18063298 Indian Sweets

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  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets




    1 cup Carnation Milk Powder

    1/2 cup all purpose flour

    1/2 tsp baking soda2 tablespoons butter -melted

    Whole milk just enough to make the dough

    For the Sugar Syrup

    2 cups Sugar

    1 cup water

    il for fr!ing

    How to make gulab jamun:

    Make the dough b! combining the milk powder" #is$uick" butter% &dd just enough whole milk to make a

    medium-hard dough% 'i(ide the dough into 1)-2* portions% Make balls b! gentl! rolling each portion

    between !our palms into a smooth ball% Place the balls on a plate% Co(er with a damp !et dr! kitchen


    +eat the oil on high and then lower the heat to medium% Slip in the balls into the hot oil from the side of

    the pan" one b! one% ,he! will sink to the bottom of the pan" but do not tr! to mo(e them% nstead" gentl!

    shake the pan to keep the balls from browning on just one side% &fter about . mins" the balls will rise to

    the surface% ,he ulab 0amuns should rise slowl! to the top if the temperature is just right% ow the!

    must be gentl! and constantl! agitated to ensure e(en browning on all sides%

    f the temperature of the oil is too high then the gulab jamuns will tend to break% So adjust the

    temperature to ensure that the gulab jamuns do not break or cook too $uickl!%

    ,he balls must be fried (er! slowl! under medium temperatures% ,his will ensure complete cooking from

    inside and e(en browning%

  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets


    Sugar Syrup

    ,he s!rup should be made earlier and kept warm% ,o make the hot sugar s!rup add mi the 2 cups of

    sugar to 1 cup of water% &dd 3-. cardamom pods" slightl! crushed and a few strands of 45esar4% Mi with

    a spoon and then heat at medium heat for .-1* minutes until sugar is all dissol(ed in water% 'o not

    o(erheat" that will carameli6e the sugar%

    ,ransfer this hot s!rup into a ser(ing dish% 5eep warm on sto(e% &dd the fried gulab jamuns directl! into

    the warm s!rup% 7ea(e gulab jamun balls in sugar s!rup o(ernight for best results% ,he! can be ser(ed

    warm or at room temperature%


    Ingredients of besan laddoo :

    2 cups gram flour 8besan9

    11/2 cup sugar 8grinded9

    1 cup ghee

    1 tsp each almonds" pistachios" cashew nuts 8chopped9

    Preparation of besan ke ladoo:

    n a kadhai mi gram flour and ghee o(er a low heat%

    5eep constantl! stirring to a(oid lumps%

    When it releases an appeti6ing smell" it is read!%

    :emo(e from the heat and allow it to cool%

    &dd sugar and nuts to the gram flour and mi thoroughl!%

    ow form ping-pong si6e balls of the miture%

  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets


  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets



    Ingredients for carrot halva:

    1 kg Carrots

    1 litre Milk

    1 teaspoon Cardamom seeds

    ;/3 cup Water

    ; tablespoons hee

    2 tablespoons :aisins

    2 tablespoons &lmonds

    2 tablespoons Pistachios

    3.* grams Sugar

    Preparation of carrot halwa :

    Wash and grate the carrots% Soak the raisins in water for ;* minutes% #lanch and shred the nuts%

    Put the water to boil" when it starts boiling add the grated carrots% Cook for .-< minutes%

    &dd the milk% Cook on a low flame for 1 hour stirring occasionall!% &dd sugar" mi well and cook till the

    sugar has dissol(ed and all the milk has been absorbed%

    &dd ghee and simmer for 2-; minutes% &dd the slightl! crushed cardamoms and the raisins% Mi well%

    :emo(e the gajjar halwa from heat and arrange in a ser(ing dish% arnish with almonds and pistachios%

    Ser(e cold" hot or at room temperature%


  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets



    1 litre Milk

    1/3 cup Maida

    1/3 cup Suji



    How to make malpua:

    #oil the milk till it reduces to 1/2 its $uantit!%

    :oast the ra(a till light brown% &dd to the milk along with maida% ,here should be no lumps%

    t should be a smooth pouring consistenc!% +eat the ghee% ,ake the batter in a glass%

    Pour in circular mo(ements into the ghee to form a small pan cake% ,urn o(er% ,ake care that it does not

    become crisp and har

    Make a sugar s!rup of 1 thread consistenc!% 'ip the malpura in the s!rup and la! out on a plate%



    2 lbs ricotta cheese

    1/2 cup sugar

    ;2 o6 half = half milk

  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets


    & pinch of saffron

    1/3 tsp crushed cardamom seeds

    1/2 cup blanched almonds

    2 tbsp crushed green pistachios

    Preparation of ras malai:

    Mi the cheese with sugar and little cardamom powder and spread out on a baking tra!%

    #ake at ;.* degrees for ;. minutes or until it sets% t should not get brown%

    :emo(e from o(en" cool at room temperature and cut into 24 s$uares%

    Place them in a dessert bowl%

    Mi the other ingredients" ecept the pistachios well in a separate dish and pour o(er the s$uares%

