2011 April Humanity First Medical Newsletter

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  • 7/30/2019 2011 April Humanity First Medical Newsletter


    s Updates

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    Humanity First Medical April 2011 Update. The 4th Humanity First Disaster Response Course.

    Training exercises in the f ire stat ion

    Apri l 2011

    (Vol 2, Issue 4)

    Welcome t o t he Humanit y First Medical


    Wi th these updates, w e a im t o keep you

    informed about Humanity First medical

    act iv i t ies and ta lk about t he la test in

    news and controversies, i n relat ion t o

    our l ine o f work wi t h t hese updates.

    Please visi t our w ebsit e

    Humanity First Medical

    for more about our act iv i t ies, w ish to

    con t r i bu te o r need to con tac t the

    Humanity First Medical t eam.

    Humanity First 'tr iage' tent

    The fourth Humanity First

    Disaster Response Course in

    Leicester, UK

    March 25th - 27th, 2011

    Humani ty Fi rst In ternat ional he ld i t s

    fourth disaster response course on March

    25 t h t o 27t h, 2011. This was organised

    in conjunct ion w i t h t he Le icester

    division of t he UK Int ernati onal Search

    and Rescue (ISAR) Team .

    The 3 day course was att ended by 25

    att endees from UK and US and included

    doctors, nurses, paramedics,

    pharmacist s and logist ics people f rom

    various backgrounds. The sessions wer e

    divided into lecture and exercise

    components. Lectures were mostly held

    in mor nings wit h hands on experience

    engaging in mock scenarios in the

    aft ernoons. The 24 facu l ty m embers in

    the March 2011 course include

    special ist s in medicine, surgery,

    paediatrics, logistics, members of ISAR,

    and an exper t f rom t he WHO. They

    prov ided hands on t ra in ing to t he

    delegat es. Many of t hese t rainers have

    previously been out on disasters as part

  • 7/30/2019 2011 April Humanity First Medical Newsletter


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    Medical resuscit at ion lectur es on Day 2

    The f ire and rescue services assist ing in the course

    After the tr a in ing exercises on day 3

    The f i f t h Humani t y Fi rst

    Disaster Response Course in

    Dull es, Virginia, USA

    May 6th - 8 t h, 2011

    The next Humanity First Disast er

    Response course is planned in Dulles,

    Virginia, USA. The UK tr ainers wi l l f ly t o

    j oi n t he US t ea m t o j oi nt l y run t he

    course. This would l ead to independent

    Humanit y First Disast er Response

    t raining centr es in the US.

    I t is recommended t hat de legates read

    t he 'Humanit y First Disast er Response

    manual ' before attending the course.

    The manual contains material

    of our Disaster response team.

    The course covers disaster classification

    and response coordinat ion, safet y and

    secur i t y , br ie f ing the media and

    t eaching t he importance of in t er- agency

    communicat ion for de l iver ing an

    eff ect ive d isast er re l ie f . These

    pr inc ip les are incorporated in both t he

    t aught and exercise components of t he

    course. The del egat es experience t o

    lead and work in t eams, m anaging

    t ranspor t o f t he i r t eams to d isaster

    zones and set t ing up t ents not on ly

    learning about medical management

    appl icab le to t he f ie ld but a lso about

    rules of safet y and survival , impr ovising

    and prior i t isating treatments maximisingbenef i t to t he pat ients. Some examples

    of t hese m ock scenarios include

    ext ract ing casualt i es safely f rom

    coll apsed buil dings, managing single and

    mass casualt i es brought in by hel icopt er

    and t reatment o f medica l condi t ions

    seen in a t sunami, earthquake and ot her

    disast er scenarios. A number of actors

    part ic ipat e in t he course t o assist

    running t hese scenarios playing t he parto f in j ured pat ients requi r ing cr i t ica l ,

    urgent and ot hers less urgent medical

    care. Th is proved t o be an exc i t ing and

    in format i ve weekend for the de legates

    and tr ainers al ike.

    The Humanit y First Disast er Response

    course aims to give the delegates t he

    closest possible experience of providing

    medical care in a disaster environment.

    Import antly, t he course does not

    dupl icate the special ist acut e l i fe

    support cour ses li ke ALS, ATLS, APLS in

    t he UK or PALS / equivalents l i f e support

    courses in t he US and aims t o t each

    appl icat ion of th is knowledge on a

    campsit e in a disast er hi t area.

    Resusci t ation in a cont rol led

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    speci f ical ly designed f or t he course and

    disast er response and includes det ai ls

    about di sast ers, pr inciples of safe

    management o f t eams fo l lowed by

    medical and surgical management of

    condit i ons seen on the f ie ld . Delegat es

    may wish to re fresh t he i r ABC

    (resusci t ation) knowl edge and i t is

    recommended t o re fe r to the cu r rent

    prevalent r ecommended resusci t ati on

    guidel ines. For i phone owners t he UK

    resusci t ati on counci l guidel ines are

    available as a free app (iResus). This is

    recommended, as i t not on ly g ives the

    ABC but also demonstrates resuscitation

    and airw ay opening wit h easy t o

    understand pictures. A free 'PALS' app is

    also availabl e.

    Please c l ick on the b lue icon t o v isi t t he

    US web sit e f or course

    detai ls.

    In the longer t erm i t is p lanned t o t ake

    t he course t o high- r isk areas l ike

    Indonesia and Bangladesh where natural

    d isasters are f requent t o enable

    eff ecti ve local di sast er response


    envi ronment l ike t he Accident and

    Emergency Depart ment is an al t oget her

    d i f f erent deal t o prov id ing l i fe suppor t

    by t he roadside, medical camp or next

    t o a destr oyed bu i ld ing which is

    ref lect ed in this unique course.

    Group photograph o f the par tc ipants & facu l ty

    The Leicester f ire crew

    All ph otogr ap hs in th is new slet ter ar e copyrig hted by Hu m an ity First In tern at ion al (UK)

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    Copyright 2011

    All rights reserved.Humanity First Medical

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