Everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work. Exodus 35:21 (NIV) CENTER OF PRAISE MINISTRIES Forging the Path Towards Reaching All Generations 2012-2015 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN

2012-2015 Midtown Miracle Campaign

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Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




Forging the Path Towards Reaching All Generations


Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




Dear Family and Friends

Our time has come! Isaiah 43:18-19 affirms, “ Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” These words provide prophetic focus to our church as we embrace our “Midtown Mira-cle” and expand our church home in order to serve the needs of all generations. Center of Praise Ministries continues to grow exponen-tially and in its scope of influence throughout the Greater Sacramento community and abroad. There are now over 3,200 people that call COP their church home. Many more people are connecting weekly through the out-reach, weekend celebrations, television broadcasts, and live streaming services. The vision to reach people through the message of Redemption, Justice, and Em-

powerment is making a great impact. It is clear that we have been called to have a clear pres-ence within the heart of the city. We are grateful that those who come to the Cathedral expe-rience God’s unconditional love and empowerment. As a result of the tremendous growth, we have outgrown ministry space for our children and youth. We currently host 500-600 children and youth (three weekend celebration gatherings) within a 1500 sq. foot space. We have come to a place in the history of our church where our current children and youth facilities can no longer accommodate the growth and blessings that God has ordained for this house. In the words of Isaiah 54:2, it is time to “enlarge the place of your ten, stretch you ten curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and the left.” COP get ready to spread out! With greater facility expansion, COP has an opportunity to facilitate greater outreach among the many families within the city. More young lives will be changed, more families connected to the Kingdom of God, more marriages enhanced, and more future leaders developed. More students will be supported through college. More children will receive literacy and computer instruction. More young adults will have a place for gathering and instruction. Our expansion project will set the course for transformed lives, families, and communities! Center of Praise Ministries serves as the catalyst of hope for many in our region. Let us press forward and partner with God and one another in this exciting opportunity to touch lives for generations to come. We are making bold and comprehensive steps. Everyone will need to do their part. Together we will experience the joy and blessing of being participants of the Mid-town Miracle! Bishop Parnell M. Lovelace Jr. Founding and Senior Pastor

Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




We have a wonderful opportunity to expand our Children

and Youth Outreach in a move-in ready modern facility, within steps of the Cathedral. This open door will require the response and support of every partner within our church and com-munity. We are asking everyone to commit to giving generously to the three-year Midtown Miracle Capital Campaign. As we begin to think about what we might all give, both immediately and over the coming years, it is important to make that decision prayerfully. In 1 Chronicles 21:24 (NIV) King David said, “ I will not…sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing.” It is in this spirit of sacrificial giving that we must approach the task that is before us. For us to Expand our House …Celebrate the Destiny! as envisioned, we must give sacrificially and generously; above our tithes. Remember, “God is able to make all grace abound toward you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV). Give to the Lord as He has given to you. Let us sow our financ-es and be assured that there shall be corresponding harvest, as affirmed in Genesis 8:22. Prayerfully consider the giving schedule provided below and seek God’s will for the giving level that best represents a sacrificial and generous pledge in response to the blessings God has demonstrated within your life. Our goal is to raise $2.5 million over the next three years. This amount will serve as Phase 1 and cover the acquisition of the proposed Children and Youth Complex located at 2150 Capitol Avenue. With 100% participation of our church family will can reach far beyond our goal!

Proposed Giving Schedule

This service that you

perform is not only

supplying the needs of

God’s people but is also

overflowing in many

expressions of thanks to


2 Corinthians 9:12





Proposed New Center of Praise Ministries Children and Youth Complex

Building Layout

Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




A nswers to Commonly Asked Questions Why are we acquiring more

space for the Children and Youth? Do we not have enough space in our current worship facility? Simply put, we are out of room. As we are increasing in attendance we are seeing more children and youth accompanying their fami-lies. We have maximized all of the space in the Cathedral and sadly there are some fami-lies that cannot be adequately served. This heartbreaking reality warrants that we expedi-tiously acquire the proposed Children and Youth Complex. What is the purpose of the Midtown Miracle Capital Campaign We have launched a Capital Campaign de-signed to secure the funds needed to acquire the Children and Youth Complex located at 2150 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, California; minimize overall debt, and to unite our church membership for a common and exciting cause. Funds raised for the building fund over the last year have provided the necessary momen-tum for our fund-raising efforts, but more is needed to cover the costs of the new facility. Moreover, our three-year commitments will increase our borrowing capacity; enabling us to leverage more resources to fund our pro-ject during a time of record low interest rates. What happened to the plan to purchase property and build a new church campus? We had planned to purchase acreage in the South East portion of Sacramento to build a completely new church campus. Preliminary due diligence was conducted to explore this possibility. After several meetings with the Sacramento County Planning personnel and a reputable architectural firm, it was concluded that such a plan was not feasible due to zone restrictions, infrastructure delays, and several land policy changes. Only costs associated with the due diligence process were accrued. There are no further or ongoing cost associat-ed with this project. Therefore, we are grate-ful that we have followed the wisdom as given by Jesus Christ in Luke 14:28. We have count-ed the cost.

