1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II

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  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II



    Paper 1

    1. The medium tha t is supposed to promote post-modernism in the cultura l sphere sA) newspaper (B) radio

    (C) television (D) telephone.2 The communitarian media theory s in contrast to

    (A) collectivism (B) libertarianism(C) receptivity (D) modernism.

    3 The knowledge-gap hypothesis was developed by(A) G. A. Donohue (B) Jo hn Pavlik(C) Wilbur Sc hr am m (D) David Weaver.

    4. What is syntacties ?A) The stu dy of the language in use

    (B) The stud y of relationships among signs(C) The study of hu ma n interaction(D) The relationship between words an d sentences.

    5 The organic model of development emphasisedA) top-down communication (B) participatory communication

    (C) corrective communication (D) global communication.6 Which is not a Hindi newspaper ?

    (A) Sanm arg (B) Ja ns att a(C) Jagara n (D) Eenaadu.

    7. Which is mismatch ?A) Shyam Benegal

    (B) Ravishankar(C) Dilip Padgaonkar(D) Amjad Ali Khan



  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    1910 11 48 Which of the following is ot included a s digital global news c hannel

    (A) News Corporation(C) CNN Inte rna tiona l

    (B) BBC World Service(D) Samay.

    9 When a n advertisement encom passes the column margins also, it is called(A) bleed (B) island(C) gutter (D) clutter.

    10 The first evening daily newspaper of India was(A) The Evening News(C) The Mail

    (B) The Mid-day(D) The Free Pres s Bulletin.

    11. A theory th at s uggests tha t impact of two or more media is stronger th an using eithermedium is calledA) media message effect (B) media usage effectC) media survey effect (D) media multiplier effect.

    12. The five-stage economic theory of development was sugges ted by(A) Adam Sm ith (B) Walt Rostow(C) Harold Inn is (D) A. G. Frank.

    13. Multi-tasking n journalism s due toA) media globalisation (B) economic liberalisation

    (C) social integration (D) technology convergence.14. The traditional practice of referring to the news source a s spokesperson has become

    red undan t d ue to the emergence of(A) new media (B) embedded journalism(C) investigative journalism (D) television.

    15. The professional code of ethics for public relations practitioners all over the globe wasfinalised at a conference held a tA) Helsinki (B) London

    (C) Vienna (D) Athens.

  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    The first Indian owned newspaper was established in the city of(A) Delhi (B) Chennai(C) Hyderabad (D) Kolkata.Which one of these websites is ot included a s Broadcast Networks(A) www.fox.com (B) www.univision.com(C) www.nbc.com (D) www.neta.comA newspaper in which employees have their st ake a s shareholders is(A) The Times of India B) The Guardian(C) The New York Times (D) Le Monde.Which television channel in ot related to global media marketA) HBO (B) St ar TV

    (C) CCTV Four (D) Disney.Administrative research is media relates to

    A) media effects (B) media ca use s(C) conten t supervision (D) policy decisions.The first full-fledged colour film in India was produced by(A) Raj Kapoor (B) Gu ru Dutt(C) V. Sh at ara m (D) B. R. Chopra.The first Englishm an who was th e editor of two prestigious newsp aper s of India wasA) Ja m es Silk Buckingham (B) Robert Knight

    (C) Ja m es Augu stus Hicky (D) C. F. S. Andrews.When the subjects in an experimental research realise that something special shappen ing to the m, they perform differently. This s called(A) The Pygmalion effect (B) The Ca usal effect(C) The Conditioning effect (D) The Hawthorne effect.Glittering generalities is a technique employed by(A) Advertisers (B) Propagandist s(C) Science Com municators (D) Foreign Corre sponde nts.

  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    1910 11 625 Communication audit for PR involves a survey of

    (A) practitioners (B) employers(C) employees (D) readership.

    26 Criminal contempt m ean s the publication for scand alising the judiciary by(A) words, spoke n or written(B) signs(C) visible represe ntation(D) publication of news aga ins t the judiciary.

    27 Who is described a s the symbol of the New Jou rnal ism era ?A) Winder Randolph (B) Joseph Pulitzer

    (C) Woodrow Wilson (D) Frank I. Cobb.28 A writing is not libellous, if it s a fair comment on a matter of

    (A) Media interest (B) Editor s interest(C) Public interest (D) Corporate interest .

