GLOBAL Finance January 2015 By AJ RADFORD Twitter: @L’EcoHomme Blog @ecochiclife Wordpress: citygirl101 Website: ajr305.wix.com/1planetwest

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GLOBAL Finance

January 2015 By AJ RADFORD

Twitter: @L’EcoHomme Blog @ecochiclife

Wordpress: citygirl101



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Press Release for L’Eco Homme Magazine / December 2014


Amanda Jane Miller-Radford is a published columnist for Environmental Awareness issues in GCV, Global Corporate Venturing Magazine. Amanda is also Director of 1Planet West Limited. This company is the founding company of the ethical man’s magazine L’Eco Homme, which endeavours to promote luxury living, premium brands whilst exposing the truth on climate change issues that affect us all globally, on a micro and macro scale.

L’Eco Homme (LEH) was first published by Editor in Chief Amanda Miller in 2009, and her previous experience in Media and climate change started with her first female ethical magazine, and international women’s portal Eco Chic, Eco Chic Lifestyle Online Limited in 2005. Amanda Jane has over ten years direct experience in the sector of Earth issues, climate change, population and cultural issues and has a long term view on how to help people and the planet with her publications, websites books and columns.

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Article’s with following focus on:

Global Carbon Cap and Trade system the methodology for climate change green-tech solutions

DELTA The world’s first ECO TRADE HEDGE FUND (By request only)

Launching the FSPE. (Fiscal Systems & Policy for the Earth)A new global green stock market initiative

Climate change summits schedule 2015

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ARTICLES and Editorial are all in sequence for you to read:

Please note:

Copyright - Earth & Skies - Published December 2014 in exclusive City publication, Global Corporate Venturing Magazine.

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This article cannot be reproduced, emailed, lent or copies made to anyone whatsoever without written confirmation by the writer AJ MILLER.

All information online outlined above and editorial content herein apart from GCV magazine article is covered by copyright of 1Planet West Limited.

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The U.N CIMATE CHANGE SUMMIT 2014 to Protect the Sky & the Earth?

From the dizzy heights of the skies, and the earth’s delicate entwined atmospheres, to space, to the deepest canyons underwater, and the greatest oceans of the earth, we have two very important issues to address as the second part of the 21st century continues. It’s a very slow pace of adaptation and change, almost as if we as people in business have a direct apathy as regards the problem of the climate matrix of green eco, environmental issues. Mobile phones as an example of the technology we use enable us to be light years ahead of where we were, but we as the species of mankind still don’t seem to get it. We don’t truly acknowledge that our responses to climate change directly impact a very real and undeniable threat to the planet, and in the words of President Barack Obama this year, we have to listen to the science, it is real, and the changes taking place are real. As a species, we are not changing at a fast enough pace to ensure that the changes we need to address the issues of the future, are put in place now.

The recent headlines in the UK press have been more climate-focused since the UN summit on Climate change that took place in the middle of September in New York. This conference was then promptly followed by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s leading conference, The World Summit of Regions of Climate (R20) in Paris October 10th, where the major actors in the field of climate change endeavoured to kick-start the editorial of draft legislation required for the International Climate Summit Climate Week scheduled next year, for September 22-28, 2015. Following the World Summit, The International Water Association World Water congress was held in in Lisbon. The Lisbon conference gave us the scaremongering yet thought provoking headlines “UK must be ready

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for Worst Droughts in Modern Times”. Climate Change has truly been on the agenda in recent weeks and months, but the momentum cannot stop now. There is too much at stake.

It is so easy for us to forget the real stories, that there are two key factors that are critical to the future clean-up of our planet. Our very survival as a species depends on these two issues, and they are now being recognised in many global forums across the world. Both are products of the earth; one we depend upon to live, water, and the other we produce in excess at our future detriment, carbon. The scarcity of water, and the over-production of carbon, have resulted in both of these commodities being monetised. There are national and international targets for carbon trading, and water is also traded as a marketable and limited commodity. As the planet heats up, water is becoming a resource that is not finite, and as we all know there is not an adequate supply of water in many areas of the globe. Due specifically to climate change, we read of extreme weather events that are going to shake our planet if the severity of global warming actually continues to take this fast pace, and the global temperature of the planet continues to rise. And, due to the scarcity of water, basic trading of water by financial institutions is emerging, limited to companies in drought regions by licences granted by the individual countries. Here are the real stories that the headlines don’t speak as much about as they should. Water and Carbon are as entwined as the Skies and the Earth. Carbon trading was on the menu of the N.Y UN summit, as was be the tightening-up of the cap and trade systems already in place for efficiency, as many still believe that the original systems were not correctly set up. Yet there are still valid protocols, and important reasons that a new improved carbon cap and trade system should, and will, be introduced more fully after the international summit late next year.

1% of the Earths water is readily available for human use, whilst the rest is either undrinkable or locked up in our ice caps. 748 million people in the world do not have access to safe and clean drinking water. I look at the world we inhabit, and I do not want my child to be brought up in a world where there is not sufficient water for ourselves and for our fellow species on this planet.

