13 OD Metaheuristics a-2008

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    Some problems are so complicated that are not

    possible to solve for an optimal solution.

    In these problems, it is still important to find a good

    feasible solution close to the optimal.

    A heuristic method is a procedure likely to find a very

    good feasible solution of a considered problem.

    Procedure should be efficient to deal with very large

    problems, and be an iterative algorithm.

    Heuristic methods usually fit a specific problem

    rather than a variety of applications.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 433


    For a new problem, OR team would need to start

    from scratch to develop a heuristic method.

    This changed with the development of


    A metaheuristic is a general solution method that

    provides a general structure and strategy guidelines

    for developing a heuristic method for a particular

    type of problem.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 434

    Nature of metaheuristics

    Example: Maximize

    Function has three local optima (where?).

    The example is a nonconvex programming problem.

    f(x) is sufficiently complicated to solve analytically.

    Simple heuristic method: conduct a local

    improvement procedure.

    5 4 3 2( ) 12 975 28,000 345,000 1,800,000f x x x x x x= + +

    subject to0 31x

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 435

    Example: objective function

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 436

    Local improvement procedure

    Starts with initial trial solution and uses a hill-climbing


    Example: gradient search procedure, bisection method,


    Converges to a local optimum. Stops without

    reaching global optimum (depends on initialization).

    Typical sequence: see figure.

    Drawback: procedure converges to local optimum. This

    is only a global optimum if search begins in the

    neighborhood of this global optimum.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 437

  • 2Local improvement procedure

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 438

    Nature of metaheuristics

    How to overcome this drawback?

    What happens in large problems with many


    Metaheuristic: general solution method that

    orchestrates the interaction between local

    improvement procedures and higher level strategies

    to create a process to escape from local optima and

    perform a robust search of a feasible region.

    A trial solution after a local optimum can be inferior to

    this local optimum.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 439

    Solutions by metaheuristics

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 440


    Advantage: deals well with large complicated


    Disadvantage: no guarantee to find optimal solution

    or even a nearly optimal solution.

    When possible, an algorithm that can guarantee

    optimality should be used instead.

    Can be applied to nonlinear or integer programming.

    Most commonly it is applied to combinatorial

    optimization problems.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 441

    Traveling Salesman Problem

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 442

    Traveling Salesman Problem

    Can be symmetric or asymmetric.

    Objective: route that minimizes the distance (cost,


    Applications: truck delivering goods, drilling holes

    when manufacturing printed circuit boards, etc.

    Problem with n cities and a link between every pair of

    cities has (n 1)!/2 feasible routes.

    10 cities: 181 440 feasible solutions

    20 cities: 61016 feasible solutions

    50 cities: 31062 feasible solutions

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 443

  • 3Traveling Salesman Problem

    Some TSP problems can be solved using branch-and-

    cut algorithms.

    Heuristic methods are more general. A new solution

    is obtained by making small adjustments to the

    current solution. An example:

    Sub-tour reversal adjusts sequence of visited cities

    by reversing order in which subsequence is visited.

    Solution of example: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1 Distance = 69

    Reversing 3-4: 1-2-4-3-5-6-7-1 Distance = 65

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 444

    Solving example

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 445

    Sub-tour reversal algorithm

    Initialization: start with any feasible solution.

    Iteration: for current solution consider all possible

    ways of performing a sub-tour reversal (except

    reversal of entire tour). Select the one that provides

    the largest decrease in traveled distance.

    Stopping rule: stop when no sub-tour reversal

    improves current trial solution. Accept solution as

    final one.

    Local improvement algorithm: does not assure

    optimal solution!

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 446


    Iteration 1: starting with 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1 (Distance = 69), 4 possible sub-tour reversals that improve solution are:

    Reverse 2-3: 1-3-2-4-5-6-7-1 Distance = 68

    Reverse 3-4: 1-2-4-3-5-6-7-1 Distance = 65

    Reverse 4-5: 1-2-3-5-4-6-7-1 Distance = 65

    Reverse 5-6: 1-2-3-4-6-5-7-1 Distance = 66

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 447


    Iteration 2: continuing with 1-2-4-3-5-6-7-1 only 1 sub-tour reversal leads to improvement

    Reverse 3-5-6: 1-2-4-6-5-3-7-1 Distance = 64.

    Algorithm stops. Last solution is final solution (is it the optimal


    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 448

    Tabu Search

    Includes a local search procedure, allowing non-

    improvement moves to the best solution.

    Referred to as steepest ascent/mildest descent


    To avoid cycling a local optimum, a tabu list is added.

    Tabu list records forbidden moves, knows as tabu


    Thus, it uses memory to guide the search.

    Can include intensification or diversification.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 449

  • 4Basic tabu search algorithm

    Initialization: start with a feasible initial solution.


    1. Use local search to define feasible moves in neighborhood.

    2. Disregard moves in tabu list, unless they result in a better solution.

    3. Determine which move provides best solution.

    4. Adopt this solution as next trial solution.

    5. Update tabu list.

    Stopping rule: stop using fixed number of iterations,

    fixed number of iterations without improvement,

    etc. Accept best trial solution found as final solution.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 450

    Questions in tabu search

    1. Which local search procedure should be used?

    2. How to define the neighborhood structure?

    3. How to represent tabu moves in the tabu list?

    4. Which tabu move should be added to the tabu list in

    each iteration?

