1Student 1Sport Policy (1M 1S) by BerryBerryTeacher on 11/06/2011 in Berry Announcement Sports should be integral to a person’s life. This is due to the benefits in health that can be derived from it and also skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork can be learnt. Most Berry Readers have benefitted from participation in various sports, but most voluntarily participated in the sport activities of their choice. As such, Berry Berry Easy would like to highlight to all students the latest 1Student 1Sport policy introduced by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia. 1Student 1Sport Policy – 1Murid 1Sukan (1M 1S) What: 1Student 1Sport Policy Significance: Compulsory participation in sports for students Brief explanation of the 1Student 1Sport Policy To encourage students to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. It is assured that academic results would not be affected, instead making the students all-rounders. It is hoped that schooling hours not be extended to reduce logistical issues to parents. Secondary school students will be getting 90 minutes every week to participate in the sports event of their choice.

1Student 1Sport Policy

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1Student 1Sport Policy (1M 1S)by BerryBerryTeacher on 11/06/2011

in Berry Announcement

Sports should be integral to a person’s life. This is due to the benefits in health that can be derived from it and also skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork can be learnt. Most Berry Readers have benefitted from participation in various sports, but most voluntarily participated in the sport activities of their choice. As such, Berry Berry Easy would like to highlight to all students the latest 1Student 1Sport policy introduced by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia.

1Student 1Sport Policy – 1Murid 1Sukan (1M 1S)

What: 1Student 1Sport PolicySignificance: Compulsory participation in sports for students

Brief explanation of the 1Student 1Sport Policy

To encourage students to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. It is assured that academic results would not be affected, instead making the students all-

rounders. It is hoped that schooling hours not be extended to reduce logistical issues to parents. Secondary school students will be getting 90 minutes every week to participate in the

sports event of their choice. Likewise, primary school going children will get an hour every week. Currently, secondary school students only spend 80 minutes in Physical Education while

60 minutes is spent for primary school children. Those with poor health can be exempted from this policy. Sport grant (annual) will be increased from RM2.40 for every student to RM6.00 for

secondary school students and RM4.00 for primary school students.

Launch Event:

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3 million students, teachers and MOE staffs will be involved in simultaneous runs held all over the country.

The main event named 1Student 1Sport 1Malaysia Simultaneous Run will take place in Taiping’s Padang Esplanade on 2nd July 2011 (7:45am).

The simultaneous runs are non-competitive in nature. It is hoped that record for “The Largest Participation of School Students in a Run”

category in the Malaysia Book of Records be set. The run is also open to the public. Closing date for registration is 23rd June 2011.

What do you think of this policy? Would it improve upon the current system? Should students be encouraged to participate in sporting events? Would this make them all-rounders?

Rating: 5.0/5 (8 votes cast)

1Student 1Sport Policy (1M 1S)by BerryBerryTeacher on 11/06/2011

in Berry Announcement

Sports should be integral to a person’s life. This is due to the benefits in health that can be derived from it and also skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork can be learnt. Most Berry Readers have benefitted from participation in various sports, but most voluntarily participated in the sport activities of their choice. As such, Berry Berry Easy would like to highlight to all students the latest 1Student 1Sport policy introduced by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia.

1Student 1Sport Policy – 1Murid 1Sukan (1M 1S)

What: 1Student 1Sport PolicySignificance: Compulsory participation in sports for students

Brief explanation of the 1Student 1Sport Policy

Page 3: 1Student 1Sport Policy

To encourage students to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. It is assured that academic results would not be affected, instead making the students all-

rounders. It is hoped that schooling hours not be extended to reduce logistical issues to parents. Secondary school students will be getting 90 minutes every week to participate in the

sports event of their choice. Likewise, primary school going children will get an hour every week. Currently, secondary school students only spend 80 minutes in Physical Education while

60 minutes is spent for primary school children. Those with poor health can be exempted from this policy. Sport grant (annual) will be increased from RM2.40 for every student to RM6.00 for

secondary school students and RM4.00 for primary school students.

