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Design and Editing: Suzanna Dayne and Mardiyah Miller www.beginchange.co

Subud and the seven circles symbol are registered marks of the World Subud Association. Copyright 2012 World Subud Association. All rights reserved.



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The year was a time of members coming together to refresh, renew and to begin. There were many landmark events which you can read about in this report. This includes the work of the World Congress Organising Team (WCOT) who are preparing for the next Congress in Puebla, Mexico in 2014. The team continues to endeavour to work harmoniously - as Bapak always advised us this is the only way to truly achieve anything in this life.

Many of our affiliates and wings have moved forward and are fulfilling their mission and goals. Susila Dharma International Association (SDIA) continues its humanitarian work in more than two dozen countries and is building its capacity to serve the SD network. Subud Enterprise Services International (SESI) is supporting a number of enterprises and working to improve its support role. Our Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) launched its Poems for Peace project and reached more than one million people around the world.

Our youth are now more focused and have a strong team supporting the Subud Youth Association International (SYAI). While Subud Publications International (SPI) continues its work providing talks to members everywhere.

There are also many steps forward in the way we work together. We worked with the Muhammad Subuh Foundation (MSF) on efforts to preserve Bapak’s original recorded talks. The Foundation also supported the WSA on a number of projects including International Helper work and the History of Subud project.

We also began looking at ways to energize ‘aging’ Subud groups, to strengthen our Subud Centres and to reach out and communicate better with all our members.

Moving forward, earlier this year we received clarification from Ibu Siti Rahayu about the roles and responsibilities of the WSA. We will endeavor to move forward on this path with a strong willingness to work in harmony with all of Subud.


As Chair, I have been privileged to be able to attend many Subud congresses, gatherings and meetings around the world in the past year. These experiences have led me to see many similarities between groups. We all seem to face similar challenges and reap similar rewards from the work we all do in Subud. I have also observed the way different groups, regions and zones handle particular issues. We can do well to learn from one another and find ways to strengthen our brotherhood. Below is a summary of these travels. .

Australasia2012 began with a visit to Subud Australia’s January Congress on the site of the 1989 World Congress near Darling Harbour. The location where we had faced the great potential of participating in its redevelopment. Reminders of the potential that is always there for us. Subud Australia’s theme was awakening, rebuilding its confidence after a period of uncertainty. The newfound energy informed dynamic plenaries, concerts and inter-national issues discussions.

There followed visits to Subud New Zealand’s informal national gathering outside Nelson, north of Christch-urch, the scene of the traumas of the 2011 earthquake and shocks to so many. The time together gave us all a chance to refresh the inner/outer of the trauma follow-ing the earthquake and 11,000+ aftershocks.

Then I visited Japan also in the aftermath of another natural disaster - the tsunami and Fukashima disasters. The tangible feeling of Subud members witnessing the forces at work in this world. A tangible sense of shock. Seeking and receiving healing in their lives inwardly and outwardly.. Gradually being refreshed even as Japan has suffered economically. These were seminal visits to Tokyo groups and Osaka where I shared insights into the process of realignment to aging demographics in Subud and the need to seek out new projects.

EuropeNext in March I visited Wisma Mulia, my 90-year old father’s home now since 1977, to see how Wisma


“For myself, I feel the importance of refreshing my understanding of Bapak’s guidance that we actively seek to put our latihan into practice in this world.”

Mulia is evolving. No longer just for Subud members, but through necessity 50:50 now for both Subud and non Subud members. A community of caring and companionship that is needed more widely across the Subud world, where our average age in the northern hemisphere is now 67 years.

I spent Easter time at the Zone 4 gathering in Bad Veslau, Austria attended by 100+ enthusiastic representatives of 16 of the 24 countries in this most varied of zones. Germany, Austria and Norway are more established groups. Greece, Lithuania and Israel are developing while Serbia and Moldova are much smaller, newer groups. We also discussed support for Zone representatives and how to improve the organization overall.

North AmericaThen to the WSC meeting and Americas Gatherings at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver. Forty Council members (WSA, MSF, wings, IHs and Zone Reps.) and more than three hundred members from the Americas as well as Europe and Asia gave us a prelude, a pilot taste of World Congress 2014 in Puebla.

At the annual World Subud Council (WSC) meeting we reviewed our World Congress 2010 resolutions. A need for supporting the growth of Subud centres (WSA-Zones-IHs) was identified. We also saw a stronger need for supporting the archives financially. Of particular urgency is the Legacy Project which has been supported by the Muhammad Subuh Foundation and will be handed back to the WSA this year ( 2013 ). This project aims to preserve and maintain all of Bapak’s and Ibu Rahayu’s original recorded talks for humanity.

There is also a need to support international centres through a combined effort of WSA, MSF-SDIA and the Guerrand-Hermes Foundation for Peace (GHFP). On the topic of enterprise there is a renewed vision for the Subud Enterprise Services International (SESI) and the boosting of helper work and youth and cultural activities support via International Helpers, SYAI and SICA.


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We recognized the need for addressing grassroots needs with revitalized Subud centres and care of aging/economically stressed members versus being too focused on larger scale projects. The need for the WSA executive to work with the wings to support their work in social-humanitarian projects (SDIA); the long term development of Subud (MSF), the culture of Subud and the inner self (SICA) and the development of youth-centered projects (SYAI). However, we also saw the need for new, larger projects to once again support the work of Subud in the world more fully and that there is younger energy now in Indonesia, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, parts of Eastern Europe also in larger countries, USA and Britain.

The Americas Gathering embracing members from Zones 7, 8 and 9 focused on cultural, social/humanitarian and enterprising activities together. Wonderful concerts, congress-film-making, updates on the work of Subud in the world, exhibitions, tours of slightly rainy but extraordinarily beautiful Vancouver area. Refreshed in the gathering’s Vivir Ensemble! theme – ‘celebrating together!’

Southeast AsiaOctober saw Maxwell, Hadrian and I visit Ibu Rahayu in Jakarta to reconnect with her for the first time since Congress January 2010. We discussed the direction of Subud and Ibu provided guidance for the future following the essence of Bapak’s guidance - which we need to revisit more fully. Ibu also gave explanations on the roles of WSA, MSF and other parts of the organization to best serve member’s needs. The potential for the development of Wisma Subud and the care needed in supporting the living legacy of Bapak and Subud in the world was also discussed. The need to not get stuck in ‘Subud heritage’ activities that slow down/paralyze Subud’s development as a living entity.