The phases of the calendar year, marked by beautiful and distinct seasons, will not flourish, and the plethora of species and variety of plants that we cherish, from the humble bee to the food that we produce, the ripe fruits, the rolling countryside full of earth’s crops and bounty, will all be gone. This makes me deeply unhappy, and deeply scared for our future generations. What will they eat, with the World’s population projected to explode to 12 billion by 2050, most of them urban dwellers? Where will all these human beings go to get away from the mighty metropolis of consumerism?

I understand consumerism I just want it to have an ethical audit, and for us to have a clean conscience that our products, and the companies that we buy from, are taking an active role in the green metrics of accountability alongside corporate sustainability and ethics. I hope in the future that there will be less scaremongering within the global headlines – that does not necessarily help. What we need is more focus on actionable, quantifiable and meaningful issues such as water trading, and the cap and trade system that carbon already has in place. Certainly, these are the drivers for a more sustainable future and more harmonised planet - here are the real stories I hope to see more about in the future - reassuring me that the future of Skies and Earth, Water and Carbon, are the real stars of the news headlines.

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The future of a sustainable world lies within all of us.

As the United States enters the annual event of seasonal tornado and hurricanes, if natural disasters continue to accelerate in their frequency and devastating impact, who of us, will make the difference? The outcomes of such horrible changing pattern of storms and flood, famine and water shortages are ever present. So, who can help save us from abundance & wilderness in the wake of nature’s tormented and angry wrath? What today, are the challenges and solutions before us? In my three part series I pose the following question? With rising population spiralling out of control, migrating populations, water shortages and crop destruction, with another huge natural international disaster - would the financial markets survive, I mean really survive. I don’t think they possibly can. Yet there is hope. I will explore the plethora of options that are on newswires online across the internet, and search for us some answers and raise useful aspects of this cause to debate. There is one very positive reason for this, we can find solutions, unite, and yes, we still have a little more time to climb this treacherous mountain-face together.

I believe firmly that the world’s ability to endure depends on the financial sector putting its powers into climate change. Not waiting for the reforms by government, but by self regulation with conferences and Copenhagen. Thus giving us the keys to a future brightly lit with a sustainable clean tech revolution. All underpinned by a social infrastructure of education.

Profiting planet and portfolio

Insurance companies have already changed their view to underwrite “off” bad debt caused from future climate change highlighted areas. The compensation packages for the public are smaller by the month. This is running away from the problem. Their risk assessment, their graphs show instability of weather patterns. That means to you and I, upgraded insurance schemes, and in many areas the premium doubles, the policy small print also doubles, to a reduction of claim liabilities covered.

The City is underwritten. Every risk computerised, all logic goes out of the window for solutions. It’s all graphs and ratios, computer screens and assessment. Our world’s future is a heap of papers being written and scrutinized in triplicate. The City is a life of risk; the planet is the biggest risk we know of. How can corporations balance responsibility and still deliver the market share price and profit? It’s a finely balanced financial tightrope.

This is why the reforms are being put forward through government panels, the International Panel of Climate Change, (IPCC) are giving the dates of 2012, 2020 and 2050 instrumental to targets & quotas and the like for business to reign in its polluting and for manufacturing options renegotiated. All

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supposedly steering towards green thinking. No wonder these dates are in stone, yet they are banded about with the presumption that the solutions are available and that the world can relax, as the answers are at hand. I don’t believe it for a second, these are just dates to work towards, and this to me isn’t good enough. It is another cop out for institutions to play the waiting game to see which of the brave companies put planet before profits.

Anything that other companies do, for example; a recent fair trade announcement within all of Cadburys chocolate by the end of 2009, signalled a reform within a major group of companies. The back drop to this decision is that Cocoa is scarce, because of climate change, so therefore they have to do this to guarantee their land, and crops, for their profit. I think it is great, but the forces that are driving their fair trade agenda, is climate change, and risk assessment. This shows them to safeguard profit, they must safeguard production output, so they have no option. To me it’s an upside down topsy turvery way of going green. The planet is last on that proposal. Ironically enough is a great start, but we need many, many more companies to do this. By putting the planet and people first, the profit will still stream in, but just the way of getting the same result disappoints me.

Just get a lot of targets agreed for 2020. It’s all never, never land, and that is what scares me the most. I am not the only one with this view. We are playing with an Hire Purchase agreement with the earth. The problem is, the earth wants its profit back, it’s calling in its debt. The bailiffs are the scarcity of food and water and ocean levels, with world temperatures rising. After the natural resources taken I think it’s about time the earth had some of its own credits assess in synergy with this decision global –green profitable solutions poured back in.

The Ocean’s institutes from the states to Southampton in the UK are constantly watching over us. The meteorologists scan data from previous seasons, the El Nino has changed its patterns, and now our seasons, just in the UK we can see a direct difference. The Climate change groups warned us that the CO2 levels were peaking over ten years ago, we were all called, peoples and governments, corporations to make steps to reduce emissions, of toxic wastes, and did they listen then? NO, did the people of the world, the Western hemisphere listen, and change their buying habits to more sustainable goods NO. Did we all worry about of EEC fish stock regulations when the scientists warned us of over fishing.

