2010 Retreat Minutes of Goals and Comments

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  • 8/2/2019 2010 Retreat Minutes of Goals and Comments




    August 20-21, 2010Hampton Inn, Rodeo Road, Mesquite, TX


    On Friday, Aug. 20, 2010, members of the Southwestern Board of Directors,Administration, Faculty, and Staff met for a planning retreat. Guest speaker LaShunda Rundlesopened the business of the evening with an inspiring speech.

    Some people say that when you give yourself a compliment, youre cocky. When Godlooked down on the world after creation, he said, It is good.

    It is no sign of humility to be unable to recognize anything good that one has done. Mygrandmother used to say, Its a sorry dog that wont even wag its own tail, Rundles said.Dont covet the talents of others; accept yours.

    Rundles related her health issues. She had been diagnosed with lupus. It was a verysevere case. In 2008, she had eight toes amputated. She has been close to death many times.Her illness was so debilitating that she didnt want to go to her sons basketball games becauseshe didnt want him to be embarrassed by her appearance. Her son insisted she come. Themother of another player came to all the games, he said, and shes ugly for no reason.

    Youre special to someone, Rundles said. None of us is perfect. None of us haseverything we need. Thats why we need each other. Ask for help. One of the most powerfulpostures in the world is down on your knees. You can beat me down, but I rise. When you getdown and stay down, thats when its all over. Take the lives of these children and make adifference. Lead by example. Its easy to give lip service, but people are watching you. Wh atyou do is three times as loud as what you say. Are you going to accept the challenge?

    Rundles talked about the sacrificial generation of the Bible. I have come so close todeath so many times that I want to know what is important. Can you carry a clear conscience?You wont if youre trying to please everybody else. God is the only one who needs to bepleased.

    John Dansby, Chairman of the SwCC Board of Directors, charged the group to soar towards excellence.

    In 2007, the theme was onward and upward. Today it is soaring toward excellence. You have accomplished the impossible with limited resources. I commend each of you for yourcan-do attitude. Theodore Roosevelt said, Do what you can with what you have. The apostlePaul said, Be not weary in well doing. You are already at the point of excellence. You haveworked untiringly under extremely difficult conditions. As you continue to chart the present, aswell as the future, as we work together, let us work together and remember we are a team beforewe are individuals. Let us lay aside all those things that may distract us as we discuss ideas.

    Strategic planning is not a cure -all, but it gives us a great advantage. You havecontinued to soar. The past two and a half years we have worked to achieve unity on the Board,and we are almost there. I am thankful you have included us in this planning session.

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    Someone has said that our school would not survive, and some of you have beenpersonally attacked. But you and the school have survived. It is not the end of the road.Because of your commitment to excellence, I see bright lights on the horizon.

    Professor Dennis Butler introduced the working program. The retreat in 2007 made me realize

    what everyone was about. That was an invaluable thing.


    GOAL 1 : Research possibility of increasing salaries and benefits of all faculty and staff.

    Responsibility of: The Administration.

    To achieve this goal, the following steps will be or have been taken:1. Research pay scales of several comparable institutions; some documentation on file in

    administrative offices; report to Board of Directors.


    Identify and compare the various pay rates for the various educational occupations using theyears of experience of each occupation; documentation on file.3. Develop a compensation Scale accordingly; documentation on file.4. Execute the compensation scale; compensation and benefits to be reflected and integrated

    into salaries.All put on hold due to current economic conditions throughout the country.


    I think we can do better than that. I recommend that we do what we can even though we donthave the money required. We should research what other colleges are doing and then we willknow how much money we need to take care of everybody.

    Economic conditions should not be a deterrent to research.

    Is it possible that any Board members could meet on this committee? At least one or two Boardmembers?

    Dansby: We have already started researching this.

    Instead of getting information just from community colleges, we might gather information fromother Christian schools.


    Suggestion was made to assign Board Members to the Committee in discussing salarynegotiations for faculty and staff members of Southwestern Christian College

    To gather information from other Christian colleges/universities concerning comparativeintercollegiate pay scales.

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    GOAL 2: Establish a better professional and cordial relationship between the Board of Directors and the Administration of the College.

    Responsibility of: The Board Chairman and President.

    1. Mandate that each Board member of the college and the Administration understandthoroughly the history, purpose, and mission of the College, and how it is financed.

    How will it be known this is done? Periodic, written testing of each person; annualorientation to the history and mission of the college and its financial structure.

    Progress: a portion of each meeting involves discussion and recommitment to the Vision andMission of the college.

    RECOMMENDATION: The Board should periodically review the vision/mission statementof the institution to make determinations if it should stay in its current status.

    2. Have each person of the groups listed above to commit or recommit himself/herself totally tothe above items.

    How known? Individual and public pronouncements, support of the college via observationand participation in on-campus programs and activities.

    Progress: See the Third Amended By-Laws, Section 8, pp. 2-3, which emphasizescommitment and dedication to the purpose and mission of the college. This is stressed in allmajor meetings of the Board.

    3. Have each Board member and Administrator read and imbibe The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement , and be ready to discuss them.

    How known? B.O.D. will keep SACS Publication on person during meetings for quick reference to Board Guidelines.

    Progress: Each Board member received a copy of the Accreditation Handbook, which is tobe brought to each Board meeting.

    COMMENT: There was some question as to the correct protocol for communicating withBoard members.

    RECOMMENDATION: The Board could meet on stage so that the audience couldparticipate and be aware of what is going on, as well as communicate with Board members.

    COMMENT : It will never happen.

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    RECOMMENDATION: Delete this task from the Strategic Plan. Administration, faculty,and staff have the freedom to converse with Board members when they are on the campus.

    RECOMMENDATION: Design a proper protocol for open review and discussion if needed.

    RECOMMENDATION: Revise and update - annual reviews to be done to see that these arecontinued.

    RECOMMENDATION: The Board, at each meeting, should go over the mission and visionstatements, as well as how all this is financed, so that all Board members remain current onwhat we are trying to do and how we are doing it.

    GOAL 3: Continue implementation of a professional development program for faculty andstaff, such as released time, workshops, and professional travel.

    1. Develop a Needs Assessment that highlights the resources, strengths, weaknesses of staff anddefine how the individual resources can be maximized to help SwCC accomplish its mission.Responsibility of Administration and Faculty Senate.

    How known? Documentation on file in administrative offices. Staff profiles in personnelfiles.

    Progress: Needs Assessment completed as of Oct. 2007, CCRAA Grant Funds (2008-2009and 2009-2010) have been made available for Faculty/Staff training and development.Approximately 20 faculty/staff have received grant funds for development/training.

    2. Identify the professional expertise needed, as well as goals for workshop. Responsibility of Faculty Senate.

    How known? Documentation on file in administrative offices. Poll the staff to determineneeds, both professionally and personally; get input of faculty.

    Progress: Assessment findings are available from Faculty Development Committee Chair.Check faculty/staff Development Program Review Form E-20.

    3. Plan ongoing, periodic workshops. Responsibility of Administration.

    How known? Documentation on file, administrative offices.

    Progress: Workshops and seminars are planned on an ongoing basis for faculty and staff development. (See 2009-2010 Faculty Development Schedule.) (See List of Workshops andAttendees in 2008-2009.)

    4. Develop unity workshop blueprint.

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    Responsibility of: Administration.

    How known? Documentation on file in administrative offices.

    Progress: Not started.

    5. Execute blueprint.

    Responsibility of: Administration.

    How known? Workshop conducted; documentation of its execution on file.

    How much money? $2,000

    Progress: Not started.

    RECOMMENDATION for Part 1: By October, someone be designated as overseer.Q: Are these mandatory?A: Yes, in a sense. Youre expected to be there. Q: What kind of cooperation are we getting?A: We have faculty workshops prior to the school year. We have a professionaldevelopment program; people from other colleges come and talk.

    COMMENT: Staff does not have any type of training no organized training for a longperiod of time.

    COMMENT : We should have that. Theyre an important link, as well.

    COMMENT: About 80% attend faculty training; encourage them to go to their ownprofessional training meetings/workshops.

    RECOMMENDATION: We should consider Goal 3 with Goals 19 and 20.

    RECOMMENDATION: By October 31, 2010, we conduct needs assessment of all teachingstaff; by January 2011, develop a plan for periodic training.

    GOAL 4: Make preparation for administrative transitions.

