year—I’ve been thinking

of it as a yearbook—to highlight the

key photos and events of the year.

I’m guessing it will include the annual

awards, as does this issue, but no one

has thought that far ahead yet.

By now you will have no$ced that

the—er—format of FORMAT has

changed from portrait to landscape.

For people reading on computer

monitors, the landscape layout will be

more suitable and the text can be

larger and easier to read. For those

using tablets, I believe landscape will

work as well as portrait.

So why is this final printed issue

already in landscape? Kerri, the

previous FORMAT

designer, is a

professional graphic

designer and used

her sophis$cated

design so9ware in



was a great boon

for us all. I have to

use more prosaic

so9ware that

mortals can operate with reasonable

success, so I had to set up the en$re

magazine from scratch, preserving as

many of Kerri’s design ideas as I could.

It wasn’t prac$cal to set it up just once

in portrait, then do it all again in

landscape, so you have this unique,

printed, landscape edi$on!


• This is the last monthly copy of

FORMAT that will be printed

• FORMAT will be an en$rely online

publica$on, star$ng with the

February 2015 edi$on

• A small number of laser-printed

copies will be available for visitors

and guests

• There will be a printed FORMAT

edi$on at the end of each year

* Full link: h-p://www.npr.org/2014/12/03/367845103/


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Columnist: Judging School Bob Thomas

Have you ever wondered just how a judge

becomes a judge? Experience suggests that

some of them source their qualifica$ons

from the bo-om of cornflake packets,

whereas others are excellent. Recently I

decided to see for myself how judges are

trained, and so I enrolled in a VAPS Judge

Training Course, along with 120 other

par$cipants. The result was an interes$ng

experience from which I bring both good

and bad news. The bad news is that I am

now a qualified judge. The good news is

that you’re very unlikely to see me judging

in your life$me!

The really good news is that VAPS has

recognized that the standard of judging is

o9en poor and has created a new VAPS

Judge’s Associa$on which aims to li9 that

standard in 2015 and beyond. This includes

ongoing assessment of judges in the field,

given that some current judges have passed

their use-by dates and should have been

re$red years ago. However, the bad news

(in my view) was that the judge training

sessions placed far too much emphasis on

judges sucking up to their audiences with

perhaps too li-le emphasis on judges

calling a spade a spade. Diplomacy is

obviously a key and necessary quality for a

judge, but when diplomacy leads to vague,

informa$on-free cri$ques they become

fairly pointless. The overall emphasis of the

training appeared to err so far on the side

of diplomacy that cri$quing became

secondary to the desire to keeping we

photographers happy and contented.

The conflic$ng needs of diplomacy and

meaningful cri$quing creates a $ghtrope

for judges as they try to please all of the

people all of the $me. Whilst we might

not always feel that judges have found

the best balance, photographers must

shoulder a fair amount of the blame if

judges don’t always highlight problems in

our work. Hos$lity towards judges only

serves to lessen their willingness to

provide honest cri$quing, thus defea$ng

the whole aim of the exercise. This

audience hos$lity has influenced the

training of judges, many of whom have

now become re$cent to comment

cri$cally lest they be confronted with

angst from their fellow photographers.

The VAPS instructors did seek to discuss

ways of delivering cri$cism in the nicest

possible way, and guidance was provided

as to how this might be achieved. Many

other aspects were also discussed

including behavioral expecta$ons for

both judges and clubs alike, most of

which revolved around mutual respect

and common sense. This advice included

a sugges$on that any disappointed club

members should discuss their concerns

with judges privately rather than publicly.

For their part, judges were asked to arrive

on $me, to come well prepared and to

ensure that the $me spent on each image

was propor$onate to the total number of

images and the $me available.

Interes$ngly, prospec$ve judges were

asked to avoid being overly influenced by

their own personal biases, yet by the

same token it was acknowledged that

everyone has biases, judges included.

Whilst we might try to leave those biases

at home, few of us are able to do so, and

that includes judges. It was noted that

audiences too have biases, usually

rela$ng to the quality of their own work!

Much of the judge training course

revolved around the same basic

fundamentals that we strive to master as

photographers, such as the various

elements of colour, shape, context and

knowledge of techniques and processes.

Most agreed that it was generally

counterproduc$ve to engage judges from

the art world (an observa$on which drew

applause from the audience), simply

because their percep$on of photography

is drawn from an en$rely different set of

precepts and their ar$s$c interpreta$on is

not necessarily relevant or appropriate in

camera clubs. When we seek evalua$on

of images we are seeking professional

opinions from

within our own

frame of

reference rather

than from an

en$rely different

conceptual environment.

