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Issue 3

September 21, 1968

Editors: Norma Jean Freeman

Don Freeman

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the Editors.

VIBRATIONdedicated to

The Resurrection of the

Mentally and Spiritually Dead




Vibration focuses its third issue on the race

Prerequisite to revision of American educationproblem which affects the future of the "American

is the repudiation of the "Protestant Ethic" and theEmpire". The Report of the President's Commission

redefinition of work in a "cybernated society".on Civil Disorders asserts that the United States is

Since technology is rapidly displacing human physi-disinte rag

tiny because of its racial crisis . Racism is

cal and several categories of mental labor, it is im-a major consequence of "Yankee Imperialism" and

perative that American society be revolutionized,the decadent bourgeois culture that have corroded

thereby enabling the creative potential of its peopleAmerican morality . It is imperative that the Ameri-

to be positively cultivated . The vested interestscan People finally comprehend the "dialectical

of the American oligarchy have postponed this(historical) inevitability" of the Black Revolt . The

inevitable Apocalypse (Revolution) . However,"Twentieth Century Rome" is now reaping the death

the exponential rate of the contemporary Dia-and decline that it has sown.

lectic (change) has confronted them with anultimatum - democratize the "American Empire"

An historical analysis of the devolution of West-

or become a "Garrison State" . The facist reactionern civilization since the nineteenth century reveals

ofthe Establishment of the reformist program ofthe ethnocentric (racist) orientation o.f capitalism .

students and the needs of underclass youth indi-The capitalist elite has utilized racism as a means to

cate that this nation is becoming a "Totalitariani-mperialistic ends - "divide and conquer" of the

Empire". The ignorance and impotence of theWestern and Non-Westerri>Peoples of the World.

majority of the "body politic" facilitates theAlthough the majority of White America has

reactionary maneuvers of the "military-industrialeconomically benefited from "Uncle Sam's" neo-

complex". These are crucial aspects of the "Genera-colonialism, they are now experiencing retribution

tion'gap" which prevents meaningful consensus andvia the escalation of the Vietnamese and Black

reform in the United States. The "Protestant Ethic"American Liberation Struggles .

- oriented majority of adults cannot understandthe preoccupation of the youth with intrinsic

The liquidation of the late President John F.

(inner) fulfillment through creative endeavor ratherKennedy and his brother Senator Robert Kennedy

than extrinsic (monetary) compensation for meaningexpose the "Twentieth Century Rome's" inability to

less effort .protect its "Caesars" . Therefore it is obvious thatactual security is non-existent for any American

Social and behavioral scientists have not publiclycitizen . The "American Empire" is collapsing at

presented the critique of the socio-cultural and eco-an exponential (geometric) instead of an arithmetic

nomic fabric which is implicit in their research . Con-rate . The counterviolent reaction of the "Power

sequently academia are not providing rational alterna-Elite" to the Black Rebellion indicates that the

tives to the "cultural anarchy" which now threatens"American Pharoahs" do not intend to "Let

the survival of the

"Twentieth Century Rome".Black People Go" except via extermination .

Dr. Frank Riessman has advocated "new careers" toHowever, a humanistic minority are aware that

diminish poverty. But his proposal has not appreciablythe "cause and effect" process of "Black Geno-

materialized because the "social-industrial complex"cide" will eliminate White America also . The

is not willing to alter the formal education criteria forAmerican People are confronted with their supreme

employment in the social services . The public sectorchallenge ; they must positivelYrespond now, other-

is not allocating the funds necessary to expand thewise they are doomed.

social welfare and the fine arts fields . Thus vocationaleducation policies are still governed by a pre-cyberna-tion frame of reference. The private sector's mania

Part II

for maximum profits rather than social utility per-petuates senseless human deprivation in the midstof material abundance. Thus capitalism constitutesthe principal barrier to solving the educationalproblems of the United States .

John K. Galbraith stresses that The New Indus-trial State must evolve beyond the profit motive inorder to alleviate the dysfunctioning of Americansociety. The "Power Elite" can not evade its own

There in the hill of silver«

is silver

andliquidation via the permanent war economy(Viet Nam, etc.)

it must now either revitalize it-

There in the swamp is the slime

self or perish . The "pluralistic economy" must now

So when you decide to make

promote the welfare of the Poor by transforming this

your move

nation's education and employment systems. The

remember to Believe

"opportunity structure" can no longer afford to in-

as you climb

clude the "Other America" on a quota basis. Never-the less there are increasing critics of the "AmericanEmpire" who endorse the conclusion of the late

C. M. F.

Dr. W. E. B . DuBois - "Capitalism can not reformitself; a system that enslaves you can not free emu-."

ich melts into resentmehich melts into purpose

constitutes the unshaka le will.


(Part III)

Black America must implement an EducationalRevolution in order to develop its spiritual, mental,and material potential . Indoctrination and trainingwill perpetuate Black subservience to the "AmericanEmpire". Black parents must discover that integratedhour eois schools are not the solution to "ghetto non-education" . Many White youth are rebelling againstthese academic complexes. It has become evident toa few Americans that genuine education is non-existent .

"Black Power" advocates must realize that muchmore than Black People's Heritage is required to revo-lutionize American educational theory and practice.

the sculptor began his work.

