2008 Hadwidodo Et Al. Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

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  • 7/31/2019 2008 Hadwidodo Et Al. Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete


    Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) pp69-82


    Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

    Y.S. Hadiwidodo*, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya,INDONESIA

    S. Mohd, University Malaysia Pahang,MALAYSIA


    Many different test methods have been developed in efforts to characterize the properties of

    SCC. So far no single method or combination of methods has achieved universal approval and

    most of them have their supporters. Similarly no single method has been found which

    characterizes all the relevant workability aspects so each mix design should be tested by more

    than one test method in order to obtain different workability parameters. The authors evaluate

    the existing test methods of SCC in the freshened stage. The testing method such as: Slump

    flow, J-ring, L-Box and V-funnel are evaluated theoretically.

    Keywords: Self compacting concrete, testing method, workability

    *Correspondence Author: PhD Student at Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University Malaysia

    Pahang, Tel: +60169637251, E-mail:[email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 2008 Hadwidodo Et Al. Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete


    Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-8270


    The use of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) has grown tremendously since its inception in

    the 1980s. Different from a conventional concrete, SCC is characterized by its high

    flowability at the fresh state. This helps the SCC to satisfy the performance requirement in thefield, such as giving a smooth surface finish, encapsulate the reinforcement without blocking

    of aggregates, etc. Because of the material performance in its fresh state, the existing testing

    methods for conventional concrete are no longer suitable for SCC.

    Numerous efforts have been explored for new testing methods on SCC in the past decade.

    There are several organizations that collect the work in this area. The RILEM technical

    committee, TC 174-SCC (Skarendahl and Petersson,, 2000), Brite EuRam-Final Technical

    Report, (Grauers, 2000), ACI Committee 237 Specification and Guidelines for Self-

    Compacting Concrete (EFNARC, 2002), EFNARC, (2005), Precast/Prestressed Concrete

    Institute, (PCI, 2003) and European Research Project Report, (Schutter, 2005) are good

    examples. Symposiums and workshops on this topic were given by these organizations andseveral test methods on the flowability of SCC have been popularized since then.

    Among the existing test methods, slump flow test, using the traditional slump cone, is the

    most common testing method for flowability (or filling ability). During the test, the final

    slump flow diameter and T50 (time needed for concrete to reach a spread diameter of 20 in.

    (50 cm)) are recorded. The U-Box, L-Box, and especially J-ring tests are used for the

    evaluation of passing ability. These fresh properties are governed by the rheological properties

    of the material and some studied have been conducted in the lab to investigate the correlation

    among the measured parameters from above-mentioned methods (e.g. correlating T50 and the

    flow velocity at L-box test to the plastic viscosity). A good test method that can help to

    quantitatively determine the viscosity and the yield stress of SCC in the field is urgently

    needed. Segregation resistance is another important issue for SCC. Surface settlement test and

    the penetration test are two methods to evaluate the resistance to segregation of SCC in the

    field. However, these methods focus on the static segregation of SCC and the theoretical

    background for these methods is still unclear. There are no proper test methods for evaluating

    the dynamic segregation of SCC.

    Table 1 lists of compilation of SCC in the publication during 2006-2007. The list included the

    country of use, the type of application, the types of component materials, combination testing

    method and 28 day compressive strength for all the cases. In many of the references more

    information than this was published, but in nearly all cases all of the above data were given.Gaps in the table indicate where no information was given.

    The objective of this paper is to study a set of test method and performance based

    specifications for the workability of structural SCC that can be used for casting highly

    restricted or congested sections. Proven combinations of test methods to assess filling capacity

    and stability are proposed and should be of interest to engineers and contractors using SCC.

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    Y.S. Hadiwidodo & S. Mohd

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-82 71



    2.1. Slump flow test

    The slump flow is a combination of slump and flow diameter. To determine the slump flowthe hollow truncated cone (slump cone) is placed inverted on a slump flow plate with an edge

    length of at least 800 mm x 800 mm and is filled with SCC. The advantage of the inverted

    slump cone is that the cone is protected from up thrust and the test can therefore be carried out

    by a laboratory assistant. When the slump cone has been withdrawn the average diameter of

    the spread concrete is determined after completion of the flow process in the same way as for

    the flow spread. No compaction energy must be applied during the test so that the SCC flows

    only under the influence of gravity. Figure 1 shows the slump flow test. Testing the slump

    flow is described in part of Annex D, the EFNARC Specification and Guidelines for Self

    compacting concrete.[10]

    The slump flow is influenced primarily by the yield value of the concrete. The lower the yieldvalue the larger is the extended circle of concrete formed. The yield value depends in turn

    mainly on the degree of agglomeration of the fine constituents in the concrete, which can be

    reduced most effectively with super-plasticizers. The slump flow is therefore primarily

    suitable for assessing the yield value of the SCC and the optimum super-plasticizer content.