    1. Find and identify the next CEO.

    Responsibility of: Board of Directors.

    How known? Advertisement in education and professional literature. Letters to churchesand professional organizations.

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    How much money? Adequate salary and all customary benefits commensurate with those of similar colleges.

    Progress: A Search Committee has established procedures for organizing a personnel search.A Job Description has been completed, advertising venues have been identified and a

    Succession Plan is near completion.2. Provide retirement plan for current CEO.

    Responsibility of: Board of Directors, Finance Committee.

    How known? Drawn up by resolution and funded.

    Progress: A Retirement Plan was presented by the Finance Committee in 2007.

    3. Begin planning retirement offerings for other top administrators who have given over 35

    years of their lives in service to the college.Responsibility of: Board of Directors.

    How known? By resolution.

    Progress: The Board approved a $1000 gift to all retirees with 30+ years. No plan has beenoffered to top Administrators.

    4. Provide funds for hiring two or three accounting persons in the Business Office (animmediate need).

    Responsibility of: Board of Directors, CEO

    How known? Allocating funds in budget.

    How much will it cost? $120,000.

    Progress: One accountant was hired for Business Office, effective start date Oct. 15, 2009.

    5. Consider feasibility of a Chancellor to assist in raising funds and advising the new presidenton the uniqueness of SwCC.

    Responsibility of: Board of Directors.

    How known? By resolution.

    Progress: The President has extended his tenure before retirement; therefore, discussion hasbeen postponed until plans for his retirement.

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    COMMENT : No applications, or even feelers have been received. The CEO thereforedecided not to retire just yet.

    COMMENT: Look into feasibility of (fringe benefits).

    COMMENT on #5: Our reach must exceed our grasp, or we will not succeed. I recommendthat we ask the Board and administration to formally look into a forward looking (process)

    RECOMMENDATION: Board & Administration is to offer a detailed plan and generateresources to fund the schools retirement/pension plan.

    GOAL 5: Maintain a functional Development Office that will broaden the operational baseof the institution.

    1. Expand the scope of fund-raising to include benefactors from other private and publicsectors. Responsibility of Director of Development, Development staff.

    How known? A list of potential benefactors in the public and private industries will bedeveloped. Letter writing will be done, and personal contacts will be made.

    How much money? $1,500.

    Progress: See information regarding funds raised from a foundation, a trust, Title III, and aChristian School Board in 2009; Presidents Report to the Board; and document concerningthe Trust Fund. See article in SwCC Communiqu about funds raised from a concertfeaturing Cedric the Entertainer. More sources are listed for future fund-raising.

    2. Develop programs to improve the quality of the SwCC public relations and public image.

    Responsibility of: Director of Development, Development staff.

    How known? The current PR plan will be revisited and revisions will be made to bringcurrent to the new programs of the college.

    Progress: Goal will be revisited by October 2010.

    COMMENT: The scope of fundraising was increased through foundation grants.

    RECOMMENDATION: Do an assessment of the Development Office to ascertain the needof hiring additional staff. Preference would be for a person strong in the area of technologyand on-line fundraising. Staff also to include person (good at) grant-writing and fundraisingin areas beyond the immediate constituency.

    RECOMMENDATION: Bring in a consultant as a part of training and development forfundraising and public relations for all staff members.

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    COMMENT: Dr. Maxwell is already a grant writer as a part of his current job description.Since he is free in a lot of areas, not full time.

    COMMENT: Have an Office of Development and an office for grants in writingassessments, what is the current area of doing and let them tell us what their needs are. Make

    sure those offices we have are moving according to the processes of their offices.RECOMMENDATION: I suggest an assessment of all the areas that have to do withproviding revenue.

    COMMENT: Most schools have full-time grant writers. We met with special representativefrom HBCU, with Dr. Evans and Dr. Foster he said that one of the biggest weaknesses isthat many schools do not have strong development offices to find funding. There is notenough time to write those grants for me.

    COMMENT: As I look at the recommendations for the assessment, very strong, very

    money-wise, the question is who would be responsible for doing that? Whatrecommendations do you have to get that done? It deals with one of the more crucial issuesfor the school. From the outside looking in, we have a lot of people doing a lot of different

    jobs. If we continue to burn people out in operational functions.you dont have a school if you dont have funds.

    COMMENT: Were doing a great job for what were doing but the point is, how do we getmore money? Gettingon line where you are reaching a maximum number. We have tofind other areas (than we are using). How do we find new streams of revenue using thepeople we have right now? If we start penetrating that market, we will generate more money.(If not), we cant hire new people.

    COMMENT: When I say assessment, Im not just addressing what people are doing that iswhere you have to start but one of the challenges is that you may have five people doing agood job, but a ssess management techniques to do better. If youre not assessing howtheyre managing their time, you dont know how they are doing if theyre doing as well asthey could be doing. If we assess how theyre using their timethere may be otherresponsibilities to free another person with grant writing. It might be more advantageous totake Dr. Maxwell out of the classroom and have him writing grants.

    COMMENT: Were looking at functions as opposed to looking at a person and how theyreusing their time.

    COMMENT: Many times you have to re-allocate your resources.

    COMMENT: I really dont want to see the administrative staff and faculty afraid to addressa Board member when they are on campus. A Board member is not authorized to take anytype of action by himself it has to come from the Board as a whole.

    RECOMMENDATION: Put Goal 5 with Goal 44.

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    GOAL 6: Maintain and strengthen procedures for planning and evaluation of all academic


    1. Coordinate an assessment of all academic programs.

    Responsibility of: Academic Affairs Committee, Institutional Research Director.

    How known? Assessment strategies and findings documented in the AccountabilityManagement System. AIER Reports available in AMS System for each area.

    Progress: Academic Research Office Assessments, Analyses, and Reports are available inAR office. Bible Department comprehensive exam was first administered in 2008-2009.

    MAPP Assessment of all graduates conducted April 2010.COMMENT: Maintain and strengthen procedures for planning and evaluation of allacademic programs; coordinate assessments, continue ongoing assessments.

    GOAL 7: Provide curricula programs that are appropriate to student needs and thataccommodate individual differences in learning rates, aptitudes, prior knowledge, andexperience.

    1. Curriculum for each division represents content that is current.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs, Division.

    How known? Course evaluation; results used to implement change where needed.

    When: Each semester, beginning in 2008.

    Progress: Current curriculum review conducted in April 2010 and findings used to updatecatalog and modify course syllabi as required.

    2. Develop course evaluation guidelines.

    Responsibility of: Academic Affairs Committee, Institutional Research Director.

    How known? Course evaluation instrument administered; results used to implement changewhere needed.

    How much money? Paper, postage, time.

    When? Each semester, beginning in 2008.

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    Progress: Survey Monkey was used in 2008-2009. Low participation results. Returned toPaper/Pencil Class format, used in 2009-2010. Greater participation.

    GOAL 8: Facilitate the completion of Associate or Bachelor degree programs, preparing

    graduates for admission to senior colleges or graduate programs.

    1. Develop and implement a system of pre-admission standards to identify students aptitude forcollege-level work.

    Responsibility of Director of Admissions, Division Chair, Basic Studies.

    When? Spring 2008.

    Progress: Report submitted to V.P., Academic Affairs, describing the pre-admissionsactivities that will be implemented and assessed, with follow-up.

    2. Evaluate student proficiency in major level courses.

    Responsibility of Instructors.

    How known? Results of proficiency tests sent to V.P. of Academic Affairs and instructors;assessments will be done, with follow-up.

    When? Spring 2008.

    Progress: The college began using MAPP (Measure of Academic Proficiency Profile) Fall,2009. However, small population size caused results to be inconclusive. All graduates (36)were tested in Spring, 2010. Results available in AR Office and Dean Turners office.

    3. Ensure transferability of the institutions courses.

    Responsibility of: V.P. of Academic Affairs, Instructors; Institutional Research Director.

    How known? Tracking of students who transfer to senior colleges and universities;assessments will be done, with follow-up.

    When? Fall 2008.

    Progress: Expected completion date 09-14-2009.

    RECOMMENDATION: Develop and implement a system of pre-admission to identifystudents aptitude for college -level work.

    RECOMMENDATION: Because we are such a small college, communication would be agood way to start. Not everybody has access to Jenza bar. We dont know if a student is

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    coming in with issues. Call or write. Some offices think they can run by themselves and thatcant be. Start with something that is free. Looking into other school and their policies isgreat, but we can start with something free.

