200 Juices & Smoothies (All Colour Cookbook) - Hamlyn Cookbooks

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This eBook first published in 2010

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by Octopus Publishing Group Ltd

Copyright © Octopus PublishingGroup Ltd 2008

The recipes in this book havepreviously appeared in other bookspublished by Hamlyn.

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ISBN: 9780600623120

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Both metric and imperialmeasurements have been given inall recipes. Use one set ofmeasurements only, and not amixture of both.

Standard level spoon measurements

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are used in all recipes.1 tablespoon = one 15 ml spoon1 teaspoon = one 5 ml spoon

200 ml (7 fl oz) makes 1 averageserving.

All fruit and vegetables should bewashed before use.

Fresh herbs should be used unlessotherwise stated.

All yogurt should be live unlessotherwise stated.

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This book includes dishes madewith nuts and nut derivatives. It isadvisable for those with knownallergic reactions to nuts and nutderivatives and those who may bepotentially vulnerable to theseallergies, such as pregnant andnursing mothers, invalids, theelderly, babies and children, toavoid dishes made with nuts and nutoils. It is also prudent to check thelabels of pre-prepared ingredientsfor the possible inclusion of nutderivatives.

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ContentsCopyrightintroductionfruit juicesvegetable juiceshealthy smoothiesjuices & smoothies for kidsindexacknowledgements

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juicing is the answer

These days it is impossible toescape the fact that we need to eatat least five portions of fruit andvegetables every day to make surethat we enjoy good healththroughout our lives. Today’s busylifestyles mean that more often thannot we find ourselves grabbing foodas and when we can, giving littlethought to its nutritional content andmore to convenience and speed ofpreparation.

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All research points to the fact,however, that both our long-termand short-term wellbeing dependson our being more careful aboutwhat we eat, especially when itcomes to fruit and vegetables. Weshould learn to regard food as animportant and valuable commoditythat will not only enable our bodiesto perform at their optimum best foras long as possible but alsoimprove our appearance.

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five good reasons tojuice

• Juicing will help our

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bodies recover from illnessand protect us againstdisease.

• Juicing can make sure thatwe get our dailyrecommended intake ofvitamins and mineralseasily.

• The folic acid found infruit and vegetablescontributes to both healthyhair and nails.

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• The antioxidants in fruitand vegetables are essentialfor healthy, attractive skin.

• Juicing is a convenient andhealthful way of supportinga weight-loss programme.

nutritional benefitsFruit and vegetables are cheap andeasily available, and supermarketsand many smaller stores now offer afar wider range than ever before.Even though juicing requires

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practically no preparation and verylittle clearing up, many of us stillfind ourselves opting for a bag ofcrisps or a biscuit, rather than afresh juice. Not only is there nonutritional value in junk food, butwe will need to eat it more oftenand in greater quantities in order tofeel satisfied.

It’s perfectly understandable thatmost of us will find the idea ofeating our way through a bag ofapples or a pile of green vegetablesevery day hard work, and this iswhy juicing is such an attractive

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alternative: juices are quick andeasy to prepare, they are deliciousto drink, and they are satisfying andnourishing. Combining severaldifferent fruits and vegetables inyour regular juices is one of theeasiest ways of helping you achieveyour quota of at least five a day inno time at all.

why juice at home?So what is the difference betweenmaking your own juice and buying acarton? The most obviousdifference is that the nutrients

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present in fresh, homemade juice farsurpass anything you can buy. Thisis because bought juice has beenpre-squeezed, packaged and usuallydiluted with water, so that many ofthe nutrients are lost along the way.There may also be additives inbought juices, includingpreservatives, whereas at home youcan be sure of exactly what you aredrinking.

Not only does homemade juicetaste better, but the nutrients can berapidly assimilated into the body.This can, in fact, be a bit of a shock

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to your body because it is adetoxification process that cancause a slight headache. When youbegin to drink your own juices youmight also find that you are passingwater more often. However, onceyour body has adjusted to your newregime, the symptoms will fade andyou will feel — and look — great.

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making the best juices andsmoothies

If you are a newcomer to juices andsmoothies it is best not to rush outand buy a lot of expensiveequipment. Smoothies can easily bemade in a food processor orblender. However, if you areplanning to make juices regularlyyou will find it is worth investing ina good machine.

which juicer?

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There are several models of juiceron the market these days, and yourchoice will probably depend asmuch on how much you want tospend as to how effective the juicerwill be. There are two basicoptions: a masticating juicer, whichforces ingredients through a wiremesh, thereby extracting as muchjuice as possible as it does so, anda centrifugal juicer, which usesspinning blades to separate the pulpfrom the juice. The centrifugaljuicer produces less juice, but it is acheaper option for beginners.

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let’s juice1 Assemble your ingredients, butdon’t prepare them until the lastminute to avoid discoloration.2 Wash or scrub ingredients thatyou are keeping whole — such ascarrots or parsnips — and peelthem only if absolutely necessary.3 Roughly chop and weigh theingredients according to the recipe.

what is a smoothie?Unlike a juice, a smoothie is madein a food processor or blender. It is

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thicker than a juice, and mostinclude extra ingredients such asyogurt, honey, ice cream or milk aswell as fruit and juices. A smoothieis even quicker and easier to makethan juice because all theingredients go straight into themachine and are simply processedfor a few seconds.

One of the best ways of making areally good smoothie is to usefrozen fruits. The process offreezing means that the vitamins andnutrients are retained in the fruits,and frozen produce allows you to

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enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetablesall year round. Your drink will benaturally chilled and won’t need tobe diluted with ice or chilled water.

juices & smoothies for kidsMaking sure that your children get aminimum of five fruits andvegetables a day can be a battle, butjuices and smoothies are a greatway to make sure they get all thenutrients needed for a healthy,growing body. Most kids love them,and your life will be easier if youdon’t have to try and get them to eat

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choosing the bestingredients

There are very few fruit orvegetables that can’t be used injuices and smoothies, and althoughthe idea of eating portions ofparsnips and pineapple togethermight not fill you with enthusiasmthis combination works surprisinglywell as a juice. However, there area few firm favourites that appeartime and time again, and followingis a round-up of some of the best

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fruit and vegetables.Buy organic fruit and vegetables

whenever possible to avoidresidual pesticides and wash orscrub them thoroughly before use toremove dirt and germs.

applesNot only are apples full ofantioxidants, but they have anaturally sweet flavour thatcomplements sour and savouryingredients really well. Use applesunpeeled or juice them whole,including the pips, to gain the

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maximum nutritional benefit — theantioxidant quercetin, for example,is found only in the skin. Thefresher the apple the more vitaminC it will contain.

oranges and other citrus fruitsThese are one of the best sources ofvitamin C, and also one of the mostpopular mixers in juices andsmoothies. Some recipes suggestthat you remove the skin but leavesome of the pith attached to thesegments to increase the vitamincontent of your drinks.

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bananasBananas are especially useful insmoothies because they help tocreate a thick, smooth, tasty drink.Bananas can be peeled, sliced andfrozen overnight to make a cooldrink the next day. They are full ofcarbohydrates and an ideal energybooster or quick snack.

strawberriesBoth beneficial and delicious,strawberries are a good source ofvitamin C, calcium and potassium.

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To make the most of this universalfavourite freeze the fruits when inseason and add them to smoothiesall year round.


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Pears are delicious in juices. Notonly do they combine well withother fruits and vegetables, but theyare also ideal for children becausethey rarely cause an allergicreaction. They are full of vitamin C,potassium and beta-carotene and aquick source of energy.

peachesThis fruit can be a boon if yousuffer from stomach upsets becauseof its antioxidant qualities. It is alsoa good source of vitamin C.

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apricotsBoth fresh and dried apricots can beused in juices and smoothies. Driedapricots tend to be much sweeterthan the fresh fruit but they have ahigh beta-carotene and potassiumcontent.

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cranberriesIf you suffer from urinary infectionscranberry juice could be theanswer. The fruits are rich invitamin C and potassium, and theyare delicious in juices, adding abittersweet flavour and vibrantcolour.

blackberriesRich in vitamin C and full ofantioxidants, blackberries are goodfor building a healthy immunesystem. The fresh fruit freezes well

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and can be added to smoothies allyear round.

mangoesA mango will add an exotic flavourto drinks, and the fruit also containsa high level of vitamin C, fibre andpotassium. It is a great fruit to keepon your shopping list.

watermelonsYielding large amounts of juice,watermelons are a great antioxidant,detoxing and diuretic fruits. They

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are also a firm favourite withchildren because of their mild,sweet flavour.

avocadosAvocados are full of protein andare filling and nutritious. They arerich in vitamin E, which isbeneficial to the skin and helpsmaintain healthy circulation. Eatavocados as soon as they are ripeas they start to lose importantantioxidants as they ripen. Cut themand remove the skin and stones atthe very last minute to avoid

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tomatoesIt is believed that tomatoes mayhelp lower the risk of certaincancers, and this is attributed to thelycopene they contain. They arealso high in vitamin C and fibre.

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Adding tomatoes to savoury juicesboosts their nutrient content andmakes them colourful.

carrotsCarrots are great energy food andare an aid to good digestionbecause of their fibre content; theyare also full of beta-carotene andalpha-carotene, and are delicious inboth fruit and vegetable juices.

spinachSome people recoil at the idea of

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spinach in a drink, but, as the sayinggoes, don’t knock it until you’vetried it. Rich in iron and beta-carotene, spinach is great forvegetarians.

beetrootBeetroot is a great source of folicacid and fibre. Surprisinglyperhaps, it is delicious whencombined with citrus fruits, makinga tangy and colourful juice.


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Celery is a great cleanser and isrich in phyto-nutrients. A few sticksof celery produce a good yield ofjuice, and it is much more easilydigested as juice than in its rawstate.

gingerRenowned in many traditional dietsas an immunity booster, gingerhelps to fight bugs with its highlevels of zinc. It is also said to besettling for the stomach and isparticularly useful for mothers-to-be who are suffering from morning

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live yogurtLive yogurt is a valuable source ofcalcium and vitamin D. It helps tomaintain good health, because itcontains cultures with health-givingproperties. Including yogurt in asmoothie is a good way of giving achild who doesn’t like milk acalcium boost.

soyaSoya is rich in protein and calcium.

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It makes an excellent alternative todairy products for those who arelactose-intolerant, and it helps tolower cholesterol levels. It is alsouseful for controlling the symptomsof the menopause.

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fruit juices

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watermelon & strawberryjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

200 g (7 oz) strawberries, plusextra to serve (optional)

200 g (7 oz) watermelonsmall handful of mint leaves, plus

sprigs to decorate2–3 ice cubes

Hull the strawberries. Skin and

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deseed the melon and cut the fleshinto cubes.

Transfer the fruit to a foodprocessor or blender, add the mintand process with a couple of icecubes.

Pour into a glass, decorate withmint sprigs and whole or slicedstrawberries, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For watermelon & cranberryjuice, simply replace the

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strawberries with the same quantityof cranberries and add 200 g (7 oz)cucumber. This makes a longer,more refreshing and slightly tangydrink.

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watermelon & raspberryjuice

Makes 350 ml (12 fl oz)

about 300 g (10 oz) watermelon125 g (4 oz) raspberries2–3 ice cubes

Skin and deseed the melon and cutthe flesh into cubes. Juice the melonwith the raspberries.

Pour into a glass, add a couple of

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ice cubes and serve immediately.

For watermelon & orange juice,juice 2 oranges instead of theraspberries.

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papaya, raspberry &grapefruit juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) papaya150 g (5 oz) grapefruit150 g (5 oz) raspberriesjuice of ½ lime, plus slices to serve

(optional)2–3 ice cubes (optional)

Scoop out the flesh of the papaya.

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Segment the grapefruit, leaving thepith on, and juice it with the papayaand raspberries and lime juice.

Pour into a glass, add the ice cubes,if using, and decorate with limeslices if liked.

For papaya & orange juice,replace the grapefruit andraspberries with the juice of 2oranges and 125 g (4 oz) cucumber.

