NATIONAL WORKFORCE CENTER for EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Skill Standards for INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation B UILDING A F OUNDATION f or T OMORROW 2 0 0 3 E D I T I O N


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Sk i l l S tandards f o r INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Sponsored in part by theNational Science Foundation


2 0 0 3 E D I T I O N

Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET III

AcknowledgmentsThe 2003 Edition of Building a Foundation forTomorrow: Skill Standards for InformationTechnology reflects the value of skill standards toeducation, government and business. Building onthe outstanding success of the Millennium Edition,this third edition embodies NWCET’s ongoing com-mitment to the community of skill standards users.

As in the previous editions, CEOs, CIOs, technol-ogy managers, human resource personnel andother Information Technology (IT) professionalsfrom many companies across the nation and inter-nationally participated in generating and reviewingthe data that comprise the skill standards. Thoughtleaders, representing the breadth and scope ofthe information technology workforce both in ITcompanies and in firms that use and depend on IT,provided the direction that guided our researchand development of this document.

The National Workforce Center for EmergingTechnologies especially acknowledges the majorfunding provided by the National Science Founda-tion (NSF), and the encouragement and vision ofDr. Gerhard Salinger, Dr. Corby Hovis and Dr. Eliza-beth Teles, NSF Advanced Technology Educationprogram directors. We are also indebted to ourNational Advisory Board for their perspective,feedback and continued support of our work.

We are grateful to the organizations that providedsupport and participated in our national review pan-els. We wish especially to acknowledge the in-kindcontribution of the Boeing Company, without whosegenerosity this work would not have been printed.

As in the Millennium Edition, Terryll Bailey, of TheAllison Group, developed the research design anddata gathering process for the 2003 Edition.

Ms. Bailey also facilitated the various data gather-ing meetings and interviews, and refined andhelped analyze the raw data. Her devotion to theproject and her dedication to the accurate devel-opment, categorizing and presentation of the tre-mendous amount of new data represented in thiswork deserve the highest praise.

We acknowledge the valuable contributions andsupport of many state community college boards;professional associations; federal, state and localgovernment agencies; and faculty experts fromacross the country that collaborated on thisproject. Special thanks go to Jean Floten, Presi-dent of Bellevue Community College, and NeilEvans, NWCET Executive Director, without whosevision the NWCET would not exist.

Special recognition goes to the dedicated individu-als within NWCET whose devotion to this projectmade it a reality. Dr. Sandra Mikolaski managed theoverall project from research through final pro-duction. Dr. Laurie Stephan provided a crucial edu-cational and workforce perspective. Dr. ManjariWijenaike facilitated communication with NSFthroughout the project. Heather Sipple helped co-ordinate the project and kept track of the count-less details. Jackie Thoms graciously supportedthe contractual and financial aspects of theproject. Thanks also to Carey Osborne, ManuelGaribay and Robyn Sandbo for their assistancewith various project tasks.

We wish to acknowledge Marcus Heriot, BarbaraRowan and the staff of Bellevue CommunityCollege’s Printing Services department for theiroutstanding editorial, proofing, pre-press andgraphic design work.

The Millennium Edition of Building a Foundationfor Tomorrow: Skill Standards for InformationTechnology was in no small part responsible forthe center’s name change from the “NorthWest”to the “National Workforce” Center for EmergingTechnologies. Therefore, honor is most assuredlydue to the many thousands of users of the Millen-nium Edition from education, government, busi-ness, professional associations, certifying bodiesand standards organizations that derived value andbenefit from this work, and encouraged and in-spired us to the 2003 Edition. Thank you.

Peter SaflundAssociate Director, NWCET

Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET V


OverviewIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

National Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Why Skill Standards? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

What Are Skill Standards? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

What Are the Benefits of Skill Standards? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Who Benefits from Skill Standards? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

What’s New in the 2003 Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Trends in Information Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

The Back Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Outsourcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Enterprise Thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Soft Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Contracting and Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Specialists versus Generalists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Nontraditional Degree Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

VI NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology

Skill StandardsInformation Technology Skill Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Database Development and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Digital Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Enterprise Systems Analysis and Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Network Design and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Programming/Software Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Technical Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Web Development and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

AppendicesCybersecurity Skill Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Project Management, Task Management andProblem-Solving/Troubleshooting Skill Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197





Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 1

IntroductionSkill standards have proven to be efficientfoundation tools for developing curriculumprofiling jobs, recruiting technical staff,

evaluating employees, designing professional de-velopment programs and designing academic andprofessional certification. Standards provide acommon-language framework for educators, busi-ness and other stakeholders to develop the edu-cational and training tools necessary to preparestudents and incumbent workers for today’s work-place challenges as well as those that lie ahead.

In 1996, the National Workforce Center for Emerg-ing Technologies (NWCET) and the Regional Ad-vanced Technology Education Consortium(RATEC) identified skill standards for the originaleight Information Technology (IT) career clustersin the first edition of Building a Foundation forTomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Tech-nology. Furthering this work, in the summer of1998, the NWCET and the American ElectronicsAssociation (AEA) jointly undertook a nationwideproject to validate the IT skill standards and toseek input from expert panels around the countryfor new and changing skills, work functions, tech-nical knowledge and related foundation skills toinclude in the Millennium Edition. Additional ex-pert panel sessions were conducted regionally toaugment and validate data on emerging career clus-ters. The Millennium Edition, published in 1999,contained the results of those efforts. In 2001 and2002 NWCET began integrating new data from nu-merous sources. We noted the increased emphasison security and data assurance (a trend whichstarted well before 9/11) and also noted the in-creased integration of IT solutions in non-IT firms.While preserving our own unique mission and place,we shared our research freely with the NationalSkill Standards Board (NSSB) and with IT manufac-turers developing platform-specific certificationsand with vendor-neutral certifying organizations.

In 2002, under a supplemental grant from the Na-tional Science Foundation, NWCET researchedand developed skill standards for cybersecurity.They are included as an appendix to this work.

Major new research for the 2003 Edition beganwith the formation of thought leader panels, whichprovided the high level direction and especiallythe changes in emphasis pertaining to criticalwork functions and technical knowledge elementswithin clusters. Practitioners and supervisorswere then surveyed using several methodologiesincluding large and small groups, telephone inter-views and in-person interviews. Where feasible,input was also gathered from professional andtrade organizations.

Major funding for this project was provided by theNational Science Foundation. Additional fundingwas provided by NWCET sponsors and members.This publication is available electronically by sub-scription or as a bound printed publication fromthe NWCET website at www.nwcet.org.





2 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


environment where contextual application ofknowledge and skills is the key ingredient for suc-cess. Today, people in virtually every occupationare increasingly required to think critically, solveproblems creatively and efficiently, be flexible inthe face of changing project demands and demon-strate a commitment to continuous learning.

The shift to an economy and a workplace basedmore on information and knowledge implies ahigher level of technical and foundation skills inthe workforce. Education must restructure itselfto help prepare this new workforce.

Why Skill Standards?Successful industrialized nations that have main-tained their competitiveness are characterized bya well-established skill standards system. The U.S.will be competitive only to the extent it is willing toreevaluate existing approaches to workforce de-velopment and adopt efficient strategies to en-sure an adequate supply of workers withnecessary skills. Since the inception of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act (1994), many stateshave embarked on programs to develop skill stan-dards. The application of skill standards to the de-velopment of curriculum results in courses andprograms whose outcomes can be assessed acrossa broad range of contextual technical and founda-tion performance criteria. This results in learnerswho are prepared to function effectively in the tech-nology- and information-based workplace.

What Are Skill Standards?Voluntary skill standards establish the agreed-upon, industry-identified knowledge, skills andabilities required to succeed in the workplace.They form a solid foundation for the developmentof outcomes-based instruction and assessment.

To remain competitive, the U.S. must closethe qualification gap between the knowledgeand skills needed in the information- and

technology-based workplace, and the current levelof preparation of the workforce. The globalizationof markets and industries together with the rapiddevelopment of technology has created a work-place where, increasingly, knowledge and technol-ogy are the key ingredients that must be combinedto ensure the successful development and mar-keting of products and services.

Today even the most basic manufacturing opera-tions are often performed in a technological con-text. Once the primary concern of softwarecompanies and computer manufacturers, the ITskill shortage now affects virtually every manufac-turing and service industry, as these segments ofthe economy increasingly employ technology intheir operations. Large multinational corpora-tions report that their economic survival is keyedto the sharpness of their “technological edge”and this, in turn, places similar demands on themyriad of large and small local and regional sup-pliers, vendors and organizations providing ser-vices to these corporations.

E-business and e-commerce will generate addi-tional need for skilled information technologyworkers and for increased technological literacyamong all workers.

The move toward globalization of business and theneed for increased organizational efficiency havedriven organizations to be less hierarchical andmore information- and knowledge-based. Old nar-row divisions of labor have, in many cases, givenway to more flexible, needs-based descriptions ofwork, resulting in increasing emphasis on team-work, fluid transitions from leadership on oneproject to “followership” on the next and a work





Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 3

Skill standards differ from competencies in thatthey define high-level knowledge, skills, abilitiesand performance criteria.

The pyramid of competencies is a depiction of skillstandards in three broad skill categories.

At the broadest level, Tier I, is the set of foundationskills, knowledge, abilities and personal qualities re-quired of all employees to be successful in today’sworkplace. These are the universal skills-problemsolving, team skills and flexibility-that are needed toapply technical knowledge and tools effectively.

Tier II-technical skills, knowledge and abilities-arethe skills common to all jobs within a clusteracross all industries. For a programmer, for ex-ample, knowledge of the principles of program-ming applies across all industries.

Tier III-industry-specific technical skills, knowl-edge and abilities-are unique to individual jobs orclusters and are the most prone to rapid change.For example, a programmer’s required knowledgeof data communications and network protocolsmay differ across companies and industries.

Foundation skills• Basic skills (reading, writing, arithmetic…)• Thinking skills• Personal qualities

Workplace competencies• Management of time and resources• Interpersonal skills• Management and use of information• Understanding and management of systems• Use of technology

Examples include:• Knowledge of and compliance with company practices

and organization protocols• Understanding and effective use of industry terminology• Knowledge of and compliance with industry legal

requirements• Knowledge of and compliance with company and

product standards

Examples for IT include:• Proficient use of software and hardware tools• Proficient use of Internet techniques• Understanding of hardware/system architecture• Troubleshooting of software and hardware problems

Tier III Industry-specifictechnical skills,

knowledge, and abilitiesunique to individual

industries or organizations

Tier IThe set of foundation skills (SCANS), knowledge, abilities,

and personal qualities required of allworkers to be successful in today’s workplace

Tier IITechnical skills, knowledge,

and abilitiesSkills common to all jobs within a career

cluster across all industries





4 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology

While traditional competencies may be developedfrom skill standards, the broad viewpoint taken byskill standards often provides clearer pathways forthe development of more flexible and comprehen-sive curriculum. The practical value of this ap-proach is to enable the development of morevaried activities and assessments, provide foreasier assessment of prior learning and illuminateopportunities to use instructional resources suchas internships or industry-expert guest teachers.

For skill standards to be effective, they must re-flect the consensus of the industry professionalsin that career field. The development of skill stan-dards involves conducting extensive industry re-search, often using expert panels in intensive,tightly-focused work sessions aimed at extractingkey job functions and tasks, identifying technicalknowledge elements, determining performancecriteria (how one knows when the task is per-formed well) and associating related knowledge,skills and abilities (including SCANS skills) tothose functions and tasks.

The skill standards contained in this documenthave been developed utilizing this process withindustry expert panels in different parts of thecountry. While the overall regional variation of in-dustry-supplied data was very slight, our nationaldata panels and world-class research methodologyhave produced a document of extraordinary reli-ability and utility.

To ensure the integrity, quality and continuity ofthe skill standards, several principles have guidedtheir development:

• Experienced workers are the experts in theircareer field and are best able to identify thework performed and the skills, knowledge andabilities required to be successful.

• Business and education must work aspartners to ensure the link between the workexpectations and the curriculum.

• Skill standards should represent broad careerclusters rather than narrowly defined jobs.

• Standards must be flexible and portable, andshould be updated continuously.

• Skill standards must be voluntary and adapt-able to regional and local needs.

• Skill standards describe the major functionsand tasks, as well as the performance criteria,technical knowledge, tools and employabilityskills/attributes needed to perform thosefunctions and tasks well.

• Integrated skill standards define work dutiesand the skills required to perform them in thecontext of work settings.

What Are the Benefits ofSkill Standards?Technology has not replaced workers as was oncefeared, but it has, for many, altered the way peopledo their jobs and relate to their coworkers andtheir organization. To ensure U.S. companies canbe globally competitive and still have access to askilled and technologically literate workforce, anew and closer partnership among business, edu-cation and government has emerged.

As former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich stated:

Our mission is far too vital, the stakes far toohigh, for anything but the most dispassion-ate analysis to guide decisions about howAmericans learn and how Americans work.

If we are to restore our heritage of sharedprosperity, American workers need everybit of assistance we can give them inadapting to the new economy.





Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 5

Many of the old factory jobs that onceformed the gateway to the middle class aregone. Such manufacturing jobs accountedfor more than one third of all Americanemployment in the 1950s; now no morethan 16 percent. Many of the old servicejobs have disappeared too. Telephone op-erators have been replaced by automaticswitching equipment, bank tellers by auto-matic teller machines, gas station atten-dants by self service pumps that now evenaccept credit cards, and secretaries bycomputers and voice mail. Any job that canbe done more cheaply by a machine is ei-ther gone, or pays far less than before.

The right education and skills don’t guar-antee a good job in the new economy, andcertainly not job security. But it is gettingharder to have either without educationand skills.

In this new economy – a knowledge economy– skills matter more. Skills are what allowpeople to navigate change successfully.

And for workers to be highly productive,they must have the education and trainingnecessary to keep them in tune with theonward march of technology. As Americamoves further into this age of informationand global competition, it becomes in-creasingly important that we make criticalinvestments in our “human capital”-thatis, in the knowledge, education, and skillsof our workers. Today, tomorrow, and farinto the future, a highly-skilled workforceis and will be our competitive advantage.

Voluntary skill standards provide the frameworkwithin which U.S. companies can rebuild a com-petitive advantage in the global economy.

• Industry-identified skill standards will serveas a vehicle for companies to communicatetheir performance expectations for workers.Skill standards will provide a commonframework for communication of workplaceexpectations among business, education,workers, students and government.

• Voluntary skill standards will facilitate thereform of education to match curriculumdevelopment to workplace requirements.Competency-based standards will assure theemployability of students who have completedprograms based on those standards. Nationalrecognition of skill standards in career fieldswill provide a common basis for certifyingachievement against those standards, therebyallowing for portability of skills acrosscompanies and careers.

• Skill standards will close the qualification gapby linking industry expectations for knowl-edge, skills and abilities to the educationprovided to students. Skill standards willprovide workplace expectations, so studentswill know what they need to be able to do tomeet those expectations, workers understandwhat is expected in order to perform andadvance in their field and educators canidentify the competencies on which curricu-lum can be developed or revised.





6 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology

Who Benefits fromSkill Standards?Skill standards benefit industry, students, educa-tors and government. Each group has a majorstake in the education of our students and in theefficient development of a productive workforce.Particularly in fast-changing fields like informationtechnology, relevant data that accurately reflectscurrent and future knowledge and skills enablestimely direction of resources, development andrevision of industry-relevant curriculum and effi-cient development of career information and jobprofiles. Skill standards occupy an indispensableposition in any dialog concerning education ortraining in technical fields.





Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 7

Industry can useskill standards to:

• Develop or modify training.• Communicate effectively with

educators, students, parentsand government.

• Develop skill-centeredwork teams.

• Assess and place new hires.• Develop performance appraisals.• Write job descriptions.• Develop recruiting methods,

instruments and strategies.• Profile jobs and determine skill

needs and gaps.• Forecast human resource needs.• Determine or modify supervi-

sory roles or organizationalstructure.

• Effectively benefit fromvendor-neutral and professionalcertifications.

• Compare and evaluate skillsacross divisions or departments.

Students can useskill standards to:

• Research career pathways.• Understand skills requirements

and employment characteristicsof different jobs.

• Plan educational programs.• Prepare resumes and other

credentials to seek employment.• Evaluate and compare educa-

tional programs.• Prepare for industry and

professional certifications.• Gain an understanding of the full

range of technical knowledge andemployability skills needed tosucceed in a chosen field.

• Help determine the applicationof prior learning or previousexperience.

• Obtain certification of theirskills.

• Improve the mobility andportability of their credentials.

• Earn higher wages andexperience greater securityand opportunity.

• Contribute to the success of theirorganizations.

Educators can useskill standards to:

• Develop or review curriculum,courses and courseware.

• Communicate effectively withindustry, parents, studentsand government.

• Develop or enhance cross-curricular and interdisciplinarycommunication.

• Determine current and futureequipment requirements.

• Develop professional develop-ment or inservice training plans.

• Develop institutional responsepriorities.

• Request or allocate human,physical and capital resources.

• Research curriculum andinstruction issues.

• Advise students on careerchoices and educationaloptions.

• Develop internships, school-to-work, Tech Prep and otherarticulated programs.

• Develop or highlight transferpathways and inter-institutionalprograms.

• Bridge technical and academicprograms.

• Assess prior learning.• Provide targeted instruction.• Start or improve the function of

local advisory committees.

Government can useskill standards to:

• Help develop a highly skilled,competitive workforce.

• Forecast educational resourcerequirements and allocateresources using a gender-neutral, bias-free and vendor-neutral set of criteria.

• Forecast workforce demands.• Develop training requirements.• Increase opportunities for

underrepresented populations.• Develop educational,

training and workforce policies.• Develop or enhance links among

national efforts such as school-to-work, technical and vocationaleducation, and other programsfor targeted populations.

• Research skills characteristicsof fast-moving technology-based industries.

• Effectively communicatewith other institutions andstakeholders.





8 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology

What’s Newin the 2003


MethodologyThe 2003 Edition of Building a Foundation for To-morrow: Skill Standards for Information Technol-ogy is the result of national review and criticalupdating of the Millennium Edition published in1999. New material has been added reflecting in-creased emphasis on job roles and advancement.This continues the trend observed in the Millen-nium Edition where employers clearly expresseda desire to see a longitudinal range of skills, notjust entry level.

Data gathering for the 2003 Edition was accom-plished efficiently using the following method:

• A national panel of industry thought leaderswas assembled to provide critical input anddirection. This group provided vital informa-tion on: changes in relevancy and emphasis;future trends; measures of competency; andexisting or projected skill needs

• Results from regional re-validation studiesundertaken by industry and educationalorganizations in Wisconsin, Connecticut,Northern Virginia, Maryland, Colorado, SouthCarolina and Texas were integrated with thethought leader data

• Expert panels of practitioners and supervisorswere identified and interviewed extensively

• Resulting output was checked with subjectmatter experts

• Further expert input ensured consistentterminology and vocabulary

• NWCET data was shared with NSSB to ensureconsistency with ICT standards

Welcome to the 2003 Edition of Building aFoundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standardsfor In formation Technology. We have

tried to retain the familiar look and feel of the Mil-lennium Edition while incorporating the changesand updates suggested by our many educationaland business users, and by the expert panels andnational organizations that provided input.

Some things you’ll notice:

• Increased emphasis on security and dataassurance across all clusters

• Compliance with National Skill StandardsBoard (NSSB) terminology and taxonomy

• More emphasis on soft skills and“whole job” thinking

• Supporting documentation moved to theweb to make the printed book lighter andeasier to handle

• Cybersecurity Skill Standards added inthe Appendix

• Streamlined look and feel

• All cluster titles retained from theMillennium Edition

• Updated and expanded sample job titles

• Uniform language and terminology validatedby industry

• Every data element reviewed by subjectmatter experts

• Regional re-validation of key data

We have tried to ensure that the technical infor-mation is conveniently accessible and presentedin a form that can be useful to both educatorsand business.

An electronic version of this document is alsoavailable by subscription from the NWCET websiteat www.nwcet.org.





Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 9

Trends inInformationTechnology

Research conducted to gather data for the2003 Edition yielded information on newtrends in Information Technology which are

set forth below. Some may appear obvious, othersmore subtle, but all reflect the changing IT pictureand may contribute to a greater understanding ofcurrent and future IT workforce needs.

SecurityEven before 9/11 security and data assurance wereclearly emerging as important critical work func-tions and technical knowledge elements. Pre-9/11the concern was almost completely on fraud pre-vention and the security of electronic transactions.While this concern continued unabated, post-9/11(as may be expected) the added threat of cyber ter-rorism and infrastructure protection added ele-ments of cyber forensics, user education andphysical security to discussions previously focusedon perimeter defenses and secure transactionservers. A clear shift toward preemptive and antici-patory approaches to security emerged after 9/11and continues to be a major focus of technical dis-cussions especially among IT professionals involvedin networking, database administration and systemsanalysis. Moreover, it is clear that security is“everybody’s business,” from the technician whoinstalls a new workstation on a clerk’s desktop tothe analyst/integrator planning the next major sys-tem upgrade. The implications for educators are in-escapable: “Security across the Curriculum” is thenew theme of IT program development.

The Back OfficeFor many IT-using companies, the tools of infor-mation technology were about doing traditionaltasks faster, better and cheaper. IT was about get-ting payroll checks disbursed, keeping track of

inventory, processing orders and handling theother routine tasks of business. However, as thetools of IT have become more capable and sophis-ticated, IT is not just about automating and accel-erating routine business operations. Increasingly,IT is also about competitive advantage and profitand loss. The tools of IT not only allow greater busi-ness efficiency, but now also offer closer trackingof customers, better management of suppliers andmore effective real-time business decision sup-port. For many businesses, the web has changed thenature of sales and marketing. Price competition issevere in many areas of commerce. Increasingly, itis these back office tools that managers turn to inorder to achieve desired margins and returns.

OutsourcingOld (manufacturing) economic models assumedcapital was immobile and labor was mobile. Capi-tal (the means of production) had to be locatednear power sources such as rivers or water falls,or near raw materials such as wood or iron ore.Over time, people who wanted jobs would travel towherever the factories were. In the knowledgeeconomy (based primarily on intellectual propertyand know-how) capital can go wherever labor ischeapest. This trend started with call centers andtransaction processing centers locating in areas ofthe US with abundant inexpensive labor. However,the availability of highly educated and capableworkers in emerging nations has madeoutsourcing an increasingly attractive possibilityfor any IT job, from systems analysis and program-ming to technical call centers, especially in timesof depressed profits and cost cutting. Since mostof the products of IT can be transported anywherein microseconds, it is unlikely that this trendwill be abated by greater local productivity alone.





10 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology

Certainly it does not suggest there will be no fu-ture for IT workers in the US, but it probably doesimply that we are unlikely to see a sellers’ marketfor those with IT skills as we experienced at theturn of the millennium.

Enterprise ThinkingIn the environment in which the Millennium Edi-tion was published, employers were anxious tohire anyone with immediately applicable skills.Students and recareering workers were just asanxious to acquire immediately marketable skillsand get hired. As the pace of hiring has slowed,both employers and potential employees are tak-ing a more measured look: employers at whomthey hire and why, and potential employees at whatthe job really requires of them. Employers clearlystate that turnover is costly, and they often voicefrustration at being presented with candidateswho may possess technical skills but don’t under-stand the nature of the business. Employers in ourdata gathering groups have told us they’d like itmore if candidates understood not only their ownjob, but the company and the industry better.

Soft SkillsWhile it may be a stretch to say that technical skillsare “assumed,” many employers place a greateremphasis on soft skills than may be first appreci-ated by students and job seekers. Many HR profes-sionals say that if the candidate does not pass thesoft skill part of the interview, they won’t evenpass the candidate on to the technical part of theinterview. The ability to read, write, compute, com-municate, work productively with others, empa-thize with customers, find common ground forcooperation, seek mutually beneficial solutions,and work efficiently and ethically far outweigh any

technical skill in the minds of most employers. Astechnical skills become more ubiquitous andwidely distributed, what will increasingly differen-tiate candidates will be these critical academicand employability or soft skills attributes.

Contracting and ConsultingThe trend toward focusing on core businesses andcore competencies that started with large firms isbeing adopted by smaller firms as well. For infor-mation technology, this trend has resulted in in-creasing numbers of long-term contract positionsat the technician level and large growth in consult-ing services at the professional level.

Firms for whom information technology is not acore competency may contract for computing in-frastructure, hardware, maintenance, websitehosting, transaction processing, data warehousingand employee training in the use of technology.This trend has created opportunities for full-timeemployment with the contractors supplying theseservices, rather than with the end-user of the ser-vices. Contract workers often do not have perma-nent status. Although many assignments extendfor the duration of the contract (and are thereforeconsidered “long-term”), they are temporary be-cause there is no assurance the contract will berenewed or extended. Because of the explosivegrowth of the information technology industry andthe shortage of skilled workers, relatively few pro-ficient individuals have experienced periods ofunemployment, and this is expected to be the casefor the foreseeable future.

Many firms also employ consultants in short- andlong-term positions to help provide implementa-tion and integration guidance, and to research andprovide strategic input, especially in technologyforecasting and deployment. Firms both large and





Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 11

small also seek consultants with specific skills incurrent or emergent technologies as they apply totheir business needs. Consultants may work inde-pendently but are often part of skilled groups whoseservices are arranged through large firms specializ-ing in consulting services. Persons working forthese firms often acquire valuable worldwide enter-prise perspective as they work through their assign-ments, and bring their technical expertise andaggregated experience to each new assignment.

Specialists versus GeneralistsAn interesting divergent trend seems to be emerg-ing in the structure of the information technologyworkforce in large versus small companies. Largerfirms seem to gravitate more toward specializa-tion at both the technical and management level.Some technical workers support relatively smallgroups dedicated to one project that is narrow inscope. As a result, there is a tendency to developextreme experts in a very tightly focused area.

In contrast, smaller concerns express strong in-terest in finding individuals with a range of skills,knowledge and abilities. This implies that the em-ployee is able to determine when the firm needsto seek external resources, and to make the casefor justifying their use when necessary. It alsomeans the employee is more effective when ableto communicate not only laterally, but to all organi-zational levels. Since students and re-careeringadults often start with small concerns, this trendimplies that educational and training efforts includeactivities and assessments that build the student’sability to integrate a range of skills and abilities.

Nontraditional Degree PathsThe nature of information technology work and theexplosive growth of the field has created opportu-nities for rapid career progression and salary ad-vancement. The iterative and project-based natureof the work creates means experienced personswill have increasing responsibilities in projectmanagement, planning and coordination. There isa trend toward ‘upside down” degrees. Techni-cian-level persons are acquiring additional busi-ness education which qualifies them forincreasing management responsibility.

Four-year schools, especially those who cater toworking adults, are willing to evaluate technicaleducation and professional development in partialfulfillment of academic degree requirements, andare increasingly willing to design individualizedstudy and flexible cohort-based learning groups tofacilitate degree completion.

Information technology workers at all levels valuetheir education, strive to stay current and are of-ten among the most willing employees to take ad-vantage of professional development and careeradvancement opportunities. This trend impliesthat employers must continue to provide profes-sional development and career advancement op-portunities, and also suggests that there will becontinued growth in non-traditional undergradu-ate and graduate education for information tech-nology workers.








Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 13


On the following pages, you will find skillstandards for eight career clusters ininformation technology. Career clusters

are groupings of representative job titles, relatedby a close association with a common set of tech-nical skills, knowledge and abilities. The careercluster approach was used because it moreclosely reflects how work is organized today, espe-cially in illustrating mobility and progressionamong representative job titles.

Career Cluster TitlesThe skill standards for the eight career clustersresearched for this project are:

• Database Development and Administration

• Digital Media

• Enterprise Systems Analysis and Integration

• Network Design and Administration

• Programming/Software Engineering

• Technical Support

• Technical Writing

• Web Development and Administration

These career clusters represent a broad range ofjob titles, from entry level through senior manage-ment. We have attempted to capture, at a highlevel, skill sets that are reflective of the range ofwork represented by the cluster, thereby helpingto illustrate pathways for mobility and progres-sion. With this approach, we hope the skill stan-dards will be useful to educators at every level,and to human resource professionals, training,certification and assessment developers, stu-dents and job seekers, and organizations and indi-viduals conducting research into informationtechnology workforce issues.

Common Elements AcrossCareer ClustersThere are several elements that appear in all clus-ters. This commonality reflects the desire of virtu-ally all employers for employees with a set ofcommon qualities that support specific technicalknowledge and skills.

Project Management, TaskManagement and Problem-Solving/Troubleshooting StandardsOne set of common categories includes projectmanagement, task management and problem-solv-ing/troubleshooting. To avoid redundancy and im-prove usability, these elements have not beenrepeated at the end of every cluster, but are in-cluded in the Appendices. Users of the skill stan-dards should assume that these core elementsare part of every cluster.

Cybersecurity Skill StandardsSee the Appendices for the NWCET’s cybersecurityskill standards, first published in December 2002.These standards were developed in part with a grantfrom the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Draft standards were presented and reviewed atthe NSF Cybersecurity Summit in June 2002 inWashington, DC. This summit verified the need fortechnician-level cybersecurity skill standards tosupport cybersecurity workforce development toassure the integrity of the nation’s IT infrastructure.

These cybersecurity skill standards will find appli-cation in IT education and training program devel-opment, certification and technician reskilling.Although presented here as separate data ele-ments, cybersecurity skills are increasingly impor-tant across all career clusters.








14 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology

Process SkillsEither explicitly or implicitly, certain other processskills appear repeatedly across all eight clusters.These skills include: analysis, design, development,testing, implementation and documentation.

The nature of each of these skills differs depend-ing on the job level, and from cluster to cluster. Byinference, however, employers want employeeswho can:

• apply a systematic, methodical approach tosolving problems;

• research to see who else knows aboutthe problem;

• develop a rational set of possible solutions;

• test the solutions in a cost-effective andefficient manner;

• verify that the problem is truly solved

• document the solution for others.

Additional SkillsRegardless of the career cluster, certain otherskills appear to be “givens” in today’s workplace.The ability to use common software applicationssuch as word processing and email, knowledge ofInternet terminology and a basic understanding ofcomputing hardware, infrastructure and networksare virtually foregone conclusions in the minds ofthe majority of employers.

About the Skill StandardsTemplatesThere is a wealth of information presented in avery compact form in the skill standards that fol-low. The information includes:

• Career cluster descriptions and samplejob titles.

• A one-page summary template for eachcluster listing critical work functions andkey activities

• A detailed template listing the supportingperformance indicators; technical skills,knowledge and abilities; and the foundation/employability skills associated with eachkey activity

Critical Work FunctionsCritical work functions represent the general ar-eas of responsibility within a career cluster. Func-tions state what must be done to fulfill the keyareas of responsibility within the career cluster.

Key ActivitiesKey activities are duties related to the functionalareas of a career cluster. Key activities are a list-ing of the tasks performed by workers. Key activi-ties are observable, measurable work tasks with adefinite beginning and end, and which result in aproduct, service or decision.

Performance IndicatorsPerformance indicators answer the question:“How do we know when a task is performed well?”They are specific evidence of the competentcompletion of a task, or the achievement of a de-fined skill or knowledge level. While critical workfunctions and key activities help define the gen-eral work requirements of a career cluster, per-formance indicators help complete the picture bydescribing the employer-defined level of compe-tent performance.








Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 15

Technical Knowledge, Skills, Abilitiesand ToolsThis category lists the specific items of technicalknowledge, skills, abilities, attributes and use oftools associated with a function or task. This in-formation is presented at a high level and avoidsreference to specific vendors, versions or equip-ment. This allows maximum flexibility in adaptingthe skill standards to local specifications whilepreserving the general requirements of employ-ers for specific skills.

Employability/Foundation SkillsThese skills are general requirements associatedwith a function or key activity. They reinforce theperformance indicators and are the competenciesthat allow workers to interact and participate in thehigh-performance workplace. Employability/foun-dation skills reflect the SCANS terminology andmay be thought of as the competencies that allowone to put technical knowledge to work. They in-clude basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic,as well as thinking/reasoning skills, interpersonalskills and the abilities required to interact produc-tively with complex and dynamic systems.

Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 17








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Database Developmentand Administration

As a database administrator, you will first gatherdata to determine user requirements. You mayalso gather the information to design reports,forms and application interfaces so users can cre-ate data queries and interpret the results. You willparticipate in the creation of corporate data mod-els, as well as determining the enterprise’s datarequirements. You may be involved with prototypinga database system, creating system models andsimulating all aspects of the data system. You willtake part in the selection of appropriate databasedesign tools. You will be involved with decisionsconcerning the choice of platforms as well as theevaluation and selection of Database ManagementSystems (DBMS). You will participate in the con-ceptual and logical database design phases. Youwill have a major role in the physical database de-sign phase and the physical implementation of da-tabase designs using a selected DBMS. You willoversee and monitor information exchange be-tween database designers and application inter-face developers. You may be involved with dataconversion operations and will load data into newor existing systems. You may determine neededchanges either to new systems or existing systemsas they grow. You will develop testing strategiesand thoroughly test the entire data system beforeand after it is put into operation. To keep data se-cure and protected from catastrophic events, you


Data Administrator

Data Analyst

Data Architect

Data Management Associate

Data Modeler

Data Modeling Specialist

Data System Application Programmer

Database Administration Associate

Database Administrator

Database Analyst

Database Consultant

Database Developer

Database Engineer

Database Manager

Database Modeler

Database Security Expert

DSS (Decision Support Services)

Knowledge Architect

Logical Database Designer

Physical Database Designer

Senior Database Administrator

Senior Systems Analyst

Systems Administrator

Systems Analyst


will create security procedures and implementbackup and recovery processes. You will be re-sponsible for operational maintenance and finetuning after a database system is in place and func-tional. You may be involved with training users atvarious levels. You will create documentation andother necessary materials. You will also need tokeep abreast of hardware and software develop-ments, associated costs and updates that may beavailable for existing software and hardware. Youneed to be creative in your approach to problemsand willing to help everyone get the data they needwhile maintaining system security and reliability.

18 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology








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Summary of Critical Work Functions






A. Analyze and DesignDatabase

A1 Perform research andanalyze requirements

A2 Determine targetenvironment/platform

A3 Create and refineconceptual and logicaldata models

A4 Identify high-levelbusiness rulesfor data model

A5 Adapt conceptual andlogical data models toenterprise model

A6 Validate conceptualand logical data modelswith clients

A7 Identify backup andrecovery requirementsand create recovery plan

A8 Identify accessand concurrencyrequirements

A9 Design distributedmodel

A10 Analyze databaserelative to otherdatabases

B. Develop andImplement Database

B1 Develop physicaldatabase characteristicsand define user interface

B2 Create database objects

B3 Select unique identifiersand normalizethe data model

B4 Support population ofdatabase

B5 Integrate high-levelbusiness rules with code

B6 Develop backend andfrontend connectivity

B7 Develop and validatedatabaseimplementation plan

B8 Install and deploydatabase

B9 Produce business andtechnical documents

B10 Tune database andoptimize performance

C. PerformAdministration andMaintenance

C1 Develop and implementmonitoring plan

C2 Analyze monitoringdata

C3 Manage onsiteand offsite backupand recovery

C4 Create and implementmaintenance planfor regular integritychecks

C5 Maintain physicalorganization ofdatabase objects

C6 Upgrade databasesand migrate tonew versions

C7 Plan and manage currentand future physicalresource requirementsand enhancements

C8 Administer and enforcestandards

C9 Audit database systems

E. Provide Client andUser Services

E1 Provide and supportdevelopment andproduction environments

E2 Plan and deliver usertraining

E3 Identify additionalrequirements

E4 Adapt existingstructure to newbusiness environments

F. PerformDatabase Test

F1 Develop test plans

F2 Develop testprocedures

F3 Perform tests

F4 Document testresults and makerecommendations

F5 Test databasecomponents

F6 Implementperformance testing

D. Provide DataAssurance

D1 Gather and documentsecurity requirementsand specifications

D2 Design and documentsecurity plan

D3 Implement and enforcesecurity requirements

D4 Maintain and improvesecurity in response toindustry developmentsand user experience

D5 Protect enterprise/clientdata

Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 19


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Critical Work Function: Analyze and Design Database

A1. Perform research andanalyze requirements

A2. Determine targetenvironment/platform

• Business objectives and goals for theproject are well defined by all stakeholders

• Necessary project background, includinglegacy, is complete and accurate

• Sources of information are reliableand current

• Customer requirements are thoroughlyunderstood and documented

• Final requirements are documentedand approved

• Third-party tools are identified and agreedupon by all parties

• Client/users are properly educated regardingrequirements, technology and tools

• Research and analysis are effectivelycoordinated with team members

• Business needs with respect to ROI arethoroughly analyzed

• Knowledge of basic business objectives andrequirements analysis

• Knowledge of database software, designtools and design principles

• Knowledge of operating systems andthird-party tools

• Knowledge of business needs andproject investment analysis requirementsin usability

• Knowledge of systems legacyintegration rules

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to work cooperatively withothers and contribute ideas, suggestionsand assistance

• Ability to ask relevant questions• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information• Ability to resolve conflicts in available

information and expressed needs

• Available hardware, software andimplementation options are researched,analyzed and documented

• Scope of the project is balancedwith financial equipment andpersonnel constraints

• Target environment/platform is agreedupon by key stakeholders

• Database technology is properly selectedbased on modeling criteria

• Platforms and environments are reviewed,and options and recommendationsare effectively communicated toappropriate personnel

• Knowledge of computer platformsand environments

• Knowledge of platform capabilitiesand limitations

• Knowledge of platform implicationson database design, performance andusability issues

• Knowledge of installed base andpreferred products

• Knowledge of database software• Knowledge of web-based data


• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to generate alternative solutions• Ability to analyze alternatives, consider

tradeoffs and make decisions• Ability to work with a diverse group of

issues and people

20 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


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Critical Work Function: Analyze and Design Database

• Conceptual model is documentedaccurately and thoroughly

• Entities, attributes and relationships areidentified and defined in a complete andaccurate form within scope

• Client/users are consulted duringconceptual data modeling processas appropriate

• Knowledge of data modeling and databasesoftware and tools

• Ability to translate client/user requirementsinto data model

• Ability to define attributes and alignto entities

• Ability to resolve discrepancies in different/multiple models

• Ability to relate user specifications todata model

• Ability to create, store and distributedocumentation according to requirements

• Ability to recognize and resolveconflicting specifications

• Ability to work cooperatively withothers and contribute ideas, suggestionsand assistance

• Ability to ask relevant questions• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information

A3. Create and refineconceptual and logicaldata models

A4. Identify high-levelbusiness rules fordata model

A5. Adapt conceptual andlogical data models toenterprise model

• Pertinent business rules are identified ordefined during modeling

• High-level business rules are documented• Data ownership is clearly defined• Data definitions are fully developed

and agreed upon in accordance withcompany procedures

• High-level business rules are integratedwithin the data model

• Validation rules are identifiedand documented

• Design gaps are identified and resolved

• Knowledge of business structureand processes

• Knowledge of business entitiesand relationships

• Knowledge of business policiesand procedures

• Knowledge of validation rules anddata constraints

• Knowledge of business intelligence modelsand high-level organizational environments

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to analyze structure and relevance

of information• Ability to create detailed supporting

documentation• Ability to visually analyze relationship

between parts/whole

• Conceptual and logical data models areconsistent with enterprise model

• Possible adaptations of enterprise modelare considered

• Company data and objects standardsand standardization policies arethoroughly followed

• Business process changes/adaptations areresearched and evaluated

• Knowledge of company modeling policiesand company development standards

• Ability to communicate modeling issues toa variety of audiences

• Ability to visualize and integrate conceptualand logical model to conform with theenterprise model

• Knowledge of database software anddatabase modeling techniques

• Ability to examine data for relevanceand accuracy

• Ability to pay attention to detail• Ability to analyze structure and

organization of information• Ability to negotiate and resolve conflicts• Ability to present technical

information clearly

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Critical Work Function: Analyze and Design Database

A6. Validate conceptualand logical datamodels with clients

A7. Identify backupand recoveryrequirements andcreate recovery plan

• Data model and prototypes are presentedclearly and completely and approvedas appropriate

• Issues are resolved and recommendationsare fed back into the modeling process

• Conceptual and logical models arereconciled with appropriate levelprocess models

• Conceptual and logical data models arevalidated by client

• Changes or modifications to all models andvalidation process and outcomes areaccurately, concisely and completelydocumented

• Data ownership and reuse areproperly validated

• Knowledge of validation proceduresand processes

• Ability to recognize and resolve conflictsbetween models

• Ability to read and understandprocess model

• Ability to negotiate changes ormodifications in models with a varietyof audiences

• Knowledge of database software, operatingsystems and the particular businessor domain

• Knowledge of prototyping processes• Ability to assess system impacts on

the organization

• Ability to understand and respond toclient/user concerns

• Ability to negotiate and resolve conflictsand compare multiple viewpoints

• Ability to use word processing anddatabase software

• Ability to analyze structure andorganization of information

• Ability to examine data for relevanceand accuracy

• Backup and recovery requirements areconsistent with corporate policy andbusiness needs

• Requirements are specific to database andare documented completely

• Users are appropriately consultedand educated regarding backup andrecovery methods

• Recovery plan is consistent with insuranceand governmental regulatory requirements

• Knowledge of corporate policy andbusiness data requirements

• Knowledge of backup and recoverytechnology of platform

• Knowledge of user needs and skill levels• Knowledge of insurance and government

regulatory requirements• Knowledge of database recovery


• Ability to create detailed supportingdocumentation and write technicaldocuments for a variety of audiences

• Ability to integrate multiple items of dataand synthesize information

• Ability to analyze system configuration/stability

• Ability to analyze goals and constraints• Ability to use word processing and

database software

22 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


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Critical Work Function: Analyze and Design Database

A8. Identify accessand concurrencyrequirements

A9. Design distributedmodel

• Specifications are specific to database andare documented completely

• Access requirements include input, outputand volume of every user view

• Access plan is integrated with backup andrecovery plan

• User views are categorized by typeof transaction

• Security access levels have been identifiedand met

• Record locking mechanism is selected andprovides maximum data integrity andacceptable performance

