«irf m I I |p , yot. xxx. NO . 39 ¦ .. . .. - . . ¦ - . > ., - I . ¦).. - ¦ "Mffi WATEBFORD HEWS, " E STABLISHED1847. " tlEQIST ClECCULTION.lN.THESOnTa OF ISELAND , P*tiiih«ic»rV:FBID/{r Eeminfl, ot M>. SO, Kinj-Strtit , . , ' .,- :< - ( OPfoetn; rai raoviscni. Biflx> ... ., ¦;. . .j TOBlCE—THREEPENCE ; YearMia Advance), 13a. IT * By Post (Yearly), 15a., in Advance. ^ ! ., . £3T ( AU Chequea and P. O. Orders, nude payable f cj' .GOBNELius REDMOND , at this pffioe. . - . . - . ¦ . . ¦J3ubNJ5WS .(Libernl in . politics) circulates extensively amongst thb merchants , traders and nobility, gentry, 'uOina. 'claaaoB, &>., in Waterford; Kilkenny, Tipperary, . KL-tfexcSouth, of Ireland , general] v.. The JJHWS has attained x B - circulation sever equalled by any paper rmhl»he», w Waterford^anfl U'admittedly $lte< leading Vurna in this important city, with which there ia direct ~ #3y-connnuniea bon fro m London. - ' ¦ _•:: ¦ ... ¦ ¦> ' . ' fjtertipular attention paid: to oommoroial and ogrionl- TB»l matters. - ' . _ . ¦ ¦ . » ,, -j . -. - - ; ; ,s ¦;¦ ¦ - r AarortiBeinenta received'tor the Nawa by allreapect- %We Newapapta:Agents ia the. Unitod Kingdom. .Pro- yyjawit-re^uiaite-tronvpartiea-pot known at th*-oftVqe. . .T/. 'AOBKTS TOB ' . SA35JB V «V THIMnJWS• ' - J: WATEBF . ORD—Mr. W. KBLI. T, LitU ^ Georgels-at. TRAMORE- l -Miss CLANCY, Refreshment' Booms, iii Stran&stroot. - ~- , " . -[ \ " .: ' ¦ fASSAQE EAST—The Misses LOVB, H9UI1 Sqnwo. OABmCK-ON-SUIB^-Mr J. M. MuBnrr/News Agent. LOND0N-<For Advte.VHH WJlJiUt CAKB LL , 18 , Ctaw^yRoad, TMsal'Boad . ' -No rlKBjiSqoli^fe ' - TIBIiOT-—Adr«rtiBin|t A<j«nta vMi«jrB?'Vr. "ffi &JOTH &So»i Abbey-stoo ^;; : ;: ' ,.;;. ' ¦ ' , - .. ' . : ¦¦ . . ' ' DUNGABVAN—Mr. ' EDWAED BBKNNAN, St&tionor, ic , Poet and Telegrap h Offioe , The . S quare. . ; 1, ¦ CASl%ECOMER-rM *;:J.; HOLOHAN , Main-street. TBE j IBISS BOATB .r~-W-J3fcM>:Bv - &T-A B-rli-I N:B- . •BOTil AND: UNITED 9TA .TES MAIL STEAMERS) - ¦ ' -v^l ' v ¦ NOTICE. —The Steamers oflthia ^¦m kS^rfKs. C ' lino, - take the Lane Routes , reoom- —*>, fffillM jVv^ mended by Lieut. MAUBT, on both ^^HBBBBB vthe Outward and Homeward Pas- (ages. . . - .. ._ , ¦ These wott-knowrtmAgnifioent Steamers , all 00 natrn di- ed bj*Jte>sft. HA^tJ^pj; * WQW»J»,:OI Belfa*t , i aie ip 'frnnttd W sail weeKl y as under , ' carrying her Majesty' s ana tho United States Mails :— From LIVERPOOL i ADRIATIC ...ITuesday, 10th Feb. GERMAN IC ...Thursday, ... 19th! Feb. BALTIC-- ;.. ~:Tu«aay, - ' . ' .. "~2*af- "ir«S" CELTIC ... Tuesday 2nd, Mar. ¦^¦ "¦ J i i ¦ ¦ ¦ ArtftawBtAi w' fc f¥*ij *^^\ «VI*A f nil i ¦»* ¦!¦ J9AW * From Queenstown (Cork) the following day " F BOH N EW YOBXi ¦•• - GERMANIC ... Saturday, ... 81st January. BALTICT- ' v ..; ' Thnrsaay, ' f. " ..Sth; February. Tnese splendid vowels REDUCE fhe ^PASSAQE to the shortest possible tunapind-sfford to Passengers the highest tfegfra ttmfort hitherto attainable at sea. Average Passage, 8fc days in Snmmer ; 9| days in ¦Waiter; Each VesioMs oonitruoted ' in 7 .wiateraitfent oompartmenta. .. !:. " .:v . % . : , - Tie. S JTKKAQIB ar^-unusually, spacious , .well-lighted , TenHlil od j ' ajid' warinfra. and Passengers of this class WOOive 'tHe utmostOivai ^ anctatttntMn - . - Cattloj Sbesp' or ^.?^gj I .ar« 1 .noijjA^n- b y. c .thisi line.. An unlimited, inpnly' of Cooked Proriifoni. ' Medioal ' oomforta free of' 'objlrge; StowaTdftsseB in" Ste&r»ff» to - attend:the . Womanand iChadrek! l.u-: n y. ' .L- .. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ . . •;• • • . /-FaesetlgeiB booi;eo( ttrough ,at low rates, to all parts of the United States and'Canada. .. ' . ' ¦ ' .APPOT T6" 1 " ¦ "" " ' " ' ¦ ' . "' , ' " . : - ''' T. -S/ HABVEYy tiiae:6oOTge ' 8-Btreet:\yaierford , ' •¦ ¦ •» OVMt 'HUKfH YV ffl/Newiltoei Carriok-on-aoir. - JOHU WALL f J iuujBniigarvan^ . - . ' ¦ JOHN HOEOHANf Oastleoaman t ¦ . .: JAMES WATTS,iBoamahom , JOHN.5OBm, J «anr.j, farmer;Ballyduff. . :!' . , 1 JAMES SCOTT *TJ6? , Qrieenstown or to " ISMAY , IMEIE ACo., lO . 'Water ^ttreet . lirerwool ¦ ~ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ¦¦ ¦ " . ' A ' MVJ TiTQtiVtV.inKTZy ¦ ' . ¦ . ¦•: v . 'O \ ¦^ ^ tJNTTEI> STATE S MAIL V:^i8HBHHaU»Idverpool to," PhiladelpMai _ . .;,-, -, , .. . ,„, ¦ .; < . , r ,.. .KymiT ; . ¦WEDNESDAY. ^. -. , . , ; r - ' ' Calling at .Queens to every " Thursday. ' , : 'Piret-claas Full.poTfered &on Steamshipsj are appointed ' ¦ : ; "- ¦ " ' ¦ •. ¦ . . to Sail r— ¦ ¦ ». - . . --... :. . '. , , -tpED OOlTOH ^. F«b.li I PEmraYEVANlA Mar , 3 iBBtPisH CBO'KN...Feb: 181 OHio... ' ... ' .: i ..::«;v.:Mar/io ; lNDIAirA' .V. V..Fob. ; 25' | BBjrnsiBi'EkpixB Mari la ;' .Tf6Jintermediate''TaJraengers 1 oarri9d> on' voyage * i BKrked tiros *' ¦- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦< > " . ¦ ¦ - ¦• Ji>j. ' r»i.»iw !• ¦ ¦ =-i - i^-i i ;. i " . The only. Trws'Atlantio Iinfl »ailiii4Jinde?the T7ni-i ted States. Fl»i. .and carryinffttho ¦Ataflric5aJ9Wt5l<?i; siring life, besldea tee usual oomplement olXueboats^ ariata extra number ' of 'Life ProserTers: ""The:acoom- ' modatiottfdr 1 f U' 4la88es ; of pusengen is equal to any of , 46o Batopean lSWaiMhip:line»; Erery Steamer carries f& 'SureeoaandStewardess. ; ! ¦¦ ' .: ' : lj '"! , ;' .. ¦: - ! < PBsseagers.and goods are.landed'at Phfladdphia on ;th»; Wharf of . the PennsylTanla Eaflroad Companyi whtcliHasfhe ahbrtestandmbst direct Wrate to all places in tha We ' stirn SUtei. , ' V' ; "' " n - ¦ ' : PissengeT8*y 'tbii^o. cto pasa'directihtd flie BaQ- roaa Cart1 without le^ving the Landing Wharf , and un- rd«the sam8 *oof , ' . aiere are Befreshment Boons, OmJ tad BtateaLetter Box, ' Telegrap h Offloei:Exohasg«KOf- •fleocand B&ggage.Express ¦Offlca. •• ¦; . .- . ¦ ¦ ¦; ; :.? : ,, CABIN PABSAax, 12 to . 18 guineas. , Eeturn Tickets; j tiiMd-ucedrates..,. . . . ' . .. . :. .. . . . _ ., ¦- . ' ¦ j .^ 'S^EXK>ia^,JPA8SAaf) as low as bvany other fast line; r^uding^n amp le supp ly of teood Provisions. ' Stoer^ '¦MTkiaeBgeM aretbrwsrded to New York or ' Bcfcton -witUout adoitianat' chlirge: 1 '' : ' " ¦ ¦ . •'¦¦ : -^ ^ ! 1 'itnanmoiATE PASSA OB; inoloding Boda , isddiaK, ' andaU neoemsry Utensils' and saparate Table , je8 6 B. - ; . "Appl y, jn Phibidelphia f to-PETBlt WWOHT- 4 SOOTi General Agents , 307, Walnut-str eet i in Queenstown, to iSsA '^Ctnnvf B *<BBOTHXW j.«ndwLiTerpoopl i ., ; ' .;:•, . ;:EX/!HAEDgON, -WENCE A Co. , - , " tf. " 17 and 19 liVMet^trcct;¦ ;, ¦ . . i • • ¦ JOHN: DBVBBKUX ,-*^^:^^ ( ¦ , ' •!¦ ¦yvTtit.lklir WTOTtTWAgi T^Ifayier-st.i 104 ;> , . .;.,; t: ¦: ' ¦ Cngtehi t hnjw '<^yi ; Wajte»ord ;'- ¦ •' ; ' : jcjjai-Aiji) AND ' sotn ^i wju si^'i OT "'^ J ;;, , ' ¦; , :: ¦ .:. ;, , g<)utH::w:^EiiAan^' ;. ;•;:;;, ^.. ' Altcwl Service '" b ' j; GrUt "W68Wtti' Railway ' Opm-i ' ¦ '' p ' aoy' s Trajns , aijd''S1«am y Boat8;' ' i?w»- Mi^rd : n ' Haven,iip connection; wtfi tne- ' WAT ' MWBSjtnd " LnreEiCK, ; "WiTmroisi» ' ; ' & : O«inrBAif IB«I ^> IT >; " ; and 'WATBRKIED; DuudAEYAifi AKiJ : lviB«oB» . .. - ^i^. ¦ - . :.. u,, . ,,. . M v ^I V. »i l ' ..; Shirfeaptrj 9«nto ^an^ 1 . - 'Btaajat^ft ^ raMH. j -- ' " : i'^J&^fev !' . !tf : * . iErprew• .T<wl«ir!;<W r:- -f**^ TrBlWiiii 1 ITITT —1— zT 'Z ' Na'OAITLE , -,aHKEP. ORi^PIGS ,,CQN i YEYEp, BY D3JTN. LEAVX IvOSDON iraqaingMni at o^> p.m., ' ¦; 'Sanaijs exb6ptea i and 7 ABBiTJ! ' iAT , -WiT^ 1[! " TOBDfweather 1 and' cinramstan^es 'peBnitaiig) - ¦ ab<mt\ftve^a;m; , ^toen» ; fot.thej m iiis!OB - ¦ . Uie ^Water«or4andI4a^r^i CeB*» liIr ? 1 * ad > . . ¦ ^ :f.:f |m^ Tft fl ^ rT* fi««>«v . ¦ ¦ . . ' . ' .. ¦ : ' :t ?. ' l! ^n * hi 1 ¦ UP. -Leave Wat«rfMd . Afc 6f ip.mi each; Week Dayj ::. .':• on Arrival of-»he ,H ajn Train from Idmenckl -,. . . 1055 =. ajn^Trail-ir^ ni Mary borough,, and , . . .1L23, a ,nj. iTrwn :fjC9m, Lismore;'Aifu.v->N<> , »» , , ' ¦ . ' . rjiONJopM " (weather/.and ' <!iwuni»tance«--pei ' _ ' ,; ¦ . Vt^»T»t TO>^* v .jW!r9Uowhig l 4iy. ! ^ ^¦ford l '^' 8Wr^j ' swiff pwceed:ftwi"New'Mwot4l> 'the ; TJ;5*1™n<>»»®ttniU* taomJng^ it'. ' . ' •r^i Ui- "i 'j ¦ - r. ofatSa»day«Y*SpodalStauaer2» ^-»*ttfwB Wafei ford (Ferrybank Wharf)*t,^^^»n5iM : Pj*«m , wrs^ awl ,G«Beral,Carga q^j ^oi^xiS} . AMf tf r . \¥hari«>n.tte Wu l8», *«».«W:«? r S»F»^f^SK j. PassengerajM a ^ euXnggagB , sl^.^e^N* r . *^©' «n^r^if«^WiW^Wf^.m ,; and the stages will ^ then be remoyrf. '"t<i' 1 <injsbl». tt >; Steamers to fl^fMP^*^* 11 wifi '^i 1 I .T JI »t.Uie appointeq tim< . ^ Under no circnmstxne^GsirPassenffets holding Tbiro , ((Sa8*Ti6k^]bOiJIowWt^J»W *^WB»^J)r^r-- ^( } 3IUi^^S#&^T^ffii& W§£^W«|i . u:iDatiley»})ieep( eadyPjg»jiiOn) Mrfttdajra jpitpmi Aj$>¥• o-Whar]|.»t 1a%it3!P.njo ^9%^ e »?*n« r^rwS3f n ¦ SiydLMnsvaQahlo -54aj»)lrt<a»s«»i ^8a*>o»j46«i 1 , VtfkTDBHB v (waUaWl^ontiin«t Class* BdoqniTfif.; 1 ' :• . 'ocUi 0;!) i']i v y^i' Sr^GIislWi^VntiCllUB, »3»6d. , J^ .FtirJiiwWoiinato»i^b«t>b>^er»ilfc^ivf ^ irKtr^Mrf^w-IjTe^^ Wf^^JtJft-S;^ J 1 itB&te»fordtf &i!-^^«X>BIBK(^Sffi^*W*O£ i .^^^diait^Xv^nwfWjrt'ftfr' ¦ ¦ MW»Ti?i>i ' rW- ; ^- * . ¦ o(»^«ilihrli«^' «i!fe'mJW^?itf^vodl4^' £ p«l .^iPortwi^*f(^<«raW>.i af^^^^M; ^ '¦'M l ~ 1p m WCTERFeRD ¦ CHROM^^ i^jjg^rER ACVER^PrrlNCORPORA Stflara. from lonaoa to Melbourne , SYDlffEY, -ADELAIDE , aud;aU TASMANIAN and \ , NEW ^EALANJ) Ports.. Beohoed Bates of Passage Money from 14 Quineas " ••¦ _ ¦'¦ "¦ ¦ and upwards. ¦(¦ ¦¦ ¦ - . .1 M. tS8BS. MO NEYvWlGHAM'4 SON'S LINK M I STEAM and'SAILINa SHIPS TO AUSTBA- LIA. -WTho oelebrated Steamship.;' Jf orthumberland ," 2,178 Ub» register, 1500 horse:ppwer indicated , JOKM 9 D HS I Y^. Commander t w* 11 bedespatohed from ' the SOUTHWEST tNDIA DOCK onSii rjaiJ AT, FEB. 28, embarkiVig.Passengera at Qravesend on tKe 1st MABCH, and*t l llymouthon the 3rd March. - :, ;-,:/. For Pi Vis and all particulars , apply. to M0B0AN.4 AliPOlfe 7, I^(miaiirtwet ,:London; ; ' OXKI>E SHIPPING' CQMPANY •T-: FJSBBUAJlT^ l l&O. Rtgvlar Btthm. \C ' oiri^ii\c ' (ki(iv r ' b^peen ' ' ' ' WATE^OBJi ^rad ^ t&6 Jf JQ a-W V ¦ VU &>utWptoa^d^0oa; u ah(l South-Western PLYMOOTiUsn SOCTuStPTOH^m) BOOTH ' OT'EKS LAND , a \ BK. px mirmn Mif ist ^j A aiusaaw . ^ Vvr; «U>r:i rfAttE N«Wind^powBrfnl Scrow """ WS JL I I.L" ' ' vii!~""" ' n ? rB * " rT TL | [ rif !.7r * _ T? mttd by- natmttfToMuitarioMkl'wiUi liberty to'To? Teanls, »od.U\aai*ti Iu^ Pcirt . aiPorl« in»iiToidor , ln<* oat-o<- UM «IWU W«MMrM mln and Di»oh»rg» Cugo , or for any - oUiw wt»as -wn»t»osver. - r - - ^^ PEOM JwXTaBTOaD' .^O OtASGOWv Wednesday, 4t> Fel). ' . -P;t'l/. .p.ia., - Direct. WodnwdaT , . V i |1 p.m ^ .tlaCotk.. ' Friday. '* ;1 P-™-. riaCork and Belfast Sstnidar, ' ¦ B' i 8- p.m., Ti&Bellut. . W«d»«sdior, lib ¦ 1- pjn., vis Dublin ¦ W*dfl«eaay, 11^ 1-p.m., via Cork. . ; Fxidv, . IStV ' 1 p.m., Tia Cozk and BeUul Saturdar, ) :, ¦ . '.- ,. 8" <pjn.; . 'via Belfast WedMeaay. < 18a\ 1 pjn., Direct. ,-. . Wednesday, ~ > 18U>1 1 pan., vU Corkt . .. . : Friday. - 30th\ „. 1- jfcm., via CoEk.aadB*Uas< 8«tnld»y, . Sl*t \ S-p.TO., via BeUast ; . V/tiotAty, ; 2Sth \ 1 pja., via DoWin , . ¦ Wednesday, 25th \ : . < ., I vp.m., vto Cork. Fridur ,, ; 87th \,, 1 p.m., via Cork tod Bolturt Statarday, 28th \,, ' 6 .p.m., viaBaUsst. ,. ¦ no * itliOOW TO!WATXSTOU>. KTKTJCIIQMPAT , W.S MKSDAY , andFWD^y, at! p.m. . . Caledonlui Vr«intcGreenock.»t i a.80p.m. . . Wor»—The Stei per op. tTridaj goea via Cork. ¦ , ' . ¦ , ¦ reox «.Vuroi«to mwi,• . ¦ : , . . , v . ETerj ;FBlDATjvi» CaV, ! - - - , . - ^ l pjo. Evorj^SATUKDAT, dinbt i ,. .: . ¦ - .at* pjn, BKUJLST to Wnsxrou) , direct i .. ¦ ¦ ,.< - Every\THuSTOAT. . ,. -, . . . , ¦ ' , •" VkVOlugiV . >Jw-oWW)VSlSDAy. r : .. ;. nUUC WlTUKlD TO DVtLiX, 4iVKt, . . .WKDNZajpTraTutlLMVKthr«brn»ry, . . - at I pja. (VU OUsgQw) WEDN£aUx8 , lth and 18th Ftbpoary, ; :; _«tl'(Lln. ¦ , -: ' . ..; DUMnt . m W * . TOW > , L VI1 COM . DUMO Jt.ip FflKJ^ JI* COM. : ,. . .. i Kvety-Blt&toiY. ; , ' ' - :; ' ' raoK witsuo I D to oou, Direct. - ¦ . lEveitjr 'WEDSESDAT- V- " " atlpji). EreryFEIDlY, . I. . * - ' t^lpjn. . ; : Fnox Coax . TO A luiuou, direct. , . . ; , i Erery 1 BB8D1Y. „.. " . ¦ WiTI»TOBB T9 IOIIt>0». : Steamer to Sonlhunpton, tienoe by Lpttdon and Sooth Wertern Biflwmr to' Nine Eta BUtioa, at Xhronth Bate* , , ., JEteCTflAXUatkY , at ,l pjm. -T' r . ,i! Lonpon TO WAxsaron {-Every TUESDAY. ¦ ¦, \ ] Good* reoeived at anjiofcCV Beotiving Houses " ot thai London and South Western S-BIwiy Ccmpao/vund *V-Nuw Elmi StaOooinp to ejO.pjn. :\ . , - •;. ' . , ;, Vltmrox D TO I * u>oirrg , direct.,, . •• .< ; : ; i .Every 8ATirBOiX> •» * P.m ., ., ' . i . , PiTMotrra TO Win RTOBD , direct , : ¦ , ' , ¦ , Every FEIDAY, to Hoon. . . ' ... - . " ' WATIBTOBD TO SovraAnrtoa. VIA Pincotm , . - . . ¦BreryaATUBDiTailp. m ,. : „...[ j .. ' 8ODTB*iinO»JO WATn«IOKD ,, VU-^niOBT«, . : , ¦ ¦ . Every WEDNESDAY, at Scfen.;' ... - ...;. ¦ ThtH Steamer* have exceDsnt accoi)uapdatioa.V> 'or P*"eBfni' ' . .jiPASBioil-JtOHBY ,.. " . - , ;,. . . ' ¦ ; ¦ , ' . •! _. ..; ! Cabin. B^Mn.: .D««k Watertori ^fflAsgojrand- Beltis) N 17»v, ( 6d.V 2Ss: ¦ lOo. i ' ¦ . ¦:; ' ^--<SSL : 3' . ' p !• ¦ SB - 'ia . ^ jfe^ftM ¦ FlTmotrtU*SoulUmptoiHtOe.. , ' , Sp»; -; 10 B - ' , : ,, . . Ifoodon , ,., . „, ¦ ¦: . 'aja, ' . ' ,^; '' ,;.. ¦ »,.. ' " ji ' Jia. - . , . Ctildren ab<n»3 »nd . undet .lj je»raof^j« , HUl Tut t ' . mr^lHoTM. —Tfo Cl yde Shlpjlng Company.Iniui^ tll floods ihipp»d by thetftines oOteuaerp at 3s Mpsrorat. toTpidtri havinejearly ajwoments. ;andjSs. per CentlM^OMlonal snd all ia&icinktloiLtolM Siadtitbvo&oesjEi . ' i . //< ¦/¦ ¦ ' . ¦;, > , ' . For t E»toa , <)f . l^rel^,,te,» »]^,.Jx>-J. - .C. Pnr«i«T<>». BeHat 1 HZMT ' jr. ^ Wisara ¦ -* Co.; Ilynioath j ' Trnnils 2£'QAxsxr^ 336ndoil > an4 J Soiitii- 'WBStern'Bailway Cbinpasy Bxeter Bnflding«i 'Arthtar Stroeti Wart , and at thtliWIEwJ BsHwBy * < B«6»lviQ^ HiM** "' Um>u*lK>u t Londen^CtY ni! Sairpiirs Co. ' , atai «)w, Oresaook, lSiTnonus^t.-iimBrtek i SoQth&mptoni 21' Kd on Qna y; Dablin 'j P»trlok' su<t*7, -(Jork, -' .¦- CLYDE BHjP FIWQ OOMPANT ,xJ«-3 Ua: T ¦ - .i- .. . ¦ •>¦ ¦ .- . - . ¦ 'J Cpstom BouBe <W»y, WaterfpT4. ' ! W i SpocUl fonns »6»'BUli'of« I«4inJ reqnired- b r th« Cfe'd. W*J? «»« ? ; ; 6Bp, E^O^^G- t FEB r 1W BEGmALD! COMEBAQH, LABA , ZEPHTBJ O&ANGEB , pA^TlNTEBir , / EBIN ,; BOBA^aad] ^^fll ^fl^rSSw LUt *. ite^-to bs-Jiad-at.thei: ' ' "¦ ' , OiBoes« ' ¦ * - . '' -V ' ¦ '' ¦' ¦ ' . . ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ' 'i ; v WATEKTCED- 'A*», 'BBISTOL M>V »MitT»Hawai»t<> . »«i»tow,;,t BiEpn wisnmtoWA^WWD WdaV ,,V» ' , .. ¦ e..;.H atfc' BOOp 8"*5>?W»il-. r .rf vT ; ^i- - I 'K; < laatikj . ,,, . , 10.,. 8;, njpipln(t ir*dnw4»T,i, Mi ll itf 7nf«g , Tnee$iy,. , - .i7..ifl ' srfnoojl W«4»«W,b».; W,*r tt ,W ¦ itoi ' i , *.( »«'Sw ^^iim ii^^ ta»i», ,v ' . 24.. S. rtpratar g^y W- .. ».ig.T ^l .J& ft*3»jr ,;: »:. ^..JO' , inorabw BatBrday,.^,;,*: ffl .^ Ti Sjj nD :. I^ie»r^bln. 'i^i, BMar»fcd^j(avsn ^^ ithj, «5s»vO»adrwj 110» c^8erwi^iw^te« ^SN^J^ Ct 'WS^.W^i&J^a^^Hm^sTini^^rt . Bewi lH<A*U«»t»^jMwI»clcv M^X > er .,»7l' <>rtW>MiWcl ^ i ,aa4totisxto ^ « nt <wilfcii 8»( t; ^U, *5i -i'41*j'tf^ <' - ' ' t. F*idv«iK/. 'i l l».. t™»l..rar«on»g»ftW»J«'wu "i H'"*iy Sr 1 ' Monday, ¦ ' ,, i » ...13 Noon WoctoeArnWrJ'l " ' •». •«?£ ' ;)frt4«j, ,r "»ii43 v>iU,ifcrtl 9stao)nV) . )' «?-i»t»'H'W' . Japniw*. ' . ' -n.fi ,Ji tHAR*W»«n»»Miw.>'4?' .>-?:§,«t» , ahildraayKkKSQu^Wfr l vWuflMlM'j itsmiit'/ oiti >/, ~ t 7- ,<HKl£J^T?«^^U»e^TrtS . W*jwip o sdl¦ '^i. ' ' ¦ . <J»o5 iJook«l[,»broQtJi '4»<IU I £'iKn>ew*|i flWJoajyj Og ,S2^/»^(W^orAart Um«»fcJW 1 g»V v .J..rf 1 . .^- r WAT-E.B.ILO-BJ>^ljU>i.Y ^ OXr : a BlAI. i ;— ; W AT E BiO^ PyWHSW BOSB. : ' : ' :i ¦ViXJBOflwirr}! 1 ***** !* i«W >JSW>liLi£' 3lM^»« ^^^SS^2AS8SaSU l^^^^^^^^ f ¦•^ ^WSB^S^^^fc^**^fp»^^S^S^S^^P^ S^sp Wl V^ V t^^ y M ^ to '^t^ li ^ i ^^^ ^ l^r^^fc '^ tiLj^A ^ t - i- /- T'r^ r-T- ( ; i , , Jiu iii- 'l -J iL ¦ ¦ ' ' .. ' .. ... " . ' :• . ' " > ' . v) '^.; 1 ) " ^.: ').- 1 .! .^!! i ^^v ^' -rc ^js^^^^f -'P ' 1 ' .^ "WATE&FOBO AND. CENTBAL.intELAHD > AND i> -i J KILKENNY JlWCTIOjr ajJlWAXK /r v,(: •• .?. uTae ttortest route from'Wat«rford»ndKitoimy|o i pafilin , Athlono, Parsonstown , or Ji«M«lv)s . .v<o Karytoron gh. ' ,, (nnraved Quick and thronschuaujr ^y^ w^wn rjij^y Hfr'T tMil^voun karyboroogn , and other ttittlte ^to^mtifort aieiio**^ New lOUord to.Saudou;and all' Statio n s on Ui eqrgitWesfr em BanWMSng ian&yT v l.i u' -' 1 'U! . -l V/ll'jOU . Servios Improvad utd-aaoalantectOn* hoar. ; Thy lO jjy » JJJ gowa JVntowil^stop. a^Bennetebtidfe.^- -, ' rBo^twiTtBto« p. ' .. -: d ¦ ^ numimau DITS. SUBDATB Class Clivis .iClAis. Cuss. Class. Class ¦v. -. " --. ¦ ¦Wf^.t?* -!^; 2SSIJ2: s v-^v . 'nc; .1. , »- .a, -i . n *i41i'im l Ji. ! n»>B. '>bs hi rmjlpim. Wsturford , deputore 7,li. .Xltt .40 6 15 12 0 KiimMq*.;; ....:;*.,... ,7,3s •;» ,«!wu.»: flaJiuin; 2nuSKT»t ;... 7 3s. : , -£. -4a> ^22? BaU 7 ka1«- . ' ,.M.Mi 7. B5: TBS j 10 7 15, M »^T Sotoftewap. -: rlfr :l4i3 ^55 nC Wl. '^ BeanSlbrVU* ;- . 8 25J 'B" 5 II 7.«5' "UW , > -J. KUkBnnyj.«i...krriT»l a 40 i»:80 15 20 8 18 ;:t«J.I-i» Do. - v^u^ae@artnre 8«: , %SO .7 80 -r. c ¦tillMy tt «aUyijim»i..Vrf......... IttJ jB , ji SO 1 i»U"C Mt^SSSiK^irriTiii lO ltf' 9 ^ 85'' g*5 ' ' ' Sf. ' ff'--'- ^«*«*K»»9~: «¦»: ^.g;. S^i e>r.i 'f*»^* J l«sKa;:;)i!;Xi::.!!: * . - .; h's* ¦ -, •8' ^ * JI «I . «• .:*£¦ •»!&. - . PaMObstDwa-}... ' ..,.' .... U: 4- i>— i- :«iO: tr»- 4 fii-v iit-ii K«IMh;i:.t;U.t..... i- 1Z23 :-*. ' : 9.20i - ; —xi < —.. .-jrroi l%tta«s , ,,.,..._.arrtr»l,1 3B- , *T 83J f^r " !l(,W" , -J7. !i ,. -[ ¦ , Tq'WWMOrvm :;iJ.^3 'i i :ii;-ai)' - ' in I ¦ '. ' .TBUSS OH WXSEJUXW:I> SOtSXTS ¦ . ^ Clws j CUSS.ICU8S7C1&S , W*1S WftH .rcc.v- C) , ^. m t iCmi >b'al :H4fi Am pm Xhjwl««-! . - ' .: V . dep. i.rr, ' . 7: 10, , , , . , -»< L -; M /3r2. TemplranoM .-> .— 7.29,. i- , ii-i- 'ir,;- ^ r^' BfSj^phy;. ; ;: .. -f j '7;sa c .;. ' ~ - s^j ^ ' r . aVr , Fanonstown - . 6 40 - I'-ii'l* Bowneto :«; . i.! f . o.I wl,; .703 ;i-i-o. v;-»t H-./; H- Marvboro ' , arrl up 8 88 .!«-J i 8 24 AUJjnMunction o. i- - ¦— ,;, -j ;8 . 15 S SO. a;rV ' rr FortarlingtonJun oijm •-• 8.3' 8 49 2 45- *'^'^ MaTyboit? -irvFttwn l " B-SS' tTO 18' ^8 « <' '- li «2 BOWK Txinre. M»U 1 ( 8, 3 1 —- lOrjbOroV - . ' nedsp. i.4-n 8(40: ltt 85: .8 90. U-. .J 4i . 0 Abbeylelx - - - 8- 0 10 65 8 80 * i—:> ( 4 20 Attanagh-; r . ' , ... ,- ^ . ' , 8 15. ,, -^t, .4 .^ 5 : " . ' —; 4«5 BaSyn««-' . ""' -^ a '^- ' J ff 25: ti ts' «V '' - . - 1 445 , KilkemiT .. antval 9 45 11 40 . 4 88 v^' . : •»"» ' •' ^pDoZ^' -^ aejarttrre >T 80^ 10-fO' U>4y '4 SO' . Mlaii-- xio BeBBe tsfcrldg *^ *i. i? 48:10 IS" r*J JSJ.& w '8:SZ ' » Thomaitown 8 5 10 25 12 5 5 20 . -ni t; *t{. BsU yhale - , i ,M *25, KMO. I2J5, fi 80 It Mnllinavat , .. •- , / -¥» (lO , ^S ' %, 0. - , ' « » wSwS* ;'^ arrival W«llKW>4 1&- 0 Itfl 'Uj'' 7 0 ' . SpedalTares oliirgad' to ' FInt ' aaarSeo6nd;Cuss Fu- - TiikeUiMoed fo» Slng ie 'Joonley ar»»v»iUbl«'01uyft«<«i« 5r»ht. 'bjr>wbich }theji«rBjMU»4 ;' ;' iivi'J ti. -ui'fd oil: " >^j" - 1' - nfay^ 'iym^w ffii A A [ Q yfjri^ <V| "A w^mag^ and JBauyriuDnt^ by tJie 9.40 I^D jjjjii ' n i vjtwi * . avaiUblS 10^ ' x^otQXvTbjr uie^4. 0vp jou np 9s. alidTbJrdClaw;6si» . oi*l:rj :iI*iiit^''lt e^j'^awp^f;^' -. ' >v.SM«rn (THkMi% iaRMdtetweenatniiwo. ' StaUai*; itinn- sl^osIh4aato«fcMia teid^foUtfi£i^ A «ios«IUsqeafor aMRl l sta iwO eSjn^edlng &O j mil««/ are yy^ybl« ?(M| r«tam on VfCOltSl^TT Tol'. .'S vi " 'iy. WTT.TJAJtK- H^t-irf.^ ' :u ! iifrvn ti ii Tu . M " n " ?,?^. . ¦ !f WATK*T0to:M»D^jS*WUW*AII»1rA*. i 11' ¦ - . -!| ' r;- r*'«&w«ijiTW»^ir««i^WdaMio : . v. \a-- ^"• wAtifOBD 1 :Jll '~ »»'•«? 1UQ 1 i<i— U"f''' itsB 5ES ! To tnomiat 1 k 2. 1»» ivM l ' »8 1*^2 IKw IHJW •i.t;;ita iou:-xi DIMS 1 . OMS . Oust Oassl CI MU Out. olMB - ij ' :' . ,;; ' . : ' ¦ A.K. A,^ .*Ht. - y.K. FJt. ' ->^ j*Jf " : ^spj^ gfwip s 'Q eUH&K.fc ft »K^*' - "^i- I»W ;*i 4 «>•«- ' < i»3 o Iff-o: ^ribSSurvuiiU. C8, <S: . '. ¦ . !/«, ». ' ft, C1U. llctt U 85. JJUACttTOKrivH .S aft. •;-* ,fc\0: >5 S0. . t.^-v lfc» U. -55 .Codi~ - -.-.j^ -ft*Q 1 80; £VD 485 8,15 * 0 fi.,0 Cork^i...C.J.. - :«' ' . tf . 'O I* , ** ^ iS' KK 9- lO;^ ¦JnhoUon'j;».W. - . >SS» UTOS! ' -^ . 6 85" 1 >i»'UE3: K43 Umtr ick arrivilJiloJtt »»j(8 d»i|)d.Wj3-H?' »ao dr ' SO ii^fe MMK<^ xte&* a% ¦c<n]fy^jrrc- TSaq: T3f? JU«y. | f.K. >».i6' - ^3»? TOC - i§i*li j§s SB &u SbUn -~4efe1 i'iiu ''"« *i0 lfW 1 •&' 7=45 ;V ! te catfeSiSI^J?.; JW ' ' ^>' i«i'O^ iiao »•«• 10 . 0ft love jSS«O« " « V .. ¦ •:- ? 8'8S U 15 - 5 85 12 23. W«8 TOKbMary. " .JvO'-^' 8 , 65, 13.80 ,— . 8 80 12 50 U 50 fi^i to3$ <ft- ^ ^ ; « ° « w To ^AB^WB^»TO |^^^I^^^; : BmVrA H~. ' <;Bio«ri»i i«otJT» »4)Co»»:. ^r»AU* , -A»irtnii»»nT. ' > v [n ; J|f,IHBJ ,TABIi»'(>IfW!»>« l*fetff0Jrjii878v -' . ' l a ?il i-.t bi;ii ' ' . i;£«8, -M«i»iPthlJ«(lTH^ .,.iii3hiV - : > ¦ ¦ ¦ .; . . -''/ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ - . : ' ymoM-' w»»»« iomp. - i' - < - - i; ' : ' ' : :"-t"-;j / . '^^-wwiHOStW^i;. ' '^ > ^e*T)ayil ¦•'-iBBiaayi ^itt'^i^U 'tiff &* •* * ?i5 v ; - T>im*3wt8l*»UIWlyi. 1 1**9 . . 'lig; E«.| I - - , r«n, SioiV l-ft - 'I- ' - ' /i« - •» l:' - ' -:'l - " »• iii" -t t : i ^_J iiit'p58. **iW* -:B«ttway« '';' ' <r.i ..;/.) ,. > ,;.:».:- : -i- ?>J JLuntott)• ¦},,;« .wuuidepi. ' 11 30. .V;- . -; :, i ' . - 8 .ft c* . 'H Mlirney''' 11 - > ' ;: , " n: " r ' , - ' , ' 5^a - : V ! V-: ' §' sr . " -^- ' .J ^Thfleew v * 1 '"' . t: ! " 'J'iV- i.Y Ji &' '" ' fc' - ' ''- : 10 : 25 .Pi<t' . . -id ' -?P, J . ^ ! . ' ; ; ;. " : ' ! . '"• TO.wilriBWtfn: ' '^: ^" - -^ y' - fi | fil , ' .i-8ti«irw.3Uaw»y(f': I -JU w itji:i i.1i. 'ii«i i>kj .Trtlea %u ' ,l j wi- .' inilagi ivh- ' :< ;;(> «8 U <—j ¦ ¦ : ~ r \ yiBjrn^y.v. -Mj.-iC' I:.^. .d-^ai «. ;A"5 IT- TT ,: i -j. -rfi ¦SS©iS-';«-&. ' -^;- xS« ;^f ¦>¥$; £5; -=.S TiSoi^i.. ^*' K -ate lirrl*. :il^i-> 10 85" - 'S^O 'i^i. - ¦•is. •!i*Wi -«rIi- 'B«Uw»y. -ii o'JWi ' v, oi -^ hto Ji Aiv ii- iW»i#0re-li. i-m ' ,..biud»]i. - irXM- U>!SS ,c8; 20 . > . -:; , (rr ,€;»«?>* ¦rnVi ' VmsuniH- ««S JKS sfS ;i:r:; "• " ¦ f &jSf c& ' i'** ***™-- ' $ & *& . J iS' -yl- : £ ;M«w*«truub ( ay "^iv j 3 ffif 5/» . '=• " T , - X«n»*4efc>. ' i:M-ij& w ' ;, ' i a-M, a;6ft ' | iJUtQ ¦ jwi ir-! ¦y gstortflrai; »..:,: arr{T» l .ifc.Q: XWib *** cTt,!) ' ,^! joi; .f.r. -nwnoil* c. viii. rsjrAjcsauivT ^11^ o*i: y<» tnxo i- -™* . : Wilorford; W Dnngarf«nTKr«»Cl«s«ifllnilo;5»;Mn '2nd dnss.ii. ; 3rd Class.: iis. 5d.' Batorn ' i '1st eln*t, 8s. 90; .j 2nd Uw , 6s. 9d.» 8rd ola«» , 4s. \^ ¦ f * * »^r-f r " -- i-^-f ^J'Tf ^ 'W*t«rforf to Lta»ii>-Slft»J« if 1st d«»a,fir»rW. 1 toftcla»»; «i.^>i% jsfw^p|U^y^wrt5^^fc , i^ Trtnnrt^td>Dttnframa 'br:tJie7« %.j4%yfe}Sfco»» QEi h : ,k|v ii - T5T »i*A" h*fhV| hi h> '" itrtri «815 Uiiio u is >*:& 4io, auK »nr *# . * - ti|.; '' ..; i'ij :i<!t>H^»« - 'I '^lti'i' .il^i iniKLDW«»i* EMN :^ ^^pafetlAEY 6 , 1880. ¦ "' . ¦ ¦ -Tl^P OID SHEOVE EAIR. Iv «3f THi8 OLD ij^l^^WrLL BE HELD ON fcEOVE MONDAY, FEBETTABY 9 TH. mHE ¦ HOE^B ; FAA MWII 1 be held (by Orfsr in |buncU) in the HOESE FAIE FIELDS, J- .-• ¦ " ''¦ adjfanStg^tta. 'CATTLE- FAlB. Entnu ce Charge—€d. per Horse. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ - . ¦ .. . <-j?.Vfr> ¦ ¦ ¦ - THE PIG, FAIR wilUW held on the preceding S Mallbw ' Market Onioe jjJ g^naijr ' M ' th , 1880. - '; '' ; ' ; ¦ ' Oreajtont ?attra?tioia , everVbefore o^e red to t^ie , Public at -^;: ' J -: :" - ' - I V \ : : Q ^ J & N ::^V^ ¦' ,^ ' : , r ; ; , : ¦ , " 7 , 8; AND 33, GBOBbE t S- -6mBET, , -VV"ATBBFORD ,., " ,.N.B.~PurchaserB will do well to call ' early, os onl y a ' liuited number remain, unsold. . ^ ; ' : < ;»2?r Special attention to the Complete Hotiae-Pnrnislung for £A , 1 •;; ¦:¦¦ 'l' r.;i :- , . .;. . : , . CONTAINING ! V ¦ :, •: DINNER- SfiBVICE' WHTTEiANDLQOLD BREAKFASTS and TEA : KI *»BBfrCES;- - . ; ¦ ¦ -- - ¦ r 2 ; T0ILE i r' ! SETB; " 2'CUT DECANTERS;- ; 2; . r : : /, - u TTTMBIiEES; ' *i ti' V 1 WINBS , J ¦ ' . ' l^ BAliTSi ' ^ ' . ' 4^wV -A , 'T 1tWii«\b». : ^toaly 1 . »t,:;0VBB > POWEBr.fc. SOK&i : (sSHUy) ^Li * lii!.^il-l.:i ..|.. i " t ¦ •• :,- . T ., MI .- , . . ' ¦ . . .. .. .. ¦ ¦ - I - ' ' ' ' t - " ' " , ' •' ¦ 1 ' , ¦. .. ' ¦ . .:li 1 o ¦ . ¦ . . ¦¦ . ' . ¦ . ¦ : : ¦ . i 1 . . , : . -- . ¦ ., . - ., ¦¦ ; •>!V . :- -> . _ .: - ; V/ ; . ' . .. ¦ ;• ; ¦¦ . ¦; :. . . . ... ,.. , . ' -J! V " Wo ' , tave- been,: appointefl " SOtB < A, GENTS ¦ ¦ ;o. " .0i';i/. " ' ¦ ' . ' .; ¦' : ..; ; > . ' r ; ! ' ' . ¦: : <; . ! :• ¦ ¦ . : : . . . . - ¦ . ' , . ' OP ¦ ^' ; The Gelebmted^ ^TBRFOll^ - TWEEDS, WHICH ' #E ' ' 0pi^R; ;A^ prer YARD - ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦: ' .. ¦;. , ¦ : . -J .- - ' . PATTMiif8;:FoBac4 . . ,.i .[ ' . ¦ ' ¦ ' : ' ¦-I ' - - . ' : ^iI_X:-¦ ' ' ' ; * - » " ' . ¦¦ ¦ ! ., . - ., w ¦ . . . . . , - —: . f . ¦ . . .w ,-s ROBERTSON , ; LEI>UEj llv ' . ¦" ¦¦• ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' .. ¦ ¦ ; call ¦}-., -SV . . ' . ' •: •:;. •' . v ;t. . . , ,TtttHERE you.iaTe tte ' LAiGEST STCJCK ' to choosa from , ' and tbe. CHEAPEST SdOTS and ;' ; r. TiadW ' jBattttn^j, - ;I,acW^, and ; Ela4tio - v Side ¦u+ . - i Sff il!ir&\J}i!&&j :£yLluuin£Y*ilu \r.i rf i?l " - i ¦: ir)-i hS«P^j Elato k Si^.§nd > _ laceo . JoooM, . : . , : :««w«Qy | 'jjtiv. -'ai d<V::ii. <nr > y4o< •:; '' '•: 1 , " . do. . .).,, : . .. n* hjMe^ ' tiSb»ligs Wodring-fJ3<»t« , :. : ¦ . . : Ladies ' and:G«3ts?oSho«fe.J- ' . i - ¦¦ : ¦ ¦¦ - (•r ' ¦in' 'v/:T.'i!:;i ; i; . 'in> rfif*. ' ¦ ¦Ov,f. ' »i''ii .i- .' .j :. t' ;-: 1 > *' . . - . jj.. . ¦ , . iij .V.i ¦:it'/'jv . jr. 'j. 'iJs- ;'5 i!'!iiirf- ' . i>iJ a/[i'X :,»-.,;.. u - .-ciiii u 1 :• »¦ - J.- ¦•'- j- iL, ~i V ' -4 ' .<!.! ,^:w t ii. J«lMa^biiii | ifvv*^^Tli0 : ; Bigii) . ofi.tli^Big . Boo^iV^TSWerfori. | <-.* 7..,. 1 . ".« t ¦¦ ' ' i»'" . 1711; i;,^i.j :,.j , > . j . u . i.i ¦- . -1 t.iiist. , <uj - .01!! x ):y. h-hf: i\;rjM' > ¦>- ,tv : ;, - ,ori . . t ¦ ¦ ' .t!:ivil.i-i}f in!yji ' j ma JI «: ' .: in . 3' . ';j»ty(' i!| nl.ypaii«..feT:u:i;' ' i . i jfV<'v.^*ilM [• .vn-P/: j-;. - ..; •!.;» ¦ - -) iiniuMO^-liilAiii^EB^B . .> r. . 'ii: >T. . .Vli,:. -; ;;• . ., '> , < i h-:l Jjil' j'l V>S' . " -^UMt^fBHH : !!;. 3;;v- Vi <>' " >^ '"irKiWOT. . u ''<-' <>^fifjflB ^BmB| ;>it:irjr ' j ;. - "^v. - j 'iiuiij^lP/'IMfff/Ij^J^^B^HB^B '1 -J v>.B He«nfS ^HM^Mi j/i<i );iK:iJw^tf^in> ^wf T>|M^reh y &|infl^Hc/. -Vi rwW-i.WJWfii/, ud'/i' . .vt' /0BnM>&9ls^l^Bi ^ ; ^iicni< Li»«»iiiii ( . IJI ' V. 'A ^ wgtj ( M|^Vtotor^MMafi(jOflisy/; ' .. ¦ ' . '' XWI^r " ^" •' . ~ r tdito-iiinaaml ,- ,^i 1,1 : in. JiJ'oIfl^BiBR' tjJafiiiU V:iMI> 'l t' \ii> . "5 ; vl5iK - ¦ . ; y fcfei^AMi-M' VlkAj^We Vu UiAHU ¦ . -»ai«M*Br4»; - , i,i:- . ' ,a, - : i-riirfjai : ¦¦}-;• . niUUIWMMVi- ¦ ' * ¦ ' &<. '>' ¦ •' .' •« % J«'Mia ¦ 8:1. -0)1; ;v! ^"''iAHB'B *Ji ¦ ' ¦ ' r'/t-Iij/ili ¦ - - •: . ' -i ieMtM . " ¦ ' .)¦ •"•"' i' j ' . i ¦ •! •' ' ' -m>;ftru ' Jof^^T^^^7S5wF kl/t ' : ;iO; iTO i I iS:! i .iJ ':-/.*' i!. 1 . i. v ,. ' ,- " " ,iit-ii:n!»il<!i$. * ! ':¦< r.w. - >iii;OLAKKB'S.i3 "'/ i Vuf< ' jJi'Ji ' l'».i V>yv > 'li-ivi:! ' 1 - V.l i' . Mo'l Iia«; >WOBIJ}iKA []EEDv^* i 'J' >U )i io:l;i= ; oii ' lJ •IT; iiiC-si >>!& f'lm /.tgi j.alplJriQTi : - .;'ji1TX» WtICTlil ;-%;.- Cur^itnoera6»a ^rj(U_ « ^:i;; .^- . _ :. . ' •; . - , ¦ ; ¦i5/iift<Jnroi Bl»6d aiUltJWdn PM MS )rt£•»>•(• . ¦ ; . ' ; ' , ¦ #m|. I LAKTIN ^: SEASON _ M. SAUNigRS'& : SONS, Friars' -Walk Nurseries , Cork. THE Stocks ¦ ¦ of tbetmdi^jeiitioned are in . really prime tonditdon; aad/or guoKfy cannot be aurpoased. 1 - '^ i P .Nnrserir8 ,»te.l»un_TOd' exposed j therefore produce stout, hardy, and nbroucrooted Trees , cer- tai^, b^rtilcce©d 1 . in^ 1 Ufflabn 1 .' ' '' : ¦ ¦:'";• ^ '- >' •• '¦ ' . " ' . * - - ' . ¦ ¦ v .i ft ' ¦(SJS'jD^i ^i^jBbalJI have .prompt attention, &nd be UfenBy 'dMltwith,. ' ROSES. —The stock >*IojJ|B|»Tery.good new or oWyarietj ; finer plants ara not to be had ; the Dwarfa I . -:. <!ttte t 8t6ttt;and(;Wiilj@&iBetStand«tds and hol^Standrtds Live epleadid hAuisi healthy stock*, and I ¦ ¦ ¦ " flbrona roottU^Oi^^fea^ -V. ¦ ' : ' i ; v .,. *^:. <.. - . ,. ' , . .(¦ •' |^m^^^ %^«MB|^^aUdjkftes , gfowV ' iiHveiyform; iit «^nfe, well4tWil«d < and per. op^v.Pft- . ^a *> , v-tt . aAjaiJbiJN rA+i . TBJUJSS. iiany , thousands , including a large number of Hew and 3i. :,JSare.TaneUe8 , l*tely.added.;v, . j .. .. . .»*. . ° . T0RE8T TREE8. ~Hnndreds of thousands, stout and |vell.rooted, chiefly grown on our . Branch Nurseriestat Parkogue , Pouladuff 7 and Killecnreendowfljy Nursery: ' tST ContiacU undertaken and Estimatee giren, . . •• ¦ ¦ - .: lT ; - . TfORN/QUIOKS.^EECH, &o., fer Hedges, &c , -Ovei ialf a million strotfgrfibrous roote. GiME COVER ATO . TJlTDERWOOD PLANTS in all xtta nBuall y p lnnted; See our Catalogue. . ASBARAQUS ^ SEAEALEj RHCBAEB, STRAWBERRIES; and afl other Plants for the Garden and Forest. See. our Catalogue ' . ' . ¦ ' ' ' « «y; "a;he-:coUecttoV«f . aREENHOUSE and STOV^ PLANTS, ndmittedly the Largest in Ire- landjiteaAalways worth inspection, includea Palme, Feras, 3egonias, Azaleas , Camelias , Ericas , Epacris , PeSrgoniamB , &. . Gentlemen, haying Conservatories or b'toves to furnish would do well to inspect our stock, either personall y or thremgh-their Gardeners. . . ¦ ' ¦: . ¦ . ' ., . ¦ K ., . Plants , are g iven gratis to compensate for carriage. - ' , THEEE: SILVER' CUPS and : ALL THEJFIRST DEIZES offered, b y, tUe Royal Horticultural Society: .of , Ireland , open, to Norserym en, for : Roses, have leon succeasiveiy won in 1875, '76 '77, b y-M. SAlQfDERS! &. SONS' . Collection of.Cut Bloomsj : and the 0NXY SILVER CUP offered in Ireland for 1879:'! ..- ::: v- ¦ ¦ . . . ' . .;, . ,; • !¦¦ ,. . - ..;:. , , ,- ¦ . . , ;. .;. . - .. ./; :; ¦ ; f6.6t mm. / Tffl^ fflSNEE SEMp. 17s . 6d : v . ' . ¦ v ' PINK' OR BLire, BAND AND LINE/ . ' .' . , AND ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ; ;i < :; ¦ : lur ' ^A. - v^^iiaisTTr . o& : i s r ^y r ] i>-A.a:a?jE3E.3srs- i;: . . .... .. J. ' . . - l' H!nti *tZ *-l ¦111 UD WITH THIS JOURNAL TURDAY (aa usual), FEBRUARY 7th f do^ •: -i 1; '" . ' . V; iH:BTOW'WJyij|B;.' ¦ . ,. : : -. ' . ¦ ¦ AND '' . I do. . ¦ - :.a V,, JiATEST . FASHIONS i ! .: . i. .. ¦ . : ,. -ri i ¦ ¦ .; ¦ ¦ -<!¦.¦, ¦ - . ¦:>: •: y :. '¦ V 12 JELATE8 FOR. KITCHEN, lz eK&X 'jj -; ' ¦ ¦ 2PXS . B ; ES;- - TEAPOT, ' 2 VEGETABLE DISHES, TQTiET. 'SET FOR SERVANTS 2 <?JIOFTS and iTOPS; , ¦ . ¦ .) !¦' ' .. ¦: . - . . ' ' . . .. . ' . , fop . ' WATJERFORD. f6r the SALE ^- . * , .. ;i^ SSS-i^gi&fe«e^S»'T -*• -. -<ri y ^^^&rGQf^^ (MMaETED) , '¦; - . ¦ ¦ :¦, . ¦: •; . : ' ¦ . . ' ..i J : Vn&MD W; QUAY , VrtATEEFQEP ^:;. 'i ; - . . i> _ - . . ( ¦ .;. - .»• . ¦ j:». :i .i > .y. - .' .-. i - .j . : .j |™«y^ji^;ijtUV,O' (>' .t ; >V. /:H:i' ;;;:i:ti/ | J.J^ % "f / , Hi-u IV.(oI/- . ' S^^^^ B ' . ijHOl'AVjiB !.S* -Q3-:-|^lraaBBKi* ' > ¦ ' ' <ff. xri flsmaii-t - ,o|BlTlWgWf^Prxp ^n^^^Bj^HPf.u^«:;<){ uvr,r. i *• . ' ¦ ¦ > i Jtvt; ' . * WHMWl ^''i'* ' ><m< !l fV ; ^- : ' '^' -'' ; >'l' ' ; l/u;. {jj ^ 4wiw. -gaiyWOTl i^Oif Zi fctuiiiytaM ;... . . : 8 ii^^o ; iik^ »B8S%«SSwi^ii ( 'iio . x ^rjawMftw»ijttftBs>^ - ' > HoSto ot fS^ali^r^'FS^'^ristbwt. - - fj f. 'iftyTgJM. gWCg- 1 .^^ip^m |5^tf ¦^Bi \ , \ /I MAY 9 , 1849. ;, -^; f i ¦ : kE0IBTSB3V FOB ' \ ¦ TRAlf BiUSaiON ABROAD ¦ 1 - ' ¦ ¦ - •K-riyi I . ' . , ' ¦• ¦ . Visitors \1io%ipadori WILL find Homo Comfort* , 1 <Jn moderate terms , at " The Sherwood Private Hotel, " 19, Adam-St. - Strand. F. SLACK , Proprietor.-' . ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦: : f22.tfjj D UBLIN. .. . Commercial and Private- Lodging House, : 49, MABLBOROTteH STREET. T>AETnSS Visiting Dublin; ' can be accommodated , JET ' with or without Board , and all the ' eomforts of a homo, on Moderate Terms; t^' f" . . .. ¦ H ¦ ,[o25-t£] 83*5° Situation central , dose! to SaokviUe-street. Kew Temperance Stdtel i in lTublin , JUST OPENED—102, STBPHIN ' B-GESIN, South. Newly furnished j ohargea' moderate ; tariff card on application. ' ¦ . ''- *: ' •' , Proprietor—T. /W.^'RUSSELL. ' j23^m Oysters ! Oysters ' ; I Oysters I ; The Commeneeinentip/ 'ijif Stift on , BURLINGTON. RESTATOgANT; J ^D OYSTER rpHE PROPRIETQ^Jfe^^j ^cqtJaint bis ^L-^ r jPrxBndsvand 4 iihjBcPil5B*fitBttfcjBuJ4^iiblf propwmd with a constant Supp ly of RED BANK BURRS OYSTERS, Fresh every Day, from his own Beds in the County Clare. Tho increased demand for these delicious bivalves rendered it imperative on the Proprietor to ! secure an unfailing supply for his Customoro. i Luncheons , Dinners, Suppers, a la Carte as usual. ! Wines and Spirits First-class. John JomeBon and ; Son' s '73 Whiskey. Dry Amontillado Sherry, Martell and Hennessy' ? •*• Very Old Brandy j Sauterno, Chablia, Ac. JOSEPH COELESS, PBOPBISTOB, 28, ST. ANDREW ST. & CHURCH LANE, DUBLIN. n22) OYSTERS ! OYSTEES ! OYSTEES 1 tf The Clyde Hotel , ANDEESTON QUAY , GLASGOW, IS in the immediate vicinity of the English and Irish Steamers , including the Clydo Shi pping Company' s Steamers. Tourists and familie8 visit- ing Scotland will find this Hotel a comfortable home. Charges very moderate. s6.1y " THE GEORGE HOTEL, " 6 , COLLEGE-ST., and 29, 30 , & .31, FLEET-ST PATRICK SHERIDAN CAREY, (Late of the City Mansion Hotel), PBOFBIETOB. Entrance , 6, College-Street. Night Porter in attendance. j25.tf SHIP and COMMEBCIAI. HOTEL, 24 , QUIT, WATERFORD. MICHAEL KIRWAN TTJ -AVING purchased i.9 Interest in the above t~l HOTEL, begs to announce that this Estab- lishment OPENSD on SATURDAY , FEB. 15, 1879. M: K. trusts , by strict' attention'to thoBe who patronise T HB S HIP AND COMMIKCIAL HOTSL , to merit a ' continuance of their patronage. Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12 , 1879. f28.tf SOUTH KENSINGTON Private Residential Family Club. " aLENDOWER ' .MANSiON, " 13 , -15, 17, and 19, HARRINGTON R0£D, 8.W., LONDON. - (Tho beat and most convenient position in Town). One minuto from South Kensington Station ; ton minntes to WeatminBter " ; ' eighteen minutes to the City—Mansion House Station ' ; near Parla , Gardena, Albert Hal , and Museums: ¦ ¦¦¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ '¦ EOE Families , wishing to avoid expenao of House- <- keeping, Visitors to Town, or'Gentletnen ''desiring theodvantago of a Clnb , - combined with the privacy and qomfort of Homo, at a moderate Cost. . Introduotion ' or referenoe required. d!9-tf THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL DUBLIN (Established 40 Yeara ^ . 4, 5 , 6, and 7, LOWEE BRIDGE-STREET , EIOHAED COFPEY, Prop rietor THE above old-established Hotel haa all the . ' ¦ modern improvements of the day, and is under the constant suDorvision of Mr. and Mrs. Corrar. From its central position it will be found moat convenient for the .visitor; being in the immediate vicinity the- Law Courts, five to ten minutes ' drive bom anyCity Railway Terminus, and afew doors from Kin^sBndge Tramway Jedsyfrdnvis; 6d; ' eaon. ! ! Table d'Hote, 'daily ' ; ' week dtfyrat 'two ' o' clock ; ' on Sundays at five o ' olook. ¦ Gentlemen ' 8 Coffee and Smoking Booms. ¦ Ladies ' CoflWanfl Private Sitting Rooms. Bath Rooms. ¦ ' ¦ A 'NJihft Porter 'ii-attendanee, ' ' &nd all Serrants paid by the Proprietor. , ' ' * ' ' ' f26.1y ¦ Imperial : Hotel, LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, DUBLIN. (Oppoaito the General Poat-Offlco and Telearaph Office) The moat central in. the Cit y.. ¦OREAKFASTS " , witifchop, eggs, - or cold meat, 2s. j Jj>'i steak or fish , 2s. 6d. ' j)iNirBB8'i :8oup^.entre« , oints , sweeta, ::and'Chee80, .Sa.—with fish, 6d. extra. )eds , 2s. and 3s.;:attendanc e , Is. cooh. Ladies' Coffee, Room , Billiard-room. ' ' ¦ . . CHARLES . LAWLER, Proprietor. P.S. —A reduction made for Ladies or Gentlemen who wish to board by the week in tho-hotel. " . f8.t£ CITY MANSION H OT ISL, SO LOWER ! BRLDGE' STREET^ DUBLIN' I BEG to inform my numerous Friends and the Publio: ' that, 1 throug h' eliaidn of timej-I"have beoomo : Pro-! prietor of thfabove bld^atabliahea Ho teli ''•• ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ I have completely and most comfortably re : furniahcd ; it, and'hava 'obnnderabl y ' enlarged it,' fltting- it' , up| thyohgh ' o'ut in best modern st y le . ' ' ': ' ¦¦¦' - . - j "' I trus t by careful aud constant^attention to the wants: and comforte of my vis itori to merit'the patronage so! libb jaily. beBfowcd pri' -my lato'father . ' and *eap*etfnll y; Bolibit' an early trial: : ' ' ' ] - , " : ' ¦ :. :¦:¦ ¦' ;i -• MICHAEL COFPEY , \-Propri etor. ' ••' ' ¦! - ; Sdn 'bf late MAtiBict COPFEIV ; Please noto'Addrcss-OO'-LOWEB BRIDGE STREET ,; ¦ i DUBLIN. - ' •' ' ' [dll-3ml | C KELLT'3 CaOWM i HOTEL, . : MOHC?. . ST , R , ET1 , T, IE. XFO R D \ ¦ ' -: ' ¦ ¦ . (CtOW ' TO ' TlTB 'BAIliWAt STATION). , ' I npmS' is " a^Ccntral^ aua Cdrnforfeblo ' Hotel ln which; '(. ili'^ evfc ' rything ' cari- be ' 'had on tbe^'tiibst modfernte 'tellria. * ' 5 fc i''' ;i ii •• -:;.. " •. ' . I;'- ' . . !.: ;. . ... ' . ': :; : ¦; l - '*- ; ¦ 'Be ' st^Dublini and -iWexfo rd Spirittl ; also,.Bmndieaj 'Wmea , 0 Porter, - Goorge ' 'Youngerand Son' s:celBbrated ¦ ¦AUoa 'AlosfAc; '' ' ' - ¦-; •¦ l. -v. - . ,, ¦! ._ , - .:;: . ~ ,-: r ..v v; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Guw-on Hlreit tho 'shortcrt notiog:! : ;.:. ) (an«15;tf j ¦ ¦¦ - , ¦ . . ¦ . NOW READT ,. , . ¦ ' wii^" ii \ ' r ' < Printod on Good Veda; attd in largs Clear Trps , , \ » " ,' )• ; ' <i " t T^PlO' ^'Tj 'T^T'lT^^T^ r' \' J - * ^- ' i ' - *' . J i 1 A I«Xl TT4|JbliJxJ.Avn N [ " i ¦ . ' AW ^ 1 - 11 . ^' 'J - . ' . ; \ ? ; c .^U , Ti^»S!.%^ i T^|HJ!S . wr r ; / : ' TC : TliE ~ ClLTHtttilC"CL^EGYrBObKSEIIEES , -Ae 7:)Tj.ri;:::X. - QV\Su!?pt XKa Xty ,Q€?f^ !: r !JJ.O- . ;,W}th the Recommondation of tto. Btoonpf . FttMtlpr. .a.i -h ;1.jand Lfamor^ tPe Blghi RflT, iDrJi' OWXB ¦&( . Cate<iliiflm for : tie-Ij«tractipn;a£ Childrea rHMR^T h'BeV* r ' Drl' : JAMSSlB^BS. '4c6h i .l¥I«>; . » ¦ ¦ ¦ - bishop of CaihelandEnil jr:: : m- hO Ur v - -\ . : ¦ ¦:¦' ' : nEOomOiBDATio ^ijf; V. -H -J ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ •-" lappi/veof of this Edition of-tno BightRer Di jAaisiBtoiiB ' s Cateohiaa' .^and' raa^^^JJdiitr teth .Faai^otUtfsB ^iooMes ^^^ ' $&&£ H_o ^ ¦ •1 •• WaterfordJ-Sopt. l^'^. '^-fiiSaj'/. 'sT. ; . -::. ' ; /. ';;: H ow>«ifrta;-^rwrtroM»). Wicw»r^j^^^^ aireWed'to^ C;'! E»wtt)l«D/' .Ritot«Aioa.^yuoHa» Wal#f M X0U»:>mty vp (Xto#li^tiittv9 jJ ! +^awW^ L Tb»Tra4ein^j«»dattT8^r»ii. 'torms. :' f May be had BetaUframi«vBWX)att»oli «^6ok»«ller 'iT^^2jBjjS5jffiB3M3& |jfi|^^ 33 7415 'M [ba It- jfijt^ak n^^Uijm&^B V "DTJT/^Xn f SINGLE COPY—3d (. JrJK/XV^JDi IBY POST-8id. TBAMOBE. HOUSES , fully : furnished, TO BE LET , by the Month , for the Season or by the year, at St LEGES TBBBACB, Tramore. Apply to Mr. T. POWBB to No. 4, on the premises. SINGER'S ARE PREFERRED, baeauae they are the cheapest and b«st. QEWING *^ Price from . jM 4s. TyTACHINES For Cash , £A. QtNGEB;S ARE PREFERRED , becattso thosei P _, ' unable to pay Cash eari »cqtrinj JEWING them on H&e at 2s 6d. p*r week, j£ACHINES . ^-^^-f^^oe- SINGER'S ARE PREFERRED by tha Tailors , Dress and Mantle SEWING Makers , Corset . ' Stay, and Sldrt Makers , Shirt and Col- lyrACHINES Ut Makers. SINGER'S ARE PREFERRED by the ^ __ .„, Hat and Cap Makers , Shot CJEW1NG "Hakers, ancTBbbt Repairers , *-? ' and Saddlers. "jyTACHINES CONGER'S ARE PEEFERRED by the S ^ ' Up holsterers , Umbrella and EWING Parasol Makers , Sail and Tent Makers , and by all who TUT ACHINES have Sewing to do. CJINGER'S ARE VBITXRBSD because they ^-^ are the moat complete in val- CJEWTNG uable improvements , and the ^-' ' easy terms of Payment bring ¦ji/TACHINES them within the reach of the -*- " -*- poorest seamstreaa. OINGER'S ARE PBKPEBBKD because of ^ their hig h repute and con- C< EWING atantly increaaingeale. MACHINES In 1878 the sales were 366,432 Machines. RINGER'S ARE PBETEBBED because they S £2 execute perfect work, with EWING uniform facility, upon the MACHINE S MS? ^ ° r ^ *"* SINGER'S IMPORTANT NOTICE :-After S_,^ being engaged in. litigation for EWING nine years; T HB Srjfoes MANP- •FACTOBINO COMPANT, in a T\/rACHTNES. Chancery suit recently heard be- -LTJL ¦ fore Vice-chancellor , SIB JAKZB BACON, OINGER'S HAVEESTABLISHED their eicln- KJ; sive right to the use of the name QEWING . " SrwaBB" as upplied to Sewing TyrAOHINES Machines - QINGER'S THE PUBLIC * aro cautioned that S ^ T™T~, ' " SlNOBB" or " SlKOBB' 8" EWING Sewing Machines ' are ' only mads _ _, . - b y T HB S INOZB MANorAcruB. Tt/TAOHINES. IN« CoMTAirr , QINGER'S WHorMP THiH ON SALB-at thsir S™.^ . ¦ Offices in all the Townn of ths Q EWIN G United Kingdom. See ad dressM ^V-ArwTNTts in Ireland at foot. OINGER'S BEWARE OF PERSONS who, hay- Q T^_ ing no good trade repute of'their QEWING own, USE QUR NAME SIHOBB C5_ to palm off counterfeit Machines TV/TACHINES of Inferior construction and ¦A.TJL manufacture. QINGER'S E VEBT " SWOEB" MAOHISB has KJ ' the Company' s nama° printed QEWING . upon the top of the Arm, and CJ. impressed npon the Bras» Trade- TMTACHINES. MaVk Plato. CJINGEB'S " Td" AVOiD DECEPTT ON ; hoy only l^Rio -^ ; _ . _ ( ¦;. at ; ih» Offiaej^fcSJjjt 'SW ' ara .: Chit f, Counting Hcnitt iH ~Europe: 39, FOSTBB L ANI, CHBAPtaJE , L ONDON. Branch Qfficts and Dcpottiii Ireland : "VrATEiBFORD-124 , QUAY. dlS^lS Armag h...2, Ogie-ttreet. . Qolwajr.. JDomlnlck-street. Athlona...Church-stnet. ' - - ' Kurash.i.Ifoore-atre:t. BaUina...Brid g<y«treet. ¦. Kiogitown...65 } L. Georee-st. BaUymasa-.$74t 68 , (2inrch-it. Kilk<mnT-rJolin-«t , nMr bridss B«ltaBt-.3*«;<- rnegia^< lrNr-iamerick/:.31 , ' r»trfck-rtnNii. Cloomel, JobD»tone«t. ¦ Londonderry .l, Cartttlt-iotd Coleraine...If«<i. Bow. UaUin««r...anv in»atnet. Cork.:.79 , GrtDfl Partdo. NMin' ...Tritagites tr«et: DrOKhedtt.i.97 , 8t>0«org«' s-»t; Newry.,.18- , 8amiIaIAn4. ¦ Dablia...69 , OnftOB^treet. P»«onjtown;..2 ,8«fl!a». Ennia-.-Jall^treet. ' Q<iseiutoini, Htrboar Sow. EnriBifllen.. ' .15 ,.HIgli^treet. ' SUn>:..i5. Knbz -stiioV Termoy...l, Kinfrstr*«t, -- Wlee... *' , BrWge.»tf»»t. J : ¦ . ¦ . : ¦ : . •; ' Waxtord..:8elikU 4tre«t. Avd 259 othtr Branch, Qfeti in f ht United Kingdom fJEPPER'S QUCNlNE'and IRON TONIC pnri. JL- - 1 fl<»and : earkliM(tli« Hood, «tr«mgtluwi«'tb» Ktrv«s and Husou1&r8jst4m!}fpramot«SLAsp4tito . apd . totirpn* Di- gcrtlon; aninata the SplxiU and. Juatal Facnlue* ( tho- MngUy TCtfrnlts'tho gcwral bodily 4 health;-hnd indntotfa ptoper Uealthy dtin&iHonoi tho1TerT<m«aml Phydcairorcte. Bottles containing 32 mewnred doses , <». 6d. . (. ¦ . ¦ . In the;preparation of this ^Tonio tha-greatest etxe is <ner- cbad. It is a faltUul oompound of Quinine, the active prin- ciples ot 'Yellow Cinchona; or 'Peruvian Bark, ' blended with a refined trnitworthj ptepuation o( Iron, prednced in a form which the experience oi'inftny yean hi» vroved the best. This'To ni c offers a ready, mean sot gniuinK the strength anil othetbenoats afforded by Quinine and Iron, without auy. (eat ofjillcQnseqaenco s , as itS'ooinposition is that' approved oi bj tlie great majority oi lheOl^I men tbroiig h&ut tho country. XJEPPER'S ' (ipi UVS ' B and IRON - . TONIC.> _ - , ;BotUi)« cpntitnlng32 , mea«afp d doses , , 4s. 6d.. Tonic ¦ cptment Vill . remove Iudigcstlon, Flatuleube , Co ' nstant i'. eartbn*o , W^jajess of tto Stotnach; Sinking SenBatloiis in nat'Orpm; Naa»aa; *o. : Tha Iwhols. di gestlre : functions are l>owerinll y oiia)st9d.bjr.Qnlnineand lruii; . "OEPBER'S ^ QUINHTE and ' IRON " TONIC. ' ¦ svT IQnjnino . Mid Iron (or» tbe moat effeoUv«tre»tnl»ut in all comp laints orisinjt (rom duraugeinont^ot the Nc " r>ous S } : «- tffu)! ' urth' e'ihosf woAened stato of 1 the Kcrr«s, ; a coarsebl Qdlnine-ana Xron U sureto benefit. . Agaei Sciatica , ;Weok. ness of .thaIiDtb<! , "Pro«tOJtiou . -luoli.lent Paral ysis, 'St. Vitas' Danje . I'i^brs . ic.^ ; . ;^J5^ pPj R%" QUININ13 . ' . ntd IRON TCNIC " M- . strongl y reco ' minehdedas a ' desirable * , safe ' . ' eoond ' xnlciU. nnd adTonbweons mode of taking straightening medicine. ' Ths in. ed- ' -Bbttfe oanbaiifl SJ iuessund. doses , mhidiii itl taken dullr. v " »»t»!l8idajrs; : ,.Tho nar», site bott)a is Us., . coffligent to List ii daya. 'The'Btose Jari >old'»t 22s. noch , GOEUS I rjnrly six of theT4«/'6a:Botaes;- "rhO -'N(im6 , 0f ' . WitrStLiHon l e ' very ; Ubet/J' ^ '"' J ' ¦ '¦:'¦>. ' ': : <» ¦ '¦• ¦ \- . ' - .: •:¦ '¦ ' -: SULPHOLINE LOTidN. —An ^ eifernsl uieahs of Cnrinir;BMii-I>laeaBes, . Th»roscarcely liny erup- tion bat will7&M to-" 8olpbflJijj<> ltl lajr<ewd«js , and com- mence to fade aw»y, evea-itit seems post care. Ordinary p imples , x»*jesvblatcb«ey tonri groiwUnesstTanlsh as 11 b y masUtwhiM^*ndartoi^diiKarder * ,UatV>vc plsgned i6>»dtte«rs ' f9» Tears.fcowOTi* d»e*lrroot»l th«y 'm»»be. " Sn)p1»^<' : wMi ' aoeUfalU «M«cl Uiern-' » desttcy*ths liramtUalSi'rwUcA' .aauga. ' .UeV: -uiliWIhfjdM-)* ^ painfnl ^TOt^ ^ ^ a oW^^-wTeiagK '• ''W yi:J-' ¦¦ ¦v. - . r;[. ¦ .' ¦:: Tf J :TVJ3BiC0OTL>' tNi!$^IJ^ J !l^NG'S 1' -I>AN. SSooTJ^rThe "best rem«r/'torr ; BQl<j«rje«« , EknoiihOs* r»ni«ismWJrUtal««)o*j:J? aiM , bett^.^8ka*ia«w,.B»a -^S^B^JwSS^i^S^X •iJ46owfc4iW ^>t'" t iiy oninent surjoons to be uieJsmbat SSSSSZ-SO M htonar eoa«sJttrt*>Oc:*» ko»» st . ls. IJd-, ^^ ' 'frt ' 'anrtl4irli "U »lwll'1tV?m1fftg. -'- '}' '' ' ¦*- ¦ - "-"' r ' ' jje^^tTO^^PODOPHYLLIN; * StiuknUnt vuKuff amgm wnou mnBras^rom ssgn« nmnun 1 '07 IWUJ ^¦JljlEailis . 1*^^ a%^:rM»5?th»'Bowe& , to. tM» >Ch««tt<ssaoB»nfc¦ tMpit&aiaiht! eo^. . fa _ dUsipatcd. fr«VTymWr»#n Pnfcn>«Ti.f tit C.tyitw* «af«r Inltl sctfon «>»n OsiM^oc lBas HlLsBd -^nialiUy.,q ^i> tt^ in-ppTOto aant o^"gr«i«sl»rc BotM ^.^asc^^«^J , .Tb» ; , lIsra« , of i^Si^^«co^P^latE»^5q#ifeijd. ^J[»^«4^'8d. - <jniBOot»iPhiter»arBa . -owt«la . onrafot •C5j' <«4 if M/ wt f ilmi odnnlkXtif drt «>aUKlrw«4lc»tftpaln- w5rri ^th^»Saon ;«iii ra ilprorod wBMdjr-iot iPunloiii r a^^TtSci«lntfcoSoUfcj ' * allCli<!B*M.; j careral t '^^ i rfWhrt*» ' »ri»PUsdjnCTi;.l^:!- '<>gi- 'iiay.A..- .' . 1 . %r£9 *&ifmUt ^t^MQ*& *^r 'K> ' ~ ::¦ ¦ ., , " ^Wg| BS^ ^ggaaa&y.>i««Vri>vca^ fairer- . Wm§m