    RECOMMENDATION: If students are special, with behavior or emotional problems,

    Student Affairs Office always [should know]. Cognitive and communication problems alsoshould be shared with other departments of Southwestern so others are aware of possiblepitfalls.

    COMMENT: We need a legal opinion and also a psychologists opinion. We just had a caserecently a person who [did not] let us know and provide the papers. I was unaware of thestudents disability had to put up wit h an irate student and didnt know it started in myoffice.

    COMMENT: The Financial Aid office needs to know about every office. Whatever is goingon in Athletics or Academics.

    COMMENT: My directive was to Dean Turner; she will relate to other offices.

    COMMENT: We need to ensure transferability of courses to other colleges.

    GOAL 9: Continue and increase the effectiveness of a system for student academicadvising.

    1. All currently enrolled students will receive and have on file an Associate or Bachelor leveldegree plan.

    Responsibility of: V.P, Academic Affairs.

    How known? Degree plan sent to each student; students will have to refer to at eachregistration.

    When? Prior to each registration.

    Progress: Expected completion date 09-14-2009.

    2. All currently enrolled students will be assigned to an academic advisor.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs.

    How known? Degree plan sent to each advisor; advisors will use plans to aid in advising.

    When? Prior to each registration.

    Progress: Expected completion date 09-14-2009.

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    3. Provide on-line academic advising.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs.

    How known? Purchase and install Jenzabar academic advising software; students will

    receive orientation to use on-line advising.When? Fall 2008.

    Progress: Incomplete.

    COMMENT: We may need additional staff to do on-line advising. All students need to beassigned to an academic advisor. That is an ongoing process.


    GOAL 10: Prepare at -risk students to be continuing and creative learners. 1. Motivate at least 70% to 75% of our students to strive to receive a 2.5 GPA or above.

    Responsibility of: Academic Vice President.

    When? Sept. 2007.

    Progress: Begin activity and data gathering Spring 2009.

    RECOMMENDATION: Revisit the Academic Guidance Program (AGP) for solutions toGoal 1 task.

    2. Develop broad-based participatory Academic Review Committee.

    Responsibility of: Academic V.P., Academic Committee.

    How known? Committee names and meeting schedules on file.

    When? Sept. 2007.

    Progress: On-going committee assignments and documented meeting and performance.

    3. Have experts on teaching at -risk students conduct workshops on Motivating the at -risk student.

    Responsibility of: Academic V.P.

    How known? Documentation of conducted workshops on file.

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    When? October 2007.

    Progress: FAMU has been identified as University with exemplary programs from which wecould garner information regarding successful programs and services targeting students.Faculty Development Committee scheduled to initiate dialogue and arrange an information

    exchange in Spring, 2010.COMMENT: Compare SwCC programs in the critical areas of English, reading, and math toother comparable and successful institutions to identify successful programs.

    COMMENT: We have begun to do so.

    COMMENT: Some colleges will not take any students who need remedial reading orEnglish or math.

    COMMENT: We are sensitive to the needs of under-developed students; that may be our

    niche. But if we choose to that, we also have the responsibility to come up with procedures(to help them).

    COMMENT: 80% to 90% of students dont read at the fifth grade level.

    COMMENT: Thats across the country but it is Southwesterns problem to the extent thatwe must have services and programs in place and now with accountability as students itsstandard is higher.

    RECOMMENDATION: Each department should respond to the Academic Dean on howeach department evaluates students performance -English, Reading and Math

    GOAL 11: Maintain an assessment plan that measures student outcomes.

    1. Implement methods that measure student outcomes in each major division.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs; faculty.

    How known? Each division will submit a report on effectiveness data of existing studentoutcome methods; assessment plan implemented.

    When? Each semester.

    Progress: Assessment reports for 90% of Academic units have been input into the AMS.

    2. Monitor student transfer rates at universities and to graduate programs.

    Responsibility of: Research Director.

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    How known? Institutional Research will submit a report of tracking data on students; resultswill be used to implement change where needed.

    How much? $500 per year.

    When? Each semester.Progress: Limited response to inquiries to students and institutions. Research currentlybeing done to determine best practices used by other schools to achieve this goal.

    GOAL 12: Implement and maintain policies and procedures in accordance with the SACS.

    1. The institution will comply with all policies and procedures prescribed by SACS.

    Responsibility of: President, V.P., Academic Affairs, Planning and Evaluation Committee.

    How known? On-going system of planning, evaluation, and assessment; on-goingmonitoring system.

    When? Each month.

    Progress: On-going.

    2. Submit institutional profile reports as prescribed by SACS.

    Responsibility of: President, V.P., Academic Affairs.

    How known? Profiles submitted before due dates.

    When? Each year.

    Progress: On-going.

    GOAL 13: Initiate new, advanced academic programs.

    1. Develop and implement the following programs: Honors Programs (Humanities, Literature,and Social Sciences) B.S.; Computer Sciences, B.S.; Music Technology, B.S.; Nursing, B.S.;Fine Arts, B.S.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs, Division Chairs.

    How known? Curriculum developed and substantive changes; approved by SACS; studentsenrolled in appropriate courses.

    How much? Per current salary schedule.

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    When? Fall 2008.

    Progress: Incomplete; proposal for Honors Program developed Spring, 2010.

    2. Teach pilot course for new programs.

    Responsibility of: Current and new faculty.

    How known? New courses taught and evaluated; end-of-course evaluations and follow-up.

    GOAL 14: Low achieving students will be required to participate in Student SupportServices.

    1. Mandate all students with grades below C to attend tutoring services to prevent failure.

    Responsibility of Vice President of Academic Affairs.

    How known? Rule published in Student Handbook and printed in academic instructions.

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: On-going in collaboration with SSS Director.

    RECOMMENDATION: To change the below C standard to 2.5 grade point average.

    2. Offer more tutoring time to students. Offer more evening hours.

    Responsibility of: Director of Student Support Services.

    How known? Grade reports.

    When? August 2007.

    COMMENT: To get student financial aid, the student must have a 2.5 GPA.

    GOAL 15: Students to be mandated to utilize Student Support Services for academicsuccess.

    1. Students with grades below a C MUST attend Student Support Services tutoring services.

    Responsibility of: Student Support Services, instructors, and coaches.

    How known? Through reports from tutoring services.

    When? August 2007.

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    Progress: On-going in collaboration with SSS Director.

    GOAL 16: Equip students with knowledge and skills that are applicable in a workenvironment.Assess needs of community (what skills are needed?).

    1. Inaugurat e new programs designed to impart knowledge and skills endemic to todaysdemand for workers sought by Americas employers in the building trades, culinary arts,bookkeeping, welding, computer science, nutrition, carpentry, brick-laying, and others.

    Responsibility of: Vice President for Academic Affairs, with local SwCC Vocational-Technical Committee, utilizing local talent and resources.

    How known? When new vocational/technical program is printed and publiclycommunicated.

    When? By Spring 2008.Progress: Review of literature and best practices rescheduled to Fall 2011.

    COMMENT: The trend in many colleges and universities is to have certified programs(skills).

    COMMENT: A lot of students at Southwestern need job skills they are not able to handlecollege.

    COMMENT: We need to look at certificate programs to help them.

    COMMENT: A lot of students are more in need of certificates than degrees.

    COMMENT: Theres a lot of money out there for this the Department of Labor. BIGmoney.

    COMMENT: $1,000,000 is the smallest grant.

    COMMENT: We should gradually develop these skills programs.

    COMMENT: The energy we put into [beginning] a nursing program we need to revisitthat. The college may be at a turning point. It might be detrimental to the college to deletethat.

    RECOMMENDATION: To research teaching education and certificate program,specifically in LVN and RN programs.

    COMMENT: The community would not support an LVN program.

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    COMMENT: [The first attempt at setting up a nursing program did not succeed] becauseTVCC has a two-year RN program.

    COMMENT: Even that has changed the waiting list [to get into the TVCC nursingprogram] is so long that [another two-year program would be feasible].

    COMMENT: There are credentialing issues with any of those programs, but we need tostudy them think out of the box. Money is tight; we have to watch what kind of programwe get into.

    COMMENT: In Germany, this type of program is started while after grammar school. If you get a D, youre out [of college -bound program]. You study a trade go through tradeschool in high school.

    GOAL 17: Improve facilities of the Science Departments laboratories.


