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© 2008 Oracle Corporation

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Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)Partner Update – Release 11.1.1Mattias Wohlen Andy DellNicholas Cox Anthony WalshKevin McCarthy Jon Nevin

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Agenda • 09.30 – Welcome & Introductions • 09.40 – Strategy to Success & Introduction to 11.1.1• 10.10 – Beyond 11.1.1 - Roadmap• 10.30 – Integration/Installation & Lifecycle Manager• 11.00 BREAK• 11.15 – OBIEE+ Overview• 11.50 – Oracle Hyperion Essbase• 12.20 – Oracle BI on Essbase• 12.30 LUNCH• 13.15 – Enterprise Performance Management Architect (EPMA)• 13.30 – Oracle Hyperion Planning & Smartview• 13.50 – Cost & Profitability Management• 14.10 – Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager• 14.25 – Oracle Hyperion Financial Management & FDQM• 15.00 BREAK• 15.15 – Oracle Hyperion Strategic Finance• 15.30 – Oracle Crystal Ball• 15.45 – Q&A• 16.00 – Conclusion and wrap-up

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EPMA - Calculation Manager

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Calculation Manager – new addition to EPMA

• One tool to create calculations for FM and Planning • Common interface to design calculation rules

• Easy way to create complex financial calculations• Graphical flow provides better understanding of calculation

process• Re-usable rules to share among applications

• Central repository of all calculation objects• One place to maintain all calculation rules• Custom folders for easy navigation

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Calculation Manager – component of EPMA

• Calculation Manager is fully integrated with EPMA

• One can access Calculation Manager from workspace or from Application Library.

• Application Library contains calculation rules deployment information

Calculation rules information

Separate deployment data and status for

calculation rules (TBD)

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Rule Designer – Graphical Flow

• Three main sections of Rule Designer

• Top right: Flow Chart representation of calculation process flow

• Left pane: Object Palette - Drag and drop new or shared objects from palette to flow chart

• Bottom right: Property or formula tab for the selected object on the flow chart

Drag & drop new calculation components

Drag & drop existing components

Graphical rule flow chart

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User-Defined Template

• Create custom template for generic calculations

• Use of Design Time Prompt (DTP) variables in calculation statement

• Available system templates to help rule creation in new application

Design Time Prompt variables are used in calculation statement within template

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Shared Calculation Components

• Components are reusable in other rules

• Special icon indicated shared

• View where component is used in Usage tab

Shared object icon to indicate used by other rules

Usage tab shows where component is used

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Non-Shared Calculation Components• You can define

components that are not shareable across other rules by un-selecting the shared check box.

• Non-Shared components by default do not require an object label since they will be part of the original rule and not re-usable in other rules.

Un-check the Shared option for non-shareable component

Label is not needed for non-shareable component

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Switch between Graphical and Script

• Ability to view the script generated from the graphical rule

• Modified script can be saved as new script component

VB script statements generated from graphical flow

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Import and Export Calculation Rules

• Ability to import calculation objects from external file in ASCII or XML format

• Ability to export calculation objects

Import ASCII or XML file

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Printing Calculation Rules

Print preview of calculation rule

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Deployment View for deploying rules• Deploy both metadata and calculation rules from Application Library

• Deploy only calculation rules from Calculation Manager

• Deployed rules are now available for execution

To-Be-Deployed Folder consists of rules ready for deployment

Deployed Folder consists last deployed rules

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Oracle Hyperion Financial Management

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition – New Features

• New Equity Pick-up Module• Phased Submissions

Enhancements• Intercompany Transaction

Enhancements• Oracle BI Publisher Templates for

System Reports• Extended Analytics Creation of

Flat Files• Extended 64 Bit Platform Support• Drill-through to Oracle EBS

Financials via FDM• Oracle Data Integrator Support

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Equity Pickup - What Is EPU?

• Equity pickup is an accounting technique of reevaluating the investments owned by a holding company. The purpose of this reevaluation is to adjust the investments in the Balance Sheet of the holding company to reflect the current value of the corresponding share in the equity of the subsidiary.

• An equity pickup adjustment consists of replacing the historical cost by the actual value of the equity owned. In this respect, the equity pickup technique is similar to the equity method in statutory consolidation.

• Equity pickup adjustments are made in the local currency of the holding company, before any consolidation of this holding into the group. These adjustments belong to the holding company, independently from any ultimate parent entity.For each company owned, the adjustment can be expressed as follows:

EPU Adjustment amount = (Direct ownership percentage * Equity ofentity owned) - Investment

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EPU - How to Access?

