2012 Prophecies: How the world could end

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  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.


  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.


    Coastal cities would be inundate by a massive flood that reaches 150 to 200 miles inland. Every river, stream, creek, pond, and lake along the coast would quickly

    become part of the rising ocean. Fresh water fish would die in the salt water, as would

    many of the algae that inhabits fresh water. Of course, drinking water would suffer as

    well, since many of the metropolitan water supplies are pumped from rivers and lakes.

    Water is the essence of life, and without drinking water, instant Starbucks coffee

    suddenly becomes a thing of the past.

    The picture on the right is part of the Hopi Native culture which suggests that North

    America would end up looking more like a large island. The blue indicates the areas that

    would be under water after a pole shift.

    Scientist have also concluded that a rise in the sea level of 3-5 feet would cause most of

    the coastlines to simply disappear. Cities along the coast would be flooded out, along

    with those inhabitants that didnt reach high ground in time. Remember all the folks

    that refused to evacuate New Orleans?

    Volcanoes are another prime example of what many are predicting.

    Along the western coast, the Pacific Ring of Fire is probably the most

    devastating scenario of all. Its been suggested that a Pole Shift would cause all of

    the volcanoes to erupt simultaneously around the world. The huge explosions

    would create tsunamis and mega-hurricane winds that rip across the oceans,

    adding to the calamities.

    Volcanic ash several feet thick would blanket the cities an roadways. Houseswould be crushed, streets impassible, and the population is slowly strangled to

    death by chocking toxic gases and abrasive ash particulates that fill the air.

    Yellowstones mega-caldera would kills thousands of people, if not millions

    within a short time span. Every major city in the western states would be

    affected, and then slowly the ash clouds would spread across the rest of the


    The power grid is probably already down at this point, so thats really a moot

    point; say nothing of other essential utilizes that we have come to rely on.

  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.


    Imagine the scene:

    Every neighborhood is on fire. The fire department doesnt exists anymore, and the

    fire hydrants dont work because there is no water pressure . Police and emergency

    services have already packed it in and gone home, and national guard troops dont

    exist anymore. The local and state government cant help anyone, theyre going to be

    busy taking care of themselves. The heck with the rest of citizens. Its called

    Continuity of Government, and they will quickly forget that tax dollars helped themprepare for the end.

    Those that manage to live through the first few events, will quickly realize that their

    lives have been drastically changed forever. In other words, old neighborhood disputes

    will be quickly settled, grocery stores will be flooded with desperate people, and if you

    happen to be a gas station clerkwell you better be on your way real quick, or you will

    die on the job.

    And thats just the first few things that could happen

    People living in the cities face the more dangerous scenarios. Earthquakes make big

    things fall downlike big buildings.

    Natural gas lines have a tendency to explode like mini-nukes. Most houses and

    buildings in the cities are hooked up to natural gas lines. Theres going to be a series of

    never ending explosion.

    Subways cave in, tunnels collapse, overhead bridges fall down, and electrical powerlines arc through the air. Add to that all of the mayhem and destructions already taking

    place, and its easy to see why getting out of the cities during these events becomes a

    moral imperative. Of course, everyone else will be trying to get out of the cities, so it

    will be a mad stampede to see who can get gone the quickest. Every conceivable

    bridge, road, boat, plane, and car will have somebody in it, or on it.

    You certainly wont be alone out there

    So in reality heres how things might just go down:

  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.


    The Pole Shift Begins1) Oceans Slosh;

    a) Coastal areas are immediately flooded out. Every marina, every port, and every city along the coast is suddenly under water. It will make the Japanese

    tsunami look like an isolated water main break. Florida is gone in a blink of an eye.

    b) Passenger and cargo ships are sunk, or rolled into the nearest landmass. Oil tankers, natural gas tankers, fuel tankers, and other big carriers losetheir precious, and toxic cargo. The ecological disaster is the worse ever suffered by humans.

    c) Every island on the globe; like Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii, are instantly gone. Only those island that have mountains will

    remain visible.

    d) The polar ice caps are violently shifted, and break apart. Sea ice collides with land masses, and results in ice splintering and

    drifting southwards.

    e) Nuclear power plants near the coast are quickly flooded. Radiation contamination begins hours later when the generators andbatteries fail.

    2) Mega-Earthquakes:

    a) Skyscrapers, bridges, tunnels, buildings roadways, and every structure built by man starts to sway, buckle and then crumble to the streets.

    b) Chemical storage tanks and fuel storage tanks rupture and spill their deadly contents into the ground, and the air. Those nearby slowly chock to death

    as the noxious clouds flow across the area.

    c) Transportation comes to a screeching halt. Most roadways are damaged, bridges no longer exist, highways that are already clogged, suddenly becomedeath traps.

    d) Many people are crucially wounded, most already dead from the earthquakes that measure 15+ on the Richter scale.

    e) Hospitals, the few that may remain, are unable to cope with the horrific events. Security guards turn away the throngs of people flooding into the

    hospitals for treatment. Parking lots quickly become make-shift triage centers. Many people that could have been saved, die laying in the parking lot

    because there arent enough qualified emergency services people left.