    Redesign and improve the Science laboratory.Responsibility of: Administrator for Plant Maintenance and the Science Department.

    How known? The new look and furniture in place in the Science Building.

    How much? $42,000

    When? April 2008.

    Progress: Updated science area for classrooms lectures with special workstations.

    2. Get rid of old chemicals in the chemistry storage area.

    Responsibility of: Science Department and vendor.

    How known? Pack and load chemicals in safe containers by the vendor.

    How much? $4,000 or by vendor.

    Progress: Old chemicals removed from storage area. Competed as of Sept., 2008.

    GOAL 18: Gradually develop each area of science to meet standards for a four-yearprogram.

    1. Assure that all courses in science will be accepted by all senior colleges.

    Responsibility of: Academic Affairs and Science Department.

    How known? Information from Senior College catalogues.

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    When? Spring 2008.

    Progress: Today, all classes are accepted by senior colleges.


    Recruit more students interested in majoring in science and related fields.Responsibility of: SwCC recruiters.

    How known? When students enroll.

    When? Spring 2008.

    Progress: Student recruitment is an on-going process. As enrollment increases, newinstructors are required to keep student ratio in line.


    Equip each laboratory with the necessary supplies for each course offered.Responsibility of: Science Department and Administration.

    How known? Receipts of supplies purchases.

    When? Spring 2008.

    Progress: Equipment of Laboratory to be complete by December 2008.a. Mr. Nwobie, mathematics, is in need of an office printer to print quizzes and in-

    house documents.b. New computer equipment is scheduled for installation in fall 2008.c. Chemistry and biology lab scheduled to receive new equipment fall 2008.

    4. Create more storage space for the Science Department.

    Responsibility of: Maintenance Department.

    How known? Observation of the space.

    Progress: Space provided by removal of old typewriters, spring 2007.

    COMMENT: More space could be provided by removal of all old equipment in the Biologylab.

    5. Design classrooms for lectures and demonstrations with special tables, chairs, andequipment.

    Responsibility of: Administration and Science Department.

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    How known? Improved classroom environment.

    When? November 2008.

    Progress: Chairs and equipment scheduled for completion December 2008 (per Science

    instructor).COMMENT: Has been completed for some labs.

    6. Create yearly budget for the Science Department.

    Responsibility of: Science Department, Business Office.

    How known? Budget on file.

    When? Spring 2008.

    Progress: Year- end budgets for department on file in Comptrollers office.

    7. Provide a clerk with typing and computer skills for the Science Department.

    Responsibility of: Administration.

    How known? When department shows.

    When? October 2008.

    Progress: Hiring freeze due to economy.

    8. Have hazardous waste management company discard old chemicals now on hand and replacethem with new chemicals.

    Responsibility of: Maintenance Department.

    How known? Written agreement.

    When? February 2008.

    Progress: Goal has been accomplished.

    9. Provide adequate office space to counsel students and to carry out special projects.

    Responsibility of: Maintenance Department.

    How known? Observation of new space.

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    When? Spring 2009.

    Progress: Goal has been accomplished.

    10. Provide computer laboratory in the Science Building for students.

    Responsibility of: Academic Affairs.

    How known? Permits students to explore many sources of information.

    When? Spring 2009.

    Progress: All space is currently being utilized. Space will be freed up after the constructionof the Foundational Arts Building, and this goal will be revisited. (Scheduled 2011.)

    GOAL 19: Engage all faculty in on-going professional development.

    1. All teaching faculty will attend one/year off-campus conference/workshop related to theirteaching disciplines.

    Responsibility of: Vice President for Academic Affairs and all faculty members.

    How known? V.P., Academic Affairs.

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: During the 2008-2009 AY, 17 of 22 members attended off-campus workshops intheir respective disciplines. (Funded by CCRAA Grant.)

    2. All faculty shall attend two in-house, on-campus conferences/workshops related to theirteaching disciplines.

    How known? V.P., Academic Affairs.

    How much? $3,000.

    When? Begin Spring 2008.

    Progress: Beginning Fall 2009, faculty development workshops have been scheduled inadvance and designated as in-service days to facilitate this goal. 90% of faculty attends.

    GOAL 20: Provide faculty with programs to support their professional development.

    1. Assess perceived development needs of faculty.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs.

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    How known? Survey faculty to determine development needs.

    When? Fall 2007.

    Progress: Completed, and workshops have been conducted based upon those perceivedneeds.

    2. Provide faculty with release time and adequate financial resources to attend workshops toenhance the quality of their delivery of educational services.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs.

    How known? Make budget recommendations for in-house and off-campus development.

    When? Fall 2007.

    Progress: Budget recommendations submitted upon request from the Business Office.

    GOAL 21: Maintain a competent full- and part-time teaching faculty in each division.

    1. Enhance faculty evaluation process. Responsibility of V.P., Academic Affairs, DivisionChairs.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs, Division Chairs.

    How known? Revise and implement evaluation instrument.

    When? Fall 2007.

    Progress: Currently under revision.

    GOAL 22: Attract, hire, and retain three additional full-time faculty members.

    1. Hire faculty in each of the following areas: English, Mathematics, Science.

    Responsibility of: V.P., Academic Affairs, Division Chairs.

    How known? Signed contracts.

    How much? $60,000.

    When? Fall 2008.

    Progress: One professor in Reading was hired in Fall 2009 to support QEP initiatives.

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    GOAL 23: More use of the Library by the students during evening and weekend hours.

    1. Allow more library hours offered to students to complete reports, essays, term papers, etc.

    Responsibility of SwCC Library staff.

    How known? When new schedule of new library hours is available and communicated.

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: Library is currently open 57 hours per week.

    RECOMMENDATION: To extend Library hours during week of Mid-terms and Finals.

    Goal 24: More use of the Library by the students during evening and weekend hours.


    Allow more library hours offered to students to complete reports, essays, term papers, etc.Responsibility of: SwCC Library staff.

    How known? When new schedule of new library hours is available and communicated.

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: Library is currently open 57 hours per week.

    2. Use strict qualifying limits: failing students must use Library for a set number of hours perweek until they bring up their grades.

    Responsibility of: Library staff.

    How known? Track usage by each student, scanning student ID.

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: Instructors/coaches send list of students needing library hours. Librariansdocument the hours.

    3. Offer computer service access to students 24/7, whether in physical lab or via their owncomputers (wireless service).

    Responsibility of: SwCC Library staff and Computer Department.

    How known? When new computer service schedule is communicated.

    How much? TBD.

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    When? November 2008.

    Progress: Campus-wide wireless Internet access is now available.


    Have a back-up system up and running at all times.Responsibility of: SwCC Library staff and IT staff.

    How known? When the program is communicated to staff and students.

    How much? TBD.

    When? Fall 2009.

    Progress: System back-up run through Sirsi/Dynix.

    COMMENT: SACS found librarys hours adequate . Instructors and coaches shouldcontinue to send lists of students needing library hours and they will document.

    Goal 24: Pursue technologies that assist the library in its mission to meet the educationaland informational needs of users.

    1. Consult with Title III Coordinator and institution on purchases.

    Responsibility of: Librarians

    How known? When meetings are completed.

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Consultation in progress with American Library Association in selectingappropriate databases.

    2. Check with companies and vendors for prices, licensing fees, etc.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When list of bids is completed.

    When? November 2007

    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.

    3. Schedule consultations with chosen companies and Title III Coordinator.

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    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When minutes of consultation are filed.

    When? December 2007.

    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.

    4. Request funding.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When funding proposals have been presented.

    When? February 2008.

    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.COMMENT: Committee will continue to communicate with West Texas Share consortiumin order to fund expanded database participation. Implement back-up system for libraryservices 2010.

    QUESTION: How many locations are backed up?

    ANSWER: Our current system. We also have a removable drive so the back-up can betaken off campus.

    Goal 25: Acquire and maintain appropriate number of computers with internet access toaccommodate growing needs.

    1. Survey and compare prices of various suppliers.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When comparison lists are completed.

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Competitive quotes are received from varied suppliers for each major purchase.Current vendors are well-suited to the annual budget.

    2. Select equipment.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When list of equipment selections is completed.

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    When? November 2007.

    Progress: 12 new computers have been approved under the CCRAA Grant for the 2009-2010year.

    3. Purchase printer for each computer work station.

    Responsibility of: Librarians, Title III Coordinator.