Tasks > Data Tasks > Manage Equity Pick Up

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EPU - How to Execute?

Calculate > Run EPU

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Phased Submission enhancements

• Start Year for Phased Submissions• Scenario attribute

• Supports “All” within submission group assignment

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Matching tolerance as a % of transaction – ICT

• When specifying a matching tolerance for a period, a user can specify an amount, percentage or both for Transaction ID (TID) tolerance.

• The percentage is applied to the smaller of the entity or partner transaction.

• If both are input, the system will match on the smaller of the two values

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OBI Publisher Option for FM System Reports

• New Print Options for System Reports allows printing to PDF, RTF, HTML, or XLS

• Report types included:• Intercompany• Journals• IC Transactions• IC Matching by Account• IC Matching by Transaction

ID• Equity Pickup

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

OBI Publisher Option for FM System Reports

• System reports can be customized to meet client needs

• Sample templates can be modified using Oracle BI Publisher Desktop add-in• Working Folder\Report Style Sheets\Templates

• Sample XML is included for each report to enable preview within BI Publisher• Working Folder\Report Style Sheets\Sample XML

• New Templates can be saved to the application server and are available to all users• Working Folder\Report Style Sheets\Templates

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Extended Analytics – extract to Flat File option

• New extraction option within Extended Analytics

• Allows greater flexibility to extract data at any dimensional intersection

• Data file now an “Aggregation Option”

• File extracted to HFM Server Working folder

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64 Bit Support – Application Server

• X64 platform (Intel Xeons and AMD Opterons)• Increase available memory beyond the current 3 GB limit

• Improved performance for Larger Applications (lots of data records, dense subcubes)• 10 million records per year• Lots of scenarios

• Weekly Applications

• Better scalability of applications as data sets expand

• Better network utilization – fewer trips to DB as more records are held in memory

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Financial Reporting Commentary

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Smart View WDEF improvements

• Linked Forms Support• Linked forms can be

opened via right click menu item

• Linked form opens on new tab within workbook

• Add member support• Allows members to be

added to a WDEF when suppression is on

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Financial Data Quality Management

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Financial Data Quality Management

• Increased Functional Depth• New Graphical Timeline• Oracle EBS Source Adapter• Drill-back to Oracle EBS• Strategic Finance Target Adapter

• EPM Leadership• Drill-back from Planning, Strategic Finance and

Essbase• User Provisioning & Authentication through Shared


© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Graphical Timeline

• Helps filter and analyze data loading events to enable decision making

• Exposes locations having trouble with the load portion of the close process

• Shows when locations started, errored out, repeated steps and made map changes within a specified time range

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Graphical Timeline

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Linking Hyperion to Oracle E-Business Suite

• Introduction of Oracle EBS 11g source adapter• Simple configuration to source Oracle EBS data• Allows archival of snapshot of Oracle EBS data upon

import• Allows drill-back from supported Hyperion EPM

products to both snapshot and Oracle EBS Account Analysis and Drilldown Workbench

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Hyperion Financial ManagementHyperion Planning

Oracle Account Analysis and Drill-Down for both

Actual and Budget

Hyperion FDMOracle EPM


Drill-through to General LedgerInsight into Action in a Single System

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Future - Linking Hyperion EPM to SAP R/3

• Simple FDM adapter configuration to source SAP R/3 data (versions ECC6 & R3 4.6c) into Enterprise Performance Management applications

• Business user goes through FDM user interface to kick off BAPI data fetch program in background

• Adapter stores additional attributes in FDM to enable drill-back process

• Archives snapshot of SAP R/3 data upon import• Allows drill-back from supported Hyperion EPM

applications to both snapshot and SAP G/L Account Balances page via SAP.NET Connector URL

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Hyperion Financial ManagementHyperion PlanningOracle Essbase

SAP R/3 4.6c or ECC 6

Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management

Future - Drill-through to General LedgerInsight into Action in a Single System

© 2008 Oracle Corporation


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Strategic Finance

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Oracle Hyperion Strategic Finance, Fusion Edition – New Features

• Graphical Interface Enhancements• Automated Export To Essbase• Support For Financial Data Quality

Management • Drill-back To Source For Root

Cause Analysis• Forward Audit Trail For Auditors &

Compliance• Cell Text Annotations• Visual Scenario Analysis Using

Monte Carlo Simulation Through Oracle Crystal Ball

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Auto-Push to Essbase: Overview

• Exports the entity to Essbase when the entity is checked into the Strategic Finance server.

