20131218P Christmas Message- The Secret of Abundance That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available. Please proceed. Thank you. Thank you Cosmic Awareness for being available for the Rainbow-Phoenix membership session of December 18, 2013. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter for your messages. Joan Mills the quesoner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, and the Law of Unity have been invoked. Is there an Opening Message or any event you would like to discuss at this me please? That as it is close to that me that a majority of humanity celebrates that special me known in Chrisanity as Christmas, that this Awareness does have a Christmas message. That for many, especially those in Western naons, those with tradions of the northern hemisphere, the Chrisan path will be holding this me as a special occasion, a special me. This Awareness has previously talked about how it is that Christmas is connected to that which is the Winter Solsce in the northern hemisphere and by extension of those Chrisan backgrounds and faiths, also celebrated in the southern hemisphere where it is to be the Summer Solsce. In any event that which is the celebrated me that is known as the fesve Christmas season, is deeply connected to the Solsce energies: the tradion of light returning to the Earth. The days geng longer and longer in the northern hemisphere is that original premise upon which the understanding of giſt-giving

11-The Secret of Abundance

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Christmas Message- The Secret of Abundance

That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available. Please proceed.

Thank you. Thank you Cosmic Awareness for being available for the Rainbow-Phoenix

membership session of December 18, 2013. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter for your

messages. Joan Mills the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, and

the Law of Unity have been invoked. Is there an Opening Message or any event you would

like to discuss at this time please?

That as it is close to that time that a majority of humanity celebrates that special time

known in Christianity as Christmas, that this Awareness does have a Christmas message.

That for many, especially those in Western nations, those with traditions of the northern

hemisphere, the Christian path will be holding this time as a special occasion, a special


This Awareness has previously talked about how it is that Christmas is connected to that

which is the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and by extension of those

Christian backgrounds and faiths, also celebrated in the southern hemisphere where it is

to be the Summer Solstice. In any event that which is the celebrated time that is known

as the festive Christmas season, is deeply connected to the Solstice energies: the

tradition of light returning to the Earth. The days getting longer and longer in the

northern hemisphere is that original premise upon which the understanding of gift-giving

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originates. For it is considered by ancient people the gift of God Itself, of the solar entity

and the Mother Earth that at the time of the shortest day of the year in the northern

hemisphere, the turning of the cycle, the reversal of the flow, is that which occurs. That

upon experiencing the shortest day of the year, that which has the least amount of

sunlight available, Mother Earth reaches the extreme edge of her cycle and returns back

from that shortest day, that point of the least energy of the solar deity, that which is the


These concepts were originally understood and form the very base of the lives of those

who lived upon Mother Earth in close proximity and association. But this message was

perverted as those who had power, who wished to disassociate humanity from a true

connection to the sustaining force and graciousness of Mother Earth, to a situation where

there was little or no connection to Mother Earth, to her cycles, to the universal patterns,

and thus it was that the Winter Solstice was perverted into that which was a celebration

of the God Force coming onto the planet in the birth of Jesus, the Christed One.

Yet even the Christian tradition celebrates this return to Light, the resumption of the

fertility cycle and the festive occasion that is Christmas is one that is indeed still associated

with Light. Thus it is that people put lights upon their tree, a symbol of fertility. Thus it is

that people put lights on their homes and bushes to celebrate this age old understanding

that the Light of the Sun, of God, is always present and is returning.

However, at this time when so many unconsciously and unknowingly celebrate pagan

traditions, that there has been also a shift in the mindset of humanity, especially the

Orthodox religions, especially the Christian-based religions. That it is only about the birth

of God in the form of the Son and that one need not understand the deeper implication of

an association with the natural rhythms and cycles of Mother Earth and Father Son, of the

deep commitment that Mother Earth has towards all her creatures, including humanity.

This of course has all been created by those who are in charge, those Powers That Be, that

elite group that are the Archonians, the Orion/Reptilians. That they have substituted

themselves for the spiritual forces and the Divine expressions of that which is the God

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force that is in all. They have created a system of belief that is highly restricted and

structured, focusing humanity in certain areas. The belief systems of most religions do not

at all attempt to elevate the follower to a position of understanding and knowing, of

knowledge of the true interconnection between Divine Spirit and each and every

expression of Spirit, be it the grandest greatest expression of the planet herself, Mother

Earth, or the lowest participant of the mother and the father, the barest expression.

Thus in their attempts to dominate the belief systems and to create false and artificial

belief systems, it was imperative for those with the greater knowledge to create a lesser

system of belief and one that isolated many, indeed the majority, from any understanding

in the true gift-giving properties of Mother Earth and Father Son, of the Divine Itself. Spirit

is abundance, the Divine is abundance and this abundance is always available to all from

the least to the greatest. Thus it is that each and every human has the Divine right to

receive and to live in abundance, in prosperity and not in poverty and suffering and


That at this time where the celebration is geared towards the giving of gifts, gifting to

others, loved ones and friends, presents to represent affection, to represent this Divine

concept of sharing with others. That it is time to look at this more deeply, especially how

it may reflect itself in one's own personal life.

