15 Super Foods to Fight Anemia

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  • 8/10/2019 15 Super Foods to Fight Anemia


    This is one of the most common disorders of blood. A person is said to have anemia when the

    number of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is low. Hemoglobin is a

    protein present inside the red blood cells and it helps in the transportation of oxygen to various

    parts of the body. Women are more prone to anemia. There are different varieties of anemia caused

    by several reasons and are divided into three groups.

    Blood loss anemia

    Blood cell destruction or hemolysis anemia

    Deficient red cell production anemia.

    Causes Of Anemia

    Some of the main causes of anemia in women are

    Deficiency of iron

    Deficiency of vitamin B12

    Deficiency of folic acid


    Excessive blood loss Worm infestation in the stomach and intestine.



    High BMI

    Inherited disorders like sickle cell anemia

    Some medications

    Diseases such as arthritis, HIV/AIDS, Crohns disease

    The Symptoms Of Anemia

    The most common symptom of anemia are given below Lethargy


    Malaise or the feeling that one is not well

    Shortness of breath


    Sensitivity to cold

    Some of the rare symptoms of anemia are

    Swelling of the legs and arms

    Chronic heartburn

    Increased sweating


    Blood in stools

    Superfoods To Fight Anemia:

    A healthy diet is a prerequisite for any anemic patients. It is vital for you to include foods that are

    rich in Vitamin B12, folic acid and Vitamin C in your diet apart from most important ingredient iron.

    The following are the top 15 superfoods that will help you to get rid of anemia.

    1. Spinach

    Spinach is a very popular leafy vegetable that help in preventing anemia. It is a rich source of

    calcium, Vitamins A, B9, E and C, iron, fiber and beta carotene. It will help in improving the overall

    health of your body. It is found out that half a cup of boiled spinach contains 3.2 mg of iron and this

  • 8/10/2019 15 Super Foods to Fight Anemia


    accounts for about 20 percent of the iron requirement for a womans body. So, make sure that you

    take spinach in your daily diet to increase the blood in your body.

    Ways To Consume Spinach

    You can increase the quantity of spinach in your green vegetable salad and can include it with

    other green vegetables like celery, broccoli, kale and watercress to easily fight anemia. Eat a plate

    full of green salad every day to fight anemia.

    You can also boil the spinach leaves in a cup of water and add necessary seasoning to make a good

    soup. Drink spinach soup two times a day to fight anemia.

    2. Beetroot

    Beetroot is known to be very effective in fighting anemia. It is a vegetable that is filled with iron

    content. It will help in repairing and reactivating your red blood cells. Once the red blood cells are

    activated, the supply of oxygen to all parts of the body increases. Adding beet-root in any form in

    your daily diet will help to easily fight anemia.

    Ways To Use Beetroot

    Beetroot can be mixed with other leafy vegetables as well as vegetables like carrot, capsicum,

    tomatoes and so on to make a good salad. Consume this every day to fight anemia.

    You can also crush one or two beetroot in a juicer mixer to prepare a glass of beetroot juice.

    Having this glass of juice every day in the morning along with breakfast will improve the RBC count.

    3. Red Meat

    There is rich iron content in lamb, beef and other red meats. It contains heme-iron which will beeasily absorbed by the body. The heart, kidneys, and the liver of the red meats are those parts that

    contain high quantities of iron. It is also a great source of Vitamin B12. It is said that the beef liver

    has more than 600 percent of your daily requirements of iron.

    Consumption Of Red Meat

    Three ounces of cooked beef or chicken or ham have about 1 to 2.5 mg of heme iron. Make sure

    that you consume red meat at least two to three times a week to fight anemia.

    Including 3 ounces of beef liver or chicken liver will help in increasing your red blood cell count as it

    contains about 2.1 mg of heme-iron. Try to include these livers in your daily diet.

    4. Peanut Butter

    Peanut butter is a rich source of iron. Try to include peanut butter in your daily diet. If you do not

    like the taste of peanut butter, you can also think of eating a handful or roasted peanuts everyday to

    fight anemia. Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain 0.6 mg of iron.

    Ways To Consume Peanut Butter

    Peanut butter can be used on your morning breakfast bread. Drinking orange juice along with your

    peanut butter spread bread will help in quick absorption of iron in your body.

    You can also take two tablespoons of plain peanut butter everyday to fight anemia.

    Adding peanut butter while cooking will also help in fighting anemia.

  • 8/10/2019 15 Super Foods to Fight Anemia


    5. Tomatoes

    Vitamin C is the main ingredient in tomatoes along with lycopene. The Vitamin C in tomatoes helps

    in easy absorption of iron. Tomatoes are also rich in beta carotene and Vitamins E and hence help in

    natural conditioning of the hair and skin.