It would seem that however many warnings we all get, no one really takes any notice. It is always someone else’s problem. We have turned mainly into a humanity only concerned with the day to day humdrum of survival, in our own worlds and profit driven greed. Many a person I have met and listened to over the years, who have been writing books, articles and reading about the green movement, way back before I was born. We had the drought in the UK, with water rationing in the 1970s and this apparently drove a huge agenda of change for us all to live more sustainable lives with ethical reasoning and planetary concern. But it was short lived.

We already had major warning when the Holy Grail of the world leading climate change scientists all gathered their information, climate change models, risk drivers, and climate modles, and produced the amazing piece of work by Lord Stern, called the Stern Report that came out in 2007. This was a major report in several parts where published all around the globe. Finally our world’s leading scientists had joined forces, together, and produced the worlds most frightening statistics for us to look at on the very serious change of weather. They came to the conclusion that global warming was due to serious climate change and CO2 levels in our atmosphere. We had carbon trading set up by

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the financially led sector, which in a nutshell was to give every country that was part of the 1997 Kyoto agreement, give them limits on how many tonnes they could emit, then the clever part was to then allow this to be traded on the worlds trading floors from New York to London .

FSPE – Fiscal Systems & Policy for the Earth & FSPT - Fiscal Systems and Planetary Trade Mechanisms overviewThe City has made it a serious possibility to repair the world by way of renewable energy. From legislation that provides ROC s, Renewable Obligation Certificates, so that the energy companies can get benefits from the city for producing renewable energy back into the world, through the national supply.

So we have had a financial agenda set for slightly hampering and taking us off the ball when it comes to planetary fiscal systems & policy for the earth (FSPE). Not by ROC’s, but by something called Carbon Trading. The Trade in itself is sound, the idea for the platform creditable, yet the very idea that the way to solve our earth inhabitants problem of climate change, was of a system to trade – so making it a financial credit to the global markets of financial trade, I humbly question. IT provides a fabulous solution, but not the whole.

Fiscal Systems & Policy for the Earth (FSPE)This is to provide huge benefit to limit massively our globes pollution and would highlight the worlds CO2 levels.

I do understand the logical assumption of the cap and trade system implemented, yet it wasn’t the end to the fight on global warming- not that I imply that it was in any way. But there in my opining is very little to refrain the markets to adopt a better ethical platform for Fiscal System & Policy for the Earth (FSPE) trade.

It’s great to understand that we can only within a regulated framework trade CO2- carbon tags, or credits as there known as, but who says that trading a countries limits of CO2, by buying other countries that don’t produce as much yet – through manufacture - actually really helps the world especially if it may take until 2020 and then 2050 to meet the huge reductions quotas set. Yes, it allows the targets to be set in stone for the countries of the G8 to sign up to, but it makes huge money in the global reserves for trading. So how can we limit the huge amount of trade, when it profits so many? This trade cannot just be removed from the system, i.e. we have to keep trading CO2 , and produce it, as its part of the wheels that oil the fiscal systems. Unless, these profits are somehow locked back into sustainability and clean tech solutions. (DELTA- Hedge Fund)

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Fiscal Systems and Planetary Trade (FSPT)I think that we could have new world markets called FSPE’s and we could have the CLIMATE CHANGE legislation written in the new fiscal policy to regulate these new green eco index’s, and this would be called FSPT

Carbon cap and trade systemMy own calculation to be the backbone for the new Carbon cap and trade system is as follows, and this would be traded on a new mini earth stock exchange run by Chase - then they would use the formulae from the DELTA fund, and they would invests into the fund, and this would then be used by a global US based hedge fund to trade and run the fund.

I have the Delta INVESTMENT FUND available on request. This is in the idea that all the FTSE companies that are listed would automatically be installed into the FSPE exchange - and HQ would be in Hong Kong for the new ECO FSPE - I would like to offer this to Chase (Chase Manhattan Bank)

I think that the new indices should initially be internally run by the following global Banks.

HenYep in Hong Kong Standard Chartered in UAE Chase Manhattan in New York

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CAP AND TRADE SYSTEM 2015 - 2021:(I look at the process of goods and how we assess the companies green metrics as follows)

We need to take into account the supply chain of manufacturing to produce a benchmark of standards and regulations to grade the following parts of the manufacturing chain

1 Raw Materials

2 Transportation

3 Manufacture

4 Carbon productions from manufacturing

5 Waste and ecological input of toxicity to local areas from manufacturing process

5 Cap and Trade system the global sustainable policy, therefore helping give a backbone to the tonnage caps introduced they also would need to have a formulae to work out the new taxation implications. It has to be fair to the global multinationals, but has to have incentives. But it cannot just be as previous legislation, as in green washing.

- Company profits taxed 3/5% on the $. This is paid on the amount of carbon they produce per year - this is the first part of the equation

- Banded ratios of tonnage limited according to size of company, and this would also have bandings of different countries who sign up to the new policies -

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to give you the tax bracket you fall into for the taxes the company will pay.

- For example if you are in Brazil, you could assess the country as to its percentage of wildlife protected compared to the destruction of the Amazon area. You could work out a way of protecting the countries, and for countries with the worst destruction, they could go into the highest taxes - a super ecological disaster bracket - which would mean the companies located there automatically have to pay much heavier subsides to the actual country to help clean up the ecological disaster.

- These companies must also publish a 50 year ecological practice and clean up manifesto for the countries they work in.