• Locking alternatives are examined,analyzed and documented and lockinggranularity is documented and justified

• Users are appropriately consultedand educated regarding access andconcurrency procedures

• Knowledge of corporate policy andbusiness data requirements

• Knowledge of alternative concurrencycontrol methods

• Knowledge of user views and user accessrequirements

• Knowledge of locking mechanisms andtradeoffs between lock types

• Knowledge of applicable securitymethodologies

• Ability to write technical documents fora variety of audiences

• Ability to analyze and synthesizeinformation

• Ability to analyze system configuration/stability

• Ability to analyze goals and constraints• Ability to use word processing and

database software

• Each site has the appropriate datasets• Autonomous sites are appropriately

administered• Access to fragments is seamless• Accuracy of data and response meet client/

user needs• Distribution model meets security concerns• Remote access issues are identified

and resolved

• Knowledge of network structureand protocols

• Ability to use appropriate modeling toolsand methodologies

• Ability to document decisions aboutdatabase distribution

• Knowledge of database software• Ability to plan adequately

distributed model

• Ability to analyze organizationof information

• Ability to create detailed technicaldocumentation

• Ability to identify and resolvetechnical issues

• Ability to communicate clearly to a varietyof audiences

• Ability to visually analyze relationshipbetween parts/whole

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Critical Work Function: Analyze and Design Database

A10. Analyze databaserelative to otherdatabases

• Critical dependencies on other databasesare identified and analyzed

• Design, maintenance and administrationplanning takes extensibility into account

• Application interface and businessrequirements are analyzed

• Original sources of data are identified toeliminate redundancy of data

• Data from different databases is seamlesslyand securely integrated

• Knowledge of extensibility and data typing• Knowledge of database interactions and

interoperability• Knowledge of data warehouse and data

mining technology• Ability to use database monitoring tools• Knowledge of critical business

requirements and priorities

• Ability to analyze structure andorganization of information

• Ability to identify issues and resolvetechnical conflicts

• Ability to analyze and synthesizeinformation

• Ability to determine variablesand constraints

• Ability to monitor and interpret trends

24 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


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Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Database

B1. Develop physicaldatabase characteristicsand define userinterface

B2. Create databaseobjects

• Attributes have uniform structure• Table and file names follow naming

conventions• Data types are identified for attributes• Physical design and user interface are

reconciled with processing requirements ofperformance characteristics

• Entities are uniformly and logically linkedthroughout the database structure

• Connectivity factors are taken intoaccount, including connecting the databaseto frontend tools and applications tobackend data

• User interface meets client/userrequirements

• Database characteristics and user interfaceare completely documented

• Knowledge of naming conventionsand standards

• Ability to recognize and resolve conflictsbetween models

• Ability to read and understandlogical model

• Knowledge of data types and attributes• Knowledge of user interface requirements

and standards• Knowledge of platforms and

operating systems• Knowledge of middle-tier interfaces

and applications

• Ability to create detailed documentation• Ability to analyze and synthesize

information and write clearlyand concisely

• Ability to compare multiple viewpointsand negotiate changes

• Ability to apply logic to structuresand processes

• Ability to examine data forrelevance/accuracy

• Ability to pay attention to detail

• Database objects are created/deleted andtested in a timely manner

• Database objects are created inaccordance with best practices and/orcompany procedures

• Database objects are created to meet userrequirements and usability specifications

• Knowledge of database object designand testing procedures

• Ability to relate database usability and userrequirements to object design

• Ability to present data and database toolsin a user-friendly manner

• Knowledge of user preferences andexpertise levels

• Knowledge of data retention requirements

• Ability to attend to detail in checkingmodel/database

• Ability to clarify, interpret andinfluence communication

• Ability to work with minimal supervision• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts in

data and requirements

Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 25


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Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Database

B3. Select uniqueidentifiers andnormalize thedata model

B4. Support populationof database

B5. Integrate high-levelbusiness ruleswith code

• Logical model is consistent with conceptualmodel

• Logical and data models and identifiershave been validated by client

• Identifiers are selected and documentedand primary and foreign keys are properlyidentified

• Rationale behind selection is documented• Data model is normalized to match user

specifications• Attributes of entities and relationships

between entities are defined in a completeand accurate form

• Ability to transform conceptual model intological model

• Ability to identify and define attributes andalign attributes to entities

• Knowledge of operating systems anddatabase software and principles

• Ability to choose and document identifiersand relate identifier selection to businessdomain

• Knowledge of normalization rules andprocesses

• Ability to organize data in a usable form• Ability to track information efficiently and

effectively• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions

from available information• Ability to analyze structure and

organization of information• Ability to identify issues and resolve

technical constraints

• Data entry is complete and accurate• Data conversion is complete and accurate• Data transfer strategies are applied

effectively• Users are consulted to determine new

database content and format

• Knowledge of database software• Knowledge of database querying methods• Knowledge of various database attributes• Ability to re-engineer off-the-shelf

databases• Knowledge of operating systems and

the domain

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions• Ability to devise/implement plan of action• Ability to organize information

and reports• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints

and relate intent to desired results• Ability to pay attention to detail and

follow up on assigned tasks

• Pertinent business rules are examinedand their impact on database isaccurately determined

• Database triggers and procedures areimplemented to reflect business rules

• Database code supports high-levelbusiness rules

• Knowledge of business structure and rules• Knowledge of business entities

and relationships• Knowledge of user interface and

database rules• Knowledge of database code development

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to create detailed supporting

documentation• Ability to visually analyze relationship

between parts/whole• Ability to integrate multiple items

of data and research additionalinformation sources

• Ability to organize technical reports andselect methods of communication

26 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


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Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Database

B6. Develop backend andfrontend connectivity

B7. Develop andvalidate databaseimplementation plan

• Connectivity requirements are clearlydetermined and communicated

• Connectivity issues are identified andappropriately resolved

• Customer performance and connectivityrequirements are met

• Transactions are processed seamlessly anddatabase interactions are successful

• Knowledge of connectivity• Knowledge of data communications

protocols• Knowledge of web interfaces• Knowledge of operating systems

and networks• Knowledge of user interface and

human factors

• Ability to identify underlying issues andresolve technical conflicts

• Ability to communicate technicalconcepts to a variety of audiences

• Ability to set and adjust goalsas necessary

• Ability to work independently and beresponsible for project outcomes

• Implementation plan development involveskey team members

• Database implementation plan iscompleted in a timely manner

• Clients/users are consulted as required• Implementation plan is complete and

congruent with project plan• Implementation plan meets user

specifications and timeline• Transition plan is implemented with

minimal impact on overall productivity

• Knowledge of implementation andtransition process

• Knowledge of productivity factors and riskmanagement techniques

• Knowledge of contingency procedures• Ability to evaluate overall system

performance and productivity• Knowledge of database software

• Ability to synthesize and organizeinformation

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to manage resources and timelinesto maximize effectiveness

• Ability to identify underlying issuesand resolve technical conflicts to client/user satisfaction

• Ability to assume responsibility foraccomplishing team goals

• Ability to provide feedback to relevantpersonnel

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Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Database

B8. Install and deploydatabase

• Software and dataset are installedaccording to implementation plan

• Internal and external feedback and userissues are presented clearly and concisely,and user questions about conversion arecompletely and professionally answered

• New database management system is fullyoperational, users have proper access todata and database is accessible throughthe network, where applicable

• Issues and questions concerningacceptance and validation are resolvedto user satisfaction

• Post-implementation reviews arethoroughly conducted in accordance withcompany procedures

• Nonpressing issues are documented fornext design upgrade

• Database is thoroughly tested to ensureproper installation

• Knowledge of appropriate validationprocess and database system errorresolution procedures

• Ability to evaluate acceptance testing plan• Knowledge of feedback generation

techniques and procedures• Ability to evaluate overall system

performance and productivity• Knowledge of data domains and

database organization

• Ability to relate intent to desired results• Ability to evaluate/adjust plan of action• Ability to judge effectiveness and

efficiency of solution• Ability to evaluate and summarize user

input, recognize critical issues andanalyze communication

• Ability to make recommendationsfor intervention

B9. Produce business andtechnical documents

• Business and technical documents areaccurate and complete

• Business and technical documents meetuser requirements

• Business and technical documents arecreated, stored and distributed according tocompany procedures

• Business and technical documents areupdated and disseminated as needed

• Ability to use advanced wordprocessing features

• Ability to translate technical informationinto user-appropriate formats

• Knowledge of technical document updateprocedures

• Knowledge of publishing processes

• Ability to create and organize businessand technical reports

• Ability to use effective communicationand presentation methods

• Ability to document technical proceduresfor users

• Ability to use integrated/multiplesoftware applications

28 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


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Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Database

• Users access data without delays• Database operation does not adversely

affect other applications• Database can be scaled without

undue penalties• Database is tuned for effective

dynamic response

B10. Tune database andoptimize performance

• Knowledge of networking and operatingsystems

• Knowledge of database tuning andoptimization techniques

• Knowledge of traffic analysis and systemperformance metrics

• Ability to monitor and analyzesystem data

• Ability to judge system effectivenessand efficiency

• Ability to evaluate performance datapatterns and trends

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Critical Work Function: Perform Administration and Maintenance

• Monitoring criteria are identified and agreedupon with design and user groups, and areconsistent with applicable requirements

• Monitoring criteria are documentedcompletely and accurately

• Monitoring plan is congruent with projectscope and resources

• Monitoring information is captured in atimely manner

• System configuration parameters areproperly calibrated to tune database designfor optimum performance and meet client/user requirements

• System down time is minimized• Capacity issues are communicated to

management proactively and in atimely manner

C1. Develop andimplementmonitoring plan

• Knowledge of monitoring methods• Ability to evaluate plan for completeness

and congruency• Knowledge of database principles,

performance factors, monitoring tools andtuning procedures

• Knowledge of production resources andcompany production processes

• Knowledge of database softwareperformance and availability

• Knowledge of business requirements

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to evaluate alternative solutions• Ability to formulate plan of action• Ability to create data gathering processes• Ability to judge system effectiveness

and efficiency• Ability to evaluate impact of resource


C2. Analyze monitoringdata

• Problem criticality is relevant andproperly documented

• Monitoring data is analyzed completely• Solutions to problems are clearly identified

and implemented in a timely manner withminimal disruption to productivity

• Database performance meets designspecifications and client/user requirements

• Continuous efforts are made to identifyand address problems before theybecome critical

• Error, performance and availability metricsare accurately documented anddemonstrate a trend of improvements

• Capacity issues are communicated tomanagement proactively and in atimely manner

• Ability to identify solutions to technical andapplication problems

• Knowledge of productivity factors• Knowledge of solution implementation

planning procedures• Knowledge of monitoring and tuning

processes and procedures• Knowledge of quality assurance methods

and practices• Ability to understand and mitigate

operational and performance issues

• Ability to analyze data• Ability to document analysis in

appropriate detail• Ability to demonstrate innovative

thinking and resourcefulness insolving problems

30 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


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Critical Work Function: Perform Administration and Maintenance

• Backup and recovery plans are identifiedand agreed upon by technical supportgroup and users

• Backup and recovery plans are documentedcompletely and accurately, and includeboth onsite and offsite installations

• Backup procedures are implemented on aregular schedule and according to plan

• Recovery plan meets client/user needs• Unforeseen outages and data loss are

effectively resolved• Production environment is supported to

minimize system down time and ensuresystem availability

C3. Manage backup andrecovery both onsiteand offsite

• Knowledge of backup and recoveryprocedures

• Ability to identify user needs for backupand recovery

• Knowledge of testing tools and proceduresand productivity factors

• Knowledge of database software andoperating systems

• Knowledge of resources required toimplement backup and recovery plans

• Knowledge of insurance and regulatoryrequirements

• Ability to analyze information tosolve problems

• Ability to systematically organizeinformation

• Ability to evaluate criticality of problems,identify possible causes and proposesolutions

• Ability to communicate effectively withclients/users

• Ability to evaluate impact of resourcedistribution

C4. Create and implementmaintenance plan forregular integrity checks

• Maintenance plan documents proceduresfor updates and upgrades

• Integrity checks are performed accordingto plan and corrective action initiatedwhen needed

• Production environment is supported tominimize system down time and ensuresystem availability

• Criteria for determining integrityproblems are agreed upon with designand user groups, and are accurately andcompletely documented

• Knowledge of maintenance toolsand processes

• Knowledge of fault detection andresolution processes

• Ability to translate client/user needs intomaintenance requirements

• Knowledge of resources required toimplement regular integrity checks

• Ability to devise and implement planof action

• Ability to create plan to monitor andcorrect system

• Ability to evaluate impact of resourcedistribution

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C5. Maintain physicalorganization ofdatabase objects

Critical Work Function: Perform Administration and Maintenance

• Database performs efficiently with nounacceptable lags in response

• Fragmentation of database is addressed ina timely manner

• Integrity errors are measured, documentedand demonstrate a trend of improvement

• Plan for the detection of integrityproblems is congruent with project scopeand resources

• Database organization is updated andcorrected according to technicalspecifications, user input and businesspriorities/requirements

• Knowledge of how to query and reportsystem objects

• Knowledge of system model• Knowledge of database software• Knowledge of storage options• Knowledge of optimization techniques

• Ability to devise/implement plan of action• Ability to visually analyze relationship

between parts/whole and process/procedure

• Ability to analyze client/user needs andevaluate effectiveness of solutions

C6. Upgrade databasesand migrate tonew versions

• Software upgrades are applied in atimely manner

• System operation is restored with nounintended consequences

• Software upgrades are based on tangiblebenefits to clients and business

• Software upgrades are applied with minimaldisruptions to clients/users and service

• Knowledge of system models• Knowledge of impacts of upgrades• Knowledge of database software• Knowledge of operating systems and

system administration

• Ability to integrate systems technology• Ability to analyze operational problems

and recommend solutions• Ability to predict technological results• Ability to adapt rules/principles to

new applications• Ability to formulate new approaches

and generate unique solutions

C7. Plan and managecurrent and futurephysical resourcerequirements andenhancements

• Resource requirements are accurately andcompletely defined

• Resource utilization is optimized and meetssoftware, client and business needs

• Access issues are properly addressed• Risk analysis is properly applied• Trends of resource requirements are

correctly measured and documented,and appropriate forecasts are generated

• Knowledge of resource constraints andcapacity planning

• Knowledge of resource acquisition• Knowledge of system hardware, network

and operating systems• Knowledge of database software• Knowledge of physical resource planning

• Ability to determine variablesand constraints

• Ability to monitor safe and efficient useof materials

• Ability to coordinate acquisition, storageand distribution

• Ability to responsibly challengeexisting policies

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Critical Work Function: Perform Administration and Maintenance

• Standards are identified and agreed to byapplications design groups

• Standards are clearly documented andreadily accessible

• Database production applications meetapplicable standards

• Clients and users are educated regardingthe standards

• Process, procedures and environmentconfiguration comply with standards

• Automated controls are usedwhenever possible

C8. Administer andenforce standards

• Ability to monitor database• Knowledge of requirements

and parameters• Knowledge of how to develop standards• Knowledge of evolving industry standards

• Ability to evaluate system performanceand diagnose performance deviations

• Ability to distinguish between facts andinferences, and analyze underlying issuesto resolve technical issues

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to analyze and integrateinformation

• Ability to responsibly challengeexisting policies

C9. Audit database systems • Audits confirm compliance or result inincreased compliance with standards

• Audits are properly documented and resultsare reported to appropriate personnel

• Platform and system audits areproperly performed

• Vendor and other support resources areappropriately utilized

• Knowledge of database audit procedures• Knowledge of audit reporting procedures• Knowledge of performance standards• Ability to utilize vendor and other

support resources

• Ability to recommend ethical courseof action

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to use appropriate principles andprevious training to predict outcomes

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D1. Gather and documentsecurity requirementsand specifications

Critical Work Function: Provide Data Assurance

• Security requirements are derived frombusiness rules, system specificationsand standards

• Security concerns of all participants havebeen addressed

• Proposed security specificationsare complete

• Security specifications are documented,and have been reviewed and comply withappropriate standards and practices

• Potential security risks are identifiedand resolved according to riskmanagement practices

• Knowledge of security system tools• Ability to identify and resolve potential

security conflicts• Knowledge of security issues• Knowledge of database software

and systems• Knowledge of applicable business rules• Knowledge of security standards

and practices

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to apply principles to procedures

and use logic to draw conclusions• Ability to encourage cooperation and

negotiation among all participants• Ability to follow organizational processes

and procedures

D2. Design and documentsecurity plan

• Strategies are thoroughly reviewedand analyzed

• Security design and features are selected tomeet client, user and business needs, andconform to relevant standards

• Security plan is developed and documentedcompletely and accurately

• Security plan is accessible

• Knowledge of security standards,strategies and advisories

• Ability to select security design• Knowledge of client, user and

business needs• Knowledge of security plan documentation

procedures• Ability to relate requirements to

user privileges

• Ability to identify and resolveconflicting data

• Ability to analyze informationand formulate proposals

• Ability to write detailed supportingdocuments

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D3. Implement and enforcesecurity requirements

• Levels of access and security are clearlyidentified, standardized and communicated

• Overall plan is considered whenimplementing and enforcing securityrequirements

• Implementation of security measuresminimizes unauthorized access andaddresses security tradeoffs and risks

• Users are notified about changes in theirsecurity access in accordance with companyprocedures

• Accounts are properly audited to determinethat security requirements are being met

• Security breaches are identified,communicated to appropriate personnel oragencies and effectively mitigated

• Knowledge of database security proceduresand implementation

• Ability to collect security breach details andcommunicate to appropriate personnel

• Knowledge of network and operatingsystems

• Knowledge of appropriate legal actionsand escalation/mitigation pathwaysand processes

• Ability to present practical alternatives• Ability to responsibly challenge unethical

practices/decisions• Ability to write detailed supporting

documents• Ability to analyze and respond to client/

user needs• Ability to present security tradeoffs and

risks and pose critical questions

D4. Maintain and improvesecurity in response toindustry developmentsand user experience

• User input and practices are analyzed anddocumented to assess security issues

• Training results in continuous improvementin security awareness

• Security needs are forecast andincorporated in recommendations forsystem upgrades and/or redesign

• Industry and technology trends arecontinually monitored and incorporated tosupport system security

• Knowledge of business, industry andtechnology security trends

• Ability to use forecasting methods and tools• Ability to gather user input and observe

user practices• Knowledge of instructional design

principles• Ability to provide technical training on

security procedures

• Ability to analyze and respond to client/user needs

• Ability to identify issues and resolvetechnical conflicts

• Ability to organize and present technicalinformation to nontechnical users

• Ability to monitor and interpret trends intechnology and industry

Critical Work Function: Provide Data Assurance

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D5. Protect enterprise/client data

• Data housing retention policies andprocedures are clearly understoodand followed

• Data is protected in usage and accessaccording to applicable policies

• Policies are updated according to changesin the business and legal environment

• Relevant standards are effectively applied• Security threats are analyzed and mitigated

• Knowledge of data usage, access andretention policies and procedures

• Knowledge of data protection standards• Ability to monitor changes in the business

and legal environment• Knowledge of dynamic threat environment

and mitigation practices

• Ability to follow protection policiesand procedures

• Ability to adhere to standards• Ability to review approaches and

recommend improvements

Critical Work Function: Provide Data Assurance

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Critical Work Function: Provide Client and User Services

• Guidelines for database applicationdevelopment are identified and applicationof methodology and modeling techniquesare effectively communicated

• Support to client/user is deliveredeffectively and efficiently

• Changes are transparent to users andimplemented with minimal adverse impact

• Solutions that improve functionality/performance are effectively proposedand implemented

• Implementation, enhancements andmodifications are thoroughly tested againstuser specifications

E1. Provide and supportdevelopment andproductionenvironments

• Knowledge of database applications,software, operations and limitations

• Knowledge of user applications and abilityto assess user impact

• Ability to define and solve applicationproblems

• Knowledge of change documentationprocedures

• Knowledge of project management,scheduling and tracking

• Knowledge of web-based dataenvironments

• Ability to organize and analyze data• Ability to work with and demonstrate

commitment to the client/user• Ability to understand goals and

constraints, generate alternatives,consider risks and evaluate options

E2. Plan and deliveruser training

• Training is designed to meet user needs• User skill levels are identified and assessed• Training materials are developed to meet

user specifications• User training sessions are scheduled and

conducted according to client/user plan• Training sessions are presented in a clear,

concise and user-friendly manner• Feedback is gathered to determine

additional training and support needs

• Knowledge of user training process• Knowledge of user level of expertise• Knowledge of instructional design principles• Knowledge of database, presentation and

word processing software• Knowledge of the organization and culture

• Ability to assess performance ofothers and provide constructive feedbackand reinforcement

• Ability to work cooperatively withothers and contribute ideas, suggestionsand assistance

• Ability to analyze and respond to client/user needs

• Ability to extract information and uselogic to draw conclusions

• Ability to help others learn andapply concepts

• Ability to assess user learning needs andconduct user training

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Critical Work Function: Provide Client and User Services

• Additional requirements meet evolvinguser needs

• New requirements are documented andcompared to current specifications

• Access and security trends are assessedand accommodated

• New transactional needs are identified andincorporated

• Requirements are continuously analyzedand appropriate recommendationsare made

E3. Identify additionalrequirements

• Ability to translate client/user needs intotechnical requirements

• Knowledge of data-gathering methods• Knowledge of user community, needs and

skill levels• Knowledge of requirements analysis

• Ability to clarify, interpret and influencecommunication

• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts indata and requirements

• Ability to use logic to draw conclusionsfrom available information

• Ability to compare multiple viewpointsand negotiate changes

• Ability to present complex informationregarding changes in models

E4. Adapt existingstructure to newbusiness environments

• Current database structure is assessed forits ability to support changes

• Upgrade schedules are analyzedand forecast

• Client services and vendor reviews arecontinually evaluated and updated

• Cost/benefit, ROI and risk analysis areconducted to support recommendations

• Knowledge of business structure, policiesand procedures

• Ability to use forecasting toolsand methods

• Ability to identify trends and relate them tocurrent system

• Ability to present technicalrecommendations in a user-friendly manner

• Ability to predict technological impactsand results

• Ability to analyze and assess technicalinformation from a variety of sources

• Ability to generate and evaluate solutions• Ability to relate intent to desired results

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Critical Work Function: Perform Database Testing

• Test plan is completely documented inaccordance with accepted policies

• Test plan is relevant to application and testrequirements are in compliance with legalrequirements, policies, procedures andcustomer requirements

• Test system accurately mimicsexternal interfaces

• Test scenarios are automated where feasible• Comprehensive set of test cases and

expected results are developed• Testing resources are identified and

schedule is established• Test plan ensures compliance with SDL

(System Development Life Cycle)

F1. Develop test plans • Knowledge of user application• Knowledge of testing impact on timeline

and budget• Knowledge of external interfaces• Knowledge of test domain and ability to

distinguish edges and critical points• Knowledge of operating systems and

testing tools• Knowledge of legal requirements, policies,

procedures and customer requirements

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to write technical documents and

detailed supporting documents• Ability to consider risk implications and

compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to use word processing tools

and techniques

F2. Develop testprocedures

• Test procedures explicitly verifyspecifications

• Test procedures define test conditions• Test procedures are documented in detail• Regression tests are properly developed

and performed to thoroughly exercise thesoftware according to plan and schedule

• Knowledge of external interfaces• Knowledge of test domain and ability to

distinguish edges and critical points• Knowledge of specifications• Ability to construct automated test

sequences and recognize errors in testprocedure and system

• Knowledge of testing methodologyand metrics

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to consider risk implications• Ability to analyze technology output and

examine task/technology relationship• Ability to interpret, clarify and influence


F3. Perform tests • Test process includes appropriateteam members

• System is tested according to planand schedule

• Test results are documented completelyand communicated as appropriate

• System integration testing and volume/performance testing are performed whenappropriate

• Knowledge of system test procedures andtest systems

• Knowledge of system and abilityto recognize problems identified bytest procedure

• Knowledge of testing methodology• Ability to recognize errors in test procedure

and test system

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to analyze technology output and

examine task/technology relationship• Ability to appropriately refer complaint/

discrepancy• Ability to identify and evaluate system


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Critical Work Function: Perform Database Testing

• Errors and preceding conditions are clearlydocumented

• Recommendations for modification areincluded in documentation

• Problems are identified and corrected

F4. Document testresults and makerecommendations

• Knowledge of documentation procedures• Knowledge of testing tools and


• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to respond to system demand• Knowledge of word processing software,

networks and operating environments• Ability to evaluate system performance

and devise plan to monitor and/orcorrect system

• Ability to modify process/procedure

F5. Test databasecomponents

• Acceptance testing and regression testingare satisfactorily completed based onspecification criteria

• Benchmarking is carried out in accordancewith proper procedures

• Components are systematically andthoroughly tested

• Testing methods follow company guidelines• Testing process is clearly documented• Testing is completed according to schedule• Technical conflicts are identified

and resolved

• Knowledge of acceptance testing andregression testing procedures

• Knowledge of database testing methods,tools and processes

• Knowledge of contingency procedures• Knowledge of benchmarking procedures• Ability to evaluate defect impact on overall

system performance and integrity• Knowledge of appropriate validation

process and database system errorresolution procedures

• Ability to evaluate importance of defectand communicate to relevant personnel

• Ability to work with minimal supervision• Ability to attend to detail in testing

database components• Ability to identify and resolve technical

conflicts• Ability to organize and communicate

technical ideas/information

F6. Implement performancetesting

• Performance testing is conducted accordingto appropriate standards and schedules

• Database is proactively monitored forperformance

• Performance improvements are identifiedand prioritized

• Problems are corrected based onperformance testing recommendations

• Testing reflects user and businessperformance expectations

• Knowledge of testing standardsand practices

• Knowledge of database monitoringtechniques and performance parameters

• Ability to interpret system performancemetrics

• Ability to evaluate user performanceexpectations

• Ability to follow proceduresand processes

• Ability to identify and resolve issuesrelated to testing

• Ability to monitor implementation oftesting practices

• Ability to evaluate criticality of problemsand propose applicable solutions


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Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 41

22D/3D ArtistAnimator

Audio DesignerAudio/Video Engineer

Content EditorCreative Director

DesignerGraphic Designer

IllustratorInformation ArchitectInteraction Designer

Media SpecialistMedia/Instructional Designer

Multimedia AuthorMultimedia Authoring Specialist

Multimedia Design SpecialistMultimedia Developer

Multimedia Specialist Producer(Associate, Senior, Executive)

Product DesignerProduction Artist

Production AssistantProgrammer

Streaming Media SpecialistUser Interface Designer

User Interface DeveloperVirtual Reality Specialist

Web DesignerWeb Developer

Web Media DeveloperWeb ProducerWeb Specialist

Digital MediaInformation only has value when someone wantsto read it. A riveting presentation is vital to gettingyour company’s message across whether you’recreating a hot web site, a training video or design-ing the latest computer game. As a digital mediaspecialist you bring ideas to life through technol-ogy. During the initial stages of a project, you esti-mate the costs and the length of the job anddetermine what resources will be needed to bringthe project to completion on time. You want thebest tools to design and format your presentation,but the size of the project and budget sometimesput limits on how far you can go. When designing,you determine the look and feel, select colors andcreate a visually appealing layout. The tools youuse change at an incredible pace, so you’re con-stantly learning about the latest developments, of-ten through word of mouth, books, magazines,tutorials and classes. You get the latest softwareas it comes out and teach yourself new skills.“Mindshare,” the attention customers pay to yourcompany’s name and products, is often deter-mined by the visions you create through your de-signs. Your visions need to create a compellingimage of your company’s products, using multiplemedia types while adhering to copyright on eachpiece of media you use.


Summary of Critical Work Functions







42 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology


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A. Perform Analysis

A1 Gather data to identify internaland external customerrequirements

A2 Define scope of work

A3 Develop, present andtest concepts

A4 Create preliminary design

A5 Research content

A6 Present cost and benefit data

A7 Prepare and present functionalrequirements

A8 Identify technical constraintsand prepare specificationsand project plan

B. Produce Visual andFunctional Design

B1 Determine media types anddelivery platform

B2 Complete basic design andstoryboard

B3 Develop and produce draftsand rough cuts

B4 Design and evaluate userinterface, visual appeal andfunctional design

B5 Develop, evaluate and refinesimulations

B6 Select appropriate softwareand hardware tools

B7 Document design process

B8 Coordinate with design teamto ensure design meetsbusiness goals

E. Test and Deliver Product

E1 Develop and performusability andfunctionality tests

E2 Identify and resolve defects

E3 Document testing processand test results

E4 Conduct customer acceptancetesting and deliver product

E5 Conduct periodic reviews andgather data for revisions

D. Implement Design

D1 Create and producefinished content

D2 Implement and refinenavigation andinteractive design

D3 Implement databaseconnectivity

D4 Create and incorporateapplication components

D5 Optimize design formaintainability

D6 Document implementationprocess

C. Perform Media Productionand Acquisition

C1 Develop, evaluate and revisetext and scripts

C2 Create prototypes

C3 Identify available media andcontent sources

C4 Produce or acquire contentelements

C5 Map project to designspecifications and timelines

C6 Substantiate make-or-buydecisions

C7 Participate in iterativedevelopment with clients andteam members

C8 Ensure media productions andacquisitions meet legal andcopyright requirements


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A1. Gather data to identifyinternal and externalcustomer requirements

• Sources and methods for gatheringrequirements are affordable and relevant

• Sources of requirements are reliableand current

• Information is accurate and complete• Information gathering interviews and focus

groups are conducted according toappropriate company practices

• Information is gathered continuously in acost-effective manner

• Ability to identify and locate keysources of information regardingcustomer requirements

• Knowledge of informationgathering methods

• Knowledge of quantity of data/information required

• Knowledge of iterative nature ofdevelopment work

• Knowledge of applicable technologyand business rules

• Ability to pose critical questions andanalyze group/individual responses

• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to select/obtain data relevant to

the task• Ability to encourage cooperation• Ability to summarize information

and requirements• Ability to analyze systems, scenarios

and structures• Ability to appropriately modify goals while

aggressively pursuing goal attainment

A2. Define scope of work • Project objectives and scope are identifiedand agreed upon

• Criteria for successful completionare identified

• Major project tasks and interdependenciesare identified and ranked

• Schedule is prepared based on resourceavailability and project timeline

• Scope of work is documented in anaccurate, complete and succinct form

• Time, technology and resource constraintsare accurately defined, and conflicts, risks,tradeoff analysis and contingency plansare discussed with key stakeholders

• Knowledge of project management tools,multimedia software, hardware andsystems technology capabilities andconstraints

• Knowledge of risk analysis techniques• Ability to set priorities and maintain


• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments and summarize informationand requirements

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to visualize tasks sequentially andidentify interdependencies

• Ability to analyze customer needs, makeexceptional effort on behalf of customerand resolve conflicts to customersatisfaction

• Ability to plan according to resourceneeds and constraints


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A3. Develop, present andtest concepts

• Project concepts are developed and tested• Concepts meet overall customer

requirements and fit technology constraints• Concepts are congruent with scope of

project and resources• Concepts are presented to and approved by

relevant team members and by customer• Alternatives are clearly identified, ranked

and evaluated

• Knowledge of concept design toolsand procedures

• Knowledge of simulation and testingprocedures for feasibility models

• Ability to use rapid prototyping tools todevelop concept alternatives

• Ability to create/develop and testnew concepts

• Ability to value differences of opinion• Ability to analyze underlying issues and

resolve technical issues• Ability to pose critical questions and

analyze group/individual responses• Ability to apply self-management skills

and pursue goal attainment

A4. Create preliminarydesign

• Initial design is in agreement withapproved concepts

• Design prototype meets designspecifications, project requirements andlatest research on usability

• Design specifications are congruent withproject scope and resources

• Preliminary design is tested• Preliminary design is presented to and

approved by relevant team members andby customer

• Knowledge of multimedia design toolsand procedures

• Knowledge of simulation and testingprocedures for prototypes

• Knowledge of the impact of technicallimitations and resources on project design

• Knowledge of latest research onusability issues

• Ability to design alternatives andmake recommendations

• Knowledge of graphics packages and othersoftware design tools

• Ability to apply creative solutions tonew situations

• Ability to demonstrate creative thinkingwhile solving problems

• Ability to identify and resolvetechnical conflicts

• Ability to formulate new ideas/designs

A5. Research content • Supplied or required editorial pieces areanalyzed and qualified for appropriateness

• Rights of usage, intellectual property rightsand legal issues related to the ownershipand use of information and copyrights forcontent are thoroughly researched

• Readability and usability are consideredwhen selecting content

• Content sources are evaluated based oncost and value to target audience

• Content is secured from reliable andrespected sources

• Content is organized into manageable sections

• Knowledge of research techniquesand tools

• Knowledge of writing and editorialprocesses and procedures

• Knowledge of organizational anddepartmental practices

• Ability to analyze readability and usabilityof content

• Knowledge of rights of usage, intellectualproperty rights and legal issues related tothe ownership and use of information andcopyrights for content

• Ability to use word processing andediting tools

• Ability to select/obtain data relevant totask, identify the need for data andcontrast conflicting data

• Ability to analyze, synthesize andsummarize research results


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A6. Present cost andbenefit data

• Analysis is prepared comparing make-and-buy options for each element

• Recommendations are reviewed by relevantpersonnel and key stakeholders

• Decisions made are congruent with projectgoal, scope and budget

• Cost and benefit data results are quantifiedfor decision makers

• All media necessary for the application canbe accessed

• Outsource requirements are accuratelyidentified and include an evaluation ofbenefits and risks

• Knowledge of the multimedia industry• Knowledge of range of multimedia tools• Knowledge of cost/benefit analysis and ROI

tools and procedures• Knowledge of multimedia software and

hardware trends• Knowledge of outsourcing procedures

• Ability to evaluate alternative solutions• Ability to analyze the situation and

consider risks/implications• Ability to identify sources of information

and gather data relevant to the task• Ability to present information clearly

and concisely

A7. Prepare and presentfunctionalrequirements

• All functional requirements are completeand free of conflicts

• Functional requirements are documented inan accurate and complete form

• Functional requirements are prepared inaccordance with overall project andcustomer requirements

• Functional requirements are presentedeffectively

• Knowledge of multimedia systemcapabilities

• Ability to translate customer requirementsinto functional requirements

• Ability to identify and resolve conflictingfunctional requirements

• Knowledge of multimedia software andhardware

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions• Ability to analyze information for

accuracy and consistency• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information• Ability to recognize patterns and

relationships and use imagination tovisualize events and outcomes

• Ability to organize, communicate andpresent required information


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A8. Identify technicalconstraints andprepare specificationsand project plan

• Technological constraints are identifiedaccurately and completely

• Appropriate hardware and software areidentified

• Functional specifications are complete andapproved by all relevant parties

• Specifications are free of conflicts• Specifications are assessed for feasibility• Specifications meet overall user

requirements and are documentedcompletely and accurately

• Resources are identified and matched tothe tasks at hand

• Project plan includes all necessary elements

• Ability to identify technological constraintsof development and delivery platforms

• Knowledge of multimedia hardware andsoftware

• Knowledge of multimedia requirementsand specification procedures

• Knowledge of implementation proceduresand user needs

• Ability to analyze and resolve conflicts inspecifications

• Knowledge of project planning techniques

• Ability to apply rules/principles tosituation

• Ability to gather and analyze information• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions

from available information• Ability to clearly present complex

information• Ability to resolve technical issues with

team members and customer• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions


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Critical Work Function: Produce Visual and Functional Design

B1. Determine media typesand delivery platform

• Chosen media elements and deliveryplatform support the project goalsand scope

• Chosen media elements can be acquiredand developed within the allotted budgetand with available resources and expertise

• Media elements are compatible with theproject’s intended feel, look and message

• Media elements meet specifications• Platform supports the selected media

elements and is congruent with userenvironment

• Knowledge of media types and capabilities• Knowledge of media element costs and

hardware requirements• Knowledge of computer platform

performance and limitations• Knowledge of copyright laws and licenses

• Ability to present technical information• Ability to resolve technical issues with

team members and customer• Ability to use previous experience to

predict outcomes and visualize theintegration of separate elements

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions andformulate plan of action

B2. Complete basic designand storyboard

• Design elements and principles areused appropriately

• User interface elements are functional andaesthetically pleasing

• Design is usability tested and performanceis checked against requirements

• Design and navigation conform tofunctional and interface requirements andorganizational standards

• Storyboards are detailed and complete• Storyboard supports functional

design, selected media types andnavigation schema

• Storyboard, design concepts and navigationschema are created with input fromrelevant team members, and are reviewedand approved by stakeholders

• Knowledge of multimedia design elements,principles and testing procedures

• Knowledge of storyboarding techniquesand tools

• Knowledge of navigation approaches• Ability to evaluate graphic designs and

assess visual impact and effectiveness• Ability to use wide range of computer

graphic tools• Ability to relate design to performance

predictions• Knowledge of user interface design

principles• Knowledge of delivery methods

and platforms

• Ability to manipulate technology fordesired results and evaluate applicationof technology

• Ability to encourage/support teammembers and assume responsibility foraccomplishing team goals

• Ability to apply creative solutions to newsituations

• Ability to formulate new processes• Ability to evaluate alternative solutions• Ability to organize and clearly

present ideas


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Critical Work Function: Produce Visual and Functional Design

B3. Develop and producerough cuts

• All media elements are properly integrated• Multimedia product meets specifications

and accurately portrays the desiredconcept, message and image

• A coordinated color scheme is usedthroughout the product

• The color scheme adheres to color rulesfor legibility and readability

• The color scheme demonstratesa consideration of cultural andcontextual meanings

• Color usage meets specifications ofhardware and software

• 3D shapes and textures are representedin both simplified and complex renderingsas appropriate

• Knowledge of multimedia integrationsoftware, tools and techniques

• Ability to evaluate product for look and feel• Ability to assess visual and impact

effectiveness• Knowledge of principles of color and the

cultural and contextual uses of color• Knowledge of hardware and software color

specifications and ability to use palettecolor manipulation tools

• Ability to create 3D shapes and textures onpaper and by using technology

• Ability to generate unique solutions anddemonstrate creative thinking whilesolving problems

• Ability to evaluate alternative solutions• Ability to recognize patterns/relationships

of colors• Ability to create comprehensive model/

simulation, mentally picture familiaractions and outcomes and visualize newconcept/design

B4. Design and evaluateuser interface,visual appeal andfunctional design

• Design and interface specifications arecomplete, free of conflicts and properlyapproved

• Different design solutions are developed,tested and evaluated prior to selecting andrefining the solution

• Evaluation process includes appropriateteam members and project stakeholders

• Visual design supports human factors anduser interface specifications as outlined inthe functional design

• Knowledge of design elements andprinciples and interface requirements

• Ability to assess visual impactand effectiveness

• Knowledge of multimedia software• Knowledge of specification and

implementation procedures• Knowledge of usability testing

methodologies• Ability to analyze and resolve for conflicts

in specifications• Knowledge of human factors and user

interface research

• Ability to analyze visual appeal andrecommend solutions

• Ability to apply appropriate principles/laws/theories to situations

• Ability to visually analyze relationshipbetween parts/whole, process/procedure

• Ability to consider risks/implications,generate and evaluate alternativesolutions and formulate plan of action

• Ability to develop and apply creativesolutions to new situations

• Ability to justify user interface design


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Critical Work Function: Produce Visual and Functional Design

B5. Develop, evaluate andrefine simulations

• Simulation accurately represents thephenomena it portrays

• Simulation is clearly recognizable andeasily understood

• Simulation adheres to good design,interface and human factors principles

• Simulation evaluation includes strengthsand weaknesses

• Simulations are tested for usability• Different design solutions are developed,

tested and evaluated prior to selectingand refining the solution

• Ability to produce simulations on paperand by using technology

• Knowledge of the capabilities andlimitations of simulation hardwareand software

• Knowledge of good design, interface andhuman factors principles

• Ability to analyze strengths andweaknesses of multimedia softwarecapabilities

• Ability to develop and administerusability tests

• Ability to use imagination to visualizeevents/activities, mentally pictureoutcomes and visually analyzerelationship between parts/whole,process/procedure

• Ability to create comprehensivemodel/simulation and evaluateconcept/simulation

• Ability to evaluate/adjust plan of action

B6. Select appropriatesoftware andhardware tools

• Software and hardware support allfunctional and delivery specifications

• Software and hardware are easy to useand meet appropriate performance metricsand specifications

• Design supports different software andhardware options when appropriate

• Security issues are considered whenselecting software and tools

• Website performance goals are specifiedand verified

• Ability to use multimedia authoringtools, media editing tools and softwaredesign tools

• Knowledge of appropriate hardware• Knowledge of industry trends

and standards• Ability to use web-based data resources• Knowledge of security issues• Knowledge of performance metrics

and specifications

• Ability to integrate multiple items of dataand reconcile conflicting information

• Ability to develop creative solutions anddemonstrate resourcefulness

• Ability to predict outcomes and results ofselection of tools

• Ability to consider risks and implications

B7. Document designprocess

• Design process is documented accuratelyand completely

• Design process document reflects theproject goals, scope and budget

• Design process document is reviewed andapproved by all relevant team membersand customers

• Design process document includesprogramming, instrumentation andappropriate testing environmentsand phases

• Knowledge of testing and quality assurancecriteria and processes

• Ability to anticipate how users will interactwith the product

• Knowledge of programming andinstrumentation

• Ability to communicate clearly• Ability to analyze and organize ideas

and information• Ability to use word processing tools• Ability to resolve conflicts and present

accurate results• Ability to use previous training/experience

to predict outcomes


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Critical Work Function: Produce Visual and Functional Design

B8. Coordinate with designteam to ensure designmeets business goals

• Design team has clear understanding ofproject goals and customer expectations

• Project plan and specific steps arepresented in detail to team

• Team member roles and responsibilities areclearly defined

• Communication with team is timely andaccurate

• Analysis is complete and incorporates allaspects of design

• Design concepts support business goals

• Knowledge of project planning, practicesand methods

• Knowledge of team member roles andresponsibilities

• Knowledge of applicable business goals• Ability to coordinate project teams and

meet objectives

• Ability to compile multiple viewpointsand analyze design criteria

• Ability to formulate plan of action andpredict outcomes

• Ability to organize ideas and information• Ability to communicate clearly• Ability to plan according to resource

needs and constraints


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Critical Work Function: Perform Media Production and Acquisition