1pm WCTERFeRD CHROM^^i^jj g^rER ACVER^PrrlNCORPORA …snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · 1 'itnanmoiATE PASSAOB; inoloding Boda, isddiaK', • andaU neoemsry

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Page 1: 1pm WCTERFeRD CHROM^^i^jj g^rER ACVER^PrrlNCORPORA …snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · 1 'itnanmoiATE PASSAOB; inoloding Boda, isddiaK', • andaU neoemsry



, yot. xxx. NO. 39¦ .. .

. . - ..¦

- . > ..., - I . ¦). .

- ¦


tlEQIST ClECCULTION.lN.THESOnTa OF ISELAND,P*tiiih«ic»rV:FBID/{r Eeminfl, ot M>. SO, Kinj-Strtit, .

, '.,- :< - (OPfoetn; rai raoviscni. Biflx>.. . ., ¦;. . .jTOBlCE—THREEPENCE ; YearMia Advance), 13a.IT* By Post (Yearly), 15a., in Advance. ! .,. £3T(AU Chequea and P. O. Orders, nude payable

fcj'.GOBNELius REDMOND, at this pffioe. . - . . - .¦.

.¦J3ubNJ5WS.(Libernl in. politics) circulates extensivelyamongst thb merchants, traders and nobility, gentry,'uOina.'claaaoB, &>., in Waterford; Kilkenny, Tipperary,. KL-tfexcSouth, of Ireland, general] v.. The JJHWS hasattained xB- circulation sever equalled by any paperrmhl»he»,w Waterford anfl U'admittedly $lte< leadingVurna in this important city, with which there ia direct~#3y-connnunieabon from London.-'¦_•:: ¦ ... ¦ ¦ > '. 'fjtertipular attention paid: to oommoroial and ogrionl-

TB»l matters.- '. • _ . ¦¦ .» ,,-j . -. - • - ; ; • ,s ¦;¦ ¦ - r• AarortiBeinenta received'tor the Nawa by allreapect-

%We Newapapta:Agents ia the. Unitod Kingdom. .Pro-yyjawit-re^uiaite-tronvpartiea-pot known at th*-oftVqe.



Georgels-at.TRAMORE-l-Miss CLANCY, Refreshment' Booms, iii

Stran&stroot. - • ~- ,".- [ \ ".: '<¦¦

fASSAQE EAST—The Misses LOVB, H9UI1 Sqnwo.OABmCK-ON-SUIB -Mr J. M. MuBnrr/News Agent.LOND0N-<For Advte.VHH WJlJiUt CAKB<»LL,18,

Ctaw yRoad, TMsal'Boad.'-NorlKBjiSqoli fe'- TIBIiOT-—Adr«rtiBin|t A<j«ntavMi«jrB?'Vr."ffi &JOTH

&So»i Abbey-stoo ;;: ;: ',. ;;.' ¦', - . .'. : ¦ ¦. .''DUNGABVAN—Mr. 'EDWAED BBKNNAN, St&tionor,ic, Poet and Telegraph Offioe, The. Square.. ; 1, ¦

CASl%ECOMER-rM*;:J.; HOLOHAN, Main-street.


.r~-W-J3fcM>:Bv - &T-A B-rli-I N:B-.•BOTil A N D : •


- ¦•'-v l

'v ¦ NOTICE.—The Steamers oflthia

¦mkS rfKs. C •' lino,- take the Lane Routes, reoom-—*>, fffillMjVv^ mended by Lieut. MAUBT, on both^ HBBBBBvthe Outward and Homeward Pas-

(ages. . .- . .. _ •„,¦ These wott-knowrtmAgnifioent Steamers, all 00 natrn di-ed bj*Jte>sft. HA tJ^pj;* WQW»J»,:OI Belfa*t,i aieip'frnnttd W sail weeKly as under,'carrying her Majesty'sana tho United States Mails :—

From LIVERPOOL i—ADRIATIC ...ITuesday, 10th Feb.GERMANIC ...Thursday, ... 19th! Feb.BALTIC--— ;..~:Tu«aay, - '.'.."~2*af-"ir«S"CELTIC ... Tuesday 2nd, Mar.

¦ ¦"¦Ji i ¦¦¦ ArtftawBtAiw'fc f¥*ij *^ \ «VI*A f nil

i ¦»*¦!! ¦ J9A W *From Queenstown (Cork) the following day "FBOH NEW YOBXi ¦• • - •

GERMANIC ... Saturday, ... 81st January.BALTICT-' v ..; ' Thnrsaay,'f."..Sth; February.

Tnese splendid vowels REDUCE fhe PASSAQE tothe shortest possible tunapind-sfford to Passengers thehighest tfegfra b£ ttmfort hitherto attainable at sea.

Average Passage, 8fc days in Snmmer ; 9| days in¦Waiter; Each VesioMs oonitruoted ' in 7 .wiateraitfentoompartmenta. .. !:." .:v .%. :,- Tie. SJTKKAQIB ar -unusually, spacious, .well-lighted,TenHlilodj'ajid'warinfra. and Passengers of this classWOOive'tHe utmostOivai anctatttntMn-. - Cattloj Sbesp'or .?^gjI .ar«1.noijjA^n-by.c.thisi line.. An unlimited,inpnly'of Cooked Proriifoni.' Medioal'oomforta freeof''objlrge; StowaTdftsseB in" Ste&r»ff» to- attend:the.WomanandiChadrek! l. u - : n y.'.L - . . .¦

¦• •¦¦¦.¦. . • • ; • • • .

/-FaesetlgeiB booi;eo( ttrough,at low rates, to all parts ofthe United States and'Canada. .. ' .'

• ¦ ' . APPOT T6" 1 " ¦"" "' " ' ¦' ."', ' " .: - '''T.-S/HABVEYytiiae:6oOTge'8-Btreet:\yaierford,'•¦ ¦•» OVMt'HUKfH YV ffl/Newiltoei Carriok-on-aoir.- JOHU WALLf J iuujBniigarvan^ .- . '

¦ JOHN HOEOHANfOastleoaman t¦. .: JAMESWATTS,iBoamahom •, JOHN.5OBm,J«anr.j, farmer;Ballyduff.. :!' . ,1 JAMES SCOTT *TJ6?, Qrieenstown • or to "

ISMAY, IMEIE ACo., lO.'Water ttreet.lirerwool¦ ~

''¦ '¦¦'¦"¦¦¦". ' A 'MVJTiTQti Vt V .inKTZy ¦ • '.

¦. ¦•: v .'O \¦


V: i8HBHHaU»Idverpool to," PhiladelpMai_.. ; , - , - ,, . . . : ¦,„, ¦.; < ., r,.. .KymiT;. ¦WEDNESDAY. . -. ,., ;r- ' ' Calling at .Queens to w» every" Thursday. ' , :

'Piret-claasFull.poTfered &on Steamshipsj are appointed!¦ '• ¦ :;"- ¦ "'¦• . ¦ .. to Sail r—

¦ ¦ » . - . . - - . . . :. . '. , •

,-tpED OOlTOH .F«b.li I PEmraYEVANlAMar, 3iBBtPisH CBO'KN...Feb: 181 OHio...'...'.:i..::«;v.:Mar/io;lNDIAirA'.V. V..Fob.; 25' | BBjrnsiBi'EkpixB Mari la

;'.Tf6Jintermediate''TaJraengers1 oarri9d> on' voyage*iBKrked tiros*' ¦- ¦'¦<¦¦¦ < > " .

¦¦-¦• Ji>j. 'r» i.» iw !••¦•¦ =-i -i^-i i ;.

i". Theonly.Trws'Atlantio Iinfl»ailiii4Jinde?the T7ni-ited States. Fl»i. .and carryinffttho ¦Ataflric5aJ9Wt5l<?i;siring life,besldea tee usual oomplement olXueboats^ariata extra number' of 'Life ProserTers:""The:acoom-

' modatiottfdr1 fU'4la88es;of pusengen is equal to any of,46o BatopeanlSWaiMhip:line»; Erery Steamer carriesf&'SureeoaandStewardess. ; ! ¦¦ '• .: ': lj'"!,;'• . . •¦:- !

< PBsseagers.and goods are.landed'at Phfladdphia on;th»; Wharf of. the PennsylTanla Eaflroad CompanyiwhtcliHasfhe ahbrtestandmbst direct Wrate to all placesinthaWe'stirnSUtei. , ' V ' ;"' " „ n- ¦':PissengeT8*y'tbii o.ctopasa'directihtd flie BaQ-roaa Cart1 without le vingthe Landing Wharf, and un-rd«the sam8*oof,'.aiere are Befreshment Boons, OmJ•tadBtateaLetterBox,'Telegraph Offloei:Exohasg«KOf-••fleocand B&ggage.Express ¦Offlca. • • ¦; ..-.

¦¦ - ¦ ¦;; : . ? :, , CABIN PABSAax, 12to. 18 guineas. , Eeturn Tickets;

j tiiMd-ucedrates..,.. . .' . .. . :. . . . . . _ ., ¦ - „. '¦ j. 'S EXK>ia ,JPA8SAaf) as

low as bvany other fast

line;r uding n ample supply of teood Provisions.' Stoer^

'¦MTkiaeBgeM aretbrwsrded to New York or'Bcfcton-witUoutadoitianat'chlirge:1'' :' " ¦• • • ¦.•'¦¦: -

!1 'itnanmoiATE PASSAOB; inoloding Boda, isddiaK,'• andaU neoemsry Utensils'and saparate Table, je8 6B.- ;

. "Apply, jn Phibidelphiaf to-PETBlt WWOHT- 4 SOOTiGeneral Agents, 307, Walnut-street i in Queenstown, to

iSsA '^Ctnnvf B *<BBOTHXW j.«ndwLiTerpoopli., ; ' . ; : • , • .•;:EX/!HAEDgON,-WENCE A Co., - ,

"tf. " • 17 and 19 liVMet trcct;¦; ,¦. . i

• • • ¦ JOHN: DBVBBKUX ,-*^ : (• ¦

, ' •!¦ ¦y vTtit. lk l i r WTOTtTWAgiT Ifayier-st.i 104;> , . .;. , ; t: •¦: ' ¦ Cngtehithnjw'< yi;Wajte»ord;'- ¦ •' ;': jcjjai-Aiji) AND' sotn iwjusi 'iOT"' J;;,, ' ¦; ,::

¦. :. ;, , g<)utH::w: EiiAan ' ;.;•;:;;, ^..

' Altcwl Service'"b'j; GrUt"W68Wtti' Railway'Opm-i'¦ '' p'aoy's Trajns , aijd''S1«amyBoat8;''i?w»- Mi rd: n' Haven,iip connection; wtfi tne-'WAT'MWBSjtnd

" • LnreEiCK,; "WiTmroisi»';' &:O«inrBAif IB«I >IT>;" ; and 'WATBRKIED; DuudAEYAifi AKiJ :lviB«oB». . . -

i .¦-. :.. u,, . , , . . M v

I V. »i l' .. ; Shirfeaptrj 9«nto an 1.- 'Btaajat ft ^

raMH. j

--'": i' J& fev!'. !tf :* . iErprew• .T<wl«ir!;<W r:- -f**^


D3JTN.—LEAVX IvOSDON iraqaingMni at o > p.m.,' ¦; 'Sanaijs exb6pteai and7ABBiTJ!'iAT,-WiT^

1[!" TOBDfweather1 and'cinramstan es'peBnitaiig)- ¦ ab<mt\ftve a;m;, toen»;fot.thejmiiis!OB

-¦ .Uie^Water«or4andI4a^r iCeB*»


?1*ad>. . ¦ :f .: f |m Tft fl rT* fi««>«v .

¦¦ . . '.'..¦: ' :t ?.' l! n * hi 1¦ UP.-Leave Wat«rfMd.Afc 6f ip.m i each;Week Dayj

::. .':• on Arrival of-»he ,H ajn Train from Idmenckl-, . . . 1055 =. ajn^Trail-ir ni Maryborough,, and

, • . . .1L23, a,nj. iTrwn :fjC9m, Lismore;'Aifu.v->N<>, »», ,'¦ .'. rjiONJopM"(weather/.and '<!iwuni»tance«--pei' _ ' •,;

¦.Vt »T»tTO>^*v.jW!r9Uowhigl4iy. !

^¦fordl' '8Wr j'swiff pwceed:ftwi"New'Mwot4l>

•'the;TJ;5*1™n<>»»®ttniU*taomJng it'.'.' •r^iUi- "i 'j¦- r. ofatSa»day«Y*SpodalStauaer2» -»*ttfwB Wafeiford (Ferrybank Wharf)*t,^^ »n5iM :Pj*«m

, wrs awl ,G«Beral,Carga q j oi xiS}. AMf tf r. \¥hari«>n.tte Wul8», *«».«W:«?rS»F» f^SKj.PassengerajMa euXnggagB, sl . e N* r .

* ©'«n r if«^WiW^Wf .m,;and the stages will then be remoyrf.'"t<i'1<injsbl».tt>;Steamers to fl^fMP * *11 wifi ' ^ i 1 I .TJI »t.Uie appointeq tim< .

Under no circnmstxne^GsirPassenffets holding Tbiro,• ((Sa8*Ti6k ]bOiJIowWt J»W*^WB» J)r^r--( }

3IUi^^S#&^T ffii& W§£^W«|i.u:iDatiley»})ieep( eadyPjg»jiiOn) Mrfttdajrajpitpmi Aj$>¥•o-Whar]|.»t1a%it3!P.njo 9% e»?*n«r rwS3f


¦ SiydLMnsvaQahlo -54aj»)lrt<a»s«»i 8a*>o»j46«i 1,

VtfkTDBHB v(waUaWl^ontiin«t Class* BdoqniTfif.;

1' :• .'ocUi 0;!) i']i v y^i' Sr^GIislWi^VntiCllUB, »3»6d.,J^ .FtirJiiwWoiinato»i b«t>b> er»ilfc ivf irKtr^Mrf w-IjTe^ Wf^ JtJft-S; J


itB&te»fordtf &i!-^ «X>BIBK( Sffi *W*O£ i.^^ diait Xv nwfWjrt'ftfr' ¦¦MW»Ti?i>i'rW-; - *.

¦ o(» «ilihrli« '«i!fe'mJW^?itf vodl4 ' £ p«l

. iPortwi^*f( <«raW>.iaf^ ^ M;

'¦'M l


Stflara. from lonaoa to Melbourne,SYDlffEY,-ADELAIDE, aud;aU TASMANIAN and

\ , NEW EALANJ) Ports..Beohoed Bates of Passage Money from 14 Quineas

" • •¦ •_ ¦' ¦ •"¦

¦ and upwards. ¦ ( ¦ ¦¦ ¦ - . . 1


LIA.-WTho oelebrated Steamship.;' Jf orthumberland ,"2,178Ub» register, 1500 horse:ppwer indicated, JOKM9DHSIY .Commandert w*11 bedespatohed from'theSOUTHWEST tNDIA DOCK onSiirjaiJAT, FEB. 28,embarkiVig.Passengera at Qravesend on tKe 1st MABCH,and*t lllymouthon the 3rd March. - :, ;-,:/.• For Pi Vis and all particulars, apply.to M0B0AN.4AliPOlfe 7, I (miaiirtwet,:London;


Rtgvlar Btthm. \C'oiri ii\c'(ki(ivr ' b peen ' ' ''WATE^OBJi rad t&6 Jf JQ a-W V¦ VU &>utWptoa d 0oa;uah(l South-Western

PLYMOOTiUsn SOCTuStPTOH^m) BOOTH 'OT'EKSLAND, a \BK. p xmirmnMif ist jA aiusaaw.^Vvr;«U>r:i rfAttE N«Wind^powBrfnlScrow

"""WSJLII.L" ' ' vii!~"""'n?rB * "rTTL|[rif!.7r * _ T?

mttd by- natmttfToMuitarioMkl'wiUi liberty to'To?Teanls, »od.U\aai*tiIu Pcirt.aiPorl«in»iiToidor, ln<*oat-o<- UM «IWU W«MMrM mln and Di»oh»rg» Cugo,or for any-oUiw wt»as-wn»t»osver.- — r - -

^ PEOM JwXTaBTOaD'. O OtASGOWv • •Wednesday, 4t> Fel).'.-P;t'l/..p.ia.,- Direct.WodnwdaT, . V i „ |1 p.m .tlaCotk..'Friday. '* „ ; 1 P-™-. riaCork and BelfastSstnidar, • '¦ B' „ i 8- p.m., Ti&Bellut. .W«d»«sdior, lib „ ¦ 1- pjn., vis Dublin ¦W*dfl«eaay, 11 „ 1-p.m., via Cork. . ;Fxidv, . IStV „ ' 1 p.m., TiaCozk and BeUulSaturdar, 1« ) :, „ ¦. '.-,. 8" <pjn.; .'via BelfastWedMeaay. < 18a\ „ 1 pjn., Direct. ,-. .Wednesday, ~> 18U>1 „ 1 pan., vU Corkt . ... :Friday. - 30th\ „. 1- jfcm., via CoEk.aadB*Uas<8«tnld»y, . Sl*t\ „ S-p.TO., via BeUast; .V/tiotAty, ; 2Sth \ „ 1 pja., via DoWin, . ¦Wednesday, 25th \ „ : . < . , I vp.m., vto Cork.Fridur,, ; 87th \,, 1 p.m., via Cork tod BolturtStatarday, 28th \,, ' 6 .p.m., viaBaUsst. , . ¦

no* itliOOW TO!WATXSTOU>.KTKTJCIIQMPAT, W.SMKSDAY, andFWD y, at! p.m.. . Caledonlui Vr«intcGreenock.»tia.80p.m. . .

Wor»—The Stei per op. tTridaj goea via Cork.• ¦ , • '.¦, ¦ reox «.Vuroi«to mwi,•• •. ¦: , . . , v .

ETerj;FBlDATjvi» CaV, ! -- - , . • • - l pjo.Evorj^SATUKDAT, dinbt i ,. .: . ¦ - .at*pjn,

BKUJLST to Wnsxrou), direct i• .. ••¦ ¦ ,.< -• Every\THuSTOAT.. , . - , . . • . ,

¦' , • " VkVOlugiV. >Jw-oWW)VSlSDAy. r :.. ;.

nUUC WlTUKlD TO DVtLiX, 4iVKt, . ..WKDNZajpTraTutlLMVKthr«brn»ry, . . - at I pja.(VU OUsgQw) WEDN£aUx8, lth and 18th Ftbpoary,; :; • _« t l ' (L ln . ¦ , - : ' . . . ;

DUMnt.m W*. W»TOW>,LVI1 COM.DUMOJt.ip FflKJ^ JI* COM.: ,.. .. • i Kvety-Blt&toiY. ; ,'

' - :; ' ' raoK witsuo ID to oou, Direct. - ¦ .lEveitjr 'WEDSESDAT- V - " " • atlpji).EreryFEIDlY, . I . . * - ' t^lpjn.

. ; : Fnox Coax .TO A luiuou, direct. ,. . ; , i Erery 1BB8D1Y. „.. ".

¦ WiTI»TOBB T9 IOIIt>0».: Steamer to Sonlhunpton, tienoe by Lpttdon and SoothWertern Biflwmr to' Nine Eta BUtioa, at Xhronth Bate*,, ., JEteCTflAXUatkY, at,l pjm.-T' r. ,i!