    29 To know the consum ers min ds, emotions an d sens e in the AIDA model, the letter Irefers to(A) Interest (B) Influence(C) Insu ranc e (D) Intelligence.

    30 Which committee suggested the division of Samachar news agency, created duringemergency ?(A) B. G. Verghese Committee (B) Kuldip Nayyar Committee(C) Jo sh i Committee (D) Sh am La1 Committee.

    1 Freebies are described a s

    (A) writing for jazz journal ism (B) obscene stories(C) special favours to media persons (D) precision journal ism.

  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    32 Who propounded the two-step flow theory ?

    A) Elihu Katz an d P. Lazarsfeld B) Osgood an d Schr am mC) Walter Lippman D) Daniel Lerner.

    33 Haw Keye is aA) magazine B) synd icateC) column D) cartoon.

    34 Identify the correct combinationA) Radio City Sun TVB) FM Gold AIRC) SFM RelianceD) Big FM Sta r.

    35 Assertion A) Random sample is representative of the universe.Reason R) Random sample h as the un its of the universe who are opinion leaders.Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given belowA Both A)and R)are trueB) Both A)and R)are true, but R) s not the correct explanation of A)C) A) s true, bu t R) s falseD) A) s false, but R) s true.

    36 Consider the following sta tem entsAssertion A) Objectivity in reporting needs a fair an d non-discriminato ry att itude to

    sources.Reason R) Because independence s not always a condition of detachment.Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given belowA) Both A)and R)ar e correctB) Both A)and R)are correct, but R) s not the correct explanation of A)C) A) s correct, but R) s falseD) A) s false, but R) s correct.


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    1910 11 837. Consider the following statements

    Assertion A) Trial by media has a cascad ing effect of judicial activism in India.Reason R) Competition ha s compelled Indian media to searc h for tru th .Now select your answer according to the codin g scheme given belowA Both A)and R)are correctB) Both A)and R)are correct, but R) s not the correct explanation of A)

    C) A) s correct, bu t R) s falseD) A) s false, but R) s correct.

    38. Identify the correct sequence of the publication of the newspap ers in IndiaA) The Sta tes ma n, The Times of India, The Hindu, The Hind ustan TimesB) The Times of India, The Hindu , The Sta tes ma n, The Hindustan Times

    C) The Times of India, The St ate sman , The Hindu, The Hindustan TimesD) The Hindustan Times, The Hindu, The Times of India, The Sta tesm an .

    39. The correct chronological sequence of the chairpersons of the Press Council of India isA) R. S. Sarkaria, P. B. Sawa nt, K. Jayacha ndra Reddy, G. N. RayB) K. Jaya ch andra Reddy, R. S. Sarka ria, G. N. Ray, P. B. Sawant

    C) G. N . Ray, K. Jayachandra Reddy, P. B. Sawant, R. S. SarkariaD) G. N . Ray, R. S. Sa rkari a, K. Jayach andra Reddy, P. B. Sawant.

    40 Which is the correct sequence of film actors in Bollywood cinema ?A) Dev Anand , Raj Kapoor, Amitabh Bac hchan, Hrithik RoshanB) Raj Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan , Dev Anand , Hrithik RoshanC) Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand , Amitabh B achchan, Hrithlk RoshanD) Raj Kapoor, Dev Anand, Hrithlk Roshan, Amitabh Bachchan.

  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    1910-1141. Match List I Name of the cinema ) with List I Film actor and actress ) and

    select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:List List

    Na me of the cinema ) Film actor and actress )a) The Jap anese Wife i. Jacque line Fernandez and

    Ritesh Deshmukhb) Hum Turn Aur Ghost ii. Rahul Bose an d Raima Senc) Ja ane Kahan Se Aayi Hai iii. Arshad Warsi and Dia Mirzad) Paa thshaala iv. Shah id Kapoor and Ayesha Takia

    odes :a b c d

    A) ii i iii ivB) iv iii i iiC) ii iii i ivD) iv i iii ii

    42. Match List I Newspaper ) with List I1 Country ) and select the correct answerusing the codes given below the lists:

    List ListNewspaper ) Country )

    a) The Wall Stree t Jo urna l i. Indiab) The Economist ii. Great Britainc) The Str aits Times iii. The United Sta tesd) The Mint iv. Singapore

    odes :a b c

    A) i iii ivB) iii ii i

    C) iii ii ivD) ii i iii

    [ P.T.O.

