newsletter Copenhagen Meeting April 2013

2013 Copenhagen Student Board Newsletter May 2013

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Read the latest news from the elected representative body of the CEMS student cohort, following their recent meeting in Copenhagen.

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Page 1: 2013 Copenhagen Student Board Newsletter May 2013

newsletter Copenhagen Meeting

April 2013

Page 2: 2013 Copenhagen Student Board Newsletter May 2013

Table of contents

Executive Team 3

Global Sustainability (CSR) Team 4

MIM Affairs Team 6

Cems Club Support (CCS) Team 8

Globalization Team 10

Marketing & Communications (M&C) Team 12

Who is your Student Board representative? 14


Page 3: 2013 Copenhagen Student Board Newsletter May 2013

Dear reader,

Welcome to yet another issue of the Student Board newsletter. This issue will give you a small insight into what we have achieved during the first Student Board meeting of 2013, for which Copenhagen Business School kindly hosted us, and into the next steps each of the 5 teams within the Board have outlined for the upcoming months. The CSR team has held a fruitful workshop that resulted in specific plans on how to align the curriculum with the accelerated shift the CEMS Alliance has taken towards sustainability and social business. As social media is gaining more and more importance in building communities, the Marketing & Communications team has prepared several projects to minimize the distance between the countries and strengthen the ties within CEMS. The CEMS Club Support team has recently launched a new interactive workspace that serves as a knowledge-sharing platform where clubs share best practices and connect. The team is also currently finishing guidelines that should help clubs in interacting with corporate partners. The Globalization team remains focused on the Ambassador program to make sure that the CEMS experience is aligned across the Alliance to create a more homogeneous community.

Besides the heavy emphasis on group work, we also had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with Arla Foods, engaged in a brainstorming session about further growing one of their booming segments, demonstrating the resourcefulness of CEMS students. Please read on and should you have questions about any of the projects we are working on to make your CEMS experience even better, drop us a line on [email protected], we’d love to hear your opinion. To get a clearer idea of the internal structure under which we work and the topics of our projects, refer to the graphic below.


Pavol Dzurjanin VP\Treasurer

Karol GórnowiczPresident


Executive team

From the left: Pavol Dzurjanin, Karol Górnowicz

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The Student Board meeting in Copenhagen was indeed a milestone meeting for the CSR team. We underwent some big changes during this meeting and also had substantial progress on key projects. To summarize, a highly productive workshop on incorporating CSR into the CEMS curriculum took place, the CSR Booklet was published and it was given a new name – CEMStainability, a new set of team members took over and most importantly, the CSR team from now on will be called – Global Sustainability.

One of the prime objectives in Copenhagen for the Global Sustainability team was to come up with attractive, easy to implement and long lasting methods of incorporating CSR into the CEMS curriculum. In keeping with this, a workshop was conducted with members from different teams as well as representatives from the CEMS head office. This turned out to be very fruitful. In brief, it led us to the following ideas and ways of implementation:

We are aware that students might want to further develop this and suggest that the Schools have at least one Business Project and one Skill Seminar related to Sustainability.

Global Sustainability (CSR) Team


Global Management Practice and Global Business Strategy course

The Responsible Leadership Seminar Business Project

In the course guidelines add in - sustainability (instead of CSR) and include cross-cultural ethics. This can be implemented via Case studies and through Guest speakers from Social partners as well as corporate partners.

As a part of the deliverables, ask students to reflect on the sustainability (and ethical side) of the projects.

Make this seminar, planned for the future, Attractive – Interactive with high impact. This can be realized through Corporate partner – Professor – Student interaction; for example – a panel discussion with a representative from each of the aforementioned at the end of the seminar.

From the left: Sina Vaziri, Cristina Avramov, Yekaterina Kondratenko, Margot Fafchamps, Sangram Rane

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During the meeting we also further developed upon the modes of creating awareness for the Global Value Statement (GVS). We have come to a conclusion that it is critical that new CEMS students are exposed to the concept of GVS right from the start. As a result we would now be informing new students about the GVS at “Introduction to CEMS” session at the schools which is normally given by the Academic Directors. This, we think will certainly emphasize and inform the students well of the importance and existence of the GVS.

Our efforts for securing lucrative internships with Social Partners are ongoing as always and we continue to receive offers regularly which students will come across on Facebook on the Student Board page and also via their local CEMS Clubs.

The CSR Booklet for 2013 has been renamed to “CEMStainability!” and was published during the meeting. We are delighted to have received stories of success from several CEMS Clubs and would like to once again thank them for their participation and efforts.

SENStation.org is a very interesting portal for students and experts who are interested in the Social Enterprises. We know that there are many CEMSies who share this interest and thus we will continue our support of SENStation.org, more specifically in terms of promotion during the Business Project Competition.

All in all the meeting in Copenhagen has been highly successful and result oriented for the Global Sustainability team and we strive to have similar performance in the future meetings as well. If you have any questions or suggestions which might be related to our team please feel free to contact us ([email protected]).