C1. Develop, evaluate andrevise text and scripts

• Text and scripts are complete, relevantand congruent with the application domainand flow

• Text content is free of conflictsand inaccuracies

• Script flow is congruent with story• Scripts reflect iterative and dynamic aspects

of application and development processes

• Knowledge of script developmenttechniques and tools

• Ability to organize flows according to apredetermined scheme

• Knowledge of media design

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to evaluate consistency of

written material• Ability to write for the appropriate

audience• Knowledge of word processing software

C2. Create prototypes • Prototypes accurately reflect the design andmeet customer needs

• Prototypes are created in a cost-effectiveand timely manner

• Prototypes are reviewed and approved bythe customer

• Ability to produce and develop multimediaapplications

• Ability to use rapid prototyping tools• Knowledge of prototyping standards• Knowledge of multimedia software• Knowledge of media production

• Ability to demonstrate creative thinkingwhile problem solving

• Ability to identify goals and constraints• Ability to generate and evaluate

alternative solutions• Ability to formulate and implement a

plan of action• Ability to present ideas effectively

C3. Identify availablemedia and contentsources

• Sources are identified and located in atimely manner

• Available content is matched to projectneeds and technical specifications

• Selected media and content sources areappropriate and effective

• Content is accurate and complete• Media and content sources are reliable,

current and affordable• Permission and clearances are obtained for

the use of copyrighted material andintellectual property

• Knowledge of information search andacquisition techniques and ability touse effective search skills for contentand media

• Ability to select the most appropriatemedia type or combination of media typesto communicate the content area

• Ability to evaluate the effectiveness ofcommunication for selected media andcontent sources

• Ability to evaluate media preferencesof customer

• Knowledge of copyright laws and licenses

• Ability to interpret and apply newknowledge and experience

• Ability to revise plan as indicated byinvestigation of media sources

• Ability to implement new technologiesand new applications

• Ability to research additionalinformation sources

• Ability to analyze data and evaluateaccuracy and appropriateness

• Ability to follow rules and procedures


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Critical Work Function: Perform Media Production and Acquisition

• Graphic, animation, audio and videocontent are complete and relevant tomessage and script

• Content is free of conflict and inaccuracies• Content style is congruent with customer

image and project goals• Permission to use acquired elements is

secured• Simulations create the feel of the real


C4. Produce or acquirecontent elements

• Knowledge of copyright laws and licenses• Knowledge of graphic, animation, audio

and video development tools andmultimedia software

• Knowledge of graphic, animation, audioand video industries and vendors

• Knowledge of virtual reality technology,simulation tools and video production

• Ability to use 3D graphic simulations tobuild virtual world

• Ability to mentally picture outcomes• Ability to think creatively while solving

problems• Ability to analyze effectiveness of

graphics, animation, audio and videocontent

• Ability to analyze content and form andreconcile to overall project image

• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints andformulate plan of action

• Ability to generate and evaluatealternative solutions

C5. Map project todesign specificationsand timelines

• Each media element is uniquely identifiedusing appropriate naming conventions

• Project map includes contingency plan• Constraints and interdependencies are

completely and accurately identified

• Knowledge of critical path scheduling• Knowledge of multimedia software• Knowledge of industry standards• Knowledge of media indexing• Ability to develop and understand project

management charts and work flowdiagrams

• Ability to consider risks and implications• Ability to formulate plan of action and

predict results• Ability to organize information according

to company procedures• Ability to understand relevance of media

components to various situations• Knowledge of project management

scheduling software

C6. Substantiate make-or-buy decisions

• Make-or-buy decision includes productquality and cost

• Substantiation document includes vendorselection criteria

• Make-or-buy decision making includesappropriate people

• Knowledge of basic business principles• Knowledge of contract management• Knowledge of multimedia software

• Ability to analyze situation/informationand consider risks/implications

• Ability to compare and evaluatealternative solutions

• Ability to justify purpose/result


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Critical Work Function: Perform Media Production and Acquisition

C7. Participate in iterativedevelopmentwith clients andteam members

• Design and production elements meetspecifications

• Multiple prototypes and evaluations arecompleted

• Prototypes have a positive effect on thedevelopment process

• Each iteration solves a problem andsupports project goals

• Stakeholders review and sign off on criticaliterative development steps

• Knowledge of the iterative process• Ability to use a variety of development

strategies• Knowledge of development and delivery

platforms• Ability to present technical information

clearly• Knowledge of multimedia software

• Ability to analyze group/individualresponse and pose critical questions

• Ability to analyze alternatives and maketradeoffs and decisions

• Ability to resolve technical issues• Ability to encourage others to adopt new


C8. Ensure mediaproductions andacquisitions meetlegal and copyrightrequirements

• Clearances, usage rights and licenses areobtained for all content as required

• Model releases are obtained as required• Intellectual property is protected and

secured appropriately• Legal issues and concerns are reviewed by

legal and contract personnel

• Knowledge of requirements and proceduresrelating to clearances, usage rights andlicenses

• Knowledge of copyright and intellectualproperty protection issues

• Knowledge of ethical issues relating toacquisition and use of intellectual property

• Ability to follow company policies,procedures and standards

• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts• Ability to analyze information and

consider risks/implications• Ability to organize and present complex



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Critical Work Function: Implement Design

D1. Create and producefinished content

• Content meets design specifications andeffectively communicates intended message

• Content is reviewed for clarity, structureand accuracy

• Integration of media elements is consistentwith design and intended outcomes

• Themes and styles are aligned withcustomer and audience preferences

• Knowledge of media production andacquisition processes

• Knowledge of research and contentorganization techniques

• Ability to use the Internet andmultimedia software

• Knowledge of media format conversionprinciples and tools

• Knowledge of themes, styles andaudience preferences

• Ability to apply creative thinking tonew situations

• Ability to examine task and technologyrelationship

• Ability to implement new technologiesand applications

• Ability to predict technological results• Ability to visualize integrated

media product

D2. Implement and refinenavigation andinteractive design

• Specified functions and features areavailable to user through appropriateinterface

• Visual and functional design specificationsaddress human factors

• Design meets budgetary requirements• Interactivity and navigation are user-

friendly and support project goals

• Knowledge of user interface designprinciples

• Knowledge of human factors issues• Knowledge of navigation design and

implementation techniques• Ability to apply cost/benefit analysis to

media designs

• Ability to compile multiple viewpointsand analyze design criteria

• Ability to develop predictions based onavailable information

• Ability to formulate plan of action andpredict outcomes

D3. Implement databaseconnectivity

• Connectivity provides optimum interactiveexperience

• Connectivity increases product functionality• User interface supports database

connectivity• Connectivity methods ensure integrity and

security of database

• Knowledge of database connectivity issuesand principles

• Ability to optimize database connectivity inan interactive environment

• Knowledge of user interface designprinciples

• Knowledge of database integrity andsecurity issues and principles

• Ability to examine task and technologyrelationship

• Ability to apply creative thinking to newsituations

• Ability to implement new technologiesand applications

• Ability to integrate system technologyand predict technological results


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Critical Work Function: Implement Design

D4. Create and incorporateapplication components

• Application operates in designateddelivery environment in a manneracceptable to customer

• Application components meet designspecifications and conform to operationalrules and constraints

• Application enhances interactivity withoutcompromising performance

• Knowledge of authoring tools, languagesand development principles

• Knowledge of applicable standards,conventions and constraints

• Ability to develop designs in an interactiveoperating environment

• Ability to devise/implement plan of actionand judge effectiveness of plan

• Ability to examine information/data forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to analyze possible causes/reasonsand recommend action

• Ability to monitor/adjust task sequence• Ability to analyze operational problems

and adjust system operation

D5. Optimize design formaintainability

• Content and media elements can be easilyupdated without major structure redesign

• Code is developed using object-basedprinciples to facilitate changes

• Code and design documentation isthorough and accurate to facilitate changes

• Knowledge of software design principlesand practices

• Knowledge of object-based languages andsupport tools

• Knowledge of documentation principlesand practices

• Ability to adapt technology• Ability to follow proper procedures• Ability to analyze possible causes

and reasons• Ability to generate and evaluate

solutions, and devise and implementappropriate actions

D6. Documentimplementationprocess

• Results of implementation are clearly andconcisely communicated

• Implementation process and results arereviewed by appropriate team membersand stakeholders

• Implementation documentation includessteps for improvement

• Knowledge of documentation standardsand practices

• Ability to document and communicatetechnical information

• Ability to effectively organize, analyzeand synthesize information

• Ability to communicate information andideas clearly and succinctly

• Ability to use word processing tools


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Critical Work Function: Test and Deliver Product

• Test plans are efficient and effective andfollow appropriate company procedures

• Usability and functionality tests aredesigned to include customer expectations

• Usability and functionality tests aredirected toward appropriate audiences,done in adequate numbers and useappropriate procedures

• Methods for testing are affordable andrelevant and include summative evaluation

• Testing results in accurate informationthat can be used in the iterativedevelopment process

• Deviations from specifications areclearly identified

E1. Develop and performusability andfunctionality tests

• Knowledge of company testing procedures• Knowledge of iterative development

process• Knowledge of testing software and ability

to track and resolve defects• Knowledge of usability testing procedures

and cost considerations in testing• Knowledge of multimedia software

and hardware• Knowledge of specifications and ability to

assess customer satisfaction

• Ability to devise/implement plan of actionand judge effectiveness of test plan

• Ability to examine information/data forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to analyze possible causes/reasonsand recommend action plan

• Ability to monitor/adjust task sequence• Ability to analyze operational problems

and adjust system operation• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to develop and ensure compliance

to quality standards

E2. Identify andresolve defects

• Design process identifies approaches tofinding, managing and prioritizing errors

• Defects are identified completelyand accurately

• Timely documentation of errors includescurrent status and person responsible forresolving

• A systematic testing program isimplemented to identify hardwarecompatibility problems

• Navigation is mapped and checked forall links

• Critical error areas are identified and errortrapping is embedded into product

• A debugging program is in place as thecomponents are developed

• Previously identified errors have beenresolved within allotted time and budget

• Ability to use debugging tools• Ability to analyze design, hardware and

software problems• Ability to use resources to resolve bugs• Knowledge of version and revision

control practices• Ability to manage errors and use

tracking software

• Ability to adapt technology foralternative uses

• Ability to follow proper procedures andapply technology in an effective manner

• Ability to make recommendations for ahigher quality product

• Ability to analyze possible causesand reasons

• Ability to generate and evaluatesolutions, and devise and implementplan of action


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Critical Work Function: Test and Deliver Product

E3. Document testingprocess and test results

• Testing process is accurately andthoroughly documented

• Test results are clearly and conciselycommunicated

• Testing process and results are reviewed byappropriate team members and stakeholders

• Steps for improvement in the testingprocess are outlined

• Knowledge of testing methods, tools andprocedures

• Knowledge of company and departmentalpractices

• Ability to identify and track criticalimplementation milestones and deadlines

• Ability to effectively organize, analyze andsynthesize information

• Ability to communicate information andideas clearly and succinctly

• Ability to use word processing tools

E4. Conduct customeracceptance testingand deliver product

• Testing plan is complete andwell coordinated

• Testing results in feedback that can beused in the iterative development process

• Appropriate people are included inacceptance testing

• Delivered product meets customerexpectations

• Training needs are addressed and trainingis provided as appropriate

• Knowledge of customer expectations• Ability to assess acceptance testing for

efficiency and effectiveness• Ability to identify training needs

and develop appropriate solutionsand responses

• Ability to interpret and clarifycommunication

• Ability to predict and communicateoutcomes to the customer

• Knowledge of word processing software• Ability to resolve conflicts to

customer satisfaction• Ability to organize acceptance

testing procedure

E5. Conduct periodicreviews and gatherdata for revisions

• Post-delivery review is conducted withclient/customer

• Performance and usability issues aredocumented and prioritized

• Change request log is implementedand maintained

• Change requests and performance issuesare communicated to design team

• Knowledge of performance monitoringmethods and practices

• Ability to document and communicatechange requests

• Ability to gather and document customersatisfaction data

• Knowledge of change requests and revisioncontrol processes and procedures

• Ability to adapt technology foralternative uses

• Ability to follow proper procedures andapply technology in an effective manner

• Ability to make recommendations• Ability to analyze possible causes

and reasons• Ability to generate and evaluate

solutions, and devise and implementappropriate action





s A







Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 59


Application Integrator

Business Applications Analyst

Business Architect

Business Consultant

Business Continuity Analyst

Business Systems Analyst

Cross-Enterprise Integrator

Data Systems Designer

Data Systems Manager

Data Warehouse Designer

Delivery System Architect

E-Business Specialist

E-Commerce Business Analyst

E-Commerce Design Specialist

Electronic Transaction Analyst

Enterprise Architect

Information Systems Architect

Information Systems Planner

Information Technology Architect

Infrastructure Manager

Project Executive

Project Principal

Systems Analyst

Systems Architect

Systems Integrator

Systems Manager

Technical Consultant

Enterprise SystemsAnalysis and Integration

As society increasingly depends on informationtechnology for commerce, education, communica-tion and entertainment, the smooth functioningand proper interaction of complex informationtechnology systems become increasingly impor-tant. The increase in e-business and digital com-merce will put even more emphasis on theinteroperability, usability and security of separatesystems. Enterprise systems analysts and integra-tion specialists will often oversee the installationof necessary software, programming of databasesand configuration of networks to allow efficientand secure transactions among computer sys-tems. Professional opportunities exist for thosewith technical backgrounds plus business and/ormanagement experience and education to per-form high-level design and system integrationfunctions either as a member of the enterpriseteam or as a consultant.

Summary of Critical Work Functions











s A







60 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology

A. Define CustomerRequirements

A1 Identify and documentcustomer requirements

A2 Define securityrequirements

A3 Assess and documentcurrent systemscapabilities andusage trends

A4 Develop and documentdata and businessprocess models

A5 Define documentationand trainingrequirements

A6 Identify performancemetrics

A7 Perform ROI (Return onInvestment) analysis tojustify concept

B. Determine Solutionsfor New and ExistingSystems

B1 Evaluate proven andemerging toolsand technologies

B2 Perform risk andopportunity analysis

B3 Make fiscalrecommendationsregarding technology

B4 Define systems securityspecifications

B5 Define deliverystrategies

B6 Define systemsinterfaces

B7 Define implementationstrategies

B8 Define maintenance andenhancement strategies

C. Provide StrategicDirection for SystemsConfiguration andInteroperability

C1 Evaluate company’scurrent IT frameworkand technologystrategies

C2 Make recommendationsregarding company’sinvestment intechnology

C3 Define datawarehousingrequirements

C4 Provide integration forlegacy systems

C5 Provide systemsconsulting to usergroups

C6 Develop internalstandards to guideenterprise in design oftechnical solutions

E. Implement Systems

E1 Guide and direct systemsimplementation projects

E2 Ensure quality ofroutine systemsmonitoring

E3 Perform implementationreadiness review

E4 Coordinate systems usertraining

E5 Put systems into service

E6 Review and evaluatesystems documentation

E7 Develop plans andprocesses for ongoingsystems support

F. Manage SystemsQuality Assuranceand Testing

F1 Define and developtest plan andtest procedures

F2 Manage and performsystems testing

F3 Document testresults and makerecommendations

F4 Develop and manageintegration

F5 Evaluate systemsdevelopment frame-work and recommendimprovements

D. Provide High-levelTechnologyManagement

D1 Define systems goalsand performancemetrics

D2 Audit systemsperformance

D3 Provide capacityplanning and riskanalysis

D4 Provide long-termstrategic and changemanagement consulting

D5 Evaluate newtechnologies,applicationsand products


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s A







Critical Work Function: Define Customer Requirements

A1. Identify and documentcustomer requirements

• Inputs, outputs and constraints areproperly identified

• Customer requirements are complete,accurate and documented in atimely manner

• Requirements are approved by user inaccordance with company procedures

• Changes are incorporated as appropriate• Configuration management and change

control processes are applied todocumentation

• Knowledge of continuous qualityimprovement tools

• Knowledge of company proceduresregarding document approval

• Ability to incorporate changes tocustomer requirements

• Knowledge of configuration managementand change control processes

• Ability to draw requirements fromcustomers and infer technologicalimplications

• Knowledge of systems requirementsand modeling

• Ability to compare multiple viewpointsand analyze communication

• Ability to integrate multiple items of data,contrast conflicting data and researchadditional information sources

• Ability to establish rapport with co-workers and customers

• Ability to detect underlying issues andresolve technical conflicts

• Ability to present complex ideas/information and pose critical questions

A2. Define securityrequirements

• Security requirements are completeand accurate

• Security requirements are consistent withcompany standards and all applicable lawsand regulations

• Security requirements are consistentwith stakeholder requirements andtransaction procedures

• Risk areas are identified and addressed

• Knowledge of company standardsand applicable laws and regulationsregarding security

• Knowledge of risk identification andsecurity limitations

• Knowledge of networking, systems andapplications security

• Knowledge of data integrity issues• Knowledge of security requirements and

transaction procedures• Knowledge of industry-standard security

technology, tools and practices

• Ability to follow policies and procedures,pay attention to detail and follow up onassigned tasks

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to examine information for

relevance and accuracy and adaptprinciples/rules to new applications


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62 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology





s A







Critical Work Function: Define Customer Requirements

A3. Assess and documentcurrent systemscapabilities andusage trends

• Assessment accurately reflectscurrent systems capabilities andexternal dependencies

• Proper tools and metrics are used tomeasure usage trends

• Assessment includes infrastructurecapacity trends

• Documentation is completed according tocompany procedures

• Documentation includes stakeholderrequirements and transaction procedures

• Knowledge of analysis tools and metrics tomeasure usage trends

• Knowledge of company proceduresregarding documentation

• Ability to measure infrastructure capacity• Ability to audit usage against

systems capabilities• Knowledge of usage requirements and

transaction procedures

• Ability to summarize and translatemathematical data

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to convert numerical data andpredict arithmetic results

• Ability to analyze organizationof information

• Ability to utilize networks and organizeinformation and reports

A4. Develop and documentdata business processmodels

• Appropriate diagramming methodologiesand modeling techniques are used

• Data and business process modelsaccurately reflect current operation

• Documentation is complete and accurate• Documented process is validated by

the customer in accordance withcompany procedures

• Knowledge of diagramming methodologiesand the ability to utilize modeling toolsand techniques

• Knowledge of company proceduresregarding customer validation

• Knowledge of business process anddata models

• Knowledge of networks and systemsinfrastructure

• Knowledge of distributed computing

• Ability to summarize and translatemathematical data

• Ability to convert numerical data andpredict results

• Ability to integrate and analyzeinformation and organize technical reports

• Ability to actively participate inteam activities and encourage/supportteam members

• Ability to respond to customer needs,relate to concerns and resolve conflictsto customer satisfaction

A5. Define documentationand trainingrequirements

• Documentation and training requirementsare developed in accordance with companyprocedures and culture

• End-user skill level is accurately evaluated• Documentation and training strategies are

appropriate and cost-effective• Training is relevant and timely• Documentation and training are effectively

communicated and delivered

• Knowledge of company proceduresregarding documentation and training

• Knowledge of just-in-time training methods• Ability to evaluate training materials and

delivery methods• Knowledge of instructional design principles• Knowledge of documentation access and

delivery platforms and methods

• Ability to identify training needs• Ability to analyze application of

learning tools and investigate newlearning techniques

• Ability to assess individual knowledgeand skills

• Ability to develop appropriatetraining procedures and conduct task-specific training

• Ability to demonstrate honestyand trustworthiness


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Critical Work Function: Define Customer Requirements

A6. Identify performancemetrics

• Service levels and critical performancerequirements are clearly identified

• Performance metrics are documented inaccordance with company procedures

• Performance metrics are validatedby customer

• Performance metrics accurately reflectsystem performance

• Knowledge of performance metricsdocumentation procedures

• Knowledge of company proceduresregarding customer validation

• Ability to translate customer requirementsinto quantifiable entities

• Ability to identify, collect andinterpret metrics

• Knowledge of statistical processcontrol methods

• Ability to draw performance metrics fromcustomers and infer technologicalimplications

• Ability to detect underlying issues andresolve technical conflicts

• Ability to compare and interpretmultiple viewpoints

• Ability to convert numerical data andpredict arithmetic results

• Ability to summarize and translatemathematical data

• Ability to understand continuousimprovement process and analyzegoals/constraints

A7. Perform ROI (Returnon Investment) analysisto justify concept

• All pertinent costs are identified• Significant improvements and efficiencies

are identified, analyzed and reviewed• Alternative cost-benefit models are

developed and analyzed• ROI effectively supports decisions

• Ability to identify and document allrelevant costs

• Ability to perform ROI analysis• Ability to develop and analyze

financial models• Knowledge of decision support strategies

and practices

• Ability to summarize, interpret andpresent mathematical data

• Ability to convert numerical data andpredict arithmetic results

• Ability to detect underlying issues andresolve technical conflicts


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Critical Work Function: Determine Solutions for New and Existing Systems

B1. Evaluate proven andemerging tools andtechnologies

• Evaluation is complete, accurate and timely• Alternative technologies and features

are evaluated against requirementsand standards

• Appropriate information sources for provenand emerging technologies are explored

• Selection criteria are developed anddocumented

• Emerging trends are identified andintegrated into solutions as warranted

• Knowledge of sources of information forproven and emerging technologies

• Knowledge of requirements and standards• Knowledge of tools and technologies• Knowledge of programming languages• Knowledge of distributed computing

and platforms• Knowledge of vendor evaluation criteria

and techniques

• Ability to research additional informationsources and create data gatheringprocesses

• Ability to analyze operational problems,evaluate computer utilization and judgeinformation accuracy

• Ability to evaluate effectiveness ofsolutions for customer and forecast futurecustomer needs

• Ability to adapt principles to newapplications

B2. Perform risk andopportunity analysis

• Existing resources are properly audited inaccordance with company procedures

• Appropriate options are considered andalternative analyses performed

• Cost/benefit and ROI analyses are properlyconducted and presented

• Risk assessment is correctly documented• Additional uses for the technology are

identified to leverage development costs• Opportunity evaluation is presented to

appropriate personnel in accordance withcompany procedures

• Needs and solutions are well matched

• Ability to perform cost/benefit and/orROI analysis

• Ability to perform risk assessment• Knowledge of options for technology use• Knowledge of company procedures• Knowledge of business processes• Knowledge of internal customer


• Ability to justify systems modification andensure quality control

• Ability to adapt technology foralternative uses

• Ability to evaluate effectiveness ofsolutions for customer and forecast futurecustomer needs

• Ability to project technology needs• Ability to analyze, summarize and

integrate information


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Critical Work Function: Determine Solutions for New and Existing Systems

B3. Make fiscalrecommendationsregarding technology

• Recommendations are in accordance withcompany procedures

• Recommendations are documented andcommunicated appropriately

• Risk assessments are appropriatelyconsidered

• Recommendations are included in thebusiness plan and meet strategic goals

• Recommendations are based on ROI andlifecycle costs

• Budget considerations are reviewedand resolved

• Knowledge of risk assessment and ROIanalysis techniques

• Knowledge of business plan andstrategic goals

• Knowledge of recommendation proceduresand documentation

• Knowledge of lifecycle costs• Knowledge of financial concepts

• Ability to implement technologicalimprovements and generatetechnological solutions

• Ability to design programs, networks andsystems, evaluate computer utilizationand judge information accuracy

• Ability to support positions/policies• Ability to develop alternative

systems designs• Ability to compose well organized

presentations and discuss issues• Ability to develop formal and informal

relationships with leaders in the enterprise

B4. Define systems securityspecifications

• Requirements for systems security areproperly identified

• Security policy and procedures are correctlyidentified

• Systems security meets minimum standardsidentified by customer and required by allapplicable laws and regulations

• Systems security procedures are properlydocumented and approved in accordancewith company guidelines

• Knowledge of database and systemssecurity issues

• Ability to interpret and apply securitypolicies and procedures

• Knowledge of customer securityrequirements and all applicable lawsand regulations

• Knowledge of security procedures andtechniques

• Knowledge of company proceduresregarding documentation

• Knowledge of security audit requirements

• Ability to formulate new ideas/approaches• Ability to generate and evaluate

alternative solutions• Ability to create and develop

rules/principles• Ability to recognize organizational

strengths/limitations andevaluate processes

B5. Define deliverystrategies

• Delivery strategies meet documentedcustomer schedule requirements andbusiness conditions

• Delivery methods meet cost, schedule andcustomer requirements

• Delivery strategies are consistent withsystem architecture and business goals

• Knowledge of customer schedulerequirements

• Knowledge of delivery strategiesand methods

• Knowledge of prevailing business conditions• Knowledge of system architecture• Ability to adjust project plans and timelines

• Ability to resolve conflicts to customersatisfaction and obtain additionalresources to meet customer needs

• Ability to resolve technical issues• Ability to accept constructive criticism and

responsibility for own actions• Ability to create new rules/principles• Ability to formulate new approaches and

establish new processes/procedures


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B6. Define systemsinterfaces

Critical Work Function: Determine Solutions for New and Existing Systems

• All interfaces are accurately specifiedand documented

• Agreements are established with allappropriate departments and/or personnelregarding delivery and exchange of data

• Access issues are appropriately resolved• Collateral impacts are identified• User requirements are accurately identified

• Knowledge of systems and interfaces• Knowledge of requirements regarding

exchange of data• Knowledge of access issues• Knowledge of graphical user interface

design and platforms• Knowledge of middleware and user


• Ability to generate and evaluatealternative solutions

• Ability to create and develop new rules/principles

• Ability to recognize organizationalstrengths/limitations

• Ability to propose new technology andpredict results

• Ability to detect underlying issues andresolve technical conflicts

B7. Define implementationstrategies

• Service levels and implementationstrategies meet customer priorities andprevailing business conditions

• Implementation strategies are properlycoordinated with all customer schedules

• Implementation strategies make efficientuse of available resources

• Full advantage is taken of iterativeimplementation processes

• Implementation is effectively coordinatedwith training schedule

• Data integrity is properly protected

• Knowledge of service levels andimplementation strategies

• Knowledge of customer prioritiesand schedules

• Knowledge of efficient strategies for useof resources

• Knowledge of data integrity issues andprotection techniques

• Knowledge of prevailing business conditions

• Ability to formulate new ideas/approachesand establish new processes/procedures

• Ability to generate and evaluatealternative solutions

• Ability to create and develop newrules/principles

• Ability to recognize organizationalsystems strengths/limitations

• Ability to propose new technologyapplications and predict results

B8. Define maintenanceand enhancementstrategies

• System availability specifications areestablished and agreed upon

• Required resources are identified• Maintenance and enhancement policies are

defined and documented• Major system releases and enhancements

are scheduled appropriately• Maintenance and enhancements

are handled in a timely and cost-effective manner

• System changes are appropriately managedand controlled

• Knowledge of business objectives andcustomer requirements

• Knowledge of change control and systemmanagement techniques

• Knowledge of service assurance and systemupgrading practices and techniques

• Ability to generate and evaluatealternative solutions

• Ability to recognize organizationalsystems strengths/limitations

• Ability to analyze and adjust goals• Ability to propose new solutions and

predict results


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Critical Work Function: Provide Strategic Direction for Systems Configuration and Interoperability

C1. Evaluate company’scurrent IT frameworkand technologystrategies

• Appropriate strategies are thoroughlyexplored

• Appropriate personnel and departmentsare included in the evaluation process

• Technology and data strategies areincorporated into company’s strategic plan

• Technology gaps are identified andsolutions are developed

• Strategic technical plan directly supportsthe company’s business plan

• Knowledge of technology strategies• Knowledge of strategic plan, business

conditions and future goals• Knowledge of the nature of data and data

communication strategies• Knowledge of distributed computing• Knowledge of current communication

protocols and programming languages• Knowledge of systems architecture and


• Ability to compare multiple viewpointsand relate intent to desired results

• Ability to adapt rules/principles tonew applications

• Ability to responsibly challenge unethicalpractices/decisions and formulate ethicalcourse of action

• Ability to evaluate application oftechnology

• Ability to create mental models

C2. Make recommendationsregarding company’sinvestment intechnology

• Recommendations are completeand relevant

• Recommendations are communicatedappropriately

• Risk assessments are appropriatelyconsidered

• Recommendations meet strategic goals andare included in the business plan

• Alternatives are provided based oncustomer requirements and solutionsavailable

• Recommendations include requiredsupporting documents, plans and scenarios

• Knowledge of risk assessment analysistechniques

• Knowledge of business plan, strategic goalsand business conditions

• Knowledge of recommendation procedures• Knowledge of systems architecture and

frameworks• Knowledge of financial concepts

• Ability to generate unique solutionsand formulate new ideas, plansand approaches

• Ability to analyze information andformulate proposals

• Ability to present complex ideas/information and pose critical questions

• Ability to create original documents• Ability to evaluate computer utilization• Ability to analyze goals/constraints and

examine proposed modifications andimprovements


KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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Critical Work Function: Provide Strategic Direction for Systems Configuration and Interoperability

C3. Define datawarehousingrequirements

• Warehousing requirements arethoroughly evaluated

• Requirements are properly documentedand meet company standards and allapplicable laws and regulations

• Appropriate departments and personnelare included in the process

• Warehousing requirements includecomputing platform considerations andgeographic access needs

• Warehousing requirements meetcustomer needs

• Reports are specified to meet customer,user or business needs

• Knowledge of decision support strategiesand data modeling

• Knowledge of company standards andapplicable laws and regulations

• Knowledge of warehousing strategies• Knowledge of company data systems• Knowledge of computing platforms• Knowledge of customer needs and

specification development

• Ability to generate and evaluatealternative solutions

• Ability to create and develop newrules/principles

• Ability to recognize organizationalsystems strengths/limitations andevaluate process/procedure

• Ability to propose new technologyapplications and predict results

• Ability to detect and summarizeunderlying issues and resolvetechnical conflicts

C4. Provide integrationfor legacy systems

• Legacy systems are thoroughly evaluatedfor interoperability and security

• Cross-platform technologies are usedappropriately and effectively

• Interfaces effectively accommodate fileconversions and interchanges

• Interfaces are interoperable and secure• Integration and testing are performed

according to project and companyschedules, priorities and guidelines

• Knowledge of legacy systems• Knowledge of interoperability issues

and constraints• Knowledge of cross-platform technologies,

tools and security considerations• Knowledge of human factors principles and

interface design

• Ability to propose new applications andpredict technological results

• Ability to evaluate customer requirementsand pose critical questions

• Ability to analyze goals/constraintsand examine proposed modificationsand improvements

• Ability to resolve conflicts tocustomer satisfaction


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Critical Work Function: Provide Strategic Direction for Systems Configuration and Interoperability

C5. Provide systemsconsulting touser groups

• Existing applications are supportedand enhanced

• Custom applications are researchedand recommended

• Systems options and solutions areanalyzed, evaluated and recommended

• Enterprise IT units function togethereffectively

• Technical knowledge and solutions areprovided as necessary

• Change process is facilitated throughoutthe lifecycle

• Knowledge of existing systems, applicationsand infrastructure

• Knowledge of business and changeprocesses

• Knowledge of application support anddevelopment processes

• Knowledge of information sources forgathering and assessing customerrequirements, specifications, solutionalternatives and training anddocumentation needs

• Ability to provide technical knowledge andsupport to a variety of customer groups

• Ability to establish rapport with users• Ability to detect and summarize

underlying issues and resolvetechnical conflicts

• Ability to generate, evaluate andrecommend alternative solutions

• Ability to communicate complex technicalinformation effectively to users

• Ability to stay current on cutting edgetechnologies and processes

C6. Develop internalstandards to guideenterprise in design oftechnical solutions

• Standards are identified, documentedand maintained

• Standards support cost and performancegoals and expectations

• Change control processes support technicalsolution development and implementation

• Standards support solutions that meetorganizational goals

• Standards are effectively integrated intotechnology management and solutionsdevelopment

• Knowledge of data systems architecture• Knowledge of standards development• Knowledge of change management

processes• Knowledge of business rules

and requirements• Knowledge of systems technology

management and strategic planning

• Ability to communicate technicalinformation to a variety of audiences

• Ability to analyze goals/constraintsand examine proposed modificationsand improvements

• Ability to formulate new approaches andestablish new processes/procedures

• Ability to develop and disseminatestandards


KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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Critical Work Function: Provide High-level Technology Management

• Systems goals and critical performancerequirements are clearly defined

• Performance metrics are properlydocumented in accordance withcompany procedures

• Performance metrics are validated bycustomer

• Performance metrics are reflected in servicelevel documentation

• Performance metrics are analyzed relativeto meeting systems goals

D1. Define systems goalsand performancemetrics

• Knowledge of systems goals andperformance metrics

• Ability to match performance metrics tocustomer requirements and service levels

• Ability to identify, collect and interpretmetrics

• Knowledge of descriptive statistics andprocess control methods

• Ability to summarize and translatemathematical data

• Ability to convert numerical data andpredict results

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to evaluate computer utilization• Ability to make exceptional effort on

behalf of customer and resolve conflictto customer satisfaction

D2. Audit systemsperformance

• Audits are conducted in accordance withcompany audit schedule and procedures

• Audit results are thoroughly documented• Exceptions are properly reported according

to company procedures• Escalation process is correctly followed• Performance reports are reviewed as


• Knowledge of audit proceduresand schedules

• Knowledge of audit resultsdocumentation processes

• Ability to identify exceptions• Knowledge of exception reporting

procedures• Knowledge of escalation processes• Knowledge of systems performance

and capacities

• Ability to analyze systems operationand determine changes in performance

• Ability to interpret and evaluate data• Ability to verify data accuracy• Ability to research additional

information sources• Ability to summarize, integrate and

analyze information

D3. Provide capacityplanning andrisk analysis

• Systems availability and utilization areproperly monitored and recorded

• Plans are developed to accommodate futurecapacity with respect to data and user-growth needs, data assurance and security

• Capacity planning utilizes theappropriate performance metrics andrisk evaluation criteria

• Global IT units are evaluated and organizedfor efficiency and effectiveness

• Risks are effectively assessed and analyzed• Risk management plans are developed

and implemented

• Ability to plan and forecast• Knowledge of availability and utilization

specifications and future workloads• Knowledge of monitoring procedures• Knowledge of performance metrics

techniques• Knowledge of internal, external and global

customer needs• Knowledge of risk analysis, management

and evaluation processes• Knowledge of data assurance and

security practices

• Ability to analyze systems operation anddetermine changes in systems performance

• Ability to propose new technologyapplications and predicttechnological results

• Ability to examine proposedmodifications and improvements

• Ability to evaluate utilization


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Critical Work Function: Provide High-level Technology Management

• Enterprise systems operation, infrastructureand performance are evaluated andforecast in light of emerging technologiesand business trends

• Strategic and tactical technology plans aredeveloped and implemented

• Enterprise marketing, sales and servicestrategies and campaigns are integratedand supported

• Revenue and product analysis forecasts areresearched in light of emergingtechnologies and business trends

D4. Provide long-termstrategic and changemanagementconsulting

• Knowledge of systems operation,infrastructure and performance

• Ability to track and interpret emergingtechnology and business trends

• Ability to develop, implement and updatestrategic and tactical plans

• Knowledge of enterprise marketing, salesand service requirements

• Ability to produce meaningful revenue andproduct analysis forecasts

• Ability to adapt technology foralternative uses

• Ability to formulate new ideas/approaches and organize newprocesses/procedures

• Ability to create new rules/principles• Ability to recognize and evaluate

enterprise systems strengths/limitations

D5. Evaluate newtechnologies,applicationsand products

• Strategic technology use and deploymentare evaluated in response to emergingtechnologies, enterprise goals andmarket trends

• Customer services, vendor reviews andrevenue-generation strategies arecontinually evaluated and updated

• Sales and marketing strategies arecontinually revised to exploitemerging technologies and maximizecompetitive advantage

• Plans for evaluating and managing newtechnologies, applications and products aredeveloped and implemented

• Knowledge of technology use anddeployment strategies appropriateto enterprise

• Knowledge of business processes• Ability to identify and evaluate technology,

applications and business trends• Knowledge of market and

competitive forces• Knowledge of research and analysis


• Ability to generate, evaluate andcommunicate alternative solutions

• Ability to predict technological impactsand results

• Ability to propose new technologyapplications and integrate systemstechnology

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to implement strategies



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Critical Work Function: Implement Systems

E1. Guide anddirect systemsimplementationprojects

• Project phases, sequence and milestonesare identified and communicated

• Project scope and cost are approved by allstakeholders, and revised when necessary

• Human, physical and financial resourcesare mapped to project

• Project management plan is accepted,implemented and updated

• Systems performance criteria areestablished and service level agreementsare implemented

• Ability to use project management toolsand techniques

• Knowledge of company approvalprocedures

• Knowledge of systems technology,performance metrics andimplementation issues

• Knowledge of business and technologymanagement

• Knowledge of financial concepts• Knowledge of resource planning

and mapping

• Ability to organize and presentcomplex ideas/information and posecritical questions

• Ability to identify enterprise systemsstrengths/limitations

• Ability to plan effectively and integratemultiple perspectives

• Ability to encourage/supportteam members

• Ability to solicit and accept feedback• Ability to align resources with

project needs• Ability to prepare and implement project

management plan

E2. Ensure quality ofroutine systemsmonitoring

• Systems tests are conducted and the resultsmeasured against performance goals

• Monitoring procedures are developedand followed

• Monitoring reports are reviewed relative tobusiness goals and systems performanceexpectations

• Monitoring reports are timely, reliableand complete

• Knowledge of business goals andcompany procedures

• Knowledge of monitoring toolsand techniques

• Knowledge of quantitative analysismethods and performance metrics

• Knowledge of hardware and software• Ability to analyze reports for quality

and reliability

• Ability to identify enterprise systemsstrengths/limitations and evaluateprocess/procedure

• Ability to predict technological impactsand results

• Ability to analyze, summarize andtranslate monitoring data

• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts

E3. Performimplementationreadiness review

• All procedures and documentation arethoroughly reviewed

• Systems are tested and approved for use• Schedules are confirmed• Risks are communicated to the customer• Decisions are made in a timely manner• Customer support documents are reviewed

and approved

• Knowledge of procedures anddocumentation

• Knowledge of computing infrastructure• Knowledge of stakeholder needs and

expectations• Knowledge of implementation schedule• Knowledge of risk assessment procedures

• Ability to detect underlying issues andresolve technical conflicts

• Ability to compare multiple viewpointsand relate intent to desired results

• Ability to present complex ideas/information and pose critical questions

• Ability to generate and evaluatealternative solutions and predict outcomesbased on prior knowledge/experience


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Critical Work Function: Implement Systems

• User documentation is complete andaccurate

• Resources are available to supporttraining needs

• Training schedule is communicated to thecustomer effectively in a timely manner

• Training is updated based on user feedbackand evolving needs

E4. Coordinate systemsuser training

• Knowledge of user documentation• Knowledge of just-in-time training• Ability to identify and procure resources

for training• Ability to evaluate training materials and

delivery methods• Knowledge of instructional design principles

• Ability to analyze work assignments anddelegate responsibilities

• Ability to manage timelines andrecommend timeline adjustments

• Ability to accept responsibility for ownactions and understand impact on others

• Ability to identify training needs

E5. Put systemsinto service

• Specifications are validated and approvedby customer

• Discrepancies and exceptions arecompletely and accurately documented

• Defects are quickly corrected• Systems ownership is transferred in

accordance with established agreements• Security and user access parameters

are confirmed• Systems support agreement fulfills contract


• Knowledge of customer approval processes• Ability to identify discrepancies and

exceptions• Knowledge of documentation procedures• Knowledge of systems ownership

transfer guidelines• Knowledge of customer requirements,

company procedures regarding access andbusiness conditions

• Ability to create and document customersupport policies

• Ability to diagnose performancedeviations and distinguish trendsin performance

• Ability to integrate systems technology• Ability to relate to customer concerns

and make appropriate efforts on behalfof customer

E6. Review andevaluate systemsdocumentation

• Documentation conforms to establishedstandards and is updated as needed

• Documentation completely representsthe architecture

• Information is organized effectively• Appropriate delivery medium is selected for

the documentation• Documentation is evaluated for currency,

accuracy and usability

• Knowledge of established standards fortechnical writing and systemsdocumentation

• Knowledge of systems architecture• Ability to select and evaluate delivery

media and organization methods

• Ability to analyze organization ofinformation and transfer informationbetween formats

• Ability to pay attention to details, monitorperformance standards and follow up onassigned tasks

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to demonstrate commitment toexcellence and adhere to standards


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E7. Develop plans andprocesses for ongoingsystem support

Critical Work Function: Implement Systems

• Systems support processes and proceduresare defined and developed

• Staff development requirementsare identified

• Staff recruiting and development plansare implemented

• Support requirements and service levelreview procedures are establishedand implemented

• Support plan and processes are alignedwith business goals and budgets

• Knowledge of support processesand procedures

• Ability to develop technical plans• Knowledge of business planning

and budgets• Knowledge of technical staff development


• Ability to identify requirements, goalsand processes in a technical context

• Ability to diagnose performancedeviations and trends

• Ability to generate and propose solutions• Ability to document, update and

disseminate plans to all stakeholders


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Critical Work Function: Manage Systems Quality Assurance and Testing

F1. Define and developtest plan and testprocedures

• Test plan includes systems andcomponent testing

• Test scripts are developed based onuse cases

• Appropriate testing tools and methodsare identified

• Test success criteria are defined for alllevels of testing

• Costs, schedules and resources aredefined and agreed upon

• Knowledge of test plan and test proceduredevelopment and implementation

• Knowledge of testing tools and methods• Knowledge of budgets and business goals

• Ability to integrate multiple items of data,contrast conflicting data and researchadditional information sources

• Ability to examine information forrelevance and adapt principles/rules tonew applications

• Ability to document and communicateplan and procedures

F2. Manage and performsystems testing

• Test scope and schedule areproperly developed

• Testing resources are properly identifiedand in place as required

• Systems testing is conducted as appropriate• Test results are documented in accordance

with company procedures• Test results are distributed to

appropriate personnel

• Knowledge of pertinent required resources• Knowledge of testing process development• Knowledge of test documentation

procedures• Knowledge of test results dissemination

procedures• Knowledge of automated testing tools

• Ability to analyze problems and set goals• Ability to encourage/support

team members• Ability to integrate multiple items of data

and contrast conflicting data• Ability to create original documents and

write in a clear and concise style

F3. Document testresults and makerecommendations

• Testing provides for early error detectionand problem resolution

• Test results are analyzed anddefects identified

• Test results are compared to servicelevel criteria and recommendationsare developed

• Recommendations meet strategic goalsand are communicated appropriately

• Recommendations include requiredsupporting documents, plans and scenarios

• Knowledge of test results analysisand documentation

• Ability to prioritize and evaluate systemstest results

• Knowledge of recommendation procedures

• Ability to analyze test results andtranslate into recommendations

• Ability to create comprehensive andclear supporting documentation

• Ability to align resources with projectand system needs


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F4. Develop and manageintegration

Critical Work Function: Manage Systems Quality Assurance and Testing

• Integration design and specificationsare established

• Integration tools and methods areresearched and applied as appropriate

• Interdependencies are identifiedand resolved

• Systems interfaces are tested andfunction correctly

• Integration plan provides for early errordetection and problem resolution

• Knowledge of systems, interfacesand integration

• Knowledge of integration toolsand methodologies

• Ability to identify and mitigateintegration problems

• Ability to identify enterprise systemsstrengths/limitations

• Ability to coordinate and align resourcesfor optimum results

• Ability to assess integration goals,outcomes and results

• Ability to identify, prioritize and resolvetechnical conflicts

F5. Evaluate systemsdevelopmentframework andrecommendimprovements

• Hardware and software meet current andprojected requirements

• Staffing processes meet current needs andprojected growth

• Development and integration milestones areachieved on schedule and within budget

• Supporting tools and operational systemsmeet quality and service level expectations

• Development environment is managed forteam satisfaction and high productivity

• Internal, external and global customerrequirements and goals are identifiedand achieved

• Recommendations are relevant, feasibleand clearly communicated

• Knowledge of systems developmentframeworks, tools and methodologies

• Knowledge of systems quality assuranceand testing

• Ability to manage large scale developmentand integration projects

• Ability to research, propose and presenttechnical recommendations

• Ability to plan and forecast• Knowledge of customer requirements

and goals

• Ability to examine information forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to adapt principles/rules tonew applications

• Ability to assess systems effectiveness inrelation to goals and objectives

• Ability to develop and communicateappropriate recommendations

• Ability to support implementation andmonitor progress



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Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 77


Communications Analyst/EngineerData Communications AnalystInformation Security ManagerInformation Security Specialist

Information Systems AdministratorInformation Technology Engineer

Infrastructure EngineerInternet Systems Administrator

Internetworking EngineerInternetworking Professional

IT Security OfficerNetwork Administrator

Network AnalystNetwork Architect

Network ConsultantNetwork EngineerNetwork Manager

Network Operations AnalystNetwork Security Analyst

Network Security ConsultantNetwork Security ManagerNetwork Security Specialist

Network Server AdministratorNetwork Support Technician

Network TechnicianSecurity Administrator

Security AnalystSecurity ConsultantSecurity Manager

Security ProfessionalSecurity Specialist

Server AdministratorSystems Administrator

Systems ManagerWeb Administrator

Network Designand Administration

Network designers are responsible for developinga plan that allows a business or organization to usea network to further its goals. This network may bea simple Local Area Network (LAN), or may be acomplex, enterprise-grade Wide Area Network(WAN). Responsibilities include conducting aneeds analysis and providing detailed reports con-cerning any proposed design. Network designtechnicians consult with responsible members ofthe organization, research the latest equipmentand software developments and spend timetroubleshooting the design once it is in place. Asolid grounding in security concepts is also vital asit is likely network design technicians will be in-volved in providing network access to remote us-ers. In the area of network administration,network technicians confirm that network hard-ware and software are operating properly sopeople in the organization get the information theyneed when they need it. A network technician isresponsible for maintaining individual elements ofthe organization’s LAN, WAN or Intranet. A networktechnician thoroughly understands networkingtechnology for LANs and for connecting to largernetworks and the Internet. They must learn toquickly identify, document and solve problems.Because technicians work with users all the time,they understand their needs and can recommendimprovements based on user input and technology

advances. Technicians also spend time measuringnetwork performance. This includes charting net-work usage and downtime to help plan for the fu-ture. Technicians document the networkconfiguration and prepare backup plans and pro-cedures. They are responsible for adding usersand ensuring that they have access to the files andnetwork-connected equipment they need to dotheir job, while maintaining security and confiden-tiality of other files and data. Finally, techniciansinstall upgrades with a minimum of disruption.

