2 Ed It is important at the end of the day t Ian Rogers said at the Opening Cere important if you win or lose, it is about the end of the day, chess is only a ga what results you achieved during th whether they were good or bad, we ho yourselves playing chess and sightsee city in the World! This final bulletin instalment is a ra (mainly because we don’t have to staple 200 copies!). We hope you enjo daily bulletins as much as we enjoyed p Jumping Junta! Just when you thought the bulletin titl any lamer, Michael continues to impr won his final round game against Sa finish on 10.5/11 – the highest sco Smerdon (now an International Maste same result in Hervey Bay, 1999. Junta tournament, finishing two whole poin nearest competitors. Junta was undefe to winning three tournaments (lightnin included), with his only draw in the m coming in the fourth round with Eugen he was completely losing in the final po The main focus for the final round wa pack, as those results would determin and Under 14 age titles. Gene Nakauc against fellow Queenslander Sammy G and then faced a nervous wait to see if be required to determine the Unde Fedja Zulfic needed to defeat Andrew B playoff with Gene and managed to do fought endgame. The playoff for the Under 16 title bet Fedja, the only two participants on 8.5 games to determine a winner. The fin tie break was required after both lightning playoff rounds finished 1–1 Armageddon playoff with the black pie time disadvantage, to claim the Under * Armageddon Playoff Procedure: “If the tie is still not resolved shall be played in which White has Black 4 minutes for the whole game Black being regarded as a win. Col game shall be drawn by lot.” ACF 1 2008 AUSTRALIAN JUNIOR CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS Cranbrook School, Sydney Bulletin 11 – 29 th January, 2008 ditors: Heather Huddleston & Michael Lip to reiterate what emony. It is not t having fun “at ame”. No matter he two weeks ope you enjoyed eing in the best ather large issue photocopy and oyed reading the producing them. les could not get ress. Junta Ikeda amuel Dalton to ore since David er) acheived the a dominated the nts ahead of his eated on his way ng and rapid play main competition ne Schon – when osition! as on the chasing ne the Under 16 chi won his game Grigg quite easily f a playoff would er 16 Champion. Brown to force a this after a hard- tween Gene and 5/11, needed five nal Armageddon* the rapid and 1. Gene won the eces, despite the 16 title. d a single game as 5 minutes and me, a draw for olours for this CF by-laws Gene’s victory in the playoff to ACT’s Yi Yuan. Yi easily their round eleven encou anxious wait while Gene’s pl lost, Gene would have taken pushing Yi back into 2 nd place Dancing Deborah! The titles just get worse and climax, Deborah Ng swappe and played a quick 24-move to give her the Under 18 t Sally Yu as the Under 16 c Shan-Shan Qiao’s recent s Sally’s third Under 16 Girls t achievement, especially co eligible for the Under 14 title Third-seeded Deborah play over the two weeks, only los round loss to Sally. A fan streak in the middle of the gave Deborah the luxury of o final round. Megan Setiabudi benefit performance in the tournam title. Megan held a half po challengers heading into th against Miranda Webb-Lid keep them at bay. She man stretched her victory margi nearest challengers drew the The Under 18 Girls should efforts over the two weeks. round swiss tournament, th 13-round, round-robin tour double round days. The ext their games being the last tested their endurance as we Majestic Matheson! Thanks must go to Microso title. Laurence Matheson’s Ruan ensured Laurence won the need for a playoff. tournament from start to R S f handed the Under 14 title defeated Eugene Schon in unter and then faced an layoff took place. Had Gene n the Under 14 title instead, e Under 14. d worse! In a bit of an anti- ped off most of the pieces draw with Charmian Zhang title. This result confirmed champion despite stopping string of victories. It was title in a row – an amazing onsidering that she is still e! yed consistent, solid chess sing the one game – a third ntastic nine-game winning tournament after that loss only requiring a draw in the ted from Sally’s strong ment to claim the Under 14 oint lead over her nearest he final round and a win ddle would be enough to naged the victory and even in to a full point after her eir final round games. be congratulated for their . Instead of the normal 11- he girls played a gruelling rnament with a couple of tra rounds, combined with t to finish on most days, ell as their chess ability. oft Word thesaurus for this 26-move draw with Harry n the Under 12 title without Laurence dominated the finish and was the most


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It is important at the end of the day to reiterate what

Ian Rogers said at the Opening Ceremony. It is not

important if you win or lose, it is about having fun

the end of the day, chess is only a game”

what results you achieved during the two weeks

whether they were good or bad, we hope you enjoyed

yourselves playing chess and sightseeing in the best

city in the World!

This final bulletin instalment is a rather large issue

(mainly because we don’t have to photocopy

staple 200 copies!). We hope you enjoyed reading the

daily bulletins as much as we enjoyed producing them.

Jumping Junta!

Just when you thought the bulletin titles could not get

any lamer, Michael continues to impress. Junta Ikeda

won his final round game against Samuel Dalton

finish on 10.5/11 – the highest score since David

Smerdon (now an International Master)

same result in Hervey Bay, 1999. Junta dominated the

tournament, finishing two whole points ahead of his

nearest competitors. Junta was undefeated

to winning three tournaments (lightning and rapid play

included), with his only draw in the ma

coming in the fourth round with Eugene Schon

he was completely losing in the final position

The main focus for the final round was on the chasing

pack, as those results would determine the Under 16

and Under 14 age titles. Gene Nakauchi won his game

against fellow Queenslander Sammy Grigg quite easily

and then faced a nervous wait to see if a playoff would

be required to determine the Under 16

Fedja Zulfic needed to defeat Andrew Brown to force a

playoff with Gene and managed to do this after a hard

fought endgame.

The playoff for the Under 16 title between Gene and

Fedja, the only two participants on 8.5/11,

games to determine a winner. The final

tie break was required after both the rapid and

lightning playoff rounds finished 1–1. Gene won the

Armageddon playoff with the black pieces, despite the

time disadvantage, to claim the Under 16 title.

* Armageddon Playoff Procedure:

“If the tie is still not resolved a single game

shall be played in which White has 5 minutes and

Black 4 minutes for the whole game, a draw for

Black being regarded as a win. Colours for this

game shall be drawn by lot.” – ACF by



Cranbrook School, Sydney Bulletin 11 – 29th January, 2008

Editors: Heather Huddleston & Michael Lip

is important at the end of the day to reiterate what

Ian Rogers said at the Opening Ceremony. It is not

ose, it is about having fun – “at

the end of the day, chess is only a game”. No matter

what results you achieved during the two weeks –

whether they were good or bad, we hope you enjoyed

yourselves playing chess and sightseeing in the best

This final bulletin instalment is a rather large issue

don’t have to photocopy and

. We hope you enjoyed reading the

daily bulletins as much as we enjoyed producing them.

Just when you thought the bulletin titles could not get

any lamer, Michael continues to impress. Junta Ikeda

against Samuel Dalton to

the highest score since David

(now an International Master) acheived the

Junta dominated the

finishing two whole points ahead of his

Junta was undefeated on his way

s (lightning and rapid play

in the main competition

with Eugene Schon – when

in the final position!

focus for the final round was on the chasing

as those results would determine the Under 16

chi won his game

against fellow Queenslander Sammy Grigg quite easily

and then faced a nervous wait to see if a playoff would

be required to determine the Under 16 Champion.

Fedja Zulfic needed to defeat Andrew Brown to force a

d to do this after a hard-

between Gene and

, the only two participants on 8.5/11, needed five

determine a winner. The final Armageddon*

was required after both the rapid and

1. Gene won the

playoff with the black pieces, despite the

, to claim the Under 16 title.

“If the tie is still not resolved a single game

White has 5 minutes and

Black 4 minutes for the whole game, a draw for

Black being regarded as a win. Colours for this

ACF by-laws

Gene’s victory in the playoff handed the

to ACT’s Yi Yuan. Yi easily defeated E

their round eleven encounter and then faced an

anxious wait while Gene’s playoff took place.

lost, Gene would have taken the Under 14 title instead,

pushing Yi back into 2nd


Dancing Deborah!

The titles just get worse and worse

climax, Deborah Ng swapped off

and played a quick 24-move

to give her the Under 18 title.

Sally Yu as the Under 16 champion

Shan-Shan Qiao’s recent string of victories

Sally’s third Under 16 Girls title in a row

achievement, especially considering

eligible for the Under 14 title

Third-seeded Deborah played consistent

over the two weeks, only losing the one game

round loss to Sally. A fantastic nine

streak in the middle of the tournament

gave Deborah the luxury of only requiring a draw in the

final round.

Megan Setiabudi benefited from Sally’s strong

performance in the tournament to

title. Megan held a half point lead over her nearest

challengers heading into the final round and a win

against Miranda Webb-Liddle would be enough

keep them at bay. She manag

stretched her victory margin to a full point after her

nearest challengers drew their final

The Under 18 Girls should be congratulated for their

efforts over the two weeks.

round swiss tournament, the girls played a gruelling

13-round, round-robin tournament with

double round days. The extra rounds

their games being the last to finish on most days,

tested their endurance as well as their chess ability.

Majestic Matheson!

Thanks must go to Microsoft Word thesaurus for this

title. Laurence Matheson’s 26

Ruan ensured Laurence won the Under 12 title without

the need for a playoff. Laurence

tournament from start to finish and was the most


Gene’s victory in the playoff handed the Under 14 title

easily defeated Eugene Schon in

their round eleven encounter and then faced an

anxious wait while Gene’s playoff took place. Had Gene

lost, Gene would have taken the Under 14 title instead,

place Under 14.

and worse! In a bit of an anti-

swapped off most of the pieces

move draw with Charmian Zhang

to give her the Under 18 title. This result confirmed

ly Yu as the Under 16 champion despite stopping

recent string of victories. It was

Sally’s third Under 16 Girls title in a row – an amazing

achievement, especially considering that she is still


played consistent, solid chess

over the two weeks, only losing the one game – a third

loss to Sally. A fantastic nine-game winning

in the middle of the tournament after that loss

gave Deborah the luxury of only requiring a draw in the

fited from Sally’s strong

performance in the tournament to claim the Under 14

title. Megan held a half point lead over her nearest

challengers heading into the final round and a win

Liddle would be enough to

. She managed the victory and even

stretched her victory margin to a full point after her

w their final round games.

The Under 18 Girls should be congratulated for their

efforts over the two weeks. Instead of the normal 11-

t, the girls played a gruelling

tournament with a couple of

The extra rounds, combined with

their games being the last to finish on most days,

endurance as well as their chess ability.

Thanks must go to Microsoft Word thesaurus for this

Laurence Matheson’s 26-move draw with Harry

Ruan ensured Laurence won the Under 12 title without

the need for a playoff. Laurence dominated the

tournament from start to finish and was the most



consistent performer by far in the Under 12 Open. He

was undefeated in the tournament, only conceding

three draws. Yi Liu, Laurence’s nearest rival, won his

final round game against Pasan Perera to secure

second place in the tournament, half a point behind


Harry’s final round draw with Laurence gave Anurag

Sannidhanam and Michael Chan the chance to force a

playoff with Harry for the Under 10 title if either could

manage to win their final round. Anurag managed to

win, but Michael could only draw meaning that a

playoff would be required to split Harry and Anurag –

the Under 10 Rapid Play Champion. The first rapid

playoff match finished as a draw, but Harry defeated

Anurag in the second rapid game to win the playoff

and the title 1½–½.

A playoff was also required to determine the Under 8

champion. Peter Wallmueller held a one point lead in

the race for the title over Anton Smirnov and Daniel

Yuan, but had a difficult final round pairing with Cedric

Koh. Peter’s eventual loss to Cedric gave Anton or

Daniel the chance to catch him. Anton defeated Ethan

Derwent, but Daniel lost to Anand Gupte leaving Peter

and Anton to playoff for the Under 8 title.

The playoff was a fascinating encounter with the game

quality belittling their young age. The first game was a

great tussle throughout – all the way to the drawn rook

ending. Both players played excellent moves despite

the rapid play time control. The final game was

decided by an unfortunate mistake. Anton captured

with the wrong piece, allowing a back-rank checkmate.

If he had captured the other way, he would have been

a piece up and the result could have been very

different. Peter pounced on the miscalculation,

winning the playoff and the title 1½–½.

Leaping Leteisha!

OK, I promise to stop with the bad titles. I am

beginning to sound more and more like our beloved

Chief Arbiter! Leteisha Simmonds won her final round

game against Joanne Mason to win the Under 12 Girls

title. Abbie Kanagarajah also won to finish half a point

behind Leteisha. The two leaders won their final five

games in the tournament, pushing each other all the

way to the end!

Leteisha’s only dropped point in the tournament was a

loss to Abbie in round five. Abbie then suffered an

unfortunate setback in round six when she lost to

Jenny Yum in a winning position. This gave Leteisha a

half point advantage which she never relinquished.

The eventual winner of the Under 10 Girls

Championship was less clear-cut. Five players had the

chance to win the title! Grace Alvares had pole position

on 5.5/10, half a point ahead of a chasing group of four

players, but also had one of the more difficult final

round pairings against third-placed Clarise Koh.

Katherine McGregor, one of the girls in the chasing

group, received the final round bye to move to 6/11, so

Grace would have to win to claim the title or draw to

force a playoff. Clarise proved too strong for Grace in

the end, so it was up to the three remaining players on

5/10 to see if they could catch Katherine on 6 points.

Helen Pretorius and Maria Ditu, two of the Under 10

title contenders on 5 points, lost to their older

opponents, but Kashish Christian, the final player able

to catch Katherine, won her final round game to force

yet another playoff!

After another close playoff battle where the rapid and

lightning playoff games finished 1–1, we saw another

Armageddon tie breaker, this time between Katherine

and Kashish. Kashish had the luxury of being assured of

at least the Under 8 Girls title, even if she lost the

playoff. Kashish, however, was not willing to settle for

the Under 8 Girls title and played with an amazing

amount of poise, in the end winning the final

Armageddon playoff on time.

Kashish’s victory in the Under 10 title race saw Charlie-

Rose MacLennan take out the Under 8 title with some

very strong play, scoring 3/11 in the tournament.