Lonpon TO WAxsaron {-Every TUESDAY. ¦ ¦, • \ ]Good* reoeived at anjiofcCV Beotiving Houses" ot thai

London and South Western S-BIwiy Ccmpao/vund *V-NuwElmiStaOooinp toejO.pjn. :\ . , - •;. '. , • ;, VltmroxD TO I*u>oirrg, direct.,, .• • • . < ;

: ; i .Every 8ATirBOiX> •» * P.m ., . , ' . i., PiTMotrra TO Win RTOBD, direct, : ¦ , ', ¦

, Every FEIDAY, to Hoon. . . '.. . - ." 'WATIBTOBD TO SovraAnrtoa. VIA Pincotm,

. • - . „ . ¦BreryaATUBDiTailp.m ,. : „...[ j.. ' 8ODTB*iinO»JO WATn«IOKD,,VU-^niOBT«, . : , ¦ ¦

. Every WEDNESDAY, at Scfen.;'. . . - ... ;. ¦ThtH Steamer* have exceDsnt accoi)uapdatioa.V>'or

P*"eBfni'' . .j iPASBioil-JtOHBY,..". -, ; , . . . '¦

;¦ ,'. • ! _. ..; ! Cabin. B^Mn.:.D««k

Watertori ^fflAsgojrand-Beltis) N 17»v, ( 6d.V 2Ss: ¦ lOo. i'¦. ¦:;' --<SSL:3'. ' p !•

¦ SB-'ia . j fe^ftM¦ „ FlTmotrtU*SoulUmptoiHtOe..,', Sp»;-; 10B - ', :,, . . Ifoodon, ,., . „,¦ ¦: .'aja,'.', ;'',;..

¦»,..'"ji'Jia. - .

, . Ctildrenab<n»3 »nd.undet.ljje»raof j«, HUlTutt '. mr ^lHoTM.—Tf o Clyde Shlpjlng Company.Iniuitll floods

ihipp»d by thetftines oOteuaerp at 3s Mpsrorat. toTpidtrihavinejearly ajwoments. ;andjSs. per CentlM^OMlonal

snd all ia&icinktloiLtolMSiadtitbvo&oesjEi .'i .• //<¦/¦ ¦'. ¦;, > ,'. For tE»toa, <)f. l^rel ,,te,»»]^,.Jx>-J.- .C. Pnr«i«T<>».BeHat 1 HZMT 'jr. Wisara ¦-* Co.; Ilynioath j' Trnnils2£'QAxsxr 336ndoil> an4J Soiitii-'WBStern'Bailway CbinpasyBxeter Bnflding«i'Arthtar Stroeti Wart, and at thtliWIEwJBsHwBy *<B«6»lviQ HiM**"' Um>u*lK>ut Londen^CtYni!Sairpiirs Co.', atai«)w,Oresaook, lSiTnonus t.-iimBrtekiSoQth&mptoni 21' Kdon Qnay; Dablin'j P»trlok'su<t*7,-(Jork,

• -' .• •• ¦- CLYDE BHjPFIWQ OOMPANT ,xJ«-3Ua: T ¦- .i - ...¦•> ¦ ¦ .- .- . ¦¦ 'J Cpstom BouBe <W»y, WaterfpT4.'!W i

SpocUl fonns»6»'BUli'of«I«4inJreqnired-brth«Cfe'd.

W*J?«»«? ;;6Bp,E O^ G-tFEBr 1W


^ fll fl rSSwLUt *. ite^-to bs-Jiad-at.thei:

' •' "¦', OiBoes« '¦ *- .'' -V '¦''¦' •¦• '. • . ¦ -

¦¦''' i ;v

WATEKTCED- 'A*», 'BBISTOL M> V»MitT»Hawai»t<>.»«i»tow,;,tBiEpn wisnmtoWA^WWD

WdaV,,V»' ,..¦ e..;.H atfc'BOOp 8"*5>?W»il-.r >».rfvT; i--I'K;<

laatikj . , ,, .,10.,. 8;,njpipln(t ir*dnw4»T,i,Mi llitf 7nf«g

,Tnee$iy,. „ , -.i7..ifl 'srfnoojl W«4»«W,b».; W,*rtt,W¦itoi 'i ,*.( J» »«'Sw ^ iim ii^ta»i», ,v '.24.. S . rtpratar g yW-..».ig.T l .J&ft*3»jr,;: »:. ..JO', inorabw BatBrday,. ,;,*: ffl. TiSjjnD

:. I ie»r bln.'i i,BMar»fcd j(avsn ^ ithj,«5s»vO»adrwj110»c 8erwi iw te«^SN J •

Ct 'WS .W i&J a^^Hm sTini^^rt.BewilH<A*U«»t» jMwI»clcvM^X>er.,»7l'<>rtW>MiWcl i,aa4totisxto >«w»«nt <wilfcii8»( t; U,*5i -i'41*j'tf <' - ''t .

F*idv«iK/.'ill»..t™»l..rar«on»g»ftW»J«'wu"i H'"*iy Sr1 'Monday, ¦ ' ,, i » ...13 Noon WoctoeArnWrJ'l •"'•».•«?£ '

;)frt4«j, ,r "»ii43 v>iU,ifcrtl 9stao)nV) •.)'«?-i»t»'H'W'.Japniw*.'.'-n.fi ,J» Ji tHAR*W»«n»»Miw.>'4?'.>-?:§,«t»,

ahildraayKkKSQu^Wfr l vWuflMlM'j itsmiit'/ oiti >/, ~ t7-,<HKl£J^T?«^^U»e TrtS.W*jwiposdl¦ "¦' i.''¦. <J»o5 iJook«l[,»broQtJi'4»<IU I £'iKn>ew*|i flWJoajyjOg

,S2 /» (W^orAart Um«»fcJW1g»Vv.J..rf 1.. -r

WAT-E.B.ILO-BJ> ljU>i.Y^

OXr:aBlAI.i ;— ;

W AT E BiO PyWHSW BOSB.:':' :i

¦ViXJBOflwirr}!1*****!* i«W >JSW>liLi£'3lM »«


l ^^^^^^^f ¦• ^WSB S^^ fc ** fp» S S S P S sp Wl V V t^^ y M to ' t li i^ ^ l r^ fc '^ tiLj^A ^

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1.!. !!

i ^ v^' -rc js^ ^ f -'P'1'.^"WATE&FOBO AND. CENTBAL.intELAHD > ANDi> -i J KILKENNY JlWCTIOjr ajJlWAXK/r v,(:•• .?.uTae ttortest route from'Wat«rford»ndKitoimy|oipafilin,Athlono, Parsonstown, or Ji«M«lv)s..v<o Karytorongh. ',, (nnraved Quick and thronschuaujr y^

w wnrjij yHfr'T tMil voun

karyboroogn, and other ttittlte to^mtifortaieiio**^New lOUord to.Saudou;and all' Stations on UieqrgitWesfremBanWMSngian&yTv l.i u'-'1 'U! .-l V/ll'jOU .Servios Improvad utd-aaoalantectOn* hoar.; Thy lOjjy»JJJ gowa JVntowil stop.a Bennetebtidfe. - -,

'rBo twiTtBto«p.'..-:d ¦ ^numimau DITS. SUBDATB

Class Clivis.iClAis. Cuss. Class. Class¦v.-." - -. ¦•¦Wf .t?*-! ; 2SSIJ2:

sv- ^v .'nc; .1. ,»-.a, -i . n*i41i'iml Ji.!n»>B.'>bs hi rmjlpim.Wsturford, deputore 7,li. .X l t t . 4 0 6 15 12 0 —KiimMq*.;;....:;*.,... ,7,3s •;» ,«!wu.»: flaJiuin;2nuSKT»t ;... 7 3s. :, -£. -4a> s« 22? —BaU7ka1«-.',.M.Mi 7.B5: TBS j 10 7 15, M »^TSotoftewap.-: rlfr :l4i3 ^55 nC Wl.'BeanSlbrVU*;-. 8 25J 'B" 5 I I 7.«5' "UW ,> -J.KUkBnnyj.«i...krriT»l a 40 i»:80 15 20 8 18 ;:t«J.I-i»

Do.-v^u ae@artnre 8«: ,%SO .7 80 -r.c ¦tillMy tt

«aUyijim»i..Vrf......... I t t JjB, j i SO — 1 i»U"C

Mt^SSSiK irriTiiilO ltf' 9 85''g*5 ' — ' 'Sf.'ff'--'-«*«*K»»9~: «¦»: .g;. S i e>r.i 'f*» *J

l«sKa;:;)i!;Xi::.!!:*.-.; h's* ••¦-, •8' * JI«I. «•.:*£¦•»!&.-.PaMObstDwa-}...'..,.'.... U: 4- i>— i- :«iO: tr»- 4 fii-v iit-iiK«IMh;i:.t;U.t.....i- 1Z23 :-*.': 9.20i -; —xi < —.. .-jrroi

l%tta«s,,,.,..._.arrtr»l,1 3B-, *T 83J f^r" !l(,W",-J7.!i

,. -[ ¦ , Tq'WWMOrvm :;iJ.^3'i

i :ii;-ai)'- 'inI •¦'• . ' .TBUSS OH WXSEJUXW:I> SOtSXTS

¦• .

Clwsj CUSS.ICU8S7C1&S, W*1S WftH

.rcc.v- C), .mt iCmi >b'al :H4fi A m pm

Xhjwl««-! •.- '.: V.dep. i.rr,'. 7:10, ,—, ,.,-»< L-;M /3r2.TemplranoM .-> .— 7.29,. i-, ii-i- 'ir,;- r 'BfSj phy;. ;

;: • . . -fj '7;sac.;. '~ -s j

^'r .aVr,

Fanonstown - . • — 6 40 — — — - I'-ii'l*Bowneto :«;. i.! f .o . I wl,; .703 ;i-i-o. v;-»t H-./; H-Marvboro', arrl up — 8 88 — — .!«-J i 8 24AUJjnMunction o.i- -¦— ,;, -j ;8.15 S SO. a;rV 'rrFortarlingtonJunoijm •-• 8 .3' 8 49 2 45- *' ' —MaTyboit? -irvFttwn l — " B-SS'tTO 18' 8 « <'—'- li «2

BOWK Txinre. M»U 1( 8, 3 1—-lOrjbOroV -.' nedsp. i.4-n 8(40: ltt 85: .8 90. U-..J 4i . 0Abbeylelx - - - 8- 0 10 65 8 80* i—:> ( 4 20Attanagh-; r • . ', ... ,- — . ' , 8 15. ,, - t, .4. 5 :".'—; 4«5BaSyn««-' .""' - a' -' J ff 25: ti ts' «V ''-.-1 445 ,KilkemiT .. antval — 9 45 11 40 .4 88 v '.: •»"»'•'pDoZ '- aejarttrre >T 80^ 10-fO' U>4y '4 SO'. Mlaii-- xio

BeBBetsfcrldg * *i. i? 48:10 IS" r*J JSJ.& w '8:SZ'»Thomaitown • 8 5 10 25 12 5 5 20 .-ni t; *t{.BsUyhale - , i ,M *25, KMO. I2J5, f i 80 — I tMnllinavat , .. •- , / - ¥» (lO, S ' %, 0. -,' « »wSwS*;'^ arrival W«llKW>4 1&-0 Itfl 'Uj'' 7 0'. SpedalTares u« oliirgad' to' FInt'aaarSeo6nd;Cuss Fu-

- TiikeUiMoed fo» Slngie'Joonley ar»»v»iUbl«'01uyft«<«i«5r»ht.'bjr>wbich}theji«rBjMU»4;';' iivi'J ti.-ui'fd oil: "> j"-1'-nfay 'iym^wffii A A [Qyfjri <V| "A w^mag andJBauyriuDnt by tJie9.40 I D jjjjii'n ivjtwi* . avaiUblS 10 'x otQXvTbjr uie 4.0vp j o u np

9s. alidTbJrdClaw;6si».oi*l:rj :iI*iiit^''lt e j' awp f; '-.'>v.SM«rn (THkMi% iaRMdtetweenatniiwo.'StaUai*;itinn-sl^osIh4aato«fcMia teid foUtfi£iA«ios«IUsqeaforaMRllstaiwOeSjn edlng&Oj mil««/ are yy ybl«?(M|r«tam on

™ VfCOltSl^TT Tol'. .'Svi"'iy. WTT.TJAJtK-H t-irf.^' • :u ! iifrvn t i ii Tu . M "n"?,? .. ¦ !f WATK*T0to:M»D jS*WUW*AII»1rA*. i 11 '¦- . - !| ' r;- r*'«&w«ijiTW» ir««i^WdaMio:.v. \a--

"•wAtifOBD1 :Jll '~ »»'•«? 1UQ1 i<i—• U"f''' itsB 5ES! Totnomiat 1 k 2. 1»» ivM l'»8 1* 2 IKw IHJW•i.t;;ita iou:-xi DIMS1. OMS. Oust Oassl CIMU Out. olMB:¦ - ij ' :' . ,;;' . :' ¦ A.K. A, .*Ht.- y.K. FJt.' -> j*Jf":

spj gfwips'Q eUH&K.fcft »K^*'- " i- • I»W ;*i4 «>•«-' < i»3 o Iff-o:

ribSSurvuiiU. C8,<S: .'-«• .¦ .•!/«, ».' ft, C1U. llctt U 85.JJUACttTOKrivH.S aft. •;-* ,fc\0: >5 S0.. t. -v lfc» U.-55

.Codi~--.-.j -ft*Q 180; £VD 485 8,15 * 0 fi.,0

Cork i...C.J.. - • :«'/ » '.tf.'O I*,** ^iS' KK 9- lO;^¦JnhoUon'j;».W.-. >SS» UTOS! ' - . 6 85" 1 >i»'UE3: K43Umtrick arrivilJiloJtt»»j(8 d»i|)d.Wj3-H?' »ao dr'SO

ii fe MMK< xte&* a%¦c<n]fy jrrc- TSaq: T3f? JU«y.| f.K. >».i6'- 3»? TOC-

i§i*li j§s SB « &uSbUn-~4efe1 i'iiu ''"« *i0 lfW 1 •&' 7=45 ;V!tecatfeSiSI J?.; JW ' ' >' i«i'O^ iiao »•«• 10. 0ft lovejSS«O«"« V.. ¦•:-?• 8'8S U 15 - 5 85 12 23. W«8TOKbMary.".JvO'-^' 8,65,13.80 ,— . 8 80 12 50 U 50

fi^i to3$ <ft- ;«°« w To

AB^WB »TO| ^ I^ ^;:BmVrAH~.'<;Bio«ri»i i«otJT» »4)Co»»:.r»AU*,-A»irtnii»»nT.'>v[n ;J|f,IHBJ,TABIi»'(>IfW!»>« l*fetff0Jrjii878v - ' .'la ?il i-.t bi;ii ''.i;£«8,-M«i»iPthlJ«(lTH^ .,.iii3hiV -: >¦¦¦

.;)¦. .•- ''/ '¦¦ ¦¦:¦¦¦ -"». : ' ymoM-'w»»»«iomp.- i'-< --i; ':'': :"-t"-;j / .

'^ -wwiHOStW i;.'' > e*T)ayil •¦•'-iBBiaayi

^itt'^i^U 'tiff &*•** ?i5 v;-T>im*3wt8l*»UIWlyi. 11**9. .'lig; E«.| I - -,

r«n, SioiV l-ft-'I- '-'/i« -•» • l: ' - '-:'l -" »• iii"-t t : i _Jiiit'p58.**iW*-:B«ttway«'';' ' <r.i ..;/.) ,. >,;.:».:- : -i- ?>JJLuntott)•¦},,;« .wuuidepi.' 1130. .V;-.-;:, i'.- 8 .ft c* .'H

Mlirney'''11- >' ;:,"n:"r ',-' ,'5^a - :V!V- : ' §'sr ."-^- '.J^Thfleew v*1 '"'. t:!"'J'iV- i.YJi &' '"' fc'-'''-: 10:25 .Pi<t'. .-id' -?P,J.

^!.';;;." :' • • / ¦!.'"• TO.wilriBWtfn: ' ' : ^" - - y'-f i |

fil,' .i-8ti«irw.3Uaw»y(f': I -JU w itji:i i.1i. 'ii«i i>kj.Trtlea %u',l j wi-.'inilagi ivh-':< ,« ;;(> «8 U <—j ¦¦:~r \yiBjrn y.v.-Mj.-iC' I:. . .d-^ai «..« ;A"5 IT-TT,: i -j.-rfi

¦SS©iS-';«-&.'- ;- xS« ; f ¦>¥$; £5;

-=.STiSoi i..*' K -atelirrl*. :il^i-> 10 85" -'S^O 'i i.- ¦•is.•!i*Wi D»-«rIi-'B«Uw»y.-ii o'JWi 'v, oi -^ hto Ji Aiv ii-iW»i#0re-li. i-m ',..biud»] i.- i rXM- U>!SS ,c8;20. > .-:; ,(rr,€;»«?>*¦rnVi 'VmsuniH- ««SS» JKS sfS ;i:r:; "•"¦f &j Sf c& 'i'*****™-- '$&*& .JiS' -yl- :£;M«w*«truub(ay " iv j 3 ffif 5/» U« .'=•" T,-X«n»*4efc>.' i:M-ij & w';, 'i a-M, a;6ft' | iJ UtQ ¦ jwi ir-!¦ygstortflrai; ;¦¦»..:,:arr{T»l .ifc.Q: XWib *** cTt,!) ',^!joi; .f.r.-nwnoil* c. viii. rsjrAjcsauivT 11 o*i: y<» tnxo i--™* . ( ¦

: Wilorford; W Dnngarf«nTKr«»Cl«s«ifllnilo;5»;Mn'2nddnss.ii.; 3rd Class.: iis. 5d.' Batorn'i '1st eln*t,8s. 90; .j 2ndUw, 6s. 9d.» 8rd ola«», 4s. \ ¦ f * *» r-fr"-- i- -f J'Tf

^ 'W*t«rforf to Lta»ii>-Slft»J« if 1st d«»a,fir»rW. 1 toftcla»»;«i. >i%jsfw p|U y wrt5^ fc,i^

Trtnnrt td>Dttnframa'br:tJie7« %.j4%yfe}Sfco»»

QEi h:,k|v ii- T5T »i*A" h*fhV|hi h> '"itrtri «815 Uiiio u is >*:& 4io, auK »nr *# .*

-ti|.;''..; i'ij :i<!t>H^»« -'I' lti'i'.il i iniKLDW«»i*

EMN: ^^pafetlAEY 6, 1880. ¦" '

. :¦ ¦ ¦ -Tl P OID SHEOVE EAIR.Iv«3f THi8 OLD ij l^^WrLL BE




mHE ¦ HOE^B; FAAMWII1 be held (by Orfsr in |buncU) in the HOESE FAIE FIELDS,J- .-•

¦" ' ' ¦ adjfanStg tta.'CATTLE- FAlB. Entnu ce Charge—€d. per Horse.¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - . ¦ .. .<-j?.Vfr> ¦


THE PIG, FAIR wilUW held on the preceding SMallbw' Market OnioejjJg^naijr'M'th, 1880.

- ';''; ';¦ ' Oreajtont ?attra?tioia, everVbefore o ered to t ie, Public at

-^;:'J -: :" - '- IV\ ::Q J&N:: V ¦',^ ' :, r ; ; , : ¦

• , " 7, 8; AND 33, GBOBbEtS--6mBET,,-VV"ATBBFORD,.," ,.N.B.~PurchaserB will do well to call 'early, os only a' liuited number remain, unsold. .

;' :

<;»2?r Special attention to the Complete Hotiae-Pnrnislung for £A,1 •;; ¦:¦¦ ' l' r.;i :- , . . ; . . : , . CONTAINING ! V • ¦ : , • :

DINNER- SfiBVICE'WHTTEiANDLQOLD BREAKFASTS and TEA:KI *»BBfrCES;-- .; ¦ ¦-- - ¦r2;T0ILEir'!SETB;"2'CUT DECANTERS;- ;• 2;.r::/,-uTTTMBIiEES; ' *i •ti' V •1WINBS,J ¦' . 'l^BAliTSi ' ' : ¦ • •

.'4^wV -A , 'T1tWii«\b».: toaly 1 . »t ,:;0VBB> POWEBr.fc. SOK&i : (sSHUy)^Li

*lii !.^i l - l . : i..|..i " t •¦•• : ,- .T ., M I . - , . . ' ¦. . .. .... ¦ ¦ - I - ' • ' '' t -" ' " ,' • ' ¦ 1

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'-J! V"Wo', tave- been,: appointefl" SOtB < A,GENTS¦¦; o .".0i ';i/."

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^ ' ; The Gelebmted ^TBRFOll - TWEEDS,WHICH '#E' '0pi R;;A^ prer YARD- '¦¦ '¦' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ . .

¦¦ ¦: '. . ¦ ; . ,

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.w, -s ROBERTSON,; LEI>UEjl l v ' . ¦"¦ ¦• ¦¦¦¦ '..¦¦; call ¦}-.,-SV . . ' .' •: •: ; . • '.v ; t .'¦. .

,,TtttHERE you.iaTe tte 'LAiGEST STCJCK'to choosa from, 'andtbe. CHEAPEST SdOTS and

;'; r.TiadW 'jBattttn j,- ;I,acW , and ;Ela4tio -vSide¦u+. - iSff il!ir&\J} i!&&j :£y Lluuin£Y *ilu\r.irf i?l " - i ¦:ir)-ihS«P jElatokSi .§nd >_laceo .JoooM,. :. , ::««w«Qy|'jjtiv.-'ai d<V::ii. <nr >y4o< •: ; '''•: 1 , ".do. ..) .,, : . ..n*hjMe 'tiSb»ligs Wodring-fJ3<»t«, :. : ¦ . .

: Ladies' and:G«3ts?oSho«fe.J-' . i - ¦¦:• ¦ ¦¦ -(•r '••¦in' K» 'v/:T.'i!:;i ;i;.'in> rfif*.' ¦¦Ov,f.'»i ''ii .i - .'.j :. t ' ;-: 1 >*' . . - . jj .. . ¦ , .

iij .V.i •¦:it '/ 'jv.jr.'j.'iJs- ;'5 i!'!iiirf-'.i>iJ a/[i'X :,»-.,;.. u-.-ciiii u 1 :• • »¦•- J.- ¦•'- j- iL,~i V '-4 '.<!.! ,^:w tii. J«lMa^biiii|ifvv*^^Tli0:;Bigii). ofi.tli^Big . Boo iV^TSWerfori.|<-.* 7..,. 1 .".« t ¦¦'•' i»'" . 1711; i;,^i.j :,.j , > .• j .u .i.i ¦- . -1 t.iiist. ,<uj-.01!! x ) : y .h-hf: i\;rjM'>¦>-,tv : ;,-,ori..t} ¦¦¦ '.t !:ivil . i- i}f in!yji'j maJI «:'.: in . 3'.';j»ty(' i!|nl.ypaii«..feT:u:i;''i. i jfV<'v.^*ilM

[• .vn-P/: j-;.-..; •!.;»¦--) iiniuMO -liilAiii^EB^B..> r..'ii: >T.. .Vl i, :. -; ;;•..,'> ,< i h-:l Jj il'j'l V>S' ."- UMt fBHH: !!;. 3;;v- Vi <>'" >^ '"irKiWOT. .u''<-' <> fifjflB BmB|;>it:ir jr 'j;. - " v.-j'iiuiij lP/'IMfff/Ij^J^^B^HB^B

'1 -J v>.BHe«nfS HM^Mij/i<i );iK:iJw tf in>^wf T>|M rehy&|infl^Hc/.-Vi rwW-i.WJWfii/,ud'/i'..vt ' /0BnM>&9ls l Bi ; iicni< Li»«»iiiii(

.IJ I 'V.'A ^wgtj(M| Vtotor^MMafi(jOflisy/;' .. ¦ '. '• 'XWI r" " •'. ~rtdito-iiinaaml,-, i 1,1 : in. JiJ'oIfl^BiBR'tjJafiiiU V:iMI>'l t'\ii>."5;vl5iK

- ¦ . ; y fcfei^AMi-M'VlkAj^We VuUiAHU

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kl/t ': ;iO;iTOiI iS:!i .iJ ':-/.*'i!.1.i.v ,.',-" ",iit - ii:n!»il<!i$. * !':¦< r.w.->iii;OLAKKB'S.i3"'/i Vuf< 'jJi'Ji'l'».i V>yv > 'li-ivi:!'1- V.li '.Mo'l Iia«; >WOBIJ}iKA []EEDv^*

i'J'>U )i io:l;i= ;oii'lJ

•IT; iiiC-si >>!& f'lm /.tgi j.alplJriQTi: -.;'ji1TX»WtICTlil

;-%;.- Cur itnoera6»arj(U_« :i;;.^- ._ :. .' • •;.- , ¦ ;

¦i5/iift<Jnroi Bl»6d aiUltJWdn PMMS )rt£•»>•(•.¦ ; .'; ' , ¦

#m|. ILAKTIN^: SEASON_M. SAUNigRS'&: SONS, Friars'-Walk Nurseries, Cork.

THE Stocks ¦¦ of tbetmdi jeiitioned are in. really prime tonditdon; aad/or guoKfy cannot be aurpoased.1 -' i P .Nnrserir8,»te.l»un_TOd' exposed j therefore produce stout, hardy, and nbroucrooted Trees, cer-tai ,b rtilcce©d1.in 1Ufflabn 1.''' ' : ¦¦:'";•

' - >' • •

'¦' ." '.*--'.¦¦ v.i ft '¦(SJS'jD i i jBbalJI have .prompt attention,&nd be UfenBy 'dMltwith,. 'ROSES.—The stock >*IojJ|B|»Tery.good new or oWyarietj ; finer plants ara not to be had; the Dwarfa

I . -:. <!ttte t8t6ttt;and(;Wiilj@&iBetStand«tds and hol^Standrtds Live epleadid hAuisi healthy stock*, andI ¦•¦•¦" flbrona roottU^Oi^ fea^ -V. ¦ ' : • ' i ;v ., . * :. < . . - . ,. ' ,. . ( ¦ •'

| m^ ^% «MB| ^aUdjkftes, gfowV'iiHveiyform; iit «^nfe, well4tWil«d< andper.

op ^v.Pft-. a*>, v-tt.aAjaiJbiJN rA+i . TBJUJSS.—iiany , thousands, including a large number of Hew and• 3 i . :,JSare.TaneUe8,l*tely.added.;v, . j .. .. . .»*. . ° .T0RE8T TREE8.~Hnndreds of thousands, stout and |vell.rooted, chiefly grown on our. Branch

Nurseriestat Parkogue,Pouladuff7and Killecnreendowfljy Nursery:' tST ContiacU undertaken andEstimatee giren,. . •• ¦ ¦ - .: lT ; - . •

TfORN/QUIOKS.^EECH, &o., fer Hedges, &c,-Ovei ialf a million strotfgrfibrousroote.GiME COVER ATO .TJlTDERWOOD PLANTS in all xtta nBually plnnted; See our Catalogue..ASBARAQUS SEAEALEj RHCBAEB, STRAWBERRIES; and afl other Plants for the Garden and

Forest. See. our Catalogue'.'. ¦ ' ' '

««y;"a;he-:coUecttoV«f . aREENHOUSE and STOV^ PLANTS, ndmittedly the Largest in Ire-landjiteaAalways worth inspection, includea Palme, Feras, 3egonias, Azaleas, Camelias, Ericas, Epacris,PeSrgoniamB, &. . Gentlemen, haying Conservatories or b'toves to furnish would do well to inspect ourstock, either personally or thremgh-their Gardeners. . .¦'¦: .¦ .'. , . ¦

K . , . Plants, are given gratis to compensate for carriage.- ', THEEE: SILVER'CUPS and :ALL THEJFIRST DEIZES offered, by, tUe Royal HorticulturalSociety: .of , Ireland, open, to Norserym en, for : Roses, have leon succeasiveiy won in 1875, '76 '77, by-M.SAlQfDERS! &. SONS' . Collection of.Cut Bloomsj:and the 0NXY SILVER CUP offered in Ireland for1879:'! •..- ::: v- ¦ ¦ . . •. ' . . ;, . , ; • !¦¦ , . .- .. ;:. ,, , - •

¦ . • . , ;. .;. . - . . • . /; :;

¦; f6.6t

mm. /Tffl fflSNEE SEMp. 17s. 6d•:

v . ' . ¦ v ' PINK' OR BLire, BAND AND LINE/.'.•


., • AND ¦¦'" ' ' ¦ '• ¦' ;

;i < :; ¦ : lur ' A.- v^ iiaisTTr. o&: i s r y r ]i>-A.a:a?jE3E.3srs-i;: . . . . .. . . J . ' . .- l '

H!nti *tZ *-l



TURDAY (aa usual), FEBRUARY 7th

f do • : • - i 1;'".'. V; iH:BTOW'WJyij |B;.•'¦ . ,. :•: -.' . ¦

¦• • AND ' '


I do. . • ¦ - :.a V , , JiATEST . FA SH I ONSi ! .: . i ... ¦ • . : ,.-r i i

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12 JELATE8 FOR. KITCHEN,lz eK&X 'j j- ; '¦„ • ¦


'..¦ : .- .. ' ' .. . . .


. ,

fop .' WATJERFORD. f6r the SALE

^- .*,.. ;i SSS-i gi&fe«e^S»'T -*• -.-<ri•y ^^^&rGQf^^(MMaETED) , '¦;

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ijHOl'AVjiB !.S*-Q3-:-| lraaBBKi*' > ¦''<ff. xri flsmaii-t-,o|BlTlWgWf Prxp

n^^^Bj^HPf.u «:;<){ uvr,r. i *• •.'¦¦• > i Jtvt ;'.*WHMWl ''i'*'><m<!lfV; -:'' '-'';>'l'';

l/u ;. {jj^4wiw. -gaiyWOTl i^Oif Z i fctuiiiytaM ;... .. • •

:8ii^^o;iik »B8S%«SSwi^ii('iio. x rjawMftw»ijttftBs> -'

> HoStoot fS^ali^r^'FS^' ristbwt.--fj f. 'iftyTgJM. gWCg-1 . ^ip^m|5 tf¦ Bi

\ , \/ I

MAY 9, 1849. ;,-^;f i ¦:kE0IBTSB3V FOB '

\ ¦ TRAlf BiUSaiON ABROAD¦ 1 - '¦ ¦-•K-riyi I .' . , ' ¦ •


Visitors \1io%ipadoriWILL find Homo Comfort*,1 <Jn moderate terms, at

" The Sherwood Private Hotel," 19, Adam-St.-Strand. F. SLACK, Proprietor.-'. ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦¦ : : f22.tfjj

D U B L I N . .. .Commercial and Private- Lodging House,

: 49, MABLBOROTteH STREET.T>AETnSS Visiting Dublin;' can be accommodated,JET ' with or without Board, and all the'eomforts of ahomo, on Moderate Terms; t^'f". . .. ¦ H ¦ ,[o25-t£]

83*5° Situation central, dose! to SaokviUe-street.Kew Temperance Stdtel i in lTublin,

JUST OPENED—102, STBPHIN'B-GESIN, South.Newly furnished j ohargea' moderate ; tariff

card on application.' ¦ .''- *:' • • ' ,Proprietor—T./W.^'RUSSELL.' j23^m

Oysters ! Oysters'; I Oysters I; The Commeneeinentip/ 'ij if Stifton,BURLINGTON. RESTATOgANT; J D OYSTER

rpHE PROPRIETQ Jfe^ j^cqtJaint bisL- r jPrxBndsvand4iihjBcPil5B*fitBttfcjBuJ4 iiblf propwmd

with a constant Supply of RED BANK BURRSOYSTERS, Fresh every Day, from his own Beds in theCounty Clare. Tho increased demand for these deliciousbivalves rendered it imperative on the Proprietor to

! secure an unfailing supply for his Customoro.i Luncheons, Dinners, Suppers, a la Carte as usual.! Wines and Spirits First-class. John JomeBon and; Son's '73 Whiskey.

Dry Amontillado Sherry, Martell and Hennessy'? •*•Very Old Brandy j Sauterno, Chablia, Ac.



IS in the immediate vicinity of the English andIrish Steamers, including the Clydo Shipping

Company's Steamers. Tourists and familie8 visit-ing Scotland will find this Hotel a comfortablehome. Charges very moderate. s6.1y

"THE GEORGE HOTEL,"6, COLLEGE-ST., and 29, 30, & .31, FLEET-ST

PATRICK SHERIDAN CAREY,(Late of the City Mansion Hotel), PBOFBIETOB.Entrance, 6, College-Street. Night Porter in

attendance. • j25.tfSHIP and COMMEBCIAI. HOTEL,


M I C H A E L K I R W A NTTJ-AVING purchased i.9 Interest in the abovet~l HOTEL, begs to announce that this Estab-

lishment OPENSD on SATURDAY, FEB. 15, 1879.M: K. trusts, by strict' attention'to thoBe who

patronise THB SHIP AND COMMIKCIAL HOTSL, tomerit a'continuance of their patronage.

Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12, 1879. f28.tfSOUTH KENSINGTON

Private Residential Family Club." aLENDOWER'.MANSiON,"

13,-15, 17, and 19, HARRINGTON R0£D, 8.W.,LONDON. • '¦- •

(Tho beat and most convenient position in Town).One minuto from South Kensington Station ; ton

minntes to WeatminBter ";'eighteen minutes to theCity—Mansion House Station'; near Parla, Gardena,Albert Hall, and Museums:

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'¦¦ ¦¦ • ¦ '¦

EOE Families, wishing to avoid expenao of House-<- keeping, Visitors to Town, or'Gentletnen''desiring

theodvantago of a Clnb,- combined with the privacyand qomfort of Homo, at a moderate Cost. .

Introduotion 'or referenoe required. d!9-tf


4, 5, 6, and 7, LOWEE BRIDGE-STREET,EIOHAED COFPEY, Proprietor

THE above old-established Hotel haa all the. '¦ modern improvements of the day, and is under

the constant suDorvision of Mr. and Mrs. Corrar. Fromits central position it will be found moat convenient forthe .visitor; being in the immediate vicinity o£ the- LawCourts, five to ten minutes' drive bom anyCity RailwayTerminus, and afew doors from Kin sBndge Tramway

Jedsyfrdnvis; 6d;'eaon.! ! Table d'Hote,'daily '; 'weekdtfyrat 'two'o'clock ; 'on Sundays at five o'olook. ¦

Gentlemen'8 Coffee and Smoking Booms. ¦ Ladies'CoflWanfl Private Sitting Rooms. Bath Rooms.¦•'¦ A'NJihft Porter'ii-attendanee,''&nd all Serrants paidby the Proprietor.,'' * ' ' ' f26.1y


(Oppoaito the General Poat-Offlco and Telearaph Office)The moat central in. the City..

¦OREAKFASTS ", witifchop, eggs,- or cold meat, 2s. jJj>'i steak or fish , 2s. 6d.' j)iNirBB8'i :8oup .entre«,oints, sweeta,::and'Chee80, .Sa.—with fish, 6d. extra.)eds, 2s. and 3s.;:attendance, Is. cooh. Ladies' Coffee,

Room, Billiard-room. ' ' • ¦ . • .CHARLES.LAWLER, Proprietor.

P.S.—A reduction made for Ladies or Gentlemen whowish to board by the week in tho-hotel. ".• '¦ f8.t£


I BEG to inform my numerous Friends and the Publio:

' that, 1 through' eliaidn of timej-I"have beoomo :Pro-!prietor of thfabove bld atabliahea Hoteli • ''••¦ ' ¦¦¦ ¦'• ¦¦ I have completely and most comfortably re:furniahcd;it, and'hava 'obnnderably' enlarged it,' fltting- it', up|thyohgh'o'ut in best modern style . ' • ' ':'¦¦¦' -.• - j"' I trust by careful aud constant^attention

to the wants:and comforte of my visitori to merit'the patronage so!libbjaily. beBfowcd pri'-my lato'father .'and *eap*etfnlly;Bolibit'an early trial:: ' ' ' ]- ," :' ¦ :. :¦:¦¦' ;i - •

MICHAEL COFPEY, \-Proprietor.' • •• '•'•¦ ! - ; Sdn'bf late MAtiBict COPFEIV ;

Please noto'Addrcss-OO'-LOWEB BRIDGE STREET,;¦ i • DUBLIN.-'•' • ' ' [dll-3ml |

C KELLT'3 CaOWM i HOTEL, . :MOHC ?. . ST,R,ET1,T, IE.X F O R D \¦ ' - : '¦¦. (CtOW' TO' TlTB'BAIliWAt STATION).,' InpmS' is" a^Ccntral auaCdrnforfeblo' Hotel ln which;

'(.ili' evfc'rything 'cari- be' 'had on tbe 'tiibst modfernte'tellria.*'5 fc i''';iii •• -:; . . " •. '. I;'- '. . !.: ;. ....'.'::; : ¦; l - '*- ;¦•'Be'st^Dublini and -iWexford Spirittl; also,.Bmndieaj'Wmea,0 Porter,- Goorge' 'Youngerand Son's:celBbrated¦¦AUoa 'AlosfAc;''''- ;¦ ¦-;•¦ l . -v. -.,, • ¦! •._ ,-.:;: . ~ ,-: r ..v v;¦'¦¦'¦ Guw-on Hlreittho'shortcrt notiog:! : ;.:. ) (an«15;tf j

¦¦ ¦- , ¦

•. . ¦ . NOW READT ,. , .

¦ 'wii^"


\'r' < Printodon Good Veda; attd in largs Clear Trps, , \» *¦ ",' ) • ;'<i "t • T PlO' 'Tj'T T'lT T r' \' J- * ^- 'i •' - *' . J i1 A I«Xl TT4|JbliJxJ.Avn N [

" i ¦ .'AW^1-11. ''J - .' . ;

\? ;c. U,Ti »S!.% iT |HJ!S.wrr;/ :'TC:TliE~ClLTHtttilC"CL^EGYrBObKSEIIEES,-Ae7:)Tj.ri;:::X.-QV\Su!?ptXK aX t y ,Q€?f !:r !JJ.O-.;,W}th the Recommondation of tto.Btoonpf.FttMtlpr..a.i-h ;1.jand Lfamor tPe BlghiRflT,iDrJi'OWXB•¦&(.Cate<iliiflm for: tie-Ij«tractipn;a£ Childrea

rHMR^T h'BeV* r'Drl': JAMSSlB^BS. '4c6hi.l¥I«>;.> ¦ » ¦ ¦¦- bishop of CaihelandEniljr:: :m-hO Urv--\ .: ¦¦:¦'' : nEOomOiBDATio ijf; V.-H-J

¦¦ '¦' ¦' .' •¦

•-" lappi/veof of this Edition of-tno BightRerDijAaisiBtoiiB's Cateohiaa'.^and'raa^^ JJdiitrteth.Faai otUtfsB iooMes^^ '$&&£ H_o ^¦•1 •• WaterfordJ-Sopt. l ' .' -fiiSaj'/.'sT.;.-::.';/.';;:H ow>«ifrta;- rwrtroM»).Wicw»r j^^^^aireWed'toC;'! E»wtt)l«D/'.Ritot«Aioa. yuoHa»Wal#ffM X0U»:>mty vp (Xto#li tiittv9jJ !+^awWLTb»Tra4ein j«»dattT8^r»ii.'torms.:'

f May behadBetaUframi«vBWX)att»oli« 6ok»«ller

'iT^ 2jBjjS5jffiB3M3& |jfi| ^



It- j f i jt^akn^^Uijm&^B


TBAMOBE.HOUSES, fully: furnished, TO BE LET, by the

Month, for the Season or by the year, at StLEGES TBBBACB, Tramore. Apply to Mr. T. POWBBto No. 4, on the premises.SINGER'S ARE PREFERRED, baeauae

they are the cheapest and b«st.QEWING* Price from.jM 4s.TyTACHINES For Cash, £A.

QtNGEB;S ARE PREFERRED, becattso thoseiP _, ' unable to pay Cash eari »cqtrinjJEWING them on H&e at 2s 6d. p*r week,j£ACHINES . -^ -f^ oe-

SINGER'S ARE PREFERRED by thaTailors, Dress and Mantle

SEWING Makers, Corset. ' Stay, andSldrt Makers, Shirt and Col-

lyrACHINES Ut Makers.

SINGER'S ARE PREFERRED by the__ .„, Hat and Cap Makers, Shot

CJEW1NG "Hakers, ancTBbbt Repairers,*-? ' and Saddlers."jyTACHINES


S „ ' Upholsterers, Umbrella andEWING Parasol Makers, Sail and

Tent Makers, and by all whoTUT ACHINES have Sewing to do.

CJINGER'S ARE VBITXRBSD because they- are the moat complete in val-

CJEWTNG uable improvements, and the-' ' easy terms of Payment bring

¦ji/TACHINES them within the reach of the-*-"-*- poorest seamstreaa.OINGER'S ARE PBKPEBBKD because of their high repute and con-

C< EWING atantly increaaingeale.

MACHINES In 1878 the sales were 366,432Machines.



£2 execute perfect work, withEWING uniform facility, upon the


SINGER'S IMPORTANT NOTICE :-AfterS_, being engaged in. litigation for

EWING nine years; THB Srjfoes MANP-•FACTOBINO COMPANT, in a

T\/rACHTNES. Chancery suit recently heard be--LTJL ¦ fore Vice-chancellor, SIB JAKZB

BACON,OINGER'S HAVEESTABLISHED their eicln-KJ; sive right to the use of the nameQEWING . " SrwaBB" as upplied to Sewing

TyrAOHINES Machines-

QINGER'S THE PUBLIC*aro cautioned that

ST™T~, ' " SlNOBB" or " SlKOBB'8"EWING Sewing Machines' are' only mads

_ _ , . - by THB SINOZB MANorAcruB.Tt/TAOHINES. IN« CoMTAirr,

QINGER'S • WHorMP THiH ON SALB-atthsirS™. . ¦ Offices in all the Townn of thsQEWING United Kingdom. See addressMV-ArwTNTts in Ireland at foot. •

OINGER'S BEWARE OF PERSONS who, hay-QT _ ing no good trade repute of'theirQEWING own, USE QUR NAME SIHOBBC5_ • to palm off counterfeit MachinesTV/TACHINES of Inferior construction and¦A.TJL manufacture. QINGER'S EVEBT " SWOEB" MAOHISB hasKJ ' the Company's nama° printedQEWING . upon the top of the Arm, andCJ. • impressed npon the Bras» Trade-TMTACHINES. MaVk Plato.

CJINGEB'S " Td"AVOiD DECEPTTON; hoy onlyl^Rio- ; _ • . _ ( ¦;. at;ih» Offiaej fcSJjjt'SW'ara

. : Chitf , Counting Hcnitt iH ~Europe:39, FOSTBB LANI, CHBAPtaJE, LONDON.

Branch Qfficts and Dcp ottiii Ireland :"VrATEiBFORD-124, QUAY. dlS lS

Armagh...2, Ogie-ttreet.. Qolwajr.. JDomlnlck-street.Athlona...Church-stnet.' - - ' Kurash.i.Ifoore-atre:t.BaUina...Bridg<y«treet. ¦. Kiogitown...65} L. Georee-st.BaUymasa-.$74t 68, (2inrch-it.Kilk<mnT-rJolin-«t,nMr bridssB«ltaBt-.3*«;<-rnegia^<lrNr-iamerick/:.31,'r»trfck-rtnNii.Cloomel, JobD»tone«t. ¦ Londonderry .l, Cartttlt-iotdColeraine...If«<i. Bow. UaUin««r...anv in»atnet.Cork.:.79, GrtDfl Partdo. NMin'...Tritagites tr«et:DrOKhedtt.i.97, 8t>0«org«'s-»t; Newry.,.18-, 8amiIaIAn4. ¦Dablia...69, OnftOB treet. P»«onjtown;..2,8«fl!a».Ennia-.-Jall treet. ' Q<iseiutoini,Htrboar Sow.EnriBifllen..'.15,.HIgli treet.' SUn>:..i5. Knbz-stiioVTermoy...l, Kinfrstr*«t,- - Wlee... *', BrWge.»tf»»t.

J : • ¦ . : ¦ ¦ . : ¦ • : .• ; ' Waxtord..:8elikU4tre«t.Avd 259 othtr Branch, Qfeti in f ht United Kingdom

fJEPPER'S QUCNlNE'and IRON TONIC pnri.JL- -1 fl<»and:earkliM(tli« Hood, «tr«mgtluwi«'tb» Ktrv«sand Husou1&r8jst4m!}fpramot«SLAsp4tito .apd. totirpn* Di-gcrtlon; aninata the SplxiU and. Juatal Facnlue* ( tho-MngUy TCtfrnlts'tho gcwral bodily4 health;-hnd indntotfaptoper Uealthy dtin&iHonoi tho1TerT<m«aml Phydcairorcte.

Bottles containing 32 mewnred doses, <». 6d. . ( . ¦.¦ • .In the;preparation of this Tonio tha-greatest etxe is <ner-

cbad. It is a faltUul oompound of Quinine, the active prin-ciples ot 'Yellow Cinchona; or 'Peruvian Bark,' blended with arefined trnitworthj ptepuation o( Iron, prednced in a formwhich the experience oi'inftny yean hi» vroved the best.This'Tonic offers a ready, mean sot gniuinK the strength anilothetbenoats afforded by Quinine and Iron, without auy. (eatofjillcQnseqaenco s, as itS'ooinposition is that'approved oi bjtlie great majority oi lheOl I men tbroiigh&ut tho country.XJEPPER'S '(ipi UVS'B and IRON - .TONIC.—

> _ - , ;BotUi)«cpntitnlng32, mea«afpd doses,,4s. 6d.. Tonic¦ cptment Vill . remove Iudigcstlon, Flatuleube, Co'nstanti'.eartbn*o, W jajess of tto Stotnach; Sinking SenBatloiis innat'Orpm; Naa»aa;*o. : Tha Iwhols. digestlre : functions are

l>owerinlly oiia)st9d.bjr.Qnlnineand lruii; ."OEPBER'S QUINHTE • and '• IRON " TONIC.—'¦ svT IQnjnino.Mid Iron (or» tbe moat effeoUv«tre»tnl»ut inall complaints orisinjt (rom duraugeinont^ot the Nc"r>ous S}:«-tffu)!' urth'e'ihosf woAened stato of 1 the Kcrr«s,;a coarseblQdlnine-anaXron U sureto benefit.. Agaei Sciatica, ;Weok.ness of.thaIiDtb<!,"Pro«tOJtiou.-luoli.lent Paralysis,'St. Vitas'Danje.I'i brs. ic. ; • . •; J5 pPjR%"QUININ13.'. ntd IRON TCNIC"M- . strongly reco'minehdedas a'desirable*, safe'.'eoond'xnlciU.nnd adTonbweons mode of taking straightening medicine.' Thsin. ed-'-Bbttfe oanbaiifl SJ iuessund. doses, mhidiiiitltakendullr.v "»»t»!l8idajrs;:,.Tho nar», site bott)a is Us.,.coffligent toList ii daya.'The'Btose Jari >old'»t 22s. noch, GOEUSI rjnrlysix of theT4«/'6a:Botaes;-"rhO-'N(im6, 0f '. WitrStLiHon

l e'very;U b e t / J '


' ¦'¦: '¦> . '': : <» ¦ '¦• ¦ \- .' - .:•:¦'¦'-:

SULPHOLINE LOTidN.—An ^eifernsl uieahsof Cnrinir;BMii-I>laeaBes,. Th»roi» scarcely liny erup-

tion bat will7&M to-" 8olpbflJijj<>ltllajr<ewd«js, and com-mence to fade aw»y, evea-itit seems post care. Ordinarypimples, x»*jesvblatcb«ey tonrigroiwUnesstTanlsh as 11 bymasUtwhiM^*ndartoi diiKarder*,UatV>vc plsgnedi6>»dtte«rs'f9» Tears.fcowOTi* d»e*lrroot»l th«y 'm»»be." Sn)p1» <':wMi'aoeUfalU «M«cl Uiern-'» desttcy*thsliramtUalSi'rwUcA'.aauga.'.UeV: -uiliWIhfjdM-)* painfnl

TOt^ aoW^^-wTeiagK '• ''W yi:J-'¦¦¦v.-. r;[.¦•.'/¦¦::

TfJ:TVJ3BiC0OTL>'tNi!$ IJ^J!l NG'S 1'-I>AN.

