God Uses Ordinary People WORSHIP Suggested Worship Songs: You Are Good, Nothing Is Impossible, Not By Power, Anointing Fall on Me, I Give Myself Away WELCOME Follow Me As I Follow Christ When did you start following Jesus? Who have followed you as you follow Jesus? WORD Acts 2:1-4 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” The Great Commission Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave us His final command to go and make disciples (Matthew 18:18-20). His command comes with a promise that we will receive dynamic power from the Holy Spirit to get the job done. We cannot accomplish the great commission by ourselves but only with the authority of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. The Mark of a True Christian When you believed and received Jesus Christ into your life, you were marked with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14). The evidence that you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit is your changed life in Christ. You are growing and becoming more and more like Christ every day and it is seen in your new life. The second evidence is your spiritual fruit. You are reproducing yourself in others by making disciples. As followers of Jesus, we live for two things: to honor and glorify God and to make Christ- committed followers. The Principle and the Privilege God uses ordinary people like us to do His extraordinary work through supernatural means. God can use anybody to do His amazing work because it is His power that will accomplish the work, anyway. In fact, He does not need anyone of us to accomplish His plan, but He gives each one of us the privilege to be part of His agenda to be workers in the harvest field. The scripture was descriptive of what happened in the day of the Pentecost: Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them (Acts 2:2-3). It doesn’t mean however that a spectacular visual manifestation is always expected to happen when the Holy Spirit is at work. But when the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit has come upon those who believed and received Jesus, nothing will stop them from doing God’s work, to step up and speak up. Making Disciples is Non-Negotiable The Holy Spirit came to each of the disciples; all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3b-4). The great commission is not optional and non- negotiable. Every follower of Christ is commanded and empowered to make disciples. The sad truth is not all followers of Christ are making disciples. If it is God’s command to make disciples yet we don’t, are we not disobeying God? If we know the people around us need Jesus yet we don’t share the gospel to them, doesn’t it show that we don’t love them enough that we let them perish and stumble? February 24, 2013 Vol. 13, No. 8

2013.02.24 Knowing God - God Uses Ordinary People

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  • God Uses Ordinary People

    WORSHIP Suggested Worship Songs: You Are Good, Nothing Is Impossible, Not By Power, Anointing Fall on Me, I Give Myself Away

    WELCOME Follow Me As I Follow Christ When did you start following Jesus? Who have followed you as you follow Jesus?

    WORD Acts 2:1-4

    1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

    The Great Commission Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave us His final command to go and make disciples (Matthew 18:18-20). His command comes with a promise that we will receive dynamic power from the Holy Spirit to get the job done. We cannot accomplish the great commission by ourselves but only with the authority of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. The Mark of a True Christian When you believed and received Jesus Christ into your life, you were marked with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14). The evidence that you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit is your changed life in Christ. You are growing and becoming more and more like Christ every day and it is seen in your new life. The second evidence is your spiritual fruit. You are reproducing yourself in others by making disciples. As followers of Jesus, we live for two things: to honor and glorify God and to make Christ-committed followers. The Principle and the Privilege God uses ordinary people like us to do His extraordinary work through supernatural means. God can use anybody to do His amazing work because it is His power that will accomplish the work, anyway. In fact, He does not need anyone of

    us to accomplish His plan, but He gives each one of us the privilege to be part of His agenda to be workers in the harvest field. The scripture was descriptive of what happened in the day of the Pentecost: Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them (Acts 2:2-3). It doesnt mean however that a spectacular visual manifestation is always expected to happen when the Holy Spirit is at work. But when the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit has come upon those who believed and received Jesus, nothing will stop them from doing Gods work, to step up and speak up.

    Making Disciples is Non-Negotiable The Holy Spirit came to each of the disciples; all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3b-4). The great commission is not optional and non-negotiable. Every follower of Christ is commanded and empowered to make disciples. The sad truth is not all followers of Christ are making disciples. If it is Gods command to make disciples yet we dont, are we not disobeying God? If we know the people around us need Jesus yet we dont share the gospel to them, doesnt it show that we dont love them enough that we let them perish and stumble?

    February 24, 2013 Vol. 13, No. 8

  • WORD (contd) We have so many reasons- mostly excuses for not making disciples; we either say we are introverts inadequate or not yet ready, still praying for it, fearful, lacking confidence, busy, etc.? Or could it be that we lack love and compassion? But God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7) A godly woman Rebecca Pippert said that "Being an extrovert isn't essential to evangelism; obedience and love are."

    The Encouragement and the Challenge No one is exempted. There are no benchwarmers, no onlookers in the body of Christ. We cannot assume that somebody more qualified and ready, better trained and gifted, available and not busy will be able to disciple. Every follower of Jesus is given the privilege to make disciples, but if we dont, we forfeit the privilege and miss out the fullness of joy of being part of Gods amazing work. The Holy Spirit can penetrate whatever barrier in the heart and mind of people that prevents them

    from understanding the gospel. We just have to obey Gods command to go and make disciples. The Holy Spirit can use ordinary people like us, whatever circumstances we may be in, to do His amazing works. Peter and John were ordinary unschooled fishermen (Acts 4:13) but they were yielded upon the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Those who accepted their message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day of the Pentecost (Acts 2:41). God will use all His followers without exception to get His great commission done. As soon as we become followers of Jesus, each one of us must be a discipler for Jesus. He understands our fears and limitations, but He knows us better than we know ourselves. He can use us in different extents and ways according to the plans that He has for us. Are you a follower of Jesus? If you are, then who are following you as you follow Him?Discussion Questions:

    (Leaders: Please choose questions that are appropriate to the level of spiritual maturity of your members)

    1. All Filled Up. According to Acts 2:3-4 who were filled with the Holy Spirit? What is the principle you learned from this verse? 2. Step Up or Miss Out. What is the present invitation of God that gives you the privilege to make disciples? What is your response? What is preventing you (if any) from making disciples? 3. Make Disciples2. Are you already making disciples? If yes, list down steps you will start doing to gear them or those under them towards doing the same. If you are not yet making disciples, list down things you will do to actively seek opportunities to disciple others.

    WORKSReady to Take Off We live for two things: To honor and glorify God and to make disciples. Before we move to the new CCF worship and training center, we must have the take off vs. the landing mindset to make sure that when we finally move, we do not become complacent. God is writing an amazing new chapter in the movement of making disciples. Are you ready to be counted in for the takeoff history of Gods supernatural work with CCF? Write down specific names or target types of people in your Pray. Care. Share. cards. Pray

    fervently for divine appointments to reach out to these people so that they will get to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and to invite them each to join a small group in CCF for discipleship. God is giving you today the privilege to be counted in. Be ready to take off!