Launch Event:

3 million students, teachers and MOE staffs will be involved in simultaneous runs held all over the country.

The main event named 1Student 1Sport 1Malaysia Simultaneous Run will take place in Taiping’s Padang Esplanade on 2nd July 2011 (7:45am).

The simultaneous runs are non-competitive in nature. It is hoped that record for “The Largest Participation of School Students in a Run”

category in the Malaysia Book of Records be set. The run is also open to the public. Closing date for registration is 23rd June 2011.

What do you think of this policy? Would it improve upon the current system? Should students be encouraged to participate in sporting events? Would this make them all-rounders?

Rating: 5.0/5 (8 votes cast)ome people claim that there is no benefit from games and sports at all especially for adults. But in actual fact, sports and games have many benefits for children and also for adults. They release pressure and teach us skills of surviving in this tough life. Also, they provide entertainment and pleasure and help socialize our lives.

Experts said that practicing sports release pressure since the tired body releases Hormones that relax us and make us feel better. For example, I am used to swimming before exam times by 1 hour, and after swimming, I find that I totally relax and loose anxiety and that helps me a lot doing well in exams and getting high grades. Moreover, students need good health. For example, it is difficult for non athletic students to walk fast from one side of the campus to the other to catch up their classes and even if they could, they would reach classes but exhausted and so can not pay attention to lectures.

Playing sports and games will teach you many skills that you need in this tough life. For example, competing with others is everyday's habit that no


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one would success without it. They also, teach you how to accept loosing and how to try again and again till achieving your goals. These exactly the things that people practice daily when they play sports and games.

Being adults does not mean that you don’t need entertainment. Rather I see many old people playing video games in my city since video games satisfy them. For example, once I am not happy, I turn my Play Station 2 on, play football with my 80 years old grandmother and when I defeat her hardly, I feel that am in high spirits.

Playing games and sports has important advantages in a way that it socializes our lives. For example, when people intend to play basketball, they do it in groups. That will give them team spirit and a chance to identify each other very well and make friendships and relationships. For example, I was a shy lonely boy when I met a sporty guy who loves to play basketball. Then he introduced me to his team and I started playing with theme and step by step, I became a social happy boy filled with team spirit that helps me a lot in my family life and my career life.

And so, it is not true that sports and games do not have advantages for adults, since they decrease the stress, teach us skills that we need, satisfy us, and socialize our lives. And to get the most of the benefits, they should be practiced daily.


TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a student and a university service representative

#2 (permalink) Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:38 am   TOEFL Essay sample: Benefits of Sports and Games



Comments in CAPITALS:

Quote:Some people claim that there is no benefit from games and sports at all especially for adults. But in actual fact, sports and games have many benefits for children and also for adults. They release pressure and teach us skills of surviving in this tough life. Also, they provide entertainment and pleasure and help socialize our lives.

Experts said that practicing sports releaseS pressure since the tired body releases Hormones that relax us and make us feel better. For example, I am used to swimming/I USUALLY SWIM before exam times by/FOR 1 hour, and after

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swimming, I find that I totally relax and loose/LOSE anxiety and that helps me a lot doing well in exams and getting high grades. Moreover, students need good health. For example, it is difficult for non athletic students to walk fast from one side of the campus to the other to catch (up) their classes and even if they could, they would reach classes but exhausted and so can not pay attention to lectures.

Playing sports and games will teach you many skills that you need in this tough life. For example, competing with others is everyday's/A DAILY habit that no one would success/SUCCEED without it. They also, teach you how to accept loosing/LOSING and how to try again and again till achieving your goals. These ARE exactly the things that people practice daily when they play sports and games.

Being adults does not mean that you don’t need entertainment. Rather I see many old people playing video games in my city since video games satisfy them. For example, once I am not happy/WHEN I AM UNHAPPY, I turn my Play Station 2 on, play football with my 80 year old grandmother and when I defeat her hardly/COMPLETELY, I feel that am in high spirits.