  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    1 9 1 0 1 1 143 Match L i s t I C h a i r p e r s o n ) with List I1 Organisation/Commisssion ) and select

    the correct answe r usin g the codes given below th e lists:L i s t I L i s t II

    C h a i r p e r s o n ) O r g a n i s a t i o n l C o m m i s s i o n )a) Ju st ic eP .B .S aw an t i. First Press Commission of Indiab) Jus tic e Manisana ii. Second Press Commission of Indiac) Justice P. K Goswamy iii. Pre ss Council of Indiad) Jus tic e Rajadhya ksha iv. Wage Board for Working Jou rna lis ts.

    odes :

    A) iii iv ii iB) i iii iv ii

    Dl i ii iii iv44. Match L i s t I P e r s o n s ) with Lis t I1 F i e ld an d select the correct answer using the

    codes given below the lis ts:L i s t I L i s t I

    P e r s o n s )a) Lionel Fieldenb) Noam Chomskyc) David Ogilvyd) Ivy Lee

    odes :b c

    A) ii iv iB) iii i iv

    C) iv iii iiDl i iv ii


    F i e l di. Radioii. Advertisingiii. Public Relationsiv. Media Criticism.

  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    1910 1145. Match List I Folk media ) with List I States an d select the correct answer using

    the codes given below the lists:L i s t z L i s t zz

    o l k m e d i a ) S t a t e s(a) Mohinyattam i. Andhra Pradesh(b ) Giddha ii. Kerala(c) Ramleela iii. Pun jab

    (d ) Bomm alatam iv. Uttar Prad esh .odes :

    A) i ii iv iii(B) ii iii iv iC) iv ii i iii

    (D) iii iv ii iRead the following passage and answer the questions given in Q. Nos 6 to 50There is a con stan t tension of one degree or anoth er between the pu blic s de ma nd fortruthfu l, acc urat e an d relevant information an d a governm ent s interest in controlling,manip ulating an d in som e case s suppressi ng news or transforming it altogether for itsown purposes into propaganda. Knowledge is power and power s what governmentsar e all ab ou t. This basic political fact does not m ake gov ernments inherently evil, bu t itdoes mean tha t we need to be mindful about how their inter ests can sometimes differfrom those of the public s with respect to the gathering , presentat ion an d use ofinformation provided by the news. f we are to be responsible citizens, we mustrealistically expect there to be occasional conflicts, disputes and sparring betweenthese opposed interests. People desiring to be politically free, however they may definethis concept themselves, must be especially on the look out for any systematicdegrad ing of th e ability of reporter s to practise their profession freely. This m ea ns inparticular without interference by the government, except in the most urgentcircum stances in which the security of the society a s a whole is seriously challengedand even only then with appropriate oversight. The important point s tha t, given th eimportance of a free press to a free society, any interference in the professional activity


  • 8/14/2019 1910 (Mass Communication & Journalism) Paper-II


    1910 11 12of journalists is to be tolerated only under the most e xt re~n e ircum stanc es and thenonly for a specified period of time. All citizens who aspire to freedom or want theirsociety to remain free should, if this is their goal, be aware of the problems that canresul t from political an d judicial bodies setting a bad precedent in limiting freedom ofthe press. For it is in this way that the moral right of a free press can be incrementallydegraded step -by-step in n accelerating slippery slope until the government begins toexert an undue influence over its practices. A government is not the only source ofthreat to a free press. In principle, there is a threa t from an y powerful institution with astake in news reporting. The government shirks an essential moral responsibility if itlooks the other way when organised crime, religious fanatics or other specialisedinterest groups harass news reporters and make it difficult or even impossible for themto do their job.

    46 The government wants to transform news for the purpose ofA) publicity B) suppressionC) propaganda D) power sharing.

    47 If we a re responsible ci tizens, we must be realistic to expect conflicts ofA) intere sts B) imageC) governance D) public acceptance.

    48 Any government should not interfere with the work of journalists except in extremecases ofA) professional integrity B) social normsC) freedom D) security of sta te .

    49 All citizens who asp ire their society to remain free should be aware of problems t ha tresul t from political an d judicial bodies setting up in regard to press freedom aA) commission B) bad preceden tC) road ma p D) professional code.

    50 Organised crime, religious fanatics or other specialised interest groups will preventnews reporte rs from doing the job, if the government does not perform it sA) moral responsibility B) economic dutiesC ) cultu ral obligations D) non-constitutional role.