With warm regards,

Sangram RaneYekaterina Kondratenko

Sina VaziriMargot Fafchamps


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MIM Affairs Team

From the left: Kareem Chin, Flavio Soriano, Amir Ehsani, Nicolas Streit

As the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard once stated:

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

The MIM-Affairs team of the CEMS Global Student Board could not agree more with this. With our mission of achieving an excellent academic curriculum of the CEMS Master in International Management program, we launched a project to study the recently Alliance-wide implemented Business Communications Skill Seminar (BCSS).

The project consisted of a large-scale qualitative survey, designed to collect feedback on expectations of relevant parties, to identify best practices of each partner school and to come up with specific recommendations for achieving further excellence. Target groups of the survey were: CEMS Students, course instructors/coordinators and CEMS Alumni. The response rate was impressive: 57 students, 24 instructors and 8 alumni submitted contributions.


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During the 2013 Copenhagen Student Board meeting, the MIM-Affairs team made significant advancements in the analysis of all the responses. Opinions, critiques, insights and suggestions were gauged, categorized and consolidated. This process laid the ground for solid recommendations to the CEMS Academic Board for enhancing the BCSS experience and academic relevance.

Just like the previous MIM-Affairs assessment of the CEMS Business Project course, the team produced an encompassing report to be shared within the CEMS community. We expect a significant impact on the design and conduct of future BCSS courses.

Among the specific suggestions for the future BCSS are: 1. the creation of a standardized set of materials to homogenize the BCSS globally; 2. the usage of interesting content (e.g. business cases) to attenuate the issue of relevance of the seminar to proficient English speakers; and 3. intense application of feedback to students, both for oral and written assignments, to increase self-awareness and enable personal improvement.

We are now looking for new opportunities to improve the CEMS experience and warmly welcome suggestions that you may have for us to look into. We take your feedback seriously and will give your contributions full consideration. Please contact us via: [email protected] if you have any questions or ideas.

Cheers,Kareem ChinFlavio SorianoAmir EhsaniNicolas Streit

Current projects: Development of futher improvements to the CEMS MIM curriculum


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In St. Gallen we started to translate the feedback we got from the CEMS Club presidents into action: The results were a makeover of the knowledge sharing platform Podio to make it more intuitive and the preparation of a Welcome Package for the new CEMS Club presidents with all relevant information. In cooperation with the Head Office we started to work on CP guidelines to ensure both interesting events for students and the protection of the CEMS brand.

In Copenhagen we had to say goodbye to Dennis Surya and Guillaume Chapuis, who unfortunately had their last meeting. Thank you for your great work, your motivation and your spirit! You will be missed. Luckily, we got support by Philipp Sommer and José Ramirez who are joining our team and are ready to take over. As you all know, CEMS has become global, which is why the Globalization and CCS team have decided for a closer cooperation to ensure the leverage of experiences and best practices to the new member universities. Therefore Marc and Manfred will participate in the coaching and work with us on Podio to support the Global Ambassador program.

CEMS Club Support (CCS) Team

From the left: Jose Ramirez, Dennis Surya, Jana Kaminski, Guillaume Chapuis, Philipp Sommer


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We realized the importance of the involvement of the local Student Board Representatives in their clubs, which is why they will be the first contact for questions. Nevertheless we are here to help the clubs in need of support and we will continue with our coaching by giving initiation into Podio and hand-over calls. During the meeting we decided to adapt our focus more towards finding general problems and common solutions. This is also reflected in our new projects:

Current projects: Quarterly best practice - Corporate Partner guidelines - Involvement and diversification -

General problems & common solutions - Preparation of CEMS Club conference

We will publish quarterly best practices for a defined topic such as Alumni, social or corporate events to inspire CEMS Clubs. This will be a competition that the Clubs can apply for within a certain timeframe. Further details and decision criteria will be shared soon on Podio with the presidents.


2Already during the last CEMS Club Conference, a yearly meeting with all CEMS Club Presidents in Budapest in November, we realized that Corporate Partners are an important topic that we should have a closer look at. Therefore we are developing guidelines for regional events, think about ways to get Corporate Partners more involved and look for new attractive cooperation. If you have ideas and comments, please contact us – we appreciate your feedback a lot!

3Podio is the way to share knowledge, experience and information. Luckily Philipp and Marc will take over after Dennis legacy. Besides the general management of Podio we are working on a shared domain for all CEMS Club websites in the long run. We will keep you updated about that!

Sincerely yours,

Dennis SuryaGuillaume Chapuis

Jana Kaminski José Ramirez

Philipp Sommer


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To continue with the new structure proposed during the Student Board meeting in Sankt Gallen last December, the Globalisation team has undergone a complete restructuring that will allow it to successfully support all teams the Student Board as an ad-hoc taskforce, in addition to its own projects.

Due to this restructuring, we are sad to see José Carlos transferred to the CEMS Club Support team but are happy to announce our new member, Manfred, who will substitute Marco as the representative from SSE.