    'ecorate the rasmalai with pistachios" chill for 2-; hours and then ser(e%



    3 cup Whole Milk

    3 tsp fresh 7emon 0uice

    3 tblsp dried Milk Powder

    > tblsp powdered Sugar 8Cheeni9

    > tbsp hee

    1 tsp Cardamom Powder

    2 sheets ?dible Sil(er @oil 8Aar$9

    How to make milk burfi:

    +eat the milk slightl! and curdle it b! adding the lemon juice%

    ,hen hang it up in a muslin cloth to drain for ; hours%

    ,he milk solids are turned into cheese now%

    5need this well with the milk powder and sugar%

    +eat the ghee in a hea(! pan and add the cheese miture%

    Stir-@r! o(er (er! low heat until the ghee separates%

  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets


    :emo(e form the heat and mi in the cardamom powder%

    &llow to cool slightl!%

    5nead again to blend%

    Pat into a flat cake and cool completel!%

    Cut into s$uares and decorate with sil(er foil%



    hee / il to fr!@or the Co(er B

    .** gms Maida 8&ll purpose flour9

    > tblsp il / hee 8melted9

    @or the @illing B

    .**->** gms 5ho!a

    1/2 tsp green Cardamom Powder

    2. gms chopped &lmonda

    2. gms :aisins 85ishmish9

    2. gms dried Coconut 8shredded9

    ;.* gms Sugar 8Cheeni9 or to taste 8powdered9

    How to make gujiya:

    Sie(e the flour%

    Mi the si tablespoons of oil with the maida%

    sing fingers" mi well so that the miture takes the form of breadcrumbs and binds to a certain etent%

    ow add some water and knead lightl!%

    5eep adding water as re$uired and knead into a soft but tight dough%

    Set aside and co(er with a damp cloth%

    ow mash the kho!a and fr! it in a kadhai / deep pan till light brown in color%

    &dd sugar and cardamom powder into the kho!a and mi well%

    &dd almonds" cashews" coconut and raisins%

  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets


    @r! for 2 minutes and remo(e from the heat%

    &llow it to cool%

    'i(ide the dough into small balls and roll each ball into a small round of 3 inch diameter%

    @ill half the round with the kho!a miture" fold it and seal the round" twisting the edges inwards%

    ,ake care that the filling does not oo6e out%

    Prepare all the guji!as and spread on a cloth%

    +eat ghee in a kadhai and deep fr! the guji!as in batches on a medium flame%%

    When golden brown in colour" drain and remo(e%

    Store for use in an airtight glass jar%

    ,ip B uji!a moulds can also be used 8the! are easil! a(ailable in an! indian store or market9%

    @or using moulds" place the rolled dough ball in a greased guji!a mould and fill a tblsp of filling miture

    on one side%

    Moisten the edges of the round and fold one side of the mould o(er the other%

    :emo(e the ecess edges and reuse%

    S$A$I TU!RA RECIPE (Brea' Pu''ig#


    ) #read Slices8cut the edges out and cut diagonall!9

    3 tbsp hee

    1 litre Milk

    1 cup Sugar

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    1/3 tsp Cardamom Powder

    1 tbsp 5ismis


    +eat the milk and sugar stirring continuousl!%

    Put 1 tsp ghee to pre(ent the milk from flowing o(er%

    :educe the milk to 1/2 $t!% cool the milk%

    &dd the kismis and cardamom powder%

    @r! the bread slices in ghee till golden%

    'ip in milk for 2 minutes%

    :emo(e and put in the milk piesh prepared pre(iousl!% Ser(e cool%



    2 litres Milk

    2 tblsp 7emon 0uice

    1 cup Sugar

    ) crushed Cardamoms

    . chopped &lmond 8#adam9

    1* roughl! chopped Charioli nuts

    How to make basundi:

    #oil the milk in a kadai%

    5eep stirring constantl! and reduce it till it becomes thick and the $uantit! of the milk is approimatel!

    half a litre% remo(e from the flame and keep aside%

    ' the lemon juice to the milk and stir the miture so that it becomes granular in consistenc!%

    :eturn to a medium flame%

    &dd the sugar and cook for another 1* minutes% stir the miture occasionall!%remo(e from the fire%

    ,ransfer to a bowl and add the cardamoms and the nuts%mi thoroughl!%

  • 8/11/2019 18063298 Indian Sweets


    Ser(e hot or cold%



    1 cup #esan

    1 pinch 5esari

    1 pinch Cardamom powder

    1 tbsp :ice flour

    1 pinch #aking Powder

    1 tbsp Melon seeds

    1 tbsp #roken Cashew nut

    2 cups il Sugar

    1 cup Water

    How to make boondi laddu:

    Mi the flour" rice flour" baking powder and colour%

    Make a smooth thick batter% +eat the oil% ,ake the batter and pour it o(er a sie(e with round holes%

    ,ap it gentl! with a spoon so that small balls of dough fall into the oil% Make the balls and keep aside%

    +eat the sugar and water till reaches 1/2 thread consistenc!%

    Mi in the kesari melon seed and cardamom powder and fried boondies% When the miture is still warm

    make into balls% #ondi 7adoo are read! to be ser(ed

    f the miture cools balls cannot be made as the sugar cr!stalli6es%