06/20/22 1 Distributed Objects

11/29/20151 Distributed Objects. 11/29/20152 Message Passing vs. Distributed Objects

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Distributed Objects

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Message Passing vs. Distributed Objects

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Message Passing versus Distributed Objects

The message-passing paradigm is a natural model for distributed computing, in the sense that it mimics interhuman communications. It is an appropriate paradigm for network services where processes interact with each other through the exchanges of messages.

However, the abstraction provided by this paradigm does not meet the needs of the complexity of sophisticated network applications.

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Message Passing versus Distributed Objects –2

 Message passing requires the participating processes to be tightly-coupled: throughout their interaction, the processes must be in direct communication with each other. If communication is lost between the processes (due to failures in the communication link, in the systems, or in one of the processes), the collaboration fails.

The message-passing paradigm is data-oriented. Each message contains data marshalled in a mutually agreed upon format, and is interpreted as a request or response according to the protocol. (e.g., 1000-character message)

The receiving of each message triggers an action in the receiving process. It is inadequate for complex applications involving a large mix of requests and responses. In such an application, the task of interpreting the messages can become overwhelming.

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The distributed object paradigm

The distributed object paradigm is a paradigm that provides abstractions beyond those of the message-passing model. As its name implies, the paradigm is based on objects that exist in a distributed system.

In object-oriented programming, objects are used to represent an entity significant to an application. Each object encapsulates: the state or data of the entity: in Java, such

data is contained in the instance variables of each object;

the operations of the entity, through which the state of the entity can be accessed or updated.

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object-oriented programming

To illustrate, consider objects of the DatagramMessage class. Each object instantiated from this class contains three state data items--a message, the sender’s address, and the sender’s port number. In addition, each object contains four operations:

a method putVal, which allows the values of these data items to be modified,

a getMessage method, which allows the current value of the message to be retrieved, and

a getAddress method, which allows the sender’s address to be retrieved.

a getPort method, which allows the sender’s port to be retrieved.

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object-oriented programmingpublic class DatagramMessage{ private String message; private InetAddress senderAddress; private int senderPort;

public void putVal(String message, InetAddress addr, int port) { this.message = message; this.senderAddress = addr; this.senderPort = port; } public String getMessage( ) { return this.message; }

public InetAddress getAddress( ) { return this.senderAddress; }

public int getPort( ) { return this.senderPort; }} // end class

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Local Objects vs. Distributed Objects

Local objects are those whose methods can only be invoked by a local process, a process that runs on the same computer on which the object exists.

A distributed object is one whose methods can be invoked by a remote process, a process running on a computer connected via a network to the computer on which the object exists.

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The Distributed Object Paradigm

In a distributed object paradigm, network resources are represented by distributed objects. To request services from a network resource, a process invokes one of its operations or methods, passing data as arguments to the method. The method is executed on the remote host, and the response, if any, is sent back to the requesting process as a returned value.

o bje ct s ta te da ta it e m

o bje ct o pe ra t io n

H o s t A H o s t B

clie n t pro ce s sm e th o d ca ll

a dis t r ibu te d o bje ct

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Message Passing versus Distributed Objects

Compared to the message-passing paradigm, which is data-oriented, the distributed objects paradigm is action-oriented: the focus is on the invocation of the operations/methods, while the data passed takes on a secondary role. Although less intuitive to human-beings, the distributed-object paradigm is more natural to object-oriented software development.

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The Distributed Object Paradigm - 2

A process running in host A makes a method call to a distributed object residing on host B, passing with the data as arguments, if any.

The method call invokes an action performed by the method on host B, and a returned value, if any, is passed from host B to host A.

A process which makes use of a distributed object is said to be a client process of that object, and the methods of the remote object are called remote methods (as opposed to local methods, or methods belonging to a local object) to the client process.

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The Distributed Objects Paradigm

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An Archetypal Distributed Objects System

o bje ct c lie n t o bje ct s e rv e r

clie n tpro x y

s e rv e rpro x y

ru n t im es u ppo rt

n e two rks u ppo rt

n e two rks u ppo rt

ph y s ica l da ta pa th

lo g ica l da ta pa th

o bje ctre g is t ry

ru n t im es u ppo rt

Server Objects need to be registered in an object registry, e.g., RMI registry.