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Summary of Critical Work Functions







A. Perform Analysis

A1 Gather data toidentify customerrequirements

A2 Identify, interpret andevaluate system,network and securityrequirements

A3 Define scopeof work

A4 Review networkarchitecture, topology,interdependenciesand constraints

A5 Research technicalalternatives andanalyze technicaloptions

A6 Develop projectplan

B. Design Network

B1 Participate indesign reviews

B2 Prepare integrationplan for newprocesses, protocolsand equipment

B3 Recommend selectionof architecture,topology, hardwareand software

B4 Prepare capacityand throughputplan

B5 Specify serversand supportinghardware

B6 Specify wired andwireless facilities

B7 Integrate networkcomponents

C. Configureand DeployNetwork

C1 Plan anddocument systemconfiguration

C2 Implementnew systemconfiguration

C3 Performworkstationconfiguration andsoftware loading

C4 Support, track anddocument changeimplementation

C5 Implementdeployment

C6 Manage contractpersonnel

C7 Install hardware

C8 Performnetwork faultmanagement

E. Manage Network

E1 Set up and maintainuser accounts

E2 Coordinate,communicateand documentchanges

E3 Manage inventory

E4 Analyze systemperformanceto baseline

E5 Monitor and reportcomponentand connectivityproblems

E6 Make recommend-ations for systemoptimization, improve-ment and security

E7 Generate andpresent reports

E8 Monitor capacityto ensure requiredservice levels

E9 Manage andimplement contingencyand emergencyrecovery plans

F. Maintain Networkand ManageGrowth

F1 Develop maintenanceand upgrade plans

F2 Coordinate main-tenance for computer,web server and telecom-munications networks

F3 Apply maintenanceupgrades, securityenhancements andprocess changes

F4 Perform systembackups andrestore data

F5 Troubleshoot andmaintain client, serverand network systems

F6 Develop growthand capacityplans and makerecommendations

F7 Implement growthplans and longrange solutions

D. Perform Testing

D1 Define anddocument testspecifications

D2 Develop test planand procedures

D3 Schedule andperform testing

D4 Document,interpretand reporttest results

D5 Perform final testsand gain customeracceptance

D6 Perform functionalverificationsand system audits

G. Perform SecurityAdministration

G1 Gather anddocument securityrequirements

G2 Design anddocumentsecurity plan

G3 Implement andenforce systemand user securityrequirements

G4 Maintain, improveand enhance securityin response to industrydevelopments anduser experience

G5 Detect, monitorand reportsecurity problems

G6 Contribute to anddevelop recommend-ations for long rangesecurity plans


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A1. Gather data to identifycustomer requirements

• Requirements data are reliable and current• Information is accurate, complete,

relevant and pertinent to business goalsand objectives

• Information gathering activities followappropriate company practices

• Information is gathered systematically in acost-effective manner

• Current configuration and existingenvironment are evaluated anddocumented appropriately

• Knowledge of key sources of informationwith respect to customer requirements

• Knowledge of information gatheringmethods/procedures and practices

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Knowledge of the goals and scope ofthe research

• Knowledge of networking design principlesand constraints

• Ability to analyze group/individualresponses

• Ability to select/obtain data relevant tothe task and identify the need for data

• Ability to encourage cooperation• Ability to ask open-ended and

confirming questions• Ability to organize and summarize

information and requirements

A2. Identify, interpret andevaluate system,network and securityrequirements

• System and design requirements arecomplete and free of conflicts

• Requirements are documented accurately• Requirements mesh with overall

project requirements• Requirements have been checked for

compatibility and interdependencies• Appropriate information and data analysis

techniques are applied• Priority needs are defined clearly for the

customer and team• Complete set of requirements is

communicated to and approvedby customer

• Ability to translate organizationalcomputing requirements into systemrequirements

• Ability to identify and resolve conflictingrequirements

• Knowledge of system capabilities andsystems integration

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to resolve technical issues• Ability to evaluate system configuration• Ability to create detailed supporting

documents• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to relate intent to desired results• Ability to formulate short, medium and

long-term plans


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A3. Define scope of work • Project objectives and costs are identifiedand agreed upon

• Scope and specifications are identifiedaccurately

• Criteria for successful completion of thework are identified

• Major project tasks and interdependenciesare identified

• Estimates of time, materials and resourcesare accurately identified

• Schedule includes resource availability andproject timeline data

• Scope of work is documented accuratelyand completely

• Knowledge of networking and operatingenvironments

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Knowledge of resource availability andproject timeline

• Ability to coordinate technical resourcesbased on project scope, timeline and costconstraints

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to relate intent to desired results• Ability to predict outcomes/results based

on experience or prior knowledge• Ability to plan resource needs

and constraints• Ability to visualize tasks sequentially or in

parallel and to identify interdependencies• Ability to negotiate success criteria• Ability to think nonsequentially

and globally

A4. Review networkarchitecture, topology,interdependenciesand constraints

• Constraints and potential conflictsare accurately identified andclearly communicated

• Risk analysis and contingency plans aredeveloped and clearly communicated

• Actual and projected future technical andhuman resources requirements arereviewed and analyzed

• Product and vendor architecture andequipment specifications/limitations arethoroughly researched

• Knowledge of key sources of informationwith respect to architecture and topology

• Knowledge of risk analysis techniques• Knowledge of technology constraints,

and hardware and software standardsand processes

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to create detailedsupporting documents

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to analyze information anddevelop theories about interdependencies

• Ability to present technicalinformation clearly and conciselyusing appropriate tools

• Ability to plan resource needsand constraints


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A5. Research technicalalternatives andanalyze technicaloptions

• Alternative technical and design scenariosare outlined, compared and evaluated withregard to technical and business goals,impacts and desirability

• Cost/benefit tradeoffs and risk analysisof technical alternatives are completedand evaluated

• Knowledge of key sources of informationregarding technical options

• Knowledge of system design conceptsand techniques

• Knowledge of research techniques andprocedures and cost/benefit analysistechniques regarding technical options

• Ability to translate technical features intodevelopment and user benefits

• Ability to assess sources of information fornew technologies and calculate risks ofimplementation

• Knowledge of hardware and softwarestandards and processes

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to present alternative solutions inconcise, clear language

• Ability to accurately summarize anddocument information

• Ability to use previous training/experienceto forecast how documentation will beused by others

• Ability to gather, synthesize andinterpret data

A6. Develop project plan • Plan accurately identifies projectrequirements, including project schedules,resource allocations, dependenciesand milestones

• Plan includes functional and technicalspecifications, data models, site maps, fiscalassumptions, constraints and risks

• Plan is accurately documented and updated• Plan includes initial feasibility and

benchmarking processes for meetingdeadlines and monitoring costs

• Knowledge of risk analysis techniques• Knowledge of project management tools• Knowledge of computer systems and

computer technologies• Knowledge of functional and technical

specifications, data models, site maps,assumptions, constraints, risks and costcontrol practices

• Ability to analyze organizationof information

• Ability to summarize/integrateinformation

• Ability to work with minimal supervisionand pay attention to detail

• Ability to prepare and organizemultiple schedules

• Ability to assess individual knowledge/skills and analyze work assignments


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Critical Work Function: Design Network

• Project phases have been thought outand addressed

• Outcomes of design reviews are accuratelydocumented

• Appropriate representatives from allconstituencies develop and approvethe design

B1. Participate indesign reviews

• Knowledge of design review proceduresand process

• Knowledge of networking and operatingenvironments

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to identify and coordinate keyrepresentatives of all constituencies

• Ability to suggest modifications totechnological systems

• Ability to recommend tradeoffs andnegotiate to resolve technical issues

• Ability to responsibly challenge the statusquo to achieve quality design

• Ability to respond appropriately to others

B2. Prepare integrationplan for newprocesses, protocolsand equipment

• Design takes into account relevanttechnical and human resources

• Design is complete and approvedby stakeholders

• Integration plan is developed and approvedby relevant parties

• Design and integration plans are optimizedfor ease and quality of implementation

• Design and integration plans aredocumented completely, clearlyand accurately

• Knowledge of architecture design tools andmethods, integration methods and trafficanalysis tools

• Knowledge of implementation process anduser impact

• Knowledge of networking and operatingenvironments

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to collect and analyze information• Ability to present technical information in

a clear and concise form• Ability to interpret and summarize results• Ability to manipulate information and

integrate multiple platforms• Ability to analyze situation/information

and formulate a plan of action that is inline with business and financialconstraints

B3. Recommend selectionof architecture,topology, hardwareand software

• Recommended solutions are practical, cost-effective and meet system specifications

• Recommendations are clearly documentedand justified

• Recommendations are communicatedeffectively to stakeholders

• Alternatives are evaluated in light ofsystem use and configuration

• Knowledge of networking standardsand processes

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to separate actual requirementsfrom technical desires

• Ability to apply forecasting methodologyand complete a trend analysis

• Ability to optimize recycling andredeployment of existing hardware

• Ability to communicate technicalinformation to a variety of audiences

• Ability to analyze and present technicalinformation in a clear and precise way

• Ability to give and accept constructivecriticism


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Critical Work Function: Design Network

• Plan reflects requirements, expectationsand business goals

• Plan accurately depicts current conditionsand provides for growth

• Plan is coordinated with business forecastsand strategic objectives

• Plan accurately describes physicalconfiguration, software requirementsand usage

• Plan includes system specifications,performance monitoring andsystem optimization

B4. Prepare capacity andthroughput plan

• Knowledge of network planning, designand configuration

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to generate, read and interpretvendor specifications

• Knowledge of network optimizationpractices and methods

• Ability to present complex technical termsand concepts

• Ability to propose/formulatenew processes

• Ability to evaluate system configurationand capacity issues and impacts

• Ability to analyze, interpret andsummarize information

B5. Specify servers andsupporting hardware

• Servers and supporting hardwaresystem design and functional criteria areclearly documented

• Specifications provide for anticipatedgrowth

• Interface and interoperability requirementsare properly specified

• Physical and environmental aspects ofinstallation are appropriately specified

• Knowledge of server hardware andsoftware specifications

• Knowledge of network architecturetopology

• Knowledge of server and supportinghardware systems and protocols

• Ability to create system and installationspecifications

• Ability to suggest system modificationsand improvements and analyze goalsand constraints

• Ability to present specifications in a clear,concise manner

• Ability to organize and present technicalterms and concepts

B6. Specify wired andwireless facilities

• Specifications make appropriate useof wired and wireless technologiesand capabilities

• Specifications include appropriatestandards, practices and codes

• Specifications allow for migration and growth• Wireless specifications conform to coverage

plan and system load expectations• Installation specifications reflect applicable

physical and environmental factors• Specifications include applicable physical and

system security requirements and practices

• Knowledge of wired and wireless systemsattributes and capabilities

• Knowledge of appropriate standards,practices and codes

• Ability to interpret and apply planning dataand business goals to development ofspecifications

• Ability to interpret and evaluate technicaldata and concepts

• Ability to present specifications in a clear,concise manner

• Ability to suggest system modificationsand improvements and analyze goalsand constraints


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Critical Work Function: Design Network

B7. Integrate networkcomponents

• Servers, supporting hardware and othercomponents function according to systemdesign plan and installation specifications

• Network achieves specified functionality• Network accommodates expected traffic

and future growth with specified gradeof service

• Final integration provides for specifiedgrowth and expansion

• Knowledge of network operating system,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to interpret and execute systemdesign plan to achieve stipulated outcome

• Ability to integrate system components toachieve design goals

• Ability to monitor quality standards• Ability to follow proper procedures

and processes• Ability to identify and evaluate system

performance trends and deviations• Ability to communicate complex technical



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Critical Work Function: Configuration and Deploy Network

C1. Plan and documentsystem configuration

• Configuration is clearly articulated andeffectively documented

• Configuration uses appropriate resourcesto perform the current task and providesresources for future growth

• Configuration documents meet user needs• Maintenance procedures are documented• System specifications are clearly and

completely documented

• Ability to use flow charting anddiagramming tools

• Knowledge of business systems• Ability to identify user expectations• Knowledge of network architecture,

topology, hardware and software• Knowledge of operating systems• Knowledge of system configuration


• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon prior knowledge

• Ability to plan and coordinate activities• Ability to visually analyze relationship

between parts/whole, process/procedure• Ability to recommend and implement

plan of action• Ability to present complex ideas/information• Ability to use word processing tools• Ability to apply technical documentation

standards and procedures

C2. Implement new systemconfiguration

• Problems are identified and resolved in atimely and appropriate manner

• Implementation schedule and expectationsare communicated to users, vendors andimplementation team

• Configuration plan is successfullyimplemented with minimal disruption

• New configuration is fully andaccurately documented

• Configuration meets user needs

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Knowledge of standard roll-out practicesand recovery procedures

• Knowledge of hardware and softwarestandards and processes

• Knowledge of system configurationprocedures

• Ability to analyze situation/information,consider risks/implications, generatealternative solutions and formulate aplan of action

• Ability to understand technologyapplications

• Ability to follow proper procedures• Ability to manipulate technology for

desired results• Ability to document work process flow in

detailed supporting documents

C3. Perform workstationconfiguration andsoftware loading

• Software is loaded and configured withminimum disruption to process flow

• Conversion of data is performed andcompatibility issues are addressed in atimely manner

• Software is configured appropriately forsystem and user application

• Software and hardware configurationsare standardized

• User satisfaction is assessed after newinstallation and/or configuration

• Knowledge of software loading andconfiguration procedures

• Knowledge of data conversion issuesand procedures

• Knowledge of compatibility issues andresolution procedures

• Ability to understand user applications andrelate user needs to configuration

• Knowledge of network and operating systems• Knowledge of workstation hardware


• Ability to evaluate computer utilization• Ability to analyze operational problems• Ability to implement new applications• Ability to present complex information

to users• Ability to listen attentively and respond to

verbal/nonverbal communications


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Critical Work Function: Configuration and Deploy Network

C4. Support, track anddocument changeimplementation

• Relevant stakeholders agreed to changes inaccordance with company procedures

• Implementation timelines are formulatedand revised as needed

• Activities among workgroupsare coordinated

• Changes are documented in a timelymanner and in accordance with applicablecontrols, policies and practices

• Knowledge of group dynamics• Knowledge of documentation policies

and practices• Knowledge of tracking and

documentation procedures

• Ability to pose critical questions and askopen-ended and confirming questions

• Ability to identify the need for information• Ability to encourage cooperation• Ability to analyze and summarize

information• Ability to use word processing, project

management and spreadsheet software• Ability to follow company procedures and

support organization processes

C5. Implement deployment • Deployment plan is developedand documented

• Deployment is congruent with projectscope, timeline and installation plan

• Deployment is synchronized with trainingschedule

• Deployment has minimal disruptive impacton users

• Knowledge of installation processesand procedures

• Knowledge of enterprise-wide deploymentpractices and standards

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to use continuous improvementstrategies and tools

• Ability to resolve conflicts in atimely manner

• Ability to prepare and organize multipleschedules, manage timelines andrecommend adjustments

• Ability to visualize and coordinateproductivity impacts

• Ability to follow company procedures andsupport organization processes

C6. Manage contractpersonnel

• Contract personnel are identified andselected according to appropriate criteria

• Contract personnel are oriented effectivelyand assigned appropriately

• Performance is monitored to assurecompliance with project schedules,costs and goals

• Need for contract personnel isappropriately justified

• Ability to identify and justify contingencyworkforce requirements

• Ability to clearly specify job requirements• Knowledge of complete procedures and

policies regarding contract personnel• Knowledge of security issues pertaining to

selection and use of contingent workers

• Ability to accurately summarize anddocument information

• Ability to follow company proceduresand practices

• Ability to formulate action plans thatalign with business and financial goals

• Ability to plan resource needs, adjustschedules accordingly and communicaterequisite changes clearly


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Critical Work Function: Configuration and Deploy Network

C7. Install hardware • Cabinet, peripheral equipment and power/grounding are properly installed

• Cabling and wiring are correctly installed• Final assembly is properly performed and

conforms to applicable codes and practices• Initial turn on and functional test are

performed after installation• Test reports are documented appropriately

and approved as required

• Ability to install cabinet, peripheralequipment and power/grounding

• Knowledge of cabling and wiringinstallation procedures

• Knowledge of hardware testing procedures• Knowledge of applicable codes

and practices• Ability to document test results• Ability to acquire necessary approvals

• Ability to follow standard installationprocedures and practices

• Ability to troubleshoot and test systemand components

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocumentation

• Ability to recommend tradeoffs andnegotiate to resolve technical issues

C8. Perform networkfault management

• Local and remote fault reporting anddiagnostic systems are configured properly

• Fault reporting and diagnostic systems areroutinely tested and monitored inaccordance with applicable specifications

• Diagnostic reports are routinely analyzedand referred for appropriate resolution

• Ability to perform fault analysisand resolution

• Knowledge of local and remote networkmanagement systems and procedures

• Knowledge of diagnostic systems operationand testing

• Ability to analyze and dispatchdiagnostic reports

• Ability to collect and analyze technicalinformation

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to evaluate effectivenessof process

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments


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Critical Work Function: Perform Testing

• Appropriate test specifications are identifiedwith agreement from key personnel

• Applicability of test is clearly established• Scope of testing plan assures quality results• Acceptance criteria are well defined

D1. Define and documenttest specifications

• Ability to perform system analysis• Knowledge of testing tools and procedures• Knowledge of business requirements• Knowledge of networking environments

• Ability to communicate and interpretinformation

• Ability to propose/formulate test process• Ability to analyze system structure

and organization

D2. Develop test planand procedures

• Test plan is developed and documented• System test plan uses standard procedures• Test plan identifies appropriate resources,

personnel and schedules• Network impact, including systems

integration impact, is clearly definedand assessed

• Security procedures are included in test plan• End-user/customer testing is included in

test plan

• Knowledge of testing tools, proceduresand equipment

• Ability to relate errors to systemfunctionality

• Knowledge of financial requirements andorganization structure and ability toconduct business case analysis

• Knowledge of operating systems• Knowledge of network architecture,

topology, hardware and software

• Ability to analyze possible causes/reasonsfor problems and recommend action plan

• Ability to analyze data• Ability to recognize patterns

and relationships• Ability to justify business case and system

structure/organization• Ability to negotiate for resource

allocations• Ability to recognize system strengths

and limitations

D3. Schedule andperform testing

• Test environment is clearly defined andprepared appropriately

• Tests are planned and conducted atappropriate stages of developmentand production

• Testing is on schedule and within budget

• Ability to use tracking and scheduling tools• Knowledge of testing methodologies

and procedures• Knowledge of network architecture,

topology, hardware and software

• Ability to follow processes and procedures• Ability to critically analyze details• Ability to record testing results• Ability to initiate corrective processes• Ability to manage timelines• Ability to encourage/support team

members and assume responsibility foraccomplishing team goals


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Critical Work Function: Perform Testing

D4. Document, interpretand report test results

• Reports are completed in a timely manner• Errors are described so as to be reproducible• Reports include failure analysis when

appropriate• Reports are accurate and complete• Reports include recommendations for

required corrections• System is ready for customer acceptance

in all respects

• Knowledge of system capabilities andinterdependencies in testing environment

• Knowledge of networking and operatingsystem environments

• Knowledge of continuous improvementprocesses regarding testing

• Knowledge of customer acceptance criteria

• Ability to apply rules/principles to process/data and use logic to draw conclusions

• Ability to present complex ideas/information

• Ability to generate creative solutions andformulate new plans/approaches

• Ability to compile, interpret andcommunicate test results

• Ability to select and use appropriate officesoftware tools

D5. Perform final testsand gain customeracceptance

• Customer agrees to test andacceptance criteria

• System meets design specifications andplanned performance objectives

• Customer accepts system

• Knowledge of systems acceptance testprocedures and criteria

• Ability to interpret and presentspecifications and planning data

• Knowledge of effective acceptancepractices and procedures

• Ability to follow standard procedures,processes and practices

• Ability to identify problems andrecommend possible solutions

• Ability to record testing results accurately• Ability to gain customer acceptance in

appropriate manner

D6. Perform functionalverifications andsystem audits

• Functional testing is performed on scheduleand according to accepted procedures

• Test results are collected, verified andaccurately documented

• System changes and remedial actions arecommunicated to appropriate personnel

• System audits are performed in accordancewith established procedures

• System audits provide basis for developingfuture system requirements, specificationsand procedures

• Knowledge of system performanceand operation

• Knowledge of system audit procedures• Knowledge of company practices

and standards• Ability to gather, analyze and disseminate

audit information appropriately

• Ability to ask open-ended andconfirming questions

• Ability to identify need for information• Ability to encourage cooperation• Ability to analyze, interpret and

summarize information


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Critical Work Function: Manage Network

• User accounts are set up followingstandard operating practices

• Users are provided with timely access torequired systems and resources

• Security for user accounts is maintainedacross all systems

E1. Set up and maintainuser accounts

• Knowledge of corporate policies andprocedures

• Knowledge of network security toolsand practices

• Knowledge of operating systems andnetwork systems

• Ability to apply rules/procedures todocuments and accounts

• Ability to outline maintenance procedures• Ability to follow rules, policies

and procedures• Ability to pay attention to details• Ability to identify and resolve issues

E2. Coordinate,communicate anddocument changes

• Conflicts are addressed and resolved• Change management documents

address existing and future personneland technical resources

• Appropriate stakeholders are involved andapprove the changes

• Documentation is clear, understandableand distributed appropriately

• Knowledge of company changemanagement processes

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to use software tools to supportchange implementation

• Knowledge of escalation procedures

• Ability to negotiate agreements andconsolidate viewpoints

• Ability to present complex technical termsand concepts and debate issues

• Ability to analyze, interpret andsummarize information

• Ability to use word processing tools• Ability to understand organizational


E3. Manage inventory • Inventory of parts includes accurateidentification, tagging and locationinformation

• Accurate documentation of relevantinformation is consistently maintained

• Appropriate individuals are notified ofinventory issues as appropriate

• Physical security of inventory is establishedand maintained

• Knowledge of inventory systems accessand organization

• Ability to use computerized inventorydatabases

• Knowledge of corporate procedures foracquisition and asset management

• Knowledge of security practicesand methods

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to monitor safe and efficientutilization of materials

• Ability to coordinate storageand distribution

• Ability to monitor configuration andefficient utilization of assets


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Critical Work Function: Manage Network

E4. Analyze systemperformanceto baseline

• Baseline is updated as systemconfiguration changes

• Systematic ongoing measurement data iscollected and documented

• Deviations are identified• System metrics are identified and updated

• Ability to use networkingmeasurement tools

• Ability to complete system analysis• Ability to use testing tools• Knowledge of network architecture,

topology, hardware and software• Knowledge of monitoring procedures• Ability to use documentation tools and

follow standards and procedures• Ability to use common network

troubleshooting tools, techniquesand practices

• Ability to analyze data and to assessinformation accuracy

• Ability to integrate multiple items andresolve conflicting data

• Ability to analyze system operation• Ability to distinguish trends in

performance• Ability to diagnose performance


E5. Monitor and reportcomponent andconnectivity problems

• System is closely monitored and outagesare recognized in a timely manner

• Problems are escalated according tocompany procedures

• Security violations are detected andreported in a timely manner

• System outages have minimal impact onbusiness processes

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Knowledge of interoperability requirements• Knowledge of corporate security policies

and procedures• Knowledge of documentation, storage and

security tools• Ability to identify and use appropriate

reporting channels

• Ability to interpret and evaluate data• Ability to troubleshoot system

malfunction and/or failure• Ability to distinguish trends in

performance and diagnoseperformance deviations

• Ability to use project managementsoftware

• Ability to analyze system operation andanalyze system effectiveness/efficiency

E6. Make recommendationsfor system optimization,improvement andsecurity

• Unmet requirements are identified• System performance is assessed accurately• Recommendations result in improvement

of processes• Required modifications are anticipated

and fixes are implemented prior toadverse impact

• Security and data assurance plans arecontinually monitored and optimized

• Knowledge of systems tools• Knowledge of company resources

and constraints• Knowledge of systems monitoring processes

and procedures• Ability to use modeling and simulation tools• Knowledge of system security, data

assurance and deterrence strategies

• Ability to predict results• Ability to evaluate/adjust plan of action• Ability to suggest system modifications

and improvements and analyze goals/constraints

• Ability to present recommendations in aclear, concise and persuasive manner


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Critical Work Function: Manage Network

E7. Generate andpresent reports

• Reports are accurate and complete• Reports follow applicable policies

and procedures• Reports capture current and potential

problems and improvementrecommendations

• Reports fairly present pros and cons• Reports are distributed to appropriate

personnel/departments• Reports include cost analysis and

operational measurements

• Knowledge of company evaluation,monitoring and reporting proceduresand policies

• Knowledge of software operationsprinciples, components and connectivity

• Knowledge of report generating tools• Knowledge of documentation standards and

dissemination procedures within company

• Ability to write detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to analyze and synthesizeinformation

• Ability to identify improvements• Ability to use word processing software• Ability to monitor quality standards• Ability to follow proper procedures• Ability to present well-organized reports

to a variety of audiences

E8. Monitor capacity toensure requiredservice levels

• Systems performance conforms tospecified levels

• Growth plan is reviewed to keep pace withtraffic demands

• Capacity levels of network usage areanalyzed to determine upgrade andimprovement needs

• Network traffic is continuously monitoredfor variations to baseline statistics

• Service level agreements are monitoredfor compliance

• Knowledge of network performancemonitoring tools and practices

• Ability to monitor web server, computerand telecommunication systems

• Knowledge of grade of service and servicelevel prediction and measurement toolsand methods

• Knowledge of service level agreementterms, conditions and remedies

• Knowledge of networked systems,topology, architecture, software andevaluation methods

• Ability to evaluate systemconfiguration/stability

• Ability to identify and communicatecapacity issues and impacts

• Ability to interpret data gathered andformulate appropriate plan of action

• Ability to follow proper proceduresand practices

E9. Manage andimplement contingencyand emergencyrecovery plans

• Contingency and emergency recovery plansare routinely tested and practiced foroperational readiness

• Emergency recovery plans include keyinternal and external systems and resources

• Emergency plan procedures and practicesare clearly communicated and regularlyreviewed and updated

• Knowledge of emergency recovery plansand procedures

• Ability to accurately simulate emergencyscenarios and plan for effective recovery

• Knowledge of documentation anddissemination practices and procedures

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to gather, analyze and interprettechnical information

• Ability to apply rules/principlesto process/data and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to communicate effectively to avariety of audiences


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Critical Work Function: Maintain Network and Manage Growth

• Plans are clearly documented andeffectively communicated

• Plans identify appropriate resources forcurrent and future tasks

• Plans balance issues of reliability/stabilityversus innovation

• Plans are successfully implemented withminimal disruption

• Plans and changes meet needs and goals• Conversion and compatibility issues

are addressed• Maintenance and upgrade procedures are

tested adequately prior to implementation

F1. Develop maintenanceand upgrade plans

• Ability to use configurationmanagement tools

• Knowledge of business systems• Knowledge of network architecture,

topology, hardware and software• Knowledge of operating systems and

system interdependencies• Knowledge of backup procedures• Ability to take appropriate financial and

system integrity risks• Ability to identify user needs and


• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon prior knowledge

• Ability to recommend and implementplan of action

• Ability to present complex ideas andinformation

• Ability to use project management andscheduling software

• Ability to evaluate system configuration/stability

• Ability to keep informed on new products

F2. Coordinatemaintenancefor computer,web server andtelecommunicationsnetworks

• Maintenance is scheduled accordingto scope, schedule and systemavailability requirements

• Maintenance requirements are clearlydocumented and communicated in a timelymanner to appropriate parties

• Necessary changes are implemented in atimely manner

• Minimal disruption to productivity occurs• Tasks are performed within scheduled


• Knowledge of maintenance tools,applications and procedures

• Ability to evaluate importance of errors• Knowledge of company operating

procedures• Knowledge of network and operating

system environments

• Ability to document information clearly indetailed supporting documents

• Ability to negotiate agreements• Ability to predict technological results• Ability to interpret data and present

information to different audiencespersuasively and objectively


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F3. Apply maintenanceupgrades, securityenhancements andprocess changes

• Upgrades are installed with minimaldisruption to process flow

• Upgrade installation meets user needs• Conversion of data is performed and

compatibility issues are resolved• Maintenance procedures are reassessed

for applicability• Changes are implemented using

appropriate procedures• Security enhancements meet intended

outcomes for data assurance, accesscontrol and deterrence

• Knowledge of upgrade installationprocedures

• Knowledge of elements required tojustify upgrade

• Knowledge of data conversion issues andprocedures, compatibility issues andresolution procedures

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Knowledge of requirements for and impactsof security enhancements and upgrades

• Ability to implement technologicalimprovements/changes

• Ability to analyze organizationof information

• Ability to propose/formulatenew processes

• Ability to evaluate system configuration/stability

• Ability to plan implementation processes

F4. Perform systembackups andrestore data

• System backups are performed according toschedule and procedure

• Backup operations are documentedaccurately and completely

• Problems are assessed for criticality andreported to appropriate personnel in atimely manner

• Revisions to system backups areincorporated in the change managementprocess

• Data is restored in a timely andeffective manner

• Knowledge of system backup andrestoration procedures

• Ability to identify system problems andevaluate for criticality

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to follow procedures• Ability to organize and document

information and processes in detailedsupporting documents

• Ability to evaluate effectiveness of process

Critical Work Function: Maintain Network and Manage Growth


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F5. Troubleshoot andmaintain client, serverand network systems

Critical Work Function: Maintain Network and Manage Growth

• System and network problems areidentified and reported in a timely manner

• Maintenance, security and troubleshootingactivities are documented appropriately

• Troubleshooting and restoration areperformed according to establishedprocedures and practices

• Maintenance logs are updatedand maintenance data iscommunicated effectively

• Routine tests are performed toidentify potential problems and applyremedies proactively

• Systems are maintained for optimumsecurity and availability

• Knowledge of general and equipment-specific troubleshooting methods, practicesand techniques

• Knowledge of maintenance documentationsystems, standards and practices

• Knowledge of pre-emptive failureprevention strategies, tools and methods

• Ability to apply maintenance practicesto ensure optimal system securityand availability

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

F6. Develop growthand capacity plansand makerecommendations

• Ability to use continuous improvementstrategies and tools

• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts ina timely manner

• Ability to follow standard procedures,processes and practices

• Ability to maintain appropriate logs anddetailed supporting documentation

• Ability to communicate system changesto users

• Plans are developed to accommodate futurecapacity with respect to system and usergrowth needs

• Plans utilize appropriate business analysistools and system performance data

• Plans reflect varying organizational andoperational needs and impacts

• Plans are feasible and implementable withintime, personnel and budget constraints

• Plans are clearly documented and effectivelycommunicated

• Knowledge of system metrics and businessanalysis tools

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Ability to anticipate and analyze actual andhypothetical technology scenarios

• Ability to identify and analyze businesstrends and impacts

• Ability to set well defined, realistic goals• Ability to identify and communicate

necessary system changesand improvements

• Ability to examine information forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to manage time and taskseffectively


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Critical Work Function: Maintain Network and Manage Growth

F7. Implement growthplans and longrange solutions

• Implementation is conducted accordingto plan

• Implementation issues are identified andresolved prior to deadline

• System performance is verified afterimplementation and compared againstspecifications

• Implementation is conducted withminimum disruption to users

• Ability to plan according to resourceconstraints and requirements

• Knowledge of technical specifications• Knowledge of relevant indicators of system

performance• Ability to effectively manage technological

change within the organization

• Ability to analyze and interpret technicaldata

• Ability to create and maintain detailedplanning documents

• Ability to develop appropriate responsesand propose solutions to specifiedtechnical problems and issues

• Ability to generate creative solutions andformulate new plans/approaches


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Critical Work Function: Perform Security Administration

G1. Gather and documentsecurity requirements

• Security requirements are derived fromsystem specifications and industry practices

• Security concerns of all stakeholders havebeen addressed

• Proposed security requirements arecomprehensive and include a varietyof scenarios

• Security requirements are documented andhave been reviewed and approved

• Potential security risks are evaluatedand addressed

• Knowledge of security specificationsand practices

• Ability to identify and resolve potentialsecurity conflicts

• Knowledge of security requirements,planning and risk evaluation

• Knowledge of network operating systems,software and security practices

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to apply principles to procedures

and use logic to draw conclusions• Ability to encourage cooperation and

negotiation among participants• Ability to follow organizational processes

and procedures

G2. Design and documentsecurity plan

• Strategies and implementation proceduresare thoroughly reviewed and analyzed

• Security design includes features selectedto meet client, user and business needs

• Security plan is developed and documentedcompletely and accurately

• Security plan is accessible and activelydisseminated to stakeholders

• Knowledge of security strategies• Ability to evaluate security plans and designs• Knowledge of impact of client, user and

business security issues• Knowledge of security plan documentation

procedures• Ability to balance user privileges with

security requirements

• Ability to identify and resolveconflicting data

• Ability to analyze information andformulate proposals

• Ability to write detailed supportingdocuments

G3. Implement and enforcesystem and usersecurity requirements

• Levels of user access, system specificationsand security are clearly identified,standardized and communicated

• Implementation of security measuresminimizes unauthorized access andsecurity risks

• Security breaches are accurately and swiftlyidentified, communicated and resolved

• Master plans are developed andimplemented to provide for securityrequirements

• Company procedures are regularly reviewedfor security measures and compliance withapplicable standards, practices and laws

• Knowledge of database security proceduresand implementation

• Knowledge of network and operatingsystems

• Ability to detect and resolve securitybreaches

• Knowledge of system security dataassurance and deterrence strategies

• Ability to present practical alternatives• Ability to responsibly challenge unethical

practices/decisions• Ability to write detailed supporting

documents• Ability to analyze and respond to client/

user needs• Ability to present security tradeoffs and

risks and pose critical questions


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G4. Maintain, improve andenhance security inresponse to industrydevelopments anduser experience

• Data and user practices are analyzed anddocumented to assess security issues

• Training is regularly provided whichresults in continuous improvement insecurity awareness

• Potential security risks and threats areanticipated, security needs are forecast andincorporated in recommendations forsystem upgrades and/or redesign

• Industry and technology trends arecontinually monitored, analyzed andincorporated to support system security

• Knowledge of business, industryand technology security trends, issuesand practices

• Ability to use forecasting methods and tools• Ability to gather user data and observe

user practices• Knowledge of instructional design principles• Ability to provide technical training on

security procedures

• Ability to analyze and respond to client/user needs

• Ability to identify issues and resolvetechnical conflicts

• Ability to organize and present technicalinformation to nontechnical users

• Ability to monitor and interpret trends intechnology and industry

G5. Detect, monitorand reportsecurity problems

• Problems are identified, reported, escalatedand resolved according to applicableprocedures

• Security violations are detected andreported in a timely manner

• Network is continuously monitored forpotential security threats

• Overall physical security plan is developedand maintained to support security of the ITinfrastructure

• Company procedures are regularly reviewedand updated for security effectiveness

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, hardware and software

• Knowledge of corporate security policiesand procedures

• Knowledge of documentation, storage andsecurity tools

• Ability to identify and use appropriatereporting channels

• Knowledge of physical plant andinfrastructure security requirements

• Ability to interpret and evaluate data• Ability to troubleshoot system

malfunction and/or failure• Ability to distinguish trends in performance

and diagnose performance deviations• Ability to use project management

software• Ability to analyze system operation

G6. Contribute toand developrecommendationsfor long rangesecurity plans

• System audits are routinely conductedfor the purpose of planning futuresystem development

• Planning accounts for networkgrowth, new technology and futurebusiness development

• Plans are scalable and provide forenhancements to processes and technology

• Anticipated scenarios are included inplan development

• Knowledge of system audit proceduresand long range planning processes

• Ability to analyze and projecttechnology trends

• Knowledge of continuous improvementmethods and strategies

• Knowledge of network architecture,topologies, applications and systems

• Ability to analyze and interprettechnical data

• Ability to create and maintain detailedplanning documents

• Ability to develop appropriate responsesand propose solutions to specifiedtechnical problems and issues

• Ability to generate creative solutions andformulate new plans/approaches

Critical Work Function: Perform Security Administration










Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 99


Application DeveloperApplications Analyst

Applications EngineerBusiness Analyst

Computer EngineerConfiguration Management Engineer

Data ModelerDatabase Specialist

Enterprise DeveloperEnterprise Specialist

Java DeveloperJava Enterprise DeveloperMaintenance Programmer

Operating System Designer/EngineerOperating System Programmer/Analyst

Program ManagerProgrammer

Programmer/AnalystProject Lead

Project ManagerSoftware Applications Specialist

Software ArchitectSoftware ConfigurationManagement Engineer

Software Design EngineerSoftware Design Engineer and Tester

Software Development EngineerSoftware Engineer

Software QA SpecialistSoftware Tester

Systems AdministratorSystems Analyst

Test EngineerTester

Programming/Software Engineering

Computer programmers design, create and main-tain software. You may analyze, design, develop,test and maintain computer and Internet-basedapplications. Possibly you’ll write specialized ap-plications or make custom programs to satisfy auser’s particular needs. You’ll probably write soft-ware programs that interface with commercial off-the-shelf software or application systems that theorganization has installed. You may be required toknow more than one programming language andpossibly more than one operating system. Not allprogrammers write code all day. You may evaluatethe project requirements, participate in designmeetings or determine the best solution to a prob-lem or approach to a new feature. You may developand refine detailed design specifications. You willuse development tools and programming lan-guages in creating and testing the software. Youmust also be proficient at documenting your workso others will know what you did and how. Finally,you must test your work with real users to makesure it is free of errors and meets user specifica-tions. You will likely be required to analyze and fixsoftware problems and errors on programs thatwere written by other programmers who may notbe available at the time the correction is required.