I made a point of spending four days visiting more than a dozen enterprises and projects in Kalimantan and Jakarta. The range, scope and content is truly extraordinary. From mineral exploration (KGC; Altar Resources), ecotourism (Rungan Sari Resort; Club Bali; River-tours; Tiger Resorts), conference centres (Adi Puri, Mhd. Subuh Centre; Eco-village), social welfare (YUM) schools (BCU, Jakarta school)

Although in 2013 (and so technically outside the scope of this report) the World Congress Planning meeting in Puebla, in January made for an extraordinary end of 2012.

For myself, I feel the importance of refreshing my understanding of Bapak’s guidance that we actively seek to put our latihan into practice in this world. To face Almighty God more fully – to follow the guidance that is present for us...to be sincere and ready to follow.

Asking God’s blessings on our work together.

Luke Penseney, Chair, World Subud Association 2010-14

Luke with members of Bapak’s family and Subud Indonesia.


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The name Subud is a contraction of the Sanskrit words, Susila (the good character of man in accordance with the Will of Almighty God) Budhi (the force of the inner self within man) and Dharma (surrender, trust and sincerity towards Almighty God).

The founder of Subud, Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo, was born in Indonesia in 1901 and died in 1987. Bapak (father), as he was affectionately known, spontaneously received his first experience of the latihan kejiwaan (spiritual practice) of Subud in 1925. Following the spread of Subud to the West in 1957, Bapak travelled around the world, giving talks and explanations about this spiritual path; and today, his daughter, Ibu Siti Rahayu Wiryohudoyo, continues to give talks in much the same fashion.

The international Subud organization exists to serve the member countries and to facilitate the development of Subud and its expression in the world. It organizes gatherings, disseminates talks by Bapak and Ibu Rahayu, supports the acquisition of Subud premises, helper visits, publications, web sites, and access to and support for networks of Subud members. Every four to five years it organizes the Subud World Congress. It also supports a range of activities through which Subud members interact together to further the aims of Subud, and to express their inner experience in the form of activities, programs and projects.

The World Subud Association (WSA) is made up of national bodies including people from different religions, beliefs, nationalities and cultures, united by the common, yet individual, spiritual practice – the latihan kejiwaan. Through this practice, each person may discover his/her own inner nature, potential, talent and guidance, in accordance with his/her unique capacity and commitment. The association encourages the expression of each individual’s spirituality, through working with one’s true talent, which gives rise to a diverse range of social, cultural, entrepreneurial, and educational activities.

Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjoyo and Subud members in Tokyo. Japan hosted the Third Subud World Congress in 1967.Photo courtesy WSA Archives, Canberra

For more information visit www.subud.com and www.subud.org

01.“The international Subud organization exists to serve the member countries and to facilitate the development of Subud...”


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The World Subud Association

The World Subud Association (WSA) is an association of national Subud bodies, with affiliate and partner organisations. The WSA has grown following Bapak’s advice, so that it belongs to the members, who can participate in the formulation and development of common aims.

Every four years the WSA holds a meeting of all national bodies; this is the Subud World Congress, a worldwide gathering of individual Subud members.

There are 53 official World Subud Association member countries, with the latihan being practiced in an additional 33 nations.

According to Zone Representatives and National Committees, 18 National Congresses were held in countries around the world in 2012. It was also reported that new National Committee members were chosen in 10 countries, with existing committees continuing their functions in several others.

The countries are grouped together in seven zones around the world, coordinated by a Zone Council and Representative. Zone Meetings provide opportunities for communication, mutual support and to conduct business on behalf of the geographic area represented, as well as dealing with business for the international association. At the same time, they are often occasions for gatherings of Subud members. The Zone Councils include the Zone Representative and four delegates from each country: the Chairperson, Committee Councillor, and two Kejiwaan (spiritual) Councillors.

1959 - Coombe Springs, UK1963 - NY, USA1967 - Tokyo, Japan1971 - Cilandak, Indonesia1975 - Wolfsburg, Germany1979 – Toronto, Canada1983 - Anugraha, UK

1989 - Sydney, Australia1993 - Amanecer, Colombia1997 - Spokane, USA2001 - Bali, Indonesia2005 - Innsbruck, Austria2010 - Christchurch, New Zealand2014 - Puebla, Mexico

53 official WSA members countries around the world with Subud members in 33 more. Countries are grouped into 7 zones. Every 4 years the WSA holds meetings of all national bodies; this is the Subud World Congress.


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1975 1975 1979









Subud World Congresses


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Six Zone Council meetings took place this year: In April, Zone 4 including the eastern part of Europe, northern Asia and parts of the Middle East, held its meeting in Austria and Zone 8 comprising 4 countries in South America held its meeting at Amanecer in Colombia. In May Zone 3, embracing 8 countries in the west of Eu-rope held its meeting in the Netherlands. In June, Zone 7’s council meeting was held in Vancouver, Canada as part of the Americas Gathering taking place at the same venue. Zone 7 covers North America and Central Amer-ica and in November, Subud Suriname, celebrated their 45th Anniversary.

Also in November, Zone 9, representing southern Latin America, held its meeting in Chile. Whilst Zone 1 and 2, covering South East Asia and Australasia, held its meet-ing in Rungan Sari, Kalimantan, Indonesia in December.



The Zone 1 & 2 meeting in Rungan Sari was blessed by a visit from Ibu Siti Rahayu, who gave a talk to Zone council members. Ibu also gave a talk and did testing with visitors and members of local groups.Photo ( Above ): Sofyan Tsang


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World Subud Council Meeting and the Americas GatheringThe World Subud Council (WSC) is the body that conducts business between World Congresses. In 2012, the council met in June/July at the University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada and began with preparatory meetings of the different sections of the Council – Zone Reps./Directors, International Helpers and WSA executive. From these meetings, issues and concerns in each area and topics for discussion were identified. The novelty of this meeting was that on certain days the Council worked in breakout groups reporting back to the whole council at the end of the day. Presentations from all WSC’s affiliates and partner organisations were woven into the programme which overlapped with the Americas Gathering by a few days. Over 20 recommendations and resolutions came out of this meeting with topics ranging from Consensus, WSA membership, Volunteering at World Congress to Fundraising and the WSA 2013 Budget.

The Muhammad Subuh Foundation were also meeting at the same venue enabling full collaboration and communication between these two aspects of our Subud organisation.

The dates for the 14th Subud World Congress to be held in Puebla, Mexico were agreed as 2 – 14 August, 2014. Fernando Fatah, World Congress Organising Team Chair gave a colourful presentation about the town itself and the facilities available. Ibu Rahayu was not well enough to travel but was able to pre-record a talk with advice and guidance for the Council and members attending the Americas Gathering. Although there is no substitute for Ibu Rahayu’s personal presence, the DVD of her talk was well received and very much appreciated.