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pineapple, grape & celeryjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

125 g (4 oz) pineapple125 g (4 oz) seedless green grapes50 g (2 oz) celery50 g (2 oz) lettuce, plus extra to

serve (optional)2–3 ice cubes (optional)

Remove the skin and core from the

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pineapple and roughly chop theflesh. Juice the pineapple with thegrapes, celery and lettuce.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, decorate with pieces oflettuce, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For pineapple & pear juice,double the amount of pineapple andreplace the grapes, celery andlettuce with 2 pears and half a lime.This juice is rich in vitamins aswell as being delicious.

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celery, ginger &pineapple juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

125 g (4 oz) celery125 g (4 oz) pineapple2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh root

gingercrushed ice

Trim the celery and cut it into 5 cm(2 inch) lengths. Remove the peel

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and core from the pineapple andchop it into cubes. Peel and roughlychop the ginger. Juice the celerywith the pineapple and ginger.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender and processwith a little crushed ice. Pour into aglass and serve immediately.

For pineapple & pink grapefruitjuice, omit the celery and ginger,double the amount of pineapple andjuice it with the flesh and skin of apink grapefruit. Top up with still

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pineapple & alfalfa juice

Makes 250 ml (8 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) pineapple150 g (5 oz) alfalfa sprouts, plus

extra to decorate2–3 ice cubes50 ml (2 fl oz) still water

Peel and core the pineapple, chopthe flesh into cubes and juice.

Transfer the pineapple juice to a

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food processor or blender, add thealfalfa sprouts, ice cubes and stillwater and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a glass, sprinklewith extra alfalfa sprouts and serveimmediately.

For pineapple & lettuce juice,juice 125 g (4 oz) pineapple withdouble the amount of lettuce. If youprefer a really slushy drink, blendthe resulting juice with some icecubes.

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blackberry, cantaloupemelon & kiwifruit juice

Makes 250 ml (8 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) cantaloupe melon2 kiwifruit100 (3½ oz) fresh or frozen

blackberries, plus extra todecorate (optional)

2–3 ice cubes

Peel the melon and cut the flesh into

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cubes. Leaving on the skins, evenlyslice the kiwifruit. Juice the melonand kiwifruit with the blackberries.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender and processwith a couple of ice cubes. Pourinto a glass and decorate with a fewblackberries, if liked.

For melon & cherry juice, skinand roughly chop 300 g (10 oz)honeydew melon. Juice the melonflesh with 125 g (4 oz) pittedcherries.

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blackberry, apple &celeriac juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) celeriac50 g (2 oz) apple100 g (3½ oz) frozen blackberries,

plus extra to decorate2–3 ice cubes

Peel the celeriac and cut the fleshinto cubes. Roughly chop the apple

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and juice it with the celeriac.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add theblackberries and a couple of icecubes and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith extra blackberries and serveimmediately.

For blackberry & pineapple juice,juice 150 g (5 oz) each ofblackberries and pineapple with 25g (1 oz) apple. Serve in a tall glass

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over ice.

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blueberry, apple & gingerjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh rootginger, roughly chopped, plusextra to serve (optional)

250 g (8 oz) blueberries125 g (4 oz) grapefruit250 g (8 oz) applesice cubes (optional)

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Peel and roughly chop the ginger.Juice the blueberries, grapefruit andapple with the ginger.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, decorate with thin slices ofginger, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For apple & ginger juice, juice250 g (8 oz) apple with 2.5 cm (1inch) ginger. If you like, top it upwith ice-cold water.

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summer strawberry juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) strawberries200 g (7 oz) tomatoesbasil leavesice cubes

Hull the strawberries. Juice thetomatoes with the strawberries anda few basil leaves, reserving 1basil leaf for decoration.

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Pour the juice into a glass over ice,decorate with the reserved basilleaf and serve immediately.

For strawberry & kiwifruit juice,wash and hull 150 g (5 oz)strawberries and juice them with 2peeled kiwifruit.

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apple, cranberry &blueberry juice

Makes 300 ml (10 fl oz)

3 apples150 ml (5 fl oz) unsweetened

cranberry juice125 g (4 oz) fresh or frozen

blueberries1 tablespoon powdered psyllium

husks (optional)ice cubes (optional)

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Juice the apples. Transfer the applejuice to a food processor orblender, add the cranberry juice,blueberries and powdered psylliumhusks, if using, and process.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, and serve immediately.

For cranberry, apple & lettucejuice, juice half an apple and 125 g(4 oz) lettuce with 50 g (2 oz)cranberries. Serve over ice.

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pear & cranberry juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

1 large pear100 ml (3½ fl oz) cranberry juiceice cubes

Juice the pear. Mix the pear juicewith the cranberry juice.

Pour the combined juices into aglass over ice and serveimmediately.

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For cranberry & cucumber juice,use the same amount of cranberryjuice and add the juice of 1 orangeand 50 g (2 oz) cucumber.

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orange & raspberry juice

Makes 500 ml (17 fl oz)

2 large oranges175 g (6 oz) raspberries250 ml (8 fl oz) still waterice cubes (optional)

Peel the oranges and divide theflesh into segments. Juice the orangesegments with the raspberries thenadd the still water.

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Pour the juice into 2 tall glassesover ice, if using, and serveimmediately.

For orange & apricot juice, juice300 g (10 oz) fresh apricots with 1large orange. Top up with water totaste.

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apple, mango &passionfruit juice

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

1 mango2 passionfruit3 apples, preferably red, plus extra

to serve (optional)ice cubes

Peel the mango and remove thestone. Slice the passionfruit in half,

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scoop out the flesh and discard theseeds. Juice the apples with themango and passionfruit.

Pour the juice into a tall glass overice, decorate with apple slices, ifliked, and serve immediately.

For mango & pineapple juice,juice a peeled and stoned mangowith 125 g (4 oz) pineapple and 3apples. Top up with ice-cold water,if liked.

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apple, apricot & peachjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

3 apricots1 peach, plus extra to serve

(optional)2 applesice cubes

Halve and stone the apricots andpeach. Juice the apples with the

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apricots and peach.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a few icecubes and process for 10 seconds.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith peach slices, if liked, andserve immediately.

For apple & passionfruit juice,replace the peach with 2passionfruit. Juice the apricot,apple and passionfruit and serveover ice.

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pear, kiwifruit & limejuice

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

3 kiwifruit, plus extra to serve(optional)

2 ripe pears½ lime2–3 ice cubes (optional)

Peel the kiwifruit. Slice thekiwifruit, pears and lime into even-

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sized pieces then juice.

Pour into a tall glass, add a coupleof ice cubes, if using, decorate withslices of kiwifruit, if liked, andserve immediately.

For grape & kiwifruit juice,replace the pears and lime juicewith 300 g (10 oz) seedless greengrapes.

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pear, celery & gingerjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

50 g (2 oz) celery2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh root

ginger100 g (3½ oz) pearice cubes

Trim the celery and cut it into 5 cm(2 inch) lengths. Peel and roughly

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chop the ginger. Juice the pear withthe celery and ginger.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice;alternatively, briefly process thejuice in a food processor or blenderwith 2–3 ice cubes.

For pear & peach juice, juice 3pears with 2 peaches to give athick, nutritious drink.

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pear, grapefruit & celeryjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

75 g (3 oz) grapefruit125 g (4 oz) lettuce75 g (3 oz) celery50 g (2 oz) pearice cubes (optional)

Peel the grapefruit and divide itinto segments. Separate the lettuce

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into leaves. Trim the celery and cutit into 5 cm (2 inch) lengths. Quarterthe pear. Juice the grapefruit withthe lettuce, celery and pear.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, and serve immediately.

For grapefruit & lemon juice, peeland segment a grapefruit and juice itwith 5 cm (2 inches) cucumber andhalf a lemon. Top up with sparklingmineral water.

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grape & plum juice

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

about 300 g (10 oz) plums, plusextra to serve (optional)

150 g (5 oz) seedless red grapes2–3 crushed ice cubes

Remove the stones from the plumsthen cut the flesh into even-sizedpieces. Juice with the grapes.

Pour the juice into a tall glass, add

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a couple of crushed ice cubes,decorate with grapes or slices ofplum, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For plum & orange juice, replacethe grapes with 2 oranges. If youlike, top up with sparkling mineralwater.

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grapefruit & orange juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

½ grapefruit1 large orange1 limeice cubes or sparkling mineral


Peel all the fruit, leaving a little ofthe pith on the segments. If you like,reserve some of the lime rind to

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Juice the fruit, then either serve itover ice or, if you want a longerdrink, dilute it with an equal amountof sparkling mineral water. Servethe juice decorated with curls oflime rind, if liked.

For orange & carrot juice, peeland segment 2 oranges and juicewith 125 g (4 oz) carrots.

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apricot & pineapple juice

Makes 350 ml (12 fl oz)

65 g (2½ oz) ready-to-eat driedapricots

350 ml (12 fl oz) pineapple juice2–3 ice cubes

Roughly chop the dried apricotsand put them into a large bowl. Pourover the pineapple juice, cover andleave to stand overnight in therefrigerator.

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Transfer the apricots and juice to afood processor or blender andprocess until thick and smooth.

Pour the juice into a tall glass, adda couple of ice cubes and serveimmediately.

For dried apricot & orange juice,replace the pineapple juice with thesame quantity of orange juice;alternatively juice 2 oranges withthe apricots for a really fresh taste.

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prune, pear & spinachjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

25 g (1 oz) ready-to-eat prunes250 g (8 oz) pear, plus extra to

serve (optional)125 g (4 oz) spinachice cubes (optional)

Remove the stones from the prunesif necessary. Juice the pears and

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spinach with the prunes.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, decorate with slices ofpear, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For pear & avocado juice, roughlychop 375 g (12 oz) pears and blendwith 75 g (3 oz) peeled and stonedavocados.

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orange & passionfruitsparkler

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) orange1 passionfruit100 ml (3½ fl oz) sparkling

mineral water2–3 ice cubes

Peel, segment and juice the orange.Scoop the flesh out of the

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passionfruit and press the pulpthrough a tea strainer to extract thejuice.

Mix the orange juice with thepassionfruit juice and sparklingwater. Pour into a glass over iceand serve immediately.

For cherry cranberry fizz, juice125 g (4 oz) pitted cherries and 75g (2 oz) cranberries and top up withsparkling mineral water.

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peach & ginger juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

250 g (8 oz) peach2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh root

ginger, roughly choppedice cubessparkling mineral watermint leaves, to serve

Halve the peaches and remove thestones. Peel and roughly chop the

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ginger. Juice the peach with theginger.

Pour the juice into a tall glass overice, add a splash of sparklingmineral water and a couple of mintleaves and serve immediately.

For grapefruit fizz, juice 300 g (10oz) grapefruit with 350 g (12 oz)cucumber and half a lemon. Top upwith sparkling mineral water andstir in some chopped mint.

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vegetable juices

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broccoli, parsnip & applejuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

50 g (2 oz) parsnip50 g (2 oz) apple150 g (5 oz) broccoli2–3 ice cubes

Peel the parsnip and cut the fleshinto chunks. Quarter the apple andtrim the broccoli. Juice the parsnip

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with the apple and broccoli.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender and processwith the ice cubes to make a creamyjuice.

Pour into a glass and serveimmediately.

For broccoli, carrot & beetrootjuice, trim 250 g (8 oz) broccoliand juice it with 175 g (6 oz)carrots and 50 g (2 oz) beetroot.

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broccoli, spinach &tomato juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) spinach150 g (5 oz) broccoli2 tomatoescelery stick, to serve (optional)

Rinse the spinach and trim thebroccoli. Juice the tomatoes withthe green vegetables, adding the

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broccoli and spinach alternately sothat the spinach leaves do not clogthe juicer.

Pour the juice into a glass, add astick of celery, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For spinach & carrot juice, rinse250 g (8 oz) spinach and juice theleaves with 250 g (8 oz) carrots and25 g (1 oz) parsley. Stir in ateaspoon of spirulina, thefreshwater algae supplement, forextra energy.

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broccoli, spinach & applejuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) broccoli150 g (5 oz) spinach2 apples2–3 ice cubes

Trim the broccoli and rinse thespinach. Juice the apples with thespinach and broccoli, alternating the

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spinach leaves with the otheringredients so that the spinachleaves do not clog the machine.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and process briefly.

Pour into a glass and serveimmediately.