Bulletin Awards

The following awards are presented by the bulletin

staff. Unfortunately no prizes are available due to

budgetary restraints and general disorganisation, but

your names will be etched into history forever


Neatest Scoresheets – Bulletin Editor’s Favourites!

The following players write scoresheets with such

grace and precision that we wish they could notate

every game in the tournament! Thank you for making

our lives much easier.

1st Place:

1. Under 18 Open – Michael Gearing (QLD)

2. Under 18 Girls – Shan-Shan Qiao (NSW)*

3. Under 12 Open – Isaac Ng (VIC)

4. Under 12 Girls – Caroline Shan (NSW)

Honourable Mentions:

1. Under 18 Open – Joseph Nguyen (NSW)

2. Under 18 Girls – Winnie Yum (QLD)*

3. Under 12 Open – Pasan Perera (NSW)

4. Under 12 Girls – Alannah Byrne (QLD)

* The Under 18 Girls division was the hardest to judge. Winnie

had extraordinarily neat and accurate scoresheets, but Shan-

Shan used liquid paper to correct her mistakes and that

attention to detail got her over the line in the end.



Longest Game with Legible Scoresheets

1. 110 moves – Robin Wei and Samuel Dalton (round 7)

2. 107 moves – Robin Wei and Benjamin Encel (round 11)

3. 101 moves – Thibault De Villenoisy and Joshua Stevens

(round 6)

Robin attempted to beat his round 7 effort in his final

round game, but could only manage to reach 107

moves against Benjamin Encel before resigning. Had he

kept going, Robin would have easily eclipsed the 110-

move game he played in round 7. The three games

listed above were the only “three-scoresheet games”

in the tournament. William Xu retains his title for

another year.

Shortest Game without Forfeits

1. 7 moves – Christian Nabung and Max Thornley (round 4)

2. 9 moves – Dominic Nguyen and Nicholas Leung (round 11)

3. 10 moves – Jonathan Yuen and Chris Boni (round 4)

4. 10 moves – Heath Dunsford and Vincent Chen (round 10)

In the four “10 moves or less” games, there was only

one “Grandmaster Draw”. GM Dominic Nguyen and

GM Nicholas Leung’s final round 9-move draw

unfortunately did not see them take the award away

from Christian Nabung’s opening trick win in round 4.

As a testament to the fighting chess displayed by all

competitors throughout the tournament, there were

only 3 sub-20 move draws – all in the final round.

Most Shocking Performance ... in a Good Way

The following players performed much better than

their initial seeding would have indicated, surprising

many with some shock results.

1st Place:

1. Under 18 Open – Fedja Zulfic (SA)

Seed 13 in the tournament is unlucky for some, but

not for Mr Zulfic. 8.5/11 and =2nd

place overall saw

him playoff for the Under 16 title, where he

unfortunately lost in the final ‘Armageddon’ tie

break. Despite this, Fedja should still be proud of his

excellent performance over the two weeks, taking

home the Under 18 2nd

place trophy for his efforts.

2. Under 18 Girls – Amy Brown (WA)

The only unrated player in the tournament played

excellent chess throughout the two weeks, even

having a hand in deciding the eventual tournament

winner. 7/13 is a fantastic score and was good

enough to win the trophy for 2nd

Under 14. Amy’s

solid play throughout the tournament should see

her receive a rating very shortly and it will be high.

3. Under 12 Open – Peter Wallmueller (VIC)

The unrated Peter won the Under 8 title this year in

a playoff. What was impressive during his victory

was his comeback in the second half of the

tournament. Peter won a total of 4.5/5 from rounds

6 to 10 never giving up and growing in confidence

from round-to-round.

4. Under 12 Girls – Kashish Christian (NSW)

Kashish was one of two Under 8 players in the Girls

Under 12 tournament and scored an excellent 6/11

against much older opposition. Kashish actually

managed to win a higher age group award, the

Under 10 title in a playoff! Kashish performed

superbly during the tournament and thoroughly

deserved her results and her multiple trophies.

Honourable Mentions:

1. Under 18 Open – Robin Wei (QLD)

2. Under 18 Girls – Charmian Zhang (NSW)

3. Under 12 Open – Bernard Chau (NSW)

4. Under 12 Girls – Joanne Mason (ACT)

“I have excess luggage ... I won too many trophies”

The following players had an extremely successful two

weeks winning trophies in all four competitions and

may have difficulties with oversized luggage at the

airport on the way home.

There is a joke going around that Junta is able to start

his own metal refinery after his victories in the

tournament. We are unable to confirm or deny the

rumour at this stage...

Congratulations to Sally Yu and Kashish Christian who

took home trophies for 1st

place in every tournament!

Championship Lightning Rapid Play Problem Solving

Junta Ikeda (ACT) 1st

Under 18 Open 1st

Under 18 Open 1st

Under 18 Open 3rd

Under 18 Open

Eugene Schon (VIC) 2nd

Under 14 Open 1st

Under 14 Open 3rd

Under 14 Open 3rd

Under 14 Open

Sally Yu (VIC) 1st

Under 16 Girls 1st

Under 18 Girls 1st

Under 18 Girls 1st

Under 16 Girls

Katrina Knapp (SA) 2nd

Under 16 Girls 2nd

Under 14 Girls 2nd

Under 16 Girls 2nd

Under 14 Girls

Winnie Yum (QLD) 3rd

Under 14 Girls 3rd

Under 14 Girls 3rd

Under 14 Girls 3rd

Under 14 Girls

Anurag Sannidhanam (VIC) 2nd

Under 10 Open 1st

Under 10 Open 1st

Under 10 Open 2nd

Under 10 Open

Abbie Kanagarajah (QLD) 2nd

Under 12 Girls 3rd

Under 12 Girls 2nd

Under 12 Girls 2nd

Under 12 Girls

Grace Alvares (NSW) 3rd

Under 10 Girls 1st

Under 10 Girls 2nd

Under 10 Girls 1st

Under 10 Girls

Kashish Christian (NSW) 1st

Under 10 Girls 1st

Under 8 Girls 1st

Under 8 Girls 1st

Under 8 Girls



Thank You!

Tournaments with 168 players can only be run with the

tireless help of a great deal of people. There are many

people who deserve our thanks:

• Tournament Director Richard Gastineau-Hills

Richard worked tirelessly from start to finish for the

tournament, submitting the initial bid to the ACF and being

the last person out the door at the end of the tournament.

Some of his other (just as important) tasks included assistant

arbiter, T-shirt vendor, bulletin proof-reader, after hours

canteen liaison, keeper of the chess sets and most

importantly, writer of the cheques at the end of the


• Organiser Bonnie Wu

Bonnie performed many of the duties which made the

tournament run more smoothly. From overseeing the initial

layout of coaching rooms to printing out name labels and

signs, Bonnie had a hand in nearly everything to do with the

tournament – apart from actually playing chess!

• Chief Arbiter Charles Zworestine, Arbiters Roland

Eime, Brian Allison and Assistant Arbiter Jennya


The arbiters are responsible for ensuring that tournaments

run smoothly and for making rounds start 5-10 minutes late

after readings from “The Book of FIDE”. Charles, Roland,

Brian and Eugenia all performed their duties exceedingly

well and deserve our thanks!

• Problem Solving Championship organisers Geoff

Foster, Dennis Hale and Ian Shanahan

Without the help of these three men, the problem solving

championships would not have taken place. Their problems

were both challenging and enjoyable, too challenging for a

particular bulletin editor and the chief arbiter...

• Entry processor Eunice Koh

Eunice made sure that all entries to the tournament were

taken in a prompt manner, answering all sorts of enquiries

and reading all sorts of handwriting on entry forms – not an

easy task for a tournament with 168 players! Thanks Eunice!

• Scorers at the front desk Shun Ikeda, Jenni Oliver,

Agus Setiabudi, Frank Derwent, Mirabelle Guo and

Jenny Mason

The scorers gave up their time to make the organiser’s life

much easier. They showed compassion at all times and

ensured the tournament ran smoothly when no arbiter was

in sight!

• Bulletin helpers during the tournament: Junta

Ikeda, Deborah Ng, Shan-Shan Qiao, Gareth Oliver,

Charmian Zhang, Stephanie Leung, Penelope Hoey,

Ronald Yu, Shervin Rafizadeh, Ronald Scott, Sarah

Anton, Anthony To, Louis Chu, Jonathan Szeto,

Edwin Wu, Jonas Muller, Kevin Tan, Sammy Grigg,

Andrew Brown, Emma Guo, John Papantoniou,

Bernard Chau, Callum McCrow, Mrs Shang, Mrs Ng,

Mr Wan, Mrs Cheung and Mr Siow-Lee

These people worked very hard in the bulletin room (some

harder than others, right Shervin?) during the two weeks to

prepare the bulletins you received at the end of your games.

Whether it was deciphering the hieroglyphics on certain

problem scoresheets, stapling and photocopying the bulletin

or providing entertainment to other bulletin helpers, their

help was greatly appreciated.

• Canteen helpers during the tournament: Bonnie

Wu (canteen coordinator); Winnie Chau, Janet

Dunbabin, Linda Wu (team leaders); Cherry Chen,

Esther Cheung, Tracy Cowell, John Gu, Mengyi He,

Shelley Hong, Tina Huddleston, Eliza MacLennan,

Theresa Nguyen, Danny Pan, Peter Papp, Vin

Rebulado, Jin Shan, Grace Shang, Weng Sisu (all

canteen helpers); Helen Tan (T-shirt selling during

the tournament); Winnie Wong (catering for

opening and closing ceremonies); and another

helper, who played a major role, wishes to remain

anonymous. There were other canteen helpers too,

whose names we didn't record – apologies if your

name has been omitted.

The real heroes of the tournament were the courageous

men and women serving at the canteen who held off the

massive stampedes of kids to make sure we all had a chance

to be fed.

• John Gu for lending five computers to the bulletin

staff for entering games.

• Dr Nigel Nettheim, Bob Meadley and an

anonymous person who donated extra money for

the problem solving championships.

• The A-Teens, Matchbox Twenty and Spice Girls

These bands provided the inspiration for multiple bulletins,

some songs were even played time after time after time

after time on repeat... yes, just the one song on repeat over

and over and over again.

A number of organisations should also be thanked for

their support of the event:

• The New South Wales Junior Chess League

(NSWJCL) for financially supporting the event.

• The New South Wales Chess Association (NSWCA),

North Sydney Leagues Club Chess Club, Manly

Leagues Club Chess Club and Australian Chess

Federation (ACF) for lending equipment for the

duration of the tournament.

• The Australian Academy of Commerce for their

generous sponsorship towards the event.

• Cranbrook School for use of their fabulous venue,

in particular, Mark O’Hara, the facilities manager at




2008 Australian Junior Champion Speech

The following is a copy of Junta Ikeda’s Closing

Ceremony speech and some words of encouragement

for juniors playing in this year’s tournament. Junta is

still as photogenic as ever!

“Firstly, thanks again to Richard Gastineau-Hills and the

NSWJCL for successfully organising this tournament,

and the arbiters, Charles Zworestine, Roland Eime and

Brian Allison. Thanks to all the parents who helped in

the canteen, at the scoring table, everyone who helped

enter games throughout the course of the tournament,

the bulletin editors, Heather Huddleston and Michael

Lip, Michael also for being the webmaster. Thanks to

the people who composed problems for the problem

solving event, and all the people who helped in the

main event and three side events. I’d like to also

thanks to my family for their support over the years,

and especially my dad for his support over these few

weeks, my coach Andras Toth, and Igor Bjelobrk and

Ingela Eriksson for letting me stay at their place

throughout the tournament.

Thanks to Cranbrook School for providing us with a

great venue. 6 years ago, when I was still 10 years old, I

participated in my first Australian Juniors (U/12) at the

same school, which I think would have been my very

first interstate tournament. I remember how I was

nervous and excited at the same time, but I have

played in every Juniors after that and built up some


Back at the start of 2002, my rating was only 639, and

there were much less players over 1000 in the U/12

section than now, so I’m happy that the level of young

players has improved. I think it was after that

tournament that I started working really hard on chess,

because I realised that there were so many better

junior players than me and I wanted to really improve

my chess. In the next ACF rating list, I went up to 901,

then 1138, and then to 1400, making me one of the

favourites for the 2003 U/12 Open.

Chess is different from sports such as soccer or

basketball because it is a single player sport, and the

results really come back at you quickly, which improves

your self responsibility, control and discipline. For

example, if you haven’t worked on chess for quite a

while, you’re not going to feel as confident in your

game and won’t have the full motivation, whereas if

you regularly play serious games, receive good

coaching, play through games from a book or analyse

your own games, there’s always room for

improvement and you keep wanting to improve to the

next level and achieve a higher rating in the next list.

To the juniors, I believe the best way to improve your

chess is not to study pages and pages of opening

theory or simply read various chess books, but to

analyse your own games in detail, try and figure out

what your strengths and weaknesses are, think about

how you can improve, and if reading books with

famous games in it, not just looking at the diagrams

but go through the games on a board, comparing the

moves in the games with the moves you might have

played if you were in the players’ position.

To the parents, thank you for supporting your

children’s chess, as it takes a lot of time, money,

patience, stress and effort to do this, but please don’t

pressure them negatively, or talk to them or treat

them angrily after they lose, as that can only have a

negative effect on their play. Younger juniors, who are

only starting to gain independence, tend to play games

better when thinking of how a win would make them

happy, rather than thinking about what might happen

after their game if they lose. Also, an important thing

to remember is that you can always learn a few things

from every game you lose, but just regretting playing a

losing move won’t help your chess at all.

I was happy to win this year’s Australian Juniors, as I

was very confident and relaxed at the same time that I

could win. I was also top seed at last years Juniors in

Canberra, but I don’t think I was ready to become the

champion then, as I felt the pressure stacked on me

and I didn’t take the tournament game by game, move

by move. Reflecting the 6 years from the 2002 Juniors

to this year’s, I’ve always tried to stay positive towards

my chess and I think the hard work has paid off. I hope

Andrew Brown or Yi Yuan can win the next year’s

Australian Juniors, making it three years in a row for

the ACT. A thing about long chess tournaments is that

you tend to miss out on exercise, so although the

weather was bad in the first half of this tournament, it

recovered in the second half and we got to play some

soccer like the previous years, which was good. I hope

that tradition goes on in the Juniors from next year as


This year I missed some things out in the speech at the

closing ceremony, and thanks to the generosity of the

bulletin editor, I was able to write this up to make up

for it, but I think it would be interesting to have the

champion write something for the final bulletin every

year from now on. Finally, thanks to all the players who

participated in all the events and I hope you all have

fun in future Australian Junior Championships.”