The good news for the future is that

hopefully some of the 120 par$cipants will

form an expanded pool of competent,

trained judges to choose from. Under the

exis$ng system, anyone can have their

name included on that list without any

pre-requisites and without being

recommended for the role. Hopefully this

will change and standards will be li9ed in

the future. VAPS hopes to introduce a

feedback program involving clubs in a

progressive assessment of judges’

performances to ensure their on-going

competence. We can hopefully look

forward to a future of be-er skilled and

more competent judges, and perhaps some

of the poor judging we have experienced

can be relegated to the past. In the

mean$me, we all need to take a deep

breath and accept that life as we know it

does not depend upon the outcome of a

photographic compe$$on, and beauty is in

the eye of the beholder!

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Competition Report

Chris Burt

Signing On

When someone said the club was looking for a replacement

Compe$$on steward I thought “Why not?”. I have enjoyed entering

the compe$$ons and geXng feedback from the judges during my short

period at the club, so why not get involved? Perhaps I should have

asked why it has taken so long to find a replacement compe$$on


Seriously, I would like to thank Des not only for the wonderful work

over the past six years that he has put into:

• finding judges,

• collec$ng and colla$ng entries,

• delivering and collec$ng the entries from the judges,

• producing the cer$ficates and medals to recognise the winners,

• maintaining the informa$on in the database

• and maintaining the

database itself -

but also for the help,

training and guidance he

has given me. He does it

all so easily. I know I will

be calling on him s$ll for

help, advice and guidance

as I as I try to fill his huge


Thank you Des.

2015 Set Subjects

March: Watercra9

May: Eye(s)

July*: Unloved man-made object

September: A Portrait

November: Reflec$ons

*Koonung Woodturners Award

ESPS Compe$$ons have seen many

changes in the six years since I took over

the role. I have to confess that many of

those changes at least in part came about

as a result of my own evolving “agenda” as

Compe$$on Steward. The most significant

of those changes are:

• the introduc$on of the digital

monochrome category,

• the “merit” system of awards,

containing total entry numbers at a

manageable level,

• and, most recently, changes to the

“Berris Stokes Memorial Nature

Award” in order to broaden its scope

while retaining the integrity of its

nature photography inten$ons.

At $mes I have pushed fairly persistently to

bring about some of those changes, but I

hope that I have never “railroaded” the

commi-ee or the membership and that the

outcome has been to the benefit of ESPS

and our shared photographic interests.

Behind the scenes there have been many

re-writes of the Compe$$on Rules to

accommodate the changes and

refinements to the way entries are

submi-ed, par$cularly the naming of

digital entry files. Underlying that has

been an ongoing project to develop a

database applica$on which would

streamline the Compe$$on Steward’s

workload. I intend to con$nue to work on

that with further development of the off-

line database and collabora$ng in the

possible development of an on-line

system to manage compe$$on entries.

I have tried not to be pedan$c in

exercising my responsibili$es as

Compe$$on Steward. Not surprisingly

there have been occasions when some

members may have been frustrated or

disappointed because I have had to apply

the Rules to reject their entries. My

thanks to members for their support and

understanding on those occasions. A9er

six years in the role it is $me to hand over

to someone else. I am grateful that Chris

Burt has stepped forward and I have

every confidence that he will acquit

himself well.

Des Lowe

Signing Off

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Peter Williams

Because FORMAT is going online, and is no longer restricted in length by prin$ng

processes, I’m keen to include some longer ar$cles of broad interest to members,

with some relevance to photography of course.

So if you’ve been on an interes$ng photography trip, why not write about it?

(It doesn’t have to be overseas—really, Australia is big enough to provide lots of

great photo opportuni$es and trips!) Or maybe you know some good

photography loca$ons that you’re willing to share.

Or you may have a passion for some specific types of photography, or specific

subjects. Feel welcome to tell us about it, and what are the unique challenges and

joys of that photography.

We used to have training and $ps ar$cles from $me to $me. If you’d like to share

some of your knowledge and experience, please write it down and send it my way!

Don’t worry if you’re not confident about your wri$ng—I can $dy it up if needs be

(that’s part of an editor’s job!).

To give you a guide, each page of FORMAT is about 500 words without photos

(obviously we would like photos too!) and I envisage ar$cles can go for a couple of

pages, maybe even three.

If you’d like to discuss an idea, catch me at a mee$ng or email me at

[email protected]. Ar$cles should also be mailed to that address.

Saturday 7 February

from 8am

Nortons Park off High Street Road.

Come along to our annual breakfast.