• Is similar to the batch feature and Extended Analytics approaches.

• Has an option to auto-map entities with the same name.


Strategic Finance

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Auto-Push to Essbase: Setup Overview

Select the “Automatically export to Planning/Essbase on check in”box.

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Oracle® Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Fusion Edition: Overview• A packaged solution for importing, mapping, and validating

external data in an application.• Designed for business users to load data from different systems

to EPM applications such as Strategic Finance.

Drill back


FDMExcelG/LERPFlat filesOracle EBS G/L

Source Systems Target System

Strategic Finance

Import Export

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

FDM Integration: Benefits

• Financial institutions can import deal, actual, and budget data from public data sources (EDGAR, Compustat, etc.).

• Large corporations can import actual and budget data from ERP systems.

• Corporations can use it as a good alternative to existing Excel and ASCII imports.

• Companies can lower the cost of compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley.

• Analysts and auditors can drill back to the source document or system, giving them greater confidence in the numbers.

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

FDM Integration: Benefits for the Administrator• Increases financial data quality and confidence in numbers.• Enables flexible mapping from disparate data sources.• Enables workflow-based import of actual and budget data.• Enables quick and easy data checking.• Enables easy audit as every action is logged.

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

FDM Integration: Benefits for Interactive or View Users• Eliminates data integrity risks with financial data collection.• Simplifies financial data collection, transformation, and

verification.• Centralizes and standardizes repeatable financial processes.• Improves productivity.

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FDM Integration: Import

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FDM Integration: Validate

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FDM Integration: Export

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FDM Integration: Check

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FDM Integration: Drill-back

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FDM Integration: Drill-back

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Forward Audit Trail: Overview

• Is an audit trail to help identify accounts in which a specific account is being used.

• Is called “Where Used” in the Accounts menu.

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Cell Text: Overview

• Adds text notes to cells.• Is specific to a selected cell-scenario or account-scenario

combination.• Is indicated by red tick marks in the upper-right corner of cells.• Has an option to display cell text in reports.


Extra marketingfor Christmas

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Cell Text: Benefits

It provides information about the cell data.

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Other Enhancements:

• Sort scenarios.• Rename the report tab.• Choose the separator option to separate account groups (Natural

separator in Account Group).• Consolidate all scenarios.• Copy global values.• Purge archives automatically.• Check in Entity while working on other tasks (Background check-


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Crystal Ball

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Oracle® Crystal Ball, Fusion Edition: Overview

• Is a suite of Microsoft Excel−based applications used for simulations and forecasting.

• Automates "what if" analysis in spreadsheets with Monte Carlo simulations.

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

Crystal Ball: Benefits

• Monte Carlo simulations simplify financial data modeling of outputs when inputs fluctuate within a given range.

• It automates “what if” analysis for a larger number of scenarios to create useful predictive models.

Scenario B Assumptions

Price per unit changeCost of goods sold changeUnits sold change

Scenario A Assumptions

Price per unit changeCost of goods sold changeUnits sold change

Result 1

Result 2

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

What Crystal Ball brings to HSF

• A simple-to-use simulation tool• Ability to easily think and work in ranges• Eliminate manual multiple what-if scenarios• Replace best/worst case estimates with more accurate

range of all possible outcomes• Increased confidence in your numbers• Immediate insight on the key drivers and areas to focus

your attention• Better quality decisions

© 2008 Oracle Corporation

What Are Simulations?

• Process of experimenting with a model to measure performance and behavior of inputs in a system

• What are the Benefits?• Gain general insight into the nature of a process• Identify problems with system design • Manage risk by understanding costs and benefits

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What Is Monte Carlo Simulation?

• A system that uses random numbers to measure the effects of uncertainty.

• A computer simulation of N (e.g. 10,000) trials where• Each trial samples input values from defined probability distribution

functions (PDFs)• Applies the input values to the model and records the output

• Outputs:• Prediction of Output Variation (Probability of Cost Overrun, Probability of

Exceeding Deadline)• Identification of Primary Variation Drivers (Sensitivity Analysis)

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Sensitivity Analysis Results

Examine which few critical factors (X’s) in your analysis cause the predominance of variation in

the response variable of interest (Y)

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New Predictive Planning CapabilityIntegration of Crystal Ball with Planning

• Monte Carlo simulations• Assign probability distributions to

uncertain assumptions• Run thousands of simulations• Analyze range of outcomes and

probabilities• Assess model sensitivities

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Questions & Discussion

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