2013 Rising Stars

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EvEning SchEdulE

Opening Remarks and Introduction of Keynote SpeakerFran Tutone Kapner, WBC Co-President

Keynote SpeakerMarianne Lake, Chief Financial Officer, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Women’s Bond Club PhilanthropyAndrea Ianniello, WBC Vice President and Merit Award Dinner Co-Chair

Diane Sinti, WBC Merit Award Dinner Co-ChairMayra Sacco, WBC Secretary & Community Outreach Chair

Introduction of Isabel Benham Award WinnerAndrea Ianniello, WBC Vice President and Merit Award Dinner Co-Chair

Diane Sinti, WBC Merit Award Dinner Co-Chair

Isabel Benham Award WinnerMichaela Walsh, Founding President, Women’s World Banking

Dinner is served

Introduction of Merit Award WinnerMary Caracappa, WBC Co-President

Merit Award WinnerLisa Carnoy, Head of Global Capital Markets, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Recognition of Rising StarsSiobhan M. Dunn, WBC Targeted Programs Chair

Closing RemarksAndrea Ianniello, WBC Vice President and Merit Award Dinner Co-Chair

Diane Sinti, WBC Merit Award Dinner Co-Chair

Would likE to thank

For hoSting tonight’S EvEnt

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Welcome to the 2013 Women’s Bond Club Merit Award Dinner. We are delighted that you have joined us to honor the accomplishments of women in the financial services industry. In the room, we have over 800 guests representing the largest banks, brokerage firms, private equity investment houses, investment banks, asset managers, rating agencies, law firms, accounting, consulting, technology and trade organizations. A true financial community event!

Following our mission of “Lead Learn Return”, this evening is about recognizing our leaders, learning from their successes and returning value back to our membership and community. The proceeds from this evening’s event will be used to fund our Community Outreach Program that includes merit-based college scholarships and our involvement with the Urban Assembly School for Young Women in Business, a NYC public high school whose mission is to provide high-quality college preparatory education to young women of diverse backgrounds in a nurturing environment. As we look to the future, we are pleased to honor our 2013 Rising Stars who are recognized by their firms as women who have achieved significant success and are rapidly progressing in their careers. We also honor two outstanding women for their leadership and life-long accomplishments. Named for one of our founding members, the Isabel Benham award recognizes the contributions of an exceptional woman who has devoted much of her career to helping other women. This year’s Isabel Benham Award goes to Michaela Walsh, Founding President, Women’s World Banking. Our highest honor, the Merit Award, recognizes a woman who has made a significant contribution to the financial community. This year’s Merit Award winner is Lisa Carnoy, head of Global Capital Markets, Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Please join us in congratulating these women as we look to them to deliver leadership, inspiration and vision for our industry.

On behalf of the Women’s Bond Club, we would like to thank you for your presence and support this evening and throughout the year. We would also like to extend a special thank you to our event host, Marianne Lake, Chief Financial Officer, JP Morgan Chase & Co., for her generous sponsorship of this evening’s dinner and for her firm’s ongoing support of the Women’s Bond Club.

Who WE arE lEttEr From thE WBc co-PrESidEntS

Mary Caracappa Co-President Women’s Bond ClubManaging DirectorMorgan Stanley

Fran Tutone Kapner Co-President Women’s Bond ClubExecutive Director J.P. Morgan

Mary Caracappa

The Women’s Bond Club is a vital community of experienced women across a wide range of financial services and related industries. Founded in 1921, The Women’s Bond Club was the first organization in New York that focused on advancing women in finance. Today we have over 700 members and over 30 of the leading financial services firms as corporate sponsors, with several new additions to our roster. Our members are united by a powerful mission: to advance women’s leadership, grow our intellectual capital, and return value to our companies, communities and upcoming generations. We accomplish this through a series of thought-provoking and engaging events for our members, as well as through our scholarship program and partnerships with non-profit organizations, such as the Urban Assembly School for Young Women in Business, a NYC public high school whose mission is to provide high-quality college preparatory education to young women of diverse backgrounds in a nurturing environment. We invite you to visit our website, www.wbcny.com, which reflects our latest forward looking vision.

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As Head of Global Capital Markets for Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Lisa oversees Equity Capital Markets, Investment Grade Debt Capital Markets, Leveraged Finance and Origination of Corporate Derivatives and FX.

Lisa is a member of the Global Corporate and Investment Banking Operating Committee, Capital Commitment Committees and Enterprise Brand Council for Bank of America. In addition, she is the Executive Sponsor for the Women’s Leadership Council in Global Banking and Markets.

Prior to her current role, Lisa was Global Head of Equity Capital Markets, responsible for the Origination and Execution of IPOs, Add-Ons, Equity-Linked Products, Equity Financial Products and Equity Private Placements in the Americas, Europe and Asia. She has worked on > 500 bookrun equity deals.

Lisa received her B.A. cum laude in American studies from Columbia and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. In 2010, Lisa became a Trustee of Columbia University, where she Chairs the Alumni Affairs and Development Committee.

Michaela Walsh is an activist, scholar, mentor, educator, and author. She is aptly described as a pioneer in many of her endeavors. Michaela challenged the gender barrier in financial services in the ‘60s as the first female to work for Merrill Lynch international in its Beirut and London offices. In the ‘70s, she became the first female partner of Boettcher & Company, a regional brokerage house headquartered in Denver. In 1980, after five years spent leading the creation of an international network to bring women entrepreneurs into the formal financial system, she was elected President of Women’s World Banking (WWB) and has remained on the Board since that time.

Throughout her career, Michaela has maintained a vibrant commitment to education and service. She was an Adjunct Professor at Manhattanville College and Director of their Global Student Leadership programs. Board appointments have included Synergos Institute and Union Theological Seminary, with advisory roles in a wide range of governmental and social justice organizations over the decades.

She was Chairperson of the 59th United Nations DPI/NGO Conference in 2006. She received the Woman of Vision Award of the National Organization for Women, the UN Development Program’s Paul G. Hoffman Award for outstanding work in development, and in 2012 was honored by Women’s Funding Network for changing the face of philanthropy.

The publication of Michaela’s book, Founding a Movement: Women’s World Banking 1975-1990, has renewed interest in working with and learning from women entrepreneurs in many countries. Business schools, women’s groups and gender studies programs have called upon Michaela to help them apply the lessons of the WWB history to today’s development challenges. Women’s World Banking was created by women entrepreneurs and people trained in international development. Michaela brought to the mix her knowledge of the world of finance. This understanding, combined with her visionary approach and her deep commitment to solve the problem, was crucial to founding the movement.

She continues to work with non-profit and for-profit groups interested in building collaboration based on trust and mutual learning.

aWard rEciPiEnt› Merit Award: Recognizes outstanding professional contributions in financial services.

aWard rEciPiEnt› Isabel Benham Award: Recognizes exceptional dedication to the advancement of women.

Lisa CarnoyHead of Global Capital Markets, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Michaela WalshFounding President, Women’s World Banking

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WBc PhilanthroPy

As the first organization for women in the financial industry, The Women’s Bond Club was founded in 1921 on the principle of “Women Helping Women.” These activities are even more dynamic and comprehensive today. The Women’s Bond Club Charitable Giving Program is dedicated to improving the lives of women in the New York metropolitan area by contributing to the development of their financial knowledge, skills, education and access.