For spinach, apple & pepperjuice, increase the apple to 250 g (8oz) and, instead of broccoli, juice100 g (3½ oz) yellow pepper. Stir

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in a pinch of ground cinnamonbefore serving.

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broccoli & kale juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) broccoli100 g (3½ oz) kale50 g (2 oz) celery25 g (1 oz) parsley200 g (7 oz) appleice cubes

Trim the broccoli and kale. Trimthe celery and cut it into 5 cm (2

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inch) lengths. Juice the parsley andapple with the broccoli, kale andcelery.

Pour the juice into a glass over iceand serve immediately.

For broccoli, lettuce & celeryjuice, trim 150 g (5 oz) broccoliand juice it with 100 g (3½ oz)lettuce and the same amount ofcelery.

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celeriac, alfalfa & orangejuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) orange, plus extra toserve (optional)

100 g (3½ oz) celeriac100 g (3½ oz) alfalfa sprouts

Peel the orange and separate it intosegments. Peel the celeriac and cutit into chunks. Rinse the alfalfa

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sprouts. Juice the ingredients.

Pour the juice into a glass, addslices of orange, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For celery, alfalfa & apple juice,trim 3 celery sticks and cut theminto 5 cm (2 inch) lengths. Juicethem with 2 apples and 25 g (1 oz)alfalfa sprouts. This juice isdelicious served ice cold.

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tomato, red pepper &papaya juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

about 125 g (4 oz) papayaabout 100 g (3½ oz) red pepper1 large tomato2–3 ice cubes

Peel and deseed the papaya. Coreand deseed the pepper. Juice thetomato with the papaya and pepper.

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Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and process.

Pour the juice into a glass andserve immediately.

For pepper & orange juice, coreand deseed 100 g (3½ oz) each ofred, yellow and orange peppers andjuice the pepper flesh with 1orange. Serve sprinkled withchopped mint.

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tomato, carrot & gingerjuice

Makes 150 ml (¼ pint)

2.5 cm (1 inch) cube fresh rootginger

100 g (3½ oz) celery, plus extra toserve (optional)

300 g (10 oz) tomatoes175 g (6 oz) carrot1 garlic clove2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh


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2–3 ice cubes

Peel and roughly chop the ginger.Trim the celery and cut it into 5 cm(2 inch) lengths. Juice the tomatoes,carrot, garlic and horseradish withthe ginger and celery.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a small glass,garnish with celery slivers, if liked,and serve immediately.

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For carrot & pink grapefruitjuice, peel and segment a pinkgrapefruit, leaving some pith, andjuice with 2 carrots and 2 apples.Serve topped up with mineralwater.

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tomato, red pepper &cabbage juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

175 g (6 oz) red pepper175 g (6 oz) tomatoes100 g (3½ oz) white cabbage1 tablespoon chopped parsleylime wedge, to decorate (optional)

Core and deseed the pepper. Juicethe tomatoes and cabbage with the

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Pour the juice into a tall glass, stirin the parsley, decorate with a limewedge, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For tomato, red pepper & celeryjuice, trim 4 celery sticks and cutthem into 5 cm (2 inch) lengths.Juice the celery with 3 ripetomatoes and half a red pepper.Add a crushed garlic clove andchopped chilli, to taste.

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tomato, lemon & parsleyjuice

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

2 celery sticks, plus leaves toserve (optional)

4 tomatoeslarge handful of parsleyrind and juice of ½ lemonice cubes

Trim the celery sticks and cut them

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into 5 cm (2 inch) lengths. Juice thetomatoes and parsley with thecelery, lemon juice and rind.

Pour the juice into a tall glass overice, add the celery leaves, if using,and serve immediately.

For tomato & celery juice,replace the lemon juice and rindand the parsley with Tabasco sauce,celery salt and black pepper, totaste.

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tomato, apple & basiljuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

1 celery stick4 large tomatoes1 appleice cubes4 basil leaves, finely chopped1½ tablespoons lime juiceextra basil leaves, to serve


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Trim the celery and cut it into 5 cm(2 inch) lengths. Juice the tomatoesand apple with the celery.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,stir in the basil leaves and limejuice, shred extra basil leaves andadd, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For tomato, cauliflower & carrotjuice, trim 100 g (3½ oz)cauliflower and juice with 1 largetomato and 200 g (7 oz) carrot.

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celery & celeriac juice

Makes 250 ml (8 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) celery150 g (5 oz) celeriac100 g (3½ oz) lettuce100 g (3½ oz) spinach2–3 ice cubes

Trim the celery and cut it into 5 cm(2 inch) lengths. Peel the celeriacand cut the flesh into cubes.

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Separate the lettuce into leaves.Juice the celery, celeriac, lettuceand spinach, alternating theingredients so that the lettuce andspinach leaves do not clog themachine.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a tall glass andserve immediately.

For carrot, celery & celeriac

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juice, peel 125 g (4 oz) celeriacand trim and cut 4 celery stalks into5 cm (2 inch) lengths. Juice theceleriac and celery with 1 carrot.

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carrot, beetroot & sweetpotato juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

175 g (6 oz) sweet potato or yam100 g (3½ oz) beetroot175 g (6 oz) carrot125 g (4 oz) fennelice cubesfennel fronds, to decorate


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Peel the sweet potato or yam andscrub the beetroot. Juice the carrotand fennel with the sweet potatoand beetroot.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,decorate with fennel fronds, ifliked, and serve immediately.

For carrot, beetroot & orangejuice, replace the sweet potato andfennel with 125 g (4 oz)strawberries and 1 orange. Thiscolourful juice will give you aninstant energy boost.

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carrot, cabbage & applejuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

175 g (6 oz) carrot250 g (8 oz) apple125 g (4 oz) red cabbageorange slices, to decorateice cubes

Roughly chop the carrot and appleand juice them with the cabbage.

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Pour the juice into a glass over ice,decorate with a slice of orange, andserve immediately.

For carrot, spinach & pinkgrapefruit juice, juice 125 g (4 oz)each of carrot, spinach and pinkgrapefruit. This juice has apleasantly astringent flavour.

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carrot, fennel & gingerjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh rootginger

75 g (3 oz) celery300 g (10 oz) carrot50 g (2 oz) fennel, plus extra to

serve (optional)1 tablespoon spirulina (optional)ice cubes (optional)fennel fronds, to decorate

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Peel and roughly chop the ginger.Trim the celery and cut it into 5 cm(2 inch) lengths. Juice the carrot,fennel and spirulina, if using, withthe ginger and celery.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, decorate with strips offennel and fennel fronds, if liked,and serve immediately.

For carrot, apple & ginger juice,

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peel and roughly chop 1 cm (½inch) cube fresh root ginger andjuice it with 2 carrots and 1 tartapple, such as a Granny Smith.

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carrot & lettuce juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) carrot200 g (7 oz) lettuceice cubeschopped coriander leaves, to


Chop the carrot into chunks andseparate the lettuce leaves. Juice thecarrot with the lettuce, taking carethat the lettuce leaves do not clog

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the machine.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,decorate with chopped corianderand serve immediately.

For carrot & green leaf juice, add90 g (3 oz) celery, 100 g (3½ oz)spinach and 25 g (1 oz) parsley tothe carrot and lettuce.

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carrot & kiwifruit juice

Makes 250 ml (8 fl oz)

about 200 g (7 oz) carrot1 kiwifruit, plus extra to serve

(optional)ice cubes (optional)

Cut the carrot and kiwifruit intoeven-sized pieces and juicetogether.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,

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if using, decorate with slices ofkiwifruit, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For cucumber & kiwifruit juice,omit the carrots and instead juice1½ cucumbers with the kiwifruit.Serve with a squeeze of lemon.

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carrot, parsnip & sweetpotato juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

175 g (6 oz) celery175 g (6 oz) carrot175 g (6 oz) parsnip175 g (6 oz) sweet potatohandful of parsley, plus extra to

serve (optional)1 garlic clove2–3 ice cubeslemon wedge

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Trim the celery and cut it into 5 cm(2 inch) lengths. Juice the carrot,parsnip, sweet potato, parsley andgarlic with the celery.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender and processwith a couple of ice cubes.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith a wedge of lemon and aparsley sprig, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For carrot, parsnip & melon juice,

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which is especially rich in folicacid, juice 125 g (4 oz) each ofcarrot, parsnip, lettuce andcantaloupe melon.

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carrot, radish & cucumberjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) potato100 g (3½ oz) radish, plus extra to

serve (optional)100 g (3½ oz) carrot100 g (3½ oz) cucumberice cubes

Juice the potato, radish, carrot and

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Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a tall glass overice, decorate with slices of radish,if liked, and serve immediately.

For carrot, radish & ginger juice,omit the potato and cucumber andadd 2.5 cm (1 inch) peeled androughly chopped fresh root ginger.This is a good juice if you have a

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cold or blocked sinuses.

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carrot, chilli & pineapplejuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

½ small chilli250 g (8 oz) pineapple250 g (8 oz) carrotice cubesjuice of ½ lime1 tablespoon chopped coriander


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Deseed the chilli. Remove the coreand peel from the pineapple. Juicethe carrots with the chilli andpineapple.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice.Squeeze over the lime juice, stir inthe chopped coriander and serveimmediately.

For tomato, celery & ginger juice,trim 100 g (3½ oz) celery androughly chop 2.5 cm (1 inch) pieceeach of fresh root ginger and freshhorseradish. Juice the celery, ginger

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and horseradish with 300 g (10 oz)tomatoes, 175 g (6 oz) carrot and agarlic clove. Serve over ice,decorated with celery slivers, ifliked.

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carrot, chicory & celeryjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

175 g (6 oz) carrot125 g (4 oz) celery125 g (4 oz) chicory2–3 ice cubeslemon slices, to servechopped parsley, to serve


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Scrub the carrots. Trim the celeryand cut it into 5 cm (2 inch) lengths.Juice the chicory with the carrot andthe celery.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith slices of lemon and somechopped parsley, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For carrot & cabbage juice, juice

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250 g (8 oz) each of carrot andcabbage and serve over ice. Thisquick juice soothes upset stomachs.

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parsnip, green pepper &watercress juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

175 g (6 oz) green pepper100 g (3½ oz) watercress175 g (6 oz) cucumber175 g (6 oz) parsnipice cubeschopped mint, to decorate

Core and deseed the pepper. Juice

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the watercress and cucumber withthe parsnip and peppers.

Pour the juice into a tall glass overice, decorate with a sprinkling ofmint and serve immediately.

For watercress & pear juice, juice40 g (1½ oz) watercress with 3 ripepears. This simple juice is highlynutritious.

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seven vegetable juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

50 g (2 oz) green pepper50 g (2 oz) celery90 g (3 oz) carrot25 g (1 oz) spinach25 g (1 oz) onion90 g (3 oz) cucumber50 g (2 oz) tomatoes, plus extra to

serve (optional)sea salt and pepper

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Core and deseed the pepper. Trimthe celery and cut it into 5 cm (2inch) lengths. Juice the carrot,spinach, onion, cucumber andtomato with the pepper and celery,taking care that the spinach leavesdo not clog the machine.

Pour the juice into a glass andseason with sea salt and blackpepper. Decorate with tomatoquarters, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For yellow pepper, spinach &

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apple juice, core and deseed 100 g(3½ oz) yellow pepper and juicethe flesh with 125 g (4 oz) spinachand 250 g (8 oz) apple.

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cabbage, apple &cinnamon juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

200 g (7 oz) green cabbage50 g (2 oz) apple2–3 ice cubesground cinnamon, plus extra to


Separate the cabbage into leavesand cut the apple into pieces. Juice

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the cabbage with the apple.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and a sprinkling ofcinnamon and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith a sprinkling of cinnamon andserve immediately.

For red cabbage, grape & orangejuice, juice 125 g (4 oz) redcabbage with half an orange and ahandful of seedless red grapes to

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make a colourful and only slightlysweet drink.

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cabbage & pear juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

125 g (4 oz) cabbage50 g (2 oz) celery25 g (1 oz) watercress250 g (8 oz) pearice cubes (optional)1 celery stick, to serve (optional)

Chop the cabbage roughly. Trim thecelery and cut it into 5 cm (2 inch)

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lengths. Juice the watercress withthe pears, cabbage and celery.

