1117 Disaster Recovery with InterBase Bill Todd The Database Group, Inc.

1117 Disaster Recovery with InterBase Bill Todd The Database Group, Inc

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Page 1: 1117 Disaster Recovery with InterBase Bill Todd The Database Group, Inc

1117Disaster Recovery with

InterBaseBill Todd

The Database Group, Inc.

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Data Loss

Physical loss


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Two Questions…

How much data can you afford to lose?

What disasters do you want to to protect against?

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A Range of AnswersYou can lose one day of changes

– Nightly backups are all you needYou cannot lose any data, even if your building

burns to the ground– You need real time backup to a remote


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Physical SecurityMost overlooked aspect of data protection

Without it anyone can:– Spill coffee on the server– Kick the plug out of the wall– Knock the server off of a table– Take it home– Take the hard drive home– Delete the database

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Log Off!Never leave the server unattended with a user

logged on

Anyone who gets access to the machine can add a new user to the Administrators group and access the server remotely

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AttitudeWithout it every other aspect of your data

protection plan will fail sooner or later– The DBA will run to the restroom without

logging out– People who are supposed to change their

passwords will use predictable ones that are easy to remember

– People will write passwords down– People will give passwords over the phone

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ReliabilityUse a dedicated database server

– More software running on the DB server = more likely to crash

– More software running on the DB server = more people who need access to the server

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AccessOnly the DBA has login rights to the database


Do not share any drives or folders on the database server

If you use a non-dedicated server:– Never allow access to the database or server

software folders– Make everyone change their password


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AccessDon’t run apps as SYSDBA

Don’t run apps as the database owner

Design your app so that you can easily change the account it runs under

Anyone who can log in as SYSDBA or the database owner and has access to gbak can steal your data

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– Uses services API

Gbak– Services API– Local backup

IBBackupService component– Uses services API

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BackupsAll backups are full backups

Backup using services API– Runs entirely on the server– Backup file must be on the server

Backup using gbak– Backup across the network– Backup file can be placed anywhere

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To Make Backup FastUse the services APIPlace the backup file on a different hard drive than

the databaseDisable garbage collection

– If you want garbage collection run a sweep after the backup

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gbak Command

gbak -b -g -v -service localhost:service_mgr -user sysdba -password masterkey p:\employee.gdb p:\emp.gbk

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gbak Backup Switches

-b Backup the database

-g No garbage collection

-v Display progress messages

-service Use services API

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Backup From Batch Filegbak -b -g -v -service localhost:service_mgr -user

sysdba -password masterkey p:\employee.gdb p:\emp.gbk 2> emplog.txt

Note that gbak writes to stderr, thus the 2 in front of the redirection operator (>)

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Sample Batch File@echo off echo Start================== >>

emplog.txt gbak -b -g -service localhost:service_mgr -user sysdba -password masterkey p:\employee.gdb p:\emp.gbk 2>> emplog.txt date < enter.txt >> emplog.txt time < enter.txt >> emplog.txt echo End================== >>

emplog.txt echo . >> emplog.txt

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Backup LogStart===================================== The current date is: Sat 05/08/2004 Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy) The current time is: 11:07:37.13Enter the new time: End======================================= . Start===================================== The current date is: Sat 05/08/2004 Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy) The current time is: 11:07:40.02Enter the new time: End======================================= .

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Windows SchedulerC:\> at 23:00 /every:m,t,w,th,f,s,su empbak.cmd

To schedule the backup on another machine:

C:\> at \\testserver 23:00 /every:m,t,w,th,f,s,su


You can also use the Scheduled Tasks applet in Control Panel

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Making Backups ReliableBackup output must be reviewed dailyReviewer must sign a log bookThe reviewer must have a backupThe log book must be signed by a manager


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Restoring a Backup



IBRestoreService component

Services API

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Restoring with IBConsole

From the menu choose

Database | Maintenance | Backup/Restore | Restore

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Database Restore Dialog

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CautionDo not overwrite the exiting database

– If the restore fails you have nothing– Restore to a different file name. If successful

delete the old database and rename the file• Does not work with multi-file databases

– Copy the database file using O/S copy then restore with overwrite

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Restore with gbakgbak -r -p 4096 -service localhost:service_mgr

-user sysdba -password masterkey

p:\employee.gbk p:\employee.gdb

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Restore with gbakDo not use the –validate option

