1. Yellow, East, and South China Sea 2. Manchuria 3. Mongolia 4. Gobi Desert 5. Tian Shan Mountains 6. Himalayas 7. Taklimakan Desert 8. Plateau of Tibet 9. Huang He (Yellow River) 10.Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) 11.Grand Canal Landforms

1.Yellow, East, and South China Sea 2.Manchuria 3.Mongolia 4.Gobi Desert 5.Tian Shan Mountains 6.Himalayas 7.Taklimakan Desert 8.Plateau of Tibet 9.Huang

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1. Yellow, East, and South China Sea2. Manchuria3. Mongolia4. Gobi Desert5. Tian Shan Mountains6. Himalayas7. Taklimakan Desert8. Plateau of Tibet9. Huang He (Yellow River)10.Chang Jiang (Yangtze River)11.Grand Canal


Chinese Dynasties

How did physical geography influence Chinese dynasties?------------------------------(The Himalaya video)

(Geography Article)


(Excel Notes)

“Major geographic features isolated Chinese dynasties from other civilizations.”

How do we expand on this statement?

Buddhism and Confucianism

Use my website for a link to help with your notes.

1. Which religion do you believe Americans would be most accepting of? Why?

2. Why did people need religion as a society? Do we still?

Great Wall

Use my Web Resources page to explore the Great Wall of China.

1. Watch the video Great Wall on Discovery Atlas

2. Complete the Scavenger Hunt.

3. Take the Great Wall 360 Tour

4. Go see the wall on Google Maps, search for Great Wall, Badaling, China

(Read Silk Road articles on my Web Resources Page)

How did the Silk Road get its name?

Why was the Silk Road important?

(China video)

Silk was the most precious commodity traded along the route that connected China, to the Roman Empire in the west.

The Silk Road connected civilizations in the east and west.

Silk Road

What caused the downfall of the Han Dynasty?

What kinds of trouble did the Chinese face after the downfall?

Would you prefer Confucianism or Buddhism? Why?

Political struggles, social problems, and a wide gap between the rich and poor.

(Do we face these today?)

Kingdoms fought among themselves and nomads attacked from the north.

Han Dynasty

(Sui Dynasty Video)

How did Wendi reunify China?

Why was Taizong considered a just leader, even though he was violent?

Describe the arts in the Tang Dynasty.

He restored traditions, allowed people to follow their own belief systems, rebuilt parts of the great wall, and began construction of the Grand Canal.

He reduced taxes for peasants and took land from the rich to give to the poor.

Poetry and art, such as sculptures, became very popular.

Sui and Tang Dynasties

Draw a diagram of the Tang Chinese government.

Explain the state exam system.

How did the Chinese improve their agriculture?




Tang and Song Dynasties

People’s knowledge was tested. If they passed, they could become scholar-officials and upper class. Most people failed.

They grew a new type of rice, used pumps and canals for irrigation, and built terraces.

The use of coin money for trade was a problem. Why and what change was made?

What technological advancements were made under the Tang and Song Dynasties?

Tea and porcelain were major trade exports. What is typically called “China” in American homes?

Tang and Song Dynasties

The Chinese printed paper money.

Paper, printing, gunpowder, guns, cannons, compasses, and overall trade.

Formal plates or bowls are often called “China.”

(The Mongols Video)

Describe the Mongols.

What did Genghis Kahn do?

They were fierce nomadic warriors who lived in the lands north of China

Genghis organized the Mongols into a fighting force to invade northern China and then move west.

Mongol EmpireGenghis Kahn

How did Kublai Kahn organize the Mongolian Government?

How did the Mongols improve trade?(Yuan Dynasty and Marco Polo Videos)

Kublai Kahn increased trade. How did Marco Polo help?(Mongols Invade, A Message from the Mongols, and Building the Wall Videos)

He moved the capital to Beijing, kept a traditional Chinese government, and gave many government jobs to Mongols.

The protected the Silk Road and restored land and sea routes.

After spending many years with Kublai Khan, Marco Polo published a book about his experiences.

Mongol EmpireKublai Kahn

Describe what type of leader Hongwu was.

What was the Forbidden City?(Watch Animated History on Classzone)

Hongwu helped China rebuild, but he also increase his power and had people killed for treason.

The Forbidden City is a walled section of Beijing where foreigners or commoners were not allowed.

Ming Dynasty

Describe Maritime Exploration, under Yongle’s leadership, by Zheng He.

After exploration ended, did China become isolated again? Explain.

Seven voyages expanded trade throughout Asia, India, Arabia, and Africa. Chinese goods were traded with local goods from other nations.

No, trade continued with Southeast Asia. Europeans also sailed to China for goods.

Ming Dynasty

What people began the Qing Dynasty?

Which foreign nations traded with the Qing Dynasty?

How did these nations lead to the downfall of the Dynasty?

Manchus (from Manchuria)

Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan

Foreign influence angered the common Chinese. The people began a revolution, overthrew the emperor, and China became a republic (elected officials).

Qing Dynasty

Explain how the Grand Canal, Pacific Ocean, Manchuria, Mongolia, Gobi Desert, Himalayas,

Taklimakan Desert, and Plateau of Tibet affected the development of Chinese dynasties.


Compare and contrast two Chinese Dynasties between 202 B.C.E. and 1911.