From the left: Jose Ramirez, Manfred Ortmaier, Marc Vallverdu, Sean Greif

Globalization Team

Current projects:

Identifying potential partners in Africa - CEMS Ambassador Program - Carbon Emissions Offsetting project - Podio



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Continuing with our aim of ensuring that every CEMS student is able to enjoy the experience in his or her respective host school, we will continue developing the CEMS Ambassador Programme, expanding it onto other non-European schools (such as IIMC in Calcutta or HKUST in Hong Kong) and also to European schools where help is needed. The ambassador’s role is to facilitate and implement measures to ensure a consistently great experience all across the entire CEMS network and we will start selecting the new Ambassadors for Fall 2013 in the following weeks. Following the idea of Globalisation as a taskforce, we are very happy to announce the partnership with the CEMS Club Support team for the completion of this project.

Another project that will continue to be developed over the following months is the Carbon Emissions Offsetting project. As part of CEMS’ commitment to sustainability, the Student Board will work to ensure that all carbon emissions generated by students when travelling to CEMS events such as the Career Forum or the Annual Events get completely offset.

Again, as a collaboration between the CCS team and Globalisation teams, Marc (Globalisation) and Philipp (CCS) will take over Dennis’ management of Podio and will continue to work on it to establish it as the knowledge sharing platform of choice for the Student Board and the CEMS Club Presidents.

Finally, we are excited to announce that the Globalisation team will work together with the CEMS Head Office in a long-term project that aims to identify potential CEMS partners in Africa that will help grow CEMS outside its current boundaries and reach an even more global status.

All the best,

Manfred OrtmaierSean Greif

Marc Vallverdú


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Summed up, the M&C Team had a very productive meeting in Copenhagen, where we drove current projects forward at a rapid pace, as well as involved the rest of the Student Board in mapping the need for new ones. After a major organizational overhaul in January, the Team is now functioning like a well-oiled machine, and was thus able to focus on the right things during the meeting in Copenhagen. This included driving our social media presence even further, discussing how to bolster alumni activities, making sure CEMS Merchandise is spread to as many as possible, in addition to some other very exciting projects.

In 2013, the social media presence of CEMS has increased exponentially and, to keep this trend going, focus was set on how to structure this to ensure consistency and engaging content. A forum for all the Administrators of the main CEMS FB-page has been set-up to better coordinate our efforts. In addition we have set up the email address: [email protected], which can be used by anyone who has suggestions for content on our social media channels. We have also discussed and agreed upon some great FB-campaigns and content for the next 6 months. Leo will keep heading these efforts, supported by one of our new members; Petteri from Aalto University.

A lot has also happened with our Alumni-related projects. The project, previously known as “40 under 40”, was recently launched on Facebook under the name “Alumnus of the Month”, a campaign which will continue until November with new exciting candidates to vote for. As the CEMS Alumni Association Board is currently in the process of working on a global platform for improving the possibilities of Student/Alumni-mentoring, we have chosen to halt our SAMP project for now. After a productive Alumni workshop, the decision was however made to start up a new project, which we named “Idealumni”. The first phase of this involves mapping the Alumni-related needs of students, both during and after studies, thus giving us more insight into how to improve in this area. The project will be headed by Laura and Lilli, who will hopefully have the results of the survey ready before the summer.

Marketing & Communications (M&C) Team


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We are well on the way in planning the sale of merchandise for this fall and have agreed on some exciting new products for the catalogue. The sale will be organized as in previous years, by ordering through our website, with the possibility of having goods sent to the CEMS Clubs or to pick it up during the Career Forum. We will also work towards having certain products available for sale over-the-counter in Budapest. We are planning some exciting competitions and campaigns on social media to ensure that all CEMSies are aware of the products we offer. In addition, preliminary work is being done on

creating a new CEMS merchandise platform for the future. Eszter from Corvinus University, the other of our new members, will keep heading our Merchandise project, with good support from Petteri.

In addition to the projects mentioned above, M&C has contributed to the CEMS Magazine, which was launched in March, and will continue to do so in the future. And finally, we have created the newsletter that you are reading right now. We hope you enjoyed it!

Current projects: Social Media - Merchandise - Alumnus of the Month - Idealumni - Newsletter - CEMS Magazine

Best regards,

Jo HolmsenLeonard Dulay-Winkler

Elisabeth LangeLaura Goncalves

Eszter TothPetteri Jalonen

From the left: Jo Holmsen, Leonard Dulay-Winkler, Elisabeth Lange, Laura Goncalves, Eszter Toth, Petteri Jalonen


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Petteri [email protected]


Eszter Tó[email protected]


Flavio [email protected]


Marc [email protected]


Ekaterina [email protected]


Guillaume [email protected]


Nicolas [email protected]


Sina [email protected]


Leonard [email protected]


Sangram [email protected]


Margot [email protected]


Rimli Das [email protected]

Who is your Student Board representative?


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Jo [email protected]


Laura [email protected]


Dennis [email protected]


Kareem [email protected]


Jakub [email protected]


Manfred [email protected]


Amir [email protected]


Sean [email protected]


Philipp [email protected]


Jose [email protected]


Elisabeth [email protected]


Jana [email protected]


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