1.Reliable - Achieving the same results in different clinical experiments or trials. 2.Validity – the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure. 3.Independent Variable (manipulated variable) factor in an experiment that is determined and changed by the experimenter.

1.Reliable - Achieving the same results in different clinical experiments or trials. 2.Validity – the extent to which a test measures what it claims to

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1. Reliable - Achieving the same results in different clinical experiments or trials.

2. Validity – the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure.

3. Independent Variable – (manipulated variable) factor in an experiment that is determined and changed by the experimenter.

4. Dependent Variable – (responding variable) factor measured to obtain results.

5. Control – the variable that is left alone in an experiment.

6. Mass- a measure of the amount of matter in an object.

7. Matter- anything that has mass and takes up space.

8. Variable- a factor that can change in an experiment.

9. Volume- amount of space occupied by an object.

10. Weight- the force of gravity exerted on an object’s mass.

11.Qualitative- relating to how good something is, the quality of it.

12.Quantitative- how much there is of something, the measurement or amount of.

13.Bias – An outcome in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way that is unfair.

14.Conclusion- a summary of what is learned from an experiment.

15.Inference- to make a conclusion from observations.

16. Atmospheric Pressure- the weight of the atmosphere pressing on the surface of the earth.

17. Global Warming- the gradual increase of the temperature as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases.

18. Greenhouse Gas- gas such as carbon dioxide or methane which contributes to potential climate change.

19. Density- the amount of mass of a substance to a given volume (how compact molecules are).

20. Ozone -layer of the atmosphere composed mainly of ozone (03) that shields Earth from most of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

21. Conduction- the transfer of energy by direct contact, from one substance to another (metal spoon).

22. Convection- heat transfer by moving particles in fluids, and thermal energy that they carry (air movement).

23. Radiation- energy transfer without direct contact, as in the transport of heat from the sun to the Earth (sun rays).

24. Temperature inversion- layer of cooler air is trapped by a layer of warmer air above it.

25. Thermal energy- energy of motion in the molecules of a substance (heat)

26. Precipitation- any form of water that falls from the clouds; ex. rain, snow, hail, sleet.27. Evaporation- the process of a liquid changing into a vapor or gas.28. Condensation-process of a gas changing to a liquid, such as water vapor into water droplets.29. Surface Runoff- water on land that drains into a body of water (Collection).30. Climate- the long term weather conditions for a region, generally determined by several years of records.

31. Motion- when an object changes in position.

32. Distance- how far an object has moved.

33. Displacement- distance and direction of an object’s change in position.

34. Instantaneous Speed- speed at any given point in time.

35. Constant Speed- speed that does not vary (change).

41.Air Resistance- friction experienced by objects moving through air.

42. Momentum- the product of an object’s mass and velocity.

43. Net force- the combination of all forces acting on an object.

44. Projectile- an object that is thrown.

45. Velocity- speed in a given direction.

41. Force- push or pull that changes the motion or shape of an object.

42. Balanced Forces- equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions.

43. Friction- the force resisting the relative motion of two surfaces in contact or a surface in contact with a fluid.

44. Gravity- the force of attraction between all masses in the universe.

45. Inertia- the resistance of an object to a change in the speed or direction of its motion.

46. Newton’s 1st law- the net force acting on an object is zero, the motion of the object does not change.

47. Newton’s 2nd law- the acceleration of an object is dependent on the force exerted on the object and the mass of the object. F=MA

48.Newton’s 3rd law- for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

49.Force pair- the forces two object’s apply to each other.

50.Newton – a unit of force (1 kg x m/s2)

51. Lever- straight bar that moves on a fixed point.52. Fulcrum- The fixed point that a lever moves on.53. Inclined Plane- Any slanted surface.54. Wedge- Two inclined planes that together form a “V”55. Pulley- A grooved wheel with a rope around it.

56. Energy- the ability to cause change.57. Wave- transfers energy from one place to

another without transferring matter.58. Kinetic Energy- energy due to motion.59. Potential Energy- stored energy, has the

potential to be used. 60. Energy Conservation- (law of) energy cannot

be created or destroyed but may change forms; potential to kinetic.

61. Wavelength- distance from one point on a wave to the nearest point.62. Frequency- in electromagnetic waves is the number of vibrations per second (Hz)63. Amplitude- magnitude of the wave - how high it goes.64. Medium-matter through which waves travel through; can be a solid, liquid, or gas.65. Electromagnetic Spectrum- the entire range of wave frequencies.