    5. How long should a tabu move remain in the tabu list?

    6. Which stopping rule should be used?

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 451

    Ex: minimum spanning tree problem

    Problem without constraints: solved using greedy algorithm.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 452

    Adding constraints

    Constraint 1: link AD can be included only if link DE is

    also included.

    Constraint 2: at most one of the three links AD, CD

    and AB can be included.

    Previous solution violates both constraints.

    Applying tabu search:

    Charge a penalty of 100 if Constraint 1 is violated.

    Charge a penalty of 100 if two of the three links in Constraint 2 are included. Increase penalty to 200 if all three links are included.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 453

    Answers in tabu search - implementation

    1. Local search procedure: choose best immediate neighbor not ruled out by its tabu status.

    2. Neighborhood structure: immediate neighbor is one reached by adding a single link and then deleting one of the other links in the cycle.

    3. Form of tabu moves: list links not to be deleted.

    4. Addition of a tabu move: add chosen link to tabu list.

    5. Maximum size of tabu list: two (half of total links).

    6. Stopping rule: three iterations without improvement.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 454

    Solving example

    Initial solution: solution of unconstrained version

    Cost = 20 + 10 + 5 + 15 + 200 (why?) = 250

    Iteration 1. Options to add a link are BE, CD and DE.

    Add Delete Cost

    BE CE 75 + 200 = 275

    BE AC 70 + 200 = 270

    BE AB 60 + 100 = 160

    CD AD 60 + 100 = 160

    CD AC 65 + 300 = 365

    DE CE 85 + 100 = 185

    DE AC 80 + 100 = 180

    DE AD 75 + 0 = 75 Minimum

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 455

  • 5Application of tabu search

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 456

    Add DE to network.

    Delete AD from network.

    Add DE to tabu list

    Iteration 2

    Options to add a link are AD, BE and CD.

    Add Delete Cost

    AD DE* (Tabu move)

    AD CE 85 + 100 = 185

    AD AC 80 + 100 = 180

    BE CE 100 + 0 = 100

    BE AC 95 + 0 = 95

    BE AB 85 + 0 = 85 Minimum

    CD DE* 60 + 100 = 160

    CD CE 95 + 100 = 195

    *A tabu move; only considered if it results in better solution than

    best trial solution found previously.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 457

    Add BE to tabu list

    Iteration 3

    Options to add a link are AB, AD and CD.

    Add Delete Cost

    AB BE* (Tabu move)

    AB CE 100 + 0 = 100

    AB AC 95 + 0 = 95

    AD DE* 60 + 100 = 160

    AD CE 95 + 0 = 95

    AD AC 90 + 0 = 90

    CD DE* 70 + 0 = 70 Minimum

    CD CE 105 + 0 = 105

    *A tabu move; only considered if result in better solution than best

    trial solution found previously.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 458

    Add CD to tabu list

    Delete DE from tabu list

    Optimal solution

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 459

    Traveling salesman problem example

    1. Local search procedure: choose best immediate neighbor not ruled out by tabu status.

    2. Neighborhood structure: immediate neighbor is the one reached by making a sub-tour reversal (add and delete two links of current solution).

    3. Form of tabu moves: list links such that a sub-tour reversal would be tabu if both links are in the list.

    4. Addition of a tabu move: add two new chosen links to tabulist.

    5. Maximum size of tabu list: four links.

    6. Stopping rule: three iterations without improvement.

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 460

    Solving problem

    Initial trial solution: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1 Distance = 69

    Iteration 1: choose to reverse 3-4.

    Deleted links: 2-3 and 4-5

    Added links (tabu list): 2-4 and 3-5

    New trial solution: 1-2-4-3-5-6-7-1 Distance = 65

    Iteration 2: choose to reverse 3-5-6.

    Deleted links: 4-3 and 6-7 (OK since not in tabu list)

    Added links: 4-6 and 3-7

    Tabu list: 2-4, 3-5, 4-6 and 3-7

    New trial solution: 1-2-4-6-5-3-7-1 Distance = 64

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 461

  • 6Solving problem

    Only two immediate neighbors:

    Reverse 6-5-3: 1-2-4-3-5-6-7-1 Distance = 65. (This would delete links 4-6 and 3-7 that are in the tabu list.)

    Reverse 3-7: 1-2-4-6-5-7-3-1 Distance = 66

    Iteration 3: choose to reverse 3-7.

    Deleted links: 5-3 and 7-1

    Added links: 5-7 and 3-1

    Tabu list: 4-6, 3-7, 5-7 and 3-1

    New trial solution: 1-2-4-6-5-7-3-1 Distance = 66

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 462

    Sub-tour reversal of 3-7 (Iteration 3)

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 463

    Iteration 4

    Four immediate neighbors:

    Reverse 2-4-6-5-7: 1-7-5-6-4-2-3-1 Distance = 65

    Reverse 6-5: 1-2-4-5-6-7-3-1 Distance = 69

    Reverse 5-7: 1-2-4-6-7-5-3-1 Distance = 63

    Reverse 7-3: 1-2-4-5-6-3-7-1 Distance = 64

    Iteration 4: choose to reverse 5-7.

    Deleted links: 6-5 and 7-3

    Added links: 6-7 and 5-3

    Tabu list: 5-7, 3-1, 6-7 and 5-3

    New trial (and final) solution: 1-2-4-6-7-5-3-1 Distance = 63

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 464

    Sub-tour reversal of 5-7 (Iteration 4)

    Joo M. C. Sousa, U. Kaymak, C.A. Silva, A. Moutinho 465