A major tenant of faith of Christian beliefs, of Judaic beliefs, of Islamic beliefs, of most

organized, traditional religions, is a concept that is based around suffering, that is based

around restriction, that is based around a belief that one must work hard in order to

achieve monetary assets and abundance so that one can buy gifts. Gone is the

understanding that one need not suffer, one need not endure restrictions, one need not

work hard to achieve monetary abundance. That it is the Divine right of each and every

being to receive that which is the abundance of Spirit. That there is nothing that prevents

this abundance from flowing into one's life, except the beliefs and concepts held by those

who are at the receiving end. As all are always at the receiving end, abundance and

prosperity will always flow in the natural way suitable to each and every being, each and

every expression of the Divine in this third dimensional physicality.

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Thus it is that the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom do not worry

about receiving, do not worry about having enough. It is their natural knowing that their

needs will be provided for, one way or another. They live within the structure of this

reality, this third dimensional reality, and are not hoarders, do not believe that they must

always have much more than what they think they need or expect. They live in the

naturalness of their environment and their engagement with Spirit. The bird flying in the

skies, the fish swimming in the water, the animals walking upon the face of Mother Earth

do not live in anxiety and stress because they have not received enough, because they

believe that they are to suffer. They live in trust and faith that their needs will be met, as

they are.

This of course does not mean that nature itself does not have hardship, that animals

sometimes do not receive enough but they are still living within the context of a support

system that does not go into shock and stress and high anxiety when a day does not

present a full stomach, for the belief and the knowing is that it will the next day or the day

after. There is no belief system that is held by the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom,

the mineral kingdom that states they must suffer, that they are not worthy to receive,

that they are flawed in any way, shape or form and therefore do not receive the full

benefit of the Divine and of Spirit. They live in their naturalness, knowing that their needs

will be met, that they are part of that which is a much greater reality of expression. This

reality of expression is the reality of Mother Earth on that physical plane, and as she

expresses herself, as she shares her abundance and her gifts with all of her creatures, the

natural world is in harmony and in balance.

Unfortunately this cannot be said of the fourth kingdom, the human kingdom, and

because of the history of this planet and of humanity, because of the dominance of ones

who are not in spiritual contact who have lost the soul thread, who have put themselves

outside of the Divine – a situation was created so that those souls seeking to have this

unique experience could indeed participate in a reality whereby being human, that it was

part of the experience to learn about suffering, to be shut out of Mother Earth's Divine

gifting, her Divine sharing of herself and all of her resources.

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That this separation from Mother Earth and from the Divine have created situations on

the planet where humanity has been taught that the natural way is to suffer, is to not have

enough, is to be punished for who and what they are, that each human is born in a state

of sin. Imagine if you will a small mountain lion being born, feeling that it is not good

enough, that it is flawed, that it is evil for just being born, or a fish in the ocean living

under such beliefs as well. This is not the way of things in the animal world, in the plant

world, in the mineral world. Why therefore, should it be so in the human world?

It is this way because it is part of an experiment, if you will, an experiencing if you will, of

what it is like to live outside of Spirit or a spiritual connection, to be separated from that

which is the living force that is under each and every individual's feet upon which they

stride and rest each and every day. That this experiment was one that was designed to

give the experience of separation from Spirit and an alignment with false beliefs, false

philosophies, false dogmas. That these dogmas of religion are the tools upon which the

church, the religion, has been built. They are shallow and meaningless, yet for many the

dogmas are the real thing, that which substantiates their corrupted, misguided belief


Thus the doing of dogmatic ritual gives one a feeling of a connection to a false god, for

that which is presented as God in heaven is a false god. It is not the God Essence, it is not

the Source, it is not that which underpins and underlies All That Is. These false gods, this

false god, are the manifestation of those extraterrestrial ones that place themselves as the

gods. Therefore, as one devotes themselves to the false god in heaven, to the false gods

that have been, that one does indeed separate oneself from the Truth. "The Truth shall

set you free" is the saying and yet often when the Truth is presented, there is anger, there

is reaction against this Truth that speaks loud and clear, for one is holding to that which is

the indoctrination of belief that they have been given, that they have bought into.

That this Awareness says on one level this is as it should be, as it needs to be, for if it is

the purpose of the soul as it expresses itself into a focus personality, that the purpose of

that focus personality will be to have this experience of separation, of living in a dualistic

third dimensional reality, where there is no alignment or connection to the other parts of

that same reality.

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That this is why it is that so many reject spiritualism and seeking the Divine inner truth,

why they feel threatened by it and those who hold it and seek the deeper truth. For it is a

challenge to them and to their faith. That this is as it needs be in terms of the journey of

the soul, but it is now a new time and a new energy is flooding onto the planet now. Many

have come to have this human experience who are from distant lands, distant spaces just

as the three Kings journeyed to meet the God Child, to acknowledge It, to gift It.

Many believe this is where the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas originates from and

while it is symbolic, it does come from that original gift, the gift of life and light itself that

is represented in the Solstice. But as it is, many do believe that the giving of gifts is that

which defines Christmas and that giving oneself is an expression of love and caring. From

this point, Christmas is indeed an important occasion for it shows the best of humanity,

their willingness to share with others, to give of themselves to others, be they family and

friends or strangers.