Summary of Critical Work Functions







100 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology










A. Perform Analysis

A1 Gather data to identifycustomer requirements

A2 Define scope of work

A3 Define system andsoftware requirements

A4 Identify measurableperformance andreliability requirements

A5 Develop testrequirements

A6 Develop high-levelsystems and functionalspecifications

A7 Identify risks anddetermine securityrequirements and riskreduction strategies

B. Develop Structure

B1 Choose an architecture

B2 Identify majorsubsystems andinterfaces

B3 Assist with selectingdesign tools

B4 Develop models

B5 Validate design schemeand models

C. Design/DevelopProgram

C1 Develop design andinterface specifications

C2 Identify systemplatform, componentsand dependencies

C3 Develop appropriatedata model anddatabase scheme

C4 Prepare and conductdesign review

C5 Identify maintenancerequirements

C6 Create and testprototypes

C7 Review and provideinput to userdocumentation

C8 Incorporate securityrequirementsinto design

E. Test and ValidateProgram

E1 Develop test planand system

E2 Develop test procedures

E3 Perform tests

E4 Document testresults and makerecommendations

E5 Modify code basedon approval ofrecommendations

E6 Perform acceptancetesting

E7 Perform post-projectanalysis and validation

F. Release Product

F1 Participate indevelopment ofrelease plan

F2 Train technicalsupport staff

F3 Participate indevelopment ofuser training plan

F4 Transition tonew system

F5 Evaluate, correct anddocument defects

F6 Evaluate, implementand documentenhancements

D. Implement Program

D1 Write code

D2 Perform unit testing

D3 Integrate subsystems

D4 Lead and/or participatein peer code review

D5 Resolve defects andrevise and adaptexisting code


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A1. Gather data to identifycustomer requirements

• Sources and methods for gatheringrequirements are affordable and relevant

• Sources of requirements are reliableand current

• Information is accurate and complete• Information gathering interviews follow

appropriate company practices• Information is gathered continuously in

a cost-effective manner• Requirements are documented to

prescribed legal, regulatory andorganizational standards

• Knowledge of problem domain• Knowledge of information and

requirements gathering techniques• Knowledge of applicable requirements

and standards• Knowledge of software development

methodology and configurationmanagement processes

• Ability to determine relevant information

• Ability to identify and prioritize theneed for data

• Ability to pose critical questions andanalyze and prioritize group/individualresponses

• Ability to summarize informationand requirements

• Ability to encourage cooperation• Ability to gather and present cost data

A2. Define scope of work • Project objectives and scope are identifiedand agreed upon

• Major project tasks and interdependenciesare identified

• Project plan is prepared based on resourceavailability and project timeline

• Estimates of time, materials andcapabilities needed to meet customerrequirements are clearly presented

• Life of product or application is accuratelyestimated and includes impacts of futuretechnology developments

• Time, technology and resource constraintsare defined, alternatives are presented andrisk analysis and contingency plans aredeveloped

• Requirements are properly interpreted andevaluated, and conflicting requirements areidentified and resolved

• Scope of work includes assessment of themaintainability and feasibility of solutions

• Ability to define measurable criteria forcompletion of work

• Knowledge of technology constraints• Knowledge of risk analysis techniques• Knowledge of the market, product history

and user needs• Ability to analyze competing products• Knowledge of operating systems,

networking and problem domain• Ability to assess the maintainability and

feasibility of solutions

• Ability to create both detailed supportingdocuments and cogent summariesappropriate to the audience

• Ability to relate key strategies and actionsto desired results

• Ability to plan resource needsand constraints

• Ability to visualize tasks sequentially,identify interdependencies and predictoutcomes/results based on experience,prior knowledge or expert input

• Ability to resolve conflicts to customersatisfaction

• Ability to analyze product/service quality


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A3. Define system andsoftware requirements

• System and software requirements are freeof conflicts and thoroughly documented

• System and software requirements are inaccordance with overall projectrequirements

• Overall system and software requirementsare integrated

• Overall requirements have been checkedfor compatibility, scalability, andinterdependencies

• Technical specifications are assessed forfeasibility

• Specifications include assessment of themaintainability and feasibility of solutions

• Knowledge of system capabilities andoperations

• Knowledge of software capabilities• Knowledge of system and software

integration• Ability to transfer customer, security, legal

and regulatory requirements into systemand software requirements

• Knowledge of development process• Knowledge of human factors principles• Ability to assess the maintainability and

feasibility of solutions

• Ability to identify and resolve conflictingrequirements

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to accurately summarize anddocument information, and to writeclearly and succinctly

• Ability to respond to system demands andapply technology in an effective manner

A4. Identify measurableperformance andreliability requirements

• Criteria for adequate system performancelevel are defined

• Criteria for customer satisfaction andacceptance are defined

• Performance requirements are documentedin an accurately and completely

• Knowledge of system requirements,performance metrics and standards

• Ability to determine attainableperformance levels

• Ability to extract performance requirementsfrom system and software requirements

• Knowledge of software developmentmethodology and configurationmanagement processes

• Ability to assess performancerequirements

• Ability to formulate proposals• Ability to effectively communicate

performance expectations andactual results

• Ability to examine the situation, analyzepossible causes/reasons and recommendplan of action

A5. Develop testrequirements

• Appropriate internal and external testparticipants are identified

• Testing methodology is selected• Scope of testing is clearly identified• Testing acceptance criteria are defined• End-to-end testing methodologies and

procedures are determined

• Knowledge of testing tools• Knowledge of company operating

procedures• Knowledge of databases and tools to track

and resolve test results• Knowledge of acceptance testing practices

and procedures

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to examine information/data forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to analyze logical consistency


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Critical Work Function: Perform Analysis

A6. Develop high-levelsystems and functionalspecifications

• Specifications adhere to relevant, currentperformance and operational standards

• Systems and functional specificationsmeet customer, security, legal andregulatory requirements

• High-level subsystems are identifiedaccurately and documented completely

• Knowledge of internal systems and theirrelationship to project goals

• Ability to write detailed and accuratefunctional specifications followingorganizational standards

• Knowledge of current industry design andperformance standards

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to propose new technology

applications• Ability to integrate systems technology• Ability to predict technological results

A7. Identify risks anddetermine securityrequirements and riskreduction strategies

• Types of risk exposure are identified• Security policies are regularly updated and

routinely communicated• Security plans and options are continuously

analyzed and improved• Security plan is documented and updated

• Knowledge of security risks• Knowledge of current security policies• Knowledge of security tools• Knowledge of network protocols• Ability to analyze risks and effectively

implement strategies and solutions

• Ability to analyze data• Ability to integrate multiple items of data

and contrast conflicting data• Ability to analyze possible causes of

problems and recommend action plansfor resolution


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Critical Work Function: Develop Structure

B1. Choose an architecture • Main alternatives are researched• Alternative technical and design scenarios

are outlined and presented• Analysis of tradeoffs and risks is complete

including cost and performanceconsiderations

• Alternatives are documented and ratedaccording to best match with currentproject and future scalability

• Selected alternative has been reviewedand approved by management andkey stakeholders

• Selected alternative meets functionality,timeline, budget requirements and longrange organizational objectives

• Selected alternative is documented in aclear, accurate and detailed form

• Impact of potential future technologyis evaluated

• Knowledge of research techniques andprocedures and ability to identify keysources of information with respectto architectures

• Knowledge of design concepts, techniques,processes and tradeoffs

• Ability to translate technical features intoperformance functionality, project timelineand budget impacts

• Knowledge of risk analysis techniques• Ability to translate technical features into

development and user benefits• Knowledge of operating systems and

hardware architecture• Knowledge of cost versus performance


• Ability to evaluate options and formulatea plan of action

• Ability to present complex issues andanalyze responses

• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information

B2. Identify majorsubsystemsand interfaces

• All major subsystems and interfaces areclearly delineated

• Minimum of overlap and interaction existsbetween major subsystems

• Major subsystems and interfaces areclearly documented

• Interface alternatives are evaluated as tocost and performance

• Knowledge of overall system• Knowledge of interface design principles• Ability to classify related components

into a subsystem• Knowledge of connectivity and

systems issues• Ability to arrange and organize

components• Knowledge of cost and performance

considerations related to interfacealternatives

• Ability to analyze logical consistency• Ability to research additional

information sources• Ability to analyze system

configuration/stability• Ability to recognize system



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Critical Work Function: Develop Structure

B3. Assist with selectingdesign tools

• Design tools are cost-effective andadequate for scope of work

• Necessary resources are available withinthe scope and budget of project

• Design tools are appropriate for availablelevel of expertise

• Recommendations regarding design toolsare communicated effectively toappropriate personnel in a timely manner

• Tools provide appropriate security andaudit trail capabilities

• Knowledge of design tools and tradeoffs• Knowledge of company tool selection

procedures• Knowledge of key sources of information

regarding design tools• Knowledge of security issues

• Ability to evaluate options andmake decisions

• Ability to present complex issues andanalyze responses

• Ability to determine resources required• Ability to resolve technical conflicts• Ability to project timeline and

budget requirements

B4. Develop models • Scope and purpose of models are defined• Models are developed cost-effectively and

according to schedule• Models are representative of design

and functionality• Models are exercised and tested

for performance• Model development procedures, test results

and recommendations are documented• Appropriate business, physical, interface

and logical data models are developed• Models include security and audit

trail features

• Knowledge of model development optionsand methodologies

• Knowledge of model testing procedures• Ability to work within the constraints of

simulations and models• Knowledge of security and audit

trail features

• Ability to develop new/alternativesystem designs

• Ability to integrate system technology• Ability to interpret/evaluate data• Ability to create comprehensive models

and simulations• Ability to create original documents• Ability to prioritize results and generate

and present recommendations

B5. Validate design schemeand models

• Design scheme meets specifications• Design scheme and models meet customer,

marketing, legal, regulatory, audit and peerreview requirements

• Deficiencies are clearly documented• Security and reliability implications

are documented

• Knowledge of design scheme and models• Ability to compare models and design

scheme to specifications• Knowledge of cost and performance

considerations for design scheme andmodel alternatives

• Knowledge of security and informationassurance tools and techniques

• Ability to analyze system effectivenessand efficiency

• Ability to analyze system structureand organization

• Ability to follow rules/principles• Ability to analyze logical consistency• Ability to clearly explain the

design scheme


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Critical Work Function: Design/Develop Program

C1. Develop design andinterface specifications

• Design and interface specifications arecomplete and approved by all relevantparties

• Design and interface specifications arechecked and corrected for conflicts

• Design and interface specifications areassessed for ease and quality ofimplementation

• Design and interface specifications aredocumented in a complete and accurateform and consistent with companystandards

• Interface is consistent with industry,company and product standards

• Entity relationships are developed properlyand diagrams are prepared accurately

• Knowledge of interface requirements,specification procedures and operatingsystems

• Knowledge of implementation proceduresand user needs, and ability to analyze andresolve conflicts in specifications

• Knowledge of industry, company,government and product standards

• Ability to perform entity-relationshipanalysis

• Knowledge of normalization, relationaltheory and data modeling tools

• Ability to recall and apply basic rules/principles

• Ability to analyze organization ofinformation

• Ability to analyze system configuration/stability

• Ability to apply creative solutions to newsituations

• Ability to analyze and prioritize customerneeds and concerns

• Ability to construct an efficient sequenceof actions to accomplish a task

C2. Identify systemplatform, componentsand dependencies

• Rationale for choices is clearly stated• System platform, components and

dependencies are clearly delineated• Reasons for constraints are documented• Subsystems clearly delineate all

components and interfaces to ensure aminimum of overlap and effectiveinteraction between components

• Knowledge of available platforms• Knowledge of components and their

compatibility with platform• Ability to evaluate alternate configurations

for capabilities, costs and performance• Knowledge of system configurations• Ability to identify isolated but related

functions and evaluate degree ofconnectivity

• Ability to analyze system configuration/stability and organization/hierarchy andrecognize system strengths/limitations

• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions• Ability to apply appropriate processes/



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Critical Work Function: Design/Develop Program

C3. Develop appropriatedata model anddatabase scheme

• Database schematics are developedand approved

• Data model is laid out clearly• All functionality in the logical data model is

present in the physical data model• There are no unnecessary functions in the

physical data model• Performance criteria for the data model

have verifiable assumptions• Business process model contains user

workflow analysis and accurate dataflow diagram

• User processes are optimized• Data model supports audit requirements

• Knowledge of data techniques and tools• Knowledge of CASE and/or data

modeling tools• Ability to transform logical data model into

physical data model• Knowledge of object-oriented design

and principles• Knowledge of general business principles• Knowledge of database design tools

• Ability to apply rules/principles toprocess/procedure

• Ability to extract information and uselogic to draw conclusions

• Ability to apply technology fordesired results

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to design programs, networks

and graphics• Ability to interpret symbols, diagrams

and schematics

C4. Prepare and conductdesign review

• Appropriate personnel participate indesign review

• Appropriate information is gathered fromother parts of the system

• Review is complete, follows operatingprocedures and is conducted in accordancewith the project flow chart

• Internal and external design reviews areperformed in a regular and timely manner

• Design reviews are called when teamdecisions need to be made and/or when amajor issue is encountered

• Overview summaries are complete, conciseand prepared for the particular audience

• Design reviews are consistent with allapproved requirements of the projectincluding functional, legal, regulatory andperformance considerations

• Knowledge of operating procedures andthe existing system

• Knowledge of the design review process• Knowledge of personnel/process

requirements for meetings• Ability to determine system scope,

objectives and goals

• Ability to analyze/integrate informationand prepare basic summaries/reports

• Ability to present complex ideas/information, pose critical questions andanalyze group/individual response

• Ability to clarify, interpret and influencecommunication

• Ability to encourage others to adoptnew concepts

• Ability to use office productivity tools


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Critical Work Function: Design/Develop Program

C5. Identify maintenancerequirements

• Maintenance requirements and resourcesare identified

• Maintenance requirements aredocumented and communicated to userand support groups

• Maintenance requirements are congruentwith application and customer requests

• Potential add-ons and enhancements areidentified from both customer anddevelopment team perspectives

• Knowledge of software maintenancerequirements and procedures

• Knowledge of customer/user groups• Knowledge of structured design principles

of programming

• Ability to define maintenance procedures,evaluate performance of technology andanalyze operational anomalies

• Ability to follow specified maintenanceand release schedules and procedures

• Ability to identify, classify and documentsymptoms

• Ability to summarize/paraphraseinformation and compose/editcorrespondence and documentation

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions anddevise/implement a plan of action

C6. Create and testprototypes

• Scope and purpose of prototypes aredefined and meet customer expectations

• Prototypes are created cost-effectively andaccording to schedule

• Prototypes are tested and performancechecked against models

• Prototype performance is checkedagainst specifications

• Prototype development procedure,test results and recommendationsare documented

• Impact on existing systems is correctlyidentified, integrated test systems aredeveloped and problems are resolved

• Knowledge of prototype designmethodologies and prototyping tools

• Knowledge of prototype building andtesting processes

• Ability to relate prototype test results tomodel performance predictions

• Knowledge of existing system and newsystem requirements

• Knowledge of research and testing toolsand online resources

• Knowledge of version and revision controlpractices and procedures

• Ability to analyze task/technologyrelationship

• Ability to propose technological solutions• Ability to consider risks/implications and

compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions and

devise/implement plan of action• Ability to recognize system strengths/


C7. Review and provideinput to userdocumentation

• Product features are communicated to thetechnical documentation group

• Documentation needs and timelinesare identified

• Documentation is created in accordancewith company standards

• Knowledge of documentation process• Ability to translate technical specifications

and requirements for specific audience• Knowledge of company documentation


• Ability to interpret information• Ability to prepare basic summaries

and reports• Ability to select methods

of communication• Knowledge of office productivity software


KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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Critical Work Function: Design/Develop Program

C8. Incorporate securityrequirementsinto design

• Obvious security matters are identified• Latent security risks are anticipated• Security matters are presented to users

and designers• User security requirements are specified in

the design• All aspects of physical security and system

security are addressed• Security addresses access, confidentiality,

legal and ethical factors as appropriate

• Knowledge of design and programmingtechniques that provide security

• Ability to translate customer securityrequirements into functional specifications

• Knowledge of physical and systemsecurity factors

• Knowledge of security tools, processes,products and procedures

• Knowledge of security cost andperformance issues

• Ability to evaluate system performanceand suggest improvements

• Ability to examine task/technologyrelationship and integrate systemstechnologies

• Ability to generate unique solutions• Ability to predict outcomes based on

prior experience• Ability to collect, interpret, synthesize and

communicate information to stakeholders


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Critical Work Function: Implement Program

D1. Write code • Code is developed using efficient softwaredesign processes

• Objects and reusable components areemployed whenever possible

• Code is well documented so that it can beunderstood by other software engineers

• Code is developed and documented inaccordance with applicable companystandards and procedures

• Knowledge of object-oriented developmentprinciples, processes and procedures

• Knowledge of programming languagerequired for application

• Knowledge of reusable componentprogramming processes

• Knowledge of code documentation process• Ability to evaluate alternatives in code

implementation and make decisions• Knowledge of company coding standards

and procedures

• Ability to write simple documents• Ability to generate and evaluate

alternative solutions and formulate planof action

• Ability to apply rules/principles toprocess/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to manipulate technology fordesired results

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to interpret symbols, diagramsand schematics

D2. Perform unit testing • Units are tested using standard andappropriate testing procedures

• Testing on each unit is repeated until theunit is free of errors

• Errors are correctly analyzed and resolved• Errors and solutions are documented in a

complete and concise form• Test data and testing techniques

are documented

• Knowledge of unit testing procedures• Knowledge of iteration process• Knowledge of error analysis and

resolution processes• Knowledge of software testing practices

and procedures

• Ability to analyze system configuration/stability and recognize systemstrengths/limitations

• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions• Ability to document errors and

code modifications in detailedsupporting documents

• Ability to examine the situation, analyzepossible causes/reasons and recommendaction plan

• Ability to identify, troubleshoot andcorrect malfunctions/failures

D3. Integrate subsystems • Subsystems are tested for compatibility• Conflicts are resolved• Subsystems are integrated iteratively until

integration is complete• Conflicts and solutions are documented• Comprehensive system testing occurs to

resolve all conflicts• Subsystems are tested to ensure data

integrity and satisfy audit requirements

• Knowledge of subsystem integrationprocesses and interdependencies

• Knowledge of subsystem conflict analysisand resolution

• Knowledge of system testing procedures• Knowledge of operating systems• Knowledge of continuous improvement

processes for subsystem integration

• Ability to interpret and manipulateinformation

• Ability to integrate multiple platforms• Ability to utilize networks• Ability to understand system

organization/hierarchy• Ability to organize and document

process and outcomes in detailedsupporting documents


KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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Critical Work Function: Implement Program

D4. Lead and/or participatein peer code review

• Code reviews are conducted in accordancewith the project flow chart

• Code reviews are called when major teamdecisions need to be made

• Appropriate personnel are presentat reviews

• Meetings are well organized and allow forindividual contribution

• Code reviews ensure compliance withapplicable standards, practices andspecifications

• Knowledge of peer code review processand procedures

• Ability to use project flow chart• Knowledge of software testing practices

and procedures• Knowledge of personnel/process

requirements for meetings• Knowledge of programming standards,

practices and specifications

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to analyze situation/information,

generate solutions and formulateaction plans

• Ability to establish rapport withcolleagues and customers and resolveconflicts

• Ability to present complexinformation/data

• Ability to work effectively in groupsunder deadline

• Ability to communicate effectively using avariety of media and methods

D5. Resolve defects andrevise and adaptexisting code

• Timely documentation of defects includescurrent status and person responsiblefor resolution

• Systematic testing is implemented to findand resolve hardware and softwarecompatibility problems

• Navigation is mapped and checked forall links

• Critical error areas are identified and errortrapping is embedded into product

• A debugging program is in place as thecomponents are developed

• Defects are evaluated for impact onfunctionality and recommendationsare formulated

• Defects are fixed or logged for input intonext design iteration depending on impact

• Solutions are documented completelyand concisely

• Continuous improvement processes areeffectively utilized regarding new code

• Ability to use debugging tools• Ability to analyze and evaluate design,

hardware and software problems• Knowledge of resources available to

resolve defects• Knowledge of system error resolution

processes and procedures• Knowledge of procedures for documenting

and tracking problems and resolutions• Knowledge of version and revision

control practices• Knowledge of software testing practices

and procedures

• Ability to follow proper procedures andapply technology effectively

• Ability to determine system componentsto be modified or improved

• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity tocustomer concerns/interests

• Ability to analyze problems andrecommend solutions

• Ability to identify, troubleshoot andcorrect malfunctions/failures

• Ability to document errors andcode modifications in detailedsupporting documents


KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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Critical Work Function: Test and Validate Program

E1. Develop test planand system

• Test plan is completely documented inaccordance with approved policies

• Test plan is relevant to application and testrequirements are in compliance with legalrequirements, policies, procedures andcustomer requirements

• Test system accurately mimicsexternal interfaces

• Test scenarios are automatedwhere feasible

• Comprehensive set of test casesand expected results are developedand approved

• Testing resources are identified andschedule is established

• User participation in the creation of testdata and test cases is acknowledged in theproject plan

• Knowledge of user application• Knowledge of testing impact on timeline

and budget• Knowledge of external interfaces• Knowledge of test domain and ability to

distinguish edges and critical points• Knowledge of operating systems and

testing tools• Knowledge of legal requirements, policies,

procedures and customer requirements• Knowledge of project scheduling methods

relative to testing requirements

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to write technical documents and

detailed supporting documents• Ability to consider risk implications and

compile multiple viewpoints

E2. Develop testprocedures

• Test procedures explicitly verifyspecifications

• Test procedures define test conditions• Test procedures are documented in detail• Regression tests are properly developed

and performed to thoroughly exercise thesoftware according to plan and schedule

• Knowledge of external interfaces• Knowledge of test domain and ability to

distinguish edges and critical points• Knowledge of specifications• Ability to construct automated test

sequences and recognize errors in testprocedure and system

• Knowledge of test discipline, testingmethodology and documentation standards

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to consider risk implications• Ability to analyze technology output and

examine task/technology relationship• Ability to interpret, clarify and influence



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Critical Work Function: Test and Validate Program

E3. Perform tests • Test process includes appropriateteam members

• System is tested according to planand schedule

• Test results are documented completelyand communicated as appropriate

• System integration testing and volume/performance testing are performed whenappropriate

• Knowledge of system test procedures andtest systems

• Knowledge of system and abilityto recognize problems identified bytest procedure

• Knowledge of testing methodology• Ability to recognize errors in test procedure

and test system

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to analyze technology output and

examine task/technology relationship• Ability to appropriately refer

complaint/discrepancy• Ability to identify and evaluate

system performance

E4. Document testresults and makerecommendations

• Errors and preceding conditions areclearly documented

• Recommendations for modification areincluded in documentation

• Problems are identified and corrected• Test data is utilized to update and revise

program features and functions

• Knowledge of documentation procedures• Knowledge of testing tools and

methodologies• Ability to interpret and apply test

data results• Knowledge of software metrics

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to respond to system demand• Knowledge of networks and operating

environments• Ability to evaluate system performance

and devise plan to monitor and/orcorrect system

• Ability to modify process/procedure

E5. Modify code basedon approval ofrecommendations

• Code changes accurately reflect shifts inlegal and regulatory requirements

• Code changes reflect changes intechnology and new releases

• Continuous improvement processes areeffectively utilized

• Code changes reflect shifts in customerrequirements or scope of project

• Code changes incorporate test results andtester feedback

• Knowledge of legal and regulatoryrequirements

• Ability to monitor changes in technologyand platform environments

• Knowledge of continuous improvementtechniques applicable to softwaredevelopment

• Ability to present complex ideas/information and pose critical questions

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to track changes in detailedsupporting documents


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Critical Work Function: Test and Validate Program

E6. Perform acceptancetesting

• Test procedures and reports are preparedand documented for customer

• System performance is tested according toplan and schedule

• Test results are documented completely• Recommendations are communicated to

development team and customer• Documentation is complete, accurate and

easy to use• Product and documentation meet user

requirements and are accepted by customer

• Knowledge of acceptance test proceduresand documentation

• Knowledge of application environmentand user requirements

• Knowledge of software qualityassurance practices

• Knowledge of user level of expertise• Knowledge of validation and acceptance


• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to interpret, clarify and influence

communication• Ability to identify major issues and

make recommendations

E7. Perform post-projectanalysis and validation

• User and customer data is periodicallygathered and analyzed

• Data is prioritized with respect to revisionschedules and change requests

• Project management data anddocumentation are maintained accordingto control procedures

• Changes and revisions are tested andvalidated prior to integration

• Knowledge of software performance datagathering and analysis

• Knowledge of software change andrevision processes and procedures

• Knowledge of technical documentationmaintenance and control

• Ability to test and validate softwarerevisions in operational environment

• Ability to integrate multiple items of dataand contrast conflicting data

• Ability to document findings in detailedsupporting documents

• Ability to interpret, analyze andcommunicate technical information

• Ability to manage project tasks, timelinesand deliverables


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Critical Work Function: Release Product

• Release plan is outlined in detail,with necessary phases, timeline anddecision points

• Release procedures and fallbackprocesses are defined and agreed uponby decision makers

• Test groups are identified and relevant tothe application

• Test feedback is clearly documented andreviewed by appropriate personnel

• Results are communicated to design teamfor design modification as necessary

F1. Participate indevelopment ofrelease plan

• Knowledge of release procedures• Knowledge of feedback processes• Knowledge of fallback and contingency

plan considerations• Knowledge of customer business


• Ability to consider risks/implications• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to present complex ideas/

information• Ability to analyze group/individual

responses• Ability to interpret, clarify and influence


F2. Train technicalsupport staff

• Training procedures are developedand documented

• Training sessions are scheduled andconducted according to plan

• Feedback system from technical supportstaff to design group is in place

• Technical staff is able to fully supportthe product

• Training alternatives are identifiedand assessed

• Knowledge of design of technicaltraining processes

• Knowledge of requirements of technicalsupport groups

• Ability to design, organize and presenttechnical material to a technical audience

• Ability to identify important technicaltraining issues and provide feedback toappropriate personnel

• Knowledge of evaluation techniques fortechnical training effectiveness

• Ability to identify training needs• Ability to conduct task-specific training• Ability to coach others to apply

related concepts• Ability to present complex ideas/

information• Ability to analyze group/individual


F3. Participate indevelopment ofuser training plan

• Training materials are clear, effective andsatisfy training objectives

• Training is adjusted for learning needs• Training plan adequately addresses

the effective operation of the softwareand system in accordance with thesystem requirements

• Training plan addresses who, when, whereand how the training will be delivered

• Knowledge of instructional designprinciples

• Knowledge of training objectives• Knowledge of user needs and skill levels• Knowledge of training tools and

delivery methods

• Ability to assess and analyze trainingneeds and conduct effective training

• Ability to present complex information• Ability to develop appropriate training

procedures and materials• Ability to encourage learner

independence• Ability to assess and recommend training

alternatives• Knowledge office productivity software

and online resources


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Critical Work Function: Release Product

F4. Transition tonew system

• Transition alternatives are evaluatedrelative to cost, time and effectivenessin meeting the organizationaloperational requirements

• Transition plan is outlined in detail withnecessary phases and timeline

• Contingency plan and fallback proceduresare in place

• Impact on productivity has beenanalyzed and communicated toappropriate personnel

• Transition plan is implemented withminimal impact on overall productivity

• New system is fully operational

• Knowledge of transition process• Knowledge of productivity factors• Knowledge of contingency procedures• Knowledge of transition alternatives for

new system implementation

• Ability to respond to customer needs• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to

customer concerns/interests• Ability to moderate discussion• Ability to interpret complaints

and concerns• Ability to evaluate system performance

and productivity• Ability to examine situation, analyze

possible causes/reasons and recommendplan of action

F5. Evaluate, correct anddocument defects

• Feedback procedure is in place andadequate to meet user needs

• Defects are documented andcommunicated effectively to appropriatepersonnel in a timely manner

• Defects are evaluated for impact onfunctionality and recommendationsare formulated

• Defects are corrected or logged forinput into next design iteration dependingon impact

• Knowledge of system error analysis andresolution procedures

• Ability to evaluate importance of defect• Knowledge of system requirements relative

to organizational goals and objectives• Ability to analyze design, hardware and

software problems• Knowledge of procedures for documenting

and tracking problems and resolutions• Knowledge of version and revision controls

• Ability to respond to verbal/nonverbalcommunication

• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity tocustomer concerns/interests

• Ability to determine system componentsto be modified or improved and adjustsystem operation

• Ability to troubleshoot systemmalfunction/failure

• Ability to present complex/technicalinformation/data


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Critical Work Function: Release Product

F6. Evaluate, implementand documentenhancements

• Proposed enhancements are congruentwith technical support and user feedback

• Recommendations for enhancementsare documented

• User comments are accurately recorded,evaluated and prioritized

• Recommendations are implemented orlogged for input into next design iteration

• Ability to translate available feedback intorecommended system enhancements

• Ability to formulate tradeoffs regardingenhancements

• Knowledge of operating systems• Knowledge of data gathering methods/

procedures for enhancements• Knowledge of document and revision

control practices• Knowledge of organizational goals and

business objectives

• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity tocustomer concerns/interests

• Ability to write summaries and reports• Ability to suggest system modifications/

improvements and determine systemcomponents to be modified or improved

• Ability to analyze impact of modificationon overall system performance



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Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 119



Application Programmer

Call Center Support Manager

Call Center Support Representative

Client/Customer Liaison

Customer Service Representative

Customer Support Professional

Desktop Support Engineer

Hardware Test Engineer

Help Desk Analyst

Help Desk Specialist

Help Desk Technician

Maintenance Technician

PC Support Specialist

PC Systems Coordinator

PC Systems Manager

PC Systems Technician

Product Support Engineer

Quality Assurance Specialist

Sales Support Technician

Software Test Engineer

Systems Analyst

Technical Account Manager

Technical Support Engineer

Technical Support Representative

Test Engineer

Technical SupportAs a technical support representative, you are avital part of the contact between customers andyour company. Educating users is part of your job,as well as solving hardware or software operationand application problems. Experience with theproblems users face in daily operation is a valu-able asset. When a problem occurs, you listencarefully, ask the appropriate questions to gatherneeded information and then take steps to solveit. Dealing directly with customer issues, you areone of the best sources of information on theproduct, and are consulted for information aboutwhat customers want and what gives them themost trouble. You may start out at the call centeror help desk, walking users through the steps re-quired to solve a problem over the telephone. Asyour experience and training increase, you maywork with hardware and software installation, con-figuration and upgrading processes.

Summary of Critical Work Functions







120 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology



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A. Perform Troubleshooting

A1 Analyze problem and research solutions

A2 Query existing knowledge base

A3 Identify, test and implement solutions

A4 Manage problem resolution

A5 Communicate technical solutions andimplementation processes

A6 Implement long-range solutions

A7 Document hardware and softwareproblems and resolutions

C. Perform Hardware and SoftwareInstallation, Configuration,Upgrades and Network Support

C1 Identify and interpret customerrequirements

C2 Evaluate present software and systemconfiguration

C3 Develop installation plan

C4 Install, configure and test systemhardware and peripherals

C5 Install, configure and test new operatingsystems, applications and upgrades

C6 Optimize system performance

C7 Perform quality checks onwork outcomes

C8 Prepare and maintain systemsdocumentation

C9 Develop contingency and recovery plans

D. Perform System Operations,Monitoring and Maintenance

D1 Operate computer system and runsystem applications

D2 Perform system and networkdiagnostics

D3 Monitor and analyze systemperformance

D4 Develop and implementpreventative maintenance plan

D5 Evaluate maintenance processesand outcomes

D6 Communicate and documentmaintenance procedures andsystem status

D7 Make recommendations to addressrecurring customer issues

D8 Make recommendations andsupport internal processesand operations

B. Provide Facilitation andCustomer Service

B1 Gather and analyze customer input

B2 Manage working relationshipswith customers

B3 Perform negotiated services

B4 Act as liaison between groups

B5 Provide training in hardware andsoftware to peers, and to internaland external customers

B6 Manage and prioritize demandsfrom multiple customers

B7 Solicit customer feedback and applyinput to improve quality of service

B8 Document, communicate and resolvecustomer feedback and requests

B9 Manage customer experience andsatisfaction through multiple tiersof the escalation process


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Critical Work Function: Perform Troubleshooting

• Problem is correctly identified• Problem causes are isolated• Solutions are thoroughly researched and

possible escalation pathways are identified• Solutions are practical and relevant

to problems• Risk analysis is conducted for

potential solutions• Customer interaction results in problem

resolution and customer satisfactionobtained in a responsive manner

A1. Analyze problem andresearch solutions

• Knowledge of troubleshooting methods• Knowledge of sources of relevant

technical data• Ability to prioritize possible solutions based

on technical criteria• Knowledge of escalation procedures• Ability to identify and resolve

technical conflicts

• Ability to analyze and prioritizeinformation

• Ability to use written and electronicdocumentation

• Ability to gather information• Ability to troubleshoot failures• Ability to recognize and respond to

customer needs and demonstratecommitment to customer

A2. Query existingknowledge base

• Searches are effective through use ofproper key words

• Potential solutions are correctly identified• Relevant data is retrieved• Appropriate databases are used• Problem resolutions are effectively tracked

and documented

• Knowledge of how data is gathered, storedand manipulated in a database

• Knowledge of Boolean techniques appliedto search engines

• Knowledge of how to query a databaseand interpret responses

• Knowledge of networks and online toolsand resources

• Ability to read and interpret technicaldiagrams and decision trees

• Ability to select appropriate information• Ability to identify basic concepts and elicit

relevant details• Ability to clarify communication• Ability to qualify/analyze information• Ability to interpret and summarize



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Critical Work Function: Perform Troubleshooting

A3. Identify, test andimplement solutions

• Solutions are clearly defined and analyzedfor possible impact to system

• Solutions are selected based on technicalbenefits and cost effectiveness

• Solutions are tested in a complete andrealistic manner

• Test scenarios are representative of actualuse and environment

• Test process results in permanent solutionto problem reported or diagnosed

• Customer interaction results in end userproblem resolution and closure is obtainedin a timely and responsive manner

• Solutions are recorded properly uponresolution of problem

• Knowledge of test instruments• Knowledge of test methods• Knowledge of systematic methods of

solving technical problems• Ability to replace components

when appropriate• Ability to remove, repair or replace modules

and subassemblies as appropriate• Knowledge of applications and

diagnostic programs• Knowledge of basic networking

components, equipment, protocols andtroubleshooting practices

• Knowledge of relevant safety andenvironmental rules

• Ability to interpret information• Ability to apply rules/principles to

process/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to approach problem in a logicaland systematic manner

• Ability to read and follow writteninstructions

• Ability to interpret pictures and diagrams• Ability to analyze situations and

formulate task sequence• Ability to predict outcomes based

on experience• Ability to think creatively while

analyzing problems

A4. Manage problemresolution

• Relevant and available technical resourcesare identified

• Technical expertise is soughtwhen appropriate

• Problems are escalated or referredwhen appropriate

• Resources are requested and organized tooptimize use and results

• Problem resolution occurs within time,financial and resource constraints

• Knowledge of relevant technical data• Knowledge of resolution tools

and processes• Knowledge of relevant physical inventory

access and control procedures• Knowledge of escalation procedures• Knowledge of change control procedures

• Ability to present complex technicalinformation

• Ability to follow proper procedures andwork within established guidelines

• Ability to apply technology in aneffective manner

• Ability to create original documents anddetailed supporting documents

• Ability to be an advocate for thecustomers within the organization


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Critical Work Function: Perform Troubleshooting

A5. Communicate technicalsolutions andimplementationprocesses

• Technical solutions and implementationprocesses are communicated in atimely manner

• Technical solutions and implementationprocesses are communicated in a formunderstandable to users and peers

• User concerns are considered andaddressed in the implementation process

• Communication is clear, accurate andtargeted appropriately

• Communication results in problemresolution and customer satisfactionis obtained in a timely andresponsive manner

• Solutions are recorded properly uponresolution of problem

• Knowledge of technical communicationsprocesses

• Ability to communicate appropriatelyto different audiences andorganizational levels

• Ability to record data in knowledge basesusing proper key words

• Ability to analyze and considermultiple viewpoints

• Ability to demonstrate awareness ofdiversity issues

• Ability to work in a team environment• Ability to recognize and respond to

customer needs and demonstratecommitment to customer

• Ability to interpret information, preparebasic summaries and reports and selectmethod of communication

• Ability to present complex technicalideas/information

• Ability to demonstrate commitment toteam goals, work to improve team skillsand encourage/support team members

A6. Implement long-rangesolutions

• Implementation is conducted accordingto plan

• Problems are identified and resolved in atimely and effective manner

• System performance is verifiedafter implementation and comparedto specifications

• Implementation is conducted withminimum disruption to users

• Implementation is properly documented

• Knowledge of technical specifications• Knowledge of relevant indicators of

system performance• Knowledge of documentation procedures• Ability to compare and analyze sets of

technical data

• Ability to analyze situations andpredict outcomes based on knowledgeor prior experience

• Ability to plan according to resourceconstraints and requirements

• Ability to prioritize tasks• Ability to examine the situation, analyze

possible causes and recommend action


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Critical Work Function: Perform Troubleshooting

A7. Document hardwareand software problemsand resolutions

• Documentation is clear and accurate• Documentation follows organization format

and procedures• Hardware and software problems are

clearly identified• Resolutions are documented to the

appropriate level of detail• Documentation is organized for most

efficient access by other users

• Knowledge of documentation tools• Knowledge of technical presentation tools• Knowledge of technical terms• Knowledge of documentation processes

and procedures

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to consider abstract technicalsituations

• Ability to use appropriate languageand terminology

• Ability to accurately summarize anddocument information

• Ability to communicate effectively withdiverse audiences

• Ability to organize and presenttechnical information in a logical andconsistent manner


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Critical Work Function: Provide Facilitation and Customer Service

B1. Gather and analyzecustomer input

• Questions to users are relevant andclearly defined

• Input is analyzed for important andunderlying issues

• Input is organized and summarized inan effective manner

• Recommendations based on customerinput are developed and presented tokey personnel

• Ability to determine relevant sourcesof information

• Ability to analyze and interpret customerinput for expressed and implied issues

• Knowledge of information gatheringmethods and techniques

• Knowledge of applicable documentationprocedures

• Ability to analyze information• Ability to probe for underlying issues and

pose critical questions• Ability to contribute to an open

communication environment• Ability to identify the need for data and

select/obtain information appropriate tothe task

B2. Manage workingrelationships withcustomers

• Relationships are managed so thatcustomers are satisfied with level of service

• Relationships are managed so thatcustomers would voluntarily return foradditional service

• Interactions with customers reflectan understanding of their keysatisfaction criteria

• Internal, external and global customerexpectations are met in a timely manner

• Customer concerns are accuratelycommunicated and documented

• Knowledge of escalation procedures• Knowledge of customer support

methodology• Knowledge of operating environments,

office suite applications, networks,hardware tools and online resources

• Knowledge of practices of internal, externaland global customers

• Ability to accept responsibility for ownactions and impact on others

• Ability to demonstrate commitment topersonal improvement

• Ability to recognize and analyzecustomer needs and resolve conflicts tocustomer satisfaction

• Ability to resolve technical issues andobtain customer approval

• Ability to respond appropriately to othersand modify behavior to the situation

B3. Perform negotiatedservices

• Current resources are balancedagainst internal, external and globalcustomer needs

• Negotiated agreement stays within budgetand time constraints

• Acceptable options are consistentlypresented for review and approval

• Customer acceptance is obtainedand documented

• Knowledge of available resources andcustomer needs

• Knowledge of negotiation variables• Knowledge of negotiated agreement


• Ability to detect underlying issues• Ability to apply creative thinking to

new situations• Ability to distinguish between facts• Ability to redirect customer to appropriate

resources for solutions to needs outsidethe bounds of assigned responsibilities

• Ability to recognize and analyze customerneeds and resolve conflicts to customersatisfaction


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Critical Work Function: Provide Facilitation and Customer Service

B4. Act as liaisonbetween groups

• Liaison communication includes updatingall stakeholder groups

• Groups agree on decision-making process• Consensus is established between groups• All involved groups are fairly represented• All stakeholder groups are clearly identified

• Knowledge of each group’s functionsand responsibilities

• Knowledge of ultimate goal• Knowledge of organizational

communication processes• Knowledge of interrelations between

different organizational groups

• Ability to analyze group responses• Ability to detect underlying issues• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to summarize/paraphrase

information• Ability to encourage cooperation/


B5. Provide training inhardware and softwareto peers, and tointernal and externalcustomers

• Internal, external and global customerrequirements for training are correctlyidentified, interpreted and evaluated

• Scope of work is correctly defined to meetcustomer training requirements

• Resources are accurately and completelyidentified and utilized

• Customer requirements, scope ofwork, resources required, content andevaluations are appropriately andcompletely documented

• Content developed contains appropriateamount of information and is consistentwith learning objectives

• Training is effectively presented• Effectiveness of service delivered

is evaluated• Training assists customer in

troubleshooting• Peer training outcomes meet

established goals

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Knowledge of information gatheringmethods and company proceduresand processes

• Knowledge of available resources• Knowledge of required technical

information and ability to organizetechnical material for ease of learning

• Ability to create appropriate presentationvisuals for technical material

• Ability to accommodate differentlearning styles

• Ability to recognize and analyzecustomer needs and resolve conflicts tocustomer satisfaction