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Distributed Object System - 1

A distributed object is provided/registered, by a process--object server.

A facility, here called an object registry, must be present in the system architecture for the distributed object to be registered.

To access a distributed object, a process –an object client – looks up the object registry for a reference[1] to the object. This object reference will be used by the object client to make calls to the methods.

[1] A reference is a “handle” for an object; it is a representation through which an object can be located in the computer where the object resides.

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Distributed Object System - 2

Logically, the object client makes a call directly to a remote method.

In reality, the call is handled by a software component, called a client proxy/stub, which interacts the software on the client host that provides the runtime support for the distributed object system.

The runtime support is responsible for the interprocess communication needed to transmit the call to the remote host, including the marshalling of the argument data that needs to be transmitted to the remote object.

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Distributed Object System - 3

A similar architecture is required on the server side, where the runtime support for the distributed object system handles the receiving of messages and the unmarshalling of data, and forwards the call to a software component called the server proxy/skeleton.

The server proxy interfaces with the distributed object to invoke the method call locally (on the remote host), passing in the unmarshalled data for the arguments.

The method call results in the performance of some tasks on the server host.

The outcome of the execution of the method, including the marshalled data for the returned value, is forwarded by the server proxy to the client proxy, via the runtime support and network support on both sides.

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Distributed Object Systems/Protocols

The distributed object paradigm has been widely adopted in distributed applications, for which a large number of mechanisms based on the paradigm are available. Among the most well known of such mechanisms are: Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), the Common Object Request Broker

Architecture (CORBA) systems, the Distributed Component Object Model

(DCOM), mechanisms that support the Simple Object

Access Protocol (SOAP). Of these, the most straightforward is the Java RMI

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Java Remote Method Invocation

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Remote Method Invocation

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is an object-oriented implementation of the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) model. It is an API for Java programs only.

Using RMI, an object server exports a remote object and registers it with a directory service (e.g., RMI registry). The object provides remote methods, which can be invoked in client programs.

Syntactically: A remote object is declared with a remote interface, a Java

interface. The remote interface is implemented by the object server. An object client accesses the object by invoking the

remote methods associated with the objects using syntax provided for remote method invocations.

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The Java RMI Architecture

s tu b

re m o te re fe re n ce la y e r

tra n s po rt la y e r

s k e le to n

re m o te re fe re n ce la y e r

tra n s po rt la y e r

lo g ica l da ta pa th

ph y s ica l da ta pa th

s u p p o r ts th e in ter f ac e w ithth e ap p lic a tio n p ro g r am

m ap s th e p la tf o r m - in d ep en d en t s tu b /s k e le to nlay er to th e p la tf o rm - d ep en d en t tr an s p o r tlay er ; c ar r ies o u t r em o te r e f er en c e p r o to c o ls

s e ts u p , m ain ta in s , an d s h u ts d o w nc o n n ec tio n s ; an d c ar r ies o u t th etr an s p o r t p ro to c o l

o bje ctclie n t

o bje cts e rv e r

D ire cto ry s e rv ice

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Object Registry

The RMI API allows a number of directory services to be used[1] for registering a distributed object.

We will use a simple directory service called the RMI registry, rmiregistry, which is provided with the Java Software Development Kit (SDK)[2].

The RMI Registry is a service whose server, when active, runs on the object server’s host machine, by convention and by default on the TCP port 1099.

[1] One such service is the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), which is more general than the RMI registry, in the sense that it can be used by applications that do not use the RMI API.

[2] The Java SDK is what you download to your machine to obtain the use of the Java class libraries and tools such as the java compiler javac .

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The interaction between the stub and the skeleton

A time-event diagram describing the interaction between the stub and the skeleton:

s k e le to n

m a rs h a l pa ra m e te rs ;s e n d R e qu e s t

u n m a rs h a l pa ra m e te rsI n v o k e m e th o d

R e m o teM e th o d

e x e cu te co dea n d re tu rn av a lu e

re ce iv e re tu rn v a lu em a rs h a l re plys e n d re ply

u n m a rs h a ll re ply ;re tu rn v a lu e

t im e

(ba s e d o n h t tp: // ja v a . s u n .co m .m a rk e t in g /co lla te ra l/ja v a rim .h tm l)

s tu b

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The API for the Java RMI

The Remote Interface The Server-side Software

The Remote Interface Implementation Stub and Skeleton Generations The Object Server

The Client-side Software

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The Remote Interface

A Java interface is a class that serves as a template for other classes: it contains declarations or signatures of methods whose implementations are to be supplied by classes that implement the interface.