Members came from the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia as well as Europe and Australia to attend the Americas Gathering, the third such gathering and the first to be held in North America making it a

unique and memorable event. About 400 members representing 30 countries attended and the generosity of the Guerrand-Hermes Foundation for Peace, individual members and the International Youth Travel Fund all combined to help some members with grants for travel and attendance. Both Subud Canada’s AGM and Zone 7’s Meeting were held at Subud Vancouver (Capri) Hall during the Americas Gathering with representatives from all over Canada and the Zone 7 region working together on various topics.

The editors of Subud Canada’s newsletter and Subud USA News joined forces to produce an Americas Gathering ‘Special Issue’ newsletter.



Latihan Support International Helpers visited members and groups in 19 different countries, often attending Zone meetings or National Congresses on their travels.

World Subud Assocation Executive TeamIn 2012, the WSA Executive Team consisting of Luke Penseney, WSA Chair, Elias Coragem Dumit, as WSA Deputy Chair, Maxwell Fraval as WSA Executive Chair and Maya Korzybska as WSA Executive Vice Chair was slightly reshuffled when Julia Hurd stepped down as Secretary and Silvana Caradoc Evans took on the role in March 2012.

Silvana, originally from the UK and now living in Canberra, Australia, joined the WSA Executive Team as Administrator in 2010, soon after the World Congress in Christchurch.

Knowledge and experience gained through working closely together enabled a smooth transition from Julia to Silvana and offers continuity and stability for the WSA.

Julia’s efficient service as Zone Rep. in previous years and WSA secretary in both the previous team and the current team was much appreciated and is greatly missed.

In addition, the WSA Executive is grateful to Farah Czwiertnia, Austria, who has volunteered to assist with website content management and Suzanna Dayne and Mardiyah Miller, Los Angeles, US, who through their company, begin., edit and design WSA Annual Reports and Newsletters and other communication materials.

World Subud Council

WSC at work during a meeting in Vancouver, Canada

International Helpers at the Vancouver meeting.

(above L-R) Maxwell Fraval, Julia Hurd, Luke Penseney, Maya Korzybska, Silvana Caradoc Evans(below) Elias Coragem Dumit


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Subud World Congresses The Subud World Congress takes place every four years. It often alternates from one continent to another, and about every three congresses, it generally moves from the northern to the southern hemisphere.

There are three main aims to the world congress:

First the spiritual experience which involves everyone attending, through sharing our spiritual practice, listening to talks and testing sessions.

Second is the legal aspect, when the delegates of all the country members of the WSA come together to evaluate the last 4 years, to discuss the policy of the upcoming four years and to vote on resolutions. At the same time the outgoing council hands over to the new council and the WSA chooses its new chair and executive chair. At this point the new chairs and representatives of the wings and affiliates also begin their mandate.

Third is a gathering where all the members share and participate in workshops, presentations, performances, exhibitions and multiple other activities including simple socializing.

(from top)

1959 - Varindra Vittachi (R) at the first Subud World Congress, Coombe Springs, UK

1971 - Bapak and Subud members at the Fourth Subud World Congress in Cilandak, Indonesia

1989 - Ibu Rahayu at Eighth Subud World Congress, Sydney, Australia

1993 - Amanecer site of Ninth Subud World Congress, Colombia



Bapak and Ibu Siti Sumari (with scarf) in the US, 1963. New York hosted the Second World Subud Congress.Photo: courtesy WSA Archives, Canberra


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03.“Puebla, Mexico is rich in history and culture and provides a colorful backdrop to the next Subud World Congress.

A typical street in Puebla. Founded in 1591, the center of the city has been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.


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Garneau and Maemunah Doran came on board to be the programmers customizing the on-line registration system, using the company CVENT. Mary Wold became responsible for Child Care and Debbie Machado for Customer relations. Murtado Bustillo agreed to be the simultaneous translation coordinator.

Three presentations were given; to the World Subud Council, to the Zone 7 meeting and to the entire Gathering, with the presence of Sra Monica Maritorena, the newly nominated Public Relations officer for the town of Puebla, who by coincidence was in Vancouver for personal reasons.

During a second visit to Puebla in October, Maya, Marston, Fernando and Arif worked to finalise the World Congress budget and to establish the registration fee. Catering options were explored and contracts with venues and suppliers completed. The Congress budget and fee was submitted to the World Subud Council for review and after some discussions, were adopted.

It was also agreed to make the World Congress as green and socially aware as possible, using fair trading partners, interacting with local NGO’s and charities, focusing and promoting the hotels that have green and eco-friendly policies as well as using eco-friendly suppliers. This aspect of the congress is coordinated by Rashidah Flores.


Preparations In 2012, the World Congress Organising Team (WCOT) moved into a higher gear. Early in the year, Maya Korzybska (WSA Vice Chair and World Congress coordinator) had a three week working trip to the city, working closely with Fernando Fatah Nieva (WCOT chair) and Arif Rivero (WCOT vice chair) and the rest of the local team. They were also joined by Marston Gregory the World Congress treasurer from the US for part of the time.

The trip included meetings organized with tourism and government officials, hotel and restaurant representatives, artisan associations and travel agents. The team toured the congress sites, making sure the facilities that were available met the needs of the WSA, the affiliates and the Subud members.

The main World Congress site is the Centro de Convenciones de Puebla, which is just across from the Centro Historico, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Maya found that the basic needs of the World Congress have been addressed, including spaces for on-going latihan and kejiwaan activities, plenary sessions and major performances. Spaces for the wings were also reviewed and negotiations for further spaces for youth, children, sports and workshops undertaken.

The team visited some 40 hotels (from budget to luxury accommodations). The hotels closest to the Convention Centre also provide a number of meeting rooms.

The enlarged World Congress Organizing Team managed to all meet together during the Americas Gathering in Vancouver, Canada at the end of June. Planning processes were put into place. Lucida The convention center in Puebla where most

activities will be held.


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Since 1996, MSF has provided approximately USD 3 Million in funding for a wide range of Subud projects and programs that strengthen the long-term development of Subud, including support for Subud groups to acquire their Subud houses. This has been made possible through generous donations, bequests and endowments by Subud members and Subud enterprises. Through prudent investment and management of these assets, the Muhammad Subuh Foundation hopes to achieve long-term financial viability for generations to come.