66. Reflection- The change in direction of a wave, such as light or sound, away from a boundary (ex. mirror).

67. Refraction- bending of light through one medium to another (ex. pencil in water).

68. Angle of Reflection- The angle formed by a reflected ray and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of reflection.

69. Absorb- to take in or fill, prevents reflection of light.

70. Pigment- a dry insoluble substance, usually crushed, and suspended in a liquid then becomes a paint, ink, etc.

71. Atom- the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination.

72.Compound- a substance containing atoms of two or more different elements chemically bonded together.

73.Dissolve- a substance mixed evenly in a solution.

74.Element- one of the known chemical substances that cannot be broken down further without changing its chemical properties.

75.Mixture- two or more substances that are mixed together, but not chemically combined.

76. Solubility- the maximum amount of substance that can dissolve in a given amount of fluid at a given temperature and pressure.

77. Concentration- the amount of substance or solute in a solution.

78. Molecule- two or more atoms join together -H20, CO2

79.Reactant- In a chemical reaction, substances (elements and/or compounds) are changed into other substances.

80.Product- The end result of a chemical reaction.

81. Homeostasis- an organism’s ability to maintain steady internal conditions.

82. Unicellular- a living thing that is made up of only one cell.

83. Multicellular- a living thing that is made up of two or more cells.

84. Organism- something that is considered to be alive; shows all the characteristics of life.

85. Stimuli/Stimulus- a change in an organism’s environment that causes a response.

86. Cell- the basic unit of structure and function in living things.

87. Organelle- tiny cell structure that carries out specific functions (cell parts).

88. Cell wall- rigid layer that surrounds cells of plants.

89. Nucleus – the brain of the cell, or chemical instructions that direct all the cell’s activities.

90. Cell membrane- cell structure that controls which substances can enter or leave the cell.

91. Cytoplasm- Jelly-like substance found between cell membrane and the nucleus.

92. Mitochondria- Rod-shaped cell structures that produce most of the energy the cell needs (powerhouse).

93. Endoplasmic Reticulum- forms the passageways of the cell (highway).

94. Ribosome- Small grain-like structure in the cell where proteins are made.

95. Golgi Body- A structure in the cell that receives proteins, packages them, and distributes them to other parts of the cell (the UPS).

96.Chromatin- Material in cells that contains DNA and carries genetic information.

97.Chloroplast- A structure in plant cells that captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food.

98.Vacuole- A water-filled sac inside a cell that acts as a storage area.

99.Lysosome- A small round cell structure that contains chemicals that break down materials (garbage disposal).

100.DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)- genetic material that carries information about an organism and is passed from parent to offspring.

101.Population- group of organisms of the same species living and reproducing in a particular area.

102.Community- an ecological unit composed of groups of organisms or a population of different species occupying a particular area.

103. Abiotic- anything that is nonliving (ex. light, temperature, rocks).

104. Biotic- parts of an ecosystem living or once living.

105.Ecosystem- the interacting system of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings.

106.Diversity- a measure of the variation of organisms species present in different ecosystems.

107.Variation- a difference in structure or characteristics from others of the same species or group.

108.Mutation- a permanent change in the sequence of DNA within a gene or chromosome.

109.Adaptation- an inherited trait that increases an organism’s chance of surviving and reproducing in a particular environment.

110.Natural Selection- the process by which organisms with variations that help them survive in their environment live longer, compete better, and

reproduce more.

111. Gene- section of DNA on a chromosome that has genetic information for one trait.112. Chromosome- thread-like structure of DNA that carries genes.113. Chromatid- Either of the two strands of a chromosome that separate during mitosis (a single strand).114. Diploid- a cell that has pairs of chromosomes.115. Haploid- a cell that has only one chromosome from each pair.

116.Heredity- the passing of traits fromparents to offspring by genes.117.Genotype- the genes that an organismpossesses for a particular trait (what you cannot

see).118.Phenotype- physical or visiblecharacteristics of an organism that aredetermined by its alleles (what you can see).119.Heterozygous- having two differentgenes for an inherited trait. Ex. (Bb, Gg)120.Homozygous- having two of the samegenes for an inherited trait. Ex. (BB, bb)