  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.


    3)The Pacific Ring of Fire Erupts:

    All across the globe every volcano known to mankind begins the process of eruption. Some blow their tops almost immediately, others build up pressure and

    eventually blow up. Rock debris hurtles through the air like missiles. Those cities

    within the affected zone are struck by fireball rocks that quickly ignite more fires.

    Remaining survivors are crushed to a pulp as high speed rocks streak in from the


    Already most of the earths skies are covered in ash fall. The upper trade winds

    carry the ashes all the way around the world. The sun is almost blocked out, and

    slowly the temperatures begin to drop. Within hours the survivors are facing a

    nuclear winter scenario. Those not prepared, shiver in their makeshift shelters.

    Remaining buildings buckle under the weight of the ash fallout. Roads that are

    still intact after the earthquakes, become impassible due to the tremendous

    amount of ash.

    Car air filters become clogged. Soon travel by vehicle or aircraft comes to a

    standstill. Those survivors with respiratory illnesses, or those breathing in the

    toxic ash, quickly succumb to the health effects inherent with volcanic ashes.

    4) Mega-Tsunamis:

    a) The oceans once again sweep across the coastal areas. Huge tidal waves hundreds of feet hightravelling at hundreds of miles per hour; sweep inland

    devastating everything in the path. Not one single tsunamis, but several hundred tsunamis that continue for days and days.

    b) 300 miles from the coast, the mighty waves tear out the landscape like farmers plow. Leaving nothing standing, nothing living, only raw devastation

    and destruction in its path.

  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.



    Those that have managed to survive will find their little world suddenly changed. Gone are all the modern conveniences. Gone are everything that they have

    come to rely upon. Some people, facing a bleak future, will end their own miserable lives. Others will struggle to cope with their losses. Many will move away

    from the cities that have become foul with the stench of death.

    Some cities still smolder or burn. The smell of fires, mixed with chemicals flow through the cold dark air. Ashes cover everything in sight. Mud with the

    consistency of concrete entombs everything that has been crushed. Bloated bodies half submerged in the mud remind the survivors of the tragedy that theyhave survived.


    The skies remain dark throughout most of the days. Its supposed to be spring, but the temperatures makes it feel like late fall weather. Plants, flowers, trees,

    and field crops stand dead in the fields. The agricultural industry took a nose dive. There are no large factor farms left to feed the population. Rotting herd

    animals are being picked over by scavenger animals.

    Rivers and streams have given up their bounty of fish. Skeletal remains of every type of fish litter the riverbanks. Their decay adding to the already insufferable

    smell of death in the air.

    Small bands of survivors pick through the rubble, struggling to provide nourishment for their growling bellies. A rusted can of beans, a handful of ricetheir

    salvation for yet another day.


    Winter has come early. The dark skies have triggered an early winter. Snow wafts down in huge

    fluffy flakes. Misery once again finds the survivors that have lasted this long since the Shift.

    Campfires blaze away; keeping the cold out of the makeshift shelters and shanty shacks. Worried

    eyes peer into the heavens beseeching GOD the universal question ofWhy?

    Cold fingers hold rifles as protection against the marauding thieves that have taken to steal and

    murder for essential supplies. Only those with the means to defend their meager stash have any

    chance of making it through the cold months ahead.

  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.



    The world is no longer the same place.

    The entire face of the globe has been radically changed. It doesnt even look the same on the map. The United States is divided into five separate islands. Each

    island holding a small number of survivors. Each island cut off from the others.

    Occasionally the sound of a high flying aircraft can be heard Government over flights are becoming more common. For months there was no word from the

    President or anyone else. Then those survivors with AM radios could barely make out the voice of the new presidenttelling the small population that hope wason the way.

    All across the world. Petty dictators arose from the ashes of their former nations; some instituting a harsh law of subsistence. Warlords became De Facto rulers,

    their guns and mercenaries scavenging everything in sight, selling it back to the people in return for hard back breaking labor.

    In The Last Frontier State of Alaska; a small survival group sends

    out another foraging party. The team members making their way

    silently through the rubble that used to be Anchorage.

    Eyes watching every shadow, ears tuned for the slightest unnatural

    sounds, the small team makes radio contact with another group

    returning to the base camp heavy with supplies.

    Each member of the team content that their planning and training

    has allowed the group to survive when others died trying.

  • 8/6/2019 2012 Prophecies: How the world could end.