The Corporate accumulates ROC (credits for its good work, against ROCS for trading)) – ROCs are carbon trading credits or TAGS for every tonne saved per year ( as in part - I of the equation/formulae)

-So the company gets credits per tonne saved/ and credits to put towards the trade of the ROCs it accumulates through the tax systems

The corporate ROCs are also traded (as they are already traded on world trading floors) and thus this will help to set the future price of carbon, as there will be a few years to implement all this new legislation and to fine tune this system to work, but these prices of carbon, to trade would be phenomenally expensive - not under 50 Euro, were talking that this would be a FINITE Commodity trade, so therefore this is reflected in the price.

This new system of trade would be backed by the FSPT


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For the multinational there needs to be incentives for them to implement the CSR /Ethical structures that we outline from the Climate change summits, that are in turn implemented into our Fiscal Systems and Planetary trade regulations.

I think that economists would look at this, my proposal, and maybe they would want to look over the next five years – In this 5 year period as they include company CSR implemented and these infrastructure investments, can offset company Ethical and CSR investment as depreciation costs against bottom line profits.

The figures of the profit they make minus the per tonne price of credits they achieve from saving carbon, as discussed above (the companies ROC Credits)

There could be a global profit per country profit given to the new ECO trading platform, FSPE. (I think this works) - All companies in this exchange get the 1Planet West Climate Cool certified logo, to use for free on products by internationally granted licenses (IPWCC) - please see next article on the IPWCC initiative, to be launched in L’Eco Homme Magazine 2015

To be Certified and backed by the carbon trust, WWF and the UN, IMF, World Bank

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Ethical Men adore Business. 1Planet West launches the official “1PWCC”, 1Planet West Climate Cool certified ethical kite mark. Exclusively made for premium luxury brands & global multinational corporations

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…………………………………………………….(And they think the earth matters too).

27 September 2014

By Amanda Jane Miller, Founder L’Eco Homme

(Available exclusively online at my blog CITYGirl101.WORDPRESS)

The days that we live in have produced, on a world-wide level, the insistence and normality of consumerism and capitalism entwined in our daily lives. The surge in gadgets and the web, combined with powerful technology and technological breakthroughs have left the human being swamped in the quagmire of a consumer heaven, whilst many of the products struggle to have a soil association style “kite mark” or a global brand, that stands up throughout the myriad of consumer purchases with a standardised logo that represents an understanding of a basic level of earth auditing. Ultimately, letting you as a consumer know that there is a global recognised mark that provides an authenticity in ethicalness or for example, as I reference this brand, and I call it an – earth matters brand, I call it climate cool. This brand is an all knowing, recognised and globally encompassing “kite mark” showing that our earth does matter.

Standing up for the Planet, which endorses products, peoples and companies, and our earth.

There are global food standards logos, but where is the ethical mark that the late Dame Anita Roddick strived for to make and integrate into common business practice? Dame Anita references it in her book called “Business As Unusual” and calls vehemently for a level of manufacturing awareness from earth raw material process through to the products on the high street that we can buy. This is called, simply, ethical auditing.

This hyper brand, that is in production as I write, will show instantly that a level of comfort has been reached between conglomerates, and global organisations, from technology, to the house, to the car that you drive, ranging from house and home products to Urban technology that hadn’t yet been discovered until recently – and all these cooling climate technologies and products that will in the future bare this new standard - which I see as a vision, my companies vision, which is the ONE Planet, Climate cool logo.

I am from an ecologically aware media brand that has spent over ten years in this Eco Chic market with my own Eco Chic company. You may have seen in fashion and in our celebrity culture Sienna

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Miller with her Boho Chic, to Leonardo DiCaprio as newly appointed Climate Change Ambassador this September, for the United Nations. These Celebrities show the exciting vision that has surely developed as a common strand through the Nations and peoples of the World, that influence celebrity to us in the home showing the world, that indeed many, many of us care. We are just not sure exactly what power we possess in our own caring hands to make a change for global good.

Eco Chic, which was our own company that I with my associates started in 2005 standing for what is Fabulous and ethical at the same time led me to discover throughout many global businesses , contacts and green networks - from the big brands through the high street to the smaller SME’s, I have watched carefully the rhetoric from the old (tech free) historical companies, how they used to do business before the climate issues became more visible in the media space, and I have seen business practices in many companies develop and grow from small green initiatives in the company, spanning the globe to the bigger companies - ultimately they are heading towards the goal, that best earth business practices are very cool, too, I believe there is a change sweeping throughout the world, and that the time to act is now.

These companies are growing quietly, producing major breakthroughs in climate cooling and climate aware products, hence offering the consumer of today tangible and stunning products. Ranging from eco holidays to the new hybrid cars, including premium luxury brands, that are producing breath taking results such as the new cars made by Tesla. The premium brands in my humble opinion are leading the way to this new age of climate cool.

I have also watched and written thousands of articles and updated websites, blogs and Twitter accounts with this new and exciting information, and I make sure that I get this information out to as many people as possible. From the high street in the UK, and the USA , where actually it is true now that manufacturers waking up to this new need from the consumer, have a form of recognised “earth matters” climate cool products and services – this is now nearly recognised across the globe.

