12 October Newsletter

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  • 7/30/2019 12 October Newsletter


    Inside the

    Technology Advisor

    Cornings NewCurves

    Te ch Ti ps

    Cool Keyboards

    Makeup thats


    Do You Know

    WhereYo ur Co m-

    puter was Made?

    Issue 57 October 2012Your Technology Advisor

    w w w . i n n o v a t i v e 4 1 1 . c o mMaking Everyday Easier

    Corning Gets new Curves with itsWillow Glass

    It's bendable and shapeable like no glassbefore, and it could herald a revolution inconsumer electronics. It's about as thick andflexible as a piece of paper, while having the

    strength, durability and other qualities ofexisting glass.

    Willow Glass can be made as thin as0.05mm, which is far thinner than the cur-rent 0.2mm or 0.5mm display glass. Becauseof its thinness and bendability, Willow Glasscould very well revolutionize the form andshape of smartphones, TVs, tablets, andother electronic devices.

    Eventually it could replace Gorilla Glass,which is currently used on many such devic-es.

    "Many years ago, when tablet talk started,

    there were discussions of having flexiblee-readers, much like a newspaper-type ofphysicality," said tech blogger MichaelSheehan

    "People could roll up their tablets for stor-age, for example. I envision touch-screendisplays being able to be wrapped aroundpillars or other curved surfaces which couldbe used at point-of-sale displays," he said.

    "Displays become more pervasive each day,and manufacturers strive to make both

    portable devices and larger displays thin-ner," he said.

    Willow Glass can be processed at extremelyhigh temperatures, making it superior to

    Disable RSS - By default, Outlook will sync RSSfeeds from Internet Explorer to the RSS reader inOutlook. If you have a lot of RSS feeds

    bookmarked in IE, that syncing could easily bringOutlook to a crawl. Disable this feature (if youdont use Outlook as an RSS reader) from within

    Outlook 2010 by going to Options | Advanced

    and then unchecking both options under RSSFeeds.

    Archive your Inbox - Thousands uponthousands of emails in your Inbox can causeserious issues, especially when using PST files.Instead of just letting those Inbox folders growto outrageous proportions, set up Folders in yourInbox for the emails you want to save. Also set

    up Auto Archiving so that your Inbox retains onlya portion of those emails. A good rule of thumbis to keep the current and previous months

    email in the Inbox and Archive everything else.When you archive, you effectively create a newdata file, so Outlook doesnt have to strain

    against the weight of an oversize PST or OSTfile.

    Add words to the custom dictionary - Spellcheck relies on a large main dictionary, but itisnt all-inclusive. Occasionally, it stops at wordsit cant find. Youll want to add these terms to

    the custom dictionary. That way, spell check willskip the word in subsequent documents.

    Tech Tip Of The Month - Steps to Speed Things Up in Outlook

    Corning Curves Continues on pg.3

  • 7/30/2019 12 October Newsletter


    Page 2

    Logitech's new keyboard is a boonfor clean freaks AND messy people

    - it can be washed! The K310 key-boardcan be submerged in up to 11inches of waterand has drainageholes for speedydrying. The keysare labeled withlaser printing andUV coating, so thatthe letters andsymbols wont rub

    Finally, a Keyboard for Clean Freaks andthePeople Who Eat at Their Computers.


    Logitech also has some Solar keyboardsfor $80. Thats right, the K760 forApple users, when fully charged worksfor at least three months - even in totaldarkness. It is wireless, no receiver orcable needed - youll enjoy a fast, relia-

    ble connection from up to 30 feet away.

    A Solar-powered Bluetooth keyboard

    would probably be an important pur-chase for anyone whos looking to live amore green lifestyle, but how attractivewould this keyboard be if it could alsoswitch between your computer,smartphone, and tablet with a singlekey press? That's another killer featureof the K760, as you can sync it with upto three separate Bluetooth-compatibledevices and switch between them bypressing F1, F2, or F3, all with very

    little effort. Changing between Blue-tooth devices takes about one to twoseconds, which should be fast enough

    for most users.

    Just because the K760 can connect toyour iPad and iPhone doesn't mean you

    should slip it into your backpack to useon the go. We can really only recom-mend doing so if you have a separatestand that can support your smartphoneor tablet, since it has no way of doingso. If you're considering a keyboard to

    use with your iPad, try this one instead.

    Logitech also offers the K750 for $50that is compatible with both PC andApple, but it requires a receiver and

    does not have blue tooth connectivity.

    away. The only caution is that the key-board uses a USB cable to connect tocomputers, so you'll need to make

    sure that portstays totallydry. Logitech'sK310 retails for$40 and is foruse with PCs ortablets, it is notApplecompatible.

    The Keyboard For the Eco-Friendly People

  • 7/30/2019 12 October Newsletter


    Page 3Page 3 Bomb-Proof Makeup!

