2013 Spring Student Advisory Magazine

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2013 Spring Edition

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Getting Results

What Happened To My Academic Advisor?

Faculty in Touch

Igniter Ambassador Program

A bed that is your own

Career Services

Student Spotlight

Phase 1

Online Student Calendar










Academic Tutoring & Success Center Getting Results

By Joanna Cassidy Having trouble with Excel? Does Algebra seem like another language? Not sure what your instructor means by APA? If you have questions like these, then the Academic Tutoring and Success Center (ATSC) is the place for you. ATSC offers three different forms of tutoring through faculty, live webcam, and SmarThinking. In addition to tutors, it offers academic success coaches who assist with basic skills like writing, computer skills, APA, time management and career planning.

Aside from the tutoring services, ATSC offers webinars on a variety of topics. A webinar is basically a seminar conducted on the Web, which provides students with the opportunity to interact with an instructor and other students when attending one of the live webinars. Topicsinclude time management, getting a job in your career field, Library Information Resources Network (LIRN), and more.

Rather than listen to staff sing the praises of the ATSC, below are testimonials from Everest University Online Students who have had success with the ATSC resources.


What Happened To My Academic Advisor? By Evelyn Romans


Just when you start to like and trust your academic advisor, you get a call and email from a stranger claiming to be your new contact at the university. Several things go through your head and confusion with a hint of suspicion starts to creep into your phone conversational tone. Who is this person and what happened to my faraway friend, my coach, my advisor? Fear not, degree-bound student — advisor changes happen here for a reason.

In high school, you awkwardly started a four year program as a freshman. You then were promoted to a sophomore then joyfully entered your third year as an upperclassman: a junior. Senior year was filled with tradition, memory-making, and post-high school lifestyle preparation. Each year was a new stage bringing about a new mindset. At Everest University Online, changes in advisors represent growth and a transition to a different level in your academic career. We call this growth the Student Lifecycle.

When a student first enrolls, we set that student up with an advisor trained to convert an average adult into a thriving student. Depending on where you are in your degree program, you probably recall (or are currently experiencing) the weekly phone calls and engaging questions about your study habits and academic goals. Your success coach is there to sculpt you into a scholar and to help you through the overwhelming beginning stages of college.

After the first two terms, students are then transitioned to a continuing academic advisor, the representative at the university who you will mostly interact with. Your continuing academic advisor plans to accompany you through the rest of your academic career, assisting you with pretty much any issue other than those dealing with financial aid. From tutoring to scheduling, your continuing academic advisor is there to keep you motivated and to help transform you into an experienced learner.

Most people remember their high school senior year as coasting time as the year filled with dances, ball games and senioritis. Wake up call: You are not in high school anymore. Your last term is just as important as your first term. Every grade counts and your continuing academic advisor will be there to remind you of that. Joining your academic team during the last three months of your program is your career services advisor. Your career services advisor is the person who will help polish your resume writing and interview skills — skills that that will launch you into a career. They will also guide you through graduation. Both your continuing academic advisor and your career services advisor are there to keep you going until you fulfill your goal of bettering your life through education.

“Your own hard work, professionalism, experience, work attitude, local market and other

factors will impact your personal employment opportunities and pay. ” —Evelyn Romans


Faculty in Touch By Lloyd Mullen

Have you ever felt that you were out of touch with your professor? You are not alone. That’s why we have launched the Faculty in Touch (FiT) program.

The goal of the program is to provide students with one-on-one faculty support. The first course to offer FiT will be SLS 1105, otherwise known as Strategies for Success. With just one call, you can find the real-time answers to your questions.

The program will consist of two phases. First, the program will allow you, the student, to speak with a professor via phone. If successful, the second phase of the program could evolve into other mediums such as video conferences or whiteboard discussions.

The pilot started back in November 2012 and was completed in March this year. The pilot program consisted of 10 to 15 classes of Strategies for Success with one pilot team of Student Services personnel based in Tampa, Fla.

If the program proves to be successful, it could expand to other courses.