• Ability to visualize task sequentially andidentify interdependencies

• Ability to document “lessons learned”succinctly and accurately and createdetailed supporting documents

• Ability to speak clearly and concisely,and to compose and present well-organized presentations

• Ability to use teaching/learning tools• Ability to perform appropriate

learning needs assessments and writelearning objectives

• Ability to plan resource needsand constraints


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Critical Work Function: Provide Facilitation and Customer Service

B6. Manage and prioritizedemands from multiplecustomers

• All internal, external and global customersare serviced in timely manner

• Size and age of queue are withindepartmental and company guidelines

• Assignment of priorities followsdepartmental guidelines

• Customers needs are mutually assessedand priority is determined

• Knowledge of departmental andcompany guidelines

• Knowledge of availability of companyand customer resources, and ability toaccess them

• Knowledge of practices of internal, externaland global customers

• Ability to prioritize daily tasks,prepare schedule and monitor/adjusttask sequence

• Ability to set and adjust well defined/realistic goals

• Ability to resolve conflicts to customersatisfaction

• Ability to communicate appropriateverbal/nonverbal messages

• Ability to define and communicateworkload limits

• Ability to apply self-management skillsand analyze and adjust goals

B7. Solicit customerfeedback and applyinput to improvequality of service

• Customers are surveyed on a regular basison important technical issues

• Input is analyzed for immediate andunderlying concerns

• Service delivery procedures are analyzed inlight of customer input

• Recommendations for continuous qualityimprovement are developed, presented tokey personnel and implemented

• Customer feedback is regularly audited forfollow-up and closure

• Knowledge of customer contact and surveyprocesses regarding technical support

• Ability to analyze and interpret expressedand implied needs

• Knowledge of service delivery methodsand practices

• Knowledge of customer quality issues• Knowledge of continuous quality


• Ability to evaluate quality andeffectiveness of processes

• Ability to develop recommendationsbased on information

• Ability to summarize/integrate andpresent information

• Ability to actively participate indiscussions and present complextechnical information

• Ability to select/obtain data/informationrelevant to the task


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Critical Work Function: Provide Facilitation and Customer Service

B8. Document,communicate andresolve customerfeedback and requests

• Documentation includes customer-orientedproblem solution summary

• Documentation is clear, concise andpublished/distributed appropriately

• Customer feedback and requests arecommunicated effectively to appropriatepersonnel in a timely manner

• Customer issues and concerns areresolved efficiently

• Knowledge of communication proceduresfor customer feedback and requests

• Knowledge of organization chart androles/responsibilities of companypersonnel/departments

• Knowledge of escalation proceduresand processes

• Knowledge of tracking systemsand software

• Ability to summarize/paraphraseinformation

• Ability to create original documents• Ability to explain concepts and present

technical information• Ability to use word processing, database

tools and presentation software• Ability to be an advocate for customers

within the organization

B9. Manage customerexperience andsatisfaction throughmultiple tiers of theescalation process

• Escalation procedures are clearlyestablished and followed

• Problem status is continually monitored forquality indications to assume customersatisfaction

• Customer is effectively informed andupdated on problem resolution

• Customer acceptance is obtained anddocumented

• Knowledge of escalation proceduresand processes

• Knowledge of quality indicators relating tocustomer satisfaction

• Ability to communicate complex technicalissues and business implications

• Knowledge of organization chart and roles/responsibilities of company personnel/departments

• Ability to be an advocate for customerswithin the organization

• Ability to explain and present technicalconcepts and issues

• Ability to evaluate quality andeffectiveness of processes

• Ability to identify and resolve customerissues to established and expected levelsof service


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Critical Work Function: Perform Hardware and Software Installation, Configuration, Upgrades and Network Support

C1. Identify and interpretcustomer requirements

• Requirements are complete and accurate• Requirements reflect current customer

expectations• Information is effectively gathered,

organized and analyzed• Internal, external and global customers

are consulted

• Knowledge of installation processes• Ability to query existing knowledge base• Knowledge of hardware, software,

operating system and networking principles• Knowledge of technologies and

cultural variables of internal, externaland global customers

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to identify and prioritize need

for data• Ability to analyze data and contrast

conflicting data• Ability to communicate clearly about

options and priorities with customers

C2. Evaluate presentsoftware and systemconfiguration

• Accurate and complete description ofsoftware and system configurationis obtained

• Gathered data is verified against optimalconfiguration

• Deficiencies in configuration are clearly andconcisely identified

• Information is effectively and correctlygathered, organized and analyzed

• Ability to identify system components• Knowledge of multiple operating systems,

applications and hardware• Knowledge of networks and online

resources, both internal and external• Knowledge of system configurations and

performance characteristics• Knowledge of multiple standard

configurations within the organization

• Ability to examine information/data forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to pose specific technicalquestions

• Ability to understand, interpret andrecognize the accuracy of information


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Critical Work Function: Perform Hardware and Software Installation, Configuration, Upgrades and Network Support

C3. Develop installationplan

• Installation plan is appropriate andtimely, and documentation is completeand accurate

• Installation plan includes input from keystakeholders and is designed for minimalimpact on workflow and productivity

• Installation plan includes progressreporting system and procedures andprocesses for final delivery and acceptance

• Installation plan includes adequate betatesting and production testing

• Recovery plan is designed and in place• Internal, external and global customers

are consulted, and plan is reviewedby stakeholders

• Information is effectively gathered,organized and analyzed, anddocumentation is complete and accurate

• Ability to identify installation-related tasksand sequence them accordingly

• Ability to reference knowledge base andonline and other information resources

• Ability to utilize and createtechnical documentation

• Knowledge of practices of internal, externaland global customers

• Ability to conceive, implement and tracktechnological solutions

• Knowledge of system network security• Knowledge of recovery theories

and practices

• Ability to generate solutions and deviseaction plans

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to interpret, synthesize andsummarize information

• Ability to respond to customer needs anddemonstrate commitment to customer

• Ability to interpret and clarifycommunication

• Ability to prioritize tasks, prepareschedules and monitor task sequences

C4. Install, configure andtest system hardwareand peripherals

• System hardware and peripherals areinstalled and configured according tospecifications, schedule and budget

• System configuration is refined to meetuser needs

• System hardware is configured foroptimum efficiency

• System and network components andperipherals are tested for performance andcompatibility

• Knowledge of hardware and peripheralinstallation and configuration

• Knowledge of technical specifications• Ability to use test equipment to analyze

system operation• Knowledge of hardware and software

troubleshooting and adjustment techniquesand practices

• Knowledge of system and networktest procedures

• Ability to read and follow writteninstructions

• Ability to interpret pictures and diagrams• Ability to examine the situation, analyze

possible causes/reasons and recommendaction plan

• Ability to apply rules/principles toprocess/procedure and use logic to drawconclusions


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Critical Work Function: Perform Hardware and Software Installation, Configuration, Upgrades and Network Support

C5. Install, configure andtest new operatingsystems, applicationsand upgrades

• Operating and application software, andupgrades are installed and configuredaccording to specifications

• Software configuration is refined to meetuser network needs

• Software is configured for optimum systemand user efficiency

• System is tested for performanceand compatibility

• Accurate assessment is made of the impactof changes on the technical supportworkload and business processes

• Knowledge of software installation andconfiguration practices

• Ability to use test programs and other aidsto analyze system operation

• Knowledge of hardware and softwaretroubleshooting and adjustment techniquesand practices

• Knowledge of applications programs• Knowledge of network optimization


• Ability to read and follow writteninstructions

• Ability to interpret pictures and diagrams• Ability to examine the situation, analyze

possible causes/reasons and recommendaction plan

• Ability to apply rules/principles toprocess/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

C6. Optimize systemperformance

• Impacts of different configurations onperformance are evaluated

• User input is considered in makingconfiguration decisions

• Hardware and software are configured foroptimum performance

• Knowledge of hardware and softwareinteraction and compatibility

• Ability to detect and resolve hardware andsoftware conflicts

• Ability to identify operational andperformance issues

• Ability to generate and apply system andnetwork performance data

• Knowledge of configuration documentationand control

• Ability to compare and contrastinformation

• Ability to analyze situations andformulate task sequence

• Ability to identify and isolate problemsand develop theory on possible cause

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocumentation


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Critical Work Function: Perform Hardware and Software Installation, Configuration, Upgrades and Network Support

C7. Perform quality checkson work outcomes

• Quality checks and metrics are defined andapplied during installation andconfiguration processes

• Outcomes are analyzed and problemsare identified

• Recommendations for improvementin processes are developedand communicated

• Customer acceptance is obtainedand documented

• Knowledge of operational andperformance specifications

• Knowledge of performance checking toolsand testing procedures

• Knowledge of acceptable quality andperformance standards

• Knowledge of quality indicators relating tocustomer satisfaction

• Ability to read and followwritten instructions

• Ability to recognize patterns/relationshipsand visually analyze relationship betweenparts/whole and process/procedure

• Ability to interpret, analyze andsummarize/integrate information

• Ability to prioritize tasks, prepareschedule and monitor task sequence

• Ability to apply rules/principles toprocess/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

C8. Prepare andmaintain systemsdocumentation

• Documentation properly reflectsinstallation, configuration and changes tohardware, software, systems and network

• Documentation is clear and accurate• Documentation follows organization format

and standards• Documentation has appropriate level

of detail• Documentation clearly identifies changes

and impact of changes

• Knowledge of technical documentationtools, procedures and practices

• Knowledge of document control proceduresand practices

• Knowledge of configuration standardsand terminology

• Knowledge of appropriate levels of detailfor procedures and configuration

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocumentation

• Ability to interpret information, preparebasic summaries and reports and selectmethods of communication

• Ability to present complex ideas/information

• Ability to analyze data, integrate multipleitems of data and contrast conflicting data

• Ability to use logic to draw conclusionsand examine information for relevanceand accuracy

C9. Develop contingencyand recovery plans

• Contingency and recovery requirements areidentified and communicated

• Plans accommodate diverse securestorage locations

• Plans are developed in response tocompany needs and practices

• Connectivity alternatives are available• Plans provide for required levels of service

• Knowledge of data assurance and datasecurity techniques and practices

• Knowledge of connectivity theoriesand practices

• Knowledge of systems interoperability• Knowledge of hardware, software

and networks• Knowledge of contingency and recovery

planning theories and practices

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocumentation

• Ability to present complex ideas/information effectively to a varietyof audiences

• Ability to identify contingenciesand propose appropriate steps forsystem recovery


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Critical Work Function: Perform System Operations, Monitoring and Maintenance

D1. Operate computersystem and runsystem applications

• System is started and shut down followingprocedures

• Problems during operations are identifiedand resolved

• System backup is implemented accordingto plan and schedule

• Optimization applications are run accordingto schedule and need

• Agreed upon service levels are achievedand maintained

• User and client jobs run as agreed

• Knowledge of systems and applicationstartup and shut down procedures

• Knowledge of applicable backup andrestoration procedures

• Knowledge of system optimization anddiagnostic routines

• Knowledge of applicable batch processingand job control processes and procedures

• Ability to read and follow writteninstructions and procedures

• Ability to identify problems and developtheory on possible cause

• Ability to appropriately communicatecritical operational needs

D2. Perform system andnetwork diagnostics

• Diagnostics are completed in atimely manner

• Diagnosis is complete, accurate anddocumented

• Diagnostics follow a logical process• Diagnostics follow established schedules

• Knowledge of diagnostic proceduresand processes

• Ability to use hardware and softwarediagnostic tools

• Knowledge of operating environmentsand networks

• Knowledge of available resources andtroubleshooting methodologies

• Ability to select information appropriateto the task

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to apply rules and principles to

diagnostics and use logic to drawconclusions

• Ability to analyze information• Ability to use word processing

D3. Monitor and analyzesystem performance

• System performance is monitored accordingto procedures and specifications

• Problems are identified and resolved orreported in a timely manner

• System performance is compared tobaseline performance for discrepancies

• Knowledge of system monitoring anddiagnostic tools and procedures

• Ability to detect, evaluate andappropriately escalate problems

• Knowledge of performance measurementtools and procedures

• Ability to read and follow writteninstructions

• Ability to identify problems and developtheory on possible cause

• Ability to analyze key data, resolveconflicts and communicate outcomes tousers and stakeholders


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D4. Develop andimplementpreventativemaintenance plan

Critical Work Function: Perform System Operations, Monitoring and Maintenance

• Plan includes appropriate level of detail• Plan development includes key people• Plan is documented and communicated

effectively to internal, external and globalcustomers and appropriate personnel ina timely manner

• Plan is consistent with organizationalobjectives

• Plan is implemented with minimaladverse effects

• Knowledge of preventative maintenanceprocedures and processes

• Knowledge of company practicesfor maintenance

• Knowledge of practices of internal, externaland global customers

• Knowledge of roles and responsibilities ofcompany personnel and departments

• Ability to organize information• Ability to create detailed supporting

documents• Ability to use word processing, database

tools and spreadsheet software• Ability to analyze customer needs and

demonstrate commitment to customer

D5. Evaluate maintenanceprocesses andoutcomes

• Evaluation includes all relevant internal,external and global customers

• Evaluation includes appropriate follow-upaction and new plan/solution based onreassessed needs

• Evaluation is documented clearlyand concisely

• Evaluation information is effectivelygathered, organized and analyzed

• Outcomes are analyzed and compared withavailability goals and institutional objectives

• Knowledge of preventative maintenanceprocedures and processes

• Knowledge of company practicesfor maintenance

• Knowledge of practices of internal, externaland global customers

• Knowledge of evaluation documentationprocedures

• Knowledge of relevant sources forevaluation input

• Ability to analyze and summarizeinformation and identify interdependencies

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to identify own strengths/

limitations and accept constructivecriticism

• Ability to evaluate installation processesand suggest modifications

D6. Communicate anddocument maintenanceprocedures andsystem status

• Documentation includes customer-orientedproblem solution summary

• Documentation is clear, concise andpublished/distributed appropriately

• Status is communicated effectively tointernal, external and global customers andappropriate personnel in a timely manner

• Users are informed of changes in status ina timely and consistent manner

• Knowledge of internal and externalcommunication procedures

• Knowledge of organization chart and rolesand responsibilities of company personneland departments

• Knowledge of practices of internal, externaland global customers

• Ability to summarize/paraphraseinformation

• Ability to create original documents• Ability to explain concepts and present

technical information• Ability to use word processing, database

tools and presentation software


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D7. Make recommendationsto address recurringcustomer issues

Critical Work Function: Perform System Operations, Monitoring and Maintenance

• Recommendations are based on trend dataregarding requests for support

• Support processes are analyzedand updated

• Recurring issues are researchedand resolved

• Ability to collect and interprettechnical data

• Knowledge of customer support processesand practices

• Knowledge of problem resolution practicesand procedures

• Ability to analyze, summarize and presentinformation to a variety of audiences

• Ability to identify and prioritize issuesand problems

• Ability to generate and communicateappropriate recommendations

D8. Make recommendationsand support internalprocesses andoperations

• Technical support operations effectivelysupport organizational goals and customerrequirements

• Hardware and software are evaluated forproper support of organizational goals

• Software and hardware inventory systemsare effectively developed and maintained

• Software licenses are maintainedaccording to contractual terms andorganizational policy

• Knowledge of technical support operations,issues and constraints

• Knowledge of software and hardwareinventory systems and methodology

• Ability to research and evaluate softwareand hardware options

• Knowledge of business issues regardingsoftware licensing

• Ability to develop effective supportresponses and actions

• Ability to identify and implementneeded improvements

• Ability to monitor operationaleffectiveness

• Ability to communicate changes insupport of internal processes






Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 137


Content Manager

Copy Editor

Desktop Publisher

Document Specialist

Documentation Specialist


Electronic Publications Specialist

Electronic Publisher

Information Developer

Instructional Designer

Managing Editor

Online Publisher

Technical Communicator

Technical Editor

Technical Publications Manager

Technical Writer

Technical WritingAs a technical writer, you make technical informa-tion accessible and easy to understand. Technicalmanuals, detailed specifications, online help, webcontent and training materials are just a few ex-amples of the types of documents you create. Youdefine the audience and purpose of your docu-ment; determine the technical level, tone and or-ganization; and choose your document’s deliverymethod (print and/or electronic). You are accu-rate. You thoroughly research your subject by in-terviewing experts and users. You also test theproduct you’re writing about. You use page layout,word processing programs and online publishingtools to create your documents and design graph-ics. Your creativity, time management and commu-nication skills and ability to understand andsimplify complex material are valuable assets toyour readers and to your future.

Summary of Critical Work Functions







138 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology






A. Analyze ProjectRequirements

A1 Gather data to identifycustomer requirements

A2 Interpret, evaluate andconfirm requirements

A3 Define scope of work

A4 Identify time, technology andresource constraints anddelivery options

A5 Review and refinedocument plan

A6 Define purpose, standardsand use of documentation

A7 Determine methodof publication

B. Perform Research

B1 Define research questions

B2 Identify and evaluate sourcesof information

B3 Gather backgroundinformation

B4 Interview subjectmatter experts

B5 Interview and/or observetarget audience

B6 Interpret and reportresearch results

E. Publish and Package

E1 Collaborate withgraphics specialists

E2 Coordinate with printer and/or media production house

E3 Provide advice regardingdelivery media andmethodology

E4 Tailor composition and layoutfor delivery media

E5 Coordinate with web sitedeveloper or administrator

D. Develop and WriteDocument

D1 Select, synthesize and organizepertinent information to meetuser needs

D2 Create content of document

D3 Develop feedback/validation vehicles

D4 Obtain feedbackon information andtechnical accuracy

D5 Edit for readability, grammarand usage

D6 Test, validate and verifyfor usability

C. Design Document

C1 Select design andpublication tools

C2 Plan layout anddocument design

C3 Select style and tone

C4 Determine information flowand level of detail

C5 Identify appropriate visuals

C6 Provide feedback todevelopment team/individuals


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Critical Work Function: Analyze Project Requirements

A1. Gather data to identifycustomer requirements

• Sources and methods for gatheringrequirements are affordable and relevant

• Information is accurate and complete• Information gathering interviews follow

standard company practices• Appropriate subject matter experts

are identified• Sources are reliable, available and current• Target audience/user groups are identified

and used as key information sources

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Knowledge of interview techniques withrespect to customer requirements anddelivery options

• Knowledge of informationgathering methods and quantityof information required

• Knowledge of workplace andindustry vocabulary

• Knowledge of industry standards

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to compile and analyze

multiple viewpoints• Ability to respond appropriately to others• Ability to identify and prioritize the

need for data• Ability to encourage cooperation

and keep an open mind to new dataand opinions

• Ability to consolidate and summarize avariety of options

• Ability to apply creative solutions tonew situations

A2. Interpret, evaluate andconfirm requirements

• Customer needs are clearly definedand prioritized

• Conflicting requirements and gaps ininformation are identified and resolved

• Complete set of requirements iscommunicated to and approvedby customer

• Mechanism for signing off on requirementsis developed and followed

• Requirements are properly interpreted,evaluated and confirmed

• Realistic schedule is established forongoing reviews throughout the project

• Ability to define requirements inappropriate business terms

• Ability to present and refine requirementsas necessary with customer approval

• Ability to adapt information to customerrequirements and style

• Knowledge of outlining andconceptualizing tools

• Ability to negotiate with customer andother personnel to establish clearly defined,achievable and cost-effective requirementsand goals

• Ability to select/obtain informationrelevant to task

• Ability to relate intent to desired results• Ability to analyze information for

accuracy, consistency and relevance• Ability to use word processing, desktop

publishing, online publishing andgraphics software

• Ability to obtain customer approvalof requirements


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Critical Work Function: Analyze Project Requirements

A3. Define scope of work • Project objectives, including size, formatand other specifics of the proposeddeliverables, are correctly identified andagreed upon

• Criteria for successful completion of thework are accurately identified

• Major project tasks and interdependenciesare correctly identified

• Estimate of time, materials and capabilitiesneeded to meet customer requirementsis accurate

• Schedule is based on resource availabilityand project timeline

• Scope of work is documented,approved and accurately meetscustomer requirements

• Ability to identify technical and humanresource interdependencies

• Ability to evaluate work procedures foreffectiveness and efficiency

• Knowledge of hardware and softwarecapabilities/constraints

• Knowledge of project management tools• Ability to apply previous project experience

to current situation

• Ability to create detailedsupporting documents

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to negotiate alternatives• Ability to prioritize conflicting

work demands• Ability to identify the theme, purpose

and scope of the assignment• Ability to visualize sequence of

events/activities• Ability to estimate required resources

and schedule

A4. Identify time,technology andresource constraintsand delivery options

• Constraints are accurately identifiedand documented

• Constraints are communicated toappropriate personnel and customerseffectively and in a timely manner

• Contingency plans are developed withplausible alternatives

• Delivery options meet customer needsand project specifications

• Delivery options are appropriately appliedto specifications

• Ability to identify appropriate resources• Knowledge of key sources of information• Knowledge of technology and resource

constraints• Knowledge of various delivery options

and industry standards• Knowledge of operating systems,

application software and Internetcapabilities

• Ability to set and communicateproject parameters

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to apply creative solutions tonew situations

• Ability to understand constraints,generate alternatives, consider risks,evaluate options and formulateaction plans

• Ability to present complex informationand recommendations


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Critical Work Function: Analyze Project Requirements

A5. Review and refinedocument plan

• Information needs are identified andcommunicated to appropriate people ina timely manner

• Necessary and sufficient information isgathered to meet project goals

• Inconsistencies, contradictionsand discrepancies between theinformation given and informationneeded are identified

• Document plan is accurate and complete• Realistic schedules are developed and

communicated to customer

• Knowledge of identification andrecruitment of subject matter experts

• Ability to facilitate interviews to obtaintechnical and nontechnical information

• Knowledge of appropriate workplacevocabulary and concepts

• Knowledge of quantity and characteristicsof information required

• Knowledge of logical flow of informationfor document creation

• Ability to evaluate relevance andconsistency of written material

• Ability to verify data accuracy• Ability to summarize information

and requirements• Ability to select and evaluate

appropriateness of existing information• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to listen attentively and interpret

and clarify communication

A6. Define purpose,standards and useof documentation

• Definition of purpose meets customerrequirements for delivering useful contentto users

• Audience for document is clearly identified• Document meets acceptable industry

standards for readability and presentation

• Knowledge of customer requirements• Knowledge of documentation standards• Ability to identify audience and purpose

of document

• Ability to compare and analyzemultiple viewpoints

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to

customer concerns and interests• Ability to present complex

ideas/information• Ability to create agreement and/or

consensus on document use and purpose

A7. Determine methodof publication

• All potential methods are thoroughlyinvestigated and the pros and cons of eachare determined

• Accurate Return on Investment (ROI)analysis is performed to determine thecosts and benefits of each method

• If multiple methods are selected,coordination between the modalities isincluded in the project plan

• All appropriate stakeholders are consulted• Company policies and procedures are

consulted prior to selection of methodof publication

• Knowledge of methods of publicationincluding print and online

• Ability to perform ROI analysis• Knowledge of issues of coordination

between various publication media• Knowledge of stakeholders• Knowledge of company policies and

procedures regarding selection ofpublication method

• Knowledge of how to leverageexisting information into multiplepublication formats

• Ability to analyze and compare variouspublication media

• Ability to summarize information andpresent recommendations

• Ability to reconcile conflicting data• Ability to listen attentively and interpret

and clarify communication


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Critical Work Function: Perform Research

• Research questions are clearly focused andsuccinctly defined

• Research questions are organizedappropriately

• Research questions are relevant to projectand customer requirements and goals

B1. Define researchquestions

• Ability to synthesize information into clearresearch questions which are relevant toproject goals

• Knowledge of research interviewquestionnaire development

• Knowledge of project and customerrequirements and goals

• Ability to interpret information• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to apply rules/principles to

process/procedure and use logic to drawconclusions

B2. Identify and evaluatesources of information

• Sources of information are timely, credibleand can provide relevant information

• Sources of information include subjectmatter experts, target audience andappropriate documents

• Sources of information are evaluated basedon project requirements

• Knowledge of copyright issues and laws• Knowledge of obtaining permissions for

using or crediting information• Knowledge of research methods• Knowledge of online and other sources of


• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to identify and prioritize the need

for information• Ability to evaluate relevancy of sources

of information• Ability to be creative in identifying and

locating sources of information

B3. Gather backgroundinformation

• Priorities regarding whatinformation should be gatheredare correctly determined

• Information gathered is relevant, accurateand complete

• Information provides the contextualbackground needed

• Information gathering processes followappropriate company practices

• Knowledge of a variety of research toolsand technologies

• Ability to integrate various informationtechnologies

• Knowledge of company policiesand procedures

• Knowledge of online resources

• Ability to pose critical questions, and tounderstand and interpret both verbal andnonverbal responses

• Ability to identify and prioritize the needfor information

• Ability to analyze and synthesizeinformation


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Critical Work Function: Perform Research

B4. Interview subjectmatter experts

• Interview questions are relevant, succinctand directed to appropriate contacts

• Information interviews are conducted in acost-effective manner

• Information gathering interviews followappropriate company practices

• The purpose, processes and expectationsof the interview are effectively explainedto interviewees

• Interviews result in a multifaceted view ofthe information

• Knowledge of key sources of informationfor subject matter experts

• Knowledge of research interview methods• Knowledge of workplace and

industry vocabulary• Knowledge of group interview facilitation

techniques for information technologysubject matter experts

• Ability to apply systematic approachto exploring novel products, processesand concepts

• Ability to identify and prioritize the needfor data

• Ability to summarize information• Ability to encourage cooperation• Ability to pose critical questions and

analyze responses• Ability to listen, interpret and respond to

communication appropriately• Ability to interview a diverse population• Ability to apply rules/principles to

process/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

B5. Interview and/orobserve targetaudience

• Interview questions are relevant, succinctand directed to appropriate contacts

• Information interviews are conducted in acost-effective manner

• Information gathering interviews followappropriate company practices

• The purpose, processes and expectationsof the interview are effectively explainedto interviewees

• Target audience is consulted or observed toobtain required information

• Interviews result in a multifaceted view ofthe information

• Knowledge of research interview methods• Knowledge of workplace and industry

vocabulary• Knowledge of company and departmental

practices and procedures

• Ability to identify and prioritize the needfor data

• Ability to summarize information• Ability to encourage cooperation• Ability to pose critical questions and

analyze responses• Ability to apply rules/principles to

process/procedure and use logic to drawconclusions

• Ability to listen, interpret and respond tocommunication appropriately

• Ability to interview a diverse population


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Critical Work Function: Perform Research

B6. Interpret and reportresearch results

• Research reports are concise and timely• Research reports are relevant• Research reports communicate results

clearly and accurately• Research reports contribute to refinement

of document plan• Research reports are prepared and

communicated in accordance withcompany procedures

• Ability to relate research results to purposeof the project

• Knowledge of company proceduresregarding research reporting techniques

• Ability to probe for meaning• Ability to present results clearly

and concisely• Ability to interpret information, prepare

basic summaries/reports and selectmethod of communication

• Ability to analyze and integrate multipledata items

• Ability to create original documents anddetailed supporting documentation


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Critical Work Function: Design Document

C1. Select design andpublication tools

• Tools meet task purpose• Tools are cost-effective and

readily available• Tools selected are in accordance with

company practices and standards

• Knowledge of design and publication tools• Knowledge of company practices

and standards• Knowledge of graphics tools

• Ability to resolve technical issues• Ability to understand organizational

hierarchy and follow procedures• Ability to utilize word processing,

desktop publishing, online publishingand online tools

C2. Plan layout anddocument design

• Appropriate information is presented in alogical sequence

• Layout is formatted and document isdesigned to meet customer requirements

• Principles of effective design are applied• Design follows intended use• Graphics, layout and web designers are

consulted during development of design

• Knowledge of subject matter• Knowledge of the psychological impacts

of layout• Knowledge of company documentation

guidelines• Knowledge of principles of design• Ability to select and apply technical

information to meet user needs

• Ability to visually analyze relationshipbetween parts/whole

• Ability to demonstrate creative thinking• Ability to simplify, summarize and

paraphrase complex material• Ability to use advanced word processing

and publishing tools

C3. Select style and tone • Style and tone are appropriate for purpose,medium and audience

• Style and tone conform to customerrequirements

• Knowledge of different writing styles• Knowledge of audience characteristics• Knowledge of strengths/limitations of

media options

• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity todiversity issues

• Ability to communicate appropriateverbal and nonverbal messages

• Ability to present informationpersuasively and objectively

C4. Determine informationflow and level of detail

• Appropriate level of detail is determinedfor purpose

• Level of detail meets customer expectations• All stakeholders are included in design process• Information flow is logical and supports

purpose of document• Information is appropriately organized for

audience, task complexity and targetpublication media

• Knowledge of customer expectations• Ability to adjust level of detail to meet

customer/user needs• Knowledge of document design tools• Knowledge of effective flow of information

in technical documents• Ability to effectively organize

complex information

• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions• Ability to use previous training/experience

to predict outcomes• Ability to organize information logically


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Critical Work Function: Design Document

C5. Identify appropriatevisuals

• Visuals conform to customer requirements• Visuals enhance, illustrate, amplify and

explain the concepts, processes andprocedures described in the document

• Visuals are appropriate in style and tone• Visuals are cost-effective• Visuals are appropriate for delivery option

• Knowledge of media choices• Ability to match visuals to style and tone• Ability to select and use visuals to

communicate effectively• Knowledge of document size constraints

when using visuals• Ability to create basic visuals

• Ability to use imagination to visualizeevents and activities

• Ability to adhere to goals and constraints• Ability to use presentation and

graphics software

C6. Provide feedback todevelopment team/individuals

• Feedback is clear, concise and timely• Feedback includes recommendations

for improvement• Feedback is documented clearly

and accurately• Feedback is disseminated to appropriate

parties, including project sponsors,development team and decision makers

• Knowledge of company documentationprocedures

• Knowledge of design process and principles

• Ability to understand continuousimprovement processes

• Ability to relate intent to desired results• Ability to value differences of opinion• Ability to assess performance of others

and provide constructive feedback• Ability to make clear, concise and

compelling presentations


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Critical Work Function: Develop and Write Document

D1. Select, synthesize andorganize pertinentinformation to meetuser needs

• Information is selected for relevanceand appropriateness

• Information is accurate• Information meets user needs• Information is synthesized and

well organized

• Knowledge of user requirements• Knowledge of company standards

and practices• Knowledge of the procedures, processes

and/or products being documented• Knowledge of logical document

organization procedures

• Ability to recognize and organizeinformation most relevant and importantto the situation

• Ability to compile and analyze multipleviewpoints and items

• Ability to use computers to processinformation

• Ability to simplify complex information• Ability to use inferential knowledge and

to synthesize information based on pastexperience and industry knowledge

D2. Create content ofdocument

• Content is presented clearly and conciselyto the intended audience

• Technical terminology is redefined for layreaders where appropriate

• Appropriate presentation tools are used• Style and tone are consistent• Content is presented in proper media and

communicates necessary information• Content meets stated specifications and

standards in a timely fashion as set forth inthe document plan

• Content is geared to the appropriatetechnical level of intended audience

• Test user can perform the stated tasks in aliteral manner and obtain the desired result

• Knowledge of the principles of technicalwriting and presentation

• Knowledge of company standards andspecifications

• Knowledge of technical writing tools,methods and delivery options

• Ability to translate technical terminologyand concepts

• Ability to create templates and style guidefor information technology content

• Ability to maintain positive and productiverelationship with development team

• Ability to use word processing, desktoppublishing, online publishing andgraphics tools

• Ability to interpret and summarizeresearch information

• Ability to create clear, conciseoriginal documents

• Ability to analyze and synthesizeinformation

• Ability to use appropriate language, style,organization and format


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Critical Work Function: Develop and Write Document

D3. Develop feedback/validation vehicles

• Document is distributed and scheduledfeedback is actively solicited

• Review process and timelines are identifiedand followed

• Steering committees, advisory groups orpanels are consulted as appropriate

• Opportunities for user input are provided• Appropriate reviewers are identified and

may include subject matter experts, supportand/or quality assurance staff

• Knowledge of group communication aids• Knowledge of methods and tools for

gathering useful feedback• Knowledge of company guidelines for

obtaining feedback

• Ability to use word processing, desktoppublishing, online publishing, email, netconferencing, telephone, video andgraphics tools

• Ability to gather, analyze and categorizeinformation

• Ability to present complex ideas/information and analyze responses

• Ability to listen attentively and comparemultiple viewpoints

• Ability to respond assertively whileunderstanding impact on others

D4. Obtain feedback oninformation andtechnical accuracy

• Available information resources areidentified and confirmed

• Feedback is requested in a timely manner• Appropriate feedback is collected from

subject matter experts• Review/revision process follows

company procedures• Appropriate feedback is incorporated into

the final document• An extensive, iterative process is followed

with multiple revisions until the goals of allreviewers are met and/or resolved

• Knowledge of location of subjectmatter experts

• Knowledge of company and departmentalreview processes and procedures

• Ability to solicit and acceptconstructive feedback

• Ability to demonstrate composure• Ability to listen attentively• Ability to respond appropriately to others• Ability to evaluate feedback for accuracy

and relevance• Ability to create data gathering processes• Ability to recognize job tasks,

distribute work assignments andmonitor performance

D5. Edit for readability,grammar and usage

• Document is free of grammatical errors• Document meets customer expectations for

readability, usage and usability• Document meets standards of style

identified in the document plan

• Knowledge of grammar, readability andusability standards consistent with design

• Knowledge of advanced word processingand editing tools

• Ability to apply professional editingprinciples

• Ability to evaluate consistency ofwritten material

• Ability to judge the accuracy,appropriateness and style of document


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Critical Work Function: Develop and Write Document

D6. Test, validate andverify for usability

• Document is pertinent, accurate and usable• Document contains appropriate

information and is organized convenientlyfor the user

• Inappropriate style or tone is identifiedand eliminated

• Missing elements required to meetuser and business needs are identifiedand addressed

• Validation is performed by the subjectmatter experts and usability is confirmed bythe target audience or an appropriate proxy

• Document meets technical standards andcustomer expectations

• Knowledge of basic research reporting forinformation technology

• Knowledge of interview, observation andother data gathering techniques forinformation technology

• Ability to plan and conduct usability tests• Ability to interpret test results correctly• Ability to ask appropriate questions,

identify appropriate test subjects andemploy the comments made to improvethe document

• Ability to gather, evaluate andcategorize information

• Ability to synthesize appropriate solutions• Ability to respond appropriately to others

and demonstrate empathy• Ability to interpret and clarify



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Critical Work Function: Publish and Package

• Document meets mechanical specifications• Document meets graphics standards• Document is usable, readable and meets

standards of production and layout asstated in the document plan

E1. Collaborate withgraphics specialists

• Knowledge of graphics terminologyand standards

• Knowledge of printing and productionconcepts

• Knowledge of desktop publishing conceptsand tools

• Knowledge of online publishing concepts

• Ability to effectively interpret, clarify andinfluence communication

• Ability to present complex ideas/information and analyze group/individual responses

• Ability to use computer networksand email

E2. Coordinate withprinter and/or mediaproduction house

• Scope of work is developed, documentedand approved

• Production schedule is developed, updatedand communicated to stakeholders

• Costs and benefits of various productionalternatives are analyzed and presented

• Production decisions are made andcommunicated in a timely manner

• Knowledge of printing and graphicsproduction terminology

• Knowledge of project planning techniquesand tools

• Knowledge of vendor strengthsand weaknesses

• Ability to present complexideas/information

• Ability to prioritize tasks, prepareschedule and monitor/adjusttask sequences

E3. Provide adviceregarding deliverymedia andmethodology

• Proposals presenting delivery alternativesare developed

• Technical impact of media andmethodology alternatives are determined,analyzed and communicated

• Costs and benefits of media andmethodology alternatives are analyzedand presented

• Recommendations are clearly documentedand distributed to appropriate personnel

• Knowledge of proposal developmenttechniques

• Knowledge of technical and financialadvantages and limitations of mediaand methodologies

• Ability to analyze situation/information,consider risks/implications and compilemultiple viewpoints

• Ability to synthesize and summarizeinformation

• Ability to present alternatives andrecommendations with adequatesupporting data

• Ability to present complex information/ideas and analyze responses


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Critical Work Function: Publish and Package

E4. Tailor compositionand layout fordelivery media

• Technical specifications and scope ofwork are developed based on thedelivery media selected

• Critical project steps, specifications anddeliverables are approved

• Specifications and project requirementsare effectively communicated toall stakeholders

• Knowledge of technical and financialadvantages and limitations of mediaand methodologies

• Knowledge of project analysis andpresentation techniques

• Ability to present complex data/information to internal and externalcustomers and vendors

• Ability to listen attentively andinterpret communication

• Ability to organize information forspecific audience, purpose and media

• Ability to use writing, publishing,graphics and design tools

E5. Coordinate with website developer oradministrator

• Technical specifications and requirementsare clearly documented and approved

• Scope of work and project milestonesare approved

• Information easily shared betweendepartments

• Data is easily ported to web format• Schedules and schedule changes are

communicated to team membersand stakeholders

• Knowledge of web terminology, markuplanguages and web site constructionand layout

• Knowledge of web page delivery methodsand limitations

• Knowledge of web design technologiesand tools

• Ability to synthesize complex andtechnical specifications

• Ability to evaluate and reassign priorities• Ability to coordinate scheduling

changes efficiently• Ability to listen attentively• Ability to interpret and clarify information






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Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 153


Application Developer

Communications Specialist

Content Developer

Content Editor

Content Manager

E-Business Application Administrator

E-Commerce Designer

Information Architect

Site Designer

Usability Tester

User Interface Designer

Web Administrator

Web Applications Designer/Developer

Web Architect

Web Designer

Web Developer

Web Page Developer

Web Producer

Web Program Manager

Web Programmer

Web Site Developer

Web Site Manager

Web Specialist

Web Strategist

Web Writer


Web Developmentand Administration

You will play a vital role in your company’s pres-ence on the world wide web. You may use webpage development software to create or changeweb pages, inserting text content, graphics andinteractive modules that are often supplied by oth-ers in your organization. Before you start, you willprobably talk to the many stakeholders in yourcompany who depend on the organization’s webpresence. You’ll also look at successful modelsand research software tools to help design thelook, feel and navigation. In some organizationsyou may be responsible for making sure the webpages and updates get installed, and work with theservers associated with the web pages. As you gainexperience, your web development activities mayinclude working with legacy systems and under-standing database technology, programming pro-cesses and application architecture.