SSooTJ rThe "best rem«r/'torr;BQl<j«rje««, EknoiihOs*•r»ni«ismWJrUtal««)o*j:J?aiM,bett .^8ka*ia«w,.B»a

- S B JwSS i S X•iJ46owfc4iW >t'"™tiiy oninent surjoons to be uieJsmbatSSSSSZ-SOM htonar eoa«sJttrt*>Oc:*» ko»» st.ls. IJd-,^ ''frt ' 'anrtl4irli"U »lwll'1tV?m1fftg.-'- '}' • ' ' '¦*- ¦• - "• -' ¦ "' r' '

jje^ tTO^ PODOPHYLLIN;* StiuknUnt

vuKuff amgm wnou mnBras rom ssgn« nmnun1 '07 IWUJ^¦JljlEailis. 1*^ a%^:rM»5?th»'Bowe&, to.

tM» >Ch««tt<ssaoB»nfc¦tMpit&aiaiht! eo .. fa _dUsipatcd.fr«VTymWr»#n Pnfcn>«Ti.f tit C.tyitw* «af«r Inltl sctfon «>»nOsiM oclBas HlLsBd-^nialiUy.,q i> tt in-ppTOto

aanto^"gr«i«sl»rcBotM . asc^ « J,.Tb»;,lIsra«, of

i Si^ «co P latE» 5q#ifeijd.J[» «4 '8d.- <j niBOot»iPhiter»arBa.-owt«la .onrafot

•C5j'<«4 ifM /wtf ilmi odnnlkXtif drt «>aUKlrw«4lc»tftpaln-w5rri th »Saon ;«iiira ilprorod wBMdjr-iotiPunloiiira^^TtSci«lntfcoSoUfcj '*allCli<!B*M.; B»jcareralt' irfWhrt*»'»ri»PUsdjnCTi;.l :!-'<>gi-'iiay .A..-.'.1.

%r£9*&ifmUt t MQ*&* r 'K> '~ ::¦¦., , " •

^Wg|BS^ggaaa&y.>i««Vri>vca fairer- .


Page 2: 1pm WCTERFeRD CHROM^^i^jj g^rER ACVER^PrrlNCORPORA …snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · 1 'itnanmoiATE PASSAOB; inoloding Boda, isddiaK', • andaU neoemsry

SALESG B . A C E D I E U . > •, \

(One Mile from Waterford),


¦• . ¦££, W* i~

JOHN PEN-DEB having received instructions frontMr. MICHAEL KIKBT, will SELL by AUCTION,


strand-Street, Waterford, the INTERESTiu MSrE2CKlir3nr'G"E'ACEIJEEU7-reoutataingL2tAcres, 3,ltood,s,. 27 I'orcbes, .Stuwto Meas.uw, heldfor 'thtTfeifni *£.1C years, frpuj tncflaBtfi ijIaWjh next,at the YeAHy Keht; of"JE45,fa'yal)fe nnn- oatiy, 25tb^^ rrh iflTifl «2SHh fipptomWr. , i m ¦ — ¦• —

Tfi5"Lun<.Ts"are~bf .tho irjost superior ijualify.' "Allin lirass except abotifT'wd'Aferesi-

Tho'Out^officos are uhasually Etitoasive andCom-mojii.us/ There is nlso an excellent and ample sup?.ply or water. ' Sale st' Twelve o'Clock. • ' •" ]

JOHN PENCER; <! Auctioneer.1

Highly¦ Important Executor's' Sale:.• v.: ,...:VJ --;.J , .. . • • i ; - : . xv: l l


ON MONDAY- anA I'PKBDAY, 16th and 17th1'EBKUAKY . for the Representatives of tbe

l.'.ti> Il.1J . |(jH^A»NI.pT> Efi<J. !-rj , ' . •' .., ,' . , . - .. 2ffJ|eaiof Talui .le Shorthorn Cattle ; ' '''

, -S.Cqws , and 7 Jtleifera, calved :ind to calve.; - _.45 ijear old -Bullocks.and Heifers ; ;. '',10 Yearling ditto ; . < : » '• 11" . . .'

K)5 Border Leicester Ewes, near lamhing ; . • ' • -.101 ditto .. Hoggets j -¦

, : . . , :1 7 Hogget Rims'; 3 two-shear ditto ; ' • ' ' ' ' ' -,

N-'Fai-uf-Horeeij; 1 Brood Mare, in foal ; ' .'¦'5 >Young draught Horses,' ; 1 Mule (9 years) ;.. . '1 Donkey. • > ' • -•''"'. .,'- '. ., ' !

Cuors.—100 Tons'"Mungdlds, a qnrtritiiy of i"ur-ni ps; SO Tons of liret-crop Hay ; 14 Stacks.of Oata";10 Tuns ' .Whiten Straw ; 30 Barrels of ChampionPotatoes ; i-'G Bari%}3$ed,raok Potatoes. :'•' \' FABII XMrijarRKTS.—A Splendid Collection by the,Wst "Milkers , and iiliuost-Nviv, "4

£-ir Full particulars, vide Catalogues, to, be hadou uppliciilion to Air. FERGUSON, Salterbridge, Caj>-poqutu , or tiu< Auctioneer.

The entire tStbuk- is. 'of tho' most perfect .descrip-tion, exhibiting a- dejjroe of excellence rarely &p<linxiuhud: .

¦. . ! • • '' ' ¦ • • '•'¦ " ¦ '[ , -'

Order of Solo—Monday , 12 noon—Crops and Im-plements. . Tuesday—after 12 o'clock*luncheon—Shorthorns, Horses, and other Stock. ;. • i

UAV1N LOW, Auctioneer," Cattlo Valuer, ic..fC.2t •' ¦ ' ' . ' : 50, Prussia-Street. Dublin. v 1:

• ¦ CHANCERY DIVISION. ' : ' • :H ELEN WALSH, Plaintiff j ¦ ' -EDMOND 'A LEXANDER WALSH and JO3SPH1NE MABT• ¦• 'WALSH, Defendants.

TO BE SOLD, hy order of tho Right- Honor-. . .able the Master of tho Rolls, in. PNE LOT,

nt the AUCTION MART of Mr, THOMAS WALSH, theMALL, in tbe City of Waterford,

Oil TUESDA Y, 17ft day of FEBRUART. ISSO,' " "Li tbo hour of One'.o'Clock, p.m. , •

Tho DWELLING; HOUSE and STORE inBAT.ltCiXSTRAND-STREET, in tho ,City of Wa-torforU, in which the lato Mr. PATEICK DOWJCUWALSH (who traded as E. WALSH & SON) carriedonun extensive business in the wholesale 'and retailLeather.Trado ; "held for;Gl years, from tho 25thMartin.' 1857,'at the yearly rent of £30, payable23th MarcH aiid 29th Beptfcmber. . ,. , . .' .The'premiscs'~arc Jn°'a cbntral position.— "'"rmhiedfato :possession' will. ,be given to the pur-

ohuser-on completion of bis purchase. - -': Dated'tbis !3qth 'd!iyof Jantmry, 1880. " :

t . -;' ^Vot •'*uftlicr' particulars and conditions,of Sal»;plcasd ribply to ¦ • ' , '„ •- ' ' ' '. ¦"

PEIRSE KELLY, Solicitor- for[ .Plaintiff;37, North Great George's-st., Dublin,

W 2t. - • .; and Cathedral-square, Wateyford. ,'•• •• COUNTY OF WATEBFORD

CORif- MILIi 'arid .22 ntl'SS A CBES of PnintLAND ' FOR SALE. I ' ,

... . Tp ,18 SOID by 4.TTCTI0N, v6u SAlrUEDAY;th9 7th 'PEB.; 1880, at Ono o'clock,¦•Mitt tho.:SALESOOMS of Mosrs. THOMAS WAIBH

& SON, in the City of Waterford, • >" . !TILE CORK MILL and KILN, with 21 'Acres

of tho LANDS of CARRIGCASTLE, near thsV.illiigo orBALLYLANEEN, and about two itilej fiomtho Railway .Station; Kilujocthomas. ' ' C" 1

.TW JlUl is a largp.'subatantiitl Building, four otoreyehjeb .with '.fo'ur Pair ot, Stones, and nocessdry MB-cliuio i; ,'driTCn by an o»erehot Water Wheel, 12.feet"by 10,'commanding the entire water power of theUoUy-banogao »nd Mahon Rivers. " • . ->'_! There '• is ample Storcogoi with large Kiln, 'Dwelling-hrfnst; StebUng,;Ont-Offices , Workman's Cottage, &o.,and a eniall Plantatioa of -usefulTimber, over 30yeara'gfawthv,'lield iri'Feo^Farm, free of Rent, bnt subject toa Rent-charge of £1 7s; lid. yearly. • ' ' '''Xw '

Also, about Ono Acre of the Lands of BALLYBA-NOGUE, /held by .Lease., from ,P.- J. POWBB, Etq.,aitjilcggvs* ' AunoaJ Rent of £2 10s. -'' ; ' J- r .-j iuLMSi^re nnflor.araas- Immediato .posSr- il ilt , | nifmn ¦' il k.^nnix V\ — '1 >l1* aZHV •' 'For further particulars, (Jonditions of sale, iolj ap-

ply to • Messrs. T. & D. FITZGERALD, Solicitors. -• .- v. -for Vendors, 20, Sti Andrew-Street,

. ¦ ¦. ':¦ ¦¦ " Dnhlin^or. '. • , ( .::: - • • '-. , •?¦'¦

.THOMAS. WALSH &,S0N, Auctioneers.i2.5t , ' ; , .- ¦:; • ' ¦ ITie ..Mall/.Watorford.


' , . jjupprtant ; Zettu}£-."py,?l&notion'Of' Suporior PASTURE LAND, comprising 90A.

Sa\n. 26K ;of the Linda of SMAST!S:. CASTLEtnd'.CLOOKEi situato ..withih Oao Milu of theCity bf Waterford.- .¦-' . '¦ ,•. ••>. r. . ..-;- .- :. _ ..:. '.,, i

¦Messr«.;THO>tAS WALBH «t SON. oze-:instructra bythe Prriprief<jJv'"J'.'H.' JdN« ,'E8Q;',"J.P,,'.toi'''i;. . !,"'LET. t BY-viPUBLIG' AUCTION, on. the 'above

f'.'/. '.»- ;>rj •- :• f . Lands, w..,,y< -;> ¦ - .» .i:j '= , . , : .Qn^TVf ipAY ^ y ^ FEBRVABY ,.} ,at, the hour of Two o'Clocip.-nL.'SOa, 3r.' 2<Jp.', Plan-tation-Mea«are;'of, ;tlle- aforesaid Lanclii, in the fol-io innj" Divisions, ifroin' JMfitfttriUlj of FebruaryjintU. the 30th day of November, 1880,'t', i , j. ,; ', V. . .

»--'r^p113 3 18

Divisions .' . tt . .o-^r. I1 (Smart's Castle)L' - '<> -.. . . I . .. ." . I .•¦ . , ¦¦>

!¦ , i • ,.Orchard Field.Large ' ] ' ¦ '¦¦• • '•¦

jjatctf";"" ::"18 0 139 2 29

122 2710 0 18»!1. 0

10 0 '0710 02i D: o

!• • / ¦. '.I: ¦'(

(Cl'oono),.'. "" '"

i. (.iAylward's.Cottage .Top ••¦• :. ¦¦:

Middle1 -vPlantationNewr».th. '»¦ •- . ¦ 'Newrath < ' • Newrftth,' . V'- \ '¦<; 21 Ol 0¦ These Lands jWiH.be1 let for Grarins ' t>urposea

only/ aro all. bound pld-'Pasture/.'-WBir ,sheltered,fenced, - and < provided with and unfailing', Bupply ofWater. There id now upon them1 &'' heavy crop ofGrassp oaViDg1' 'betn unstockedv'sinde Septemberlast.-- This good. quality ' of -tbesel;L«nd«;!and,theirdose proximity, ;, to' .the [ .City^pf^aterford/.tbe¦Railway .'Stations,, ' and S{earners,rirendec\,;tne.Qihighly- • advantageous¦' to Grarieir,:"'8hijn>er»,; andJiutchers. A competent berd will tiiep'harge'of th4S'tock: but 'there' will be no accountdbilityforracci-den j--,;:-,:;.:;,;,;.;;: ; ;';:'; -";-,,;,^;

>.! Tonna—A.deposit.of XI per acre at Bale.remain-dcr of Purchase Money by preriously approred Bills;'payanle pnist Julyjneit, .free oi djswijuiV;if,-j'.<•':J j

Knrthef particulars at aolo.* The' Steward oillal>Unabrowmshew^oD vja ;—[J|;,- !I~ . . )

•.• ¦¦ • '¦ ¦" ->!|.., ¦.— .; ^U>M' Tr—!Vi -r^ .-S i:t€JI ;..7M:! tj ,- .'¦ • • ! .-. 'y i v ..-. ii BUIDOI-STBBIT/ DDWOAXITAK, OCT.,-1879.. ,

»;X tb«sre^ue«R

bi,!Bevei 4jmuenj ]iiWe| ';in•'' DuUiftjrvit^'Tind it» Deighbourhood,-I»baTe-been in-:t 4\f c^'ii '-\ .Tf^ {: v<mQs^^^ icBm ,

having act^aiWchiiv tb.9!CobnM|<?rBomeryeariTvT ireijig tepeft faer«r^n(l;w'ej} teoirn tq tbiPublic

- lna.thallAlways'e'rideiv6ui\.by sxsietandpiipiitPT.'¦B^ai enVof hcopirtti. to-' prove'uwortby.of iconfl..;;dQncSift:aii Mmkp $^ j f !&. |»'J» O24.t£ v.i OJ r. :C:-*T.J t ' z iy>uhn r; :'JAMBD/kSJp*j.JtfcJ|vAjN


¦! i! &3S" Oomm'unlcation»"received•at'tbe addren"of-iDy- father, Mr..W.JBri*?a&a:«trW«^!J«^ '?nrJ:Oashr, advaiitfis.ijittdevilneoeswrFibefore Salei i i

" ' T5rp6BTiOT'TO<MB»fM«I^T« j»ttor b3SMfc,fl7¦•' rort toBntrtoyy. Bfat Stenfe ftwte»« i^ ci,t&:W«flfr"att --<^^arfoe -«»^OWMttteJluiBo«kaf£ortO*«••¦"W'-Mpsur Dtexi*»of th» Prt^Oig*tnyiqr»a«hJto>V cnr? '( re/jg»tto ,B*tTnWi««w» .W l ^pl)lil<!i»nr,"W'th»'Vofa'Of ith» Iittflid'i JMMUMPjjl; «ew

• ¦ '¦ ihKfo"©! SSrtiv * W»' Cai»d.l>J*liUr»M«J*MBajj«'¦Vwlidn thedorton .^^UH.^Mjjp^pw^^aw*•''<'i»V Wriiw /'br tk» »14'Of to'*ooti4Wi'I»g«W»^W»

-:f k^u^^ V-".{rf. ^^ ?y»^¦ : EKF;S^» tpfeM S

>''a 8CtDrain» »i5M«ttqwjp <iiaiMi:¦¦¦'. ^ &»T»lI«mdri«.,& ,W«l <rfa*»gj*



' "¦. . ) '/ • ; '"'¦ '¦¦ '¦'. ¦ • ¦ '. - . -

jSood';]Potatoes (Sootoh. Champions). ;'ijTT baa been;arranged to convey the abovo>'JL packed iivBogs, in Four-Ton lots, vtct tho. CbrdO>.SHppinffi'Gompiiiy, a the vory'.low rato of- 20a, lOd.'f i t Ton to"WATERFORD, frotrf-the following Stationfljjon tne Caledonian and North British Railways of Scot-land !— . . ¦ V,

Ardler, Alyth, Auldbar Road, Arbroath, Anchter-house, Dlairgow/ie, Cargill, ,Conr*r-pnKnk^ CaimVltoCarnoustio, Dunning, Dandco,'Tia)ieio, ElEoc Juncaen,firroll, Jf'orfar,-Friookheim, Glami», <3uthriei-feoht««rInvcrgowrie, Jordanston, Inohoonans, Kirriemuir, Kin-"gonnie, Kingsmuir, Kirkfaddo, Kinfanns, Luncarty,Lonforgan, lioohoe,. Meiglo, -Monuioth, Perth, Strat-hord, Stanley, and Woodside.'"From BBBCHnfand'MoNTROss to WATSBFOEDT"

23s. 4d. PSB TON.Prices and othor particahira oao be obtained by Pur-

ohaSOTB on application, to tho undermentioned PotatoMerchants in Scotland:— - :

.Messrs. MoVey & Mclntyrc, Dondco ; James Thorn1tou, Dundee ; Alexander Fair, Dnndoo ; J. D. Adorns,Dundee ; D. Why to, Forfar i D^ Maxwell , Forfftr ; I.Millar, Forfar ; — Camoron. Forfar ; T.-Ables, Alyth iR. Lyon, Alyth ; John Anderson, Coupar-angus ; Cobband Maxwell, JBrechin ; John Clarke, Breohin.; MosarsEcnnfd Tk Andoraon.'Arbroatli ; Robert Hampton', Ar-broath ; Robert Lyal, Arbroath ; Alexander Davidson,Arbroath.; James Smith, Arbroath j James Samson,Montroio ; D. Adams, Montroso ;: William Taakor',Meiglo i H Robertson, Meiglo ; McNaughton, Eassio ;Stowart & Bieaett, Bhurgowrio ; — Heron, Crieff."

SpocJal Lpw Hates In conjunction with above hayobean'put in force on the Waterford and Limerick Bail-w*y«.partioulars of whioh tho publio can ascertain onapplication at.uny of thoi Company's Stations. /Thusiby the adoption of moderate rates, the Waterford andLimerick Railway Company, in connection .with thoCalodonian and North British Railway Companies oScotland and the.Clyde Shipping Company, afford greatfacilities' tb| Landed Prop'rietors',-Farmers, and others,dosirous of importing Scotch Sbed Potatoes. .

"'JOHN ROBERTS.'Trafflo Manager.1 Trams Manager's Office. Limerick Terminus. : ' : '¦


i. . :• :'.;COAIi"" TAJSf XO LEX.rpHE Directors of above ' Company- are pre-JL" pared to rodoivo Tendors for tho LETTING of aCOAL YARD,- in : tho CITY of LIMEEICK , close toNoU>oc-Street,: adjoining the Northern'oide of the Paa-Bongor'Terminus; ' ' • " ' . ' ' "' ' ' :

Tenders will- be rcccivod by tho nndersigaed'up to,and incluaivo of , WEDNESDAY, tho 11th FEUEUA &Y. '

' By ordor, M. J. KENNEDY, Secretary. ,Board-room, Waterford Terminus, Jan. 19, 1880;


STOKES TO LEX.THE above :Cbmpauy is' prepared to rcceivo

TENDERS for the Rental by'.' the Month(subject to the provisions of the Company's Act ofParliament) of TWO LARGE STORES, situatedon their Extension premises at the north side of theriver Suir at Waterford, within a short distance oftho Wooden Bridge.

These Stores have recently been fitted up, andare of large capacity, and especially, adapted for theStorage of Grain, and can be used either from thepublic road, which they adjoin, or from the river,where ptopor facilities for discharging or lighteringate provided.. Further particulars may be had from(he undersigned, who will receive proposals forthe above letting.—By order of the Board, ¦•< . " >• ' ¦

.- . , . , • .- , - ..• . - M . J.; KENNEDY, Secretary..Head Offices, Waterford Terminus, . .' " ""

2nd February, 1880. • • ¦ ¦ tf


"VTOTICE is hereby given, that the SixTY-NiHraJ3) OablNABT llAU-YBABLTGBN'BEAI.MBBTINOof the! Shareholders of the' Company will be heldat tbe BOABD ROOM, WATEBroab TEBJKINVS, in theCity of Waterford, on MONDAY, tbo 23rd day .ofFEBRUARY, 1880, at the hour of 10 o'Clook in tbeForenoon, for tbo transaction of tbe. Business of aGeneral Meeting, .. ¦ ; ¦•.. •

The Stock and Share Transfer Books of theCompany will be-closed from MONDAY, 9th prox,inclusive, until after conclusion of taid Meeting. '

i • ; By Order;•¦ ¦ ¦

. ¦ . ¦• ' M. J. KENNEDY, Secretary.Head Office's/ Waterford. Terminus,

31st January, 1880. : : . . .

- Waterford and lamenck Saalway Co.' ¦;.

THE Waterford and Limerick Railway Companyare prepared to receive Tenders for . : :.. .¦

PERMANENT W4Y and LOCOMOTI Yti SCRAP.j Conditions and Forms of Tender, with all parti-culars, can be had on application to the undersigned.( Sealed Tenders, marktd " Tender for Sorap," willbe received by mo up to Noon of FRIDAY, 20thinstant.—By order, . : : ' : r V 'i . ; . M. J. KENNEDY, Secretary.!Head Offices, Waterford Terminus. . • f6.St


) ¦ • ¦ ¦;: ' CAEXAGE SEKVICE.

£-M-xlJJLlT)iroctior8'0t * Jgl* vtt\ ri' m' ^ V' . w^ JTfa

and PaafViglf f . ot'TiubflST and*. PARCELS at Water^ford, Clonmel, Tipperary, and Limenok, from 1st MATnext. Particulars: can.be , obtained from theTraffloManager, LimeriokTorminus.. . , : ., .. i • ... . IV

;.,Tenders, for the performance of ¦ tho service in\.each

Town separate;, will, be received by pe ep to WBBNEB-DAT,' 25th FBBBUAET, inst. , inolusive.—By order,.. ',• - ! M. J. KENNEDY, Sooretary. ¦"

Hood Offices , Waterford, 2nd Feb.; 1880. . 3t::


, . . . . Pebrnary Tairs, 1880. ,. . , . . , .;.

THE ordinary Goods Trains or Special Traina: • will carry tire Stock to Limerick,' Wnterford,

and the principal intermediate'stations,'-from .•': . .. ; ¦/ ¦i Ennis, Saturday, 7th February^¦ i . • ¦ . - ; - j:; : , .. •! Hathkeale, Pig Market, Saturday, 7th:! ':o fRothkeile, Cattle Fair, Monday.Sth. ,; . i. ¦•! Caher, Monday, 9th ,'i . j . '- /r- ,v- . I ¦'. -: .., , ;:: .. ;rAnb»h»h or.Eyre»urt.FBir,Mond»y»Ui. - -' Tipuonu5¥Kg:Marl&t,lMottd»y; Othi IV, . .0! .Tipjttatji CattlelFaU; Tuoiday.XOtbi -.r- ¦, , - ,;:' Pallas, for Pallasgreea Fair, Toes iur, 10th.¦i ¦C»her,lfor,Cashel Jair, Wednesdajf lth..;, . . :-| CraughVoll>.for Loughrea Falr edicBdAy, 11th. :,i Ardrahan, for'ClapinBridge Fair, Thttniday,12 0. ,"! - Tbe; abore is taken from the.pnbuthed list of Fairs,bnt the Company do not guarantee, Its oorreotnoss. ' . :f RATHKKAI/B FAIB.-TOH Monday>'thb th; February,a Special Tram, with Buyers and others, will leaveLim»riok:ali5 ».m.for Rathkealo. ,^, ¦ ;.;,t^ 'v .,.,Mree«a*BT;,Pia MAXKBX. 9th. P»B<T<ta ffunuay,6th February,'a Special'Train, with Bojers, wiQIeave

anc a; •jQjDjj ^ ^ ;;Tl j nsger4 -,

I Tramo Manager's Office, Limerick Terminus,. ,. .lff .-,,'- . . . ':. .^ .!...' 188Q.;,u;' ;,; 'j ¦ f |r ;•;,"-¦• l

Waterford'and CeutralIrelandJBailway Co.f; ;¦ Vi v<r'CBHT. oiiiUdBTGAaS MNf ia: { ) *:¦

•Ut., \Ms^0BN7;,.n; W$El WyRtff il0j 0K. .^fTlHE Directors are prepared to receive JloneyLL ; to a limited extent on Mortgage Bands at Fpusper Cent.,' itho iRrinWpal to be repayable at toe expira-tion^ of £ix Months' Notioe{*rat tho endjof suohtermof year* as may be agreed upon; and-,on .Debentpre8toek;.having eqnal pnoritj. with, the Mortg»go Bonds,bearing; Interest . at the rate-ofr-ii per-Cent. in erpo-tuity,1 1 ; . , . .• ¦'

¦¦•'. ' - *io i ^"r^OV • 1 ¦•:" ill « ;,> Vs i' ¦¦ '(

I Applicatipiu to bfi *ddre«Md .to the.ttn3er«|3ied, attheCompany*»Offlo«»i'.Wat«rforaT«rmuibB.:; V , 'j

f. -^^WltLIAU'VVlIjLIAlISJteeotetary.;- Walerfoid,-; Doc. -29thT1879.«~ .<*V*W- fmli84.tf);.;'¦, ¦'¦¦ . I . . . . .I.' . .. :. ..J:IJIJ.;I;>>.JI .^TkBIENTAti' TQOTH ?ASTE-4ri( wsBtmT«iPT« A'.'Bjn>>jrK>a-i.Tie '4>oij GentUny^Qttahitied!j ¦''' absolutely Tree from any pernidoij* ingredient,!

K>iriitfB«i»mm^4ed.by.We<Jio»landfitt*i;t<)«anS<>ny.liBIENTAL TOOTH PAST -isfpie«wii«J

*2T- V"and 'agrotablsViW tus emure*wWttaMiotud!I'. ¦ I i T«OT^!E.t*blisbedJfiO.7eais'uM%thaiiiMtf

] • ¦'?•' ¦. [effeotnal prw unrtiniot Uio Teeth andgnmij

M, J.A j jorf <ocncAT«-.i>ThB 'etily. genuine-iu ;•!»!»<jr . - i ) ! J^Bp«:*.5^W!*M*J»i#riW^®3^gSll^5Tli S la|^W-jn:'«Uy/byi3l«> ti-»nd.5rfa^«r2U«i#a,i5<

j fty^ -aaJ-perPotrS loBato/ niyrir jwnW^



|PENED a BREAKFAST and DINING-ROOM \J OD a now principle, for the accommodation'.oftf'Parming Classes, at the abave address. - ..^ ;•

¦¦" 84e~ Trades People who work uf'the localityfandare> distance from home, will also find this ROOMTrgrea^ source f convenience, as\J.JB *i»irlk1a, DJweki' TiL'i&ftM/ic.i'f/ '—-CanbeaJjraya_ha<Lat.sliortJiotice, and on most..

' reasonable terms.Waterford, Feb. 4. 1880. A' f «•


BEG to call the SDedal at'tontiq'n'of the Pobliogenerally to the ' '


v - , • . . , . Now on view at3G; * X I C i l A E L- 3 T R:EE T 't WATERFOttD.

Please Note—TKBKB J ;CA8ir.- ; ¦ .Nor .SECOND P IOE.; , , No .CREDIT GIVEN.

^@"'Particular attention paid to'Repairs.' au29.1y


N E W WTl lTTEit * G O O D S.. ?l-:/. ) - . « )iiiii£f ;< y . \ ^ -, : : \- . \

' I ha'Ve Jiist "received a.1 splendid "Stock of • '¦ ' • ¦''' "' ' - 'WINTER •''GOODS, -Embracing everylNpvelt rjn jeacii:Pepartroont,

': ' T'ltANTLBSS'' SH^^Es 'MLLINERY '; '"'•HATS 'in gr'eat vane'ty.'"' ' '

TherffaiHCKTBEAVKB ,HAT, in eU the New Shade8

FIJRS ,of.every dcacription. in Muyre, COLLARS,. - ! ;>• : - j - i ' . • ¦ ¦ ¦' .TaiHMlNap '; . '.'¦..


.- „ :tS§AX0:PAJiETpTSvfroW;' £& to £30 ;' The NEW EMBROIDERED COSTUMES.

8S" My Hosiery, Qlove;,Flannel/ Dress, CaHco,and Linen Stock are the Ncwest.Best, and Cheapestever offered for Sale."

' I1


75; - '- QUAY;- WATERFORD .Novombor 20th. 1879. . o3.


' ' ¦.' " ' . ' POR THE ' USE OPTnUMIIiIES and INVALIDS, innnitoly superiorJC— : ' to any other offefea'to' tEe Public.


May bo obtained of nil Grocers and WinoMerchants throughout ..the Country,

And Wholesale'(in Wood and Bottle) from tbeManufacturers,

BEWLEY &-«:D'RAPE;R '(L IMITED),128.) D V B L ' I K . tf

, . . r, , >WH0JJE8AIE, \ AND RETAILFish, Game,.Poultry, and Ice Stores,


THE attontjou. of .vtho.j Gentry and Publici is called to {his Establishment.


Country orders carefully, attended to. .1 ' " W." STREET, PROPRIETOR. :ICE I ICE ! 1 Ics !—A luxury for hot weather, so-

curely packod for conveyanno by raQ, &c. Terms onapplication. '• ' my3-ly

P O RT R A I T STAKEN DAILY by Mri 'WlNTER,' and Finished

in the beat style of ART, at bis approvedv • .- ; .;•:. » ¦ PuoToaRAi>fltc SiixDio.v.'Ci '.» v;. ¦ .:¦.

BST-62, QUAY (H«» B Ji»TaAKCE) WATEEFOKD: ' . . . . i"d21y

Fish, Gamo, and ' Ice ; Depot. 'ESTABLISHED 1849.

ANDERSON ,, AND , MOORE(Successors' to WH. GAiii.AWS'BR,'We CBAWFOB.D)


GAME,. POULTRY, and ICE. , ,. . . . .MESSRS; ,;A; &: Mtybex respect!ujly ,to: call ihe

attention of the Nobility and Gentry to theirEstablishment. AU .orders, town or.country, haveprompt and carefutattentibn. ' . '''¦' ' '

N3.—Oyster and Luncheon Rooms. d5.8tn• Qame. UMf '¦ Ifumifif ni ' Bold on Commission.a-. -¦ ¦ j J -PR' -KKf rnFFii ¦ ¦ —

49 $ $ApY L2NJif lW^TJ$BFjPf ip .',

mHE LADIES who conducted tbe SBBTAI{TS'JL HOVE . in. LAST , LAKE,- having transferred theBusiness to' Mrs: WAKLis, the Servants'Registry Officeis-carried. on,.a«iierotofOTe,_ in tho same Premises ;and Mrs. WALLIB avails of . this opportunity to' returnher best thanka«for the large patronage received; by-hersince thetransfer.5— -. "- •- '. -¦»--•-*• ¦¦¦- '- «'

94£T No Servant recommended before the strictestBorutiny is made regjajdittr johftraflter. ,';Thero. are at,present disengaged, tkioW, Thorough Servants; Parlourand Housemaids, .Bntlors, Coachmen, <tc. La28-6m"GROCERY and SPIRIT Establishment,


| GEOEGE TYLER, .... :Having- Purchased tttie'Interest in the abova

¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ '::• Concern,

WILL 'offer, ht the-'!most ¦'reasonable termB,everything connected with the Trade, and

hopes by doing so to be favored with a Trial. n21



Enab^ iPffiSiS ^PLUMBER.: BRASS FOUNDER, and-^A^Bff.:

TER, ; «uo Heatmg of GreenrtduMpponsetTa-.'tories, and; Publio ;Boilduigs/ ojCvSmik^oj ftump^Hoaprinoipla, by the oirouUtion ol^ iM J^W >Jii > t

I , :;. - ' - ;; ^ ^ |»fa - qwya'iaiHttuaBiiiiij^

p L v it^^^por R A s s^r rtQtii D zfji^

!¦• '•- '*A3 H f-o'WuflBEFOMR '' ';> ldS

saSa&iSissSMBi^H•> P.8.-HaTingpurch«iiaatt*^Sa*^Salstreetth««ntireBtockofiBrwyWood, and Lead~Pit:«in«6o»i5Wa-wHrtBrToTfflW7tof3aJTCiWiiws-;I am;'en»b^Mai*Jn|J'JUl 4KN^0t<Sr2Ca8ing at Uie;l^;v;.,Entn uivfWmltetSrstreet. '. , '¦ Lmh

|lP»iSi5ijp^ 3®a«ofKCOMPANY. - \

oo^f*S» i mSSammtoFj ic


|»9P?WW99n. "



®appy?iMJM; tvrm




p. TOBIN ; ft . ''.. sons'USUAL SEASON'S -JCLEARANCE . 8ALE•-. ... : .:••,' . -. J . \ A:-t . . -¦¦?: ¦ ;¦¦

"V -. - •','>• ' \ OFS/.> ¦. \^: . '«:JUVENILE "AND MEN'S RSADY-MADE

. - . - , , ' - . . CLOTHING,,. . . , , , , ,'-' ' ¦• 83" 2S PER •CENT.,?1<SBB COST. • > -i I

y- KTew Garden and Flower Seeds, . -•j . ¦ i ALWAY& FRE8B AND RELIABLE,! . K '[

TATT'8 IMPROVED NONPAREIU CABBAGEr~rTlHIS Popular Early Vanotyiis tho boat for Spring,JL; A«tumn, and:Whiter use; it is of medium size,firm, and of oxcellent flavour.' ' Is. per Dunce j 103. 6d.por pound, post freo. ^TATT'S POPULAR COLLECTIONS OfflVEGETABLE

SEEDS. I '10s. 6d. i 15s. ana 21s. each.—A whole Roar's supply;-

TATTS BEAUTIFUL FLOWER SEEDS. . ':Rioh, gay, dazzling colours, produiing a pharmiDg

display all through the summer month*. A collectionof twelve varieties, Is. 6d.; six colleotiona, 8s. 6d. ;twelvo collections , ISs., post freo.

All Orders should bo accompanied ty a Cash remit-tanoe. ; ; • -

N.B.—Parties who havo boon'disappointed in gettingFRESH and RELIABLE Seods of superior quality,should sond a Trial Order to W. TA1T and Co.

TAIT'S SPRING CATALOGUE l'OR 1880,Contains a Soloct List of ¦ ¦


' THE:BEST POTATOES• To bo nad on reooipt of stamped address.



To be SOLS or LEV,

A Large , YARD,' ; STOBEai ' and ;PWELI,INOHOUSE, in John's Lane, Wafcrfbrd, with' a

long Leaso. Apply to Mrs BROWNE, Naw-'st. ¦ ¦ j3p,4t

THE LION HOTEL, ,(With Licensed Bar attached), '


TO BE LET, the INTEREST in the LEASESold in the above. Apply to ' ' ' '

J. LONGMIRli, 34, William-streot,' .j30. •: ¦ • Waterford.

GAME NOTICE. / ,'^. ' . ,


PHILIP, BENVOY, BALLYGEGA.V, :LI8AVIRON, and ARDNAHOE, arc strictlt '-PreservedAnyone found trespassing on them ¦will be Prosecured. -' (ol7.tf)- •• JAMES POW*B.-


Uto of 17,Henry-street, in tho City of Watered, Widow,

•' Deceased. 'PURSUANT to tho Act8 30 and 31 Vic, chap.

. 54, Sec. 19, and tho 34 and 35 Vic, Chap. 102,Sec. 16, Notice is hereby given, that Biiid JOHANNAHENEBERT.by her last Will and Testament, hairingdate tho 22nd day of OCTOBER, 1879, beiueathed tothe Superioress for the time being of tl.e Sisters oftho Poor in Watorford, for tho use of that Commu-nity and the Poor in their charge, the turn of £40,and also, for the like purpose; her Two Arm Chairsand her Trunk and Wearing Apparel tierein. Tothe . Rev. PATRICK. RYAN, JJ.D.( the sum-of Nine-teen Pounds, Nineteen Shillings and Eleven Pencefor Masses. To FATHER MAHER, of IjollybrickenParish, Two Pounds for Masses. - .To the Supe-rioress for the time being of the Sisters of Charitynt Waterford, for the use of that. Community inWaterford the sum of Ten Pounds; aid NinpteenPounds Nineteen Shillings and Eleven'Penco, foithe use of the Orphans in St. Martin's Orphanage.To FATHER BRADY, O.S.F., of Carrick, FivePounds for Masses. To Father WHEELSB, O.P., forMasses, One Pound. To the Parish' Priest of¦Sliovroe,for the time being, for Mosses.Five Pounds.On the happening of a contingency there; a specified,the Testatrix directed a sum of Twontjj Pounds tobe applied for Mosses, and on the happening oC oneother contingency therein' also specified. Testatrixdirected a further bum of Ten Pounds t> be appliedfor Masses. And probate of tbe said Will, and one.Codicil annexed, was, on the 15th day of. -January,1880, granted'forth of the District RogJ try of Wa-terford, of tho Probate and Matrimonial -Oivision oftho High Court o£ Justice in Ireland, to RichardFitzgerald, of Mauor-street, in the city of Water-ford; undertaker, the ' sole executor! named in thesaid Will and Codicil. ' "' 'i

Dated this 30th day of January, 1880. %' • " •

¦ ¦ PATRICK K ENT, Solicitor f» the saidj30.3t Executor, 40, Lady-lone, W".terford._ w _FRIEm)_ gF_ALL _ !_ ¦'- PoarrY'OF BLOOD 'ESSENTIAL TO LIPS, HEALTUAND STRENGTH.—Thoso Pills surpass all othor knownMedicines for Purifying tho BLOOD ; being tafe and yetoffectivo, thoy aro available for all as a Dcmestio .andHousehold remedy. In congestions and obstructions ofthe LuNasand LIVER, they quiakly remove tne cause oftho disease, and in constipation and disordorod conditionof thp BOWELSJ they act as a cleansmg,'aperient, romov-'ing irritant matter from the intestinal oaiial, and reliev-ing spasms, oramps.'and painfnl gripings.

, ' pBlljopSiHEADACHES, NApegAANDfoUrSTOKACH,Loss OP APPETITE, AND LOWNXSS or SPIBITS.— Theoleanaing. properties, of those .Pills soon prodnoo awondorful'cha'ngo in the constitution, remo-ang all ex-cess of bile, hoadacho, palpitation, pains aftet eauni;, andgiddiness.. They restore tho appetite, clear the com-plexion, and improve the general health. ' ' ,

, |THB MoTqER'a FRIEND. —FEMALES' 8»iiciFrc8.—Every Mother ofaFamily should know the v(.)?e of thesePills in removing all accumulations', and restoring: sus-pended or p'ervertea iecretions ; at varlj'ns' dnticalporiods of fcnialo life they are useful beyon 'te'eejiure^they can bo taken safely by females of < ftll'agea; and arc/invaluable in all children'scbmplamts.r : ' ' ;(', . ' |

SCIATICA, LUUBAQO, AND OBSTRncrioicB or THSKIDNEYST—B: theso Pills be taken regularly every night,'inTstrict.aceordanco.with.tlje printed direohiona, thamost obstinate cas.es.wULtoonyield i.thejecteti9Rlromtho kidneys willibecome clear and limpid; to function

3Cthe body should bo more carefully watoied j mostW$i8_conaeqnencc8 ensne from neglect ¦> .this re-

fsoMROAT8?s^TH&^ym&f, -rwinl>XL BKONCHiAXjAAoTw^WjbnAPbpdamediately*roated by theaoTflls, wTnol! wilirwB5a ionbined with-the «ffefctnal.n80 of the Ointment to the part afflicted,jkiUr snch'a£mga8nre of relief as is scarcely; credible;tte<iolji"agenoy<jf,ithe two remedies is so potent that:fjw«pnlfcble'jmbnonary affection becomes amenable• •""gBipt lp3aa -,(WizZZJr r-Ju ' '<'^J«BILli«|flKQ iyffirgW. t:j*g«BQjfOS, ANDXoarfopNE^aus E^raWTJiesi.KHsiro unenr-jBseed as Nervine Toni<Ai«foVoterotipitoaifalaritiosjjtofttSrtWWes Tbeyjfc^ i^^Mt ijrgeticaUy»TTDodf Uib blood is ptoojWfl).5»nA fcfl iH}|SflHB ^ ^ B

'"wSliwmiftF fornivS^^ y y^OTr* fait* and

olloway's Pitls-aTe thebeit ref c jp ienown in theicondpHQIHX SllSfe , JX»JJthma kinds ] " TaoWrajSaiy f .Bilious com- Gout I MfitODUtdJOraTel¦ Bilious com- Gout j MCtODUtdJOrarel

H yBints Hoad-achb Svjondary Syniptoms ¦

Jteffi^-igStote^SmB5( :: : ;SoMSSV'i' -; "P¥Si» Venereal Afferiona 'm3m$& } &™™§i° - Woma of aU kinds •3SlBKi3Kj*fle» • Weakness, fron"Dropty ¦——rBhoumatiam . whatever owtao,*BnndB-Irregn Hetentioiw)f——AoifAo. !~ ¦; larities.v v , Urine . : ;, , ' , • - ; ; • ¦ • • :' The Pills and Ointment aro'Sold at Professor HOLLO-WAY'S establiahmont, 533 Oxford-street. London : alsoby - nearly every respectable Vendor: of.iMedirinesthroughout tho civiliiediwOTld, ufibotfttj and > Poti, atl&!LiS];p ,:pf c, 4s/ 6d/,rll«., 22s., and33s. ejuoh.: Tbesmallest Box,of- Pfl|s, pontains;fpurf doien;,and themp«U«it.Pot M'.OiktJMntonff if mito, ! '?/ .-., fe

'-i: ILa . iiBdairecSons ..W ifflxelto,eion

Mete £id

,yotK»i?o«.b .lv^ba>»oy) lari^e,-o 'li• Btt SSc b^S&Sei 'o'f onar^rjwlp1:plying at the above address,' daily, between, fho hbilrt' ofll and 4, orby.letter,.;,; r. i; w.';,.;*!;!-.;..,

1:'/ ¦ '.¦ ¦'. !¦

1 • \- ¦'¦"¦¦- '• -M1 IT'S 'I 'O¦i-"'f '?'•'¦'"<• ¦ • ¦ '*¦'

VT R B;V£ W'» F?iq»MT7BI0ITA f &NOS lS/MBN&tBX T4.69msBT. y '.

¦ ;. '-; :.Term«i oaapplfcationf;n« fp<>..'(l>-,-i!;^d4-8mJ -

'. Itoaaxais' Foii!ia» TTair at aad

U»*i.TH;.—A few 4rop« of 'iHa llq.nid'PforiUftMlsprinkleo'pn i.'wet 'j^ i?u^';OTbati^ pleaiahtUth>

nwUi*fltoti »hly

«.1 T ipecukffpJM^ I^^G BjipWttl;

WA™/."- ffiSB ii' .. *f r^^ .y y S7yir.'g!y*r?

Soup Kitchenfts'for' the Poor- , • '¦ - c


Dr. CarroU."Lady-lano - ¦;.-;..' • V ... £\ °Eobert' Locke '.* Co. ¦ ... ... J JJLougblin Froeman, T.O. ¦ '" .;: ... 0 WA. P.'Maher, WilW-street,'.. ; — - , ° }J .Edmond Harvey ... U: ... ; 1 '. ^ — <* llDr. W.--L- Mackesy, Lady-lane ' ; • ' ••; - I nBiohi^ ()M.P Pembrokertown v,..- ,, -J ° "Samuel'Strangman, Summerhuia- ' ...~- • - 5 u uRev. Robert Powor, C.C. ... ... 1 2Mis» Jacob, Newtown ... ... °. f Vi/ VittktT ;Subso'riptwn8 'VilV?b9 received and dulyackno'wiedg f ty 1 "-• ' ¦¦¦ ¦¦ "-" rCTJ- ^T . .

-_:i.-A.-RY-AN,- MftyoirTwttsuM'- '.'' '" ' ¦ El S. KENNEY. Secretary.

'.jrayor'isOmcf.'Waterfordi Feb. 6th, 1880.,-t • - -* t \-;i l . i j I

! SHAWKS.. r.-~-~-THE Christian Brothers most gratefully acknow-

ledge the following additional Subscriptions :Messrs Stephenson, Brothors, Fairbrook

Factory/.Kilmeaden ... *2 . .0James T. Ryan-, Nowtown- • ... J „John Ryan. Mall '¦' ' .'.. "' : 1 0 0

FOB RAFPLE. ^Master Ii."^Stafford , Glon ... ... 0 10 0



• . ¦ i • . . . < ¦ - . ' XXHiniTIONB.- • P. F. O'Brien (.£30 for two years).

P. J. Lennox ' (.£30 for two years).. . ' .'."V". . ' ' I : PHIZE8.Senior Grado J." MullerT P. Heyberger.Middlo Grade—P. Keawoll, J. Norris, J. Downey,

' - . ' -. ¦• : J. Dickoff. ¦¦ • - . ¦ ' . '¦•Junior'Grado -J Hayes, P. Hoeber, Ch. Kelly.

' . . I " FA8SES. . TBu'rgoyne, ¦'. P. Carrigon; PM'Curhn,T O'Hanlon, .. R. Phplan, . J Rogors,J Hogan.i ' " • G. Christian, J Shine, „¦ .H GUborson, ' • S. Hayes, :,» Xenny, MJ Dodd, ! ' " H. Galvin, W Power,.T O'Connell, . E. Lueoy, ' R J Power, :J Judge. W. Sheo,,' '. ' ¦ ..,J 'Aylwnrd.1 .'•T 0!Connor, P.¦Sheahau, • •'•H O'Rourkp,.;D Moloney, T.'-Pembroke,' r'W O'Mesra, . .J CoghlanJ R. Willtms, ¦ ' P Nolan, ¦: ''

' W Metz, . . . ' J. GaVflj* l . T 8heridan.Thus, tho Studonts' of Rsokwell hiVe sooured Two

Exhibitdoris; Nine Prizes, and Thirty-three Paaaos. Outof-fif -threo oandidatos presented for Examination,for -Iour were BUCceaBfnl ; and this, we think, is thehighest-average success attained by. any College in Ire-land. '. Master Lennox got the highest- Marks' of alCandidates in Latin. Mastor O'Brien came out secondin Greek and first in German. •¦ These results reflect avery i high orodit on the College, and dearly show theefficieiioyof;its teaching, and-the high standard of itsstudios. TiBMS—SOGuincas. inoludmgExtras.' Studies.resumed on.tho 7th JANUARY. j9-5t

," { i FrenckCollege, Blackrock.

ON tho 8th of JANUARY Next, TEN ENTRANCESCHOLARSHIPS will bq offorod for Competi-

tion' at 'the French Colloge, to fonr Classea of .Canai-datos— . . .

a) To Boys who will be under 13 on the lat of Jnno,' 1880. : : ' • ¦ '

(b) To Boys who will bo under 16 on tbe 1st Juno,1880. .

(c) .To Boys who will bo under 17 on tho 1st June,1880.;.. .-. ¦

¦ • ¦ ' . - - , ¦'

(d) To Boys who will be under 18 on the 1st Juno,¦ • 1880. - : ' .

¦ • •

There will bo a different programme for each class ofcandidates. : . ' , . '

Applications for admission to the' ExaminationsBhould be aont to tho Prosidont on or before the 7th ofJANUARY. . '; • • " ' • •¦ - ' RESULTS FOR 1878-79. ¦

1 Civil Service JUxaminatiom.—A. Class 1.—Mr.. - William' PJConnolly passed the 1st Class Civil

- Servico Examination, direot from the French Col-lego. '.'.. '; ., : ;. .

Of all the Examinations held under the Civil ServiceCommissioners, this is by far the most severe, not ex-oepting the Indian Civil Service Examination, whioh forsome years1 past has been' made muoh easior than itused to' bo: .'The most valuable appointments withintho, gift of tho Civil Service Commissioners are obtain-ablo through Class I. Examination. ¦ ¦ - '

B. Class H.—Meears J. Power, William J. Kenny,¦' ¦ G Nunan, J Halligon, J MoNamara, M Tuohy, JSlowsy, M Fenelon, of the French College, have

. obtained appointments under CUss II. .' . 'If.' Preliminary Examinations for Attorneys Appron-¦ tioes—Messrs G .'Bowler, Th. O'Mahony, J

— — F«rrellrM-N«wport,- J F WilKams. III Bank of. Ireland—Mr Edmund Monck. • - -IV College of , Sargeona—Mr J Myers.


A—Exhibitions.—Senior Grade—10th : E.. Crohan,£50'; 13th : D. R. O'Sullivan, 50. >

(No othor Catholio School obtainod two Senior Exhibi-i; ¦•'• : tions). • !

Middle Grade—U. Connolly, JJ30 for two^ years. :Junior Grade—2nd, J" A Goodman, £21) for three

years'; 5th, Wm Fitzgibbon, JB20 for three year's; 10thA Coonan, £2b for three years ; 13th, C Henry .£20 forthroe years ; 15th, H Griffin, .£20 for three years'; 33rd'J Cunningham,.£20 for three years ; 43rd, C Boland 20for . three years ; 68th, J Boyle", we20 for throe years ;69th,'J Carlos, £20 for three years.

