2010 the Year of the Volcano

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The year 2010 creates a grand cross of planets on a Holy Cross such as only occurs once in a Great Year cycle. Jupiter will be with Uranus at the spring equinox opposite Saturn at the fall equinox and these will be square again to the galactic and solstice axes.In June the aspect is intensified by the transiting Sun passing opposite the Galactic Centre and on June 26 2010 a Full Moon opposite the Sun joins this amazing aspect around the Earth. This is similar in reversed form to the Tsunami aspects of December 2004. On December 21 2010 a further similar aspect to the Indian Ocean Tsunami on 26 December 2004 occurs. Moreover the Nodes of the Moon are on the galactic axis. This was the case by the worst disasters in history, especially earthquakes.Further the entry of Jupiter and Uranus into Aries will awaken the sleeping giants- the volcanoes. All the worst volcanoes showed an aspect involving Aries and Mars. Tambora, the worst volcano in recent times showed Sun and Moon in Aries. AS Saturn much of the year is in Virgo inthe grand cross there is some danger of sickness and even a pandemic. Yet these things are sent to try us and maybe even enlighten us, for we are meant to reconnect to the galactic source at this time.

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2010 YEAR OF THE VOLCANO, WWIII, Tsunami, Pandemic


Strong planetary alignments on the Holy Cross of galactic -solstice axis and vernal axis

S. Seymour Hedke 23rd June 2009

*******************************************We may be in for a few shocks in 2010 when Uranus enters Aries. In fact, if I am right, 2010 to 2013 will be the most disastrous years on record. Yet such tactics can help the disciple on his road to enlightenment.

We were all shocked by the 9/11 World Trade Centre attack in 2001: on a beautiful sunny day in Manhattan, disaster flew in out of the blue blue sky. That is Uranus for you! In a matter of hours these huge towers were collapsed in a heap of smoking rubble and many thousands of peoples lives were changed forever.

Fig. 1. The chart of the Twin Tower disaster shows Uranus involved in the bow and arrow of aspects pointing at the Galactic Centre. Uranus rules the air sign

of Aquarius so an air disaster, or in this case a disaster coming out of the air, with the addition of Mercury in Libra, is well indicated

In 2001 Uranus was in his own air sign of Aquarius sextiling the Galactic Centre. On this particular day he was in a bow aspect to the Galactic Centre with an arrow shot from the Mercurial sign of Gemini the twins, suggesting air disasters, and September 11 was probably the worst dayi for them in one unforgettable year for aviation disastersii.

We were equally shocked as Uranus moved into the water sign Pisces and formed another bow and arrow pointing at the Galactic Centre, and the Indian Ocean Tsunami occurred in the holiday period of December 2004.

Fig. 2 Here Uranus in water sign Pisces is aspecting the full Moon moving from Gemini into the water sign Cancer and again the disastrous Nodes of the

Moon are involved.

Before that date most people, living in the West at least, had never even heard the word „Tsunami“. Uranus has a way of coming unexpectedly and his entry into the fire sign Aries in 2010 is extremely likely to cause more catastrophes to shake us - and perhaps to shake us awake. That at least was the disaster that awoke me.

However, the disasters of the last years' Uranus aspects to the Galactic Centre

may seem like peanuts compared to what is coming, so lots of chances to reach enlightenment.

Uranus will be close to the spring equinox, square the Galactic Centre all of 2010 and much of that year spent in a T square or grand cross. The first few months Uranus is in the water sign Pisces and then he moves into Aries. Later he moves retrograde and back to Pisces for the last months of the year. When the square to the GC comes from Pisces we can most expect that the disasters will involve water and when in Aries, a fire sign, that they will involve fire.

Wildfires may go out of control, hail, storms and strange „April“ weather extremes will be increasingly connected to a climate shift, which it is too late to reverse. In fact of course we could never have averted this anyway, nor should we as we would have missed the Golden Age coming. Most certainly volcanic earthquakes and eruptions will come in this year, they are Nature's way of birthing and that is what these years are all about.

The Ouroboros dragon-serpent of the Great Year cycle is shedding Her old skin between 2010 and 2013. She has also been seen as a woman giving birth:

A great sign was seen in the heavens (elsewhere explained as a great cross); a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon below her feet... she cried out with pain, labouring to give birth...(a) dragon stood befor the woman...“ Revelations 12

On the human level the long held back frustration with life as it has been, may become less philosophical and poetic in 2010. It may express in a revolutionary attempt to either blow the world up (i.e. through terrorist attacks), or may set the spiritual activists marching in an attempt to birth a Brave New Alternative World.

