Name: Date: Period: 1.17 Organ Systems Brainpop Do Now Directions: Before each brainpop video, fill in the KWL chart about each organ system. See the boxes below for an explanation of each letter in KWL. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE FIRST 2 COLUMNS BEFORE THE READING! BEFORE THE READING K! What do you know? Before the videos and activities, tell me what you know about each topic BEFORE THE READING! W! What do you Want to know? Before the videos and activities, tell me what you want to know about each topic AFTER!!!! THE READING L! What did you learn? After the videos and activities, tell me what you learned about each topic. Be detailed! Organ Systems in General What do you know about organ systems? What do you want to know about organ systems? What did you learn about organ systems? Cardiovascular/Circulatory system and the heart What do you know about the cardiovascular system (also known as circulatory system) and the heart? What do you want to know about the cardiovascular system and the heart? What did you learn about the cardiovascular system and the heart? Notes

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Name: Date: Period:1.17 Organ Systems Brainpop

Do Now Directions: Before each brainpop video, fill in the KWL chart about each organ system. See the boxes below for an explanation of each letter in KWL. MAKE SURE YOU DO THE FIRST 2 COLUMNS BEFORE THE READING!BEFORE THE READINGK! What do you know?Before the videos and activities, tell me what you know about each topic

BEFORE THE READING!W! What do you Want to know?Before the videos and activities, tell me what you want to know about each topic

AFTER!!!! THE READINGL! What did you learn?After the videos and activities, tell me what you learned about each topic. Be detailed!

Organ Systems in GeneralWhat do you know about organ systems?

What do you want to know about organ systems?

What did you learn about organ systems?

Cardiovascular/Circulatory system and the heartWhat do you know about the cardiovascular system (also known as circulatory system) and the heart?

What do you want to know about the cardiovascular system and the heart?

What did you learn about the cardiovascular system and the heart?

Respiratory System and the LungsWhat do you know about the respiratory system and the lungs?

What do you want to know about the respiratory system and the lungs?

What di you learn about the respiratory system and the lungs?


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Name: Date: Period:1.17 Organ Systems Brainpop

DigestiveWhat do you know about the digestive system, the stomach and the small intestines?

What do you want to know about the digestive system, the stomach and the small intestines?

What did you learn about the digestive system, the stomach and the small intestines?

Urinary System and KidneysWhat do you know about the urinary system and the kidneys?

What do you want to know about the urinary system and the kidneys?

What did you learn about the urinary system and the kidneys?

Muscular SystemWhat do you know about the muscular system?

What do you want to know about the muscular system?

What did you learn about the muscular system?

Nervous systemWhat do you know about the nervous system and the brain?

What do you want to learn about the nervous system and the brain

What did you learn about the nervous system and the brain


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Name: Date: Period:1.17 Organ Systems Brainpop

1.17 “Human Body” Brainpop1. What things does your body do?

Your body ______________, ________________ itself, ________________ the world around it, and it handles all the ups and downs of life.

How long has your body been evolving?

You body is an efficient ________________ brought about by ________________ of years of _____________________.

How is your body similar to your friends body?

The human body has a ________________ ________________; we’re all built with more or less the ________________ ________________ inside and out.

What works in your body to connect organs?

Your body has many ________________, and all of them are _____________________. Each carries out an important task.

What happens if one of your body systems isn’t working properly?

If one of these ____________________ isn’t working, the body can’t run ____________________.

What is the nervous system?

The nervous system is a network of nerves that send signals to your ________________ so that it can make ________________.

What is the endocrine system?

The ________________ system contains all the ___________________________ __________________ that control body ________________ and __________________________.

What is the digestive system

The __________________ system ________________ ________________ ________________ so that the _________________ _and water can be _______________by your ________________.

What is the urinary system?

The ___________________ __________________ gets rid of __________________ ____________________ from the body by flushing it out.

What is the respiratory system?

The ________________ ________________ exchanges harmful carbon ________________ for _________________ through ____________________.

What is the circulatory system?

The ______________________ ______________________ has the ________________ __________________ ________________ through your ________________

Why does the heart need to pump blood to the body?

The heart needs to pump ________________ to the body so the __________________ and ________________ can get to the parts that ________________ them.

What is the immune system?

The _________________________ ________________ is what battles things like ________________ and _____________________ that try to make you sick

What is the lymphatic system

The ________________________ ________________ makes sure that germ fighting cells get collected by ________________ ________________.


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Name: Date: Period:1.17 Organ Systems Brainpop

What is the reproductive system?

The ______________________ ________________ lets ________________ make ________________ humans.

What is the skeletal system?

The ____________________ system is made of ________________ that hold the ________________ up and ________________ the ________________ ________________ of your body’s other ________________.

What is the muscular system?

The ____________________ ___________________ allow your _____________________ to ____________________

What is the integumentary system?

The __________________ ________________ includes ________________, ________________, and nails; it ________________ your ________________.

What does the blood for you brain need from the lungs? The circulatory system?

