Student__________________________________class____date__ ______ Modern World History 1750-present Ch 17.4 Terms/People: >Meiji Restoration >samurai >shogunate >Diet >Sino-Japanese War >Treaty of Shimonoseki >Mongkut >Liliuokalani >Emilio Aguinaldo WRITE the country that applies to each statement – some will be used more than once. Britain France Spain USA Japan Netherlands ____________ built schools in India that emphasized Western ideas.

17.4 activity sheet

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Modern World History 1750-present Ch 17.4Terms/People:

>Meiji Restoration




>Sino-Japanese War

>Treaty of Shimonoseki



>Emilio Aguinaldo

WRITE the country that applies to each statement – some will be used more than once.

Britain France Spain USA Japan Netherlands

____________ built schools in India that emphasized Western ideas.____________ changed their treatment of Indonesia to maintain control.____________ fought China to give Korea independence.____________ withdrew interest from the Samoan Islands____________ Muslim Indians wanted them to remain in control.____________ copied Western methods of industrialization.____________ took over region now known as Laos.____________ took control of Tutuila____________ lost Philippines during war with the United States.____________ Queen Liliuokalani opposed takeover by them.

Page 2: 17.4 activity sheet

Choose the correct items to complete the statements:Fear of imperialism made the Japanese become ______________.Japan feared that the Western nations wanted to push China aside and control __________________________.The Japanese were not expected to __________the Sino-Japanese War.After the Sino-Japanese War, Japan became a ______________.Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam were part of _________________.King Mongkut of ___________________ maintained his country’s independence from France and Great Britain.The Pacific Islands were useful to the Western powers as _______for their navies.Queen ____________ tried without success to keep foreigners from controlling Hawaii.

coaling stationsFrench Indochina


major world powerLiliuokalani


What did the Japanese do to industrialize their country?