Tonight, we would like to feature Urban Assembly School of Business for Young Women:

The objective of the Women’s Bond Club Scholarship Program is to award college scholarships to young women in high school looking to advance in a career in business/finance. Since its inception in 2000, WBC has awarded 56 scholarships totaling $930,000 under the Scholarship Program. Through the Community Outreach Committee, the Mentoring Sub-Committee looks to partner each scholarship winner with a mentor from the WBC membership who will work with the students through their 4 year college education. Additionally, Community Outreach’s Jobs Sub-Committee will work with the students on resume writing, interviewing skills and look to place the students in internship or full-time positions with our WBC member firms.

In addition to our scholarship program, the Women’s Bond Club has chosen to support the following charitable organizations through Community Outreach’s Charitable Giving Sub-Committee:

Reach Out and ReadOver a third of children in NYC enter kindergarten without the basic language skills to learn to read. The Reach Out and Read (ROAR) program capitalizes on the trust parents have of their children’s pediatricians and the frequent access they have to their children. Doctors and nurses give books to children 6 months to 5 years at their regular checkups and give parents advice on why it’s so important to read to their children. These doctor’s offices are filled with books and literary opportunities further enriching the children’s exposure. Studies have proven that reading aloud to children is the single most effective tool for developing language and literacy skills. Parents in the Reach Out and Read program are 4 times more likely to read to their children. And children in the program enter kindergarten better prepared to succeed, with larger vocabularies, stronger language skills, and a six-month developmental edge over their peers. 14 published research studies confirm that Reach Out and Read works. In NYC alone, ROAR reaches over a quarter of a million children in over 180 locations, including all major hospitals.

The Women’s Bond Club has been partnering with ROAR since 2009 raising close to $5,000 in donations from our members who realize that helping women succeed starts by helping girls, and children as a whole, succeed. ROAR makes that possible through its literacy, and language development, program.

You can learn more about Reach Our and Read on http://www.reachoutandreadnyc.org/index.html

Dress for SuccessThe mission of Dress for Success is to advance low-income women’s economic and social development and to encourage self-sufficiency through career development and employment retention. Dress for Success responds to the needs of our communities by providing programs that help economically disadvantaged women acquire jobs, retain their new positions and succeed in the mainstream workplace.

Dress for Success has been a recipient of WBC charitable giving for many years. The Women’s Bond Club has awarded over $50,000 in grants since 2005 to support a number of their programs. Members of the Women’s Bond Club also proudly support the Dress for Success charity by holding an annual suit/accessories drive at one of our member firm events. We also support the annual Dress for Success Breakfast.

You can learn more about Dress for Success and how to donate your gently used suits at their Web site, www.dressforsuccess.org.

charitaBlE giving

ScholarShiP ProgramS

Urban Assembly School of Business for Young WomenThe WBC formed a partnership in 2008 with the Urban Assembly School of Business for Young Women (UASBYW), a NYC public high school whose mission is to provide a high-quality college preparatory education to young women of diverse backgrounds in a nurturing environment.

Over the years we have given various grants totaling over $60,000 to fund college bound programs or financial literacy education. We currently have awarded UASBYW a $20,000 grant to

fund 80 students who will receive tutoring for SAT and Regents preparation through a partnership with Ivy Key, a NYC based tutoring company which offers tutoring, mentoring and admissions consulting. Ivy Key only employs students attending, or graduates of, an Ivy League school or institution of equal quality.

In addition to monetary awards, the WBC’s Community Outreach Committee maintains close ties with UASBYW through several other programs including career panels, working with students in college essay editing workshops, and sponsoring a shower for college bound seniors, providing essential supplies.

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mErit aWard dinnEr SPonSor

©2013 JPMorgan Chase & Co. jpmorganchase.com

JPMorgan Chase is pleased to host the Women’s Bond Club Merit Award Dinner.

We congratulate this year’s Merit Award recipients and recognize our Rising Stars.

Elena Granovsky Zislin Vice President, Technology Business Development

Polina Giralt Vice President, Risk Information Strategy & Data Sourcing

Marianne Lake is the Chief Financial Officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and a member of the firm’s Operating Committee.

Lake previously was the Chief Financial Officer of Consumer & Community Banking at JPMorgan Chase since 2009. Consumer & Community Banking has 160,000 employees serving 50 million customers with banking, lending, credit cards, auto finance, payments, mortgages, wealth management and advisory services.

From 2007 to 2009, Lake served as the Investment Bank’s Global Controller. From 2004 to 2007, Lake was in the Corporate Finance group managing global financial infrastructure and control programs.

Prior to 2004, Lake worked at both Chase and J.P. Morgan in London. At Chase, Lake was the Senior Financial Officer in the UK and at J.P. Morgan she was the CFO for the Credit Trading business. Lake started her career as a chartered accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the London and Sydney offices.

Lake received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Reading University in the United Kingdom.

Marianne LakeChief Financial Officer, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

EvEnt chair

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Mindy Miller is a Senior Manager in Accenture’s Financial Services- Banking & Credit Services practice based in New York. She has been with Accenture for over 12 years with a focus in Mortgage and Consumer Credit sectors. Her experience includes defining and executing target operating models, conduct process and technical assessments, and lead large scale transformations across mortgage system integrations and acquisitions projects.. She has worked at a variety of Banking Clients across the East Coast and Midwest, including top-3 and top-10 Mortgage Originators.

To integrate life with work, Mindy enjoys traveling around the world, running, snow skiing, and other adventurous activities that help keep her in shape.

Mindy MillerAccenture

riSing StarS

Michele Hammond is a Manager at AXA Equitable in the EQUI-VEST Division of the Employer Sponsored Retirement Savings Group. The Employer-Sponsored business supports the sale and distribution of AXA’s retirement plan products. Michele manages and leads a group of Customer Service Representatives who handle service inquiries received from customers and advisors.

Michele joined AXA in 2005 as a Customer Service Representative for EQUI-VEST and has been a manager for over 5 years. She is involved in several projects designed to streamline processes for the contact center and drive a culture of Trust and Achievement and Customer Centricity. Michele has Bachelor of Arts in Information Science and a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from the State University of New York at Oswego.

Michele Hammond AXA Equitable

Blake Eger is a Vice President in Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Global Mortgages & Securitized Products group. She is a senior trader on the non-agency trading desk focused on the trading of prime and distressed residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS).

Blake joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch in 2009 and used her knowledge of deal structure and collateral to begin her trading career. Over the last 3.5 years at the firm, she has worked her way from being a junior analyst on the desk to being a senior trader.

Starting her career at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. in 2006, Blake was in Strategic Finance before joining the Financial Analytics and Structured Transactions (FAST) group where she focused on structuring subprime collateral.

She graduated from Colgate University with a B.A. in Philosophy.

Blake EgerBank of America Merrill Lynch

Amberin Amin is the FX Flow/Options Application Support Lead for the Americas for Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Amberin supports critical Foreign Exchange business users worldwide across multiple trading, trade capture, risk, and PNL applications while maintaining critical relationships with key stakeholders by providing world class service with an engaging team. In addition to day to day support, she also serves as the escalation contact for all technology issues, where she analyzes and ensures the proper priority and severity is applied to production issues and coordinates resolutions of major production issues.