Education must embody a positive scientific philosophyof Life and Human Development. Without this revolu-

3. We live only for our

tionary conception of Man's "Raison d'Etre" (Lifechildren's children's


ose , meaningful education is impossible . Trainchildren . . .

ing not learning is the obsession of American schoolsand colleges . They are the "academic factories"that produce the "technicians" necessary for themaintenance of "Twentieth Century Rome". Unlessa student submits to the "military-industrial complex",

Hugh Sakubeti ~

he is subversive . Criticism of middle-class values and

2. He paused to think. Once done


the "Protestant Ethic" evokes the wrath of the "capi-

seeking individual wealth and power to the detrimenttalist status quo". Thus Educational Revolution has

ofthe collective advancement of Humanity . Their com-become the sole alternative to American Youth "Grow-

mitment to Human Liberation will enable them .to f_ulinQ Up Absurd."fillthe dialetical destiny of Black America - "the

Spiritual Resurrection of Mankind" .White racism is merely a symptom of what confronts

the Black Revolution in the "Brave New World". TheUnited States is an "affluent death trap" in which themajority spiritually die in economic abundance while aminority. of the~onulation "rot" in material poverty.This utter dehumanization can only be supplanted by an"Educational Renaissance" (rebirth) whose essence isspiritual. Man must begin to cherish spiritual progressmore than material progress . Jesus stressed, "Seek YeFirst the Kingdom of God" (Man's Hi

er Self). Al-though Mankind has deliberately and inadvertently"procrastinated" for centuries, human survival is nowpredicated upon spiritual revolution. Therefore the"spiritual maturation" of "homo saniens" (Men) is the


primary objective of Educational Revolution.Love is mostprecious It is fulfillment of the

The "pathology of the Black Ghetto" will not

Law and deserves our knowledge, understand-ing and diligence to preserve it, guard it fromdiminish until its inhabitants uositively interact with

tarnish, injury or destruction. Love nevereach other; then Black Unity will cease to be rhetoric .

fai/eth.Subjectivity motivates the behavior of Black Folk. Theylack

op strive channels through which to activate their


Currently it seems to be in vogue to run aroundemotions ; as a result they release their inner tensions on

making loud impassioned declarations of love for theeach other. The ghetto dwellers are dying in "torture

folk. To say "I love the folk" may be inspiring to thechambers" aggravated by their frustrations. Their lives

speaker. It may kindle a sense of kinship and brother-are "vacuums" which they strive to fill hedonistically .

hood with one's people . But the statement alone isThe Black Subculture has not provided an adequate

notenough, for it is just a fact . And facts, until theyfoundation for building Black Communities. It has en-

are applied to the art of living, are void of meaning.riched the popular culture of the Western world, but

Utterances of love bring into being only the form ofhas not liberated Black People from an inferiority com-

love. It is the act of loving which fills this form withplex . The bourgeois-capitalist culture of white America

substance. Love is a drama which continually wills tocontinues to be the norm that governs the existence of

be acted out. A lot of us know this, but we do notso-called American Negroes.

understand it. And the absence of understanding ac-counts for the glaring contradictions between the form

The "mutual suicide" pervasive in Black Ghettos

andthe substance of our love for the folk .cannot be effectively counteracted by this nation'sresent political, economic, and social institutions .

Perhaps it would be wise to try and determineBlack Revolutionaries must establish a humane society;

exactly who one means when he says : "I love mybut first they must humanize Black People . Therefore

people." Who is "my people?" Is it first of all theeducational innovation is prerequisite to Black Revo-

person himself? Is it his wife, parents, blood-lution because only a radically humanistic education

brothers and sisters, neighbors? It has been saidcan inspire Black Americans to create their Freedom

that "Charity (Love) begins at home." And if weBlack Radical Humanists will repudiate the "decadent

assume this to be true and accept these personsbourgeois value syndrome" of egoism, materialism, and

as part of the amorphous "my people", then wehedonism. They will not "yield to the temptation" of

should consider how love for them is manifested .

Is kindness, consideration, respect and unselfish-

painless) growth. And for our people (as for allness in evidence? Or can disharmony, disrespect,

people) I suspect it is the unifying agent that isselfishness or neglect be discerned? There is also

sorely needed . Many say it is Power which isthe possibility that "my people" embodies some

needed to unite us. If they are speaking of thevague, unknowable mass of people "out there"

Power of Love, then I would agree. However,somewhere. If this be the case, then these "My

I would be suspicious of any other Power.People Lovers" are in serious trouble.

Economical, Political and even EducationalPowers have the abilities to unite and/or

We can begin to deal with this trouble when we

divide . Only Love consistently solidifies.have started the process of reuniting understandingwith knowledge. Not only in relationship to love

Hence this business of "loving the folk"and loving, but in all man's relationships, especially

must cease to be a part of the meaningless(in terms of priorities) man's relationship to him-

rhetoric currently circulating in the ghettos.self. When one's knowledge of himself begins to

Let us begin to "put our actions where ourshow itself through his thinking, speaking, acting

mouths are" . For when we really tighten-upand feeling, then he has begun to narrow the gulf

on Love, it will be unnecessary to talk aboutbetween his knowledge of self and his understanding

loving the folk since Love itself will "speak"of self. As long as one's knowledge of self is not

so loud our words will be drowned out. Letmanifested in his thinking, speaking, acting and

us diligently work to shorten the time betweenfeeling, then understanding of self is still absent .

then and now, when "loving the folk" will beIt is the same with Love. If the knowledge of love

a reality and not an illusion .does not appear in all the areas of expression(thinking, acting, etc.) open to man, then one isnot truly experiencing love . That which he iscalling love is only one of the embryonic stagesof Love .