Bring your family, your friends and your

dogs, and join in the first social ac$vity

for 2015. Have a fry-up, bring a picnic

or just bring yourself. There are

barbecues and plenty of tables. Enjoy

the company of friends, take a walk —

and bring your camera as there are

sure to be some photo opportuni$es


Inviting Articles for FORMAT ESPS 2015 Breakfast in the Park

Astrid Weise

Smugmug Films

Smugmug has an outstanding series of

short videos (5 minutes or so) on excep-

$onal photographers. It includes arc$c

surfing photography (!), air-to-air

photography, a photographer in the

Interna$onal Space Sta$on, underwater

and crea$ve photographers.

You can see the series on YouTube at


SmugMugFilms .

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Database Update Bob Thomas

In 2014 I announced our inten$on to

create a new on-line database for the

club, designed to reduce workloads,

enhance the compe$$on entry process

and generally make our club more


This project has been proceeding well

using a team of four programmers from

Swinburne University, and the first

prototype was tested during October

2014 by a number of ESPS volunteers.

However, since then a number of

problems have emerged as the project

took shape, a shape which in some

areas showed a disconcer$ng tendency

to become pear shaped!

Firstly, explaining the intricacies of our

compe$$on processes proved to be

difficult with a team of non-English

speakers, and this resulted in a couple

of key fundamentals being

misconstrued by the team. Although

the database and associated

programming func$oned well in tests,

these underlying flaws would have

limited the usefulness of the program

in the longer term. In addi$on, $me

became increasingly cri$cal as the end

of the university semester loomed and

by November 2014 the team of

students was disbanded, with several

key aspects remaining unresolved.

Fortunately the primary programmer

volunteered to remain with the

project, a well-inten$oned offer

which was subsequently s$llborn

when he discovered that he had failed

his English exam, an essen$al

requirement if he was to be allowed

to stay in Australia. Passing his

supplementary exam understandably

became a more pressing priority, and

sadly he was forced to stop

development of the database. This

le9 me with an incomplete program,

a situa$on exacerbated when our

web server’s so9ware was upgraded,

rendering our so9ware inaccessible

online. A9er a few more circuits

around my own learning circle I

learned how to repair this damage,

and once again the so9ware

flourishes on-line albeit s$ll with its

inherent flaws.

Given that I am not comfortable

introducing a flawed system I am

currently pursuing “Plan B”, which

involves therapy, stronger medica$on

and hopefully a new programmer.

I hope this combina$on will see the

so9ware become fully opera$onal

some$me during the first half of this

year, although somewhat later than

originally planned. In the mean$me,

Chris Burt will con$nue to process

your compe$$on entries in the

conven$onal way pending the

eventual launch of the online system.

Stay tuned for further updates and

reports on my mental condi$on!

World Record for Sale of a Photograph

Australian-born photographer Peter Lik now has the record for the most expen-

sive photograph ever sold. In fact, 4 of the 20 most expensive photos ever are his.

His monochrome image, depic$ng a ghostlike image in Antelope Canyon, Arizona,

sold recently for $A 7.8 million.

You can read a li-le more, and

see a few of his photos, on the

ABC News site here.

His outstanding por\olio can be

seen at his website www.lik.com.

I wonder if Anna is thinking of

selling here excellent Antelope

Canyon shots now?

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November Competition Awards Theme: A Minimalist Image

Judge: Duane Eaks

Thirsty for Cider Astrid Weise Alone in the Dark Wirut Khemnak Pre-Dawn at Su-on Thomas Lyons K.I.S.S. Paul Nador

Minimal Chances of Survival Anna Berger Sky High Rob Morgan

Anna Berger HD Colour Projected Image Minimal Chances of Survival

Astrid Weise D Small Print Thirsty for Cider

Chris Burt HD Colour Print—B Sea Mist

David Simcox HD Colour Projected Image Foot Prints

Paul Nador D Monochrome Projected Image K.I.S.S.