– Junta Ikeda, 2008 Australian Junior Champion

2002 – Under 12 Open 2008 – Under 18 Open



Australian Junior Championships

Winners – Under 12 and Under 18 Girls Divisions

Under 8 1

st Charlie-Rose MacLennan (NSW)



Under 10


Kashish Christian (NSW) [beat Katherine McGregor (NSW) in playoff 3-2]


Katherine McGregor (NSW)


Grace Alvares (NSW)

Under 12 1

st Leteisha Simmonds (QLD)


Abbie Kanagarajah (QLD)


Clarise Koh (NSW)

Under 14


Megan Setiabudi (ACT) 2

nd Amy Brown (WA)


Winnie Yum (QLD)

Under 16 1

st Sally Yu (VIC)


Katrina Knapp (SA)


Charmian Zhang (NSW)

Under 18


Deborah Ng (NSW) 2

nd Tamzin Oliver (ACT)


Shan-Shan Qiao (NSW)



Australian Junior Championships

Winners – Under 12 and Under 18 Open Divisions

Under 8 1

st Peter Wallmueller (VIC)

[beat Anton Smirnov (NSW) in playoff 1½-½]


Anton Smirnov (NSW)


Daniel Yuan (VIC)

Under 10


Harry Ruan (NSW) [beat Anurag Sannidhanam (VIC) in playoff 1½-½]


Anurag Sannidhanam (VIC)


Michael Chan (VIC)

Under 12 1

st Laurence Matheson (VIC)


Yi Liu (QLD)


Joshua Lau (NSW)

Under 14


Yi Yuan (ACT) 2

nd Eugene Schon (VIC)


Cedric Antolis (VIC)

Under 16 1

st Gene Nakauchi (QLD)

[beat Fedja Zulfic (SA) in playoff 3-2]


Sam Grigg (QLD)


Samuel Dalton (VIC)

Under 18


Junta Ikeda (ACT) 2

nd Fedja Zulfic (SA)


Chris Wallis (VIC)



Australian Junior Lightning Championships Title Winners

Open Girls

Under 8 Anton Smirnov (NSW) Kashish Christian (NSW)

Under 10 Anurag Sannidhanam (VIC) Grace Alvares (NSW)

Under 12 Alexander Stahnke (QLD) Leteisha Simmonds (QLD)

Under 14 Eugene Schon (VIC) Miranda Webb-Liddle (VIC)

[beat Katrina Knapp (SA) in playoff 1½-½]

Under 16 Zhigen Wilson Lin (VIC) Emma Guo (ACT)

Under 18 Junta Ikeda (ACT) Sally Yu (VIC)

[beat Emma Guo (ACT) in playoff 2-1]

Australian Junior Rapid-Play Championships Title Winners

Open Girls

Under 8 Anton Smirnov (NSW) Kashish Christian (NSW)

Under 10 Anurag Sannidhanam (VIC) [beat Sean Gu (NSW) in playoff 2-0]

Tayla Wood (WA) [beat Grace Alvares (NSW) in playoff 1½-½]

Under 12 Alexander Stahnke (QLD)

[beat Ryan Louie (QLD) in playoff 2-0] Leteisha Simmonds (QLD)

Under 14 Gene Nakauchi (QLD) Emma Guo (ACT)

[beat Katrina Knapp (SA) in playoff 2-0]

Under 16 Yi Yuan (ACT) Stephanie Ang (VIC)

Under 18 Junta Ikeda (ACT) Sally Yu (VIC)

[beat Alana Chibnall (ACT) in playoff 2-1]

Australian Problem Solving Championships Title Winners

Open Girls

Under 8 William Gong (NSW) Kashish Christian (NSW)

Under 10 Daniel Lapitan (QLD)* Grace Alvares (NSW)

Under 12 Alexander Stahnke (QLD) Clarise Koh (NSW)

Under 14 Yi Yuan (ACT)* Megan Setiabudi (ACT)

Under 16 Allen Setiabudi (ACT)* Sally Yu (VIC)

Under 18 Chris Wallis (VIC)* Emma Guo (ACT)

* Scored 100% in the examination



Australian Junior Under 18 Open

Ikeda,Junta − Dalton,Samuel [D19] (11.1), 25.01.2008 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.�f3 �f6 4.�c3 dxc4 5.a4 �f5 6.e3 e6 7.�xc4 �b4 8.0-0 �bd7 9.�e2 �g6 10.e4 0-0 11.e5 �d5 12.�e4 c5 13.�g5 �b6 14.dxc5 �c7 15.�g3 �xc5 16.�fd1 �b6 17.�a2 �bxa4 18.h4 h6 19.�f4 �fd8 20.�d4 a6 21.�ac1 �a5 22.�b1 �xb1 23.�xb1 �d5 24.�g4 �d7 25.�xe6 g6 26.�f5 �xe5 27.�xe5 �xe5 28.�xh6+ �h7 29.�xf7 �d5 30.�f4 �f8 31.�xf8+ �xf8 32.�h6+ �g8 33.�xg6# 1-0

Nakauchi,Gene − Grigg,Sam [E58] (11.2), 25.01.2008 1.d4 e6 2.c4 �f6 3.�c3 �b4 4.e3 c5 5.�d3 �c6 6.�f3 0-0 7.0-0 d5 8.a3 �xc3 9.bxc3 a6 10.a4 dxc4 11.�xc4 �a5 12.�a2 c4 13.�a3 �e8 14.�b1 �b8 15.�e5 b5 16.axb5 axb5 17.�xc4 �xc4 18.�xc4 �a6 19.�d3 �d5 20.�b4 �ec8 21.�e2 �g5 22.f4 �h4 23.�f3 �g4 24.�f2 �b7 25.�g3 �h5 26.�g5 �h6 27.�xb5 �e4 28.�c2 f5 29.�a5 �d6 30.�b6 �g6 31.�xd6 �d5 32.�xb8 �xb8 33.�d8+ �xd8 34.�xd8 h5 35.c4 �c6 36.�f1 �g4 37.�b3 �e4 38.d5 h4 39.h3 �g6 40.�xh4 exd5 41.cxd5 �d6 42.�c4 �h7 43.�e1 �f6 44.�d1 �d6 45.�h5+ �g8 46.�e8+ �h7 47.�e5 �a3 48.�c3 �a7 49.�d4 �b7 50.d6 �h6 1-0

Zulfic,Fedja − Brown,Andrew [B13] (11.3), 25.01.2008 1.d4 �f6 2.�f3 e6 3.e3 c5 4.c4 d5 5.a3 cxd4 6.exd4 dxc4 7.�xc4 �e7 8.0-0 0-0 9.b4 b6 10.�b2 �b7 11.�bd2 �a6 12.�c1 �c7 13.�e1 �cd5 14.�e5 �f4 15.�df3 �6d5 16.�f1 �c8 17.g3 �g6 18.�g2 �xc1 19.�xc1 �a8 20.�d3 �d8 21.�xg6 hxg6 22.�g5 �xg5 23.�xg5 �f6 24.�xb7 �xb7 25.h4 �c8 26.�e3 �c2 27.�c1 �d5 28.�e1 �xc1 29.�xc1 �c7 30.�e1 �f8 31.�d1 �e7 32.�d3 �d7 33.�f3 �c7 34.�e5 �d5 35.�c2 �b5 36.a4 �xd4 37.�c7+ �e8 38.�xf7+ �d8 39.�f8+ �c7 40.�xg7+ �d6 41.f4 �f3+ 42.�f2 �xe5 43.�xe5+ �xe5 44.fxe5+ �xe5 45.�e3 �f5 46.�f3 a6 47.g4+ �e5 48.h5 gxh5 49.gxh5 b5 50.h6 �f6 51.axb5 axb5 52.�e4 1-0

Wallis,Christopher − Wu,Edwin [B52] (11.4), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 d6 3.�b5+ �d7 4.�xd7+ �xd7 5.c4 �f6 6.�c3 g6 7.d4 cxd4 8.�xd4 �g7 9.f3 0-0 10.�e3 �c8 11.b3 a6 12.a4 �c6 13.0-0 �d8 14.�de2 �d7 15.�b1 a5 16.�d2 �c5 17.�fd1 �f8 18.�h1 �h8 19.�e1 �b4 20.�d4 �c6 21.�xg7+ �xg7 22.�h4 �f8 23.�d5 f5 24.exf5 gxf5 25.�d2 �ad8 26.�d4 e5 27.�b5 f4 28.�dc3 �g6 29.�e1 �f6 30.�e4 �xe4 31.�xe4 �xe4 32.fxe4 �g7 33.�bd1 �f8 34.�xd6 b6 35.�f5 �xd2 36.�xd2 �xf5 37.exf5 �d4 38.g3 f3 39.�g1 �e7 40.�f2 �xb3 41.�b2 �c5 42.�xb6 e4 43.�e3 �f7 44.�b5 �d3 45.�b1 f2 46.�f1 1-0

Yuan,Yi − Schon,Eugene [C56] (11.5), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.d4 exd4 4.�c4 �f6 5.e5 d5 6.�b5 �e4 7.�xd4 �d7 8.�xc6 bxc6 9.0-0 �c5 10.�e3 �b6 11.f3 �g5 12.f4 �e4 13.�c3 �xc3 14.bxc3 �e7 15.�d2 0-0 16.�ae1 �ad8 17.f5 c5 18.�g5 �e8 19.�b3 c4+ 20.�d4 c5 21.�xd8 �xd8 22.f6 h6 23.�f5 �xf5 24.�xf5 �e6 25.�f3 g5 26.h4 �g4 27.hxg5 hxg5 28.�f2 d4 29.�g3 �f5+ 30.�g1 g4 31.�h6 �g6 32.�h4 1-0

Choong,Yita − Muller,Jonas [B31] (11.6), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�c3 �f6 4.�b5 g6 5.�xc6 dxc6 6.h3 �g7 7.d3 0-0 8.0-0 �d7 9.�e3 e5 10.�d2 �e8 11.a4 a5 12.�h2 b6 13.�g4 �e7 14.f4 h6 15.�xe5 �xe5 16.fxe5 �xe5 17.�f4 �d4+ 18.�h1 �a6 19.�e2 �g7 20.�g5 �d6 21.�f4 �xf4 22.�xf4 �xb2 23.�af1 �a7 24.g4 �e5 25.�4f3 hxg5 ½-½

Setiabudi,Allen − Nguyen,Joseph [B40] (11.7), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e6 2.�f3 d5 3.�c3 c5 4.exd5 exd5 5.�b5+ �d7 6.�e2+ �e7 7.�xd5 �xb5 8.�c7+ �d8 9.�xe7+ �xe7 10.�xb5 �c6 11.0-0 �f6 12.a3 a6 13.�c3 �c7 14.d3 �ac8 15.�e1 �d6 16.�g5 �d4 17.�xd4 cxd4 18.�xf6 gxf6 19.�d5+ �b8 20.�ac1 f5 21.c4 dxc3 22.�xc3 �xc3 23.�xc3 �d8 24.d4 �c7 25.�c1 �b6 26.g3 �e7 27.d5 �f6 28.�d1 �xc3 29.bxc3 �c5 30.�d4 b5 31.�h4 �h8 32.�h5 �xd5 33.�xf5+ �e6 34.�f3 �c8 35.�e3+ �d5 36.f4 �c4 37.�e5+ �d6 38.�h5 f6 39.�h6 �e6 40.�xh7 �xc3 41.a4 b4 42.a5 �d5 43.�b7 �c4 44.g4 �f3 45.g5 �xf4 46.gxf6 �xf6 47.�b6 �f5 48.�xa6 �b5 49.�c6+ �d5 50.�c1 b3 51.a6 �a5 52.�f2 �d4 53.�f3 b2 54.�b1 �c3 55.�g4 �c2 56.�xb2+ �xb2 57.h4 �c3 58.a7 �d4 59.a8� �xa8 60.�f5 �h8 61.�g5 �e5 62.h5 �g8+ 63.�h6 �f6 64.�h7 �g5 65.�h8 �xh5+ 66.�g8 �h6 67.�f8 �h8# 0-1

Gearing,Michael − Guo,Emma [C25] (11.8), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�c3 �c6 3.g3 �c5 4.�g2 h5 5.h4 �f6 6.d3 �g4 7.�h3 a6 8.�e2 d6 9.�d5 �e7 10.�xe7 �xe7 11.f3 �f6 12.�d2 �d7 13.�f2 0-0-0 14.b4 �a7 15.a4 �b8 16.0-0 �h7 17.�fb1 g5 18.hxg5 �xg5 19.b5 �dg8 20.bxa6 �h3+ 21.�f1 �xf2 22.�xb7+ �a8 23.�e3 �xe3 24.�xe3 c5 25.�xf2 �b8 26.�ab1 �xb7 27.�xb7 �b8 28.�c1 �xb7 29.axb7+ �xb7 30.�b2+ �a7 31.�b3 �e6 32.�b5 �b7 33.�a5+ �a6 34.�c7+ �a8 35.a5 c4 36.dxc4 �xc4 37.�e3 �a7+ 38.�xa7+ �xa7 39.f4 �a6 40.�f3 exf4+ 41.�xf4 �xa5 42.�xh5 �b4 43.�f5 �c3 44.�f6 �xc2 45.�xf7 �d3 46.�d5 �c3 47.g4 �d4 48.�f5 1-0



