2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

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Target Audiences  High risk individuals of all ages – 185 million Pregnant women -- all trimesters  All adults age 50 and older – 65 and older  Parents of children ages 6 months to 23 months  Household contacts of individuals who are at higher risk for complications from influenza  African Americans and Hispanics  Healthcare providers -- only 38% vaccinated

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Page 1: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

2004-2005 InfluenzaCommunications Plan

Alan P. Janssen, MSPHNational Immunization ProgramOffice of Health Communication

Page 2: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Objectives Motivate people – particularly high risk -- to receive

timely influenza immunization

Motivate parents to vaccinate children 6 – 23 months

Increase awareness of influenza immunization recommendations and benefits among African American and Hispanic Americans

Provide healthcare providers with influenza immunization resources to encourage patient vaccination.

Page 3: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Target Audiences High risk individuals of all ages – 185 million

• Pregnant women -- all trimesters All adults age 50 and older – 65 and older Parents of children ages 6 months to 23 months Household contacts of individuals who are at higher risk

for complications from influenza African Americans and Hispanics Healthcare providers -- only 38% vaccinated

Page 4: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Campaign Development Ongoing formative and concept research

with the influenza target audiences• Focus groups• In-depth interviews

National Primary Care Physician Surveys• Gallup Organization

On-going Media Monitoring• Tracking for results

Page 5: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Key Messages Influenza is a serious disease

• 36,000 deaths per year and • 200,000 hospitalizations per year

Getting an influenza vaccination every year is best protection against flu

New recommendations for children 6 – 23 months Plenty of vaccine – 100 million doses Vaccine is safe and effective Your flu vaccination helps protect others October and November are the best months to get

vaccinated – December not too late

Page 6: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Call to Action—The Public

High risk people and their contacts:• Get vaccinated in October and November

Parents of 6-23 month olds:• Call now to make an appointment to get your

child vaccinated against influenza• Ask your provider about influenza vaccination if

you have questions about safety

Household Contacts and Caregivers:• Get vaccinated to protect yourself and those

around you

Page 7: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Campaign Media

Print Materials • English and Spanish• Low literacy

Page 8: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Media Video news releases and audio news releases featuring Dr.

Gerberding Spanish-language VRNs and ANRs Possible limited targeted radio advertisements Outreach to Minority Journalist - UNITY Journalism

Conference Radio satellite news tour (tentative) News Conferences linked with MMWR articles/events Matte Articles Participation in NFID press conference 9/23 and in other

media opportunities Press Interviews

Page 9: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Results of Media TrackingNews Stories Messages since July 1, 2004

(n=1026) Shots recommended for children

Flu kills 36,000 people per year

Coverage rates low -- children and adults

Record amounts of vaccine available/no shortages expected

Shipments delayed because of tainted vaccine/not crisis

Asian bird flu could cause pandemic

Page 10: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Print Materials For Public/Patients (primarily via

healthcare providers and CDC website):• Flyers • Posters• Brochures• Buttons and stickers

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Influenza Flyers

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Pregnant Women Posters

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Distribution of MaterialsPublic

Print Materials will be distributed through• Health departments • Healthcare providers• CDC website

Broadcast materials will be promoted nationally via satellite feed

Page 15: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Call to Action—Healthcare Providers

Providers• Get yourself vaccinated and encourage your

staff/colleagues to get vaccinated.• Recommend vaccination to all of your

patients, particularly those who are at high risk for complications from the flu.

Page 16: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Provider Print Materials “Immunize Now” Provider Kit (85,000)

• Materials for Doctors, Nurses, Administrators and Patients

• Approximately 85,000 print copies available

“Are you ready?” Poster

Articles in professional society journals/newsletters

Ads in medical journals—co-branding with CMS

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Health Care Providers

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Materials for Parents and Caregivers

Page 19: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Distribution of MaterialsProvider

Print materials will be distributed through • Professional societies• CDC website• Health departments• Direct Mail

NIP will exhibit at the major provider conferences in the Fall and Winter

Page 20: 2004-2005 Influenza Communications Plan Alan P. Janssen, MSPH National Immunization Program Office of Health Communication

Web Education materials for the public and

providers will be available for download from the CDC flu websitewww.cdc.gov/flu/gallery

A web icon has been created by NIP for use by health departments and other partners. It will serve as a link back to the CDC flu site.

Download from http://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/flugallery/logos.htm#wlogo