There may be some revelatory experiences too, as sudden bursts of kundalini energy will be released from the muladhara-root chakra, this in turn may cause exciting discoveries, perhaps of a saving nature. But very often the energy will be sudden and there will be periods when tension rises as everything appears completely blocked.

These huge bursts of energy can lead to overload and „insane“ reactions. Even God will be feeling it and will have some outbursts of wrath of a volcanic nature when his calderic cup boils over. These aspects are difficult to integrate even for the gods because of the square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. The collective release of such powerful but frustrated and often poorly channelled energy in humans will be seen in riots. It may even lead to mass suicides and stone throwings against authority figures: Uranus brings collective events and responses and the transition to Aries may lead to waves of group violence when attempts to change things are thwarted. Of course I know what would best get angry people marching the streets, shut down the computers.

Yet whether explosive conditions occur on an internal or external level, the sense of prophecies coming true will be felt beneath the daily tumult. Many shamanic leaders will don their war paint after living withdrawn. They will come to speak loudly and preach from the temples.

The cry will ring out „The Bridegroom is coming“. It is interesting that in revelation people can be divided as to whether or not they belong to God according to the mark on their forehead, an acceptable mark would be connected to an open third eye perhaps- an enlightened condition.

Attempts to change the world and the forces that rule it may be met with resistance and solutions are difficult to find. So it might be wisest not to get too involved in the worldly dihemmas in the next three years if possible. Unfortunately Aries is the Fool, and as we know „fools rush in“.

The grand cross of planets that forms again and again on the Holy Cross reflects the difficulty. The Holy Cross is an alignment between the solstice-equinox axis of our solar year with the galactic axis. It only occurs once in about 25,0001 years. As the year 2010 continues, the tense situation will escalate, as the Nodes of the Moon move ever closer to the galactic axis.

Around the 23rd March the Sun in Aries is with Uranus still in Pisces opposite Saturn in a 90° square aspect to the Moon at the summer solstice, and also square the GC and Pluto near the winter solstice.

1 Study of a number of ancient texts suggests that the length of the Great Year is closer to 25,000 years (not 26,000 years).

On 23rd March 2010 the Moon is at the end of Gemini again inviting to another disaster. It was in this position by the disaster in 2001 and 2004. There is a bow to Neptune as well.

Yet the Nodes are not yet fully involved. So here we may experience early rumbles of eruptions and rumours of earthquakes and wars and waves of change may be noticed, as the Sun adds to the birthing energy but is frustrated by the Saturnian aspects.

The tectonic tension goes on building and the earth will continue to tremble and shake in April and more in May.

This year will in most likelihood produce the worst earthquakes since records began.

Above: The HOLY CROSS of 2010. The 16th May is one of many dates when a grand cross of celestial bodies

forms on the solstice/ equinox angles aligned with the galactic axis.Here the cross is caused by the Moon moving over the summer solstice with


Weather and temperature extremes may affect the crops especially in the last half of May but it is not until June that the real fireworks arrive. In June 2010 storms, volcanic eruption, hail and other crises will be hitting the news one after another.

On the 28th May 2010 Uranus enters Aries while conjunct Jupiter in 28° 42' Pisces and opposite Saturn in 27° 50' Virgo. Things are now moving fast and on the 6th June Jupiter enters Aries too, conjunct Moon and Uranus. Unwise decisions may be forced by circumstance. It may be good to look before you leap.

All the while the Sun will be moving closer and closer to complete a grand cross involving the Nodes of the Moon. The next chart shows what this looks like at the peak of the grand cross involving the Sun on the 26th June 2010.

Fig. 3. June 2010, the Sun moves to the Summer Solstice creating a grand cross on the equinoctial and solstice axes aligned to the galactic axis: a

Holy Cross.

It involves along with Uranus the two giant planets Jupiter

and Saturn square the solstice and galactic axis in turn

conjunct the Nodes of the Moon.

The year 2010 may go down in history as one of the most disastrous years ever.

There could be a pandemic as Saturn is in the sign Virgo ruling over sickness or health and also involved in the grand cross. I have a list of such pandemics connected to such T squares involving Nodes or bodies in Virgo in a T square involving the GC.

We are all increasingly caught up in mass changes, though it may not be directly the labour pains of the world that strike us worst. We may be caught offguard when our own personal disaster strikes. It may be a sunny day and we are just giving ourselves permission to relax, to breathe the fine air, dream of better days and meditate on bird song... when suddenly all goes quiet. Where have the birds gone....who knows?