Yu,Derek − Xu,William [B30] (11.9), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�b5 e6 4.�xc6 bxc6 5.d3 �e7 6.0-0 �g6 7.b3 e5 8.�bd2 d6 9.�e1 �e7 10.�f1 0-0 11.�g3 �e6 12.�e3 �d7 13.�g5 �ab8 14.�d2 h6 15.�xe6 fxe6 16.�h5 �h7 17.�f1 �f7 18.g3 �bf8 19.f4 exf4 20.gxf4 d5 21.�g2 �h4 22.�g4 d4 23.�d2 g5 24.fxg5 �xg5 25.�xg5 �f3+ 26.�g2 �xg5 27.�g3 �d6 28.�xf7+ �xf7 29.�f1 �xf1 30.�xf1 �c7 31.h4 �f7 32.�h5 �e5 33.�f4 �f6 34.�e2 �e5 35.�g3 �d7 36.h5 e5 37.�g6 �g5 38.�xg5 hxg5 39.�f3 �f6 40.�xe5 �xh5 41.�xc6 �g6 42.�xa7 �f6 43.�c6 g4+ 44.�g3 �g5 45.a4 �h5+ 46.�g2 �f4+ 47.�g1 g3 48.�e5 �h4 49.�f3+ �g4 50.�e1 �h3 51.a5 �e6 52.a6 �g4 53.a7 �c7 54.�g2 �f4 55.�f3 �e3 56.e5 �f4 57.e6 �d5 58.a8� �e3+ 59.�g1 g2 60.�e4+ �g3 61.�h2 1-0

Jule,Sebastian − Antolis,Cedric [A52] (11.10), 25.01.2008 1.d4 �f6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 �g4 4.�f3 �c5 5.e3 �c6 6.b3 0-0 7.�b2 �e8 8.�d3 a5 9.a3 �gxe5 10.�xe5 �xe5 11.�xh7+ �xh7 12.�h5+ �g8 13.�xe5 �e7 14.�c3 �xe3 15.fxe3 �xe3+ 16.�d1 �d3+ 17.�c1 �e2 18.�d2 �xd2 19.�xd2 �c3+ 20.�b1 �xd2 21.�f3 d6 22.�a2 �d4 23.�d1 �f5+ 24.�c1 �f6 25.�f1 g6 26.�e3 a4 27.b4 �h4 28.�f4 �f6 29.�d2 �e8 30.g4 �e6 31.�c3 �xg4 32.�af2 �f5 33.�g1 �f6+ 34.�d2 �b2+ 35.�d1 �b1+ 36.�c1 �b3+ 37.�c2 �xc2+ 38.�xc2 �xc2+ 39.�xc2 �e2+ 40.�b1 �xh2 41.�e1 �f8 42.�e4 f5 43.�f4 �f7 44.c5 �f6 45.cxd6 cxd6 46.b5 �h3 47.�b4 �b3+ 48.�xb3 axb3 49.a4 �e7 50.a5 �d7 51.a6 bxa6 0-1

Papantoniou,John − Dyer,Alastair [B01] (11.11), 25.01.2008 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 �xd5 3.�c3 �d6 4.d4 �f6 5.�f3 a6 6.�e3 e6 7.�e2 b5 8.a3 �b7 9.h3 �e7 10.0-0 �bd7 11.�d2 h6 12.�h2 0-0 13.�f3 �xf3 14.�xf3 �d5 15.�xd5 exd5 16.�f4 �g6 17.�e5 �xe5 18.�xe5 c6 ½-½

Miranda,Adrian − Chau,Adrian [B78] (11.12), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 �f6 5.�c3 g6 6.�e3 �g7 7.f3 0-0 8.�d2 �c6 9.�c4 �d7 10.0-0-0 �c8 11.�b3 �e5 12.�b1 �e8 13.g4 b5 14.h4 a5 15.h5 a4 16.hxg6 axb3 17.g5 �c4 18.�h2 �xe3 19.gxf6 exf6 20.gxh7+ �h8 21.�dg1 bxa2+ 22.�a1 �c5 23.�d5 �xd5 24.exd5 �g4 25.fxg4 f5 26.�xf5 �xb2+ 27.�xb2 �c4+ 28.�b3 �a5 29.�xd6 �xd6 30.�xd6 �e3+ 31.�b2 �a3+ 32.�a1 �xd6 33.�f1 �e5+ 34.�xa2 �xd5+ 35.�b1 �a3 36.�d1 �a2+ 37.�c1 �a1+ 38.�d2 �d4+ 39.�e2 �e3+ 40.�f2 �f4+ 41.�g2 �g3+ 42.�h2 �f2# 0-1

Cameron,Alistair − Kong,Adrian [E98] (11.13), 25.01.2008 1.d4 �f6 2.c4 g6 3.�c3 �g7 4.e4 d6 5.�f3 0-0 6.�e2 �c6 7.0-0 e5 8.d5 �e7 9.�e1 �e8 10.�e3 f5 11.f3 b6 12.�d3 f4 13.�f2 g5 14.b4 �g6 15.c5 h5 16.cxd6 cxd6 17.�c1 �f6 18.�b5 g4 19.�c2 h4 20.�c7 g3 21.hxg3 hxg3 22.�e1 �b7 23.�xd6 �xd5 24.exd5 �xd5 25.�xd8 �axd8 26.�e4 �e3 27.�c7 �f5 28.�xa7 �h5 29.�d2 �xf1 30.�xf1 �h7 1-0

Adler,Nathan − Ren,Jonathan [D02] (11.14), 25.01.2008 1.d4 d5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�g5 h6 4.�h4 �f5 5.e3 a6 6.c4 g5 7.�g3 e6 8.a3 �g7 9.�b3 �b8 10.�c3 �ge7 11.cxd5 �xd5 12.e4 �xc3 13.exf5 �d5 14.fxe6 fxe6 15.�d1 0-0 16.�d3 g4 17.�e5 �xd4 18.�h7+ �xh7 19.�xd4 h5 20.h3 �f5 21.�d3 �g5 22.hxg4 �c1+ 23.�d1 �xd1+ 24.�xd1 �xe5+ 25.�xe5 �f4 26.�xf4 �xb2 27.�xh5+ �g6 28.�d7 �h8 29.�xh8 �xh8 30.�xc7 �c3+ 31.�xc3 1-0

O'Flynn,Alexander − Papp,Alexander [B78] (11.15), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 �f6 5.�c3 g6 6.�e3 �g7 7.f3 0-0 8.�c4 �c6 9.�d2 �d7 10.�b3 �c8 11.0-0-0 �e5 12.h4 h5 13.�g5 �c4 14.�xc4 �xc4 15.�b3 b5 16.e5 �h7 17.exd6 �xg5 18.dxe7 �xe7 19.�xd7 �e5 20.�xb5 �e3+ 21.�b1 �xc3 22.�xg5 �xg5 23.hxg5 �c7 24.�d5 �b8 25.�hd1 �cb7 26.�d8+ �xd8 27.�xd8+ �h7 28.�d5 �e7 29.c3 f6 30.gxf6 �xf6 31.�c2 �h6 32.�d4 h4 33.b4 �e5 34.�xe5 �xe5 35.�c6 �f6 36.�d4 �g5 37.�e2 1-0

Dalton,Joshua − Shurapey,Dmitriy [D02] (11.16), 25.01.2008 1.d4 d5 2.�f3 �f6 3.�f4 �f5 4.c3 e6 5.e3 h6 6.h3 c5 7.�b3 �c8 8.�bd2 �e7 9.�e2 0-0 10.0-0 �c6 11.�ac1 a6 12.c4 cxd4 13.exd4 �d7 14.�e3 �d6 15.�fd1 �fc8 16.a3 �a5 17.�a2 dxc4 18.�xc4 �xc4 19.�xc4 b5 20.�e2 �d5 21.�e1 �f4 22.�b3 �xc1 23.�xc1 �c8 24.�d1 �e7 25.�f3 �xe3 26.fxe3 �g5 27.�f2 �c7 28.�e2 �h2 29.�b7 �b8 30.�xa6 �xh3 31.�xb5 �g4+ 32.�d2 �xd1 33.�xd1 �h5+ 34.�f3 �f6 35.a4 �h1+ 36.�e1 �h4 37.�c3 �xe1 38.�xe1 �xg2 39.b4 �b2 40.�g3 �c8 0-1



Round 11 Results

No Name Feder Rtg Loc Total Result Name Feder Rtg Loc Total

1 Ikeda, Junta ACT 2201 2233 [9.5] 1:0 Dalton, Samuel VIC 1735 1747 [7.5]

2 Nakauchi, Gene QLD 2092 1900 [7.5] 1:0 Grigg, Sam QLD 1897 1727 [7.5]

3 Zulfic, Fedja SA 1933 1767 [7.5] 1:0 Brown, Andrew ACT 2004 1973 [7]

4 Wallis, Christopher VIC 2259 2172 [7] 1:0 Wu, Edwin NSW 1881 1754 [7]

5 Yuan, Yi ACT 1937 1935 [7] 1:0 Schon, Eugene VIC 2002 1912 [7]

6 Choong, Yita WA 1848 1972 [6.5] .5:.5 Muller, Jonas QLD 1993 1680 [6.5]

7 Setiabudi, Allen ACT 1859 1613 [6.5] 0:1 Nguyen, Joseph NSW 1910 1797 [6.5]

8 Gearing, Michael QLD 1885 1739 [6.5] 1:0 Guo, Emma ACT 1749 1525 [6.5]

9 Yu, Derek VIC 1987 1854 [6] 1:0 Xu, William NSW 1769 [6]

10 Jule, Sebastian QLD 1413 [6] 0:1 Antolis, Cedric VIC 1785 1810 [6]

11 Papantoniou, John NSW 1635 [6] .5:.5 Dyer, Alastair TAS 1798 [6]

12 Miranda, Adrian NSW 1565 [5.5] 0:1 Chau, Adrian NSW 1379 [5.5]

13 Cameron, Alistair SA 1276 [5.5] 1:0 Kong, Adrian NSW 1554 [5.5]

14 Adler, Nathan NSW 1540 [5.5] 1:0 Ren, Jonathan NSW 1378 [5.5]

15 O'Flynn, Alexander QLD 1391 [5.5] 1:0 Papp, Alexander NSW 1540 [5.5]

16 Dalton, Joshua VIC 1452 [5.5] 0:1 Shurapey, Dmitriy NSW 1302 [5.5]

17 Nguyen, Dominic NSW 1250 [5.5] .5:.5 Leung, Nicholas NSW 1447 [5.5]

18 Naoumov, Edward NSW [5.5] 1:0 Beilby, Kieton QLD 1439 [5.5]

19 Wei, Robin QLD [5.5] 0:1 Encel, Benjamin NSW 1353 [5]

20 Qiao, Jeremy NSW 1117 [5] 0:1 Tan, Justin VIC 1521 [5]

21 Deen-Cowell, Nicholas NSW 1074 [5] 0:1 Milton, Anthony W SA 1510 [5]

22 Searle, Zachary SA 1366 [5] 1:0 Tan, Kevin NSW 1073 [5]

23 Shi, Dawen NSW 1275 [5] .5:.5 Spooner, Andrew ACT 778 [5]

24 Cook, William NSW [5] .5:.5 Nabung, Christian NSW 1254 [5]

25 Yan, Danny NSW 1048 [5] 0:1 Wan, Kinto NSW 1128 [5]

26 Saroha, Chirag WA 1081 [4.5] 0:1 Yuen, Jonathan NSW 1663 [4.5]

27 Zhang, Raymond NSW 1031 [4.5] 1:0 Coy, Rupert NSW 799 [4.5]

28 Briant, James TAS 1169 [4] 0:1 Cheung, Benjamin NSW 1526 [4]

29 Short, Owen TAS 1038 [4] 0:1 Vather, Tejas NSW 1391 [4]

30 Hendrey, Kevin TAS 1387 [4] 0:1 Chaffey, Will NSW 1109 [4]

31 Ayvazyan, Nikita NSW [4] 1:0 Boni, Christopher WA 1378 [4]

32 Bonch-Osmolovskiy, Ilya NSW 982 [4] 0:1 Milton, Thomas J SA 1347 [4]

33 Nguyen, Peter NSW 954 [4] 0:1 Morris, Gill NSW 1205 [4]

34 Mehmedbasic, Ennes NSW [4] 1:0 Davis, Kieran TAS 968 [3.5]

35 Peck, Robbie QLD 1058 [3.5] 1:0 Atherton, John QLD 712 [3.5]

36 Vather, Akhil NSW 720 [3.5] 1:0 Dalton, Micah VIC 948 [3.5]

37 Vo, Henry NSW [3.5] 1:0 Jack, Curtis QLD 928 [3.5]

38 Thornley, Max VIC 138 [3] .5:.5 Lakshman, Vinay VIC [2.5]

39 Weinstock, Alexander NSW [3] 1:0 McCrow, Callum ACT 541 [2.5]

40 Anderson, Kaidon QLD 745 [3] 1:0 Hemzal, Yoshi NSW 301 [1]

41 Tsang, Matthew NSW 761 [3.5] 1:0 BYE

Final Crosstable

No Name Feder Rtg Loc Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Ikeda, Junta ACT 2201 2233 10.5 32:W 39:W 8:W 11:D 14:W 17:W 4:W 10:W 3:W 2:W 7:W

