11.1 To accompany Excellence in Business Communication, 5e , Thill and Bovée © 2002 Prentice-Hall Chapter 11 Writing Business Reports and Proposals

11.1 To accompany Excellence in Business Communication, 5e, Thill and Bovée © 2002 Prentice-Hall Chapter 11 Writing Business Reports and Proposals

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Chapter 11Writing Business Reports

and Proposals

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Chapter 11 Objectives

Discuss the structure of informational reports.

Explain the structure of analytical reports.

List the most popular types of visuals and discuss when to use them.

Clarify five principles of graphic design to remember when preparing visuals.

Identify and briefly describe five tools that writers can use in long reports to help readers stay on track.

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First Thoughts

When organizing business reports and proposals, you need to Decide on the format and length Choose the direct or indirect approach Select the appropriate informational or

analytical structure Prepare the final outline

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Deciding on Lengthand Format

When selecting a format, you have four options:

Preprinted form

Preprinted form




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Direct or Indirect Approach

When your audience is likely to be receptive or open-minded, use a direct approach: Begin with a summary of your key findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

The direct approach Is the most popular and most convenient order

for business reports Saves time and makes the rest of the report

easier to follow Produces a more forceful report

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Direct or Indirect Approach

If you’re a junior member of a status-conscious organization, or if your audience is skeptical or hostile, use the indirect approach: Introduce your complete findings and discuss all supporting details before presenting your conclusions and recommendations.

The indirect approach Gives you a chance to prove your points first and

gradually overcome your audience’s reservations Implies that you’ve weighed the evidence

objectively without prejudging the facts Implies that you’re subordinating your judgment to

that of the audience

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Organizing Informational Reports



Spatial orientation

Spatial orientation


To arrange your material, use a topical organization such as

SequenceSequence GeographyGeography

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Organizing Informational Reports

Two other bases for organization govern specific informational reports: Since compliance reports and routine internal

reports are often prepared on preprinted forms, organize them according to the instructions provided by the person who is requesting the information.

When responding to a request for proposal, you must conform to the outline specified in the RFP issued by the client.

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Organizing Analytical Reports

When writing an analytical report, the anticipated audience reaction dictates the structural approach you use:

Focus on conclusions (when your audience will be receptive)

Focus on recommendations (when your audience will be receptive)

Focus on logical argument (when your audience will be skeptical)

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Organizing Analytical Reports

In analytical reports, focus on recommendations when your readers want to know what they ought to do: Start by establishing the need for action

(briefly describing the problem or opportunity being examined).

Introduce the benefit that can be achieved (without providing any details).

List the steps (recommendations) necessary to achieve the benefit.

Explain each step more fully (giving details about procedures, costs, and benefits).

Summarize the recommendations.

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Structural Approachesfor Logical Argument

Yardstick approachYardstick approach

2 + 2 = 4 Approach 2 + 2 = 4 Approach

Scientific method Scientific method

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The 2 + 2 = 4 approach

Convinces readers of your point of view by demonstrating that everything adds up

Is natural and versatile (your arguments will fall naturally into this pattern)

Is generally the most persuasive and efficient way to develop an analytical report for skeptical readers

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The Scientific Method

Convinces readers by stating a problem, describing the hypothetical solution(s), and offering evidence that will either confirm or rule out the solution(s)

Helps you bring about a consensus by showing the strengths and weaknesses of all ideas

Can confuse readers by discussing all the alternatives, no matter how irrelevant or unproductive

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The Yardstick Approach

Convinces readers by establishing the criteria you use to evaluate possible solutions

Clears up any audience confusion because all alternatives are reviewed against the same standards

Is ineffective if your audience disagrees on any of the criteria

Can be boring (repeating the same thing over and over again for each possible solution)

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Final Outline

A final outline gives you A diagram of your report The important points of your report The order in which you will discuss each

point The details you will include about each


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Final Outline

Your final outline often differs from the preliminary outline that guided your research because you need to account for Your purpose Your audience’s probable reaction The things you learned during your

investigation As you develop your final outline, remember that

Your final outline is a working draft that you’ll revise and modify as you go along

The way you phrase outline headings will affect the tone of your report

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Visual Aids

Clarify and simplify the textClarify and simplify the text

Depict relationships between points

Depict relationships between points

Emphasize and summarize pointsEmphasize and summarize points

Attract and build credibilityAttract and build credibility

Reinforce understandingReinforce understanding

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Visual Aids

As valuable as visuals are, you should Use visual aids selectively and include

on each one only those elements that support your primary message

Use visuals to supplement the written word, not replace it

Restrict your use of visual aids to situations in which they do the most good

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“Visualizing” Information

Decide on the message. Identify points requiring visual support. Maintain a balance between illustrations

and words. Consider your production schedule.