Amberin graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics from the University of Houston. Prior to BAML, Amberin was the Credit Markets Support Lead for the Americas at JPMorgan where she also volunteered to run the college hire and intern recruitment/mentoring program for IBTechnology in Houston, TX

Amberin Amin Bank of America Merrill Lynch

riSing StarS

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riSing StarS

Sabeen Fahimullah is a Director in the Global Wealth & Investment Management Markets Group at Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML). In her role, Sabeen focuses on business management and strategy, with an emphasis on delivering the integrated capabilities of the firm. Most recently, she has been responsible for leading transition efforts around the sale of the International Wealth Management business.

Sabeen has also been a national co-leader for the Asian Leadership Network at BAML for the past 4 years. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, Sabeen received her Masters in Business Administration from Georgetown University, and her Bachelors of Science in Finance from the University of Florida.

Sabeen Fahimullah Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Gillian Burwell is a Vice President in the Legal Department, covering the Prime Services business at Barclays. Based in New York, she is alternate team leader for the Prime Services team. Gillian has over 10 years of experience in global capital markets contract negotiation, operations and credit risk analysis and management. She joined Barclays in May 2010 from Jefferies, where she was VP in the Credit Risk Department, covering the Mortgage and Asset Back desk. Prior, she was an Associate at Goldman Sachs, covering the Intermediation Business.

Gillian has been an active member of the Barclays Women Initiative Network (WIN) since 2011, where she began as COO of the Awareness Committee. Gillian has been appointed Chairperson of the WIN Junior Advisory Council.

Gillian Burwell Barclay’s Capital

Meghan Holohan has been with Bloomberg for nine years and oversees two of the firm’s largest accounts, managing a team of 15 salespeople. Prior to large account management, Meghan spent five years covering the Boston buyside community. In 2004, she was named Bloomberg’s Sales Rookie of the Year, and in 2009, Bloomberg’s Sales Most Valuable Player. Meghan graduated from Rider University with a B.A. and an M.A. where she was awarded a full athletic scholarship to play Division I Women’s basketball, and served as team captain for two seasons.

Meghan Holohan Bloomberg

Prasanna Patel, PMP, is a Vice President at BNY Mellon’s Information Technology group. This group is responsible for providing investment analysis products and services to clients such as pension funds, foundations and endowments, and other large financial institutions. In her role as manager of the GRS Technology Program Management Office, Prasanna oversees a multi-million dollar strategic project portfolio that provides a wide array of products including risk analysis, performance measurement, compliance monitoring, attribution tools and investment transparency.

Prior to joining BNY Mellon, Prasanna was a Senior Consultant for a Management Consulting firm where she was responsible for managing business and technology programs for Fortune 500 Companies. Prasanna holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Prasanna Patel BNY Mellon

riSing StarS

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riSing StarS

Jacy Shishkoff is the Supervisor of the Service Delivery Group within the Bank/Broker Dealer Regulatory business (BBDI) at Broadridge Financial Solutions. BBDI enhances the client experience with Broadridge by collaborating with members of the Client Service organization to identify opportunities for improvement in service, and strategically implementing programs that enhance the client service experience.

Jacy has taken initiatives to develop more consistent service to her clients and has made a large contribution to the organization by implementing a mentoring program for associates within BBDI that supports the corporate values, Service Profit Chain and is inclusive and diverse.

Jacy is a rising star within Broadridge and is truly bound to achieve greater levels of success as her career progresses.

Jacy Shishkoff Broadridge Financial Solutions

Alicia Chin is a Principal Consultant within the Capital Markets practice at Capco, a global business and technology consultancy delivering innovative solutions in banking, capital markets, wealth and investment management and finance, risk and compliance. Alicia directly manages projects and project teams within strategic transformational initiatives in order to help clients meet their “Change the Business” model and drive the firm’s productivity. Prior to joining Capco, Alicia had close to 8 years of experience in providing enterprise risk services and delivering business solutions across finance, operations and technology to a variety of financial institutions, including managing the review of risks and controls relating to the migration key operational functions to regional Centers of Excellence. Her focus was on project management, strategy assessment and development, and data management. She has experience in managing projects, working on large programs and has consistently provided high quality service. Alicia joined Capco in 2011 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with concentrations in Finance and International Business from the State University of New York at Binghamton.

Alicia Chin Capco

Jennifer Cvetkovski is a Senior Business Analyst and Project Manager at Citigroup in Equities Technology with a solid record of execution and delivery in her 5+ year tenure with the firm. Jennifer currently spearheads the analysis and supports program management functions for the Delta One Swaps Renovation initiative globally. In this capacity, she partners with the Delta One business and front-to-back technology teams to enhance content, define solutions and streamline processes to successfully deliver a world class global swaps processing platform.

Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Science and Masters of Arts in International Relations, with a focus in International Economics, from Seton Hall University. In addition to her day-to-day work, Jennifer leads the Equities Technology North America Voice of the Employee group in Talent, Business Partnership and Graduate Recruitment.

Jennifer Cvetkovski Citigroup

riSing StarS

Tejal Vajifdar is a Manager in Citi’s Single Sign On department, a group within the Citi Technology Infrastructure organization responsible for supporting several strategic platforms for secure authentication and file transfer technologies. Tejal manages the global operations team supporting the implementation and operational oversight of these complex security solutions used by Citi to conduct business internally and externally with customers.

Prior to managing operations, Tejal was a senior team lead supporting day-to-day operations, supervising the North America shift. She began her career at Citi as a consultant for the Single Sign On operations organization; she has a Master of Science from the New York Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering from Sardar Patel University, India.

Tejal Vajifdar Citigroup

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riSing StarS

Yvonne Voigt is a Vice President on the German Desk at Commerzbank AG, North America. In her role as Relationship Manager, she services US corporate clients of European headquartered companies with corporate and investment banking products. Successfully managing a portfolio of 130 corporate mid-size and large corporate clients, Yvonne is the key contact for the client for developing financial strategies and providing banking solutions. Yvonne joined the team in New York in 2008 and was subsequently promoted to deputy head of the team.

Prior to this position, Yvonne worked as Relationship Manager in the Wealth Management division, responsible for the portfolios of high-level corporate clients.

Yvonne holds a post-bachelor degree in Economics from the VWA Academy in Dresden, Germany. She acts as a business mentor to a WBC scholarship college student based in New York.

Yvonne VoigtCommerzbank AG

Ashwini Telang, Assistant Vice President, has been with Credit Suisse for three years working as a Business Analyst for the Fixed Income – Rates business. She partners with business stakeholders to analyze and design requirements for a variety of technical solutions used by the Front Office Trading and Sales teams and manages the technology development work required for these projects. Ashwini is also an active member of Credit Suisse’s IT Women’s Council and ITCares philanthropy network.

Prior to joining Credit Suisse, she worked as a software engineer at Infosys Technologies for her client, Goldman Sachs. She worked on the Goldman Sachs account for seven years in Bangalore, Tokyo, and New York. She received her Bachelors in Computer Engineering from Goa University in India.