A java remote interface is an interface that inherits from the Java java.rmi.Remote interface, which allows the interface to be implemented using RMI syntax.

Other than the Remote extension (inheritance) and the Remote exception (exceptions handling) that must be specified with each method signature, a remote interface has the same syntax as a regular or local Java interface.

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A sample remote interface

// file: SomeInterface.java

// to be implemented by a Java RMI server class.

import java.rmi.*

public interface SomeInterface extends Remote {

// signature of first remote method

public String someMethod1( )

throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

// signature of second remote method

public int someMethod2( float ) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

// signature of other remote methods may follow

} // end of interface

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A sample remote interface - 2

The java.rmi.RemoteException must be listed in the throw clause of each method’s signature.

This exception is raised when errors occur during the processing of a remote method call, and the exception is required to be caught in the method caller’s program.

Causes of such exceptions include exceptions that may occur during interprocess communications, such as access failures and connection failures, as well as problems unique to remote method invocations, including errors resulting from the object, the stub, or the skeleton not being found.

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The Server-side Software

A server object provides the methods of the interface to a distributed object. Each server object must

implement each of the remote method specified in the interface,

register an server object, which contains the method implementation, with a directory service (e.g., RMI registry or JNDI).

It is recommended that the two parts be provided as separate classes.

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The Remote Interface Implementation

A server class implements the remote interface--SomeInterface. The syntax is similar to a class that implements a local interface.

import java.rmi.*;import java.rmi.server.*;// This class implements the remote interface SomeInterface.

public class SomeImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements SomeInterface { public SomeImpl() throws RemoteException { super( ); } public String someMethod1( ) throws RemoteException { // code to be supplied } public int someMethod2( ) throws RemoteException { // code to be supplied }} // end class

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The Object Server

The object server class is a class whose code instantiates and exports an object of the remote interface implementation. import java.rmi.*;public class SomeServer {

public static void main(String args[]) { try{// code for port number value to be supplied

SomeImpl exportedObj = new SomeImpl(); startRegistry(RMIPortNum); // launch RMI registry // register the object under the name “some” registryURL="rmi://localhost:"+portNum+ "/some"; Naming.rebind(registryURL, exportedObj); System.out.println("Some Server ready."); } // end try} // end main

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The Object Server - 2// This method starts a RMI registry on the local host, if it// does not already exists at the specified port number.

private static void startRegistry(int RMIPortNum) throws RemoteException{ try {

Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(RMIPortNum); registry.list( );

// The above call will throw an exception // if the registry does not already exist }

catch (RemoteException ex) { // No valid registry at that port. System.out.println( "RMI registry cannot be located at port " + RMIPortNum);

Registry registry= LocateRegistry.createRegistry(RMIPortNum); System.out.println( "RMI registry created at port " + RMIPortNum); } } // end startRegistry

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The Object Server - 3 In our object server template, the code for exporting an object

is as follows: // register the object under the name “some” registryURL="rmi://localhost:"+ portNum + "/some“ Naming.rebind(registryURL, exportedObj); The Naming class provides methods for storing and obtaining

references from the registry. In particular, the rebind method allow an object reference to be stored in the registry with a URL in the form of

rmi://<host name>:<port number>/<reference name>

The rebind method will overwrite any reference in the registry bound with the given reference name. If the overwriting is not desirable, there is also a bind method.

The host name should be the name of the server, or simply “localhost”. The reference name is a name of your choice, and should be unique in the registry.

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The Object Server - 4

When an object server is executed, the exporting of the distributed object causes the server process to begin to listen and wait for clients to connect and request the service of the object.

An RMI object server is a concurrent server: each request from an object client is serviced using a separate thread of the server. Note that if a client process invokes multiple remote method calls, these calls will be executed concurrently unless provisions are made in the client process to synchronize the calls.

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Stub and Skeleton Generations

In RMI, each distributed object requires a proxy for the object server and the object client, known as the object’s skeleton and stub respectively.