154 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology






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Summary of Critical Work Functions







A. PerformTechnicalAnalysis

A1 Gather data toidentify customerrequirementsand capacity

A2 Define scopeof work

A3 Prepare andpresent functionaland technicalspecifications

A4 Preparepreliminaryapplication

A5 Create and refinepreliminarydesign ormockup

A6 Review technicalconsiderationsand constraints

A7 Develop projectplan

B. Perform WebProgramming

B1 Develop site mapapplication modelsand user interfacespecifications

B2 Choose a siteplan

B3 Select program-ming languages,design tools andapplications

B4 Write supportingcode

B5 Identify majorsubsystemsand interfaces

B6 Develop models

B7 Develop designand interfacespecifications

B8 Identify systemplatform,components anddependencies

B9 Developappropriatedata model

C. Develop, Deliverand ManageContent

C1 Research contentand informationarchitecture

C2 Coordinate contentdevelopmentfrom multiplecontributors

C3 Develop andpresent conceptalternatives

C4 Create or adaptcontent

C5 Produce graphics,layout elementsand applicablecode

C6 Update content

E. Manage WebEnvironment

E1 Evaluate and recom-mend web hardware,software and third-party solutions

E2 Set up serversoftwareand hardware

E3 Manage server

E4 Support systemsrecovery

F. ManageEnterprise-wideWeb Activities

F1 Define andmanagedevelopmentstandards

F2 Train designersand developers

F3 Evaluate webtechnologiesand standards

F4 Provide qualitycustomer service

F5 Perform ROI (Returnon Investment) anal-ysis to ensure busi-ness goals are met

F6 Design anddocumentsecurity plan

F7 Implement andenforce securityrequirements

F8 Maintain and improvesecurity in response toindustry developmentsand user experience

F9 Develop enterprise-wide legal andinternational privacyguidelines

D. Implement andMaintain Siteand Applications

D1 Plan rollout

D2 Facilitate moveto productionsystem

D3 Hand off tocustomer or user

D4 Integrate customerfeedback

D5 Performapplicationmaintenance

D6 Recommendoptimization andfacilitate upgradesand improvements

D7 Documentapplication andsite changes

D8 Develop andimplementcontingency plans

G. Perform Testingand QualityAssurance

G1 Develop test andacceptance plan

G2 Develop testprocedures

G3 Develop andperform usabilityand integrationtesting

G4 Perform tests

G5 Document testresults and takecorrective actions

G6 Recommendand implementperformanceimprovements

H. Develop andImplementWeb Database

H1 Develop physicaldatabase character-istics and createdatabase objects

H2 Select uniqueidentifiers andnormalize thedata model

H3 Supportpopulation ofdatabase

H4 Integrate high-level businessrules

H5 Plan implement-ation and deploydatabase

H6 Define andimplement userinterface


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Critical Work Function: Perform Technical Analysis

A1. Gather data to identifycustomer requirementsand capacity

• Audience and mission of project/product arewell defined and appropriately researched

• Sources and methods for gatheringrequirements are affordable and relevant

• Information is accurate and complete• Information gathering follows

appropriate practices• Sources of requirements are reliable

and current• Aspects of capacity and global usage

(time zones, language, cultural sensitivities)are considered

• Knowledge of customer interviewtechniques regarding requirements

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Knowledge of the subject matter• Knowledge of global usage and cultural


• Ability to identify and prioritize theneed for data

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to analyze group/individual

responses• Ability to summarize information

and requirements• Ability to encourage cooperation

A2. Define scope of work • Features and functions of the product arecomplete and properly prioritized

• Project objectives are identified andagreed upon in accordance withapplicable procedures

• Scope and specifics of the work involvedare identified accurately

• Criteria for successful completion of thework are identified and agreed upon

• Work is documented accuratelyand completely

• Knowledge of the types of features andfunctions and their implementation

• Ability to define measurable criteria forcompletion of work

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Ability to determine resources required forscope of work

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments and summarize informationand requirements

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to visualize task sequentially and

identify interdependencies• Ability to negotiate success criteria


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Critical Work Function: Perform Technical Analysis

A3. Prepare and presentfunctional andtechnical specifications

• Functional and technical specifications arepresented in a clear and concise manner

• Functional and technical specificationsare complete

• Functional and technical specifications arepublished, distributed to stakeholders andupdated regularly

• Functional specifications detail all productfeatures and activities

• Technical specifications fully and properlydescribe the operating system software andhardware, client side support and serverside software

• Knowledge of the role of functional andtechnical specifications

• Ability to analyze functional and technicaldata and specifications

• Ability to translate features and activitiesinto functional specifications

• Knowledge of the basics of operatingsystem hardware, client side support andserver side software

• Knowledge of methods and tools topresent functional and technicalspecifications

• Ability to summarize, integrate andanalyze information

• Ability to present complex ideasand information

• Ability to apply rules and principlesto process/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to interpret information, preparebasic summaries and select methodsof communication

A4. Prepare preliminaryapplication

• Content information is organized to meetapplication objectives

• Consensus is developed amongstakeholders regarding the organizationof information

• Consensus is developed amongstakeholders regarding look and feelof the product

• Preliminary application follows companyguidelines and practices

• Ability to design and structure content• Knowledge of tools and techniques to

create look and feel of an application/site• Knowledge of site mapping and

information mapping techniques• Knowledge of graphical user

interface design• Knowledge of data modeling tools• Knowledge of basic database

management techniques• Knowledge of basic programming techniques

• Ability to analyze organization ofinformation and transfer informationbetween formats

• Ability to summarize/paraphrase issuesand resolve technical conflicts

• Ability to summarize and interpretmathematical data

• Ability to convert numerical data andpredict results

• Ability to demonstrate creative thinkingwhile problem solving and apply creativesolutions to new situations

A5. Create and refinepreliminary designor mockup

• Mockup is representative of requireddesign features

• Mockup is completed in a timely manner• Mockup includes representative

functional features• Mockup is reviewed and refined based on

customer feedback

• Knowledge of mockup developmentoptions and methodologies

• Knowledge of mockup testing procedures• Ability to synthesize information from

different tests• Ability to translate functional features into

application/site design

• Ability to analyze task/technologyrelationship

• Ability to consider risks/implications andcompile multiple viewpoints

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions anddevise/implement plan of action

• Ability to recognize system strengths/limitations

• Ability to demonstrate creative thinkingand problem solving


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Critical Work Function: Perform Technical Analysis

A6. Review technicalconsiderations andconstraints

• Technical environmental factorsare considered

• Technological relationships are reviewed• Technical considerations and constraints

are properly documented• Feasibility and usability issues are

appropriately addressed• Budget and equipment constraints are

accurately assessed

• Knowledge of technical environmentalfactors and technological relationships

• Knowledge of selected technologies andtheir limitations

• Ability to assess budget and equipmentconstraints

• Ability to select/obtain data relevant tothe task, integrate multiple items of dataand contrast conflicting data

• Ability to apply rules and principles toprocess/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to examine information andrecommend action plan

• Ability to willingly help others andestablish rapport with coworkersand customers

A7. Develop project plan • Plan accurately identifies stakeholderrequirements

• Plan includes project schedules andresource allocations, dependenciesand milestones

• Plan includes functional and technicalspecifications, data models, site maps,assumptions, constraints and risks

• Plan is accurately documented and updatedthroughout the project life cycle

• Project feasibility is accurately evaluated

• Knowledge of risk analysis techniques• Knowledge of benefit management tools• Knowledge of basic computer

systems, programming, databaseand web technologies

• Knowledge of functional and technicalspecifications, data models, site maps,assumptions, constraints and risks

• Knowledge of project planning, timelinesand budgets

• Ability to analyze organizationof information

• Ability to summarize/integrateinformation

• Ability to work with minimal supervisionand pay attention to detail

• Ability to prepare and organizemultiple schedules

• Ability to assess individual knowledge/skills and analyze work assignments


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Critical Work Function: Perform Web Programming

B1. Develop site mapapplication modelsand user interfacespecifications

• Site map and application models aredeveloped to meet project goals andapplication objectives

• Site map and application models aredeveloped according to company standardsand practices

• Consensus is developed amongstakeholders regarding the organizationof information

• Consensus is developed amongstakeholders regarding look and feel ofthe product

• Ability to structure content• Knowledge of tools and techniques to

create look and feel of an application/site• Knowledge of site mapping and

information mapping techniques• Knowledge of graphical user

interface design• Knowledge of data modeling tools• Knowledge of basic database

management techniques• Knowledge of basic programming


• Ability to analyze organization ofinformation and transfer informationbetween formats

• Ability to summarize/paraphrase issuesand resolve technical conflicts

• Ability to demonstrate creative thinkingand problem solving

B2. Choose a site plan • Plan alternatives are researched• Technical and design scenarios are outlined

and presented• Tradeoffs and risks are analyzed• Alternative plans are documented

and rated• Selected alternatives are reviewed and

approved by stakeholders• Selected alternatives meet functionality,

timeline and budget requirements• Selected alternatives are documented in a

clear, accurate and detailed form• Final site plan is selected and approved

• Knowledge of research techniques andprocedures and ability to identify keysources of information

• Knowledge of design concepts, techniques,processes and tradeoffs

• Ability to translate technical features intoperformance functionality, project timelineand budget impacts

• Knowledge of risk analysis techniques• Ability to translate technical features into

development and user benefits• Knowledge of operating systems

and hardware• Knowledge of website plan

development processes

• Ability to evaluate options and formulatea plan of action

• Ability to present complex issues andanalyze responses

• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information


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Critical Work Function: Perform Web Programming

B3. Select programminglanguages, design toolsand applications

• Programming tools and applications areselected based on functional requirementsand technical specifications

• Third-party applications are properly testedand evaluated for applicability

• Tools and applications meet usabilityrequirements

• Knowledge of programming toolsand applications

• Knowledge of applicable resourceselection procedures

• Knowledge of third-party applications• Ability to document tools, applications and

third-party applications• Knowledge of programming languages

and databases

• Ability to evaluate options andmake decisions

• Ability to project timeline and budgetrequirements

• Ability to integrate multiple items of dataand reconcile conflicting information

• Ability to develop creative solutions anddemonstrate resourcefulness

• Ability to predict outcomes and resultsof selection of tools

B4. Write supporting code • Code meets project objectives andfunctional specifications

• Code is designed so the applicationperforms efficiently

• Code is properly documented to ensuremaintainability

• Prior work is reviewed for applicability andmaintainability

• Knowledge of code developmentprocedures

• Knowledge of programming languagesrequired for application

• Knowledge of reusable componentprogramming process

• Knowledge of code documentation process• Ability to develop code or rework to meet

applicable requirements

• Ability to write clear documents• Ability to evaluate alternatives and

formulate action plans• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions• Ability to manipulate technology for

desired results• Ability to understand system


B5. Identify majorsubsystems andinterfaces

• All major subsystems and interfaces areclearly delineated

• Minimum of overlap and interaction existsbetween major subsystems

• Major subsystems and interfaces are clearlydocumented

• Knowledge of overall system• Ability to classify related components into

a subsystem• Ability to evaluate degree of connectivity of

system components• Ability to rearrange systems• Ability to analyze system


• Ability to analyze logical consistency• Ability to research additional

information sources• Ability to evaluate alternatives and

formulate action plans


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Critical Work Function: Perform Web Programming

B6. Develop models • Scope and purpose of models are defined• Models are developed cost-effectively and

according to schedule• Models accurately reflect design and

functionality requirements• Models are exercised and tested for

performance• Model development procedures, test results

and recommendations are documented• Appropriate business, physical, interface,

logical and data models are developed

• Knowledge of model development optionsand methodologies

• Knowledge of model testing procedures• Ability to work with simulations

and models

• Ability to develop new/alternativesystem designs

• Ability to integrate system technology• Ability to interpret/evaluate data• Ability to create comprehensive models

and simulations• Ability to create original documents• Ability to prioritize results and generate

and present recommendations• Ability to synthesize information from

different tests

B7. Develop design andinterface specifications

• Design and interface specifications arecomplete and approved by relevantstakeholders

• Design and interface specifications arechecked and corrected for conflicts

• Design and interface specifications areassessed for ease and quality ofimplementation

• Design and interface specifications aredocumented completely and accurately

• Interface is consistent with industry,company and product standards

• Entity relationships are developed properlyand diagrams are prepared accurately

• Knowledge of interface requirements,specification procedures andoperating systems

• Knowledge of implementation proceduresand user needs, and ability to analyze andresolve conflicts in specifications

• Knowledge of industry, company andproduct standards

• Ability to perform entity-relationshipanalysis

• Knowledge of normalization, relationaltheory and data modeling tools

• Ability to analyze information• Ability to analyze systems• Ability to apply creative solutions to

new situations• Ability to gather, analyze and resolve user

needs and requirements• Ability to construct an efficient sequence

of actions to accomplish a task

B8. Identify systemplatform, componentsand dependencies

• Rationale for choices is clearly stated• System platform, components and

dependencies are clearly delineated• Constraints are documented and analyzed• Subsystems are clearly delineated and all

components and interfaces are verified toensure a minimum of overlap and conflictbetween components

• Knowledge of available platforms• Knowledge of components and

their compatibility• Ability to evaluate alternate configurations• Knowledge of system configurations• Ability to identify related functions,

evaluate connectivity and determine degreeof conflict or interaction

• Ability to analyze systems and recognizesystem strengths/limitations

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions• Ability to apply processes/procedures



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Critical Work Function: Perform Web Programming

B9. Develop appropriatedata model

• Data model is laid out clearly• All functionality in the logical data model is

present in the physical data model• Performance criteria for the data model

have verifiable assumptions• Business process model contains user

workflow analysis and accurate dataflow diagram

• User processes are optimized

• Knowledge of data model developmenttechniques and tools

• Knowledge of CASE tools• Ability to transform logical data model into

physical data model• Knowledge of object-oriented database

principles• Knowledge of business practices

and principles

• Ability to apply rules/principles toprocess/procedure

• Ability to extract information and uselogic to draw conclusions

• Ability to apply technology fordesired results

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to design programs, networks

and graphics• Ability to interpret symbols, diagrams

and schematics


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Critical Work Function: Develop, Deliver and Manage Content

C1. Research contentand informationarchitecture

• Content is properly indexed and prioritized• Content is mapped to customer

requirements• Content is reviewed for relevance to

the mission• Content clearly conveys required

information• Effective user interactions with content

are clearly identified• Site resources are organized to

facilitate usability

• Knowledge of content indexing andorganization techniques

• Knowledge of mapping techniques• Knowledge of content sources• Ability to relate content to mission• Knowledge of information organization

such as key words, intuitive pathways andnavigation aids

• Knowledge of web site architecture• Ability to organize information for

maximum usability

• Ability to interpret communicationand compare multiple viewpoints

• Ability to apply creative thinking tonew situations

• Ability to examine task and technologyrelationships

• Ability to implement new technologiesand applications

• Ability to visualize integrated eventsand outcomes

C2. Coordinate contentdevelopment frommultiple contributors

• Consensus regarding content elements isachieved and maintained

• Content development is effectivelycoordinated with appropriateorganizational units

• Design goals and standards are metthrough application of consistent graphicand technical elements

• Development environment facilitatesmaximum value from contributors’ efforts

• Standards and frameworks for contentdevelopment are established and maintained

• Knowledge of group dynamics andcollaboration methods

• Knowledge of organizational structure• Ability to apply graphic and technical

elements with consistency• Ability to create and maintain productive

working environment• Knowledge of content development

practices and frameworks

• Ability to interpret, communicate andcompare multiple viewpoints

• Ability to think creatively whilesolving problems

• Ability to set well defined, realistic goalsthat align with project needs and followproper procedures

• Ability to willingly help others andestablish rapport

C3. Develop and presentconcept alternatives

• A variety of concepts is presented torelevant stakeholders

• Concepts incorporate the organization ofinformation and look and feel asdetermined by stakeholders

• Conflicts among stakeholders areeffectively resolved

• Knowledge of concept developmentoptions and methodologies

• Ability to implement features and functions• Knowledge of content organization

methods• Knowledge of web technology• Knowledge of web-safe palettes and colors• Knowledge of graphic design and

layout principles

• Ability to demonstrate creative thinkingwhile problem solving and apply creativesolutions to new situations

• Ability to evaluate alternative solutionsand formulate a plan of action

• Ability to present complex ideasand information

• Ability to summarize/paraphrase issuesand resolve technical conflicts


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Critical Work Function: Develop, Deliver and Manage Content

C4. Create or adaptcontent

• Content sources are thoroughly researched• Subject experts, writers, editors and

producers are consulted as required• Drafts are produced in a timely manner• Content is reviewed in accordance with

company procedures• Content meets customer requirements• Content is clear, concise, consistent and

grammatically correct• Content is reviewed according to agreed

upon specifications

• Knowledge of sources for content• Knowledge of company procedures and

specification for content review• Ability to manage specialized and

expert resources• Knowledge of information mapping

techniques• Knowledge of web technology and

its capabilities

• Ability to create original documents andsynthesize information

• Ability to follow policies/procedures andwork with minimal supervision

• Ability to interpret and clarifycommunication

• Ability to paraphrase, summarizeand generalize existing ideas anddemonstrate creative thinking processwhile problem solving

• Ability to prioritize daily tasks andmonitor/adjust task sequences

C5. Produce graphics,layout elements andapplicable code

• Graphical user interface meetstechnical specifications

• Information is presented clearlyand contextually

• Artistic elements are aesthetically pleasing• Graphics meet customer requirements and

company standards• Sources of graphic images are

researched and make-or-buy decisionsare made appropriately

• Required code is functional and free of errors

• Knowledge of graphical applications andsources of graphic images

• Knowledge of principles of graphical layout• Ability to test and refine usability• Knowledge of user requirements and web

development• Knowledge of content clearance and

copyright considerations• Ability to develop and test supporting code

• Ability to mentally picture outcomes• Ability to think creatively and solve

problems• Ability to judge aesthetics of graphics,

animation, audio and video content• Ability to judge content and form and

reconcile to overall project image• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints

and formulate plan of action• Ability to generate and evaluate

alternative solutions

C6. Update content • Site/application is tested and staged aftercontent is updated to ensure integrity

• Updates occur according to establishedprocesses and schedules

• Updates are performed in accordance withapplication requirements

• Updated content is timely and accurate• Links are periodically reviewed

and updated

• Knowledge of website maintenance andupdating methods and tools

• Knowledge of work flow• Knowledge of application requirements• Knowledge of website development rollout

and logistics• Ability to develop and implement update

processes and schedules

• Ability to follow rules/policies/proceduresand work with minimal supervision

• Ability to efficiently manage time andprioritize daily tasks

• Ability to follow specified maintenanceprocedures and correct malfunctions/failures

• Ability to identify and recommend systemmodifications/improvements

• Ability to set well defined, realistic goalsand apply self-management skills


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Critical Work Function: Implement and Maintain Site and Applications

D1. Plan rollout • Rollout plans are communicated tostakeholders in a timely manner

• Final reviews and approvals are conductedaccording to company standards

• All elements for a successful rollout areclearly identified and effectively implemented

• Rollout is planned to meet overall projectgoals and timelines

• Contingency plans are outlined• Support staff training needs are identified

and accommodated within the plan• Rollout plan addresses business and

operational requirements

• Knowledge of customer and companycommunication requirements

• Knowledge of review and approvalpractices and procedures

• Knowledge of support staff training needsand requirements

• Knowledge of strategies andpromotional tools

• Knowledge of registration security andcertification requirements and processes

• Ability to analyze technology output andexamine task/technology relationship

• Ability to apply rules and principles toprocess/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to suggest and examine systemmodifications/improvements

• Ability to willingly help others andestablish rapport with coworkersand customers

• Ability to identify and projectresource needs

D2. Facilitate move toproduction system

• Product is release-tested in theproduction environment

• Support staff is properly trained to respondto customer calls

• Application is moved from the developmentserver to the production environment

• All features and components are fullyfunctional in a live environment

• Knowledge of release test procedures• Knowledge of support staff training

requirements and techniques• Ability to move application from

development server to productionenvironment

• Ability to identify training needs andconduct task-specific training

• Ability to apply rules and principles toprocess/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to suggest and examine systemmodifications/improvements

• Ability to accept responsibility for ownactions and accept feedback

D3. Hand off to customeror user

• Documentation is completed and updated• Application meets customer/user

requirements• Application is fully functional for the

customer/user• Appropriate final approvals and signatures

are secured• User support and training materials are

finalized and delivered• Procedures for gathering user feedback

are put into place

• Knowledge of company documentationprocedures and standards

• Knowledge of user support andtraining needs

• Knowledge of organizational practices forsecuring final approvals and signatures

• Knowledge of instructional designprinciples

• Ability to identify training needs andprovide appropriate support materials

• Ability to organize and presenttechnical information

• Ability to gather and analyze customer/user feedback

• Ability to willingly help others andestablish rapport with coworkersand customers


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Critical Work Function: Implement and Maintain Site and Applications

D4. Integrate customerfeedback

• Customer feedback is systematically• Feedback is analyzed, prioritized and

acted upon• Changes are clearly and thoroughly

documented• Customers are kept informed of application

changes and updates

• Knowledge of data gathering techniques• Knowledge of practices of internal, external

and global customers• Knowledge of the application or server

being supported• Knowledge of user level of expertise

• Ability to accept responsibility for ownactions and impact on others

• Ability to demonstrate commitment topersonal/social improvement

• Ability to be flexible and cooperative• Ability to recognize and analyze customer

needs and resolve conflicts• Ability to resolve technical issues and

obtain customer approval

D5. Perform applicationmaintenance

• Problems are properly identified andresolved in a timely manner

• Application is modified to improveperformance

• Enhancements are made effectively• Internal, external and global customer

expectations are met in a timely manner• Problems are correctly identified and

referred to appropriate personnel in atimely manner

• Knowledge of problem escalation andresolution process

• Knowledge of code development andsoftware maintenance procedures

• Ability to evaluate alternatives and makedecisions in code implementation

• Knowledge of programming techniquesand database management systems

• Ability to devise/implement plan of action• Ability to visually analyze relationship

between parts/whole, process/procedure• Ability to identify the problem,

analyze possible causes and recommendaction plan

• Ability to understand the requirementsof the task and propose technologicalsolutions

• Ability to perform specified maintenance,identify problems and correctmalfunctions/failures

D6. Recommendoptimization andfacilitate upgradesand improvements

• Customer feedback is gathered,documented and evaluated

• Recommendations on site improvementsare developed within associated budget

• Recommendations are made toappropriate stakeholders in accordancewith company procedures

• Risk assessments are appropriatelyconsidered

• System operates as specified under trafficand load conditions

• Performance metrics are applied tosystem optimization

• Knowledge of risk assessmentanalysis techniques

• Knowledge of business plan andstrategic goals

• Ability to perform feasibility evaluations• Knowledge of budget considerations

and evaluation techniques• Ability to use performance

optimization tools• Ability to develop and analyze

performance metrics

• Ability to implement technologicalimprovements and generatetechnological solutions

• Ability to analyze operational problems• Ability to develop new/alternative

system designs• Ability to compose well-organized

presentations and debate issues• Ability to develop formal and

informal relationships with leadersin the enterprise


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Critical Work Function: Implement and Maintain Site and Applications

D7. Document applicationand site changes

• Changes are completely and accuratelydocumented

• Change documentation is distributed in atimely manner to appropriate personneland/or departments

• Documentation procedures and standardsare followed

• Change procedure is developedand followed

• Knowledge of change proceduredevelopment and implementation

• Knowledge of change documentationprocedures and standards

• Ability to review, evaluate and prioritizechange requirements and requests

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to select/obtain data relevant tothe task, integrate multiple data itemsand contrast conflicting data

• Ability to set realistic goals and applyself-management skills

• Ability to follow rules and policies andwork with minimal supervision

• Ability to efficiently manage time

D8. Develop andimplementcontingency plans

• Contingency plans are developedaccording to appropriate needs,requirements and guidelines

• Alternative physical locations/sites areconsidered and selected

• Backup hardware, software and facilitiesare configured and operational

• Appropriate security procedures aredeveloped and periodically testedand reviewed

• Knowledge of contingency plandevelopment and implementation

• Ability to evaluate and select physical sites• Knowledge of backup design and operation• Knowledge of system recovery procedures

and methods• Knowledge of security procedure

development, implementation and testing

• Ability to develop new/alternativesystem designs

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to apply rules and principles toprocess/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to research additionalinformation sources and createdata gathering processes

• Ability to propose newtechnology applications andpredict technological results


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Critical Work Function: Manage Web Environment

E1. Evaluate andrecommend webhardware, softwareand third-partysolutions

• Relevant resources are identifiedand reviewed

• Evaluation criteria are developed• Evaluation criteria are prioritized and

agreed to by customer• Evaluations and recommendations meet

company, customer and budgetingrequirements

• Evaluation and recommendation processesare completed in accordance with companyprocedures and guidelines

• Recommendations are communicatedappropriately

• Risk assessments are appropriatelyconsidered

• Knowledge of risk assessment methods• Knowledge of sources of information

regarding web server hardware, softwareand third-party solutions

• Knowledge of company web objectives• Ability to use programming tools,

web server software and contentmanagement software

• Ability to use search engines, web serverstatistics packages and authoring tools

• Ability to use digital commerce applicationsand data conversion tools

• Knowledge of application ofevaluation criteria

• Ability to evaluate effectiveness ofsolutions for customer and forecastfuture customer needs

• Ability to adapt principles to newapplications and judge logical consistency

• Ability to stay current on cutting edgetechnologies and processes

• Ability to implement technologicalimprovements and generatetechnological solutions

• Ability to compose well-organizedpresentations and debate issues

• Ability to analyze, interpret, summarizeand integrate data/information

E2. Set up server softwareand hardware

• Software and hardware are properlyinstalled and configured

• Implementation includes securityrequirements

• Directory file names adhere tonaming conventions

• Server is properly configured for security• Third-party software/extensions are

properly loaded and tested• Installation plan includes input from

customers and is designed for minimalimpact on process flow and productivity

• Interoperability requirements are identifiedand addressed

• Knowledge of the impact of the installationplan on whole system

• Ability to use technical documentation• Knowledge of practices of internal, external

and global customers• Knowledge of installation obstacles and

procedures to resolve them• Knowledge of directory structures and

naming conventions• Ability to load and test third-party

software/extensions• Ability to effectively manage

interoperability and connectivity issues

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to implement plan of action• Ability to present complex ideas

and information• Ability to integrate system technology

and follow proper procedures• Ability to respond appropriately to others


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Critical Work Function: Manage Web Environment

E3. Manage server • Performance problems are identified,communicated and resolved in atimely manner

• User data input issues are properlymanaged

• Server activity is properly monitored,analyzed and communicated in accordancewith company guidelines

• Upgrades and patches are effectivelyimplemented when appropriate

• System down time is minimized• Loading does not unduly affect system


• Ability to use system administration tools• Ability to analyze hardware and

software problems• Ability to tune the server to maximum

performance• Knowledge of resources available to

resolve defects• Knowledge of system error resolution

procedures• Knowledge of user data input conventions• Knowledge of monitoring procedures and

ability to design and generate reports• Knowledge of Internet topology and

bandwidth issues

• Ability to identify and prioritize theneed for data

• Ability to organize and analyzeinformation

• Ability to apply rules and principlesto diagnostics and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to use word processing andspreadsheet software

• Knowledge of systems performancemonitoring tools

E4. Support systemsrecovery

• Backups and restores are properlyperformed and escalation proceduresare followed

• Criticality of applications is properlydetermined

• Restore times meet company requirementsand backup schedules meet applicationand security requirements

• Problems are assessed for criticalityand reported to relevant personnel in atimely manner

• Recovery plans are identified and agreedupon by technical support group andrelevant stakeholders

• Recovery plans are documented completelyand accurately

• Effects of unforeseen outages and datalosses are minimized and issues areeffectively resolved

• Backup and failover systems operatetransparently when required

• Knowledge of recovery procedures andtheir planning and implementationprocesses

• Ability to identify user needs in terms ofbackup and recovery

• Knowledge of operating systems, dataassurance and security considerations

• Ability to project resources required toimplement recovery plans

• Knowledge of backup system designand operation

• Ability to analyze information/data andrecommend action plan

• Ability to identify system problems andevaluate for criticality

• Ability to apply rules and principlesto process/procedure and use logic todraw conclusions

• Ability to follow specified maintenance,evaluate performance of technology andanalyze failures

• Ability to respond appropriately toothers and demonstrate empathy fortheir concerns

• Ability to adhere to standards and leadby example


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Critical Work Function: Manage Enterprise-wide Web Activities

F1. Define and managedevelopment standards

• Style guides and coding statements arewritten to meet enterprise objectives

• Standards are followed in accordance withcompany policies

• Relevant standards are identified andapplied as appropriate

• Knowledge of style guides and codingstandards

• Knowledge of company policiesregarding standards

• Knowledge of server and client sidecapabilities and limitations

• Knowledge of user characteristicsand practices

• Knowledge of company usage standardsand branding

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments and write clearlyand succinctly

• Ability to adhere to standards andencourage others to adopt new concepts

• Ability to follow rules/policiesand procedures

• Ability to recognize ethical issues andrecommend appropriate course of action

F2. Train designersand developers

• Training plan and supportingdocumentation are developed for designersand developers

• Designer and developer requirements fortraining are correctly identified, interpretedand evaluated

• Content contains the appropriate amountof information and is consistent withlearning objectives

• Training is effectively presented and clearlycommunicates information in a logical flow

• Effectiveness of training is properlyevaluated to determine how well customerexpectations were met

• Knowledge of information gatheringmethods and company proceduresand processes

• Knowledge of instructional designprinciples

• Knowledge of available resourcesand ability to plan according to needsand constraints

• Knowledge of required technicalinformation and ability to organizetechnical material for ease of learning

• Knowledge of online resources

• Ability to visualize task sequentially andidentify interdependencies

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to speak clearly and present well-organized presentations

• Ability to analyze and manipulatelearning tools, and formulate and adaptlearning strategies

• Ability to summarize, analyze andintegrate information

• Ability to create and deliver multimediapresentations

• Ability to identify training needs andconduct task-specific training


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Critical Work Function: Manage Enterprise-wide Web Activities

F3. Evaluate webtechnologies andstandards

• Appropriate information sources for off-the-shelf applications, tools and resourcesare considered

• Alternative technologies are evaluatedagainst customer requirements

• Research is conducted on emergingtechnologies and standards

• Make-or-buy decisions are madein collaboration with appropriatepersonnel/departments

• New technologies and standards arecommunicated to appropriate personneleffectively in a timely manner

• Consultation with management/personnelis provided as requested and in accordancewith company mission and goals

• Security issues are effectively addressed

• Knowledge of sources of information foremerging and current technologies

• Knowledge of customer requirements• Knowledge of new and emerging

tools and technologies, programminglanguages, distributed computing andcomputing platforms

• Knowledge of security issues and protocols

• Ability to research additionalinformation sources and create datagathering processes

• Ability to analyze operational problems,evaluate computer utilization and judgeinformation accuracy

• Ability to evaluate effectiveness ofsolutions for customer and forecast futurecustomer needs

• Ability to adapt principles tonew applications

• Ability to stay current on cutting edgetechnologies and processes

F4. Provide qualitycustomer service

• Relationships and communications aremanaged so that customers are satisfiedwith current level of service

• Internal, external and global customerexpectations are met in a timely manner

• Problems are correctly identified andreferred to appropriate personnel in atimely manner

• Communications are aligned withthe audience, particularly whenconveying technical information tonontechnical audience

• Knowledge of escalation procedures• Knowledge of support boundaries• Knowledge of operating environments,

office suite applications, networks,hardware tools and online resources

• Knowledge of practices of internal, externaland global customers

• Ability to analyze customer needs anddemonstrate commitment to customers

• Ability to resolve conflicts to customersatisfaction

• Ability to identify the problem,analyze possible causes and recommendaction plan

• Ability to recognize differences/biasesand respect the rights of others

• Ability to accept constructive criticism andaccept responsibility for own actions

• Ability to communicate technicalinformation to nontechnical audiences


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Critical Work Function: Manage Enterprise-wide Web Activities

F5. Perform ROI (Return onInvestment) analysis toensure business goalsare met

• Web traffic and site performance data aremonitored and analyzed regularly

• Site metrics are analyzed according tobusiness objectives and expectations

• Site performance and cost data areanalyzed with regard to performance andROI goals

• Financial model is developed andimplemented

• Knowledge of website metric toolsand procedures

• Ability to apply analytical processes to webperformance and cost data

• Knowledge of financial models andROI analysis

• Ability to use statistical analysis and datapresentation applications and tools

• Ability to evaluate effectiveness ofsolutions for customer and forecast futurecustomer needs

• Ability to follow proper procedures andwork with established guidelines

• Ability to organize and communicatetechnical information in a logical andconsistent manner

• Ability to pose critical questions whileanalyzing problems

F6. Design and documentsecurity plan

• Strategies are thoroughly reviewedand analyzed

• Security design and features are selected tomeet client, user and business needs

• Security plan is developed and documentedcompletely and accurately

• Security plan is accessible• Security plan addresses compatibility and

interoperability issues

• Knowledge of security strategies• Ability to select security design• Knowledge of client, user and

business needs• Knowledge of security plan documentation

procedures• Ability to relate requirements to

user privileges• Knowledge of compatibility issues

• Ability to identify and resolveconflicting data

• Ability to analyze information andformulate proposals

• Ability to write detailed supportingdocuments


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F7. Implement and enforcesecurity requirements

• Levels of access and security are clearlyidentified, standardized and communicated

• Overall plan is considered whenimplementing and enforcingsecurity requirements

• Implementation of security measuresminimizes intrusion and addresses securitytradeoffs and risks

• Users are notified about securityprocedures and changes in access inaccordance with company procedures

• User accounts and critical access points areproperly audited to determine that securityrequirements are being met

• Security breaches are quickly identified,communicated to appropriate personneland resolved effectively

• Knowledge of security proceduresand implementation

• Ability to collect security breach details andcommunicate to appropriate personnel

• Knowledge of networks, operatingsystems and applicable security strategiesand solutions

• Ability to present practical alternatives• Ability to responsibly challenge unethical

practices/decisions• Ability to write detailed supporting

documents• Ability to analyze and respond to client/

user needs• Ability to present security tradeoffs and

risks and pose critical questions

F8. Maintain and improvesecurity in response toindustry developmentsand user experience

• User practices are analyzed and inputgathered to document and assesssecurity issues

• Training results in continuous improvementin security awareness and effective practice

• Security needs are forecast andincorporated in recommendations forsystem upgrades and/or redesign

• Industry and technology trends arecontinually monitored and incorporated tosupport system security

• Internal and external audits are periodicallyconducted to validate security plansand procedures

• Knowledge of business, industry andtechnology security trends

• Ability to use forecasting methodsand tools

• Ability to gather user input and observeuser practices

• Knowledge of instructional designprinciples

• Ability to provide technical training onsecurity procedures

• Ability to analyze and respond to client/user needs

• Ability to identify issues and resolvetechnical conflicts

• Ability to organize and present technicalinformation to nontechnical users

• Ability to monitor and interpret trends intechnology and industry

Critical Work Function: Manage Enterprise-wide Web Activities


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F9. Develop enterprise-wide legal andinternational privacyguidelines

• All content receives appropriate attribution,credit and clearance

• Procedures are established and followedfor required legal reviews

• Country-specific copyright and privacyregulations are researched and appliedas required

• Internal standards are developedwith knowledge of domestic andinternational laws, regulations andcultural considerations

• Procedures, standards and legalrequirements are documented,communicated and periodically reviewed

• Standards are researched and applied toensure clear and appropriate developmentof guidelines

• Knowledge of laws pertaining to contentdevelopment and dissemination

• Knowledge of domestic and internationalnetwork architectures and protocols

• Ability to develop appropriate standards,practices and policies

• Ability to research and apply country-specific cultural considerations, lawsand standards

• Ability to follow proper procedures andwork with established guidelines

• Ability to understand goals andconstraints, generate alternatives,consider risks and evaluate options

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to demonstrate honesty and


Critical Work Function: Manage Enterprise-wide Web Activities


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G1. Develop test andacceptance plan

Critical Work Function: Perform Testing and Quality Assurance

• Test and acceptance plan is completelydocumented in accordance withapplicable policies

• Test plan is relevant to application and testrequirements are in compliance with legaland customer requirements

• Test system accurately reflects real world• Testing scenario is automated where

feasible• Realistic test cases are developed

and results compared withexpected performance

• Testing resources are identified andscheduled appropriately

• Customer acceptance occurs uponsuccessful completion of test plan

• Knowledge of user application• Knowledge of testing impact on timeline

and budget• Knowledge of test domain and ability to

distinguish edges and critical points• Knowledge of operating systems, interfaces

and testing tools• Knowledge of legal and customer

requirements• Ability to develop and execute test

acceptance plans

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to write technical documents and

detailed supporting documents• Ability to consider risk implications and

compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to use word processing tools

and techniques

G2. Develop testprocedures

• Test procedures explicitly verifyspecifications

• Test procedures define test conditions• Test procedures are documented in detail• Appropriate tests are developed for

individual components and end-to-end operations

• Test results are reviewed to confirmtest validity

• Knowledge of test domain and ability todistinguish edges and critical points

• Ability to construct automated testsequences and recognize errors in testprocedure and system

• Knowledge of test discipline, tools,languages and testing methodology

• Ability to develop and apply testingspecifications

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to respond to system demand• Ability to consider risk implications• Ability to analyze technology output and

examine task/technology relationship• Ability to interpret, clarify and influence



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G3. Develop and performusability andintegration testing

• User reactions to test product areaccurately observed and documented

• Test data is conveyed to development teamin a timely manner

• Test results are analyzed and applied toproblem resolution

• Test data and documentation is accuratelymaintained over time and accessible todevelopment team

• Test routines and procedures areperiodically reviewed for effectiveness

• Knowledge of test procedures for usabilityand integration

• Knowledge of application environment anduser requirements

• Ability to translate usability issues intoapplication/site modifications

• Knowledge of error analysis andresolution processes

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to analyze technology output• Ability to examine task/technology

relationship• Ability to appropriately refer

complaint/discrepancy• Ability to identify and evaluate

system performance

G4. Perform tests • Test process includes appropriate teammembers

• System is tested according to planand schedule

• Test results are documented completelyand communicated as appropriate

• System integration testing and volume/performance testing are performedwhen appropriate

• Ability to develop and performtest procedures

• Knowledge of system and ability torecognize and resolve problems identifiedthrough testing

• Knowledge of testing methodologyand protocols

• Ability to interpret test results and resolvediscrepancies appropriately

• Ability to follow processes/procedures• Ability to appropriately refer

complaint/discrepancy• Ability to understand system

organization/hierarchy• Ability to identify and evaluate

system performance• Ability to analyze technology output and

examine task/technology relationship

G5. Document testresults and takecorrective actions

• Errors and preexisting conditions areclearly documented

• Recommendations for corrective action areincluded in documentation

• Problems are identified and resolved• Test results are accurately recorded,

analyzed and communicated effectively• Test results are reviewed to confirm

test validity

• Knowledge of documentation procedures• Knowledge of testing tools and

methodologies• Ability to troubleshoot and correct

technical problems• Ability to discern trends, patterns

and anomalies

• Ability to understand systemorganization/hierarchy

• Ability to respond to system demand• Knowledge of word processing software,

networks and operating environments• Ability to evaluate system performance

and devise plan to monitor and/orcorrect system

• Ability to modify process/procedure

Critical Work Function: Perform Testing and Quality Assurance


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G6. Recommend andimplementperformanceimprovements

• Performance metrics are codified,analyzed and presented for effectivedecision support

• Test log information and development teaminput are regularly integrated intoperformance reviews

• Customer feedback is actively solicited,accurately maintained and applied toperformance improvement reviews

• Performance improvement reviews result insite improvement plans based on businessgoals and ROI considerations

• Knowledge of performance tuning and siteimprovement strategies

• Ability to gather, analyze and presentperformance data

• Ability to collect, organize and maintaincustomer feedback

• Knowledge of business goals andROI processes

• Ability to evaluate/adjust plan of action• Ability to analyze and respond to client/

user needs• Ability to write detailed documents• Ability to approach problems in a logical

and systematic way

Critical Work Function: Perform Testing and Quality Assurance


KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Web Database

H1. Develop physicaldatabasecharacteristicsand createdatabase objects

• Attributes have uniform structure• Table and file names follow naming

conventions• Entities are uniformly and logically linked

throughout the database structure• Database objects are created and tested in

a timely manner• Database objects are created to meet

environmental requirements and usabilityspecifications

• Knowledge of naming conventions,standards and structure

• Ability to read and understand logicalmodel and resolve conflicts

• Knowledge of data types and attributes• Knowledge of user interface, web

requirements and standards• Knowledge of database object design and

testing procedures• Ability to relate database usability

and environmental requirements toobject design

• Ability to present data and database toolsin a web-friendly manner

• Knowledge of user preferences andexpertise levels

• Ability to create detailed documentation• Ability to apply logic to structures

and processes• Ability to examine data for

relevance/accuracy• Ability to pay attention to detail• Ability to clarify, interpret and

influence communication• Ability to work with minimal supervision• Ability to identify and resolve conflicts

in data and requirements

H2. Select uniqueidentifiers andnormalize thedata model

• Logical model is consistent withconceptual model

• Logical and data models and identifiershave been validated by client

• Identifiers are selected and documentedand primary and foreign keys areproperly identified

• Rationale behind selection is documented• Data model is normalized to match

user specifications

• Ability to transform conceptual model intological model

• Ability to identify and define attributes andalign attributes to entities

• Knowledge of operating systems anddatabase software and principles

• Ability to choose and document identifiersand relate identifier selection to businessdomain

• Knowledge of normalization rulesand processes

• Ability to organize data in a usable form• Ability to track information efficiently

and effectively• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions

from available information


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H3. Support populationof database

• Data entry and conversion are completeand accurate

• Third-party vendors are used as appropriate• Data transfer strategies are applied


• Knowledge of database software• Knowledge of database querying methods• Knowledge of various database attributes• Ability to customize off-the-shelf databases• Knowledge of operating systems and

web environment

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions• Ability to organize information

and reports• Ability to pay attention to detail and

follow up on assigned tasks

H4. Integrate high-levelbusiness rules

• Pertinent business rules are examined forrelevancy and impact

• Procedures are implemented to reflectbusiness rules

• Database integrity and security areestablished and maintained

• Knowledge of business structure• Knowledge of business entities and

relationships• Knowledge of user interface and

database rules• Knowledge of database code development

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to create detailed supporting

documentation• Ability to visually analyze relationship

between parts/whole• Ability to integrate multiple items

of data and research additionalinformation sources

• Ability to organize technical reports andselect methods of communication

H5. Plan implementationand deploy database

• Implementation plan development involveskey team members and reflects goodproject development practices

• Transition plan is implemented withminimal impact on overall productivity

• Software and dataset are installedaccording to implementation plan

• Database and/or content managementsystem is fully operational

• Post-implementation reviews arethoroughly conducted in accordance withcompany procedures

• Knowledge of database software• Knowledge of implementation and

project planning• Knowledge of appropriate validation

process and database system errorresolution procedures

• Ability to evaluate acceptance testing plan• Knowledge of feedback generation

techniques and procedures• Ability to evaluate overall system

performance and productivity• Knowledge of the domain

• Ability to synthesize and organizeinformation

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to manage resources and timelinesto maximize effectiveness

• Ability to relate intent to desired results• Ability to evaluate/adjust plan of action• Ability to judge effectiveness and

efficiency of solution• Ability to evaluate and summarize user

input, recognize critical issues andanalyze communication

• Ability to make recommendationsfor intervention

Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Web Database


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H6. Define and implementuser interface

• Applications can connect to databaseas required

• Web connectivity is transparent to user• Data and parameters are passed without

error as required• User interface meets client/user

requirements and web constraints• Database characteristics and user interface

are completely documented• Database, parameter and user-supplied

data security is maintained as required

• Knowledge of connection methodology• Knowledge of database programming and

query languages• Knowledge of user interface design

and development• Knowledge of web environments and

database connectivity conventions,processes and methods

• Knowledge of web browser characteristics• Knowledge of secure server practices

and methodology

• Ability to use effective communicationand presentation methods

• Ability to document technical proceduresfor users

• Ability to user integrated/multiplesoftware applications

• Ability to evaluate goals and adjustaction plans

• Ability to listen carefully to user needsand concerns

Critical Work Function: Develop and Implement Web Database






Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 181


Cybersecurity Skill StandardsThe following NWCET cybersecurity skill stan-dards were developed in part with a grant fromthe National Science Foundation (NSF), firstpublished in December 2002. Draft standardswere presented and reviewed at the NSFCybersecurity Summit in June 2002 in Washing-ton, DC. This summit verified the need for tech-nician-level cybersecurity skill standards tosupport cybersecurity workforce development toassure the integrity of the nation’s IT infrastruc-ture. These standards will find application in ITeducation and training program development,certification and technician reskilling. Althoughpresented here as separate data elements,cybersecurity skills are increasingly importantacross all career clusters.