Ashwini TelangCredit Suisse

riSing StarS

Laura Coccaro is an Assistant Vice President and the Global Program Manager and Americas lead for Internal Mobility at Credit Suisse. In this role, Laura drives Internal Mobility strategies, initiatives and programs that impact all ~50,000 employees at Credit Suisse. Prior to her current role, Laura worked on the Bank’s Campus Recruitment team where she held a variety of roles and partnered with several businesses, including the Private Bank and the Investment Banking Department. In her last role within Campus Recruiting, she led the efforts for the Private Bank. Laura joined CS in 2006 as an Analyst in the Internal Audit Department as part of the Shared Services Analyst Program following her graduation from Fordham University.

Laura Coccaro Credit Suisse

Carolyn Dumser, a Manager in Deloitte & Touche, LLP’s Advisory Services practice, has six years of experience serving the firm’s largest financial services clients. A member of Deloitte’s national hedge fund, mutual fund and private equity practice, she provides internal control, operational risk, and regulatory consulting services.

As a member of the Women’s Initiative (WIN) Young Leader’s Council of Deloitte’s New England practice she works to enhance the leadership and networking skills of junior level practitioners. She is also a co-lead of the Community Involvement Council serving as the liaison to the community to enhance practitioner involvement in volunteer opportunities.

Carolyn is a Certified Public Accountant, holds a BS in Accounting & Finance and an MS in Accounting, from Boston College.

Carolyn DumserDeloitte Consulting

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riSing StarS

Victoria Migliaccio is an Assurance Manager in the Banking and Capital Markets sector at Ernst & Young, LLP. Based in New York, she has been with Ernst & Young since she began her career more than five years ago. Victoria serves as the lead Audit Manager on a broad range of clients in the financial services industry including banks, broker dealers, and funds. She focuses on providing her clients with high quality audits and insights on pressing industry news. In addition, Victoria assists with disbursing key broker dealer knowledge to the firm, which includes organizing and leading internal webcasts, preparing training materials, and teaching specific industry trainings.

Victoria serves as a subject matter expert for a few of Ernst & Young’s broker-dealer clients and also assists with the ongoing market strategy for the Banking and Capital Markets sector at the firm. Victoria graduated from Fordham University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting.

Victoria Migliaccio Ernst & Young LLP

Kim Casey is a Manager at Ernst & Young, LLP in the Financial Services Advisory practice, a group specializing in the design and implementation of solutions for a variety of complex challenges facing the firm’s clients in the financial services industry. Kim has been focused on managing large programs in response to new rules or issuances by the industry’s regulating bodies.

Prior to joining Ernst & Young, Kim was a Project Manager with Bank of America’s Transition team where she managed a portfolio of finance initiatives merging Countrywide Financial and Bank of America capabilities. She began her career at Bank of America as a Business Analyst within the Enterprise Credit Risk Group focused on Basel II implementation. Kim joined the bank in 2004 after graduating from Wake Forest University with a Bachelor of Science in Business and a minor in Psychology.

Kim H. CaseyErnst & Young LLP

Dessislava Michaylova is a Vice President in the Financial Risk Technology department at Goldman Sachs. Since joining the Liquidity Risk team in 2004 she has been involved in multiple projects, helping implement the firm’s collateral management strategy.

Dessi is a member of the Women in Technology Newsletter committee. She has been actively involved in the firm’s recruiting process, and has participated in several people development initiatives.

Dessi holds a Bachelor of Arts dual degree in Economics and Computer Science from Smith College, Massachusetts, and spent her third year at Oxford University. She is currently completing the MBA program at New York University, Stern.

Dessislava Michaylova Goldman Sachs

riSing StarS

Karen Gamarra is a Consultant at the Gartland and Mellina Group, where she drives various client initiatives including; business re-engineering, operational efficiency, systems integration and regulatory change.

Karen launched a partnership with a network efficiency organization and helped the firm identify and structure a Human Capital Management Practice by designing and leading the implementation of a Diversity Web Site at a major Bank. Currently, she is engaged at a Global Investment Bank working on regulatory projects, including Dodd-Frank OTC Derivatives.

As a member of the Marketing team, she oversees the firm’s vision, brand and website redesign while managing the firm’s volunteer initiatives including New York Cares Day and iMentor. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from St. John’s University with a degree in Communications.

Karen Gamarra Gartland and Mellina Group

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riSing StarS

Mona Ghasemi is a Client Executive at IBM in the Sales and Distribution Group, responsible for managing the Morgan Stanley account relationship. Mona is directly responsible for developing and executing on strategies that accelerate IBM market share across Morgan Stanley’s Global Wealth Management Group, particularly for front-office enablement and digital strategies that drive client experience.

Prior to joining Sales & Distribution, Mona was a Senior Consultant for IBM Global Business Services. She spent six years within Strategy & Innovation group, primarily consulting Financial Services clients such as Citibank, Bank of America, TIAA-CREF and Prudential Retirement. This includes an international assignment in Istanbul, Turkey as part of a large banking transformation program with Isbank. Mona has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from University of Southern California. She is originally from Iran and speaks multiple languages, including Persian, Spanish, French and Turkish.

Mona Ghasemi IBM

Emily Hildreth is a Corporate Accounting Manager with Invesco’s Finance department in Atlanta, Georgia. Emily currently leads the Sarbanes-Oxley and US Compensation Accounting Team. This group is responsible for Invesco’s compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley requirements, which includes identifying financial reporting controls, and for recording employee benefit, pension and compensation plans to Invesco’s financial statements. Prior to joining Invesco, Emily was an auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers specializing in technology and financial services firms. Emily attended Auburn University where she earned a B.S. in Business Administration – Accounting and is a licensed CPA. Additionally, Emily serves as the Treasurer for the Atlanta Invesco Cares Committee and is Invesco’s liaison to Junior Achievement, an organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy.

Emily Hildreth Invesco

Nicole Walsh is a Manager responsible for leading a team of 70 individuals in Invesco’s North American Transfer Agency office in Charlottetown, PEI, Canada. As part of the Canadian-based Enterprise Center, she works closely with US based counterparts to provide service to clients and intermediaries with respect to the U.S. retail mutual fund business. Prior to Invesco, Nicole attended the University of PEI, graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. She subsequently worked for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in personal banking. Nicole has a strong passion for animals and her community. She currently volunteers with The Joyriders Program, which uses horseback riding as therapy for children and adults with mental and physical disabilities, and The Autism Society.

Nicole Walsh Invesco

riSing StarS

Nicky Shiels is a Vice President at Jefferies, working on the Precious Metals desk, responsible forsourcing liquidity via OTC and listed markets for a diverse range of clients.

Nicky is a native of South Africa and is now based in NY. Prior to this she worked inLondon as a sales associate and has used her unique insights from these experiences tocreate new and differentiated research commentaries for the trading desk. She isresponsible for fundamental market analysis, generating tactical and strategic tradingideas and forecasting sentiment and trends. Nicky graduated with a BA in Economicsfrom Yale University, where she was a member of the squash team. She is a mentor andsupporter of CitySquash, a not-for-profit organization.

Nicky Shiels Jefferies & Company, Inc.