These proxies are generated from the implementation of a remote interface using the RMI compiler rmic. rmic <class name of the remote interface implementation> For example:

Unix> rmic SomeImpl

As a result of the compilation, two proxy files will be generated, each prefixed with the implementation class name:


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The stub file for the object

The stub file for the object, as well as the remote interface file, must be shared with each object client – these file are required for the client program to compile.

A copy of each file may be provided to the object client by hand. In addition, the Java RMI has a feature called “stub downloading” which allows a stub file to be obtained by a client dynamically through HPPT.

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The RMI Registry

A server exports an object by registering it by a symbolic name with a server known as the RMI registry. // Create an object of the Interface

SomeInterfacel obj = new SomeInterface(“Server1”); // Register the object w/ registry; rebind will overwrite existing

// registration by same name – bind( ) will not. Naming.rebind(“//localhost/Server1”, obj);

A server, called the RMI Registry, is required to run on the host of the server which exports remote objects.

The RMIRegistry is a server located at port 1099 by default It can be invoked dynamically in the server class: import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;

… LocateRegistry.createRegistry ( 1099 );

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The RMI Registry - 2

Alternatively, an RMI registry can be activated by using the rmiregistry utility which comes with the Java Software Development Kit (SDK), as follows:

unix> rmiregistry <port number>

where the port number is a TCP port number. If no port number is specified, port number 1099 is assumed.

The registry will run continuously until it is shut down (via CTRL-C, for example)

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The Client-side Software

The program for the client class is like any other Java class.

The syntax needed for RMI involves locating the RMI Registry in the server host,


looking up the remote object reference for the server object; the object reference can then be cast to the remote interface class and the remote methods can be invoked.

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The Client-side Software - 2import java.rmi.*;….public class SomeClient { public static void main(String args[]) { try {

String registryURL = "rmi://localhost:" + portNum + "/some"; SomeInterface reObjRef = (SomeInterface)Naming.lookup(registryURL);

// invoke the remote method(s) String message = reObjRef.method1(); System.out.println(message); // method2 can be invoked similarly } // end try catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception: " + e);} } //end main}//end class

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Looking up the remote object

The lookup method of the Naming class is used to retrieve the object reference, if any, previously stored in the registry by the object server.

The retrieved reference must be cast to the remote interface (not its implementation class).

String registryURL =

"rmi://localhost:" + portNum + "/some";

SomeInterface reObjRef = (SomeInterface)Naming.lookup(registryURL);

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Invoking the Remote Method

The remote interface reference can be used to invoke any of the methods in the remote interface, as in the example:

String message = reObjRef.method1(); System.out.println(message);

The syntax for the invocation of the remote methods is the same as for local methods.

It is a common mistake to cast the object retrieved from the registry to the interface implementation class or the server object class . Instead it should be cast as the remote interface.

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Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)

-----------------------Application Objects ----------------------- ORB ----------------------- IIOP ----------------------- TCP ----------------------- IP ----------------------- Ethernet ----------------------- Physical Device -----------------------

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RMIC with IIOP option

rmic -iiop Causes rmic to generate IIOP stub and tie classes, rather than

JRMP (Java Remote Method Protocol) stub and skeleton classes. A stub class is a local proxy for a remote object and is used by

clients to send calls to a server. Each remote interface requires a stub class, which implements that

remote interface. A client's reference to a remote object is actually a reference to a stub.

Tie classes are used on the server side to process incoming calls, and dispatch the calls to the proper implementation class. Each implementation class requires a tie class.

Invoking rmic with the -iiop generates stubs and ties that conform to the following naming convention: _<implementationName>_stub.class _<interfaceName>_tie.class

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Java Naming and Directory Interface The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is an

application programming interface (API) that provides naming and directory functionality to applications written using the Java programming language.

The JNDI architecture consists of an API and a service provider interface (SPI). Java applications use the JNDI API to access a variety of naming and directory services. The SPI enables a variety of naming and directory services to be plugged in transparently.

Naming Service: names are associated with objects and objects are found based on their names.

Directory service. a directory service associates names with objects and allows such objects to have attributes. Thus, you not only can look up an object by its name but also get the object's attributes or search for the object based on its attributes.