Pour the juice into a tall glass overice, if using, and serve immediatelywith a short celery stick, if liked.

For fennel, celery & grapefruitjuice, juice 100 g (3½ oz) each ofcelery and fennel with ½ agrapefruit. Serve with ice.

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spinach, celery &cucumber juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

50 g (2 oz) green pepper50 g (2 oz) celery25 g (1 oz) spinach100 g (3½ oz) cucumber100 g (3½ oz) tomatoes, plus extra

to serve (optional)salt and pepperice cubes (optional)

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Core and deseed the pepper. Trimthe celery and cut it into 5 cm (2inch) lengths. Juice the spinach,cucumber and tomatoes with thepepper and celery. Season the juiceto taste with salt and pepper.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, decorate with tomatoquarters, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For kale & spirulina juice, juice25 g (1 oz) kale with 100 g (3½ oz)wheatgrass. Stir in 1 teaspoon

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spirulina before serving. Thisunusual-tasting juice offersexcellent health benefits.

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lettuce, grape & gingerjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh rootginger, chopped

200 g (7 oz) seedless greengrapes, plus extra to decorate(optional)

200 g (7 oz) lettuceice cubes (optional)

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Peel and roughly chop the ginger.Juice the grapes and lettuce with theginger, alternating the ingredients sothat the lettuce leaves do not clogthe machine.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith a few grapes, if liked, andserve immediately. Alternatively,for a creamier drink, transfer thejuice to a food processor orblender, add a couple of ice cubesand process briefly.

For lettuce & apple juice, juice

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175 g (6 oz) Cos (romaine) lettucewith 1 large apple, making sure thatthe lettuce leaves do not clog themachine.

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fennel & camomile juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

1 lemon, plus extra to serve(optional)

150 g (5 oz) fennel100 ml (3½ fl oz) chilled

camomile teaice cubes

Peel the lemon and juice it with thefennel. Mix the juice with thecamomile tea.

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Pour the juice into a glass over iceand serve with slices of lemon, ifliked.

For fennel & lettuce juice, juice125 g (4 oz) fennel and 175 g (6 oz)lettuce with half a lemon. Servewith ice and a slice of lemon.

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lettuce & kiwifruit juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) kiwifruit, plus extrato serve (optional)

200 g (7 oz) lettuceice cubes (optional)

Peel the kiwifruit and roughly chopthe flesh. Separate the lettuce intoleaves. Juice the kiwifruit andlettuce, alternating the ingredientsso that the lettuce leaves do not clog

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the machine.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, decorate with slices ofkiwifruit, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For lettuce & camomile juice,juice half a lemon with 200 g (7 oz)lettuce. Mix the juice with 100 ml(3½ fl oz) chilled camomile tea andserve with a couple of ice cubesand a slice of lemon.

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red onion & beetrootjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

125 g (4 oz) watercress125 g (4 oz) red onion1 garlic clove250 g (8 oz) carrot125 g (4 oz) beetroot, plus leaves

to serve (optional)

Juice the watercress, onion and

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garlic with the carrot and beetroot.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith beetroot leaves, if liked, andserve immediately.

For carrot & beetroot juice, peeland roughly chop 2.5 cm (1 inch)cube fresh root ginger and juice theginger with 10 large carrots with 4large beetroots. Serve over ice.

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jerusalem artichoke,celery & celeriac juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) celeriac100 g (3½ oz) Jerusalem

artichokes100 g (3½ oz) celerysmall bunch of mint2–3 ice cubes

Peel the celeriac and chop the flesh

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into sticks. Juice with the Jerusalemartichokes, celery and the mint,alternating the mint leaves with theother ingredients to make sure thatthe leaves do not clog the machine.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and process briefly.

Pour the juice into a glass andserve immediately.

For Jerusalem artichoke & carrotjuice, juice 100 g (3½ oz) each of

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artichokes, carrots, lettuce, Brusselssprouts and green beans with half alemon.

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cucumber, lemon & mintsmoothie

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

250 g (8 oz) cucumber, plus extrato serve

½ lemon3–4 fresh mint leaves2–3 ice cubes

Peel and roughly chop thecucumber. Squeeze the lemon.

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Put the cucumber and lemon into afood processor or blender with themint leaves and ice cubes andprocess briefly.

Pour the smoothie into a tall glass,decorate with a strip of cucumber,if liked, and serve immediately.

For grapefruit & cucumber crush,chop 1 cucumber and blend it with150 ml (¼ pint) grapefruit juice anda handful of ice cubes. Process theingredients to make an ice-coldslushy drink.

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cucumber lassi

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) cucumber150 g (5 oz) live natural yogurt100 ml (3½ fl oz) ice-cold still

waterhandful of mint½ teaspoon ground cuminsqueeze of lemon juice

Peel and roughly chop the

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cucumber. Place in a foodprocessor or blender and add theyogurt and iced water.

Pull the mint leaves off their stalks,reserving a few for decoration.Chop the remainder roughly and putthem into the food processor. Addthe cumin and lemon juice andprocess briefly.

Pour the smoothie into a tall glass,decorate with mint leaves, if liked,and serve immediately.

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For mango lassi, cut the flesh of amango into cubes and add it to afood processor or blender with 150ml (¼ pint) live natural yogurt andthe same amount of ice-cold stillwater, 1 tablespoon rosewater and¼ teaspoon ground cardamom.Process briefly and serve.

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cranberry & yogurtsmoothie

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

100 g (3½ oz) cranberries50 g (2 oz) Greek yogurt100 ml (3½ fl oz) soya milk2–3 ice cubesartificial sweetener, to taste

Put the cranberries in a foodprocessor or blender, add the

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yogurt, soya milk and ice cubes andprocess.

Taste and add artificial sweetenerif required. Process once again.

Pour the smoothie into a large glassand serve immediately.

For raspberry shake, put 150 ml(¼ pint) soya milk and 100 g (3½oz) frozen raspberries in a foodprocessor or blender and processuntil smooth.

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cranberry & applesmoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

250 g (8 oz) apple100 g (3½ oz) frozen cranberries100 g (3½ oz) live natural yogurt1 tablespoon clear honeyice cubes (optional)

Juice the apples.

Transfer the juice to a food

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processor or blender, add thecranberries, yogurt and honey andprocess briefly.

Pour the smoothie into a glass overice, if using, and serve immediately.

For grapeberry smoothie, blendtogether 125 g (4 oz) blackberries,300 ml (½ pint) purple grape juiceand 3 tablespoons live naturalyogurt.

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mandarin & lychee frappé

Makes 150 ml (½ pint)

100 g (3½ oz) mandarin oranges,canned in natural juice

50 g (2 oz) lychees, canned innatural juice

ice cubes

Put the oranges and lychees and thejuices from the cans into a foodprocessor or blender, add the icecubes and process briefly.

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Pour the frappé into a glass andserve immediately.

For ruby smoothie, put the juice of2 oranges and 1 apple in a foodprocessor or blender with 150 g (5oz) each raspberries andstrawberries. Add 150 ml (¼ pint)live natural yogurt and processbriefly.

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orange super-smoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

1 large carrot1 orange100 g (3½ oz) banana1 fresh or dried apricot2–3 ice cubes

Juice the carrot and orangetogether.

Transfer the juice to a food

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processor or blender, add thebanana, apricot and a couple of icecubes and blend briefly.

Pour the smoothie into a glass andserve immediately.

For orange & banana smoothie,which makes a great breakfast orlunch, place 1 banana, 150 ml (¼pint) fresh orange juice and 25 g (1oz) sunflower seeds in a foodprocessor or blender and blendtogether.

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orange, mango &strawberry smoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

125 g (4 oz) strawberries1 small ripe mango300 ml (½ pint) orange juiceorange slices, to decorate


Hull the strawberries, put them in afreezer container and freeze for 2

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hours or overnight.

Peel the mango, remove the stone,roughly chop the flesh and put it in afood processor or blender with thestrawberries and orange juice andprocess until thick.

Pour the smoothie into a tall glass,decorate with slices of orange, ifliked, and serve immediately.

For orange & banana smoothie,blend a ripe banana with thestrawberries and orange juice.

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Serve decorated with orange slices,if liked.

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banana & peanut buttersmoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

1 ripe banana300 ml (½ pint) semi-skimmed

milk1 tablespoon smooth peanut butter

or 2 teaspoons tahini paste

Peel and slice the banana, put it in afreezer container and freeze for at

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least 2 hours or overnight.

Put the banana, milk and peanutbutter or tahini paste in a foodprocessor or blender and processuntil smooth.

Pour the smoothie into a tall glassand serve immediately.

For banana almond smoothie, put2 frozen bananas, 450 ml (¾ pint)soya milk, 40 g (1½ oz) groundalmonds and a pinch of cinnamoninto a food processor or blender

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and process briefly.

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banana, orange & mangosmoothie

Makes 500 ml (17 fl oz)

1 ripe banana1 ripe mango200 ml (7 fl oz) orange juice200 ml (7 fl oz) semi-skimmed

milk3 tablespoons fromage fraisice cubes (optional)

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Peel and slice the banana. Peel themango, remove the stone and cut theflesh into even-sized pieces.

Put the banana and mango in a foodprocessor or blender, add theorange juice, milk and fromage fraisand process until smooth.

Pour the smoothie into 2 glassesover ice, if using, and serveimmediately.

For banana & avocado smoothie,process 1 small ripe banana with 1

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small ripe avocado and 250 ml (8 floz) skimmed milk.

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banana & fig smoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

2.5 cm (1 inch) piece fresh rootginger

100 g (3½ oz) fig, plus extra toserve (optional)

1 orange250 g (8 oz) carrot100 g (3½ oz) bananaice cubes

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Peel and roughly chop the ginger.Juice the fig and orange with thecarrot and ginger.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add thebanana and some ice cubes andprocess until smooth.

Pour the drink into a glass, addmore ice cubes, decorate withsliced figs, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For banana & papaya smoothie,

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put the flesh of a papaya in a foodprocessor or blender with a banana,the juice of 1 orange, 300 ml (½pint) apple juice and some ice.Process until smooth.

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prune, apple & cinnamonsmoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

65 g (2½ oz) ready-to-eat prunespinch of ground cinnamon, plus

extra to serve350 ml (12 fl oz) apple juice3 tablespoons Greek yogurtice cubes

Roughly chop the prunes. Put the

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prunes and cinnamon in a largebowl, pour over the apple juice,cover and leave to stand overnight.

Put the prunes, apple juice andyogurt in a food processor orblender and process until smooth.

Pour the smoothie into a large glassover ice cubes, sprinkle with extracinnamon and drink immediately.

For apple & avocado smoothie,process the flesh of a small, ripeavocado with 100 ml (3½ fl oz)

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apple juice.

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apple, banana &wheatgerm smoothie

Makes 1 litre (1¾ pints)

2 tablespoons wheatgerm1 tablespoon sesame seeds2 bananas75 g (3 oz) pineapple450 ml (¾ pint) apple juice300 ml (½ pint) live natural


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Spread the wheatgerm and sesameseeds over a baking sheet and toastgently under a preheated grill,stirring a couple of times until thesesame seeds have begun to turn agolden brown. Remove from thegrill and leave to cool.

Peel and slice the bananas. Removethe skin and core from the pineappleand chop the flesh. Put the bananaand pineapple in a food processoror blender and process to a roughpurée.

Add the apple juice and blend again

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to make a smooth juice. Add theyogurt and the cooled wheatgermand sesame seeds. Blend again.

Pour the smoothie into a jug andserve immediately in glasses.

For apple & oat smoothie, processan apple and a banana with 150 g (5oz) plain live yogurt, 200 ml (7 floz) skimmed milk, a few drops ofvanilla extract, 2 teaspoons clearhoney and 2 tablespoons muesli in afood processor or blender.

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summer berry smoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) frozen mixed summerberries, plus extra to serve(optional)

300 ml (½ pint) vanilla-flavouredsoya milk

1 teaspoon clear honey (optional)

Put the berries, soya milk andhoney, if using, in a food processor

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or blender and process until thick.

Pour the smoothie into 2 shortglasses, decorate with berries, ifliked, and serve immediately.