One of the Foundation’s main projects last year was supporting WSA archives after it was found that many of the original recorded talks of Bapak were in danger of deteriorating beyond repair. In 2012, MSF provided nearly USD 172,000 for the project including USD 157,000 for Memnon, the Belgian audio preservation specialists, who examined recordings and provided ways to restore damaged tapes as well as to digitize the entire collection.

In addition the Foundation has provided more than USD 100,000 to support Subud houses, projects, organizations and members.

Since its inception, support for Subud houses has been a central focus for the Foundation. In 2012, MSF supported the Democratic Republic of Congo to help rebuild their meeting hall. MSF has provided a number of grants to the group over the past few years. Funds were also given to Amanecer in Colombia to repair their Gran Salon.

The Foundation provided USD 50,000 to the World Subud Association to support a number of activities including international helper travel, the Care Support Program and SYAI projects. The funds were also used to support the translation of Bapak’s talks into Spanish and to provide ongoing support for Subud Historian Harlinah Longcroft in her work on the next volume of the History of Subud.


04.Susila Dharma Association International (SDIA) received MSF funds which went to support the volunteer program “getInvolved!”, capacity building within SDIA, Fundacion Amanecer, the Subud community in Colombia, and Rungan Sari the Subud community in Central Kalimantan. Both SD projects funded by MSF through SDIA go directly to improving not only the lives of surrounding communities but the perceptions of locals that Subud members are working hand in hand with and for local communities.

The Foundation also provided funds for SICA, the Subud International Cultural Association. The funds were used to support a capacity-building meeting at the America’s Gathering in Vancouver.


Above;During his lifetime, Bapak gave more than 1,700 talks. MSF is supporting WSA archives to preserve the original recordings.

Photo: courtesy WSA Archives (date unknown).

The Muhammad Subuh Foundation (MSF) honors the name of the founder of Subud,Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo. Established in 1991, the Foundation serves to build a lasting financial capacity for the Subud community.


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Susila Dharma International Association is a global, member based network made up of 23 national Susila Dharma organizations and more than 40 development projects. SDIA has category II consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and UNICEF as a non-governmental organization (NGO).

SDIA, an affiliate of the WSA, is an association of Subud organizations that focus their energy on developmental, humanitarian and charitable activities. The Chair, Kumari Beck, sits on the World Subud Council. SDIA is governed by a board of ten Directors and has its head office in Montreal, Canada.

In 2012, the SDIA Annual General meeting was held in August in Great Malvern, England during the Subud Britain gathering. In addition to the SDIA Board and staff, representatives from twelve national organization and five projects shared information about their work, learned from each other and conducted the business meeting of the Association. Elected to the board for three-year terms were Raphael Bate (UK), Rosali Meepaibul (Indonesia/Thailand) and Kohar Parra (USA).


05.“ The Human Force Camp was host-ed this year by the Anisha project in India with 12 participants working on a survey of farmers, documentary film-making and teaching English. This was the fourth camp coordinated by SDIA and run by Alexandra Wood-ward and Osanna Favre to benefit SD projects. “

Susila Dharma International Association is a global, member based network made up of 23 national Susila Dharma organiza-tions and more than 40 develop-ment projects. SDIA has category II consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and UNICEF as a non-gov-ernmental organization (NGO).

SDIA supports projects in 28 countries including DR Congo where education and health services for children are a priority.

A second SDIA meeting was held in Vancouver, Canada during the Americas Gathering and the WSC meeting. This meeting attracted many Subud members to learn more about Susila Dharma and offered a range of workshops. A highlight was the attendance of Dianteza Dimpioka, chair of SD DR Congo, who together with Virginia Hamida Thomas of SDIA presented information about the many activities in the DR Congo. Other important outcomes of that meeting were a joint presentation by Latifah Taramino of SICA and Kumari Beck of SDIA on Creativity and Caring, which was very well received. SDIA and MSF also held meetings that led to a 2-year grant agreement between the two organizations to spend US $50,000 to implement social and charitable activities.

SDIA’s Capacity Building program continued to build the skills and knowledge of the Susila Dharma D.R. Congo team and other local NGOs to improve their management capacity. SDIA sent three delegates to the United Nations Earth Summit on Sustainable Development in Brazil in June and this led to presentations in England and Canada by the delegates on issues of environmental sustainability and how to benefit from our participation at the UN. A survey and initiative to mentor some SD projects wanting to learn more about finding solutions to issues of environmental practices such as reforestation, clean water and organic agriculture emerged as part of the UN focus this year. Representatives in New York, Geneva and Bonn participated in various NGO Committee meetings to reinforce SDIA’s presence at the United Nations.

The Human Force Camp was hosted this year by the Anisha project in India with 12 participants working on a survey of farmers, documentary filmmaking and teaching English. This was the fourth camp coordinated by SDIA and run by Alexandra Woodward and Osanna Favre to benefit SD projects. In 2012, SDIA assisted the SD Network and donors to distribute US $721,379 in earmarked grants to projects. Some SD Nationals provided other grants directly to projects and these did not go through SDIA.

The SDIA team in Great Malvern, England for their Annual General Meeting, August 2012.


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Agriculture projects in India help promote sustainability.


Volunteers like Jayadi from Australia help SDIA sustain key projects.

The 2012 total revenue of SDIA was US $ 1,099,715 with expenditures of $905,339 in expenditures with earmarked funds being carried over to the next year. In December, the voting members of SDIA approved a 2013 budget of US $938,150.

SDIA revised its logo and visual identity in 2012 and launched the new design in the eNews, the 2012 Annual Report, and a new brochure published with financial assistance of WSA. SDIA requests that members of WSA distribute this brochure widely to help Subud members and the public understand the purpose and function of SDIA as part of Subud.

Eight issues of the SDIA eNews were published in English, Spanish and French and distributed widely within Subud and publicly via the web. The eNews features stories and news about the work of SDIA members and has a circulation of 1070.

There was a new “SD Voices” initiative to document project activities thanks to the volunteer effort of Myra Margolin (USA) who spent 6 months in India teaching skills in film making, photography and social media at Anisha, and to Hillel Natanson who travelled around India documenting project activities there. SDIA is grateful to GHFP for the support to both the Human force Camp and the SD Voices Project.

In 2012 Rosanna Hille was acting Executive Director of the SDIA office while Virginia Hamida Thomas was on maternity leave. We thank Samuel Chapleau and Cassidy Sterling who stepped down as staff members of SDIA, and welcomed Rafaela Alvarez who took over as SDIA bookkeeper.


Volunteer Myra Margolin and friends in India. Myra taught valuable media skills at Anisha.


