Please join us or an exciting day or those interested in learning about wellbeing and growing through mental health challenges, their amilies, carers and riends, as well as workers in the mental health sector. Saturday, September 15th St Aidan’s Anglican Girls School, Corinda, Brisbane invites you to Those attending Recovery Day will have the opportunity to explore ways of enhancing mental health. The day will consider questions like: What does wellbeing mean? How does one transition to better mental health and is the process life giving? • How do we participate with this process in our own lives? How do we support and encourage others in their quest for mental health? How can mental health services assist us on our  journey towa rd wholeness and wellbein g? This event is relevant or anyone interested in learning about wellbeing and growing through mental health challenges. It will be benefcial to people living with these challenges, their amilies and those who stand alongside them, as well as workers in the mental health sector. Keynote speakers Helen Glover Helen is passionate about the concept o personal resilience and ‘recovery in’ mental illness and rmly believes that everyone has the capacity to sel-right over its impacts. She is interested in exploring our potential in doing this and how we constantly strive to master the things that stand in our way o such potential. Helen uses her background in social work and education as well as her lived experience o recovery rom mental illness to expand and challenge the concepts o recovery-oriented practice. Mental distress—is it a life transforming or life defeating experience? Helen writes: The experience o mental distress has given me ar more than it has dared to take away. This may seem a bold statement or many to hold at times but one that I have come to rmly believe. The process o overcoming or sel-righting rom any o lie’s adversities involves much determination, personal eort and refection. For many that results in an unexpected yet new ound appreciation o the gits and lie lessons that adversity can bring us. This is no dierent or those o us who experience the struggles and triumphs over mental illness. Drawing upon lived experi- ence wisdoms I will explore whether the experience o mental distress/illness can be considered lie transorming and, i so, ponder the e ssential ingredients to oster this. I hope you can join me or this discussion.   Ailsa Rayner  Ailsa holds a Bache lor o Psychology , and has sixteen years working in the human services sector. As a consumer o Mental Health services or 26 years, Ailsa began work our years ago in a position within the Queensland Health Department as a consumer advocate. Ailsa is engaged and lives in a blended amily with ve children. Moving forward  Ailsa will lead a person al discussion about the Consumer Movement and resistance rom the structures that govern, control and modiy our lives. Ailsa will include discussion on how some consumers negotiate and appear not to lose ground, how to bounce back despite the set backs, and where the energy needs to be ocused. Thoughts on creat- ing an environment that benets all, reduces cost to the individual, amily and community as a whole and provides opportunities will be shared. Morning workshops 1. (&18) Hope and spirituality—making sense of mental illness with Robert Bland This workshop is repeated in the aternoon. Hope remains one o the central concepts in recovery and is a part o the way that consumers, amilies and workers manage their response to mental illness. This workshop will encourage participants to think about the nature o hope in their journey o recovery, what they hope or, where their hope comes rom, and how they can sustain hopeulness in themselves and in others. Spirituality is about the way people make meaning o their lives and people with any religion or no religion are welcome to this workshop. Robert is a social worker with experience in teaching and working in mental health settings. He has an interest in the area o spirituality and mental health and has written about this in books and papers. As a Lie Member o ARAFMI he has worked with amilies on their recovery journeys over many years. He was closely involved with the early development o A Place To Belong. Saturday, September 15, 2012  Registration closes Fr iday, September 7th

2012 Recovery Day Queensland

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Saturday, September 15. Registration closes Friday, September 7thSee over for information about our low cost and special priced registration fees

2. How we work and what we do! with Sharon Stocker 

Sharon is a mental health practitioner who currently worksin the spirit o Peer Support. Sharon has experiencedmental health issues since her early childhood. Sharon is an

advocate or mental health reorm, working towards evolvingpositive culture in recovery orientated services in the com-munity mental health sector. In partnership with The Health& Community Services Workorce Council and the Qld

 Alliance or Mental Health, Sharon as a Workorce Leader,has contributed to the content and design o a piece o workvalidated by current literature and research.

Discovering ourselves to facilitate the change we want to see in the world: People who want to belong and con-tribute towards changing culture in their communities as a

Person First, Student, Volunteer, Worker or Manager. Comeprepared to change the way you think about yoursel, yourworkplace, school, business, community, and home!

3. Expressing our authentic hearts withPenny Barringham

Mental health recovery is not something that is imposedor externally driven. It is ignited and uelled and energisedrom within us. In this seminar we will talk about theimportance o getting in touch with our authentic sel—that part o us that expresses uniquely our passions andwho we are—to assist us in our mental health.