What are needs to be addressed with the new facility? The new Children and Youth Complex will position us to enhance our mission and vision to care, train, and develop our children. It is our belief that our children are our greatest gift. They represent the legacy of our family, church, and community. This state of the art facility will enable our children to have plenty of room for years to come. They will have ample classroom, play, arts and crafts area, and meeting space. The children and youth will be able to take a vantage of a well supported Computer Lab. They may access resources and material for homework and community assignments. Afterschool tutoring and other training collaborative will facilitate usage of this beautiful building. Also, the Administration team will be able to relocate offices to a more centralized location. What is the purpose of three phases? What phase will be covered by the Midtown Miracle Capital Campaign?

The three phase plan will enable the church family to acquire the Children and Youth Complex immediately within Phase 1. Phase 2 will focus on the expeditious elimination of all mortgage debt associat-ed with the Cathedral. Phase 3 will focus on elimination of all mortgage debt asso-ciated with the East Campus To reiterate, The Midtown Miracle Capitol Campaign will fund Phase 1. Subsequent initiatives will be presented to resource Phases 2 and 3 in the future. What is the goal of the Midtown Miracle Capital Campaign? Our goal is to raise $2.5 million to cover the cost of the first phase of our ministry expansion. Once the first phase is completed and the debt is retired, we will move forward with the development of Phases 2 and 3.

Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




A nswers to Commonly Asked Questions

Why are we acquiring Children and Youth Complex and beginning a capital giving campaign during these tough economically-depressed times?

Despite the nations sluggish economy, the giving of tithes and offerings at Center of Praise continues to be steadfast and increas-ing. Most importantly, we have never been a people to place our trust and confidence in the economy of the nation. This is a time to demonstrate our trust and de-pendency in the Lord. We have come this far by faith and there is absolutely nothing that is impossible for God. We choose to live out our faith as did Isaac in Genesis 26:12, We have chosen to sow in land during famine in order to receive the blessing and the hundredfold return of young lives being transformed for the Kingdom of God. How should we decide how much to give? This is a highly individual decision, but we are being asked to consider giving generously over our normal giving level. It has been said, “Honoring God with our finances is not about equal giving, but equal sacrifice. We do not have the same wealth, but we can all give faithfully and with the same heart. Individual-ly, the goal for each of us should be to give faithfully with what we have been entrusted.” It would certainly not be wise for one to pledge and give more than one can afford. The goal is for everyone to become involved in a positive way with the campaign. Yes, while we are asked to stretch in our giving, the size of the pledge does not matter nearly as much as 100% participation from 100% of our minis-try partners and friends! Please pray about your participation in the Midtown Miracle Capitol Campaign and ask God to show you what is generous, sacrificial, and appropriate for your situation.

How can I get more information about the Midtown Miracle Capitol Campaign?

For more information go to the church website, www.centerofpraise.net, or check out a current issue of the Centered Living Magazine to find the latest details and updates of the Capital Campaign. Contributions may be mailed to the COP Administration Office at 10455 Investment Circle, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, or paid online by clicking on the Midtown Miracle Capitol Campaign link posted on the church website.

Thank you, for your caring and sup-portive response as we fulfill the Mid-town Miracle!

Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




East Campus Administrative and Executive Of-ces

10455 Investment Circle Rancho Cordova, CA 95670


The Cathedral - Downtown Sacramento 1228 23rd street, (at 23rd St. and Capitol Ave.)

Sacramento, CA 95816

Bishop Parnell M. Lovelace, Jr. Senior and Founding Pastor

Pastor Samuel Brown-Dawson

Pastor Jay Fala East Campus Co-Pastors


twitter.com/centerofpraise Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability (ECFA), an accreditation agency with more than 1,600 members, is committed to helping Christ cen-tered organizations develop and maintain standards of accountability that convey God-honoring ethical practices.

Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)




Everyone who was

willing and whose heart

moved him came and

brought an offering to

the Lord for the work.

Exodus 35:21 (NIV)