182 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology






CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSSummary of Critical Work Functions

A. Provide Data/Information Assurance

A1 Gather and documentdata/informationassurance requirements

A2 Develop data/informationassurance plans andimplementation strategies

A3 Review and test plans andstrategies for compliancewith applicable regulationsand standards

A4 Implement data/information assuranceplans and strategies

A5 Monitor performance toensure integrityand confidentiality

A6 Maintain and updatedata/informationassurance plans andstrategies as appropriate

B. Ensure Infrastructureand Network Security

B1 Gather data and analyzesecurity requirements

B2 Identify, analyze andevaluate infrastructureand networkvulnerabilities

B3 Develop critical situationcontingency plans anddisaster recovery plan

B4 Implement/testcontingency and backupplans and coordinatewith stakeholders

B5 Monitor, report andresolve security problems

C. Develop, Manageand Enforce SecurityPolicies

C1 Perform research andanalyze requirements

C2 Develop, assess anddocument securitypolicies, practices andprocedures

C3 Disseminate policies andimplementation practicesand procedures

C4 Implement, enforce andmonitor security policies,practices and procedures

E. Develop and ImplementPhysical Security,Deterrence and Detection

E1 Identify and assess currentand anticipated securityrisks and vulnerabilities

E2 Research and evaluatealternative current andemerging practices, toolsand technologies

E3 Select and apply relevanttools to meet security goalsand requirements

E4 Monitor, evaluate andtest security conditionsand environment

E5 Implement, extend andrefine physical securityplans and practices

F. Perform SystemDesign and Analysis

F1 Define current systems-level requirementsand forecast futureneeds and trends

F2 Evaluate current andemerging toolsand technologies

F3 Evaluate organization’ssecurity strategies

F4 Make recommendationsregarding organization’sinvestment in security

F5 Coordinate systemstesting and integration

F6 Audit and maintainsystems performanceand ensure futurereadiness

D. Perform SecurityEducation andTraining

D1 Identify and assesseducation and trainingrequirements for allconstituents

D2 Identify resources andsupport materials

D3 Design and developeducation and trainingplans and strategies

D4 Deliver education andtraining

D5 Assess results anddetermine followup requirements

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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A1. Gather and documentdata/informationassurance requirements

• Relevant information and requirementsare completely accurate and thoroughlydocumented

• Sources of information are trustworthyand current

• Requirements are attainable withinapplicable time, technology andcost constraints

• Data/information requirements are reviewedand approved by relevant stakeholders

• Requirements meet applicable internal andexternal standards and practices

• Requirements are periodically reviewedagainst performance standards andemerging security specifications

• Knowledge of internal and external data/information assurance standards,recommendations and practices

• Knowledge of trustworthy sources andrelevant standards

• Knowledge of relevant and applicabletechnologies and business practices

• Ability to collect, analyze, interpret andpresent security specifications in the dataassurance environment

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to ask relevant questions• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information

A2. Develop data/informationassurance plans andimplementationstrategies

• Plans address critical confidentiality,integrity and availability requirements

• Plans provide realistic methods tomeet security specifications anddata requirements

• Plans identify and prescribe appropriatetraining and implementation processesand methods

• Plans and strategies are consistent withrelevant policies, practices and standards

• Implementation strategies support customerrequirements and business objectives

• Plans and strategies support currenttechnologies and accommodate futuretechnological development

• Plans and strategies are developed inthe context of ethical and societal normsand expectations

• Knowledge of relevant policies, practicesand standards

• Ability to determine customer requirementsin the context of business goals andrisk analysis

• Knowledge of current and emergingsecurity tools, technologies and practices

• Knowledge of security-related ethical andsocietal norms and expectations

• Ability to interpret and present securitydata assurance plans and strategies in thedata assurance environment

• Ability to synthesize and organizeinformation

• Ability to manage resources and timelinesto maximize effectiveness

• Ability to assume responsibility foraccomplishing team goals

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

Critical Work Function: Provide Data/Information Assurance

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184 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology







A3. Review and test plansand strategies forcompliance withapplicable regulationsand standards

• Plans and strategies meet specifications ofapplicable regulations and standards

• Compliance is reviewed in the context ofrisk analysis, cost benefit analysis andimplementation feasibility

• Appropriate recommendations followreview and testing processes

• Regulations and standards are regularlymonitored for updates and revisions

• Knowledge of applicable business policiesand analysis tools

• Knowledge of applicable securityregulations and standards

• Ability to perform compliance reviewsand analysis

• Ability to formulate and present security/data assurance plans, strategies andrecommendations

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutions• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints

and relate intent to desired results• Ability to identify key sources

of information• Ability to pose critical questions

A4. Implement data/information assuranceplans and strategies

• Data/information assurance plans andstrategies are implemented according torequirements, specifications, timelines andrelevant decision points

• Implementation schedule and expectationsare communicated to relevant stakeholders

• Implementation includes appropriatetransition and contingency plans

• Plans and strategies are implemented withminimal disruptions

• Implementation includes applicableorientation and training

• Knowledge of implementation planningprocesses, procedures and requirements

• Knowledge of security toolsand technologies

• Knowledge of training processesand procedures

• Ability to develop and implement transitionand contingency plans

• Ability to synthesize information• Ability to create detailed supporting

documentation• Ability to organize and present

information to users and analyze group/individual response

• Ability to create and develop newrules/principles

A5. Monitor performanceto ensure integrity andconfidentiality

• Security data is collected, and documentedand analyzed

• Security breaches are detected andreported according to applicable practicesand procedures

• Security issues are quickly identified,escalated appropriately and resolved

• Monitoring process includes routine andnonroutine self-tests and audits

• Knowledge of data collection and analysispractices and techniques

• Knowledge of detection tools andreporting practices

• Knowledge of security testing and securityauditing methods

• Ability to gather, summarize and presentperformance data

• Ability to establish rapport withco-workers and customers and modifyactions to environment

• Ability to analyze organizationof information

• Ability to compare and interpretmultiple viewpoints

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to read and follow written

instructions• Ability to recognize ethical issues• Ability to maintain confidentiality

Critical Work Function: Provide Data/Information Assurance

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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A6. Maintain and updatedata/informationassurance plansand strategies asappropriate

• Plans and strategies are regularly reviewedfor update and revision

• Plans and strategies are evaluated againstcurrent and emerging security criteria,regulations and standards

• Revised plans and strategies areappropriately communicated and effectivelyintegrated

• Security policies and requirements areregularly reviewed in the maintenance andupgrade process

• Knowledge of applicable security/dataassurance regulations, standardsand practices

• Ability to analyze and recommend changesin security policies and practices

• Ability to organize and presenttechnical data

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to create data gathering process• Ability to create plan to monitor and

correct system• Ability to analyze client/user needs and

evaluate effectiveness of solutions• Ability to devise/implement plan of action

Critical Work Function: Provide Data/Information Assurance

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186 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology







B1. Gather data andanalyze securityrequirements

• Security data requirements include devices,topology and intrusion detection

• Sources and methods for gatheringrequirements are trustworthy and current

• Data is gathered continuously in a cost-effective manner

• Security requirements reflect current andemerging data/information assurancestandards, regulations and practices

• Requirements are analyzed relativeto applicable time, technology andcost constraints

• Knowledge of network architecture andapplicable security products and practices

• Knowledge of security devices, topologyand intrusion detection

• Knowledge of information gatheringmethods, procedures and practices

• Ability to analyze and apply securitystandards, regulations and practices

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Ability to ask relevant questions• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information• Ability to recommend an ethical course

of action• Ability to pose critical questions

B2. Identify, analyze andevaluate infrastructureand networkvulnerabilities

• Infrastructure and network devices andsoftware are benchmarked against knownlimitations and vulnerabilities

• Corrective plan is developedand implemented based on thebenchmarking data

• Appropriate policies and procedures aredeveloped for access control andauthentication

• Physical security issues are identifiedand resolved

• Routine updates and upgrades areimplemented per established procedures

• Relevant infrastructure, topology andhardware information is appropriatelylogged and maintained

• Knowledge of network architecture,topology, devices and software

• Knowledge of access control andauthentication methods and protocols

• Ability to gather and evaluate technicaldata and maintain appropriate records

• Knowledge of applicable physical securityrequirements and practices

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to evaluate system configuration• Ability to use prior training/experience to

predict outcomes• Ability to analyze, interpret and

summarize information• Ability to present complex ideas

and information

Critical Work Function: Ensure Infrastructure and Network Security

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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B3. Develop criticalsituation contingencyplans and disasterrecovery plan

• Plans appropriately prioritizecriticality, time, cost and humanresource requirements

• Plans reflect realistic scenarios for recoveryand restoration

• Plans are effectively disseminated andcontinuously improved

B4. Implement/testcontingency andbackup plans andcoordinate withstakeholders

• Knowledge of contingency and disasterrecovery planning processes and practices

• Knowledge of network architectureand topology

• Ability to understand the IT mission andisolate critical performance elements

• Ability to predict outcomes/resultsbased on prior knowledge

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocumentation and write technicaldocuments for a variety of audiences

• Ability to analyze systemconfiguration/stability

• Ability to analyze, interpret andsummarize information

• Contingency and backup plans are validatedthrough successful operational testing

• Contingency plans and procedures areroutinely practiced, reviewed and refined

• Contingency and backup plans areimplemented with appropriate participationof, and minimal disruption to, users

• Testing results in greater organizationalawareness, readiness and responsiveness

• Contingency and backup plans areeffectively communicated to internal andexternal stakeholders

• Knowledge of contingency andbackup plan development, testingand implementation

• Knowledge of networking and generalsystems security

• Ability to analyze technical problems anddevelop appropriate solutions

• Knowledge of local and wide areanetworking environments

• Ability to develop and implement backupcommunication and coordination plans

• Ability to systematically organizeinformation

• Ability to evaluate critically ofproblems, identify possible causesand propose solutions

• Ability to communicate effectivelywith clients/users

• Ability to document findings in detailedsupporting documents

B5. Monitor, report andresolve securityproblems

• Security problems are detected quickly andreported accurately

• Monitoring includes all relevant devices,software and points of access

• Security problems are resolved effectivelyand measures are taken to precluderecurrence

• Problem resolutions provide for improveddetection and deterrence

• Knowledge of security detection anddeterrence methods and strategies

• Knowledge of security monitoring practicesand procedures

• Knowledge of problem escalation andresolution methods

• Ability to integrate multiple items of dataand synthesize information

• Ability to interpret information, preparebasic summaries/reports and selectmethod of communication

• Ability to present results clearly andconcisely

• Ability to probe for underlying issues andpose critical questions

• Ability to determine system componentsto be modified or improved

Critical Work Function: Ensure Infrastructure and Network Security

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

188 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology






CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Develop, Manage and Enforce Security Policies

• Sources and methods for gatheringrequirements are trustworthy and current

• Security requirements are consistent with allapplicable standards, laws and regulations

• Requirements are analyzed relativeto applicable time, technology andcost constraints

• Requirements include feasibility analysisand recommendations for implementationand enforcement

• Requirements are regularly researched,reviewed, updated and approved byrelevant stakeholders

C1. Perform research andanalyze requirements

• Knowledge of applicable standards, lawsand regulations

• Knowledge of information gatheringmethods, procedures and practices

• Ability to collect, analyze, interpret andpresent security requirements in the dataassurance environment

• Knowledge of applicable conditionsand limitations relative to securitypolicy development

• Ability to identify key sourcesof information

• Ability to analyze information foraccuracy and consistency

• Ability to work cooperatively withothers and contribute ideas, suggestionsand assistance

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to accurately summarize and

document information

C2. Develop, assess anddocument securitypolicies, practices andprocedures

• Policies are developed and documentedaccording to applicable practicesand procedures

• Policies are assessed for feasibility ofapplication and enforcement

• Policies reflect system and infrastructurecapabilities

• Assessment includes accommodation foremerging trends and technologies

• Knowledge of policy development practicesand methodology

• Knowledge of system and infrastructurearchitecture and capabilities

• Knowledge of emerging tools andtechnologies in security and data assurance

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to use prior training/experienceto predict outcomes

• Ability to interpret data/information• Ability to present complex

information/ideas and analyze group/individual response

C3. Disseminate policiesand implementationpractices andprocedures

• Security policies and practices are clear,pertinent and effectively communicatedto all staff and stakeholders

• Policy implementation includesopportunities for review, feedbackand revision

• Policy enforcement is visible, fair andconsistent with applicable laws, practicesand institutional guidelines

• Knowledge of project planningand implementation

• Knowledge of cybersecurity policyenforcement methods and practices

• Ability to effectively communicate dataassurance and information securityconcepts, procedures and regulations toa variety of audiences

• Knowledge of documentation dissemination,revision and control techniques

• Ability to present security tradeoffsand risks and pose critical questions

• Ability to willingly help others andestablish rapport with coworkersand customers

• Ability to identify and projectresource needs

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

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C4. Implement, enforceand monitor securitypolicies, practices andprocedures

• Security policies and proceduresprovide for performance audits andeffectiveness reviews

• Stakeholders agree to follow securityimplementation guidelines and procedures

• Enforcement is visible, fair and consistentlyfollows applicable laws, practicesand regulations

• Security policies, practices and proceduresare routinely followed and upheld

• Data is continuously gathered on theperformance and effectiveness of securityplans and operations

• Knowledge of performance audit and policyreview techniques

• Knowledge of system security processesand procedures

• Knowledge of organizational, legal andregulatory issues surrounding securitypolicy enforcement

• Knowledge of evaluation criteria relevantto information assurance and datasystems security

• Ability to apply systems performance andaudit data for policy compliance

• Ability to formulate plan of action andpredict outcomes

• Ability to organize and present technicalinformation to nontechnical users andanalyze group/individual response

• Ability to assess and modify policies/procedures

• Ability to plan according to resourceconstraints and requirements

Critical Work Function: Develop, Manage and Enforce Security Policies

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190 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology






CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Perform Security Education and Training

D1. Identify and assesseducation and trainingrequirements for allconstituents

• Requirements reflect immediate trainingand education needs

• Requirements include long term andstrategic IT workforce development goals

• Requirements are periodically reviewed forcurrency and applicability

• Requirements include appropriateassessments and certifications

• Knowledge of training and professionaldevelopment methods and practices

• Knowledge of industry and enterprise ITworkforce development trends and needs

• Ability to develop and maintain educationand training plans

• Knowledge of skill and competencyassessment methods and tools

• Ability to analyze relationship betweenparts/whole

• Ability to create organized and detailedsupporting documents

• Ability to assess and recommendtraining alternatives

• Ability to understand constraints, generatealternatives, consider risks, evaluateoptions and formulate action plans

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

D2. Identify resources andsupport materials

• Resources and source materials are current• Resources and source materials are based

on industry-derived standards• Resources and source materials reflect

acceptable quality of instructional design• Resources and source materials support

desired learner outcomes, competencies,skills assessments and certifications

• Knowledge of sources of applicabletraining and educational resources andmaterials

• Ability to assess and determine quality andsuitability of education and trainingresources and source materials

• Knowledge of outcomes assessment andcertification

• Ability to research additional informationsources

• Ability to follow rules and procedures• Ability to compile multiple viewpoints• Ability to be creative in identifying and

locating sources of information

D3. Design and developeducation and trainingplans and strategies

• Plans and strategies support enterprise skilldevelopment needs

• Plans and strategies reflect acceptedindustry practices and policies

• Plans and strategies result in consistentoutcomes

• Plans and strategies support immediate ITworkforce skill needs and future ITworkforce development goals

• Knowledge of IT workforce professionaldevelopment planning processes

• Ability to accurately determine current andfuture needs

• Knowledge of enterprise and businessgoals and strategies

• Knowledge IT and security policies,methods, practices and strategies

• Knowledge of budgetary and contractualaspects of workforce professionaldevelopment

• Ability to analyze and respond to client/user needs

• Ability to work cooperatively withothers and contribute ideas, suggestionsand assistance

• Ability to compare multiple viewpointsand relate intent to desired results

• Ability to organize and present complexinformation to users

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CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Perform Security Education and Training

D4. Deliver educationand training

• Education and training programs aredelivered in a timely manner

• Education and training programs aredelivered within budget

• Education and training programs areconvenient and accessible

• Education and training programs resultin expected outcomes, skills andknowledge gains

• Knowledge of education and trainingprogram development and delivery

• Knowledge of training program budgetingand accounting

• Knowledge of learner andenvironmental variability

• Knowledge of education and trainingprogram outcomes assessment

• Ability to gather, analyze andcategorize information

• Ability to present complex ideas/information and analyze responses

• Ability to listen attentively and comparemultiple viewpoints

• Ability to speak clearly and present well-organized presentations

• Ability to identify training needs andconduct task-specific training

D5. Assess results anddetermine followuprequirements

• Education and training programs resultin appropriate or required credentialsand/or certifications

• Education and training programs areroutinely evaluated with regard to needs,outcomes and cost

• Education and training programrequirements are periodically reviewedwith stakeholders and systematicallyrevised as needed

• Knowledge of applicability of appropriatedegrees, certificates and certifications

• Ability to comprehensively evaluateeducation and training programs

• Knowledge of IT education andtraining program development, deliveryand evaluation

• Ability to present and discuss ITworkforce education, training andprofessional development programsto nontechnical audiences

• Ability to use logic to draw conclusionsfrom available information

• Ability to analyze information andformulate proposals

• Ability to analyze goals/constraintsand examine proposed modificationsand improvements

• Ability to present recommendations in aclear, concise and persuasive manner

• Ability to evaluate/adjust plan of action

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192 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology






CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Develop and Implement Physical Security, Deterrence and Detection

E1. Identify and assesscurrent and anticipatedsecurity risks andvulnerabilities

• Security risks are assessed usingappropriate standards and practices

• Security risks assessments include a varietyof scenarios

• Assumptions are tested and verified• Risk assessments include provisions for

prevention as well as detection

• Knowledge of IT physical security standardsand practices

• Ability to apply imagination and abstractreasoning to security problems

• Knowledge of theoretical andoperational security systems performanceand application

• Knowledge of prevention strategies andpractices relating to IT systems

• Ability to recognize ethical issues• Ability to use prior training/experience to

predict outcomes• Ability to troubleshoot system

malfunction and/or failure• Ability to distinguish trends in

performance and diagnoseperformance deviations

• Ability to analyze possible cause ofproblems and recommend action plansfor resolution

E2. Research and evaluatealternative current andemerging practices,tools and technologies

• Appropriate resources are continuouslyreviewed to determine current andemerging practices, tools and technologies

• Methods are developed and implementedto routinely share information withappropriate stakeholders

• Policies are developed and followed thatensure routine evaluation of currently usedtechnologies and practices

• Routine security audits are performed• Security audit findings and outcomes result

in appropriate action

• Knowledge of relevant IT securityinformation resources

• Knowledge of security systems evaluationand assessment

• Ability to develop, monitor and implementIT physical security policies and plans

• Knowledge of applicable business practices• Knowledge of enterprise risks,

vulnerabilities and budgets

• Ability to formulate approaches andgenerate unique solutions

• Ability to compose well-organizedpresentations and debate issues

• Ability to adapt principles to newapplications and judge logical consistency

E3. Select and applyrelevant tools to meetsecurity goals andrequirements

• Alternative technologies and methods areexplored for effectiveness, benefits and cost

• Alternative tools are evaluated completelyand accurately

• New tools and technologies are evaluatedfor compatibility with applicable existingsystems and practices

• All stakeholders agree to selection criteriaand selection process

• Knowledge of sources of information onemerging IT and physical securitytechnologies, tools and methods

• Ability to perform cost/benefit, ROI andtechnical evaluations

• Knowledge of options for technology use• Knowledge of enterprise IT and physical

security systems• Ability to present IT physical and systems

security information to diverse stakeholders

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to demonstrate honesty

and trustworthiness• Ability to analyze information and

formulate proposals• Ability to communicate/present in a clear

and concise manner• Ability to critically investigate various

security tools

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Develop and Implement Physical Security, Deterrence and Detection

E4. Monitor, evaluate andtest security conditionsand environment

• Policies are developed and implementedthat allow detection of ordinary andnonordinary occurrences

• Policies are developed and disseminatedthat effectively communicate deterrenceand detection practices and procedures

• Normal conditions are monitored withminimal intrusion

• Periodic tests are conducted todetermine effectiveness of monitoringand deterrence practices

• Routine environmental scans are conductedto expose need for changes to securitypractices and procedures

• Knowledge of development andimplementation of effective securitydeterrence and detection policies

• Ability to effectively and unobtrusivelymonitor and enforce IT physical andsystem security

• Knowledge of physical security systemstesting and evaluation

• Ability to effectively communicate plansand implement procedures acrossorganizational boundaries

• Ability to devise and implement planof action

• Ability to create plan to monitor andcorrect system

• Ability to responsibly challenge unethicalpractices/decision

• Ability to monitor and interpret trends intechnology and industry

• Ability to evaluate and interpret data

E5. Implement, extend andrefine physical securityplans and practices

• Physical security plans are implementedwith minimal intrusion

• Data regarding effectiveness of physicalsecurity practices is routinely gathered fromall stakeholders

• Physical security plans are regularlyreviewed and evaluated against emergingtrends and practices

• Physical security plans and practices areregularly updated and improved

• Knowledge of security plan development,implementation and extension practicesand methods

• Ability to gather and present user andstakeholder data

• Knowledge of information resourcesrelevant to IT physical security practicesand trends

• Ability to develop, implement andmaintain continuous improvement plansfor physical security

• Ability to analyze security problems andrecommend solutions

• Ability to implement and evaluate/adjustplan of action

• Ability to use previous training/experiences to predict outcomes

• Ability to organize and clearly presentcomplex information

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CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Perform System Design and Analysis

F1. Define current systems-level requirements, andforecast future needsand trends

• Current systems-level security requirementsare defined according to industry standardterms and metrics

• Current systems-level requirementsaccurately reflect organizational needs andcurrent operational conditions

• Current systems-level requirements arecomplete and accurate and can serve asthe foundation for forecasting future needs

• Forecasts of future systems-level needs andtrends reflect enterprise goals andrequirements

• Forecasts of future systems-level needs andtrends include applicable emergingtechnologies and practices

• Forecasts of future systems-level needs andtrends embrace changing legal, agency orpolicy considerations

• Knowledge of relevant industry terminologyand metrics

• Knowledge of business rules, budgetsand operations

• Ability to develop and present systems-level security planning forecasts

• Knowledge of relevant resources regardingapplicable legal, agency and policydevelopments and recommendations

• Knowledge of relevant resources regardingemerging systems-level IT securitytechnology and trends

• Ability to develop and present IT securityinformation to diverse and nontechnicalstakeholders

• Ability to follow policies, procedures andregulations, pay attention to detail andfollow up on assigned tasks

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to examine information for

relevance and accuracy and adaptprinciples/rules to new applications

• Ability to develop forecasts andevaluate scenarios

F2. Evaluate current andemerging tools andtechnologies

• Current tools and technologies areevaluated according to industry standardbenchmarks and metrics

• Current tools and technologies adequatelymeet organizational needs and currentoperational conditions

• Current tools and technologies provideorganizational framework for theimplementation of emerging technologiesand tools

• Emerging tools and technologies areevaluated according to industry standardbenchmarks and metrics

• Evaluation of emerging technologiesprovides basis for implementation plan

• Knowledge of relevant industry benchmarksand metrics

• Knowledge of business rules, budgetsand operations

• Knowledge of relevant resources regardingemerging IT security tools and technologies

• Ability to develop evaluation rationale anddevelop implementation recommendationsor plans

• Ability to examine data forrelevance/accuracy and presentcomplex ideas/information

• Ability to analyze and understand systemorganization and configuration

• Ability to use logic to draw conclusionsfrom available information and makerecommendations

• Ability to stay current on cutting edgetools and technologies

• Ability to clarify, interpret and influencecommunication

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Perform System Design and Analysis

F3. Evaluate organization’ssecurity strategies

• Security strategies reflect relevanttechnology, tools and practices

• Security strategies support organizationgoals and mission

• Security strategies include clearly statedoutcomes and evaluation criteria

• Security strategies allow for response tounforeseen events

• Security strategies conform to applicablelaws, agency regulations, relevantrecommendations and applicableevaluation criteria

• Knowledge of IT security technology, toolsand practices

• Knowledge of business rules and practices• Knowledge of criteria used to develop and

evaluate IT security strategic plans• Knowledge of security laws, agency

regulations and bureaucraticrecommendations

• Ability to compare multiple viewpointsand relate intent to desired results

• Ability to interpret and analyzeinformation

• Ability to adapt rules/principles tonew applications

• Ability to evaluate and communicatesecurity strategies

• Ability to generate unique solutions,formulate new ideas and recommendnew directions and processes

F4. Makerecommendationsregardingorganization’sinvestmentin security

• Security recommendations are completeand accurately reflect organizationalrequirements and goals

• Recommendations are communicatedappropriately

• Recommendations include risk assessmentand cost/benefit analysis

• Security recommendations are compatiblewith operational systems and technologystrategic plans

• Knowledge of business rules and practices• Knowledge of IT strategic planning• Ability to assess, categorize and rank risks,

benefits and costs• Knowledge of systems- and enterprise-level

IT systems operation and technology

• Ability to analyze goals/constraintsand examine proposed modificationsand improvements

• Ability to pose critical questions,formulate proposals and createoriginal documents

• Ability to adapt technology for complexalternative uses and evaluate applicationof technology

• Ability to forecast future security needs

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196 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology






CYBERSECURITY SKILL STANDARDSCritical Work Function: Perform System Design and Analysis

F5. Coordinate systemstesting and integration

• Tests are appropriately designed andaccurately measure required operationalcharacteristics

• Testers are properly identified and trained• Test results are documented in accordance

with applicable procedures• Test results are appropriately disseminated,

reviewed and applied to performanceimprovement processes

• Knowledge of IT security systems testingtools, processes and procedures

• Knowledge of system operationalcharacteristics and measurement

• Ability to identify and train qualified testers• Knowledge of test documentation practices

• Ability to understand continuousimprovement process and analyzegoals/constraints

• Ability to summarize and translatemathematical data

• Ability to detect underlying issues andresolve technical conflicts

• Ability to analyze systems operation,monitor systems, distinguish trendsin performance and evaluatesystems performance

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

F6. Audit and maintainsystems performanceand ensure futurereadiness

• Systems audits are conducted inaccordance with organizational procedures

• Systems audits reflect applicable industrypractices and recommendations

• Systems audits are reviewed and actedupon by appropriate stakeholders

• Systems readiness plans reflectanticipated growth

• Systems readiness considerations areincluded in IT strategic plans

• Readiness plans include all human andcapital resource requirements

• Knowledge of systems performance andreadiness audit procedures and techniques

• Knowledge of applicable industryperformance audit standards and practices

• Ability to assess and determine anticipatedsystems growth needs

• Knowledge of IT strategic planning andorganizational and enterprise-level ITissues and trends

• Knowledge of business forecastingprocesses, tools and techniques

• Knowledge of applicable informationresources for IT and information assurancestrategic planning

• Ability to analyze and adjust goals• Ability to integrated multiple items of

data and contrast conflicting data• Ability to align resources with testing

and integration needs• Ability to solicit and accept feedback• Ability to plan and communicate







Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 197

Project Management, TaskManagement and Problem-Solving/TroubleshootingThe following functions and tasks are reproducedfrom Version 1 of Building a Foundation for To-morrow: Skill Standards for Information Technol-ogy. These elements represent core skill areasand may be applied to all career clusters.


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• The project’s contribution to overallbusiness needs is explicit

• Criteria for satisfying customer needsare identified

• The size and the specifics of the project aredocumented accurately and completely

• Applicable standards, regulations, and lawsare identified

1. Define scope of project • Ability to use appropriate projectmanagement planning tools

• Ability to create project scenarios• Knowledge of applicable standards,

regulations, and laws

• Ability to analyze situation and formulateplan of action

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to visually analyze relationshipbetween parts/whole and integrate

• Appropriate people are identified in atimely manner

• Escalation procedures are clearly identifiedand agreed upon

2. Identify stakeholders,decision-makers andescalation procedures

• Knowledge of company policyand procedures

• Knowledge of system’s hierarchy

• Ability to consider risks and implications• Ability to use logic to draw conclusions

from available information• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to

stakeholder’s concerns and interests

• The size and specifics of the project areidentified and documented

• Each task is sized appropriately• Environment is documented accurately

and completely

3. Develop detailed tasklist (work breakdownstructures)

• Ability to use appropriate projectmanagement planning tools

• Knowledge of work processes

• Ability to formulate plan of action• Ability to create comprehensive model• Ability to identify important aspects of

the situation

4. Estimate timerequirements

• Time requirements are realistic• Time estimates accommodate the

management approved level• Contingency plans are included in the

time estimates

• Ability to create project scenarios• Ability to visualize project time

requirements at the task level• Knowledge of spreadsheet and project

management software

• Ability to analyze situation and formulatea schedule

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to visually analyzerelationship between parts/wholeand integrate processes

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

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5. Develop initialproject managementflow chart

• Activities contingent on other activities aresequenced appropriately

• Approval points, milestones, and go/no godecision points are defined to allow forproject review, evaluation, postponement,and cancellation

• Tasks requiring long lead times areidentified to avoid project delays

• Task priorities are assigned

• Ability to use appropriate projectmanagement flow charting tools

• Ability to create project scenarios• Ability to visualize tasks sequentially• Knowledge of spreadsheet and project

management software

• Ability to analyze situation and formulatea plan of action

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to visually analyze relationshipbetween parts/whole and integrateprocesses

6. Identify requiredresources and budget

• Resource and budget estimates aresupported with data

• Rationale for recommending specificresources is defined

• Recommendations are thoroughlydocumented

• Ability to project resource andbudgetary needs

• Ability to visualize project resourcerequirements at the task level

• Knowledge of company operatingprocedures regarding resource allocations

• Knowledge of spreadsheet software

• Ability to analyze situations and forecastconclusions regarding resource needs

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

7. Evaluate projectrequirements

• Conflicting or overlapping requirementsare identified

• Evaluation includes feedback from keycustomers, management and peers

• Evaluation is well documented

• Ability to non-defensively critiqueproject plan

• Knowledge of company operatingprocedures regarding projectplan evaluations

• Knowledge of spreadsheet and projectmanagement software

• Ability to request feedback, both writtenand oral

• Ability to judge project effectiveness/efficiency

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

8. Identify andevaluate risks

• Risk identification is complete andconsiders impact on whole system

• Risk evaluation includes feedback from keycustomers, management and peers

• Risks are well documented

• Ability to project potential risk scenarios• Ability to non-defensively evaluate risks• Knowledge of potential impact on

whole system• Knowledge of word processing software

• Ability to determine system componentsto be modified or improved

• Ability to predict potential risks based onexperience or prior knowledge

• Ability to create detailed supportingdocuments

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

200 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology







9. Prepare contingencyplan

• Alternative ways to accomplish the goalsare identified

• Limitations and tradeoffs are explicit• Attention is directed to areas of concern

and risk• Contingency plan is well documented

• Ability to create alternatives• Ability to forecast potential pitfalls• Knowledge of potential impact on

whole system• Knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet

and project management software

• Ability to pose critical questions• Ability to identify contingencies based on

experience or prior knowledge• Ability to create detailed supporting


10. Identifyinterdependencies

• Interdependencies are completely andaccurately identified

• Appropriate information is gathered fromother parts of the system

• Interdependencies are clearly documentedand communicated to those impacted bythe project

• Ability to see the “big picture”• Ability to diagram or document

interdependencies• Knowledge of potential impact on

whole system• Knowledge of word processing and project

management software

• Ability to identify interdependenciesbased on experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to evaluate informationfor accuracy

• Ability to integrate multiple items of dataand reconcile conflicting information

11. Identify and trackcritical milestones

• Milestones and schedules are clearlyunderstood and communicated

• Appropriate information is gathered fromother parts of the system

• Milestones are adjusted appropriately• Documentation provides comprehensive

and understandable information

• Ability to use appropriate tracking andmilestone tools

• Ability to evaluate project progress• Knowledge of potential impact on

whole system• Ability and willingness to adjust plans

and milestones to changing priorities orcustomer requirements

• Knowledge of word processing, spreadsheetand project management software

• Ability to formulate and organizeprocesses

• Ability to identify milestones based onexperience or prior knowledge

• Ability to evaluate informationfor accuracy

12. Participate in projectphase review

• Project reviews are timely and include theappropriate team members

• Appropriate information is gathered fromother parts of the system

• Review is complete and followsoperating procedures

• Ability to participate in a groupreview process

• Ability to evaluate project progress• Knowledge of potential impact on

whole system

• Ability to examine information forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to actively participate based onexperience or prior knowledge

• Ability to interpret and clarifycommunication

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 201







13. Secure neededresources

• The use of the resources is optimized• Resources are obtained so that tasks and

activities occur as planned• People, equipment, supplies, and services

are available when needed• The need for substitutions is identified

and arranged

• Ability to request resources, both writtenand oral

• Knowledge of company operatingprocedures regarding resource availability

• Knowledge of industry standards andconstraints

• Knowledge of word processing andspreadsheet software

• Ability to integrate systemstechnology resources

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to create detailedsupporting documents

14. Manage the changecontrol process

• Necessary changes are identifiedand evaluated

• Appropriate information is gathered fromother parts of the system

• The impact of the change is factored intoproject schedule and budget

• Appropriate parties are notified of theimpact of the changes

• Changes are contemplated and approvedin a timely manner

• Required changes are documentedand implemented

• Ability to evaluate impact of changes onproject plan

• Knowledge of the standard operatingprocedures regarding project changes

• Knowledge of potential impact onwhole system

• Knowledge of word processing, spreadsheetand project management software

• Ability to examine changes for relevancyand appropriateness

• Ability to actively participate based onexperience or prior knowledge

• Ability to interpret and clarifycommunication

• Ability to adapt to changes

15. Report project status • Project outcomes are evaluated againstproject goals

• Complete project phase results aredocumented and clearly communicated

• Lessons learned are clearly documentedand communicated

• Performance metrics associated with theprocess are captured and documented

• Significant problems are immediatelyreported

• The style and format of the projectstatus document conforms tocompany requirements

• Ability to evaluate project status andoutcomes non-defensively

• Knowledge of the standard operatingprocedures regarding project reviews

• Knowledge of the potential impact onwhole system

• Knowledge of word processing, spreadsheetand project management software

• Ability to accept responsibility forown outcomes

• Ability to actively participate based onexperience or prior knowledge

• Ability to interpret and clarifycommunication

• Ability to present information in a clear,concise and objective manner

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

202 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology







• The task’s contribution to overall businessneeds is explicit

• The size and the specifics of the task areidentified accurately

• Criteria for successful completion of thetasks are identified

• Multiple tasks are planned simultaneously• Potential problems are identified and

contingency plans developed

1. Define scope of workto achieve individualand group goals

2. Develop time andactivity plan to achieveobjectives

• Ability to visualize project timerequirements at the task level

• Ability to use appropriate timemanagement methods

• Knowledge of applicable standards,regulations, and laws

• Ability to analyze situation and formulatea task sequence

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to visually analyze relationshipbetween parts/whole and integrateprocesses

• Plan is coordinated with team, cross-functional groups, or individuals

• Plan changes are communicated promptlyto all those affected

• Tasks are prioritized according tobusiness needs

• Multiple tasks are managed simultaneously• Contingency plan is developed

• Ability to visualize project timerequirements at the task level

• Ability to use appropriate time andresource management methods

• Knowledge of system proceduresand constraints

• Knowledge of word processing andspreadsheet software

• Ability to analyze situation and formulatea task strategy

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to visually analyze relationshipbetween parts/whole and integrateprocesses

• Ability to devise and implement planof action

3. Design and developwork processes andprocedures

• Work processes or procedures reflectcustomer needs and cost specifications

• Work processes or procedures aredeveloped on time

• Work processes or procedures aredocumented clearly and concisely

• Work processes or procedures reflectpotential risks and dependencies

• Ability to design and develop work flow• Ability to identify impacts on work

processes• Ability to see the “whole picture”• Knowledge of standard company work

processes and procedures• Knowledge of word processing and

spreadsheet software

• Ability to analyze situation and creatework plan

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to analyze work assignments• Ability to document work processes

KEY ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLSHow do we know when the key activity is performed well? Skills, Abilities, Tools SCANS Skills and Foundation Abilities

Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology ■ NWCET 203







4. Identify and obtaintools and resourcesto do the job

• Necessary supplies and tools are availablewhen needed

• Budget guidelines for tools and resourcesare followed

• Documentation for use and maintenance ofhardware and software is secured, currentand accessible

• Material request procedures are followed

• Ability to forecast tools and resources• Ability to access needed tools

and resources• Knowledge of material request procedures• Ability to analyze cost and benefit of

various tools and resources• Knowledge of word processing and

spreadsheet software

• Ability to analyze situation and create alist of required tools and resources

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to coordinate acquisition, storageand distribution of software and hardware

5. Coordinate andimplement workprocesses andprocedures

• All affected parties are informedand updated

• Implementation is in accord with allrelevant policies and procedures

• Implementation conforms to businessdecision processes

• Implementation is completed withinestablished time frame

• Technical issues are resolved• Ability to coordinate with others to

meet deadlines• Knowledge of task-related work processes

and procedures• Knowledge of business decision processes• Knowledge of word processing and

e-mail software

• Ability to stay focused on desiredoutcomes

• Ability to actively participate inteam tasks

• Ability to implement process plan• Ability to resolve and negotiate issues

with others

6. Monitor, analyze,and evaluate workprocesses andprocedures

• Appropriate monitoring and evaluationsystems are utilized

• Processes and procedures are reviewed byappropriate customers and manager

• Recommendations for improvements inprocess and procedures are made tocustomers and management on acontinuous basis

• Ability to use standard monitoring andevaluation systems

• Ability to schedule process reviewsfollowing company standard practices

• Knowledge of word processing software

• Ability to determine quality and quantityof workload

• Ability to continually improve processes• Ability to assess individual development

and improvement needs• Ability to monitor efficient and effective

utilization of materials and tools

7. Generate and maintaintask status report

• Documentation/information is accurate,clear, and concise

• Document/information is available on time• The style and format of the documentation

conforms to customer and managementrequirements

• Information/documents are stored in atimely manner

• Storage systems are easily accessible

• Ability to evaluate task outcomesnon-defensively

• Knowledge of documentation requirementsof customer and management

• Knowledge of document storage andretrieval tools

• Knowledge of word processing software

• Ability to accept responsibility forown outcomes

• Ability to make process improvementsbased on report outcomes

• Ability to evaluate relevance of dataneeded in report

• Ability to create concise report

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204 NWCET ■ Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skill Standards for Information Technology







1. Define the problem • The problem definition is oriented andfocused toward facts and data

• The existing human and system resourcesare used effectively to determinethe problem

• The problem definition defines a gapin expectations

• Symptoms and background of the problemare identified

• Problem definition is documented clearlyand concisely

• Knowledge of system norms and operations• Knowledge of problem isolation tools

and procedures• Ability to document abnormal events

in detail

• Ability to summarize/generalizeinformation

• Ability to understand systemdiscrepancies

• Ability to examine information/data forrelevance and accuracy

• Ability to distinguish between problemsymptoms and causes

• Ability to clarify and frame problems

2. Perform appropriateanalysis to identifyproblem cause

• Determine appropriate analysis technique• Analysis is complete and documented• Cause(s) of the problem and ramifications

are identified and documented• Scope of impacts are identified and


• Ability to create and test a theory• Ability to perform causal analysis• Ability to identify the impact of the

problem on the whole system• Ability to break down the problem• Ability to think creatively while

analyzing problem

• Ability to apply appropriate principles/laws/theories to situation

• Ability to analyze information andidentify interdependencies

3. Identify/testpossible solutions

• Solutions reflect concern for cost, schedule,and long-term implications

• Measured criteria for evaluationis established

• Tests are in compliance with legalrequirements, company policy, operatingprocedure and customer specifications

• The appropriate solution is identified andthe appropriate action is determined(escalate, fix, or resolve)

• Ability to develop experiments to testa theory

• Ability to develop and test alternativesolutions (fix the fix)

• Knowledge of company operatingprocedures regarding testing procedures

• Ability to apply reasoning skills toidentifying potential solutions

• Ability to research additional sourcesof information

• Ability to generate/evaluate solutionswith others

• Ability to assess the feasibility andrelevance of a solution

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4. Develop resolution plan • Resolution plan is developed, documentedand accepted by all impacted parties

• Resolution plan is designed for minimalimpact of process flow and productivity

• Resolution plan includes appropriate inputfrom customer, key individuals,departments, and outside providers

• Contingency plans are developed andmade available

• Internal and external obstacles areidentified and potential resolutions areidentified and documented

• Ability to facilitate solution selection• Ability to organize and manage

complex processes• Knowledge of the impact of solutions on

whole system

• Ability to analyze system configuration• Ability to gather data, analyze, and reach

decisions and agreements• Ability to resolve technical issues• Ability to propose options/solutions based

on research

5. Implement solution • Resolution plan is implemented in anefficient and timely manner

• Any changes to the plan are communicatedpromptly to key individuals

• Appropriate change requests are completedaccording to company requirements

• Solution to the problem (includingoperational adjustments) is documentedand communicated to appropriateindividuals and groups

• Problem solution is written into knowledgebase and/or communicated appropriately

• Ability to assess resolution plan on acontinuous basis

• Knowledge of company changemanagement procedures

• Ability to deal with implementationobstacles

• Ability to organize new processes/procedures

• Ability to predict outcomes/results basedon experience or prior knowledge

• Ability to implement plan of action• Ability to write and edit technical

documents• Ability to communicate with a variety

of audiences

6. Evaluate problemsolving processesand outcomes

• Evaluation determines whether theoutcomes solved the problem in accordwith what was intended (and did not causeany unintended or unexpected results)

• Evaluation determines whether the processwas used efficiently and responsibly

• The validity and usefulness of the outcomesis assessed

• Any appropriate follow-up actionis determined

• Ability to evaluate technical solutions• Knowledge of company procedures for

follow-up actions

• Ability to summarize/generalizeinformation

• Ability to compare multiple viewpoints• Ability to analyze information and

identify interdependencies• Ability to evaluate problem solving

processes and suggest continuousimprovement

For more information please contact:

The National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies3000 Landerholm Circle SE, N258Bellevue, WA 98007-6484

Phone: (425) 564-4215Fax: (425) 564-6193Email: [email protected]: www.nwcet.org

Printing of this work has been made possible by a grant from the Boeing Company, a recognized leaderin technology education, workforce development and worldwide initiatives in transportation, aerospace,defense and integrated systems.

Copyright © Boeing Management Company. All rights reserved. Image used under license.