Obviously to love, in the true sense, is noteasy . Actually it is even beyond difficult becausefor most of us (due to the condition of the worldand our own levels of development) it is improbablethat we will reach the stage of true loving. Weusually only experience one of the stages of em-bryonic Love . The rarity of Love (for anythingor anybody) in this society attests to this. How-

AN EXPLORATION OF ALTERNATIVESever, the improbability of attainment does not,should not, and must not negate the constant

Serious consideration must be given to thestriving towards Love . This striving is important

establishment of communities of young Blackfor keeping us "alive" and in touch with one

intellectuals who would live for an extendedanother. Without this striving to talk about

period in a section (or sections) removed fromloving the "folk" is of no significance .

the various urban centers of the United States .Essentially this whole idea centers around what

Through knowledge and understanding one

we might call an "exile concept" and wouldmust come to the level of loving self. Then one

occur in the form of "colonies" - relativelymoves to the next level of loving those close at

autonomous communities of talented and crea-hand and continue to work outward until loving

tive Black people whose basic purpose would beone's people is an actuality and not just an empty

to investigate various alternative solutions tohigh-sounding platitude . Making love a reality

the American racial problem from, let's say,requires time, effort and continual (not always

a non-Western point of view.

Ideally, the population of these communi-

or link-up . And the ultimate objective would beties would be composed of people talented in

the eventual emergence of an organization whichthe various social sciences, the "pure sciences"

would allow the two separate camps to coalesce(mathematics, medicine, statistics, etc.), and,

into one struggling whole. (This level of develop-of course, writers, linguists, and those with

ment - the ultimate organization of the two -background in cultural, philosophical, and

would most likely be preceded by an intra-racial,religious study. Practicable and practical

intra-leadership fight for control or cooperation .analysis and theory (tactics and strategy)

It would depend upon the individual strength ofwould have to be one of the main purposes of

each camp and the tactics used by each camp inlife in each community. Research, study, and

struggling for power as to which would prevail -discussion would be the principle activities .

or cooperate.)And those gathered there - in these "colonies- would have to be people with some degree

All of which sounds reminiscent of the "Think-of experience in the areas of active protest,

Tanks" (Institutes of Defense Analysis) which areactive organizational projects (both political

presently in operation in key locations throughoutand economic), or in the realm of either

the United States, sponsored by and created for therevolution or reform . People active from,

power structure. But such coincidences should notlet's say, the period between 1958 and 1968.

be the major concern. (You may call the "ColonyDuring these years, roughly, it would be my

ofthe Disengaged" the "Institute of the Offenseguess that the largest variety of projects and

Analysis", if you so wish.) What IS the main con-programs - of approaches and experiments -

cern is that, in essence, the American system ishave been attempted to reconstruct the lives

geared automatically in such a way that a hugeof Black people in the modern United States.

number of Black people are going to suffer large-scale progressive genocide - both physically and

But the vital point is that our young, talented

economically - between now and the next fifteenpotential leaders and thinkers need to assess the

years or so .racial situation from a more or less semi-isolatedand removed vantage point. Quite obviously

Careful observation of the education andthere would have to be some kind of a communi-

training and jobs being provided under the Povertycation system or complex set up by which contact

Program will reveal that at best Black people arecould be kept with the activities going on in the

being given elementary and short-term preparationcities - in the places where active political and

for life in the future . For example, this society willeconomic movements were still in motion. And

notbe needing people who can merely read, write,quite likely we could predict that no small

add and subtract in approximately ten years. Asamount of hostility, disagreement, and dis-

for employment, the misleading "concessions"sension would arise between those who decided

that big business and industry are making to hireto remain in the actual "thick of things" and those

the hard-core unemployed are at best agreementswho chose this semi-exile brand of revolutionary

to accept QUOTAS of people . The genocidalactivity that I am speaking of. In addition, we

(fatal) part about it is that the so-called "jobs"could safely predict that this kind of development

involved in this quota system are jobs that willwould create a recognizable and overt schism in

shortly become obsolete as a result of automa-the leadership . There would be two camps : "the

tion, computerization, and a cybernetic economicEngaged" and "the Disengaged" we might call them

establishment . And, finally, there is the well-for convenience. In fact there would have to be an

known fact that America will be forced to policeinitial spirit and understanding that the activities of

its own national boundaries eventually - which"the Engaged" could not be led nor controlled by

will mean that America's military might will be"the Disengaged" - and vice versa. There would,

substantially withdrawn from without, and ithowever, have to be some kind of communication

will become poised and concentrated on the con-maintained between the two. Some kind of liaison

tinental United States themselves . Needless to


(continued from page 5)

must have both functional and survival value.

say, Black revolutionaries can hardly combat a

Wehave to learn that it essentially means

force that has for fifty years or so felt equal to

nothing when we observe that Johnson &

conquering the entire world - especially seeing

Johnson Co. is not manufacturing Band-Aids

that Black people are in their present state of

that match the different shades of our skin .

disorganization and factionalism . For these and many more reasons I am

No, I'm NOT saying that armed, tactical and

pretty much convinced that some of our people

strategic alternatives must be dispensed with or

must organize for the purpose of temporarily

abandoned. My point is that serious reassessment

removing themselves from the midst of this

and re-evaluation has to occur before any new

misdirected, so-called revolution . They must

programs are initiated by and for Black people .

set up an intellectual community of students

And I say this with a great deal of qualification ;

and scientifically-oriented revolutionaries whocan commence with the work of separating the

for it is questionable whether there have been

wheat from the chaff. Once done, we'll knowany programs initiated l~Black people to date -that is, outside of the Muslims and Marcus Garvey .

better what to fight for - and perhaps how.