    How known? Printers will be housed and in use in library.

    Progress: 4 printers were purchases for the library during 2008-2009 AY they appear to beadequate for current activity.

    COMMENT: Continue to enhance technology as funds become available. Title III is our

    main source of money. However,there are some technology grants that are available thatare known to the college personnel. We have a limited amount of Title III money and moreand more people wanting things. So we need other resources.

    Goal 26: Provide most current versions of office software products.

    1. Incorporate newest software comparable with all.Responsibility of: Librarians and System Administrator.

    How known? Programs will be installed on existing computers.

    How much? TBD.

    When? November 2007.

    Progress: New server from Horizon and 6 new computers installed. 12 additional computersscheduled to be installed in 2009-2010 academic year.

    Goal 27: Create and maintain SwCC Library-specific domain name and home page site onwww., with content to focus on information about library and its services, access tocatalogue, student help links, etc.

    1. Begin plans for library website.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Written plans available.

    When? October 2007.

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    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.

    2. Visit comparable academic libraries for demonstrations and advisement.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Written reports of visits made.

    How much? $1,000.

    When? November 2007.

    Progress: Rescheduled for 2010.

    3. Consult with Title III Coordinator concerning funds available for creating and maintainingwebsite.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Minutes of the consultation on file.

    When? December 2007.

    Progress: Rescheduled for 2010.

    4. Contact/meet with company selected to create/maintain website.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Minutes of contact meeting on file.

    When? February 2008.

    Progress: Rescheduled for 2010.

    COMMENT: Consult with IT professionals to develop plan for monograph.

    Goal 28: Upgrade electric infrastructure in order to accommodate growing demand foruse of electronic devices (e.g., laptops), new computers, printers, and other tools.

    1. Contact electrical companies for price bids.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When bids are completed.

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    When? September 2007.

    Progress: Electrical outlets are sufficient for cubicles.

    2. Submit bids to Title III Coordinator and institution for approval.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Copy of letter accompanying bids submitted in Librarians files.

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Rescheduled for 2010.

    Goal 29: Strengthen relationships with faculty, departments, and programs.


    Communicate with teaching faculty via e-mail regarding acquisitions and submission of book/materials requests.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Bulk e-mail sent to all instructors (annually).

    When? September 2007.

    Progress: Each quarter the teaching faculty is given a list of catalogued books.

    2. Give catalogues received to appropriate departments.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Catalogues and other literature delivered by campus mail (as needed).

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Catalogues delivered.

    3. Attend meetings with departments to ensure instructors are aware of library resources andacquisition policies.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Meeting notes documented (quarterly).

    When? November 2007.

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    Progress: Staff in attendance at three meetings.

    Goal 30: Publicize and promote library services.

    1. Update current handbook to include new technologies and services offered.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? New handbook completed and distributed.

    How much? $350.

    When? December 2007.

    Progress: Library handbook is under construction and will be complete in Spring 2009.


    Use campus intranet to inform users of acquisitions and services.Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When intranet system is explained to staff.

    When? January 2008.

    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.

    3. Create flyers and newsletters that introduce and explain services.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Flyers and newsletters distributed (as needed).

    How much? $300.

    When? January 2008.

    Progress: Library flyer completed and published. The flyer has been uploaded to the newlydesigned website.

    4. Create library-specific website with links to technology services.

    Responsibility of: Librarians, System Administrator, Title III Coordinator.

    How known? Website up and running.

    How much? TBD.

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    When? February 2008.

    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.

    Goal 31: Continue to acquire relevant, appealing, and current books, audio-visualmaterials, journals, and electronic resources that support teaching and mission of institution.

    1. Request books/materials list from teaching faculty 1 st and 2 nd semester of academic year.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Memo sent and e-mail delivered to instructor (bi-annually).

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: Requests for book orders were made in August during the first faculty meeting.Deadline for submission is November 15, 2008.

    2. Instructors submit requests by deadline.

    Responsibility of: Instructors.

    How known? Book/materials lists received (bi-annually).

    When? September 2007.

    Progress: Books were submitted by several instructors and books were ordered. Shipmentwas received in June.

    3. Order books/material from vendor.

    Responsibility of: Librarians, Title III, institution.

    How known? Materials received (annually).

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Submission deadline has been extended to November 15, 2008; therefore, theorder will be sent to vendor in December 2008.

    Goal 32: Provide more online referernce products/services and consortium participation,as needed.

    1. Visit comparably sized academic libraries to see newest trends.

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    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Report submitted to Title III Coordinator and institution for evaluation(annually).

    How much? $400.

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.

    2. Attend library conferences to obtain information about products and services available forlibraries, to see product demos, and meet with vendors in centralized location.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Literature will be gathered, report and recommendations filed with Title IIICoordinator.

    How much? $500.

    When? November 2007.

    Progress: Travel not included in library budget, but will be requested annually.

    Goal 33: Continue to provide convenient, effective access to library materials.

    1. Create survey to evaluate effectiveness of library services.

    Responsibility of: Librarians and Office of Institutional Research.

    How known? Set date to administer instrument (annually).

    When? Sept. 2007.

    Progress: Survey to be administered annually.

    2. Administer survey to students, faculty, and administrators to measure effectiveness.

    Responsibility of: Librarians and Office of Institutional Research.

    How known? Results gathered, tallied, reported, and analyzed (annually).

    Progress: Survey to be administered annually.

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    COMMENT: Need to evaluate and address space needs in the library. More considerationshould be given to digital books, rather than expanding to make more space for monographicmaterials.

    QUESTION on library hours: Hours are from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and

    Thursday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday.SUGGESTION: To open on weekends and open more often in evenings. Students complainlibrary is not open when they need it.

    ANSWER: That was tried. When it was open, students didnt show up. The gate countshows that students have not seen a need increase on Friday and Saturday. Since studentshave Notebook, they can access the library.

    COMMENT: During testing periods, there are more requests for extended hours.

    RECOMMENDATION: During testing times, the Library stay open longer.SUGGESTION: Put a copier upstairs, with the reference books; students doing research cancopy materials without going up and down stairs.

    COMMENT: This does not have to be an out-of-pocket expense.

    COMMENT: The library would really need a special copier since more books are difficultto copy; however, if the usage is not adequate, it can become an expense for the institution(to lease such a copier). We need to study that. Well see what we can do about that.

    COMMENT: One of the committees goals was to visit other college libraries, but we havenot done that. We have decided to do on our planning committee, we will divide [will use]one point of contact to work with all of these areas.

    COMMENT: We have money under Facility Development and Training. Part of that can bemade available to our people who want to go to other areas as part of their development, tosee how other people are doing things out there.

    COMMENT: One of the concerns of librarians is getting information back from the faculty;it is impossible for them to know what the faculty needs. I am encouraged at the faculty whoare here let them know what the students will need.

    COMMENT: Each year they have asked the faculty to give them a list and they have a hardtime meeting needs if they dont hear back. And they have money for it.

    GOAL 34: Ensure that all library resources are accurately represented in the on-linecatalog.

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    1. Library materials will be continually updated in manual and electronic card catalogs toensure accuracy.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Results gathered, tallied, reported and analyzed (annually).Cost: $65.

    When? Oct. 2007.

    Progress: Survey to be administered annually.

    2. Cataloging and typographical errors corrected.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Catch errors during cataloguing process (daily).

    When? Oct. 2007 and on-going.

    Progress: Rescheduled 2010.

    GOAL 35: Ensure that all materials are reliably available.

    1. Review all lost book cards.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Lost book cards will have mark indicating notations have been made(quarterly).

    When? Oct. 2007.

    Progress: Lost books have been indicated in the electronic catalog.

    2. Indicate, where appropriate in online catalog, books that have been lost or damaged.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Make notes on lost or damaged books in online catalog to alert patrons of status (quarterly).

    When? Nov. 2007.

    Progress: Corrections in the electronic catalog are made daily. This process is ongoing.

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    3. Make certain books are being accurately shelved.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Check stacks for accuracy of books on shelves (daily).When? Aug. 2007 and on-going.

    Progress: Ongoing.

    GOAL 36: Refine, redefine, and expand collection-building to support teaching andmission of institution.

    1. Conduct meetings with teaching faculty to discuss resources needed.

    Responsibility of: Librarians and Faculty.How known? Meeting notes and recommendations documented (quarterly).

    When? Oct. 2007 and on-going.