Robert Morgan HD Colour Print—A Sky High

Thomas Lyons HD Colour Projected Image Pre-Dawn at Su-on

Wirut Khemnak D Colour Projected Image Alone in the Dark

D Colour Projected Image Out of a Stormy Sky

Ivan Tnay D Colour Projected Image Marker

Ken Gosbell HD Colour Projected Image Nature’s Symmetry

Des Lowe D Monochrome Print Buoy

D Colour Projected Image Day Light

Evelyn Ware D Colour Print—A Dune

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November Competition Awards Theme: A Minimalist Image

Judge: Duane Eaks

Dune Evelyn Ware

Out of a Stormy Sky Evelyn Ware

Day Light Des Lowe

Nature’s Symmetry Ken Gosbell

Foot Prints David Simcox

Buoy Des Lowe

Sea Mist Chris Burt

Marker Ivan Tnay

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Annual Berris Stokes Memorial Competition Awards Theme: Nature

General Nature

Jannie Lay HC Mistletoe & Ant (DPI)

Anna Berger HC Majes$c Marlin (DPI)

Bill Bo-erill 3rd Drinking Is Not Easy (DPI)

Graham Phillips 2nd Green Water Wader (DPI)

Des Lowe 1st Leopard Orchid (Print)

Wild Nature

Anna Berger HC Catching a Ride on a Dolphin (DPI)

Ken Gosbell HC Malachite Kingfisher (Print)

Robert Morgan HC Puppy Love (DPI)

Wim van Eijk 3rd Marine Mollusc (DPI)

Chris Burt 2nd Mum’s Taxi (Print)

Robert Morgan 1st Beach Patrol (DPI)

Majes$c Marlin Anna Berger

Drinking is Not Easy Bill Bo:erill Beach Patrol Rob Morgan Leopard Orchid Des Lowe

Mistletoe & Ant Jannie Lay

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Annual Berris Stokes Memorial Competition Awards Theme: Nature

Marine Mollusc Wim van Eijk

Puppy Love Rob Morgan

Malachite Kingfisher Ken Gosbell

Catching a Ride on a Dolphin Anna Berger

Green Water Wader Graham Phillips Mum’s Taxi Chris Burt

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Image of the Year Awards

Brian Harrington Small Print Image of the Year “An Evening Stroll” Ros Osborne

David HaXngh Colour Print Image of the Year - Grade B “The Cloister” Chris Burt

Mark Brocklesby Monochrome Print Image of the Year “Iconic Praha” Des Lowe

David HaXngh Colour Print Image of the Year - Grade A “Ricefields at Dawn” Robert Morgan

Max Letcher Monochrome Digital Projected Image of the Year - Grade B “For the Last Time” Paul Nador

Max Letcher Monochrome Digital Projected Image of the Year - Grade A “Internal Balcony” Rafael Sanchez

Lindsay McColl Colour Digital Projected Image of the Year - Grade B “I Didn’t Know Her Name” Paul Nador

Lindsay McColl Colour Digital Projected Image of the Year - Grade A “Queenscliff Dawn” Don Sto-

Norm Jobling All Categories Top Image of the Year “Internal Balcony” Rafael Sanchez

Iconic Praha Des Lowe Ricefields at Dawn Rob Morgan

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Image of the Year Awards

For the Last Time Paul Nador I Didn’t Know Her Name Paul Nador

Queenscliff Dawn Don Sto:

More Image of the Year Awards on the last page

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Annual Awards

Berris Stokes Memorial Award - General Nature First Place Des Lowe “Leopard Orchid”

Berris Stokes Memorial Award - Wild Nature First Place Robert Morgan “Beach Patrol”

Aggregate Awards

Peter English Achievement Award Gary Leete

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Monochrome - Grade B Second Place Chris Burt

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Monochrome - Grade B First Place Paul Nador

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Monochrome - Grade A First Place Graham Phillips

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Monochrome - Grade A First Place Rafael Sanchez

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Colour Image - Grade B First Place Paul Nador

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Colour Image - Grade B First Place Wirut Khemnak

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Colour Image - Grade A Second Place Anna Berger

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Colour Image - Grade A First Place Peter Williams

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Set Subjects Second Place Chris Burt

Aggregate Award Digital Projected Images Set Subjects First Place Paul Nador

Aggregate Award Overall Digital Projected Categories President’s Trophy Second Place Graham Phillips

Aggregate Award Overall Digital Projected Categories President’s Trophy First Place Paul Nador

Aggregate Award Prints Small Prints Second Place Astrid Weise

Aggregate Award Prints Small Prints Second Place Chris Burt

Aggregate Award Prints Small Prints First Place Ros Osborne

Aggregate Award Prints Monochrome Prints Second Place Paul Nador

Aggregate Award Prints Monochrome Prints First Place Des Lowe

Aggregate Award Prints Colour Prints - Grade B Second Place Ian Stuart

Aggregate Award Prints Colour Prints - Grade B First Place Ken Gosbell

Aggregate Award Prints Colour Prints - Grade A Second Place Peter Williams

Aggregate Award Prints Colour Prints - Grade A First Place Robert Morgan

Aggregate Award Prints Set Subjects Prints First Place Robert Morgan

Aggregate Award Prints Set Subjects Prints First Place Ros Osborne

Aggregate Award Overall Prints President’s Trophy Second Place Robert Morgan

Aggregate Award Overall Prints President’s Trophy First Place Ros Osborne

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How I Did It We welcome contribu�ons from place-ge�ers.

