2011 Fall Sower

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  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower


    FALL 2011

    Formerly known as Floresta Usa


    Long-Term Solutions in Africa

    Holistic Ministry SummitBirthday Party Pilgrims

    Hope Takes Root in Haiti


    Directors Corner

    Breaking News






    in this issue

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower


    FoRMeRLy kNowN AS FLoReSTA uSA2

    East Arica has been hit by one o the

    worst droughts in 60 years. Reugees

    are feeing the dry areas o Northern Ke-

    nya, Ethiopia, and Somalia and heading

    south in search o ood. However, even

    the neighboring countries have experi-

    enced repeated severe droughts in the

    last ew years that have depleted ood

    stores. As a result, the prices o basic

    ood items like maize, rice, and cassava

    have risen sharply and vulnerable peo-

    ple are acing a crisis.

    Th mpact th drht has sprad ll b-

    nd th crss pnts. or Arca Prram o-

    cr, Chrst Hzna, rprts that lar shp-

    mnts Tanzanan maz ar bn shppd

    nrth acrss th brdr nt kna vr

    da. whl Tanzana and Brnd dd hav

    nh ran ths ar t prdc a harvst,

    th drht has ld t smallr than nrmal

    lds, lavn vr lttl t shar. wth a

    lmtd sppl stapl crps and an n-

    crasd dmand rm nhbrn cn-

    trs, vrn n east Arca s pan n-

    prcdntd prcs r basc d tms.

    in th mdst ths drht and d s-

    crt crss, Plant wth Prps s r-

    n th th lcal ppl n Tanzana and

    Brnd t mplmnt ln-trm, sstan-

    abl sltns. Sncant drstatn

    has ld t harshr nvrnmnts and drrland. in sm cass th ntr landscap

    has chand! Plant wth Prps rs t

    rvrs ths dama b rplnshn a-

    trshds thrh plantn trs, cnsrv-

    n atr n cstrns, and trann armrs

    n cnsrvatn arcltr. Addtnall,

    tach armrs t crat nancal sc-

    rt thrh vlla cmmnt bans (Vi-


    Ths prjcts hlp armrs t dvrs-

    thr ncm and d src and Vi-

    LoNg-term soLutioNs to theDrought Crisis iN east aFriCa

    CoBAs r a sat nt, hch s crtcal n

    ths nstabl tms.

    Rcntl, a n atr cstrn as bl

    b th Mnnd ViCoBA n Tanzana. Th

    rp s cmprsd Chrstans and Ms

    lms h sav, r, and pra tthr. on

    cmmnt mmbr cmmntd, w ar

    s ratl r Plant wth Prpss trann

    n hlpn s t bld ths atr tan. N

    hav atr t drn and r r crps

    Pras gd!

    in th vlla Malnd amls ar r

    n vtabl ardns as a src d

    and ncm. Man vllars rprtd tha

    prvsl th r nl ttn n ma

    pr da, bt atr rn th Plant wth

    Prps th ar n atn thr mals a

    da and hav mn t pa schl s and

    mt mdcal nds. Svral ppl shard

    that thr halth prblms hav dmnshd

    snc th startd atn th vtabls th

    r rancall.

    groW agarDeN

    DoNate aCisterN

    Hlp cmmnts cllct and

    cnsrv prcs ranatr.

    All dnatns ll tard th

    trann rqrd t nstall ths

    l-savn strctr.

    ensr amls ar rcvn

    ntrts d t at and sll

    drn ths th sasn.


    Rplnsh th sl and rstr


    sPoNsora ViLLage

    Spprt ln-trm sstanabl

    dvlpmnt s cmmnts

    ar n lnr vlnrabl t

    drhts and thr nvrnmn-

    tal dsastrs.

    Plant With PurPose is making Progress toWard environmental,

    economic, and sPiritual reneWal in tanzania and Burundi. But

    there is still much to Be done. here are some Ways you can helP:

    Pray r th armrs r

    th n Brnd and Tanzana.

    Pra r ran t cm, r thr

    amls t b d, and r

    rstrd hp and scrt.