Booker T . Washington's program is not even badwith severe updating and alteration . At least

Andhere's another thing to remember -

under Washington's program people were being

something that each individual must remember

trained for the basic crafts . They knew how to

to teach and remind to others . By exploiting

use the hammer, the saw, and the square rule ;

the existent African hierarchal system, the

they could head into the direction of the build-

colonial powers (the British outstanding) were

ing trades - even though they couldn't engage

able to introduce the practice of "indirect

in profound philosophical discussions. Today

rule." On the other hand, the United States

Black people can't paste two pieces of wood

employs a variation of this same theme. Here,

together with Elmer's glue - even after being

in this country, they employ the technique

given a complete demonstration . If this weren't

of "tokenism," or else that of using the Black

true, then how in the hell do you think their

middle class as both a buffer and liaison be-

apartments and tenements became so damnedtween the power structure and the deprived

run-down? How do you think they got to the

masses . In the American example the object

point where they were literally at the mercy

is not necessarily to rule, per se ; but, rather, to

of the landlords? Why, they've nearly lost

create an overall atmosphere and collective

all knowledge of how to repair things - which

attitude of appeasement and/or indifference .

is ironic, tragic, and somewhat of a paradox.

This allows the power structure to operate un-

Remember, they were the ones who were

impeded and uninhibited, whether its opera-

brought here and enslaved to do all the build-


tion be a positive or negative force (that is, in

ing, construction, and labor.

terms of the general welfare) . Sometimes weeither tend to forget or become unaware of

Like I said, re-assessment and re-evaluation

the fact that the underprivileged will be in-

must occur before any more programs are in-

different to - or consent to - the effects of

itiated for the so-called benefit of our race .

the status quo. Even when the miserable

We ve got to re-organize (or, really, organize) a conditions of the underprivileged are created

value system for ourselves . We must sit down

~the defenders of the status quo. It might

together somehow in a united, common-purpose

be added that there are even those who suffer

fashion and decide precisely where we are going

in such a manner that they properly belong to

to place emphasis . We have to order and list

that category described as "the underprivileged"

our priorities ; we have to choose between the

- Yet they have been so mentally conditioned

important and the unimportant. For instance,

that they live with the illusion that they are true

we have to begin to understand that education

members of the privileged class . Certainly an-

other way of describing how much of a merry-

Africa, and Latin America) . As a result, White

go-round the American system actually is .

America simultaneously exterminates BlackAmerica, Vietnam, and neocolonizes non-white

Or we could describe the American system


in another graphic sense . We could say that it is,properly speaking, a system which maintains

Protracted conflict in Vietnam and urban

order amongst the deprived peoples by weaving

Black guerrilla warfare have "shocked" the

a Web of Repetitious Appeasement. Like the

"affluent society" into contemplating the im-

many programs of appeasement underway at

plications of its " lg obal mayhem". Thousands

present . There are the multiplicity of Poverty

of dissenters criticize the "permanent war

Programs . There are white politicians drafting

economy" and the "Land of the Frees" dev-

speeches which will convince many people that

olution into a "garrison state" committed to

the old-time, negative moral personality of

containment of the "Revolution of Rising

white America has at last transformed into an

Expectations" at home and abroad . To them

honest-to-goodness "humane nature."

the "Stars and Stripes" are a symbol of im-perialism and racism .

Hugh Sakubeti


(Part I)

The "American Empire" has attempted tobecome "E Pluribus Unum" (One of Many), butthe neocolonial plight of Black Americans signifies that the "pot never completely melted". TheReport of the President's Commission on CivilDisorders acknowledges that integration of the so-called "Negro" has been rhetoric . To understandwhy Black Folk can NEVER be assimilated, onemust study the evolution of the "Twentieth Cen-tury Rome".

"American versions" of history have deliber-ately excluded the authentic heritage of BlackPeople ; nevertheless a few individuals perceive theramifications of "American Historigraphy" . Theinsidious indoctrination of generations of Ameri-cans has not merely fostered a dero a~ tort/ image ofBlack Americans; it has "poisoned the Americancitizenry's impression of the Bandung World (Asia,


The eighteenth century genesis of the"Paleface's" imperialism is evident in the "re-moval " of the so-called Indians subsequentto 1776. The rationalization of "gringo" in-vasion of Mexico and seizure of the presentSouthwest during the 1840's elicited in-effectual protest from a political minorityincluding Abraham Lincoln. A major fe fectof this continental imperialism was theCivil War. The Northern capitalists' triumphbestowed upon them the "booty" and thepower to shape America's "Manifest Destiny".The "modus operandi" of Wall Street wasrefined in the "Deal of 1877" which recon-ciled the "Dixiecrats" to Northern capitalvia political abandonment of "Black Dixie".Their liquidation of Populism in the 1890'scompleted the internal consolidation of the"capitalist oligarchy" .

The spoils (Cuba, Puerto Rico, and thePhilippine Islands) plundered from Spain in1898 inaugurated the "American Common-wealth" . The U. S. State Department's"Dollar Diplomacy" in Latin America aug-mented the opulence of the "robber barons".The "White Man's Burden" became the uni-versal rationale for "Caucasian rape" ofBandung Peoples and a np 'mart' stimulus ofthe "First Imperialist War" (World War I) .