For example in Dubai there is the eco village and the new environmentally aware town being built, in China there is the green village outside Beijing, in the UK there is climate change legislation, and ranging from the United Nations in New York, to the local artisan handmade product , between this huge gulf of consumerist products, there is a common thread, still slightly fragile though, as its inception even though years in the making – it is still new to the mass populous and to the new businesses. These new consumer green business metrics have been made, and they are already being used in best business practice. Recent research shows these businesses to be making an 18% Return on Investment. To me it is tangible and I feel it. I am aware that there is silently a small change and a small victory for the new generation of earth matters product’s and this is something that I am passionate in my heart about. This is why I do it.

For the last ten years as an editor of a woman’s online web portal, and from my events for my clients to my magazines in print over the last five years I have discovered a beautiful new world from the woman and home maker, to the new ethical business man who has the income, money and power to change through his business. I believe that woman have been looking at organic and more gentler products to the earth and that the man of the world has in the last five years, has reached an understanding that consumerism and capitalism can have a quicker and more direct impact from business to heart, and when in the boardroom, to booking the family holiday, or his business trip, or to writing legislations in the UN to attending the global conferences on sustainability, he has made a secret discovery about himself. And I believe that this is the global ethical man, who has an understanding of climate change, ethical business and how by being greener, and having more of a corporate responsibility in the workplace, from business large to small, he can change the world.

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I believe that this man, that I call “L’Eco Homme” has the power to make the changes needed from society’s needs to meet the manufacturing standards with the new age of clean technology. This can range from the manufacturing process of your new phone, to your new car, to the house you buy, with its green heating, and insulation, I believe the man of today can change the world quicker with a love and passion for planet that is firmly awake in his business practice, and this comes directly from an instinctive place in his heart to do the right thing for the next generation and for our beautiful planet.

Goto:ajr305.wix.com/1planetwest for details on company and corporate structure to launch 1planet west business through launch of L’Eco Homme magazine


So as we cut carbon emissions globally, reducing the amount of profit, we start up synchronistical clean tech solutions, side by side, a more sustainable financial return, without looking at a graph, surely growth is provided immediately. The same with oil trading, the supply on the markets, we have to find replacements. Markets are there to barter in a global structure in their simplest form from a rag and bone man a hundred years ago. But now with computers, and were all in touch, the simplicity for trade is now so easy, yet its depth and to understand the whole global concern, is so complicated. As our world’s finances, production of oil, maize, gold, commodities, soft and hard, foreign exchange all drive each other. A huge spinning wheel, the stress to change fiscal policy, providing climate change policies have to be very carefully made and decided upon. The markets are fragile as we have seen. One upsetting balance sheet from a major US bank last October, (Ed’s note this is copy FROM AUG 09) had the power to topple the US trading floor. It was the head of the

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Federal Reserve that said we may not have a market on Monday if we don’t pump in billions of dollars into the fiscal system on the Friday night.

One bank, one global trading system - one domino effect, one global market still struggling to get back on its feet from a year’s ago. So Copenhagen has to be very careful in the solutions and papers and scientists’ decisions. The internet and world wide web has shown how intertwined we all are. Fear in one market touches the others just like a wildfire in California. The markets are as fragile as the earth. We all need solutions, and fast.

I write with haste on this subject, perhaps because of the Copenhagen conference I am prompted to bare my personal thoughts on the subject. I am open to criticism. These are not my ideas set in stone, but ideas of wonderment, prosperity, food, water for all that need it. I will not be the only one wishing to see more capitalisation of this market directly returned to ethical reforms. But with Lord Sterns report, the fear is that mitigation, food changes in supply through rainfall pattern change, not enough storage facilities - in total this proves a bigger risk almost to mankind in the future, than Co2. Co2 has been the main star of the show for climate change reform. Day after Day on papers worldwide, the most incredible Broadway hit, star of the show, front page news- Climate Change, and Co2. It has had the most exhaustive part to play, an incredible part to play. The people are now awake to climate change thanks to carbon we are in this mess. (Ed. Note - please read the first articles on Skies & Earth for 2015 earth summit information)

Reality now to me kicks in - sadly this whole area, the world is in pretty bad shape, the star of the show needs to step down, be controlled, and us, with our huge appetite for consumerism should be on the front page. Consumerism is the ogre feeding carbon emissions and climate. Consumerism, the word that drives profit, ad agencies, marketing, data mining, social networks, trends, it is us, were the ones producing carbon.

We can all discuss climate change, but isn’t it so much easier to discuss this than look at us? This is just human nature. Survival of the fittest, but, can we still look at ourselves without being ashamed.

We have inherited an earth with natural reserves, waterfalls, streams, inland waterways, fertile soil, trees – the truest of bounties. And this turns the profits, but the change has to start with ourselves and the fiscal policies need to adapt, just as the human race must to survive.

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SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The idea to launch three World ECO FSPE INDICES/Trading Floors with FSPE integrated systems over the next six years.I think there are now two stars of the show in the papers and media – the cap and trade system for carbon led with educational policies in the media about climate change synchronised with consumerism as a focus to reduce.

It is our behavioural pattern that has to adapt as quickly as financial markets, and we have to move as quickly as climate change. The atmosphere is setting the speed of reform needed.