2 Zulfic, Fedja SA 1933 1767 8.5 60:W 66:W 4:L 46:W 21:W 8:W 11:D 27:W 6:W 1:L 10:W

3 Nakauchi, Gene QLD 2092 1900 8.5 35:W 43:W 15:W 4:L 19:W 27:D 13:W 5:W 1:L 10:W 6:W

4 Wallis, Christopher VIC 2259 2172 8 59:W 38:W 2:W 3:W 10:W 5:W 1:L 6:L 11:W 7:L 12:W

5 Yuan, Yi ACT 1937 1935 8 46:W 52:W 9:W 17:W 13:W 4:L 10:L 3:L 37:W 28:W 11:W

6 Grigg, Sam QLD 1897 1727 7.5 58:W 77:W 13:D 7:L 50:W 32:W 12:W 4:W 2:L 17:W 3:L

7 Dalton, Samuel VIC 1735 1747 7.5 50:W 30:D 16:W 6:W 11:L 12:D 36:D 23:W 8:+ 4:W 1:L

8 Nguyen, Joseph NSW 1910 1797 7.5 54:W 22:W 1:L 29:W 18:W 2:L 42:W 14:D 7:- 36:W 19:W

9 Gearing, Michael QLD 1885 1739 7.5 62:W 68:W 5:L 18:L 44:W 51:D 31:W 13:L 30:W 38:W 20:W

10 Brown, Andrew ACT 2004 1973 7 26:W 21:W 12:W 14:W 4:L 11:W 5:W 1:L 13:W 3:L 2:L

11 Schon, Eugene VIC 2002 1912 7 42:W 20:W 41:W 1:D 7:W 10:L 2:D 37:W 4:L 27:W 5:L

12 Wu, Edwin NSW 1881 1754 7 49:W 18:W 10:L 28:W 41:W 7:D 6:L 36:W 40:D 14:W 4:L

13 Choong, Yita WA 1848 1972 7 25:W 40:W 6:D 31:W 5:L 20:W 3:L 9:W 10:L 22:W 15:D

14 Antolis, Cedric VIC 1785 1810 7 69:W 37:W 19:W 10:L 1:L 25:W 21:W 8:D 27:D 12:L 28:W

15 Muller, Jonas QLD 1993 1680 7 70:W 57:W 3:L 25:W 17:L 37:L 32:D 51:W 35:W 18:W 13:D

16 Yu, Derek VIC 1987 1854 7 55:W 31:D 7:L 32:L 68:W 67:W 51:W 18:D 28:L 29:W 27:W



17 Dyer, Alastair TAS

1798 6.5 34:W 29:W 28:W 5:L 15:W 1:L 18:D 22:D 50:W 6:L 24:D

18 Chau, Adrian NSW

1379 6.5 23:W 12:L 77:W 9:W 8:L 19:W 17:D 16:D 38:D 15:L 39:W

19 Setiabudi, Allen ACT 1859 1613 6.5 76:W 36:W 14:L 34:W 3:L 18:L 30:D 26:W 49:W 40:W 8:L

20 Guo, Emma ACT 1749 1525 6.5 63:W 11:L 69:W 36:D 30:W 13:L 23:L 46:W 45:W 39:W 9:L

21 Adler, Nathan NSW

1540 6.5 75:W 10:L 42:W 53:W 2:L 49:W 14:L 50:L 34:W 37:D 44:W

22 O'Flynn, Alexander QLD

1391 6.5 47:W 8:L 50:D 68:W 32:L 55:W 41:W 17:D 39:D 13:L 40:W

23 Naoumov, Edward NSW

6.5 18:L 62:W 44:W 40:W 24:L 41:D 20:W 7:L 29:L 52:W 37:W

24 Papantoniou, John NSW

1635 6.5 68:L 33:D 47:W 54:W 23:W 36:D 37:L 28:L 32:W 50:W 17:D

25 Cameron, Alistair SA

1276 6.5 13:L 74:W 39:W 15:L 40:W 14:L 29:L 70:W 67:W 33:D 38:W

26 Shurapey, Dmitriy NSW

1302 6.5 10:L 71:W 27:L 81:W 38:L 75:D 57:W 19:L 74:W 45:W 43:W

27 Xu, William NSW

1769 6 53:W 28:L 26:W 51:W 49:W 3:D 38:W 2:L 14:D 11:L 16:L

28 Jule, Sebastian QLD

1413 6 56:W 27:W 17:L 12:L 69:D 30:D 53:W 24:W 16:W 5:L 14:L

29 Leung, Nicholas NSW

1447 6 80:W 17:L 60:W 8:L 46:D 69:D 25:W 45:D 23:W 16:L 35:D

30 Searle, Zachary SA

1366 6 73:W 7:D 31:L 57:W 20:L 28:D 19:D 41:W 9:L 49:D 50:W

31 Milton, Anthony W SA

1510 6 65:W 16:D 30:W 13:L 36:L 46:W 9:L 35:L 53:D 69:W 49:W

32 Encel, Benjamin NSW

1353 6 1:L 70:W 57:D 16:W 22:W 6:L 15:D 38:L 24:L 53:W 36:W

33 Tan, Justin VIC

1521 6 72:D 24:D 34:L 45:L 61:W 62:W 60:W 49:D 36:L 25:D 54:W

34 Wan, Kinto NSW

1128 6 17:L 65:W 33:W 19:L 37:L 47:W 39:L 76:W 21:L 67:W 58:W

35 Nguyen, Dominic NSW

1250 6 3:L 48:W 40:L 56:L 63:D 79:W 75:W 31:W 15:L 41:W 29:D

36 Wei, Robin QLD

5.5 44:W 19:L 59:W 20:D 31:W 24:D 7:D 12:L 33:W 8:L 32:L

37 Beilby, Kieton QLD

1439 5.5 81:W 14:L 49:L 71:W 34:W 15:W 24:W 11:L 5:L 21:D 23:L

38 Kong, Adrian NSW

1554 5.5 74:W 4:L 46:L 58:W 26:W 45:W 27:L 32:W 18:D 9:L 25:L

39 Miranda, Adrian NSW

1565 5.5 71:W 1:L 25:L 60:W 59:W 42:L 34:W 44:W 22:D 20:L 18:L

40 Papp, Alexander NSW

1540 5.5 61:W 13:L 35:W 23:L 25:L 54:W 69:W 42:W 12:D 19:L 22:L

41 Yuen, Jonathan NSW

1663 5.5 45:W 79:W 11:L 66:W 12:L 23:D 22:L 30:L 47:W 35:L 60:W

42 Nabung, Christian NSW

1254 5.5 11:L 61:W 21:L 77:W 52:W 39:W 8:L 40:L 44:L 56:W 47:D

43 Dalton, Joshua VIC

1452 5.5 78:W 3:L 53:L 76:W 55:D 50:D 49:L 60:W 68:W 44:D 26:L

44 Ren, Jonathan NSW

1378 5.5 36:L 45:W 23:L 74:W 9:L 58:W 56:W 39:L 42:W 43:D 21:L

45 Zhang, Raymond NSW

1031 5.5 41:L 44:L 65:W 33:W 66:W 38:L 55:W 29:D 20:L 26:L 61:W

46 Shi, Dawen NSW

1275 5.5 5:L 75:W 38:W 2:L 29:D 31:L 59:W 20:L 56:D 68:W 48:D

47 Cook, William NSW

5.5 22:L 54:D 24:L 70:D 76:W 34:L 62:W 69:W 41:L 55:W 42:D

48 Spooner, Andrew ACT

778 5.5 52:L 35:L 58:L 80:W 62:L 77:W 68:L 73:W 65:W 66:W 46:D

49 Deen-Cowell, Nicholas NSW

1074 5 12:L 56:W 37:W 52:W 27:L 21:L 43:W 33:D 19:L 30:D 31:L

50 Tan, Kevin NSW

1073 5 7:L 73:W 22:D 67:W 6:L 43:D 66:W 21:W 17:L 24:L 30:L

51 Vather, Tejas NSW

1391 5 79:L 58:W 81:W 27:L 53:W 9:D 16:L 15:L 55:D 54:L 70:W

52 Cheung, Benjamin NSW

1526 5 48:W 5:L 55:W 49:L 42:L 60:L 71:W 53:D 54:D 23:L 69:W

53 Chaffey, Will NSW

1109 5 27:L 80:W 43:W 21:L 51:L 71:W 28:L 52:D 31:D 32:L 67:W

54 Qiao, Jeremy NSW

1117 5 8:L 47:D 72:W 24:L 57:W 40:L 67:D 56:D 52:D 51:W 33:L

55 Morris, Gill NSW

1205 5 16:L 63:W 52:L 73:W 43:D 22:L 45:L 78:W 51:D 47:L 71:W

56 Ayvazyan, Nikita NSW

5 28:L 49:L 75:W 35:W 67:L 59:W 44:L 54:D 46:D 42:L 66:W

57 Mehmedbasic, Ennes NSW

5 67:W 15:L 32:D 30:L 54:L 74:W 26:L 62:D 58:L 0:W 76:W

58 Yan, Danny NSW

1048 5 6:L 51:L 48:W 38:L 72:W 44:L 61:W 67:L 57:W 59:W 34:L

59 Milton, Thomas J SA

1347 5 4:L 76:W 36:L 61:W 39:L 56:L 46:L 63:W 70:W 58:L 68:W

60 Saroha, Chirag WA

1081 4.5 2:L 64:W 29:L 39:L 81:W 52:W 33:L 43:L 61:D 75:W 41:L

61 Coy, Rupert NSW

799 4.5 40:L 42:L 62:W 59:L 33:L 81:W 58:L 64:W 60:D 74:W 45:L

62 Peck, Robbie QLD

1058 4.5 9:L 23:L 61:L 65:W 48:W 33:L 47:L 57:D 77:D 63:D 78:W

63 Tsang, Matthew NSW

761 4.5 20:L 55:L 70:D 72:D 35:D 68:D 76:L 59:L 78:W 62:D 0:W

64 Vo, Henry NSW

4.5 66:L 60:L 74:L 0:W 71:L 72:L 81:W 61:L 73:W 76:D 75:W

65 Vather, Akhil NSW

720 4.5 31:L 34:L 45:L 62:L 78:D 73:L 0:W 80:W 48:L 79:W 74:W

66 Boni, Christopher WA

1378 4 64:W 2:L 79:W 41:L 45:L 70:W 50:L 68:L 71:W 48:L 56:L

67 Hendrey, Kevin TAS

1387 4 57:L 72:W 68:D 50:L 56:W 16:L 54:D 58:W 25:L 34:L 53:L

68 Bonch-Osmolovskiy, Ilya NSW

982 4 24:W 9:L 67:D 22:L 16:L 63:D 48:W 66:W 43:L 46:L 59:L

69 Briant, James TAS

1169 4 14:L 78:W 20:L 79:W 28:D 29:D 40:L 47:L 76:W 31:L 52:L

70 Short, Owen TAS

1038 4 15:L 32:L 63:D 47:D 77:W 66:L 73:W 25:L 59:L 72:W 51:L

71 Nguyen, Peter NSW

954 4 39:L 26:L 80:W 37:L 64:W 53:L 52:L 72:W 66:L 77:W 55:L

72 Anderson, Kaidon QLD

745 4 33:D 67:L 54:L 63:D 58:L 64:W 74:L 71:L 0:W 70:L 81:W

73 Weinstock, Alexander NSW

4 30:L 50:L 0:W 55:L 75:L 65:W 70:L 48:L 64:L 81:W 80:W

74 Dalton, Micah VIC

948 3.5 38:L 25:L 64:W 44:L 79:D 57:L 72:W 75:W 26:L 61:L 65:L

75 Jack, Curtis QLD

928 3.5 21:L 46:L 56:L 78:W 73:W 26:D 35:L 74:L 79:W 60:L 64:L

76 Davis, Kieran TAS

968 3.5 19:L 59:L 78:W 43:L 47:L 80:W 63:W 34:L 69:L 64:D 57:L

77 Thornley, Max VIC

138 3.5 0:W 6:L 18:L 42:L 70:L 48:L 80:D 81:W 62:D 71:L 79:D

78 Atherton, John QLD

712 3.5 43:L 69:L 76:L 75:L 65:D 0:W 79:W 55:L 63:L 80:W 62:L

79 Lakshman, Vinay VIC

3 51:W 41:L 66:L 69:L 74:D 35:L 78:L 0:W 75:L 65:L 77:D

80 McCrow, Callum ACT

541 2.5 29:L 53:L 71:L 48:L 0:W 76:L 77:D 65:L 81:W 78:L 73:L

81 Hemzal, Yoshi NSW

301 1 37:L 0:W 51:L 26:L 60:L 61:L 64:L 77:L 80:L 73:L 72:L



Australian Junior Under 18 Girls