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ -Xi ia largest number of Exhibitions obtained by any

othor Catholio Sohool does not exceed 6. . < , ¦ .: . > ;It is to be nptdced that in the Junior Grade of the -

first fifteen . Exhibitioners, f ive aro from the French1Collego, and that of the nine Junior Exhibitioners from1the, French Colloge, 4 were under 15:' Arthur Conan, iwho obtained, tho 10th Exhibition of all .Ireland,,was:.: Boys over 17 wore admitted to the Junior GradoExaminations ¦ ¦ . - .

• The Frenoh College obtained tho largest 'number ofExhibitions; (the highost and most valoablo distincbonaawarded by the Intermediate Education Board) of anyothor Sohool, whether Protestant or Catholio.. Tho aggregate value of theso Twelvo Exhibition's is

B—SPECIAL DISTINCTIONS. :¦ Tho following are tho Specia} Distinctions obtained'by the French Colloge -.— ¦ , , .Junior - Grade—leb place in English, ' oi all Catholia

. schools; J. A. Gopdman;' 1st place in French, of oilIreland, Henry Griffin.' 2ndin German,of all Ireland,—andjstol all Catholio-sohook, ArtJwr Cooaan. 2n<

,' in Greek,:of,aUIrelandrCharlos Henry- .,2ndin Latin:of all Ireland, Join Cunningham. " " ' '

Senior Gradt—lit.plaoeIn Frenoh, of all Ireland, D. RO'Sulllvan.: • 1st in Natural PhiloBophy.orall Ireland'C. Griffin. 2nd in Latin,' of all Ireland, and 1st of al

-"Cathoho sbhools,, Jr.. Griffin.,; .." . <Snmmary—Eighty:students from"the" French College,. passed the Intern;edigto Examination ; of .these, For 1-—eight obtained Honorst and Twelve-Exhibitions. . - - I- Of these Eighty, -all' passed direct from tho FrenchCollege. .;¦ -. i ;,_ ;' [ ; ¦


" ¦ " I'dm the Good Shepherd."' •¦ • iTHE Cpmmunity of the Good Shepherd beg

.. to remind tho people ' of Waterford that' thereexists amongst thorn an Asylum where.1 the. straying!Sheep are received and maintained, and taught, bygontfo ways and comforting -words, that there are stillhearts which beat in sympathy with them. 7" ¦. Tho work to which ,tfio Community have,.specially'devoted thoir lives is 6uo;that'appeals' moat strongly toevery oncwho loved tqiieo.tha sinner brought back to'Repentance.and to tha secure Sheepfold of their Master ;hut though this , Asylum could afford a refuge for ISOfallen but repenting .sinners throngh want of work itis tunable: to maintain even, half .that -number. Tho-Sisters do not appeal for monoy, but they ask-. thecharitable and th'e;jkind-hearted to sond work in thoshape of washing and npedlework, that so they may be

.enabled tjq keep, in; safety those of our follenVfellow-crenturea,who will present themselves for protection.At present owing to; wanCof sooh^work many of those-pemtenta;'gTOw;dapoiit|nted;'-and leavo the Asylumto return-perhaps, lo; their former sinful lives,- thew-fore tho Good Shepherd.Nuna ask the peaplo of W'.terford, wjd: ita.jviqinity; to send-them some .work fcthese poor. Magdalons, »nd by so doingitheyiiiul bojoining ln thiB grand work of the Saviour of'MankindWho came to callniimers'to repentanoe. Full parHcu-lars can be hod on reference to the Superioress, GoodShopherdGonvont/Hennesay's Hoadi Watorford.'.v ;.t • .fs .^.W . t o .- , !-.?^,.. -. .. k;. . .-, , .??. '-» '::.-( B12-ly:r:; ;P6r-^^ f31rtoii wool,',-S^W6;,] •TAME'S BRENNAN" is 'paying H%he8t'pri!ei:«J' . ,H6M« PffB«rTAtMWi hJa'oirp,\-Mnanfacture,

iWAT yPjtW.'(; wM 3;.'B.|%»^

iin \<i;i Vo JXKJAl^EAItWATSyBi4J^OV/^jirt"o I

• ¦.i ^iaips^ ffisiOood»,C«»Ue Ua-t.0«O; J-SO^O-i Vt7au Ii 1MU

i :"HTotal .i. 238

^0-> rlWrOtS ^Hra-'*| 8W J* JCorr««p'dlng "*- 1- V, wti^r-H i>.irfe. '» :-\>i Vi- . -v-t:**Mifc)n.mi . ;o?oi i. UBt'o"Qi gasvAr.'-oJ hih'ia'if

Pft^yywipwa ;Payrt iM "<pfnjwtfet tr-. ^ - 'i'v 1".':-''ViY|fliH\n "

t» .i;I - .. .-«rtilp- iirKrt *af;:ia .V- >':fS7 k'-SliS?T'iffi2Sj_L -;

SSS« r-y» jiit7|l^ ^ g ~?a&i 7b' U

mmmmmkmmi- . |-'?.-«itt JMJi«ti itv'A? mi

Sy^^5li3ffi5flffi R5^^^^^- -S! F *#«- ^SpW.ldngjteTenJni»xwjtenmartiubS /«ttW»a to%££-£ m m^ ^W^*m^' -^ t thTOtWdividabM rb S&D? :

i -wV,,^


WATEBF0RI) MARKETSWaterford , February 6ft, 1880.

BLACK OATS—With small supplies demand ia brisk atour quotations. / , .' '

NATIVE WHEAT—Sapplj null ; prioo« 6d lower.FOEEIQN WHEAT doU. V-SIAIZE firm. '< : y -.' 'V ' ' ¦'"•¦'FLOUE—Dnll , at a declino pf la per tack.

.1. i. 'S.^PHELAN.

'"'"P'BI 'O E S C U R R E N T .,.. .- •— i£i3H. -• " Old."" ' '. "" NCW. ""

WHEAT, per bnrrel ol 2801bs. "sT'd! e. ' ri'sT d! ~i '. d.— Whita - - - 0U 0 to m »« 0 to M 6— lied - - - - 00 0 10 OS « W 6— SUipiiuig do - - 00 0 0 018 0 !» 0

BAfti/E-y.-perbarrel of 2«lbB. - • !"• ". "— Grinding . . - 00 0 OU 012 0 12 0— MaltiDf - - 00 0 00 U lti 0 17 0

OATS, p«r barrel of l'Jlilbs ,— Black - - - - 03 0 CO 011 •* 11 6— "- "TChito ' ... - . . (0. 0 00 000 0- <•> < 0— Orey, - - 00 0 00 Oil 0 \i 3

FLOUIt, i>or suck, of 2801bn. \ ' •— Saperfines - - - 43 0 U (i 00 0 CO 0— Iiiferidrs ., - -• 39 0 -1 1 0 00 0 00 0

OATMEAL, per Sack - -¦ A'i 0 a.) 0O0 0 i»> 0BttAN, uorXJWt. - - - - . 5 0 • 5- 6 0 0 0" 0FOLLAUOdo. - - . . & 6 0. 0. 0 0 00 0

FOMEION. ¦ FUEK .WfiEAT,li«r barrel of 2S01bs; «. fl7 "a. 0

' — American Snriiii; 30 0 to 30 3— Hcd'Winter old - - • - . £2 0 32 3— Hed Wlnlet new 00 0 • DO 0— Niwwlieff - - - - - .28 .8 28 9— • ¦ Ibrail - - . . . - . .ou II 0 0 0

INDLiN COKK, Yellow, Odessa and Gaktr -'17 0 17 0— — Ibrail and Foioniou (oldj - 00 0 00 0— . ,— , . American Old . • . .0C 0 00 0— ' '-i ¦ Do. Kow ' ¦¦ - ' . . .'15 6 )5 0— — Uonubian OM - ' . .00 D 00 0— — Do. New - - .16 3 10 6

FLOUR, Amoricau, por barrol of 1901bs. - - 00 0 00 0—¦ French, per sack, of 2801bs. . .00 0 00 0

IN0IAH MEAX, Asaericnii, per Back . - . 00 0 . U0 0, . . < Homo Manafactare, por ) ',¦> n IT c•~ "" V

¦• sack, of 2801b». } ," ° " 6

Imports and Exports for . week ending Thursday, 5th.'."<• : . '¦¦ - :BHPOKia

¦•• '

;. > EXP0ET3, .

IndiiD. Oorn.... — Quarters. Indian Com ' 200Qniirt«rsWho»t._...i..... - ¦ — . do. i- Wleat «3itarrel».Oata...;;.:..: .„ — do. Oats :... 1807'. do. •Barley. J — Sacks, F . Barley 100 do.Vlaar "' I'** d*- !" Flonr 151 aacm.jriour......

£ _ jju, , Oatmoal — doMeal...... 48 Sacks. |- Indian meal ... — do

(Con-ectcd this day for the Waterford News).PKO VISIONS.

BACOW PIOS, per cwt. — — 53a. Od. to 00a. Cd.STEAKS do. — — 60 0 Ou 0FEET do. — — ll o 10 0HEADS do. . — — a 0 M 0Sours do. ¦ — — 42 0 + 1 0LARD (chandler's) — — 0U 0 30 0

• ; BUTCHERS' MEAT.BEEF, per lb. . — — On. 8d to On. lOdMuriOM, por 11>. — — 0 7 0 8LAMB , per lb. — — 0 8 0 9VEAL, per lb. — — o tf 0 7Pome, pcrlb. — — 0 7 0 8

POTATOES.Now, per stono — — 0e. 7d. to 0a. Od.Old, per stone ¦ — — o 0 0

BEEAD.WMITF, per 41ln. — _ Os. 7Jd. to 0s. OdHonsEBOUD, por do. — — U u o 0

WBISKEI.DUJILIK, per snllon — ¦ — 20a. Od. Io20s. 0d.COBH, puncheon, — — ]4 0 16 0OLD COBS, gallon, — — 18 u 00 0

F I S H .NEWJOONDLAKD, per cwt. — — 20a. Od. to 21s Od.UERBIKOS, Bound, por barrel- — 00 0 00 0SALMON, por lb. — — s> o O f tPKAL, per do. — _ 0 0 0 0SOLE, per do. — — 1 2 ' 1 3TORBOT, iwr do — i n i i

0s. Od. to 0a. Od12 0 14 O4 0 0 08 0 10 0,8 6 0 04 0 4 0

FOWL AND "EGGSCHICKBHS, per pair — —" Os. Od. to 0a OdTurkeys, per pair — — ]2 0 14 ODOCKS, per pair — — 4 0 0 0GEESE, perpair — — 8 0 10 0Eoos, per ISO ¦ — — 8 6 0 0 'FOWL, per pair — — 4 0 4 0

SOAP AND CANDLES.WHITE , per cwt. — — 20s. Od to 21s. OdBROWB, per do. — — 20 0 2) 0MOULD, per dozen lba. — — 5 0 tj 0Dtir, per do. — — 5 3 5 ;)

WOOL AND HIDES.HoaoitT WOOL — — ¦ Is. 0<l. to Os.01.WiTHKit & EWE — — 0 10 0 0SKIK WOOL — — 0 C 0 0H IDES, per cwt. — — 30 0 0 0K IPS, per cut. — — 28 0 0 0CALF, per dozen — — 26 0 0 «

TIMBEE.EKD PIKE per ton, — - 6Js. Od. to 723. OdYELLOW PIM* per do. — — 66 0 70 <iSTAVES, por 1000 — — 60 0 70 0LATIIS, per do. — ' — 12 0 13 0

C O A L S .COALS, per ton — — ' 14s. Od to 15s. OdCOKE, per do. — — 13 0 00 0

FODDEE AND GEEEN CEOPS.HAT, per ton (old) — — 70s. Od. to 80*. Od• Do. (new) — — 45 0 65 0STOAW, wheaten, per do. — — 21 0 24 0¦Do., oaten, i>erdo. — — 20 0 23 0TmuriFS, perdo. ' — — • 20 0 22 0MASOOLDS, per do. — ' — 21- 0 22-0CABBOTS, per do, — — 30 0' 35/ 0

WATEBFOED BUTTEE • MARKET;Number of f irkins weighed at the Public Butter Market. : for week ending Friday (thti day) and prices.•Saturday, — 11 — 150s. Od. to 160s. Od.Monday, .— 0 — 00». Od. .to 00». Od.

• Tuesday, ¦. — 0 — 00s. Od. to OOs. Od.Wodneiday— 0 — 00B. Od. to OUfi Od.Tudnday, — ¦ 5 ¦ . — 150s. Od. to 100s. Od.Friday, — 0 , . — . ,00s. Od. "to 00a. Od.

• No. of FliMns corresponding week last year............. 27Price per cwt ¦. ISOs, . Od. to . 160s. Od.

Announcevur.Uc/Birihs,itarria} u,aniDtalhM ,m>tribe t>re.paid'

. -.'

. ' ¦'¦:¦¦ ' ¦ i ¦. '<" . B I'55 'vH :S


On 3nl inst., at St. Joseph, Trinidad, the wife of ArthurWoodtook, M:D.. Gorenuneat Medical Onlcer. of a non.' Febraary 1, at West Lodge, Dorchester, th« residence ofher- tatter. General AitelT, the; wife of CaptauTHrBury.FalUser, E.N., prematurely, ol a son, sUUbotn;,-: ,3 _

,31 A E E/.I'A' '& E S .- • , Iw0?th8 ?\ to!f" 5* **£*£%*'" a***/ GeorM's-street;Waterford,' br the Eer. H^.Cutlar, C.C, asglated iy the B*T 'Pi 8heehan 0;0.. andrthe -Bev. M;Keating.-JSn"' fitSpherlJo»eph,.teld««t sou of WflJianV'-McGrane. Em MontiWer Hill; Dublin!-to Katliletoi Hary Joseph, .youn«Saarightet of Owen Power, 'Esql.'-Oeorge-iMtreet,- Waterford.'; Pebrnarr &d. (by'pemtaSonU.'nt'the Charoh¦ of • tho¦Dominican Fathers, ••Waterford/ by the Very-Eev J A ?Wheeler, O.P.. assist*d; by| tho' BBT. D»T;d fiearna'C (T'All Saint*'; KUniacthbiniu, John X.. Walah, L.B.C.8 I. 4c..'_KilmacthomM, to Llzxie Mary Frances, only child ol FnncUHuleahj: Dnrrow Home. Stmabally, «iid gronddAaghtar otthe late FmncU Boberts MalcahyTNeVldinj dad Bommoro; coTipperarr. , - -* .. ';i 1 1 '''.'febroarrSth. iin 8t: Mary's Church; Ballygnniier,- Water-';forf , bTlthe E«». B/ Mc.gfio»,'<J.a; os»lsteal

Dy tfie Bev. W.:ir .Lu. no li in ill iii ¦ t ft II . i ri T , • ¦ • ?_«. _.* . . .

'of Mrl' trickySuvw/OVnnsIeterrr; Bridget'Kjw.-'eldert'daughter of Mr: Wm.'MfagherjTmllaghaLoo.'nppenrr.' : :

On the 4th int., (bjrsveeul permisclon) at Knoop «o'Waterford, by lbs Eer. E/0IDonnenl 'P.P.,^nain'to thebride,' Jamet -J. : Keane,. Bj., Hi:'M.;»ua4n*.- B«T«nneDepartment, Pnnon, Loncaahlre, to Alice, fooHh.daughter!'of- fThoma» Power,"Esq., 8fc -teger Place,,,TramoteT.andIQuayi Wa'terford;'-"'• • • - • ¦ ' ' •••'••- - I ... 1:- • ¦ „. .¦ . , ¦- ,: •;>.;.'. .1:..janaary j 27wl atChAriorillir, Patrick, »ouot Mr. ThomasPoiivyr,- Short Cooxve, ' Waterfo>d..to Ejt«, daagtitecot 'Jan ¦6'Sbangknesay, cattle exporter. Cbarlerflle. '., " ¦ .¦• •.u-. -. 1-" January SStti, at EiUturty-. FethardJ Tipparorr, by th« EivW. B. O'Doanell, brother ot r the*br)degrooni;Uiah uL eldestaon of Pierce O'DonneU, SeaUn, to Marie Jonphine, aeoond,'<3aoghter«t JobtHhee. Banihtown House; time ooontV^V 1A?the Churehof Bt Mary-.,'Iriihtownji iTrSiflth*29th Janoar/,' by tteBevl B. P. WalshJ Pi*.-, a«ris»edbrOtov;C.-J:'Pl»vln>;Ad /;iE«

V; P^


jwn^ii4a««T.P, T&S3,

Major J. n. IJoydfSlA.. to Maria 8ls.y),eJdt!«taaWhtor o!•'Decemb*'lOtK''at' taytran^CUU^^^PiryiT. »i»ROD of tha late J. B, Terrier, J.P.V'CoJk/ ito«Mary'Lmbeldaagbterof Capita Woolwnrd. BJJijiBOatnainptonl^i,'¦At 8t.'Hary"s'CathedrairEnii&c«r»hy,.JJ'otiB't3flihaa;'-b

January 88, atthe Cathedral, Barrbnstrand trtet. Waterford, by the$«n.B. Power, Mr. Edmond'Xenny, KinB>Z<u£-racS;*O-jairir.yonnge.t oaagWer'oe Mr;]S5e CoSra?5

\ 'UaOU: V/.;l B;-E'A TiiH.S « ;.(:r A7r ; i ; !•'cySri'inatiji hto'reaMenceJlifonntPlta^

TMe^diMeiuiedgefaUaOon waa, thro%h UfeT, -reoarkBbfcTfcr a

2 Mat^Mand biWnbUion oUUe; eWe^ ST^rrt'fcithefaaWmnK.tt adUnaMn \einaih,\Q tmStm*'>»rg>.jind WiWsseotaBIe;.' Mr.'»;<BVBcottil 235fhetniiiiraiarraaiOTenaL1"' ¦",;".",'> 1iv> i|--:<'i' .v'jU.iW..-i,,Y7"r

rfTftbVinutyi/«t .tTmiatt-Areet,I afbw*t*&nalitneW,ioTtt-'fled by the ritea Of the Church, Joho.Hkh«r.£acMhrar on•ybaiit^on of'.11« lat. Banri Vt^T&^^ if hisffibW rtl^SBUrnDraK1' '. ^ ^Solffraft' ntyli'*Mnn- uid*Offloo otLrJoiut'i Chitttf? 4<?*•

CaSfiwlCoii thl [d Tito * «*ur-'w*«j*mdve5roSrbnS';r^BSch^W«o^n «aa5UdV!S£5ay 26woi'Colooal 8lr John EkmoBd«,'Swt; HP./ot BtHynattnsh; cd

•U4?1S?D*»aSb Joir^CorriiiD Bart, M'DT'P ISSJ^::<MUnarr.:io!'t]k* tjneeo in,Ir»Jwi4.. aD.d',to«<K£ fMths dtr-XKjmm i$0Knpff %-fsr ,yK- oiiMij.'<ij moi'l ' i t '

i ^W-^ li-T?or r < T «bm.Pi^ v 20{.


BUTTER.—Tho .supply of Now is coming but slowly.An average amount is not expected for aomo wcoks.A hieh fignro is paid for what in prime ; the latestbomg from 140a. to IGOs. por cwt.BACON.—Messrs. Matturson , Glon Works, quotobest Waterford Bacon at GG.i. f.o.b., and other aortRfrom Ws. to 01.1. Ilambro' in largo supply nt from5§B.-to o2a. per ditto. 200 pigs at last market, andprcaont price .i3.s. per cwt.FODDER .—Tho supply this wcuk was unnsaallylorgo for this advanced period of tho season, and owingto that fact , coupled with tho mildness of tho weather,prices aro no6 as high as recently. Eicepting a few

cases of-best quality Hay does not oxcoedTOs. por tba.Some of a particularly good kind brought 5s. a tonmore, but tho. averago prico was that quoted. Tholowest rates were 40s. to 45s. per- ditto. WhcfctonStraw sells woll up to 24s. a ton, and Oaton at from 20a.to 22s. per ditto, which were tho rates yesterday. Car-rots ore very scarce, and aro in demimd. Thoy readilybrought from 35s. to 40s. a ton both on Saturday andon Wednesday. Turnips aro in equal demand at 2^n.,and Mangolds at from 20s. to 21s. por ditto.

POTATOES.—Considering tho ravages mado in thocrop while growing, it is remarkable how tho snpplyto oar market keeps np. Both days thoro was a largoquantity to hand, and the prico was 7d. per stone,wholcsulo.

COAL.—Thero is not much discharging at the qoaj-sat present, but in consequenco of the mild weatherwith which wo aro favored, prices have not odvancodfrom 14s. a ton fx.ehip, and 15s. to 15s. Cd. per ditto, byretail.

SALMON .—Tho Salman season opened on Monday,with a longer supply than usual at tho commencementof tho market. On Monday tho price was 2B. per lb. ;on Tuesday Is. lid. ; Wednesday, 2s. 3{d. ; yesterday,Is. lljd., and to day 2s. per lb.

TIPPEKARY BUTTER MARKET—THIS DAY.—100firkina in market. Good Ordinary, 78s. to80s. , Medium,74s. to76s. ; Inferior, 63s. to G5s. per firkin of 3 qrs.,15 lbs. tare. Thoreisnot much business doing at pre-sent. Tho market was dull thronxhout tho week.


Bank of Ireland 300iProvincial Bank .. ... ... 07}National.Bank ... ... ... 59}Hibernian Bank ... ... ... 45fMnnster Bank ... ... ... 75

i KAILWATS.Great Sonthern i Western .. ... 115JMidland Great Western ... ... 91Dublin; Wicklovr, and "Wcrford ... 00iWaterford and Control Ireland ... —Watorford and Limerick ... ... 37JGroat Northorn Railway ... ... 125J

uiscEti ysons.Wsterford Bridge Debentures... ... 190Irish Civil Servico Building Society ... 441

T. S. HARVEY & SON, Stockbrokers,Watorford

MOON'S CHANGES.Last Quarter Tuesday, Feb. 3 3.43 p.mNew Moon Tuesday, ,, 10 11.22 a.mVirat Quarter Wednesday, „ 18 3.51 ».mFull Moon..: . Thursday, ,, 2G 1.27 ajn.

€k Watdoxh fete" BE JUST, AND FEAK NOT.




A Daily News Lahore telegram' says KwajahJail and five leading Kohitan. chiefs have col-lected a force for the purpose, of. opposing Sbab-baz Khan,- the British nominee for the Gover-norship. Ayoub Khan and his supporters haveresolved to oppose an English or a Persianentrance into Herat. - .- • ¦ . .

A Times Candahar telegram says the attemptat- a gathering among the Southern Ghilzais hasbroken up. Terrible accounts reach Candahar.Some 2,000 families are reported to have beennearly exterminated by Ghilzais,' seven of whosevillages were afterwards captured by Hazaras, andevery living being slain.


The speech prepared for her Majesty to de-livwjyesterday, from the Thronei pn tbeopepiDgof Parliament, was of the usual rapid,, meaning-less description which generally, characterizessuch documents. The state . of affairs inAfghanistan, we are told; is so unsettled as torender .the . recall of the troops " impossible,"but in the Cape Colony, we are assured, every-thing is so satisfactory, " that the blessing ofself-government may shortly be extended there.''Ttic fvllnaio.no to* Ireland, in' her 'present deepdistress, are so heartless, fake, and incompre-hensible, as to be nothing short of insult tocommon sense. " An agricultural commissionis enquiring into tbe depression through tbe

. united Kingdom, but, in the " meantime,a deficiency, in the usual crops in same partt ojIreland has rendered necessary special precaution!on- the part of my Government to guard againstthe calamities . with which . those distrjeta werethreatened.- With this view they have called upon'the authorities charged with the duty of «/lm;njn_taring relief to make''ample preparation for tbedistribution of food and fuel, should such a step.become necessary, . and they have also atimulaUd.th^e'mploymcBt r of labour by advanceiori.- ttrnis• more; liberal than .those prescribed1 by the: existinglaw.' A propoBaTwill be'. . submifted;tp. jrotr-forproviding the funds' required, for these exceptional

advances'on! the security: of the .property adminis-tered by the Church.Temporalities"Commisaioners.'THE PABNBLIi EEACTION INT THE-TINITED

8TATEi:-^ONl>EMNATIOtf BY THE EN-TIBE -P^ESS.; . "¦'-:.•;;'•;. :

; Tiie:T1elw.a-frbm eW;York fd;'Sh adelphia of

Weaueacl»y how ,ffiat"th*ayari6i6us and selfish¦conduct-exhibite.d' by.Mf. PABNELL has evokeda siiiong'feeliiig

^of hostility.tpWiar s iTa,' and it

is well if he 'dois' nof'su'ece d;'in drying thefountains of charity, in~that cojintry. .Meaars,r cel/'MorganjSi.Co.; who.have teea fprward.'

i . t a Parhell^monej;. to Irelapct, Kuvje declined, .to^ave anyihing.m,dfe to do with.that'land.—iTJ}e. :entjjre,A.uierican Pxess', censure Mm iii: un-sparing terms. The -New York IVtouiw says that,.fft^WS8 th«?fwSPealu' arewncerned tlielTiait hasbe a a dead failure.' Tho New xorlc WcrlS'eflhi'hisreference fb tBethiciiesa o£ Marlboroogha violationof. public?'.decen' y, and his assaults;on.iheHaneion

. HooWCipminittee uifodnded and'sSofflitea iifheW<to3PWfc'Km«» ys that hia'confcd; is »£ unlikelyto sendanumberfof tis'countrj'men to »n untimely.grave. ¦ ,The 8t. Loui *, Qlobe,. a.Democratic, paper,:,pr6nejukcepa' the,'attack 'on ' ne;.Dricheesiol 'N&tl-.borc h""a shameleaaabu6«(rtfrse 8pee |i,'and sayathat the; only.way. to teach d^M oy. 'such men isto-Ipeltithem witheggs.'. ;2te;ft>$SpKp oft calls thoattack au unworthy, unmanly act, and thinks that.the sooner Mr. FarneU 'turns faoio .the better* . 'The'Pfovidence iVeM'says.tho. attack'shows Mr.'TarneUIto .bojgnbrahtof istory as well as

of good manner*..:Mr.I Parnell,.hayitig; addressed -a; warning against' the . Mansion. House. Fnnd to,tie trash. Sjbliet Fund¦Committee ia,t,Baltimore,.1the .'chairman.bf. the or-

• •gjmlBatioB-.XcplicR io a.xurt,pbuited n<j6e, that tbocommittee intraat^d.Trith-the.fandsia jJpocbArgedr v5i(^ h^Wipr6peri:dirtribuyonjrand hosjnado ar-

jgtt^meijwf;dp<!wt'purpj(»e;-i.- .:v/ ,:, -. • ,.•¦ ,•!,. ; . . ¦

t,;jAhB';Ainenc iWbacr\ptionlB now Bruountto OTCTmmk i^ ims^'-- ".Tfirf »S-'X Wt i jsBe., raw has opened, 't BubscflptioD,' h'eadffitf '.tny> rJistidaf ot&Qfioof c :,,, .-I' ii 'vi^a- Hh, -i\"j £~f r ~:;HliJ hoJgjiwHfr.i l ! 1 I 1 -~<-'r

M i - tS.'.'•lS??^ t?t *i?' *"¦> ' W"'?:«i>te.i%to'-an.f a v Sf i S i'iJjtiaJL 'a/t! itie'iortBpftmjaag ui trng ;'af : tiio'•twfeholcfers ¦in this Gompifiyii to ieiiddaktha3OT n(|JJin;itto;tea^oftf :'th^ thfa v;'«o¦!© a 7.< lo 'IB.f S 'if ^ M ¦f tff iti pip qnl' adividend of three' per centi jjwp Tr'ji'i1 *H jA' tho'amdendsof 5J ana-fonrpercfebti omtibeiPMfe.! °*St^kffoi'thWhaU

year ending the Slrt

of¦Secj Stb ir1.:'. ( k; trance p1>«4,600i8*carriea for.:watd<'to tlio current Kalif $&!f !^Wi&im;hiUf jrearx>f im (correspoading With the above)ft&!$en£''(*'# P.w*6 ottithe.<)tdiha*T;stook,we re em r;ihe. taepr^^ii



Page 3: 1pm WCTERFeRD CHROM^^i^jj g^rER ACVER^PrrlNCORPORA …snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · 1 'itnanmoiATE PASSAOB; inoloding Boda, isddiaK', • andaU neoemsry



L'OC 'A L I T E i t S. WATXRFOBD FBBBOAET FAXB.—At this fair, on"Monday, there WBB a good supply, but demand wai

^dnll.ichicfly becauso of- Blackness at the other side iThere was one exception, and that was, with rr>

. spect to beef, which was scant to hand, and ihadvanced - prico, as compared with previous fairs.¦Bqst beef averaged 68s. per, ¦¦**., and inferior kindswore 8B. a cwt under. M ,tton brought 8d per.lb., but was not much stl *ht for. Miloh cowsbrought £13 j two years' oldVrom jeiO to .£12. andofer one year old, £7 to £3. CVTM .were in reou est

.it from'60s., to 80s. ieach, ac'coroSte to qualify. A

. small supply of.pigs; none of baco\ qua ty. Bon-fhams in fair demand at from 80s. to 4v/e.,'and yonngpigs 25s. each; The weather during the fair was'dart and misty, but afterwards it improved.a • LAW EXAMINATIONS.—Richard E. Cherry, Esq.- B.A., T.C.D., son of E. W. Cherry, Esq., solicitor,William-street, haa received a first rank scholar-ship/ . 50 guineas, in the International Law, Ex-amination,- held recently in. the Middle Temple,London. - ..• -• ¦ . ;, . •OT-On Tuesday night, Mr. W. Mortimer and Mr.

E. Hogan were entertained to supper at; the Water-ford . Arms' Hotel; previous to their departure for.

"America, by their friends in tho establishment of: Robert Locko- 4 Coi, Quay. Both young gentlemen'lived for a considerable time with the above firm,, and carry with them their best wishes for successin the land of their adoption. .. ' • ¦. - . ¦

:• • . J8T We understand tho Captains of the Water-ford Steamship Company, and the numerous friends

i of'-Mr. Peter Byrne, in this city, are about to pre-sent ''him with a. testimonial, on his retiring fromthat-company, as a mark of tho esteem in which;they held him. ¦ ' ,

* -• ' 'A C 1 V\ ^^» ^B» fT^t** —. J — - . * *_ *_1 fc **__ fc*.^aoay uaoB.—uu A uurau&y morning, a poor womannamed Mary Whelan, 64 yeara of age, died at Morris-ton B Boad, where sho lived, from neglect on the part ofherself and her husband, added tp by the prevailingwant of employment. Tho husband has » hoiao anacart which ho hires out ; but that week he earned onlyla.' 6d., and tho wook before half-a-orown. Two daysbefore the death, Whelan was out looking for work ;hot so "neglectful was ho of his plain duty, that henever made any application to tho reliqving officer, prieator doctor. Tho condition of the woman was firstascertained by tho agent of tho property, when he calledfor the rent ; ho reported to the owner, and she toDr. Whitty", one of, the city dispensary doctors, whoattended at once, as did also the Bev. Mr. Walsh. C.C.,tho moment ho .was mado .icrare of the case, and ad-ministered the last ritos of IKo Chuxoh. For the firsttime (t was now that tho relic ying-offi por was madeawareof tho case,' but all wasu&el lea ; the woman was too fargone, and death was tho rei utt. Tho husband says hedid not think his wife was t b bad; ho was not aware shohad no food in tho houso, a id he left it to herself to seekrelief.. The sad ovont was'clearly tho issne of neglcoton the cart of deceased ibd her husband, for, withnatural care, so one ran dii \>f starvation in this city.' A DASTARDLY A6SAULT.—on Monday morning, atthe poliee office, Aid. P. A. Powor and Mr.-Slatterjpresiding, a man namod fatrick Walah, apparently alabourer, was brought upj charged by private PatrickMaun, of , the 15th Infanti-j detachment stationed hero,with' assaulting him on Saturday night . It appearedthat' oomplainent was pat sing down Alezander-Btreet,whon. Walsh, without air. reason whatever, camenp to him, and gavo him i 'kick in the abdomen, whiohleft him insensible on thb ground. Tho act was seesby iv person who was pspaing, who called the polioe,and Walsh was almost immediately arrested by Acting-constable Booney, the in fared man being token .to thebarrack hospital. The sole Idefonoe put ih was drunken-ness, but their worships \very justly describing theassanlt' as a bmtal one, unhesitatingly committed thoprisoner for a month. ¦

LEOAI. NIWS—Ott Mc iday last,' the Master of theBolts,in Chamber, heard! 10 caso of the Must * Fogartyv. Joseph W. Howard , To' n Clerk, whioh was an actionagainst the latter, chargii [g him with having affixed theCorporate Seal to a docu pent which the ladies avsrroddeprived them of their rif its to certain houso propertyin tills city. The ladies a )f eared in .person to Bustaintheir fllium. hnfc tjin Afiu Tj\v r\f tha H/%lla immnriiatAtanon-suited them with a Its. The case of Jamzs T.Ry an, ex-High Sheriff, agt&nat Joseph Fisher, 'for libel,will be tried at Kilkenny hssizes, Mr. J. W. Howard,solicitor, for plaintiff; jvessrs Nunn and Delandre fordefendant . The action lor slander, by, B. S. Ryan,Superintendent of Corp- rato, Works, v. llr. N. if..Allen, T.C. is sot down or hearing at Clonmel. llr.Isaao Thornton, solicitor for Mr". Byan, has retainedas.hia counsel, Messrs H imphill, Q.C. ; Puroell, Q.C., 'and John Gibson. . JJIesaxs' Nunn & Delandro,solicitors; for defendant. .",!_ ...

DEATH or MR. BOBK IT LAI-TAN. QUAY.—The sodand startling intelligent** iros heard throughout the cityyesterday morning, with he most painful omotiona, ofthe sudden death on the jlrevions night, of Mr. BobertLaffan, the. weH-known chair-dresser and perfumer ofthis city. Mr. Laffan, it Kppcare, had been in the enjoy-mont ofjhis nsoal oicelle it health up to the time of hisregular hour for retireo ent, between ten and eleveno'clock, but at a little litor the latter-hoar, as hissister was passing his do r, sho beard an annsnal noise,and on entering his rooi , sho found life fast passingaway, and in a few mir itea, before any aid oonldbeprocured, he was dead. Mr. Laffan through his longlife, was courteous and obliging: to all, meriting thohighest regard, and fron: the regularity of his life, and.tho means that he took t) preservothe admirable healthhe, always 'enjoyed, tha Isuddenness of his death washeard with profound ast taishment, showing, in stronglight, the uncertainty of f i l e and the certainty of death.The deceased was, m filet, an institution of the city,'and. bis .'sudden demise I will belong regretted by thevery many who knew llm in life, and wish now, his¦oul etomol repose.: - Di kth was- caused by effusion ofblood on the brain. S ¦ . . . • .-.c t - ¦

WATIRFORI) POSTA ,. AND TBLEORAPH LTTEEARTASBOCIATIOK .—The se »nd annual meetani;"of thishighly commendable .sisociation was held in tho read-ing-room on Thursday, E.W. Carette, Esq. ovx eificiont,c«urteous. post-master, president, ocenpying the ohair.From tho statement of Accounts read by the honorarysecretary, it appeared'that the receipts for the twelve

( months ending 2-lth Ja Vu&ry, 1880, including £lt9» Id' handed over by tho pnjviou* Beoretary (Mr. MoDonald)amounted to'.X29 la l'U. The expenditure during the¦'sime'.peripd was X21. Lla 6d.t whioh leaves a balanoo

;. to We oredit of the aiaociation ,'of 7 10s 5d. . Ou the' 'motion 'of Mr. Hand (the superintendent , s'eopnded by

Mr. Newenham,. tho xlportwua adopted. The meetingthen appointed Moss be. K. Newenham, W. Somers,

.- J. rMoKeon, and P.'|Muloahy,"as theiiommitteo for. .tha'.oarraot -year; fft. 'Wi Fahay as honorary «efcr«-. ' tary.and izeasurer; ifessrs.J; Brovrn and P. Jtf.-Qilli-. 'gan, auditor , and.Mii John. Hayes, iibrarian..,OfficerB"elected retornod, tha ika, and the.chauman expiPAseduthe'*«iEcet plpasure he . felt at the progreiw of tho•"M«ob!atjbri. ?p»nks were voted to Mr; Somerii;-theJ wHHnjfihbnbrary' '« iretary, arid duly acknowledged.-iThbmetnbertth.tm.ot motion Of Mr. M'Keon, seoonded- b y Mr.ASomers, '«eii 5cd"a'"8pecially 'warm' Vote -<of.. gr*titad» to Mi. C&r tU for the- deep interest he took• m the well-being of be Msociation, to which, deserved..,compl\monf Jie fiifi ply • responded,.and .the proceed-¦ings .ended. . . . - . . -. . :' ,' ." . '

* , ': , . , : ' '¦, .,,. .: .. r - . ¦' •-The Very fine Bonare-Tigged ship,ih -the lasVpiuchi eof

our worthy

w-citiieTisiJwe Messrs' Cox, Bros,tossage from: tha'Downs to Nowiron, in twehty-fou'r days.' -This

lasaage for & siUlUig>essel»t;atayint'for a'-mi6Vi»inter:Voyage-it istake" in a cargo of grain' at ;Kew;y»n, Maydr of Waterford. :.'."" 'N.-l*The Mcs»r8'Whitie,'"Bro8.it ofported thafoUowinieargoes of oatss«nzance,860'brUloata ;'Naptha|eioats and'860 brlii maize ; ChaSe}ts ; John Crosbie,1 510 b'rls.'maiiaHorald, TrurO,: 730 brls.'.'oats i

Uo,'2 ,500 brU- oits.- Aid*• P. A;ipotchedfo JanraTy tho Triumph,and ISO brls-maue.'' W« noticeizo.from Watsrford.'is now of.fre-

.. A FAST PASSAOE.. Oeraldiu«, Capt Wa- and edterprisiBg felV- .—his jost made her

f v Tork,: - witii' r&ilroac ' "WonlQboa fplendid

season of the Tear,'wonderful; She wilYorkforAld.L;A: l

1 EXTOBT8 or GEAtbisoity.have justeanoVmaize:—AlphasPlymouth, 230lbrlsJersey, 860 brls. oind 470 brls.:oat«Hertford, L» BochPower, JS.i ha» d>with. C27 brlfl. of-oolthat tb» export of m

.>qu«ot qoourrenee.-', iigh^Mr. A. W. C1i r;B»a cily,'.h»ve s'u<„ examlnmtion of the

. ¦;. .. -. i-ij :¦¦ •¦•ui > :<u '. > • •. ¦¦;-;•;;.¦

¦• -. ;

u.iOBK<S«. —Mr.'.WUliam-A. Ar-mpettiandMr.-JB'.'.Clampett. aUoEossfully passed,thel-HUarv. Tendsonior freshman,'year in Trinity¦ - •¦ ,' ., .¦!•

¦•:..• - ,' ¦: 'j.TS:'i a • :'• ¦:..• •.' irCoUege,'; .;, - -. : .. ¦.•SROBTIJ'O.—A r co for aibet of fire SOVB., - each,

!robally course; Tramoro on Fri-weathor. Itwus' good nni-sn^

f.- Veale'i 8ecrot)" beating M». TiJnkide; Mr.-> J.: Kennedy1

* Violet,drain; and Mr. Cloary'i Bride... > :ILBA.—At:.the sale:of:¦¦ stock.IJatJof tho .represejrUtivei\of the late

[;, sorna. of the miloh cows brdnghtwent ab from 1 8 to £10; -Thereloo, and the sal* 'was conducted /byh and. 8on, '.of Uiis cuv,' with thatinTnriabij.markingi their prooeed-¦•. ••. :: :."*ii»-m>rt ti-U .oi-'sf ii i ini i l i f ' iioorgaaVatert^BBCI, <J.O.,cnr.re-•t Judge/ehtartaiaed'thaiWsterford, Booklinds, Ferrjb*nk, on IRittri-

:.was run over the-day; tmdor very ba

rwas won by:Mr. -rWidger'B Miokr.Mi> Mr. MeOuire's Mer.. SALE AT CASB• Carrigloa, on beha-£.Q.H. OdeU,!£,-,£lh, and -jearlin^..was. »Jarge aitencb. the Messrs. ,TiWa' -.genefcal satisfftctkt


¦ .iflDga»>:...7 :" >: ".!r-! -KO8PrrjLWTTvr-

<..'.4p«ote<lConntj'0, . iBex at hir resident¦.i 'j i sfaveninf.-;. .I TCl J.lVTATSBrOBDi.Fi

ranged to hold a :.-, M»robt;.¦,'. = •;•'.¦, Krj :,The,dAsputo-, rel.j jung-


'• '• • h<Ut "!. 'f >i •¦ltt i".ijf>3lu»; li"iil iBJtiaa' Otrxfl.—Thiaclnbhave »r-looting in Carriok, ou-UMi25thidf-: .-.-i.- i - iV-' ha^'iJil1- --'

.^Jive .to, tip CJeaiy?#ja!iEWde,,wW-,S»o», . ^ reMn jTiiiiowiiriiohleweq.pi ,the.: i .es..wng ,Ww.'.'.who.ran •aoond/with,<Mftnll»J >YJ :w.^"|U*kmM9t4fa 3«ngal$e late Iltjtopfm9.pl 3 Wateaop i.

dge[l«wepn), toiboetjrsjiftvad^

ofabuc^W<?rk^^apartineatn nd1hii• . ific^ f 'jCommandir-

Bog, ntpwDr, fm &%Pp «&&

"jnajBrljjrPende, .) -•Lieulcaint-Cploi.;f gW Corps,Lso»^-and nophaw ,ot'1 J'

,.<h!»: jdatuis: is.' tho,;Ji'w&ow'WPWPd, la hief in, India. tirJ \JJir^:.PST, .p.ooj

demnoa of not letX waBon of not let fing, ;WEn)pnfly for U»i?> Jwok;1j nadfr.g.porf Cent p £iinnnm.ii-;- ri'%F »T aaiv \} 1\. ¦' ¦ j .'

tOSrim iliii t ow h iAawkr iOf iW^ i[.,.-<wt,i»ifflf which bas been received from! Australia,

ti'Biihopbl Witerl M b»B«aitWa?6 6fwtB|»l«t|*H:.¦". ?iU : J-3 \f . ^(n.: t i - ;v:.i .sun w.t«f<**,«nd»ebir5»if?lfl»i

V> ii 'K^lotbVMtit ij )iMi»iin<ii»iilinijinicTntnitJltiln-^

'- r B itinp@|':M*B»i|T.H«o4!n*«»'|! *< -«wBii ^ ^ ijj»ig*«- , ,&jfcfafaL*> ih«<4*& iotihd g«iiJMWII ortmprMl^>lw Mm-

v.¦;,¦;¦:. fflttMl»Sw H 5«*«f^ »^OTgS**«. . .. jodej»mialn«iJ)«D iatroa»ptawwi> ti?3«ileIi.i-lXk*i*l 1



On Tuesday the interment of this muoh lamentednobleman took place in the family vault at Fiddowncemetery. The attendance''was about the largestpresent at any funeral in this locality for manyyears. Personal friends of the deceased, belongingto every class in life, attended; even from Kilkennyand Carlow numbers of his tenants came to Piltown,which testified how universally the late Earl wasesteemed. ' > - ¦ ¦ ¦ • : .

Some minutes 'after twelve o'clock, tho funeralprocession was seen wedding its way down the beau-tiful lawn'of Bessborough Park. First came'the ser-vants and labourers connected with the houiieholdand estate, numbering about 200;'each wearing aband of erape on the left arm. ¦ Hundreds of the te-nantry then came, their downcast looks showinghow keenly they felt tho loss of their beloved lord.The police from Piltown, Kilmacow, Fiddownand Mullinavat; under the command of" Sub-Inspec-tor DunsterviUe, followed/'- The remains came nexton a flat carriage hearse.drawn by two horecB coveredwith black cloth palls.; ;Oneither aide of the codn,on which some immortelles had been laid, walkedMessrs. J. Laidley. 'C. Hill, A. Bond; W. Beid, M.Beid, '•' J. Daniel, J.: Collettli and B. Blackmpre.Immediately behind followed Mr.'J.: Bicha'rdson,P.L.G., sub-agent on the property. Then came thefamily mourning coacb, containing the chief- mour-ners, all brothers of the deceased—the Hon. Frede-rick- Ponsonby, Earl of* Bessborough, Hon. SpencerPonsonby, and the Hon. 'Gerald PoUsonby. Thecarnages of ' the Marquis of TVaterford. EdmonaCount 'de hi Poer, and several of the nobility andgentry 'of tbe_ sarrouhding country, followecl,' thewhole procession' being about one and a half mileslong. ¦' . " '¦. ¦¦ ' n ¦ . '•• • '. "¦ • ' : '

j' The remains of the deceased were enclosed in asuite of coffins.—cedar, lead imd'oik—-the outer one,which, w&a made til •wood grown on the estate, hadvery ' eimplo mountingn, and the inscription-platebore the following : : ' } ¦ ¦¦ . '¦ ' ' '

JOHN GKOtoE BBABAION PONSONBT, ; ;'• 5th'Earl of Bessborough,' ' " ' . '¦ ¦

Born-4th October,'" 1809. ' ': ' •' ¦ : Died-28th January,' 1880. ' • • ••- -.: -.. . ': •- . . ¦ i Aged 70 Years. ¦•: ;¦ • - . - i - . : |Some time before the- arrival of the funeral pro-

cession at the graveyiirdj the Countess : of Bess-borough and'the Countess of Kerry, the' deceasedlord's 'sister, arrived at.the. church attired in verydeep' mourning. The'boffin was met at' tne 'dooV ofthe church by:the Bev. J. Lyons, A.M-., rector) ofFiddown, and the Bev. F. Dean;>A.M.', curate ' Thelatter read the opening passages of the burial ser-vice,' and the rest of the service was read by theRev. J. Lyons, A.M., who; delivered an address inwhich he commented »t length on the sad death ofthe late Earl of Bessborough.- Ho said the deceasedbad always the wants of the tenantry at heart, andif tho estates were' but'looked at, there could beseen the monuments of his goodness, tbe> comfort-able dwellings bf the poor-tbat sprung'up underhis protecting hand.'.. The'coffin was then loweredinto the 'grave, the/burial ,service finished, 'and thecrowd began «to disperoe; 'a, feeling 'of the. utmostsadness prevailing ftyer oll 'who had'witnessed thelast ' riles performed, at j the . 'grave of one whowas universally loved aiid revered.