Uranus entry into the innocent fire sign of Aries conjunct the expansive qualities of Jupiter in explosive Aries in the spring of 2010 could be great, it might bring a really hot spring- great to lie out in the sun - if it were not for the opposition of Saturn and the square to the GC and Pluto. In fact we may begin with quite positive feelings for the future with Jupiter conjunct Uranus. But we may be deceived by situations and this may not be the best year to make a risky investment. For many, that which seemed like a new beginning could be blighted by an untimely frost or sickness or economic crisis as that expansive energy of positive planets are hit by an ice front from Saturn opposite.

Jupiter and Saturn are in opposition to each other on the Holy Cross and they are also involved by the greatest events in our history, even if only appearing

to be on the sidelines, they underscore these events. We will probably all feel gripped by the developments and conflicts of this coming year. Jupiter and Saturn were on either side of the Moon as the World Trade Centre disaster occurred and they were beginning a square in a grand cross as the Tsunami occurred.

Such an opposition of Jupiter to Saturn as occurs in 2010 involving Uranus, the galactic axis with the Nodes and on the equinox axes – could ignite a battle between east (Aries) and west (Libra). Parts of this year look in many ways more scary than December 2012.

Will we all be taken by surprise? The Hopi Prophecies support the idea of a coming war with the east, the part of the world where the light of wisdom first dawnediii.

Attack on Israel? Will this be the story that makes headlines in 2010?

Yet there are more important factors to consider with a disaster. The Holy Cross emphasized in June 2010 suggests a tension but in the charts of the disasters of 2001 and 2004 it was the bow and arrow2 to the Galactic Centre that focused and released the tension in a destructive manner.

Pointing an arrow at the Queen of the Heavens can have disastrous consequences for mortals. The nature of this area of the heavens is also illustrated by the constellations that frame the Galactic Centre: Sagittarius, shooting a bow, Ophiucus, struggling with a huge serpent and Scorpio, the only deadly creature shown in the zodiac. With one foot Ophiucus treads on the scorpion and with the other he is in danger of being stung - highly

precarious situation.

The Galactic Centre shown framed by three constellations: Sagittarius shooting, the sting of the scorpion and the foot of the giant Ophiucus with a serpent around him and now all this is on the winter solstice angle.

Yet the area may not always have been seen as pure disaster. In India the area is associated with the word Mula (root).

Myths associated with this area of the heavens suggest a poisonous and healing side, and the serpent was once also a worshipped creature. I believe that in micro-cosmic form each body has such a root centre, as we are now becoming aware. This is the Mula-dhara centre, each one of us struggles with our own ku-ndalini serpent (Ku being an ancient world for hollow place or womb as well as a Maya name found in such holy places and a god's names as Ku-kulkan etc etc ).

Interesting other signs are also found close to the Galactic Centre like the altar, the Southern Crown, the wolf Lupus - at least you see his feet, and an

2That the Galactic Centre is in the constellation Sagittarius and the Sagittarian archer points his bow and arrow toward the Galactic Centre is a perfect sign to warn of where the danger lies and how it becomes manifest. It is so perfect that Dr. Paul LaViolette suggested a high civilization placed it there specifically to warn us of the kind of disaster, as they all involve a bow and arrow aspect to the GC this couldnt be a better metaphor!

eagle – Aquila - that is sometimes represented as having been shot by Hercules and falling out of the sky in his own disastrous plunge back into the black hole or dark womb/tomb of the galactic Goddess at the point in the cycle that represents omega3.

Here an adaptated picture from NASA's solar simulator can be used to show how in 2010 Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus are aligned astronomically: all on the same horizontal. Could this cause some kind

ofpolar shift?

Yet to get the bow to the Galactic Centre activated to cause a disaster, Neptune must be considered.

He will be forming a half bow from now on till 2013. This can become a full bow and arrow pointing at the GC by transits of other bodies.

Neptune aspecting the Galactic Centre in this way has always marked the most difficult times in history, for the last

2000 years, terrible El Ninjo events flooding and destroying civilizations, periods of persecutions and wars.

On this round Neptune was activated to form an early bow pointing toward Sagittarius and at the flank of the Galactic Centre for the Tsunami in 2004. (see chart p. 3) Jupiter was transiting Libra to form the other end of the bow. In 2009 Jupiter is transiting Aquarius conjunct Neptune may produce some more watery disasters as also flight disasters. As I write on July 15 2009 the Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Aquarius combined with Mercury trine Uranus and the Moon T square the Nodes has triggered another flight disaster in Iran, all dead. June brought two such flight disasters and the death of Michael Jackson. In October 2009 when the Sun forms a bow to the GC from Libra/Scorpio with Neptune at the end of Aquarius further disasters may be triggered.