    The cohesive ability and the tendency to segregation of the concrete can also be evaluated

    with this test by examining the extended circle of concrete formed (homogeneous,

    disintegrated, paste at the perimeter, occurrence of settling over the depth of the extended

    circle, etc.)

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    Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-8272

    Figure 1. Slump flow test[10],[11]

    2.2. Flow time

    Determination of the flow time t50 represents another possible way of assessing the viscosity

    of a SCC. It is measured during the slump flow test. The flow time is the time required by the

    SCC to flow to a diameter of 500 mm after the slump cone has been withdrawn. The diameterof 500 mm therefore has to be marked on the slump flow plate (see Figure 1). The longer the

    flow time, the higher is the viscosity of the SCC.

    2.3. Velocity of deformation

    SCC requires no vibration to fill all corners and spaces in formworks due to its good

    deformability and resistance to segregation. The process fo filling takes time, even though the

    concrete can fill into formworks pefectly, if the concrete is relatively high in viscosity. This

    problem occurs since the velocity of deformation is not taken into consideration. The velocity

    of deformation is essential especially when the speed of construction is considered. A method

    was proposed by Shindoh and Matsuoka (2003), [43] for evaluating the velocity of

    deformation. The average velocity of deformation in simplified form and deformability aredefined in Table 5.

    2.4. J-Ring Test

    The J-ring test [10] extends common filling ability test methods to also characterize passing

    ability. The J-ring test device can be used with the slump flow test, the orimet test, or the V-

    funnel test. The J-ring, as shown in Figure, is a rectangular section (30 mm by 25 mm) open

    steel ring with a 300 mm diameter. Vertical holes drilled in the ring allow standard reinforcing

    bars to be attached to the ring. Each reinforcing bar is 100 mm long. The spacing of the bars is

    adjustable, although 3 times the maximum aggregate size is typically recommended. For

    fiber-reinforced concrete, the bars should be placed 1 to 3 times the maximum fiber length

    (see Figure 2.).

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    Y.S. Hadiwidodo & S. Mohd

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-82 73

    To conduct the J-ring test in conjunction with the slump flow test, the slump cone is placed in

    the center of the J-ring and filled with concrete. The slump cone is lifted and concrete is

    allowed to spread horizontally through the gaps between the bars. Alternatively, the orimet

    device or the V-funnel can be positioned above center of the J-ring. Instead of measuring justthe time for concrete to exit the orimet or the V-funnel, the concrete is also allowed to spread

    horizontally through the J-ring.

    Figure 2. J-ring test

    2.3. The L-box test

    The L-box test, [10] measures the filling and passing ability of self-compacting concrete.

    Originally developed in Japan for underwater concrete, the test is also applicable for highly

    flowable concrete. As the test name implies, the apparatus consists of an L-shaped box, shown

    in Figure 3. Concrete is initially placed in the vertical portion of the box, which measures 600

    mm in height and 100 mm by 200 mm in section. A door between the vertical or horizontal

    portions of the box is opened and the concrete is allowed to flow through a line of vertical

    reinforcing bars and into the 800 mm long, 200 mm wide, and 150 mm tall horizontal portion

    of the box. In the most common arrangement of reinforcing bars, three 12 mm bars are spaced

    with a clear spacing of 35 mm. Generally, the spacing of the reinforcing bars should be three

    times the maximum aggregate size. It should be noted that various dimensions for the L-box

    have been used and no one set of dimensions is considered official; however, the dimensions

    described above seem to be the most common.

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    Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-8274

    The time for concrete to reach points 20 cm (T20) and 40 cm (T40) down the horizontal portion

    of the box is recorded. After the concrete comes to rest in the apparatus, the heights of the

    concrete at the end of the horizontal portion, H2, and in the vertical section, H1, are measured.

    The blocking ratio, H2/H1, for most tests should be 0.80 to 0.85. If the concrete being tested is

    truly self-leveling, like water, the value of the blocking ratio will be unity.


    (b)Figure 3. L-box test

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    Y.S. Hadiwidodo & S. Mohd

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-82 75

    2.4. U-box test

    The U-box test is used to measure the filling ability of the mixes. The apparatus consists of a

    vessel that is divided by a middle wall into two compartments, as shown in Figure 4. As

    shown in Figure 4, an opening with a sliding gate is fitted between the two sections.Reinforcing bars with normal diameter of 13 mm are installed at the gate with centre-to-centre

    spacing of 50 mm. This creates a clear spacing of 35 mm between the bars. Concrete filled in

    the left hand box is allowed to pass through this obstacle and to fill the right hand box. More

    will be the height of filling in the right hand box more will be the filling ability of the SCC

    mix. In this test, the degree of compactability can be indicated by the height that the concrete

    reaches after flowing through an obstacle. Concrete with the filling height of over 300 mm

    can be judged as self-compacting.