Amongst those present, or,'whose carriages attended,were s The-'Marquls of;Waterford, Mr: Watsou,' Car-low, and Wray B; Palliser, Annestown, Tramore,' fromCurraghmore; Lord A.' Butler,'D.L.i'Kilkenny Castle ;Edmond Coant da la Poer^ Qurteen-la-Poer; Sir JamesLaogrishej D.L., Lady Margaret Charteris, YiscoontessClifton, Mr. H. ' Jf.. Briaooe, J.P., . Tinvano ; , JfajorHntohinaon, Mr. H.. Hnthinaon,. Cahir ; Mr. W. ,J.Hamilton, Fiddown ;'BevLCanon , Boll, Carriok*; Bev.E. Bidgoway, Aid. p. A. Power, J.P., "Waterford ; Mr.Thomas'; P. Strange, sou-;',' Aid. St. G. Freeman',' J .P.,Aid. Bedmond, Mr. E.' Jacob, Mr. T. B. White, Mr. H.B. Sargent, Waterford ;: Mr> J. C. Elliott, J.P.j Bath-MrbyjMr. F. Jacob, an* Mr. B. Morruiy, T.C.,Waterford ; Messrs. Andendn, Prospect;. Bev. WCn.rleton,,Qallan ; Gapt. Briaooe, Clonounny ;¦ MajorNeville, Mr. B. Q'Donnell, J.P.i.CamokTcapt. VT. dela Poer, Mr. JReade, Eoaenarra'; Capt Slaoke, VeryBev. Dr. Fitzgerald,.P..P., Cairick "; Mr. Lalor, D.L.,Cregg House; Mr. Harvey 'do Montmorency,' Castle-morres ;'V4ry Bev'.'Canon Bnrke;and Mr."H.'Borke,Kilmeadon y J: T;; Medlyoott, J.P.V- Bookett's Castle ;Bev. W. Scott, <Bev.-G.;H: Forde,' Very Bev.'CanonNeville, B. MoLoughlinJ SX, Carriole;. Mr. JohnBon,Carlow ; Mr. W. Maloomson and Mr. Malcomson, jnh.,Milfort ; Dra. Martin, Capt, Qandy, J.P., Old Court ;F. G. Bloomfield, J.P.. Newpark;.J. Strangman,D.LJ,Ferrybank-House.; A. Stephens, J.P., Dnnoannon ;J. H.Blaokett, J.P., Belline; (agent to the Bessbbroughestates) ; Bev. J. B. Millington.'Bector of Kilronan ;M; Meroer.' Bev. P. 'Noary, P.P., Mooncoiri j T. B.Wilson, J.P., J. H:-Jones, D.L., Mullinabro' ; T.Edmondson,T. Strange,' Aylwardetown ; D. A. Milward¦KP., Tnllogher ; Bev.'O. it' Darby, Gowran ; Messrs.P4'a/e;: MountBichard; George Maloomson. Woodlooh;E»v. P^ Power,; P.P.,- Cappoquin [ D. < K: Commins,Manager National Bank, Carriok; Bev. J; Maher.P.P.,Piltown; 0. Morley, JJPrPortlaw ; J. M:'Bivers,'C»ppo-qnin : H. W. Mulcahy Uynoran ; PliWalsK; J.P.,Fanningstown ; Bev.'W. 'Do' Mostmorenoy, • Caatle-morros ; Dr. O'Byan, Carriok; James Hincks ; Mr.Maude, Gowran s:Bev. J. Shbrtall, C.C., Dr. Peppard,

.CookeBtown House ; J. J. Walshe, Manager ProvincialBonk, Carriok j E;Power, J.P.,Powersooart, Tramore';Mr.Coughlan, South Lodge; E. Brisooe, Harristown ;D. Quintan, BaHrnavia" ; JT. Bowers, Oldcourt'; E.Bowers,' Graiguedvine ; E.' Bowers; Silverspring j Mr.Blaotmoro, Graigu* ;'<H.HVJ Sayers; :Fethard' ; '.W.Bichardson, Mountview.;" B. Stephenson^ Milhnount ;S. Morris and '"B.- Morris/ Corlohan ; W. Harding,Carrick ;H. NoUn,- looal' agent of Carlow estate; M.Nolan, MsUtant' ditto \ 13.., Morris, Fiddown ; M.Fitzgerald, Carrick ; MrJ iCollett, Bessborougli ,• P.

, Stokes,.KilBheelan;- P. Barke,.do. i W . Hearn, Port-law ; George Lane, Castletown-; T. Feehan, do. ; J.Mullins,.' Carriok ;. J". ;Bobbyn, V.S., Watorford; H.Bundle,'do ; J. .Morngsy, do. '; 3'.. Bowers, Mobnooin,and H.TColan, CarioW.' • j " " , "..' ' ' ' '_ ' :.

Thefnneralarrangemonta were excellently carried outby Mr. B. Morrisjey, T.C^TVatertor ,. and tho mourn-ing clothing "used on tlie oocagiou was supplied- fromthe ¦ well-known establishment ¦ bf ' Messrs. P. Tobin'&'¦ Sons,- Quay,' Waterford,'¦' .who 1 were'' long honoredwith 'the late lord's ¦oustom; i l> '¦ ''¦'' r: ¦•'• ¦• -:¦'¦¦¦ 1.. .. .. ....j -i .. THi''BX88ii9E0traH'*AiniY. . -

¦ ¦• The'Ponsonbys deiire'from''w anaiect and noble

family- in PioardyJ'in'Prahoe ijn'd wore'establishectinEngland by me of thb f(jbiripanions in, arms' of "WilliamtbeConuuerot. -'Ataneaxiyperiod.thoy aettlod at Halo.ih.'<3umb<srWd,v whero!'they'as8umed,'-the' n«m«>'ofFoMohby, from 'the ldiusbip"of 'Ponsonby; -"whioh"; itspatriaroh acquired; wi^h bthor cmisiderable'estate*; atthe timebf the Cott oest. 'fDaring the reign'-bf- HenryIHi Halo VaS the property; of Alexahfler de Hale.' Hisdaughters,'Agnec and Constance1,' held it of Thomas' deMnlton/ of GiWandi'iU1 the reign' of Edward I, 'atwhich timrthePonsonbys got Agnes's" part, and in thetiinflof Biobard Uttey beeame'possessod of tho' whole.JohnPonsdab;' of H»-pghfHoale, wai fatheP'of ! Shnoonponioaby' of HaleJ'wlip'hiarriiJdfAnno'EggleafielarofAlveburgH^Hallj- Cnmberlina, fand'. hsd a-sphi BbiiryPonsanbyJ'Whpmferjioa. Dorothy Banayf. ofiEotferidftii,,in Oambarland,1by"tThomfi9.hadt*6son»/botli'oEwhomwere bffleew'ottoghwnkin Orbmwen'sramy', vb.>'John-*n«J ;H«nry^8fr Jbhn'PonsbhKy,1 Knt.J Vas'borfin-•leOS/'- Bid^wM'lil'iolpnel'o f a1 regiment Tof 'lirirMj" in.Cromwell'B army/whi"el<regimenShe raisedfor tBfr 'ser-Wte of 'the ComhWnwSHlhl Brid aobompailied if V>"lfe- ¦1an*'iB l649 '!He becsme!>heriff'bt th'0 .counties °of.Widltfow-Jind KUdifeV'lfiSi-, andtopresented KilkennytothVn>rtPa>liam»Wl»l»Jir;i8»;sohnlinarri«i,'ar|it,jDorotbyJ a»nghte< ;oP Jooii'Brispd.-.Esd.i'bf <!foffon,.Caihb«rIKndl1Andbyhtrhkd.a;soh,-:Joh'n:''He m»rri9d,880ondly;'Eiu»bethra»tifhteT]of Lbrd'-FpTUott, -indwidow of Biohard; «oo widbeirof Sir Edward Wingffeld,and 'to-this Hir 'im •Bnbesttnridf : the-"Earls of Be««|-boroutfh.P. Sir John!di«41u rffre,'itod;w»i(I<u«i<ie«d?ia;by'bis'fildest ionj Si iH«tarj*'IPbn«onbyJ;'Knt.,''»* "S08? ¦deoeaso, in the wdgh'of WUlUniinrwithont issue,"the ,estates devolved upon his brother, Wm; Ponsonby,Esq.',ofi B«ssb6rbugh.i&P;fo* the otfunty Kilkenny,-in the•rWna .otiAnse->«jid:il3*6rsal> >^Tbia gentiemaituwaasworn otT thaPrivy qqoaiSl.'.llif c and elevatad toiheposroge of Irelmid, by, thfttitle. of Lord,Bes*bqrooih.'pouniT,'Kilkenny, IJUi Beptembcr, 1721. ,v .Hisr lordswp <waa'omdtA .Tioptmtof iD'nndjinnon, bounty Wexford,28th>'Feb%r wS.;"He-;nU ed;,"Mary, sister 'ofBribaion Moole; Es^VJof "Ardee'.'-cohnty1 Loath, and.•haa; wUh'Hx oilBgliters.'thrfeionsiyiDyin^ori the 17th:iNoV.Vl724jne wa»»n*eea«d'byhU*>n, Brabattra; 2ndi5TiS3ount; who waiid-mnoedlto the dignity-of'Earl'ofJBe«borough,6thlOotq'»er,173&) sndtoreBtOdls, Peerqof

rjft Britain uasBwon. fonsonbT, .of Sraonby, oouuty:XifcS&rJ 12tn jYine; lm vjfc.^s taw ,dTtahWr" of ithei iKVgebbn, fe'o^; (son.and heir of .th^MottBov'.QamCT 'ilargetBori. .K; Arehblpop ofA^mi»);V-by^wnafa l! lirge'fsAnfly£;indlu«.gaedtfd'lMn. Joha. bsc nrt'SBpeikedf'tb* SousSldfComaoni i±f Ifd«adiVwko«l0"«Heit r fon^ JWUliwny wasfretted I^rd B*«abnbr,pf JmHaOrt andM» soocWdjon,, rgwbefl»Bj i jCH^ .of<IrBl»i»l, »A4»OBWW.<rf the,wo«nd y » u>ijjWM.n^nod,torEawar .sm:

iod i>o.k«irrof,;*Jo& lf iu i k e fj i<btilJIeailIc!tt<ieoBiitj r:

hMtv poWMl . ««£ mli' town* toehtwTi«««*r,7

1793,'iaad- WM tinoaMrihdSlyjhif "on;' »redwtek/c8r4E»ri %wto .pMHMrM-fa Ji»»LjJ*nn>ry,vi756;i


-mtsonabra want" was Tore to be satisfied ," His' agent,Mr. Blaoket*, 1 J.P.V'ind his'-enbsagent.' Mr. JohnBiohardson; have, .for considerably over thirty years,been actively engaged in giving effect.toi his lordship'swishes with regard .to his tenantry, .who, whether asa landlord,-,»iricnlturist magishate, or Bportsman—inpnblio orinpnvate-7-haye loBt one of whom any countrymiahtwiUfeelbrand.''. ¦••;

¦' ¦' ¦ ¦: ¦ - . "•- • :. •.¦¦¦• ¦.' - '

CONCEBT AT; KILMA,CTHQMAS. (FOB -:THE, , , ,- - , , . <, BELIEF PP THE:,P.Q.QB:,:' .rl ".;-.. I

- ,.,A ooncert.of;a, higbAyottraotive, and.thorongbjysaccessful character, promoted by the benevolent'ofthe distriot.for the relief of its distressed poor, tookplace in onq- of the:large ,claas:rootps of the newConvent -Sohoola at KilmaothomaB; oq-Wednesday,as previously advertised ipTm News, and was .Torylargely attended.; Distress, imposing want ofr food,of fuel, and of ;;raiment/ is pitiable, to oontejmolateainongst a people, and it is a sad, but an undeniablefact, ..that- muohi.of that species, of wont exists inthis part of..pur county.; .'Private , oharity haB donea good,: deal in the mitigation,.,of'its. rigor ; theclergy of .both denominations ;:,the; gentry and, thofarming , classes r have. .. zealously .united,. and>:aredoing, with-a.will/all that-is possible, for the reliefof the destitute, and this feelingr was manifested on

in trie goon woxic,,were,round ia41es-.pt.rpnsvineMarchioness .of Waterford and , I dji .GwendolineO'Shee ; gentlemen, of: high sooial -position |; thaOatholio and Prptestant clergymen,- and the tenantfarmers, all oarnest.in ,the promotion, of the onoobject, ;the furtherance( of tbe 'heavenly.. ,duty ofcharity.:-.¦, Tho school-room, in. : wbioh- the: iponcerttook place- was suitable for the. , proceedings; afford-ing a largo amount of .accommodation, and thataccommodation. was availed of. to its-fullest extent.At the end ,wind,cwB., fronting the entrance a oom-modioos platform, wae . ercot-ed,; and-^andsornelycarpetted. -On the platform were -placed a_ har-monium, and a fine toned pi^no-forte, and adjacenttvasj.(o« - apartment .for >tbe. ladies ond: gerjt)?menengaged i itbe concert. ; The other; olass-room,, tothe right of the entrance,'- was appropriated;torefreshments,.which,were dispensed. , ;at a moderatetariff, the proceeds, also to go to the one object, therelief ..of tlie poor., .It.fs *ot, perhaps, out of. placefo ..8tate that they. w. ere a gift from GardenmorrisHouaa, a generous ppntribntion from that deservedlyrespeoted, gentleman, and: considerate .landlord,, N.

lady, Xjady. Uweudoline, went ceart and soul into toocarrying on.piu.the con.cort.. They were courteouslydispensed by the,house stewardfrom GardenmQrris.Need it be,said, that on-ardent worker in the goodcause was the Bev.; Father Hearae;; the respected,beloved, 'zealous* curate; of the parish P , From, firsttcvlait, Father .Bjearne .olosely. identifled .himBelfwith-, the geUing.;up, and.-the carrying,out, of aooncect prpmojbed for the aid of those with whom heis, in an-especial manner, closely.alliedae a clerpy-

UJ4V %* ***W ¦¦ i r> iai T 1i "i^<tT7l ITJAGL^ AAVVJ IX»V^ttV ,<l4iJJ )f*m 1*43 «!>&

not infrequent to show the. se.ve.re distress prevailingthrough the country. Everywhere he could : be .ofservice in. the . schopla,. from, tbe opening-of theconcert to itheijclose, Father Hearne<was.found,ready to oblige; to suggest or direot; and,with.himthe representatives;of 1 .the .Press;proBent .werti thereoipients .of kind attention. .: With, Father Hoarne,in this oneiouB,.bat grateful duty, j was Mr.,WilliamHunt, the.reBpected..clerk;ofr the nniony who wasunpeasing in' his attention, to,the accommodation ofoil arrivals; while the financial portion , of theLpro-ceedings, the disposing :¦ of, ,tiokete, as^moat satis-factorily di£ohar5ed."by ,Mr. McKepn,. thje deseVedly'regarded master, of -the ;Workhonse.17A:n;especial!ybright feature; in.J,he. proceeding's; was the earnestfeeling jn tho cause of, the poor, again 'evinced, onthis occasion, by Lady ,Waterford. , In her conductof tbe concert, and the "fulfilling ; of, her.. part of; it,her ladyship plainly proved she was wholly engrossedbjr.the.pne Reeling,, the cause of .charity, and .whenit shall please; Gpd to render, .yacanti. her, place, atCurraghmprAnthe name, of the -wife, of.-the present

remembered '»ni\ reypred as .the Ladj Waterfonwho;via» gqo ^ to,the poor. > This.feature, of :gratifi

party bJ Lady .Gwendoline .O,'Shee, a lady, who ,imaIpng.since sijcared'the re8pec,tful,.,warm affectionsof thos rejoundber, -by her; concern for .the poor,arid, herrunc^ ing effprte tojdiffuse, comfort to all,a line of;action in whioh her , ladyship, is practicallyaided by, Hir. O'Shee, he? respected h"«band.,-: Thereare ionw'such, good people in Ireland./ Wouij thatthe .country, had many more of them.... [ The .tenantryshowed their .warm feeling also in,the car seby. thenumbers in.which they; attendedj iand,: in flr4e,itheconcert was one highly: creditable to Eilmacthoniafland everyone concerned.;' .It was-a;matter;of 1m-possibijity, tq, obtain a fuV ilist :pt •namefl,r.butamongst those present, jn additionito those engagedin the concert, can be mentioned.: -. !¦> " Una ^ i , - !. Major and Mrs.r Cuffe;.WaterfoTdArtUiery.;,Ald.-.P.A. Power, J.P,, (Waterford) ; Mrs. W. .Williams, Mrs.P. P. Brehnab', and Mrsi Phelan; 'Mrs'.~,l MiMV'andthoBey. H. MearaJ Maypark V Mri 'N. "PyjCRShM^Bv'l!.,Gardensibrris Houie ;Mr.>J. Stack; Oowmahdn4; Capt.BereBford and party", Woodhouse ('Dr.1 WalkerjBori-maho'n ; Bev. B. Casey/P.P., Kill »nd N«wtown')'Mr.J. Hudsou, County 8ab<sheriff and/party; Dmigarvan:;Mr. J,:.Wal8h, :&,,P.j:'J. i WaUh And|famUy<ehbtel,

Bank. Carrioki; Mr'. D.-:F. SlafcUry solr,! 0ung*rv»n;;Bevf J&f .iPt&erl rector,,1Ka?i*oflipwia i.p y/Mh,ditto ;Bey;; P.-DnnphyJ; CarriokW'J!Mr;f5r,;Huntandp«rty,Bootoount;rMr."Hore,Boninsion i Mi?'J 3.O'CaBighahi'Newtown WM&fjm& 'Mn. 'M;4 Walpoto:;Mr.: Plytni-PArrack-«treoip Waterford -'iMr/'WilBamArda^h-aad-'patty ; Mrsi:Hitrri«JiI)mig»tv»jLt'Mi«aBurke, Kilmooden ;;Mr» Ji lMiUsiiWateifordrJaV^W;.O'Brien, Pprtiaw, Ao.-rjM ii.iv.r vi-J^ho iiij'v im! ¦• !.,:: ¦¦ -;^¦. .j. il: T»^ ¦opNpw^^J/.>•;iV ; .•;)i: ;^i¦i ?. The; concert was announced,to commenceuat a

quarter past .one/ on.-thie arrivalof ; tie'trainf fromboth' ends, of jthe line, the direotore pf. .the ponjp nykindly] fixing ..reducedi pnoea.io? -rtheocnasipn,,andpunctual , iJmost toj, niiunte, it comnience4TOti\ ,thepart .gong,,.' fromr'1 fi X»,i:''';;' ;-Sh.ep erfs,-,t<j llMe," 'very'sweetly, rendered,;' Mrs ,Entwi»ilo,' x3ing6praii~o'}'Mij's^Kesjro,XC i> dn.HotisB)] i1wrwa

Mr,t. E. O'EjiW; (Carriok)/ BiurltotieV Laity" WMerford-presiding1 at tho'ipiAiid,1^Mil'WBy«%*-theirtiag inrcapitalst5le,''tli9 favorite¦¦onft:-«:AdHft«i CrarfzMrftl.uuwhioa :h« iw»s iwarmlyilandt mostJdewryednr > ap.pla^de4.if.-A very vpretty.'<:dset$-iif-TiiaiAm{«]^r£t4-Untttin, Mj , Mrs. lEntwistle, and ,MU»: FfcKesJi%iwi«niuoh '.adnurod, ,^and .-the ..ladies. n irwtamidjheA tyapplause;.. A tola, ";The.OId,,pidBtojGf iJilwntiilftiC,waij 6harmlilgr ;>ang by" Mist wnn,' whit^ rinqe«*tbe pOsjiessioir, of * a 'Wmlj oultiyavsd BajPrano-i TOioe!.Signor'1DaviRm^ Lismbret,J-play^^%h^ liQcoitipa iliiietib<VDtaik-p3ili»cp'/^B.N:>1Ji^o'»edtWtSliiA'TwimrinAo.•/ Alia-' 8t6lU |pdnfidente,f ; from Butmtf ) Mio»c*airr

Ihobne, aooonlpknying on thaj»tjifi,iindL»dy Yfj aclcka,on the harmoirinm,;,5oft;insfeTinwnto.ble»di»«ioJi»jSnr(inglyL nndof^ha manipuUtipn :o|ftbjs •gej>mp)Uhe4.performers. ¦ j.The./ galliuit v<(ca)u(l(JV f e fi^Tfi'ftW

irig^Wg"' the'iever' favorite,1 "''llA'Biffff idittw!"thereallr Kipdrtoi'vooarMbaitriif'of WHiar*ji«vjibrthe marked ¦ppreeiaUotf of let atts2*b«VCVxM4fl*M«¦Musgrave,jjnth Slgnor.Davimi/^ollowiddrf tfcelteiO,','. Yiesi,«l iMiir,!V3ac<0i; iind Atei jwetfqui.'of cUiepioramm orawugaa ¦,^ ^i^ ;»WWijP»**','WW.

:tJpbr fvi-with'NaM--M«it]Mt«°iit^pt (efi^piahojn so n inii ulilii 11 tnii niijtul W11mi(m it">iitfililmot •.be,.ref»ue*j»njen<»fi»,!ai»iMr»0fc*i««»J»'k^4iy.responded)tvi|h..the filirTJT rt"irinjf il*. f hifrr.'Wprf rq^MisBeiB^luf ^-f f f ^wjli i^^ jif] ^

with equal effett.'!' Mril|laWrl»Khiil'«aJ%f|u35S»¦VtUipier, Ln Knst r'Utoti'Srotja i'tmirCm^mSi*O'Shee presiding at the piano; »ud L»dy)W»tn»oi«,!«

«onsly;tor WD^ >i -'«<>^r7i*rt"-#^S^ 1

THE COBPOBATIONThe Corporation held their first quarterly meeting

for the current year on Tuesday, in. the CouncilChamber, City Hall,, commencing soon after twel ve.There were present 1— .The" Bight Worshipful Aid. L. A. BYAN, Mayor,

in the chair.- Aldormen—J. F. Saott, J.P.,' P. Manning and G. I.Maokesy, M.D., ex-mayor. Councillors : W. E. Keily,W. J. Smith, W. Kelly, J. Leamy, J. Clampott, J. H.MoGrath, A. Farroll. L;: Freeman, J. N. "White, M. J.Cox, -N. M. AUon, W. G. D. Goff , M. Hunt, J.MoEnery, W. B. Connolly, M.D;, J. O'Beilly and J.Fisher. Mr. P. Kent, Borough Treasurer ; Mr. E. S.Kennoy, Mayor's Secretary, with Mr J. Mullaly, (chiefolerk) acting for tho Town Clerk, and Mr. Gilbert,representing the Law Adviser, ih attendance.

TBE MAYOR AS AN EX-OFHCIO GUARDIAN.Mr. FisHXB'said he ' would desire to bring before

the Council a question of 'privilege. On a lateoccasion he drew attention at the workhouse to thofaot of the Mayor not being on. the list of tx- off icioguardianB of this union, and Mr: Mackoy, (clerk ofunion), said' he would be revising the list in Sept.and if there was a vacancy, and that the Mayor wasqualified us to rating, he would be happy to puthim'on. It seemed to him (Mr. F.) as Rtmnge thatthe Mayor oflWaterford, representing a property, asMayor,' paying rates of l£900 a year, should notalways be on the. list, and his object was to ask tbeCouncil to direct the Town Cleik to write to theLocal Government Board, requesting that Bteps botaken to have the Mayor placed on the ex-off iciolist, and retained on it. .As mayor, his worship wasalready, ex-offlcio , a. governor of the lunatic asylum.He (Mr. F.) had not asked any one to Becond him ;perhaps Aid. Scott 'would be good enough to do so.

'Aid. SCOTT replied' he would do so with muchpleasure; bnt he feared that,' under tho presentstate of the law, tho Local' Government Board hadno power to comply with the request. • •' MAT'OB—The only thing you can do is to ask theLocal Government Board to repeal the poor-lawsaltogether. I hare'read the acton which Mr. -Fisherrelies, and it seems quite'plain to mo that the LocalGovernment Board have no power, whatever, in thomattery The Mayor is no more, than any otherjustice,' except that he takes- precedence us chiefmagistrate, and he cau'appj 'os a ratepayer in hisiudividulcapacity only;, r'would 'ask, if anythingia'done; that the Town Clerk be directed to reporton: the matter at tbe next meeting. I would notwish-to see the Council 'placed' in a ridiculousposition (hear, hear).

This suggestion was accepted/ and tbo directionwas given accordingly. ' . .

THB POLICE OFFICE.¦ Aid. SCOTT, J.P., said that an application wasmade, not long since, to Have' some repairs ' andalterations 'done in- the Police Office. , He wasopposed to the application because he thought, atthe time, that tbo-Police Office tra* quite adequatefor its- purpose, bat he had reason to alter thatopinion from" having recently ,inspected it, ih com-pany with some other gentlemen. He saw that itwas in a very dilapidated condition/ indeed. - Theframe' of the entrance door was gone altogether,and the draughts 'rushing through ,the place hiadoit dangerous in the extreme for anyone to sit within.Owing to this cause, Mr. Hanrahan' (C.P.S., &c),bod to retnove his books and business to the courthouse, aid he would wish ' the Council to appoint acommittee to inspect the place, and bring up areport as' tq what would hi necessary to .be done.,'¦ -Mr, SMITH—Mr. Byan was directed by the com-mittee examining it to .see to tbe repairing of thedoor. : - ,. : J , . • • ... - . : ' :• '¦ Mr. KKILY—I will second Dr. Scott'R motion. Ihavo also inspected the Police Office, and I find itis dangerouB to health for a person to remain tberofor any length of time.' I would likewise ,say, it isnecessary to provido some place where tbe mogis-trates can'consult in private, for now everythingthey say in the room they have can be heard out-side. ,, . ' .. , -

¦ .. .. ,

' Mr. Fisirtb urged it would_bo a great advantageto use the City Court-bouVeW police business,^it wad at'tia't moment, and thai being'the case'theborough; treasurer' could have his office next thatbf.'the town'clerfc. " • . ¦ ' . . , - '! "•' . . ¦ '". ' '

1 " Ali MAiwiKO- -The giving; "of .the Court-houserests wilbl the'high' sheriff, "' . ' •'¦': Mr.* CLAMPBTT said ,a committee formerly re-'commended, that '•whatever, repairs .were ' requiredshould be dona out of .the fines and penalties goingirit6?the' office; .and'on that' recommendation the'council decided to takB no actwri, He would nowmove that no action be adopted.'' .. '; ' "* .;, .'," ' .. . '',; '.M.T. 'Qp t r, observed' that, where the police-officenoV, was, was the'most convenient for the purpose.He; could iqt'see how the magistratej,were 'to dis-bbatge their ' ibusiness in.. the ' courtrhouBe .'.whenassizes, 'would be gpin'g ou.'and the' result of such a!bhange \wpuld be;, there conld be no. police court attbat'tilrJe1. , Beeides, he believed the. magistratesfelfthifc.the police court was the most' con venibntibr'Ueii''judicial dufies..' - ', :'":" ' [ . .."; . ..,^^Mirj McGBA'ra observed one'fact was certain, thatit 'w'aa''a: time-honored1 custom to. have the police-office in : that; ball, in addition , to which fact ,was'anqth'erVtiiij t the law compelled the corporation, to'jjrp'yide ;' a^

'jp co for ,)th{8 purpose.' . -He did not seewhyth'e magistrate ! wbfe to be, driven frbin.post to"iiflla* ln'= this"way; and' He - felt : tbat ' tliese factsbrnledi fatal objection to the ' use pf the court-

h'onse.fdr thia:puipo8O, Th'fii cpuldjiibt have'polico

business carried on there-with'sessions and assizes,,and aa to.. requiruig,apartment8'in,this building, if[th'ey had'M many juiore.'available theru wero.gentle-;mm>]'tHehl''K^dy:ri«" nd':u80-:!f6r.°.thein. - ,. Xh i .hi8'.'opinion.theyVore [bou'nd'tb repair this" office, rj.'Mjr/J;. . \ «rrn—LeVj.the matter be referred to-.a,COtnmittBe'.'- ' ; ¦"!l .l,\[i'",V.V. -.',- .".. '{. ' „ . '¦ . , j. , ;¦. .' ¦jMr/'SiiiTK Baid that as a mojnber.of 'the cprumit-',tee'before •fhoui'tliis'subject'bid already, come, henaa ODjecwM w tna eJaporaieoqua .wtucti some ot

''thJe^magistrates' . ee iiie ti, .require-', b|ut; he-Jquitelijjre.ed ifl '''"r.*-j£j^ ., n '.3inict«d.';to seej't'o the

jijopairing'of'.Ujsj dobc('ai|'d the providing ;6f jreason-aWe', a^ l|i'mddatjotf/.,' ti ,vrou!d;, he/wrongi nbt . tb¦ te'tha't.'cpnven'icnte.T 'i:. „'..' •' ;,V .'" ?" "';.r'w-' ;' ;':&d 15( v '©bs. $;.that", I iinde'r^the ,'.Towns'Tm'proye'm<itit Ac ,fte ,m'ft2iatiate8(',werpi n.h'Ued to'd&f ivltp bdf pla -wniJtTia Obrpq»tio!n,"v.a4d'i«uiVtp'the Major,' wbp Was.'{lid'|''chiinuan of; the court,.as'jf qf t i i tf f i it i nt i b y/^wpuld, e

'Jtreati'n g him! with-.grefifcdiscburitesy' f thejr d. ptgive'b4mrasuitable)w, '(boar,,hear}-( ..W^re^was.no mor'e.conVeaient¦plfcfi" fQrjthe Mayor thaa'toihave 'tho,,Police, .'Court,jn, tnA iali. His; jrqrablp, presided, daily, at, com-.'tnitteej|,'itf4 it wai mucti.more.'.conrenicait fob-Kim .WeV||i&p!to:1acrinfflfl judicial japacftytoiaVe,

ffi *,#MWw 'IJiM jelW ratis exjjiB e, jnjihp . nat r.t andjsimply

^askM fpjj ft ,c'ommitte«;to'tnB t'aM.reJMrt.''(liearJ. ,

ScbW's^mp onii ipde 'b/^Mr xttx.^.ted, w'e«Q.mmit\ee'.'beinz nani1ea,,to'Co.nsiHt, of,,the•gMv W?'^?«?Rr'iS^8affeollu'nf' /iSW*1*-.-*?*:

« ttourtea i toiit tbey,;tw authorized. to .apply ,to

Iwita-ch^ wptk ns quiurly np posHibJfi. ii Mr. Kelly

'Wwis fTO ^

jMwB,j ,j>bso(rwidiih y hftdia-very;godd aitoicjr,ipoydjiag^on, ipna.sid jq^.BpUon treet/oand.vieitWSwfetfesy :'WBftWfttBFn>!0»8»r attention to umaVJ-(jMiw$WA|» >Jl )«t'W»ii^;' f' ' •¦;:i. t i i i<y [:l.iyiliTbB ydaVjMrjii.Hun^! ibufe 'thifc!'i8»ndt;'thei;qie^alrwtmOTB.b wlti<Codncil.''!y»<'l'>' l;j«^4»tJs^M<^BatB ;b*fwa»' ir*yi!h4 blhe»e.

tt ek anhare-m^Mwjf^ tirtf J^^re not -teW-wVooibkg"ea ia9ih«!pii|JBr^EM«M(W of tb&.te¥m.

««a< e <«a?]feHii««««>^w) -(rV t^nb

i a:w<kJ Siii«pS?6^ «toil'Mjpw^rlb

7wive otudi;awij<««s*/«*«i*4iSa; to'he:)<ii^TOt «ffl au«i- )«^M»-<^ .'|rt|ro«i. .ait jaMa^rt'/jroa i^ i^^ i^ tteJ&Jitr.M *eiMir6tta ikMMHo &g &torti&Hmt

gard them as -,lie houses they should have for thopurpose. 'V

Aid. SCOTT, J.P., Baid if '. this proposition of Mr.Kelly's came up now for 'the first time, it wouldhave been resoived very differently ; but he re-garded it as ODO deserving of consideration. Muohhod been said for private speculation in such mat-ters, but he Ind been looking all his life at thoworking of private speculation, and ho did not, Beethat it ever did uiuch good for the public, at allevents in a sanitation point of view. Those gentle-men had a desiie, a laudable one, no doubt, to firstattend to their own interests in such speculations,leaving other matters to follow, if they would; buthe (A;d. S.) held it to be the duty of the Corpora-tion to look after the amelioration-of tbe conditionof the poorer classes, and in that view he regardedthe present motion ae meriting considerations If bewas asked te support a motion having for its objectthe ' building jf further houRes of tho exact de-scription of those in Grcen's-lane; ho should de-mur, because, in hiB opinion, they were -not suchhouses as were mont suitable either as to sanitationor as to economy, but' they were, undoubtedly, agreat improvement; on the class of houses in thatlocality previously, and if this motion should passhe thought that the experience the committee musthavo gained -a.' this work, would teach them toavoid nii8taket in the future.

Tho MAYOB asked- Mr. Kelly if he would modifyhis resolution to as to moke it to go for a committeeto report on tto jadiciousncES of extending thosecottages out to JSallybricken ? - If there wa3 • sucha modification of the'motion; he would bo in favorof it, but he wauld not, nt all, be for giving suchpowers as werp asked for by the motion withoutfurther information (hear, hear). • He (Mayor) sup-posed there were not more than four or five othersuch houses to be built. Mr. KELLY : Six. MATOII :And seeing yot; have so far improved tbo locality bythe honseB built you ore bound to go further, Ithink, for you <fumot expect to get a fair rent fortbo property, with a' narrow thoroughfare existingat one ond. • I 'jelievo the committee will bo able toshow that tho present cottages are remunerative,and I have the authority of Mr. Clampett for sayingtbat-.hou8C3 in 4hat locality half tho size are payingtb.o same rent. , Iu my opinion, the runts of thesecottages were forced down to what they should nothave .been brought, and I would ask Mr. McGrntb,if Mr. Kelly consents to modify his resolution in thethe way. I hnvi: stated, and it is carried, that beallow mo to put'Bis amendment as a substantiveresolution.¦ Mr. MCGEAXB—If you go to the Board of Worksfor a loan, th r will hold you to a plan, and notallow, you to gSono inch from it. They would differwith' you as to rhe size of a tile.

Aid. ScoTT-iYou'll not get private speculatorsto do as you wish in such matters.

Mr."'KElLY—If you lit the ground by auction,you must allow those who take it to build as theydeem tho best, and you may depend on it they willdo so. ' . '!. . ¦ . •

Mr. SMITH—If Mr. Kelly's motion is carried inthe modified f >rtn, I would ask it bo added thereto,that the cow nit lee include in their report all thebuilding sites, if any, the corporation hns at its dis-posal (hear, hear) .

MAYOB—Very well. His worship here put Mr.Kelly's motion in the modified form (to which al-teration Mr. Eelly consented), that is, to report tothe Council OQ the advisability of " extending thepresent . range of cottages to Ballybrickcn, anddeclared the f' uyes" to have it. Mr. CLAMPETTcalled for a poll* nnd'it was hod as follows :— "

For—Messrs.. Goff , Connolly, J. N. White, Smith,Cox, Manning,} Scott,' Loamy, Kolly, Keily, Byan;(mayor), MoEncry, Farrell, Fisher, Hunt and O'Beilly.16. . • • • ,

Against—Messrs . Clampett and McGrath—2.DectinecL-Mrf AHon—1.The rcsolutlm was declared passed, and then, on

the motion of Str. SMiTH.secondod by Mr. McGuATniit was added thereto, that,the committee report onall the available building sites, which addendumMr.- McG,rath said satisfied him as to his proposii-tion. The committee was then named by Mr. Kellyto; consist of -the mover and - seconder (MessrsKelly aDd. Fisher), Messrs Scott, Leamy, Bedmond,Smith and Hurt. : : - '. : ¦ • • • MABKET ACCOMMODATION.

Mr. KBILT Eaid that shortly after he became amember of the Council.'-t.be subject of giving marketaccommodation \?as taken up very warmly, and acommittee was appointed to report upon the cover-ing of the Square to give a protection to the poormeatwomen. ; '£hat was, in his opinion, a veryimportant subject, and he would like to know whathad become of it P Something ought to bo donefor those people, both for summer and winter,and he desired to- ask what had become of the pro-ject f It might be his fault, but bo had lost allrecollection of the result. ' - .' :

, The. MAYOB replied that he (Mayor) had beenput on a committee with regard to the markets.They had^ inspected the site .of the . present fishmarket in.Hifjh-ntreet, as well as the rero of theconcerns in George's-street, formerly held by Mr.John Stafford, uid Mr. Byan (City Engineer) wasdirected to furn-iih plans. What followed'would beexplained by MvL Byan. Mr. EYAN Baid the plans,as directed, had ,bcen prepared mid furnished.:.' Mr. KKILY—'IHon the covering of tho Square wasabandoned..?,,] MAYOB : Yes, it was. ¦: Aid. SCOTT oxjplained his project, already beforethe Council, bov- 'amost suitable uiarkut could beobtained by. an extension from t'.ic fiah market totho Square," at x ' comparatively , small outlay, andthe subject endeli without any motion.''.

' '< "

n '¦ '

• •\9JteXPEJJ8IVK AfJALYSlB. . :, .In the payuieata now read to pass was one of JB2117s. 2d. to Proicijsor Wanklyn, for . one analysis ofthe Knockaderrv- 'water. Bent him by Messrs. Clam-pett, Allen and fisher; tbe silver and pence beingfor bottles necassary- for ,the purpose. - |Seveialmembers observed to Mr. Chimpett that that sumwas'fonr times rhaf was paid to Dr. Camoron forone test,'but Mr-'Clampett replied nothing audiblyto the p«89,'and'all . the payments' passed, as willb« seen, at end of next subject. ": ¦: ' ¦ • ¦' ¦ •' HB. PI8SEB SEEKS INFOBMATION. - : • •

i! Mr. FiSHEB.—fa -Mr. Roberfc Byan (Mr: R. H.•ByanV'Oity Enflneer) still in the 'employment :oftho Corporation V- 'No answer, but a nianifestafcipnof considerable;.jhrprise. 'Continuing, Mr.' Fistiersaid--I tinderBtimdlie has entered an action againsta'member 'Of tha Counoil. • -, • !•. : . - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ '¦'¦•MAYOB—I'll »t 'allow ; such a 1 subject tb';bebrbrJght'forTrardmere (strong cries of "hearj hear','•'¦chair,"bhair")f'''Several members,' prominentlyandi:strongly, "cajlcd u'pon 'Mr. Fisher to obey thechair.'- 'H •'' "' .¦'¦• '. " • . • "'.

¦, .

¦'" .'¦.¦' ' ' '

¦• ;;--':' ' j

i 'Mri -FlsBeaj— I'll obey the chair frheii I'm lejjallycalled to order \>y the chair (oh, oh, and furthercries of " chair,"}natr.J'^—Tho-taqniie^ nfter infop-matiPn. wa8'Srocf«din)r^wheu''.> ' -. '.. .: ,:. >< . . v j.i' iTbe. MATOB'n.itin, firmly Baid—I'll cot rheariany-thingiow.whioluhas occurred- outaido the .Council(beai;/.-bear)'.'. :; ,.'¦'.li i, 'y .:

¦ V- j :i'..:i:n:.' :i r .,i 1•1 -Mri ElBBBB- ltrtn'referringto .proceedings whichoccurfedi in tbe itouncil ¦ (chuir, obair).¦¦•, I was notpresent ouittiat o casionC but-if Mel LUlen was outof order/in Ibu-t remarks, jtT wus the duty! of theiMa|oPi ft,haTe-«Jled..tiini,'to'order. - .<; i' .:- .-,;:.!• • ; . ¦j.-MjtToianj'X.'lltuj heir you, Mr. l<"isUferi(heat,.hear).-.Jr.iCoX'baay ii .ed !the .passing of -toe' payments:

-rocominflndedbj (the Financa Committee.!.:;.: ' { -;i i M»(rFlBHKEH-X«ttinjusf hoax ! me '.(order,, '.chair,fihfti?)«i:«i--;!-J)in>:tP - .».t--iM":* 1 »> .:" »i-;:»-.iv :. :"> ' ". • j;il, Mr/ SBiTB,XJntU^naintly.)-rMr. Fisher, you should.sbow.more xtiipixt,[for ibi Mayor than you do (em-,phatid cries of ',Warj>iear).' r !- -;i vo '- ' .1 ,;:.;. < : i .I JdAtOB IlshiJ'always,.try to'prevent f any.Bub-ject beiag di«cbsitedan;tbis. Council which, may^nd-(In'the'law'-oourii jtbesi^hedt). ;.". ,»i> .: 't ;,M o-.u. -., .i ili.,Mt.rF 8BXB'S,gUqmadeataattemptto go on withibis :t ottic, ind! wa a-hearddencjincing! artbfiicerof ;the i.-Corporation atte'rj ptinglto appeal to thektw^dgainst-a member,wiihriu jfirBt resigning/ when:the Conncil,(dmoetl •J««j»i<Mie,;-JplRinly:!aho'B'ed:ItBeyiwoald.n<)t.:ho«rlhlm->6n: tbatK'ptiint.iand! he ha4;to': retocoupyih&8eat<i- The.ri)a7inen^B ere,then passedJ ,0' -J |t!S ,10*iV tfS ifSB -SiaCTRIO/CiOOKai.'S iJ'l ;{i ll lrJ 'i I ';i iisMti iCtondaaicMiif di>ai committee to'teka charge¦of the ¦elejtrfo aiocksj in;;conjunotioniiiwlthli the;

, Ha r./JB ri,;c<>injni tee, ;jandC!tbA.foUx|w|ngcwerBi'. *p -7Trw ij(rt,^ 1 A:e8/< tb; i^ajflr/ ldi¦Sgott, on , M ,j^mit1u.iwithJ(ull. power. ,tQ;ac.tv,''.-i |..: j- ¦

foreB&bK/lroitt.i Dria^.to. ^bj y bjirchfof;

M _ M Pnf 'U lillilu hntiifirftMftrl *v '<s.>[ \ 'A 'L ¦ ' l lA".


Mr. ALLEN—You havo only now, Mr. Mayor, tostriko off thoao names from tho Gas Committee

Mr. SMITH—I havo to say for myself—and I think Ican speak for Mr. Keily—that it is not to shirk duty,as Jlr. AHon SDoms t" imply, wo resign from the com-mittoo (hear, hoar). The fact is, neither Mr. Allonor Mr. Fishor attended tho two last meetings of thocommittee, although they did the two immediately pre-ceding, and then thoy came to the conncil and deliber-ately voted against their brother committee-men, w ith-out paying them tho compliment of consulting withthorn before hand (hear, hear). I could not stultifymysolf by sitting any longoron such a committee.

Mr. FISHEB—I stood alono on ono snbjeot at thocommittee, and the last day it mot I had to attend thoBoard of Guardians, whero I was for f our hours. Iwrote you a letter, Mr. Mayor, to that offcot, tho samomorning.

Mr. ALI/EK—A proposition I made at the committeowas rejected, and 1 saw no uso in my being thero anylODgor. It is necessary for me to mako an explanation.

Mr. SMITH —I want BO explanation.Mr. ALLEN—Oh! but you havo biought my namo

prominently forward.Tho letter of resignation was not formally put ; it

was understood to bo markod, received.MEDICAL BELIEF.

A a lato meeting of the Waterford DispensaryCommittee, a, representation was received from thecity dispensary doctors, stating that their duty ofvisiting urgent cases wiis made peculiarly onerousin the outskirts of the borough, from the fact oftho houses not being namborcd, and asking that atcpabo taken to havo tho defect remedied. This repreaon-ttition wont to tho board of guardians, and that body,fully approving of tho jiiatico and tho necessity ofcarrying out what was asked by the doctors, decided onBending tho request to tho urban sanitary authority,tho corporate sanitary committeo, asking their sanctionand aid. A- report was now road from tho nrban.sani-tary authority, fully approving of t'i« necessity ofcarrying ont tbo request, and it was n.-i iiv- 'l , on themotion of Mr. MCGRATII , seconded by Aid. AIAMNIKO ,that tho Street CDtnmitteo bo empowered to do so, attho cost of tho Corporation.

A KIND OFFEK.Tho MAYOR horo said ho wonld wish to bring boforo

the Council a matter not immediately referring to theirbusineis, but ono intimately concerning the public,whioh, ho was oonfidont would go to tho oitizons throughtho medium of tho press. It was contained in thofollowing lettor :—

" Wrtfcorford, 3rd February, 1880." DEAR SIR—I bog to offor you tho 8.3. Eoath (400),

or Liffey (200), to bring a cargo of coals for tho benefitof tho poor of Watorford and district, free of allfreight or chargos. I havo Httlo doubt but that byyonr Bonding a circular to tho chief colliery proprietorsin Cardiff and Nowport, tho cargo might also bo hadfree.—Yours faithfully, " W. C. ALLINGHAM .

'-' L. A. Eyan, Esq., Mayor."Tho lettor was received with manifestations of the

warmest gratitado, and on tho motion of Mr. GOFF ,seconded by Mr. PABUEOL , the conncil returned theirsincercst thanks to llr. Allinghain, and his co-pro-prietors, for this truly generous proposal .

THE END.Mr. FISHER was in a long economical spooch aa to

cutting down salarios, commencing with that of thoMayor, and was launching out into figures of saving,whon Mr. ALLEN very audibly said, " No quorum,"sovcral members having proyionsly left , a gonoral dis-position being been shown for an oarly rising, thoMayor stating ho would not stop any ono if tho cor-respondonco was gond through, whioh was doae. ' Mr.Allen's ejaculation in favor of rulo seemed unheeded,and on went tho speal.cr with his figures , whon Mr.KEILY roso and said tho :o was no quorum.

MAYOR—Mr. FiBher, my attention has been pointedlycalled to the fact that there is no quorum, and suchbeing tho case, I cannot furthor hoar you. Indeed, Iwas aware of tho faot, but I did not like to interruptyou, as you commenced with tho mayor's salary, butnow I must do so.

•' Oat wont tho remaining mombers, Mr. Fisherinveighing against those who had brokon np tho Councilwithout, hearing him, and thereby neglected tho publicinterests, and there was an end for the present.

BOABD OF GUAEDIANS—WEDNESDAY.Sir E. J .P AUL, Bart., D.L., Chairman of tho Board,

in tho chair.Also present:—Capt. Power, V.C., Aid. Scott, J.P.,

Messrs. 0. Eogcrs, J.P. ; J. M. Barron, J.P. ; WHally, D.V.C. ; N. M. Allen. H. Morris, W. Kelly, J.L. Conn; J. Clampett, G. Meade, E. Brennan, J. Leamy,P. Veale, and J. Fisher.

DISTRESS IN TRAMOBE.A deputation from Tramore, consisting of tbe

fi.ev. Eoger Power, P.P. ; Mr. James Budd, and Mr.Power, Newtown, appeared before the board to re-quest that Tramore might be placed upon theschedule of distressed districts, in order that theymight obtain money at a low rate of 'interest, withwhich to construct publip works with n view to giv-ing employment to the poor.1 The Kev. K. Power stated that the Bev. Mr.Hollowes was also one of the deputation, but foundit impossible to be with them, in consequence ofhaving to attend Divine ¦ service in Tramore thatday. Dr. Stephenson was also a member, but couldnot leave his duties. He explained that they hoda relief committea, but their funds were exhausted.>• Mr. Budd, in supporting tho prayei-of tho depu-tation, said that there was a case the previous dayin which a person had almost died of starvation ;and when there were hundreds of instances allover tho country in which relief was being given,ho did not think it unreasonable that there shouldbe only a solitary one from the county Waterford.There were respectable people in the district cur-tailing their : expenses to enable them to contributeto the reliefi of the poor. 'Theigiving of a littleemployment at present would be-rt great service.

1 Mr. -Tower explained that'they bikr relieved 300families, and had spent a', great dealjpf money indoing so; ,but it wus far from;beina'',equal to thorequirements. . '.There was { distress- in. i ..Tramoreevery . winter, as a rule, but more, this year thanusual, in consequence of the general depression.

Mr. . FiBUEB :enquired whether ' they had anyjwork iu view ? ¦ ¦ . - '' • Mr.r .BoaBB8 - replied that it was proposed to clearthe vicinity of the Pier, and.deepen(it. '. '• . ' ".¦ '. Mr. " F18HKB mov'eel that ! Trambre. be placed onthe scheduled list of distressed districts. ' '

Mr. EOOKES seconded/ the motion, which passedunanimous)^ ' . • ; "

..:¦ ¦ ¦ f '.

The CHAIRMAN • observed that some tiuio wouldtilap'sefbefora the money Would bo procured, so- thatthey 'shoold :ndfc stbp'in their private efforts/ Thodeputation; thanked the board and .withdrew.