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Polina Giralt is a Vice President at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in the CIB Risk Technology organization. She works as both a PMO in the Risk Information Strategy and Data Sourcing group as well as an IT Project Manager specializing in a strategic reference data integration program spanning all asset classes. As the group PMO, she monitors a departmental budget and program portfolio containing over 80 projects and a team of over 100.

Prior to joining J.P. Morgan, Polina worked in several roles at UBS Financial Services a Business Manager, Risk Officer, and Business Analyst/Project Manager. She began her career as a software engineer as Innovative Power Solutions after graduating from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology & Informatics with a second major in Psychology with a concentration in Organizational Psychology.

Polina Giralt JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Elena is a Vice President in JPMC’s Technology Business Development team, within the Office of the CIO. Elena is focused on assisting with JPMC’s IT strategy and establishing strategic and emerging technology company relationships in areas including virtualization, mobile, compute, and storage.

Prior to TechBD, Elena was an Investment Banking Analyst in the Technology, Media and Telecom Group at J.P. Morgan. She focused on transactions including M&A, leveraged buyouts and debt/equity financings.

Elena also has a strong passion for ballroom dancing and competed for many years. Currently, she organizes Dance Legends, a world-class Latin & Ballroom event.

Elena holds a B.S. in Economics with concentrations in Finance and Operations & Information Management from the University of Pennsylvania – The Wharton School.

Elena Granovsky ZislinJPMorgan Chase & Co.

riSing StarS

Tiffany McQueen is currently a Vice President in Institutional Securities Documentation within the Bank Resource Management division at Morgan Stanley. Tiffany earned an undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College, where she double majored in Economics and Government. She is also currently pursuing an EMBA at Columbia University. She was a FX Trader at Bank of America before starting at Morgan Stanley. Since joining the firm 9 years ago, she became a FXPB and ISDA negotiator, spent 9 months in London, and became manager of the FX Documentation group in New York and co-manager of this team in Budapest. Tiffany is actively involved in volunteerism. She committed 4 years to Student Sponsors Partners, mentoring a student who graduated salutatorian of her class and eventually graduated from Cornell University. She also regularly volunteers at organizations such as the Bowery Mission.

Tiffany McQueen Morgan Stanley

Brandis Kemp DeSimone is a Director within the Corporate Client Group at NASDAQ where she is responsible for the relationship between NASDAQ’s listed companies and the exchange. Prior to NASDAQ, Brandis was a senior sales executive at SunGard, specializing in financial technology solutions. She began her career in Institutional Equity sales and trading at Merrill Lynch. Brandis attended The US Naval Academy in Annapolis and holds a Masters Degree from Rutgers University. She is a triple war veteran, and served as an Officer onboard a Naval Destroyer where she deployed to the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. Brandis serves on the Junior Board for the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance and is an avid runner. She lives in New York City with her husband and their puppy, Izzy.

Brandis Kemp DeSimoneNASDAQ OMX

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riSing StarS

Tiffany Gallo is a Vice President in Leveraged Finance, Americas at Nomura, Asia’s global investment bank.

Before joining Nomura in 2010, Ms. Gallo was Director of Finance at Scientiffic Games. Prior to Scientiffic Games, Ms. Gallo was part of the Leveraged Finance teams at both Citigroup and Credit Suisse.

Ms. Gallo received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University.

Tiffany Gallo Nomura Holding America Inc.

Jamie Rogoff is a Vice President, Head of Business Planning & Analysis for NYSE Technologies. In this role, she plays a leading role in managing the financial aspects of NYSE Technologies’ global business. Her responsibilities include executing the annual planning and budgeting process, analyzing business line results to identify industry trends, and evaluating performance.

Prior to joining NYSE Euronext in 2008, Ms. Rogoff was a Vice President at Lehman Brothers. She joined Lehman Brothers in 2002 in the START Analyst program and held various positions in the Equities and Fixed Income Trading businesses.

Jamie graduated from Northwestern University with a dual degree in Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences (MMSS) and Economics. She resides in Scarsdale, NY with her husband.

Jamie Rogoff NYSE Euronext

riSing StarS

Ms. Gandhi is a Vice President and Senior Compliance Officer in the New York Office. In 2011, she joined PIMCO to help develop and implement its broker-dealer compliance program which includes the development of policies, procedures, controls, a monitoring program and training. Ms. Gandhi and her team provide support to the global wealth management, account and product management and the funds business group. She has developed effective business relationships, serves as a mentor to peers and takes an active role in the development of her team and training employees. Prior to joining PIMCO, she was a Vice President and a Senior Compliance Manager at Legg Mason. Ms. Gandhi previously held various compliance roles at Citigroup Asset Management and AXA Financial. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Muhlenberg College.

Jaynthi GandhiPIMCO

Jessica Wolff is a Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers in the NY Metro Real Estate Assurance Practice where she has had the opportunity to serve a variety of clients, both public and private. Prior to joining the practice, Jessica worked as a Manager in the PwC’s Insurance & Investment Management practice in London, where she was responsible for a variety of real estate and private equity clients reporting under US and international standards. Jessica began her career at PwC in the Cleveland Real Estate Assurance Practice in 2006 after graduating from John Carroll University with Bachelor’s of Science in Accountancy. Jessica is a CPA licensed to practice in New York and Ohio.

Jessica Wolff PricewaterhouseCoopers

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riSing StarS

Nicole Gehrig is a Manager in the Marketing Group at Prudential Fixed Income responsible for competitive and demographic analysis, as well as strategic support to relationship managers worldwide. As point of contact for requests from our Japan office, Nicole has been instrumental in providing support to win considerable new business. As we enter new markets, Nicole’s regional research and reports have given the organization a ‘roadmap’—providing best practices and target audiences as we approach each new region.

Nicole joined Prudential in 2005, as part of the firm’s Leadership Rotational program and has held positions in operational risk management, trade support, and performance reporting. Nicole received a B.A. degree in Finance from the University of Delaware, and an M.B.A. in Finance from Fordham University.

Nicole Gehrig Prudential Investments

Dana Schultz is a Vice President on the MBS/ABS Sales desk within the RBS Markets business. As one of the top professionals on the desk, she handles many top-tier institutional accounts including BlackRock, Appaloosa and Pine River. Dana is highly respected by clients and colleagues alike. Her success can be credited to an unrivalled understanding of client needs and focus on achieving results.

Dana began her career as an Analyst on the ABS Sales desk at Citigroup. She holds a B.S. in Journalism and International Relations from Syracuse University (2007), where she earned several academic distinctions and honors. Dana is committed to charitable causes, including The Hole in the Wall Gang, All Souls Soup Kitchen, NY Cares, and NYC Road Runners.

Dana Schultz RBS Securities Inc.

riSing StarS

Carmen Manoyan is a Senior Director at Standard and Poor’s North American Financial Institutions team and the Analytical Manager for the Large, Complex Bank team. Carmen joined S&P in 2011, after 7 years at UBS Investment Bank as the U.S. Head of Financial Institutions Ratings Advisory. Prior to UBS, Carmen spent 6 years at Moody’s Investors Service covering U.S. and Latin American Banks. She also worked for a few years as an engineer before embarking on her career in Finance. Carmen holds an M.B.A. from Yale School of Management, and a M.E.M. and B.E. from Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. Additionally, Carmen received her Systems Engineer degree from Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas, Venezuela.