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Poems for PeacePoems For Peace, SICA’s first global program for the public, reached over 1,000,000 people worldwide.

Its success came from a shared focus, partnership, and collaboration. SICA partnered with national SICAs as well as with local institutions, poetry societies, and a global coalition of NGOs working with UK’s nonprofit, Peace One Day. Our focus was celebrating the UN’s International Day of Peace, September 21, through shared community action. SICA’s action was creating and /or sharing poetry, songs, and prayers for peace. Anyone and everyone could be involved.

SICA Poems for Peace events took place all around the world — in multiple cities and locations in the USA, UK, Germany, Canada, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, and Russia.

“In Austin, Texas we were in a theater. The performers and poets on stage were not Subud members, just friends and colleagues I know through my own work here in Austin. They each read poems they had selected for the occasion. Some were original works, and some were poems of others. But ... there was not a dry eye in the house — or on stage. And the tears were tears of gratitude, tears of feeling human, tears of love for others. It was all unexpected and spontaneous.” Latifah Taormina, SICA Chair.

And then I remembered what Ibu said in one of her talks:

‘So by creating something for other people, you may be able to demonstrate something that without their being aware of it, may exert a positive influence on people who are not in Subud.’

SICA also hosted an international competition, professionally judged, with a US $500 prize, for an outstanding Poem for Peace. A Santa Fe poet won first prize. Subud member, Devreaux Baker, won honorable mention.


06. As a member of the Peace One Day coalition, we were able to live stream their Peace Day Launch — a concert with Elton John — on our own SICA website on September 21. Peace One Day is looking forward to working with us again in 2013.

This was the first effort of the international and national SICA organizations working together on a project. We look forward to more collaborations in the future and are already working on Poems for Peace for Peace Day 2013.

There were several other projects undertaken by SICA in 2012. The full report is on the SICA website. www.subud-sica.org

Recipe for PeaceBy Devreaux Baker

Bare your feet, roll up your sleeves oil the immigrant’s bowl

open the doors and windows of your house invite in the neighbors, invite in strangers off the street

roll out the dough, add the spices for a good life cardamon and soul, cumin and tears

stir in sesame and sorrow, a dash of salt pink as new hope

rub marjaram and thyme, lemon grass and holy basil on your fingers and pat the dough

bless the table, bless the bread bless your hands and feet

bless the neighbors and strangers off the street

bake the bread for a century or more on a moderate heat

under the olive trees in your back yard or on the sun filled stones of Syria

in the white rocks of Beirut or behind the walls of Jerusalem

in the mountains of Afghanistan and in the sky scrapers of New York

feast with all the migrant tongues until your mouth understands

the taste of many different homes and your belly is full so you fall asleep

cradled in the skirts of the world curled in the lap of peace.

The Subud International Cultural Association (SICA) is a nonprofit organization providing programs and support services to Subud members whose work reflects their inner gifts and talents and serves the public benefit.


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At the last World Congress in Christchurch in 2010, the structure of the International Subud Youth team was radically revamped, with six coordinators, two for each area, filling the role previously fulfilled by two representatives. This was intended to spread the workload, allow more international travel by representatives to local groups and gatherings, and to encourage a greater networking of youth around the world.

Marcus Vagany has joined the team in Area 2 making a total of four coordinators with Alexandra Woodward looking after Area 3 and Lucinda Young and Roland Fraval sharing the tasks in Area 1. Marcus has been a great addition to the team, adding an energy and quiet presence that has helped us to right the proverbial ship and start to really forge ahead. After two years of uncertainty and lack of direction, the team now has a great working dynamic and clear goals moving into the future. In 2012 we spent a lot of time refining our processes and procedures, especially around the International Youth Travel Fund (IYTF). Lucinda has been working hard to ensure that we are able to track funds, applications and applicants throughout the process.

As for the rest of the team, Alexandra has been hatching plans for the first Subud Youth enterprise grants, Roland has been working with the YES Quest team to make the first Creative Quest and Marcus has been hopping from gathering to gathering to spread the message.

In 2012, various members of the team attended the America’s Gathering, the WSC meeting, the Subud Britain National Congress and Zone 3 Gathering and many other regional, zonal and national gatherings.

Above:Subud youth at the Australian National CongressBelow:The original SYAI team selected at 2010 World Congress


07. International Youth Travel Fund (IYTF) The IYTF continued to be accessed in 2012 indicating that there are young Subud members that are aware it is available to assist them to attend gatherings, meetings and social projects.

There were a total of seven applications made to the IYTF from young Subud members in Austria, Australia, Colombia, Russia, Chile and Argentina. Recipients that applied for funding did so to assist them attend the Vancouver gathering in Canada and the Human Force camp at Anisha in India. Most of the recipients received grants though some received loans.

Facts and FiguresAt the time of writing the credits (from donations/fund-raising and loan repayments) to the IYTF account in 2012 amounted to USD $3,865 and the debits were approximately USD $3,800. The IYTF currently sits at approximately USD$22,000.

Fund-raising Events in 2012 Approximately USD$754 was raised from fund-raising efforts specific to IYTF. Susila Dharma Australia and Subud Youth Australia combined efforts at the 2012 Subud Australia Congress to raise US$500 through an art auction, cake sale and ‘fortune’ telling enterprise.


The SYAI used their budget allocation in 2012 to travel to the following gatherings / plenary meetings:

New Zealand National CongressWSA Council Meeting (Vancouver, Canada)America’s Gathering (Vancouver, Canada)Subud Britain National Congress / Zone 4 gathering (Great Malvern, United Kingdom)World Congress Organising meeting (Puebla, Mexico)

The objectives of the youth wing, Subud Youth Activities International, (SYAI), is to network with the youth worldwide and to promote and sup-port programs and projects that can help young people develop their talents, identify direction for their life work, and take steps toward their field of studies and careers.


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SESI continues to support the development of a number of enterprises in Kalimantan that are being established by an initial group of investors, headed by Ruslan Morris. These enterprises are designed to bring together the skills and talents available within our Association as a platform for mutual collaboration and to, ultimately, provide a sustainable flow of income to serve our Association’s financial needs. Three companies were operational in 2012 -- a business development company “KARMANNA” that has established a trading, construction and transport company and whose first activity is a joint-venture sawmill that is operational, and a palm oil plantation project. The latter project is at the feasibility study stage and should have that study and the licenses and permits in place ready to expand its investor base by mid-2013.