Setiabudi,Megan − Webb−Liddle,Miranda [D20] (13.1), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 dxc4 5.�xc4 �f6 6.�f3 �g4 7.�xf7+ �xf7 8.�e5+ �g8 9.�xg4 e6 10.0-0 �e7 11.�e5 h6 12.�b3 b6 13.�xe6+ �h7 14.�f7 �f8 15.�xh8 �xh8 16.�c3 �e8 17.�e1 �c6 18.d5 �d4 19.�xe7 �g6 20.�f1 �e8 21.�d6 �c2 22.�b1 �e1 23.�g3 �c2 24.�xh6 gxh6 25.�fxe1 �e4 26.�xe4 �xe4 27.�c3+ �xc3 28.bxc3 �f4 29.d6 �f8 30.d7 �g7 31.�e8 1-0 Oliver,Tamzin − Chibnall,Alana [B01] (13.2), 25.01.2008 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 �xd5 3.�c3 �d8 4.d4 �f6 5.�f3 �f5 6.�e2 e6 7.0-0 c6 8.a3 �d6 9.�g5 �bd7 10.�e1 �c7 11.�c4 0-0 12.h3 h6 13.�e3 �ad8 14.�b3 a6 15.�e2 �fe8 16.�a2 �d5 17.c4 �xe3 18.�xe3 �f4 19.�c3 �f6 20.�c2 �xc2 21.�xc2 e5 22.dxe5 �xe5 23.�xe5 �xe5 24.�c3 �de8 25.�xe5 �xe5 26.�d1 g6 27.�d3 �e6 28.�d8+ �xd8 29.�xd8+ �e8 30.�d1 �f8 31.�f1 �e4 32.�e2 �e7 33.�d4 �d8 34.f3 �d6 35.�e1+ �d7 36.b3 c5 37.�c2 b5 38.cxb5 axb5 39.�e3 �a8 40.�a1 �e6 41.�e2 f5 42.g3 g5 43.�d3 b4 44.a4 �b7 45.�c4 �d8+ 46.�e2 h5 47.�d1 �a8 48.�d3 �d8+ 49.�e2 �xd1 50.�xd1 �d5 51.�d2 �d4 52.a5 �d8 53.a6 �c6 54.�d6 �a7 55.�xf5+ �e5 56.�e3 �d4 57.�c2+ �e5 58.�d3 �d5 59.�e3+ �c6 60.�c4 �c8 61.�f5 �b6+ 62.�d3 �d7 63.f4 gxf4 64.gxf4 �f6 65.�g3 h4 66.�e4 �d5 67.f5 �f4+ 68.�e3 �d5+ 69.�f3 �b6 70.�g4 �e3+ 71.�f4 �d5+ 72.�e5 �e7 73.f6 �g6+ 74.�f5 �f8 75.�xc5 1-0 Zhang,Charmian − Ng,Deborah [D05] (13.3), 25.01.2008 1.d4 d5 2.�f3 e6 3.e3 c5 4.b3 �c6 5.�b2 �f6 6.�d3 cxd4 7.�xd4 �c5 8.�xc6 bxc6 9.0-0 0-0 10.�f3 �e7 11.�h3 e5 12.�f5 �xf5 13.�xf5 e4 14.�c3 �d7 15.�xd7 �xd7 16.�e2 �f6 17.�xf6 �xf6 18.�d4 �ac8 19.�f5 �h8 20.�fd1 g6 21.�g3 �fd8 22.�f1 �g4 23.h3 �e5 24.�ac1 ½-½ Ang,Stephanie − Yum,Winnie [C10] (13.4), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.�c3 c5 4.exd5 exd5 5.dxc5 �xc5 6.�xd5 �xd5 7.�xd5 �d6 8.�f3 �e6 9.�c4 �c6 10.�e3 �f6 11.�xe6 fxe6 12.�c4 �d8 13.�g5 0-0 14.0-0-0 h6 15.�xf6 �xf6 16.�xd6 �xd6 17.�xd6 b6 18.�e1 e5 19.�c4 �f4 20.�cxe5 �xe5 21.�xe5 �f7 22.b3 �f6 23.�d2 �xf3 24.gxf3 �xe5 25.�e3 g5 26.c3 a5 27.a3 �f5 28.h3 h5 29.c4 �e5 30.b4 axb4 31.axb4 �d6 32.�d4 �c6 33.c5 �b5 34.cxb6 �xb6 35.�c4 �c6 36.b5+ �b6 37.�b4 �b7 38.�c5 �c7 39.b6+ �b7 40.�b5 �b8 41.�c6 �c8 42.�d6 �b7 43.�e5 �xb6 44.�f5 �c7 45.�xg5 h4 46.�xh4 �d7 47.f4 �e6 48.�g4 �f6 49.h4 �g6 50.f5+ �f6 51.h5 �g7 52.�g5 �f7 53.h6 �g8 54.f4 �h8 55.f6 �g8 56.f5 �h8 57.f7 �h7 58.�f6 �xh6 59.f8�+ �h5 60.�g8 �h4 61.�g2 �h5 62.�g5# 1-0 Brown,Amy − Knapp,Katrina [C54] (13.5), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�c4 �c5 4.c3 d6 5.d3 �f6 6.0-0 h6 7.h3 0-0 8.�e3 �b6 9.a4 �xe3 10.fxe3 �e6 11.�bd2 �d7 12.�xe6 fxe6 13.�c4 �f7 14.�e1 �g6 15.�d1 �f7 16.b4 b6 17.b5 �e7 18.�d2 �af8 19.�fxe5 �xe4 20.�xg6 �xf1+ 21.�xf1 �xf1+ 22.�xf1 �xd2+ 23.�xd2 �xg6 24.�f3 �f7 ½-½ Yu,Sally − Qiao,Shan−Shan [C89] (13.6), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�b5 a6 4.�a4 �f6 5.0-0 b5 6.�b3 �c5 7.c3 0-0 8.�e1 �b7 9.d4 exd4 10.cxd4 �e7 11.�bd2 �a5 12.�c2 d5 13.e5 �d7 14.�f1 c5 15.�d3 g6 16.�h6 c4 17.�e3 �e8 18.e6 �f6 19.exf7+ �xf7 20.�f4 �c8 21.�xe8 �xe8 22.�g5 �c6 23.�e1+ �e7 24.�xh7 �f7 25.�g4 �c6 26.h4 �c8 27.h5 �f8 28.�g3 �g7 29.�g5+ �g8 30.�xg7 �xg7 31.�e5+ �h6 32.�f7+ 1-0

Round 13 Results

No Name Feder Loc Total Result Name Feder Loc Total

1 Setiabudi, Megan ACT 1168 [7.5] 1:0 Webb-Liddle, Miranda VIC 705 [2]

2 Oliver, Tamzin L ACT 1510 [9] 1:0 Chibnall, Alana ACT 1348 [5.5]

3 Zhang, Charmian NSW 766 [6.5] .5:.5 Ng, Deborah NSW 1480 [11]

4 Ang, Stephanie VIC 972 [3] 1:0 Yum, Winnie QLD 359 [3]

5 Brown, Amy WA [6.5] .5:.5 Knapp, Katrina SA 927 [7]

6 Yu, Sally VIC 1573 [10] 1:0 Qiao, Shan-Shan NSW 989 [9]

7 Hoey, Penelope NSW 1062 [4] 1:0 BYE



Final Crosstable

No Name Feder Loc Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Qiao, Shan-Shan NSW 989 9 * 0 1 0 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

2 Knapp, Katrina SA 927 7½ 1 * 0 0 1 1 1 ½ 0 1 ½ ½ 0 1

3 Yum, Winnie QLD 359 3 0 1 * 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

4 Ng, Deborah NSW 1480 11½ 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 ½ 1 1 0 1

5 Chibnall, Alana ACT 1348 5½ ½ 0 1 0 * 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

6 Webb-Liddle, Miranda VIC 705 2 0 0 0 0 0 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

7 Hoey, Penelope NSW 1062 5 ½ 0 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 1 1 ½ 0 1

8 Setiabudi, Megan ACT 1168 8½ 0 ½ 1 0 1 1 1 * 1 0 1 1 0 1

9 Oliver, Tamzin L ACT 1510 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 * 1 1 1 1 1

10 Zhang, Charmian NSW 766 7 0 0 1 ½ 1 1 0 1 0 * 1 ½ 0 1

11 Ang, Stephanie VIC 972 4 0 ½ 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 * ½ 0 1

12 Brown, Amy WA

7 0 ½ 1 0 1 1 ½ 0 0 ½ ½ * 1 1

13 Yu, Sally VIC 1573 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 * 1

14 BYE - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *

Australian Junior Under 12 Open

Matheson,Laurence − Ruan,Harry [B45] (11.1), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 �c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 �f6 5.�c3 e6 6.�db5 �b4 7.a3 �xc3+ 8.�xc3 d5 9.exd5 exd5 10.�d3 0-0 11.0-0 d4 12.�e2 �g4 13.f3 �h5 14.�g3 �g6 15.�xg6 hxg6 16.�g5 d3 17.�xd3 �xd3 18.cxd3 �ad8 19.�xf6 gxf6 20.�ad1 �e5 21.�e4 f5 22.�f2 �d4 23.�fe1 f6 24.�f1 �fd8 25.h3 �f7 26.�c1 ½-½

Liu,Yi − Perera,Pasan [A46] (11.2), 25.01.2008 1.d4 �f6 2.�f3 c5 3.e3 e6 4.�d3 �c6 5.c3 �e7 6.0-0 0-0 7.�h1 d5 8.�e5 �b6 9.f4 �xe5 10.fxe5 �d7 11.�d2 f6 12.exf6 �xf6 13.�f3 �d7 14.�e2 �e4 15.�d2 �d6 16.�e1 �h8 17.�h4 h6 18.�e5 �xe5 19.dxe5 �c7 20.�xe4 dxe4 21.�ad1 b6 22.�d6 g5 23.�g3 �g7 24.h4 �xf1+ 25.�xf1 �f8 26.�d1 �b5 27.�g4 �f5 28.�xe6 �f7 29.�d6 h5 30.�xe4 gxh4 31.�xh4 �f1+ 32.�h2 �e8 33.�f6 �xf6 34.exf6+ �f8 35.�f4 �b5 36.b3 c4 37.b4 �d7 38.�h6+ �g8 39.�g3 b5 40.�g5+ �h7 41.�f4 �h8 42.�e5 �h7 43.e4 �g6 44.�g5+ �h7 45.�e5 �g6 46.�g5 �e6 47.�xe6 �xe6 48.�h4 a6 49.�g3 �g4 50.�f4 �c8 51.�e5 �f7 52.�g5 �b7 53.g3 �c8 54.�d6 �g4 55.e5 �e6 56.�c7 �g6 57.�f4 �f7 58.�b7 �g6 59.�xa6 �d7 60.�b6 �f7 61.�c7 �e8 62.�d6 �f8 63.e6 �g6 64.�h6+ �e8 65.a3 1-0

Wang,Oscar − Lau,Joshua [B70] (11.3), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 �f6 5.�c3 g6 6.�e2 �g7 7.0-0 0-0 8.�e1 �c6 9.�b3 �e6 10.�f1 �c8 11.�d5 �g4 12.f3 �e6 13.c3 �e5 14.a4 �c4 15.a5 �d7 16.�f4 �fd8 17.�xe6 �xe6 18.�d4 �d7 19.�b3 �e5 20.�b5 �c7 21.�f4 �c4 22.�xc4 �xc4 23.�xc4 �xc4 24.�e2 d5 25.�ad1 �d7 26.�e3 dxe4 27.�xd7 �xd7 28.fxe4 a6 29.�g3 �c5 30.�xc5 �xc5 31.�a1 �e5 32.�f2 �c7 33.�d1 �f8 34.�d5 �xa5 35.�xa5 �xa5 36.�e3 e5 37.�f1 �e7 38.�d3 b5 39.b4 �b6 40.c4 bxc4+ 41.�xc4 �e6 42.�d2 f5 43.g3 �e3 44.�f1 �g1 45.�d3 g5 46.h3 h5 47.exf5+ �xf5 48.�d2 �f2 49.�e4 �e1 50.�d6+ �g6 51.b5 axb5 52.�xb5 �xg3 53.�e4 g4 54.hxg4 hxg4 55.�c3 �g5 56.�e2 �f4 57.�g1 �h4 58.�e2 �h3 59.�c3 g3 60.�f3 g2 61.�e2 �h2 62.�e4 g1� 63.�xg1 �xg1 64.�f3 �f1 65.�e4 �e2 66.�f5 �f3 67.�e6 e4 68.�d5 e3 69.�d4 e2 0-1

Ruan,Jack − Stahnke,Alexander [A68] (11.4), 25.01.2008 1.d4 �f6 2.c4 g6 3.�c3 �g7 4.e4 0-0 5.f4 d6 6.�f3 c5 7.d5 e6 8.�d3 exd5 9.cxd5 �e8 10.0-0 a6 11.a4 �bd7 12.�e1 �c7 13.h3 c4 14.�c2 �b8 15.a5 h6 16.�h1 �h7 17.e5 �c5 18.�e2 dxe5 19.fxe5 �d3 20.d6 �d8 21.�xd3 cxd3 22.�xd3 �f5 23.�d5 �f8 24.�e3 �d7 25.�ad1 �e6 26.�e4 �f5 27.�d5 �c6 28.�xc6 bxc6 29.�b6 �d7 30.�a4 �c2 31.�a1 �xa4 32.�xa4 �xb6 33.axb6 �xb6 34.�h2 c5 35.�a5 �c6 36.�g3 �f8 37.�c1 �ec8 38.�ca1 �a8 39.�c1 �ac8 40.�ca1 �a8 ½-½

Sannidhanam,Anurag − Gurevich,Andrew [A07] (11.5), 25.01.2008 1.�f3 d5 2.g3 �f5 3.�g2 c6 4.0-0 �f6 5.d3 e6 6.h3 �d6 7.�bd2 h6 8.�e1 0-0 9.e4 �h7 10.e5 �bd7 11.exd6 �c5 12.b3 �xd6 13.�a3 d4 14.�c4 �e7 15.b4 �a4 16.b5 c5 17.�fd2 �c3 18.�c1 �xb5 19.�b2 �xa3 20.�xa3 �ab8



21.�ac4 b6 22.�e5 �bc8 23.�c6 �d7 24.�c4 �d5 25.�xd5 �xc6 26.�xc6 �xc6 27.�e5 �b7 28.�c4 �f3 29.�d2 �b7 30.�e4 �h8 31.�xc5 �c6 32.�e4 �c8 33.�ac1 e5 34.�b3 f6 35.c3 �xe4 36.�xe4 b5 37.c4 a6 38.�ee1 �d7 39.cxb5 �xc1 40.�xc1 axb5 41.�g2 �b7+ 42.f3 �a6 43.�c7 �a5 44.�c8+ �h7 45.�c2 �a6 46.h4 h5 47.�c6 �a8 48.�c5 �b7 49.�e2 �b6 50.�e4+ g6 51.�d5 �a7 52.�d6 �xa2+ 53.�h3 �g8 54.�xf6 �e6+ 55.�xe6 e4 56.�xe4 b4 57.�f4 g5 58.�xg5 1-0

Horton,Vincent − Chan,Michael [C50] (11.6), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�c4 �c5 4.d3 d6 5.c3 �g4 6.�bd2 �f6 7.�f1 �d7 8.�e3 �b6 9.�xb6 axb6 10.�e3 �e6 11.�xe6 fxe6 12.�d2 �a5 13.0-0 c5 14.b4 �c6 15.�c4 �c7 16.�g5 h6 17.b5 hxg5 18.bxc6 bxc6 19.�xg5 b5 20.�g6+ �d8 21.�e3 �e7 22.�g4 �h5 23.g3 �d7 24.�e3 ½-½