For blueberry & grape smoothie,blend together 125 g (4 oz) frozenblueberries, 250 g (8 oz) red grapesand 3 tablespoons fromage frais.

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blueberry & mintsmoothie

Makes 250 ml (8 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) frozen blueberries150 ml (¼ pint) soya milksmall bunch of mint

Put the blueberries in a foodprocessor or blender and pour inthe soya milk. Pull the mint leavesoff their stalks, reserving one or

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two sprigs for decoration, and addthe remainder to the blender.Process briefly.

Pour the smoothie into a glass,decorate with the reserved mintsprigs and serve immediately.

For blueberry & apple smoothie,process 250 g (8 oz) apples with125 g (4 oz) blueberries in a foodprocessor or blender until smooth.

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beetroot & berrysmoothie

Makes 250 ml (8 fl oz)

50 g (2 oz) beetroot100 g (3½ oz) blueberries, plus

extra to serve (optional)100 g (3½ oz) raspberries2–3 ice cubes

Juice the beetroot.

Pour the beetroot juice into a food

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processor or blender, add theblueberries, raspberries and icecubes and process until smooth.

Pour the mixture into a glass,decorate with blueberries, if liked,and serve immediately.

For blueberry & grapefruitsmoothie, juice 125 g (4 oz)grapefruit with 250 g (8 oz) apples.Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender with 125 g (4oz) blueberries and 2.5 cm (1 inch)piece fresh root ginger and process

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until smooth.

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raspberry, kiwifruit &grapefruit smoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) grapefruit175 g (6 oz) pineapple50 g (2 oz) kiwifruit50 g (2 oz) frozen raspberries,

plus extra to serve (optional)50 g (2 oz) frozen cranberries

Peel and segment the grapefruit.

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Remove the skin and core from thepineapple. Juice the kiwifruit withthe grapefruit and pineapple.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add the frozenberries and process until smooth.

Pour the smoothie into a glass,decorate with raspberries, if liked,and serve with a straw.

For strawberry & pineapplesmoothie, process 150 g (5 oz)frozen strawberries with 150 ml (¼

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pint) pineapple juice and 150 g (5oz) strawberry yogurt.

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strawberry lassi

Makes 1.5 litres (2½ pints)

400 g (13 oz) strawberries750 ml (1¼ pints) ice-cold water300 ml (½ pint) low-fat live

natural yogurt25 g (1 oz) golden caster sugarfew drops of rosewatercoarsely ground black pepper, to


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Hull and roughly chop thestrawberries. Put the strawberriesin a food processor or blender withhalf the water and process untilsmooth.

Add the yogurt, sugar, rosewaterand the remaining water andprocess again until smooth andfrothy.

Pour the smoothie into chilledglasses, sprinkle with black pepperand serve immediately.

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For banana lassi, process 2 smallripe bananas with 300 ml (½ pint)live natural yogurt, 125 ml (4 fl oz)ice-cold water and a pinch ofground cardamom in a foodprocessor or blender.

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mango, pineapple & limesmoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

1 ripe mango300 ml (½ pint) pineapple juicerind and juice of ½lime lime wedges, to serve


Peel the mango, remove the stone,roughly chop the flesh and put it in a

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freezer container. Freeze for at least2 hours or overnight.

Put the frozen mango in a foodprocessor or blender, add thepineapple juice and lime rind andjuice and process until thick.

Pour the smoothie into 2 shortglasses, decorate with lime wedges,if liked, and serve immediately.

For apricot & pineapple smoothie,soak 65 g (2½ oz) dried apricotsovernight in 350 ml (12 fl oz)

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pineapple juice. Process the mixturein a food processor or blender withsome ice until smooth.

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mango & mint sherbet

Makes 1.5 litres (2½ pints)

3 ripe mangoes4 tablespoons lemon juice1 tablespoon caster sugar12 mint leaves, finely chopped900 ml (1½ pints) ice-cold waterice cubes

Peel and stone the mangoes androughly chop the flesh. Put it into a

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food processor or blender with thelemon juice, sugar, mint leaves andwater and process until smooth.

Pour the smoothie into tall glassesover ice and serve immediately.

For mango & blackcurrantsmoothie, process the flesh of 3mangoes with 100 ml (3½ fl oz)apple juice and 200 g (7 oz)blackcurrants.

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mango, coconut & limelassi

Makes 600 ml (1 pint)

1 large ripe mangojuice of 1 orangejuice of 1 lime1 tablespoon clear honey300 g (10 oz) natural yogurt4 tablespoons coconut milkorange slices, to decorate

(optional)ice cubes (optional)

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Peel the mango, remove the stoneand dice the flesh. Put the mango ina food processor or blender withthe orange and lime juices, honey,yogurt and coconut milk. Processuntil smooth.

Transfer the mixture to a jug thenpour into tall glasses over ice, ifusing, decorate with slices oforange, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For pineapple & coconutsmoothie, process 100 g (3½ oz)

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pineapple flesh with 100 ml (3½ floz) coconut milk and 100 ml (3½ floz) soya milk. Serve sprinkled withtoasted coconut.

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tropical fruit smoothie

Makes 600 ml (1 pint)

1 large banana1 large ripe mango150 g (5 oz) natural yogurt300 ml (½ pint) pineapple juicepineapple chunks, to serve


Peel and slice the banana, then putit in a freezer-proof container and

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freeze for at least 2 hours orovernight.

Peel the mango, remove the stoneand roughly chop the flesh. Placethe flesh in a food processor orblender with the frozen banana,yogurt and pineapple juice andprocess until smooth.

Pour the mixture into tall glasses,decorate with pineapple chunks, ifliked, and serve immediately.

For kiwifruit, melon &

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passionfruit smoothie, freeze 300 g(10 oz) watermelon flesh, thenblend it with 2 kiwifruit and add200 ml (7 fl oz) passionfruit juice.

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peach & tofu smoothie

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

100 g (3½ oz) peach100 g (3½ oz) tofu50 g (2 oz) vanilla ice cream100 ml (3½ fl oz) still waterfew drops of natural almond

essenceice cubes (optional)

Halve the peach, remove the skin

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and stone and roughly chop thepeach flesh.

Put the peach in a food processoror blender and add the tofu and icecream. Pour in the water, add alittle almond essence and processuntil smooth.

Pour the mixture into 2 shortglasses over ice, if using, and serveimmediately.

For rhubarb smoothie, blend 100 g(3½ oz) stewed rhubarb with 100 g

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(3½ oz) plain live yogurt and 2drops of vanilla extract. Sweeten totaste with honey.

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peach & orange smoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

200 g (7 oz) peaches, canned innatural juice

75 ml (3 fl oz) peach- or apricot-flavoured yogurt, plus extra toserve

100 ml (3½ fl oz) orange juice1 teaspoon clear honey (optional)ice cubes (optional)

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Drain the peaches and discard thejuice.

Put the peaches into a foodprocessor or blender with theyogurt, orange juice and honey, ifusing, and process until smooth.

Pour the smoothie into a glass overice, if using, top with a swirl of anyremaining yogurt and serveimmediately.

For peach, pear & raspberrysmoothie, blend 1 peach and 1 pear

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and with 125 g (4 oz) raspberries.Add 150 ml (¼ pint) peach juice tomake a tangy drink.

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marbled peach milkshake

Makes 900 ml (1½ pints)

300 g (10 oz) raspberries4 teaspoons clear honey2 large juicy peaches1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or a

few drops vanilla essence125 ml (4 fl oz) single cream150 ml (¼ pint) orange juice

Put the raspberries in a food

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processor or blender and process tomake a smooth purée. Press thisthrough a non-metallic strainer toremove the seeds, and stir in halfthe honey. Check the sweetness,adding a little more honey ifnecessary.

Halve the peaches, remove thestones and coarsely chop the flesh.Blend the peaches to a purée withthe vanilla bean paste or essenceand cream. Blend in the orangejuice and any remaining honey.

Spoon a layer of the peach purée to

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a depth of about 15 mm (¾ inch) in2 large glasses. Add a layer ofraspberry puree and repeat thelayering. Lightly marble the colourstogether with a knife and serve.

For vanilla yogurt smoothie, blend175 ml (6 fl oz) plain live yogurtwith 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste,2 tablespoons clear honey and 300ml (½ pint) apple juice.

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rhubarb & custardsmoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

150 g (5 oz) canned rhubarb150 g (5 oz) ready-made custard100 ml (3½ fl oz) ice-cold semi-

skimmed milk1 teaspoon icing sugar (optional)ice cubes (optional)

Drain the rhubarb and discard the

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Put the rhubarb in a food processorwith the custard, milk and icingsugar, if using, and process untilsmooth.

Pour the smoothie into a large glassover ice, if using, and serveimmediately.

For choco-cherry shake, blend100 g (3½ oz) pitted cherries with100 ml (3½ fl oz) soya milk and 25g (1 oz) melted plain chocolate.

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Serve with ice.

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dried fruit & applesmoothie

Makes 450 ml (¾ pint)

125 g (4 oz) dried fruit salad about400 ml (14 fl oz) apple juice

200 ml (7 fl oz) Greek yogurtice cubes (optional)

Roughly chop the dried fruit saladand place it in a large bowl. Pourover the apple juice, cover the bowl

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and leave to stand overnight.

Put the dried fruit salad and applejuice in a food processor orblender, add the yogurt and processuntil smooth, adding a little moreapple juice if necessary.

Pour the smoothie into 2 glasses,add a couple of ice cubes, if using,and serve immediately.

For apricot smoothie, process 200g (7 oz) canned apricots in naturaljuice with 150 g (5 oz) apricot

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yogurt and 150 ml (¼ pint) ice-coldsemi-skimmed milk.

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watermelon cooler

Makes 300 ml (½ pint)

100 g (3½ oz) watermelon100 g (3½ oz) strawberries100 ml (3½ fl oz) still watersmall handful of mint or tarragon

leaves, plus extra to serve(optional)

Skin and deseed the melon andchop the flesh into cubes. Hull the

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strawberries. Freeze the melon andstrawberries until solid.

Put the frozen melon andstrawberries in a food processor orblender, add the water and the mintor tarragon and process untilsmooth.

Pour the mixture into 2 shortglasses, decorate with mint ortarragon leaves, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For melon & almond smoothie,

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process 100 g (3½ oz) frozen galiamelon flesh with 100 ml (3½ fl oz)almond milk.

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red pepper & tomatosmoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

50 g (2 oz) red pepper50 g (2 oz) cucumber30 g (1¼ oz) spring onion100 ml (3½ fl oz) tomato juicesplash of lemon juicesplash of hot pepper saucesplash of Worcestershire saucesalt and pepper

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Core and deseed the red pepperand roughly chop the flesh. Peel thecucumber and roughly chop theflesh. Roughly chop the springonion, reserving a few shreds for agarnish.

Pour the tomato juice into a foodprocessor or blender, add thepepper, cucumber and spring onionand process briefly. Taste, thenseason to taste with lemon juice, hotpepper sauce, Worcestershire sauceand salt and pepper.

Pour the smoothie into a glass,

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garnish with the remaining springonion and serve immediately.

For guacamole smoothie, add 40 g(1½ oz) spring onion, half achopped chilli, half a ripe avocadoand 100 ml (3½ fl oz) tomato juiceto a food processor or blender andprocess until smooth. Serve withice and some chopped coriander.

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juices &smoothies for


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mango & melon juice

Makes about 400 ml (14 fl oz)

1 ripe mango½ galia melon200 ml (7 fl oz) orange juiceice cubes

Peel the mango, remove the stoneand roughly chop the flesh. Peel anddeseed the galia melon and roughlychop the flesh.

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Put the mango and melon in a foodprocessor or blender, add theorange juice and a couple of icecubes and process until smooth.

Pour the juice into 2 short glassesand serve immediately.

For grape & melon juice, juice150 g (5 oz) galia melon flesh with75 g (3 oz) seedless green grapes.Dilute with 150 ml (¼ pint) water.

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mango, orange &cranberry juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

1 mango1 orange125 g (4 oz) cranberries100 ml (3 ½ fl oz) still water1 teaspoon clear honeyice cubes (optional)

Peel the mango and remove the

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stone. Peel the orange and dividethe flesh into segments. Juice thecranberries with the mango andorange.