Igniter Ambassador Program By Danisha Bethune

Everest University Online desires to connect with our students and help them meet their academic needs. EUO (Everest University Online) has student service advisors who email and call our students. Our students also have a direct connection with our faculty through email. The Ambassador program was first introduced in 2010 by ground campuses to connect studentmentors to other students. EUO adopted this program as well. This gives students opportunities toconnect with each other on a more personal level about their academic progress at EUO. It’s aneasy and engaging way to talk with a peer about their coursework, and so on. “[Students should] expect an additional resource to help you in your academic journey. The Ambassadors are here to help you succeed by lending you encouragement, keeping you inspired and demonstrating success,” said Online Community Manager Bradley Govender,

Recently, the Ambassador program has implemented an officer board to the Igniter Ambassador program. The officer board consists of the Chapter President Cindy Sanders, Chapter Vice President Desi Curry and four Chapter Liaisons, Jerri Lamb, Tammy Whiting, Nicole Hubbard and Betty Lundeen. Information about the Igniter Ambassador program can be found at this website, https://sites.google.com/site/igniteambassadors. The following features are on this site: Request an Ambassador, Apply to Be an Igniter Ambassador, FAQ and Events. The events section list webinars for students and ambassadors. A webinar is an online seminar that presents a specific set of information. Many of these webinars focus on study skills and other helpful information.

EUO and our Igniter Ambassadors desire to assist any student who wishes to have a mentee for their time here at EUO. If you would like to apply to be an Igniter Ambassador, feel free to submit a request on the Igniter Ambassador website.


A bed that is your own By Shanna Persin

“Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that

lead to new beginnings.” — Ralph Blum

All of us face challenges periodically. Bills, family issues and financial hardships are just a few of the common events that distract us from the goals we set for ourselves. Students in particular sometimes seem to be faced with more than their fair share of hurdles, but even in the worst of times, it is possible to keep moving forward — to keep reaching for and achieving your personal goals.

This is Stephanie Arthur.

She has been a student with Everest University Online since 2006 and is pursuing her master’s degree in Criminal Justice after completing her undergraduate work at Everest. She will graduate either Spring or Summer term of 2013.

And Stephanie is homeless.

“October 2006, I started on a journey of higher education. I didn’t know what it was going to be like but I knew that I was looking forward to the challenge. I started school and really didn’t know what to expect or what I was doing for that matter. Well, school got going and I really did enjoy going to school online. In my associate degree program, I was surprised. I did really well, and I graduated with a 3.82 GPA. I was actually impressed with the whole experience.”

Stephanie went on to complete her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and graduated in April of 2011. She immediately enrolled in the master’s degree program and will complete her graduate work later this month.


There are days when Stephanie, a dedicated mother of two, is unsure of where she will wake up the following day. For the last three years, she has lived out of her truck, but has never let her education fall by the wayside. Without a place to call home, Stephanie has made some pretty drastic decisions about her path forward. For example, her children stay with friends until she can provide them with a suitable home. Even something most students would take for granted — accessing the Internet — has required Stephanie to take a non-traditional approach. Completing her online assignments often meant using the Internet at her local library, hospital or nearby res-taurant to finish her studies. And in spite of her challenging circumstances, Stephanie finds time to assist others and currently volunteers at her local tax center.

A recent holder of a Master’s degree, Stephanie looks forward to her future — one where she is reunited with her children under the same roof. It is a future in which she will support them with the wages she earns. Armed with a solid foundation in criminal justice, Stephanie has her sights set on relocating to a new state where she can forge a life for herself and her family. Despite some truly desperate moments in her past, Stephanie has persevered for six years, determined to reach her educational goals. She has bettered herself and provided a way forward for her family.

Whenever your morale starts fading and you feel like the world is not on your side, or when the obstacles on your journey seem impossible or the goals you have set for yourself are no more than far-off distant dreams, stop for a moment to reflect on those who have faced impossible odds just to achieve something that most of us take for granted: an education. Everest students from all walks of life have overcome extraordinary adversity, and they emerged with remarkable stories of courage, strength and determination.

For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program and other important information, please visit our website at www.everestonline.edu/disclosures.

Career Services By Catherine Dugdell

The Career Services department offers many resources for students who are close to graduation and it is now working with students as early as three terms prior to graduation. A student who is close to graduation will first work with a career services representative who will assist the student with resume writing and updating, interviewing techniques, mock interviews and overall prepara-tion for searching and interviewing for positions within his or her chosen degree field.