That this is a tradition well worth keeping but it is a tradition that must extend itself

beyond that day that is considered the most sacred day of all, the 25th of December. It

must extend into the New Year and to each and every year beyond it. It must extend into

the day after Christmas, that which some call Boxing Day, or the second day of Christmas.

It must extend to the day after this and the day after that, and every day of the year. This

is not meaning that all must give gifts every single day, although this is perhaps a wise

idea, but it does mean that developing an attitude where giving of oneself is essential,

where one honors another, recognizes the sanctity of each and every human being and

each and every creature upon the planet, is a state of reality, of perception that must be

achieved by all.

It begins with one's self first and that one does need to realize that gifting has an opposite

side: that is the side of receiving. That as one gifts of oneself, one must also be open to

receive. In receiving from that which is Divine Source, one elevates oneself beyond the

restrictions and imprisonment of the physical and of a belief system that governs and

controls this third dimensional reality.

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That when one realizes that one is in a state of perfection for simply being oneself an

expression of the Divine in this third dimensional, physical reality, one will begin to

challenge the assumptions so strongly held by so many. These assumptions are those

assumptions that it is the lot of mankind/womankind to suffer, to work hard, to live in

restriction and limitation.

In truth Spirit is abundance. The Divine is abundance and It gives abundantly to all of Its

creatures, Its beings, Its expressions. One does not need to suffer in order to receive.

One does not need to work hard in order to receive. One does not need to bend a knee

to a false god in order to receive. It is the Divine right of each and every being to receive

abundance and prosperity from Divine Source.

That at this time, this special time, this Awareness would ask one and all to remember

this, to remember that Christmas indeed can be each and every day, that one can give and

receive. One need not work at it, one need not sacrifice oneself, one need not punish

oneself in order to feel worthy. It is simply so that all are worthy, all receive.

That this Awareness would share a secret with one and all, in how to revamp one's

thinking on this matter, how to shift one's concepts, one's programming. That each and

every day, that one simply gives thanks for the abundance and prosperity in one's life.

That as one sits to have a meal, one gives thanks for the abundance and prosperity, one

gives thanks to the gift of nature, of the plant world, of the animal world, and the give-

away that has been offered for the purpose of nourishing an individual. That as each

individual acknowledges the gifts of nature, of Mother Earth, of the animal kingdom, the

plant world, one is aligning themselves into these kingdoms, these realms. As one gives

thanks for the abundance in their lives, it allows the flow of abundance into one's life.

That many would reject this out of hand but this Awareness does say to one and all that

this secret is ancient in nature and has always been known. It has been a guarded secret,

it has been a hidden secret, but in recent times the secret is being revealed. That a few

years ago, a book was presented that had great impact, great appeal to the masses. This

book of course was "The Secret" and that in this book the premise of the Law of Attraction

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was presented. This is indeed an ancient law, an ancient secret, but why is it that so many

even having read this book, seen the movie, did not attract to themselves, did not bring

into their lives that which they wished and desired?

It was because they did not believe they deserved it, they did not believe it was their

right. This is the nature of indoctrination, and that when a false set of beliefs are deeply

entrenched in one, it is hard to believe that one deserves. When programming is deeply

established and embedded in the subconscious, it is hard to attract when the low self

sabotages, when the low self does not believe that the individual deserves abundance.

Therefore although many were trying to work with the Law of Attraction, few achieved

the greatest results.

That is why also it is important to recognize that the indoctrination program of the

churches, of the politics, of the societies and cultures, are of such a nature that the

premise towards suffering, towards lack, towards not being worthy, not being in a state of

perfection, dominate. This domination creates the situation that even though one may be

given the secret, it still does not seem to work.

Therefore, in the sharing of this secret again with one and all, this Awareness asks for you

to be neutral. That you simply give thanks for the abundance and prosperity without

expectation, without the need to have anything manifested. One is simply giving out that

one is thankful and grateful for that abundance and prosperity in one's life. This will begin

to fundamentally change the programming of one's life, and although it may not be an

instantaneous result, with time and with these offerings, abundance, the abundance of

Spirit Itself will begin to flow.

What may also occur is that there may be challenges presented to the individual and if

one may begin to recognize that one is holding perhaps an attitude of poverty or poverty

mentality, instead of abundance mentality. When one begins to receive such revelations,

one is to go with this, to look deeper into this, and to realize this is the indoctrination

showing itself. It is the programming that has been applied that is manifesting itself. Stay

neutral, do not be judgmental of yourselves, continue with the practice of giving thanks,

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of being in a state of gratitude. The expression of course is an "attitude of gratitude". That

this is a powerful way to break through the indoctrination of those masters, those

controllers, those false gods, and it is one that this Awareness shares here again with

those who are ready to hear this message and to begin the practice of gratitude, the

establishment of an attitude of abundance and prosperity.

This is the gift that this Awareness presents one and all at this time and that this

Awareness wishes all a happy, abundant and prosperous Christmas and a wonderful

journey in the New Year ahead. That this completes the opening message from this


Thank you Awareness. That was extremely inspiring, I thank you.