    Figure 4. Schematic representation of U-box test

    2.5. The V-funnel test

    The V-funnel test [10] is used to measure the filling ability of self-compacting concrete and

    can also be used to judge segregation resistance. The test method is similar to the concept of

    the flow cone test used for cement paste. The test apparatus, shown in Figure 5, consists of a

    V-shaped funnel with a height of 425 mm, a top width of 490 mm, a bottom width of 65 mm,

    and a thickness of 75 mm. At the bottom of the V-shape, a rectangular section extends

    downward 150 mm. Alternatively, an O-shaped funnel with circular cross section can be used.

    The entire funnel is filled with concrete without tamping or vibration. The door at the bottomof the funnel is opened and concrete is allowed to flow out of the funnel and into a bucket.

    The flow time for all of the concrete to exit the funnel is recoded as a measure of filling

    ability. For self-compacting concrete, the flow time should be less than 10 seconds. To

    measure segregation resistance, the V-funnel is refilled with concrete and allowed to sit for 5

    minutes. The door is again opened and the flow time is recorded. The greater the increase in

    flow time after the concrete has remained at rest for five minutes, the greater will be the

    concretes susceptibility to segregation. Further, non-uniform flow of concrete from the funnel

    suggests a lack of segregation resistance.

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    Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-8276

    Figure 5. V-funnel test



    Workability is defined either qualitatively as the ease of placement or quantitatively by

    rheological parameters. The most commonly used test to determine workability in practice is

    the slump cone test. Either the vertical slump distance or the horizontal spread of the concretecan be measured.

    SCC must satisfy the following workability performance criteria:[30]. (1) Filling abilityThe

    property that determines how fast SCC flows under its own weight and completely fills

    intricate spaces with obstacles, such as reinforcement, without losing its stability; (2) Passing

    abilitythe ability of SCC to pass through congested reinforcement and adhere to it without

    application of external energy; and (3) Stabilitythe ability of SCC to remain homogenous

    by resisting segregation, bleeding, and air popping during transport, placement, and after

    placement. Table 1, 2, and 3, describe the SCC range in the various of the existing guidelines.


    Self compaction is, as described in the introduction, a property of fresh concrete that can be

    achieved in a variety of ways with different materials and compositions. Fixed limits for fresh

    concrete properties and workability classes in a guideline can only cover one aspect of self

    compacting concretes and are not very appropriate. The window solution described below is

    suitable for setting consistent rules and evaluation standards for all forms of self compacting


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    A diagram of the flow time or V-funnel flow time, as a measure of the viscosity, is plotted

    against the slump flow, as a criterion of the yield value, in order to assess the workability of

    the SCC. Figure 1 show range of slump flow and V-funnel time as described by Hwang et.al

    (2006), [19]. Figure 2 show a window solution as refer to Kordts and Breit (2005).

    Figure 6. Workability of a SCC as a function of the slump flow and V-funnel flow time, [19]

    Figure 7. Workability of a SCC as a function of the slump flow and V-funnel flow time , Kordts andBreits, (2005)

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    Review of Testing Methods for Self Compacting Concrete

    ICCBT 2008 - A - (05) - pp69-8278

    Table 2. Description of the parameters of workability

    Test method Parameter Description


    prepmax ddS


    S is the average of the two measured

    diameters (mm)

    T50 T50 is flow time when concrete flow

    reaches 50 cm (sec)




    Tv =

    Velocity of deformation refer to Shindoh

    and Matsuoka (2003),[43]

    Slump Flow

    ( )2







    c is the deformability refer to Okamura

    and Ouchi (2003), [27]

    Sfl1, Sfl2 : measured flow diameter; Sfl0:

    slump cone diameter






    SJ is the average of the two measured

    diameters (mm)


    )( exinJ hhB =

    The difference in height between the

    concrete just inside the bars and that just

    outside the bars.


    )()(2 incexinJ hhhhB =

    Whereby hc, hin, hex, the height of the mix

    in the centre, just inside the bar and just

    outside the bars, respectively


    T20 T20 is flow time when concrete flow

    reaches 20 cm (sec)

    T40 T40 is flow time when concrete flow

    reaches 40 cm (sec)


    B= H2/H1 The blocking ratio

    [10], [30]


    The difference in height between two



    JSCE (2003), h2 Filling height

    T0 The time for concrete to discharge from

    funnel (sec)


    T5 The time for concrete to discharge from

    funnel after 5 minutes of settling (sec)

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    The following conclusions can be drawn based on the findings of this study.

    1. A combination of the slump flow and either the L-box blocking ratio (h2/h1), J-Ring,U-box, or V-funnel flow time can be used to assess filling capacity of SCC for quality

    control and design of SCC for placement in restricted sections or congested elements,

    typically encountered in structural applications; and

    2. SCC designed for structural applications should have a slump flow of 670 50 mm,an h2/h1 index greater than 0.70, a J-Ring flow of 650 50 mm, a spread between

    slump flow and J-Ring flow lower than 50 mm, and a V-funnel flow time of less than

    8 seconds;


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