September 2010 sees the opposition of Uranus to Saturn loosening, but October will be a month to watch in the next years generally, as the Sun and

3 The bulls head of Taurus that is at the Galactic Anti-Centre was the Bull of Heaven (Sumerian Gut-anna) and represented Alpha (alpha was written as a bull's head) also God- who was nevertheless - as the rising and setting Sun only the sacrificial Sun of our Goddess Mother who was Omega and to whose throat all blood returned.

other bodies form a bow to Neptune then. However, the Moon or other body and even the ascendant or midheaven can also help Neptune to form a bow to the GC. As long as he is in an air sign not just Neptunian water disasters but also air disasters – storms and aviation disasters are more probable.

Here some more charts of 2010 June should show some warlike activity

and earthquakes based on volcanic activity.

In the chart on the right for 6th June you see the grand cross with the Sun is just beginning. The Moon moves over Jupiter and Uranus as they begin to enter Aries, showing some likely volcanic activity.

On the 12th

June the Moon joins the Sun that is now fully opposite the Galactic Centre and Pluto. The 13th

June could bring continued difficulties, maybe

involving water as often happens when the Moon moves over the summer solstice into Cancer. Because the Moon moves to conjunct the South Node the downpour could be heavier!?

On 19th June the conjunction of Moon and Saturn opposite Uranus could cause a large

earthquake perhaps near New Zealand or a flight disaster as it has done in the past. For instance Flight 447 showed Moon conjunct Saturn opposite Uranus.

The bow to Scorpio up on the midheaven shown here suggests possible loss of life on this summer solstice day, when seen combined with the other difficulties like the grand cross and bow and arrow to the GC and the Nodes.

On the 26th of June we may reach the climax of the tension created by this grand Holy Cross when the full Moon at the winter solstice with the Galactic Centre, Pluto and North Node oppose the Sun, Mercury and South Node at the summer solstice all squared by Jupiter, Uranus at the spring equinox and Saturn at the Fall Equinox.

Although July, August and September continue that TNT T square, in the last months of 2010 the aspect between Saturn and Uranus relaxes, some blessing as in December it really might have blown the world up!

Nevertheless its not all over. On 21st December 2010 a similar alignment occurs to the 26th December 2004 alignment which caused that dreadful Tsunami.

Again the Sun and Pluto are conjunct the Galactic Centre and the Full Moon is opposite.

The alignment on 21st

December 2010 is the opposite alignment to the one on 26th June 2010, shown on the previous page. Uranus is no longer in Aries but back in Pisces. That is why a tsunami would not be unthinkable.

The Full Moon is at the summer solstice right when the Sun reaches the winter solstice!

Instead of drawing a chart I have pictured this alignment (left) from this more unusual perspective.

The Moon, you must imagine, is at the Galactic Anti Centre which at present is also the summer solstice, while on the other end of this galactic-solstice axis and on the other side of the Earth, the Sun is aligned with winter solstice marking the end of the solar year. Yet the Sun's conjuction at this time with the enormous power of the Galactic Centre marks also a Great Year end. How might this affect the Sun?

Again the Nodes of the Moon will be involved, in fact more so in December

2010 than in any previous months. The South Node is conjunct the Full Moon, the North Node conjunct the Sun and Pluto.

That the Nodes are involved on the galactic axis in 2010 to 2011 suggests that these two years could be the worst ones in our time of tribulation.

On the 21st December 2010 a bow and arrow as in December 2004 can be created. Though there is no Jupiter/Neptune bow as occurred in 2004, yet Uranus squares the GC from Pisces and Neptune sextile the Galactic Centre could be enough.

However, it is noticeable that the earthquakes prefer the date 26th December to the exact winter solstice, as historic earthquakes have now occurred on this date in 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007. In 2008 the 26th brought earthquakes to Yellowstone which one could also classify under „historic“ as they were the worst in some years. Generally earthquakes have been occurring in an unprededented manner each December as they prepare to birth the new Earth. In December 2008 Mars, ruler of Aries the spring birthing sign and associated with volcanoes as well as conflicts and wars, was also conjunct the Galactic Centre and other volcanoes also became active as they will be again in December 2010.

I have got a lot more information to share about 2010, including the bit about Enlightenment, but I will cut it for this version, am not feeling that enlightened myself today with the Moon T square the Nodes and shortly before a solar eclipse. Basically I see enlightenment as springing from the same galactic root as the present disasters, I discovered the GC through analysing the charts of disasters. If someone avoids the realities of life and the disasters occurring now in the effort to be enlightened they certainly won't become a Buddha or Buddhina. I will break the article here as I begin to wonder if anybody is understanding what I am going on about.


© S. Seymour Hedke 15 July 09

i http://www.airdisaster.com/special/special-0911.shtml

ii http://www.airdisaster.com/cgi-bin/view_year.cgi?year=2001