It is the people that bought so many goods, so many thrown away, so many must haves of the moment that made the problem. The Cap and trade carbon system was just another way of cleaning up after the party. The City tried to make amends and help us, and has shown that making Co2 a trading concern, made money and helped make the world wake up and smell the coffee. I am certain

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there are many good things in store from the financial markets to help prioritise a multi dimensional macro and global package of change and profitability, organically stemming from ethical finance.

FSPE can lead this change with a new look, a new tone and to actually have a trading floor where ethical business can be traded and monatorised, and it self regulates with directional legislation from COP 20 AND Paris summit 2015.

The first meeting to discuss this fully with the major banks of the globe could be arranged at Dubai Green conference April 2015- and for the Economists and Bankers to set up the first stock exchange in HK FSPE.HY this year, and then UAE launch their own eco FSPE.DA exchange - Opening as the jewel in the crown for their SWF fund ADIA, and at their Dubai world Expo 2020.

By the way we would want to have CHINA leading the way with sustainability legislation, as using their innovative and ground-breaking technology for green tech - world class leaders - possibly with their own targets for emissions, but they would trade their carbon cap and trade system through FSPE.UAE- I think it’s a win win.

Finally we would get our third office with help from WARREN BUFFET set up to run on FSPE.WAL (Wall ST). I would like these all to be up and running by 2021. The USA one would have a Fracking oil base, as to integrate profits from oil to the index- so in theory as we know much of the banks lending systems are based on oil dollar price, we would have for the first time an oil clean tech premis so we could have a banking system that has the first footsteps away to independence from the petro dollar- and thus help give the world banks more stability of the oil price keeps sliding ( as it does under $55.00 barrel in 2015).

This is an exemplary way of separating the banks from finite trading whilst making new fiscal policy integrated with 2015’s climate change policies - hence, stopping a world financial crisis again.

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Lastly……When I set up Eco chic, I was laughed at by many when I announced the title of my

brand. In its very nature it was a contradiction of terms. Eco and Chic, how do they go then? Often I was laughed at, secretly I knew one day this term would be used by so many, as it exists in my perfect eco solution. I think the same of the city. Eco and Finance do mix, and will return huge profit. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, the growth in the market is rapid and unstoppable. It’s ethics are now incorporated in its conception, it has started.

The CFC debate in the 80’s woke us all up to something known as an invisible layer in the atmosphere called the Ozone Layer. Many of us, I was in my twenties, when leaking fridges and aerosol hairsprays were deemed wicked, and would not only cause a huge hole in the ozone layer, that would mean that our ozone layer that stops dangerous rays from reaching us as we go about our daily work worldwide. I had no idea what a CFC was, or the threat to the Arctic... what was it all about.. but all these years later it still takes me hours of dedicated reading to understand the serious chemical and geographical nature of what all these scare stories, actually mean to me and my daughter and family on this planet.

I always though understood from an age of under ten, the very delicate intertwined nature of nature. The seasons, the El Niño, the rain forests were something that I felt almost every day were part of my being, my soul, my nature. It seemed to me that the City in all its heady days of Lloyds underwriting, the hurricanes that stuck the oil rigs, the huge oil spills from the ocean tankers that were the size of the hotels that we used to see in the south of France being built, when I was so small. It seemed to me, that Lloyds was an insurance against disaster, or why would so many of my

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families that I knew and loved and grew up with- why would they all have parties and talk about the paid school fees to this miracle wonder drug called Lloyds of London, in the City of London? I had no idea at this tender age, what all this meant, why did we all party?... as children see our parents happy smiling faces, and the invincible giant of global London finance, we were all celebrating good luck and fortune. It seemed that nature, when I looked at the beach and at the sea, and saw all the happy faces, it never made me for a think that the weather out there would affect the lives of many people, through their underwritten insurances and guarantees on their homes, our lives, could be effected ever by a freak of nature like a storm.. How did I have any idea that Finance and the earth made money, and the corporate make huge amounts from each? Impossible to comprehend, but just like the parties, the evenings of happiness, surely and slowly disasters of the natural kind stuck, and its blow was to many across the globe. Many lost their lives over that ten year period through natural disaster. In the eighties, we had a recession, markets tumbled, Lloyds people fought to feed their children as their losses staked and the school fees couldn’t be paid, by the immortal non promise of an insurance contract that couldn’t go wrong called Lloyds.

I from my start in life, I then realised that nature was un-predictable. The markets unstable at the best of times, and ultimately there was not really one person that I would ever meet in my life that would be able to really predict a real natural disaster, nor a huge financial Armageddon.

Bringing this up to speed, with my eco work SINCE 2005, it has become apparent that any financier I ever met could talk their way through an explanation of why the financial bubble burst in 2008 It was all about “sub prime”. The one only true thing I have ever been told by a real financier, is that no one could have predicted the burst, and even though in circles many knew as the indices in the FTSE swept from 4000 in the late nineties, when it got to 5000, the free lunch, the expense accounts, the bonus’s, well everyone knew it was time to have fun in the city, because how did the filofax yuppy traders, they had one crash, and then it was all go again, until the 2000 dot com boom and bust- then up on the elevator again - how did we get here, it was all going so swimmingly well, or was it?

