1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

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Page 1: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before
Page 2: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before


Page 3: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

1. There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2. Christ is coming back3. The dead will be resurrected4. We will all appear before the judgement

seat of Christ5. God’s creation will be totally restored6. Christ is victorious in the end

Page 4: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

1. What still needs to happen before Christ returns?

2. Is there a great tribulation?3. Will there be a literal anti-Christ and who is he?4. Will there be a literal 1000 year millennium?5. Is modern Israel relevant to any of this?6. Is the book of Revelation about the future or

the past?7. Do we understand certain prophecies literally

or symbolically?8. …

Page 5: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

1. The end times began with Christ’s first coming1 Pet 1:20 – “[Christ] verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,”

Acts 2:16-17 – “But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh

Page 6: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

2. The New Testament writers wrote about being in the end times

1 John 2:18 – “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.Heb1:1-2 – “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son…”

Page 7: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

Matthew 24:4-14Some say: Wars, Famines, Diseases,


What does Jesus say Matt24:6 – “…ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet…”

Page 8: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

1. There is some sort of great apostasy at the end

2. 2 Timothy 3:13 – “…evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

3. 2 Timothy 3:1 – “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”

4. Revelation speaks of trouble,judgements and destruction

Page 9: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

1. The Great Commission (Matt28:18-20)2. Matthew 16:18 – “… I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”3. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2)4. Christ’s parable of the mustard seed (Matt11:31-32)

Page 10: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before
Page 11: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

Who Holds this ViewIrenaeus Justin Martyr John MacArthur

Rev. John Douglas (Previous Principal of WCB)

Page 12: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

Who Holds this ViewAugustine Martin Luther John Calvin?

Rev. John Greer (Current Moderator)

Page 13: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

Who Holds this ViewJohn Calvin? Jonathan Edwards Charles Hodge

Rev. Gordon Ferguson (Current Principal of WCB)

Page 14: 1.IDOLISE it 2.IGNORE it 1.There is a real Heaven and a real Hell 2.Christ is coming back 3.The dead will be resurrected 4.We will all appear before

1. Humility2. Fellowship

3. Encouragement4. Zeal

5. Warning