11.1 Power Point

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  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    Significance Tests: The Basics

    Section 11.1

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    What is a Significance Test?

    A formal procedure for comparing observeddata with a hypothesis whose truth we want toassess.

    The hypothesis is a statement about apopulation parameter.

    The results of a test are expressed in terms of aprobability that measures how well the data

    and the hypothesis agree.The reasoning of hypothesis tests, like that of

    confidence intervals, is based on asking whatwould happen if we repeated the experiment or

    sampling procedure many, many times.

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    Stating Hypotheses


    the null hypothesis: H0

    the alternative hypothesis: Ha

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    Can You Please Hurry It Up?

    Vehicle accidents can result in serious injuries to driversand passengers. When they do, someone usually calls 911.Police, firefighters, and paramedics respond to theseemergency calls as quickly as possible. Slow response times

    can have serious consequences for accident victims. In caseof life-threatening injuries, victims generally need medicalattention within 8 minutes of the crash. Several cities havebegun to monitor paramedic response times. In one suchcity, the mean response time to all accidents involving life-threatening injuries last year was = 6.7 minutes with a

    standard deviation of 2 minutes. The city manager sharesthis information with emergency personnel and encouragesthem to do better next year. At the end of the followingyear, the city manager selects an SRS of 400 calls involvinglife-threatening injuries and examines the response times.The sample mean was 6.48 minutes. Do these data provide

    good evidence that response times have decreased sincelast year?

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    If response times have not decreased, the mean response

    time for 400 calls will have this sampling distribution. If the

    result had been 6.61 minutes, that could easily happen just

    by chance. But our results was so far out in the tail that it is

    good evidence of a decrease in response times.

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    One Sided or Two ?

    It that situation, we are seeking evidence of a

    decrease in response time this year. The null

    hypothesis would be that there is no decrease

    and the alternative would be that there is adecrease.

    H0: = 6.7 minutes

    Ha: < 6.7 minutes

    This is an example of a one-sided test because

    we are interested only in deviations from the

    null hypothesis in one direction.

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    If Youre Happy and You Know It

    Does the job satisfaction of assembly workersdiffer when their work is machine-paced ratherthan self-paced? One study chose 18 subjects atrandom from a group of people who assembledelectronic devices. Half of the subjects wereassigned at random to each of two groups. Bothgroups did similar assembly work but one worksetup allowed workers to pace themselves, and

    the other featured an assembly line that movedat fixed time intervals so that the workers werepaced by machine. After two weeks, all subjectstook the Job Diagnosis Survey, a test of jobsatisfaction. Then they switched work setups and

    took the JDS again after two more weeks.

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    One Sided or Two ?

    It that situation, we are seeking evidence

    of a difference in JDS scores in the

    population of all assembly workers.

    H0: = 0

    Ha: 0

    This is an example of a two-sided test

    because the direction of the difference

    was not specified.

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    Some Cautions!

    Hypotheses always refer to some population,

    not to a particular outcome, so always state

    the hypotheses in terms of the population

    parameter, not the sample statistic.

    The alternative hypothesis should express the

    hopes or suspicions we have before we see thedata. It is cheating to first look at the data and

    then create you hypotheses based n what the

    data show.

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    Components of a Hypothesis Test For a

    Population Mean (with known)

    1. Name the procedure:

    A hypothesis test for a population

    mean ( known)

    2. State the hypotheses and define any

    symbols used:

    H0: = _________

    Ha: , or _________

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    3. Check the conditions:

    S SRS from the population of


    I observations are independent

    (N> 10n)

    N population distribution is ~Northe sample size is large enough

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    4. Do the math:

    Calculate the test statistic and find theassociated probability:

    Is it always good to include a sketchthat illustrates the situation.

    0 0( , , | | ) _____ x x

    z P z or z

    n n

    Q Q

    W W

    ! " !

  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    P for Probability!

    A P-value:

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  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    What Did You Just Say to Me?

    This test (is/is not) statistically

    significant since the P-value, ____, is


  • 8/7/2019 11.1 Power Point


    Statistical Significance

    Significant in the

    statistical sense does

    not mean important.

    It means simply not

    likely to happen just

    by chance.