Penny Barringham has been married to Neil or 32 yearsand they have two wonderul teenage boys. Penny lovesmeeting with women to discuss some o the deep anddicult issues o lie and experimenting with ideas thatmay help us to live well and nd joy in the midst o thechaos. Penny also enjoys acilitating training, being a parto a women’s book group, helping to run a youth group,reading and making altering attempts to get t. Pennyhelped to shape the work o A Place To Belong rom itsinception or many years.

4. Working for recovery in an era of corporatisation with Neil Barringham and Owen Strong

Many o us hope to support inclusive and welcomingcommunities where people are assisted and can grow.

However the organisations we are involved with maybecome so concerned with bureaucracy, ormalisation,compliance, policies and procedures and risk managementthat our attempts are stifed i not suocated! How can we

work in this context? In this workshop we will hear how

 A Place To Belong has negotiated these orces and look atapproaches we can use in our various organisations tomanage these dilemmas.

Neil Barringham lives in inner-city Brisbane with his wieand two sons. He works with A Place To Belong. Neil

enjoys his rainorest backyard and cycling, and helps tobuild a bit o backyard neighbourliness by running a chookcooperative with a ew neighbours.

Owen has spent many years in Anglican parish ministryand was the coordinator or the Anglican Church’s hospitalchaplaincy team in Brisbane. Owen secured unding thatenabled the establishment o the Anglicare Mental HealthProject. This Action Research Project over time became A Place To Belong.

5. Recovery orientated services—it’s not what we do, but the way we do it that matters, with

Carolyn Perry, Tania Schmakeit and Irene Noller 

This workshop will explore the importance o therapeutic

environments and respectul language in the way recoveryorientated services operate. Sta rom Footprints inBrisbane will discuss how two recovery orientated programshave worked to support people in their recovery journey andhow interactions that enhance sel-worth, hope and personalgrowth have infuenced individual lives.

6. Knowing me, knowing you with Patricia Shaw 

Relationships can oten become problematic because omisunderstandings and breakdowns in communication. Wecan make a big dierence by becoming more aware o ourown and others’ communication abilities and listening skills.

Patricia has over 35 years experience in the elds oeducation and personal/proessional development. She is

an ex-primary school teacher and a qualied counsellor.Patricia has experienced her own journey o recovery rommental health issues and continues to assist others throughshort courses and workshops. www.patriciashaw.com.au

7. Selfcare and recovery with Claire Edwards

Participants will have the opportunity to create an imageabout selcare and recovery. A range o art materials will beavailable. No art skills are required.

Claire is an art therapist and AT educator (at UQ, Masters

o Mental Health), who is cu rrently studying social work atQUT. She has worked in mental health, drug and alcohol

recovery and child saety/parenting support roles or over30 years. Claire currently works at Silky Oaks Children’s

Haven in Manly as a Child, Group & Family Art Therapist.Claire has also recently introduced an adolescent GirlsSewing Group, Girls in Stitches, into the therapeuticprogram which is unded by Child Saety.

8. Nourishment (and massage) with Olivia Moy 

Caring or our souls involves caring or our bodies. Stress,grie, trauma, and mental illness are all stored in our body,and over time the body begins to suer. The good newsis we can bring healing to our bodies! In this workshop wewill identiy common responses to stress and then discusssimple, low-cost methods o reducing tension.

Olivia Moy is a massage therapist, mother andcommunicator. Olivia ound through running regularly thatshe could bring stress relie and calm into her lie. Oliviawould like to use massage therapy to help those recoveringrom trauma and those who live with mental illness.

9. (&21) Emotional CPR with Jenny Speed This workshop is repeated in the aternoon.

eCPR teaches the simple skills o one person assisting andsupporting another. The skills taught in eCPR are designed

to be practised by people who have both had training andthose without counselling, assessment, or other clinicalskills. This training was developed by people who havelearned rom their own experience how to get through anemotional crisis and integrate the experience into a broader

understanding o themselves and others. The approach isbased on time-tested, basic common-sense principles odeep listening and interacting in a respectul manner.This is the very start o eCPR in Australia .

Jenny has been trained by Dr Daniel Fisher, an amazing

leader in the international consumer movement.

10. Mental health intervention and the role ofpolice with Mike Mitchell

Find out how Queensland Police prevent and respond tomental health crisis situations in collaboration with peoplewith mental health issues, amily members and services.

Senior Sergeant Michael Mitchell is a Queensland PoliceOcer. He has been an active ocer or nearly 35 years.He commenced with the Mental Health InterventionProject in July 2006 and has seen it develop across thestate o Queensland. He has coordinated the training o

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More about Mike Mitchell: over 8000 police ocers andestablished over 50 police district coordinators. He wasawarded a Winston Churchill Fellowship in 2008 to studypolice services in our countries and how they prevent

and respond to mental health crisis situations throughworking collaboratively.