From: http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/getStarted/overview/index.html

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Java Naming and Directory Interface

From: http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/getStarted/overview/index.html

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COS Naming Service - 1 The CORBA COS (Common Object Services) Naming

Service provides a tree-like directory for object references much like a filesystem provides a directory structure for files. The Naming Service provided with Java IDL is an implementation of the COS Naming Service specification. The following overview is taken from that document.

A name-to-object association is called a name binding. A name binding is always defined relative to a naming context. A naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings in which each name is unique. Different names can be bound to an object in the same or different contexts at the same time.

To resolve a name is to determine the object associated with the name in a given context. To bind a name is to create a name binding in a given context. A name is always resolved relative to a context - there are no absolute names. From: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/idl/jidlNaming.html#example1

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COS Naming Service - 2

Because a context is like any other object, it can also be bound to a name in a naming context.

Binding contexts in other contexts creates a naming graph - a directed graph with nodes and labeled edges where the non-leaf nodes are contexts, and leaf nodes are object references.

A naming graph allows more complex names to reference an object. Given a context in a naming graph, a sequence of names can reference an object. This sequence of names (called a compound name) defines a path in the naming graph to navigate the resolution process.

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COS Naming Service - 3

• plans is an object reference

• Personal is a naming context that contains two object references: calendar and schedule.

From: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/idl/jidlNaming.html#example1

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RMI-IIOP Sample Code- interfaceImpl

// interfacepublic interface HelloInterface extends java.rmi.Remote {

public void sayHello( String from ) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; }

// Interface implementationpublic class HelloImpl extends PortableRemoteObject

implements HelloInterface {public HelloImpl() throws java.rmi.RemoteException { super(); // invoke rmi linking and remote object initialization }

public void sayHello( String from ) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {

System.out.println( "Hello from " + from + "!!" ); System.out.flush(); } }

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RMI-IIOP Sample Code- Server

public class HelloServer { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Step 1: Instantiate the Hello servant HelloImpl helloRef = new HelloImpl(); // Step 2: Publish object reference in the Naming Service // using JNDI API Context initialNamingContext = new InitialContext(); initialNamingContext.rebind("HelloService", helloRef ); System.out.println("Hello Server: Ready..."); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Trouble: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } }

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RMI-IIOP Sample Code- Client

public class HelloClient { public static void main( String args[] ) { Context ic; Object objref; HelloInterface hi; try { ic = new InitialContext(); // STEP 1: Get the Object reference from the Name Service using JNDI call. objref = ic.lookup("HelloService"); System.out.println("Client: Obtained a ref. to Hello server.");

// STEP 2: Narrow object reference to the concrete type and invoke the method. hi = (HelloInterface) PortableRemoteObject.narrow( objref, HelloInterface.class); hi.sayHello( " MARS " ); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println( "Exception " + e + "Caught" ); e.printStackTrace( ); return; } } }

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Registry vs. IIOP - interfaceImpl

public class HelloImpl extends PortableRemoteObject implements HelloInterface { … }

public class HelloImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements HelloInterface { … }

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Registry vs. IIOP – Server Side

HelloImpl helloRef = new HelloImpl(); initialNamingContext = new InitialContext(); initialNamingContext.rebind("HelloService",

helloRef ); // using JNDI

SomeImpl exportedObj = new SomeImpl(); registryURL="rmi://localhost:"+portNum+ "/some"; Naming.rebind(registryURL, exportedObj);

// using RMI registry

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Registry vs. IIOP – Client Side

Context ic = new InitialContext(); objref = ic.lookup("HelloService"); hi = (HelloInterface) PortableRemoteObject.narrow

(objref, HelloInterface.class); hi.sayHello( " MARS " );

String registryURL = "rmi://localhost:" + portNum + "/some"; SomeInterface h = (SomeInterface)Naming.lookup

(registryURL); String message = h.method1();

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Steps for building an RMI application

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Algorithm for developing the server-side software

1. Open a directory for all the files to be generated for this application.

2. Specify the remote-server interface in SomeInterface.java. Compile it until there is no more syntax error.

3. Implement the interface in SomeImpl.java Compile it until there is no more syntax error.

4. Use the RMI compiler rmic to process the implementation class and generate the stub file and skeleton file for the remote object:

unix> rmic SomeImplThe files generated can be found in the directory as SomeImpl_Skel.class and SomeImpl_Stub.class.