The "negative trinity" - imperialism,nationalism, and racism - has dominated

Western Man's behavior since 1865 . These

tributed this "aberration" of Marxism to theideologies were or anic developments of

corruption of social democrats via nationalWestern capitalism which initially progressed

economic concessions from capitalist im-within national contexts . Therefore Northern

perialism. Thus the European workingcapitalists' defeat of Southern "feudalists"

classes relegated themselves to "mutualwas prerequisite to their industrialization of

extermination" from 1914 to 1918 andthe entire United States . "Wall Street" con-

recapitulated this "fraternal insanity" fromclusively

disposed of Southern "Bourbon"

1939 to 1945 . The aftermath of theresistance via the "modus operandi of 1877"

chauvinistic Versailles "Peace Conference"which provided a carte blanche

green light)

illuminated the ethnocentric nature offor racism .

The "Populist threat" disinte-

Western nationalism, especially Britishgrated in the 1890's because of racist antago-

suppression of Mahatma Gandhi'snisms between Black and White tenant farmers.

nationalist movement in India. This wasSimilar hostilities curtailed the organization of

an indication that national "self-determina-industrial labor. C. Vann Woodward's The

tion" applied exclusively to "Caucasians" .Strange Career of Jim Crow substantiates the

Thebelligerent reaction to Japan's challengethesis that the escalation of racism internally

of Western supremacy in Asia also exposedfrom 1890-1914 was commensurate with the

the racist complexion of capitalistic imperial-expansion of "Yankee" imperialism externally .

ism;Japan insisted that colonialism was nolonger the prerogative of Western capitalists

The ethnocentrism inherent in America's"Manifest Destiny" is discernible in its "cultural

Theinfluence of Marcus Garvey after the "Firsthomogeneity" . The capitalist elite established

Imperialistic War", like the rise of Japan, embodiedits "WASP" (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)

dialectical inevitability. His Universal Negro Improve-culture as the norm . To reinforce this cultural

ment Association (U. N. I . A. ) was a dynamic res-bias, the heritage of the original Americans -

ponse to the resurgent racism of the "Americanso-called Negroes and Indians - was deliberate-

Empire". He galvanized Africa, the Caribbean, andly maligned. Consequently EVERY ethnic group

Black America, thereby disturbing monopoly cap-via its acculturation acquired a dehumanizing

italism internationally . The Garveyites were pre-conception of Non-White humanity. The eco-

cursors of the nationalism that engulfed Africa andnomic competition of migrated Black share-

the Western Hemisphere following the "Second Im-croppers exacerbated the prejudices of

perialistic War". Garvey profoundly understood theEuropean immigrants, thereby precipitating the

confluence of imperialism, nationalism, and racism in"ethnic enmity" that persists in urban America.

perpetuating capitalist genocide of Black America.Concurrent with the penetration of Western

He maintained that integration is not feasible in theimperialism throughout the Bandung world,

United States and that the "American Dream" wouldWestern scholars promulgated Western cul-

remain inaccessible to "niggers" . Like Frantz Fanon,ture as the sine qua non of human civilization

Garvey acutely perceived the "psychic violence" in-and the apex of human progress . Western

flicted upon Black People by "Uncle Sam's" castesocieties conceived of Non-Western peoples

system . Therefore he emphasized the relevance ofas innately inferior .

self-determination to Black as well as White People .His Africa-oriented Black ideology was an expression

In 1914 the imperialistic rivalries between

ofthe Volk eist (Spirit of the Age) . Harold CruiseWestern nations degenerated into "military

asserts that Black America experienced "historicalbarbarism" and demolished the supranational

discontinuity" in relation to its awareness of Blackunity of European socialists . Marxists sub-

Nationalism after the deportation of Marcus Garvey .ordinated international proletariat solidarity

The emergence of Elijah Muhammad's Nation ofto national allegiance to capitalist states .

Islam in the late 1950's revived concrete BlackNikolai Lenin and Rosa Luxembourg at-

repudiation of the integrationist approach. A

crescendo of nationalist revolts against Western

giving some consideration to the intangible

colonialism have erupted in Asia and Africa since

aspect of racism as cancellation .

1945 . The seeds of Black Rebellion sown byAmerica's Manifest Destiny were destined to be

Intangibly racism as cancellation engenders

reed also .

Hate. This Hate causes one to use his Will andenergies in a negative, rather than a positive,way. One becomes so consumed by a desire toretaliate that both thoughts and actions aredirected towards destruction with little con-sideration given to construction . This is adeadly process.