Pour the juice into a glass and stirin the water and honey. Add acouple of ice cubes, if using, andserve immediately.

For kiwifruit, orange &strawberry juice, juice 2 orangesand 1 kiwifruit with 200 g (7 oz)strawberries.

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melon, carrot & gingerjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

250 g (8 oz) cantaloupe melon1 lime1 cm (½ inch) piece fresh root

ginger125 g (4 oz) carrotice cubes, to serve (optional)

Peel and deseed the melon and cut

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the flesh into cubes. Peel the lime.Peel and roughly chop the ginger.Juice the carrot with the melon,lime and ginger.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, and serve immediately.

For carrot, orange & apple juice,juice 2 carrots with 1 orange and 1apple.

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pear & pineapple juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

200 g (7 oz) fresh pineapple orcanned pineapple in its ownjuices

½ lemon2 pearsice cubes

Peel and core the fresh pineappleand cut the flesh into pieces. If using

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canned pineapple, drain and discardthe juice. Juice the lemon with thepineapple and pears.

Pour the juice into a glass over iceand serve immediately.

For pear & kiwifruit juice, replaceboth the lemon and pineapple with 3kiwifruit. This is an excellent juicefor all-round good health.

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apple, pineapple & melonjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

½ galia melon¼ pineapple3 green apples,ice cubes (optional)

Peel and deseed the melon. Removethe skin and hard core from thepineapple. Chop all the fruit into

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even-sized pieces and juice.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, and serve immediately.

For plum & apple juice, removethe stones from 5 ripe plums, thenjuice them with 3 red apples. Servethis delicious juice over ice.

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orange, apple & pearjuice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

2 oranges1 red apple1 pearice cubes (optional)1 teaspoon clear honey (optional)

Peel the oranges and divide theflesh into segments. Chop the apple

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and pear into even-sized pieces.Juice all the fruit.

Pour the juice into a glass over ice,if using, stir in the honey, if using,and serve immediately.

For apple & pear slush, roughlychop 2 pears and 2 apples, thenprocess the juice in a foodprocessor or blender with some ice.

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apple, peach &strawberry lollies

Makes 300 ml (12 fl oz)

2 peaches300 ml (½ pint) still water1 red apple125 g (4 oz) strawberries

Halve the peaches, remove thestones, roughly chop the flesh andjuice.

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Add one-third of the water andspoon the mixture into 3–4 lollymoulds. Freeze until just set.

Roughly chop the apple and juice.Add one-third of the water and pourover the frozen peach mixture.Freeze until just set.

Hull the strawberries, then juicethem. Add the remainder of thewater, pour over the frozen applemixture and freeze until set.

For orange & strawberry juice,

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hull 200 g (7 oz) strawberries andjuice them with 2 oranges.

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strawberry, redcurrant &orange juice

Makes 225 ml (7 ½ fl oz)

100 g (3 ½ oz) strawberries75 g (3 oz) redcurrants, plus extra

to serve (optional)½ orange125 ml (4 fl oz) still water½ teaspoon clear honey (optional)ice cubes

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Hull the strawberries. Remove thestalks from the redcurrants and peeland segment the orange. Juice thefruit, add the water and stir in thehoney, if using.

Pour the juice into a glass, addsome ice cubes and decorate withextra redcurrants, if liked. To makethis juice into lollies, pour into lollymoulds after stirring in the honeyand freeze.

For kiwifruit & orange juice,roughly chop 3 kiwifruit and juice

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with 2 large oranges.

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melon, blackberry &kiwifruit juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) cantaloupe melon2 kiwifruit100 g (3½ oz) fresh or frozen

blackberries, plus extra to serve100 ml (3½ fl oz) apple juice2–3 ice cubes

Cut the melon into cubes but do not

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remove the skin. Cut the kiwifruitinto slices. Juice the blackberrieswith the melon and kiwifruit.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add the applejuice and a couple of ice cubes andprocess briefly.

Pour the juice into a glass, decoratewith a few blackberries and serveimmediately.

For kiwifruit, melon & grapejuice, roughly chop 2 kiwifruit and

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juice with 375 g (12 oz) honeydewmelon flesh and 125 g (4 oz)seedless green grapes. For achange, freeze the juice in lollymoulds.

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kiwifruit, melon &passionfruit juice

Makes 300 ml (10 fl oz)

about 300 g (10 oz) watermelon2 kiwifruit200 ml (7 fl oz) passionfruit juice

Peel and deseed the melon and cutthe flesh into cubes. Put the melonin a freezer container and freeze forat least 2 hours or overnight.

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Peel and roughly chop the kiwifruit,then put them in a food processor orblender with the melon andpassionfruit juice and process untilthick.

Pour the juice into a large glass andserve immediately.

For kiwifruit, melon & pineapplejuice, roughly chop 2 kiwifruit andjuice with 300 g (10 oz)watermelon flesh and 200 ml (7 floz) pineapple juice.

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strawberry, carrot &beetroot juice

Makes 300 ml (10 fl oz)

250 g (8 oz) carrot125 g (4 oz) beetroot1 orange125 g (4 oz) strawberries, plus

extra to serve (optional)ice cubes

Juice the carrot, beetroot and

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Hull the strawberries. Put thecarrot, beetroot and orange juice ina food processor or blender, addthe strawberries and a few icecubes and process until smooth.

Pour the juice into a large glass,decorate with a strawberry, if liked,and serve immediately.

For strawberry, melon &cucumber juice, hull 100 g (3½ oz)strawberries and juice with 75 g (3

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oz) honeydew melon and the sameamount of cucumber.

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tomato, orange & celeryjuice

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

2 oranges2 celery sticks, plus leafy stalks to

serve4 tomatoes2 carrotsice cubes

Peel the oranges. Trim the celery

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and cut it into 5 cm (2 inch) lengths.Juice the tomatoes and carrots withthe oranges and celery.

Pour the juice into 2 tall glassesover ice, decorate with leafy celerystalk stirrers and serveimmediately.

For celery & apple juice, trim andcut 3 celery sticks into 5 cm (2inch) lengths. Juice the celery with2 apples and 25 g (1 oz) alfalfasprouts.

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mango, apple &cucumber juice

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

200 g (7 oz) apple125 g (4 oz) cucumber100 g (3½ oz) mangoice cubes

Peel the apple and cucumber. Peelthe mango, remove the stone androughly chop the flesh. Juice with

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the apples and cucumber.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add a coupleof ice cubes and blend to make afruity slush. Serve immediately.

For papaya, orange & cucumberjuice, juice 125 g (4 oz) papayaflesh with the same amount ofcucumber and 2 oranges.

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pineapple, parsnip &carrot smoothie

Makes 300 ml (10 fl oz)

250 g (8 oz) pineapple, plus extrato serve (optional)

100 g (3½ oz) parsnip100 g (3½ oz) carrot75 ml (3 fl oz) soya milkice cubes

Peel the pineapple, remove the core

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and cut the flesh into chunks. Juicethe parsnips and carrots with thepineapple.

Transfer the juice to a foodprocessor or blender, add the soyamilk and some ice cubes andprocess until smooth.

Pour the mixture into 2 shortglasses, decorate with pineapplewedges, if liked, and serveimmediately.

For carrot, orange & banana

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smoothie, juice 150 g (5 oz) carrotwith 100 g (3½ oz) orange, thenprocess in a food processor orblender with 100 g (3½ oz) bananaand 6 dried apricots.

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raspberry & blueberrysmoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

250 g (8 oz) raspberries200 ml (7 fl oz) apple juice200 g (7 oz) blueberries4 tablespoons Greek yogurt100 ml (3½ fl oz) skimmed milk1 tablespoon clear honey, or to

taste1 tablespoon wheatgerm


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Purée the raspberries with half theapple juice. Purée the blueberrieswith the remaining apple juice.

Mix together the yogurt, milk, honeyand wheatgerm, if using, and add aspoonful of the raspberry purée.

Pour the blueberry purée into a tallglass. Carefully pour over theyogurt mixture, and then pour theraspberry purée over the surface ofthe yogurt. Serve chilled.

For vanilla berry juice, process

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150 g (5 oz) frozen mixed berrieswith 300 ml (½ pint) vanilla-flavoured soya milk and 1 teaspoonclear honey.

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mango, apple &blackcurrant smoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

3 mangoes2 tablespoons mango sorbet100 ml (3½ fl oz) apple juice200 g (7 oz) blackcurrants or


Peel the mangoes, remove thestones and roughly chop the flesh.

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Purée the mangoes with the mangosorbet and half the apple juice. Setaside to chill.

Purée the blackcurrants with therest of the apple juice.

Spoon the mango smoothie into 2short glasses. Place a spoon on thesurface of the mango, holding it asflat as you can, and pour on theblackcurrant purée. Drag a teaspoonor skewer down the inside of theglass, to make vertical stripesaround the glass.

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For blueberry, apple & honeysmoothie, add 200 g (7 oz)blueberries to a food processor orblender with 100 ml (3½ fl oz)apple juice, 300 ml (½ pint) naturalyogurt and 2 tablespoons clearhoney. Process until blended.

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strawberry, mango &orange lollies

Makes 450 ml (18 fl oz)

125 g (4 oz) strawberries1 small ripe mango300 ml (½ pint) orange juice

Hull the strawberries, then freezethem for 2 hours or overnight.

Peel the mango, remove the stoneand roughly chop the flesh. Process

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the mango, frozen strawberries andorange juice in a food processor orblender until thick.

Pour the mixture into lolly mouldsand freeze until set.

For strawberry, orange & bananasmoothie, peel 1 small ripe bananaand freeze along with 75 g (3 oz)strawberries for a couple of hours.Put the fruit in a food processor orblender with 250 ml (8 fl oz)orange juice and process untilsmooth.

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banana, mango & orangesmoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

1 ripe banana1 ripe mango200 ml (7 fl oz) orange juice200 ml (7 fl oz) semi-skimmed

milk3 tablespoons fromage frais2–3 ice cubes

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Peel and slice the banana. Peel themango, remove the stone androughly chop the flesh.

Put the banana, mango, orangejuice, milk, fromage frais and acouple of ice cubes in a foodprocessor or blender and processuntil smooth.

Pour the mixture into 2–3 shortglasses and serve immediately.

For papaya, orange & bananasmoothie, process the flesh of a

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papaya with a banana in a foodprocessor or blender, then add thejuice of 1 orange and 300 ml (½pint) apple juice.

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kiwifruit, mango &raspberry smoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

3 kiwifruit150 ml (¼ pint) lemon- or orange-

flavoured yogurt1 small mango2 tablespoons orange or apple

juice150 g (5 oz) raspberries1–2 teaspoons clear honey

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Peel and roughly chop the kiwifruit,then process in a food processor orblender until smooth. Spoon thepurée into 2 tall glasses, and topeach with a spoonful of yogurt,spreading the yogurt to the sides ofthe glasses.

Peel the mango, remove the stoneand roughly chop the flesh. Blendthe mango to a purée with theorange or apple juice and spoon itinto the glasses on top of thekiwifruit purée and yogurt. Topwith another layer of yogurt.

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Blend the raspberries and pushthem through a sieve over a bowl toextract the seeds. Check theirsweetness (you might need to stir ina little honey if they’re very sharp)and spoon the raspberry purée intothe glasses.

For mango, apple & passionfruitsmoothie, juice 3 apples. Processthe juice in a food processor orblender with the flesh of a mangoand 2 passionfruit.

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peach & orange smoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

400 g (13 oz) can peaches innatural juice

150 ml (¼ pint) peach- or apricot-flavoured yogurt, plus extra toserve

200 ml (7 fl oz) orange juiceclear honey (optional)2–3 ice cubes (optional)

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Drain the peaches, discarding thejuice, and put them in a foodprocessor or blender with theyogurt, orange juice, honey, if using,and a couple of ice cubes, if liked.Process until smooth.

Pour the mixture into 2 shortglasses and top with a swirl of anyremaining yogurt.

For citrus yogurt smoothie, put200 g (7 oz) canned grapefruit innatural juice in a food processor orblender with 150 ml (5 fl oz)

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lemon-flavoured yogurt and 150 ml(¼ pint) semi-skimmed milk.Process until smooth.