    Progress: Unaccomplished.

    2. Communicate necessity of needs list from teaching faculty and departments.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Faculty meeting announcements, memos and messages via e-mail (bi-annually)

    Progress: At beginning of each semester faculty are asked to submit book requests.

    3. Review policies and guidelines that govern Acquisitions.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    Progress: Conducted full review of Collection Policy Development Manual.

    4. Disseminate information regarding policy guidelines to all instructors.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Each instructor will receive copy of guidelines (annually).

    How much? $200.

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    Progress: Unaccomplished.

    Goal 37: Evaluate and address space needs in the Library.


    Consult with renovations expert to ensure that the best use of space is being made of libraryareas.

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? Written recommendations on file.

    When? Nov. 2007.

    Progress: Rescheduled to 2010.

    Goal 38: Explore the possibility of renovations/expansion of the Library.1. Create plan with consultant in order to map ideas for future expansion and improvements

    (lighting, shelving, storage, flooring, etc.)

    Responsibility of: Librarians.

    How known? When expansion plan is on file.

    How much? TBD.

    When? April 2008

    Progress: Rescheduled 2010.

    GOAL 39: Improve class attendance of students.

    1. Have all students provide their class schedules to their dorm supervisors.

    Responsibility of: Vice President of Student Affairs and Dorm Supervisors.

    How known ? Schedules on file in Supervisors offices.

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: 70% of students schedules have been received. These schedules are used for emergency contact, verification that students are in class, and peer tutoring program.

    COMMENT: Only 20% are academically proficient problem is how to inspire them todrive for success.

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    COMMENT: All students now provide class schedules to their dorm supervisors.

    COMMENT: The task was modified to be implemented effectively, must take the teamapproach and use all units of the college.

    RECOMMENDATION: 1) Collaborate with as many units to determine how the units canhelp achieve the goal in their areas. 2) Identify ways that each department can be a part of the Recess or Success Campaign led by Student Affairs. (E.g., Counseling Department willdevelop career portfolios for each student; Center for Success will offer tutoring.) Recessor Success contests subjects such as posters, bulletin boards, poems or writing contest.

    COMMENT: Recess or Success each of you recommend how you can be a part of theRecess or Success program. Their wings have been clipped; theyre down here with theturkeys. Were trying to get them out to fly every department can help. Even Security when students were out on campus after 4 a.m. Most of our class averages 1.98 or 1.72 GPA

    below the national average.COMMENT: During Student Orientation, is there a component of orientation that is gearedtoward helping students , such as expectations for them. Im thinking that with at -risk students, the more people who are geared toward them, [the better]. I think part of studentorientation should be geared to helping them understand what is expected.

    COMMENT: The first-time students have freshman orientation that could be included inStudent Support Services they provide off-campus resource people to come in and talk about things like that. We have done various things over the years to address and encouragesuch students.

    COMMENT: We had a program with at-risk students when I worked for the school there.One of our elders is willing to volunteer. Dr. Robinson is the person to work with on that.

    COMMENT: The Center for Student Success, which is not off the ground yet we havealways relied heavily on Student Support Services and without that now.I talked to Dr.Robinson. He is going to build a [group] of people who are willing to come in and help. Wewant more than tutoring to go in there. Mentoring should be one thing, and student activities.Our money is based on not just enrollment, but retention and graduation.

    COMMENT: We do address some of these issues. We partner them in groups. Sometimeskids will work better when they have their own peers working with them. Were workingfrom a holistic approach.

    Goal 40: Fully enforce SwCC Rules & Regulations.

    1. Enforce the dress code on campus for both males and females.

    Responsibility of: Vice President for Student Affairs.

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    How known? Get rid of sagging pants, get rid of improper dressing by females.

    When? August 2007

    Progress: See SwCC Student Handbook regarding Student Dress Codes and Behavior .COMMENT: We discussed this in committee; our main thing is to instill some principles inthe students. But we have the code

    QUESTION: Are we able to implement it?

    ANSWER: Yes. We will take a team approach.

    COMMENT: We should reach out to other HBCUs show films of different images; showhow important ones image is, maybe they will start to dress [more appropriately to fit a good

    image]. They need high self esteem; this should not be done in an aggressive way, but put ina non-judgmental way.

    COMMENT: In athletics, every Tuesday will be professional dress day. One Tuesday, wedress in T-shirts with the logo; the next Tuesday, dress professionally.

    COMMENT: It would be good to bear in mind to ask all students one day a week, dressfor success as if they were going for a job interview; when they look better, they act better.

    COMMENT: I notice that in 2007 it was get rid of sagging pants and now, its extremelysagging pants what is extremely sagging? We dont let them come to church withsagging pants in fact , its against the law in Shreveport to show your underpants.

    COMMENT: Paul Quinns dress code young people dressed in suit and tie their idea of getting them ready.

    COMMENT: We have polos coming for you guys.

    COMMENT: We may have students come on campus who are not prepared; we may have togo to our closets. We might want to provide something on campus.

    RECOMMENDATION: Enactment of a Dress of Success Day for ALL students atSouthwestern Christian College.

    Goal 41: Institutional efforts co-partnering with students to maximize potential of themission of Southwestern Christian College.

    1. Workshops with students and staff to enhance development.

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    Responsibility of : V.P. Academic Affairs, various faculty members, Dean of Women, Deanof Students, Director of SSS.

    How known? Student questionnaires and surveys at the end of each semester.

    How much? $350.When? October 2007.

    Progress? Incomplete.

    2. Staff members to receive staff training on campus from experts to sharpen their skills indealing with students.

    Responsibility of: V.P. Academic Affairs, various faculty members, Dean of Women, Deanof Students, Director of Student Support Services.

    How known? Student evaluation forms, surveys, questionnaires at the end of each semester.

    How much? $1,500 per year.

    Progress? Incomplete.

    3. Workshops for students to get them motivated.

    Responsibility of: V.P. Student Affairs, Director of Admissions and Retention, Director of Student Support Services, Dean of Women, Dean of Students.

    How known? Student questionnaires and surveys at the end of each semester.

    When? Monthly, beginning Sept. 2007.

    Progress? On-going workshops a part of the Student Support Services Program.

    4. Research what other schools are doing to deal with at-risk students.

    Responsibility of: Institutional Research Director.

    How known? Date in Fact Books and results of surveys.

    When? November 2007.

    Progress? On-going.

    5. Convince students that staff members are in a partnership to help them achieve their goals.

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    Responsibility of: Faculty members, Administration, Director of Student Support Services,Director of Admissions and Retention.

    How known? Via usage of surveys, questionnaires, etc.

    When? Nov. 2007.Progress? Incomplete.

    6. Collaboration and interaction among staff members and students.

    Responsibility of: Vice President of Student Affairs.

    How known? Surveys

    When? Sept. 2007.

    RECOMMENDATION: 1) Determine workshops that will be needed; 2) Student Affairspartner with Admissions to determine how many workshops.

    Goal 42: Continue to attract and retain competent staff; hire staff who will assist SwCC inaccomplishing its mission.

    1. Identify skills needed for all employees in the various areas of student affairs.

    Responsibility of: Student Affairs Committee.

    How known? Documentation on file.

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Completed.

    2. Submit credentials and skills to V.P. of Student Affairs and President for approval.

    Responsibility of: Student Affairs Committee.

    How known? Documentation of skills and credentials approved on file.

    When? October 2007.

    Progress: Completed.

    3. Hire according to the credentials and skills approved.

    Responsibility of: Student Affairs Department.

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    How known? Competent staff employed.

    When? November 2007.

    Progress: Hiring freeze due to economy.Goal 43: Provide attractive and adequate facilities to accommodate 350 students.

    1. Complete new subdivision with construction of five more cottages for students surrounding acul-de-sac.

    Responsibility of: President and V.P. for Institutional Expansion.

    How known? Construction will be complete; deeds on file.

    How much? $1,800,000.When? By 2011.

    Progress: Future period.

    2. Develop college-owned land that is not contiguous to the main campus.

    Responsibility of: President and V.P. for Institutional Expansion.

    How known? President and V.P. for Institutional Expansion.

    How much? $300,000.

    Progress: Future period.

    3. Purchase land east, west, and south of campus for future expansion.

    Responsibility of: President and V.P. for Inst. Expansion.How known? Deed on file.

    How much? $1,000,000.

    When? By 2012.

    Progress: Future period.