11. Policy changes in the Queensland mentalhealth sector with Richard Nelson

Richard Nelson is the CEO o Qld Alliance or MentalHealth. Join Richard to discuss key policy challengesacing the community managed mental health sector.Come away with potential strategies to consider in thisrapidly changing environment.

 Afternoon workshops

12. Mental health and employment—exploringpossibilities with Luke Terry 

Luke has been working with mental health and employ-ment projects and social enterprise or eight years in Australia and the UK. Prior to this Luke ran his ownbusinesses. Luke and a member rom the Toowoomba

clubhouse will talk about nding and keeping a job. They

will also speak about how Toowoomba Clubhouse through

partnerships with local businesses and disability employ-

ment service step people through a staged process to get

and keep real jobs.

13. The Vulcana Women’s Circus group with

Beth Incognito

Beth Incognito is a guitarist-singer-songwriter and circusperormer with a lived experience o mental illness andrecovery. She is currently working as a peer supportworker while she nishes her degree in psychology andneuroscience. Join her or a workshop exploring how thearts can be an ally on the journey o recovery, and haveun learning some basic ground-based circus skills.

14. The affects of drugs and alcohol on mentalhealth with George Patriki

This workshop is an introduction to the cycle o addiction,outlining key risks and consequences to substance abuseand actors that drive addictive behaviours.

George Patriki is committed to reaching out to peoplestruggling with addictive behaviours, particularly thosewith severe lie controlling problems due to childhoodtrauma. George works as a court advocate and counsel-lor providing community orums, seminars and recoverygroups or drug users. George has experienced the eects

o being dependent on drugs and is able to share hispersonal and clinical experience with drugs.

15. Strengthening family ‘connexions’ with

pAul montgomery 

This will be an opportunity or constructive conversationsbetween younger people recovering rom mental healthdiculties, and parents/carers o younger peoplerecovering rom mental health challenges.

Note: It is not necessary that younger people and their parents/carers

will attend together, although this will be accommodated if it happens.

pAul will briefy share stories o his work with amilieswhose younger members have aced mental healthtroubles, and the workshop will ocus on:

• the issues challenging their amily relationships• the skills they are developing in resisting these

challenges and• the things they’d love to understand better about each

other’s experiences o these times.

pAul is a social worker and narrative practitioner who hasworked in various Brisbane settings over the past coupleo decades. He is co-director o Unique Outcomes, aprivate enterprise committed to socially just learningpartnerships. www.uniqueoutcomes.com.au

16. Release your stress and relax with Patricia Shaw 

This workshop will help you to identiy stressors andunderlying causes o any stress in your lie. You will learn and

practise tools and strategies to help you release your stress,relax more eectively and take better care o yoursel.See no.6 or inormation about Patricia.

17. The usefulness of mindfulness in dealing withmental illness with Sandra Baker 

Sandra Baker runs the outpatient group therapy program atSt Andrews Hospital in Toowoomba, oversees the inpatientpsychology services, and provides psychological input topatients across the hospital. She has acilitated in excesso 1000 group therapy sessions where the main ocus has

been to use Acceptance and Commitment therapy. Parto this approach is the use o mindulness practices as ithas now been clearly demonstrated that mindulness isvery helpul or people who suer rom anxiety, depres-sion, chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder and othermental health issues. She is a passionate advocate or

people suering rom mental illness. This workshopaims to provide participants with an introduction tomindulness as well as giving participants the opportunityto practise mindulness.

18. Hope and spirituality—making sense of mentalillness with Robert Bland See no.1 or inormation.

19. Sensory approaches to managing distress—anevidence based tool for recovery with Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson has worked or years to eliminate coercion

rom mental health services, through his workshops, writingand clinical practice. The talk will ocus on how our nervoussystem is set up to promote our own ability to regulate our

emotions and minimise distress we might eel. Through thescience o ‘sensory modulation’ we can select aspects romour environment that are known to either calm or arouseus. In our work with other people we can model how to usesensory approaches to manage distress. In doing this we

are putting legs on empathy, while helping people in distresstake control o their own lives.

20. Art and mental health with Christine Wall and

Damian le Goullon

 Art has oten been considered to be therapeutic but is itreally? This workshop is led by two artists who will explorethe personal and social dimensions o art and mentalhealth. We will be chatting and working together with you

on some simple artistic activities. You do not need artisticskills or this workshop but you may develop some. Chris-tine Wall exhibits regularly in Brisbane and is a participantin a local community art project in West End. Damian leGoullon is a Visual Arts and Drama teacher. He worked oncommunity arts projects with homeless youth or a decade.He is currently the Coordinator o the Reading and Writinggroup at A Place To Belong.

