EFFECTS OF THE SUN’S HEAT AND LIGHT ON EARTH -Good and bad effects of heat and light from the sun - Ways to protect oneself from the sun’s heat Prepared by : Shirley Puaso-Valera Grade 3 –St. Francis / St.Augustine / St.Maria Goretti SY 2013 - 2014

2. effects of the sun's heat and light

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-Good and bad effects of heat and light from the sun

- Ways to protect oneself from the sun’s heat

Prepared by : Shirley Puaso-Valera

Grade 3 –St. Francis / St.Augustine / St.Maria GorettiSY 2013 - 2014

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Key Questions

A. How is life without the sun?

B. How is the life on earth affected by the sun?

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Objectives• Infer that the sun gives heat and light to

the earth.

• Identify the good and bad effects of heat and light from the sun.• Analyze how the heat and light from the sun affect the life on earth.

• Give ways or practices to protect oneself from the sun’s heat.

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Word puzzle

Circle the words that is related with the effects of sun’s heat and light on Earth

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Word puzzleA B C P H E A TD L E L G F H I







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Fast SharingShare what you know about the sun and its effect to the life on earth.

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Group Activity

Activity 10.1” Heat and Light from the sun” Group presentation follows. Discussion on their responses

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Group ActivityActivity 10.1 HEAT AND LIGHT FROM THE SUN

I. Problem: Why do you need the heat and light from the sun?

II. What You Need: the illustration of a mother carrying her child , exposing the child to sunshine early morning

III. What To Do:

1. Observe the picture.

2. Describe what the baby is doing.

3. Describe where the baby is placed.

IV. What have you found out?

1. Where is the baby placed by her mother? _______________________________________


2. Why is the baby exposed to sunshine early in the morning _________________________


V. Conclusion:

What does one get from heat and light from the sun? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Group presentation .

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Doctors advice mothers to take their babies under early morning sun.

The sun helps in producing vitamin D. If exposed to sunlight to the right amount of sunlight in the morning, there is a substance under the skin that changes into Vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps in the proper development of bones and teeth

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Brainstorming Game

By partners: list down all the benefits you can get from the sun. You can also illustrate your answers in a manila paper. Volunteer pairs will share their work in front of the class. Discussion on the

responses of the learners.

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Diagran presentationBeneficial effect of sun’s heat and light to the life on earth.

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Diagram Presentation

Presentation on the following diagram to deeply tackle the beneficial effects of sun’s heat and light to the life on earth.

a. process of photosynthesis

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Diagram presentation

b. animals and human beings were able to see because of light coming from the sun

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Diagram presentation

c. clothes being dried under the sun

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Diagram presentation

d. water cycle

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Diagram presentatione. sun as a source of vitamin D

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Question ActivityWhen are these things (umbrella , cap ,

sunglasses ) used?

Why should you wear these things on sunny day?

What do you usually feel when you stay too long under the sun?

What can happen if you will be exposed to the sun?

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Harmful effects of the sun’s heat in the environment and to living things

1.Excessive heat from the sun can burn our skin . Our skin gets red and becomes painful. This condition is called sunburn. Continuous overexposure to sunlight may even lead to skin cancer.

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Harmful effects of the sun’s heat in the environment and to living things

2.Too much exposure to the sun’s rays may result in headache and nosebleed.

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Harmful effects of the sun’s heat in the environment and to living things

3. We should not look directly at the sun, it can make us temporarily blind

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Harmful effects of the sun’s heat in the environment and to living things

4. The sun’s heat and the warm air make us perspire a lot. Too much perspiration can make us lose much water. This may lead to dehydration , which often results from overexposure to the sun.

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Group activitySharing ideas on how to take care of their body against the rays of the sun. Sharing their answer on class. Discussion on the result of the activity.

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Protecting Oneself from the Sun’s Heat

Use sunglasses when you stay under the sun .They can protect your eyes from the sun’s heat and radiation

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Protecting Oneself from the Sun’s Heat

Drink lot of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water or more.

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Protecting Oneself from the Sun’s Heat

Before swimming under the sun, make sure you put some sunblock lotion on your skin to lessen sunburn

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Protecting Oneself from the Sun’s Heat

Use hat , an umbrella, or any cover for the head to protect you from the sun’s rays.

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Protecting Oneself from the Sun’s Heat

Use long-sleeved clothes when working under the sun to avoid too much exposure to the sun’s rays.

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GeneralizationPupils will give a two-sentence explanation of

the learning they have for the day.

• The sun influences all objects in the solar system. The energy coming from the sun has its good and bad effects to the life on earth. • All life on earth depend on heat and light from the sun.

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GeneralizationThe sun is the main source of light.

The heat and light from the sun help plants and animals grow.

Although sunlight has many good effects on us, one should not expose himself or herself to the sun too much.

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There are many other things that affect our lives on earth. God has a purpose in creating all the things in this world to benefit us.

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EvaluationA. Draw one good effect of heat and light from the sun and write three sentences about it.

B. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences by choosing your answer from the words inside the box.(p.345-A)

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EvaluationC. Answer the following questions

1. How does the sunlight help in producing Vitamin D.2. How can you protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun’s heat?3. What are the good effects of the sun?4. What do you think would happen on Earth if the sun does not shine on it?5. Why is the sun very bright and very hot?