. . J -. '• " . COLLECTION. •; . . , - . ..:. ,The

; Clerk, rppprted that Mr. Fitzge.'old'a collec-tion'was virtually.ctoeed. He received hia .warrantthe 4tb,of: Oot.i for Je3,393 103. 2d., aud had lodged£3,358 12a: 0d.'r; The . amount uncollectablo >vasXo .13s.v*J:; Tiie rates- on uniiiiiiibituJ,". vioiiilhouseb were 1 je68''4a.' lOd. ' The bpavd/ 'expressedmuch'satisfactioaon tjiis tollcctibn, and passed Mr.Fitzgeraldlspoiindace;; .'; ' . . .' : , ', . '. , . , ' '. - . ;

V . .1 ")', 1 . - . :»AIBT' INSPECTION. AC1\ .., ! ., • ;'• ' -¦: •"lMr.'JohnBon/,;y;£i.i;1 reported'he.. had visited fifty.,'djiiries, -'.and jadvisci the o\Tners to get them regis-1-'tetedif!. He : recommended then guardians 'to have".placards issaed informing farmersicf ¦the;Abt.---The-'snm' allowed lost 'month {.£2)':did not pay. him1.;" Mr.¦QiMiviriT'' tKoujjht'the'- rpHevin^^offlcers wmld^bo.'th'e -fiest'; ;pqrfcon8 , fo'*admiii8ter ttio' !vAxtt.^^ .Capt._.'JPOWSEV'supported.'..Mr,' rtelainpett's, ; 'views,-! and.fought ', a.'ye'teriifary,'surgeon was.apt reqhired for,-'thpy.oij-y.-j.Mx. ^KiBiin'B said iijtheji gaTe,it.to.the.. reUeving > officers>>,tbos«,vins the• county wo,uli have-notbicg.to do, whilovtHe Waterford'i-elieving ofScer' 1

1 would;'hare"too mndhHo dol> lit . they paid'thw-ldtir'xuteS:- rolieving'''6fBc'eri'i5S a'yiir eit!b',-th'ey:'8hodld'give"'tne''.Wdt rfbrct'lrelievihg'5offlcyf '£20 ,'aaa;-it&would co»t-J&Oa year.fFHe recommended them io.,give Mr. Johnson '£&¦ for this 'nioh'th } S! Goy'drninen.tii¦•wo'uld""alloW- bne-half.'.'-Mr.i'LiiAJtti'sdcohdfediMr.--•Fisher's motion. i-'Af terf: koine discttaiJoni Mr.'Clam-'t:pett'.!with<irew' his ..motiori,.Bnd!tb>'fof' Mr.. Fiaher>¦pa88edunanuiibnilyi- i> M ;;'p -^'> ::^i-s-^ '¦'¦': ) ;Iv i '.L n*; TB«'i^T«!8A»rrhti,-liCTKo;ssQ'.;rJ:.i;.'>;-'r'-'.-;.|;:i C»pt*!-PoVBB3mbved"_ ithat-'i.'v(Jb3'of!cond6Wn(«e^with -tbe- famUy bfthe laie^Samtiel'i'King/ 'Esq:.,

rJ.P.; be- adopted tby'ltbft boatdrana; Benf ^Mrs.i.; Kin*.- <He' said tho aeceasM gentfaiiaini'waS ott> old^memberVbf the'boatdl Ho'jw«i:V -go^'landlbrd-and;magtotrafe;<and .• laeseW y'est-eemedr-'i Mr.4iCitiimaa, in) seconding thdiDotioiv'sppke of 'Mr.''King's1 ' (jreatokindnesB tb'JEirii^ Tbe^ niptib'n'Mras

i kdoptefl;"! ¦MwiAit«N'<io'6yed>'> rMid"' MrilF sHKB-Be-;;: conSed/'that, the'clerk pttpatd a resoYdtabriy and tba't0ft'ibe--'Bi3I t'bynth'e<oliairmini;aridl tran8niitted''t»..

. Mni p-iiri»re>d^oV!l!;«Hija ;t ,Sj; ;.ji.->l >U.:,if 1 n

ibora,-*it «JkS»i« -- i!-4^d7^K1a»*<>»"<«f%-Mi('W« v.***gwfll»i'^Tyftgt »> H% f*'£y?

>:> srwj»i?5*?

!U7Hjidat'MKi!f/n»u3- « lOded tT«WTii«f M»^*« 0».8d.•iriWi^ctBi>li!ili:>:m»'!: "f l'Jir;iit^ ;Mfi)i '.atrv:Hv)o(l4.';

iu!FiONti»iiHotLrTiK/?Effii. inlthe>?ih»ir>yArso';pre-;:i«nt iTMt*»rfecMorfi«y J.P^^Mhjikn^MfOotniott,,J.]P tMjwM*hon.'(Ald nr hi>to> B l^^

>k a(siil^& ffi«bl^mptt i not:6a-| &j^Tfco*MOiiarf%im«?Mr?f*t»oVry-J« iter^:-«# ' iiiMh(W«j«'M4'l |hitoS;iSoUift;>ep6rt;:w«t.T«a4 tfcthe niiB)^59o )l»#^:Dfiwb)ofi^^

iii iii

C A T H O L I C a H T J R C HA BETREAT FOR YOUNO MEN .—A Betroat in c^

nection with tho Sacred Heart Society, opon to al.other men of tho city besides, was commenced onSunday last .in tho Cathodral,by tho Bov. Fathor Brady,O.M.I., Dublin, at 12 o'clock Mass, in the presence oftho Most Eev. Dr. Power, Lord Bishop of Waterfordand Lismoro, and a largo congregation, Tha objoct,and tho duties of tho Betreat wore impressively ex-plained by tho rov. gentleman, and in tho ovoning thespacious ohurch was again thronged by tho faithfnl,eagerly, and devoutly participating in the devotions oftho Betreat. Aftor Solemn Benediction, the LordBishop imparted tho Episcopal blessing. Daily thronghtho woek a large congregation hears an oarly Mass intho Cathedral.offored np by Father Brady, who deliversa snitahlo exhortation, and morning and evening theconfessionals aro crowded. Tho Betreat terminates onSunday next. On Monday evening, the Bov. FatherBrady will assist the Eov. E. Power, C.C., and othergcntlomon in tho re-opening of tho Temperance Hall,Catherine-street, under tho chairmanship of the BightWorshspful the Mayor, on which occasion the pledgewill bo administered, and strikingly impressivo inoen-tives given, it is expected, to induco to a general takingof that saving course.

F A S H I O N A B L E N E W STHE DRAWIXG -ROOM .—His Grace tho Duke of

Marlborough, K.G., Lord Lieutenant of Ireland,and her Grace the Duchess of Miirlborongh, heldtheir first Drawing-room for the season at DublinCastle on Wednesday evening. Amongst those at-tending -were the' Marquis of Waterford, K.P., andtho Marchioness of Waterford , the Earl of Hunting-don and the Countess of Huntingdon. Tbe fol-lowing ladies were presented by tho Marchioness ofWaterford—Miss Bloomfield , Mrs. W. Capel, andMrs. F. Malcoin8on. Captain W. Deunehy, Water-ford Artillery Militia, nns also present.LADIES' DRESRES.—Miss Bloomfield, Newpark,

Watorford—Presentation train , and corsage of richwhite satin, lined with foulard, trimmed with puff-ings and plisscs of t»lle, bouquets of lily-of-thovalley and ivy leaves ; white satin jupe, trimmedplisses of tullo ; tablier of brocaded taffeta andfringe, r.nd cascade of tulle. Head dress, Courtplume and lappets, with bouquet of lily-of-the- val-ley ; ornaments, pearls.

Mrs Frederick Malcomson, Clodiagh, Portla-jv.Presentation train arjd corsage of rich black satinlined with silk broche trimmed with bouillons andplisses of tulle, ngraffed with bouquets of jet ; blacksatin jupn, trimmed with bouillons of tulle : plisscsof satin and tulle ; scarf of tullo, fastened withbouquets of jot. Uead dress, Court plume andlappets ; ornaments, diamonds and jet.

J. O'Neill Power, J.P., Snow HU1 House, leftWatorford for Galway, on Tuesday.

It is stated that the Duke of Abercorn is tobo appointed Chancellor of the new Irish CatholicUniversity. The Senate will consist of 18 Catholics.Lord O'Hagan will , probably, bo tho Vice-Chancellor.

The Marchioness of Ormonde is about to leaveCannes for a cruise with tho Marquis of Ormonde, inhis lordship's yacht, around tho Italian coast.

Lord Arthur Butler, D.L., returned to Kil-kenny Castlo from Dublin on Monday last.

Mr. Richard Powor and Major O'Gorman, thecity members, left town this week for tho opening ofParliament.

W. T. Monsell, Esq., Inspector of Factories,has baen appointed Ecsident Magistrate for tho countyof Korry.


Prosont—Messrs B. CORKAN (iu the . chair), S.O'Brion , T. Powerand J. Curran.

THE BATES.—A letter was read from the LocalGovernmont Board, requesting tho guardians to call outhe collector to oloso tho rates, without further delay,which lettor was referred to that officer.

HOUSE ACCOMMODATION .—Tho same board Bentdown their objection to tho two lower wards of tho feverhospital being appropriated for tho use of ablo-bqdiedmen and women, on sanitary grounds, and requestingthat the doctor be asked to suggest some other arrange-ment. Postponed to noxt meeting.

THE MILK CONTBACT—Tho Local GovernmontBoard forwardod copy of a letter thoy received from Mr.P. McCarthy, who complaiucd that " a certain portionof tho milk contract was given to Mr.- Wall, ho nothaving tendered for it, and at a price at which twoof tho presont contractors, Mr. Green and myself,tendered to supply it." In alottcr to tho guardians ontho subject, Mr. McCarthy pointed out tho savings howas tho. means of effecting for tho ratepayers by hiscontracts, and Btated that the occurrence of which hocomplained was an injustice;-unintentional doubtless ontho part of tho board,, to the ratepayers. The subject)was postponod for a larger moeting.

MASTEB'8 REPORT.—Master reported thattho cpstof extras for tho past wook was .£115s. 8d.: this week,£1\ 4s. lOd. ; cost of boef last week, £8 7s. lOd. ;this week, . .29 3s. 2d. ; cost for special infirms,.£2 , Gs. 2d. ; general averago cost, 2a. 9d, ; unionhospital, 33. 7d. ; fovor hospital, 11s. 2d. In house inexcess of last year, 40. Tho board roso at tho usualhour.

CITr PETTY SESSIONS—THIS DAT.Before the Eight Worshipful Aid. L. A. Byan, Mayor ;

T. W. Jacob, Aid. P. A. Powor, Aid; Dr. Scott, J.Slattery and Colonel Mollan, C.B., E.M. Mr. Whelan,S.I., in attendanco.. ASSAULT—Mary Sullivan oharged her husband Tho-mas Sullivan with assault. Tho complainant said showas assaulted by her husband on tho 4th instant ; Bhehud Bix. summonses, against him last year, but noverappeared in court before -, ho used beat his stepson veryoften, arid lately he cut the boy's head badly. Defen-dant admitted tho charge, but said Mary Sullivan hithor son several timo.s ; she would hit him with the poker,bellows, or anything that might be near hor hand. Tbodcfcndanl was bonnd to tho peace for twelve months,himself in £0 and two sureties of £2 10s. each.

.- A LiCE.-.'srNO CASE—Constable Twiss charged Mrs.1 Mary 0'Br.ion; Yellow road, with Belling drink duringrprohibitcd hours. . ConatabloTwisa , examined, said onSunday night he saw a man named Murphy at the coun-ter of Mrs O'Brlon's Bhop with a glass containing bearboford Hin'; ho was drank ; thoro woro two girls pro-

rB4nt, but' they woro servants. To Mr. Thornton : MaryO'Brion said Murphy forced his way into tho hons.1.•Mr,- ,Thornton" said 'Mrs'O'Brion's dofenco, was thatwhen -lotting out one of hor servants, who goes home

: every night, tho door was opened and Murphy forcedhis way into tho honso. ; The servant was aftor gettingsome; supper, and- tho bcor that "was found was somodrinkx 'fc.ven,:to hor. • ¦ Tho magistrates dismissed thecaso. . . - . , :- . - . . '¦ : ' . . . - - .

..Murphy,was chen'ohargod with b9ing drank on Mrs.O'Brien's premises oa Sunday night.: Tho. defendantpleaded guilty and o-flno - of 2s: 6d., or 24 hours' impri-sonmout. 'was imposed.: : - .- . ' ¦ • ' ¦ " •" "• .'•SroNB.THBOwiHa—Nicholas Keefo was chargod withassaulting Edmond Daly, -Ballyfunnor., by hitting himin. Ihi - cyinritlii a sboacV Dair in iiilipapital . tho woundtHat-ho received itf the oyfl -boinga ytary cerious ono.Daly not being.well enough'to appear, aconsEablo wasorderod :toi takd Koefo: to the hospital, and if ho wasidoritined an the'lporson .who threw tha stone,.ho wouldbo: remanded for eight days; bail to be takon, the do-fondant inv S. and twa s>>reticS3 of £2 10s. eaoh. Tfiocbtirt then roso: ¦¦¦. •¦; - : -- •¦:

¦ ¦•- ¦• '¦" ¦' '¦ ' r

,. N- .r.-- . i-',::. •¦-. ¦¦-¦¦¦'

A .::-v- - : ¦ ¦"

-. ..1 :-. 1 nvATE&FQBD CQUBSIJIG CLUB:;' The1"second iaeet of this olub toolt .place oa.Tuosday'nt MonamintraCro.sa Koada, and,wa3 largely attended.Owing tb.the'raipa.ot tho two, preyions days the groundwas' heavy.'and'of a,caaractei;.tb t«Bt the going quali-ticii'of;tiio;,d'oga;, its;

.wetl-as."tts ," staying'-', powers oftto' loyferS of thVleash^dnjoyiig'the sporfcs...Notwith-afediiir'g'tnfa faot,' oiyeTer.'thartt waaavery enjoyable:'day; ' jooi luires' thftuks'fo thb careful hianagomsntof'ttpyo'ry fficionth'onojr ryfaocrctary, Mr. J.. K. Curtis,1and'*fgqt)d_'i3wf8; ' o^cniiiBb of ..,tbe; desire,;animating' thtf^Tnembers' completiiB t^ haro no'np.bnfc tha ,bc«t'po'asitfld'anlmals." 5^r:'Eiohard. Dillon, aa naoal, dio-' oharged ltb,e .dntiea'of Judge .most satasfaotonly, and'n'o ImigSvliafcyeir.waswopting in Davy Lyons ajBlipper.Th. following was' tho result of the day's running-:—¦""Mr.'J'.'ytuoi'srb ." Fanny beat Mr." - deary's" W d,McOralfi,1!'Mr'. 'p: 'Beilly's bl. d,.Milb, beat-Mr. J.

'•'Pawe'r"1s.b:a,-Dako;- ,Mr,, W. Bca's n s.(bl d),. Joe,r eat'iMr;;Mol(o'v's •.br. d.V .True. to' Promiso ;> Mr, J.UaLBpiraoll'sIbl d -,Blue.'5kin,|beat, Mr.' Henry's bl d,MM 'jF raifi.^MryE. '.Torristol's,»,b ,,Jteilib B)y«, eat;m(J.fih'ea*Sb b,':Qiieop ;" 3Ir. £C.Jio>dmg'si d,•yaTp<aAede;bfcaf Mr. y /:aiaec'B Sajjayi Mr. S. MBrgf's

,'EMy/>^n'8 !»r;.''J^i:.Kellyi8 .bl .t-.Blue Bon.TSetk 'iia'Vnf oniiisS .y 'MTi ,1,'. Fiuneranjs ;U d Littlo Bob

^ iilp V' '''' :,n^ i,PiiiBj(((txoss3-r-FEntOART--rSatBia y^7,' BallydinoifSS'StS? fcJfou^Wi JPoQlaMnnBk j.TaMdv-' KV-.P»m.Xk«i(sJ5oW;iTU,anaay 6l2,.<roU9giM)ra.yujsgD-:-PrWajl.lS,• MonntpNSinvToe$da7.'d7».Oardeu Mprrli; ,.Tharaclaj;: 19.'j irrlaTO'Hi ii^ #IjjsSBri^!iioni«ir 6, B«lto Lake #handif Wf a t 'Sais&oAt 'lJi q-clogt,, :. ' , ". ,

"¦'iM^ M^ ^^ ^^- Es<»—The» SJgfe2fr V^aafrfTOuagw>:"8on.of the fete^ ^HS S DW5E «torfDrd(iwere laid ia:B^WV S 'W^ t*ou §jBromer cemetery,¦P^ Mi (^^^ M»ttiitcltdzl?i<A6t,ti.nt,9!»Ht%«»Ai9T.,WUKfosa »iid!Doblmihe lefts mim nt

« > S*WW^ i* 'Y : « «a'Morgan,

'%£&&?¥&$*%&* 29M#grit|«*'?SJ°Hienf-*id

SM-ij^ ^ ^ SW^MpWieiboosolidated®B^KW^ ^ * '' *Bttf^w' psfiJ^ ana ffi y-'jS thi"ipb o o«.Oi^WlttVman^rif*'of »«t'ry' »pl^f{6ra

r"'"r~. 77ry t~.r ir . ¦ - I ITZTT*;--*.' '&. ,"> ~T".- - T**-<1 *»w ;., -*»"'rf-*'»*'*ivlk m», ^ J^ e^ ^3i>'na%«o

>SP^N# B: 'awi»i#^«*'ifci«iw«>rmiiw-


Page 4: 1pm WCTERFeRD CHROM^^i^jj g^rER ACVER^PrrlNCORPORA …snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/... · 1 'itnanmoiATE PASSAOB; inoloding Boda, isddiaK', • andaU neoemsry

d IJoetfBbs" A??E :.\. ,- . . .f at Hie 'lcjWnj °t- «wtt«r'aM»»iiIMmtinj-Jltld; •: .¦ .hunter, broke bis' neck over * slx-

. Je folks, I dare.,Hntondo I:nin;:

' -''-^yer mercies are, ,"For tSifWoX ^mpawoa they hv« none. ,

Thoy say I'm littered of a noxious race,Fit only to be hunted o'er the airtb,.

And s» pre$erre it, merely tor thp chase.To minister to their own selfish; idle nurtn.

But thit tbero is a Jaw. rotribntive ¦ :, .That punishes s,ojh sets ; it well known l« .

Expressly made for. thein, I do believe . ,For by liune 'tis'colled Lcx-Tally-bo-nU. , . : . .

•ria this that fractures skulls and brosis men's bones,'And produces ulioulder dislocntioua;. ; . ' . . . , . ..

And utrotclod qn'doors, tend sportsmeD'home with groani.To endure tbo pongs of amputations.

Oh, itrctcoo-1 fools j thos the risk to runOf <!».ith ; or crippled totns for life ; and all

For what ? for the poor, unmanly tuoOf torturinir and mwiKling a poor aulonl.

U over is fulfilled tbe threat divine,Tbo hairy acnlp of wickedoeaa to nounu,

T.s when his evil destinies comliiuoTo fling the reckless rider to the ground.

If evil hunts the man of wicked mind,To pursue the object, of God's wrath,

Ii)t Kim rods in tho chase look oft behindFor tho tat Nimrod hunted men to death

Bat pctticoated sportsmen too are seen,Mnklog their sense of delicacy yield

To (rrossor mature, uml thete crinolineTo garments better suitod to the field.

Oh. women ! kindly sent by ProvidenceTo 'meliorate tho lurdnc&s of man's fcrtart,

Js it thus your gentle InfluenceTon sacrifice to sport, by taking port—

In cruelties that indurate your own ;Submitting you to i»ossibly a state .

Unsuited to jour se* : or, if e'er thrown.To consequences sad to contemplate.To cniTe yonr pity, then, kind folks, I dare ;

In rain from my tormentors do I run;;Cruel, indeed, their teuder mercies are.For bowels of compassion they have none.

AN OLD VALENTINE" Floverx mat//ude, but (rve lore ntvrr 1"Itnu tbe motto round the wreath.But the IOTB has gone for ever, .Slain by parting worse than death." To thtone I lore" was writtenHnlf.vtay down tho blOBiomcd Bboct,Gazinjj thereupon, sore-smitten,I the words with weeping greet.Here with gold the page was garnished,And with Hue forget-me-not,Flowers and gold urv torn aud tarnished,JVH the olden love forgot.Rod the firelight gleams around me,.Lighting np too dear old room ;Am I held by ties that bound moIn tho heyday of my bloom ?Shall I hoard this faded treasure PKeep this thing that vexes BO ?Love, one love, has found its measure.Since the days of long ago.Shall I pvo to fiery keepingGf the flames, this recoxd oldCf a love that, spite of weeping,Priyer; and sacrifice, grew cold?Shall I watch tho red flames brightenO'er its faded gold and gloss ?Nay—I feel my heartstrings tightenBut to tbink of inch n loss.I will keep my faded treasure,Gold, forget-me-nots, and wreath.If one love had stinted measureOne is measureless till dsath 1

WIND AND TIDEI stood by the broad, deep river.The tide flowed firm to its month 1I saw the sweet wind quiver,

As it rose in the golden south.On the river's bosom'it fluttered.And kissed and caressed all day.And the joys of the south it muttered ;

Bat tho tide kept its northern way.Tender and chaste was its suing,Till the face of the river-brideRippled and gleamed in the wooing ;But northward flowed the tide.And so, thought I, Ood's graces

Woo our goals the livelong day,Which brighten and smile in their facesSin bears us another way.

L I T E R A T U R E .Gathered Ltaves.—DUBLIN : Sackville-stxoet.

This is a very pretty little publication, an offspringof that essentially Catholic work, the Lamp, admir-ably adapted for the reading of Catbolio youth. litcontains several touching tales, snort but expres-sive, replete with instruction, and handsomelyillustrated. We would sincerely wish to see" Gathered Leaves" in all tbe CathoUc schools, atleast, of Ireland.

Biograp hy of Lord Bcaconsf tcld.—LoxDON ;Holborn Viaduct Steps, E.C. This is an ably-written, detailed biography of our present remark-able priuio minister, from the moment of. hisentering into this world to the present date. Every-thing connected with his literary and political lifeis laid before tho public with a research and alucidity speaking highly of the assiduity and painsexercised by the author, Mr. T. P. O'Connor. M;A.,and, in every respect, the work is ono which willwell repay perusal.

Living Lives—LONDON : Tavistock-street, CoventGarden. Under this title we have brief, yet tellingnotices of great political workers, Gladstone, Bright,Thomas Carlyle, Sir James Anderson, and A. M.Sullivan M.P. Those distinguished men are justlydescribed, not as ephemeral workers, whose deedsare of a transitory character only, but as laborersin •' wiso unselfishness," whose nets and whoseadvice will last when many others of a differentclass are utterly forgotten. In an article in thispamphlet on " Ireland" we find the following :—

" If tho people of all Ireland, cast and west, northand Boath, could *peak with one voice at the presenthqur, it would be to proclaim to England .- We toif lhavoVpolitical. freedom, but wo will have patience inworking and watting for it. , We an mom fixed thanover in our old, unalterable determination to be anation, and'to govern onr country ourselves ; but woare in no hurry. What wn wish H«HA « wiah m>11d°no. Wo know the past, and have learned muoh fromit. We have erred deoply, and we have suffered deeply.That we are not a free nation now is, we sadly acknow-ledge, chiofly our own fault But we will mend. Anation can wait, and be tho stronger and wiser for wait-ing.., In our past.feverish, dreamful struggles wo haveboon frequently promised by. the weak, fooHsb, or.de-aigning,; the immediate, triumph, of our nationality.SiJVViJ 1!* year*, one year. To believ«.tui»iwaa

childish. The work even, now1 , beforelu»—aodi neverwas there OJ timo when.we wenas* strong-in*ihepresent,1and had as just reason for hope in the xntuxfe-v-is-long-and arduous, and will .demand onr most earntst andprolonged efforts. , And nin thankful that it is so.We do heartily 'and earneaUy.recogniso it as a, greatand blessed privilege to have such a,task set before ns.1To attain it we believe most 1 sincerely And solemnly tobe our destiny.- But first we must niake 6nrselvei.not

. merely me cqnsjs oi the isntun people, nomerons,' great, ana powerful a*' itey/ai* j': W musy surpass' them, and our stiperioritym jt be that 6f.eanc»tion,. ' energy, - and sagacity. , Their moral "And intellectual¦ equals we have long proved onrse]Ve« to Be. . .Our pub-¦ lio workers'can do much for us," but the greater and•¦¦ most vital part lies with ourselves.;, WIth6ut,not alone

our help, bnt onr direction and command, they can do; nothing. ' They derive their strength from na, and. as•' -we grow stronger,' year'by year, so will they.. If they• but do their dnty to ns, their reward will be .great -and- ample.' Their country will bs ageneron*»ndcbnsider-, ate. mistress, will;.make mu<&'allowance f<hr'.ianboent• shortcoming*, and will not. bo.° impatient for quick,i results, will forgive all faults for honesty; and earnest-• ness of pnrpose,- but. will tolerate no trifie'ra and no¦ traitors. The work tbo Irish people ask to be done, for

them is honourable ; it is noble ;it Ig rjrorthy of th«• very higoe*t efforts of tho verr best men;-'- They.will,'' therefore,"hate noos bot honest' gsntlemenr,C<>atlemen- in the xnndest sonse. who wonld iloop to no xxwinaesa¦ even for Heir conn try—(?ia£ their country would never.:

ask, and that they would acorn it if aiV&di is the best.surety that tiey would do no; mean, tiling to betrayher. We win have true1 men, able ibmr;'skilfol, cool,'

, ready, logical men, as many at pot»iblai bflf honest,. earnest, man"a,bove all. Their cour»* in.the British. Parliament appean eleario tm ~:' Sine* theV 'can' do so• little for their own. country there," and 'yeVtp dothat

little must be Always presVai, theyir l lagtsUta/orthel British people.' Tbey 'will ob»trnct^ba4 PieMOres,

mid promote all good one*. They will. watch overBritish interests as If they wei» their own. .Britain's¦ representatives neglect her. ; In attenipUnif'to'' do all,

• they.Jo nothing, or nothing well;-. li, Wiping. frOSa'us: our own natnv ParHament they injure' tnwr pwi 'ooun-.. try .almost M muoh s«'the'y. dc):6urt.vB>f*!waTa: the., first duty of-Irish representatives in the BrW»fl;P*rlia-'j. maatia to IreiaJid.-and thm>tte« :wW'l Jnuit.be'to. . IPILVQ Kncrland tA faAHiAif. n i.fiiftvM a'lW^AA<l' :tnK i 'tif An '• Vie have innumerable<Effi<ralUOTsUid'dsfiierj£><id'not, : the least tto jealous'doubto and1fe>ri. bM-W>»fl'but,.'¦poworfollminori - of^Profioateata'adntnint'DbrBelvM,.- . bnt ol those woiave eoodhc^K '^MtMi'MiAiiu,' thoir.own w.ayr•They'are not1 -wH3iotit^»t}Cliil pride,r.and their high spirit and good sense wfli.notloiii. allow

, . them, to continue what, M » bodr tth..<«i) < ex Wf9 "• i' sblor exception;' they have' hitherto: MBII'-TA oouter gen'i.ideri nwtltoriEnglish,'whioh 'they; o«mpt, iior.i:wonUv, admit 5 wish'to^ be-^rioVIrishlirMetrtiietf pwqnir; tteir.fvmaJihood andilidriateiMfccUflUnattieUio' b*: :- ':!', ¦• JriiV :Jfedfe - Lli*O(^a«^> I)TjBitK tf ;Gr«iWn.i strict.' TbequArt jTBrkirt 'tii 'Mkh Medfc»li ¦ 'Association ending Deceinber* Slit,' 1870/.Pr,rk>«dy/

in,1 t;he chair,.haa owne to;h*a*J,;j»^4*>««»:™U''o';9:Tnloableinformation.[£(t, *bm.ptoowting.by;tt»'(,'-.cSf ^il

to amend the present HocUstJCtanritteafAc^V tbe foUoWtai&': amongst Mother pcbtMMU</«Ht':mi6)a»; mendBil:>— «iiiSiil,&hi<<ir&£&tf mbw&*!&&ll>r<

i, ovary im«mber,.of-a diqieaa«^r»iaiilmMr.'3WfffHy/:,;w r officer k^

forrt»Wtr «Aic«tt«

above • denied}!it 'should be:lawfulfon su'oh medicaloffice* to apply toa jnstiqe or joiticcs sitting. »t'pettysessions for tho' district' - in whicli '¦ tha dispensuy iisitnatcd,'or to the-dispensary committee,- to .have saidticket c&noeUed on the ground aforesaid; -and the saidJustice, or justiees, il they oofaalder that auoU person' isnot'aJpoor person within the meaning of the not, shouldbe'ompowered forthwith to issue, in the form containedin the schedule Ar|heroundpr,[ an ordor oahoeUing laidticket;'copies of which order ¦'should'- b«iforthwithssrvcd uponlfae medical ofilcer,' and'upon the honorarysecretary of the dispensary, oommittee,'and'also uponthe' persnnrfor - whom . the ticket wax1 jraiitad'!. andthereupon it should cease to bo the duty «f tbo medicalofficer to afford medicine, me&(^attenaan6oy<)f advice,to said person upon any ticket-.until1 rifter the lapse'ofthree calendar months from tho date of the order of¦aid justice, and then only npon/ the issne.ora nowticket: The Iiocal Oovemment iBoardl should)-havepower, by their sealed order, to remove from office anymember of a dispensary oommitteo.f or; any'relievingofficer , who shall knowingly or wilfully iannaadispon-saxy medical relief ticket to a person whoianotapoorperson, as above defined ; and, at any time within throemonths next after the. date of cancelling a: ticket,' itehonld be lawful for the medical officer who shall havbreceived, a acb ticket, and who shall havjl procured ajustice's order for tbo canoelliDg' of such ticietrto pro-ceed against tho person who issued such ticket for thoracbvory of snoh foes for his attendance upon the portson for whom tho ticket may have been issued as tbojustice may consider reasonable." " i

The roport8 are of murti importance to the poorj-law medical profession:


(Before Chief Baron Palles, - Baron Fitzgerald; and jjBaron Dowse.) ' ' • ¦

John Fewer v. Edviond Pouwr.—Mr. Theodore By;-lnnd applied that this action might be remitted fortrial before the County Court' Judge at WaierfordlCounsel moved, on tb.« affidavit of defendant; who is «.merchant in Waterford which stated that tho phUntiffwas a porson. of no', visible means ; 'that In is only aholper in the Waterford butter market, and resides in alano. The action. U brought to recover damages foralleged assault. Defendant further stated "that r theplaintiff hod been recently in suph dirn distreaaithathewas obliged to beg for pocuniary assUtamce,: and d<vfendant not long sincek gave him a nhilling to pay hisrent ; that it was while the plaintiff was, on anotheroccasion, soliciting alms from defendant, and.came intotha premises of tho latter in High'-etroet, under thoinflnence of drink, tho alleged assault was oommitlod,and that if defendant did anything-whioh conld ba con-slrued into an. assault, it was of sueh: a- trivialcharacter that the plaintiff would not recover J65Q.Mr. Baron Dowao said evidently this waa a case inwhich a beggar came into a man's shop drunk.' Mr.Eyland said that was so. The case was remitted, coststo bo costs in tbe cause. . ¦ - ¦

Corporation of Kilkenny v. Oeorgt Anderson, Letteaof the Kilkenny Oat Company.—The Lord Chief Barondolivered the nnanimoua: judgment of the court inthis case, which- was a demurrer to an equitable do-fence of Anderson's. The ejectment had been broughtby tho plaintiffs against the: defendant to recoverpossosaian of certain premises in the city.of Kilkenny,,upon whioh defendant had erected gas works, upon anotice to quit, alleging that the defendants were tenantsfrom year to year to'the Corporation. The defendantspleaded the etatutable defence, that they.- were in posses-sion, and also, an equitable defence, that they were inpossession under a'lease dated. July,- 1838,- from thoCorporation, and upon the faith of. thatloase had spontlarge sums of money in erecting gas works, with thoknowledge and acquiesoence of the Corporation-, andclaimed specifio performance, of< tho lease, or compensa-tion for tho monoy expended in .the works. ¦ Counsel forthe plaintiff, demurred to the equitable defence, on thoground that the leaso was made after, .the passing ofthe Cth and 7th Wm. IT., cap. 1, which waa pasBOa ii183S, and prohibited all . alienation of corporate .pro-perty pending tho. passing of tha Municipal Corporaltion Act, 3rd Vic, cap. 103. The act, in sec. 140, proLhibitod the making of leases longer than 31 years, con^scquently the lease was void ab initio, and no speoifi*performance of it could be granted, and that the Corj-poration conld not be ordered to pay compensation, asthoy would not have any power to levy a rate to payit. The conrt held* that tho lease was void 06 t'nid'o,because it was made ultra vires, and contrary to act ofParliament ; and that, na plaintiffs wore a, oorpprrftionidefendant was not entitled to any compensation, asthero waa no possible f und to j»y it out of. The delmurrcr was allowed with costs. ' Coungol for the plain-tiffs—Messrs. Eemphill, Q.C., and Morgan Kavanaga(instructed by Mr. H. Lowe). For defendants—WiJohnson Q.C, and J. Hoohc. For Kilkenny Gas Com-pany—Messrs. Byan, Q.C., and J.' Gibson, (instructedivMr.'J. Poo). ¦ ,' COTJB-T OF BANKEUFTCT—LONDON, JAN. 28.: (Before, Mr. Registrar MUBBAT as Chief Judge.).- I

Re Richard Fennetly.—This was an application forthe appointmont of a receiver. The dobtor,' who baipresented a petition for liquidation, was described asof 222' to 224, Central Provision Market, and thfVictoria Bacon Factory, Islington, provision merchantThe liabilities are estimated at .£35,000, with'MseW,£3,800 consisting of' stock, book debts, Ac, Upon' theapplication of Mr. E. C. Willis, 'his honor appointedMr. C. Barrett, pnblio accountant, to the offioo of rej-ceiver of the estate, and restrained ; two hootile credi-tors until after the first meeting. ¦


LONDON BKTTINO AQKNTS. ' K '1 Application was made yesterday by Mr. Holland,

before Yice-Chancellor Malina, in tbe casoof Cheamlyv. Smith, that notwithstanding that letters of ad-minstration to the plaintifi's estate had not been sealodin this conntry, the Irish adminstration might be per-mitte to revive and carry on tho action. The actionwas by a yonng man in Ireland against a, firm of bet-ting ' agents, to whom ho had given security to' a verylarge amout An interim injunction had been obtained,and tho action had been postponed from time-to timewith a view to a compromise, but unfortunately beforeany settlement had been come to, the plaintiff died,just after "Christmas last. ¦Letters t of administrationbad been granted to his sister, and the defendants hadundertaken not to negotiate tho securities before tho2nd of next . month, but it was impossible; that theletters of administration could bo sealod in England,before that day. The application was txparte, and theVice-Chancellor made the order. . ' ' '

QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISIONBefore Mr. Justice O Bnen, Mr. Justice Fitzgerald

and Mr. Justice Barry.) ¦- O'Kecffe v. Walsh and others.—Mr. Hemphill, Q.O.

(instructed by Mr. MiCormiok), on ,behalf of the plaint-iff , moved tor a conditional prole*, to change tho verdict

had for the defendants into one for 'the plaintiff , oh thj>grounds of misdirection; reception of illegal evidence,ahd its being against the weight of evidence'. The ac-tion wasone of ejectment on title brought against foul:tenants 'of-a townland in' the neighbourhood of Dun-garvan, of which the plaintiff, Mils1 MarjrcFranoesO'Keeffe, is the., owner under, a foe-farm, grant. , Thedefendants. churned - to have bean .tenants from/ear toyear of the late Mr. John,O'Keeffo,,M.P. for Dangar1-ran, brother of the plaintiff, and to have been subaef-qnentlv recognised by the plaintiff.id srioh."' Mr." JohnO'Keeffe wa< tenant fotwe of the lands under tha willof -his nfaole, James O'Keeffe,- withremabqertohiSsister, tha plaintiff, in«»«e he should die without Uvad.MBfls-O'Keeffe. beoamB entitled,':*n thedaathlof-M .Jpha- O'Keeffe , without iranain: Jnoo, 1877 :»nd;ipJanuayry, ,l&79..brouglrfcejectment; processesijOBiAtl s

.against the defendanUf whom, she refused to recogniseas .tenants'fforn .year to yearl THe actionjriis, trie 1'before Mr. Juatioe O'Brien.' The' jury" (ounij that theplaintiff had by her conduct recognise* tha1 ddfsridKnjB1,as tenants from yea*. to 'jetir i and upon' this fln'dmrthe! rearned jndgd directed aVretdiotfor the defendant*;<with. -leave,. reserved.' ,v Counsel quoteoVUie~affidavit ofMr- Daniel- O'Connell, tho phdnUfTs agent, thai so fkr

, f(om,root)gnlsiaa the drfeadantsai yearly tenanU,.tilecheaue.. ,they- sent for, therrent wss jetnrnedi, , -j 4,oonm-tiianal order waa granted on. ue; gxoonclsmenfioned,;;. • j

IJVORD :Ds;; Yssci; oir./iAsB*m.>tx,, EARIJ -otiCiAirwiJiUM,—The. will./.dAtedi JnDe:a0th;O88lJ,'.with. , a codicil, of Sir Eichard. Charles Francii,Earl of Qlanwilliam,, O,C.H., whadiedon October-Tth laat at his town resides,-No* 8atBelgTayd-:Bquare,;, was, proved OQ ihe 16th:Jan by the EigKt 1Hon.. Biobard. James; Earl :of ;01anwillianJ> this:«on, ¦ Viscount , de ¦. Vesci, the nephew^ *x&: l*riiWAveney/ tbe e,Tecutors,jtha personal estate beingsworn »nder <25O,00O,. : Tbe testator ibequefttts,.tbe I Uy i$traUi London New* Ba,y«/, to bis wceouton/;-X100 each; to his.daoghter/ Lady Selina CatherineiidweU, 2O,00p3- to-his;son,. the Hbn.JJobert.Henry. Meade; 20,000; to: bis son, the Hon. andR«v,; Sidney Meade, '427,000 j; to bla,eldeet sonj tbepresent, eorl/^U,000;J iIni the oa8fl of . bis cbildrerJ;'these,, legacies j are,in . addi tion, to'any; provision'made for them in hia Wetime, a l«g«CTe«;to".U»:grand-children,, agent, injlreland,1 forper,)^ p'ra-!s*bt BeivanU anda^Wto

b Ir^aiient.todiJ-'

.t^bnto;flpr|TBWy.V.m;rcMty;.;.;tai»iiwld 'itBelgrave-aqusre, j nw we stables *nd -the furnitaiwvUUi,'. pfctorwi wjne>-««eidtoMeweUeTr!'(«* iyMiiIfacdpnati ind pearW iJSoriwJind c«rW««ijB(*;iDown, 'he leave*^t<xiU«ldert son;' Thfi'disnioodpahd fpeMla /lerVtf^ribig

usQfo lifef nod aftrti

wards. they are.,to,gQ with.-.Ure,,Eatldan btiClsji-;wiUianr/as;.heirloomB.l Aliihu;nnsettlrf r »wa,le^bbli iproperty/itt;1 I^d/'fa^o v s -.b irofeatiM»upon the;ian^':Ti*<*-«^ s*

1-^:&illbaUJ e«tat«, '.iHa~. tbi'residu9:olb>r»5»»T-(£ai:s^riHes fo*'money togettc*; ^ !! *

Wia3&. Jor. Ireland, to*« fsHbd-&JtteMiit(Kt»'Mthft ftpiK.ll > JMts,fAV .,TliaT} f¦*¦ tM BfjU^ g.


IEISH CIVIL SEEVICE BUILDING SOCIETY. r The.aCcounta of- this company, -which are pub-Ilisbed in,a. very "complete and satisfactory form,, donotlapproolably, exhibit any; 411': effects from tbe.". severe and ; protracted.- ,' commeroial depression,"whicb the report laments.;, The balances at the year

rending: 180th November,' 1879; are set side by sidejwithbhoseof the year ended 30th-November, 1878,and ,we are thus enabled, to, judge not only of the.bompanyte present position, but of its present con-dition in relation to its condition at tho close of itsprevious financial year. , This is. an advance in themanner, of presenting accounts, and the directorsare to> be :cominendeu> upon; tbe course they, have¦now for some years adopted. The usual endeavour61 a ohaitman-4 bddress is to gloss.over, if not qon-cealk.thfc; depteBBion in his company's business, orthe falling away in, its, profitB. - The directors ofthe Irish Civil Service Building. Society make noattempt at repression^ Unreservedly they publishthe fullest accounts of; ,tbe.ir; stewardship, and; thisis a cirenmstanoe doubtless, whicb:oomuiands publicconfidence!,. For the past, year,:tbe net profitsamount to. j614,80a 0s. 7d., of, which the ad-interimdividend'paid at midsummer,- a,t the rate , of 10 percent.peB annum, abBorbed>e7,311 3B. 7d., and tbedirectors have since declared a further dividend atthe same rate. The - gums.thus, divided amountto £14707>19s.:7d.,.' leaving; a; balance to be carriedforward' of £36 Is.. 0d.—'Banker.


Before Messrs. C: Uogors'lin the chair), J. Kearney,E. Power,: and Colonel Mollan,' C.B., K.M., with Mr.T. Whelan/S J,, in attpndanpo., .

OhsTBurtioN -, It' TiiK Couri'rr' EAILWAT.—JohfaHartigan, car'dritef, WAS-SUtnm6'f)<>d, at the suit of thedirocfoMfof flie 'ttiuuty' WattrfoM'Eailway'Company,for creating' an bb«t*bfcori'at the-BUttbrry termtnuo'onthe lStHinat JamM>Borkej-'sPpd'rtebi th»'employmontof the-' oomplaihante deposed .'that ho'was on. duty atthe station on the 15th ; defendant came iu on the plat-form, in.' spito.of.-preyipua.'oantiona: not to do so, andwhen, told to leave, ntood, ip the door-way, obstructingtho, passengers.;-witness, had' to. bring him before theatotion-mastOT,' who;o"rdeHd'htm'ont ; this man wasfrequently >mutionobV'bef<3re':riotJ to enter; on the plat-form."! Mr;' THbmas1' Sfottcry,- - Bolr.,. Lismore, who ap.peare for the company J saievths summons was broughtunder, the, 16th- saoUou of tho 3rd ¦ and' 4th Victoria',which 'imposed a/penalty,np to-£5 for such an offence,and he had to state tbatithe diructore were determinedto provont their passengers.,,boing obstraoted. As theoffence was not disproved a fine of 10s. or Beven days,was imposed. , The fine was paid.'' Tho next easb was a snmjnons, by tne same cbmplaiq-antsragainsti John Power,' described' as of'Bank- Lrma,for 'obstruction', aseanlt.' aild threatening larigoagcl.The samo witness deposed that when ho wajcputtingout ' Hartigan, Power sworo that Hartigau was no manto let himself be put ootaide ; that he would not allowhimself to. be treated in that way, and. askod him(Burke) ; out to fight him;.wbon boing put out, Powerstrnck complainant; the passengorB.were coming out atthe time',' and were obstructed. A similar punishmentwas imposed in this cose, with 10B. for tbn assault.' ' "¦ Inthis case Mr.' Slattery also- appeared for the company. ;

ASSAULTS.—Johanna MnJcohy summoned Mr. B.Power,i farmer, Doigh,1 for' on allegod asaault on the16th ' December. It, appeared, that .complainant was asoryant in defendant's nouse, and was found by himcrying because of , .something said to her by hermistress.' . In removing her, aa oho deposed, to makenuist sbmoWhere'else', Dcaldos in the houso, the allegedassault took place, but the summons was dismissed, alltho wrong- date' was set forth, the point being raised bydafotlftant. ' '¦. . i * . • .i .Michael.!Walsh, Yellow-road, . summoned PatrickQrady,- for'- an alleged assault on the 15th. It wouldseem that's, row .took place because of defendant ask-ing iWaUh lwhy he called his (defendant's) child animproper, name, and as.theievidenoo showed both sidesoqually faulty the case was'dismissed. .

One «ase-of; drunkenness,, in .which the acousod,Joremiah Lewis, was fined 2g.l 6d. for drunkennese atNewrath, completed the.business.'

' ¦' . . —¦' J THE CTJBBAaHMOBES.