    Viit plantwithpurpo.org or u

    th nclod nvlop to donat

    By Kate Nare

    Marketing Coordinator, with reporting by Christi Huizenga, Arica Program Ofcer

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower



    on th as n hch

    th Bbl has th rn

    trth s n th mssnss

    th ppl that ll ts

    pas. Ths ar nt th

    strs cardbard ct-

    ts, bt ral ppl

    th all thr fas and

    cmplxts. Davd, a man atr gds nhart, strld th hs ntrt, hl Ptr

    strld th hs cra.

    At Plant wth Prps ar n th bsnss

    hlpn ppl t transrm thr lvs,

    and bcas that nvlvs ppl, t s mss.

    Mrl plantn trs r bldn latrns s

    mch smplr and asr t masr, and th

    tcms rarl dsappnt th a p-

    pl can.

    in ral l thr s rarl a happl vr a-

    tr and smtms vn th bst sccss

    strs ta an nhapp trn. i am sr that

    l at r n chrch, cmmnt, r

    vn aml can thn xampls.

    Rcntl thr hav bn svral ppl th

    hm hav rd that hav mad ds-

    appntn chcs. on man n partclar,

    hm i hav nn r narl 14 ars, cn-

    sdrd t b a rnd, and hm i rlar-l hld p as an xampl a sccss str,

    mad sm dcsns that hav had xtrm-

    l panl cnsqncs r hmsl and hs

    aml. H as jst n thsands hm

    r th, bt t m h as th ac

    hs cmmnt, th i ld rard t

    sn vr tm i vstd. Ndlss t sa, i

    hav bn hartbrn.

    yt gd cnsdrd t rthhl t p

    rn th ppl, dspt thr mss-

    nss, and i thn mst cm t th sam

    cnclsn. Thr ll b sccsss and thr

    DireCtorsCorNerBy SCOTT SABIN

    ,Executive Director

    ll b alrs and vr rarl ll thr

    b th nd th str, as thr s stll p-

    prtnt r thr dsappntmnt r r-


    i anthn, t hhlhts th mprtanc

    thns l th Hlstc Mnstr Cnrnc,

    hch hld last sprn, as ppl can b

    rscd rm pvrt, bt tht an ntr-nal transrmatn th ll hav and

    lttl. gd s sn s t rdm th dam-

    ad arth thrh r r, bt h als

    rdms damad ppl.

    scott sabin

    excutiv Dirctor

    the soWer issue #94The Sowers pblshd qartrl

    b Plant wth Prps.

    edtr-in-Ch: kat Nar

    [email protected]

    Please consider including Plant With

    Purpose in your wills and bequests.

    4903 Mrna Blvd. St 1215

    San D, CA 92117

    Ph: (800) 633-5319

    Fax: (858) 274-3728

    emal: [email protected]

    . plantthprps.r

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower


    4 FoRMeRLy kNowN AS FLoReSTA uSA4

    BreakiNg NeWs$150,000 raiseD to ChaNge LiVesw dd t! Than s mch t vrn

    h partcpatd n last sprns matchn

    rant campan. wth r hlp mt

    r al and rasd $75,000 an amnt

    that as dbld thans t a rp

    nrs spprtrs h matchd ths

    amnt dllar r dllar. Ths mans that

    th th spprt r ncrdbl partnrs

    rasd a ttal $150,000!

    Th amnt rasd as pt tard th

    ratst nds n r prrams n Brn-

    d, th Dmncan Rpblc, Hat, Mx-c, Tanzana, and Thaland. yr spprt

    s mprn cmmnts t s thr

    talnts and rsrcs t mt thr basc

    nds, nrat a stabl ncm, and s-

    tr a cmmnt sprt that ll lad t r-

    strd rlatnshps and lastn transr-


    Ths prcss s tan plac rht n n

    th vlla Ha Pn n Thaland. Mr.