    Usage Of Tomatoes

    You can eat one or two raw tomatoes everyday to increase Vitamin C in your body and to

    encourage quick iron absorption.

    You can also drink a glass of raw tomato juice every day to fight anemia.

    Adding tomatoes while preparing food everyday will also help in combating anemia.

    6. Eggs

    Eggs are a rich source of proteins and contain a lot of antioxidants that will help in stocking up

    vitamins in the body when you are suffering from anemia. A large egg is said to contain 1 mg of ironand hence consumption of an egg everyday will help in fighting anemia.

    Egg Preparations:

    A boiled egg is one way of adding eggs to your daily diet. Take a boiled egg every day with your

    daily breakfast to boost vitamins in your body.

    You can consume a poached egg or a half boiled egg or full boiled egg or egg scrambler along with

    your daily breakfast to improve bone joints.

    7. PomegranatesOne of the popular fruits that contain a rich source of iron and Vitamin C is pomegranates. It helps in

    improving the blood flow in your body and is also very effective in treating anemic symptoms like

    weakness, dizziness, exhaustion and even loss of hearing.

    Make it a point to eat one full pomegranate every day to reduce the anemic symptoms.

    You can also prepare a strong juice out of the pomegranate seeds and consume a glass of it

    everyday with your breakfast.

    8. Soy Beans

    Beans are a great source of iron and vitamins. Soybeans are considered to be the beans that contain

    high iron content. It contains phytic acid that prevents the absorption of iron. Soybean is a low fat

    and high protein food that fights anemia. It is important for you to prepare the soybeans properly in

    order to gain maximum health benefits.


    You need to soak the soy beans in warm water overnight to reduce the phytic acid in the beans.

    You can use half a cup of boiled soybeans in your food or eat it with some seasoning to enjoy half

    the recommended daily consumption of iron.

    9. Whole Grain Bread

    A slice of whole grain bread is said to contain about six percent of the daily iron required for the

    body. It is a very good source of non-heme iron and will help the body to fight deficiency of iron

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    effectively. The whole grains in the bread contain phytic acid that has the potential to inhibit iron in

    the body. But, since whole grain bread is prepared through fermenting process, the phytic acid

    inhibitors in the grains are significantly lowered.

    Replace your white bread with whole grain bread for breakfast.

    Take two to three slices of whole grain bread every day to boost iron levels in the body.

    10. Nuts

    Nuts are a great source of iron and will help you to easily boost the iron levels in your body. It helps

    you immensely to gain iron levels in your body even when you are on the move.

    Pistachio nuts are the best source of iron as it contains 15 mg of iron in 100 grams of nuts.

    Take a handful of pistachio and apricot nuts everyday as a mid breakfast snack or mid afternoon

    snack everyday to increase iron levels in the body.

    11. Seafood

    Fish will also help in preventing anemia as it contains iron. Some of the popular fatty fishes like

    salmon, tuna as well as sea foods like mussels and oysters are rich in iron. It is said that pacificoysters contain 7.2 mg of iron per 100 gram servings.

    Make it a habit to include fatty fishes or seafood at least three times a week to help in preventing


    You can take roasted or baked salmon once in two days to boost iron levels in your body.

    12. Honey

    Honey is very good for the entire body. It contains a good amount of iron. You will get about 0.42 mg

    of iron in 100 grams of honey. Moreover, honey also contains copper and magnesium that will help

    in increasing the hemoglobin in your body.

    Adding one tablespoon of honey to a glass of fresh lemon juice early in the morning on an emptystomach everyday will help in effectively fighting anemia.

    13. Peaches, Prunes and Raisins

    Peaches, raisins and prunes are found to be a rich source of iron. In fact, dried peaches contain 6

    mg of iron per 100 grams.

    You need to take half a bowl of mixture of peaches, prunes and raisins along with your breakfast or

    as a health mid day snack everyday to improve iron in your body.

    14. Add Molasses To Your Baked Dishes

    One tablespoon of molasses is said to contain 3.2 mg of iron.

    Make sure that you add molasses to your baking in order to increase the iron intake and to enjoy

    tasty foods.

    15. Apple And Dates

    Apple and dates are also known to help in boosting iron levels in the body.

    The Vitamin C in the apple helps the body to absorb non heme-iron.

    Apple contains 0.12 mg of iron per 100 grams.

    Dates also contain high quantities of iron and are very useful to fight anemia.

    Eating an apple a day and about 10 dates daily will help to fight anemia.

    If you feel that your body is tired and if you are lethargic, it may be due to anemia. Long-term

    anemia can lead to depression and make you susceptible to infections. Anemia can also result in

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    nerve damage. Are you suffering from the anemia symptoms? Are you looking for the natural

    method to combat the problem? Try the above given super foods and lead a healthy life.