Tharsday la-it saw bis lordship atBallevuo, when the¦ roads' thereto were almost impassible in consequence ofthe h»rd .fro8t "of the" previous' night. However, the

. master was'riot to be doterrod, and operations were com-

.menoed, by'drawing1 Bellevuo blank. Wont on to Ot-monde's> gorge,-where the- foxes- were found in'abunf-dance. One was tallied away at the far Bide, going «B iffor Boohestown,: but he turned! short by Ballyraban,thenco by tho covert, and leaving Bingville and Ballid-law , down on the left, mado his ground good into Snow1-billi wbbre ho was lost, after one hour and ten minuteshad be«n' spont on his lino,'but a good portion of it wasin* the" coyerta ; yet, nevertholess, all things taken intoaecount, it was a 'fair day's sport. ' The noble masterhad a bye-day on Snturdry last, at Eilmacthomas, iwds real high-class day's sport was -vouchsafed to hid lord-ship's! followers on that' dato. -: Currabaha, was firsttried, andtthe fastest 85 minutes of the season was had,.He wentlon.by Few* Chapel, crossed tho river, leaving: EUmaothpmas olose'on the loft ; crossed the Dungarvanroid, thr'iugh tho, bogs' to |Faua, and.baok into Cato-baha, without the semblance of a cheok. Kilmoylaiand Kilmacthomaswera foilesBj'and Ballydurn was theovening 'call, ' and well did it respond by at once send-ing forth a good 'un, * He broke aB it for tbe mountain,but bent to the right, and ran down Ballydurn, and ouby Duckett's plantation into Curraghmbre, then toPortlaw wood, where thero was no refuge for pug, so hemade tracks back into Cnrraghmbre demesne, and wasrolled over there in splendid stylo, after a great run offifty-five minutes' * duration.' Gardenmorria was theCurraghmore' tryst; on Monday last, and another first-class' day's abort was the upshot. ' The demesne held afox that set hiB mark as if for QeorgeBtown, but turnedshort to. the right through Csxrigeen, and on ns if for, Amber hill,' but he sunk thisi point by .turning short;back through Bathany, and thonoe by Slieveaamon

j bill, and eventually lost at firman, after 45 minutes'good hunting, Went back to Qardonmorris, found an-other -fox there, and ran him fast and straight to thecliffs on the ooashore. Ddnhill was the next order,¦and a- find was: there at onco proclaimed. Went to--wards- Annostown', • but' retraced i bis steps back1 toiDunbill, where -the honnda wore whipped off after 4bminutet! -good going had, been had with him. ' Thisended another really good day's sport. , . i


FEARFUL STATE. .OP THE WEST. , \¦ In.an admirable. letter from Connemara, in theDaily .TeUgraph. of-Tuesday, the writer., says;—" Bents cannot be. paid,while there is nothing; to beearned, and when evictions abound, as they threatento abonndj we shall bear that scores of families are 1living, or dying in dens and caves of the earth.' ; In,«uch a country poverty muat'eJwaya exist, while thefailnreof a single crop inevitebly/mcans'. more orless. of famirte.'.. But failure',; to. some, extent drother, has attended tbe .UBt .tbi Wif ieaaotiB. and as amatter of'course, tho pressure, of distress in' andaround Clifdefl ia extreme. ¦ I go .further and do-are. hat the people ure'.atthw^

inoment starving, 'atfd.; that,1 if tbey ,are -not, to !.perish:, of, hungad, -instant measures mnst bo adopted! " Help , mnst;come speedilyjand liberally, if tho-pcople are to bejiftW. i,::,i .:- , .i;<, r-'G.. - . . . . r , -v! •!¦ :•;¦ - • ¦ '< ' ¦ - \ 'o;.:t TCil, j I ." i ' . I . ' I. • - , : : > ,

.Seven Teart ' J>orMw*«nt-^Shice4'7l6,wben the;8erjtenhial:Apt was;reisged,'tlio'followiDgParliaf-nwnt* '.bire-iexceederfsixyeaTB induration ;—Tbeflret Parliament.of George I. met March 21,'H16 ,arid iwai dissolvsdJiiTcb. 10;il72S. thus sitting forse»en yeft*B.'less.11 'd4yi>,,;iTHe-first :Parli»mentoff OeortfeMI..'met J on Jan nary/ 28,: 1723; and wasaissolrediApril 18, 178-,.havin» lasted six years and80 days,J: Tne seJdndfarliaifa«itof',tleor(i[e.II. motJanaary,W, I78B.aiidv,w«a;di»aotv«l April 28,:i74i,having; lasted J six yeatJB aid (lft*.d*y»/ i TbV fourthParliam«n»;ofiiGebrg»Jtbi:n; pfet November 10.iW -aid^^asdliBorvediAprilft-nMi'baviiig'thuB! sstei) six years and 149 days. -The fifth Parllimflnt!b£/.'Qeorgs'IL raetilik«i^Wil 'l?f^'-sjid.ws«diB-:«o)wsdiMarch 2, a78I, having lasted siryears and127 days, j Tho first Parli»mant of GKsorge III. met '(NoveniberiS,: 1761,cini4-a»Tik6U«solveoV'Maroh li, '<iW68;r'.ba.'f in{f ilsatedi'Bixy«iiB*iid:181 ds.vBi ' Tie!-second'. Parliament .ij frOootje) nfiitmet 'May ;10,11768,, d»dj:wa»; dissolved tSepiember )8O,U77*. ite'

liratioft.' being'-aixVy ttsTaadlJ^adiys.,JTbe fifth '•:Parllamsbk:of G«ojx*;iILiiBet'Ma.y 16V1784,audltwMVdUs«x>lTedvJ,njie.ia/1790/iU,dai»Hon,beiDgiiikyews ajid afrdays;--/.Thsiinrtt ParliamentctGso'r,™OTsoin»t<iAJ«fl 80,1820, sid jra«.dlssolv«d,ilnn()•¦*,:¦1828;: haviBgr lasUd-jsir'yesrs suuia38 days/- tTiiB'sixth Parli«ui«n tot Vic toiinmsfc May 31, 1869, aud-,wasodi«6l»«dLvJnlyu6iil8M,UUltfeleingsix:yearl!»ndM/dsrj fc t^CU;i;c?.ijii!-»iy,lii ijti<'iv' >'';J , i};|ijt'-jSAtW'Dij.'i'Airi' S v''

1 Mi ODdnifi'ell; ariction<}ti,¦et' npTfoif • •«^Wqtossto?«^W ,LWelson>!stre .-i^ontt^^WfPtwinrffc'o fdur acres adcTql.-{ ^"(st t ssUi ^wWi t^oVu'a^itoere<>n/ji tha"A*rillkjrT'B«irra'cki,'<nonmei;and'

to*fi«rjeid;. . a.i'Cltin'n »tti^;'witnffre'

taJ>o^Miw.ato iiq^^^tihn«' eed;te'tswsTttafciutMMiunBsiWiay •

inViilr <i ii T<|filtii^WOTTs1sa'Tii|7tTiniVt1i >¦

V7 qim

DETEBIOBATION 6£, OS ASS. I/AND.' So long " as a grass, field '' rowk iabfl lt the',' iisnalquantity of grass, and the catUe eat it,' tbe'occdpieris too apt to rest' content witli'tbegopdor b8dre- :puiation earned by particular ' fields, witbotit.'any1attempt to alter it for the better, or even to ascertainwhether it ia not gradually; getting, worse.,, In earlylife, I learnt a lesson on this, point, whioh I: havenever forgotten. AneighbooruJg-gentleroanmoWedabout fifty acres of his parkannuallj(,and;iiotljein|a farmer, he' believed' that grass-was grasslandmade equally good hay, whether he went to the ex-pense of manuring it or not:";'He waa'also remark-ably indifferent on the subject of quantity, sayingthat he kepta Jxed number f il horses and cowhandif in a , good season he had a large crop, they ato itall, and in a bad season/they madeit do j so th>t hestuck to. his system as Jong as he lived, and the landgot no manure but what the horses and cows made.I was thoroughly acquainted with: thi8iland,,aiidmuch , interested in watching tbe result, , Thopro-duce grew gradually less—oot. year by year, or theowner would- have taken, ,the alarm; but eachdroughty year that came produced a. worse cropthan the . proceeding, dry season, unt l I have seenthe produce of fifty acres carried,homo-in- nineteencart-loads. The quality, too, had fallen off quite-'asmuch as,the quantity. In one part, of the parkwhere the land' was light, one kind.of grass.(Avenafavueetu) had taken almost exclusive,,possessionof the land, and neither cattle nQr.sheqp wpqldgraze on this portion, except in tbe mostjdesultorTway, a mouthful here and another five yards fartherOD, picked up, on the move, - showed . wljat theythought of the system 5 and even.the. .bay,was sort-ed over rather than tat en .by,, tho cows, a largeportion being deliberately rejected and trodden, A n-der foot. This is an-instructive instanoe. BhpwiBgthat the produce of grass ¦ land restored to it &u-nually, less , tbe value abstracted, frota.it by theanimals fed on it, will .not,'when continued for &length of. time/ prevent ordinary grass land fromgradual but Bteady deteripration.. It also fhowBhow much more rapidly light land deteriorate*-thanthat which is struiger. The park in, question, afterbeing' mown for ,- wapy, years, : was certaicly.., rjo,tworth more to let.tho4.2Os per acre'on tho lighter,and 30s on the sferopgerland ; bntaftec ten;j«ears'continuous, pasturing, with occasional, maaoringsand; top-dressings, it became worth 50B. per acre allround.—Dairy Farming by Professor Sheldon.,; ¦


. " ' iWe have much, pleasure'in . publishing tho fol-lowing circular, addressed, by, the . PowageryLadyPower to, Her. tenants' as she • has adopted.afnviaerand . more, judicious, mo-Je bf aesisting thelreepecwable and' solvent tenantry on.the Power, eetatea.Jnthe present .transitory, agrioultural.depressioir, thanby a temporary reduction of. rent, ;I»ithfl goodwork her worthy and popular sons—Sir(J6b» TalbotPower and Mr. James i*ower—warmJy.co-Dpewite'.,and we have, it, on undeniable authority, tuaVtheformer, produced.'at Edermine—even thiSjVeiyi.un)-propitious year—upwards of one hundred andifprtybarrels , of ..large, , sound) farinaceous, Championpotatoes to the acre :— . " ¦ : - , . . - . , • ¦ • • ¦. :¦ . i/l. ' i •

, 27, Morriou-square, North, Dublin, iSIB—Having, heard of the very satisfactory,rpsults.

Obtained' by ' poraons who planted the Champion potato ilast season, I am desirous to.encouragetiieir coltitatlon:amongst"yon,.and will bo happy to suppijr'you'witli a'few barrolaof freablyimportea ScotolTBeoa. If yowwillcall upon my. agent, Mr. O'FlAhertVr he will «dvis<> nle',and 1 will Bond che seed in bags direct to Ennisoorthy 'station,addressod to you, and will write-, to: you by. post, 'lotting you know when to call for them. . ' ¦ '

' Tho sooner they are pl&ntod'.in Fobruary the better, -as they are a variety requiring.early sowing. '. Wishingyou a proaperou's noWyear, faithfully yours, '• ' "' :¦ JANE A: E. POWEB', : .—Wexford Independent. ' " ¦

THE LAND LAWS IN IBELANJJ.—-Mr. . ShawLefevfe bias writteri a long letter, to,'the^fTiniei jihsupport' of 'Mr. BKght's proposals for', the'creationof a peasant proprietary in Ireland, He urges tbatthe extraordinary 'disproportion between ,'tbe nuia.ber of owners, of . land and tbe.riumbcrjof tenants inIreland'J renders the condition of property ujisaftand dangerous, and that; these are thestrongestpolitical as well]ais economic reasons' For ine'reriginjthe' mass "of proprietors. In accounting 'for thegrowing Bense of , insecurity amongst tbe. ;te'naht8,and' the-increasing strength\'of the'agitation ,forfixity of tenure, Mr. Shaw Lefevre remarks tbijt"thenew class of owners who have come in, and' who arestill coining in under the operation of the LandedEstate Court, are much less indulgent to the oc-cupiers' th'an their predeces8ors;were,:ancl'that theygenerally screw up ' the rents ' to the upmost t'ack-rent regardless of the legitimate interestaof ..tU? tea-ant; Any further 'changes in'the land h\ws whichwill facilitate the .breaking'up '.of old estate's,andthrew more property into the, market, will baye(theeffect of aggravating the evil, unless tneftBUrea aretaken' to unable the tenants to protecttbemsolvesby becfiuiing purchasers. ' As re'gaads. the .objeotipnto the State pUwlng itself in the relation of Jindj-lord or mortgagee to a peasant proprietary, he doesnot think1 that . aiiy" loss or conflict .need bej app're-hended,, but suggests' that the "objection ma Jsealtogether obviated by the establishment of.'ljandGreait 'Baifks; such' as those through which' ' hbPrussian Government .'carried but its celebratedagrarian reforms. ' , ' ¦ '. ' ¦' i ' i; PBXTICH OPINION . ''ON- .' IBI

'BH ! DiBTB*BBlf-This

distress* in ' Ireland' continues to occupy'the atiteiil-tio'n oftho Catholio organa jn-Frarioe., TheDnty fiidescribes the English Government as absorbed inAfrican' and 'Afghan affairs,' and11 heedless pt lp MBufferings ; speaks of the Duchess of Jdarlborough's¦ fund and foreign sntiMriptionB as utterly inadeqnata,and ' criticises.' the refusal to' draw, on th"e,Cburc -surplus, or, to- organlie jlublio>6rks,'asin tli9',;ca;w>

• ofithe Indian-Famine.;. As!ti> emigration;''''it 'j a k j r ;suit' the English' Government/' says the Pniixf*,

."that-there' shottld'be'nb lrish,' ihfrelsid/.for Bii1<would invblvie"' fewer " Catholics and Homa jEuWri,and Ireland,' abandoned, by her'chiidreBJ'would'aVlast have peace." It'id to be hoped that'such'h'opM,','if they'cxiirt,"will aever rie reM&ed; J Xto'Kp'noitt of.¦alt-Christendom"j8- at>Wk'e!V: It' is hM tiiiji tp'remedy ' ft' gitnatlbn wu'ieh. bv bwomino'.VBt'djakei.'mightsoon1.begin-tio .produce' tbe result WUIctj'Qi). ,'jai!;.hisi/4ther.in.Utw'/will-havacto supporti them,enemies-of Catholio 1 Ireland 'would'ffun'att*!) 'ttBi'p riaM'ne'has no'meana'-to'dcrso; - The sab-,emigration."' - Ttie 'Mojide '¦ reprints :'tno • BiiWoji,,of • JcoJ4taDW13id1ndt p'*wifforpunishmentiK Tbe inagia-;'Aishpnryfslette'ti'ond uriW^hat'jjKroWHWiMwip • 'tfi 'c^niuJt tfMa'1 few minnteB", 'and'sifd- .•qpito;; inade;qtuite7rtnat ttie.injuHtlpebf a cyMnSt,' 'BniW tKe-fcitcunjStBic^

of; th'e;fatKe.t-,in-laTr;,being -

fertile^; in';'bro 8h"ea, sjpolla,tioni 'and'Mri&ufiqBi,' fc/'pp«i weD^^uct^njan aidJthat,'as(they warpTenders'!it; Engknd*i dnty' to h-elp/ancf h'eri%I*ct £pf^n\e ,! the o!efenyMt',bad-taken'tbo pledged they-would to a1 certain xt'eit ja tify'ap the excises of i :j»oiiU,nct-,p«Miish in -this caae; .bntifilje was'everpeofalo ldriven to 'desperation '.V It.bojiea vaw. tlttt broiibht before them ieain, they wouUi:know ho w to'hivinynobly' aasiBt .the Wj^H doc«;,"sW:;»in dM'not:;-fWnk.'frbm>itiBfying 'He>teo.ns eii( ibVii^ *ment 'of ::

*,'saci ^ b't1 »W."P dbjl i8;d%-3dljr. 'antftip n*at«a,Wth;ia»i,'ffi fchSft'b^ ftt ' y-iot in' favoUr'Wb-th«; fiib ri en H PreW^ ^'toJHaiiqW'FrantaKe MhaveJ .r ta'for 'aome' times'detoting'critu lptfaj. ibe onse, «uuw»iitBrwrnttwue-ippito^hun, andgraphs:to 'bis American .progress, ,; It'Jst«A*'tn»'", .Mk waitrftj a>»nyiWngn«>w-.?2,(ki«plainiuit aaid'turn - of 'iKef ?Ttmi$. :?f ;Mt *rBfo 1iw,»2$)m\A) u,i> ,tbe »ir »c«rtaiBSp«rsou'in'tpwii^wi6 feridiig forjournal "jbaJsr eWdentlr^'ch'osen'; tbe;K}ar;'r6f jbii, <jBX#*brth'-o£ I«at%i'*to'beIworiceiaL iftftioth'hrei1 American' (^ ign'i.fitH1 skill.''''mP ertW' 'iB<>sin»3fer»),u.'»«^'<ririk;nr'ttvgreftti3ttriltheO '«HSon»)Vill:tlkbikce'irrU1e-tTiilte4^^M.£kS ^ w^&n^^& t^ g wd r b '&n^:

'course '6i'',thU 'y_ofi,'an4.%; 'P«gep f ^dUi,tW^m^ :;^% bgJw ',; J be

[poM t tmtt ' l i ib inflo-enceVbVanraber,, ".Vppjf l f'M a -j i.tMtk ^biiimmitVdMagtTj itiioeitgr.bhBrBightoti one'port•$:fttakeO'; ,becanselt»fey!d6 "a&b /mV»jfe i p>ef#ktofci2i;i:h«iis-goti'«rfesJti:"prov6caUott :eneinfeawf ;the Irish'.' ; TW>Miy|*j.: .baR teKt ijohis ififliDVaujli n6V:regretW':whaik:)land>wit^Hne1^Mryrof r

Jgr&\fl ,,»^sr »lr'' wea .by.;'siVJtfetifele 4^

party, ¦WllTtnerlefort enter1 & f e>ppi<si V 5q. :>H^^W>W«r?i»eS1t?ypn/.aiidina wouldUOM urM«fp 4cfflMl+>V6^Kie>n^^'a^prefttMd organiik-Monaiil'Mqney aBiuulaiV}*.', ji ia w»atj t lq/ni^ auch a.man^I t'.uS'idd?thttt MrP»>n 'i'laJrtflpe&'ba'ti I a :.s Si 'i«,looa.,mon '»..ampriBonm»ait with.!Hard'.

•apoi^M.m'Mftirw «aei««Or»4i»a ewao^r«feo, fjajnoMMi-f/rxl v! K>^ An: *a%\\V$KK~ W"\ ¦¦¦•-»a '-> ¦

. _, POTATD CnLTUBt—At thelm'eiitinif of tbe Cork- 'MWf ji'waJi'caiarg^d with sbpotrng-'grouse'-withojntAglcionltii»li'8eeie<lwJ Ss^Mi l tetaWHiiiwJii - '«»i SkK iBJebSM.• .V«£SSK;

f,Bftjy,i-" Wpejvisor/of.IcommnBioatedthd-refult of a t^riea 6{'>ez)Mrimi)>tar

' %iB ?mSlttii :'5 'witnW'Mmed!JoMiniadeJ byiiitn itt) tbe'rlait)'eleve'n' ye^rs'lajjiofHtb"' t4swS<nu«''U'^r to ,th>Vl»nasVoi Ballybatahillculture.- The r^

,thatMm«inBf« ti}r9d bo'nelBupe6pbo4phafc«r-«t.v»5*; ^ jji^"»iaT»i iB«h|t4*bere iib*'fired: ..icane:small quanti^oJ jJat«>ioXatamoni»^givinfejisiil», ¦ji««»BfjfYl*W*hl»<d ,s«tldnyltha:gHnjM^<M:jnot'ad(jUUQn»J)»ii»^»»U.ta«sli afftp»dnsfc^ i iiM. ttytMf^mvm-'iM tlMrifabenyt th*J>. l«js«e M MM b ^*~miaM<;+ttat tfretf .'thf**fctftW/ttrnp:

/pet feMtdntiet-her ftwrtod* kofi m *} M & f if at, 'a|tV:^WgrvrwM gMSkMO^WiU Tovsvew'tbsy;

1Ik ^ g/5^ ^ 2]^Ea si £iiasl*V sfcsMsiT lh«-i sMii sl ssMl' i*fcr

^ m


• ' PETTY, SESSIONS-^SATDRDAT.IBefore Sir Nugent Humble, Bart., D.L., (in1 the

cKiir); Messrs. H: A. Fitzgerald, and U. E. Bed-mbid,E.M.; witU Jfo'. b'.' Miffing, S,L, in attendance.Mr! Philip Flynn, yictualler, sued Edward Duggan,fcr JEI 8S. due for meat. Court : Why not pay Mr.Flrnn-f- '-Defendant : Your worship, I offered'him£1 Is. 8d;j and:said to him that in a few days Idpty the balance.- Decree for the full amount, with

StiaidkiN THB CLOBT: SEASON.—Giitherine 8beacharged by Sub-constable O'Neill with having'ealynon''offering for sale on ¦ December 30th.

Th'6':complainant atated be found- the' defendanthaVibg' the :flah tied up in a cloth in Bhwkpool-strwt • one-weighed 12 lbs.; and the other 7 lbs. 2ib&' -ThWefendant told tbe beach a man gave herthe fish to 'sell' for him ; she did not know him.EJrVFitzgerald': It. would-be poison to eat that fish*\<H. - Mr.'O'Connell, solr., for the defence, askedtpfc bench to fine Tier SAt and reduce it to 10s., tbatate was a very poor woman, but the court wouldntt acquiesce. • Mr. O'Connell : My poor woman,y$Oj muBt ' go to- jail: Defendant : I1 have not a'ponhy bo.pay'theIJflfae. I bad to-pawn my clothesttAnmke-tip 'five shillings for you, and my IK*'bfisbnid'is sick with me. Mr. O'Connell: Me wasanJunlU'ekylman'foryou-tomeet tbat day. Defend-wit 1 : It: was- the'd -—1 tbat put him- across me(iTfeat laugnter). ; Mr. O'Connell : Fine her lOsi,and' givof tbe poor woman time to pay, your worships.Ctfhrt I' Thelaw musfrbe upheld ; she could be-fined•JBSJ '

¦¦ Mr;' O'Connell : I" am aware of that, yourwk-sbipa, but the woman is very poor. Court : Wefel:for her poverty, but the law must be maintained.Ffted Xa,1 £1 for each Balm on, with'• • costs. Mr.OVonnell :; Well , my poorwoman, here-areycur6s.

'foif you-now, and I am sorry you were BO foolish asto take the salmon from the man you did not know.

.' P6ioBiNov.—Pead.con8table Burke obargedThos.'F-raher with1 poaohing in the river Colligan, at Killa-danrgan,,on the night of the 7th insfr. It appearedfrova' the- evidence 'of the Head-constable that ' bei&nS'the ' men- under hiff ' command•; visited ' therivfirf at Killadangaii'about 8 o'clock on the nightin.queetion, when he saw four- men on the bank,onV'with a Bpear; and the others with lighted'strawin Ibdir 1 hands ; Fraher was one of the men whohal-the lighted1 straw. Mr. D. F. Slattoryi for- thede&noe'i • Wfll: you identify Fraher 'as the- manwh& had'the lighted straw-in-his- band ? Head-constable : l'am quite sure" he had it in his band.Whfen I cam© up they extinguished the lights, andjutuped'into the river, but I will prove by a witnessFrainer'had'the light in bis hand. ' One of the sub-co atables- deposed he saw Fraher with the lightedstraw in his hand/ Head-constable: There was oneBalaton on'the- bank, and it'is bat'1 fair- to state itwad not killed •bye these men-; it-was semewhatstale,and the head injured as if torn by an otter. Court::Tbst'iB only fair, indeed. The bencn fined the de-fendant: JB1, and in default one month's imprison-meat;-' ¦¦¦ ' ' •

'¦ A'SSAOLTS.—John Moore, farmer, Goulawn,ob«A1ged"MichaeI' French, Keily's Cross, withaisuulttng' him'on the evening of the:2lBt'Jan., bystn'iiog'him warn; a hand-Btick1 several blows on theheivd, from which 'blood flowed. He had to get the'wounds'dressed- by ' Dr; Fitzgerald/ Dr.1 Anthony'sossiBtentl1 •• • A witnessj named- Catherine ¦ Burke,proved' the- facts «a above stated. Michael- Frenchcould- make-'no' satifactory defence, and b<rwaa fined10*. and-coste, of.ay week's imprisonmentj Cornelius

:Co5ney-cbarged hia-8on-in-law, Thomas-McCarthy,: with : assaulting * him at Abbeyaide. Defendantwaited some-money from complainant, and whenhefcould'not get itf he assaulted- him, striking himrepeated blows with hiB fiat. Complainant said thatdefendant Btruck him Beveral times for the past fiveye»rs,;but he always forgavo him ; on the presentoccasion he did not press for punishment, as defend-ant had four children, and bis wife, solely dependingon :hi8 labour1- for their maintenance. ' Defendantsaid he'd^never' lay bands on him- again';- tbot bbwaa; now a teetotaller. Chairman : It's a most dis-gmdefal aet to strike that poor • old man. I'am forsending-you for 'one month to jail, for your bod

'cowdact. ' The wife of defendant screamed in court,ani'called on Sir Nugent to : take pity on'herselfand poor child.-forJif her husband was sent to jailishe* and .'children1 would have to' starve: : Slr-Nugenl

! withdrew from the chair. Mr. Fitzgerald postponed!thd decision.of the court for three months; saying,if defendant wa» brought up within tbftt period1 he'dbe Bent1 to jail for three months. Sir Nugent : lamnet pleased wfth the'decision of my brother magis-trate. ¦ I'd'be for sending- him'down to jail' f6r onembnVa. Defendant : I thank you, gentlemen ; IshaJl'seveVtonch binv again; • •' ¦' • DBtrRK.—-Kobert Downey WOB charged with beingdnint while in charge of a horse and car on the 15t|Jaa'. ; The fact waa clearly proved, and defenda.nlwa^ fined 2s. 6d.. and- costs. Sub-constable Woodi?

'chMgeo!' John- Bburke, farmer; with being drunk.onthajlitb'.insti.'.and^he was; fined - Is: witll costs, itb&ng'. njs ' first' offence, j Acting-constable' Maher

'.cttlrged Michael'. Curran,.fanner, with being drunk, 6nFUie 13tb inBti,. Fined, Is, with. cost*. The courtroteisoon.afterwards. . ' ;. ¦ . , .!.;. aATBBi>AT;r:jANtrAEX:8lBT.—Before Sirr.J. N.HiimbJejBart.iD.L., (in the chair); Messrs. H. A.:Fit*ge'rald;:'a'' E. Bedmondi ! BiM., and- W. M.¦Armagh.'. 1 Mn O. Milling,;9.I., in attendance.' \'i[B«iDLi^a.''A'!,.' p%i^MW>^ThoarM'C!artiiy;Bn'AMxiyaide carrier,; waa' oharged'.'by; ub-to.iatablieIMaBer/ with' attempting,' by asaault,; to prevent him,ex suting.a, warrant",. Tlie.coioplainant.eaidihe hadA', [arrant"against, the defendant,.; arid? when exej-\cu hg,it,iMfCu*by made'several attempts to strikehi: ; and otherwise'tried to prevent Lim performinghi duty! M'Carthy was told by the bench tbat they;cVV BiJibt'paM OTer'his'condncfc ' Last week he was''nj Jor'aesaulting1 bis poor-bld'father'-inJaw, when;'bef'wds forgiven/'and now1 he'was again before theicourBv Their worsbiper:added-|:tbey Would* be ' forieoSniittinR,"himi for ; a'imOntb. Defendftnf s' wife,scrJBti^edfearfnUy, orid'said,''' pi Sir Nugent/don t,¦g'ead-LMni dpwn;to ilj if

you do, my four children;

jwd^^a^Vivirl'jBtawev'; "Sir, Nugent) : 'Dpn't :dir£S8>xcia u pgiri LCular; BddifcBsth.e bench..'xCead-

ownUWe Burke/intorpoiedibn her behalf j and said!:,*V/ari».. M.'ti^hitfj .{$¦ f.Ko A atanAmnt.t ahrin\f l KA :aanfc:+/v

:i BKWBTOLBNCU: OT LADY HrhbibSrr^Thit&ene.vqj.Itntladyria doing good work in her-Iooailitj, supply.ing tbo storvinrr'poor in her tteighboarbood-"wita:'iu'eali''mijk,1ancj,. nfgbt:c9vering. 1 lt: &¦ iop«d' thatotbero.benejolent ladies".through;"tbe'fcpiujhr"willWitate tne gooa'etomp'lejset by Iady^pjjbj ir-' '.' :. "Bt r;:;W$3Ka TJpwards;of 200, Iabonrers; hivejbe'enjempfe'ed at,lB.,a,.,day',,for-,tjie jiagtiweekvon;thwiir«»ii!.:M*M 'lajM) Square Lha";-with. her- weil-'knownthooghtfttlneas j«id. kmdne'ss tothapoor,proVid«li'bre«Hasfc of'-breea -Jand-'coffe« . daily for¦opwaVds'.:|ofi.itT'Bnty<::<»ff;',(lie nftiat :'n edy; :of!-th«j«e¦>nmlSedlioii-',"thejworJwij:> ' .. « : "/.'*•; '•;¦' ¦: --v ""l : '¦? :-' ;jE<oettkB^6ir^^Nfe.t^ .T e8( -,'e;*erfeapt^wbli yo ]Tg

^ tom'Abbey^de CAnieinto1tbtJLJh>'*;njlft'do'. n ke g,i"witt"six{BbiUing».in a,pur .l%ey>west iDto«onift flhopB^ and.af tei tnwsrMting)tbmr,bMicBSifc;tiey-vwe ioa;thfflr('Wa.T,lt«anbtM»-i«Jto;>T»i^HiniothecdMklBha4ii>:ol.fttr.I^ wte ' the d girt^ btthW rirte-

] RWJ;^ ttfe^;Si«i iffBaJ,dpiro Wards -8h«ndon;[rqa4f&The, .iobl)«r ;WMr'rer«rfc»d:by:tbe ,gi taiojSub?«wiUbleoWoolfev,'whP,iatoncbilollaw'.'edt »n4ifduoodttUad wncealsdinaide thetsanporary;¦WoodtaPiiila'i'ol ¦ Oapt. Cttrtin's' new«h"ou 'itt^the,:etitribte pf^haiidonf roM'.' Stf 9«ert«d?nlnJi'i£don wonftr^ bas'ticrs^V'oo'itaaiin tb abavS

¦eaM^ft*d.»fow>:feTr dijB-afJac-reiiirnijBiri inii»:)rqught;l?elpfe;}:!ilrj- EedmojvJ, jBjMj, BJJ4 f |orm« -:

tionsTferftretuniedtO ww*»tsw«6, uQttei crfidllii i:du*W;BubH)Pnittb iWpo freliis:Mergyiin.th6ba( .*'yivr ««.f>t;T??-^ i»4;a|S'>jiy/':!iiij,- ;t(St - . 4

a;viwyttifeT.'H« i - 'i . / i n i i - 1 1 «r-£,< *ft;.-M : ;\

•n jnjnp!iir;.iiit iiiiWpps j5T^

lii ^BI ^ ^B:' <


Mr. Slattery : Fpr what* ;we, knpw, he may USP. it asa walking stick fa>newod.. laughter); Chairman :I am for dfeiniBsing the charge, and Mr. Eedmondand.the other justices, agreeing, the case was dis-missed on tbe ineritsi

CHARGE OF HIOHWAT BOBBBET.—Thomas Curran,a fine, tall, man, charged , Michael Sweeney andJohn Sweeney , with attempting to-rob- hiai' on biBway home. He deposed-,that- he was at the fair- oDungarvan on the 21st, and about 9 o'clock, anight waa on his way. home ; he went into Connors'public -bouse, hod some drink, got, tie change, of a

, pound ; met two men on the road: some distancejfroui tha publio .house ; one of. them cameovar tohim and strove,to put his hand into his pocket;there was another with this man. Mr. T. Slattery,

. Lismore, ifop the defence, asked, him could he swearthat Miohnel and John. Sweeney, were the two menhe met on.the road that night? Complainant::They are the very two. men, and th<ty attempted torcb me. Mr. Slattery : Did you do any thing, tothem ?. Yes, I struck one with my fist and knockedbiui down;,the other man ran,at me end struck wewith a. stick on the head. Mr. Kcdmond : Whatwas the man doing when you struck him ? . Com-plainant : He was putting his hand into my pocket.John Downey.deposed he. remembered the nightia .question ; he was above stairs in his own bousewhen be heard-a noise on the road, looked out andBUW Curran over a .man on the road, but saw noblows given. Mr. Slattery.: Were those the twomen you B&W on the rood when the* attack.was icudeon Curran t Witness said he didn't know them atall, Mr. Slattery : Your worships, Thomas Cuminwus quite drunk that night; he drank in Dungar-van,:and drunk again in, Connors' publio,. house, ontho way home, and is not in a position to identifythe parties thai struck him. Mr. Bedmondi: Hecannot Bustain the charge. , The case was dismissed.

COABOK ov ASSAULT.—Bridget Murphy chargedMary Murphy with assaulting her in the early, partof the wees by bitting her aevnral blows of a stonnon the back, und calling her very bad names. Awitness proved the fact, and' the court sentenceddefendant to 14 days' imprisonment.

SMALL DKBTB,. ,&o.—There were several poorpeople sued for small accounts.' They were decreed,bpt in. consequence of the depressed times tbecreditors alloif time to pay by small instalments.There, were two.or three:cases of decrees grantedfor possession of houBes.,the property of the Marquis

;of Wnterford, in Lord , George's lane. The poor.people were unable to pay in consequence of thewant of employment.

DBUNKENNBSS.—There were three or four cases ofdrunkenness, in which fines .were imposed varyingfrom Is, and costs to 2s. Gd. The court then rose.


in the.chair.Also present—Messra. Thomas O'Connor, Thomas

O'Ncil,. J. Scanlan, Charles McCarthy, Jamos F. Byan,D. Hannigan and John Curran.

BOROCOH SDBVEYOB'S KEPORT.—Mr. Beary, sur-veyor, reported that he inspected the front of tbeSisters of Mercy Convent, in accordance with thedirection given at last meeting, and all he could seethat required repairing was about six yards ofpaving. Ordered to be done.

REPAIRING THE BOAHS OUTSIDE THE BOBOUQH.—Mr. O'Connor remarked that it was very expensiveto the ratepayers to have to maintain five and a-halfmUe8 of roads outside the borough at l}d. per perch,and ' ho thought they should leave them to thecounty to maintain. The board coincided in thisview, but there was no order formally passed.

QtrABBYiNO STONES—A . WOVE , IN THE EIGHTDIRECTION.—Mr. O'Connor asked:Mr. Beary howmany yards o£ stones ho had quarried ou tbe strand ?Mr. Beary said about 26 square yards. Mr. O'Con-nor : Whati is the value: of them ? Mr. Byan :About .£2. Mr;. O'Connor called attention , to areport which appeared in one of the Dublin papers,to1 the: effect that in the North Dublin union thoguardians' got a sum of: money for paving, andflagging, at one per cent, with 35 years for pay-ment, and observed it would be well if they madeapplication-for JB400 or '.£600, for tho same purpose,to improve their town. Mr. Curran : That wouldbe too small a sum. If you apply at all, ask for alarg«r>8um. , It will give-some employment to ourlabouring men and masons, who are walking aboutidle.' Mr. Byan : If you applyat all;, let it be for£1,000. The clerk suggested-to.apply for i500firpt, and: then they could apply for £500 more..After some further discussion, tho following, motionwas.proposed by Mr. O'Connor,, seconded by Mr.Curran,. and, unanimously, passed;:—, " Resolved—That wo, apply to the; Local GovernmentBoard'to ask the Board- of Works for a loan of onethousand pounds, at one per cent! per annum, for thepurpose of making sewers,- flagging and pavinir foot-paths, to;,nnder the-provisions of- the 5th aeertkm oftho Eublio Health Amendment Act, 1870 ; and that acopy of this roiolution bo forwarded to the, Board, ofWorks and Local Government Board."

RKTIUNSRATION.—Mr. Byan. moved that CaptainSlattery get £5 for extra-work in bis supervision- oftho qnarrynicn- and. labourers during tho time otthe blasting and removing tbe rocks on the Strand.The booid directed Capt. .Slattery to fnrnisb:bill;_tonext meeting.. The proceedings ended.


, HDMBLK . BABT.,. THE LOOAIi LANDLORD.. We have been requested to publish the followingorder ' of the Qeneral Committee for poor relief inDungnrvtin ' and its vicinity,, made by unanimousresolui ion at their meeting '.on,Monday; the VeryBevl c JAHKS ; V. CLBABT, D^D., £.P., being ui tbejhair..:—- . . '. ;- ':",'" BESO'LYSD—THat this . committoo.regard Sir John

.Nugent Hnmblo's offering: of £Z to tbe f nnd for reliefof tba distressed poor in Dnngarvan and its .vicinity asaltogetheridisproportionate, to.the awful gravity of theoccasion, and to the obligations davolvingion'tne moatextensivo proprietor - .of tbia'boroagh, by the socialla,w which proclaims, ' that properw, has its duties aswell as its frights,' r that, conaidenng.tbe immediote.con-neztipn: of bis estate, with .this town, and lao,enli»ncodyaloa :of. hia Innd, consaqusntvupon this connexion,whioh.largaly.inpieases hii rental ¦; also, the number,ofimpoverisnodrpoopla,who have oome, from his. territoryand thrown themselves upon; tho oharity of pox relieffuud.-.or.-npcm the poof,iato,.it.i«a»fairlT eiDOoted.thathe would not eontont himseU.with cloUng out privatecharity ,to, his (immediate.dependeuta, but would emu-.lato tBe-geiiero)iity.;of the atro^gltng tradersofDun-girvanr and, e»t an example to,his, brotUor.laudlorda in'

. shewing 8Bbatanti(il .symoatbyufon the, euaerings-jxwr ofthis, town ;-thati .recognaingia bis- privileged position.'a i'cpnnt7'magintrato,d*pnty^ntens)ntof.thuooaD 'l.and, official guardian at God-a poor,,a ground, of ,olaimfor, his..apeoial';iht«rest in,our effort to save our peoplefrom.staryataop, w re.Barprised that he, by the paltry

,'offenngrof JM?J»a,.tMV»tqd pur sacred cause in a. mannerwhXdh-.mfty give° a.pretext<tolth0,ConservatiTe;Goivernrnvmt,:-wht) saturally look.to him for light, in .their., contsid^Uon;p(;'opr;:cp>nai», to«lo8o, tb«w,oar«topor,CTyfor, publio., grantatowert a famine from-this jlooality :,b'O; it, 'ordered that our treasurer be;instxnctedjto sendback';hia J52 to Sir, Jphn Nngont Humble, togetisiJj withoopiaaoljthiSj Ottr resolution, and of;.th .aeoomir«eolu-

jtion o/ the g«neril meeting, of the peopl»ot Dnugs,rvanot-tho—inat.,r«forring to the duty o? landlords towardsthe starving ipoor; yandin order to,sa,ya. out Poor.Be-Hrf.,Fund,from' losing; anywiBB ,by.oar actiwiu thisxat^iat, w»,ith'ain'emb eia ot tbo oomimttee-hsro-jprosont,agrifo. tonPut,. .onr,(hands: in pntpooketAS, second timeand, pjvy, to tho-, reuej:.fund- JE?iin lien of tta;rejootedoffaring of Sa John l(ugent.'Humb.lB.". - ,:.- . : . ¦, .„ -.¦.;, .



Wo gave in our lost an account of tho apparition.at tinCatholio Church at Knock, eitunto about fourteen mfleafrom Costlobar, and of which the venerable ArchdeaconCavanagh is tho pious pastor: The following addi-tional particulars have been acquired from people ontho spot, who had tho happinoHS o£ witnessing- thebeautiful apparition—respectable, intelligent, piouipeople, who have cor bean known. amongst theirneighbours for their probity and truth:—The apparitionwaa seen for tho first timo on the ovoninjj of the 21st ofAugust, ' the cvo of the OcUve of the Assumption ofour Blessed Lady. At abont 7.30.p.m;, (the sun havingaet . that: ovening at 7.18 p-m.,)' a whits light waaobserved at, tho gable of the churoh—or. ratnar thegable- of the sacristy (for tho sacristy occupies thaupper: shaft, and ia separated, from the ohnron by amain wall)—by ouc of tho parishioners, who hacLjnBtbeen. dosing' tho chapel for the night. No notice wastakon of tho light then. In half, an hour after, thsattention' of the. samo person was callod to. tho oc-enrrence by tho voice of another parishioner,who callod

t out-that tho Blessed Virgin and two saints were stand-ling dt the south gable of tho chapel—the same placethat the bright light had been first manifested. Therewero several persons, men, women;, and children, nowgathered at tho place, gazing rapturously on thoheavenly sight which mot their.view. They behold thoBlessed Virgin, with a beautiful- crown of. dazzlingbrightness on her. head, and wearing a whito,cloak,her hands uplifted and eyes raised to heaven, as if inrJrayer;' On nor right hand, with his head' inolincdtowards the Virgin Mother, stood St.1 Joseph ; so dis-tinct -»-as the apparition of tho holy scant. tbat evenhia hair of a grey colour waa observed by the wonder-ing and awo-btricken , people. There also appeared analtar surrounded. by a moat brilliant light, aud on'thaaltar a snow-white Lamb, a cross reclining on the backof tho Lamb. To tho right of tbe altar,, and on theBlessed Virgin's left , appeared St. John tho Evangelist,a book in hia left hand, his right raisM,'as if readingor preaching from the book, and on his bead a'mitrowhich- they describe as being- like that worn by, thiArchbishop. Tho altar and 1 figures were surroundedby a bright light, while orer all there seemed like starstwinklingi The night was both dark' and rainy,, andnotwithstanding that, the peoplo present got dtonchodwith the rain that fell during the two hours.the appari-tion waa visible. On the 8th of October, three canonsof tho Chapter of Tnam, and seven other olergy, ofClaremorria. deanery, held an investigation into th»oiroumatancea attending the apparition, and took thedepositions of no. less than fourteen persons who badwitnessed- it. Tlieso depositions wero token by Arch-deacon Cavanagh, Very Bev. Canon Waldron, andVery Eov. Canon U. J. Bonrke. Tho witnesses woroexamined and cross-examined most exactly,.and theevidence was nnshaken, all testifying to Banjo factsmoat accurately. More remarkable" still i inasmnclfasit was seen by four persons in the broad light of day,was that beheld on Friday; the 2nd of January. Onthat day, at twelve o'clock noon, on tho spot oppotkitotho portion of tho gablo whore the apparition of thoBfes-sed Virgin stood, arose a graceful colnmn of exanisitaworkmanship, having at its base two beautifully carvedfigures ; at a- Height of about ' eighteen inches, or twofeet from the-ground,, there was a rich cap or mouldingfrom which , tho: colnmn tapered t o a considerable!height,- and' all was surmounted by a statue. Beyondthia, aud at regular distances; wero three smallercolnmns of'equaUy beautiful workmanship, and'thenan altar, wHilo tha continuation of tha gabls bayondtho altar seemed as if variogated with light and anode.Again, on tho Epiphany, at 11 o'clock at night, a brightlight, at the same portion of the gablo wners'the ap-parition had already been witnessed, there appeareda atatuo of the Blessed Virgin, and around thespot stare and moving bodies as of angola hoveringabove, Already have the lame and tho blind madepilgrimages to Knock, and evidence of' their presence,and the effect of- their visit, may bo seen in at least.onocrutch, a number of sticks, statuea, and rases, asofferings of tho pious faithful. One young mab,,whohad been for nine years the victim of nip disease, whohad' lost the use of his log from the hip down, andduring-that timo conld only go alone; with the: aid' of acrutch 'and a stick, came, and hia ¦ crutch may now boseen there, ha having no longer any use for it.' Thiapoor fellow has written to Father Cavanagh, tollinghim of his miraculous cure, and stating that he is .thewonder of his own neighbourhood since he returnedand walked amongst his friends. A little girl,, tonyears of- ago, who had been blind froin-Her birtbi ,wasbrought- to Knock by her father' and mother,', androcovered her sight before she left, the dust , of thecement of the gablo having been rubbed to: her eyea.Sovoral'other miraculous cures have been effected bythe application of the cement, which has been takenaway in great quantities by pilgrims; 'The evidenoois- before tho authorities of the Church, who havo. notyet pronounced on the matter.—if ayo Examiner.


BOARD OF GUABDIANS-^SATOSDAT.Mr. H. W. BBISCOE, J.P., Chairman, < pr«aid«d.Other guardians present—Messrs* F. Hogan, D V.C.,

J..Wallace, Patrick O'Donnell, P. Whelan, M. Drohan,M. Torry, W. Hearne.

On , the assembling of tbo board; the u«nal routinebusiness was disposed of , consisting of odmissions uidont-dooor relief.cases. :

THE DEATH OF THE EARL OF BESSBOBOUOHiTho Chairman said—Gentlemen-, since onr>last-meet-

ing the Earl of Bessborongh has passed1 away, fhornamongst us. I need not toll you that hoJw**-forthirty-two years a member of our board-, and thatduring that time ho did everything,.in -hitipower"toprotect the interests of the r&tepayws,"vrhUBt/ at thesame time his benevolence, praventaditha: retifcfJ givento thoso in distress from beine curtailpdi '

Mr. Hogan, D.V.C., moved, and Mr, Wallace se-conded the following resolution expressive of theboard'asincere- regret for tho demise of the truly popular. Earlof Besaborongh ;— • • • ' •'

"Thai this board aa joaro-aa a mark of deep raspeetito thamemory of Lord Besaboroagh, who tor.thirty-two year* hadbeen an active and zoaloqo cnarfiin.dariny which tiiuivb/JiiaKentleness of disposltioa, smcorlty of m&natr, pai thoroughBamane kindness, he endeared himself to'all-; in him wusfound the true typa of a ruidebt nobleman, who dl»cher*cjthe various duties of his position in such a manner s»to ginuniversal satisfaction. We deeply deplore his loss, which;connot-hut be regarded as irreparable, not onlj from a socialand monit point of view, bnt aiao as a member of thia board,and as a legislator in the council of the nation."It wos;reBblved that a copy of the foregoing resolu-

tion, whi«h'passed:with'.a markod-feeling of'aorrpw'.ietranamitted to' the"- Countess of ,BessBorougb and t oluto Earl's successor. Tho board then roan.

•'¦ PooB-iAW. EitiiEy.—The number of persons inthe receipt of in-door and out-door relief in 68 outof ;the 163'Poor-law Unions in Ireland fit-the com-¦mencetrient'pi'this year and last is pu.blisttfedJ .'i'Inthe ' 68 union's selected there were son* .'SyjjjQindividuals: in receipt of relief . this time tue e-mcptbjB, while at present.31,000_odd.aie-.dependeflton the aid of• tip gtiardians. It"reqni«3.very little)kno-wledge of the feelings of the Irishjfcoor to be-come acquainted with tbe fact, thati wutttbottM-re-turnsi are no criterion of theJ actual amonnt ofdistt-ess,- for tho ordinary IrisH peasaht ¦irbnM'iitKerlie down and.die .of.,8taryation by.tbe/ondsjde thin'accept, the alternatire of ', r Bpipg -i^£.tiiei1f$ue/l ',' , YAiAiABjji'BiBbQy sxx.'-iriw, irfJ5,JB[4*B) Ir-Jfypnr ;hair.v isi turning gxey.oc white, or.fallitsloifI uaoV Tha Mexioaa Hair Renewari"—forit; wiU.votiMttv.restpra.tn every: ease Orty. or, WhiU hairMMil original.colour.wiihputi leaving- the diflagrecabld,)»ns«UiOjtnjost/"Bestorors.". . It makes, the, - hair.- charmingly, beau-ifnl, a«. wall as.promoting the growth ot.thelbfatrion,bald..sp<)tsi,^here toe. glands: are; notideoayedi I Askjour.tChemiat for "THi JXanoAN'HAUB.JjEaKWEa,"irppaxed;by;-HBNBT >C. QJJ LVS, 493Oifotd.fibeet ,Londop, an4 aold. by, Chomiats ajtdiporfumcn.-arery-,where a,t 3s 6<l per bottle.. . -„-. ;¦ / , :; ,.. . . ;

THROAHAjjeECIIOK B AKD flOAE8BHB8».-»~iAJ-Bufloring'.f ront irritation of the' threat and HoaiUeMss,wiUWagrMablysTiiprifledattheaimoatimniadiite^MBef•affaxd«d.' by.-tho.'use of ' Srown!siBronsntslTriV>cae« "^Thesevfamousv"loiongea{' are noif Bolttymoat re-apeotable Chemists iu this country atlsvlld.'perfeoi.Po<>M9trDtibledwitha^hJwldngooagh,'at't;liErjtooId,''¦ ox! pronqhial-affectionavrcaanot-'. try them too soojf. aaBanilar-troublea, if allowed to progress result in aerious:Pahubna'ry and, AsthmaticaJfectionsl &» tbit-thowords ' Brown's BronohialTrochea,' are on thaflotWn-imsatstamp aronnd each box.—MannfaotaWAbyJohn I

Komi Sons,' Spsto , United States 'DBpotOI.Ox-,lord-street,JiPAdcn.: . - ¦ ;. . -. ; . . : <r .y - : ,-.d?di|y•i; .HOUIO.WAT'8 'P'Ua.8 ANII OrNTMSNT -rrThe! mostregiwtual.Ouro fpr.Gontand Bheninatisnt A freqaentcauseiof. these, conrplalntsis'tua^ inJUunmaienr.'state of-tha bloodj ttended--with bad-, digestiooV' bantuae.-: andgieatidebiKtjy' showing the want of ,avproper<!irculation. ofthe, Bnid indithai.iripurity of .thablflbd groifly agora-.vates these diaoidarsc; Holloway's Pjlhi are^oi sdtmri-;fymgjnJ.imtniro..that.aj :faw..do« talrtn.i&tim»are'aneffe<rfinUlttevenUvB«ag»jhstgoui>aB4 xheniaatisjaii.bnt

l»nytmcthath«saara1to<sfcbf:elUicr8hdnlduJeHoaow«j'BOintment also, the powerful properties of wMcbceom-brned..with !off«*»7.of,thelKH»,';en»ares7SrtAinoure... .Tha Ointmantthonld be thorougUy 'rubbedintohe poateiffeoted at Jtast twice a day,-ait€». they 6ivobeen auffioiently fomented with warm wwtet toojxaittbeK»eejt»#aeilitwto^b* lbtrodaotloaJotttoOmfeSmt to¦tktCglsuidB^' ;-U-ii-, ~v ' .•;; :- - :iJ-:?:.: ¦/i. /uoJ MJiij. i ' .-: ¦; TBT YOVX iWsiGHT ! — Hydroleifltf "'{Hy-1 drated^HlV has-proved <)f the hirtitert valorut »oiood in'OqntroBTpos and all ;rwai g dlsais4»^TariaW «to-;-ttrfanlfiacTesaseirf flesh andy«ght;IV-Thl#-''pfeeM»tion'jfiS^" '

<?»?: er pilistqvlti• WsjMttvt *iirts thore'ttodriBftingj as-well as r 'jaor 'TJUaiikat to;s 'r u ;inflreaseiof'ireirb;&HtiLffidse''<kisM wtfere'•difettHoAU tenaeneyjto «maeiatiofa i TosU pfPw^hts.&rrestod by the use' of Bydroleinei^O! 4tl 'ehimitts"BtesViBnabn,' vPBJBphleW^Tj-'vJntra'>f 7ltf S§i>IADVICB SQ..MciiBaatfliii2Afckytf l*61 inBVafJrQoiatloSa, to- <*6m&ttoSi?>4

1feta8! M °•y!ft»8TK>w s«0THnw 'Btsmi 'tiema. t M ^ knooT•uiJelo .immodlately.''- It- is <p«f«ct^ haHdiaiTSindpUoeant.to toBtxC.- ttp»d«o»8»iiahcraif (TOISJ tteatjby

•J53f^ lb*¥»

t'aa *" bn«*on-.' -S-'tt OwoUSTtheic^"it»ort«Tisr th*gnnm;- JlaywaJt'1|58iai tnRAr*. o#4 t%ttte th6^wBUpaaa'ik 0 lf^

(Syit»S»]4*yW« lcineD«aJer*eT OT » 2l»«H«ibottl«t(mMinn£ui?rei,iacK9iS ^^^^