Ruslan Morris resigned as the Coordinator for SESI in 2012 in order to avoid any conflicts of interest with his involvements in Kalimantan enterprise developments and, after testing by the international helpers, Rashad Pollard replaced him.

SESI launched a new “Business Marketplace” initiative through its web site (subudenterprise.com) at the end of 2012 and this supported communications and requests for support, from enterprises in the UK, New Zealand, Indonesia, the USA, Canada and Spain. This effort will be significantly expanded in 2013. SESI is also supporting WSA initiatives to improve membership databases, adding skills and enterprises to membership lists, and a new web site designed to support Subud Center developments and promote hotels and hospitality projects. SESI continued regular communications to enterprises and the general membership; to SES National representatives and our Zonal and National structure.

SESI is seeking two new Directors or Advisors to head their Business Marketplace Initiative as the work load is considerably expanding, and to head up improved Communications efforts.




Above:Bapak in Central Kalimantan, 1980Subud members have developed a number of enterprises in the province and a growing international community has been established there.

Below:Rashad Pollard, SESI CoordinatorRuslan Morris, former SESI Coordinator and friend.

Subud Enterprise Services Inter-national, (SESI), provides support, encouragement, and networking opportunities for entrepreneurial ac-tivities. Businesses contribute exper-tise as well as funding to charitable, cultural, and youth projects, and to the Subud organization.


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Subud International Health Association provides a platform which supports the enhancement of human physical, mental emotional and spiritual health.

SIHA is primarily a networking association that offers mutual support and communication among Subud people and between healthcare practitioners in all fields, from conventional to alternative. SIHA also runs seminars and retreats.

Chair Matthew d’Haemer resigned in 2012 and SIHA is actively seeking a replacement.





10. WSA ARCHIVESThe main aim of the WSA Archives is to ensure that an accurate record of the development of Subud is managed and preserved across all media. Secondly, for safety’s sake, we must have back-ups of crucial archival material, such as Bapak’s talks and correspondence, in different geographic locations. Thirdly, it is one thing to collect and preserve archives, and it is another to ensure they are an alive and useful part of the organisation they serve.In 2012 archive work focused on 5 main areas:• Digitalisation - Bapak’s original recorded talks• Team building• Strategic Budget• Database• Support fund raising

DigitalisationWSA subcontracted the work to the Muhammad Subuh Foundation (MSF). Amalijah Thompson, WSA Archivist, was engaged part time by MSF to handle the technical aspects. We worked closely with MSF.

By the end of 2012, around 80% of total digitalization was completed and sent to Amalijah Thompson for quality control. The quality of the digitization is excellent with only a few tapes needing more work. The next stage to the end of 2013 will deal with the remaining 20% of tapes where this is feasible.

The main part of WSA Archives budget has been used to fund this work.

Team BuildingAn international team has been established drawing together individual ‘Archivists’ working from different locations: USA, Australia, Japan, Indonesia and UK. Common ways of working are being developed and agreed procedures are being adopted.

As a result of this work, each member of the WSA Archives Team has designed their own ‘Plan of Action’ for 2013 which has been amalgamated into an overall plan for the WSA Archives Team.

Strategic BudgetA Strategic WSA Archives Budget for the next 10 years was presented to the World Subud Council at their June 2012 meeting in Vancouver, Canada and the Budget for 2013 was approved. The Strategic Budget shows projected costs and income for the next 10 years and can be altered annually as the project evolves.


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DatabaseFollowing the WSA Executive’s request for a full itinerary of documents and materials held in International Archives centers, specialized software has been fully researched. This has led to the development of a coding system and a Manual for Archives and Archivists which will be ready for the World Congress in 2014.

Support FundraisingThe archives continually support the WSA and MSF. Materials and information were prepared from the WSA Archive in Canberra to support the joint WSA MSF fundraising campaign.

WSA archivist Amalijah Thompson at work in Canberra, Australia.

The archives also collect and preserve photographs, film, documents and memorabilia including Bapak’s original cor-respondence to members.

An original document prior to conservationMembers in the Ukraine read Bapak’s talks that have been translated into Russian.



To re-transcribe, retranslate, publish and distribute the complete writings and recorded talks of Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo.

Subud Publications International (SPI) had another active year during 2012 with sales of Bapak’s Talks Volumes 1 to 24 amounting to 535 copies – US $11,700 (44% of our total 2012 sales turnover).

Our other ‘best sellers’ were Bapak’s Recorded Talks in MP3 and video DVD formats and video DVDs of Ibu’s talks – amounting to US $2,816 (11% of our total turnover).

Bapak’s Talks volumes projectThe English language edition of Volume 24 was published in May. Additionally the translations for the Video Talks edition were in progress for Quality Control checking during 2012, for publication in 2013. Translations for Volume 25 and 26 were also carried forward to 2013 for processing/checking.

The SPI board recognises that whilst we must always try to produce as many translations per year as possible, quality of translation is far more important than quantity. We are moving as fast as we can with the present quality level.

These new translations are disseminated by our sales of published editions and made freely available via ‘A Talk a Week’ housed on our subudbooks.net site, and via the subudlibrary.net site. Many of these talks have never been translated and published before.

‘Video Talks’ editionThis edition covers 12 talks that are available as video recordings – given by Bapak in the 1980s. The Spanish translation team are subtitling these video talks in various languages. For this they require definitive Indonesian transcripts and English translations as source text.

Therefore SPI is supporting this initiative by producing a special Volume outside of our chronological sequence. Translations for eleven talks were processed during 2012.

The remaining talk and quality control to be completed during the early part of 2013. The first subtitled talk DVD (81 NYC 4) was received by SPI in the latter part of 2012.

E-booksDuring the latter part of 2012 SPI commenced the process to convert the printed editions of Bapak’s Talks Volumes to e-books format (for iPad/Kindle) – starting with Volume 1.

Language EditionsThe Russian language translation team also made good progress during 2012:

Volume 20 was published in August. Translations were completed for Volumes 21 and 22, and translations were in progress for Volume 23 and 24. In the latter part of 2012 SPI commenced the prepress preparation for the French language edition of Volume 6.

SPI completed the prepress preparation for the Spanish language edition of Volume 5. 100 copies were published in June and distributed to Spanish speaking countries. Work then commenced in preparing Volume 22 for publication in 2013.

Bapak´s Volumes in Spanish. The main objective in publishing Bapak´s talks in Indonesian/Spanish is to give all Spanish speaking members the chance to have access to the Talks through the library of their groups. We understand that all groups should have a Library – at least all countries should have one. So we focus on groups instead of individuals to sell the 100 books of Volume 5 that SPI prints. All the books were sold at a very accessible price to nine different countries. We actually ran out of books too soon. It was a start and we will print more copies next time.