The student will then work with an employer development specialist who will work closely with the student to identify job opportunities and get interviews scheduled. The employer develop-ment specialist works with a wide variety of employers and agencies to identify opportunities for students and make the necessary contacts to set up job interviews. The employer development specialist stays connected with the student once he or she is placed to periodically check up, and is always available should the student decide he or she needs to explore other career opportuni-ties within their degree field.

Your own hard work, professionalism, experience, work attitude, local market and other factors will impact your personal employment opportunities and pay.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions for students close to graduation:

Q. I will be graduating soon, so when should I contact Career Services?

A. As soon as possible! The Career Services team can help you create a resume and

begin job searches prior to graduation!

Q. Do I need to attend a commencement ceremony to graduate?

A. No. If you have fulfilled all of the graduation requirements, you will graduate

from Everest University Online. You do not have to attend commencement

to graduate. 66

Q. Do I need to attend commencement to receive my diploma and

official transcript?

A. Commencement is the actual graduation ceremony and is optional. Once your

application is cleared by the Registrar and Business Office, your diploma will

be mailed to the provided address. Official transcripts may be obtained from

the Registrar.

Q. How long does it take to receive my diploma?

A. You will receive your diploma approximately eight to 10 weeks after graduation

status is confirmed by the Registrar. All financial obligations must be met in

order to receive your diploma and official transcripts.

Please contact the Business Office at 877-439-0003, ext.1591, to check your

account status.

Q. How will the name of the school appear on my diploma?

A. Your diploma will read Everest University.

Q. How do I graduate with honors?

A. Honors are based on your cumulative grade point average in the associate and

bachelor’s degree programs. This is confirmed by the Registrar.

Summa Cum Laude 3.9 – 4.0

Magna Cum Laude 3.76 – 3.89

Cum Laude 3.5 – 3.75


First, tell us about yourself. What is your story?

Being born in a small town in the state of Oklahoma does not offer much hope in regards to higher education because life is more about working hard to survive. It took me awhile to realize that hard work and dedication could be applied to everything in life. In my late teens, I made the decision to move to Illinois to be near my grandmother and grandfather. I met my husband there and later had four children. Back in Oklahoma, my father’s health was rapidly deteriorating from congestive heart failure so I moved home. Three years ago, he passed away after a courageous battle. As he passed away, I promised him that I would not let immobility in life hold me back. Being a mother of four young children, returning to college was a very scary decision but was also something that excited me greatly.

I heard about Everest University Online from a friend, called, and enrolled the same day. As classes approached, I became nervous and scared that I would be unable to do the work, so I developed a new life philosophy. It is really just a simple quote, but it has helped me significantly in staying focused: “Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to excellence that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” The quote empowered me and my expectations were exceeded when I made the President’s List after the first term. I remained a 4.0 student throughout my associate degree, earning me a summa cum laude honor. During my associate degree, I was inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and became an Everest Igniter Ambassador. I am now studying to earn my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and am the Online Chapter President of the Everest Igniter Ambassadors. I have been able to achieve these successes only with motivation, determination and commitment.

You have demonstrated success as a student over your academic career. What have you learned so far that has contributed to that success?

Goal setting, communication, determination, time management, self-praise and utilizing resources when needed have been what has allowed me to be successful as a student. Setting daily goals for myself helps in keeping up with coursework and life. By limiting the goals to short periods, coursework can be arranged so that it is not overwhelming. Communicating with instructors, advisors, fellow students and my family is essential in keeping me grounded. Instructors keep me informed, advisors keep me motivated, students keep me enthusiastic, and my family keeps me passionate. Determination pushes me to meet my goals and never give up. Time management is a huge contributor to student success, because it allows me to be more productive while also allowing me to live my life. Self-worth is important in reminding me that I am capable of doing the work and that effort leads to success.

Student Spotlight

Cindy Sanders By Jason Stevens



Finally, I reach out when I need help. Personally I use many Everest resources such as my professors, SmarThinking, LIRN, the ATSC, and my fellow ambassadors to gain knowledge, insight, or to get feedback when I am struggling or unsure of something. Friends and family is another segment of my support system.

Many of our advisors hear stories how their students are struggling with the many curve balls life throws at them. If you could speak to these students, what would you tell them?