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peach smoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

1 large peach150 ml (¼ pint) natural yogurt50 ml (2 fl oz) milkraspberries, to decorate

Skin the peach, remove the stoneand roughly chop the flesh. Put thepeach, yogurt and milk in a foodprocessor or blender and processuntil smooth.

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Pour the smoothie into a glass,decorate with raspberries and serveimmediately.

For pineapple, banana &strawberry smoothie, juice 100 g(3½ oz) strawberries with 300 g(10 oz) pineapple. Put the juice in afood processor or blender, add abanana and process until smooth.

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strawberry & soyasmoothie

Makes 200 ml (7 fl oz)

100 g (3½ oz) fresh or frozenstrawberries

200 ml (7 fl oz) soya milk2 kiwifruitice cubes (optional)25 g (1 oz) flaked almonds, to

decorate (optional)

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Hull the strawberries. Put them intoa food processor or blender withthe soya milk and kiwifruit andprocess briefly. If you are usingfresh rather than frozen strawberriesadd a few ice cubes, if using, andprocess until smooth.

Pour the mixture into a glass,decorate with flaked almonds, ifliked, and serve immediately

For summer berry & honeysmoothie, put 125 g (4 oz) frozenmixed berries into a food processor

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or blender with 300 ml (½ pint)grape juice, 3 tablespoons quarkand 1 teaspoon clear honey. Processuntil smooth.

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banana & chocolatesmoothie

Makes 400 ml (14 fl oz)

1 banana2 tablespoons organic cocoa

powder300 ml (½ pint) semi-skimmed

milk100 ml (3½ fl oz) apple juice2 large scoops vanilla ice creamcocoa powder or chocolate

shavings, to decorate

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Peel and roughly chop the banana.Place in a food processor orblender with the cocoa powder,milk, apple juice and ice cream andprocess until smooth.

Pour the mixture into 2 tall glasses,dust with cocoa powder orchocolate shavings and serve.

For banana & peanut buttersmoothie, put a banana, 300 ml (½pint) semi-skimmed milk and atablespoon of smooth peanut butterinto a food processor or blender

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and process until smooth.

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banana & mangosmoothie

Makes 600 ml (1 pint)

1 large banana, plus extra to serve(optional)

1 large ripe mango150 ml (5 fl oz) natural yogurt300 ml (½ pint) pineapple juice

Peel and slice the banana, then putit in a freezer container and freeze

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for at least 2 hours or overnight.

Peel the mango, remove the stoneand cut the flesh into cubes.

Put the frozen banana, mango,yogurt and pineapple juice into afood processor or blender, processuntil smooth.

Pour the mixture into 3 glasses,decorate with a slice of banana, ifliked, and serve immediately.

For cinnamon yogurt bananasmoothie, blend a small ripe

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banana with 250 ml (8 fl oz) plainlive yogurt, a pinch of cinnamon andclear honey, to taste.

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alfalfa sproutsceleriac, alfalfa & orange juice

74celery, alfalfa & apple juice 74pineapple & alfalfa juice 26

almond milk: melon & almondsmoothie 180

almonds: banana almond smoothie142

alpha-carotene 13antioxidants 8, 11, 12apple juice

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apple & avocado smoothie 148apple, banana & wheatgerm

smoothie 150blueberry, apple & honey

smoothie 216dried fruit & apple smoothie

178mango, apple & blackcurrant

smoothie 216prune, apple & cinnamon

smoothie 148apples 11

apple & ginger juice 32apple & oat smoothie 150apple & passionfruit juice 44

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apple & pear slush 196apple, apricot & peach juice 44apple, mango & passionfruit

juice 42apple, peach & strawberry

lollies 198apple, pineapple & melon juice

194apples, cranberry & blueberry

juice 36blackberry, apple &celeriac juice 30blueberry & apple smoothie 154blueberry, apple & ginger juice


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broccoli, parsnip & apple juice66

broccoli, spinach & apple juice70

cabbage, apple & cinnamonjuice 110

carrot, apple & ginger juice 92carrot, cabbage & apple juice

90carrot, orange & apple juice

190celery & apple juice 208celery, alfalfa & apple juice 74cranberry & apple smoothie 134cranberry, apple & lettuce juice

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36lettuce & apple juice 116mango, apple & cucumber juice

210mango, apple & passionfruit

smoothie 222orange, apple & pear juice 196plum & apple juice 194ruby smoothie 136spinach, apple & pepper juice

70tomato, apple & basil juice 84yellow pepper, spinach & apple

juice 108apricots (dried)

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apricot & pineapple juice 56apricot & pineapple smoothie

162dried apricot & orange juice 56

apricots (fresh) 12apple, apricot & peach juice 44orange & apricot juice 40

apricots (tinned): apricot smoothie178

avocados 12apple & avocado smoothie 148banana & avocado smoothie

144guacamole smoothie 182pear & avocado juice 58

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bananas 11apple, banana & wheatgerm

smoothie 150banana & avocado smoothie

144banana & chocolate smoothie

230banana & fig smoothie 146banana & mango smoothie 232banana & papaya smoothie 146banana & peanut butter smoothie

142, 230banana almond smoothie 142banana lassi 160banana, mango & orange

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smoothie 220banana, orange & mango

smoothie 144carrot, orange & banana

smoothie 212cinnamon yogurt banana

smoothie 232orange & banana smoothie 138,

140papaya, orange & banana

smoothie 220pineapple, banana & strawberry

smoothie 226strawberry, orange & banana

smoothie 218

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tropical fruit smoothie 168basil: tomato, apple & basil juice

84beetroot 13

beetroot & berry smoothie 156broccoli, carrot & beetroot

juice 66carrot & beetroot juice 122carrot, beetroot & orange juice

88carrot, beetroot & sweet potato

juice 88red onion & beetroot juice 122strawberry, carrot & beetroot

juice 206

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berriessummer berry and honey

smoothie 228summer berry smoothie 152vanilla berry juice 214

beta-carotene 12, 13blackberries 12

blackberry & pineapple juice 30blackberry, apple & celeriac

juice 30blackberry, cantaloupe melon &

kiwifruit juice 28grapeberry smoothie 134melon, blackberry & kiwifruit

juice 202

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blackcurrantsmango & blackcurrant smoothie

164mango, apple & blackcurrant

smoothie 216blenders 10blueberries

apples, cranberry & blueberryjuice 36

beetroot & berry smoothie 156blueberry & apple smoothie 154blueberry & grape smoothie 152blueberry & grapefruit smoothie

156blueberry & mint smoothie 154

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blueberry, apple & ginger juice32

blueberry, apple & honeysmoothie 216

raspberry & blueberry smoothie214

broccolibroccoli & kale juice 72broccoli, carrot & beetroot

juice 66broccoli, lettuce & celery juice

72broccoli, parsnip & apple juice

66broccoli, spinach & apple juice

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70broccoli, spinach & tomato

juice 68

cabbagecabbage & pear juice 112cabbage, apple & cinnamon

juice 110carrot & cabbage juice 104carrot, cabbage & apple juice

90red cabbage, grape & orange

juice 110tomato, red pepper & cabbage

juice 80

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calcium 11, 13camomile tea

fennel & camomile juice 118lettuce & camomile juice 120

cantaloupe melonblackberry, cantaloupe melon &

kiwifruit juice 28melon, blackberry & kiwifruit

juice 202melon, carrot & ginger juice

190carrots 13

broccoli, carrot & beetrootjuice 66

carrot & beetroot juice 122

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carrot & cabbage juice 104carrot & green leaf juice 94carrot & kiwifruit juice 96carrot & lettuce juice 94carrot & pink grapefruit juice 78carrot, apple & ginger juice 92carrot, beetroot & orange juice

88carrot, beetroot & sweet potato

juice 88carrot, cabbage & apple juice

90carrot, celery & celeriac juice

86carrot, chicory & celery juice

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104carrot, chilli & pineapple juice

102carrot, fennel & ginger juice 92carrot, orange & apple juice

190carrot, orange & banana

smoothie 212carrot, parsnip & sweet potato

juice 98carrot, radish & cucumber juice

100carrot, radish & ginger juice

100carrot, spinach & pink

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grapefruit juice 90Jerusalem artichoke & carrot

juice 124melon, carrot & ginger juice

190orange & carrot juice 54pineapple, parsnip & carrot

smoothie 212seven vegetable juice 108spinach & carrot juice 68strawberry, carrot & beetroot

juice 206tomato, carrot & ginger juice 78tomato, cauliflower & carrot

juice 84

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cauliflower: tomato, cauliflower &carrot juice 84

celeriacblackberry, apple & celeriac

juice 30carrot, celery & celeriac juice

86celeriac, alfalfa & orange juice

74celery & celeriac juice 86Jerusalem artichoke, celery &

celeriac juice 124celery 13

broccoli, lettuce & celery juice72

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carrot & green leaf juice 94carrot, celery & celeriac juice

86carrot, chicory & celery juice

104celery & apple juice 208celery & celeriac juice 86celery, alfalfa & apple juice 74celery, ginger & pineapple juice

24fennel, celery & grapefruit juice

112Jerusalem artichoke, celery &

celeriac juice 124pear, celery & ginger juice 48

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pear, grapefruit & celery juice50

pineapple, grape & celery juice22

seven vegetable juice 108spinach, celery & cucumber

juice 114tomato & celery juice 82tomato, celery & ginger juice

102tomato, lemon & parsley juice

82tomato, orange & celery juice

208tomato, red pepper & celery

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juice 80centrifugal juicer 10cherries

cherry cranberry fizz 60choco-cherry shake 176melon & cherry juice 28

chicory: carrot, chicory & celeryjuice 104

children, juices and smoothies for10

chillies: carrot, chilli & pineapplejuice 102

chocolatebanana & chocolate smoothie


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choco-cherry shake 176cholesterol levels 13cinnamon

cabbage, apple & cinnamonjuice 110

cinnamon yogurt bananasmoothie 232

prune, apple & cinnamonsmoothie 148

coconut milkmango, coconut & lime lassi

166pineapple & coconut smoothie

166cranberries 12

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cherry cranberry fizz 60cranberry & apple smoothie 134cranberry & yogurt smoothie

132cranberry, apple & lettuce juice

36mango, orange & cranberry

juice 188watermelon & cranberry juice

16cranberry juice

apples, cranberry & blueberryjuice 36

cranberry & cucumber juice 38pear & cranberry juice 38

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cucumbercarrot, radish & cucumber juice

100cranberry & cucumber juice 38cucumber & kiwifruit juice 96cucumber lassi 130cucumber, lemon & mint

smoothie 128grapefruit & cucumber crush

128mango, apple & cucumber juice

210papaya, cucumber & orange

juice 20papaya, orange & cucumber

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juice 210seven vegetable juice 108spinach, celery & cucumber

juice 114strawberry, melon & cucumber

juice 206custard: rhubarb & custard

smoothie 176

detoxification 9

fennelcarrot, fennel & ginger juice 92fennel & camomile juice 118fennel & lettuce juice 118

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fennel, celery & grapefruit juice112

fibre 12, 13figs: banana & fig smoothie 146five fruits and vegetables a day 10folic acid 8, 13food processors 10fruits

choosing 11-13citrus 11, 13dried fruit & apple smoothie

178frozen 10organic 11

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galia melonapple, pineapple & melon juice

194grape & melon juice 186mango & melon juice 186melon & almond smoothie 180

ginger 13apple & ginger juice 32blueberry, apple & ginger juice

32carrot, apple & ginger juice 92carrot, fennel & ginger juice 92carrot, radish & ginger juice

100celery, ginger & pineapple juice

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24lettuce, grape & ginger juice

116melon, carrot & ginger juice

190peach & ginger juice 62pear, celery & ginger juice 48tomato, carrot & ginger juice 78tomato, celery & ginger juice

102grape juice: grapeberry smoothie


blueberry & grapefruit smoothie156

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carrot & pink grapefruit juice 78carrot, spinach & pink

grapefruit juice 90citrus yogurt smoothie 224fennel, celery & grapefruit juice

112grapefruit & lemon juice 50grapefruit & orange juice 54grapefruit fizz 62papaya, raspberry & grapefruit

juice 20pear, grapefruit & celery juice

50pineapple & pink grapefruit

juice 24

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raspberry, kiwifruit & grapefruitsmoothie 158

grapefruit juice: grapefruit &cucumber crush 128

grapesblueberry & grape smoothie 152grape & kiwifruit juice 46grape & melon juice 186grape & plum juice 52kiwifruit, melon & grape juice