The money we receive from WSA makes it possible to begin this project. We will print one book a year – ideally two. We started with Volume 5, as all Spanish speaking countries had Volumes 1 to 4. We will continue with Volume 22 and then Volume 6, etc.

Elisa Sanchez Caballero, Coordinator, Translations for Bapak and Ibu’s Talks


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Arnaud Delune, Care Support Coordinator.

Ibu Alvira. a young woman from Kalimantan, received a scholarship and graduated in 2012 as a nurse.

In 2012 the following funds were disbursed:RD Congo: US $6,000 (3 primary, 8 secondary, 5 university, 1 professional education grants) Pending: $1,000 (4 secondary education grants) to be paid in January 2013

Colombia: US $1,000 (1 university grant)

Ukraine: US $ 575 (1 vocational grant)

For the Emergency Fund, appropriate support is carefully considered i.e. financial support or other support such as advice, and the amount to be granted. Grants vary between US $300 and US $3000.

In 2012 the following funds were disbursed:RD Congo: US $3,000 (4 medical/surgical treatments) Pending: $475 (1 medical treatment) to be paid in January 2013

Germany: US $1,300 (personal hardship case)

Tunisia: US $1,572 (training to become self-employed) Pending: $650 to be paid in January 2013.

Tanzania: US $500

Financing: US $12,000 plus US $2,500 in June from the WSA, out of their MSF 2012 grant.

Donations: US $1,490 Two WSA Translators donated their fees to the CS Programme. Private donations given directly to the beneficiaries US $2,700

It is noted that the number of requests for assistance with medical care is increasing especially in DR Congo.



New Look

In 2012, the WSA decidedit needed a new look. A new newsletter concept and design and annual report were designed by begin.communication,a Subud enterprise.

CARE SUPPORT PROGRAM The WSA Care Support Program exists to give financial support to Subud members and their families experiencing personal difficulties through the Emergency Fund or needing support to undertake an educational project through the Education Fund.

In May 2012, Arnaud Delune took over as Coordinator for WSA’s Care Support Team. He brought a wealth of experience gained in his role as the Education Fund Coordinator and merged the Education and Emergency Fund teams into one single unit to process applications and administer grants.

In November 2012, Arnaud recruited two new volunteers, Claire Wells and Constanza Hudson, both members of Subud Britain. Arnaud is from France and handles requests in French and Constanza, a native Spanish speaker originally from Colombia handles requests in Spanish. Claire has experience as an administrator in the UK’s health service and assists the CS Team with administrative tasks whilst Hakeem Naibi from Nigeria continues to contribute his skills and give general support on the CS Team

Many thanks to former members of the team for their dedication: Annabella Ashby (former CST Coordinator), Sarah Becker (former Emergency Fund Coordinator), Sabariah Van Beek and Renata Dunn.

For the Education Fund, selection criteria include: academic or professional results, educational or professional benefit for the interested person as well as for the community, personal and/or family financial participation, involvement in Subud and/or the community. Grants vary between US $200 and $2000. For both funds, grants are generally disbursed once with exceptions for outstanding requests.


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Many of our Subud members and enterprises have been singled out for the work they do. Below is a selection of these achievements in the world of the Arts, Sciences and Humanitarian work.

Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) a nonprofit founded by Muhammad Subuh in 1976 in Indonesia was accepted as a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.

A team from Subud Britain presented an 11-day “Keys to Peace” event - a series of intensive workshops on how creative arts can be used in practical conflict resolution and peace building.

Chellie Kew, who founded the nonprofit Q Fund, was selected out of 2,400 nominees as a regional finalist for the “4th Annual CLASSY Award” - one of the most prestigious recognitions within the nonprofit world.

Uraidah Hassani was awarded a “2012 Rising Star Award” by the Young and Powerful for Obama as a re-sult of her outstanding work with the Women World-wide Initiative

Hamid da Silva was honoured with the “Comenda da Ordem do Merito” award by the President of Portugal during a state visit to Indonesia for his work in further developing the relationship between the two countries.

Michael Menduno was awarded the “Carl Spenser Lifetime Achievement Award” at the EUROTEK 2012 technical diving conference in the UK for his magazine “aquaCORPS: The Journal for Technical Diving”.

Melbourne’s morning newspaper the Sun-Herald nominated The Polilight, the forensic science instru-ment developed and marketed by Rofin Australia, as one of the four greatest Australian inventions of the 20th century.

A show based on Craigslist ads ran to rave reviews in Vancouver, Canada. “Do You Want What I’ve Got?” was created by Vede Hille and Bill Richardson.

Hamilton Pevec’s documentary, “Hanuman Airlines”, was presented at the 15th Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival. The film follows two Nepali ad-venturers who launch a paraglider from the summit of Mt Everest.

The Green Oak Carpentry Company Ltd. in the UK won their third Gold Award – the prestigious “2011 Na-tional Wood Awards” of The Worshipful Guild of Car-penters, for the Rothschild Foundation’s new Archive Store and Study Centre at Windmill Hill Farm near Aylesbury.

Kalimantan Gold Corporation received permission to begin drilling at the KSK CoW copper prospect in Central Kalimantan. The company has drilled more than 35,000 metres at its KSK project, uncovering the po-tential for a world class deposit. Since April 2011, the KSK project has been under joint venture to a subsidi-ary of Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation.


Subud International Health Associa-tion provides a platform which sup-ports the enhancement of human physical, mental emotional and spir-itual health.

(From Top)Hadrian Fraval (R) accepts nomination for Rofin.Green Oak wins Gold Award for new UK centre.Hamid da Silva (R) honored by Portugal’s President.


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Several pioneers of Subud, those who were opened in the 1950s, 60s and 70s passed away in 2012. Following is a brief remembrance of those members. We ask forgiveness of those who may have been missed.

Konrad Baerveldt, a successful entre-preneur and inventor, was born in South Africa and later moved to Canada. A life-long philanthropist, he spent much of his time in Wisma Subud and was a gener-ous supporter of Subud work, including the Muhammad Subuh Foundation and many humanitarian projects.

Adrienne Campbell of Subud Britain launched the Lewes New School and was the driving force behind Lewes be-coming one of the first Transition Towns in Great Britain that supports an “Energy Descent Action Plan”.

Farlan Carré, of Subud France was a successful economist with an engineer-ing background. He ended his career as Deputy Director General of the UNIDO in Vienna. Farlan was dedicated to the broad vision of improving humanity and the conditions of the poor.