Steps 3 and 4 must be repeated each time that a change is made to the interface implementation.

5. Create the object server SomeServer.java. Compile it until there is no more syntax error.

6. Activate the object server unix> java SomeServer

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Algorithm for developing the client-side software

1. Open a directory for all the files to be generated for this application.

2. Obtain a copy of the remote interface class file. Alternatively, obtain a copy of the source file for the remote interface, and compile it using javac to generate the interface class file.

3. Obtain a copy of the stub file for the implementation of the interface:


4. Develop the client program SomeClient.java, and compile it to generate the client class.

5. Activate the client. unix> java SomeClient

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Placement of files for a RMI application

S o m e C lie n t .c la s s

O bje ct C lie n t h o s t O bje ct S e rv e r h o s t

o bje ct s e rv e r dire cto ry

S o m e I n te rfa ce .cla s s

S o m e I n te rfa ce .cla s s

S o m e I m pl.cla s s

S o m e S e rv e r.cla s s

S o m e I m pl_ S k e l.c la s sS o m e I m pl_ S tu b.cla s s

o bje ct c lie n t dire cto ry

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Testing and Debugging an RMI Application

1. Build a template for a minimal RMI program. Start with a remote interface with a single signature, its implementation using a stub, a server program which exports the object, and a client program which invokes the remote method. Test the template programs on one host until the remote method can be made successfully.

2. Add one signature at a time to the interface. With each addition, modify the client program to invoke the added method.

3. Fill in the definition of each remote method, one at a time. Test and thoroughly debug each newly added method before proceeding with the next one.

4. After all remote methods have been thoroughly tested, develop the client application using an incremental approach. With each increment, test and debug the programs.

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Comparison of the RMI and the socket APIs The remote method invocation API is an efficient tool for building network applications. It can be used in lieu of the socket API in a network application. Some of the tradeoffs between the RMI API and the socket API are as follows: The socket API is closely related to the operating

system, and hence has less execution overhead. For applications which require high performance, this may be a consideration.

The RMI API provides the abstraction which eases the task of software development. Programs developed with a higher level of abstraction are more comprehensible and hence easier to debug.

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The HelloWorld Sample

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Diagrams for the Hello application

s a y H e llo ( )

H e llo I n te rfa ce

Un i cas tRe m ote O bje ct

H e llo I m plH e llo S e rv e r

lis tR e g is try ( )s ta rtR e g is try ( )

s e rv e rre g is tryclie n t

re bin d( )

lo o k u p( )

s a y H e llo ( )

s e que nc e d i ag r am

U M L di ag r am

H e llo C lie n t

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Source files for the Hello application

HelloInterface.java HelloImpl.java HelloClient.java

Demo example: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/rmi/


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A Sample Enterprise ApplicationIn the illustrated application, the object server provides remote methods which allows the object clients to look up or update the data in an Expense Records database. Programs which are clients of the object provide the application or business logic for processing the data and the presentation logic for the user interface which presents the data.

S er v er

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C lien t

C lien t

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A n Ex pe n s e R e po rt in g S y s te m , f r o m h ttp :/ / jav a . s u n .c o m

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To be continued

The Java RMI facility is rich in features. This chapter has presented a very basic subset of those features, as an illustration of a distributed object system. Some of the more interesting advanced features of RMI will be presented in the next chapter.

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Summary - 1

The distributed object paradigm is at a higher level of abstraction than the message-passing paradigm.

Using the paradigm, a process invokes methods of a remote object, passing in data as arguments and receiving a return value with each call, using syntax similar to local method calls.

In a distributed object system, an object server provides a distributed object whose methods can be invoked by an object client.

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Summary - 2

Each side requires a proxy which interacts with the system’s runtime support to perform the necessary IPC.

an object registry must be available which allow distributed objects to be registered and looked up.

Among the best-known distributed object system protocols are the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), the Distributed Component Object, Model (DCOM), the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) , and the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

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Summary - 3

Java RMI is representative of distributed object systems. The architecture of the Java Remote Method

Invocation API includes three abstract layers on both the client side and the server side.

The software for a RMI application includes a remote interface, server-side software, and client-side software.

What are the tradeoffs between the socket API and the Java RMI API?