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Types of Visual Aids

Tables Systematically arrange data in columns and

rows Are ideal when the audience needs

information that would be either difficult or tedious to handle in the main text

Should be limited to three column heads and six row heads when projected onto a screen during an oral presentation

Can sometimes be introduced into text as part of a paragraph

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Types of Visual Aids

When preparing a numerical table, be careful to Use common, understandable units and

clearly identify them Express all items in a column in the same unit

(rounding for simplicity) Label column heads clearly (using a subhead

if necessary) Separate columns or rows with lines or extra

space to make the table easy to follow Provide column-to-row totals or averages

when relevant Document the source of the data below the


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Types of Visual Aids

Line charts Illustrate trends over time or plot the

relationship of two variables Depict trends by arranging the vertical (y) axis

to show the amount and the horizontal (x) axis to show the time or the quantity being measured

May have a broken axis if the data plotted are far above zero

Can be confusing if they show more than three lines at a time, especially if the lines cross

Can depict both positive and negative values

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Types of Visual Aids

Bar charts make a series of numbers easy to read and are particularly useful when you want to

Compare the size of several items at one time

Show changes in one item over time Indicate the composition of several items

over time Show the relative size of components of a


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Types of Visual Aids

Pie Charts Show how parts of a whole are distributed Show percentages effectively Compare one segment with another

When composing pie charts, try to Restrict the number of slices in the pie Place the largest or most important slice at the

twelve o’clock position Use different colors or patterns to distinguish

the various pieces

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Types of Visual Aids

Flowcharts illustrate a sequence of events from start to finish—such as Processes Procedures Sequential relationships

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NationsBank/AMSTradeLineImplementation -CharlotteWorking Document

Version: 1396.01Page A.2

International Trade Operations Workflow Analysis -Appendix A

Import Issuance/Amendment Workflow

Sort into Specialists’


Sort into Specialists’

BinsPick Up Work

Pick Up Work

Doc TrackDoc Track

Check CreditCheck Credit Assess

Transaction Needs

Assess Transaction

NeedsCreate File Folder &PymtCard

Create File Folder &PymtCard

Verify and Release by 2nd


Verify and Release by 2nd


Enter Instrument Data

Enter Instrument Data


Check for App and

Bank Setup

Check for App and

Bank Setup

Enter into CATS 1.6

Enter into CATS 1.6

Calculate Fees

Calculate Fees

Fill Out MARS Ticket

Fill Out MARS Ticket

Verify by 2nd Specialist

Verify by 2nd Specialist

Print Final Documents

Print Final Documents

Release Transaction on CATS

Release Transaction on CATS

Record Transaction onPymtCard

Record Transaction onPymtCard

Format & Queue Trans to BESS

Format & Queue Trans to BESS

Send MARS Tickets

Send MARS TicketsFile Copies

in Folder

File Copies in Folder

Compose Documents

Compose Documents

Checks Limits


Checks DDA

Generate Accounting Entries

Send SWIFT/Telex/Fedwire

Debit/Credit DDA

Check Limits

Get LC Number

Get LC Number

Determine Advising Bank

Determine Advising Bank

File Folder in Open Drawer

File Folder in Open Drawer






Over LimitWarning



Enter Customer Setup

Enter Customer Setup



d for Correction

If needed


Assign LC#

Validate SWIFT Auth


Validate SWIFT Auth


Dispatch Documents

Dispatch Documents

infrequent, happens for only one Charlotte customer

Prepare a Bill Prepare a Bill

infrequent, happens for only one Charlotte customer

Calculate Fees

Determines Settlement



TS5MARS data entry

Not Approved Send to RM orLoan Admin for



Verify Customer Setup

Verify Customer Setup

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Types of Visual Aids

Organization charts illustrate the interactions between a firm’s positions, units, or functions.

Maps show geographic relationships: The concentrations of something by area Regional differences Locations

Drawings, diagrams, and photographs are most often used to show how something looks.

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Using Graphic Design Principles






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Fitting Graphics Into Text

Introduce graphics in the text.

Place them near the text they illustrate.

When referring to visuals in text Be sure to introduce each visual before it

appears Emphasize the main point of the visual

without simply repeating the data that is already shown in the visual

Place the visual near the point it illustrates

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Composing Business Reports and Proposals

You can use an informal tone when You know your readers reasonably well Your report is likely to meet with their approval You’re writing a brief memo or letter report

Use a more formal tone when Your report is longer and contains complex or

controversial information Your report will be sent outside your own work

area or outside the organization You’re communicating with people from other


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Composing Business Reports and Proposals

When using a more formal style, you Eliminate all references to I, we, us, our, and

you Stress your objectivity, remaining businesslike

and unemotional Avoid overusing phrases such as there is and

it is Avoid passive voice Eliminate your own opinions and perceptions Use no jokes, similes, or metaphors Avoid colorful adjectives and adverbs

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Guiding Readers through Reports

Start with an opening that indicates the report’s subject and importance.

Use headings, subheadings, and lists effectively.

Use transitions to bind the report. Use preview and review sections. Create an ending that leaves a strong,

lasting impression.

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What are your options for structuring an informational report?

What are your options for structuring an analytical report?

How does topical organization differ from logical organization?

When is it appropriate to use tables, line charts, surface charts, and pie charts in a report?

What five principles apply to effective visuals for business reports?

Let’s Discuss

Test Your Knowledge

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How does a flowchart differ from an organization chart?

What tools can you use to help readers follow the structure and flow of information in a long report?

What ethical issue is raised by the use of technology to alter photographs in reports?

What is the purpose of adding titles and legends to visual aids in reports?

How do writers use transitions in reports?

Let’s Discuss

Test Your Knowledge continued