Louie,Ryan − Gu,Sean [B45] (11.7), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.�xd4 �f6 5.�c3 �c6 6.�db5 �b4 7.a3 �xc3+ 8.�xc3 0-0 9.�d3 d5 10.exd5 �xd5 11.�xd5 �xd5 12.0-0 �e5 13.�e2 �c6 14.�f4 �g6 15.�f3 �b6 16.�c1 �d8 17.�e2 �d7 18.�e3 �c7 19.�fd1 �c6 20.�xc6 �xc6 21.f3 h6 22.�d2 a6 23.�ad1 �xd2 24.�xd2 �c8 25.c3 �e5 26.�e2 �c4 27.�d4 �xe3 28.�xe3 �b6 29.�f2 e5 30.�d2 �xf2+ 31.�xf2 �c7 32.�e3 f6 33.h3 �f7 34.g4 �e6 35.f4 �c4 36.fxe5 fxe5 37.�d8 �c7 38.�d3 �f7 39.�d1 g6 40.b3 h5 41.�g1 hxg4 42.�xg4 �f5 43.c4 �h7 44.�g3 e4 45.b4 �d7 46.�e2 b6 47.c5 bxc5 48.bxc5 �c7 49.�c3 �e5 50.c6 �d4 51.�c1 �d5 52.�e3 a5 53.a4 �xc6 54.�xc6 �xc6 55.�xe4 �c5 56.�f4 �b4 57.�g5 �xa4 58.�xg6 �b3 59.h4 a4 60.h5 a3 61.h6 a2 62.�g7 a1�+ 63.�g8 �a8+ 64.�g7 �b7+ 65.�g6 �c8 66.�g7 �d7+ 67.�h8 �f7 68.h7 �f8# 0-1

Zhang,Daniel − Chen,Peng Yu [B15] (11.8), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.�c3 dxe4 4.�xe4 g6 5.�f3 �g7 6.�e2 �f6 7.�g3 �bd7 8.0-0 0-0 9.c3 �b6 10.h3 �c7 11.�g5 �d8 12.�c2 �e6 13.b3 �d5 14.�fe1 �ac8 15.�ad1 c5 16.dxc5 �xc5 17.�e3 ½-½

Rostov,Marat − Chau,Bernard [C18] (11.9), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.�c3 �b4 4.e5 c5 5.a3 �xc3+ 6.bxc3 �c7 7.�g4 �e7 8.�xg7 �g8 9.�xh7 cxd4 10.�e2 dxc3 11.f4 �d7 12.a4 �bc6 13.�a3 0-0-0 14.�d6 �b6 15.�xf7 �g6 16.g3 �e3 17.�d1 �e4 18.�g1 �h4 19.�f2 �f3+ 20.�e1 �e3 21.�d3 �e4 22.�f2 �f5 23.�xc3 �c4 24.�h3 �xd6 25.exd6 �df8 26.�h7 �c5+ 27.�f1 �xd6 28.�e4 �b4 29.�c3 �c4 30.�xd5 �e5 31.�e7+ �b8 32.�xg8 �xd3 33.�xd3 �xd3+ 34.cxd3 �xg8 35.g4 �xa4 36.f5 �d7 37.f6 a5 38.g5 �f8 39.g6 �xf6+ 40.�e2 �f8 41.d4 �c7 42.�f1 �b5+ 43.�e1 �xf1 44.�xf1 �g8 45.�d3 �h8 46.�f1 a4 47.�c4 �g8 48.�xe6 �xg6 49.�c4 �g4 50.�f2 �xd4 51.�e6 a3 52.�g3 �d2 53.h4 a2 54.�xa2 �xa2 55.h5 �a8 56.�g4 b5 57.�g5 b4 58.�g6 b3 59.h6 b2 60.�g7 b1� 61.h7 �g1+ 62.�f6 �f8+ 63.�e5 �g7+ 64.�e4 �xh7+ 65.�d4 �h3 66.�e4 �d6 67.�d4 �f4# 0-1

Koh,Cedric − Wallmueller,Peter [C27] (11.10), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�c3 �f6 3.�c4 �b4 4.d3 0-0 5.f4 d6 6.�f3 �g4 7.0-0 �c6 8.h3 �h5 9.g4 �xg4 10.hxg4 �xg4 11.a3 �c5+ 12.�g2 �d4 13.�d2 �xf3 14.�xf3 �h4 15.�e2 �h5 16.�h1 �g6 17.�g3 �xe2 18.�xg6 hxg6 19.�xe2 �fd8 20.�f1 �d7 21.a4 a6 22.�c3 exf4 23.�xf4 c6 24.�xg6 d5 25.exd5 cxd5 26.�e5 �dd8 27.�xf7 �d7 28.�e5 �dd8 29.�b3 �d6 30.�f7 b5 31.axb5 axb5 32.d4 �a7 33.�b4 �dd8 34.�e7 �e8 35.�xd5 �ab8 36.�f5+ �h7 37.�h5# 1-0

Round 11 Results

No Name Feder Loc Total Result Name Feder Loc Total

1 Matheson, Laurence VIC 1547 [9] .5:.5 Ruan, Harry NSW 1200 [7]

2 Liu, Yi QLD 1593 [8] 1:0 Perera, Pasan NSW 1248 [7]

3 Wang, Oscar NSW 1468 [7] 0:1 Lau, Joshua NSW 1469 [7]

4 Ruan, Jack NSW 1300 [6.5] .5:.5 Stahnke, Alexander QLD 1695 [6.5]

5 Sannidhanam, Anurag VIC 1687 [6.5] 1:0 Gurevich, Andrew VIC 1059 [6.5]

6 Horton, Vincent TAS 1445 [6.5] .5:.5 Chan, Michael VIC 1563 [6.5]

7 Louie, Ryan QLD 932 [6.5] 0:1 Gu, Sean NSW 1319 [6]

8 Zhang, Daniel NSW 917 [6] .5:.5 Chen, Peng Yu NSW 1165 [6]

9 Rostov, Marat ACT 426 [5.5] 0:1 Chau, Bernard NSW 1118 [6]

10 Koh, Cedric NSW 1358 [5.5] 1:0 Wallmueller, Peter VIC [5.5]

11 Ng, Isaac VIC 1262 [5.5] 1:0 Cameron, Lachlan SA [5.5]

12 Pan, Andrew NSW 1096 [5] 1:0 Jack, Martin QLD 876 [5.5]

13 Lapitan, Daniel QLD 870 [5] .5:.5 Gray, Callum QLD 705 [5]

14 Rostov, Gregory ACT 605 [5] 0:1 Ng, Joshua VIC 820 [5]

15 De Villenoisy, Thibault NSW [5] 0:1 Mason, Stuart ACT 749 [5]

16 Louie, Jared QLD 500 [5] 0:1 Walker, Joshua ACT 632 [5]

17 Hemzal, Eliash NSW 408 [5] 1:0 Dai, Victor NSW 411 [5]

18 Derwent, Ethan ACT 637 [4.5] 0:1 Smirnov, Anton NSW 1043 [4.5]



19 Nakauchi, Kenji QLD 737 [4.5] 1:0 Thomas, Caleb WA [4.5]

20 Yuan, Daniel VIC 778 [4.5] 0:1 Gupte, Anand ACT 556 [4]

21 Stevens, Jacob NSW [4] 0:1 Chen, Vincent NSW 557 [4]

22 Devarajh, Joshua VIC [4] 1:0 Hong, Jasper NSW 519 [4]

23 Yeong, Ian VIC [4] 1:0 Wang, Calvin NSW 465 [4]

24 Brown, James WA [4] 1:0 Nguyen, Andrew NSW 198 [4]

25 Stevens, Joshua NSW [3.5] 0:1 Lin, Mark NSW 368 [3.5]

26 Siow-Lee, Dylan NSW 256 [3] 1:0 Dunsford, Heath SA [2]

27 De Villenoisy, Mostyn NSW [3] 0:1 Jones, Hamish VIC [1]

Final Crosstable

No Name Feder Loc Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Matheson, Laurence VIC 1547 9.5 39:W 14:W 20:W 8:W 6:W 7:D 2:W 3:W 10:W 12:D 4:D