In the distance from the shores of rejoicing and city floors going potty with trillions floating around the world in currency exchange, equities, commodities there was a storm brewing out further away from the cosy nestled sandbanks of Poole, where I played as a teenager. Just outside the sandbank is a very nasty current, and as children in Poole, we had always be warned, the water may have been gorgeous and warm, the light current tickled your toes as the soft sand was under foot. But at the end of the sandbank, the warm light blue water, hid deep strong currents that aN inch or two further to your left, you could be caught in a bit of nasty situation. Cold water, murky and a very strong current. This to me is akin to the earth’s plight and people, just out of sight, further enough away not to be bothered by, but close enough that if you actually got caught in the current a load of people would have to dive in and rescue you. This rescuing, is called cap and trade systems, to stop us polluting, to limit of toxic fumes going and living in the atmosphere, that warm our planet and primary cause of climate change.

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The other piling in and rescue measure include Sir Howard Stern, his reports of areas highlighted for absolute concern with sea levels predicted to rise, the global mess of who will pay for climate change precautionary measures ( the just in case we can’t stop warming theory, has to have a plan B of how to save us- dyke building to stop flood, dam building to stop drought, Gas to Liquid plants, Sewage conversion solutions for energy, desalination plants, the list in endless) of which hardly any real capital expenditure, not when you look at the global amount of dosh literally sloshing around in our banking system globally. There is also the very huge plight of QE- Quantitative Easing that’s going on, to the tune of 8Obn in the UK, (‘09) trillions in the US, which is bailing out so many in the system again, which is like putting blanket over the fire ( the global disaster) and hoping that it will go out. All will watch from the sides, (The US Fed govt, the city banks,) and unless you’re a bank with minimum exposure to the mortgage lending crisis, or in Asia, Pacific, or UAE, you’ll be a little more shielded from the current financial el Niño- temporary patches albeit, but yet these places may have recovery sooner than us, but sadly they still have their one worries.

UAE may not have subprime debt, but they have a different system to commercial survival, oil converted to the dollar through buildings, and it’s almost l the oldest raising cash initiative in the world. You buy one piece of land and start building, you then sell all the flats pro forma, and then with this build another with your banked black balance sheet. As you start building the second resort, mall, or hotel, the first has all its new tenants move in and they pay the remainder owed, maybe 50% for example, so merrily you employ outside workforce , continue with your construction, and in many cases your’ll be fine. Dubai was raised from the sea and sand- to a glittering capital to be engaged in and envied. Sadly the world ripples of dissatisfaction on return of investment, ROI, or p/E, (a way in which you look at the actual costs against the balance sheet for a company to make a share book value). Many of the big investors have bought property in these places, are now reducing their portfolios, or simply reduced their funds activities for other activities. So whereas UAE may have had the tourist market, the entrepreneur, willing to up sticks and buy out there, to the big corporate who have made Dubai one of the biggest success stories in the world when it comes to property development, it is all slowing down globally the investment, but now for green solutions, and this is where Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Dubai will glitter again. Green Energy will prevail.

Saudi Arabia is going to lead the world into the new era of green goodness, the petro dollar will become the green dollar. I believe that the world we live in will be run by UAE and USA within ten years time. No doubt in my mind whatsoever. I have looked at their green metric’s implemented over the last ten years and they are the globes leaders. In my opinion these four countries will save the planet. They are light years ahead with their revolutionised

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technology and they don’t have the tiny word failure in their Dictionary.

With the tax free capital looking very attractive, many of the California’s silicon valley guys headed out there, and many Top FTSE 100 companies and banks. There was again another backdrop, to all of this, Crude oil- this leads me directly to another great invention- the SWF- the Sovereign Wealth Fund. Ok we’ve all heard of hedge funds, and by the way you know if people want to make money and its legal then that’s great, you must always remember, that if there’s a system to promote financial profits and trade, we have the monopolies and mergers commission here in the UK, the FCA, and these banks are regulated. To me it no good saying that bankers are all to blame, clearly, they are not. Clearly though the SWF it has an important part to show us in the world that we live in now, and our vulnerability s nations, the SWF is a part of the global green solution - and this leads to climate change too very neatly.

The SWF is a mega giant when it comes to banking, this is the heavy league. You’re in Saudi, you sell trillions of barrels of oil- we all gobble it up, so they made cleaver little investment vehicles for the sovereign wealth and good of the people. Most countries have SWF’s and something like a pension total payment over twenty years to all of the UKs pensioners wouldn’t probably touch one days interest on some of these funds. There has been unaccountable reservoirs of oil sold, and we have then plugged out cars into filling station hoses, moaned about the price probably this is a worldwide western moan, and then we tootle off on our journey. WE pollute the planet. CO2 goes in the atmosphere. The SWF fund however gets fatter. With all the problems globally, as we have had the warmest decade in a century has led to a fatal problem. Water.

The Water isn’t dropping out of the sky in the places it used to. Places that could farm, anywhere from India to Australia, to California, the dusts looms in. When it does rain, the top soil has in many cases been so over used, through method intense agriculture, that the earth’s naturally way of saving rain, trickling to the major rivers .. for example the Delta, or Niger Delta, the rain doesn’t fill the swelling banks, as the rain go there anymore. When it did have heavy rainfall in California last time, all the barriers broke, all the local homes flood. It’s a total mess, a total nightmare looms.