    Ta khamsn larnd valabl tch-

    nqs rm Plant wth Prpss lcal

    prram, upland Hlstc Dvlpmnt

    Prjct (uHDP), ncldn ar-rstrtchnqs, th mprtanc sl cn-

    srvatn b man cntr lns and

    nt brnn th lds, bacard arcl-

    tr sch as rasn ps, and rn r-

    anc vtabls. evr snc Plant wth

    Prps taht m ths slls m l

    has bn bttr, sad Mr. khamsn. im

    halthr and i can als hlp m nhbrs

    hn th nd sm rc and mn.

    N i lad b xampl.

    w ralz that ths ar th cnm-

    c tms, and ratl apprcat all

    th cntrbtns drn ths prd.Thans t r spprt r prrams ar

    stll thrvn and had a strn nd t

    r scal ar! Than aan, and

    hp ll cntn t partnr th s

    as r t mpr th pr t trans-

    rm thr lvs and hav th ablt t

    d thr amls, snd thr chldrn t

    schl, hav rsh drnn atr, and x-

    prnc gds lv and rac.

    teNDiNg to eDeNLn r a qc rad? Ths

    all as th athr cls dn

    mht ant t cz p th

    a d b. Tending to Eden:

    Environmental Stewardship

    for Gods Peopleb Plant wth Prps ex-

    ctv Drctr Sctt Sabn prvds a rch

    ndrstandn th cnnctn btn

    th nvrnmnt and pvrt and hat th

    Bbl has t sa abt carn r all cr-

    atn. in Tending to Eden, Sctt rfcts n

    man th lssns larnd n htnars rn t hal th land and ts

    ppl arnd th rld. Plas hlp s

    sprad th rd b tlln r rnds and

    aml abt ths ndrl rsrc, r

    b sharn th Cratn Car Bbl Std n

    th bac th b th r small rp

    r chrch. Bs can b prchasd thrh

    r bst r n Amazn.cm.

    iNtroDuCe PLaNt With PurPose toyour suNDay serViCePlant wth Prpss exctv Drctr,

    Sctt Sabn, ld lv th pprtnt t

    spa at r chrch r hm llshp.

    w ar n bn appntmnts r th

    all and ntr. Pssbl tpcs ncld:

    undrstandn th Cnnctn Btn

    Pvrt and th envrnmnt, th Bblcal

    bass r Cratn Car, hat rs and

    hat dsnt hn hlpn th pr (dal

    r shrt-trm mssn tams), H Nt

    t b a Hr (h tr t b th sav-

    r t a rld that alrad has a savr),

    and Tndn t edn: envrnmntal St-

    ardshp r gds Ppl (an vrv Sctts b).

    Fr mr nrmatn and t b a

    dat, plas cntact kat Nar at at@

    plantthprps.r r call r c at

    (800) 633-5319.

    seVeNLy CamPaigN raises $2,655 ForPLaNt With PurPoseDrm rll plas.... thans t r spprt

    rasd $2,655 (and xcdd r al!)

    va th Svnl campan t hlp r ss-

    tanabl dvlpmnt prjcts n rral cm-

    mnts n Hat! Vst svnl.r t v th

    l t-shrt dsns, hch spprt a n

    nn-prt ach . Thans s mch t

    Svnl and all r spprtrs!!

    heLP us seND extreme gLoBaLPoVerty iNto the history Booksendn xtrm pvrt s a h ndr-

    tan. Bt blv t s pssbl. w ar

    xctd t annnc that hav tamd

    p th Cmpassn intrnatnal, wrld

    Rl, iJM, Hp intrnatnal, and thr

    rld-class nn-prts t rm 58:, an

    nprcdntd allanc lbal Chrs-

    tans, chrchs, and ath-basd pvrt-

    htn ranzatns rn tthr t

    nd xtrm, lbal pvrt b 2035. Th

    cr ths ntatv s basd isaah

    58, part hch sas: And spnd

    rslvs n bhal th hnr and

    sats th nds th pprssd, thn

    r lht ll rs n th darnss, and

    r nht ll bcm l th nnda.

    T larn mr and t jn th cas, vst

    lv58.r and jn s as r tthr

    t ast-rard th nd pvrt.