Email up to 200 words to

[email protected] .

Berris Stokes: Beach Patrol (1st) and

Puppy Love (HC) by Rob Morgan

Both these images were taken on South

Georgia Island last November, early in the

season with lots of young animals. I'd seen

many photos of penguins and seals before

and some of the most striking ones were

taken low down, face to face. So I was

trying to do that with these images.

Fortunately the beaches slope down and

we were all rugged up in waterproofs and

gumboots, so standing or kneeling at the

water's edge wasn't a problem and it

allowed this different perspec$ve. King

penguins are well under 1 m tall, but from

low down they look like giants. To

emphasise the orange on the penguins I

desaturated the blue out of the image,

leaving a grey sky. It was excellent having

David Burren as the judge, with his wide

and detailed knowledge of so many birds

and animals. He knew immediately that

the penguins in 'Beach Patrol' were

coming out of the water, not going in. And

what other judge knows the names of

individual birds on Lord Howe Island!

Minimalist: Sea Mist by Chris Burt

This picture was taken four or five years ago, down near

Mornington. It had been a nice warm day when a change and the

mist came through. It was very exci$ng and I took a lot of shots -

there were so many possibili$es. The one I selected was an

a-empt at a minimalist image and I have always liked it. However

I was never happy with my processing of it. It always turned out

too dark and lost the mist look - the hints of waves and the

horizon ended up too pronounced. Even when I managed to

retain the mist feel, the picture felt wrong.

I looked at it again for this compe$$on and realised what it was

that put me off. The boat in the original image is facing the other

way - facing out of the picture and this kept taking my view away

from the centre. So as far as post processing goes, I le9 the

picture almost as it was straight from the camera (fixed a bit of

colour cast). Then I selected a box around the boat, copied it to a

temporary file, and sharpened, upped the contrast and darkened

it a bit. I flipped this temporary file horizontally so the boat was

facing the other way and then put it back in the original picture.

It felt a lot be-er to me with the boat poin$ng into the


I am sure there is a good B&W picture there but I don’t

yet have the skill to do it. So I le9 it in colour - the only

colour really being the yellow buoy the boat is $ed to.

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Official Information

Eastern Suburbs Photographic Society

Inc No A19507Y

PO Box 187, Forest Hill VIC 3131

Web: www.esps.org.au

Email: [email protected]

Complete details of the Society’s

mee$ngs and compe$$on program can

be found in the Society’s published pro-

gram on our website, with updates pub-

lished in this magazine from $me to

$me. Further informa$on about the

Society may also be found on our web-

site or enquiry email (both above) or by

contac$ng the appropriate Officer from

the list of contacts provided elsewhere

in this magazine.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this magazine

are not necessarily those of the Society. The Society

does not accept responsibility for those opinions nor

the accuracy of any statements appearing in this



Deputy President

Secretary [email protected]

Treasurer [email protected]

Compe$$on Steward Chris Burt [email protected]

for submi ng digital compe��on

entries and copies of print entries

Interclub Compe$$on


[email protected]

FORMAT Editor Peter Williams [email protected]

2015 ESPS Office Bearers (Committee & others)

Webmaster Bob Thomas [email protected]

General Commi-ee


Posi�ons vacant

Social Secretary

Minute Secretary

General (Club)

Mee$ngs Coordinator


Membership Officer

Meet & Greet

2015 Membership Fees

are now due


$60 pa—Full adult membership.

$55 pa—Each addi$onal family

member or partner living at the same

residence as the full member.

$50 pa—Students and holders of a

Commonwealth Government

Concession Card.

Payment Methods

By Bank Transfer

BSB: 633000

Account: 131803314

Account Name: Eastern Suburbs

Photographic Society

In the reference field please insert

your last name.

Please send a confirma$on to

Treasurer: [email protected]

Other method

Cash brought to a mee$ng of the

Society and paid to the Treasurer.

No cheques, please!

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2014 Annual Awards Night

All award photos: Wim van Eijk

Event photo: Peter Williams

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Image of the Year Awards continued Normally this last page is the ESPS Member Gallery. If you would like to share one

of your own special images—not necessarily a compe$$on entry—or to nominate

another member’s image for inclusion, let us know at [email protected].

The Cloister Chris Burt

Internal Balcony

Rafael Sanchez

An Evening Stroll

Ros Osborne