2 nd Semester 1 st 6 weeks Vocabulary Review

2 nd Semester

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2 nd Semester. 1 st 6 weeks Vocabulary Review. 1. Sarah lied about everything. It seemed she had a compulsion to lie. She was a ____________ liar. A. Pathological B. Tempestuous C. Nascent D. Apathetic. A. Which of the following roots mean “follow” A. Nasc B. Path C. Sequ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 2 nd  Semester

2nd Semester1st 6 weeks Vocabulary Review

Page 2: 2 nd  Semester


• 1. Sarah lied about everything. It seemed she had a compulsion to lie. She was a ____________ liar.• A. Pathological• B. Tempestuous• C. Nascent• D. Apathetic

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• Which of the following roots mean “follow”• A. Nasc• B. Path• C. Sequ• D. Frag

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• Not wearing your ID is against school rules. If you get caught without it, you will be charged with an ________ of school rules.• A. inconsequential• B. infraction• C. execution• D. antipathy

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• While teacher like when students respect them, most do not like students who grovel and “kiss up” in order to get favors. Teacher like their students to be obedient not

• _________________.• A. extemporaneous• B. impassive• C. fractious• D. obsequious

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• Which root means “time”?• A. Frag/Fract• B. Sequ/Sec• C. Temp• D. Path/Pass

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• Johnny and Ashley constantly had fights in the hall. One minute they’d be all lovey dovey and the next they’d be screaming at each other. Their relationship was very ___________.• A. tempestuous• B. extemporaneous• C. dispassionate• D. apathetic

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• The academy award winner’s speech was ___________ because she hadn’t prepared anything ahead of time.• A. dispassionate• B. nascent• C. extemporaneous• D. inconsequential

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• Ms. McDaniels told her __________ students to quit being disruptive and get back to work.• A. contemporary• B. fractious• C. fragmented• D. obsequious

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• Brianna had no doubt about Tiffany’s ________ toward her the moment she saw the nasty comments about her on Tiffany’s facebook.• A. naivete• B. non sequitur• C. frailty• D. antipathy

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• Mr. Dubbs stopped the band’s rendition of school song because the ____________ was way too slow.• A. tempo• B. segue• C. pathos• D. fragment

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• Jennifer’s comments were frequently so random that she became famous for her _____________.• A. non sequiturs• B. tempests• C. apathy• D. seques

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• Which root means feeling or suffering?• A. nat/nasc• B. sequ/sec• C. temp• D. path/pass

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• After he dropped the beaker in chemistry class, Josh stepped on a __________ of glass and cut his foot.• A. segue• B. pathogen• C. fragment• D. fractious

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• Many adults today believe that students don’t care anymore, and they cite the lack of homework completion as evidence of student ___________.• A. pathology• B. apathy• C. consequence• D. infringement

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• Which root means “break”?• A. frag/fract• B. temp• C. path/pass• D. nat/nasc

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• The Spanish word for love is amor. The Italian is amore. Because these words come from the same Latin word, they are considered ___________.• A. nascents• B. consequentials• C. cognates• D. subsequents

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• Shakespeare was well respected by other playwrights of his time. In fact, it was a group of his _________ who first published his plays.

A. obsequiesB. nativesC. pathogistsD. contemporaries

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• The judge clearly didn’t like the defendant, so his attorney asked for another judge, one who would view the case more _____________.• A. dispassionately• B. antipathetic• C. renascently• D. obsequiously

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• One ____________ of not studying for a test is a failing grade.• A. cognate• B. obsequy• C. consequence• D. infraction

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• Melissa has an ___________ talent for hearing perfect pitch. From the time she was able to speak, she could sing perfectly, never missing a note.• A. consequential• B. extemporaneous• C. innate• D. apathetic

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• Which root means “birth”?• A. Nat/nasc• B. Temp• C. Path/ pass• D. Frag/Fract

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• Ian’s question created a smooth transition to the teacher’s next point, and she thanked him for the nice ________.• A. subsequent• B. consequence• C. segue• D. non sequitur

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• Cigarettes are a ___________ because they have been proven to cause cancer.• A. refactory• B. pathogen• C. tempest• D. cognate

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• The _____________ capsized the ship and drowned everyone on board.• A. tempo• B. tempest• C. natal• D. segue

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• Famous for their ____________, Shakespeare’s tragic heroes often move audiences to great pity.

• A. empathy• B. antipathy• C. pathos• D. pathology