The ________________ that goes to the ________________ couldn’t do its job if it weren’t for the ________________ system that sends it ________________. The blood couldn’t even get to the brain without the _____________________ ________________.

What do your body systems work together to do?

Your ________________ ________________ work together to make a living, working ________________ being.

Practice questions: Match the correct system to the correct functionFunction

1. Organ system that pumps blood around the body ____________________________

2. The organ system that is made up of your skin, hair, and nails _____________________

3. The organ system responsible for making offspring (babies) ________________________

4. The organ system that you use to breathe! Oxygen is traded for carbon dioxide

5. The organ system that cleans the blood and gets ride of chemical waste?


6. The organ system that control your hormones that control body growth


7. The organ system made up of your bones _________________________

8. The organ system that makes sure germ-fighting cells get collected by body


9. The organ system that is made up of a network of nerves that send signals to

your brain __________________________________

10. The organ system that allows you to move your body _____________________________

11. The organ system that keeps you healthy by battling thigns like viruses and

bacteria that try to make you sick. __________________________________

12. The organ system that allows you to break down food to get nutrients for your


Organ SystemWord Bank

a. Nervous Sysemb. Endocrine Systemc. Digestive systemd. Urinary systeme. Respiratory systemf. Circulatory Systemg. Immune systemh. Lymphatic systemi. Reproductive systemj. Skeletal systemk. Muscular systeml. Integumentary system


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Name: Date: Period:1.17 Organ Systems Brainpop

1.17 Nervous System BrainpopWhat is the nervous system and what is it made up of?

The _____________________ _____________________ is the control center for your entire __________________ __________________. It’s made up of your ________________, your __________________ __________________, and huge network of __________________

How does your brain use the information from the nerves

Your __________________ uses information it receives from your nerves to __________________ all of your __________________ and reactions.

What’s in your brain?

Your __________________ contains an intricate ___________ of __________________ __________________ or _________________ that carry __________________ back and forth.

What is your brain like?What happens when you touch something?

What you touch something, a __________________ is __________________. The __________________ ________________ a tiny __________________ __________________. The impulse travels the full __________________ of the neuron. When it gets to the end, it needs help getting across the __________________ to the next neuron.

What are neurotransmitters

The __________________ __________________ in the first __________________ releases __________________ that carry that __________________ to the next __________________. The signal travels through the network to your __________________.

What does the autonomic nervous system handle?

The __________________ __________________ __________________ handles all the things that seem to happen on their own like your __________________ __________________..

What does the somatic nervous system control?

The __________________ __________________ __________________ controls __________________ actions like talking or petting your cat

What happens when you touch something hot?

When you touch something hot, it triggers a reflect action that happens without your _________________ help. __________________ signal the __________________ __________________ with a “__________________” message. The __________________ ___________ reacts quickly by having __________________ in your finger _________________ and pull away.


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Name: Date: Period:1.17 Organ Systems Brainpop

Does every part of your body have the same number of receptors?

Some parts of the __________________ have ___________ __________________ than others. That’s why your __________________ is more ________________ sensitive than, say, your heel.

Challenge questions

1. How does the nervous system work with the circulatory system?The nervous system works with the circulatory system because ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. How does the nervous system work with the muscular system?The nervous system works with the muscular system because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What are the three main organs in the nervous system?The three main organs in the nervous system are ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. When you step on a tac, why do you move your foot before the pain message gets to your brain? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When you step on a tac, you move your foot before the pain message get to your brain because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Summary timeBegin the relationship summary below: Explain how the lungs, heart, blood vessels, Brain, nervous system, muscular system work together!The nervous system controls things that you don’t think about like breathing and your heart beating. All these organs are part of different organ systems that have different jobs. The organ systems work together to make you function. The heart is part of the ____________________ system. The job of the circulatory system is to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The lungs are part of the ________________________ system. The respiratory system is responsible for ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________These three systems don’t work alone. The ______________________ nervous system controls your


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breathing and heart beating. The lungs and the heart work together by ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

GO BACK!!!!Go to the front page and fill in what you learned about only the nervous system! After you finish

filling in the table continue onto the digestive system brainpop.

1.17 Digestive System Brainpop!1. What is digestion about?

_________________________________________ is about _____________________________________ apart the food we eat, so that our ____________________________ can use the food’s __________________________________.

2. What two ways is food broken up into little pieces?

Food is broken up into two ways:__________________________________ digestion and __________________________________ digestion

3. What is mechanical digestion

Mechanical digestion is the _________________________

_______________________________ _____________________

_________ __________________________4. What is chemical digestion?

Chemical digestion is when _________________________ called ___________________________ break food into _____________________________ that your _________________ can ____________________________.

5. How does you mouth mechanically and chemically digest food


What is salivary amylase

An _________________________ in your _________________ called _____________________________ ________________________ breaks down ______________________________________.

What happens when food you eat becomes a soft, gooey mass?

Your ________________________________ pushes it to the ________________________ of your ____________________________ at the back of your _________________________.

Where does the esophagus squeeze food down to? (CS)


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What happens inside your stomach?