    4. Enlarge seating area in college dining hall.

    Responsibility of President and V.P. for Institutional Expansion.

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    How known? Construction contract signed.

    How much? $2,000,000.

    When? By 2011.Progress: Future period.

    5. Develop campus north of the new subdivision.

    Responsibility of: President and V.P. for Institutional Expansion.

    How known? Development plans approved.

    How much? $1,000,000.

    When? By 2011.

    Progress: Future period.

    6. Replace some mobile homes on campus with permanent structures.

    Responsibility of: President and V.P. for Institutional Expansion.

    How known? Construction contracts on file.

    How much? $6,000,000.

    When? By 2013.

    Progress: Future period.

    7. Replace roofs of buildings as needed.

    Responsibility of: President and V.P. for Institutional Expansion.

    How known? Construction contracts on file.

    How much? $150,000.

    When? By 2014.

    Progress: All roofs are currently in good repair.

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    Goal 44: Increase institutional revenues for the total college community with emphasis onestablishing an adequate endowment.

    1. Increase enrollment of students who are financially able to pay a greater percentage of theirtuition and fees.

    Responsibility of: Office of Recruitment and Admissions.

    How known? Setting and meeting enrollment goals and student retention.

    How much? $150,000.

    When? By 2009.

    Progress: Recruitment efforts are ongoing to scout for scholars who would be eligible toreceive grants and scholarships to cover educational costs. The two most recent fiscal

    operations reports indicate that we are getting greater numbers of students from higherincome families. However, in most cases, they receive scholarships in the form of tuitionwrite-offs.

    2. Increase fees proportionally with students ability to pay, in addition to federal grants andloans.

    Responsibility of: Business Office.

    How known? Budget setting and audit report.

    How much? $100,000.

    When? By 2008.

    Progress: Tuition and fees were increased across the board by 5% in the 2009-2010academic year. This increase was absorbed by the student with the increase of the Pell Grant.

    3. Increase scholarship funds from individuals, corporations, churches, and alumni.

    Responsibility of: President and Staff.

    How known? Presidents Annual Report to the Board.

    When? By 2009.

    Progress: Scholarships have increased, especially from individuals, churches, and alumni.

    4. Improve collection on students accounts receiv able.

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    Responsibility of: Business Office.

    How known? Business Office.

    When? By 2008.

    Progress: Current Student Account Outstanding Receivable Balances are less than theprevious year. The BO has begun to implement the new AR Plan. (See documentation.)

    5. Increase alumni recruitment.

    Responsibility of: Alumni President and Alumni Liaison.

    How known? Presidents Report.

    When? Annually.

    Progress: Strengthened cooperation between alumni association and the office of recruitmentby advancing S.O.A.R., a program to increase alumni recruiting of potential students.

    6. Improve alumni annual support.

    Responsibility of: Alumni President and Alumni Liaison.

    How known? Presidents Report.

    How much? $20,000.

    When? Annually.

    Progress: Increased number of student scholarships available through the AlumniAssociation.

    7. Increase number of alumni chapters.

    Responsibility of: Alumni President and Alumni Liaison.

    How known? Presid ents Report.

    When? By 2009.

    Progress: Facilitated organization structure and guidelines for 5 additional chapters.

    8. Improve communication venues for/and among alumni of the college.

    Responsibility of: Alumni President, Alumni Liaison.

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    How known? Presidents Report.

    When? By 2011.

    Progress: Alumni Directory is in progress.9. Double the annual funds derived from the various internal college projects.

    Responsibility of: Assistant to the President for Development.

    How known? Presidents Report.

    How much? $75,000.

    When? By 2010.

    Progress: Increase of annual funds has not as yet doubled, but plans are that they will doubleby June, 2011.

    10. Raise goals and activities of all Auxiliary fund-raising groups.

    Responsibility of: Assistant to the President for Development.

    How known? Presidents Report.

    How much? $50,000.

    When? By 2008.

    Progress: Slight increase of funds raised. See audit report.

    11. Use a campaign, with advertising and direct approaches to potential donors; use PSAs tonewspapers and other media, plus letters, phone calls.

    Responsibility of: Assistant to the President for Institutional Expansion.How known? Presidents Report.

    How much? TBD.

    When? By 2008.

    Progress: Because of the economy, it was decided to launch a campaign by 2011.

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    COMMENTS: We need to use social media to motivate bases. If we can develop aprogram, we can come up with more than one-time contributors. Media such as Twitter,Facebook, etc.

    COMMENT: Use different means to reach the different social ranges - from ages 12 to 50

    and above. Young people particularly use social networks. Ages 18-21, a major source of social network users. Ages 22-26, our future alumni, which we need to tap into use socialnetworks. Ages 27-40 the largest percentage are in social networks. Seniors boomers

    do not use social networks were not saying youre not important, but in order for us toget fundraising support from possible donors, from the public we need to look at thosesources: Facebook, Twitter, we can use these. Use new and other resources for marketing.Letters would you open it up? If you saw it was from Southwestern? In most cases, theywont they would put it in junk mail. Most people have e-mail that is a resource. Mostpeople check their Facebook all the time if that is where you are, I need to go there. That ispreferable to mailing out a letter and its free.

    COMMENT: Could send to blogs all over the U.S. most liked search engine. PutSouthwestern on a blog - search engine will pick it up.

    COMMENT: We should have a U- tube channel. We dont have one. A lot of alumni couldpost their stories on the blogs and then use those for bringing students into the school. Youisolate yourself by just going to the churches. We have a g ood product, but people dontknow about it. These can be posted on Facebook pages. [Information] will go to peopleyou dont even know. We could use them for all of our projects. Widget can be applied toFacebook, all web pages You can attach resources to a [sites] others are interested in. Weneed small contributions. Were not looking for big supporters youre looking for smallones to get you where you need to go. We have products that other people need what aboutrecent tapes and CDs? [Advertise] on U-Tube - broadcast the chorus performing. A lot of ideas could be done using social networks. Im willing to help those who want to learn howto do it. There is a lot money out there not necessarily through grants those are important

    but collaborate to come up with other resources. If you are involved in social networks,you can help. I envision the Alumni in such a way having subscriptions.

    COMMENT: We need to go to the next level. We cant have just a web page lookswonderful, but there is no activity on ours. You have no way of tracking it. Use componentsof web 2.0.

    QUESTION: When the professor is going to be out of class, could he notify students on thenet? That can be done.

    RECOMMENDATION: We need to explore this social media idea present to theAdministration a plan of action with instrumentation and a time line.

    COMMENT: We are pushed to get [more information] on line.

    COMMENT: Were the best kept secret but its killing us.

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    COMMENT: The time line I would like to suggest is November. Maybe the chairman of theBoard will let us have some time to show the Board how these things can be [done] and howthey will impact the rest of the country.

    COMMENT: We would like some advance information to intelligently discuss it. Toaddress the Board would be really helpful.

    RECOMMENDATION: I would like to amend the date to an October deadline and presentto Dr. Evans so that he can present to the Board.

    COMMENT: We need to have everyone a part of this.

    COMMENT: When we explore these avenues, we cannot be afraid to tap into these areas.

    COMMENT: It would be quite easy to show some of the A Cappella Chorus on U-Tube.

    COMMENT: A lot of that is out there, but we cant control it.

    COMMENT: A lot of people know Southwestern, but we need to direct that.

    COMMENT: If you go out there, youre going to get some things you might not like, but [itwould be a waste] to do all this and not be ready to use it.

    COMMENT: We are going to meet regularly throughout the year.

    Goal 45: Allocate available financial resources for the effective implementation of theStrategic Plan.1. Study Annual Strategic Plan Goals, Timelines, Budget Requirements, and anticipated


    Responsibility of: President, Business Office.

    How known? Proposed Annual Budget prepared with allocations aligned with Plan.

    When? April, each year.

    Progress: Board has approved the Annual Budget each year.

    Goal 46: Update and expand campus technology.

    1. Update 5-Year Technology Plan for College to incorporate emerging technologies.

    Responsibility of: Technology staff

    How known? Plan provided to IE Team.

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    How much? $1200.

    When? Dec. 2007.

    Progress: In progress.2. Prepare and implement Marketing Plan for Distance Learning.

    Responsibility of: Technology staff, Admissions Department, Institutional Advancement.

    How known? Plan provided to IE Team; new contacts/enrollment documented inAdmissions.