Carmen Manoyan Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services

Justine is a Manager for SunGard Global Services, working within our Advanced Technology – User Experience engineering practice. A very talented technologist, Justine specializes in the rapidly changing field of front end technologies and responsive design. Working with HTML5 and JavaScript, Justine advises our client’s business and user interface (UI) designers to architect solutions for web and mobile devices. In 2012 she participated in the 48-hour “Node Knock Out” programming competition. SunGard’s team of 4 implemented a “Real-time OCR Video Interpreter” in 48 hours and obtained mentions in Utility and Innovation categories. She is the most natural talent her manager has come across in a long time. Justine is well respected her by clients and her team and consistently exceeds her revenue goals.

Justine was born in Taiwan and received a BA.Sc Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. She joined SunGard in 2009.

Justine Chen SunGard Data Systems

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riSing StarS

Nikol Barikos is the Regional Business Manager for Asset Management for the Investors Division at Thomson Reuters, an industry leader in providing intelligent information to the global financial marketplace. With over 7 years of experience, Nikol is responsible for creating commercial strategy and working with operations, marketing, finance and the sales channel for the East Coast Sales Territory in order to drive growth and retention for the Asset Management business. Nikol started her career at Thomson Financial as part of their Global Sales Associate Track Program which was a one year rotational program that focused on enhancing sales, account management and financial services industry skill sets.

Nikol graduated cum laude from Moravian College with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Management and Political Science. She has a passion for travel, arts, team sports and volunteering with organizations that look to empower the youth of society. She is extremely excited and humbled to be selected as the Rising Star for Thomson Reuters and is looking forward to participating in the Women’s Bond Club.

Nikol Barikos Thomson Reuters

Megan is a Vice President in Wells Fargo’s Financial Institutions Investment Banking Group. She joined Wells Fargo 7 years ago as an analyst and was recently promoted to Vice President. Megan currently focuses on the execution of a broad range of capital raising and advisory transactions for insurance companies and asset managers. Megan exhibits leadership by managing and training the analysts, associates and summer interns for her group and through her active involvement in on-campus recruiting for the firm. She has also played an important role on the Wells Fargo Women’s Network Committee. Megan graduated magna cum laude from Wake Forest University with an MS / BS in Accountancy, and is a CPA (not in public practice).

Megan Kohler Wells Fargo Securities

Committed to ExcellenceBank of America Merrill Lynch is proud to support the Women’s Bond Club. Congratulations to

Lisa Carnoy, head of Global Capital Markets, recipient of the Merit Award and our Rising Stars

Amberin Amin, Blake Eger and Sabeen Fahimullah.

We also salute Michaela Walsh, Founding President, Women’s World Banking, on winning the

Isabel Benham Award, which recognizes exceptional dedication to the advancement of women.

Visit www.bankofamerica.com/disclaimer for marketing disclaimer.

gold corPoratE mEmBEr

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Gold Corporate MeMberGold Corporate MeMber

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Gold Corporate MeMberGold Corporate MeMber

Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (NYSE:BR) is the leading provider of investor communications and technology-driven solutions for broker-dealers, banks, mutual funds and corporate issuers globally. ©2013 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. Broadridge and the Broadridge logo are registered trademarks of Broadridge financial Inc. broadridge.com • 1 888 237 1900

Broadridge applauds the

Women’s Bond Club for their Dedication to

Diversity and Inclusion. We are

Proud to CongratulateLisa Carnoy, Merit Award Winner, &

Michela Walsh, Isabel Benham Award Winner,

for their Contributions and Dedication to

Women in Financeand to honor Broadridge’s Rising Star,

Jacy Shishkoff.



© 2012 Citigroup Inc. Citi and Citibank with Arc Design are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc.

Success always looks good.And even better without a necktie.

Citi is proud to support the Women’s Bond Club of New York in honoring women everywhere for their success in the world of finance.

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Gold Corporate MeMberGold Corporate MeMber

Advancement for women. Rising Star opportunities.Proud to support the Women’s Bond Club and tonight’s Merit Award Dinner. We believe investing in the advancement of professional women in the capital markets is one of the best investments we can make. Congratulations to two of our own professionals who have won the Rising Star Award: Laura Coccaro and Ashwini Telang.

credit-suisse.com© 2013 CREDIT SUISSE GROUP AG and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

2013 Hi Rez Merit 1.indd 1 4/17/13 11:14 AM

Congratulations to the 2013 Merit Award Dinner honorees, and to our own Rising Star, Yvonne Voigt.


A team’s strength is inits diversity.Commerzbank is proud to support the Women’s Bond Club.

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Gold Corporate MeMberGold Corporate MeMber


IBM is a proud sponsor of the Women’s Bond Club.We congratulate all of the 2013 winners for their contribution and dedication.

Leaders across all types of enterprises are faced with new challenges in order to remain successful. Those organizations who address these challenges are best positioned to outperform in the “Decade of Smart.” Since 2008, we have talked about what it takes to build a smarter planet. We've learned that our companies, our cities and our world are complex systems-indeed, systems of systems. Advancing these systems to be more instrumented, intelligent and interconnected requires a profound shift in management and governance toward far more collaborative approaches.

Let’s build a smarter planet.

What does the faceof smart look like?


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Gold Corporate MeMberGold Corporate MeMber

Morgan Stanley is a proud sponsor of the

Women’s Bond Club Merit Award Dinner

Diversity. It’s not an obligation—it’s an opportunity.

© 2






Proud Sponsor of the Women’s Bond Club Merit Award Dinner 2013



Congratulations to the NASDAQ OMX 2013 Rising Star Brandis DeSimone

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Gold Corporate MeMberGold Corporate MeMber

WBC is dedicated to bringing together women from all sectors of the capital markets industry in order to forge strong personal networks and help each other grow. We are proud to support their efforts and congratulate all the Rising Stars for 2013, including our very own Jessica Wolff.


Strong connections

© 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved.

NY-13-0660-Women's Bond Club Ad v2.indd 1 4/15/2013 2:47:38 PM

Share knowledgeBuild community Achieve success

RBS Securities Inc., a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC (www.sipc.org), is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of The Royal Bank of Scotland plc. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB. Registered in Scotland No. 90312. This advertisement has been prepared for information only. It should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for a product or service. The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. is an authorised agent of The Royal Bank of Scotland plc


RBS is delighted to support the Women’s Bond Club and share in its commitment to creating a forum for exchanging ideas, supporting the community and sharing best practices across financial services organizations.

Congratulations to this year’s ‘Merit & lsabel Benham Award’ winners and to RBS’s 2013 Rising Star Honoree Dana Schultz.

2013 merit award dinner | 4443 | women’s bond club

Gold Corporate MeMberGold Corporate MeMber

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Servicesis proud to support the important workof the Women’s Bond Club.

Congratulations to all of the honorees of the Merit Award Dinner and our own Rising Star, Carmen Manoyan.

© Thomson Reuters 2013. All rights reserved. 1002720 0413


2013 merit award dinner | 46

Corporate MeMber

45 | women’s bond club

gold corPoratE mEmBEr

We congratulate Megan Kohler and all of the Rising Star Award nominees.