Inisde your stomach, food is churned and ______________ with _________________________ and other ___________________ ____________________, including _____________________________

What do the chemicals do inside your stomach (CS)What does the mucus lining do in your stomach?

A lining of mucus _________________________ ______________ ________________________ ___________ _________ _______________

What happens after about four hours in your stomach?

After about four hours in your stomach, food is the ______________________________________ of a thick ______________________________, and we call it ______________________

Where does the chime move?

Chyme moves into the _____________ ______________________, which is actually not so small – it’s about ______________ ________________________ long!

What happens in the small intestines? (CS)

The small intestine is where

What happens in the first part of the small intestines, or the duodenum

In the first part of the small intestine called the _____________________, _________________ __________________ from the _______________ and ___________________ join the breakdown mix. They turn the _________________ into a soup of _________________________ small enough to be _____________________ into your ___________________________.

What do the fingerlike villi do in the small intestines?

Cells on the surface of the ____________ _________________ _________________________ from ______________ as it flows by

Why is the large intestine called the large intestine?

When _____________________ gets to the ___________________ _________________________, it’s thin and _____________________.The large intestine is actually way ________________ than the small intestine, but because it’s a lot ______________________, it’s called large.

What is the large intestine also sometimes


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called?What is the large intestine’s job and why is it important?

The large intestine sucks most of the __________________ out of digested chyme, in a process called ______________________________. This step is important because recovering that water keeps you from getting _________________________________!

What happens when most of the water leaves your digested food?

Once most of the water is gone, _____________________ ______________________________ is moved to the last part of the large intestine, the ________________________. When enough waste piles up there, you’re ready to go to the bathroom, and the digestive process is complete.

How long can the whole digestion process take?

1.17 Urinary System BrainpopWhat is the urinary system a part of?

The _________________________ ________________________ is one part of your body’s _________________________ __________________________________, the parts of your body that remove waste products.

What do the processes that keep us alive also do?

The processes that keep us alive like _________________________, ________________________ and _______________________________________- also create _____________________________________ in our bodies

What does the urinary system do to the poisons in our body?

The _____________________________ system removes a _________________________ called ______________________ from the _______________________________________. It also gets ride of any extra ________________________ and ________________________________ you don’t need

Where is the waste and poison carried to in your body?

All this stuff is carried by the blood to the __________________, ________ ____________________ in your __________________ _________________. The kidneys are about the size of a __________________ and they’re shaped like _______________________ ________________________________.


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What do the nephrons do inside the kidneys?

Inside the kidneys, little __________________________ called ______________________________ take all the _____________________ and other ______________________ stuff out of your ______________________________.

What is urine made up of? CS

Urine is made up of ________________________, _______________, and _______________ that your _________________________ ______________________ ____________________

How does urine leave the kidneys and gets to the bladder?

From the kidneys, _________________ travels down little ___________________________ called _____________________ and is __________________ into the ______________________.

How often do the kidneys send urine to the bladder

The ____________________________ send a little bit of ____________________________ to the bladder every ___________ or ___________ seconds.

How is the bladder shaped and how does it act?

The _______________________ is shaped like a _________________________ and that’s actually how it acts too. As it receives more _______________________, it blows up into a _______________________ __________________.

What keeps urine from leaking out of the bladder’s opening?

Circular muscles called ______________________________ keep the ___________________________ from ________________________ out of the bladder’s opening.

How do you know you need to go to the bathroom

________________________ in the ______________________________ send signals to your _________________________ telling you that you need to go to the _________________________. The more the muscular _____________________________ fills up, the more _______________________ the ______________________ _ get and the more uncomfortable you become

How much urine can a healthy bladder hold?

A healthy bladder can comfortably hold about ______________ ounces of urine for a ______________________ ________________________.


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What happens when you want to go to the bathroom?

When you want tot go, your __________________________ sends a _____________________ to the _________________________ telling it to ________________________________, and ___________________________ to the _________________________, telling them to _______________________.

What does urine leave the bladder through?

___________________________ leaves the ___________________ through a _____________________ called the ________________________ that leads to the outside world.

Quick Facts (each organ must be from a different system)

Organ 1:Organ System 1:Related Organs in the system:

Organ Explanation

Drawing: Organ system Explanation

How your organ works with another organ in the same organ system

How your organ works with another organ system How your organ works with another organ system

Quick Facts (each organ must be from a different system)

Organ 2:Organ System: 2Related Organs in the system:

Organ Explanation


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Drawing: Organ system Explanation

How your organ works with another organ in the same organ system

How your organ works with another organ system How your organ works with another organ system

Quick Facts (each organ must be from a different system)

Organ 3:Organ System 3:Related Organs in the system:

Organ Explanation

Drawing: Organ system Explanation

How your organ works with another organ in the same organ system

How your organ works with another organ system How your organ works with another organ system

Quick Facts (each organ must be from a different system)

Organ 4:Organ System: 4Related Organs in the system:

Organ Explanation


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Drawing: Organ system Explanation

How your organ works with another organ in the same organ system

How your organ works with another organ system How your organ works with another organ system