202lettuce, grape & ginger juice

116pineapple, grape & celery juice


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red cabbage, grape & orangejuice 110

honeyblueberry, apple & honey

smoothie 216summer berry and honey

smoothie 228honeydew melon

kiwifruit, melon & grape juice202

melon & cherry juice 28strawberry, melon & cucumber

juice 206

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iron 13

Jerusalem artichokesJerusalem artichoke & carrot

juice 124Jerusalem artichoke, celery &

celeriac juice 124juicers 10juicing

choosing the best ingredients11-13

five good reasons to juice 8making the best juices and

smoothies 10nutritional benefits 9

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why juice at home? 9

kalebroccoli & kale juice 72kale & spirulina juice 114

kiwifruitblackberry, cantaloupe melon &

kiwifruit juice 28carrot & kiwifruit juice 96cucumber & kiwifruit juice 96grape & kiwifruit juice 46kiwifruit & orange juice 200kiwifruit, melon & grape juice

202kiwifruit, melon & passionfruit

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juice 204kiwifruit, melon & passionfruit

smoothie 168kiwifruit, melon & pineapple

juice 204kiwifruit, orange & strawberry

juice 188lettuce & kiwifruit juice 120mango & raspberry smoothie

222melon, blackberry & kiwifruit

juice 202pear & kiwifruit juice 192pear, kiwifruit & lime juice 46raspberry, kiwifruit & grapefruit

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smoothie 158strawberry & kiwifruit juice 34

lemonscucumber, lemon & mint

smoothie 128grapefruit & lemon juice 50tomato, lemon & parsley juice


broccoli, lettuce & celery juice72

carrot & green leaf juice 94carrot & lettuce juice 94cranberry, apple & lettuce juice

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36fennel & lettuce juice 118lettuce & apple juice 116lettuce & camomile juice 120lettuce & kiwifruit juice 120lettuce, grape & ginger juice

116pineapple & lettuce juice 26

limesmango, coconut & lime lassi

166mango, pineapple & lime

smoothie 162pear, kiwifruit & lime juice 46

lychees: mandarin & lychee frappé

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136lycopene 13

mandarin oranges: mandarin &lychee frappé 136mangoes 12

apple, mango & passionfruitjuice 42

banana & mango smoothie 232banana, mango & orange

smoothie 220banana, orange & mango

smoothie 144mango & blackcurrant smoothie


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mango & melon juice 186mango & mint sherbet 164mango & pineapple juice 42mango, apple & blackcurrant

smoothie 216mango, apple & cucumber juice

210mango, apple & passionfruit

smoothie 222mango, coconut & lime lassi

166mango lassi 130mango, orange & cranberry

juice 188mango, pineapple & lime

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smoothie 162orange, mango & strawberry

smoothie 140strawberry, mango & orange

lollies 218tropical fruit smoothie 168

masticating juicer 10melon

apple, pineapple & melon juice194

blackberry, cantaloupe melon &kiwifruit juice 28

grape & melon juice 186kiwifruit, melon & grape juice


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kiwifruit, melon & passionfruitjuice 204

kiwifruit, melon & passionfruitsmoothie 168

kiwifruit, melon & pineapplejuice 204

melon & almond smoothie 180melon & cherry juice 28melon, blackberry & kiwifruit

juice 202melon, carrot & ginger juice

190strawberry, melon & cucumber

juice 206watermelon & cranberry juice

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18watermelon & orange juice 18watermelon & raspberry juice

18watermelon & strawberry juice

16watermelon cooler 180

minerals 8mint

blueberry & mint smoothie 154cucumber, lemon & mint

smoothie 128mango & mint sherbet 164

muesli: apple & oat smoothie 150

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onionsred onion & beetroot juice 122seven vegetable juice 108

orange juicebanana, mango & orange

smoothie 220banana, orange & mango

smoothie 144dried apricot & orange juice 56orange & banana smoothie 138,

140orange, mango & strawberry

smoothie 140papaya, orange & banana

smoothie 220

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peach & orange smoothie 224strawberry, mango & orange

lollies 218strawberry, orange & banana

smoothie 218oranges 11

carrot, beetroot & orange juice88

carrot, orange & apple juice190

carrot, orange & bananasmoothie 212

celeriac, alfalfa & orange juice74

grapefruit & orange juice 54

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kiwifruit & orange juice 200kiwifruit, orange & strawberry

juice 188mandarin & lychee frappé 136mango, orange & cranberry

juice 188orange & apricot juice 40orange & carrot juice 54orange & passionfruit sparkler

60orange & raspberry juice 40orange & strawberry juice 198orange, apple & pear juice 196orange super-smoothie 138papaya, cucumber & orange

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juice 20papaya, orange & cucumber

juice 210peach & orange smoothie 172pepper & orange juice 76plum & orange juice 52red cabbage, grape & orange

juice 110ruby smoothie 136strawberry, redcurrant & orange

juice 200tomato, orange & celery juice

208watermelon & orange juice 18

organic vegetables 11

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papayabanana & papaya smoothie 146papaya, cucumber & orange

juice 20papaya, orange & banana

smoothie 220papaya, orange & cucumber

juice 210Payaya, raspberry & grapefruit

juice 20tomato, red pepper & papaya

juice 76parsley: carrot & green leaf juice


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broccoli, parsnip & apple juice66

carrot, parsnip & sweet potatojuice 98

parsnip, green pepper &watercress juice 106

pineapple, parsnip & carrotsmoothie 212

passionfruitapple & passionfruit juice 44apple, mango & passionfruit

juice 42kiwifruit, melon & passionfruit

juice 204kiwifruit, melon & passionfruit

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smoothie 168mango, apple & passionfruit

smoothie 222orange & passionfruit sparkler

60peaches 12

apple, apricot & peach juice 44apple, peach & strawberry

lollies 198marbled peach milkshake 174peach smoothie 226peach & ginger juice 62peach & orange smoothie 172,

224peach & tofu smoothie 170

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peach, pear & raspberrysmoothie 172

pear & peach juice 48peanut butter: banana & peanut

butter smoothie 142, 230pears 12

apple & pear slush 196cabbage & pear juice 112orange, apple & pear juice 196peach, pear & raspberry

smoothie 172pear & avocado juice 58pear & cranberry juice 38pear & kiwifruit juice 192pear & peach juice 48

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pear & pineapple juice 192pear, celery & ginger juice 48pear, grapefruit & celery juice

50pear, kiwifruit & lime juice 46pineapple & pear juice 22prune, pear & spinach juice 58Watercress & pear juice 106

peppersparsnip, green pepper &

watercress juice 106pepper & orange juice 76red pepper & tomato smoothie

182seven vegetable juice 108

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spinach, apple & pepper juice70

tomato, red pepper & cabbagejuice 80

tomato, red pepper & celeryjuice 80

tomato, red pepper & papayajuice 76

yellow pepper, spinach & applejuice 108

phyto-nutrients 13pineapple

apple, pineapple & melon juice194

blackberry & pineapple juice 30

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carrot, chilli & pineapple juice102

celery, ginger & pineapple juice24

mango & pineapple juice 42pear & pineapple juice 192pineapple & alfalfa juice 26pineapple & coconut smoothie

166pineapple & lettuce juice 26pineapple & pear juice 22pineapple & pink grapefruit

juice 24pineapple, banana & strawberry

smoothie 226

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pineapple, grape & celery juice22

pineapple, parsnip & carrotsmoothie 212

pineapple juiceapricot & pineapple juice 56apricot & pineapple smoothie

162kiwifruit, melon & pineapple

juice 204mango, pineapple & lime

smoothie 162strawberry & pineapple

smoothie 158tropical fruit smoothie 168

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plumsgrape & plum juice 52plum & apple juice 194plum & orange juice 52

potassium 11, 12prunes

prune, apple & cinnamonsmoothie 148

prune, pear & spinach juice 58

quercetin 11

radishescarrot, radish & cucumber juice


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carrot, radish & ginger juice100

raspberriesbeetroot & berry smoothie 156mango & raspberry smoothie

222orange & raspberry juice 40papaya, raspberry & grapefruit

juice 20peach, pear & raspberry

smoothie 172raspberry & blueberry smoothie

214raspberry, kiwifruit & grapefruit

smoothie 158

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raspberry shake 132ruby smoothie 136watermelon & raspberry juice

18redcurrants: strawberry, redcurrant

& orange juice 200rhubarb

rhubarb & custard smoothie 176rhubarb smoothie 170

smoothiesfor kids 10what is a smoothie? 10

soya 13soya milk

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strawberry & soya smoothie228

Vanilla berry juice 214spinach 13

broccoli, spinach & apple juice70

broccoli, spinach & tomatojuice 68

carrot & green leaf juice 94carrot, spinach & pink

grapefruit juice 90prune, pear & spinach juice 58seven vegetable juice 108spinach & carrot juice 68spinach, apple & pepper juice

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70spinach, celery & cucumber

juice 114yellow pepper, spinach & apple

juice 108spirulina: kale & spirulina juice

114strawberries 11

apple, peach & strawberrylollies 198

kiwifruit, orange & strawberryjuice 188

orange & strawberry juice 198orange, mango & strawberry

smoothie 140

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pineapple, banana & strawberrysmoothie 226

ruby smoothie 136strawberry & kiwifruit juice 34strawberry & pineapple

smoothie 158strawberry & soya smoothie

228strawberry, carrot & beetroot

juice 206strawberry lassi 160strawberry, mango & orange

lollies 218strawberry, melon & cucumber

juice 206

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strawberry, orange & bananasmoothie 218

strawberry, redcurrant & orangejuice 200

summer strawberry juice 34watermelon & strawberry juice

16sweet potatoes

carrot, beetroot & sweet potatojuice 88

carrot, parsnip & sweet potatojuice 98

tofu: peach & tofu smoothie 170tomatoes 13

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broccoli, spinach & tomatojuice 68

red pepper & tomato smoothie182

seven vegetable juice 108tomato & celery juice 82tomato, apple & basil juice 84tomato, carrot & ginger juice 78tomato, cauliflower & carrot

juice 84tomato, celery & ginger juice

102tomato, lemon & parsley juice

82tomato, orange & celery juice

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208tomato, red pepper & cabbage

juice 80tomato, red pepper & celery

juice 80tomato, red pepper & papaya

juice 76

vitamins 8vitamin C 11, 12, 13vitamin D 13vitamin E 12

watercressparsnip, green pepper &

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watercress juice 106Watercress & pear juice 106

watermelon 12kiwifruit, melon & passionfruit

juice 204kiwifruit, melon & passionfruit

smoothie 168kiwifruit, melon & pineapple

juice 204watermelon & cranberry juice

16watermelon & orange juice 18watermelon & raspberry juice

18watermelon & strawberry juice

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16watermelon cooler 180

weight-loss programmes 8wheatgerm: apple, banana &

wheatgerm smoothie 150

yogurtcinnamon yogurt banana

smoothie 232citrus yogurt smoothie 224cranberry & yogurt smoothie

132live 13Vanilla yogurt smoothie 174

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zinc 13

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acknowledgementsExecutive Editor Nicky HillContributing Editor Sarah FordEditor Lisa JohnExecutive Art Editor Mark

StevensDesigner Geoff BorinPhotographer Lis ParsonsHome Economist Alice StoreyProp Stylist Liz HippisleySenior Production Controller

Martin Croshaw

Page 706: 200 Juices & Smoothies (All Colour Cookbook) - Hamlyn Cookbooks

Commissioned photography ©Octopus Publishing GroupLimited/Lis Parsons apart from thefollowing: Octopus PublishingGroup Limited/Gareth Sambridge11, 13, 24, 24, 26, 34, 86, 130,170, 180; /Janine Hosegood 12, 28,36, 76, 90; /Jeremy Hopley 64;/Karen Thomas 152; /StephenConroy 8; /Vanessa Davies 9, 186,188, 205, 210, 214, 216, 222, 224,230.