Wells Fargo Securities is proud to support the Women’s Bond Club

© 2013 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. All rights reserved. Wells Fargo Securities is the trade name for the capital markets and investment banking services of Wells Fargo & Company and its subsidiaries, including but not limited to Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, a member of NYSE, FINRA, NFA and SIPC, Wells Fargo Institutional Securities, LLC, a member of FINRA and SIPC, Wells Fargo Prime Services, LLC, a member of FINRA, NFA and SIPC, and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC carries and provides clearing services for Wells Fargo Institutional Securities, LLC customer accounts. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, Wells Fargo Institutional Securities, LLC, and Wells Fargo Prime Services, LLC are distinct entities from affiliated banks and thrifts.MC-5749

Document: 0653_Women’s Bond ClubDate: 04/18/2013Software: Adobe Illustrator CS4Contact: Quantas Ginn: 312.693.0133

7” trim

5” trimAccenture and Women’s World Banking congratulate Mindy Miller, Accenture Rising Star, and Michaela Walsh, Isabel Benham Award Recipient, on their successes. We salute WBC for providing programs that enable women in finance and finance-related industries to achieve high performance in every facet of their lives.

Here's to High Performance.


3 Ac





s re



corPoratE mEmBEr

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

continue to lead and inspire AXA Equitable would like to recognize one of our best and brightest — Michele Hammond.

Your talent and leadership are demonstrated in both attitude and action. Congratulations on achieving this distinguished honor.

AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company 1290 Avenue of Americas, New York, NY 10104

GE-84922 (04/13) (Exp. 04/15)

Barclays congratulates Rising Star Gillian Burwell and is proud to support the Women’s Bond Club Merit Award Dinner 2013. We encourage and reward uncompromising integrity, diverse thinking and a commitment to working together. These are the qualities that create an inclusive and collaborative environment for our employees, which is the best way to drive the success of your business.

Dedicated to the advancement of women

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

Congratulations!to Alicia Chin and to all the 2013 winners of the Women’s Bond Rising Star award

Capco is very proud and honored to have Alicia Chin recognized as one of the Women’s Bond Rising Stars for 2013. Capco is dedicated to the financial services industry. We work in this sector only. We recognize and understand the opportunities and the challenges our clients face. We apply

focus, insight and determination to consulting, technology and transformation. We overcome complexity. We remove obstacles. We help our clients realize their potential for increasing success. As Scott exemplifies, the value we create, the insights we contribute and the skills of our people mean we are more than consultants. We are a true participant in the industry. Together with our clients we are forming the future of finance. Discover more about what makes Scott, and all our consultants, outstanding, at www.capco.com/careers.



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Citi Women’s Bond Club


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Citi is proud to support the Women’s Bond Club of New York in honoring women everywhere for their success in the world of fi nance.

You keep up with all the trends. Especially the fi nancial ones.

© 2013 Citigroup Inc. Citi and Citi with Arc Design are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc.



USC3034 A.indd 1 4/12/13 12:58 PM

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

As used in this document, “Deloitte” means Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting.

Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

Deloitte is proud to continue our support of the Women’s Bond Club and the Merit Award Dinner.

We are pleased to congratulate:

2013 Merit Award RecipientLisa Carnoy

Isabel Benham WinnerMichaela Walsh

Deloitte Rising StarCarolyn Dumser


Recognizing leadershipthat inspires

EMC2, EMC, and the EMC logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United States and other countries. © Copyright 2013 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 196221

Learn more at emc.com.

EMC Congratulates Merit Award Winners.


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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

Phone: +1 888 342 6336Email: info@fi co.comWebsite: www.fi co.com

© 2013 Fair Isaac Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Celebrating success through inspired leadershipCongratulations to Merit Award winner Lisa Carnoy and all of the

Merit Award Dinner honorees. Your dedication, professionalism and

outstanding accomplishments are an inspiration!

As a proud member of the Women’s Bond Club, FICO is committed

to helping today’s leaders succeed across the world of fi nance—from

controlling risk and fi ghting fraud to improving collections and meeting

regulatory demands. Our predictive analytic solutions drive smarter

decisions for profi table growth.

Lead your company to greater success. Visit www.fi co.com to learn

how we can help.

Gartland & Mellina Group

is proud to support the important work of the Women’s Bond Club.

Congratulations to Lisa Carnoy, Michaela Walsh, and all of the Rising Star Honorees, including our very own Rising Star

Karen Gamarra

1385 Broadway Suite 912, New York, NY 10018 www.gartlandandmellina.com (212) 418-4780

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

WL11865 - CAD - Women's Bond Club 2013 Merit Award Dinner_v1.indd 1 3/26/2013 11:50:25 AM

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

Helping Investors WorldwideAchieve Their Financial ObjectivesThis page is provided by Invesco. This is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell any fi nancial instruments.

Invesco congratulates the Women’s Bond Club Merit Award Dinner honoreesincluding Invesco’s Rising StarsEmily Hildreth and Nicole Walsh

©2013 JPMorgan Chase & Co. jpmorganchase.com

Potential should never be cappedBy empowering women leaders today, we will inspire dreamers to achieve their potential tomorrow.

JPMorgan Chase is a proud supporter of the Women’s Bond Club.

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

Congratulations to Jefferies’ Rising Star, Nicola Shiels

Jefferies Salutes the Women’s Bond Club Honorees

© 2013 Jefferies LLC. Member SIPC

Jefferies.com Investment Banking | Equities | Fixed Income | Commodities | Wealth & Asset Management

The Jefferies Women’s Initiative Network (jWIN) is proud of Nicola’s achievements. Jefferies is dedicated to creating opportunities for women, fostering an inclusive and diverse working environment and buildingrelationships that extend beyond the firm and throughout the professional community.

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MetLife Investments is proud to support the

Women’s Bond Club. We applaud your efforts to advance women’s

leadership, grow intellectual capital, and return worth to upcoming

generations in financial services.

Congratulations to the 2013 Merit, Isabel Benham and Rising Stars

Award winners! Thank you for your contributions and dedication to

women in finance.


WOMEN IN FINANCE© 2013 METLIFE, INC. PEANUTS © 2013 Peanuts Worldwide, LLC


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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

Nomura2 World Financial Center, Building BNew York, NY 10281-1198

277 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10017

212-667-9000 www.nomura.com

Nomura is the global marketing name of Nomura Holdings, Inc. (Tokyo) and its direct and indirect subsidiaries worldwide including Nomura Securities International, Inc. (New York), a member of SIPC, Nomura International (Hong Kong) Limited, licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, and Nomura International plc. (London), authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and a member of the London Stock Exchange. This is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell securities. Use of electronic services is subject to Nomura’s terms of use. For more information, please go to www.nomura.com.

Nomura is a proud sponsor ofthe Women’s Bond Club

042213 Ad - Women's Bond Club - v2.pdf 1 4/23/2013 2:32:59 PM


Women’s Bond CluB merit AWArd dinnerWE SaLUTE TONigHT’S HONOREES lisA CArnoy, miChAelA WAlsh aND NYSE RiSiNg STaR JAmie rogoff

14556_WomensBondClub_AD_130418.indd 1 4/18/13 12:44 PM

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

“If you want something said, ask a man . . . if you want something done, ask a woman.” Margaret Thatcher

For three decades Pegasystems has helped financial institutions adapt to change, deliver superior customer service and get things done!