Stay committed. Each one of us came to college for some purpose that was important enough to make a life-altering decision. Many people would say it was to gain the education that could provide a better life, so when life is happening all around you, remember that. I have had so many of these curve balls thrown my way; I have just learned to duck. Usually these situations are beyond our control but our reaction to them is not. Never let them overwhelm you because most times that will not fix it. Stay the course, know that you can do it, and remember that each day brings you closer to your goal. Lastly and most importantly, know that you are not alone. There are so many people and resources set up to help you, whether it is a personal or academic issue, so struggling on your own is not necessary. Reach out and get the help you need. Practice your swing and hit a home run.

What are your plans after you have attained your education? Educationally, my ultimate goal is to attain my Master’s in Business Administration. I have a deep interest in helping other professionals grow their skills, knowledge and organizational know-how in areas of decision-making, professional and organizational development, risk management, and project development and management. Since becoming a student, I developed passion and re-spect for education and believe that I will find the most enjoyment in a career that incorporates my skills and knowledge in the educational arena. I would like to play some part in helping others reach educational and career confidence and success, so after attaining my education, I will seek a position that allows me to do this — perhaps an instructor of business. For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program and other important information, please visit our website at www.everestonline.edu/disclosures.


We will continue to serve our students with joy and grace as we make changes to our department that not only empower our student, but will ensure that they are supported consistently. We are striving for excellence in Phase I with the new changes made within the last few months. Students are our livelihood and their success continues to be our priority. In fact, our advisors are now called Success Coaches! Phase I now will work with students for two consecutive terms. We will cover weekly objectives and set goals for our students. We will provide support as our primary tool to changing their lives. Our goals for Phase I

are better weekly participation, higher average grades and happier students overall. We have many tools to assist us. The new “FIT” program has been a great success for students in Strategies for Success. The faculty has taken on tutoring many students who are finding the Strategies for Success material challenging. Because the students we have enrolled come from various walks of life (i.e. housewives, working fathers and mothers, single parents, older students, GED graduates and the traditional students), each student deals with his or her own challenges. Online schooling gives them the opportunity to “do life” but also obtain a degree as well. Tutoring, Smart Thinking, and ATSC are all ways that instructors can help these varied students to be successful! Phase I will be using the “Two Track Process.” Each team will own one of the terms instead of all Success Coaches being given students for both terms and trying to accommodate all the different things associated with that term. This is exciting because we will be able to track with students more easily and be able to set the goals and have the conversations needed for each term. Success Coaches will also have greater ability to focus on accuracy of documentation to ensure we are doing the very best for our students. Phase I has really enjoyed owning the process of Academic Events 1 and 2. Success Coaches have embraced the process utilizing all of our resources to successfully help students participate and stay active in their courses! Not only that, but our coaching strategies have really assisted in helping students realize the importance of maintaining high GPA’s while on their pursuit of graduation. Colorado Springs has exceeded expectations and met goals. We are quite proud of the team that has been assembled. We feel that we are a strong close-knit team that holds our responsibilities in high regard. We are very concerned with our students’ success and feel strongly that our team will work to make sure that we change these new student’s lives for the better. We face many challenges but feel that perseverance is the only option if each student is to succeed!

Phase 1 By Kelly Hunter & Vigil Delores Frances



Computer Networking & Programming Lounge: http://www.facebook.com/groups/287041605739/ Homeland Security Majors: https://www.facebook.com/groups/287139448333/ APA Help & Resources: http://www.facebook.com/groups/295148057220138/ Criminal Justice Lounge: http://www.facebook.com/groups/282197333714/ Paralegal Lounge: http://www.facebook.com/groups/454451335206/ Accounting Lounge: http://www.facebook.com/groups/312242948486/ Business Lounge: http://www.facebook.com/groups/280810710884/ Criminal Investigations Lounge: http://www.facebook.com/groups/284851303121/ Medical Insurance Billing and Coding Majors: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467609040500/


Online Student Calendar – Spring 2013 Term

Click here to access the full PDF file.  



Contributors Bradley Govender

James Nemeth

Catherine Dudgell

Joanna Cassidy

Lloyd Mullen

Shanna Persin

Evelyn Romans

Jason Stevens

Danish Bethune

Kelly Hunter

Vigil Delores Frances

Randy Harris

Benson Tong

Thank you for reading!