2 Liu, Yi QLD 1593 9 22:W 20:L 43:W 29:W 15:W 13:W 1:L 7:W 6:W 3:W 12:W

3 Lau, Joshua NSW 1469 8 36:W 19:W 12:W 7:L 16:W 10:W 4:W 1:L 8:W 2:L 6:W

4 Ruan, Harry NSW 1200 7.5 49:W 7:L 39:W 33:W 8:W 9:W 3:L 6:L 13:W 11:W 1:D

5 Sannidhanam, Anurag VIC 1687 7.5 44:W 16:W 6:D 13:D 7:L 29:W 10:D 9:W 11:D 8:D 14:W

6 Wang, Oscar NSW 1468 7 47:W 18:W 5:D 11:W 1:L 17:W 13:W 4:W 2:L 7:D 3:L

7 Stahnke, Alexander QLD 1695 7 27:W 4:W 9:D 3:W 5:W 1:D 11:L 2:L 16:W 6:D 10:D

8 Chan, Michael VIC 1563 7 33:W 29:W 15:W 1:L 4:L 36:W 20:W 11:W 3:L 5:D 9:D

9 Horton, Vincent TAS 1445 7 34:W 26:W 7:D 10:D 20:W 4:L 16:W 5:L 15:D 25:W 8:D

10 Ruan, Jack NSW 1300 7 35:W 23:D 25:W 9:D 26:W 3:L 5:D 18:W 1:L 15:W 7:D

11 Chau, Bernard NSW 1118 7 32:D 31:W 17:W 6:L 25:W 15:W 7:W 8:L 5:D 4:L 30:W

12 Perera, Pasan NSW 1248 7 45:W 46:W 3:L 26:L 47:W 18:D 30:W 27:W 14:W 1:D 2:L

13 Gu, Sean NSW 1319 7 30:W 43:D 23:W 5:D 14:W 2:L 6:L 33:W 4:L 24:W 18:W

14 Gurevich, Andrew VIC 1059 6.5 52:W 1:L 36:W 48:W 13:L 26:D 25:W 17:W 12:L 20:W 5:L

15 Ng, Isaac VIC 1262 6.5 24:W 28:W 8:L 19:W 2:L 11:L 47:W 22:W 9:D 10:L 32:W

16 Chen, Peng Yu NSW 1165 6.5 40:W 5:L 47:W 22:W 3:L 21:W 9:L 42:W 7:L 33:W 19:D

17 Koh, Cedric NSW 1358 6.5 48:W 25:D 11:L 24:W 27:W 6:L 23:W 14:L 21:W 18:L 31:W

18 Louie, Ryan QLD 932 6.5 53:W 6:L 48:L 35:W 33:W 12:D 26:W 10:L 28:W 17:W 13:L

19 Zhang, Daniel NSW 917 6.5 54:W 3:L 35:W 15:L 36:L 49:W 42:L 46:W 37:W 21:W 16:D

20 Pan, Andrew NSW 1096 6 41:W 2:W 1:L 42:W 9:L 22:W 8:L 21:L 35:W 14:L 25:W

21 Mason, Stuart ACT 749 6 31:L 32:W 24:L 52:W 48:W 16:L 36:W 20:W 17:L 19:L 41:W

22 Walker, Joshua ACT 632 6 2:L 41:W 31:W 16:L 24:W 20:L 48:W 15:L 30:D 26:D 34:W

23 Ng, Joshua VIC 820 6 50:W 10:D 13:L 27:L 40:W 34:W 17:L 30:D 24:L 37:W 33:W

24 Hemzal, Eliash NSW 408 6 15:L 38:W 21:W 17:L 22:L 39:D 43:D 47:W 23:W 13:L 35:W

25 Jack, Martin QLD 876 5.5 55:W 17:D 10:L 28:W 11:L 42:W 14:L 34:W 27:W 9:L 20:L

26 Lapitan, Daniel QLD 870 5.5 51:W 9:L 49:W 12:W 10:L 14:D 18:L 28:L 39:W 22:D 27:D

27 Gray, Callum QLD 705 5.5 7:L 45:D 32:W 23:W 17:L 43:W 29:W 12:L 25:L 34:D 26:D

28 Nakauchi, Kenji QLD 737 5.5 38:W 15:L 46:D 25:L 37:W 30:L 45:W 26:W 18:L 31:L 42:W

29 Smirnov, Anton NSW 1043 5.5 37:W 8:L 34:W 2:L 46:W 5:L 27:L 35:L 49:W 42:D 44:W

30 Rostov, Marat ACT 426 5.5 13:L 42:L 54:W 37:D 32:W 28:W 12:L 23:D 22:D 47:W 11:L

31 Wallmueller, Peter VIC 5.5 21:W 11:L 22:L 47:L 35:L 54:W 52:W 48:W 43:D 28:W 17:L

32 Cameron, Lachlan SA 5.5 11:D 21:L 27:L 45:W 30:L 37:L 54:W 55:W 38:W 43:W 15:L

33 Rostov, Gregory ACT 605 5 8:L 37:W 40:W 4:L 18:L 46:W 35:W 13:L 42:W 16:L 23:L

34 Louie, Jared QLD 500 5 9:L 51:W 29:L 38:W 43:D 23:L 44:W 25:L 45:W 27:D 22:L

35 Dai, Victor NSW 411 5 10:L 50:W 19:L 18:L 31:W 44:W 33:L 29:W 20:L 38:W 24:L

36 Gupte, Anand ACT 556 5 3:L 54:W 14:L 41:W 19:W 8:L 21:L 37:L 46:L 52:W 43:W

37 Devarajh, Joshua VIC 5 29:L 33:L 50:W 30:D 28:L 32:W 39:D 36:W 19:L 23:L 47:W

38 Yeong, Ian VIC 5 28:L 24:L 0:W 34:L 41:W 45:L 40:W 39:W 32:L 35:L 48:W

39 Chen, Vincent NSW 557 5 1:L 52:W 4:L 40:L 54:W 24:D 37:D 38:L 26:L 53:W 50:W

40 Brown, James WA 5 16:L 44:W 33:L 39:W 23:L 48:L 38:L 50:W 47:L 51:W 46:W

41 De Villenoisy, Thibault NSW 5 20:L 22:L 55:W 36:L 38:L 51:W 49:L 0:W 48:W 46:W 21:L

42 Thomas, Caleb WA 4.5 43:L 30:W 45:W 20:L 44:W 25:L 19:W 16:L 33:L 29:D 28:L

43 Yuan, Daniel VIC 778 4.5 42:W 13:D 2:L 46:D 34:D 27:L 24:D 49:W 31:D 32:L 36:L

44 Derwent, Ethan ACT 637 4.5 5:L 40:L 53:W 49:W 42:L 35:L 34:L 51:D 55:+ 45:W 29:L

45 Lin, Mark NSW 368 4.5 12:L 27:D 42:L 32:L 53:W 38:W 28:L 52:W 34:L 44:L 51:W

46 Nguyen, Andrew NSW 198 4 0:W 12:L 28:D 43:D 29:L 33:L 50:W 19:L 36:W 41:L 40:L

47 Hong, Jasper NSW 519 4 6:L 53:W 16:L 31:W 12:L 52:W 15:L 24:L 40:W 30:L 37:L

48 Wang, Calvin NSW 465 4 17:L 55:W 18:W 14:L 21:L 40:W 22:L 31:L 41:L 54:W 38:L

49 Siow-Lee, Dylan NSW 256 4 4:L 0:W 26:L 44:L 51:W 19:L 41:W 43:L 29:L 50:L 53:W



50 Stevens, Jacob NSW 4 23:L 35:L 37:L 0:W 52:L 55:W 46:L 40:L 53:W 49:W 39:L

51 Stevens, Joshua NSW 3.5 26:L 34:L 52:L 53:W 49:L 41:L 0:W 44:D 54:W 40:L 45:L

52 De Villenoisy, Mostyn NSW 3 14:L 39:L 51:W 21:L 50:W 47:L 31:L 45:L 0:W 36:L 54:L

53 Dunsford, Heath SA 2 18:L 47:L 44:L 51:L 45:L 0:W 55:L 54:W 50:L 39:L 49:L

54 Jones, Hamish VIC 2 19:L 36:L 30:L 55:+ 39:L 31:L 32:L 53:L 51:L 48:L 52:W

55 Rebulado, Aaron NSW 2 25:L 48:L 41:L 54:- 0:W 50:L 53:W 32:L 44:- 0: 0:

Australian Junior Under 12 Girls

Mason,Joanne − Simmonds,Leteisha [C02] (11.7), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.�f3 �c6 5.�e3 �b6 6.b3 �h6 7.c3 cxd4 8.�xd4 �xd4 9.�xd4 �c5 10.�xc5 �xc5 11.�d4 �xd4 12.cxd4 �f5 13.�d2 �xd4 14.�c3 �c6 15.�b5 �d7 16.�xc6 �c8 17.�d4 �xc6 18.�c3 a6 19.�a4 �c2 20.�hf1 �xa4 21.bxa4 �c4+ 22.�e3 �xa4 23.�ac1 �d7 24.�b1 b5 25.�b2 �c8 26.f3 �c3+ 27.�f2 �ac4 28.�g3 �c2 29.�xc2 �xc2 30.a3 �a2 31.h4 �xa3 32.�g4 a5 33.f4 g6 34.h5 �c3 35.g3 b4 36.�a1 �c5 37.�g5 b3 38.g4 �e7 39.�h6 b2 40.�b1 �b5 41.�xh7 gxh5 42.gxh5 a4 43.�g7 �b3 44.h6 �g3+ 45.�h8 a3 46.h7 �b3 47.�g1 b1� 48.f5 �b8+ 49.�g8 �xg8+ 50.hxg8� �h1+ 51.�h7 �xh7+ 52.�xh7 a2 53.f6+ �f8 54.�h6 a1� 55.�g5 �xe5+ 56.�g4 �f5+ 57.�g3 d4 58.�g2 �f4 59.�g1 �d2 60.�f1 d3 61.�g1 �e2 62.�h1 d2 63.�g1 d1�# 0-1

Kanagarajah,Abbie − Pretorius,Helen [C47] (11.8), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�c3 �f6 4.a3 �c5 5.�xe5 0-0 6.�xc6 dxc6 7.�c4 �d4 8.�e2 �g4 9.f3 �ae8 10.d3 �f5 11.�e3 �d6 12.0-0-0 �xe3+ 13.�xe3 c5 14.g4 �d7 15.h4 �g3 16.�dg1 �xg4 17.�xg3 �xe3 18.�a2 �e6 19.�d2 �f5 20.exf5 �xf5 21.�g5 g6 22.�hg1 �h3 23.�xc5 �c8 24.h5 b6 25.�cg5 �fe8 26.hxg6 �e7 27.gxf7+ �f8 28.�g8# 1-0

Alvares,Grace − Koh,Clarise [B01] (11.9), 25.01.2008 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 �xd5 3.�c3 �a5 4.�f3 �f6 5.�c4 c6 6.d3 �f5 7.�f4 e6 8.0-0 �bd7 9.a3 �d8 10.�d2 �e7 11.�d4 �g6 12.�e2 0-0 13.�f3 e5 14.�xe5 �xe5 15.�f4 �xc4 16.dxc4 �d6 17.�h4 �e7 18.�f4 �d7 19.�fe1 �ad8 20.�f3 �h5 21.�e3 �fe8 22.�ad1 �c7 23.h3 �xc2 24.�c1 �g6 25.�xa7 c5 26.�d5 �d7 27.�e5 �d6 28.�xg6 fxg6 29.�xb7 �d7 30.�b5 �b8 31.�a4 �xb2 32.�a8+ �b8 33.�a4 �f6 34.�c3 �bd8 35.�cd1 �c7 36.�c1 �d2 37.�b1 �b2 38.�c3 �dd2 39.�a8+ �f7 40.�f1 �f4 41.�d1 �a2 42.a4 �d4 43.a5 �a4 44.�e3 �da2 45.�f3 �xa5 46.�cd1 �d2 47.�c2 �d6 48.�c1 �a2 49.�e3 �e5 50.�b1 �db2 51.�bd1 �g8 52.�c1 �d6 53.g3 h5 54.h4 g5 55.hxg5 �xg5 56.�cd1 �e5 57.�de1 h4 58.�g4 �g5 59.�xf6+ gxf6 60.�e8+ �f7 61.�e3 hxg3 62.fxg3 �xe3+ 63.�f2 �a1+ 64.�g2 �xf2+ 65.�xf2 �e4+ 66.�h3 �h1+ 67.�h2 �h7+ 68.�g4 �xh2 69.�f3 �f5+ 70.�e3 �f2+ 71.�e4 �e2+ 72.�d5 �e6+ 73.�c6 �xg3+ 74.�xc5 �c2 75.�d4 �xc4+ 76.�d3 �e4+ 77.�d2 �c2+ 78.�d1 �e2# 0-1

Shan,Caroline − Yum,Jenny [C78] (11.10), 25.01.2008 1.e4 e5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�b5 a6 4.�a4 b5 5.�b3 �c5 6.0-0 �f6 7.�xe5 �xe5 8.d4 �c6 9.dxc5 0-0 10.�e1 �e8 11.�g5 h6 12.�h4 g5 13.�g3 �xe4 14.�d5 �e7 15.�c3 �b7 16.�xe4 �xc5 17.�d5 �xe1+ 18.�xe1 �f8 19.�xd7 �c8 20.�xc7 �g7 21.�g3 �a5 22.�e8+ �xe8 23.�xe8+ �h7 24.�xf7 �xf7 25.�xf7 �g7 26.�c7 �c6 27.�d5 �f6 28.�xc6 �xc6 29.a3 �d7 30.f3 h5 31.�f2 h4 32.�e4+ �f5 33.�d8 g4 34.fxg4+ �xe4 35.g5 �f4 36.g6 �g4 37.g7 �e6 38.h3+ �h5 39.g4+ hxg3+ 40.�xg3 �g6 41.�f4 �xg7 42.h4 �g6 43.�e5 �g4 44.�d5 �f7 45.�c6 �e8 46.�g5 �f5 47.c3 �d7+ 48.�b7 a5 49.�b6 a4 50.h5 �f8 51.h6 �g8 52.�c5 �h7 53.c4 bxc4 54.�xc4 �e6+ 55.�b4 �b3 56.�c3 �g6 57.�c1 �h7 58.�d4 �g6 59.�e5 �h7 60.�f6 �c2 61.�e5 �b3 62.�d2 �g6 63.�e3 �h7 64.�f6 �h8 65.�g6 �c2+ 66.�f7 �h7 67.b4 axb3 68.�c1 b2 69.�xb2 �xh6 70.�e6 �g6 71.�d5 �f5 72.�c4 �e4 73.�c3 �a4 74.�b4 �d1 75.a4 �xa4 ½-½

Stevens,Angela − Byrne,Alannah [B30] (11.11), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 �c6 3.�b5 a6 4.�c4 b5 5.�d5 �b7 6.�g5 e6 7.�xc6 �xc6 8.0-0 �xg5 9.�c3 b4 10.d4 �g6 11.�e2 �xe4 12.�d2 �xg2# 0-1

Sonnenschein,Lara − Ditu,Maria [B06] (11.12), 25.01.2008 1.e4 c5 2.�f3 d6 3.c3 �f6 4.�c2 g6 5.d4 �g7 6.�e2 0-0 7.0-0 b6 8.�g5 �c7 9.d5 �g4 10.�bd2 �d7 11.�fe1 �h5 12.h3 �xh3 13.gxh3 �xh3 14.�f1 �g4+ 15.�g2 �f6 16.�e3 �g5 17.�xg5 f6 18.�e3 f5 19.�h2 �h4 20.�b3 f4 21.�d2 f3 22.�xf3 �g4 23.�h2 �h4 24.�f1 �f4 25.�xf4 �xf4 26.�d1 �g5 27.�g4 �e5 28.�fe1 h5 29.�g3 g5 30.�f3 �f6 31.�xg5+ �xg5 32.�xg5 �g7 33.�e6+ �xe6 34.dxe6 c4 35.e5 cxb3 36.�xa8 d5 37.�xd5 �g6 38.�xb3 �g5 39.�g2 �g4 40.�d1+ 1-0



Round 11 Results

No Name Feder Loc Total Result Name Feder Loc Total

7 Mason, Joanne ACT 543 [5.5] 0:1 Simmonds, Leteisha QLD 921 [9]

8 Kanagarajah, Abbie QLD 1030 [8.5] 1:0 Pretorius, Helen NSW [5]

9 Alvares, Grace NSW [5.5] 0:1 Koh, Clarise NSW 872 [7.5]

10 Shan, Caroline NSW 938 [6.5] .5:.5 Yum, Jenny QLD 558 [5]

11 Stevens, Angela NSW [5] 0:1 Byrne, Alannah QLD 671 [6.5]

12 Sonnenschein, Lara NSW [5] 1:0 Ditu, Maria NSW 257 [5]

13 Freeman, Jamie NSW [2] 0:1 Christian, Kashish NSW [5]

14 Freeman, Alexandra NSW [1] 0:1 Pretorius, Jana NSW 445 [5]

15 Wood, Tayla WA [4.5] 1:0 MacLennan, Charlie-Rose NSW [3]

16 McGregor, Katherine NSW [5] 1:0 BYE

Final Crosstable

No Name Feder Loc Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Simmonds, Leteisha QLD 921 10 19:W 10:W 6:W 3:W 2:L 4:W 5:W 8:W 12:W 7:W 11:W

2 Kanagarajah, Abbie QLD 1030 9.5 12:W 4:W 3:D 5:W 1:W 10:L 11:W 7:W 14:W 8:W 15:W

3 Koh, Clarise NSW 872 8.5 18:W 14:W 2:D 1:L 6:W 13:W 10:W 4:W 5:L 9:W 12:W

4 Byrne, Alannah QLD 671 7.5 17:W 2:L 11:W 7:W 10:W 1:L 12:W 3:L 6:W 5:D 16:W

5 Shan, Caroline NSW 938 7 9:W 11:L 12:W 2:L 8:W 6:W 1:L 15:W 3:W 4:D 10:D

6 Sonnenschein, Lara NSW 6 7:W 16:W 1:L 11:W 3:L 5:L 9:W 10:L 4:L 0:W 14:W

7 Pretorius, Jana NSW 445 6 6:L 18:W 8:W 4:L 13:L 15:W 16:W 2:L 10:W 1:L 19:W

8 McGregor, Katherine NSW 6 10:L 19:W 7:L 16:W 5:L 18:W 13:W 1:L 17:W 2:L 0:W

9 Christian, Kashish NSW 6 5:L 15:L 16:W 17:W 14:W 11:L 6:L 0:W 19:W 3:L 18:W

10 Yum, Jenny QLD 558 5.5 8:W 1:L 13:W 14:W 4:L 2:W 3:L 6:W 7:L 11:L 5:D

11 Mason, Joanne ACT 543 5.5 15:W 5:W 4:L 6:L 12:D 9:W 2:L 16:L 0:W 10:W 1:L

12 Alvares, Grace NSW 5.5 2:L 17:W 5:L 15:W 11:D 14:W 4:L 18:W 1:L 13:W 3:L

13 Wood, Tayla WA 5.5 14:L 0:W 10:L 18:W 7:W 3:L 8:L 19:W 16:D 12:L 17:W

14 Ditu, Maria NSW 257 5 13:W 3:L 15:W 10:L 9:L 12:L 0:W 17:W 2:L 19:W 6:L

15 Pretorius, Helen NSW 5 11:L 9:W 14:L 12:L 0:W 7:L 19:W 5:L 18:W 17:W 2:L

16 Stevens, Angela NSW 5 0:D 6:L 9:L 8:L 17:W 19:W 7:L 11:W 13:D 18:W 4:L

17 MacLennan, Charlie-Rose NSW 3 4:L 12:L 19:W 9:L 16:L 0:W 18:W 14:L 8:L 15:L 13:L

18 Freeman, Jamie NSW 2 3:L 7:L 0:W 13:L 19:W 8:L 17:L 12:L 15:L 16:L 9:L

19 Freeman, Alexandra NSW 1 1:L 8:L 17:L 0:W 18:L 16:L 15:L 13:L 9:L 14:L 7:L

Completely Useless Statistics – Space Filler

The following statistics are completely useless in terms of the overall tournament, but, as we needed to fill space,

they have been included for educational purposes.

Promotion Statistics (958 games)

White Black

Queen C 124 92

Rook D 8 6

Bishop E 0 1 (Junta!)

Knight F 8 (Derek!) 2

Participant Statistics (168 Players)


Under 18 Open 81 39 12 10 7 5 3 5

Under 18 Girls 13 4 1 3 3 1 1 0

Under 12 Open 55 25 8 11 6 2 2 1

Under 12 Girls 19 13 4 0 1 0 1 0

Total 168 81 25 24 17 8 7 6

State Titles