It will slow the restore dramatically

It may cause the restore to fail

No validation is the default in 7.1

Before 7.1 you cannot disable validation

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O/S BackupsBackup the gbak backup file, not the database file

– File may not be backup up if in use– File may be corrupt if backed up

If you must backup the database file with an O/S backup or copy program stop the IB server service first

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Forced WritesAlways run with forced writes on unless

performance is unacceptable

If you must run with forced writes off use a dedicated server with a UPS and a stable operating system

Be aware that a server crash may corrupt the database because everything in the write cache will be lost

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Backup Strategies

Backup at least once per day

Store backup files on a different machine

Store backup files off site

Review backup output after every backup

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Checking for Corruption

Use gfix

gfix -validate -full -no_update -user sysdba -password masterkey employee.gdb

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Repairing Database with gfix

gfix -validate -full -user sysdba -password masterkey employee.gdb

-validate checks database structure

-full validates records– Takes longer– More thorough

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Database Still Corrupt

Records could not be repaired

Use –mend then backup & restore

gfix -validate -full -mend -user sysdba -password masterkey employee.gdb

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Repairing with IBConsole

IBConsole does not offer all of the options available with gfix

Choose Database | Maintenance | Validate from the menu

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Database Validation Dialog

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Hard Drive FailureMaintain a live copy of the database on another

drive– InterBase Shadowing– Operating system disk shadowing– RAID drive array

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InterBase ShadowingMaintains two copies of the database

simultaneously on two drives

Drive configuration– Drive 1 = operating system– Drive 2 = the database– Drive 3 = the shadow

Alternative drive configuration– Drive 1 = O/S & database– Drive 2 = the shadow

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InterBase Shadowing+ Provides fast recovery if database drive fails

- Shadow must be on a local drive

- Software failure will corrupt shadow

- No point-in-time recovery

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InterBase Shadowing


Activate shadow with gfix

gfix -activate employee.shd -user sysdba -password masterkey

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Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

10 types

Only four are readily available

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Provides improved performance but no fault tolerance

Of no value in protecting your data

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Provides 100% data redundancy

Reboot is required if a drive fails

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RAID 5Striping plus Error Correction Code (ECC)

Fast reads, fast writes and fault tolerance

Supports hot swappable disks

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Combines striping for high performance with mirroring for fault tolerance

Best combination of performance and fault tolerance for databases

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Replication+ Backup database can be on another machine

on your network, even in another location

- Replicated DB is behind the master

- Imposes additional load on server

- Replicator may fall behind if load is heavy

- A network failure will stop replication

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Recovery Logging

Record all changes since last full backup in a separate file

To recover the database:– Restore from last full backup– Apply changes in recovery log

+ Provides point-in-time recovery

InterBase does not provide recovery logging

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Implementing Recovery Logging

Logging must be under transaction control

It is impossible to write to an external file under transaction control

You must log to a database table

Logging to a table within the database defeats the purpose of logging since the log will be lost with the database

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A Hybrid Approach

Log to the database using triggers to write to the log table

Copy the logged information to an external file as soon as possible after the transaction commits

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A Hybrid Approach

Use IB database for external file– Logger can use two phase commit

transaction to insert info into log database and delete from log table

– Log database can be on another machine

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Triggering Log CopyingUse an after insert trigger on the log table to post

an event to the log client– + Very little delay between change and

logging– - High load on a busy database

Trigger logging at a preset interval– + Lower load on server– - Log will be further behind database

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Log Table StructureOne log table for each database table

– Same structure as data table– Generated primary key– Column to indicate insert, update or delete

- Great care required to process log data in an order that does not violate referential integrity

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Log Table StructureAll changes for all tables recorded in two log


Log Master Structure– Sequence_Number– Table_Name– Action (insert, update, delete)– Where_Clause

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Log Table StructureLog Detail Structure

– Detail_Number– Sequence_Number (foreign key)– Column_Name– Type_Code

• Integer number of column containing value

– Value columns• One column for each data type

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Two Table LogLog master gets one row for each insert, update

or delete

Log detail table gets one row for each non-null column in each insert or update

This approach solves the RI sequencing problem

This structure was first suggested by Dalton Calford in his paper “Some Solutions to Old Problems”

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Recovering Using the LogEdit the log tables if necessaryRestore from last full backupRun recovery program

– Generate SQL statements from log– Execute statements

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