12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July 2017€¦ · • Use the attributes and images you have stored in the field to add value ... 12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July

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Page 1: 12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July 2017€¦ · • Use the attributes and images you have stored in the field to add value ... 12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July


Page 2: 12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July 2017€¦ · • Use the attributes and images you have stored in the field to add value ... 12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July

Streamline your office to field processes…

Peter Madsen

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•  DataPreparation•  DataUpload•  FieldProcess

•  Coding/Stringing•  ObjectTypes•  MapView•  Attributing•  Imaging•  Scanning•  ApplicationUpdates

•  Levelling•  DataDownload•  EndDeliverables


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Data Preparation and Upload •  Numerouscalc/processingsoftwareavailable•  UsemorethanabasicASCII/CSV•  DirecttransferavailablewithintelligentLeicaDBXjobfile•  UtiliseXML/HeXMLformatsforrichdatatransfer•  Stylesheetsandformatfilesavailablefordifferentsoftwares•  Uploadattributesandimagestoimprovefieldprocesses.•  Easyidentificationoffeatures(pipediameters,colours,materials

etc.)•  Uploadandutilisesmarterdatalikebackgroundimages,DTM’s,


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Leica Exchange

•  Transferyourdatafromandtothefieldquickerthaneverbefore•  Easy,fastandsafewaytooptimiseproductivity•  Nosizelimitstoworryabout•  Seamlessofficesoftwareintegration

•  Easilyselectdataandsenditto/fromfieldcrew.•  Don’tworryaboutlimitedemailsizesorFTPsystems

•  Internetaccessinthefield•  HandheldcontrollerswithWiFiorSIMswithdata•  HotspotInstrumenttophoneorWLANconnection

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Page 7: 12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July 2017€¦ · • Use the attributes and images you have stored in the field to add value ... 12 - 2.00 Be Captivated by your Data - July

Coding and Stringing

•  UseanintelligentCodelistthatmatchesyourofficesoftware•  CreateandeditCodelistsusingNeoorInfinitysoftwareintheofficeorinthefield

withCaptivate•  IntelligentCodeshaveinformationonwhattypeoffeaturesandattributesare

associatedwiththem•  Usezig-zagorsamedirectioncrosssectiontemplates

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Coding and Stringing Continued

•  Utilisethenewandsimple+-on-boardstringing

•  Continuelineworkandstringsattheclickofabuttoninthemapview

•  UseMultiplecodesonsinglepoints•  Setdifferentcodesforpointsandlineson

singlefeaturepickups•  Setupcommoncodefieldtemplatesto


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Feature Types

•  Setupyourcodelisttoanticipatelikelyobjecttypes•  Seestringingforlines,arcs,splinesandmoredevelop

liveintheintegratedmapview•  Closestringlines,dobestfitarcsandmuchmore

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Map View

•  Usethe3Dmapviewtoimmerseyourselfinthe


•  Stakeobjectsviathemapattheclickofabutton

•  ManageyourLayers,Annotations,andObject


•  Onlyviewwhatyouwanttoview

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•  Easyidentificationoffeatures(pipediameters,colours,materialsetc.)

•  Addattributefields/newcodeswhilstonthejob•  SetupAttributedropdownchoicelists•  Setiftheyaremandatoryoroptional•  PhotoAttributes

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Images •  Utiliseimagingcapabilitiesonyour

instrumentandcontroller•  Stepupfromnon-spatiallyrelatedpictures

offyourphone•  Storeimagesasattributesofobjectslike


•  Useaspartofyourqualitycontrolprocedures

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Imaging •  Utiliseimagingonyourinstrument•  Liveimageryisusedasabackdropwithyour

dataoverlaid•  Usetheliveimagefeedtocontrolthe

telescopeandtakereflectorlessshots•  Takepanoramicimagesateachsetup•  Usestereoimagestocreate3Dobjectsin


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Scanning •  Targetyourscanswithbydefiningyour

scanarea•  Scanpointdensityisfullycustomisable•  Comparescandatatodesigndatain

thefield•  InLISCADprocessondatumgeometry


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Application Updates •  Roadsappnowhasverticalexaggeration•  UsethemapviewinnotonlyMeasurebut

applicationslikeMeasuretoLineandRoads•  Deleteandeditmultiplepointsinoneaction•  Entermultipleelevationsforstakedpoints•  Jobsearchingandnavigationupdates

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•  QuickSetup

•  EasyDataTransfer

•  DigitalCameraAiming

•  AutofocusEfficiency

•  HighestAccuracy

•  Adjustresultsinthefieldoroffice

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•  ImagingLaserScanner

•  Lightweight<1kg

•  3DimagepointcloudcreatedinRealTime

•  Wificonnectiontofieldtablet

•  360,000pointspersecond

•  <3minutesforfulldomescan

•  Highdefinitionshort-rangescanner

•  Thermalimagesensors

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Data Download and Reduction •  OnceagainyoucanuseLeicaExchangetoquicklysendyourdata

fromfieldtoofficetomaximiseefficiency•  DirecttransferavailablewithintelligentLeicaDBXjobfile•  IfyouusetheTraverseorMeasureSetsappsforcontrolitcanbe

simplyextractedtoLISCAD’sleastsquaresadjustmentmodule•  Usetheattributesandimagesyouhavestoredinthefieldtoaddvalue


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Thank You…