Jerry Chalem, a much-loved member of Subud New York, was a sculptor and artist. He produced the “Video Interview Project” in the mid-1990s to chronicle Subud members experiences. He was also the man behind renovating New York Subud House when it was purchased.

Husain Chung was born in Shanghai and moved to the United States in his late teens. A psycho-dramatist by trade, Husain is known for his work with the criminally insane. He has described his vivid life in colorful detail in his autobiog-raphy, “God The Therapist”.

Luqman McKingley of Subud Indo-nesia was an architect by profession and is known around the world for his many creative endeavors. He authored many publications including All of Man-kind, Adam and His Children, The Light of Christ and Journey Beyond the Stars. He worked tirelessly to support the dis-semination of Bapak’s and Ibu’s talks to members. He was also behind the new design of Adi Puri at Wisma Subud, and now Suka Bahkti where Subud brothers and sisters are laid to rest next to Suka Mulia.

Harold Temple of Subud Australia es-tablished the Wollongong group where he was a dedicated member for some fifty years. With is wife Mariam, he ran the Soleil Community Services Foster Home and Preschool for many years. He spent a great amount of time and effort in the Ukraine, his country of origin, helping to establish Subud for his compatriots.



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World Subud Association Finances – 2012 has been a very interesting year financially. Our association could not function without the amazing numbers of dedicated volunteers who serve selflessly, many on a continuing basis, often devoting many hours of their valuable time when they could be earning money in their own jobs or businesses. Whether a member serves the membership through latihan development, carries out committee work, assists in youth, enterprise, social, cultural, educational or health related activities or performs one of the many executive functions, the sum total equals an alive and dynamic spiritual association for today’s world, namely, The World Subud Association.

We are deeply grateful to all who contribute financially to maintain the ongoing activities of our international association, both long term and day-to-day. In particular for 2012, we thank the Muhammad Subuh Foundation (MSF) for their ongoing substantial grant, which provides annual support for particular programs of the WSA (including International Helper Travel), and in 2012 this grant totalled $50,000.

We are grateful to an enterprise of Australian Subud members which donated an amazing $100,000. We also wish to thank Ruslan Morris, whose Subud enterprise based in Indonesia donated US $9,300 via Subud Indonesia to SESI, and US $9,000 to WSA’s General Fund. Murray Clapham, ‘a true ambassador for Subud’, died in 2011 and his bequest to WSA for $9,600 (AU$10,000) was gratefully received in 2012.

I challenge Subud Enterprises the world over to look at yourselves, and ask yourself the question “What am I doing to support Subud in the world?”

Subud enterprises are our true, future, financial strength. “What am I, in my enterprise, able to do - at this time - to assist?”

As an association of member countries, the WSA very much relies on and appreciates the annual contributions that countries provide and in 2012 this totalled US $167,504 which was a modest increase over 2011.

DonationsMany individuals donated in 2012, some anonymously, some to the general fund, some for particular programs: Marsiyah (Alla) Belinskaja, David Barker, Marcela Davanzo, Arnaud Delune, Elaina Dodson, Elias Dumit, Roland Fraval, Isaac Goff, Jeffrey Harrison, Meldan Heaslip, Henry Herhacker, Machrus and Hamidah Herhacker, Lucas Roldan, Laurence Rose, Sonya Shooshan, Stephan Solat, Amanecer Urrutia, Osanna Vaughn.

In kind donationsThe WSA also wishes to acknowledge the numerous volunteers at all levels of our Subud organization who, through their kind contributions of time and energy, help us to truly function. Value is not reflected in the financial statements for these donated services, although significant amounts of time and expertise are provided.

WSA would particularly like to thank Vernon Contessa, for continuing to host the Subud Library site; Farah Czwiertnia for website content management; George Demers and his team for arrangements for the WSC meeting in Vancouver; and many other members around the world who continue to work on translations and transcriptions of Bapak and Ibu’s Talks.

On-line donationsDonations to the WSA can be made online via credit card. Donations are gratefully accepted in US Dollars, Euros, or British Pounds and can be made by check, wire/bank transfer, or online. Please visit www.subud.org for complete donation information or write to [email protected]. The WSA audited accounts and other WSA financial information may be found on the financial page of the www.subud.org and www.subudorldnews.com websites.



WSA Treasurer, Hammond Peek


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IncomeWSA Member Countries ......................................................................................................................

Grants .................................................................................................................................................

Enterprises ..........................................................................................................................................

Individual Members .............................................................................................................................

Sundry ................................................................................................................................................

Total Income (Including Restricted) ......................................................................................................

ExpensesLatihan Support ...................................................................................................................................

Media Unit (Bapak’s Talks, Archives, Translations and History of Subud ................................................

Care Support, Zone Support, Wisma Subud Heritage Project, Websites ...............................................

Youth, Culture, Social Welfare, Enterprise Services, Health ...................................................................

Supporting Services, Administration, Pensions, World Congress Prep ..................................................

Currency Differences ...........................................................................................................................

Total Expenses (Including Restricted Funds) .........................................................................................

WSA Balance Sheet 31 December 2012 in US dollarsTotal Assets ................................................................................................................

Represented by:


Unrestricted funds.......................................................................................................

Restricted funds..........................................................................................................

Designated World Congress fund................................................................................

$385,093 (2011: $514,724)

$21,162 (2011 $39,783)

$216,615 (2011 $278,234)

$46,724 (2011 $49,207)

$100,592 (2011 $147,500)

Notes:* Includes WSA Chair and Vice Chair, World Subud Council, and WSA Executive Expenses.Also includes $46,933 for World Congress Preparation – part of a dedicated $150,000World Congress Reserve Fund (to be replenished once the 2014 Subud World Congress is over).


The World Subud Association is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 and registered in the District of Columbia, United States of Amer-ica. The WSA annual accounts are audited by Thomas Westcott accountants in the UK.

WSA Finances for the year 2012 – how we fared The 2012 WSA financial year was a positive one for WSA. We received slightly less income, but spent less than was planned for, thus the FINAL result has us ending in a better position finan-cially than the budget had predicted.

Preparations for the 2014 Subud World Congress continued smoothly.

2012 World Subud Association financial activity in US Dollars includes:

$ 167,504

$ 50,000

$ 118,300

$ 34,371

$ 27

$ 370,202


$ 93,257

$ 24,900

$ 35,786

$ 214,369*

$ (2,557)




THE WORLD SUBUD ASSOCIATIONWSA Executive51 Learmonth Drive, Kambah ACT 2902, [email protected]