In the last 50 years we have twisted every meandering brook, every stream, and changed the flow of Water. Not just in a couple of places here and there- how on earth do you think you can walk into any supermarket, maybe ten in a small town, and see thousands of lettuce leaves, perfectly packed, presented and put on our global shelves. Our appetites are growing. This is where our water has been artificially moved to, to supply agriculture. Not just in a couple of countries, all over the world, Secretly, well it wasn’t really, because twenty years ago, who cared! Actually many did, and many warned of playing with nature, but their small cries for help, were looked at in dismay. The

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producers, the farmers all out aloud argued their cases for subsidies, the retailers took huge contracts to beat the price down onto the farms, and yet, the water supply, no one mentioned. There was a little brief mention here and there about rainforests being chopped, or a forest fire in Greece, but it wasn’t a big deal. Now it is. Food supply with the latest research is frighteningly scarce. Its population overexpansion, with an earth that’s pretty much given us everything. So when it comes now to rainfall in California, which hasn’t turned up in three years, with the Governor of the states Arnold Schwarzenegger (A.S) attending, meetings with farmers, Christian groups, local water infrastructure engineers, lobbyists for congress, that’s only one meaning for this- they are all meeting to discuss water. Yet it’s still not in all the mainstream press.

(Ed note 2015 -see info on Paris summit with A.S from Earth & Skies editorial)

Global warming is, Copenhagen is, but California is shouting with all its might- Australia too, we have all heard about the huge dustbowls creeping further and further into the countries, making arid barren bare land where nothing can live. No water - NO food.

(see book from OECD “Water and Climate Change studies on Water called Water and Adaptation to Climate Change Adaption - Policies to Navigate Unchartered Waters) Published OECD 14.05.2014 OECD.org/publishing

SWFOne thing can live- the SWF if you want to know what these huge powerful things, like animals really, wild financial animals, are doing right now, they are buying up agriculture all over the world, land, as much as possible. There’s a big shortage of food and water on the horizon and these SWFs go to the biggest and cleverest of the countries, who had the richest profits from natural finite resources.

There is a race behind the financial doors of the world to buy themselves out of the climate change solution, whilst also at the front media end, twinning themselves up with conferences galore, where the very best climate change solutions need to be met with a global infrastructure that can help pay for the much needed money to halt climate change and to adapt out emerging needs as a race. The actual race is then converted into cleaver systems and bills that congress and the UN can pass. i.e. they want water, clean energy- the governments have to have the advisors, the scientific panels that can tell them what infrastructure our countries need to survive.

Terrorism, and war ravage our world, but the biggest threat to us is food and water. And with the amount of pages, from headline news on the broadsheets of climate change this, the arctic that, our seals being gobbled up in algae who die and suffocate slowly. The polar bears cant any more swim far enough to keep alive and hunt, the bees are dying, the fish in our seas are not reproducing quick

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enough, the fish in intercostals waters are changing sex, due to the hormones and pollutants. So whose for a Big Mac then?

It’s all related. It’s a painful article to write.

Not ever have I thought that I would be firmly on side with the bankers, not in all my life with my upbringing and knowledge and financial ruin that happened because of Lloyds, could I have ever thought that in doing all that harm, I would have become a market eco junkie! Any information I can read, any market I have the time to watch, and piece of literature I can read or get my hands on- shows me, there is a solution and its money.

Money builds infrastructure, websites, provides clean energy sources, provides water to those with none in emerging worlds, so they can be better fed water and educated to thrive. This is a global cause and if the family in Cambodia have no food they will starve and die though illness and disease or natural disaster. I guess it’s happened so many times, that their numbers unless pledged onto a big screen and beamed into homes, like Live Aid, and then LIVE ERATH, different aid, same global slant- then unless it’s through something massive, it’s another starving family; Yes but it could be yours. Maybe not this decade, maybe not next- but if scientists are correct and even if there not, why in the world would you want to risk it.

I can see, and I am not trained at university, I can see my local weather patterns change. Massively, the season do not come and go as they used to. The animals I see are not so abundant, and I also see a huge amount of people working really hard to survive, to make money, to buy goods that are not sustainable, cars that as primary sources of vehicles as a big engine. And I see children’s products made of plastic, - then I hear people moan about the Chinese nuclear power options, or the coal fuelled power stations that were going up, numerous number per week, to meet our west demand for these goods.

So the SWF has a good job right now. If you’re in a country with huge natural reserves, whether their running out or not, there is still high capital gain from that SWF fund to be made, through investment , or via finding us the rest of the world, the greater population- a way for renewably and finite solutions so we depend more on technology now- clean tech funded business, products, from the raw material, to packaging, peoples rights and standards of welfare uplifted in the process, until that good, or energy comes through my door to provide me the energy my light bulb, or turns up as a toy for my child, I won’t stop my activism.

Thank you very much for reading this. May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy, peaceful and successful year

One Planet, One Eco chic Network, One global journey.

Researched, written & presented by AJ MILLER RADFORD


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For sponsorship opportunities contact me directly

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First edition written 20/08/2009

RE-Edited.21. Standard Edition published 15th January 2015, Winchester

c.& p. 1planetWest Limited 2014.