Fordestruction tends notonly to encompass the "enemy" but also one-self. Often the desire to wipe out the "enemy"becomes so intense one is willing to annihilatehimself in order to destroy the object of hishate . Still worse than a loss of life, this type ofimbalanced compulsion does not eliminate the


problems existing among men. It may at bestresult in a temporary reprieve . If this were theproper solution, then "man's inhumanity to

Racism is based on the theory of cancellation .

man" would have appreciably diminished cen-

This cancellation is manifested in two ways : one

turies ago. Clearly racism as cancellation in

tangible, the other intangible . In order to deal

the realm of the intangible is a lethal poison

with it one has to understand racism not as it

to man's psyche . For it enables the negative

appears to be, but as it actually is .

within man to triumph over the positive . Itincreases the difficulty of man raising himself

The tangible evidence of racism as nullification

from a sub-human level to the level of a human

is apparent in the way the masses of white and black

being. And until man becomes a truly human

people are at odds with one another. The white

being, there will always be "wars and rumors of

masses need racism to lean on in order to maintain


their belief in the illusion of "The American Dream".The black masses (although increasing numbers are

Taken both tangibly and intangibly, racism

realizing the hoax of racism) have to believe in the

was for the "Power Elite" a stroke of genius . It

doctrine of racism, because without a real under-

has greatly facilitated their control of the masses,

standing of the political and economic structure upon

both black and white. Fortunately increasing

which this country was built there is no other plausible

numbers of white youth and many blacks are

explanation for their plight . Unfortunately neither

beginning to recognize racism for what it is .

realizes that the Ruling Minority's only concern with

They are questioning whether ANYONE, white

racism is as a tool which enables it to maintain its

or black; can live a meaningful life in this

stranglehold on all the people . As long as the whites

society. Hence there is much talk about "doing

and the blacks are at each other's throats, there is

your own thing" . But is this really a solution to

neither time nor energy to deal with the REAL

what "ails" us? One must recognize the fact that

problems of this society. The major difference

this society is preparing an environment to absorb

between the blacks and the whites is that millions

and encourage folks "to do their thing" . First of

of blacks have awakened to the fact that their

all, this society is preparing to write off millions of

lives are not their own and that they are among

"useless" blacks and whites, via war, riots, and

the "living dead", while most whites still labor

various kinds of genocide (internal and external ;

under the illusion that they are in control of

physical, mental and spiritual) . Secondly, in the

their destinies . We will come back to this after

emerging society the division among us will no

1 0

longer be racial (this will no longer be necessary) butwill be between the "creative" and the "non-creative"This creative society will not be genuine in the senseof striving to create a better world for all, but will bepseudo-creative in the sense of encouraging peopleto function creatively within the existing structure,and the creative elite will address their creativity to


THE NEXTmaintaining the present power of this country foras long as possible . In other words, we are on our

Fatherway to trading the illusion of racism for a greater

Sunillusion of thinking we are free because we will be

Moth rallowed to "do our thing" within the limits set by

Mothe Ruling Class.

U ' erseE ernity

Obviously in view of these things, we no

lack depthslonger can allow ourselves to be diverted by some-

of this earththing as paltry and meaningless as racism . Let us

I am manbegin to deal with ourselves and that which brought

I have mindracism into being. Let us cease being pawns to

I thinkthose who presently rule the world . Let us stop

and I feel the presenceconcerning ourselves with the negative which is

of other humanscausing us to cancel out one another. Let us be

of other thingsabout the business of creating a world where

that are on this planeeveryone can live as men and women and not

and the nextexist as thins.

I will do that, That is for me to dofor I analyze life

""""'''''''' ''''""""""""""""""""""""

on this plane and the nextV I B RAT I O N ' S


for I balance good and evilSubscription Offer


on this plane and the next. .";"

I desire

the things of lifeThe subscription rate of $1 .75 covers the


On this plane and the nextWinter Issue (Dec . 21, 1968) through the


for I see that, that is for meFall Issue (Sept. 21, 1969).

Vibration is a


To see, on this plane and the nextquarterly publication, being published four


for I use the things of lifetimes a year .


on this plane and the next;";

I know the problems of manIf subscription is desired, please fill out the


on this plane and the nextform below and mail to :


for I believeVIBRATION


in FatherP. O . Box 08152


SunCleveland, Ohio 44108


Mother. .";" Moon. ".".


" "

Eternity.~.. . Black depthsAddress '


of this earthCity, State, ZIP Code


for I am man"""

I have mind.".Make checks or money

~ .~

I thinkorders payable to : VIBRATION

" ; "

On this plane and the next .11

dd outthe lake,

ook out overthe green filthy water.Our hopes wouldgo up in our hands,then down to warm our souls.X311 eyes look out, asthe bottle breaks the air,and comes to meet the waterbelow. Once morethe wind comes in to hit our faceslike wet dish rags .Sounds come in with the windlike calls of distress,from other citiesmuffled screams,from peoplebeing choked to deathby deadly drinks,of cheap hopesand dreamsas they come in they call outtheir citiescornersand streets.

-msI®I®I I®I~Is~~--

Many asses stumbleupon the stepping stoneof life .Times gone, andin the wake of privationof this hourpoliticians squabble,as this society decays

1 2

tales of past gloriesof evil menare taught in school roomsbut the youth of this hourseek out truthsthat old minds dare not discussfor they will only provethemselves evil .false prophets preach their religionsas their money bags grow fatterand the cries of the poorgrow louder .but those righteous few ofTimes gone,and in the wake of privationof this hour,who seek within theirown hearts,hold the universal keythat will open the doorfor so many asseswho seek to enslavethe minds of others .