Pega – Build For Change® www.pega.comPIMCO and YOUR GLOBAL INVESTMENT AUTHORITY are trademarks or registered trademarks of Allianz Asset Management of America L.P. and Pacific Investment Management Company LLC, respectively, in the United States and throughout the world.©2013, PIMCO.

H O N O R I N G E X C E L L E N C E , H A R D W O R K A N D D E D I C AT I O N

Congratulations to tonight’s Merit Award recipient Lisa Carnoy, the Isabel Benham Award recipient Michaela Walsh, and all 2013 Rising Stars, including PIMCO’s Jaynthi Gandhi. PIMCO, a global provider

of investment solutions and thought leadership, is proud to support the Women’s Bond Club.

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Corporate MeMber Corporate MeMber

© 2013. Prudential, the Prudential logo, the Rock symbol and Bring Your Challenges are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. 2013-0041 A4099

Prudential Investment Management is a proud supporter of the


T:7 in

PROOF#: 2OPERATOR: TS/AGDATE: 4/19/13 - 10:48 AMJOB#: MIXB-A4376DESC: MB Gen ProgramPUB: Women’s Bond ClubPUBDATE: 05/07/2013LIVE: TRIM: 7 x 5BLEED: GUTTER: GCD: CD: AD: CW: AE: TRAFFIC: PROOF:

We are a leading provider of multi-asset class data, research and analytics to institutional investors, investment and commercial banks, investment advisors and wealth managers, corporates and universities around the world. We provide a broad suite of capabilities designed to help trackperformance, generate potential targets or buyers, identify new trading and investment ideas, and perform risk analysis and mitigation strategies.

The analyses, including ratings, of Standard & Poor’s and its affiliates are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or make any investment decisions. Users of ratings or other analyses should not rely on them in making any investment decision. Standard & Poor’s opinions and analyses do not address the suitability of any security. Standard & Poor’s does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except where registered as such.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P), a subsidiary of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. STANDARD & POOR’S and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. CAPITAL IQ is a registered trademark of Capital IQ.

S&P Capital IQis proud to supportthe Women’sBond Club.

S&P Capital IQ

2013 merit award dinner | 6867 | women’s bond club

Corporate MeMber

Congratulations to our 2013 Rising Star Justine Chen from our advanced technology group!

©2013 SunGard.Trademark Information: SunGard, and the SunGard logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

SunGard iS proud to Support the Women’S Bond CluB of neW York

For more information, please visit: www.sungard.com

non-mEmBEr taBlE SPonSorS

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non-mEmBEr halF taBlE SPonSorS PaSt aWard rEciPiEntS: mErit aWard

The Merit Award is given to a woman in finance who is widely recognized for her contributions in the industry. Winners of this prestigious award are leaders who have not only been extraordinarily successful in their own careers in the financial services industry but have also distinguished themselves by their commitment to diversity.

2012: Carla A. Harris2011: Sarah Diamond2010: Karen Dunn Kelley2009: Nicole S. Arnaboldi2008: Karen Peetz 2007: Diane L. Schueneman 2006: Erin Callan 2005: Sharon Rowlands 2004: Ellen C. Schubert 2003: Eileen K. Murray 2002: Shelley Leibowitz 2000: Martha Gallo 1999: Patricia Vlahakis

1998: Leslie Tortora 1997: Joyce Chang 1996: Denise Boutross McGlone 1995: Lisa Polsky 1994: Susan Storey 1993: Maureen Hendricks 1992: Elizabeth B. Dater 1991: Nancy Newcomb 1990: Leressa R. Crockett 1989: Nancy Donovan 1988: Maria Ramirez 1987: Greta Marshall

71 | women’s bond club 2013 merit award dinner | 7271 | women’s bond club

PaSt aWard rEciPiEntS: iSaBEl BEnham aWard 2012-2013 WomEn’S Bond cluB Board mEmBErS

Through its Isabel Benham Award, the WBC recognizes women who have made outstanding contributions in improving the lives of women. The award is named after a pioneering woman financial analyst and philanthropist who started her career in the 1930’s and became the first partner at a Wall Street bond house. The Isabel Benham Award includes the privilege of directing a monetary donation by the WBC to a charity of the winner’s choice.

2012: Kay Koplovitz2011: Sylvia Ann Hewlett2010: Dana Dakin2009: Mary Ellen Iskenderian2008: Nell Merlino 2007: Dr. Isobel Coleman 2006: Rear Admiral Marsha J. Evans 2005: Nancy Lublin 2004: Jill Ker Conway 2003: Janet Tiebout Hanson

2002: Lynn Martin 2000: Dina Dublon 1999: Dorothy Q. Thomas 1998: Linda Fairstein 1997: Faye Wattleton 1996: Sheila Wellington 1995: Elinor C Guggenheimer 1994: Heidi Hartman 1993: Marie O’Brien

Co-PresidentsMary Caracappa, Morgan StanleyManaging Director, Strategy and Execution

Fran Tutone Kapner, J.P. MorganExecutive Director

WBC Vice President Andrea Ianniello, Department of the TreasuryOffice of Financial Research, Relationship Management

WBC Treasurer Denise Byrd Gangi, Broadridge Financial Solutions Vice President, Strategy and Business Development

WBC Secretary Mayra Sacco, BNY Mellon Managing Director, Business Manager Corporate Trust

WBC Board Members Siobhan M. Dunn, Morgan Stanley Executive Director

Philippa Girling, Capital One Commercial Bank Business Chief Risk Officer, EVP

Vicky Hayes, TIAA-CREF Senior Vice President

Karen Lorentz, NYSE EuronextVice President

Margaret Morrison, Ernst & Young LLPFinancial Services, Managing Partner Accounts & Business Development

Suzanne O’Connell, IBM Corporation Vice President Sales, Financial Services Sector

Diane Sinti, Deloitte Consulting, LLPDirector, Human Capital Consulting

Business Manager Paula Reddy, Women’s Bond Club

Membership Coordinator Jennifer Bracco, Women’s Bond Club

2013 merit award dinner | 7473 | women’s bond club

Would likE to thank

Merit Award Dinner Co-ChairsAndrea IannielloDiane Sinti

Nominations CommitteeSusan Green, leadCarla HarrisAndrea IannielloKaren Dunn KellySuzanne O’ConnellFranki RiveraPaulina RogawskiJing ShihDiane Sinti

Finance/ PMO CommitteeDenise Byrd, lead

Marketing CommitteePhilippa Girling

Philanthropy CommitteeMayra Sacco

Rising Star CommitteeSiobhan M. Dunn, co-leadNancy L. Thomson, co-leadAdele CascheraAnumaya PhatateMelanie ChildressHolly Stark

Table Sales CommitteeSuzanne O’Connell, leadKathleen TroidleEmily BaugherSuzanne DannRosa ZiccarelliTracey CoatesJean Ziperski

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For gEnErouSly giFting thEir amErican muSEum oF natural hiStory mEmBErShiP EvEnt PrivilEgE