    Makeup is usually more cosmetic thanfunctional, but that was before the U.S.Department of Defense, in partnership

    with the University of Southern Mississip-pi, got into the business. Now, after ex-tensive research, scientists have createda special kind of face paint that canprotect soldiers from the kind of extremeheat generated by bomb blasts. Thisfoundation will protect your open skinfrom flame, even at

    prolonged exposures.

    The new face paint is sili-cone based, as opposed tothe wax and oil base in traditional paints.That means anyone covered in it will beable to withstand short bursts of intenseheat, such as the brief 600C blast gen-

    erated by anexplosion. Infact, thesilicone paintwould allowsoldiers to beexposed toeven longerperiods of high temperatures - it takestreated skin a full 15 seconds to experi-

    ence burns when exposed to open flame.

    While this paint could be life-saving forsoldiers, it has plenty of other potentialapplications, as well. Scientists are al-ready working on developing a similar,

    clear paint for firefighters. It's also be-lieved that this technology could create

    fire-resistant fabrics.


    polymer films for many electronics applications.The glass is created by melting proprietary in-gredients and then forming a continuous sheetthat is rolled out like newsprint would be on a

    printing press. Its roll-to-roll processing willmake it attractive to manufacturers seeking low-cost, highly efficient electronic components.

    "Small pieces of thin glass have been availablefor many years, but high quality strips longenough to run through a roll-to-roll coating sys-tem are certainly unique," Mark Thirsk, a man-aging partner with Linx Consulting.

    Willow Glass will allow for thinner backplanesthan are now possible, as well as color filtersfor both organic light emitting diodes (OLED)

    and liquid crystal displays (LCD). It also haspromise in the production of curved displaysthat can be mounted on non-flat surfaces orgive viewers an immersive experience, as wellas new kinds of touchscreens.

    "Many of the new display technologies that relyon organic layers, such as OLED displays, needto be hermetically sealed from the environ-ment," noted Thirsk.

    "This has historically been very difficult with

    polymer layers, and the Corning Willow Glasscould be used both as a substrate to build thedisplay upon, and also as a cover material toisolate the display from moisture and othercontaminants," he said. "The possibility of pro-ducing bendable displays that can resist break-

    age and also conform to non-planar surfaces isseen by many as a very high-growth opportunity in the display market."

    Corning has a reputation for supplying high-quality glass for display applications. This is anextension of that business for Corning in a market where they have a deep understanding ofcustomer requirements and significant marketshare.

    Corning is currently shipping Willow Glass todesigners and manufacturers in the process of

    developing newapplications. It isalso collaboratingwith various uni-versities, equip-ment makers,manufacturers anddesigners to comeup with new usesfor its flexibleglass.

    Corning Curves Continued from pg.1

  • 7/30/2019 12 October Newsletter


    Page 3

    Your Technology Advisor

    Page 4

    How would you like to decide what goesinto your computer? You can with a No-bilis by Equus. Equus is one of Americas

    largest computing system manufacturers.They offer high quality assembled-on-demand custom computers, laptops,servers and IT solutions. While you maynot be able to go onsite and build yourdream computer with your own hands,you can pick and choose what you wantinstalled. They also have ready-to-ship

    options for the less persnickety people.

    Since 1989, Equus has delivered morethan three million build-to-order andready-to-ship computing systems. Equushas prospered for the last 23 years be-cause of its ability anticipate and adoptto the latest technology trends, boost ef-ficiencies, leverage its global suppliers,and provide the highest quality solutionswith loyal service and support.

    They provide a national reach with a localtouch with ten regional manufacturingand service centers located throughoutthe U.S. Equus is able to provide quick

    delivery and service turnaround times.

    Recognized as a top OEM of Microsoftand Intel, Equus uses name brand

    components, an ISO 9001:2000 certifiedquality management system, and third-

    party testing.

    Equus Computer systems is the only100% employee owned company withservices dedicated to the channel. Thisimportant distinction delivers real bene-fits to end users and channel partners,

    both immediate and long term.


    StockOwnershipPlan -promotesa culturewithinEquuswhere allof their employees are motivated to thinkand act as owners. As owners, each ofthem has the incentive to look beyondthemselves to the overall success of the

    company. Most importantly, they under-stand that Equus will succeed only when

    their customers succeed.

    They strive for higher levels of creativity,initiative and performance that are in-

    spired by, and necessary to, their mutua

    long term success.

    Equus is dedicated to helping the envi-ronment by helping you recycle your oldcomputer. See where to recycle them inyour area: http://www.equuscs.com/

    recycle. Check out their video to see one

    of their manufacturing facilities and learnmore about what they do: http://


    We at Innovative do offer the Equusbrand as one of our desktop, laptop, andserver solutions. If you are looking forany of these, check with us first. Just teus what features youd like and whatyoull be using it for. We can help youbuild your ideal computer or server.

    [email protected]

    Build Your Own Computer

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  • 7/30/2019 12 October Newsletter


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    Dont be a chicken, cleanyour keyboard.

    Click hereto read how.