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower




































    4%3% 1%

    2010 FiNaNCiaL summary

    Ways to get iNVoLVeD

    - L s n Facb r ll s n Tttr t r-

    cv pdats n r r.

    - Sbscrb t r bl: plantthprps.r/bl

    t p p th th bl bzz.

    - Bcm an advcat. Vst plantthprps.r/

    ta-actn and nd as t hlp s sprad th

    rd n r cmmnt.

    - intrn r vlntr at Plant wth Prps. Cntact

    [email protected].

    Jn Plant wth Prps n Satrda, oc-

    tbr 8th, 2011 r a mancnt vnn

    at a sparln n vn! Ths ars Plant-

    n Hp gala ll ta plac at Parads

    Pnt Rsrt, lcatd n a 44-acr sland

    n th hart San Ds Mssn Ba.

    highLights iNCLuDe:A dlcs sr and tr dnnr th r-

    ran, rass-d b and rsh, lcall-

    rn vs and slct ns.

    An xclsv n cllctn actn. A lmt-

    d amnt tcts ll b sld! Brn cash!

    A sprtd lv actn.

    Spcal prrmanc b lcal Hatan band,

    Ln a D.

    on a nd slnt actn tms.

    An pprtnt dran t n an Appl Pad.

    Th chanc t prchas hand mad crats

    rm th sx cntrs hr Plant wth Pr-

    ps rs.

    A Fnd a Nd actn t ras mn r

    spcc, crtcal nds n th sx cntrs

    hr Plant wth Prps rs.

    Fr and cnvnnt parn.

    Tcts ar $110 ach and tabl spnsrshps

    ar avalabl r $850. Attnds ll har th

    latst ns n th xctn r Plant wth

    Prps s dn acrss th lb (thr ll

    b an xclsv, nvr-br sn vd

    hhlhtn th lvs armrs n Tanzana!)

    All prcds rm r ala ll tard m-

    prn th rral pr t mprv thr lvs

    and lands.

    to r.s.V.P., dnat an actn tm, spn-

    sr a tabl, r vlntr call th Plant wth

    Prps c at (800) 633-5319 r mal

    kat Nar at [email protected].

    Dscntd rms ar avalabl. Call Para-

    ds Pnt Rsrt at 858-274-4630 and mn-

    tn Plant wth Prps.

    Vst .plantthprps.r/ala t

    larn mr. w hp t s thr!

    OctOber 8, 2011Paradise POint resOrt

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower


    FoRMeRLy kNowN AS FLoReSTA uSA6

    whn Jss mt th Samartan man at

    th ll, as dscrbd n Jhn 4, h tlls hr,

    evrn h drns ths atr ll b

    thrst aan, bt hvr drns th atr

    i v thm ll nvr thrst. indd, th a-

    tr i v thm ll bcm n thm a sprn

    atr lln p t trnal l. Jss has

    vn s th sam lvn atr t r. i

    r t nl shar th phscal atr that

    cms rm a cstrn r rm th rrsta-

    tn a atrshd, ld b dn a

    rav dssrvc t ppl darl car

    abt. As Clrmn Mrn, Hat sad,

    th Plant wth Prps prar and Bbl

    std hlpd m t sav m l. Atr Bbl

    rfctn, m das chand and i bcam a

    n cratr.

    Last all at r ntrnatnal mtn n Tan-

    zana ralzd th nd t rn and m-prv r strat r sharn th spl. A

    Hlstc Mnstr Smmt as schdld r

    th sprn, ddcatn an ntr t m-

    prvn r trach.

    wrn n mltpl lanas and acrss

    cltrs s alas a challn, bt n ths

    mtn thr r als dvrs thl-

    cal bacrnds t cntnd th. Hvr,

    th prsnc th Hl Sprt as bvs

    as rd dpr rlatnshps and vr

    qcl cam t a mtal ndrstandn.