Poetry by Bill Russell


italism cannot reform itself' . The MarxistPROSPECTS

contention that the American proletariat wouldeventually repudiate the "status quo" has been

Marcus Garvey was the father of Black

a fallacy . Millions of blue and white collarNationalism in America ; Elijah Muhammad's

workers are sympathetic toward George WallaceNation of Islam has executed aspects of Garvey's

and Ronald Reagan . The American Left hasapproach. Dr. W. E. B. DuBois ultimately in-

been continually frustrated in its efforts to uniteculcated elements of Garveyism. The late Malcolm

the Black Poor and White Dissenters. The Marx-Shabazz inadvertently synthesized the doctrines of

ist preconditions for Social Revolution areGarvey, Elijah Muhammad, and Dr. DuBois. Booker

perennially non-existent in the United StatesT. Washington's outlook constituted the origin of

because of the affluence and racism of thethe economics of Black Nationalism. These spokes-

European-American working class . They strivemen have provided the ideological foundation for

to emulate rather than eliminate the capitalistcontemporary Black Nationalist ferment in the

ruling class.United States .

Stokely Carmichael's pronouncements are asequel to the career of Malcolm X. Dr . DuBois,Malcolm X and he have elaborated on Garvey'sPan-Africanism and the Bandung (Latin Americanand Afro-Asian) components of American im-perialism and racism . Carmichael has also ex-pressed the concepts of Robert Williams and theRevolutionary Action Movement (RAM) in hisorientation. He and Rap Brown have attemptedto galvanize the psychic energies of Black GhettoYouth in a manner corresponding to the writingsof Frantz Fanon. Unfortunately many BlackYouth are embracing violence as the panaceafor their oppression.

The American mass media have assiduouslydivided Black Americans via their distortions of"Black Power" while simultaneously intensifying racist hysteria among white Americans.Ethnic polarization is precipitating a "night-mare" of violence and counterviolence. As aresult of their emotionally-induced fears,Black and White America have become pre-occupied with Death to the detriment ofLife. The Kerner Report intimates that WhiteAmerica's racism is producing the "scenario"for the destruction of American society. Anutter "sense of political futility" is rapidlyoverwhelming the American People .

Unlike Marcus Garvey and Dr . W. E. B.DuBois, the President's Commission on CivilDisorders refused to acknowledge that "cap-

1 3

"Black Power" advocates are confrontedwith the disconcerting reality that the majorityof Black Americans desire increased socioeconomic mobility within the capitalist system .Black Ghetto YOUTH, not Black Adults, arerebelling against "institutionalized racism".Consequently only a minority of Black Peopleare potential revolutionaries. The "PowerElite" knows that most Black and White Rebels"have a price" - can be bought . Also manyBlack militants "turn each other off' becauseof their "negative ego hang-ups". Internalconflicts are impeding the progress of theBlack Revolt . Lack of mutual trust and respectare amplifying the "pathology" of the BlackGhetto .

It is evident that a coalition of Black andWhite Radicals is not feasible in this racist nation .The Black Nationalist refutation of the Ameri-can Marxist strategy is empirically valid. Manywhite leftists have difficulty ur in themselvesof their "cultural ethnocentrism" . They stillregard Western cultural values as the norm forhuman behavior. The absence of sufficientrapport among "Black Powerites" and the "NewLeft" facilitates their suppression by the neo-fascist "American Establishment" .

It is imperative that Black Nationalistsimplement a positive political and socio-economic program; otherwise their failureto achieve tangible amelioration of BlackAmerica's plight will soon discredit them.

But effective political practice requires an


effective political theory . The relevance of

much previous Nationalist ideology in the

Theemasculation of the black male has

contemporary era is debatable. The eco-

become such a phenomenal and fundamental

nomic views of Booker T . Washington, Marcus

frame of reference for black peoples' present

Garvey, and Elijah Muhammad are quasi-

and past enslavement that quite soon (if not

obsolete in the "Age of Cybernation" . The

already) American universities will be offer-

thousands of Black soldiers dying in Vietnam

ing a field of study devoted exclusively to

discloses that the Black adult population still

analysis of the stripping of the black man's

acquiesces to American imperialism. The "urban

masculinity . However little, or at best super-

guerrilla warfare" rhetoric which is now in vogue

facial, attention has been given to what was

is a prelude to the inauguration of "Apartheid"

also deliberately and scientifically done to

in the Black Ghettos. Therefore the exponents

the black woman. In order for black people

of "Black Power" must formulate a "blueprint

to understand and deal with their problems

for survival".

as a people, they must know what has been

done to both the male and the female and

The goals of Black Nationalism must be

whY-conclusively determined, especially the futurerelationship of Neocolonial Black America to

As has been stated, the dilemma of the

the "American Empire". Specifically what does

black woman has only been touched upon

seQaration mean and how is it to be accomplished?

superficially and often with great distortion .

Nationalists' position concerning capitalism and

This superficial and distorted treatment of

socialism is still somewhat ambiguous, as well as

the black woman is to a large degree respon-

the question of solidarity with Africa . What are

sable for the past and present "static" existing

the ingredients of Black Culture and how will

between the black male and female . )iecause

they be transmitted to Black People? How will

of the negative image created of her by the

Black Cultural Values differ from the "decadent

historians, sociologists, anthropologists and

bourgeois value syndrome" of the "Affluent

psychologists, and because of an almost total

Society"? What kind of political and educational

lack of any self-knowledge, the black woman

institutions should Black Communities establish?

is to a negligible degree completely bereft

How can Black Folk be inspired to accumulate

of any identity . She has no real understand-

capital instead of debt? Should Black People

ing of what it means to be a woman, neither

demand reparations for their previous genera-

in relation to a man nor in relation to her-

tions of enslavement? The ability of Black

self. Hence she is constantly vacillating

Nationalists to solve these problems will funda-

between being a woman according to the

mentally affect the fate of the "Black Nation"

model afforded by this society (which is

during the collapse of the "Twentieth Century

often, when stripped of its frills, not


femininity but just the opposite - mascu-linity) and being a woman in accord with

the natural inclinations and longings ofher essence. The neurosis which results

from this sort of oscillation should beobvious to the most insensitive among us .