Playing games and sports has important advantages in a way that it socializes our lives. For example, when people intend to play basketball, they do it in groups. That will give them team spirit and a chance to identify each other very well and make friendships and relationships. For example, I was a shy lonely boy when I met a sporty guy who loves to play basketball. Then he introduced me to his team and I started playing with theme/THEM and step by step/GRADUALLY, I became a social happy boy filled with team spirit that helps me a lot in my family life and my career life.

And so, it is not true that sports and games do not have advantages for adults, since they decrease the stress, teach us skills that we need, satisfy us, and socialize our lives. And to get the most of the benefits, they should be practiced daily.

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What is 1 Student 1 Sport Policy And How it Works?Feb 15th, 2011 by thunder02 3

The government has introduced 1 student 1 sport policy to all students, but how exactly it works?

“Don’t hang around with those friends!” said a parent to her son. In fact, I believe that all the parents do love their child and they are doing so, to protect the child from dangers that lurks around the society today. They are fear that their child would smoke, befriends someone bad or does anything else that is going to harm their child. In order to curb the increasing social ills among students, the government has come out with a new concept for the nation called “1 Student 1 Sport”.  I do agree that the implementation of this concept is a wise move as I can only see the benefits of this concept. Students are going to be benefited through this problem in a wide variety of aspects and I do believe that parents are going to get a good sleep from now onward.

The implementation of 1 Student 1 Sport is going to make our student healthier. Studies show that lack of exercise is the main cause of the declining alertness among students. When our students are not alert, they would not be able to perform well in their studies. Though this has been told to the public in many forms including fairy tales and idioms such as “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, but people are not paying much attention to it. They think that sports are a waste of time because it does not carry any knowledge that could be used in the exam. They have lost their will to participate in sports because it is not an important aspect in the exam orientated education system before this. However, students must always remember that a healthy body and a fresh mind are the main factors that lead to a good result in education. Exercise could reduce the amount of low density cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body and eventually it will lead to a better blood circulatory system.  When our brain got a steady and sufficient amount of oxygen, which is transported through the blood circulatory system, they are going to be able to think properly and thus, excel in studies.

Besides that, I believe this concept can help us to nurture more all rounded students, who excel in all aspects including academics and curricular. The importance of all rounded students has been highlighted by the Singapore Minister of Education and Second Minister of Defense, Dr. Ng Eng Hen at the National Institute of Singapore Teachers’ Investiture Ceremony held in Nanyang Technological University. As we look into our education system, students are assessed based on academics and curricular is ignored most of the time. Therefore, students tend to memorise the whole book instead of understanding it in order to pass the exam with flying colour, because they know that it is the symbol of glory and fame being named as the top students. The product of our education system is students who are only good at memorizing facts, but how are they going to lead and transform our nation into a develop country? Without skills such as leadership which could be honed through sports but not academic books, our country is not going to go far from what we are now. Students have to be exposed to being a

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leader in order for them to learn the skills and this can definitely be done through sports in school because they can be the leaders among students in the sport team.

On top of that, the concept can also strengthen the sense of unity and cooperation among our people. Education does not only lie on academics but also self improvement. Thus learning the meaning of unity is part of the learning process that all students must go through. Students are able to play and work together through sports because teamwork is the most important and crucial factor that leads to a victory, the ultimate prize of all sports. Everyone loves to win and the force that manipulates this feeling is going to push us to move forward. When we want to win, we are going to do whatever it takes and we are not going to care with whom we work with. Thus, unity can be achieved because every one of us has the same goal, which is winning the game. As time passes by, we would be able to know our teammates better, thus eliminating the bad impression caused by skin colour or anything else.

In conclusion, I do agree that the concept of 1 Student 1 Sport is good to be implemented in our education system as it could create a healthier group of students, nurture all rounded students and promote unity among all Malaysian. Though the process may be tiring and the result can only be seen after a long period of time, but I know that the benefits are going to be enjoyed in the future. Thus, I hope that the concept could be used throughout the time, with improvement being made from time to time so that our nation could enjoy the maximum benefits of it.

Read more: http://www.bukisa.com/articles/454372_what-is-1-student-1-sport-policy-and-how-it-works#ixzz1oTt8ScBw