    Thr s alrad mch that hav bn

    dn: all r prrams partnr th lcal

    chrchs t mpr cmmnt trach,

    man spnsr Bbl stds (n th Dmn-

    can Rpblc aln hav rmd vr

    700 Bbl std rps th thsands

    partcpants) r hav ld chaplans n sta,

    rspnsbl r sharn th spl. All hav

    sta dvtnals, at last l. And all ar

    cmmttd t nsrn that thr s n m-

    plcatn that n mst chan thr bls

    n rdr t bnt rm r r. w sh

    t b nsm and lvn, nt crcv.

    Hvr, thr s alas rm t m-

    prv. Atr mch prar and rfctn,

    rtrnd t r hm cntrs th a

    bttr ndrstandn h t bst nt-

    rat th spl nt r r, ncldn

    a nmbr spcc stps. w ar tst-n n crrcla r s n r r th

    chrchs, and ach prram has a rspn-

    sblt t rprt bac at th nxt intrna-

    tnal Mtn n 2012.

    As Carls Dsla, r drctr n th Dmn-

    can Rpblc rmard, it as rall rt-

    l t har sch rsh das abt h t

    b athl n hat d and t b wrd

    / Dd csd. Alrad, xctn rprts

    n partnrshps, trach, and nta-

    tvs ar bnnn t ltr bac.

    First-eVer hoListiC miNistry summit BriNgs

    together iNterNatioNaL DireCtors

    By SCOTT SABIN, Executive Director

    Last June, six amilies journeyed to Tanzania t

    celebrate a milestone. The group o 27, with age

    ranging rom 11 to 54, was comprised o 16 kid

    and 11 adults who were headed to Arica to ce

    ebrate a 50th birthday. The trip included the am

    lies o current board member Cindy Outlaw and

    past board chair Je Busby. On the docket wer

    a visit to the Plant With Purpose programs nea

    Marangu, a climb o Kilimanjaro, a saari, and

    couple o days in Zanzibar. With all that variet

    o activity, the most impacting part o the trip

    according to Je and the group, was the vis

    to Plant With Purposes Tanzania program calle


    or rst Flrsta-Tanzana actvt as t attnd

    a chrch srvc n Mshr. Th snd strn

    Tanzanan vcs that r snn rcnzabl

    hmns n Sahl as ndrl. w cncld

    th srvc th a ll partcpatn snn and

    dancn sssn th th cnratn. Dspt

    lana challns, th llshp as nn

    and nthsastc. w xtd th chrch t partc

    pat n an actn a armrs prdc. it av

    a n mann t rst rts t tnss th

    tthn th a stc bananas. w thn jn

    th lcal chldrn n a narb ld r a trl n

    trnatnal atrnn tbl, rsb, ntbaland jmp rp th th ldr ds, and crcl

    ams and sdal chal th th lttl ns.

    Th lln da mad th shrt trp t M

    a t b sts at a ViCoBA (Vlla Cmmnt

    Ban) mtn. Ths ViCoBA rp s cmprs

    30 mn and mn. Dspt r lat arrva

    r lcmd th th Flrsta sn an

    ld t th mtn hr pad r n r

    tardnss. Drn th mtn, mmbrs bh

    shars n thr vars nds, pad bac lans

    and svral lans rantd. Th man prs

    BirthDay Party


    By Jeff BuSBy, Former Board Chair

    story continued on page

  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower


  • 8/4/2019 2011 Fall Sower


    Plant with Purpose

    4903 Morna Blvd. Suit 1215San Digo, CA 92117

    Ph: (800) 633-5319

    Fax: (858) 274-3728

    email: [email protected]


    NoN-Profit org

    U.S. PoStage


    Permit 751

    SaN diego Ca

    PLaNt With PurPose, FormerLy kNoWN as FLoresta

    Drought aND FooDseCurity Crisis iNeast aFriCaan Overview Of the PrOblem and ways yOu can helP

    First-eVer hoListiCmiNistry summitread hOw we are refining and imPrOving Our

    strategy fOr sharing the gOsPel

    saVe the Date For thePLaNtiNg hoPe gaLa!OctOber 8th, 2011Paradise Point Resort, San Diego