    How much? $12,000.

    When? Annually.Progress: The Learning House has been contracted to perform lead development for courses currently being offered online.

    Goal 47: All financial activities will be conducted in accordance with institutional policiesand procedures, the guidelines for all assisting agencies, as in accordance with generallyaccepted accounting policies and procedures.

    1. Revise and update Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual.

    Responsibility of: Business Office Staff.

    How known? Revised accounting Policies and Procedures Manual.

    How much? $500.

    When? Jan. 2008.

    Progress: In progress.

    2. Record and report all financial activities in accordance with approved policies andprocedures.

    Responsibility of: Business Office Staff.

    How known? Unqualified opinion on Annual Audits Annual Program Reviews.

    When? Annually.

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    Progress: A-133 Financial Audits for the most recent three (3) years report unqualifiedopinions with no material weaknesses.

    3. Use TeamsElite to bring accounting functions from all college offices on -line into our comprehensive, integrated database.

    Responsibility of: Presidents Office, Comptroller.

    How known? Financial statements and report will be automatically generated by BusinessOffice software.

    How much? $2,500.

    When? Jan. 2008.

    Progress: 95% complete. Two areas continue to operate off-line.

    Goal 48: Review, revise, and update the Colleges Long -Range Strategic Plan forcontinuous improvement based upon assessment findings.

    1. Select and commission a representative College Team to provide oversight of the IEPlanning and Evaluation process.

    Responsibility of: President, Vice President.

    How known? Documentation of Team Selection.

    Progress: Institutional Effectiveness Team Roster as a part of this document.2. Re-establish the Mission Statement and broad institutional goals of the college (reduce


    Responsibility of: President, Vice President, Board of Directors to college community.

    How known? Published Mission State and Broad Institutional Goals distributed.

    How much? $250.

    When? August 2007.

    Progress: Re-established Mission Statement is found on page 6 of the Strategic Long-RangePlan.

    3. Review and revise, where necessary, the Mission statements of each operational unit toassure that they link thematically and support the mission statement and broad institutionalgoals of the college.

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    Responsibility of: Division Chairs, Program Directors/Administrators.

    How known? Documentation provided IE Team.

    When? Sept. 2007, Reviewed annually.

    Progress: The IE program has reviewed and revised each operational unit to assure that theythematically link to and support the mission statement and BIGS goals of the college.

    4. Identify outcomes, measures, and assessment strategies for all objectives.

    Responsibility of: Division Chairs, Program Directors.

    How known? Documentation provided IE Team.

    When? Sept. 2007.

    Progress: Documented in Annual Assessment Plan in TaskStream (the web-basedaccountability management system).

    5. Explore grant opportunities that provide funds and technology resources for teaching andlearning.

    Responsibility of: Planning Units, IE Team.

    How known? Institution-wide report card with comparative data for most recent three years.

    When? Sept. 2007.

    Progress: The Grant Development Office continues to explore grant opportunities. TheCCRAA Grant 2008-09 and 2009-10 provided funds for teaching and learning resources.

    6. Conduct annual review of all academic divisions to determine the extent to which they haverealized their stated goals and objectives and the extent to which the outcomes compare topeer institutions and benchmarks.

    Responsibility of: Division Chairpersons, Vice President, Academic Affairs.

    How known? Annual Division Reports in the Office of Academic Affairs.

    How much? $600.

    When? Annually.

    Progress: Annual Institutional Effectiveness Reports (AIER) are submitted each year withAction Plans for Continuous Improvement.

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    7. Conduct annual student, faculty, and alumni satisfaction surveys to determine the extent towhich each is satisfied with college programs and services.

    Responsibility of: Academic Research.

    How known? Tabulated results in report form in the Office of Academic Research.

    How much? $600.

    Progress: Conducted annually.

    8. Conduct Program Reviews of all Support Services and Programs based on 5-year evaluationcycle.

    Responsibility of: Support Program.

    How known? IE Report filed with IE Team.

    When? Annually.

    Progress: A Revised Annual Assessment model introduced. Discussions are in progress todetermine whether the new model of annual assessment will make the old program reviewunnecessary.

    9. Document annual revisions to Strategic Plan based on Assessment Findings.

    Responsibility of: IE Team.

    How known? IE Report filed with IE Team.

    When? Annually.

    Progress: Operational Units assessments.

    10. Prepare SwCC Institutional Effectiveness Manual that describes IE processes at SwCC.

    Responsibility of: IE Team.

    How known? Manual distributed to campus community.

    How much? $600.

    When? Jan. 2008.

    Progress: Manual updated 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.

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    COMMENT: To document that you are fulfilling your mission and to show evidence thatyou are fulfilling it it is a challenge. Work on it your job is to make sure you have a plan

    that you have goals and objectives in place to meet those goals that are in your plans andthat you document how you do it and close that loop for assessment.

    COMMENT: The main thing we have is to do is close the loop. We have a plan; work your plan and do some assessment and then find how youre going to u se those assessments toimprove.

    RECOMMENDATION: Continue to provide training in writing measurability, in multiplemethods and then make sure the goals are in line with the goals of your mission. You should

    be able to say Im doing this because it su pports our mission.

    COMMENT: Broad institutional goals continue to analyze assessment findings and work cooperative with the Office of Academic Research to propose changes.

    COMMENT: On the first on-site visit, we had noncompliance on this. We need to showevidence that we are doing this.

    COMMENT: Require all operational united to document and provide evidence of theirplanning and assessment activities in the Accountability Management System Task Stream.

    COMMENT: We passed SACS because we had a system of evidence we sent three boxesof evidence when we look at information and can say it is a representative sample, and notthe only thing you have done. SACS has the authority to look at you and look at every unity.

    COMMENT: Institutional effectiveness is not for SACS it is for us and for our students demonstrate that you are taking students from [one level to a higher level].

    COMMENT: We need to end 2010 and put in our plan for 2011-2012.

    RECOMMEND: Provide general oversight support and technical assistance to all operationunits via the planning and IE team.

    RECOMMEND: Publish an IE Manual that describes the planning and IE process at SwCCand distribute the manual to all campus partners.

    COMMENT: Were going to improve what we submitted to SACS and give a copy of themanual to every one working on campus.

    RECOMMEND: Work collaboratively with the President and Board to assure that theapproved annual and institutional budget is aligned with their supports at publishedinstitutional priorities.

    COMMENT: We need to simplify so that we really communicate to everyone.

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    COMMENT: For example, ACU changed three words that made theirs clearer.

    RECOMMENDATION: Streamline it not change the meaning. Cause students to valueit and achieve.

    COMMENT: One of the main concerns we have in IE and SACS commented: you dontmake plans that you dont do. And no monies are tied to these things. Whatever we accept asa plan for the college we should be able to put a dollar amount and do it. We do know itdoesnt always happen, but your educational process should plan it.

    BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: Promote missionary program for students. Reach out to the Hispanic community. Encourage academic progress. Expand housing we have done some work on this, but it continues to be some

    concern. New dining hall. Security. Recruit quality students. Set goals for Board fundraising. [Closer connection between] campus and alumni.

    COMMENT: Those are very good recommendations.

    COMMENT: We also need to develop some type of workshop or class for human relationsand management for ministerial students they can preach, but they dont know how todeal with people.

    Goal 49: Maintain and enhance information technology accessibility.

    1. Maintain, upgrade, and enhance campus infrastructure to provide adequate bandwidth,reliability, redundancy, services, and security to support the colleges technology needs.Upgrade, maintain, and replace computer hardware and software (computer work station,classroom).

    Responsibility of: Technology Coordinator, IT Systems Engineer.

    How known? Server Performance Logs will show exemplary Uptime, Customer Satisfaction Survey, IT Performance Checklist.

    How much? $100,000, $75,000.

    When? Annually.

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    Progress: Following activities completed spring, 2009: The fiber optic backbone has beenreplaced, Internet access is currently supported with two T-1 lines, it is anticipated thatadditional bandwidth will be needed when more students will b e accessing the Internetservices with their Notebooks. This project was financed by the CCRAA Grant, $152,000.20 new Dell computers for the Computer Science Lab; 9 new computers and 17 flat screen

    monitors for Freshman Skills Lab; 6 new HP computers with 17 flat screen monitor s forLibrary (Dell server for Library Services Horizon); 2 HP laser printers; 15 faculty Notebookspurchased for Cohort; 43 Dell comput