In all cases where any consideration has

been given to the qualities of the blackwoman, she has been portrayed in sucha way that both her good and bad traitshave made her an accessory to the crime

of emasculation of the black male . This

puts her in the up-tight position of creating

1 4

a negative effect whether she uses her good

to free her and tell her who she is . Freedom andor bad qualities . All who praise the black fe-

self-knowledge can only come from within Themale speak of her strength, courage, fortitude

black female must thoroughly and constantlyand ability to make a way out of no way. In

gain an understanding of who she is and thenthe face of these attributes and because of his

have the courage to be just that. She must re-sense of powerlessness, the black man feels he

fuse to relate to her man as a mother or a childis superfluous to the black woman. On the

but always as a woman. She must relentlesslyother hand, negatively the black woman is said

resist the stupid, senseless propaganda of thisto be domineering, demanding, and destructively

society which subtly implies that woman is acritical of the black male. This creates in the

"thing", a useless ornament, a constant chore-male the feeling that the female is his worst

woman, an unsatiable consumer, a never-endingenemy and is bent on devouring him.

baby-sitter (both for children and men), a mereextension of the male, etc., etc. And most im-

The de-feminization of the black woman

portantly the black woman must refuse to bearhas in a major way precipitated this deplorable

the burden of guilt for the emasculation of theand seemingly insurmountable situation . It

black male. This burden of guilt is so paralyzinghas caused the black female to relate to her

that it causes the woman at best to live vicar-man not as a woman, but as a mother. It has

iously through the man and her children, or atmade her ashamed of not only her weaknesses

worst to live a life of hopeless "quiet despera-but also of her strengths, thereby making

tion".her impotent in eliminating her weaknesses and

As has been stated, the de-feminizationin utilizing her strengths . Hence generally the

ofblack women was deliberately and scien-division between the black male and female

tifically planned. It is a manifestation of theremains as deep and wide today as in the past .

old plan to "divide and conquer" . For asAlso because of the omnipresent, thoroughly

long as the black man and woman are at odds,depressing separation between herself and her

there will be no real freedom for black people.man, the black woman is so emotionally and

Those who enslaved black people understoodpsychically tied to the black man that her frame

this. Now it is time black people both under-of reference for womanhood is the man. She

stand and act on this knowledge. The blackcan not begin to deal with fulfilling "her"

male and the black female, functioning as "real "destiny independently and/or complementarily

men and women, together are an unbeatableto the man. At best she sees herself as a supple-

combination. The women are essential for re-ment to man's needs, desires, and ambitions.

moving the yoke of oppression from the necksUsually she responds to this de-feminization in

ofblack folk . For the men will take care ofone of two ways or fluctuates between the two.

now, and the women will take care of the future .She either (1) takes a very negative, condescending

Women will bear the fruits (physically, mentally"use them before they use you" attitude toward

and spiritually) of the men's labors. But realmales; or (2) completely submerges herself in the women are needed to do the job. Part-timemale and becomes clay to be molded by his hands.

women, grown-up girls, or men-women cannotIn terms of the potential contributions blackwomen bring to life, both these avenues are

do what has to be done. In this society the roaddead-end streets. Black women must eliminate to womanhood is difficult and deliberately obtheir estrangement from black men and aliena-

scured . But until black women consciously be-tion from themselves by transcending the gin to trod that road, to talk of freedom is toprocess of de-feminization perpetuated in this

engage in meaningless rhetoric . It just won't be .society. The black woman must know andunderstand who she is and what her purposeis just as the women of D. A. R. know andunderstand who they are. The black womancannot and should not wait for the black man

1 5


In the jungle of

My imaginationI am a primitive manWith no boundaries or laws .

In the jungle ofMy imagination

I stand unashamed, nudeAnd let the Rains of Contentment

In the jungle of

Fall upon my proud body,

My imagination

And I am as pure as

I name the stars;

A nameless baby

I awaken the dawn ;

Who has not yet

In the jungle of

I summon the night

Departed his mother's womb .

My imagination

And beckon the seasons .

I play as a child

Nothing exists without me .

The ways of nature

With no concern for Time

Only because I stand

Are under my command .

Or Bein

In its midst

I beat upon my chest

g .Is the field inhabited .

And howl to faraway mountains .

Only because I listen

I run through wild forests

Is there sound .

And make ground-fowl take

Because I am awake

To the air in Flight .

There is light .

I am Master

When I am absent

Over all creatures

There is nothing .

On land and in the sea . In the jungle of

In the jungle of

My imagination

My imagination

I worship no God ;

I belong to no Order or Cause .

I fear no Caesar ;

I am as the wind .

I am free ;

I sleep until I awake ;

For I am Conqueror of the Kingdom .

I play until I am . tired;

I am the Kingdom.

I eat only when I am hungry;

I alone am King !

I drink only when I am dry . In the jungle of

In the jungle of

My imagination

My imagination

All these things I am .

I control all life .

And yet - am not!

I create all motion .

I am the beforeAnd the after -The cause and effect . - Norman JordanI am the soft bonesOf the New-Born ;I am the wrinkles of the Aged

And all the ingredientsBetween these - I AM!

1 6