21. Emotional CPR with Jenny SpeedSee workshop no.9 or inormation.

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Special funding

Due to the unding provided by the Mental Health Councilthrough the Australian Government Department o Hea lthand Ageing, subsidies are available or those people who

require mental health support, their carers and supporters.We are thereore able to oer a number o limitedsubsidies and discounts.

For those who are in need o assistance who live locally,you are welcome to request a discounted registration eeo $10 or the day.

For those who live rurally and out o town, limited undingis available or travel and accommodation, in addition tothe reduced registration ee.

Please contact Helene Hagen, Mon.-Thurs.,11am-4pm on

0452-077-921 or [email protected] or ur-

ther inormation about subsidized travel and accommodation.

Inclusion awards

 As part o this year’s Recovery Day presentations will againbe made to people and/or organisations who have con-tributed signicantly to someone’s inclusion. These annual

awards are designed to highlight that inclusion can happenand that ordinary people can do extraordinary things.

More about the day

• Munch on yummy morning tea and a healthy lunch.• Meet others on a similar journey.• Relax with a ree hand, eet or shoulder massage.

Times, dates and contactDate: Saturday, 15th September, 2012

Time: 9.00am - 4.30pm

Registration, tea and coee rom 8.30am

 Venue: St Aidan’s Anglican Girl’s School,11 Ruthven Street, Corinda, Brisbane, Qld 4075

Registration closes: Friday, 7th September 

Please see the back panel or contact inormation.

PO Box 5873, West End 4101 | 07/ 3217-2522 


 A Place To Belong is a small agency that works toencourage a process o inclusion or people whoexperience mental health challenges. We do this bydeveloping and encouraging the capacity o thecommunity to welcome and include others.

 A Place To Belong is administered by Anglicare.

For more inormation about Recovery Day, please contactKym Thomas at [email protected] orour registration sta on 07/ 3217-2522 [email protected]

Join us

Date: Saturday, 15th September, 2012

Time: 9am-4.30pm. Registration, tea and coee at 8.30am

 Venue: St Aidan’s Anglican Girl’s School,

11 Ruthven Street, Corinda, Brisbane, Qld 4075

Registration closes: Friday, 7th September 

This conerence is supported by unding rom the AustralianGovernment Department o Health and Ageing under theMental Health Conerence Funding Program, which ismanaged by the Mental Health Council o Australia.

We appreciate the support o the Department oCommunities who helped und this event.

Name: ____________________________________________________________

 Address: __________________________________________________________


Phone/s: __________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________

Diet requirements: _________________________________________________

Fees: ____$60 (Proessionals, organizations, waged participants)

____$10* (Reduced ee or those people who require mental health

support, their carers, and supporters). *Also see over under ‘Special unds’or inormation on subsidies.Please make cheque or money orders payable to: A Place To Belong.

______Visa ______Mastercard _________________Expiry Date

Card Holder Name:__________________________________________________

Card No:___________________________________________________________


Please post form to: A Place to Belong, PO Box 5873, West End 4101

This registration is your ofcial tax invoice, GST included.

 Anglicare Southern Queensland ABN: 39 906 010 979

Morning workshops

1. (&18) Hope and spirituality—making sense o mental illness

2. How we work and what we do!

3. Expressing our authentic hearts

4. Working or recovery in an erao corporatisation

5. Recovery orientated services–it’s not what we do, but the waywe do it that matters

6. Knowing me, knowing you

7. Sel care and recovery

8. Nourishment (and massage)

9. (&21) Emotional CPR

10. Mental health intervention andthe role o police

11. Policy changes in theQueensland mental healthsector

 Afternoon workshops

12. Mental health & employment—exploring possibilities

13. The Vulcana Women’s Circusgroup

14. The aects o drugs and alcoholon mental health

15. Strengthening amily ‘connexions’

16. Release your stress and relax

17. The useulness o mindulnessin dealing with mental illness

18. Hope and spirituality—makingsense o mental illness

19. Sensory approaches tomanaging distress—anevidence based tool orrecovery

20. Art and mental health

21. Emotional CPR

____________ ______________1st AM choice 2nd AM choice

____________ ______________1st PM choice 2nd PM choice

Please write the no. of your 1st & 2nd AM & PM preference.

 Join us Saturday, September 15th.

Register by Friday, September 7th.

Registration questions? Please call our registration sta on07/ 3217-2522 or [email protected]

RegistrationRegistration closes Friday, September 7th

See about special funding and low registration fees

Mental HealthCouncil of Australia