Module one: Getting Ahead - Unit 1- Education: listening you will hear three different extracts for questions 1-6 choose the answer a B or C, which fits-encaja best according to what you hear. Extract 1: How long have you been designing clothes? I first started making my own clothes when I was eleven. I spend most of my free time making things. When my friends saw my designs they asked me to make clothes for them, but then my family was suffering from financial difficulties. It was very stressful. I was able to make some extra money on the side-aparte, this couldn't have happened at a better time, I had a great sense of pride- orgullo that I was able to make a contribution, I would work after school, when most kids my age were hanging out, I was in my bedroom poring over-estudiando cuidadosamente designs. It was exhausting but it didn't matter to me because I loved it. How did you manage-consigues to study for a degree-carrera and manage your business? It's tough, especially this year as I'm in my final year and a half a project and lots of exams, the business has been really challenging-reto this year as well-tambien, sometimes it's hard to do everything but I do my best, I'm studying fashion design technology. It's been really helpful to me, there have been-ha habido so many changes taking place in the fashion world and I wanted to keep up to date with the technology. There are also modules in business and management-gestion in my degree, which have helped me understand managing a business betta. I think at the end of the day it was worth-valia la pena going to university, because the experience of to broaden- ampliar my mind and challenge me. Unfortunately, because I've been so busy I haven't really had the chance to do much socializing, that's something I regret. Extract 2: More and more universities are adopting virtual learning environments. However, many feel this form of education is inadequate, because it reduces face- to-face interaction between students and teachers. I believe that if e-learning is carried out-llevado a cabo correctly, it can enhance-mejorar the learning experience, and e-learning course allows students to do some study tutorials online, and access multimedia course material. They're also enormous online libraries, forums, bulletin boards and chat rooms, which allows students and staff to discuss topics and get supplementary materials. Some universities are even-todavia able to provide-proporcionar counseling and study support services online. There is advantageous to e-learning, firstly distance learners with busy lifestyles are able to study anytime, anywhere as long as-siempre y cuando they have access to the Internet. Self-paced-ritmo tutorials can be done at the learners own pace; I think this is particularly important for those trying to manage study with work. Various learning styles and abilities are catered for-atendidos, the overall-global cost of learning is reduced the institution and the student. However, there are some disadvantages worth considering; students who are not disciplined enough to study on their own may fall behind-atascarse. The lack of social interaction may cause some students to become isolated, problems with Internet connections can cause frustration and slow down- ralentizar the learning process. Overall, I think that the advantages outweigh the drawbacks-superan inconvenientes; e-learning provides a wealth-riqueza of information to students and in using the software, learners gain an additional skill. Extract 3: Do you know, the learning a musical instrument can improve a child's behavior-conducta. It can even improve their memory, increase intelligence, it’s interesting. I've just read an article about it, researchers have discovered the playing a musical instrument makes the left side of the brain bigger, this means students that play instrument can remember more. In addition, it's been shown-se ha demostrado that children who play musical instruments behave better. The more likely-mayor probabilidad to demonstrate qualities such respect, politeness-cortesia, willingness- disposicion and trust-confianza. I think this is very interesting research, and it could have an important impact on society as a whole-en su conjunto. It's a change from some of the research of read about-al respecto, which is a waste of time and is of no benefit to anyone-nadie. I know what you mean, I suppose the connection between the children's behavior and learning music, comes from the fact that music does influence who we are as people, and being part of a music group can offer young people support when they are having a difficult time-momento. I think learning a musical instrument should be compulsory-obligatorio for primary school children, maybe it would reduce the crime rate among-entre young people. I agree-dacuerdo, in fact so does this government, they plan to dramatically increase the number of primary age children learning musical instruments.


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Page 1: 1a.sb.14.Listening

Module one: Getting Ahead - Unit 1- Education: listening you will

hear three different extracts for questions 1-6 choose the answer

a B or C, which fits-encaja best according to what you hear.

Extract 1: How long have you been designing clothes? I

first started making my own clothes when I was eleven. I

spend most of my free time making things. When my friends

saw my designs they asked me to make clothes for them,

but then my family was suffering from financial

difficulties. It was very stressful. I was able to make

some extra money on the side-aparte, this couldn't have

happened at a better time, I had a great sense of pride-

orgullo that I was able to make a contribution, I would work

after school, when most kids my age were hanging out, I

was in my bedroom poring over-estudiando cuidadosamente designs. It

was exhausting but it didn't matter to me because I loved

it. How did you manage-consigues to study for a degree-carrera and

manage your business? It's tough, especially this year as

I'm in my final year and a half a project and lots of

exams, the business has been really challenging-reto this

year as well-tambien, sometimes it's hard to do everything

but I do my best, I'm studying fashion design technology.

It's been really helpful to me, there have been-ha habido so

many changes taking place in the fashion world and I

wanted to keep up to date with the technology. There are

also modules in business and management-gestion in my degree,

which have helped me understand managing a business

betta. I think at the end of the day it was worth-valia la pena

going to university, because the experience of to broaden-

ampliar my mind and challenge me. Unfortunately, because I've

been so busy I haven't really had the chance to do much

socializing, that's something I regret.

Extract 2: More and more universities are adopting

virtual learning environments. However, many feel this

form of education is inadequate, because it reduces face-

to-face interaction between students and teachers. I

believe that if e-learning is carried out-llevado a cabo

correctly, it can enhance-mejorar the learning experience,

and e-learning course allows students to do some study

tutorials online, and access multimedia course material.

They're also enormous online libraries, forums, bulletin

boards and chat rooms, which allows students and staff to

discuss topics and get supplementary materials. Some

universities are even-todavia able to provide-proporcionar

counseling and study support services online. There is

advantageous to e-learning, firstly distance learners

with busy lifestyles are able to study anytime, anywhere

as long as-siempre y cuando they have access to the Internet.

Self-paced-ritmo tutorials can be done at the learners own

pace; I think this is particularly important for those

trying to manage study with work. Various learning styles

and abilities are catered for-atendidos, the overall-global cost

of learning is reduced the institution and the student.

However, there are some disadvantages worth considering;

students who are not disciplined enough to study on their

own may fall behind-atascarse. The lack of social interaction

may cause some students to become isolated, problems with

Internet connections can cause frustration and slow down-

ralentizar the learning process. Overall, I think that the

advantages outweigh the drawbacks-superan inconvenientes; e-learning

provides a wealth-riqueza of information to students and in

using the software, learners gain an additional skill.

Extract 3: Do you know, the learning a musical instrument

can improve a child's behavior-conducta. It can even improve

their memory, increase intelligence, it’s interesting.

I've just read an article about it, researchers have

discovered the playing a musical instrument makes the

left side of the brain bigger, this means students that

play instrument can remember more. In addition, it's been

shown-se ha demostrado that children who play musical instruments

behave better. The more likely-mayor probabilidad to demonstrate

qualities such respect, politeness-cortesia, willingness-

disposicion and trust-confianza. I think this is very interesting

research, and it could have an important impact on

society as a whole-en su conjunto. It's a change from some of

the research of read about-al respecto, which is a waste of

time and is of no benefit to anyone-nadie. I know what you

mean, I suppose the connection between the children's

behavior and learning music, comes from the fact that

music does influence who we are as people, and being part

of a music group can offer young people support when they

are having a difficult time-momento. I think learning a

musical instrument should be compulsory-obligatorio for primary

school children, maybe it would reduce the crime rate

among-entre young people. I agree-dacuerdo, in fact so does this

government, they plan to dramatically increase the number

of primary age children learning musical instruments.